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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1893)
-a aaa, Aafr'AilA lVSIPPTir -sue iiuiiliu " MMH a mini. a wiit? MM I uuuuu - TUT. NATIONS EXTKATAliANCE The treasury receipt for the first eleven months o( the iBCal year have been $3$6, 751,9m, or $31,000,000 more than during the lame period of the last fiscal yeir. But the expenditures for the first eleven months h-ive h:en $3(13 251,055, or about $31,000,0, 0 more than during the corres ponding ptrlol of the last fiscal year. Thest figures indicate that for the entire fiscal year the governments receipts will be about $387,000,000 and its expenditures about $394,000,000, That is to say, the government is spending about $7,000,000 a year more than its income, though its in come hasbien increased by $31,000,000. Tie single item of pensions has consumed $25,000,000 more during the first eleven month; of this year than during the corres ponainj ptrio l lat yeai. This increase nobody would grudge if it were possible to believe 'hat the money had gone to relieve the necessities of de serving old soldiers, But the evidence is strong and clear that a buui exceeding the entire Increase has been squandered through the pension office by the mtirspresenUtion of law and by the fraudulent admission of persons to the pension ro'.ls who have no claim whatever to a place there. But for ma'adminhiralion there the government balance sheet would have shown a surplus. The rulings already made and the reforms instituted in this department under the new a iminis.raticn warrant the expeet&'ion that ths reel les extravagance will be checked. It will remain Or tongres to do the rest. A (, AT OFFKK. The Democrat is reaching right down to bet rock propositions. . Times are stringent and we must meet the people on the very best terms. Any subscriber to the Democrat, new or old, who pays up all arrearages will be made happy by this prop wit ion: We will send the New York World and the Weekly Democrat one yetreach ani the World 'Colux.bia' watch for the marvelously small gum of $3.55. The Vorld vouches for the watch beinjr A 1 timekeeper. Just think of it" Two first class papers and a watch for $3.55 The Herald says: "Revenue by tariff is the most just, equitable, easily and cheap ly raised revenue that can be had." Does the He.-ald believe it just and equitable to tax the poor man who lives in a rented shanty as much as the millionaire who lives in a brown stone palace? Yet the tariff scheme does that. The Pemochat know? it is tot in harmony with a major ity of its party yet it hesitates not to ex press the belief that the most just and equitable way to raise a revenue to meet the demands of government is by a direct tax. Tiien the amount of taxes paid by each individual property owner wonld be measured I y the amount of taxable propti ty he may posiess. The Democrlt is bold to declare 111 favor of an income tax, so long as the country continues in the ruinous policy of a protective tariff. For the Herald to say that the Democrat avors an income tax for part i&arr purposes is simply writing itself down t densely ignorant as saying that, simply because it is destitute of any argument to refute the facts placed before it. "It is simply the eVra.Vi iorf of the vanquished. Any financial system that provides for two or more kinds of money in which the dollar of one kind is decidedly more cur rent than another, is a bad system. It is djinnuntal to the interests of a class least prepared to take on additional burdens. If "ii kind is depreciated the poor will be compelled to In mile the depreciated money and thus that class will be made to suffer. Whatever may lie done with silver, gold or paper, this 'condition of things must be avoided. It is a fart of rather curious Interest that Queen Victoria's Oiiental attendant, the portly ard 'u.-baned Hindoo Munshi ho leaches her m j ty Htadostanee, attiact far more it er.tion hen the oal party Slips' in Florence thin di.l the queen of Great B.itair acd Ireland and empress of India heiself. When the enthusiastic Fiord tine ciowd saw the gorgeous Indian sittir.g i;i state in the roysl carriage, thsy sa's'.ni 1t 'browing op thslr hats snd MNrkkfl crift of welcome A gr i.ite aW 19 inches '.hick will lose more 1 tat than a brick wall the same thick nets. A frame building plastered on the insiieaod will aaper, felt and annai .ing on tne ou woe, win lose 75 per cent less be-t ihao a l,ri3k wall the same tnicki e s, A frame huse huilt without a pap-.r-f. I' coveting on the outside will lose 2 5 p- r nt moie heat than the siftie house If coven, i wiili fe!r, CMStUasandof Half far wheal litis ysar U ofitiailj announced al Ii3,oojj$oo bush eli. Ti.ia how thai the reports of the severe winter llirou jhout southern F.urope were nut e'Sgge-s el. Never before has ths Italian ilnnand for wh-st i cached any thing n.-ar the fijure now called for. Onr own ccmin; wheat crop is now in vary du Liuu c on .ition, ksst t is curtain that all our present surplu? and all we can pr duce will be wanted at good piicft. Bofeevifl has loo forjeties and clubs which have for their object the a vance ment of Url cauae of aornen. lira. A. sr. Allen Ferry, Wash. 20 Miles from a Doctor But Hood's 8arsaparilla was Equal to tho Emorgoncy -PlouW ;;;, Chills and Pevcr SIlVk rj- l'crfcct Cure. "MU;r my baby was horn I got Into very srt oincnua.i.'ion, having pleurisy, chills and fever, grs'ltully den loping lute inilk leg. We Uvs 20 m'lNnIrosi :t phymt-ian and did not know wtlal to do. I'lnally after s event denl t umtttr ins I hccui to take Hood's garsaparlUi and when I was u .,1,: Did tlilrd bottle I could see It Was Doing Mo Good. I corit!nu--il with anotlior bottle, and recovered so laplilly thaw now I urn in gaod Isealth. I Hood's s Cures eonlially rcrommcnil It as a good medlelns." Aluix. Torry, Washington. V. jori'n ,'iHa " all Liver Ills, Bilious ocj3, Jauuilice, IuuiKcytlun, Sick Hsadacha. a I ! tw- ii.. ij ..o u., ;r ;Q h 1 - - . . That the editor of the Herald is dyspep tic needs no better proof than the reading of its editorial in Sunday morning's issue- It takes many exceptions to what the Dem ocrat said concerning its opposition to