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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1893)
Health and Comfort a Destroyed by the use of poor smoking; tobacco. The one tobacco that has held its own through all the changes of time and against all competitors is Blackwell's Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. WHY? Because it's always pure, always the same, always the best. Such a record tells more than pages of "talk."' It's fust as good to-day as ever and it is tbe tobacco foryoi.. If you smoke, you should smoke Bull Durham A trial is all we ask. I BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO.; I DURHAM, N. C A Question A Qreat Record For You Good Advice KATRERTORD BERLAIN sfc CRAM Atsnms.-i at V.:i -i n oirti .. i . : ai'.HM In pro o ltooi ijiui 11. I 'Vi ! -i 1 1' 1 nam ssssi w R RI1LTEV Attomay at Law vnd Solicitor In Chancery. Coll lions mad on all points. Loans negotiated on reble terms. Albany, Oregon G EO. W. WHIUIaT, all the ivurta ot thu stale Spatial alSantlsa etvaa Sa , , - collections and matters In probata Uance: Upstairs -. a Lv Portland Ar ' ' S Maaon-Twedala Block Albany. Ogn ltHiraLv Albany Lv UW " i-Mru Ar Boaebnat jLv I TsXa X 1 1 . SI S i a-sasv local BAttt (shears ScaaAV) (.(KM aft VTATSOII. .osralLv Portland Ar I :o so a ypa'Ar Albacy Lv 11 leal matters will westae promp .,,. attention fflce a OJi Fallow's Temple, Albany, O :WAll.v Albany fr'a2f! I j whitrct, tsi;ts ' gfj3 I. sa MASllAr Lebanon Lt t:S r a Attorney at Law, Albany, Or. PULLMAc BUFFET SLEEPERS. M ONTANVE sfc HACM I.KflaN, Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon AMES J. CHARsVrO. AUorner-at-L promptly: All lagUj business' 'attendsd FLISN-S Block, Albany, On D R. J. I.. HILL. lajiSlisa and Snrgejon. OPTICB Corner retry streets, Albany, Oregon. ju. ntsrov a oavib. Phisadans an Sanreons. OFFICE Corner econd sad Broedalbia streets. Albanv, Or, Calls promptly sttersled 1 air and eaonlry: t H . M. D Hameonathist. aWSpecUiat In on) ea banrs 7 te s a 1 to 1 p sa. r entr. A I l .Otesan. V I l K V CU-BINKER or ALBA XT, fiRSSOS, TRANSACT a svaeral Baidciiut osiness DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS an Haw York. San Ft n aco and Portland, Orean . LOAN MONET on approrod seenrity RECEIVE deposits subject to check. COLLECTIONS made on tatorabta tarsaa. INTEREST paid en time lie 1,1 alls B IKK OF ORE4.0. ALBAS T, OSSBOS. Piss ISriisal - J LANNINQ . lav W PLAIN ban Sine I boi:.e Eiehanaa bomrht and aoM on all the priadpa dues in the United States I also on Borland, Ireland Fraaee and Oemsny. Oolleotiona mad at all aeeeasibla point a on favor, ble terms. 'Merest aliened o.i time aepuaite. F I RUT RATIOBAL BANK, or ALBA1ST, nssoos ... L FLINN VTee PreaWeot .'Basilar 9. E.TODKO ..B. W. LANODON rKAN8ACT8 A GENERAL ban klna I ACCOUNTS KEPT snbjest to aback. BIGHT EXCHANGE and Sri Tannic .e4d Mew York, San Frsnciaoo, CbJcaeo and r tuaad CO .LETTIOSS SAUK on laturahle tanna Biascroaa. E Yoi B. W, La a a sow g turn. L. Pua Esvaas t . Sox. I ISXt'O MTIOSAI. RANK. Ii OF AI-BAnT. OBOIS. CAPITAL (STOCK lOS.SOV. sldeat i C COWAN, e-PresMunt i M RALSTON. st Cashier O A AR:H1B0LD. It l serosa, -i L Cowan, 1 at Ralston, W 8 uadd, W H, J A Craeord and O A Arch bold rRANoAITN a aeuaral nankins' boajneee. OR.MVSIUtn KHAFTSon Ne- Tors. v .il it ' Oreron IXAN UOrfET on apptovad aecurtly aETEIVKdT-arit subtest check. ANH Or CIO, SOIO, OBK007S. eei lent., nier TJ Uussa ..A 1 Jonas ONLY LINE It 11 N MX 2 THROUGH I). A I NS leaving hirtliind, S:45 A, N. 7:80 P. M. D A.Y3 TO 3 I 2 CHICAGO 7 Honrs Quicker lo St. Pau. 23 Hours Quicker to Chicago. 40 Honrs Quicker to Omaha Kansas City. and PtlLlMAr, ANO T0URI3T SLEEPERS. FREE "ECLINMC CHAIR CARS CININC CARS. Koi rates and j;eneiiil Information cat or or address W H HURLBURT.Asst.Gcn'l. Pass. Agt, IS vvasnington M Portland. Oregon A Pact Against Time Fears Nothing Unchanging Talk's Cheap EAST AND-SOUTH, VIA THE 8 HAST A ROUTE K THE Southern Pacific Go. Cxpraas Trains laava Portland Dally. raoa JUtT 1, 1394, Marti Ar 7:3 l Lv 4:SS a Lv 7;00 r a TrOOr. a. I La Portland Albany San Freastase I0:SS r ut SO a a I Ar Attava trains stop only at lolLarlns; aUUoaa rta at Roeabura. Cast Portland, Oregon tn;, w oom, Saleca, Albany. Taai-ns, 8hodd. Halaey. Har ris erg. Junction (Sty. Irrtng, Enfant. Dinine Cars on Ogden rtuutes SECOND-CLUS SLEEPING CARS Attache la all isrssrs Trsisi weks pwVtlasi Ala i a H.i, Man llium (Bxeept Snnaay. DURHAM 1 t- JOa a I Lt Portland r ij tiSoValiLr Oorrallia -a j 116 r axraass raira satav (besot taaday . a:S0ralLv ' Portland aTj Thpowfrla Ticket- as all point In th Eastern StOas Canada and BBrfasn be ob-inad at lowest ra'.ea from C K Prwnfe. Arsot Albany. . KOEHLKB P. aWlIftS Maaaawr Vast O. F. and Porfsti Oragon. THE WEBF00T ROUTE Oregon Pacific W lillll, Baeelver. TIME SCHEDULE, exeea taaisral Lasae Albany UM r. a,;LJe Tae,irma, ins a.a Lease Coerauia lOTr.a.tiiaaTa uarata,..-.,. Arrle Tsqulna, 1 r. B.arrtTa Albaar, 11:11 a. Direct Li Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Between Willamette Valley ban Franctsco Points and ' Ot TAN STRA ft SAIUBWI . . WlUBKeUe V alter. Jane 1 2th t-t, mi SStS rsoa ras'-isa. srUlaiactU Vallev, June 7th, 17th, SSth aad Jo y S. The Oompanv -.trvea (he ngnt hange sailing dates thotit notloa. to BiVKR KrutMEHN. gtramei "Haas-" leiree PoiUsnd Wadneadav aad Saturday 8 a B. H C Oaj.Oaa Axt,8dm S.pit Whsrl.P.irtiand l K Veutfhn. O n Ae't. Su f raraslaeo, Cal . RE Maleahjr, General Srpt: From Terminal orl Northe n Pacific RaM la ibe Hoc to take To all MA US ai SOUTH It la the DIKINC TE. It run a Through E IS TRIIJIS In the ST. PADLand CHICAGO (NO CHANGE OFICAR8 ) Compose, of Dining Cars Uasorpassed Fallman Brewing Room Sleep rs Of Lai tt Equipment TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. Best tLat can b oonstrutjle I and In which ao oiumodtilona are btb fiee and furniahed for holders of Firs or 8. oond elaaa ttoketa, at tl ELEGANT OAY COACHES. A Coiitiouras L1n9 connectidg wilh al linss, affording Direct anU Uninterrupted Service. Pullmai Hleeper reser rations ean lie aecured lo advano througli any Hent of tbe road. THR )UOU TICKErs to and from all E dnui In Arne:i England ao.1 urope ctn be purchuwd at at y ticket ofB-j of thla coiepany, Full Informal! m conoerning nies.tlme ortraioa. route anil other cslis rain lsbed on appllost on to auy or A D CH.KI.TO!. Assistant Otiiierai Pasaeug-r Agent. No 121 First fit. c .r. WaMlilngtou. Port'antl ne on C G Buikbart. local agent. BICYCLE? Call on Van Wilson, ogent for tne 1st PBKlAr. and FauLKNEK, 6o to $t r,o Ladies taui(ht to ride or no aale. REVERE HOUSE iLBANY . 