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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1893)
Rights tmwm VOL XXVI II. ALB AN YaO REGON, FR1DA1, JUNE 23. 1893. Entered at Ike omcc at Albnnj . Or., at MwHM lass Mall KTITEM A MTTIt,, Publishers! aad Propria lore v 4; The special iftort of Read, Peacock A Co. for the spring season Is to Inciease the purchasing powe. of jour dollar with the grkatkst tatvt iveis offkkku for MM monkv. It will Im to your interest to call and inspect their charm ing BtWrXAt of novkltiks and rei.i.ahlk standard grades In Staple and fancy dry goods, Dress Goods Fancy Goods, Their servicable slock is distinctive dispiay, and sure to please. Try We them when vou want have e'egant Y u can be econ-intcal with no effort w hatever by hu inn what you uted for Spring from READ, PEACOCK k CO, ALBANY, Iii s Made to ALBANY, FORTMILLER Undertakers WE KLEPrennrnt'ven 1 ccflBr.s. Alo":l ir 1 which will be o!d at anl n d a full r srdn Tho Uafsl living ProQIs, EMBALMING and 'he proper care ol tbe dead a pecilly. mm a MO EVTRA r.kri!Br.. CflD i-w at- viinuvk iv.ii I r- i M A s fti I "v M l D M IM T , - - iviAumo CITY BOTTLING CO., Wholesale and Rtt ftoda Water, riders, Orange nod Ion Seltzer Water, Country or leri saflefced. (jiyeu OPPOSITE RUSS HOUSE HI". i,:aiiinv photograph -Albany sim - wviy mU, kk, ifek Zjcta. :jcta.. and 21.00 per DotUeT One cent a dose. This Obeat Cocoh Ccb prompuy eura where all others fail, Couht, Croup. Sore Throat, HoarseneM, Whooping Cough and Asthma. For Consumption It has no ritW: baa cured thonaands, and will crna You it taken In time. Bold by Druggists on a Kimr- SHTLOHF!?B'KtoM P": SHI LP WS CATARRH ave you Catarrh I rhts remedy Is guaran teed to euro you. Prioe.S0cts. Injector tree. VI60R f MEN Easily. Quickly, Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS. DEBILITY. and all the train of tvttn from early error" or later exwMhen, thts rettulta of overwork, ilcknen, worry, etc. VullntreuttlU, ffveloprneot aad tune Klven w every organ and portion of tbe bod. RlrnpU, natural methods. Immediate Improvement fwpn. ralnire lmpohihie. 2.UUO 1-eferenrM. Book. explanation and proof! in u lieu t.foaieaj iree. ERIE MEDICAL CC BUFFALO. N. V. BICYCLES Call on Van Wilson, agent for the Im pekial and Faulknkr, $60 to $150 Ladiea taught 1o ride or no sale. a one wanting sand for gaidena or other use can get the same 1 cheap by can n r.n S W KOSS HOW postoffice building. Notions, Furnishing Goods in style, elegant In SHOES. line. OREGON. N. WALDAHL, Merchant Tailor. Order and Satisfaction Gcsraifce Jepqii'iiis of AH tiqds. SHOP OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE OREGON & IRVING Embalmers. lit t- r I rr il c, U U i -. in i -. ). 1 1 d v d caskets as it tr . . ; J UCADWC OD SCawI4l. iibnnwk w vausasw ivs, . j i p- aa p k I tmrLC, - - yntliUW ilDeale s ir- Kir -h Beer. Narxaparllla aaW iroaa. Iron Wiae, tie. - a IriaL ALBANY, OR. s Cabinet phoio f ro n $1.51 1 j $ per dozen, !?nlaigin, pictur specialty. 16100 crayon-fra for tool. We -irrv a lar ; of 5x8 and aterescopic views 1 egon. -or siias r iTuriw uurov wooes xaorU 0,C1AWAt Ill iiDipomaH am oiaoMaaRaap' sro or Birvrro JO 8JJ TL !T?J!Sl 1 nn iq ino -OToj uk A.yjtaTOHg in gyJfsSi'S sxHOitiAdoa sxnaxva aoino SXI3AV9 - am Cuarant.-o.'l (a euro i;...ous attacks. Siok Head ic hC -int fooatlpatlon. 40 In each hottte. I'mc VSc. For salo by drug;tlitt. Picturi "7. r, - i -.'jple 'lose free. J. F. L6'.:r:i & C3., : -vriet-rs, BEW YORK. if HI McFarlandi -:- DEALER IK -:- Harness -and -Saddlery Display in the Dao ia 3GVSA sPBB, U. I .afsaaw awi SB H rise a LOCAL RECORD ao ks to Ba Filled. Hon T J Black' the new collector ot customs, will dispense considerable vmtronage in the next few weeks, Those under him are all nominated by him, and appointed by the U S treasur er. We publish the list even though it may add to the number of applicants for suliordinate positions: IVr annum 1 deputy collector 2700 00 1 deputy col lector 2200 00 1 deputy collector 1400 00 1 clerk 1600 00 2 clerks, each 1200 00 1 examiner 1800 00 1 examiner 1400 00 1 examiner 1200 00 1 opener and packer 1000 00 Per diem 1 weigher and gauger $ 5 00 - assistant weighers and gangers, each 3 00 " inspectors tdav). each 4 00 1 inspector (day), each 350 4 inspectors (night), each 2 50 1 UK I IKI.INO.rKXT I AX KOl.1. IS HOW IB the hands of the county clerk for transcrip tion, and will be ready" for the sheriff tn about two weeks, when delinquents will be expected to pay up. The settlement with the county clerk was a satisfactory one. rnllowuur were the hirures: Tax roll for 1892 133.687.43 Polls 2.250.00 Sheriff's assessments . 