the plan proposed for compelling the mil lionaires and wealthy people of the country to pay a more equitable eh ire of taxes to maintain the government. In his most dyspeptic mood, the Jfera'd man gets down into the mire to say: "When the Democrat or any person inti mates that the Herald, or the republican party, have ever advocated or supported any policy that would bring inequality of taxation," they tell what they know to be absolutely false, whether in reference to direct taxation or tne raising of revenue by tariff." Whew !! what a mess of renscn and a gorge of logic and argument. Now let us see. The Herald says: "A tax is simply a measure of the individual's ability to contribute to the government's support." But an income tax does not come within this definition, for an income tax, as proposed, would not affect one tenth of the voters of the country, hence it would not measure the ability of the other nine tenths to pay at all. So the Herald, by its own petard is hoisted high. We admit that an income tax is unequal and inequitabe, but not more so than a tariff tax. The latter is far more objectionable than the former in that it lies just as heavilv ou the Door as on the rich, while an income tax would lie more heavily on the rich those most able to bear it. But the Herald grows furious about the matter and retorts to such of its choice slang as "absolute y false,'' etc. But let us see whether the Herald and the republican party, (we place Herdtd first because it did so.) ever supported any policy that would bring inequality of taxation. The 'Herald' and the republican party supported the McKinley bill, which was a policy th it raised by taxation, (indirect,) during the year 1892. $177,452,964 by means of cus toms duties. The people who used the merchandise upen which these duties were paid, were the ones who paid that vast tax of $177,452,964. Who were they ? There were imported of drags and other chemi cals, in round numbers, about $14,000,000 worth, upon hich a duty of about $. eOO.000 was collected, fbe man ho is worth $50,000,000 used but little mere of these chemicals than the IMinni farmer who is worth but 93000. There were im ported of manufactured cotton goods about $33,000,000 worth upon which a duty of about $14,000,000 was paid The Massa chusetts millionaire worth five hundred times as much as the Oregon farmer used no more of such goods than did the Oregon farmer, hence the fanner in that respect paid five hundred times more than the mil- ; lionaire in respect to the ability of each to ' pay. It is the policy that produces this inequitable system of taxation that the Hnald is supporting, (blindly it is true. ) There were - imported of glass and glass ware $9,000,000 worth, upon which a dutv of $5,000,000 was paid. The millionaire uses but little more glass than the farmer or mechanic of ordinary circumstances. Hence here again the poor is taxed just as heavily as the wealthiest in the land. The same might be said of the r-,000.0OO worth -- . . . . . of leather and manufactures thereof lin- ported, and of the $40,000,000 worth of woolen goods, upon which a duty of t36.- OCO.UOO was paid. Does not any one know, : (except a protectionist by habit.) that the tax imposed upon the poorer classes of this country, by the imposition of a tariff duty is the most ineqnitable and untir ever laid on the shoulders of any people? It wiH not be enough for the Herald to come j in and deny it It must do away with the orce of tb-j facts enumerated above, or it must remain mute as the grave. The Hexold says that an income tax is the suae I ai a direct tax. It is no fault of the Pex ocrat, but the misfortune of the Htrtld, I that it makes such an egregious mistake I A direct tax is one directly laid upon the property of each property owner in the j country, and hence each one is required to . pay taxes in proportion to the amount of j taxable property lie may possess. An in come tax is laid upon the annual income which the property owner may receive from his business or investments. I'cder the direct tax law one who owns $50,000 of . , , . .. , . . i At the Gei era I Assembly of the Unit taxaole property would pay a tax on that : ed Presbyterian church in Monmouth, amount, notwithstanding he may not re- : I", a hearty invitation was extended to ceive any incjmc from it. Under the in- come tax law. if he realized no profit on his investment of $50,000 be wonld psy no taxes, hence there is a radical difference between a direct tax and an income tax. Nn man wi.h - fair nndprslandino- of b. subject (ould for a m nient dispute the fact that a tariff tax is unequal and inexcus -ably inequitable. It could not be other wise for it is laid upon what men eat and wear. And unJ- r tbe McKinley law it is laid generally as heavy on what the poor , , , ., . . . K j eat and wear as on what the rich eat aad wsar. This objection to tbe protective tariff scheme has mver been answered by anyone. McKinley ntSaWK has never at tempted to answer it, and the Herald's at tempt to dispute il is like rushing in where McKinley bi-ntelf has never at- angels fear to tread. STlLhCaEAPElt. Times are hard and money scarce. Busi ness men of all kinds matt meet these limes. Business mut no on. The Demo orat and the New York H'orfrt ptopogr to disarm limes. Tliey piopese to keep ap their very friendly business te'allont with their patrons If yoa hsve any doubt shout this, resd the following propositions. To every new subscriber, or old st.bicri ber to the Democrat, who psft up all ar icarages we will furnish the Dkmcckat and New York IVmld one y car for Usa smill sum of $2. 40. This biings b ifi pipers lthin ihe riach of eveiy larmer. fhn Worif is Hie great leading paper of t tie wo'M. The Dimocst Is ihe hen local ,ia per in the valley. Ore of our exchanges at Portland, quite frequently of late, has clipped editrial articles from the Demockat and cre lited tli.