1WC, ' 1 It?. PFtClFFFF rROPRlETOR he fjemocvat. THK KEPtBUCAN ROW IN OHIO, TbeOUo campaign just beginning is at tracting attention figm all parts of the conn try. The papers are discussing the situa tion from every conceivable standpoint. The Syracuse (N Y Courier tni up the republican situation In the following edi torial, in which It states the facts as they exist: The governor has not incteased his strength and popularity during his term of office. On the contrary, a strong and pow -erful opposlilon has sprung up against the governor Inside the republican ranks . Mc Kinley has been very partisan in disposing Of political patronage, giving it entlrtly to the faction of the party which is said to be in themtnotitv. but whic.i 'stands In' with the powers that be. In consequence Gov Foraker, and the faction which stands by him, is on the war path and openly pro claim that they will go for McKinlej'a scalp tils fall. Indeed, they make no secret of anil insist t ... hi l 1 T- ,n. la that thev wi II knife him at the polls in November. Moreover, the pollt r that Gov ernor Mckinley aisi.ds lor i not as as It was in Ohio. The republicans in that state realize the fact that McKinleyism largely responsible for the defeat of their party in the national contest last fall. Their I eyes are oren to this lact and many of the Ohio leaders are disused to lay the blame for the defeat of Harrison on MtKlals". Moreover, they openly claim that the gov ernor secretly plotted for the defeat of Har rison's renorr. nation at Minneapolis hop ing that with Harrison ou of the way, lightning nould strike him The Hanison faction in Ohio which 1 oaes the federal patronage by the defeat of their leader, it Is calimed, will oppose to a man McKlaley's re-election. The war cf the republican fa lions in Ohio is lo be a bitter one this fall. Governor McKinley may be able to harmon ize some of the differences that esiss and patch up a, temporary truce by promises of future patronage, bnt after the Minneapalls episoie the Foraker and Harrison factions claim that they can put no faith in the gov ernor's promise . and pledges believing that he might sell them out and give them awar, jus as he attempted to sell out rlarrlson at Mlnneano'is. The Ohio democracy there- j fore are very- hopeful rf defeating Governor ; ii.Ua 1 his fall. iher will nlace a nor- alar ticket in the field and will contact a campaign to win. ..L: I (Tnn.laa'1 nf AI.1 V.trao an Arii- rondack guid?, who ha. spent 15 winters in the wilderness, thinks the state should offer ! a bounty for hedgehoga. fie says that in ! the winter they chink trees an? eat the bark and limbs, and Afterwards the trees die In the summer they eat the f-xxl the I deer live upon. Hedgehog are very ! numerous and according to Mr Gjodsetl ! this fact is dae to the decrease in the number of panthers in the woods. Hesays , panthers do not kill as many deer a is gen ; erally supposed, but tbeir principal diet f : hedgehogs. He sll'ees that there never was a panther klld whi:h was not fall of hadjehog j sills. If oar Ameiican Ixomoiive lui Jerscon ! tinae tc make as much progress In the fuUra. as they have fiui in; the past few year, England will soon ceaue la bare the repu- tail ion o running the attest trains la ths world. The record of a mile in 35 reloads, made t'lfs week br the New York Central's new Columbian engine No 999, makes 'hat locomotive be chsmpion flyer cf tbe wotu. It I'eaervea to be an Jibered looo aow. i ssees A dispatch from Washington saya: Tre fight against Murphy and Markley is beirur Poshed viaorouslv all along the liee. and filler. Gorman and Floed are patting M nd lo ir .nfiuenc of the two T s-ate committeemen. Tbey are backed by many of tbe leading democrats of Oregon, who rave sent le'ters to influential men here which will base a tendency to do op Mar pby. A vey close frienl of Hoke Smith raid tolav that Col Robert A Miller would secure a sooj place In tbe dip'oaatic ser - vice. The narrowest and deepest p'are In the i Mississippi river is at a point jest above f Kit hardson's, a boat zoo miles sooth j of St Louis. It is called the "devil's hole," named so by the negroes long before tbe war. Tbe banks on et'.ier -d: are Ol solid rock and stand up almost perpendica'arly. Soundings have been made there to the depth of too feet and thj bjttora never touched. As to how deep the wa'er really is ao iteambostman k row s, because they have never gone to t' e tioubleof finding ; out. Prtif BarriirJ of Ihe Li k Obaervatoiy expects that three years will be irqsired to comple'e the series of pboograpbs he is msking of the Milky Wat. Tre work Is pioceeding rapid at the rtbervatorj, sad the as'ronorntr is confident that when hi labors are finished the resu'ta will revolu tionize the oM c me:; lions of the Milky Way. He evptcts to reveal the presence of at leasi, oo suns Tbe largest s'-am nauimer in France has btsen erecteJ al tbe woiks of Martel Ferers, Kives-de-Gier. It ij loo tons and has a fal of 19 fee- Th-; snvll weighs 760 tins, the face being one piece of 1 25 tons. Tne banmer is -served t.y a travelling crane capable of lifting Ijj to is, and two radia ting cranes wbicii Can lift as much ss 180 tons. .'apanese auctions give rise to none ol the noiie and confusion wiiich attend uch sales in Edrop: and America. Each bidder writes his name ant) bid on a slip ul paper which ia placed in a Itox, and when the bidding is over the auctioneer opens the boa and the goods are OtcUred to ll)ng to It; highest bidder While the wedn noveuwnt of popu lation in the United States for the century aggregatcfi 50o miles, the extreme northern and southern variation is a littl under 22 miles, and the finishing point of the line is only some six miles south of the starting point it is said that if a person is trying to deceive you he will invariably d aw nis thumb in toward the palm. On the other hsnd if he is telling the truth, the thumb will be relaxtd and draw aar Lorn lb. palm R;cent o .ta'ojues show that entomolo gists hive fojn I 36J species of spiders In the uppjr Cayuga Lake B"in, 371 in the District of Colum'iia. and Ji in New Eng land. Or George Marx hai compiled s list of 292 species which h.n e beer found In thi polar regions of the gtab-. Til.' lleeCj uf Id s. .