12,349.75 170.947.49 $133,687.43 Am't collected ;ind turned over to Treasurer Polls collected by assessor. . . . Corrections by affidavit IVIinquent original roll Delinquent sheriff's roll 261.00 1,158.02 29.180.90 6.660.14 170.947.49 A Woxdf.rfi i. Clock. N C Engberg, an old jeweler who lives just above Water loo, nas maue aciocK wnicn measures n teei 1 j inch in height 2 feet 8 inches wide at the base and is 14 inches deep. The frame work has one thousand and fifty pieces of wood, all of which grew in the Willamette valley. He has been working about three years at odd times on the frame, but much longer than that on the works, ail of which he made himself except the dial. It will now run six weeks when wound up. but Kngberg intends to add to it so it will run a year. All jewelers who have seen the frame pronounce it one of the finest they ever saw. Mr Enberg intends to bring the clock to Lebanon in a few weeks. Express. A Bear Story. Harry Porter, of Nor ton's Siding, on the line of the O P re cently set a trap for a bear, and returned from a visit to it a few mornings later yelling lustily and calling the dogs. A partv of ten, among them the neighbor hood school mistress. Miss AdJie Bris tow, of this city, returned with him, and an hoar was spent in training the dogs for future bear banting. When the animal, wore oat by pain and exertion, was set at liberty, he laid down, apparently more dead than alive, and Miss Bristow, with a Ions stick, advanced from among her friends and attemtped to arouse him. She struct him severe', blows, when he suddenly jumped upand made a dash for her. She fled, and the chase, which can tinned for several yards, was only inter -rotted in time by the dogs, on whom the bear turned, when within a couple of feet of M iss Bristow. The inciden t taught the party a lesson and the animal was speedily dispa'ched. Corvallia Times. How I.- Was Obtacskd Last Fridav. Jane 9, a license was issued by the county clerk for the marriage of r rederick Close and Maud Heeley, of Harrtsbarg. Tbe name ot the witness as signed was Oeo. Dayis. At the time the clerk was re quested to ask the papers not to publish tbe tact of the license lor a couple of wests T e couple were united in mar riage bv Justice Ueorge Howell the next day- It now transpires that the marri age was as.ainet the wishes of the parents of the bride, who is under 18 years of age, and that tbe affidavit that she was over 18 was "worn to bv Edward Close, a brother of the groom under a fictitious name. A warrant was issued for bis arrest, but be had fled, and coud not be found. It la proposed to make an ex ample of the case, which it not the first one of this nature to occur in Linn ounty. At Cobvai.lis. Benton county had 1 $10,000 and Lincoln $4,000 in lob's bank. Two Corvailis Chinamen say they are bnste-. as ther had their money in the bank. Mr urvson gaits everybody as receiver of the bank, and will call a meeting of creditors next Monday when tbe Mtnal facts will be given. The Times says : Several trips to tbe World's fair have been declared off. Among others are the Misses Houalev and Wlutaker the milliners, who have signified an inten tion to Henceforth trim all hats in mourn ing The First National bank Cere h solid, and business continues with it aa usual. It lost nothing in either the fail ure of Hamilton, lob & Co or tbe Cor vallia Carriage and Wagon Co.aa neither one of them owed it a cent. A.s Oregon Plaxt. m Crow has taken pains to go clear to the snow Has for some specimens of "blood ptaut" to send to the world's fair- These curiosi ties of nature are about tbe sise and shape of a pineapple, but delicately formed and are of a deep crimson in color. The entire plant when held to tbe light looks like a delicate and intri cate piece of wax work. No matter how great the fair may b., this plant will exeite considerable curiosity and aston ishment Grant's Pass Courier. LiscHAROKD Dr Parr, C W Thomp son and the Powers boys, who were bound over some time ago on a charge of unlawfully killing elk. had their case investigated by the grand jury and they were discharged, no indictment being found against them. The d'd not deny killing tbe elk, but showed that all the meat was used and not a pound sold, and that the people in the neighbor hood had been out of meat for some time. Kugene Register. Aouavatsd. If some of the grocery delivery boys of Salem get kicked out of the back doors, and clear over tne back fences, ona of tbsse days, they will be more careful about rus ling into Salem back doors without knocking. Some of them need just such treatment. They are an aggravated nuisance. Statesman. Corn now, what was up anyway, Mr Editor, in Albany there is no time for knocking, and no one expects it. We have never heard any kicks. Albany men behave themselves in the kitchen. Tn O. P. Tbe first month of Receiver Hadley's administration showed a net Bain from the operation of the Oregon racmc ot S77. mis report lor April, filed with the clerk of tbe court on the 27th of May, makes a still better show ing. Tbe figures ate as follows: Gross receipts from river, ocean and rail di visions, $21,332.69: gross expenses, di vlded as follows: Rail, $10,747.63: river, 15,550.47; ccean, $4.64212: net gain, 1392.56. Tux Record Ueatkm. It was left for the rich soil of the Sautlam to take the lead in big berries. Mr J K Douglas to day sent to the Democrat office a box of Sharpies strawberries, weighing a liberal IS ounces, ana consisting ot only nine berries. Thi box was full, in the usual way. Albany Wilts Again. At the exhibl tlon ball game played this afternoon at Independence between the Albany and Independence