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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1893)
1 RECORD A Uoon Scheme The ;itixene of the Squaw creek c"untrv are takipg stops to construct a waso road from bevo-nd that neighborhood to th O. P. railroad a distance of "JO miles. It. is said that a good road can be made with little diffi culty and at no very great cost. In case me roao. is, i'rineville would be! within 80 mile of railroad connection, i e are told that those interested have j written to -the Road Land Co., asking assistance in the matter ' We hope the scheme will jiacerialize, as this town and vicinity will also reap many benefits I to be derived from such connection.-'-j Prineville New. Judge Duncan, of this ! city, has received a private btter from ! v-rooK county, inquiring if Albany bust nes men would not be willing to con tribute to such an enterprise, one that would prove of great value to the mutual interests of the two count'es. It might be well to await the result of the O. P. sale, though, nnd learn wl! at action it is proposed to take by that company. LOCAL All His Money PErosrren Miss Dora Should you find any more of the skel Wolfe, who is an emp'oye of the Perno-j eton, especially the teeth, yon might crat office, informs us that her father, ; desire to keep the best of these bones as Mr J. tl. Wolf, had about T000 de- a collection. If so. write ine. posited in the bursted bank at Corvallis. Mr. Wolfe is a recent a rival from the East and ha.1 purbhased land in the 1 neighborhood of Corvallis. making a nsiu payment at the time of purchase. The next payment was due in Septem- ! ber. This was Mr. Wolfe's entire for- 1 iuuc biivi u inn uKiiniL" rs Miew ine nan was in a shaky condition when they re- j ceivea ins rlopou no punishment could be too severe for them. Salem Demo crat. It waj also reported that the O. P. money was deposited there, hence causing a delay of the May payment. It is probable depositor will be paid in full. Oca Fine Fokh!s. We ta'e the lead at Chicago in woods. The World's Co lumbian Illustrated, says: Oregon has adopted a unique and practical method of displaying the woods produced in that state- At Jackson Park there is a house constructed entirely of Oregon woods. It is ten feet square and nine teen feet high, and is surmounted by an op;n cupola. The body of the structure is of yellow pine. The roof Is of red cedar shingles, ami is supported by four doric cjlumns. The columns are of maple and are very richly carved. The roof of the cupola is supported by fout small doric columns of carved oak. The interisr is finished with panel work con taining about all the woods of the state, ?inonz which are manzinita. madrono vew, laurel, myrtle, ash, maple, oak, i spruce, balm, fir, sugar pine, bird's eye pine, cherry, enrlv manlp and ftlcfor. Th 1 house forms the Oregon pavilion in the Forestry building. A Sawwiii rina.. ' n,. u,i V p i n Zn 't V' SSI i g , J. v? . .k w have heen running a mid in the fork, of ..... o... ........ .a..r iimuc ail a-Mi;niiicr.i 10 J n s,ruscn Ol J-etsanon. Their assets are given as $9, 604 . 26 and liabili ies at about $5000. J W Gaines is the principal creditor, his claim being over $1400. The Albunv creditors are: Linn County Bank, $400; Knapp Burrell A Co., $178 25; J J Whitney, $30: Stewart & Sox; $S.'7: The principal creditors reside at Scio and vldn'.ty. Out of Debt. The question was asked recently. "How much does Marion county owe. what is her indebtedness?" The question is answered with pride by this pa per, as it is hardly probaMe that another county in the state can show so clean a bal ance sheet as can staid, plain, and solid Marion. The estimated indeUedness of this county is $35,000, which includes all possible claims up to and including- J-ine al. Salem Independent. linn county is and always has been out of debt. It doesn't know much about what it is to owe anv- thing beyond its assets. A Res away. This afternoon. one of j the delivery teams of Jos. Meyers ran away ! frightening the three horse team of J F Ashey. standing at the corner of Broadal bin and First street, and a live race took place up Broadalbin. The teams turned in opposite directions and were soon capturr d without damage. A colt with the three horse te jn leaped into the nine foot base ment ot the new r . mock tne foundation TSM trhl..h 1 lulnrr I.n.1 ft rtf xi--. M m n 1 SB BBSS! I ava nuivu if SAJfc, ima's. miu " eve uiiai 1 j 1 u r-i 1 . R chaw ay. Last Sabbath, as Mr Bryan, one of Tangent's most worthy citizens, ac companied by his wife and daughter, were coming to this city to church in a bmrgy. the horse became frightened, ran away, turned the buggy topsy tun y. throwing all three occupants out in a heap, then ran away into a slough, turned the buggv up side down and threw himself. Mr Bryan gathered himself up and finding bis wife and daughter unhurt, he proceeded to ex tricate his horse and buggy from the slough. Very little damage. S. S. Picxic at Lkf. ixoK. The Sunday Schools of the M E Church, South, of Al bany, Tangent, and Spicer are expected to nnite with that of Lebanon, as well as the other schools of that city in picnic on Tues day, June 20. The Lebanon sehool to fur nish program. AH S. S. workers and the children of all the schools of this city are invited. Further notice as to time of de parture of train, fare; etc. will be given. Bring your lunch basket well filled with good eatables. A Good Advertisement. The follow ing advertisement appears in an eastern journal: Oregon is the paradise of farmers Mud and equable climate, no extreme of heat or cold, no cyclones, blizzards or severe storms of any kind. Certain and abun dant crops of grains, grasses, fruits and vegetables. No failure Of crops has ever been known. Full information furnished free by the Oregon State Board of Immi gration, Portland. Oregon. A Joke. Todav at the Commencement exercises, jast as Rev Priihird sail amen at the close, a targe ivy ornament, reach ing up nearly fifteen feet against the rear of the stage, fell with a cash, completely covering Prof Howland and the surround ing part ot th: stage. Few peop.e knew at the time that It was simply a college boys joke, cut and dried before hard, and some were considerably frightened. The Anvils Shouted. The announce ment last evening that Hon. T J Black, of Halsey, had been appointed collector of customs at Portland was received with gen eral satisfaction in Albany, and in the evening the anvils rang out and