-1 an I an ! the woik of siveral mn for half a 3 ear are required lo make a genuine Cashmere kind! t taid aurl a half wide. 1 t- . 1 jma The.e are published every month In the English, French and Unman Ungua giio 1 1; iisii a of (..'tioiiica's exe'usively toe'ectrlcel subject. One aq jre foot r f gloss will lose as much . policy must be the remit. The cnly direc beat ss six square feet of l2 Inch brick tion 10 look for relief is to the republican wall. ' party. The amount ot lorasl in New Jersey is 3334 square miles, or 2,069,819 seres, out ot a total of 4,809,218 acres. A ton of anthracite coal averages in bulk from 40 to 43 cubic feet. A ton ot bitumi nous coal occupies from 43 to 48 cubic feet. A German geographer has calculated that there are still 1,700,000 square miles of Ike earth's surface uninhabited. During. 1892 657.646 "unruaitable" let ters were mailed in the United States, 52,612 of them wholly without' any outride sign, symbo! or address. Penny savings banks are connected with public schools of Belgium, nnd 170,000 of the 605,000 primary pupil have deposited over 500,000 francs. Central Park, New York, contains 862 acres; Pheonix Park. Dublin, i760 acres; Hyde Park, London, 400 acres; Yellowstone National Park. 2,288.000 acres- Thee 2,007,164 more bunchet of bananas received at Amettcan porta in iS9i than In i7qi. The total teceip'-t were : 2.855.919 'bunches against 10,686,140 banches 1 v ' in 1891 Three times as many persons, it is thought, travel by water between New York and Boston as by rail. The compe tition between the Sund line at one time was so great that passengers were trans ported free and given a free dinner. Irenes and Amea Elton of Vineland, Jtf J. celebrated their diamond wedding the other day, having been married 75 years. They are aged, respectively, 95 and 92 I years, and retain possession of alt of their 1 faculties. Scientists are of the opinion that Ave-y's Island, situated la the delta of the Mississ ippi, Is composed below the top soli entirely of salt. The salt occurs in irore or lesg transparent masses, and Is quariied for ex port . According to the Scientific American, ! corn husks boiled in caustic soda aw being mi in the nuwuJacture of paper. The j . . husk. a,e reduced to a spongy. gluUnos paste, which is subjected to heavy pressure. ; Tbeglutiu eliminated by this means is said to leave an excellent fibws Denmark's trade in butler has increased mere than 100 per cent during the htt five years, and 90 per cent of the .luan'i'.y ex parted goes to England Australia is also becoming prominent as a source ot butter supply fur England, having fn'oUhed that country with 7,aoo,ano puuads lsss year. The difference in the purchasing power of money between W92 and the present day is illustrated by a calculation made by Prof Huge and published in a German pa per. He says that the first expenditure of Columbus cost 'about t7300 of our money, which seems a very modera'e sum for the equipment of three vessels, small as tbey were. Columbus, however, was paid as almiral only at the rata of $320 a year; his captains received only 16 a month, and sailors from t2 to S'2.50. Other expenses of coarse were in proportion. LVM HIM. IN THE SOUTH. The Charleston News and Courier is making an earnest and honorable fight a Tims t the Uwleseness which has its most offensive illustration in lynching suspected erirainala who would suffer the death ceo . . criminals who would suffer the death pen -! ,k i. .a.i , t a-iih,. ; Ex Governor D H Chamlrlain takes part in the discussion by publishing in ,.s uM , r i.a 2 TZ 2 ! t9 ongtaally written but not pob- babed Iaat fall, after toe paDiicauan m tue North American Review of Mr Douglass's article on "Lynch Ijlw and roliucal rp - presaion in tbe South." Governor Chamberlain is even more op ' posed lo lynch law than Mr Donglass is. The latter granted that it was justifiable ia soma cases Got Chamberlain says that he stands with! Abraham Lincoln, who j aid: ''There is no grisrraoce whatever j that is a fit object of redress by mob law." But the pith and point of t Jo v Chamber Iain's latter is that Mr Douglass in a bitter general denunciation of the people of the sooth for resorting to lynch law for the punishment especially of one crime, assaults by negroes on white women, while no where in his article does he apeak in proper condemnation of tbe crime itself or "' bis race to cease from il The Sows and Courier says of this letter: j orders ami by individuals, amounts to It should be read by every colored man 060!2? "! The American r-'grini in tbe state and throughout the south, and S Ke 600,000 francs, particularly every colored preacher and ! reliiirai Talk, politician. Like everything that ex-Go Washinotox. June 7 President Ciete Chamlierlain says upon public questions it j Mj has notified the beads of all depart goes to tbe bone anl marrow of tbe suo j manta that Ihva Mnrphy and John Mark JcL ley are no longer to be recognized in tbe This whole subject is of such importance j matter of appointments. This wa what to '.be social and political relations of both caused a csMsalioa of tbe work whirl, Mur race, and to the honor of the whole people i Ll afpnifaer t as owing responsibility to the law, tbat we ,to:ni of sbose upon tbe administmlum print Gov Chamberlain's contribution to ; from many democrats in oreiron. and Mr this disaussion ia the WoiV Cleveland now feel that he has made a MrKIM.KV ASiAISI. The republicans of Ohio have lenom! nated McKinley for governor. He made a lengthy speech. la opening he aaid that the nomination is bcth an hjnor and one which impoaed a duty. He might forego ihe honor, bat could not refuee. the duty . Continuing, be chslleneed the democratic party to battle on both state snd national Issuis. He reviewed at length the financial situation, pointing out that Cleveland fir.t fixed the f 100,000,- 000 gold reseive it ihe lowest ssfe limit, and, having erected the danger signal, cutiously enough was the first lo haul it down. Was it to be wondered at that peo ple were distrus ful. especially in view of the fact that the administration had put forth no line of financial policy ? If today the president would announce that thre would be no change In the Indusir'al legis lation and the financial situation would be met and solved on the standard ol financial honor