teams, Albany won by a score of 5 to 2. The innings were as follaws: Albany oaooooolo-c. Independence 100001000-2. "J.IK. Leaho and Frank Hunt, after fi quartz prewpecting trip of seven weeks in the mountains uetween Asmanu anu the coast at Smith river, returned home Sun' day. M. H. Abbey, Frank Priest and Geo Waabinirton. of Yaquina bay, are still con tinuinar in the mountains in that section and may remain until fall. Ashland Record 1 1 niton Men. During the Oakland fins it was only by very hard work that the fire was kept to tho south side of the street. The fliundealor gU eloquent on the subject a follows: Heroic efforts were made to stop the flames from crossing over. I say heroic, as 110 other word can fitly convey the efforts of Robe art Tapp, Wulhe Mahoney, Vint Hogart 1 others in saving the Medley Hail this Imililinir taken tire. bunding. the doom of another block including the Depot hotel, was sealed. The intense heat from the burning buildings across the street, (sufficient to destroy the heavy plate gals windows of Young & Co,) ignited the peak of the roof of the Medley building. Hose from the hotel had been stretched.but in the absence of ladders it could not lie taken to the place, Somebody must climb to the top of the roof or the north side was doomed . Somebody did go. Who was it? Robert Tapp! Who sat astride the roof, with standing heat that set wood ablaze, and shattered heanr plate glass. In the mean time Mahouey und Bogart were playing the hose on the upper part of the front of the building and were exposed to the same scorching heat. It was the crisis and these men met it. A Pkcci.iak Bank The Daily Astorian tells the following storv: Silua M Smith tells a good story which shows how people put money for safe keeping in pioneer d.iys. Mr Lampoon, whose son is now a prominent ritisen of Portland, did business on the Clatsop plains. Having occasion to visit Astoria, he put iJ,500 in gold 920 pieces in a barrel of nour. Meantime flour fell short at Solomon Smith's and John Hobson. who lived with him at the time, called at Mr Lam peon's for a barrel. He took one at random and brought it home. In the even ing when he opened it, out rolled the gold pieces. He and Mr Smith were, of course, astonished, and did not know what to make of it. They gathered the coins and put them safely away. Mr Lanipson returned home the same evening and on learning that Mr Hobson had gat a barrel of flour, be looked around and found that the barrel was missing. He set out for Mr Smith's where he was delighted to find his treasure intact. It may be noted that the barre! contained Chilian flour, for this slope, which now produces many million bushels of wheat and exports many thousand laurels of flour, then imported flour from Chile. A Loso Record.--The editor of the Newport News and observer of the weather bureau, went from Trinity College, lhiblin. to Royal Military College of Sandhurst, passed a competatlve examination and ob tained a commission as ensign in 11. M. 1st West India Regiment, served through the West India Islands, obtained a Lie-itenan-cy. and exchanged into the 14th Regiment, served with the regiment at a good many stations, also in the Crimean war. and siege of Sebastapol, being wounded, received the Crimean medal and clasp, also the Turkish war medal, promoted to captaincy in 14th and finally retired having tne honor of being present! to, and kissing the hand of her Majesty. Oueen Victoria. Kmigra ted and settled for 14 years in Kansas. Kingman City. Kingman county, prior to going to Mewport. Scio. O. S. May, John Curl and Jack Lemon, will start for the Southern Oregon mines, next Monday. Uncle Green McDonald is still very sick and gradually getting worse. His sickness so his friends think will prove fatal. Geo. Fish. W. O. Hecert and A. F. Peter son, wandering Jews of Corvailis. so says Geo. W. Hochstedler who was irith them, were registered at the Scio hotel Wednesday night. A. T. McCulty of Jordan has sold his dry goods and grocery business to a gentleman named E. P. Weer. II r Mot'ullv will move to the vicinity of Lebanon where be will en gage in farming. Plena. A I'sKjiK 4th. Probably the most picturesque 4th of July celebration vet planned in the state is to take place on the Bsaascsc gjymmi n nan rt nua;.iti. t:.. mr. Trw nrifwino! fMfnn, will ) .Um tattle letween Co. D.of AshUml.aml Trw B. of Klamath Kails atrainst a land of Mo- boc Indians from Klamath reservation. Briiradier-t Jeneral H. B. Com twin. Man r James Jackson, and Capt. H. K. Mitrheil. son of the Senator, will be present. Cispt. O. C. Applemte will deliver the oration. Rev. Jesse Kirk, the Indian, will deliver the address. Xo More Checks. No more checks and draft.