-mi to the Herald, out as such 11 course makes the Herld appear to he saying some very sound nnd sensible things politically, we have not seen proper to call the Port land puiier to task for its curelemineiui or design. When lbe thermometer registers 100 tie gre s the cable which draws the cars of tbe Kaat-liiver bridge, New York, is seven feet and six inches longer than when the thermometer ia at zero. There is about ft.ur hoim ami 45 minutes difference in time between New York nnd Liverpool. All the blood in tbe body iimkeH (he en tire round of Ihe e'reuhtion in 20 second, so that three times in every minute ail the red globules of tbe blooo, which are tbe oxygen carriers, must each have its fresh modiciiiu i.f ' ..tcii. Mount S uart. Lord Bute's place in Hcot and, is ssld to be the mosl magnificent mansion In Great Uiilsin, l i e cost el building, decoration and fini-hing w is f 5 0O0, joo j 11 j -i k sj . s i f . Oa vs. "Stul'ih'. Ca arrh its "idy l- t'i llr dicuid I have asai found that would 'in ur goo'i li 1 ), CO CIS. Sold b, " tiaj& The Herald says that a tariff is the most just and equitable way of raising a revenue to support the government. Taat paper stands almost or quite alone in that opin ion. John Sherman who is the great lead ing republican financier and political econ omist from a republican standpoint in 1882 took this view of that question He said: The public mind is not yet prepared to apply the key to a genuine revenue reform. A few years of further experience will con vince tho whole body of our people that a system of national taxes which rests the whole burden of taxation on consumption, and not one cent on property or incomes, is intrinsically unjust bile the expenses of the national government are largely caused bv the nrottctlon of property it is but rigut to require rropeity to contribute A- . 1 - . 1 ' I I . 1 . 10 ineir payment, it win not uo 10 any that each person consumes in proportion to his means. This is not true. Kvery one must see that the rons"iuption of the rich does not bear the same relation lo the con sumption of the poor as the income of the one does to tin; wages of the other. As wealth accumulates, this injustice in the fundamental basis of our system will be felt and foreed upon the attention of con gress. Sherman expressly declares that the tax on consumption (tariff) is unjust. The Herald must yield to.the sensible opinion of its great leader. How can I cure a riard cot 11. Use an olmmmt comrcd of 2o grains 0' salicylic actd and one drachm of simpi ointment . Spread the salve on the corn and cover with a piece of c'oth or plaster. Leave it on for eight or ten hours, then soak the f J t in hot water hen the corn can be removed in obstinate cat) the application may have to be repeated two or three time. world is The largest i team shovel in lie digging phospha'v In ths mines at St John's Island, near Charleston, SC. Its weight is 56 tons, It can dig lo feet below its I track and to a distance of 45 feet on either ' side. The dipper, which can .wing through : two thirds of a circle, has a capacity of 1 :s j cubic yards, and about two dippers fu'l can , be haulel in a minute. The most extensive aad celebrated salt mine in the world Is at Wmicxka, nine milfs from Cracow, in Ga'lcia, a province of Austris Hungary. It has been worked continuously for 6 ) ears The mass of salt is calculated to be $DO miles long, au ; miles broad and 1100 miles thick. SI" ti , . . , . Lat evening a Benton county fanner rt,rX,n was a tin box. This he picket) un . .-" T with a gneveit look, m with an esclama-; 0rhce fight, which is becoming rather ig-UonSlanitneditenerg..ti-allydownon loroo, Murohr haa in.i.fJ th. W.lte floor of tra wajron It doesn't raiv in Uiis world to trv and make monev in an uncer- t;un wav. A numlr of voung rtwa are down from Mill t'ity to find work. It is hard to get work in Salem unless one live here. Young men stand far letter show to aet work on 1 ,ne UirKe ranches ttiat have hay crops, fnit crops, nop and grain crops to harvest. t'h:in.s-s .irv 1 iff.. rn frvoi, Si t. . ftrS'l a j month and board are ltter than anv work in town. Journal. All last week tk Allunv papers were lke J0"? , vallis failtnvs. This j vaiju- . 1Tl-,w roosters over the for- week it will be Cor- Best not to crow over anyone's disaster. S, a!-';n Journal. This ' is a sample of rot peculiar to ' nalism. The All-anv papers alem jour have sh-.wn no indications of crowing, only having published mere statements, which the : Salem papers are now doing about the Al- bany bank' r! at close), incltidinir nU-ntv ,rf i ' w m we papers ner-. lion 1 sc a iLitr.. 1 - good e-rue. The Salem Indendent calls it a lonh country around Pendleton Will Condon and Samnel Aulguire were brought down from Pendleton Kriday morning and will serve one year eaaii for horse stealing. This makes six convicts that have ccme from Pendleton during the past ten das and there are at least four more to come- The Oregon City wool-n mills supplanted a number of its old bands 01 Irish or Imerican birth with foreigners at reduced wages. The mills formerly employed Chinamen until the people got up on- nignt anci drove tlietn out. The McKinley bill works t reduction of wages but it doe. not reduce the profits of the eorporations.-L.ispaich ; l"e !?." 1 Asscnitiiy to meet next jtne General Assembly to meet 1 year in Aema. ALP pajer save : Eev Arnev S Ridrtl vlmn lh. n-t i place' was before the Assembl, said that he had always understood that Xenia wa? f ood place to find ministers' wives, i DUt V he OOght most of OOr minister. now nave an in sit, ii.a get ! alone with, ba favored eoinir lo AIS.n- When they come to Albany and see the large number of marriageable young women here they may wish they had gone to Xenia. , r . . , . Last week the Democrat mentioned the , folng cf arl Im?t.rijI bicvcle .n Port tond j The Staietmap rats it was found there ' ".urdav evening. H A Tbomys. the f 01 "C "mPan- tou e . ..vumim.iiici . icpiir tnop. A young man giving th name of John Stone left the machine at Maurer'a Friday morning saying he wss on his way to his nome ven or eint mres out in Ihe coun try. The thief passed on and his where abouts is unknown. Saturday evening the blcvcl: thief was in I his city snd called on Van W'.lson 10 hire a bicycle for a short ride around the city. Mr Wilson suspected something wrong, and ri fused to rent one. Old su'rtcribtfr (to editor;: ('an you lend ine $5 ? VA itor We can not . Old .Subscriber Paper not doin' much, eh? Editor