testified to the fact, lannn county, with all its fruit, got a big plum this time, and it was an occasion for booming of anvils. Grange Picnic. -There will be a i'ranee picnic on the 2it of this n onlh in Beards grove at Tangent. State Lecturer Hayes will be present and deiiv-r an ad dress. There will be music and other features that will make it well WCnh your time spent in coming. Every btniy corce and all will be welcome. Perfect Baiiji ought to mean glow ing health throughout childhood, and robust health in the years to come. When we see in children tendencies to weakness, we know they are missing the life of J'jsd taken. This loss is overcom; by Scott's Emulsion of Cod L iver Oil, with Hypopbos phitcs, a fat-food that builds up appetite and produces flesh at a rate that appears magical. Almost as palatable as milk. Notice to Contractors. Notios is hereby given that sealed bids still b receiyed by tfce Director ot School Distiiet No. S id Linn ccunty, Ongon, up to Juns 2 lit, 1893. for the construction of the tew school bnildiog in said district, (aid boilding to be ods'.i u ;'.od S'jeordiog- to plans and specifications adopted Uy board. Thn board icsotvss the light to rsjeot sny or all bids. Bids will be r e'v ed by the school clerk at the itjre cf Stew art & 80s in Albany Oregon. C H Stewart School Clerk THOSE ROSES Recently some bones were found in the basement of the new poatofflce block, jut excavated. Dr. Maston sent them to Prof. Condon, at Eugene, and has re e 'ived the following answer : Kt'GKNK, Or , June 10, 1803. Mr. G. W. Maston bear Sir: Your favor of the 3d and the express package to which it refers were both duly re ceived. In response to your request I hereby Vnd your description : The bones are fragments of right and left pjlvlc bones of a small elephant. The (sockets of the right and left hip joints are very well ureserved . The ani mal lived tens of thousands of years ago when this whole Willamette valley o! todav was covered with water, the water of the ' Willamette Sound," ot the Cliamplain period. At the time of this Sound condition of this valley, these elephants lived on the foothills around the sound, and sometimes their carcasses would get washed by streams into the sound and get covered in sediments of sand, gravel or mud. The animal to w hich these bones belonged was proba bly or lu feet hish. or hereabout. Very respectfully, Thomas Coxbox. IN MEUOBIAS At the regular meetisff of ti range No. 57. the following' Sandridge resolutions were :i lopted. Whkrkas, It has pleased our Hcuvmilv Father, on May 4. 1893. to remove from our midst our esteemed and beloved tester tydia Unaphrey. A seat is vacant in our jrrangw which has been long and faithfully filled. It is resolved, that while we deeplv mourn her death we will strive to emulate her vir tues, that we cherish her memory because a faithful sister has fallen, the grange has lost a faithful counselor, the, community a a true friend. ResolvedTthat as a grange we extend to the bereaved husband and children our sympathy. Resolved. That these resolutions be spread upon our minutes as a small testimonial of our appreciation of sister Umphrey, also that a copy of the same be sent to the fam ily of the deceased and to the county papers for publication. H MeALONIKHTF. " s vis a a Swank. FidkmA-Sxydbk. DESTROY lit BV FIStR ab Main at WttCK. The Price Baking Powder Company of Chicago, which. is known throughout the j country for the superio excellence of its Mi" Powder, met with a serious loss on tb morning of May 18, in the nearly toU1 structron by fire of its factorv and office8. No sooner had the flame oeen gjbdned than the work of restoration commenced and the company by prudent orcaiK", uaving nau siorevi in onsiae warehouses duplicate machinery, 'abels and supplies of raw materials in prepar ation for any emergencv was enabled by -nergetic management to resume manu facturing within a very few days after the fire, thereby causing its customers bnt a trifling delay in the filling of their orders. Had. the company not been so prepared the delay wot; Id have been very serious since it would have required months of lime to get new machinery. It is now forty years since the goods manufacturer! by this company were first placed on the market, to Dr Price being due the distinction of having prepared the first can of Cream of Tartar Baking Powder ever manufactured in any conn try. It was a great discovery, su ps reed ing as it did the o d method of using cream ol tartar and soda separately, to say nothing of saieratus, with which the biscuit ol early da ie w as embittered. Tl.o i... 1 . : WJ TZ: k-o't. in "d"" company or manufacturer, notwith standing representations to the cautrat v maae or otner .manufacturers whose sole ! aim is to deceive th public and borrow the good name and fame acquired by the Dr Price Baking Powder which is known ; all over the world as !li mirest and' moei mfc!e . aiss lt I'sor nunr.v Tuesday evening. June 13. Present. Recorder. . marshal, street su perintendent and councilmen Whitney, Pfeiffer. Burkhart. Marshal. Wheeler and Stewart. In the absence of the mayor Councilman Burkhart was elected mayor pro tern. The following bills were ordered paid : N J Henton. W7 75. Hamilton A Co.. V).:. S.uitiam Lumber Co., $14 21. John Max well, 82.00, Frank Stewart. 12.00. Win. Hill. M.OO. L D Hvatt. i.h0. H P Orange. .50. (too. Long, itt.50, Ed Hines. $1.0aJ cost bills. .a, Ceo. heater. 81.00. Wm. Crouch, $3,50. Nicholas Stewart. 81.75. Electric Light Co. 8121.55. Mrs Purdom. 812.50. Fred Blunt, 815.00. W B Barr. 81H.0O, Bill of Hayne A Buck. 812.57 dis allowed. Report of street superintendent was read, among other things giving a list of those refusing to pay for assessment on Lyon street, and failing to make recommendation for existing circumstances. A communication was read from E E Parker offering to sprinkle certain of the public squares during the year for 840 granted Ordinance bill No, 283 prohibitini;trucks. drays, ete. from standing on First street. and ordinance No. 282 providing for tks? grading of Ellsworth street from Fifth to Eighth, were read and passed. A new stairway was ordered erected at the entrance of No. l's engine house. The owners of the brick occupied by Will & Stark and the Herald were ordered to remove or make the awning safe. All unused telegraph and telephone poles were ordered removed within ten days. The telephone company were ordered to paint their Kles according to contract. . Occupants of blocks 24 and 112 were or dered to make sewer connections within fifteen days. The council will meet on June 27 as a board of equalization. unuf, The revival meetings closed on Sabbath evening. Imring the week there were 19 united with the church. Rev's Barr and Acheson are holding a series of meetings at nneuu mis wees, Carpenters are all busy. There will ht more new houses Imilt this summer tlian ever was put up in one neason, and there will be more. The Bank failure and the Carriage factory failrure has'financially crippled soiue of our Oakville capitalists, but little fail ures like those will not do us much harm. 