-, will lie accented in the navment o taxes by Sheriff Ijindi, for his recent ex penenre with such paper, is not entirely satisfactory. Lost Friday night the mail brought drafts and checks aggregating more than ( '21). one tor 9159.55 from Feme A.' Monteith and one for 939-$? from the K A Abby estate, and before he bad an oppor tunity to present them. Hamilton, job k Co suspended. Post. Santi am ox Top. -This mominsr Mr J R Douglas, the lord and master of thirteen as fine acres of cultivated gardens as can be found anywhere, brought to the Demo crat office a box of i4rawberriea containing only seven berries, which surpasses the record. The berries are simply enormous, and are honestly placed in the box. reach ing an inch above the edge. Mr Douglas wants Benton county with her eight berries, to try again. AGreat Cvriofitv. -In the window of Fred Legg's drug store on State street, in Salem, is an old quadrant. The instru ment bears the name of the Indnn makers and the date of 1790. It was picked up by an old sea captain on the ice in the polar regions near the place where Dr Franklin's party disappeared years ago. It may be that this was a unadrant used on the Frank lin polar expedition. If so it is of great value. It is at least a relic of old time navigation that is decidedly interesting in itself. Independent. A Wm drrral Maeklae There Is no doubt that man Is a fine mshanism, but like every ether machine he wears out by friction- It is said that he k born again everv to or three years. His body Is virtually re-made from loon. To retard this making over is radically wrong, 11 1 man lurrt so much vitality n the delayed process that It takes a long me to recuperate. I he pricetsot mak- ng anew is so accelerated by purging wl h Brandreth's Pill thsta new man. as It were, may be made In two or three months, and the change In the mechanism fs such that the worn out pari pari is re placed by the new without the usual run ning: down cf the entlie machine. You don't have to stop for repairs Purge way with Brandreth's Pills tne old, dis eased and worn out body. They are purely vogetable, absolutely harmle.s, nd safe to take at any time. New Photoobapher. 1 have opened a new irallerv In the Y. M. C. A. block, V!nd street, Albany, and will try hard to please all who will favor me with their patronage. t will take all sizes and stvles of photos us irood as the best and as cheap as the cheap est. I am no traveling photo here today and gone tomorrow, but have come with wife and children to make a home in your flonous climate. I have come to stav laase call and see me and try my work Vary respectfully yours, . A. li t MM I 1 . Late of Toronto, Canada. Advertising Novelties. Wo have complete line of noveltise, direct from the makers, can furnish the s amc nt lowest price. WhiBtles. mirrors, pencils, mem orauda books, napkins, fans.rulers, yard sticks, panels, chromo carusucti ps, eaten dars, xmas cards, etc., in season. And always the best Job PmsTnia SMILEY, Lending Printer. Money to Loam. 1 have money sums of 9600 to $20,000 to loan on im proved farm lands in Linn and Rentes counties, at lowest current rates, delay in furnishing the money. 0 G Burkhast Real estate agent, Albany, Oregon. Cap-, itsraaosv, D H A,8 mi Diego. Cal. ssys. "Shiloii's Catarrh B nsdy i the Mrs medicine I have ever found that would do me any good. Pries, 50 ot. Sold by "oahay & Mason. Prevent ana cur Constipation and Stefc iasbe. Small BSC Beans. ROt III IV llsimt TUUltSI'AV J Fred Yates is in Corvailis, assisting in the First National Bank. Dr H A Davis of Harrisburg, and At torney J R Wyat of Albany, epant last night in Ibis city. Eugene Guard. Mr Chas Fottmlllcr and daughter, cf Portland, returned home this noon after a visit with Albany relatlvts and friends. Rev Jew Hawk, the northwest CUfnese missionary of the Christian church, was In the city today. He i a graduate of Direct College, Dtsm lnes lows; is agood talker and a very bright celestial. Miss Alice Mnsts a" mother left thi noon for the Est. They will stop a' Chicago, the International Christian Endeavor meeting at Montreal, and then goto their former home InMassachusetts. C P Bishop, manager of the Salem Woolen Mills store, with bis wife, trill go to Brownsville today, abtie they will attend the three day's picnic oi the Linn county pioneers. Mr and Mrs Bishop formerly resided at Brownsville.- Salem Statesman . Thomas Kay. president of the Salem Woolen Mill Co. started for Alaska on Tuesday last for tbe purpose of intro ducing Salem's manufactures to ifie Aleut and to the C-w thousand white men and office seekers ho occupy that corner of the United State. Tba prin cipal demand from Alaska is for blankets and robes. The Ai.tMM. Last evening tbe Al umni ot the Albany College held their annual reunion at the college. It was a marked social success. A delicious lunch was spread by C H Mueller. After its disappearance toasts were presented, with Miss Helen Ciawford, preside!, aa mistress of ceremonies, who delivered the class welcome in a neat speech, and was responded to 'y Hugh Fisher. Miss 1 11 a Robertson answered to the toast on incaiuaini in a origin manner; rroi iee, I 1 .... - I on Qnetn Elizatbeth; Flora Mason read a memoir of Frank Proost. written bv J as J Charlton and Kva Simpson, on the col'ege of 3CXX) Remark were also made by Rev Dr Lee, of Portland, Miss Moses, Prof Torbett, Prof I low land, bbie Fry and Prof Lee. Some -o'lege pongs fol lowed, and the happy croud dispersed shortly after midnight Thos; present beside the above referred to were Richard Wheeler. Vesta Mason, Elliot anJ Clem Irvine.MrsC II