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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1893)
t Ufa mtai Illinois' shift in November lat fiom the republican column to the doubtful list natur ally will exert a powerful influence on nom inating conventions in 1896. It is posssible that one or both of the party nominees will come from Illinois. In harmony with this idea word comes from Washington that "many of the ripub lican leaders look upon Mr. Lincoln as the man to brine back Illinois to the republican fold." It may be that these leaders are right. However, the men who fancy that the people of Illinois have popular idols whom they seek 10 advance are mistaken. There are literally no politicians in this state of either party who can be compared in popuiarity with men who have had strong support in National conventions ot the past. The men of Illinois voted in 1891 for measures not men. Those ideas that brought them to the polls in November are to-day as potent as ever. The man for 1 886 has not yet made the record upon wnich he must stand. The Oregoiuf and other republican or gans are deeply disturbed over the appoint mant ol Col John Lane as Indian inepector,. all on account of the fact that the Col. did service in the confederate army during the war which broke out in this country over thirty years ago. Lack of consistency is a prevailing trait of character among repub lican organs on this subject. We have a vivid recollection of the fact that Grant took a rtbef general whose hands were still reekingfwith the blood cf a violated con stitution and made him a member of his cabinet. So did Hayes, ard these great crimes did not break up the loyal hearts of these organs. We suspeet that the reason Longstreet, JMcKey, Akerman, Mahone. and many other rebels were given offices without protest from these organs, was in the Lictlthat thee men announced their allegiance to the republicans. In the eyes or tnese organs a man s politics covers a multitude of sins and short comings. The appointment of Hon T J Black of Halsey, as collector of customs at Portland by President Cleveland was a merited recagnition of his fitness for the office and his consistent steadfastness at a democrat. Business men throughout the state who know him beet are highly elated at this appointment. The appointment of D R Murphy, chairman of the democratic state central committee, for the office of United States district attorney, will meet with gen eral approvil, as will the appointment of H C Grady, of Pendleton, f .r United S'ates marshal. Prof Morse of Salem, Mas., thinks iie has solved the problem of house heating. He has built a house, all of whose rooms face the south, neariy all of the front being glass. By means of reflectors the whole house can be heated on sunny days with sunshine alone. At night and on cloudy days fires are built. A passageway afford ing entrance to all the rooms runs along the northern side of the house, at the same time serving the purpose of protecting the rooms fro ji the cold north breezes. Mr Dayton whom President Cleveland has just nominated for postmaster at New York, was a member of the snap convention of New York that elected Hill delegates to the Chicago convention. Mr Dayton was a s'rong Hill man but worked zealously and effectively after the nomination was made. Mr Dayton is a Tammany mm. and Tam many is nighly pleased. When President Cleveland visits this sf ale of ours next year, wonder if the gov ernor will mind his own business and let Tom Wait and the other leaders of a recent "rebellion" attend to their business in tbe way of firing- a state-cannon to I salute the first visit of a democratic president to this young commonwealth? Apparently the world is the same old place that it ever was, and tbe old and elo quent adage concerning the way to a man's heart it as true now a in the days of the days of the genius who evolved the noble sentiment, f or tbe club of unmarried women whose members took tur ns in order iag, cooking and serving a club dinner, to which one man might be invited by every girl, has entirely collapsed, owing to the fact that there have been as many ma riages as there were members, Every girl has a dinner to get at home, and tbere h no time to devote to club banquets. Interesting experiments on the ense of taste in ants have been made by H Devaox. among other results, says Nature, he haa found tnt" Laglas ftavue, while fond ol sugar, sUslikoi sacchaiine. The ants twsrmed a'ound sugar laid oat for them, but turned nm from saccharine as soon as they laWedtf. Even sugar became unpleas ant to them when it was mixed w lib saactuy rine. Itsenn-i, th.-refore. ttat sweetness is not ihe ooly qaslity which attracts Ibem to sugar. Samuel E Morse, of Indiana, consul-general to Paris, his sailed for Europe. Be fore his departure he said: "Tbere is no doubt in my mind that Harrison is prepar ing to be a candidate for tbe presidency in 1893. His friends are working for that end, anJ 1 have little doubt they are pre paring ev n now to send a Harrison dele gation to the next repnbli'an national convention. On the ni.ith dy of the first month every Egyptian ass obliged to eat a fried bsh bHore the dc r of his house, exCrpt the pri;.t, who bur ied Initeal of esling the fuh. The revenue arising from the fisher ies of Late M-rrls Te giv.n to the queen of Egypt frrp n money, and sre stittd lo hsve sm.junt-d to ometliing Hlie $410,000 snnu Hy We are glad to sec tbe Hi'lsboro Demo erot on it feet again after its late burn out. It is one of our sprifhtiicst inland exchan ges, and wc feel suro UM Mr Sandford's pluck an l energy will bring success A n'-w material, c.ill-d rubts-r velvet, is made lr sprinkling piwdttred felt of any color rubber cloth while the Utter is hot and. soft: the result look like felt cloth, but ii elastic waterproof, and exceedingly light. I: h noted in the Mcditearanean Naturii isl that upward) of 6 per cent of tne enibquaUci. that have been recorded have OfCUHcu during the tlx colder mun'lu'of the yeat Ihe m-.xlnium number In Jsnuary and Uts asinteasa number in July. Basil cx-.miner that examine and pe'ision in,pec'ois ilmt inspect are two leading features of Hit Cleveland Admin i.'railon The highest chimoiet in 1 It two at Glatgow. one being 4GS and the o. her 455 feet, while near Cologne co.iies next with a 441 feet. 'T'll ii ' feir' HKI one near h -tglit ol -r.. I , !. I a u l : . a . ... 1 'ic 1011 usvu -o iiciieTe mat uie lolllrg of Uic waves was caused by the wigg ing of the tail of the laH big snaAe w lirh St Pat rick diove Into the tea. TllR S1IKKM AN LAW . The N-w York World has interviewed neariy every member of congrens by tele graph on the following questions: First D j you, wtlh your present Infor mation, favor the repeal of the Sherman law? Second Do you favor an int6me tx? 