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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1893)
lemocrat. mm VOL XXVIH. ALBANY.ORKGCIK, FR1DA1, JUNE 16. 1893. Entered at the rs ontre at Albany. Or., aa Beread-4'lass Mall T1TE8 t CTTI9G,rkll.hers'aa. prtej.,,, NO 45 Buy RUBBER HOSE Buy RUBBER HOSE of Hattbews & Washburn -Boy RUBBER HOSE otlaiews & Mbp Buy Lawn Mowers 4 Matthews & Washbnrn Boy Lam Mowers of Suits Had lo ALBANY, FORTMILLER Undertakers vv E Kfr.EI crnnmlh en fi.ll coffins. Alto tuTis! rcl-r. trri nrJsa which will be o!d at The Lowest Lit EMBALMING an1 "e proper care HO EXTRA CRCL FOR ALBANY, - - MASONIC The Oregon .Vim ii hn-t.c: .nt Grijr .lock, rorwr IJhtrly and M m AKES a specialty of Bunnyside fruit tracts near Saleroj Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 rx-r ere ?mall cash payment lung or particulars. J. F. FORD, tagelist, Of De Hornet, la y . wr , l: r" j-, ,(e ,.r March 23, 1893: J. B. Mr.o. M k , Co Dufor, Orejjoo. lenUmun t On arriving buna las'; wte. I lour 1 ail well and anxiously n y in " Oar I Etaa girl, e sht and ooe-h;.lf year. d, who 1 ad 1 wa ted away to 38p.und. i w ""K uj viorimt ana w i n ,n .so 8. B. Cough Curo his d 114 'M Wurr wll. Both of the ehildiea lik- it. You S B. Cough Care baa cored ac ( kto. ad hoarseness from me. Sr. give it 1, " one, with gre-tiojit; for all. Wis ait.g joo proaoeii y, we are Yours, M h ic Mas J p- T om. If yon w'nh to feel iiean arid chrrer uL and ready '"r tbe Spi-iruf" work, cleanse your . with the Headache ami I.ivir Um, by taking two or" Urree eSSst still .reek. 5 J cents jurr b-attlo by all di-nopata.1 8 Id under a puartiv.. guaraitel J ACUMMING. NOTICE OF FINAL SET FLEMiNT. NUllUii IS HEEK1.Y GIVEN THAT the undersigned. a-JWuitra oof she eatat 01 nomas iJleua netv ., 1, Iia bled bia Haul a-couat with the c'Mnatj clerk of Linn county, Oragtwir th fr K,unty court of raid county baa lined tka 841, daj of July, 18SJJ, at the hour of oo Mock p. M. of aaldday for the hearlBg lf objec tion to and final account and. tan final let tlement of said eatate. Dated June C, 1893. Jons A. v. Jamm J. Charlton, Adminialrator. Attorney for Administrator. fled CrownMills ISOM & UNNINC, PBDPRIETORS. V t-KOOB! FLOUR ROTEfUOa FOK rAHIMI AXD igST STOttAGR mA fife I of Matthews fiWashborn Matthews & Washbnrn N. WALDAHL, --"ei'cliant Tailor. Order and SatisfaHion Gasraotifd SHOP OPPOSITE THE PCS T OFFICE OREGON 'ft IRVING and -:- Embalmers. , r ... :, . , i i, , , , v ?.- . i lu.if)lr 1 .) ' i j I n i .! rr lug Srnts. of the: dead a ej-eciali, HEARSE OR 3ERVfCfcl, TEMPLE, - - OREGON Land uo ,x OK3iJGJ-01r: StR - .c street, branch office in Poi MW time on balance An aa usual its TAvative andNnn TowiC Bold by Drureists or sent try malL 2Sc&Oa. and! SUV I ) per package. BarnptM free. UA The Eavorfbo TOOTH K)'IW AU AU f or the Teeth and iSreath,25c. Captain Sweeney, TJ .. A San Dte(ro,Cal Bays: -Bbllob's unarm itemed y is the nrat medicine I have ever found that would do mo any good-" Price 60 eta. Bold by Drugglata. SHILOH'S CURE. Twra An at Conan dm aaMx I wnereaUothergfalL ForConaumption lthaa rtyal: baa cured tnousanda, and will ctbk p.tttafcenlnamra. rtotl8etfc.60ctt,100. TOO, VIGOR MEN Eaaiiy. Quickly. Parmanaatly Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS. DEBILITY, and all the train of evil Iromt-erly f-rroraor later exceaaes, tbe resul . of overwork, alckti' ir, worr.v.t'le. Full at re plu r).