'Ihe prune crop will be worth looking af ter this season. We are in heed of a large drier and cannery. There is other fruit that can be made pro! itable if we have the means to take care of it. Mr Crume, of Shedd, is looked for. He has sent his announcement that he will ap pear on the streets of Oakville on his wheel. Mr C is an expert bicycle rider. Ihe Postmaster and family are living on green peas and new potatoes. They have the liest garden in town. Amicus. That Bank Failure. There are indi cations that the failure of tbe bai k of Hamilton .v Job at Corvallis is much uoise than was at first anticipated. The firm owned considerable outside property it is probable cannot bo realized on for years . The deposits were about $170,000. Among the numtrer Conductor U O nennedy wiin an amount reported at $1500 to $4000. One man a few weeks ago transferred 81 100 from an Allmnv bank to Hamilton A: Jobs, and now, of course he is sorry. The O r only I i.i. I $800 in tlie bank. In any event the failure will tie up a large amount of money for some time, and will materially affect business in Corvallis. The state of Oregon had $15,000 in the bunk deposited there for use in the con struction of the new Agricultural college buildimrs. (iovernor Pennover passed through Albany this noon for Corvallis to. look into the very serious matter. Another important loser by the failure is Benton county, which had considerable money, recently collected, on deposit there. One ttmeta Bile iiean every night for sea arouao Torpid Lrrers. rsc. per bottle. I0 lil AND PERSON A L MOVDAY Capt. E J l.annink is expected home ou tonight's train. J N Hoffman relumed this noon from a trip to Roseburg. Rev and Mrs L S Fisher went to Port land this noon. Mrs F A Watts' of Portland, passed through Albany this noon forShedd.her former home. Mr. Jackson the phonograph man, is at Hodges & McFarland's for a few days with his wonderful phonograph. Attorney M E Brink will leave for Portland next Mondav to attend the grand lodge A F and A " M, which con venes in that city on the 14th lns Ocho- co Keview, Mr A K Chapman left for Southern Oregon on this noon train on O P Com pany's business. His wife went as far as Roseburg to visit friends, expecting to be absent about a week. Mrs. Daisy 3eUii.ger-K.napp. daughter of Judge Bellinger, of the U. S. district court, of Portland, is in the city, spend ing the commencement season, and is the guest of Mrs. Dana Burmester. The Democrat is always giad to notice the live young men in eastern colleges. The Eugene register says: Harry Brooks, a former student in the university in this city, is now assistant demonstatorof anatomy in the Universi ty of Michigan, at Ann Arbor. He is in the sophomore year in tne school, but is also filling this position and in that way works his way through school. He is the brightest young man in his class, and his ability is suitably rewarded by the regents of the school TUESDAY Win M Una jr. formerly of the 0 P, WS in the city today. Rev Lee is in the city the guest of his son. iTOf Lee. County Clerk Payne returned thi from a trip to Hamsburg. uoon Mrs C 0 Lee is in Corvallis at the bedside of her father, who is dangerously ill. Judge Weatherford and Banker Cu&ick. of Albany, are in the city. Salem Journal Capt. E J Lanning returned to Albany last evening. Mrs Lanniug met h:ru in Portland. Rev J T Abbett attended the commence ment services of Willamette University at Salem Sabbath. Miss Dysart. one of the teachers in the Waitsburg Academy, who has been in the city several days, the guest of R M Robert son, left this noon on a visit with her parents in Iowa. Judiss R. S. Strahan. of Portland, is in town attending court. Before he became a member ot the supreme court his familiar 1 face was never missing at a session of the ' Lane county circuit court. Eugene Guard. I Rw.;.- U ,.!!.., .,,,.1 1, v.,.. 1 ' " " ...a 1 1 n.urj . . . . arc i a, ...... Gest, of the Oregon Pacific, were in the city this noon. Mr Had ley went to Portland. Pay day, it is reported, will occur about the 15th. D P Mason, Geo Humphrey. Attorney Ijenerai Chamberlain. T L Wallace and F K Allen, a delegates, and C B Winn and E D Cuskk have gone to Portland to attend the grand lodge of Masons, and Mrs Dr Kelley Mrs C E Wokerton and Mrs J K Weatberford the Eastern Star degree. WKrtXKSDAT. Jas GulHford, it Prineville, is in the city, A J Achison. of this citv. has opened a steam laundry in Independence. One of the approaching weddings it is re ported will occur between a Lebanon gen tleman and an Albany young lady. Among the graduates of the Willamette j university this year is N H Newport, of . this cttv. who get the ti.le of M. A His oration is "The Making of a Nation.1 Miss Alice Moses, who has served the f 1 1 11 1 . it. r 1 I Ti " MU """f ror a P'e;hitpe-f to the things; but Mr We! - j -li tl. " , ' , ami win jirouauy resiue xaere. 1 student . Mr r rank fewer, a recent mwA . 1 . . ... . i II- T 1 ! -anuai ounneu vef?rd i T r.nln- - ! " "noarapher lZok "eener -Sa'.em ! stam.n bookkeeper.-Salem j " i rennoyer paweo tnrougn tne city , are deposits. There U but little exclte today on Ms way to Salem from Corvallk. meet and general confidence U etpreued He informs us that the state had BmuOOO i that the concern will h b!e ir mum- in i ne Hamilton -joo oanx at ti.e lime ot suspeaaitn Ten thousand dollars of tnis was a Huildiog fund. The governor in timates 1 hat contemplated improvements to the buildings will have to be postponed. Nine members of the Y M C A bicycle club left vesterdav afternoon for a trio to Mehatna. The party was comuosed of ... . --- i -.- j lorn K.ln, W J Uilver, H W Meyers. H j oingieuai. co cingievon. James imrm, Eb Waiter Basey. Jos R Weatherbee and Miller. They arrived there in time to have a fine trout supper, and rehired about 8 this morning. Statesman. 