'm Third Do you favor the repeal of the state bank tax? The World, In reporting the answers says: "Many of the answers deviate so far fiom the plain yes or no, and involve so many qualifications, iha no tabular state ment would fairly represent the opinioas they express. The important facts shown are to the first question, 'Do you, with your present information, favor the repeal of the Sherman law?' There are 86 represents tlves who say practically yes, while only 18 ay no, Of the rest, many alio qualify their answers so strongly that they cannot fairly be placed In the affirmative column show plainly that their inclinations are in favor of repeal. The sentiment of the lower house on that question seems to be over whelming." The World has already polled the senate on the silver question, and on March 6 last printed a table showing tint that body stood: for repeal 39, against re peal 28, noncommittal 16. It will be noticed that several, noncommittal men tnen, are now In favor of repeal. There seems to be no doubt that netrly two-thirds of the sen ate will vote that way. The newer ques tion of the income tax develops an interest ing situation. Many who speak freely as to the Sherman bill evade or ignore this question; but 4S My sqiuvely they favor It, an 42 that they do no-.. "Southern and western congressmen are the most numerous advocate) of such a tax. On the state bank tax question opinion Is almost as one sided as in regard to the Sherman bill. Many dodge it entirely, but 66 positively say that thy aie against repealing the la-, while only 34 favor repeal. OHV.M. PKRSION 1 AIM The fact tha'. pension claims are not rail- roaded through the bureau as rapioiy as me , . . . ... .. . pension agents desire aad as they were an I der the Tanner and Rium management gives the unscrupulous opponents of the administration colicky pains. They are (filled with anguish at the careful manner in which claims are scrutinised and additional testimony required in doubtful cases. Judge Locates, notwithstanding his record as a veteran of the fighting line in the army, a jurist of acknowledged abili'y and a man of high character, is accuse! of being an enemy of old soldiers, whose chief care is to keep them as long as possible out of their just dues, when in fact he is working to give the worthy all they are entitled to at the e-r lint possible n-oment instead of allowing the un worthy to push ahead and get all there i. Judge Lochren, when Informed of the aharges against Ins management of the pea slon affairs, made an explicit atement of the present policy of the pension bureau. He said: "We ha vs. of coarse, no preju dice against the G A R. Quite the reverse In fact. It is a great org.nizUtoo. I am a member myself, yoa know, as I think all old union soldiers shonld be. With regard to the policy of tne dej-artment a very simple statement will suffice. I have one polio. The equal, energetic and exactly just ad ministration of the pension laws as they are found upon the statute books. If a man is entitled to a pension he ought to have it, aad if he is not entitled to u he ought not to anolv. The department ia really a com of . - claims, aad it hi tbe business duty of 1: -ffi- dais to eatc upon examination of tbe pa pers submitted in each case wi'h p.tience snd rithout bias for or against . So far a lies in my power this will be done, if from examination of tbe rolls it appears that the government la being robbed, the payment of money to the unworthy will be discontin ued. I am certain that genuine veteran everywhere ask only fair dealing.'' That Is the true position to lake, and ia It Judge Lochren and the administration wDl have the support of everyone not swayed by prejudice or selfish interests. . at counts Tasoest, June 14, 1893. At the gracge coancil held ia Coburg on Saturday June 3, all had a very erjoyab'e time. After partaking or a tounteoua re past, which did ciedit to tbe lady members, sn open session was hrld, and we listened to same very Interes'in aJjresaed by the differ en t delegates, in which sons - very good ideas were advanced The subject of better rads was thorough ly discu-sed and all arce.l that something should be done, CobuKg is vjry pleai amly situated, sear tbe McKenzi; river on the Woodbum and SpringBeld branch of .he Southern Pacific railroad, about seven miles north of Esgene and ha about 410 Inhabitants, T.iere is one church beilding conducted by thr C P church; the M E church occupying the pulp:t the 1st SinJay of each nioolh. The sawmi I owned by J C Goodale Is one of the finest in the ta'e, having cost about $45,000, and caa aaw about 32,oo leel of lumber per day. 1 lie general mer chtndise stole is "owned by W M Vanduyn. whoVeepaa well selected stock of goois and is very o-diglng to customers . There sre two grocery stores owned, one by W ! See & Co, the other by J C A fore", bith of which do the town credit. The twolivery-sts'.les, wlih A C Holt and Frederick Diffenbacker as proprietois, sre doing a thriving businrs. The drug store, hotel, luirbtr shop aud blacksmith sbop are all doing well. The school has just closed a soccessfvl term with Prof W S Mayb. rry principal. Miss Fanr.le Bur 0-1 interm -diate depart ment and Mis Belle Lincoln 'aienll of the pilmary depart mci.t . Ihe English and Eu.opean papers can not get over iheir surprise at the shrewd ness of the Yankees in not only sending over their stoves by the hundreds to Great lit its in and the continent, but In shipping along also the anthracite coal necessary to burn in them. The American stove is b) no means any longer a rarity abroad, al though in many p'aces It is yel looked upon as a coloslty. An English contenrporaiy, in allu. ing to the fact that we ship lioth thr stovs and the coal, calls it a -'singular phe nomenon." It Is rather plural than '"sinuu- lar," and isonly Indicative of the normal determination of ihe average American to be balked at nothing. If be cannot adl a man a wagon because he has no horse he will sell him the animal also. Protection Paper. And the American uers of stoves cannot understand why It is ntcttsiry that the Yankee manufacturer ol ttove must bars a heavy duty laid upon Imported stoves to protect him fiom the pauper labor of Eiropi whefl lie can compete with that pauper labor tight at it home Frederick R Coudert, who went to Eu rope as associate'counsel xif Ihe United State in Cm I! '.inn,' Soft, returned Saturday on the steamer Kew York. Be said he believed the impression made in the presentation