and national good faith es atllshed i by the republican party, confidence woulo at once be restored, Cleveland saya the the Shetman si ver bill L the csuse of the depression, but does not convene congress to repesl it. Is this because be tli'nks futlher financial distress nectsssry to convince bis party of the necessl.y of such legislation? If (O. democratic cscendrncy will prove costly leaf on. While waiting tor t'emo crats to catry out the declara'ions In their platfonn on the tariff, ihe country's luvlness Is patalyz d brcau.e of uncertainty. If they do as they promised they wilt revise the tariff on s British free-trade bHsls, striking st many Industries, ma.!ng profit less capital and throwing thousand, of American wo'kingmen out ot employment. If the expectation of what tin tiettiocrats would do hat destroyed confidence, what wl l the full realization do? But the partv is divided Into factions tor and. against the administration and Is spilt asunder on the tariff and currsncy Issues, poorly prepsred devot d ' a,,ll'l"c SJ'aan ua lilt .nuitllUU. With a go'.d president and a silver con gresi what can b: done? A do-nothing TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Washington. June 9. It was between 9:30 and 10 o'clock this morning that the floors of the o'd Ford's threatre buildin g on Tenth street, occupied by the records and pension division of the surgeon-general's office, fell inns though they had been parts of a card house. The floors were made up of iron girders hardly strong enough to support the walls bat heavy enough to stamp oat human lives. About 25, mostly government e'erks, were killed and over 100 injured. A airtkera War Lamont, 111, June 9. Deputy sheriffs with Winchester rifles and armed mobs of strikers met at Letnont today, and the first week of the strike in the quarries and on the drainage canal closed with a copious shedding of blood. The conflict came this afternoon, and as the result of a volley of shots one man was killed outright, and two uave died since. I wo others are reported missing. They are said to have fallen into the canal after receiving mortal wounds. Fourteen others were wounded, three fatally. An 11. Im lion Case VicToiiiA. B C. lune 9. lie? A It Z ,1 V 1 .1 f.""0" """."""OM'offimlwtWv waa appoiated I itt l . Cal. is in the city jail here, ciiarged with the abduction of pretty Lucy Ruckr. the youtnful organist of his church, and held for extradition and delivery into the bands of Sheriff C A A Warfield. of Merved coun ty. Both Reams and Miss Rucker have been at the Doane hotel, with the former's 13 year-old sen, since Wednesday night. I levrUnd ens in j Wasiiimitos. June 9. President Cleve- ' Havne A- Bvck. aci-t roads! .' land contemplates a trip to the Pacific Stite.i ii Nutting coast next year. He told a man today that.,;,,,', standish. liountv! ......... he wanted to see that country and would j w Zcu-wett. aid poor .......... probably go soon after the adjournment of , V r Davis and ixior congress next year He will pass through j,,,!. 1 lunrfu,. galan-1 T - Oregon if the 'pper- ' IVnnoyer m KmUiiigh.. .mnjissioner not (juiisiiiiih. mt: .i.iif ruiii8i mm. me f resident said the coast was a part of the j nited States he had never visited, and be was anxious to see it. a iijpp ay ! ,. . , , ,,. j Sas kam iso. June 9.-P J Sullivan, who brutally murdered his wife November j 1 Ujin'? h" toJL1".' . ""i1 1 the death sentence today. The date of the ' execuUooi not fixed. dlivan received his sentence with the utmost composure, remarkinar: . nk your honor. This is the hap- pMrt 01 A ffli II rkrl m(mU Mlth MarinK to tbat fa rou) Vancouver, Wash, had hi pocket picked on the Vortland train this evening of $UX. ; He reported Hie lo to the police, but there i ts no clue. flail C lear ftustay "a CsHCAOo, June A majority of the I'-ited States circuit court today decided the sforld's fair must clot-? Snadxys. Judge Wood and Jenkins ordered that an injunc tion be issued reatiaining the officials from opening toe gates ot the lair grounds Jadge Groaacup diaaented. recommending that the ibjonction applied for hj trie I'nited States district attorne.v Us not granted. Tbe deckion of Judge Wood and Jeckins, though reachingr the same point in the end. take Ibis action on widely di- twgiag gtXMwdf. and the dissenting opin- ion ditfers radicallv from both, .the court rams were crowded when the decision was read. , ' - ' . Basiaea. Palovse. Wa Jj. June . -The First Na tional bank, which ilosed Tuesday morn ing, will open for bunneas tomorrow at noon. The bank was in Srst-c'as cocdi tion when its door were closed, but did not have ready cash to meet the run caused by the news of the failure of the Bank of Spokane Falls. The ockholder and Marly all the large depositors had the nt- most coandence in tbe bank, and did not worry in tbe least. hanrd VM Matsanesl, Seattle, vah. June 8. Genenl M.n - Stfer Sbeil'V tt-leaTraphed from Fairfaaven mis morninjr io u repnj-aota;ne in uu ,ut. M.v,u.wt w .... .triu.ut.tit. t t ititf city that H 1 TbonipHw. faroariy attorney ?r. ! Fairhaven A" Soothe a aad tbe I Mfe .V7,P-ir " ?- has been di- hawd for dish?nety. The charges against Thompson, as stated in the dupa'cu; are tnat be has rabJ .iral's using ibe company's name without au Uwri,v ; avairaa -prr aiat. . WAaarsr.Tox. Jane . Surgeon ilen : er.u man. of the marine Knm t a I Ma. ttxr, revel. ru ie lu waio uiasMui-u imui Mr Newberry. United States cbarge d' affaires at Constantinople, dated from Pera. relative to the cholera oaf break in Asiatic Turkey: "Tbe latest news shows a rapid spread westward into Mesopotamia. If it follows j the trade routes this will wn bring it into i the Mediterranean ports." sta-seirsl la Sealilr Seattle, June 8. Charles I MM. a ! plumber. wro came here jboat 4 years ago ' from St Paul, where his mother still lives. was shot through the heart and killed this j morning by a companion whom be was ' o jaged in giving a terrible beating- Essraasi sUfl Hilars 1 una H Tha mmi rJt ntinar t.l Iha. rtOTraa itnritis Vtia Ar.iarr.rl in. j ov cf piip-ims. by Catholic ujiau&aTj iu naming ivusveit. Tfcree iBsparsaal sfaeslloaa. Xrw York, .'une ?. lhe .