Steaar-.Mrs II F MrriH, Mrs C E Wol.erton, Annie Altbouse, Mrs Kate Burkbart. and Hattit J Miller as member of tbe alumni, 1 he new class entire, and Mr and Mrs Dr Nat Redpatb. Edgar Blcdgett. Mrs Daisy Knapp. C 11 Start. H F Merrill Mrs Torbett, Mr Lee. Mr Hdwland, and Mrs Henrietta Brown. FRIDAY. U G Hay ne and J R Keani tame up from Albany this afternoon. Kugroe Register. Miss L. A. Woodin. of the Taroma pub lic schools is in the city. Mrs. A. D. Barker went to Turner thi noon to attend the campmeeting in sex-; n at that city. The Solera Journal sav V. iss Morris of the North Salem n-hoof will go to San Francisco on the teachers exrwrsion. Mrs. A. W. Qnsb and children left Tinxlay for Arizona where she will live with her brother. Ijehanou Fjpre. Prof Mirhenor. of Ubanon. and Prof Ijatta. of Sbedd. left today for Kansas ami the Vk orld's fair, on a visit and sight ask ing. Mr QH Humphrey, of this city will more to Portland in a short time, and ac cept a isition at the custom house under Collector BUfk. The steamer Willamette Valley is ex pected at Yaquina to-night from San Fran cisco. Several of the merchants will prob ably return on it Hon. C. K. Wilkinson, of Eagvw. went to Corvailis this noon to act as one uf the judges in a literary contest to orrur to-night in the Agricultural Collegv E. C. Phelps has opened an office a: W. tcrloo. and will attend to business, patents, postal and law bttsinna. aim nwrespood ence and employment ami notarial bosinew. Ir. Frank iiallard was married to Mi Stella Fincheat Use home of the bride's parents in Seattle, on the Tin of this month. The groom is a farmer resident of Lebanon. Collector T J Black. Attorney lieneral Cnsjnberiain and Col A I Wsirner. three promising young men in the democratic party, went to Portland today. -Salem Journal. Prof. Cunningham, primary tletortment ; Prof. W. S. Arnold, business deasctsaessl ; and Prof. Scriber. department of elocution, have resigned their positions in Willamette Cniveraity. John A Crasrfnrd and A Hackleuun. two of Albany's oldest and wealthiest citizens went to Indepentlence today to take in the races. Mr Crawford's homr was to go today, an aiuma! displaying gvl s j?eJ. N. M. NesiUat returned this noon from Salem, where be attended the comuienoe ment exercises of Wiihuurfle I nivarsitv. from which be graduated a couple years ago. Mr. Newport has taken three decrees in all. A. H.. A. M. and Ll.D Hon Jeff Meyers, who m.. iata .itv last evening, sacs tru ili.,o. t, in tl. ffca. gqnian to the effect that lie had filed a pe tition for collector of customs at Portland is untrue. He is simply a candidate for governor of Alaska. Some one has Iren prevaricating. SITt'abAT Mr. C. H. Dairvmnle has bSM un on hi- ascade claim. Hon. John Krv . int. the ssaaUassssra noi - unsi, nas ien in Use city todav. ,- . , , - .. - onnty Treasurer Wallai w ent to Sjfni this morning to settle np with the state treasurer. Mis.- ni Mi r ;irlaml. who has ltn at a l: . l , , . - icnuing so .-sisters H nool at baaem, re turned home last evciiinif. Key. W. A. Trow un.l if. fmm Al ItfUiy. held service in the BBMnnl lions' liljd luewlay evening.- Mill City t..c m. Judge helxay. the well-known Indian war veteran, of (.orvallis, was in the rata this noon on his way home from Salem. bVOoert t arey ot l.inu county mine out last week for a visit with his brother M ( arey of Ashland, and to see the mines fsouthern t tregon. Ashland Kecord tius Zimble. the expert boot black artist returner! this noon from the indeMuienv races, ne remn tnem very dull, with small crowds and no excitement Mr. 1'axton. of the firm of Crawford Paxton, the leading photographers of Al bany, luis been in our city this week at tending the 1'ioneers picnic Ilruwnsvill I lines. flraomr those who returned from Nm Francisco this noon by way of Yauuina were Mrs. u. I, I orter and son, Arthur U'iinert, II. M. llookins and wife. Mrs Wood and daughter, Aelia, Thos. Jones and family, Martin Ludwig iuul wife, lr r oiey ami .-. m. nariami. inev rrort a great time. j . r. tiaitirami returned uuji evening t r, II i 1 i . from asliiiinlon. where ne has b,vn as a delegate to the general assemlilv of th I'resbvterian church. J. C Mr. tialbraith's youngest brother, returned with iiiiu, and expects to mak Albany his homt A delightful tea party was given lust evening by Mrs r M Kedheld, assisted bv Mrs 11 It Mci uiiagn. i nose present were: Mines (Jeo Chamoeruuii, h Wolvertoii. I)r Maston. L A hhifrler. w uson Main. N II Allen, Loyd Uailev, Wallace Lee, Duncan Monteith.l'hristine Monteith, J M UiUston. J L Cowan, W A Croxton, 1 Beam. 1) K Blackburn, 0 E Hrownell, James Uanimk Wm Fortmiller, E E Goff, Hart, A S Hart. C E Howluml.M Lyle, E W Langdon, I) I' Mason, A E Pike, E B Pnchard, A J Bos- siter, Hewitt, t'ayne, t w Sears, Kliza Tweedale, Van Horn, Chapman Salem, Cornelius, Schell. Train, J K Weatherford, Althousse, F M Bedfield. D H McCullairh. Misses Laura Dannals, Rose Train, Ethel Bedfield. .NEW 1UUK LKTTEIt, New York, June 9th, 1893. During investigation by the grand jury, the fact was brought to Mayor Gil roy'a attention, that the hospital for fe male lunatics on BiackwellV Island