Well, we're holdin Philadelphia Telegraph. our own. The Salem Itemocrat aj : The gover nor's salary is $1500. and we lielieve that untler a proper conntruction that is all he is entitled to draw, but he receives, in addi tion to th'1.1. IViOO a prison inspector, 8250 as a member of the domestic animal com mission, and about $!) an trustee of the reform school and ncjluiu. making u total of about ISS00. An the governor puts in but two dayn and a half at the capital each week, or oniy VV) days in the year, com- icimatiori amountK to over $1!) iier day, which striken us nn a mther plutocratic salary for a K)pulint. Keally, though, a governor in 11 governor wherever he in. and Si'iOii ih not too much, for even so odd a governor a IVniioyer. Ah considerable is said aliotit the relative merits of Oregon cities as show town.? we publish the fi.iiowing by "Critic" in the Eugene fiuanl: Judging from the audi ence assembled at th-: concert given by Pianist Tolmie, Violinist Kcmenyi nnd the justly celibr:iteil li-aney children, Ktiirnne I A It. - 1 1 ' . 1 1 is nut uic i iiisic loving city sne aiwavi cbiiins hi be, I not only (ro to all the showi- cuiiiini; uliMig, but also take in all the con cert'- itml i tii-rns L'tvi'ii liv b( ni talent, and 1 L - L. k.. 1 ' .i L' ,, w ure lum 1 ijr.ii11 iiiin saasaassa sei'ius only to admire home tulent, anil has not much OSS for artists from ubroiul. This is wrong, and if kept up, we will become known ;i- ,1 "1 i- show town," and no good shows will stop here tiny more. GS.OCrR.Fr. KK fiHOCEflES, of cou 1 ic, slia t-vri Ihclr quality Cold Is gold vhclhcr it bc9car.1t or 21. In like man ner people prefer the best quality of gro ceries, aleo baked good 1, when they can got thaTO. especially if Hie prices are rea sonrfblc. I'arkcr Ijros carry the best to St obtained anci sell at reasonab'e ptices. ; p 1 is l.i tiade with hem In the long run 11 j e!l asiliort 'un. Try them a month. Nu two of those 1 70 elegant pictures for aslf bj the A bsiiy Kuri.lture Co. are alike. A i in - guod and very iheap. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. A Big ( in In Kates. Cuu-aoo, uno 20. -'I lie tlrout Northern put the knife into the transcontinental rates again today by announcing 11 rate of $5 1 first class and f.,'13 second class from St Paul lo San Francisco. This include berth and meals on the steamer from So attle to San Francisco. This will drag the Union Pacific, unless that road is prepared to sacrifice its Portlund business The Atchison today announced it would put in to effect at once a round trip rate of one and one-third faro from Texas points to Chicago and return. Several Head on Washinoton, June 20. The oHicinl heads of Patrick B V inston, I. nited Sta tes attorney; Ihomas K Brown, United States marshal ; Andrew Wasson, 1' nited States collector at Port Townsend; (' J Mulkey, United States special agent, and six special inspectors of customs in the Puget sound district, all in the state of Washington, have fallen into the official hopper as the result of reports made to Secretary Carlisle by .Special Treasury Agents Wood and Lewis. These reports, numerous and circumstantial as to details, te'l the story of one of the most extensive successful conspiracies ever formed to smuggle Chinese and opium ino tie Unit ed States across the far Northwestern boundary. castor Man lard Dead Mkni.h Pars. Cal, June 2i. Senator Stanford died at 1 :20 o'clock this morning. He passed away peacefully in his sleep at his residence at Palo Alto. It has been evident for some time that the Senator's demise was a question of but a short lime. His symptoms were apon'ectic and his ; weight was increasing alarmingly. There was a stiffness about his limbs that mads locomotion an exceedingly difficult task, ; His body was fast becoming too heavy for nis union 10 support, no count lane only the slightest exercise . Hearty AU Ucae Washington. June 20. Oregon will soon hsve no democrslic representation at j the national capital except H H Gilfely.who ; is here all the time a a clerk In the senate j Colonel Robert A Miller and Robert IVlan ; go tonight by rtj of New York, and Fred : K.oed will depart lomortow. The depar ' lure of the Oregon democrats will be a j great relief 10 the democratic officials hen, i who have been so persistently bothered by 1 them in the scramble for office. A HlBrr Killed Jackson villi, Or, June so. A fatal hooting affray occurred last night a the Biackwell digging, six mile north of Jacksonville, fn which James McGuire, sn old pioneer soldier, was killed fcv s boy ', George Caldwell. Waahlwa aallrro i Washington-. June 17. F A E Starr. 1 pottland, haa junt arrired. but he is too - prevent .Murphy s appomtoH-nU ! inu a originally a part of bis uusnon He will probably take a hand in tLe snail be selected, while others are backing I or zman. Kohy. uarjrarvi. Oeoeral evr ance, at Honolulu. M A Moore has been appointed post master at Phnerille. Crook coun'y, vice 1 B ISowsrd. removed. Harvey Heth, jr. who wa appointed immigrant inspector at roruand. is a son of General Uaney Heth. a southern briga dier. another appointment is Captain Wil liam P Rogers. Seventeenth infantry, at Warm Sprint agency, tlregon. Corral rire. Ash land. Wis, Jane 18 Iron River, a thriving lumber town of over 2000 popula tion. 20 miles from Ashland, is in flamf and u likely to be entirely wiped out The nre caught on the outskirts of the village 'rom forest fire, destroying a new school- house, the Congregational and Catholic churches and Hessey A' Hatton's big ware house. At 6 o'clock the entire residence portion of the town was in flames. Help i ss sent from here, but the special train itnurl tbe tra; k. cauin? several hours' uic er 'ugiag aii 1 inuetgii : nonoem uconrin today. rraeaabty iacii VVasiiutcTox. June IS. Proctor Knott, of Kentucky, will probab'y succeed James II Blount as minuter to Hawaii. There i no longer any doubt that President Cleveland has received Mr Blount's resig nation and that it has been on file in the state department for some days. It leaked out here today that early this week Presi dent Cleveland teiearranned Proctor Knot: j to come to Washington so be could bare , wnie'enee wim mm. ft