1ST liu The season was opened in Albany Sat urday afternoon. Notwithstanding a rainy day there waa an attendance of about 900, who witnessed the beat game ever plated in this city. The llbany elub showed itself master of the situation from tne start. Reiley took the lead of the Albany team at the bat. getting 3 out of 0 base bits, the others were made by Burns. Mcdreevy and Marshal McOreevy and Marshal . it waa remarkable .that Rcily brought home bis three hits by base running rarely equaled, lesides getting a record of 5 assists and no oats. 4 errors were made. Malleus making 2 of them. Borne 1 and Wallace 1- Barns pitched very effectively. Port iana mane j base nits, snd 8 errors The score by innings waa Albany 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 26 Portland 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 03 Earned runs Albany, 3; Portland, 2. Two base h;ts Albany, I ; Portland, 1 . Bases on balls Portland, 3 Home runs Portland, 1, S-apleton. Struck oat by Barns, 7; Versteeg, 4. Passed balls Portland, 1. Yesterday's gamt waa played in the presence of about. 750 people in a rain storm, and consequently the score was higher. Reiley and Boras in succession made home rone.. Following was tbe score. AI.BANV. Tl 5 . 3 3 4 5 4 ft 4 K 3 2 0 0 J 8 -' 4 1 B 11 FO 1 3 3 I 8 2 10 1 0 27 a n 1 3 0 1 1 0 0 3 0 Reily, Burns, Shea, McGreevy, Star. ley, Wallace, Mullene, Cole, 1 rugger, 6 1 2 I I 1 .'! I 37 17 20 PORTLAND. li 1 in 6 5 5 B H 1 S 1 0 3 1 (I I v o 4 ti 5 1 2 0 1 SB 1 Fabel, Dowel!, Rankin , Stapleton, Foshy, J Jones, B Jones, B Veerstag, P Veerstag, II 0 0 ') 0 0 0 0 40 9 15 27 1 16 6 Earned runs, Albany 6; Portland, 4. Home runs, Kelley, Barns, struck oat, by McGreevy. 6; Dowell, 4. Time of .came 2:30. Bases on balls, Albany, 1, Portland, 2. Passed balls, Stanley, 1, Veerstag, 2. Y INNINGS. Albany 2 3 4 0 1 0 0 4 317 Portland 4 0 0 2 0 1 0 2 09 Wm Welch, umpire. o.'itsr List. Foilowlng is the lilt of Isttsrs regaining in the post offios at Albaoy, Linn county, Oregoa.June 13th, 1893. Personsoalliag for these letters mass give ths dsts on which they were advertised . A llphin. Mr John 2 Allen, Mr Ira Anderson, Mr Harvey Allison, Mrs 8 A Bapcock Esq Frelon J Davis, Mrs Mary Owin, 8 N Hardin, Robt A Johnson, Mrs A Lowell. A J Mynatt, Mr D Paddock, J M Keavv, Mr Fabieu Kicks, Mrs E A Shillinglaw.Mr Andrew Trotter, J C Watte, Mr J C Thos. Most sit n, P. M, Orecron Citv waa defeated hv Tnonon.1. n. r-:... Zl'7.i ,n. r I sons in session In Fortland elected a Km Jm n? F5? ym i ,yC1.2t.5; Ulled the 'lowing officers: Gr.n dl" JL " "?ia ' Sf,ny m-i"', O McDIStroud ; deaaity gran there wan no irame on aeeonnt. of Ihs r . . SI . J .r. "' " priest. V C Crawtord: grerBtl Knu', rani - HOME ARB AHR0AD MONDAY. O P conductors now run through from Vaqulns to Detroit. The Albany club will play exhibition games at Independence Thursday and Fri day, and regular league gsm at Oregon City Saturday and Sunday. Chrli Miller, w'-o left New Orleans or. Nov. 8, on a tramp to Chicago by way of the Pacific Ceast, was In Albapy eater day. He will write a book (shout his trsvels when completed. For months the officers !n California have been trying to capture Evans and Scnlag, the murderets. Yesterday Son tag was csptured and Evans probably fatally wounded. Forlmlller A Irvini? have engaged a nrsi class upholsterer, snd are now pre psred to upholster lounges, par or sets, etc, in a superior manner. This Ai l be a great r.ccomm d.ttion to tbe'r many cu tomers Forsyth & Hunter, the saw-mill men' near Jofterson, have been attached by a couple af creditors, an.! several employes were In the city yesterday to msse ar raogemedts for securing liens on the prop erty of the firm. The Boss Watch Case Company war rnt their gold cases for twenty vears. A case worn by Jos Klein, the boot and shoe msn, for twelve )ears, nsd worn thruugh on the edges some, snd wss returned 10 the company bv Walt Mead, and a new case prompuy reiurneu, mowing nisi in.- exert an influence lor pxa or ban over the company lives up to Its word. Mr Mead entire world, if for had better had if never sys this is onlv the seconicase with n his oeeM told. A well-worded, sensihss effort knowledge where there was an occasion to 1 j,. Moses read "The Faithful S mi." ask for the keeping of the warranty. ! wiU exwllait articulation ,ul force. Th. About thirty you nif men or boys are . spirit of the piece was illustrated in panto being examined at Salem for ihe position j mime by Miss Mar)' '"ndiff with it.-l-iirt-of cadet at West P.-Int and Annapolis; ion effect, displaviiig a gooti talent in this today. Among the number are Benj. F department ?Tf Kf iiaffr?1 fWfHIS.'W, ' Miss Oha J,H.t:i-Hisi. 1 u.n s ,va .... the jg ? H Opf?lliBr MOgram for an oration on Rivers" but Point; Clarence Purdom son of Jos Pur tft aWmt, in y,,. , u ;. ,.3ullW dom of Oregon City, A L Morrison and, . , , , ,, , , , , Ralph F Moclne, of Corvallis, for Annap. i dut S Ueo E t hamlhun 0H,r r j and Professor 11 bv. "Ihe Passage I Birds Farewell, " was he.ird with pleasure. TUESDAY. A birth notice published Saturday should have read D W Rainwater instead of I) W Rumbaugh. Mr Phil Baltimore now weara the gold toedal of the V. ascot Gun Club of this city. X4 out of 15 blue rocks d'd the bus iness. Bob Ray, of Woodburo, and Gjj Giv- ens, of tMlver'on are to run a race of SO t an apple. Men become wealthy from talc yards in the latter place, oa July 1, forlimt care of the pennies. Statesmen and $200. A M Condrs, a ton of ACondra.of Hal sey was working in Folds theater In Wash ington when it collapsed. He wa not in jured. The Eugene Guar ! boasts of a box of welve strawberries weighing just a pound. The record In Albany it eleven ; bii not this season yet. ' Albany's marshal, srnuds t fret 4 IncSes to height, ae:n wtlking today with a man thrte or four inches taller, a tact that attracted attention. Member of Linn Engine Co Ha a, are requested to '.all at N Yvaldahl's. opposite tnc pottonice, and have measures taken t" -hih k- h. 1 ,k- ..... n, ' - order of committee. " one snow tun remain in tr e Dinti-1 aaa road on the summit of the Cascades, " 'c - Crnsr lMt l"V herd of cattle, which came over this road. reached this side of the mountains last Tuesd.r.-Ochoco Review. Theplana otDCSchel.. of tM. have MM UilM . . ..rt: . . v . .... . i7l "1 . . . - . ' rr , ,, the new wiuinnoi ine oiac eriranursi cq e t r... tw.i. , , : 7,, as vsjttiiis. mis rsifiwasi ncre wilt be three ar four structures erected. Bids will be received uo to July 1 by Mr Scheil for the construction of buildings .