of the claims of the Unit ed States was a most favorable one, and lie j looked for a decision favorable to this country from the arbi'rators. A won of water is mpposed to cu'tin about 14 grains of gold. RKTriso RFADY The republican party leaders, or rather some of them, are already boarding up the political capital upon which they will con duct the presidential campaign of 1896. Many grave charges are being formulated and stored awny for use in that contest The financial distress of the present is to be charged to a democratic administration, notwithstanding every person who cares to investigate can see, even at a superficial glance, that this distress is the direct re sult of republican legislation now in force It is now claimed by some of the leaders that the failures of McKinlev nnd Foster are attributable to the democratic admin ist ration. Anronos to this subject, we subjoin the following aiticle from a recent issue of the Illustrated American which shows conclusively what led to the down fall of Foster in business : The failure of a bank owned and man aged by "Calico Charlie" Foster, ex secre tarv ot uie treasury, surprises uu one. Whv should it? Wliv should a man who made in the con- dnet of the United States treasury the momentous and disastrious blunders from whieh the countrv L now suffering, nnd must continua to suffer for many years to come, be able to carry on his own affairs with any distinguished success. Foster ran the 1'nited States treasury as if it were a gambling establishment. He lay awake at night devising schemes for squandering the public money, and the present stress ol the national treasury, consequent from the continuous exportation of gold, is entirely due to his policy. under Fosters regime such wanton leg islaticn as the McKinlev bill, the Sherman silver act, and the unspeakable corruptions of the pension bureau bad an easy time ot It. Anything like order, economy, mere decency in Ihe public expenditures was apparently beyond "Calico Charlie's" ken. Ue was perhaps the mot incompetent ana most ignorant official that ever held the office dignified by such men as Alexander Hamilton, Hugh McCuUough and William Wimlom. It seems to be expected that public prints should express the sorrow of their owners and editors for the misfortue that has come upon Foster. As personally he may be a very good man, we have no hesitancy in adding our voice to this inane chorus of sympathy; but that does not moderate our o'mnion that Foster was an utterly vicious oiniiai. c.110 uxuuuu- official, who probab y conductrU bis own c M affiirs with'M little abiit, and ai be did those of the nation OKKGON FKCIT ATtHK KMR. Casmsstat t'poe tkr KMnl.ft Hall la Horticultural That Oregon's exhibit is well worthy of the statj is evident from the folk wing clippings: Chicago Eivainf Jottrtwl: A represen tative collection of fruits fiomthe grow ers cf Oregon is arranged on tbe east sUe of the north hail in a glittering an ay of glass jars. Oregon prides herself on her Southern people want cheap money Wa i-t-prunes. Her soil produces with utmost ; the south is poor." impartiality Italian, German, French. Five srw ae. Hungarian and her own "silver prunes." Buffalo. June 12 Five persons lost j When it come to a matter of slxe the s'ate j "ir h? re'.ul rf JtJ torm , . ., . , here, ft hen the wind was toe strongest is also well to the fore. There is a pear 10 ; w ;n;.m R lnl,u ChrU. m.r in.l j her exhibit whic j measures 9 inches and weighs 4 i-2 pounds: a "Gloria Mundi" apple weighing! pounds, a cherry 34 inches in diameter, and inches in circumference. peacnes II 1-Z CUcago Tritunt : In the horticultural building. Oregon, which was the first state in complete readiness and which opened Mayl, makes an exhibit which sh uiJ be seen by all. It is a wonderful tory of the resources of that state I s plan of dis play is remarkably artistic and snows its many varieties off raits in jar and on plate ; to great advantage. In a!', there are 400 j n'.ate of a Doles that make tbe mouth water . mm and 240 immense jars of fruit in solution, Tbere are monster pears, quinces, plums, ' peaches, apricots, cherries and grapes, any one of which, except the lat'er two,, would do for dessert for a medium sized family . There sre 98 cases of prunes, sun dried ap pies pears. plums, peaches and other fruits. Chicago Inter Ooron: Sections of horti cultural hall contain fruits and vines, or more properly speaking, the displays of the bureau of viticulture and pomology. Of the latter Oregon. California. Utah and Nova Scotia have exceedingly fine exhibits ready for inspection. St Louis Orccer: Oregon is making a display of fruits st the wot id's fair that will be viewed with special interest by fruit growers and cannrrs- In tbe exhibit are pears weighing four pounds, peaches as large as foot balls, apples six inches in diameter, plums !arer than goose ejrgr, cherries that require half a dozen bites to dispose of I hem and strawberries as large as common apples. Other abnormally , , , . . .L . large fruit and products of tbe soil are also exhibited. Oregon is tbe first sta'e to install an exhibit of pomology. The fruits are arranged with aview to harmony of colors and are inclosed in glass jars of 1 " " - stale s & lineal feet against tbe wall and 50 lined fe:' of Uble space .lircctly oppo- site. This space will be filled with ripe fruits in season, supplied from Oregon by expres. lrc jars containing tbe t.nit. iruiis arc of fanciful dexigns and will be arranged in tiers upon a stand of native woods Ore gon's horticultural exhibit at Chicago is highly troken of on all h.iinl-. paamaa and hold. The New York T,ibuue continues to dole out to Its readers such "food for fools" a this: Three months ago, when President Cleveland came in, business was large in volume and highly prosperous. The outgo of gold, which had begun the very month he was e'ected . both indicated snd created tome apprehension, but the business world was disp. ed to exlitid lo Lira generous con fidence 2nd support. For th; direction of tome kinds of lying there is nothing to effective a cold facts. And '.he official statistics show thit 1. Durinj President ilarrlsor.' adminis trati jn the net lost of gold ti this country by export was $122,624 000. 2. During the same period the tree gold In the treasury 'he amount above the $ resrive waa reduced from $97,874 422 (the sum turned over hy Presi dent Cleveland March 4, 1889), to $987,000 1 part of the sum borrowed by Secretary Foster to keep good his reserve when be turned over a looteJ reairy and a demor rlized currency as a republican legacy to hi successor. 