noil nareneti 10 "he capital city, and since his arrival has bad conferences with President Cleweiand II railed. or ... : ESgfgjg ZISTI ST eiwKPii. June Last nignt, near attempt was made to train. A man crawled , over tbe coal and shoved a revolver into toe , face of tbe firemen and told hi in to tnrow up bis hand. Instead f doing o Kire j man Hemingway turned not water on the bandit, tborotighfy scalding him. Tbe man fired two shots at Hemingway and then fled. rast Swlsaaslaa, Stdhbt, K S W. Jane 18 At tbe swimming contest for tbe championship of UW New SOO'h Wales Associalio M pad I nam swmm 78 yards in 48 seconds; J II Helling duplicated a perfjrmance Vhile W H t.ormerly swam i20 yards ia 1 .30 1-2, healing tbe previous record by 5 1 2 seconds. Til asuuk Karaeet Tillamook. Or. June 19. Tillamook I was swept by a disastrous fire this morn- , ing and almost wiped out, so far as tbe business part is concerned. All the hotels are in ashes, aad tbe bank was burned Tbe heart of tbe town is in ruin. Tbe dead calm that prevailed was all that sav ed tbe few remaining buildicgs. though , nmni- r.t itum . I il- J 1 I , i ... u, iii.ui .ic uouit asssaaafasa - 11 is . a terrible blow to tbe town, but tbe people wi I build a better town. The work of re : pairing has betron and new buildings will be commenced tomorrow. Some estimate! the total loss as high as $100,000, though 975,000 is perhaps nearer. rteel 1 1 jr. i First SVpaly Washington. June 19. It seems that a few hours before tbe recent appointment for Oregon were made .Special Agtnt Wood made a report against the lepublican office holders at tbe treasury department. Sena tor Dolph is of tbe opinion Wood was sent out an! tbe report was made for an excuse to obtain immediate action. Fred Kloed will be made first deputy collector of li tems under Tom Black, at a salary of $2, 700 a year. Pat Powers will also have a position in tbe customs service. Tae Paresl Fires Asuland, Wis, June l8. Forest fires are sweeping over miles of country. Hun dreds of homesteaders are endangered. ohn Meagher perished at Moquah Two unknown children were burned at Sanborn nd the town wiped out- Tbe Northern Pacific bridge at Minersvillr is gone A bridge :10c feet long at Sanborn in ilestrov - ed. The loss is in the millions. Tast KM lac London, June 19 Sanger, at Heme hill today, surpassed all previou work. He beat the quarter-mile record of Saturday, which was 0:28 4 5. by a second, and did a mile in 2:10 1-5. beating Harris' record of 2:12 3 5. While riding in tbe one mile heat be surpassed, by 2 1-5 seconds, Sco rield's record of 1 AH '.i 5 for three-quarters of a mile. All nre world's records. Al Carrallls Couvai.lim. June i9. The creditors of Hamilton, Job& Co. held a meeting today. Ki'cciver Uryson niada a statement, show ing the total assets to be $194,767. He deducted for doubtful overdrafts and bills receivable $61,774, leaving avHilable assets, including $15,227 cash, at 1192,938. The liabilities are $224,348. An assignment for the benefit of all creditors was made, and J K Ilryson was elected assignee, W M Ladd. of Portland. P Avery, P ,M Zie rolf and President Moss, of the State Ag ricultural college at Corvallis, and John P iest, of Yaquina. were appointed an ad visory committee. Among tho items of 's-eti is real estate valued at $28 000,of which $20,00e is in the bank building in . or vallis. WsDlllSa stTITATTONS, Wooden, Tin, Silver, Golden Common every day. MsTgaTtLiv. i.f the wink Pagw weather has prexailed. with liirlit frosts on the morning of the 19th. Tin- mean tem perature varied from '' to 59 decrees, a against .r4 to 59 degrees of the week pre ceding. Frequent nuns fell in (lie Wil lamette valley and along the roast ; a few light shower fell in Dooguu county, white in Josephine and Jackson i-oiinljcs no rain fell. t'rops: The weather hies lieen unfavora ble to the growth of crops in Boothem DOstn ties. In tne Willamette vulli-y and along the coast the weather while nut especially favorable won not titifomlile. Tin- frosts did no material damage, they were principally confined to Iloiigla, Josephine and Jiukmui counties. In these counties tin- eon is poor, and the grain needs rain followed In warmth and sunshine. In the Willamette valley fall grain is heading, on low land- 11 needs sunshine and warmth more than on the upland. Sprinir ifruin has been great ly benetittml by the late ruins, except on I In low lands. Toe grain prospects on tin whole continues to le most sstoowasnng. Haying has commenced in the southern counties. The hay crop throughout will lx ' heavier than it has Uvn for several years, i Oiirden stuff has slow growth but healthy. I Strawberries are very plentiful ;rml the vines yielding heavily. All email berries are ! be a large crop. The prue and plum cro) I will bo extra heavy : but the jieach. cherry. I apple and iiear crop will not be up to the I averagw." Very favorable reports as to the . -ai lies continue from Jackson. Josephine ' and (knights count ie Hops have good growth ami no M-rious visitation of the hup lire have a -t Uu reiortl. The oorrespondeilta note the fine condition 01 me wool ana the largo and also note that there t- nu prir . for it. clip. freed OXI3 ENJOYS Both the method and results vhc: Syrup of Figs is taken; it isjilensant and refreshing to the taste, and aeti KEtly yet promptly oa the Kidney?, j Liver and Bowels, cleanses the V tem effectually, dispels colds, i. achas and fivers nnd curr-s habitual i constipation. Prrtip of Fip is the ; only remetly of its kind ever prt dnced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptahle to the stomach, prompt .a : its action aud truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs b for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute, CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO S4 ftK:SCO. CAL. UtviSttLU. n. afar tout. .r. D ICAIttHO PsBASOLS. I m 101 .P'.t-rtd .0 .cover P.ra,o ,. aa btaJlas, bab ; carrtce parstoU, pUcs new cauea, Bvw hacdU. runners. rib. ic, at a Uw pne-- . ill aiii ' CHEEP LOT -21 bead .f sheep. nm 1 r-r.4 H. frosn A ftreli. him soatb of Ai'wny. sOoidaw, II lamb, orsa a lack ard me a m-rir.o. Wu pay f w St rob e oa aforaatioa lo A Sr.'