- . . . a noon 10s eu, wno nas cnarje 01 iiic ureas garuens near 10: cut, p.aced his washing In a wagon wbi!e he was at ; the depot. A tramp came alonr. helped dls- coVired him aad Harted in parsuit. hen the hobo dropped the package anj taJisds Ssl em shir' hi Wnnm in fle(! oen w The ' Hamilton Ac lobs bank are - - y "d COUB,y HUe. and real eate. The liabilities are tf whlc $171,000 bmteesa shortly. The first Na'ional ar.k kept ha doors open until 6 o'clock today. Dr W A Cusick was quite busy yes'er day conducting the phrstcsl examir.atior. of the applicants for examination to West Point and ihe Annspolis naval academy, : Ahnut plhin rn,, m w ere passed . uoon and out of this number f r" " t -t.s.s- i ,ec ed. The course pursued bv lh doeior i in this is nearly Ihe sarre as that iiM-i br ?.mn ge" "n,,nl ! The micrrsr.. M U wonder. . A aray.-Siatesman . wateT: T. nirros. , The losses of the Oakland fiie were j menagerie, and vet w gulp it ,U n. We j given asjfollowt : Losses about $50,000, find sattfartim in oar tuiseries. The edi iasurance about $18,000. !'ltie rsrs are tor. what would be do without Uw silver newaiu a noser, saloon, tJMOj insurance $700 W T Turne. , general merchandise, Insurance $3000. Jas. Oarlinjr, shoe- maker, $500; Headerson. birber. $100; Psrker, groceries, ISoo, P B Beckley. building and building material $4000 ; J H Ray, real estate agent, $ joo ; J t Beckley, general snercha.sdise. (1000. all of these uninsured, to xoungft Co.,; insurance Si.Vooo. Stickie Bros., contrac tors and huhders, loss $;o, WtSXESDAT. J R Bry son has been anpMnted receiver of Hamilton & Jobs, or rather Job Bror. Sank, at Corvallis. The material has been ordered tor three new bricks at Oakland; to lake the place ! ot frames recently burned. While ..n his tripeist Capt Lanning was in quite a rathoad accident, one of his shoulders being considerably bruised . Uo application of the B'air bondholders, the Oregon Pacific ssle hss been postponed to Ccto er 38. This sounds familiar. Now is the lime to put up strawberries while the quality is good and tne prices are low. Leave" your orders at F L Ken ton's grocery store Mrs B Mills, of Tangent sends the Dkmocrt a box of fifteen terries, or.e of which measures 9 1-3 Inches In circumfer ence. Well done, A lady tells the Msn about Town that she recently saw the Oregon stone, made by Frank Wood, of tnis city. In the Wash ington monument, in a complete state of preservation. The steamer Wm M lloair will leave Albsny tomorrow st 7 o'clock, on an ex cursion to Independence, where the Al bany and Independence clubs will play In the afternoon, beginning st 12, after which the race will occur. Round trip' fare only 75 cents. I-sst evening the Aloany Woolen Mil company ws notified by telegrsph that it had received ihe contract for furnishing clothing for the V S Indian department. Iriss will consist of suits, blankets, etc, and Is a big thing, net only for the mill, but for Albany. The president yesterday msdc the fol lowing appointments, Holmes Conrad, of Virginia, to he assistant attorney genersl. Henry C Grsdv, United States marshal for district of Oregon. Diniel R Murphy, United Stales attorney for district of Ore gon. Thomas J Black, collector of cus toms for district of Willamette, Oregon. The Msn About Town asknowledges the receipt of programs for the commence ment exercises of the Pollock-Stephens Institute, Of Brimlngham, Alabama, from hit former friend of this city, the senior member of the firm, Mrs O S Pollock. It shows some choice selections of the high grade that always chsrscteiized Mrs Pollock's efforts here, ard mini have been a great treat. Tbe Grand Chspt t of Royal Arch Ma ud In- d high d high J M llodson; grsnd squire, J Irvine; grand dsptain of the host, H S Strange ; grand treasurer, D P Mason ; grsnd secretary, J F Robinson. are Ysa Iter vans. 1 Are you all tired out, do you hsve that 1 tired feeling or sick headache? Voucan ( be relieved of all these symptoms by tak ' ing Hood's Sarsspsiills which gives nerve and bodily strength. 1 Hood's Pills are easy In action . A Watch is a nsoss.lty nowadays. I i yen want one oall on Will 81 Stark, whose j stock is large and varii d, aad prices the 1 the most reasonable. They can give ynn a ' bargain in this Hoe as well as in jewelry generally. I I ! 1 COMMEXI KHENT, The Coiuinencement exercises ot the Albany College began yesterday at the U P church by the preaching of the bac calaureate sermon in the morning and the sermon to young peopls in the even mg, by l'r dwyniie, of Salem. The we:-e both eloquent, comprehensive s forts, containing well illustrated ihouuhiM that are bound to nn.u a lasting Icdging place in the hearts of many who lizard them. Music was furnished in the morn ing by the Presbyterian choi.- and In the evening bv the U P choir. THE .IfMOHK. . '" A good sized house greeted the jttuiors in their program presented at the oiem house last evening. 'It proved it chases feast, made up of savory viands, and was greatly appreciated. A pimio duet by Misses Edna and- Mumie Allen, overture to Tancredi, l.y Itossini, whs executed with an artistic totsefa, pleas ing the audience. Nina VxMOBA . Gamiuaith pronounced an onition on "News ltn Kshs Is Man is a searcher after news from the cradle to the grave. A woman want- it for curiosity, a niiui for knowledjre: now news can lie transmitted from continent to continent, and man wants it before his meals. A man will give up his men- for the latest about an election or prize "V-it. A 11 old sayini; ix "tell the kind of news a man Wiuit. ami I will tell you the kind of man he is." News has changed the lives of individuals, as well as affected entire nation-. Th.. iiwiaiier Naxiy PfcAiti. Vance's oration was Little Things. Hie mountain, a pile of sand: the ocean, made up of drops: the vessel that goes from continent to continent, a structure of little things. A little weed . on the water kept Columbus going ahead. I Little wires connect continents. Kails go 1 even- where. Steam was discovered from a teakettle, irravitatiou from the fallinir of warriors become so gradually It seven men to make a pin. Truly tAil- men and women are those srhosi uvea are made up of little things well done. Well pronoutioed. Leka M vvi.t KNKEN McCoRMiia orated on "Civilized Oppreiwion." Love; thy neighbor a thyself has lm at the laittom of some of the nolilest events in history, and the world is tetter for tle motto. KnsUnil 1 forced on China tlie opiu ra traffe . who in ; turn brings it back to an English speaking people. The nun traffic in Egypt brings golilen harvests, but is ilestrocuVo to the African. Then in our own country for WJ i we license men to deafout thedeadlv luison .. ti .i:.. - i-! 