3. During President Cleveland' former term Hie net guin in gol.1 impcris was $54 77i,o. Of courst; the Tribune will not concern itself about facta and figures. In conduct ing r perpetjal republican campaign, its simpler plan is to presume upon the Igno ranee or the ptr'i-tai bljo.iy of it readers. Jim Lt ti went into his office as collector of custom this m'jring with an awful dark clojd Hanging on his brow, and swore by the e'.cinal that everything in the oTice looked as dark as a stack of lilac: cat. One of ihe English pavilions at the Co lumbian exposition will Im built entirely of Ihe packing Ip x.m uie 1 to transport the exhibit to this country. Jim Lotan, F f Mays Sal l.T lla-i'b M feel like orphans. The Verdict 1 unanimout thai Wiii& Siark carry the b'rt line of ivrrwarrln he valley. They nave tin. tsrhfj an iijiiul sty, a combination that count in bill ing goods. An inspection always carries conviction. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. BfMH t'aptnrnl V is. 1.1 a, (.'al, June ill. A son of widrw Perkins, living in Wilcox canyon, 22 miles northeast of this city, came to town lust night about iO o'clock and going (0 Sheriff Kay s omce, informed 1 nder biientr Hall that Kvatis was at bis home badly wounded Hall secured a posse of deputies and start ed for the bandit Sheriff Scott, of Fresno, and his deputy, also received word by another source Kvans was lying on his cot, his head and arms bandaged, a folorn looking individual. He was unable to make resistance, bad he desired to do so. A Cbtireh Ilehbril Okkgon City, Juno 1.1 This mornipg it was discovered that the Catholic church had been entered and considerable r roper -ty, mostly clothing belonging to Kev i ather Hiilebrand, taken. FaUier Hi lie brand was away from home after 10 o'clock yesterday and' his rooms udjiicent to the church as well as the church itself were left unguarded . Among the articles stolen was a golden paten about five inches across used in the altar service. The Orphan's contributijn box at the entrance to the church was also broken into, but not much money secured. A HI.. i at Trusts Chicago. June 1;!. Judge McConnell this afternoon hit the trusts a hard rap. particularly the preservers' trust. It was in a suit against it by recalcitrant mem ber. Andrew D Bishop. In overruling the demurer by the association, Judge Mo 'onneii said in part: "No court of record should lend its .'egal operations to further She interests and carry out the purposes of a trust. A Lsssb Dial 11 KosEnuMti. Or, June ill. At 1 1 M to- j night a small dwelling in the southern I part of town, owned by G T Boliien ' and ' occupied by a family named Coram, with 1 its contents, was destroyed by tire. Mr. ! Comm went to the train to meet his sen, i 1 leaving a lamp burning. The lamp is ! supposed to have exploded. The fire was not discovered until the entire ins'de was i burned and the flames had burst through j the roof. a Baa Fallar Snohomish, Wash. June i2 The bank of Kverett posted a notice on the doors this morning announcing that it had made an tsignment for the benefit of its creditors oMO Tibbitts. The institution was do- ng business under the state law, with s nominal capital ot loO.UUU. its paid up capital was $40,000. It is understood that tbe liabilities are between Sto.OW and 167,000. Tbe assets are 9ST.0OO apeak. Washington. June 12. A Hush has; talked to a Washington reporter about j finance. He says: i "There is Utile sentiment in Oregon f or j the free coinage of silver, ss thare isn't a silver mine in the state. Besides, at least j 80 per cent of our business transaction is : d?TithJoW- Po''1 contentions nf With net-tiM inn h-ii-A iW'nnv in .r of - doifTr 0t ;niri5ic valu- The Bert Christian hired a boat and started on 1 a fishing excursion Ihe boat was rowed """J t,tbf JT,' j jnmnej overboard and started to ssrim for I the shore, but tr.4 others remained in tbe ' host until it sank Easts Yesterday after noon a rand sect boat and tbe bodies of a ooian and child were found in Scadquo creek. Tbe bodies were taken to the morgue j but have not been identified. Drew ad at .Valeria Astoria. June i2. This morning two more poor nsheraten. Irin Larson and Jans Hejans. met beatb iu tbe breaker. Both leave widows and families and both were taken out to sea by a tide rip and drowned , 4. MJUt U ,W VI HH",1 UM.n. - 1 1,1. boats have been missing since last Monday in sight ol 100 ot their- mates, he vera and boards continue to wash upon tbe weather side of Sand island, telling a fcry . of disasters to some unfortunates whose ; :.u.i :i- im , 4 -,t. ukl 1 ' fayae aeasraeesl Colzas. Wash. June i2 This after - noon, in the supreme court. Judge Sullivan sentenced Champ rayne, convicted ol man shtugfater for the killing rf Langford Sum mers last November, to five years' impris cninent and a fine of 91. It is thought that with the costs the sentence will amoaot u nearly ten years. A motion was given of ' appeal to the supreme court. A Sewtar II Cbicaoo. June s2.-A receiver has been , appointed for the Howcy Worhi's Fair hotel snd the Howey Home Improvement , Company. The assets of tbe former 85.000. and the liabilities $90,000. are Tha liabilities $99,000. The failure is the re -1 suit of an article in tbe Union Signal, tbe ; organ. a rsUar salt j e , , , , , Salem, Ind. June 19. Mrs Maria Hoi-, ha. set a rcedetit for wive sVllllllll j by their husbands thrtugh tbe influence of ; mothers-in-law. She sued her mother in-1 j 'ef . court gave her tlfiCO. ! a rtski wiia t.ein. ; ,... , ,, i-: ,,;u retoming from tbe .,uarries to tbe' prisoo near the city jeslerday. overpowered the i j mounted guards and tried lo escape. As ! ine .i convict nea, 11 or tne uveas . 1 . , , - -p a I I ainnu nanru in yunuiu 1 w aiij -.. , c guards were left with over 550 convict I 3 1 a At . . 1 a . ii. 1 ana xcpi tnem tjtuct tiy nricg repraieuiy over their beads. A half mile away thei guard overtook the fugitives and onlred them to surrender . The convicts answered with a volley which wounded two men and killed three bones. Tbe return volley of the guards killed 29 convicts. The oilier 1 1 escaped . " A Lc atiric'e staee. Sew Yoke, June il. Tom Hoe began bis race to San Francisco on a bicycle against time this morning. He started from the Harrest house, Broadway and Forty-third street, promptly at 11 o'clock. Frank Waller will accompany Roe as pace maker as far as Chicago. C A Sinsabough will accompany Roe by wheel and tain Roes schedu'e time is C5 days, 30 days better time than the record belu by Kelson A nrandt. 1 nil BaadlU. 