-'orM pre sents Ihe answers of a majority of the members of tbe next congress to three im portant q lestions, as follows: 'I)o y-u, with voor oresent informntion. i favor a of the Sherman silver law ?" highly ix answered yes and 1 "Do you favor an income -tax V" Korty 6vo. yes, and 42. no. " I o you favor the repeal of the stute bank bix ?" Thirty, yes. and Will Kraame. SruKANK, June ".The financial storm of the past two days has entirely subsided. None of the banks suffered a run today, and it is expected that henceforth all will gain in deposit. Officers and directors of the Washington National, the Washining ton 8aving am. Citizen's National are planning to resume busine. They ore encouraged in this by the general convic tion that the suspensions were purely ac cidenlal and not at all justified by the con ditions. Dlls't FI.M June 7. The prize-fighting cnuie struck Corvallis recently, uiid two local slogtrers had made iirrang;inents for a match, to have taken place last evening near the rity limits. A small pu'se had been raised for the purpose, and the prin cipals, together with their friends, were on the eve of leaving town foi tho battle Sold, when Sieriff Osbtrn made his appearance and placed tin effect in' dampener on the scheme Fargo Darned. Moorhraii. Minn. June ".- li.ilf of Fargo is in ashes. The tiro started t ;l o'clock, in a restaurant on Second 1 1 1 't while a strong wind was blowing. At 4 o'clock, the fire had reached the (ireat Northern tracks, 10 blocks north, gutling the ent're district three blocks east to Broadway. Probably 2001 people are homeless. Receiver Far a FJaarlag Mill. iNUKi'MNDtcNt E, Or, Juno 7. The In dependence (louring mill, owned by (icorge Skinner, is in trouble. R Shelley was up poinjjed receivor of the properly ti rough application of persons interested. Mr Skinner claims to have assets enough to settle every claim if given time to in. ike collect i mat Te lea tir lbs system Effectually yet gentlv, when costive or bilious or when Ihe nlord Is Impure or sluggish, lo pcimanently cure habitual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without Irri tating or weakening them, to dispel hess) aches, colds or fevers, use syrup of figs. mm v rt cor St. (J. N. Duncan, ic.iinly Judge; Win. Ilumijauirh and J. W. I'UKh, Commissioners.) Petition of FM Kizcr c t ul for county road, ooatinaed. Bill of i W Howes. 820. dismissed. A pplkatian of It () Fellows et al for pDinttnent of just in- of the iicace. ap- illB- iiiisseu. Petition of Willamette Land1 Co and ; W Wright to vacabe additions to riiy of Atomy, minted. A L Arnold resigned as supervisor of dist 7 and M A Lucas was appointed. In matter of petition of T M Arcliam brougli for alteration of county road, granted and t lewera appointed. Bill of Ben C Irvine & Co, 27.50 eon tinued. Petition of G granted. A QrifBn to open road, Petition of J K Whitney et al for county road ganted and viewers ap pointed - In application of John A Bletwh et al for county road name ordered opened. Bill of Johnson Lee, Ixwnty, $12.00 con tinued. Fees in Stall! at Bert liOgan disidhrweil. "" VBSJ Jos ( an resiifwl iw mjnenisors and The following bills were ordered naid : ! . .... t,ni fiv. k Ti i ; .lunom. ain Mm .it jiiiiin . . . . j i i Mr W W I'urriitli.fua M V Tavlor. 20 001 Linn County AlMtnu t Co'.. BQ0 ( 47 45 40 BS k :) 81 50 State ajgt ieo Va. liregori agt (Jeorge I'rine ( tregon agt John M Smith Ben C Irvine A Co Johu Burnett, aid Mrs Junkey and Mm fkltflmp 14 W i ' 7- l 7 00 j (i f, s, : j I'ugb. fees, commusioner ... Vm Rumljaugh. ae. 1 1 ' H ju.lg 1 hincan. aid joor ..... ( ' Ja, Itson. fees O P Coahow, aid llnl famiiy $ G C Cooley, aid Mrs Clark M Henderson, aid Henderson family W E Savage, aid Cox family . . . .. ,. c- CZi vi di.... - i 5 00 00 1. OU 8 00 w H Wallace, aid Mrs Kilts a ivi.-, .ui'...,.,,!.,!.,,,.!, . 1 I l.l w jt , ajj n Kemp BF c olr 'ketpiag j John Vsher. janitor leea llrir Wallae arv XfjSZ:?. state agt Crow J A Cumming, acct jail in in M 50 15 00 83 85 26 30 m 35 t 00 jv "v American Road Machine Co, -cct road : 470 00 J R Wvalt. prvl ex.. f 05 1 "tiiitti & Gearr, acct poor, bill $34.50. G F BUiasall. supl YY J Willbanks arrt roads !u aiming A Campaon, acct poor. ! Albany Electric Light Co Foshay & Mason, stationery Frank'McCormick. acct roads i- 05 M fsj 3 00 10 00 oj 00 24 So ' Geo Markheart, acct roads 21 00 38 00 rosier mii i., acci roaoa I D Follett. acct roads G T Foster, sorveyor ... State astt t has Kole Sue agt Hum Gow I Owning Bros, sect roaea . J B Tii'.otaon. bridge . Hodges & McFarland, acct poor C C Jackson ... SI Payne, fees Kimaey & Davis, mitcellaoeona- Hopkins Bros, acet C H ij A Bilven, miscellaneoos . O W Warren, acct C H j Ladse A id Saatiety. aid poor J !r V II Davix act-t inxane DrCC Keller, acct insane : N I Put nr. aoct insane I A Hlevint. awt roads I Parker Bros, arctjioor j revm art J H Turjiin i tihregon ajrt Gae Va 1 Jf-1 , ' I00?": -tf- ! I ten t Irvine k to. stavtioaanr j j R Wyaet. pre!, ea I . i.'k, a IS Ot 18 0f 2 80 21 00 5 0 2CS 42 5 06 249 46 96 95 . .o H 1 65 12 90 IT 40 27 50 5 00 6 00 4 00 44 9 - , - i Isi ,- .- 2j ;Jt 67 5 l'i :ai 0 fa) J' '! ' i Kiuim: liurrWI A t o. stvf r i r itjmt - nnrm . o atvi rise. i acct S " :jt j T J Stitsss. t School Supi . IS 00 1 ISI 4 ... no ? :. f.i i n 49 S 41 00 ' A . - s B W Homo. awl rtd' Iain.' Lomlarr Lnsgne. a-rt roads . Y J Smslev. atiiiioaarv W F I Vkin. acct asaeaaor J J WhittseT. aert maul B W Caxtdiff. act-t jail B W Koa. dirt A H Morris, acct CU and jail .... . Mmtanye A' Hacklenuui. ordlerting del. tazn.... JIKl lt-T . impansn. tror. Following is the il of jorora lor the; ThCre b notMng tools- so well to out Jane term of circuit court, taeetia? on siders as lo pick up a paper and see all he2Glh: ihe business houses represented in It Henrv Springer. Urmer. Shedd. They say '.here is enterprise and public T J Miller, carpenter. East Albany. spirit there; that must be a good town D F Hardman. farmer. Lebanon. Ex William Arc .!d. farmer, Franklin Uvitte. P R Hilveo. fatmer, Jordan. ! VY Cusick. banker, Albany. B B Busier, farmer, Rock Creek W W Scnlly. farmer. Price. M Acheron, farmer. Orleans Jonathan Caid, farmer. Sodavtlle. lames Wallace, farmer. Price F M Haxen. farmer. Sodavilie II Rnavett, farmer. Sweet Home. M M Peery, farmer, Scio. T P Goodman, farmer, Jordan, F B Jenks. farmer. Tangent. WC Stellmacber. farmer, Albany. A J Johnson, banker, Scio. J P Berry, farmer. Fcx Valley K B Michael, farmer, Brownsville. II C Harkncas, lalorer, Albany. Charles Pa'tison, larmer, Orleans F U Levnicli, larmer, Syracuse. J M CoWeit, tanner, thaoon. J A Filxwater, farmer, Santiaui Lre BHveu, liveryrtan. Franklin Bulte. fi W Hunaker, farmer, Scio. Jchn MctJregor, farmer. Price. Lon Windom, merchant, Brownsville F M Smi'h, farmer, Sntiam. William Mgr, farmer, Franklin Bn'.te. i: i . ii u m s i i t tTB t The following resolution were adopted by the Linn Co Business P. of II. al tlia last regular meeting of the council, held atCoburg, June 3. 