!, Albany. DGOOi)NEWS cj Far the nilHaos el OasnMBCrS cf fa eTntt'sPills,, fk It si.r Ir. Tall pli .sir. la an- TIHY LIVER PILL K lSrh ft of rxeee-dliitr wu-tll ,!.-e, I fjp fu relainlnc all ( lr:j.-...( tl.. iisr&rr one. Osusrsinleel psire-ly vesv-i.vbte, rwiialae.ofU-.r- . suvstillasMM ". nsaasnsal al TUTTS TIHY LIVfR PiLtS 1. a la Usebov-SVr .-ft I. i 9 I. A. Morris k Co, Flour and feed Store. Have removed their note Stor. forfner'jr occrpled Robson, sfid haye on hand to the b.iaha by Uryne t a futl tock o OORVALL S FLtU , B.1AH, SKGFJj CERM MEAL. CfeHAH, BUG WHEAT, RYE FLOUR, HAY. OATS. STRAW AND -CHOPPED fm: Custom mopping done FOR SALS. fr-sh ;r. c res y c,w KrqfU-n ilFM Krenoh lbe JawWr rAMED.-RFXlAHLE l'l'!! (7 V V t take exclusive ajrenev In Albiat Or., of the official World's Fair orj.m. the "World . Columbian Exposition liiustra- led, cMshllahed l-ebruaryr, 1S91. Large profits li t year. Send 15 cents for sample j copy a- d i-anlculars. J II Carrpbe I. Prts, 159 Adam. St, Chicago. HILL' Crop Weather Hulletin, No 8, Oregon state weather wrvico, for Ui muling Tuesday.. lime 'JOth. 189:!. H S local forecast MSciai, wesiher bureau, WKNTKIIN OUKi.iiN. Weather: Another week of cool, Doable Chlo of Gold Tablets WfJlcoinractolydivrlnivto desire forTOBAfi o i- nn 3 days. Perfeetlv barm- ' jss: ctusao no slckiii"..-, uml limy be cl vi "sc oi sne Kiu-ut, yi no v. i.i viiius tarny atPCyt atsJ WfiDDimiP CVi nUUIUlllIi thcpatUiit,ty the use of o::r SPnciAL Ihtrlnif treatment pntlciils nre iillowcd piilne until Btii ti time na lin y Ftiull viiluniurlly iti tlieni up. Wcaend particulars iiml pamphlet of testiuioululs fi-iv.auJ i-lmll ho cliid tn iilnce aufTi-ri-rii Innii uu v of t hese tiahit in Mmmmili... Uouwith nersons who iiuve been cureii w San i .as TARI FTR nrn for ansa drmtai.ts nt G I .OO iHirnackaffe. IT yuur dritintlatiliM-H not keep them, ejielo- in $ .00 and . vi win Kind vuu. Lv rcliirn miiil. a iiaekatre ui our Tub:- tn. 'rlte you" name nnd mMrcss plnlnly, am! whetlii-r Tulii-lJ uro l-jr lu.ciy, Mui Uquor nfclL DO NOT nn DECEIVED Into purchasing p. wi ine y n r n ii. h iiomi uu f i re ii ncn-i ri-ri il for aalc ask for " Xi'S TABLETS nnd Ink Mauufucturc-U only by i TIIIC OHIO CHEMICAL CO, 61. 63 & 63 Opera Block . LIMA. OHIO. PAKTICULAK3 FREE. f ... I hnve htSi'ONSIBLE IA0ENT8 WANTEDS ( 1 a writing piiiaa W "l cpeak not out of weak surmises, 3 but from proof." 3 LARD MUST GO.i take Its place. The satisfaction with which the people have hailed the advent of the New Shortening Gottolene evidenced by the rapidly Increas ing enormous sales is PROOF POSITIVE not only of Its great value as a new article of diet but is also sufficient proof of the general desire to bo rid of Indi gestible, unwholesome, unappe tizing lard, and of all the Ills that lard promotes. Try Gottolene at once and waste no time In discovering like thousands of others that you have now NO USE FOR LARD. CARPETS, WALL PAPER, LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, Best : in : tie : Met, AT Fortmiller k Irving's. CARPETS, - 1 1. k 1 i J- abc 5 , is It in crit, mn tl Wl.l Ml In, S ivrt Wan.. acd tXuw. AS 25 ti I AIN. AN I Kt :aty ! -esrire riui'e at ih 01 IM d aud Puti: ru at. on as nurse Ic dl jf Nr V. K-.Kti reel tti een Montg ad. lr I NTatD . get en- e.lbllstl M sir.lBctl ", ZFTSA . ' T. Cgjj ,i Pr 17 i: if (H e i : . l Tbe nrder:.nel hiui thre tr-'ch tost fir ,aie. !! at hi t mile v-aib tvl . f Albany. r.; ftsiani : SADIn.K feelly gs HORSE for sale cbeap. per pet 1 e on.: 00 M f-tnd-n Board Df Equalization. Xo:ice a hereby given that tbe asanas &.! of the city of A'h ny. Or wiil meet aa a boatd o' . jn : iti at ihe c and chaanhee -u Odd r- nws Temp'o ia atd ci'r, on VsMashy i h ? of Jane. IVA at :l- b. a- aft otJsatk in Ihe sfser u.oa of raid d., !cr tbe p-3-po.e t f cosne.. g a-.d jaa' I a? 'h nmt of at3 city for tbe M r I-P3; aad a' o for tfie Btaf pose of atakiu Ihe ux hv w tie sear IfJO Uiea b- o djrf tb c-.iini.aa eoaseil J be city of Albany (.. 1 . rrt.l- at lh .-oincil cbicsber ia trnti c; v. on ihe IS".h d-y cf Jane, IhMI. N J BaSlsSS, Uecatxi.- o! tk cfSy rf AtbirV A hsny Cr. Jane Itch, 1933 Of Those Brazilian Pebble Spee (mW y. 11. fi R 4WH of snti, srto, nnroo REMEMBER 1 careful titvcstiKuti l1. I BCiBAirta I v Genoiag mmdc oaJy by j F N. K. FAIRBANK A. CO., 4 V ST. LOUIS and J JccajajgmcTJ TRY 2 PAIR una liivit.. iho i- . I -:i us to tmr rtvixin.slliil- I .nd tho menu of our Tablets. - u Inu i n i ti-.i or i-ot!cc without t:u- k ssopaiuo .intfor i :.. me in u few oavs nimtn '' " lal home, and w .: i. nilDli oauuyiai.t .., tho iwrtoi I ORMl LA GOLD CURE TABLET the frro use of Clowns' or Uor- hv thousoof oarTABAJ .. hv nil rumrcim J' ohlno c.r - ui(j .! hut ortll i I and I rom from le i to Tlii: Ohio t nsMlCAl. CO. :-Gkntlrwen :-iiome time ai.. t sen T UU worth ,.f vonr Tahlet. f.,r T..I.. u...T. rt:. fa them nil riir lit and, although tli ..... .i v iii iiiuii sruiy yours, Tltlt l!l!Ot'l!rtK-Al. Cl).: liKVTl Word of uralse for vour Tablets Mm liouor.aiid thniUKli a friend. 1 was ltd to constmit drinker, but after ualnir riiiirTilii'mi i,., u.u. .'...,.. i... ..i. ,i.iii.. and will tiot touch lliiuor of any kind. I havo you, iu onicr to fcuow tho euro wim iwrinaucnt. i,mi. v ...,-i our laoicis nave nerTormesi a miraocs in my ease. ueii mornliiiie. hviKHieruiU-ullv. fr v..r .....1 i... . .. i..- .i i..- n,..' ,.r two oackuefca of your Tablet.!, and without any effort ou uti-if;s nil Ordura ti THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO., ti 1 , 53 and 63 Opera Block. UMA, OHIO. manuon t $8.00 WILL BOY A WOMAN the lest wathinK uiachli.e made. Go to Stewart At Sox and take oue cot ou uu.'. 1 lit y ' I so havw all kirda of wtibprrs. IT WILL KILL YQUR WIFE . .. . - . to carry Ibat ktj rfci'sl sinsii A in hi r arn.. Y.,u nBl tvto&ewsrt Km ,a PM Ollc anl in n Al kn.d S 0' INC AWAY HAY' a lam. V.u cm rraki . t soik kii hy ' u lit uf IHl J II Mewstl tntnp Sv.x. OB4 ' BDtCN. H.ovi kr I Fieih, 1 n r lai.'l prtSM ' risk! iar.. sisM I'ofl- hmtk. I 1 I Firld '' 1 c if nd in tkuaiit . Six The, Wc k ay tijWi ih.n lh 'Ru-.,!l" ai d Stewart k S .i ll that kiu atAlhmy. fsararsl jojt! eooH hand eo pM f r ,!e ,,t a baraii PAiHTS & OILS.