was being conducted under shameful condi tions. It was found that the bnilding known as the Female Lunatic Pavillion contained over two thousand patients, where there is hardly room 'or twelve hundred, and it is in such shocking re pair as neither to protect the inmates against weather overhead, and sheer rot tenness below. When the weather is wet some are crowded together in dry places so as to keep out ot the rain. hen the grand jury's scathing presentment was brought to Major Gilroy's attention be had "not had time to consider the n atter-'' Considering that the city buys Mr Gilroy's time at a liberal annual sal ary that he may consider just such mat ters, this is a remarkably weak excuse for the Mayor to make. It is interest ing however to know that it was through the efforts of Mr Gilror that tbe legisia lure appropriated f2,GOO,000 for tbe building of a speedway for tic. exclusive benefit of a few horse owners and at the expense of the already over taxed prop erty owners- Still Mayor Gilroy claims to be the friend of the poor, hot, who would dream, if such were not duly at tested to be the fact, that a city occupy ing such a position as New York, the first city of the first republic, of the world, - as so badly misgoverned. Let the grand jury go on and turn on the light before it is too late to save tbe honor of the great metropolis It has been discovered tnat Frank Davis tbe notorious burglar, who was caught by the police a few days ago, ia the indi- idual woo (ransacked the boose of Bradley Martin shortly after the mar- mr r.ari 01 c raven. usTis QiBGc mramt ,, ssTial .umr,t. t i.V. hi. life preferring: death to long imprison ment He is wanted for several robberies and alien captured b was just coming out of a bouse with his plunder. In spector Mclaughlin's detectives dis covered tbe room in vbich Daris was living at the time ot bis arrest, and found several valuable watches, and other ar tide of value which were taken from Bradley Martina's bouse. Tbe royal visitor has at last depaited for the World's Fair city. On Monday morning evor ed bv the reception com mittee and Troop "A" tbe Infant pro ceeded to Jersey City from a hence she a as conveyed to Chicago by special on tbe rnnylvania railroad. Before leaving however, the Infanta had her heart set upon "doing the town" and in company with Mayor Gilroy and Compt roller Myers the prince proceeded down town and al about thirty minute before the t'om ol business on Saturday, she en'ered the Stock Exchange on Wail street. The bulls and bear at once dis continued selling flocks and bonds and cheered lustily as tbe Infanta appeared in ihe gallery. After leaving the Ex change she visited Brooklyn bridge, the elevated railroad system, and inspected the large buildings and point of interest along Broad ar ay. dining at the Cafe Savarin in the Equitable Buildiag In the evening she was s-re-aded by stu dents from Columbia College aho gath ered about her hotel until she appeared on the balcony and bowed her acknowl edgements. The blow that ha been expected has at last fallen : America's great tragedian isno more Tuesday afternoon the phys icians attending Edwin Booth, at tbe Players club, notified his relative that the end was near and at three o'clock Wednesday morning the great man died as peacefully as if he waa in a sleep. Although the death was great (hock to Mr Booth's many friends, it came a a blessing to tbe great actor atter his long and painful ii loess The funeral service will be he'd on Friday in the "Little-church-around - the - corner. " Bishop Potter will preside and the followingdi linguiched actors and literary light have been selected as pall beares: Joseph Jef ferson. A M Palmer, Ex-chief Justice Daly .Parke. Good win. East man , fohnscn, Hoaard. Horace Faroes and Gillian Bispharo. The interment will be in Au burn cemetery near Bo.ton . Letter and telegrams of condolence were received by Mr, 1 i. 'Osama,. , Mr Booth's only daugh ter, from all part of the world. From England came one signed by Henry Ir vine the great English tragedian - E lain Booth was barn near Baltimore, Maryland, on November 13, IStS. His father was Junius Brutus Booth an actor whose nama was high in the munals of the American stage When a young man, Edwin p a veil with his lather's company taking minor part. His father having been taken ill very shortly young Booth was called upon to Hay his part as Richard til, which I edid with such suc cess that be soon became prominent in the dramatic profession. His literary abilities together with his strong actr g made t.itn the leading actor of the dav His interpretation of Shakespeare was unapproachable. His greatest successes were Hamlet and Richeiiec, the latter scoring an unnrecedent success in Lo::don during Mr booth's engagenraent in 1S&S In lierhn .Mr Booth made an impression second to no actor of tbe time. No art- r has ever moved an audience into such enthusiasm, as the departed tragedian. The whole country jiourus the lose of one of the greatest instructors and actors of the age VI M t . II ROELSCM. l.o.u.i ami Uinc.iN.; of gesst uuaiiLy a reasonable rates are the strong point of the Star tontracts of the World's Fair Hotel ami Hoarding Bureau. For sale at all rail road ticket offices in Portland ami at Salem Alhamc F.mnne. Corrallis. McMitmville ad Wjron t'itv. Ion't go to Chicago without your acenmmoilatinns reserves!, un- lejw -ou have a biu pune you are nixious to empty, t'all on ( . K. Fronk at the depot for part i. niars. Hrnloli's Cure, the treat coh sn.l en op core. U for sale ly us. Ptck.t "is! contain. ti-nt-,-fiv. daaesvoaly 2Ss uhiiss ire it Fcshay A Masco. lJc.'s Thlrt jfj t - . " -Ji-jd rxiltars ssfW ai i - -t cj.uucs be e . , .