8nKi.BTVn.UR. Ind, June II. Tbe no torio's "Babe" Hawkins, at the head of an organized gang, tried to take possession of the city today. Kx Sheriffs McOill and McDougall were badly hurt in a fight with the bandits. Mi t .ill received severe inter nal injuries, nnd one of McDongali's legs was broken. Hawkins wife took part in the light. Cradaallsc Kxerelse. Jkfkekkon, Or, June 11. The com mencement exeicises of Jefferson institute took place June 8 and 9. Prof S T Adams, who has been principal of this school dur ing the past year, bns just closed a very successful year. Thk Bio Show The dale ot the ap pearance ol Sanger A Lent's great shows are 'now poettively fixed for Albany 4th of July. Where there Is so much to be seen and such an innumerable array of new features of the greatest interest iu tented shows that it would be invidious to particularize. It is sufficient however, to anow that the fame of Sanger & Lent is wot Id wide as the greatest of amuse ment caterers. And here, of course, as everywhere, their efforts will be appre ciated bv the multitude in overflowing canvases- A Goon Mkmorv. Sheriff Nolund, of Eti(jenc. has a good memory. The Guard nays: Harry Arnold and William Andrews wre confined in the county jail over a year since and Were sentenced to the penitentiary. The night previous to being taucen to Salem they tore up the jail lilanketa, bed tii-kn ami (illier stuff, piling it together. Sheriff No laiul kept track of the fellows, and when the time came for them to be dismissed from the penitentiary rearrested them on a charge of malicious injury to personal propeHv. They were fined $50 each to day and will serve 25 days in the jail in default of payment. tmm-R Chinese- pheasants cannot be ebipped outot Oregon. warden is av are of the laet, and violators of the law had better look out Eastern men who get any will have to pay high hereafter. 8ee. The Salem Statesman makes the (ol lowing il rust, no doubt uncalled for, as Hamilton k Job wereoldand experienced bankers: A Corvnllis bank has fuilid. But i the bankers of Oregon who have failed were on trial for being bankers, they wouldn't be in much danger of con vinction. They have been, like Judge Caples' lawyer that went to heaven, not bankers-(lawyers) enotig 1 to hurt. No real banks in Oregon are going to fail, or get anywhere rear failing. GtM E L Applegatesays that the thing of different pioneers having each recount now he individually and alone saved this country from Indian ravag s and earned the thanks of posterity for himself, to tbe exclusion of all others implicated, hat been going on long enough ; and he gives timely notice that he intends telling how it was all owing to his own efforts that there is nny country here now, at the coining reunion of the pioneers at As . -land next Sspteraber. Ihe general is certainly entitled to his innings, if he has never had thni. Everyone should have an equal show in the matter, and none can tell the "o'er i rue Ule" as well as Applegate. WANTED At the k'; ie Allen Bros , fcit me 1 1 owned I' BUTTBB, EGGS, LARD, BAUON. ana uuuiuk Ai-iains 1 for which possible. I wtl! pay the bet I cat) pilce B F RAMP CARPETS, WALL PAPER, LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, Market. Forlmiller k 1. TRY j A : PAIR 1 Of Tba.. Pr-tvilUn Pl.l.L Cr.t-.h. " """ .mkic 1 a 1 For tale b, F. M. FREM H ! j . ite leeeV I. A. Morris b Co, Flour aid Feed Store, Have removed their note loihe Strshai by Deyne a full ;ock o 1 Hory, former 't occrpied j Ro,ofl' ,nd ni,e oa hnd CGRVALL S FUU .:. B.IAN, SHOKTi GERM MEAL. CRHAM, BUCK WHEAT, m FLOUR, HAY, 0A1S. STRAW ANO CHOPPED FEED: Custom chopping don Board ot Equalization. Notice i hereby giv n that tbe cimam erunc.l of 1 ha ciiy e' Albany. Or will meet ; u i Wil of 1 qua1 cation, at the c uactl ; chamber iu the Odd Fedows Temple ia said cily, Taeoiiay the 26 h dav f Inoe, 1 693, at tj.e of 2 o'clock in the after. ooon ol aaid d , for the purpose t f cotton I -rg aad 140a1 si the ...... , aaid ciiy for the )e.r ISffl; ,0d a-o f.r tic nr. prs t.f mat 11. . lbs Ii a lv for the teat 1893. Gives by w der of tha comn.on coo- sfl of the city of Albar O.etox. made ih. ."nni ril chsmher is s:d sr.s , on lb- lS'.b d j tf Jooe, 1833. NJKrv .A, Kec. rl tr el the tly rf Albery M r. Dr. PsMerwn fallser. Tor ..tirt i-lairtmai.l aid Uie Rit.'er. Bl a r-s ' f..ii(.. ktr ISBftftsai aeatd la. ftb tett at. lit all ir.l;rta,p 1 lulur,. 1 . . ',.M 'rind '.i ran star fnsi four Oiad f .si's Arci Keet Brl ' outrun or. LsiVrtorl stajwifb Holbnrt Br. - . tats a- .sit. sTml I S N Ill EafMHtmmamt) G READ OUR TESTIKOMULS INMntV hare, and 1 B Oast prrrmt ai noeiiiea will completely tlcntroy thodrnlro forTOnACCO in from to3 davs. Torrrctly harm less; en u -i - no lckni',iiil may bo alv,-n in a run of tt:i or cxiffro without tno know I ougc 01 111? putii-iit, who win voiunutriiy nDTTVIVrilHm 0r,.1 HnupniNP UUUnaiJlUllttKJ UhU lUUlll Ulllll tho patient, ty tlio use of our SPECIAL rxirlnrr treatment pntlcntsnrc allownt tho freo tiso of IJqucr or Mor Phlnc until socli tiinoits they shall voluntarily clvo tht:ti un. We nenrl particular Sntf iiumphlet uo (tiiiti so place stitier.TH litiui anym tlon with tacmiiiswhouavv teen cured HILL'S TABLETS nrc for ralo OrceirUl nt ft I .00 l'i-r t':irki: IT your dniKKlat does not kin-p thrm, nu v. t; win ( "liu j uu, uy rvtuin u:uii, Xnblrui. write vonr r.amo onu nuiro! ti;:'ini Whelh ipr TslilstS tiro lor lobucco, ::. Liquor Habit. DO NOT HE DECEIVED I any of thu vstlous iiKsimn s 1 offeiuil for sale. Ask fcr 2 Tablets aud take u. Manufactured only by TIIK purchasing f rr OHIO CHEMICAL CO, BI.C3 & GS Opera Black. LIMA, OHIO. PAETICULAB3 FREE. f x an I have RESPONSIBLE AGENTS WANTED! (In writing plena gCOTTOLENEl Whatisit It Is the new shortening taking the place of lard or cooking; butter. both. Costs less, goes farther, and Is easily digested by anyone. AT ALL GROCERS. Refuse All Substitutes. Hade only by 4flP N. I. FAIRBANKS. CO., ST. LOUIS nnd m CHICAGO, NCW TOMK. stP BOSTON. faj 744444444444444 WILL BDYAWOMAS th- lest woahiog machine tnede. Go to Stewart AC 9eM od Uk oee oat on USsl They 1 Iso have all kinds of wi insets. IT WILL KILL YOUR WIFE to carry tbt j,ieat Li: child srrn:d - htr arms. Yon matt kOtoS?ewsttA Hskswl buy one cf -Lir 1 al y rtis. AT lirda aad price. SHOWING AWAY HAYrd..ork on a farm. mile it the SSil hy ba)tog a coip't I!,y t'arner .