1 iP1 wereatssl by the spirit of tof opivi''.n. speak as the If we have whispered let n si j trumpet. An outspoken effort? Panlita. a statute recitation was lire- -nteil liy Miss r.vj Mntpsoo. t. with "srkl talent, displaying a good roice ami ; .i ma '-, ,j i.-.U am, 1. . J ' ' ! '" u , ,he ZTwJZJKmZh i : " - ... TXi 1 i 1 i m a manner ... - lk Jssaai UW. il... iH.r Lizzie Mae Pomjus k closed" the orator ical part with an oration on "Scene alct Manitoa." This was descriptive, beiu: an account of Manitou. Colorado, a strainer retort surrounded by beautiful, as well as grand scenery. The oration was presented in a wav to hold tlie attention of the aa- i diem, who became interested in the pteas- ng MTMstives o the orator . Talilasrt Moorants closed the jimgr-im They were iiresented bv fourteen -onir laoies in ureaan rosrnraes. and o.nsiiaed 01 a dozen scenes. Issginning with a Orerian danci and ending with "Night ami her Children." Coder the instmction - f Mit Mo- the elats displayed great proficiency in Isrisarte movements of gracr andbeuoty. Tonight a literary treat will be given in the address of Rev ttoorge Hawe. at the C PchuTt-h. on "Iiam..nd Lease."" Frv. Tomorrow at 10 o'clock ucrur the renlar grailuatins exercises at the same plav. SjaRIAL APPRES3. . . veninc hVv Hawe-. of Portland. delivered the annual a.M.-r at the 1" 1 . church before a large audience. The sub- jjn toi l'.amooxi leissss ne merely touch upon his theme in orier to show the line rtf thnoirht- question with its temlsle sngg f calamity. A pendtr.-.' crisis makes him happy ami he drink down the wiggters. The lawyer wants no peace. It would niae him miserable. q Jcompan v Jrjf men. strops drink: two 1 shou in tlie niaht ah- as thev no home. A j un lii .Wil sW .r Ki l-i 1 hir I civilization ilemanLs our i sons at ' hands of Bacchus. the The politician, the man who fattens on our weaknessra. was covered in illustration by a letter written from Hetvulanenin. In telligent men must take bold of matters are! make them count for right. The man who seta in the comer of the fence and chews and talks politics, wiser than the famous men of onr country, as they talk about tbe government. All this their I greatest happiness. If good times ciroe they would l out of a iob. Women, after these men of disorder, ask ing for jostice. A slave to fashion, in ber elements when shopping. How raid, she would not wear crinoline-, and yet she wanted them. A pood illustration of home took every one back to boyhood days. Wo man is at hr '. when speaking for the wronger!. Men now are looking through a betscr lense and are telling us of Iretter time. 11 time of harmony of peace. TIIK tiKADt ATKS. The I'nited Pirabyterian clmn h was ' crowrleil at 10 o'clock this morning on the occasion of the regular graduating exer . I-.. Tl,.. ,, I, 1 .-!.. .1.. . .. rated with a profusion of flrwer. in which I Iregon revels at this season of the year. The gradnate apjieured tastily dnvse.1 nearly lilik'.- in white costumes, with dower ornaments, except the. male members. Misses Cougill and Settleuiier were heard on a piano in Rossini's famous over ture to William Tell, executed with skill. AnniK Jane Kitv. ot Lebanon, presenhsl tlie salutatoiy' in Iaitin, evidently with cor rectness, and certainly to the interest of the audience. M utv Stewart CtTrprr pronounced an oration on Wrecks" with marked ora torical effect Life is a bmndless sea; our success or failure is in our hands; we are surrounded by dunirerous rock and whirl- ools. The things which were given as the principal causes of wrecks were love of ap I ion: for example. John Ihydeniwait ing for something to turn up, like Micaw- ner; ine tinner, wiinoui swam; strong (b-ink. for example Alexander the Ureat, senators, generals and statesmen. I jet us help save those going to pieces around us, Maooik Mai d Beakp, of Tangent, pro nounced an oration 011 'Harvest." All grasses, cereals, etc, are of use to mankind. Harvest is the gathering in of all these tilings, beginning almost in the spring and extending into the fall. The sieaker com pared our lives to the field. The harvest of our actions must lie gathered in. Pure thoughts, kind ucts and goodchiuracter reap a glorious harvest, (iood influences an? fertile soil. Many failures occur from a mistaken calling. Our greatest strife 'should be for winning souls. The seeds we are sowing will be harvested in eternity. DPRICE'S The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Oaed iiiioru of Homes 40 Vears the Stan-burl Highest of all in Leavening PoWor.-s. Latest U. S. Gov't Report sj ABSOLUTELY PURE Eva Lena Simi-skn prouoiinced her ora tion on "'Ihe Actual and the Possible" in a manner and with an elocutionary effect that was pleasing. The actual is what is, the possible is what mnt Is'. The Pilirrim fathers at Plymouth; what a itossibilitv. In very one there is a voice crying out for the tossihle. Like the discovery ofsteam.irreat ios.sililities lie coiled up in little thir.L-, I mr d.-stinies to a greai extent lie in our own wills. To suceeed we must aim for th possible. There is no limit to the sapaci- N of the mind. Every dav should be one of progress. A vocal solo bv Miss Edith Harris of Salem, was a pleasing effort, greatly apiuv- ciated . Ht tlll 1 ; .vp.ot.n Fislll'lt. of Millers. crave the class history. It showed among other things the following: Twelve members, from the Pacific to Rhode Island: twice the size of any other class; a marked improve ment in the buildings and department: ihe first to pive a junior entertainment; the first n0nn.1l graduates; class lbv. Maud Heard: liv, fanners alliance and new party to Is; organized; srirls. all leinorTats ; 1 Kara i.t Presbyterians. - Methodists ( hnstiau and I Congregational in the la--. Ci.arv kXJKM Davis pronounxl an ora tion 011 "Drift wooil" in a clear voice and easy manner. Life waa likened to a piece of driftwood, as it floats down the stream out into the ocean, aimlessly drifting on its course. Too many make no effort to over come tlie obstacles in the way. The drift wood of life is that class never doing any thing and always in the way of others. Even in religious work, like revivals, are there many examples of driftwood. Mm until Arvminta Hi km ester orated well on "The Moral Influence of Beauty." Beauty is the gift of heaven. The whole cowtion may lie used to administer to the sense of beauty. It is congenial to all our moral and social feelings. Hundreds are Wind to the glorious beauties in the world. In art. literature and words, as well aa in nature, h there beauty. All these are in sympathy- with the grand beauties of the soul. The sharp, rough surface of charac ter are rounded by beauty. Usc-ar Ktm kl '.oon ax. of Jordan. sroooumvd an able oration on "Probabili ties of Electricity." No one knows what electricity is. Among the pnilsibititie are luu,g: air ships, general st by water P ' fj 1 'f Td am I wind nulls, am general IKBSlSL JSt ....... j.