-11 (-li.e best u,i,,t ,.,,.! r !- I'll ll.l- C,tt U I,. .,, il' . rii mcrc a-uia lr itai -r i orry full lire of oil , varoi.he. wa Lii caftagr ios. tit STrwaar A Sox. BEE SUPPLIES.-' pjcr u . iu old t a aoj loogar. Slcwait tl hoi carry he b in, ee-ioor, ccoib f&DDdalioo acid we lu-oUm at low plot. WILL YOU BUILD i -; l-.t tod not tail wait ic Thsy kecpa lar.e itck of boilders hardware , and tell at pricta lain.l lfc liters. THOU SHALT NOT KILL p accorditii to uw, and cu in bay all ir gotta and aw manitiro of Ktewv t k Sew. Tbey keep s iood stcck and tell e'-rap. Giant puwde'.fttte acd caps always oa hand. WE SELL COAL, IRON livioc, ' and keen a Itrce acd "tei-l for a lock 'of black i milk i tnppli'.- nc band. SrrwAST t Sox. SPRAY YOU TREES.-y P'-yim rwitii of Stew art jk S s asd tatc cars of 701 orchard. Tte c-atht tbey sell I as huem tried in this rtsli for teats by the bswt or cfatHut ata Use mt.'t corn WE RE NOT BRACCINC b X- thi. oetl Urm ct fi. e rr sc.i prckrt eallery - . . . wbes we in ibe valley PLOWS Wt fcMe " tkyledplow ts ,B n as Has 1 "Oiicr." We K -r- it ! ' d It ..n tnaJ. Eatraa will ft J Oliver. Also e bave a .'ujj Utw of at eel I ptiwaltut liSMi I eioejed. Toa ff.igbl MJasfj save a few U . : - z- '. .; ; a tllB.. StlrwajiT A Sox. EXECUTOR'S SALE. N'u'ic i.brby eiren that th acder- ig-vd xaeat-sf lh- last will aad 'f tern-it of Owea Besr ueceased late . f Lisa ioacty t-t ph.. tl rersnaet in an order of the ctcttv conrt f, Una c- ante O.e.oo. duly rns-l and enverrd cf ied oa the 5th - . . - .- wi icrm ic tbe nndetsuotd a ex catots of aid esSale. toai aoa aaaaaasnaar descri ed, or.II on Ik Sb day c! Ja y, lsS3. at tbe b r ot or e o e'o.-k p e. of nut d v at t.y Cmirt Ueoedcor in the c ty ef Albaav. i,irB covity. Oret.. sail ,t pobU; aocrioa, to lae highest bid - all . i lh riht, at e and inter-s: the tai i Bear had at lb lis t f bi death ta a -j t thj foilowlog des crtbj ! rest ttZtU tesSxitl Hegitr ia r t ti e X W ccmer of ;h; don Owen Hear sai wife Sot Xo 2240 ; ad rla sa Sa 41 ia i p 12 S R 4 W to the Wii'snrte sw duyn vo.1 inn-ing there- wtit a lh- tKwth lar-dar-. iiae . of aaid c!a-B5 62 SJJ castas to SB I E cr arr td j trad ; , - W R -kute-1 od J 0 H -b n-i t.y O. H-ir v. i ,fe , tvsice oti 2 chaina. theacv S 31 45 F, following IooC ;ije t. - - : a i j.h 14 24 chain, tbeac sth 2. ; ass: paral el with tbe eKith I c-f n Bear s clasen SB 19 cfesia. to tb east lla aid claim, th-cce north IT cbsiaa to tJ the bbsm ol texinntn j coUiame 101 Sti cr, at! in I .inn eon&ty Oregon. T-m cf sjeoso hs.f eaeh in ban- cn .y f sa e and oae h is tx nontl- fivu, day ef tale with in tae est Bt $ per a tt r ant nan ssvecred hy mor I C O.y the lia.1 soij. Thrs th r:h diy nf Jans 1S3 VstlB McIlbek. Jonx t - va.v v W eath-i f. rd ii CbaAberlam, Exec-itors. Alteraevs for IT. EXECUTRIX NOTICE '"t f m HESKhYCITrXTHaroS THE 39SS XS asy cf Ma. . 1 s I, Jaaksue a Mlrssi. snat ta!s B""lli I s4tm.lrslor ri tbe -!- ( Mf L A iKljmssi. sastaasS Ii. f Jair BWssBsal s ae sSsslsSili-su. tberal-ire ail psrsoa luiiu sSaqsa aasaasl tt ssaass 4 una) asasasat i,r seal- nd aeJ r, ,;:ir..i u- prcsal the --a an ear wish ths P'C" -' J mnilni sleoor ia the rat at . t'"'li . tlrwvn. sri hln six ssaBBSS kaS the 1 itncas my hsnJ this iii Jar at Jane. ISssJ. Jsccsus A BiLn w R Ba r AOauin-araSae Awueney for aJctinlilaalm- AXLE C m tke iron? n n let- i"..-.ii::resTanurrvisr . - lA . -r tn- - a..,-e ef sttci.- i i;o Swa. i--f: if r TJi K ; ; a b, bhi utPTi -. ii.tgssaaq $ui tj itf A crut; ! A FEW Testimonials from persons who have been cured by the use of Hill s Tablets. Tat onto chemical Co.: ... t.ZSJuLh Jt0" u'i"R Tour you claim lor It. I used ten cenu the strongest elie im. ,..K. one to tiye . im,r-. i inrtv n :JCr?.? - uummmm r-nd stnoketl tor twenty live year, and two paekaires o: your iaUclaeurMlmewiIhavcimdeaircfurit Ii. St. JAY LORD, Leslie, Mich. IntilnS re ei.y V" V iwiu both u heavy smoker and cheer, luiii'iiiiis. i am etirmi. aiAiiir.iv OUII.NSON, . V. O. Box 4S. MV - ll Mm. n .. . Ssi. -i.. JSimJ ... .i. ... trv vour T,ibl..i ii.. i...w ..,! witiuxl four month bctoro writing xours truiv. Mlfct. HELK.V MdlSRISON. i iv.ivviri .Viii my part. W. L. iXlTElj AY. GRAHAM & SHAW -DEAliBBfl JN AGRICULTURAL implements aad supplies. Threshers and en gines, Minneapolis Binders, Woods and Standard Mown,, Newton Wagonf, Nor wegian Plows, oils of all kinds at the lowet price possible. The Alliance and Orange amenta have t, warded us the con tract 10 furnHh Twine for 'heir me.nbem. Gall and get our prices before purchasing else herr. ADYANCE THRESHERS I Are warranted to thresh more gram in a j(lTlC aRO doh betjjr than anv ma- I .I.... The AnvA.NCi-. Tractiox Ejcotiru arc the best in the world. RcmcrnU r mrje work mear.s large profi s in the threstjng buafnrsa. Catalogue mai.ed free. EDWARD HUGHES, Cen'l Ag't, Portlsnd, Oregon SUMMONS. a t Circuit Court of He Stole of Oreim, for Limu county. Ann M Fre.d. PlaintU. Georm Fread, Defendant. : TlGeore KreaJ, the above named (Mend J ant : IN THE KAME OF THE STATE OF I prguo, yoa are hereby reamired to ap ' pear sod koswsr the eocn plaint filed against ! jo 1 us the above entitled suit wit. is tee days from the date of the service of this iomrnoDa apoa yott, if served witbia this ; ouant) ; or if served witbia any other coootj of thia state, tbea within tweaty days from the date of tie service of thia summon upon yoa; or if served opja yoa by publication thereof, then that yoa appear and acswer the Bail complaint by the firat day of the next teim of the above named co-; rt. towit,na tb Stak day of Jane, 1893, and if yoa fail so tc answer, for want tcrvx f, tbe plaintiff will '-, take a decree against yoa fer tb- re-itf 1 i priyrddor la er complaint herein towit, a : die e . :.c' aoolv-ng tb bonds of oitno -a y btwn pUintiff snd defendaat and tha ajat otiff bw awa-ded the caatody of ib BUa or cbili of plaiatiffand defendant, Ole Fiea and or sack other relief as may be meat d jast. Thia raiin oos is served hr publication tbere f in he t-TATES Rl-rrr I)ti rjt by order of t e Hod Geo H Burnett. Jo dee of tu ott timet eoa-t. dated and mad ow ibesutdaycat Hay, Ian l 'ARCYft BINGHAM, Attoraer f r PUintiff. WANTED At she store Allen Bros- formcily owned by BTJTTEB, BOGS, LARD, t)A( DM and GHOICE APPLES. for which possible I sril! pav the bei casi price B F RAMP Wall Pper I i i iiri.. I'niiiti-. Oil. (alOih, EtC J. A. Cuniuui. AlBstf Y -:- CfiEtCft ALBANY FDBMTD1 CQ BaltiBAre Blwk- - kha, Ob. Dealer it, all kinds c.r PansetSBw. Wa Fapsr Carpet , Urjoicums. Picture Frme, tie- UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY HYDE & JAMES, Pro' r etc rs Notice to Uoxitractors. Notice, is hereby given thst sealed bid , will be received by the Directors nt School Dtstiic: Nn 5 is Lisa coaasy, Orcgoe, ap to June 21 st, 1893, f-.r the coastoasttuo of ' the new school building ia said d tsarlet, is id I osiKiiog to be eoBS'roctad according to j ptana aad apecificatioas adopted hy aaid i on ooant reserv.s tie tight to rjeot any or all bid. Bida wia be receiv ed by the scho e'ask at the a tore tf Stew art Al Sox in Albany O.