1S93. Whereas, The members of the L'nn Co. Business Counc'l P. of H. are in formed that Brj R .. Irvine, a former agent of the council. Is lying at his home in Albany, strickeu with paraly sis, therefdro be it Resolved, That the sympathy of Uiie council be and is hereby extended to itro. Irvine in his aftliction- Re solved. That a copy of these resolu tions be furnished to Bro. Irvine by the secretary and to the Albany papers for publication. Whereas, The intelligence has reached the members of thia council that Bro. J. C Powell, ex president ot this council, is lying prostrate at his home near Cot tage Grove, Lane county, therefore be it Resolved. That Hie sympathy of this council be extended to Bro. Po oil in his fltlliction. Resolved, That a copy of these resolu tions be spread on the journal of this council and a aop ent to Bro. Powell, and offeted to the Albany and Eugene papers for publication. H. c. Jordan, Sec Linn Co Business Council, P- of II. Stoi.i. a Chat. "Die Willamette valley papers have their hands as full keeping track of Tom MeXnry as Fjvstern llregiiii papers do ofHank Vaughn, only in a differ ent way. Here is another: Thomas M, Nary, who was recently dodaied a cotntm n tlruiikiinl in Salem, vviw on a spree over nt Independence yBsterday, Walking into a hotellie put on a coat Unit, he found there anil wore it away. It so happened Hurt another person hud claim to that coat and and in the afternoon Marshal Wayne Wil liams of Independence came over to SaJem ami arrested AicFary for burglurv and took him liuek to be dealt with by the Polk coun ty authoritie. as s-aa- A. Austin, of Albany, late of Pennsyl vania, came in on the Kth. He is aeon! mr l'rl, a iiireful old miner, and while here examined the ooul interests up the Depot -Toledo Post. ' Machines for making tracks were made by Thomas Blancbard, 1806. lint One Smalt Bile uoan evarv night for a Week arouse Torpid Livers. 28c. per bottla OMB JBM1D The city assessment of Eugene foots up over $1,700,000. The Sisters School in ihlscliy will close June Jist. A program of commencement exercises will be given later. Pine Grove cemetsry ot Halsey filed of Incorporation wh the secretary of sutc yesterday naming T F 8mlth, W R Garrett, Elmore McNeil, J F Davis and W II bhepard as trus ees, Chas M Redfield, of Albany, has just finished the job of making map of the different parts of Lincoln countv. From an accounts me work was done in a skillful manner. Coryallis Times. very Ai mc reguisr monthly meeting of the ' directors of the Sslem Building and Loan I association last Monday $2ioo was loaned ! at ninety-six months' later est In advance, I ucbiuct paying Miinurawsis. A notice on a do?r ir. Albanv read.: "I have gone to the mines. Where sre you going." Some one wrote endeineath the significant sentence: "To the poor house, I have been io the mines.'' The first Benton county strawberries of the seasor reached the market todav. They were grown by F H Hughaon. serosa the river from Albany, and quickly dia- appeared smone Petir Zleroli'a rU.V r- - A government official who knows says the banks all over Oregon ars absolutely solid In better condition thin ar v where else In the whoie countrc . This is . fart some people evertasilnglv growling about dull time, should con.ider, for it speaks for Oregon generally, not slmplvthe banking Lusinest. Nflt Ot'OrV AHA haa i m nnifal M - Asm old gentleman attended the Remenyi concert iaat nicrlit. aittinc in rh Il-v u . r D.r;j:: .v". " t .r ".': Jw. i i nvmtruyi ujrougn tii rat 10 9) piece and encore, got np and left the KJ 01 ( hail, remarking as lie went down stairs, a -j"H he only had a litt'e raneic in him l' -Vi! be woold do very well." Wiiat the old 12 'f gentleman wanted was probably "The ; 91 1 Arkansas Travelei .' lr,e teac'icr for rha iorvar.t oubile schools for next rear are: Prioci pal, t. I Pratt, ot Portland. 71b grade. Maude Breneman. of Salem : 6th srride Gu"i fUTnty i 5th de. Mollie Bergen : siwc, iv-jsc .-toorc ; jr.i graac, leon Lnull : 2 no ana shirn. ,.f I. - ... . -1 .7 r" ' ... Br""c. ry trains I rie teaenrr who 1 e , . ... ... I ,r"'c "'c " sa nisncnirj, rtnncipa:, Mlas t Horntne. Sat Soenfr. sntt Ulu 1 K .. 1 ne new principal ts a san ot the Supl ol the Portland public schoo's. Old man Groase, n -ar Salem, who married t be Salen woman, is having pi-niy ot experience, w lien be found be r an uean imposea upon na his wile arrested for fraud Then be repented, and concluded to live wilh her. Mie aot breakfast and swept tbe boose out in i i -...!- sa .i . . i a.y auuuicr eiouu appear?, nd divoret proceedings have been be gna Thi property is in Mrs Groase a nmr- ,"lt ,! nortgaged, and it is de clared tbe o'd man ia eras. . Hank Vaiiabn, who ia eli kno-n in lOittae - northweai. was lidine fuiiooel ; through the streets of Pendletoa recenUv. 1 when he was thrown from the horee and bruised frigh'febs He wa unconscious What, picked up. 'bt 1 be a!l right in a mZ d U V L'triTa !?!Z?i:L ' ,ry ---- tnerowc. San rranciseo. aileU t,r steam more than an, man in Eastern Oregoa. , Unf Pacific, is trving to It 1. either a fisht or an accident , dotcll WUWtte valley. whifeSpo bmlley The PHnter, is adding nw : icane and Seattle, helped by tbe Great presses to his a'.readv we'l eo'-iooed ; b Northern, will endeavor to make x-mpe- office tition more lively im Washington. Tele- ; Governor Pepnoter was invited to de "Tmm liverthe 4m of Jslv oration at Harris- ruig, but sent hts regrets. Mr 1 V Wilson haa just received a lady's bicycle, high grade, at lower grade price. fact an I aspect ion srill prove. AH bey a under 16 years of age can get a - . w ttt 1 1 utt t iic iskijv iu ine oast ground bJ" et,,c n5' ca '- Vh reek's Shaving parlors. ; Ifeng the celestial recently stabbed by Sullivan was on the str-ets yesterday for ' ,he lime, paying the district aMornev j office a call. Ills repoii-d that anr-her overland passenger train will r inn on the South- " ern Pacta: on account ..f the extensive t rare 1 ot I r t. ,m. r . c- 1 , . . ..... . Democrat, recenUi hurraed oat, aas two, Ihe