-c'.tit of -twait & Sbx. fall sxd m it. GAflDEX. FLOW n . Fiesh, pcrr, tura to gro aad -.. i at laed pno. tiardrn seeds kept in balk. Fwkl peas aa-1 Kild eonaVi earriel o large qaaatitic. f-rxwaar it hex They doa't .ke say Utter hn tk -'RaoeU' acd .VewartA tmt that kie at Albaav SVsssal . -i ss soai bssd e fcr -v t s barecio. PA'HTS&OILS. Tfc " mm mm Icr i oa tfcta Lout talks "I'hcraix" aad e ire nU fr it al Albany. We alee carry a lull lire ol oM , aad car'isg ;uta, etc. Sttwast A Sex. BEE SUPPLIES. -iw p v. as bid box sy -rr. $irSlt Si ffa carry le hives,, con.fc f not! las sod im :. o.: st lew piier. WILLYCU BUfLO ,! l:t to da set fail to le Sir wait Si Sot. They krepa !r.e il-ck of bs:lder bardware aad at titers t I o;t Ike timet- THGU SHALT HC1 HILL aecwilieit loas, in-l oa r cabt to buy J) v ear s.ut vA sa acMtira of Stc wv I & Sot. They keep s -W-d tck ard l! cVep. Gisnt puwde'.fiiie sad cap slwsya tt hand. W SELL COAL, IROH livisur." and keep a :-.. soppiiee ns b-M. ai d ".t I foe a trek Vf ! . - irvur Sot. SPRAY YOim TREES.- ' ? ealfil ef trwtt tt Sex aid Uke rare i f ;oot orchard. Tbe eslf.J ihey felt I a Kss tneei id this ttle fee tests .y tbe be: or cturdist aid i a c enjlets eeee. WE'RE NOT 6PACCIHC - hve the best ncs St its .. r- rsawrs ar.J rcckrt mmm in the taller Tomr Snd v for j . era, leer. Tl.w ACT A Fox. PLOWS.-"'- sstly hr 11m. a. ant, e it nd si II te a urn thiMidplow c the "Olivii." We so r- trial. EalrsssLl fit OLv'. Abo - b vs a fall liee of ttcsl p-w that saasaa) Ic etcei'ed. Yoa sushi SSSwbty rave few ern' 1 v cosoiag srenad and stei c n. SykWAST A f?ox. CARPETS, A !.'-' sad tine sink of Rt boiy. velvi-t taptitir and martin earp. tr, .1. leasns Sod sal c. tnr, 5tr 20pir crnt lit Mi n ele wr ite is A'hact-, ef lime irade. Al .- fin line i f n to' snd Ltiits' ikoes 23to.'0 cents pair Iras thm stms (ooda cts be I roght e'sew here in Lino county. UdLWAIK, elkfe I ir-Wfio?.?!.?: S !!' r.n.l Uie merit.- ffl! OfiKASTEK A aud Invite the I -caaa I n eHirution ks reeivuiKiha- ity and the merits of our Tabivla. Double Chloride of Gold Tablets etop s:i. in. :ig or eni-w tag in a few uavs. UiTlIT -. l enry,! nt home. and with- UUUll tnuuiiy cllort on the urt of PQwUKUU COLD CURE TAliLETS. of tcstlinuuials frco.aml shall mean iiKOit in eoniiimniia by the uso of our Tablets. by all iisttT -class cnclneo ns S f .OO u laacau 01 - , nnrl stato . :m. or Ttrir.g rtirn n Vshnt Vltttl end I rem from ten to anil s-ated THR OHIO CfTKIUCAt, CO.:-GNTLEIFS .-Some time ai.. i sent lur 1.11 tvorih of vimr Taldeta fi.T.T.,l,n..,..a ta-tlSS 1 .i. them all right and. si though 1 uey did tho work iu Ie8 than Truly yours, illKtUitot nKwicLCo.:--UgNTi.KiiSi:-n Rives mo pleasure to speak a v. ,ird of lirai.-ic lor vonr T.-.l, . i M v j .iH,..i. ...i.n...-i ... .,.. a., ..r iiuuor.and ttwmiirli n'fiiend. Iw.aini , cpiiBtant drinker. li:t after uslna your and will not t.iuch ll.iuor of nnv talnit. t !.. j oo, lu ortier to know tho emu wus pcruiaucut. 01110 ( tiEttioAL Co: Gkvtlksen Your Tablets lined uiornhine. hviKxiermirnllv. fiirfli.v.nmHtN ...,,1 i,.,., 1 tavihitncicf two iiut,.at:ci u your lauicw, ana wituout any effort ou Utlit. all .sxlera to THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO., 01 . on end eii opera Block. MMA OHIO. maalioo this GRAHAM & SHAW! I'KAi.KRS IX- ORICl'Il IK AL implement er.d piles. Advai.ce Threshers end en gine! Minneapolis Binder, Wood and Standard Mowers. Newicn Wagons, Nor wegian Plow, oil of a'l kind at the lowest price pcsM'jle. The Allian-e and Grange agent have awarded ti the con .tract to furni.h Twine for 'heir member. Call ard get our price before purchasing elsewhere. ADVANCE THRESHERS I m m Are wai ranted to thresh more grain in a given lime acd doit than any ma chine made. The Aova.nck Tr actios Evcixbs ait the best In the world. Remember large work meat large profi t In the thrtshiag butir.eis. Catalogue mailed free. EDWARD HUGHES, Gen 'I Ag't, Portland, Otcgon IHlRfFFS SALE: l a tit Circuit Cfn I tit Statt of Oregon for Im county C I.tnu. DMJoa'S, Pis-ntiff, vs P F Duoisy atui A'.mira V. Daolay, hi v. n- . TOTICE Is HE1IEBY CIVEX THAT b virtae ti so execntioo xid ordn ot nit daly 1 used oat of and uodet tbe tesl H the above cre.M court to in ae o t tied toil to tn .,.-.. i and delivir A will on rOaj thr l:ih laj t Iks Iroct At o- ti tb court Loote, in iht it the city f Albeor. Ltnn oSDty Onio boar uf sjsja a clock p as cf SSM dav, . ' foklic section for csab to baad to the hi.h bidder the iral property deactib l la p.iii eseeotion i A -.ijf of Ssj dssenbfd a M lows towit- Lot No (ti. six .1 block (26; taeatj-uxtn Hatklcmao'a sasassi addi.ioo to the otjr r. Albany, ia LiDBCuaa'j.Oresoe Ibe prooicda aitsiug ftoai tbe al of asM rsal props. ty, will be apolied liist, to tbe pstrntsi of ' cost tf and o.n aaid ieco !. c an i ':. or.giaal coats of ait taxd at $19.05; locoed, u- th p.vbwbI cf iht ; taint fT denai.d atr.ouuuna to tha mas of as t?T. CO acd a c stag intrrMt tbereoe at Ike j taioing I9.l arrea, ra'e tf to fr caat prrsntBK. aad tbe j reJser farther scm 4 !I00.' a, ittornfV' fc sodtks ovetp!Brfs'y I (i ll vcr tt aaid defredaat Dated thu 17ik day sf Ut. 193. C C JACKsOX. tsker-ff tf Lisa coast v, Orgca EXECUTOR'S SALE. Ko'it ia hereby rives that the c-.def- varawher, . sa- o I sigaed ixecct-m t the last will aod le-'e-. meet cf beta Bear oeceawed late sf Lias cosoty Ocrgce, :l! persaast to as order ot the ct st! v coal: f.w Linn cvMS'.y O eeo. duly made and sn-red of record on tbe 5th d-of Jcne. tm aslhoria..d .ceaeisg lb usdeisoed sa ea coror of aud estate, to salt toe Lsds hereinafter described, w ll j oa the Ma day of Jaiy, 1S3. a: the h.-ar of ty t oVock p e. of said day st ts Coast se door is the ly ef Albany, Liss eorsty, Ores. sell ' psUie aacttoa, to . . .: 1 1 11 r 1 - - - .1.1 IB DSBVA MWW WI I Bl "SBs UUC UU insert i :t;uwua Deer oaa ,c 1 t f Us death is sad t the fo'lowlnjr d. cnbei real esUle lwil: Begicsioa at ibe 5 W orreer of the doe land etaim of Owec K?ar and wife Kct No 2240 ied ctsiat No 41 te t 12 S K 4 W to ike A'lilaaec; ce :usn sad raeeiag tbecci wis! tbe notlh btmadarv Use of said claim C" 00 eiaaiva to the K E oor err of tsael ef -sod raid to V W R AAutil ana J C Rtbiu.f ty Owen Bear aad wife ibeocesosti 2 chataa. taeaws 8 31 45 K, folfowiag iIit; tie center ef a ilaath 14.24 cka-a. thsaoe sosth 2.90; chaics seal fesasj el w-.lh lb ncilh lice si said Owes liear - cla.n 55 10 caaiaw to 'be cast lias of id claim, th'tce sortb 17 chill. a to ibe pises of beciosiog ooU.-.iri : : teres, a 1 ia lias c u &ty Orvgr 1. Tem of sale one bslf caab ic hand no .In tf a'e and ee- h kf ia -ii rnooth, from .: ,r T ssle with isler eit al 8 per c nt per actum ec-red hy mor . t.r on the tacet aoid. This Ike C h Ly cf Jon 1SS3 Vt"A: rrt ali-It-ctc Joh 1 s; v v -i. U'eath-tf ' .'. ui..l. rii, ExrCTtors. awsssasaslst Ev. EXECUTRIX' NOTICE Vnrri: is heberv a mat th it rve -irr m.v I lfear.4 Mat.!.-. I iac. A Biljio. was eai, ;- c u.lttir j "he eta tinf denased. aee that I hare dale tct MraL A!ir ewaHBed aanc 1 ba.. ; arehenbj noli- tmiMatrtl.