- .. 1 .-,. .n.o. .(iMi ui riiuia ri 1 01 in telegraphy. The oration contained many interesting fart on the subject. A vocal solo by Miss Mildred Burmeter. '"Star of My Heart," was well rang. Emma AvARrrTa Baltimore presented the class pmphery. According to it Oiga Hewitt will be a famous artist: Prof. Heard, principal or a Urge institution of learning. Anna Vanti the belte of Paris; Hngh Fisher, a great public speaker on iKn-coslution : Clara Davis, a philan thropic physician. Mildred Bonnetter. a great organist in a cathedral and wife of the pastor of a Boston I". P. church; Eva Simjss.n marries, an EngTish lord and lives, in a palace; (ssear ' iooilman. a great tem nerance orator ami bwyer: Mary Cnndiff. a ceWate.1 lecturer; Loi Ilyer. "a senator's wife: Fry. a renowned preaih. .-. (uiA Leore Hewitt pronouneed an oration on '"It Might Have Bern." How many are aucceeding in their life's work, and how many there are who may sav on Saturday night it might have been. Na- potoon ami Hannilsd could look Issck and sav it. with ail their and are re- uvarkabW examples in history. AH through diSerent spbervts in life mej. are allowing golden ne roent to fly by only to look back on lost otipoTtnnities. Lots EuzabetIi ITKit wm heard in an oration on "Things that i'ot us Nothing." The air we breath, the son. the surround ing s. en-TV. singing bird, the rain. etc. In America particularly weare bieswed with many things that coat us nothing. OU M Aao.iKKT VaTls. whose stand ing ha1 been highest in the etaas. pro nounced the valedictory in a pletJaat manner, a sensible farewell to brother -tudents and tearhrrs. The pnssentation of the diplomas and cer tificates was made by Prof Lee. acting pres ident, who ha taken charge of the exercises in a very creditable manner. The gift of flowers wa large beantifut designs. and elegant in many uu tT.vrr uf Wm J Ifiilpot to R A Leoeh. 1 acre 14 w 1 Jonathan SNSm to IVter las Forge, lots 5. 6. 7. 8. bl 9 W"s ad. Iasfaanon P L Bilyeu to A F WaldaU. Ml acres, II w 3 t J W Simpson to Ioora and Sarah lliomnaon. UOxKt feet bi 47. li s ad. Albany 50 SCO 1400 : 200 1400 500 50 1 ! " " :wnure 10 Jobn l-uper. 4 Iota, bl 2. S's ad to Tani!nt I at 1, ..I . - II W Settlemire to Charity J Luper. 4 lots. Tangent . Jonathan Wassnm to Andrew Ral ston, bl 6, W's ad. Lebanon. . . Basse ust.r, by sherifft to A B Mc llsrain. 19."& acres and 1 ' lots adjoining Albany Ceo Bilrcu to Christopher Sil-Is-rnagfe. 1 acrer 10 K I See tbe New Improved Siiger (swing mi -choe. The I - t is alwsys tee cheapest. J W Sosrdeo, -ascot. Office at T M French's Jeweby store iwn. 8KKLLT HinXDSON Oa Momlay evening, June 12. -4$Ct. at the Catholk chorch, in Albany, bv Kev. Iouis Met aver. Mr. 1 110s, SkeJlv and Miss I'rucilia Hudd- son. Iroth of Tallman. Ihe happy couple havs the best wishes of many friends. LSI WARD RITHKRFORD. At the residence of the bride in this citv on Tues day. June 6th. lss3. Mr J J Ionard and ' Mrs K 15 Kutherfonl. The manv friends the newly-iuarried couple extend hearty iij.T.itiil.ition- and wish for them a long and happy life. KlTTLEWELL-HOLUnVAY, --Thursday. June K, I8SKI. at the residemv of Chas llolloway. near Brownsville. Mr John Ket tlewell.of Brownsville.and MissKsther Hol loway. late of Kngland. Rev David Wolfe orticiating. ItOUN. , . I. H ACK On June 18, 1888, in Salem, to Mr ami Mrs Karl Race a son. STKKI.K. To the wife of K N Steele, in Alliany. June 14. 18KI, a 12 pound lioy. XYK. hi Tuesday morning June Llth. Ifl. to Mr and Mrs Kd Xye - a boy. nn. 11. LYON. At Ashliuid. Or.. Sunday June 11, 189!l. Henry Lyon, of loiisumption. aged about ,S2 years. IHwasetl wus h brother of Walter Lvon, of Stayton, anrl formerly lived in Linn county. HI RONS. -At his home near Slielbum I. inn county, June !'', 18, 1886 Henry S H irons. ngel M yours. WILES On Monday afternoon, June 12, ISitt. si the home of her father, in II. 'iiti.n county, of 11 knotted intestine. Mrs. Lucy Hotmail-Wiles, at the age of 28 years. Baking Powder it "1 I nit l. J J 1 : Tlie refreshing showers ilays have hww n and gan!e:i. I a for more I. f. : Qa paante vateil. atii trees is n . ... , ,.eV. He mk t has 11 Bi .; of 01 -hard ami a variety 1 ' fruits. Other nrge oretitrds have lsen plantol ;. ... i 1 nsd we will soon nee a canning tati drrtng 1 ttabli l.ment. Mr. 'ieorge !l . . 1, is - niie sick wit! asthma, and Mrs. Huston has Ijeen on tb invalid lit Csraeraral week.:. Lumlsjr hauling from this place baa be gun. Lumber of all kinds, posts, board and shingles are sold in jrreat quant i tie. and it is a help to this country, as abounds in easy meh. There is u.u. h complain! that tla- rain. have washed tlie dast'Osjt of tlie wool se that it weighs liifht and then it wile at a lower price, for all of which the adminis tration is blamed. The administration has len in power but a short time awl has not had a chance to do moch. True, some frauds have been detected and rectified as far aa possible. The athninlstration is also blamed by certain parti.