citv this noon on ba r home fro j a trip up the vall-y. Wrn Obenaur came up from gai-m thia tbrenoon oo i.. Imperial, his riding time being 2 hours and 50 minute He will return by stay .f the Weal Side roads II Ai'en.ion n called to the notice for bids for bui ding ihe new school house of lit Contractors general I r should take notice, as ihrs contract will be a farge and According to the last census trere are ' 33.63 lawyers in the Cnhed States, who receive every year In fees. Thit would glee an average income of . abaut i 100 each. It is probaole though ; that ten per cent of the number get over j o per cent of the fee. Bids fcir building the Masonic temple at , Corral. f. will be let 01 Juae loth As a number of contractors, were bidding on j that structure, who will also bid on the i new school house In this ciu, ihe time for opening bids here has been placed 00 the Slat instead of the Jolh, as will appear by ihe no ire elsewhere. . MrW A Peterson, formeriv -.f Albanv, , wrltii g from San Jose reports Ihe mer ; cnry 100 in ihe shade, 'le h.a been a of lhat cilv for some time. Re j cent I f he had his horse shipped from Al i banv. Filled wlih Oregon blood the ani- mal easily took the lead a'ong the wide atrse'a of Han Joe leaving the trotters of , that citv in hia dust. : liar: y and Frank Hanson, two cow ovs j in Asotin countv. Wash., toped a gibtaly i but be succeeded bv tewth and etawa in ; Ireelrg himself from one noose. He then rushed at Frank Hanson, who, however. ; selng well mounted, kept out of reach of swa ciaws. rarry now came to the rescue of bis brother, aod by a well directed fire disabled Ihe old f.-llow. and ihe next tw. shots ki led him. The men state this ia Ihelr first encounler a short range wilh a griulr, and is the largest ( ihe kind they have ret killed. The KaocanM Pivnic tajcurs at Lelwi non tom.imw. in celebration of the twelfth anniversary of the order. The following is Ihe program of the tlay. beginning at Music by the band. Address bv Rev. Imgliottom. of Browns ville. Mnsie by the bond. Address by Hon. W. It. HihTHi, of Al baar, Nfusic. Adtlncss by J. W. Sherwoval. Portland. Music Addresse, by Messrs. Lamberson and Miller. I 'inner. Kuces will begin iU I ::t0 p. , and prises given. Hall gome at 3:30 p. si. A large immlier of Miuvalaws iuid others will go from Allmnv. Strawberries morning. at F L Kenton's ex cry On account of the rain the excursion to the front today wa a failure. 'I he Ruel Custer place was sold at sherlfTs fale today to Mr All MoElwidn. It consists of 171 acres. F resh strawberries ind vegatables everv morning at r L Kenton's Kroceiv s ore. Call early and secure the best. Ir Smith, ol Halstv, recently rob bed at the L'nh.n depot In Portland bv a pica pocket, ot oj tn money S'ltm architects continue to be heard trom: McNally Knighton have been awarded ihe contract as architects of the $10,000 Scio school building. A day or two ago a larmer told a Dim. OCR at man that a good rain storm was needed for spring wheat and vegetation genarally . It came today in great shape. Several large motor loads of people went to the ball games this afternoon, ab..ut 100 lo the trip. romorrotvU game begins at J io. Motor runs everv halt hour. The well known Mrs Frank Leslie j Wilde, is suing her husband, Willie Wild! for a divorce. Willie Is a brother of the esthetic Oscar Mr. Wilde displayed very poor taste in marrying the Insipid Willie In the first place. " J DeWltt Butt, started for Port , ,M Tuesday, taking his fine stallion alan otne horses to sell in the city or somewhere in the Willamette. John Bowdish went with Mm, and they intended to drive as far as Albany and perhaps all the way to Partland. Ashland Tidings. John Stewart started a large cattle drive of 2000 head, over the mountains from the McKenzle todav. The drivers are A T Pickard, Ed and Dale Owens, Bud Hyman. Alf "Walker, Jim Taylor, Charlie Bowman and three others from hear Lcbanan. Guard, f The Cosvallis carriage works have Seen attached by Honeyman A Dellart, of Portland, and others for about $3,000. Their assets will probably not equal their liabilities when the matter is settled. The Democrat is informed there has been some bad management in the affairs of ; the company. Ralph Winters, the young man arrested j for racing serosa the "big bridge, was taken . bafore Justice Curl this morning and fined $5o including costs or 15 days in jail. Row Benson, his companion, has not vet j been captured. The longer it lakes to j find him the more it will cost. The les son is one that should be a general warning. Miss Viola Thayer, the new postmls treaa at Mt Tabor, has moved the post fCce to anotner place about half a mile fre-m the old location. The result haa ! cyclone among the citUens, 1 ano me government wLl b- petioned to hivs It mntfj- ' K... t . . ,K. l .t lAlAn Misa Thayer is a niece of ex-Governor ! Thayer. : r. , . . ! 9 1 -Jon. e.'.' kn?n Pinter, now , j "J 'rr. Vwl! i V? . t r ! ZlT u ? 7 s. ' ' JT i ?. Jlf"" l"' y s -"- , l mwms-p . sa. ..i s (V-iaaM wss SS IJPCC,. mwz tm J Wlllll" i ' M. -a a- s a r I had drifted away to the northwest and! 1 1,. .n ... u. . . : r. r "".". nts om home, lie will probablv eo to Oregon to consult Id. uncles, the Lyons ! Droiners, wno nave large .arming Inter ests in ne wii'ametle valley. Me ex pects to then go to Europe lo claim his ! property. A big tire occurred at Oakland, Or., j nils morning beginning all o'clock. It ttar-rd in BavlUa' saloon burning all of oncs 15 tnis indluoea Bee-ley and Turner's general merchandise store, Em est Henderson s barber shop, MUe Dun can s milliner store, a hardware store . . i . . . . j(iui.cir wiir, inu iso or enrre oinci iui;d!nr j Al were f'ame bui'tdiagt but one double 1 : - k store. The three ware house op posite Bar, its' saloon were also burned Total loss t? ; inka ranee $22,000 The Albany company only carried $500 on MUs Duncan's mi HnerVahop, insured oout mreaay net we. siiattia "ta the !h inst-wheat reached the Wert ' Ewnt ever experierared in a Chicago rcar-!t- Cash wheat sold at &i cent. E E Coy. formeriv of Taeoma. a who would not lire in th L S because the lemocr t were in power, i now in iail in j hawlo. B C. arhere he month at hard labor. sriil- remain j PortiajKl u .Jl a poastio. mMmK U needed (ohS Mrs L E Finnev. the pcettv rotusaT wife ' of a aranperoos young merehaxit of linu vi lie. Art. has dirtinguiibed herseif by preaenbng her hosfaaml with five bouncimr baby girl, all within the short -pace of 4even montto. In May of last year Mrs Finnev gave birth to two giri babies, both of whom are lrtiiie and are Sne ara-ting wel tieveioprd children for their aae. Be- ceotly Mrs Finney wa agzin ron&ned and when the tronbte' was- over she had increas- ed the family by three, and all girts at that. Mrs Finney is a plump IseaiUry looking wocn aiKHit tarenty-two and wetghs 140 poatktls. 