-.r. taerelore all perwv . . a.r.'a i- c e.ete im raAi eeeauewl irSH.ST Oed 'h1 rrqatmt to reewnl the am u me with tbe prr.pcr . ti- tr. at m; la,teo in tbe et. ,Sn,s Lur.n . tferer. ari'hiastt meotht Bmbb lb date terrnf Witoeea ray hand ta tad dav 4 June. 19X Jaraaos A Bit ai W B Bunr adBinl.uat.-r Altorsej aimiciimu Paper, I kt-tr!4, Paintw. Oil ,ln,, Etc .1. A. Camming ALBANY. CRECOK CI EK most A FEW TcstimGnials from persons wlw have been cured by the use of Hill s Tablets mi I Onto CnEUiCAr. On. ; I'PAH SIS: I havo 1Vsm nln v. ..v ft)Pln)MMAKuMi u...t r. . , - . i 9cm vlxim iur tt. I n.-ti t. , t till Nt .rtlllirntl ,hos !. loheae... Ja ot,o t,r S Vt " ."r " lortviilm .of i.iIm'.-,-. h., .. ..i.....i fop lwi.iil,..ll. - . . , T Wall oi your lublutscurod nioo I have nodevtre for It B. M . JAV LOftD, Leslie, SUoh. raranna Vwcmw V V was both a heav y smoker aud chew or, three da vs. 1 am cured. K.VTll t w JOHNSON, P. O. Box &. 1 1 -vt-a n rti; aa T s vi..Ti,Vt. u....i y snd as .klnf, W9 1 Tablets but threw dsvs be onlt drln ,,.1.-1 ,.-;.,r.. w, ,i.m,. i'ours truly MllJ.'UKLEJI MORRISON. t'lHCINHATI, OHIO. have performeu s miracle in my nd navo boon e urea tv the v iny part. W. L. LVTSUAI SHERIFFS SALE. In tie Circuit Court of lit Stmt of Crsro for Linn county. Chsa T Craft, J H Peerv, Henry Cyrus snd flaintiff., vs Jacob Ledger od and e ImiraLed gerw.wl, hU wile O L Campbell and a A Campbell, his wife, Delend&Bts. HVTOT1CE IS HERSBY OIVKK THAT by virt ie ot an execution and order f sale dnly Usur d out of and under the sea: of ti.e above named rourt, In the bore entitled anil to me directed and delivered, I will on Salardar, lull ar of Jaar. A B. ISKS a: ft, front door cf llw court bouoe lu the city of Alrmny, at the boor ot oik o'c'o?at p m of said day. ' sell at public action for cash In osnd to I tbe highest bidder a'l tbe rleht, titlo and ; inter. t of the above named defendautsfor e'ther of ihern) iu and to there property decrlbo in said execution and order of sale as follows towlt: 1 ract 1. 1 b est half nf tha dooatio-j (and Halm of ft ill la?: Cyron and Ms.y Ann Cyrus, bio wife, being Sot C it in 1 and 88 tp 10 S B 1 West, and ec 0 anil 31 in tp 10 acd 11 H R l Rast,Linncoubty, Oregon, Ttacv 2. Aim, tbe west h ilf of the dona tion land cl im of Wm Cyras and Mary Ann Ciru. hins Not 533. acs 1 anJ 3d. Ip 10 and II, ,iKI Wear, LUu e,nnty, orogon. Traet3 lot 4 in aee 1 ip lt,S R 1 West Traf t 4 Lot 4 an of c 35 to 10 -. K 1 West, Linn &-antv. Oreeon. cont'ininif 1 88 acres. i Treats A II ,.f ,t. . P J- Vfl A ; nor- isod claim, wt and north of rab trw rraok. in aec 1 tp II H H I Wet t inn conn.v. Oregon. ontHiniog 80 scre Tracts. Also 3 a-d 4 of sec i tf. 1. 4 R 1 Kaat, ron'aialoe 31 AT iract , All 01 the Andrew J J .to, sna wile flonttiofi lnl claim, ei' 1 w ti . tp 11 RR1 Kaat L'on cusnit . ri-so eaoeptinx the-.- r in 1 wermfimth eaat aide of tbe .as-. lM:ri ;d t re ., ma -tainirg acr s. Tran 8. hot No 1 of ac 31 tp 10 R 1 eat of the waumoue meri Jim, eonlsin ing 33.5T aere. vrm 9. (Krased ) Tract 10, rieeinning no th - w n boon dary line of the c ty of do 738 chain south and 5:Ji-hiin oast of the ncrth west corner ot the northaa-t ot section is, iu tp 10. 1 n 1 vvrat, runnina thence wast 19.76 ehiin and to tointia f.-' least of the center of the raCroad track; tbaooe aoath 3 sVxnaM sm parallel with the said railroad track i 39 Toa'na; tbeoee south S3 dsgreat east 4 25 chain., tbence ert 12 51 chains to a j punm u-jm cnains w 01 use) was Doua 1 ! rv line of the city of 8cic; ihoce nortto . 3:15 hi.i, Utene east 3J0 chains: I i hence north 2.r5 chains to I he place of bii-nios ountaining 10-50 aura. iran i:. tteatubiuK 10 cnains nona .and iO.f-5 chains sat of the aootbweat ; it eetion 17. tp 10 SRI .Vest ot j ttie Wi;;a i.etie reridian. Linn cjuntv . ' irejron. running tben?o north 5-8S chaioK to tbe center of tue ooanty roau; .h.noe north 85 decrees east along ssi.' I f.junty road 17 7m ehJn; thence south' 4 j cbalcs; loenca west 13.75 chain; thence ' south IS cbainx: I hence west 3J5 chains to the place of bef-uii:sj, containUs 74.aj.cro-. Tract 12. The northwe-t qnaster of tbe roithaast quarter of serfo 33 tp 10 S U 1 j A est, cot u-oin 40 sere. Tract IX Lot So 3 of section I tp 10 S R I Wfcv. containing 10 aan. 1 raet 14. Lou 1 sad 2 of -ection 1 tp 11 ; a i n i a ura coantv oretro-. cob i d iel ptOLrtT to be lat-lo the ' y j uirai oi uu com Qa SSpSDU Ot IO'! a poo said execution and the original costs of suit tsxsd st a7.l5. aad toe ' further sjru of 75 atto.neys .'; 2nd, t J ite payment to Use p aintiff beie n the sum of S56&75 with arcruin ; inlerast thereon at the rate ol ten per cent par , annum, snd the overp as if snv there be to be paid to lite da food an LU L Osjnpbel!. Palel this &h day cf May. 1S94 CC JaCKsOS. Shcnffof Una county, Oregon. ! i . SUMMONS ' . .. . V . Com'1 9 ,kt f Oregon, i for -.' atrmtu. M 'reed. PlaisHeT, st J 1 G ge Freed. ;-fti-l .r- ITjGewv KreaV t!w i' camed d-feod I ar.t : TNT 1 On " peer ss TV THK SAMF Or THE NAME O? THE STATE OP regvo, yos are hereby rejured to ap peer sad ameer tile c-mpiair-t filed eiraiss: yor lathe shnve co'ttlej esit wutin ten day from the ate cd tbe terries of tbia wmwci sum ycc. if served wtthba t&is coast or if reived witbie asyother eoasty of this state, then aril ate raeat; days froan the date o! tb Km of this SBminoea m J os : or it served ep m )oo by psouesttoo -thereof, than that yoa appear aad arswer the asai eustsiaiat by tbe first day of the next term nf tbe arxrve nsraed 00 .rt. towit. en tbe j 2j:h day of Jase, ISSG, aad if yoa fail o tc j snswer. for wast tbererf, the plaio iiT wii. ' take decree aeejavst )OJ fcr tbe reiief r rived for in -er eoeepUict herein tor it, sfasiss d seolr'rg the taosda of sistmncet ' eiisting Im t we. n plaintiff snd defetxlact, antl tils! u!a;etiff baa-.ted the tcoodv M tlu H.nwM ' I aaf nl , - ' .WV . J A-M I .. . : ok P(ej iBj for e), otb , M u. be meet acd jot. Thi tanmo.- is serired bv pnb!icatioo I thsraof is tSe Etatm Ribt Desk- kt bv . order of the Hon Geo H Baraett. Jads of Ike shove named coat, dated and snade oe the 9;h day of Mat , 1393 D'AP.CV BIKOBAkf, Attc-rvv f Plsistiff. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE KENT i It fa iti t :t H iaina RaMn, PkM. VT STICK tS sVkKBTCIVE THATTHEOH .VTY ! !' mart n. Urn armwj, Ontrx. b steed bursar ttlt.UA.-i't'ti-.: : sMkasa sfssllsss ; sltltUS a l.-Altanr, !,. aa tic tsme t .an. pmm , j mi aoaz a.