-. CO.. rrc.p l. , Toledo O. '. '.i-vi inevrnF. J.Csr ., . n, r . d bcliova him p . . a h tines t:iiuir.rtlci aSI t c. s iu ruiy c ' i run , iSat.9s?t v.'tolesalo '.i Cur 4Kfn '. il. naiiT.niug . .... .. .. - .... .it state, '- t t'' all :!&at,tu Xiea TkeUhlll easl Kaawlr-d. Kweuti.1 to vha pradaotioo of the mnt per fect and popular 'axative remedy known, have enablod the California Fig S run d. to achieve a great suoaesa in th reputstion of its rem-dy, Syiuo of Riga, as i is asl0 rl to be the universal laxative. For sa'a l.y ail fraggUta. Laindrv Work. Every citixen of Al bany sbeuld bear in mind that the Albany Steam Laundry guarantee fiut class work at very reasonable prices, and employs nothing bat white labor. Shirts lone as cheaply a the Chinaman. Pat ronize your own rcfc Saitoh's ViUliser :s what yuu need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kid ney irouhle. It is guaranteed to g va yon satisfaction. Price 75e. Foahay & Maaoc. Sun d your nam and address to etaad caoock & Cu Alb. ov, Oregon. in.l men on the Democrat, they v. ill malt u aahitn sheet free on month. Cure for COM. Ifevers and rienerui Oe btlit) . Small aW MS )Be- peV bottle. i Washington urrTEK. rom i iLf rrgtilar Oiirsspo relent. '.Vashingtosj, June 11, 1893. If the congress of tbe United States were liable to criminal ind ctment it would have to stand trial on the charge of murder in the Grst degree for b ving killed the 22 employes of tbe surgeon gener d's office who lost their lives by the falling of the floors of Ford's old theatre, where Lincoln was assassinate I, which occurred last Friday, a catastrophe which can never oe forgotten by any who were at tbe time in V, ashing ton, and which still is tbe leading topic of conversation wherever one goes In nd dit'-on to the 22 men killed outright there were 6 injured, a number of whom may die, and many of whom will be permanent iy crippled. Congress cannot claim in ex tenuation that it did not know the condi tion of this building, because its condition bad been rrpea'edly called to its attention, and it actually appropriated money some six or eight years ago to n-ct a new build ing to certain tbe Army M, dical Mu-eum and library which bad U-c-n in tins build ing. Just think for a moment what damaging evidence is gives by this action. Congress erects another building because this isn't safe ii.iugb f r the museum and library with tbtir comparative!! few at tendant to reuiain la. and then allows Un clerks to be crowded into the un afe build ing. Had a private emplojer been guilty of this crime he could have been legally executed for murder: but congress -veil, th families of the dead and crippled, who are now being aided by private ccntribu tlons, can spend tbe remainder of their lives in asking congress to recom; ense them fir their lost bread winners. Meanwhile there are half a dozen buildings in Wash ington containing many times the number of government employes who were in tbe collapsed building that are known to be equally dangerous, among tnem tne gov ernment printing ofSie. with iU near'y 1000 employes; tbe patent office, the annex to tbe postofhee depaitment and the 'in der building, where a large branch of tbe war department is quartered. An attempt is being made by an army c )urt of inquiry to locate tbe personal responsibility for tbe dUter at this old death trap, if there be any. and a coroner's jury is also at work with tbe same eta in vitw. It if said the direct cause of the axidest was a excavation which was be ing msde fcr tbe purrose of potting in new biilers. This may be true, but even if it iv that furnishes no excuse for congress for having allowed a building which was oScially condemned twenty-seven years ago occupied by 500 governm-nt em ployc. In conseqeence el the accident there is a feelin of excitement among those employed in the other lui dings that are known to be unsafe- Secretary Smith is trying to all y this excitement in tbe pension office by having all the heavy stuff stored on tbe upper floors of that building transferred to the ground Soar. President Cleveland was one of the first cootribators to tbe fund that is heir g rais es lifer tbe belt) of tbe families of the clerks that were wounded and killed: be a-so directed that all flag on Use public build ing b half mared for tbe dead daks, sa honor that has never before been pud to an except high c rSeials as ex official. There are indicticms that Secretary Canute has in view a complete reorganiza tion ef the clekal force of tbe treasury department. He has addressed a circular letter'to all the bead of bureau directing them to send to him not later than the 25tu iast. a list of al tbe employes under them. showing age. number f years employed, those who entered the service under tbe civil service law of is-vS. tbsse who have wives, husbands, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters or other relatives e "ployed in any branch of toe gcvcinuMut: those em Ployed as clerks or o be' wise- with com pensation exoeedi: g SS4t a jcar. aho are doing work that properly U i to me sentrers. 