1 . tuaiuui. . . uurjaiiiiE s Southern ires-on. An eirfins- fro. Ash- ,n ; .rod says: The ruarthc.l- empsved bv the fjeonomv no r btn nuutairers in iiuaauss ing oriutiaxn is of a krw. dirty and coward Iv order. People np this way should keep their eyes open for ail kinds of traps. The gtetssral opinion of Salem held br Roaeborg people is well illustrated bv the following frost the Review: Dr Briggs thinks there is a purgatory which is a place not so had aa hell, and differing from the latter place in the fact that it ia possible to get ct of it. Members of the legislature who have spent ftxrtv winter days at Ore gon's capital, will rvjcofrniae at once a pretty accurate deaoription of Salem. I Col. WiU Visacher and Ben King, the ravt of the Pacific Coast and the bard of j Michigan, have made a combination, and will appetar togtether aboot July first in the i Riler and N'va atvW. Vioarhvr ix u nf SS.. best story tellers in the country and Ben King is a genius, who, aa a poet, a musi cian and an entertainer. U far ahead of tbe Ikx-ier Poet." He has written some of th- -w.vtest verses, in the 1! a u dialect, that have ever been in print, and as a pian ist he is an artist of the first magnitude. Hia imitation of Paderewski is something to be remembered. That they will give a first dasa entertainment is certain. Wheth er they will take or not depends largely upon the tuanagenienf they have. New ork Journalist. Here is a sample of the impro-.etuents co- ing on at Salem paid for by Josephine, j i Linn and rjQxSr (hegoa cvmnties: There, j will be ffiS.uuO available for the new build-1 i ings at the reform school; 990.000 for tbe jute mill. $10,000 for new buildings at the j.niUntiary; at least W).0C0 for new buildings at the asvlum and asvlnm farm: l-'.VW for the deaf mate school, and fo. 000 for the school for the blind. Then? a wide d Wi mm between tho help that's talked of and the help that's guaranteed. Which do yon want, when youVe bnying medicine? If voa're satisfied with words, yon set them with every blood-tarifier bat one. That one is Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. With that, you set gwaranU. If it doesn't help you, you haif. your monev back. On this plan, a medi cine that promises help is pretty sure to give it. But it's because the viedicine is different, that it's sold differently. It's not like the sarsaparillas, which are said to be good lor the blood n March, April, and May, At all seasons and in all eases, it cures permanently, as nothing else can. all the diseases arising from a tor pld liver or from impuro blood It's the best blood - purifier, jd it's tho cheapest, no matter how many doses are offered for a dollat With this, you pay only for th f ooci you get. Cm you ask more? ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. TsTOTtCE IS USHKtlY GIVEN THAT THK fN- ill daratvnadsaaVoanlhasitaTbvoRlarnfta.JL' ii,. wTt! daeeaaeu. Allperaoaa having claims arainst 'sabi ,ire bsreby reqabwd to presant them dull unVoV tTZ ihsrsi? "u Uatsl thi. ?nd day ot April. lfts. wskjrd m cwrii., 1 K WA5ffltrator aUjs tor Admin. . a -iaa , - DREADFUL PSORIASIS Co-erfng Entire Body with White Scales. Snfferinrr Feartul. Cured by Cullrttra. My disease (psoriasis, first t.rot! :y. oi cheek, spreading across my nose, axi !moc" et. ertnt any lace. It ran nto raj a. . 1 i.hystetao afraid 1 would lo; Y siioajeujer. is spre-u ail over ro . mmx an seu axn, .r.:.i t eaO-ely VM-hr& I; K t . , brole owl .t; rn; er:. t . . I eaoLl(!rr4, rj' ar.:- . fBMt Hjr . , : - '( entl-e I':., r:v . -'. I I I ana sftu:....rR t '.- ise i T;IC W'!'- U rttU: i - ''y 5 ... -n nl- , I ft : .-, -'d : I- f -1 W. i r i V, .Lt.ji a sa 1 1 fc-re --- .u4r..d a C'jK-rt dirir, toe rU: c-e?. .tBr , Uurt.Uir. ol l-tUi:j tfc t Uy-sas etui a; . e, l!r SJtIe o -i . : :sj '.urn lisy '1loti. f St.. sue- cr,. ? ?Vi . .rxy-w'a-jm. I.ic-.. 'i Ttrc 1, ' : J". ; I.HM.VST, ft. l".esr.J ly :je V.vztJi . . f.u i:s! .. Conr 3Ti , ' - jSVend tor How to Cora tkij Vimmtt ." S f(t, 0 IUoatraliooa, -ad KM tai . PT.F-J. llack-heai 1. red, rvxh. e'igftnt,tml ail r sloa cared Ly Cvrv W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE aeVaVr. sa tsa-rost far (bo asjaatkaaa. Blaaaate tojataa basy wiflawS f iW.L. Douglas 3 rioa,wfaic. Shw baan rslae at taw pesoaa aO- pTake No M -ssJMT Cfrmaat. lai asiwaaa i i sr. L. W. t-ISawsxtaa. Bi s irass.alaas SaKfer ST- L. R. BI.AIIV. j iu , I Guarantee! t Siek Ileaal w CAVEATS. TW ADS SBARK D 1C M PATCJITS, CrgyRg JwHBaBiasa BiBaSa CN a OX. 9a Bboadwat. (raw Tosk. i Evaryjiafirt taken oatbr 1 tfesp-eeyaikMasatvBBtotettaraaitet9 ffufclifir ammran jjar: tUO atz aa-asa. Al!airWjsfiA CO, Kiusaiss, SSI Brosawaj, jisw leek aw. FARMERS. ATraTI0N ir : roc t. ANT A . WACQN HACK 3UB6Y CART Pl8W HARROW,DRHLSEEQ ER, FEED CUTTER, or any kind of a Farm laws hide, call 00 or address, Ve. B. F. RAMP, Oopcaite post Offce, Albany, Or. S3 aW aa.iaia.i Caveats, aad Trsd-M urics obtained, aod all fat- J ant btiSiiteaTcoodttctec for Moots. tc Fees. S Oua Omct ia Oaeos Tt u. S. PartaT or-ee-t ana we can secure patent iu less Hue taaa taoaai rtsaova from WasaiaKtoa. si Sead modL ilisnins m ill ii n il ilsisiSi 1 Boa. Vi e advise, U raisataola or not, free ol caarge. Our fee not due till patent ia secared. A Paaiacrr, How to Obtain Patents.'' artth cost of sasse la Uts V . S. sad fcreara naaamaa sent Be Address, C.A.8NOW&CO. Ow. Pattwt Orrrc r saiianmnTll fa. C 0. M. iHcFarla&ds -:- w Harness -and- Saddler j. Display in the Dooi Sr-P&. mm a. rr ovnro B i law mm ii c lto ; WAmWC ?'-rod l" T"" minu e 1 tKe Coli 9 mm ana A-U-P-is Flaa... . 5a. ! . Ail -iilii H Slwr iik B':- r ... if5 .,Vj, . s ttia rtcL Utw-:. - - a:. said OT r dxu.r: sT; sfsMsa :."." - iTtce- .jffPjSa- " '- hH aetaaaSSay GaafV.WT Hi a pair.-rlaaM ; HKBarrtiira;dwiiauceBl fCVf r drasxass for a bortw of It esrosta a lewdaTs tnanatt-eaadcrbZkStyata sFBHdoetar. Xoc-fosaorooa as4 Ths Kra-t Cb-saczi C 9 ctacmnATi, o. 3B lltaiaMHS.a 43P I Vb.mmm.-JmmmWr