-eouot aa : wn . tba atT iaitit.'ed itale. Aev ; Serbax v obfcsrttaa Sa tbe mat l benbj ootiBed nil ptietut w preaeot toe aaare. Dsted tbb 9th b ol Jte, 1S, O P trssftitw. jr Adeaituatmlor. DISSOLUTION NOTICE-1 Th partuershlp beretofors extstinjj between WI. Moore and A Sonaney, i itnina m Uvl K. tm.m in - - - - - - J "- w aitwg , v. ., , uD 'sr the firm name of Straney J btooie, u thi dsy dbso' vetf by ruutuaj eossent. Tbe t uiir.ess will be eontinoaa by W f. Moore, who wli! settle all the Old firm's Indebtedness snd roi'ect all 1 o.Ua due the firm I Hy 4th. 1SKX. W la MOORE. a vKAKV. OADD1.E HORSK for sale cheap, per kjiecuy gfi ue can on SS- Setuiers Star Baker t orlroHilsdilii sttssl rirsi Ml CCNRAO MEYER, PR0PRIE10R. ttasUett (TrtSrls, Clltaaasi are, 1 tried Frttils. To tm ceo, Nngstr, t'oRete, Kt t'atnneit " UureassaM Ke,atle.. Clstisw Spices. Test. ttC. , Sac vn tl..t that la kept in arlfi v and etwery (tore, lligkeat sssnetpno prio ( tan v ! for ALL KINDS OP PRODUCE ALBANY FDRNITDRE CD 1 Baltimore Block. Many, Oit. Dsaler n. all kinds of Purniturs, Wa( Fa per Carpets, Linoleum, rictitr) Frames, fete. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY HYDE & JAMES, Propr'etor. SUMMONS In M Circu t Cmrt of iht Statr. oj Ort$on fox thr. ccuvty of Linn. Al ia Ardrrws, Pi lot iff, T( Josspb Andrear,!); 1 i.U To Joph Aadrew, tha above 1 a ed de fendant: IN THE NAME O ' THE STATE C? Oret.n, yon re to, eU; rtqnired to ap pear r.A awer to ,rrpl at of the above imuuii, 10 iue o!.vf en:ite 1 uonrt, now cn file with the cler. . f id wort, If the first day of UkSSMStt rsaalar toss said court after tne potlicv-i-r of thu for six weeks lowit, Mdar, ne26th, 1893, sod von are h. -l,y i,oiii,l tht if fell so to answer t- ptaictiP 0 wy to th court for the relief dewtniM in Ue eaair-laiDt c wit.'for adrree ii olviog the Mi of matrimony ow rs'sUng letae 1 -. inRff and defrodsnt, ar,d awarding plaiuiif! the caro od cas;o4y of iheif miacr chilo, tbe ssae c! sud mariiaire. Pablished by order of tbe Han Ceo H Burnett, judge f eid c urt, mtii at ChSSt bars in tbe city r.f Sikm, Marion a not'-. May 6th. 1893. WESTMEKrOHI. dCCHSMBeKLAlS, Atlorneya im V aiatiff. SUMMONS. In Uu County Court of Uf 'itatr r,r Orrgon for ikf Count f of Linn : L.nlu A Sty. PtstintfsT. t. n. v i ri...v n,mi n -L. , , . "w - '-J ' IIMUJIUMI- ac : IS 1 IE N .. M K MfTflK STATU Or 'joii. on r hereby rtqolrtd to r ndanw' lb wtnplaint filwl aii von In tb abovo entitlrd soil on r Im foro the 8rt dv a the nx" regular rn or in- arove anuced court next 1 1 lor.r:.' tie ex pi ratios or M putic: llon of thi attNBJSal m nwil bdiv of Jaa9. 1913. an 1 uTyiMi tail 10 snswor as herein required tb plaii i-fT will take judgment acainstyrn f r thara-'fofd manded in her eociplant t wi.: ecre" of th above eotitird ;. rt t'i lr:t. ta b nds of rn trtrr... tow cxtticg between p :utIflT n-'o'iVfeudant nsnaad and to p.iotff tba cujtoJy of Ira Mi y- th m.r. ,r ohlld of pia ntirT and deu-tidani. I This service of aacninons 1 maj by W 11 11 11 y or'isr r:i jioa tt car i r1' Ju3 w mti r,ort. t'ham ." ?m UBs Its Pk constv, lo lv n "T ot May, A D, U $. J J WHfr".r. All'y ;or l'.aint:fl Will cure The worst cases Of Skin Disease From a Common Pimpie On the Face To that awfui Disease Scrofula. Try a bottle To-day. ,1 NOTICE OF FIMAL SETTLEMENT. OTICK IS HEKEBT GIVES THAT THE t"X- j vHH -"loisstj T ilijl il at taat the I I Bn SrS Say et Jahr. 1SBS, t sosr of leVtek. as tbe alUiwiias el swUeav. trar tbe bearise of nljuisliss if aev to sua tnti sc i iisl ssl tbs inline cl mai estate. Dated Mar Mth. 1SJS. i B SScrABL3Cl. J 1 WHITS FT. Aeeabnatralar rUHIINISTiATOrS HOTICt. aa Ctumtf C-mrt ef tit Statt rf O.f-ou, ammtf of Limn: In tbecsatter otisc estate t Can I'.-rt -er. ee- Noncss rs hereby givex that the irx enaasBs has bees aJaJr asoiaed W the sal si are buretH icusiit to estsasars a rnvnttts tt Bf J J Watoer, in A - tbe Smte Btreal. aaatsi tae 1 nh Jay M Itaj.I WS J J Wititeer. I Attvtor Admr UN PIEKEXGER. AOMINISTBAT rs NOTICE. ' XTOT ll iss asa . I A Sm GIVEN THAT OS THK 11 JiriralKlu. fwlv apeoiated Aiautitrt:nr of the estate at Mrs 1 A lai llmiaiS a-d that 1 baae ,'u!. ml;-, VtiSed and respired to 1 nser.s the susat to aa ,lUl preper sissss aiatj residesetm the eHv s Scs tins eawstjr, t irerca, widais aii ate am tire da' r beeeot. W 'iteust m; hae the ind v ol Jeaa, liSS. JACkS,.N A BI1.TEV. W K BIL.YEV. Adatiaiatrator Attnrae; Isr Atimisiatnter SHERIFF'S SALF. j in At Circuit Court for I.'sw Cosj,.'v(a(e sy Oregon; A B McllwaiD. Plaintiff, vs Rue1 Custer, Oef cdaau XTCrriCK 13 HEREBY. SITES "HAT i- by Tirtue of it execution scd order of tale duly irsned 6"t of ana under the sea! of tbe court aNs ndavd in tne above entitled safe, to n.'e directed and delivered, I wi'.l on aatassy, Ike IMS stay T 4se. Itsu at tne front door of tho court fa9ase,i t : city cf Albany eountr, H re ton. a the hour of one o'clock p iu of saki Jav sell at public auction for cash in bacd to the behest bidder ail the right. Utie snd interest of (be abova named defenaiaut in and to the real property described in said exec it. ion snd order of sale ss follows towit: Lots 7 and 8 in blook 118 in Hack lemsn's sddition to the city of Albsny, Linn county, Oreg r; also lot 3 and the east ha.f of lot 3 in block 1. which is in the Western s.liiiti --n 10 the city of AN bany, Linn county, Oregon; also ots 1, S, 11 and 12, known as Fir Ground lots, sureyei snd pi alto. I by tha Linn Csunt v Axrk.ulturl Association, in sec li. tn 11- 3 of R 4 West, in Linn eotut v. Oregon, also the fblitiwlnej.bPKinoinsr t the north east correr of J S Knox donation lan.i claim, ntHifieation 1S99, e.asm 42, thence west StT chains,- .hence north 27 58 chains; thenee east 55.30 chains; north 12 Tti chains; east 20 chains thence south 20 chains; thence west 10 chains; thenes souln 14 S5 ohtins; thence west 56 54 chains to the pises rf bK-ia-nlng. containing 1TS,H Acres in Linn county, Orssron. The proceeds atisiua. frona said sale t us appJiett 1st. to the payment of tha costs of aud apoa said execution and tha anginal costs of suit taxed at t3u 15; 2nd, to the pnyruent tr .Vt-V,' B Mollwain, ihe sum t f i674 bO with accraUat tuterts: thereon t psud11 tf teD P 9nt P"" wanum antil Dated this 5th day of Msy, lsua. C C JACKSON, Sbetlffof Linn county, Oregon LADIES' TEA la a pleasant drink, which will be botaa by the stomach without oaaaea or griping. It eta thoroughly oa the liver, kiJuetsaml reproductive orgsns. A gentle physic, tit cietat diuietic, sad moat useful in tcsot tr painful sneDsturatior. It aid digeaticn sect reduoes ccrpulency ; clears the ompicucr, rendering it fair, aid restoring tb nsturtil tone of th skin, for it leo.oves tfshila whict. by aceumnlatioo,prt ducer the w ow,nuidc?y complexion peculiar t) the cous'l lated state, kid by alt draggistr;