-eg n. C H Stiwart School Clerk DRUGS, Stationery, Toilet Artijes, Inttrumen'3, Ete. lusica Hodges & McFarlanfl, ,T"he Corner Drug Store' Aihany, Or. M. SHIM Arehits)l Mel oulr-lor. I, mi or I us with Uniburt Brow , Ha late its. ma t cheap cae obtain it bv arplviuif at the slbai'VBrewIn C ' eatablisbiuent na ibt. 8 r oepot i-i this oity LADIES' TEA is a ulsasSBl drink, which will be tome by tbe stotuaoh without nansea or cripu-ij It i eta thoiojblf on th liver, kiasasysa ssaSI I rspcoduelive orgBBS. A gentle physK, etS- , cieot diuteno, ai.d 's most usefiii in tcaot or i patuful nienssurstion. It aids digestion anci ! reduces corpulency ; clears tbe coapiexioo. rspderioa it lair, and restoring .he natongiE tote of th skin, tor it removes tbe bile wtujajs, by acouuiu latum, producei the tallow, SsSSaS . complexion peculiar to the constipated state a. iii ny an arnKgtits, O uiranteed to euro' tnTiouTTTusaanS"" Consupat too, Small Hue liaanr. i : fVILL'S MUSIC STORE aicKCKtvo - ti r milleb, -arKCK," x d "TOK A 80S" flAXOS, MBl SKWIli:.' BROS , OKOAKH. t eark!:ff I Vrttctor tWttm tm bJ t'tcrtt Wf- Prrfc- ! trtef: . ' Be -. at lsw mil ! 1 1'n IMKT -l- an iioca .i KrSew.TZ MiAm. mtat S CW -i 1 r.ur i ,r iii uaiHC E. II. WILL. Albanj r. SUMMONS tJte Cirae I Cmrt of due StaU 01 Ornjou for the emuly of Limm. Alias Andrews, Plaintiff, vs iosepb Asdresc,Dtfecdao'. To Joseph Andrews, the abet e na aed dc feodatti IS THE K4ME O? ThE STATE ("7 Orecue, y axrt fce-eby no-: to ap pear and aaswer tbe c mpt;c: of the a bars plainbff, in tie- obove eatitied coart. now cn 61a with tne clerk cf aud ewar, by the. first day of the next nguiat term of said cesun after tie pebl ca-n of this sawrooas for six weeks lomi', M w-day,.ne S6ch. 1893, acd v -n arc h'.eby notified tKat rf t a fall so to answer 11 e Diatttiff 11' appiv to tne eocrt ; for the tifial deoiaade! in te otn.-laict tc- wit, (or a decree dia o'ris -b toro 't atatrunony tear ex-atsnz iete t plain- T sod def. tdscu acd award c- t aii'iS it care ,ni ens-odv of their rcttwi cb:!d. lh iasae cf sai-1 mariiace. PablUbel b .rder of the 1 1 o Ceo U Baroett, judge ' f sid c art, msd 1 at Cnscc- ben ha to city cf Saiem, Ma:t;n ccnst, May Mh. 1533 WxATstxaroan Sl Chsjibeklais, for Plaint ff. SUMMONS. lAt County Court of the State or Oregon fur tke Count of Un : Lain k Sty. Plaintiff. x Gep ESlr, De.endant. To Geo K Sly-, . he abora nam 1 defo I anx: IX THE NAME OF THE STATS rF Oregoo. yoa ara herabv rvqairsclto appear and answer Use cr-mpUirrt filed agues: won in toa above entiud anil on r before tbe first dav of tb next regular term of th abore er.ti; exi oart next filowic- tbo expiration of.s- aajaaaaav- saot or .nis nisani itwv. 3i:h dsy of ana, 13 sni if yon fail to answer as w-reii. rqnir-i ttrs plairaff artll take judgment atair. yr u f. r th? relief de maoded in ber ntn plaint t . writ : A a eere irflh above entitled court disaoirtng tie b.nda of m-trimory bow iitatnx catwaen pUintiff and detntstiant at ove named and award. nz a ptatntiff tho cuatorfy flra-!v- ;h oaor shiid of p'a nttff and dec ndaci. This aarriee ct aotnmoos is tnaoe br ! pab iratkn hy order r-.f Hn Gi. H Bar i nea, judga r-fssis ecnrt, tna le at Cham ber in the town of Da Its Po'k ronntv, . on the lSUi day o: May. A O 14J8. J J wHrr-e.Y Aa'y 'or P aintifl ! Will cure The worst cases Of Skin Disease From a Common Pimple On the Face To that awful Disease Scrofula. Try a bottle To-day. Band 3 -caas aaata. to A. P. Octrwar A Co, tor Ix-s: ctedicai work NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. ATcVflCK IS HEREBY t;iVEX THAT THE lS J.1 tienaaued admnasuaa r el th asttte cf Keu e A "-f --:'Tii- I I i laimljiii SkU his final accent! t iih ths cx.ur-.tT. clerk c; L.nn coonl-, Ornron, and thai lie county court j sai.i Lin ivnnty, aa Swd th Snl day vt Joty. USS, it th "or ol 1 o'clock m th aftmioan ot said dav, tor wist t oBStetKiss if any to said anal ac count and th settlement ot aid estate Dsted May lUi, 1S8S. J J w HtTN t Y. AdBuusstraliw Atty fur Achniaistrator. ADMINISTHATOrS NOTICE. In the Countu Court of lit State of Ottrom, ctfaafv or Linn. In the isatter al the estate c4 Clara I,eniurer uo. V OTHa IS HEREBY OIVKS THAT ,THE I X J.1 denugued has bean cub? appointed by (B sua aw and all uerao-M hsViatr clsaata sashal !".. why reonired iw pnsMl TiEm 2' proper vouohsr ad i.rycttsto ta s "Wl1.1.- - ol j j Whttavy. ta Ai- . . . - sai sa oat tssri. asy ol May.lSKi. J J Whitney, Attv tor Adair, 1' OHX D1EREM1KR, AJnuiustralcr. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. S0T ess GIT EN THAT O.X THE . . 1. J i liana A BUyeo, was i vPDt',J Adminwirssr ol the estate ot Mrs "T1- dooeaaed. nd lhat 1 hare duly qualifled sucn Adnuutstnytor Uwref.-ie all peraana hayiair ST" ti cak-st ol asi t decedent are hese "! 'josused aad raqnuwl to prveut the same to m "? . prnir voucher at my reesdeuee ia lie citv , L -cio. Linn county, Oregon, withui six im talis 'riu the date rwreot. Witnoca my luu.S this inJ .is v ol June. 1.93. J .KHi. A BILYEb". W R B1LYKU. AcuniBistnUor Attorney tor Annunlstrator M rw. Dr. PSyBt Wsatat-ee. Ti Noted ChurvoiaBt ard Life Ksder. isre, sad can be roand hor rda, n t 6 Coiujill's. i-b tells abaat all tuMeet prssstit aad hittm ; k s troahLs. ato m ri "J iaslaiss. Tou can hear rrt your Srad i lea-