'assistant ruewwegers and labor en. This has raised a com -.notion in the department, and no wonder, for the infor mation, if : given, and there is no doubt about that, is bound to lead to a grand shake up and a large number of dismissals. In taking this step Secretary Carlisle has set another good examp'e for the beads cf all tbe otb,r depar.nienta. O'JIItM UIU'.'UK'K. The lullv l'i f'om tie Rochester Urrat'il, a republican paper ' o'rcshinly canli!.- O .ecl ihe menes Had of poiitlc-t il:- niotions is to charge the demccrati; aimlc- ittraiioo with responsibi lly for the present unsa'isftctory pOaaVtitM ot tv countty s finances. Lven tbe same organs making this seosebss accusation admit that the trouble Is largely due to two causes name ly, the Sherman silver purchase bii! and tie long continued heavy exports of gold. No as to the Sherman bill, tbe Cleveland ad ministration manifestly cannot be held ac countable for that, because the n euurt was passed by a coegiesstepubl.can in botb branches and signed by Presi 'en! Hsnison. And how atout tbe gold exports? Touching thi important subject ihe New York W'oilJ presents some timely and en lightening figures, aluring President Cleve iaods first teim our net gain in go'd imports was $54,77.1.000. Ouriog Prc-iJent Har rison's administration the net loss of gold to this country by export as $122,624,000. Tbe I larrison administration received from the Cleveland administration $97,874 4"i in free cold, or that amount above the too.- 000,000 reserved. Last March all it turned over to the second Cleveland administra tion uas $oS7,ooo In gold, and that and more had been botrowedby Secretary Foster. Ia view of these undisputed facir-, it is reckless folly to ny to fasten upon the Cleveland Admmlstrition responsibility for the event, and conditions with which it had no more to do than Poutius Pilate. The chahraan of th lae republican con- ventiun of Ohio speaking of his paity said that "it hoards no great gums of u.oney in ihe trcisury " No, it does not. It promptly emptiei eveiy treasury it can get hold sf. The cbaii man's tUttment was as refreshing as it was ttue. SThra Baby was sioa, we yave her Caster When sLa waa a Child, alio eriea for Cm tort When she became Misa, she clung to Castorta. When she bad ChlM-ee she gave tbem Castorta The sunshine that struck us some today ....... , l... i,. l,t &Ktn thai . nw- ii iiiniu. ..v . . . - - ..--. - nate from Minnie's wundcrtul bruthe. Try one ESTABLISHED 3S71 by Bnrkhart Bros. One oi the oldest Job printing Qffiee in the State I'iie only Exclusive Job Office IN LINN COUNTY We have the Largest and best Stock of Printers' Sta tionery, it has ever been our pleasure to oft er the people. COME TO SEE US For Good, Quick Printing. SMILEY, !l 1 1 . 1 Bay RUBBER HOSE Boy RUBBER HOSE ol -Bey RUBBER HOSE Buy Lawn Mowers 4 Buy Lawn Mowers of The Oregon sVltn its home office SALEM - - ne Gray biocx, comer Liberty and AKES a specialty of Sunnvside fruit tractK near oaten. Will sell 5, 10 or 20 . . s ere small casn payment long time on oa.auw or, particulars. Julius GradwoM's Bazaar "" very latest .news is that you can buy at JULIUS D WOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: Arbuckle's CotYee, Per Pound PIVbs. Granulated Sugar S10C ihs MagnoUa Sugar White 100 Mo. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 20 Cans refilled, 5 gallons 90 f Gallons Good firm 1-10 1 Gallon No 1 Syrup .40 Jv i.. one tract strict cash store, and all goods will b sold for net easa from t .5 par nt lea than regular price. Kj stock of China waro, faney goods, ana j tb desirable- syle of dichea, as well a a general assortment of groceries, croek jr, tamp end fixture is eompleU. 1 mko a specisltv of tins u?e, eolle anil xir jt powder, and always plsase ray customers, aaB r several n tponsibl insurance Jalian Gradwohl. PtTR0NIZE Wm THc FARMERS & MIHWITS INSURANCE CO Albany, T it KM l, PredelaV J It COWAN, Trensurer. -DIRBOtXk 1 Cowan, un psimpaon, V P Read, J K Weat hertord. V J Stuart, i O Wrttsmaa. ALSO OrSTRlCT ASKSTS SO several Solid Eastern and Foreign Companies NEW : FURNITURE, Af Y SrORE IS KOW FULL Of FIBST-CLASS FCRX1TURS, CCN8ISHNC i IV 1 ( 1 bed room set, chair, lcaagas, etc., whieh I will sell at BOTTOM PRICES. Csll on am for bargaiis ALBANY CIGAR J. JOSEPH, WHOLESALE Only White ALBA5Y of Matthews & Washbam Matthews & Washburn at HattHtyws i fasbbn Matthews & Washburn Matthews & Washburn Land Co - O-RIiJG-OlSrS State stieet, branch office :n PcrtUis, acre lots at $50 to $60 tr l 1 J INSTITUTIONS. Oregon, 1 O WRrrSM-Vrr. Seaetaa Geo F SIMPSON. Vie Pnssl lust D B Monteith, t -twraoerg J ru w Thos. Brink. FACTO iB Proprietor, RETAIL Labor Employed