- for failures of bank-, trusts and corporations, and the closing of fac torte. etc. ; not for what it has done. I wt for that which may l done. !uimene ! corporations have lieen Imilt up for the Isnetit of a few. at the cost of the many. I till now they control national, state and municipal legislation. At first onlv 'a small protei-tion was asked to enable them J to start factories and enterprises, which j protection was irradually ertemted and in-j creased till the wealth of a nation has fallen Into the hands of a few. Worse ' than serfdom threatens. If they cannot , run their factories and enterprises after so many years of jrrotection. let them turn to something else and take their chanc with the balance of m who have to rustle for a I living. Now that the bonuMead esfmption Uw is in force, w-suld it not be a gooo idi fur the merchants, rut funics ami tradesmen j protective I Let some ! leading merchant or tradesman take the! initiative and call u meeting for that pur- f jiose anu see now the proposnm w;i! wmtk Oovernor iVnis v party has left him. the .WmcTatic l'r. Bngys says the I 'resbyterian church has left him. Here are two great un o standing on two of the ereat fonndation store-- of the srorld. Let liovernor Pennoyer take lh-. j Brijrsrs for his chapbin and so for the windmills, an-i we will ssc what we will j see. Wesley. O 1H( 11HIS K !B E June VAk. ItK John Vaajriian was repiantin? his corn ' hw atarday. the crows havinz helped tnemsetves litssrallv to the arrt and render- j ed a seroo.1 plantins necr-isar;-. Mr Freo lose and Miss Maud Healv con- 1 ctoded to dispense with ti parental ten ' "n-- and aoromingly procored a lice ia lann connty and were married at the nssi- denre of Mr Close Last Saturday afternoon. , Mr and Mrs Maloney- ami Mrs Bible, of j VamhilU-ountv. spent sevrral da-s visiting Ht and Mrs Hayworth last week. Mrs Bahb. of Portland, visited brr iter- ! in-law Sirs Amos Wilkin lost week. Mr and Mrs Burns and daughter of Co- j burg moved to E J Wilkraghby 's Last week. Mr E R I bry. of Eugene, cinie down last Friday to look after some busiuess mat- : ters here. W M Alltngham. of Halsey. was visiting j his relatives here last Friday and Saturday. ! Vuite a numtrer ot onr neight.rrs con- templatea trip to Browm-TiLe nest week to attend kfka Pioneer picnic there Mrs John Vaughan has been canvaasiasg the neighborhood with a dress chart the past week. Mr and Mrs W'illuan-son. who recently purchaMsd the S 0 Thxtmpscm farm, spent a lrt sj week before last ins'rinr their j sew borne, their former home was in Bea ton county . Allingham Brothers haw secured a five years' lease on the Coleman ranch and will move there tbe 1 st of Mober. Mr and Mrs W H H Orant started to their home at Port Angelas. Wash, last Monday. Lucien Ward will move into the house recently orcupieil by his father neat week, which by tbe term of the will becomes his future home. Tbe Sunday School at SomerviUe school house seems to Iss in a flourishing condition. and iwrpose giving an entertainment j about ths 29th uf this month, part of whnh j will consist of a ho social. Everyone is ' cordially invited ".1 ixjue and anslst in tae i good work. We had som1 he.w mists last Saturday. ' Both the method and results whe: Syrup of Figs is taken; it b pleasant and refresh in j to t'.io taste, and acts ctnily yet promptly on the Kidneys. Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and enres habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pre dnced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy nnd agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs 13 for sale in 50c and $T bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may cot have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIB SYRUP CO. SAK KAiWiSCO. CAL, LGWSVSiU. Kt. HEW 108. .& DRUGS, Stationery, Toilet Artii'es, Musioa lnstrumen'3, Ete. Hodges & McFarlanfl, The Corner Drug Stre," A.bsny, Or. Europe al Americas Censolidated Tenteti Titan i The iVkst Intensely Interesting Exhihitions on the Qiobe ! sAHiEiT Lirrs Grand International Allied Shows ! WILL EXHIBIT AT 1 iIm I 1 Albany, Tuesday, July 4. u nparalled in Orig nil Exclusive leatures. G T O A real double monster chcus, menagrie hippodrone aquarium of world's wonders, he rarest wi'd oeast public attention nly great show show of fected for travel. ti aceeo'able innovation in amuse menU. E verywhere acknowledged great leature shows and specialty exhibitions ! The very best artists of America. Japan Europe and Arabia A sumptu- "us wuuueriana iesuvai: a t 1 1 It A tainment for all Don't forget Assension and Parachute dailv. lie on hand to Sec th urand rr3e bpectacuiar Pageant. O ne ticket, for the Usual Combined i-how! poen at l and rn. The sfsc al tflort of Read, Peacock a Ca for tt spring season is :o iocitase Ibe pcrchaurg pewe. cf your dollar isi'.h tl t ctram-T vaice itu cmijts'Kt xcca kosev. It will be to voor icUrest to call and ir-spect their csacx I'o Ptsriar of koveiths scd bzluclz sraocDaan urauis in STAPLE AND FANCY DRY Q3GBS, Dress Goods Fancy Gtocds. Their senricable stock is dUtinctire display, snd sure to please. Try them when yon We hare an e'egant Y u can be econ: u-'.cal sikh no nhat yoa nted for Spring from READ, PEACOCK & CO., ALBANY, ILL'S MUSIC STORE; TuiCKKniKt. " "H F MILUEK.' "STKCK.-AND voss Son- i-tAXOs. ssrsY." SKV.'USK nais . onoAKs. 0 aaajrorp STriUlr Ca'sl.r4" l Pricos Vlore ParvhsatBf K's?liri e ssk las Bess OooJ st Lowcat Pricsai all I .C.r.i u .1 ., BtltS s. J t)aor',! j2alti .,f Xaw Horns snJolrSoriri Maoliinsa. also SmJIss. Oil ami Extras t.w all Ms-U'.nes; 8. V. WILL, Albany, 0r. mm 00LLSBI1TS ISSTITUTI ALBANY, ORSQON 180X, 180-2- trst Tcraa swastt Scplaiuber SU A h. I corps of instructors CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, UTEBAPY COmMERCIAL AND NQRMAl CLASSES. Courses ot study arranged so meat t all irrailea of students. SfW,: ,tiaucmeii eftrtd to studtntt from atrtad. scv. ttitsr S CaSBrtT Jonception of Pre-i-minnt Roman oceanic and gathering that ever invited marin e won lers ever par t i . ncn, rare, ana moral ejter- the thrilline free Balloon Price, admiU to the Great Doors Two grand exhibitions. Notions, Furnishing G.ods in style, elegant in want line. SHOES. effort whatever by buying OREGON- SLfofmC BELT tATTST PATEKTS cest IM;89EatENTS, sttatnis S'JSPfSSCClf S'SI UU WtlWat . o nsrlsa T tests, sarta ftni iiiimiiI 11 inn' nfc a Staias ImhsismmI Snhm. rasas", ilss 11 . a, Sar. ...rr 1 . -n.,ll. lul l. siunolGMt tsx mm ban asanas, Hi.iiTcs l.M. ,r s !t. uhl (On . ryrr-t,i iut U H I I llj Sritkr tt.,saas3ltsru.f i, raMssa aais- ssaa sassa ss u .... as . - Eirwi, . : iitaoai., ,a :SL,a& l ,-rr etir : si srm.M laraaita turns stsH:is.,si. is? lnalilS.aut SsidlsaaaMa.rsmHTa l't Ml Is 1 . . nipi,aimitU taoiii? iais?ii.,i. &k;4 v- ,.: ra-ta o. -MU afca. rw.. a EaaKrXtJSSB- SULSXTTXtlC; CO.. No. 172 First PORTUIKO. C3. ARE YO'J a newsjiapcr sm PQhUsarcr at If yonsrsA, c:- si cf tUtt above, Ti-.anthor.tiUst, ittsr . laaar . sAsajal read THE JOUF l DO YOL ""aat ta reacti t h at-eve t Thru :. ; ia Tbe .'.-cks m : - v. BaVtifijS n $4.wartar. Ailv:'i-in -aitscc a.pllca:ic3. ALLV.s KORJIAN. MlLir cal Itorr:c. -, HT NassLac ssrasrr. Nssr Toast, N. 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