-v i inerit and lone (riven to every organ and portion of the body. (Simple, natural rnethodn. Immedlatlmprovemnt en. Failure Impoajill'le 2,000 reference. Book, explanation and proof mailed (.sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CI. BUFFALO. N. V. How's This! "WeoJfer One Hundred Dollara Eewr W asyeaeeof Catarrh that cannot be 0 Jg I ilall's (Oairrh Cure. F J. CHENEY & CO. , Props-1 Toledo, 7. Wo Ota andersigned, have known F. J. Clrja i racy for the list 15 years, and believe him p3 telly honorable in all businesa transactions sad flnanciaUy able to carrj rat any o"" iiom made by tbelr firm. "WKaTitTi'.i'AX, Wliol?alerrui?;lBts, Tolt WAU!.XO, KIKSIK'S HaJtVlN, WBOHaU U'liJ' eist-' TivlW Catarrh CureistaKenluternallv.actlna 8 Caturrh (HiTeistateniutornally.actli nllrectlv uoou .!ic blood and mucous surfaces ol the ytein ZS -. . I . ; . . . . 1 ..... 1 . . tj .1.1 V... . Price. The. oer Irotliu. Hold by all flttflrsflX JJTUgglSIS. Testimonial free. LOCAL RECORD A Fkm.u.k Hkkmit. The Stayton Times Mfa the following: In the vicinity of Sweet Home, in Linn county, there lives a female hermit whose hiatory is as peculiar to the world as it is sad to herself. She i over 60 years of age. This old lady comes of good family and has raised a respectable family of children herself, and the date of her eccentric life legan with an eventthat took place when her children were all grown. Like some other thoughtless par ents, they neglected to record the date of births in their family, ami feeling the mis take, she and her husband decided that, for the benefit of their grown children, they would ascertain as nearly as possible their ages. For this purpose they set a day and summoned some of the neighbors whom they had known for years to meet at their home for the purpose of establishing the birth dates of their children. The age of the eldest son was taken into discusaiou and on his age the man and wife disagreed ine difference of opinion ripened into enmity and was the cause of a separation. 1 he husband moved to a secluded spot and 1 . . im.h me remainder i his nays a misera ble hermit. He never went out nor had any company. Only a few years ago he was louml 111 his cabin after he had been dead several days. The wife had built a house in a remote corner of her son s yard, and is living a similar life. Unimpressionable anmasmuti ot the mi Ik of human kindness this strange woman is eking out an ex istence made miserable by a simple event, and known by few outside her family. Lkbaxox. Born, to the wife of C F Moi.-t. June 4, 1893, a daughter. Mrs J r Mubbleheld has opened a type writing omee in t'r t ourtney building. Nat Bowman arrived in Albany from Crook county last evening, coming by way or ine Lebanon wagon road. The Electric Ijght & Water Co. have a large force of men at work digging ditches mi iay me waver pipes tnrougn me streets of our city. Bud Thompson has leased the St Charles Hotel and took charge Monday. Last Monday Mrs W j Kay swore out a complaint against C R Loveall for using msuitinir language to tier, ine Uilhcultv seetns to have arose over a ladder. The crse which is attracting much attention, was tried before the 1 itv recorder Tuesday evening, who decided that the defendant was not guilty. The house built a little over a year ago in A Cowan's addition by the Case's, and which was sold last December at sheriff's sale and bid in by Ashby Pierce, of Albany, last Tuesday nurht. It is so noosed thai 2a house was set afire by some unknown per son. The building was vacant and was in sured in the Hartford Insurance Co. for $400. Express. Determixed To Go. We regret that it becomes our duty to chronicle the fact that our respected citizen Rev b F Longbottom has decided to leave our city. IHiring his residence here he has, by his' honorable and upright dealings with his fellow men. won the good will of the public. He has been a servant of the public in two capacities pastor ot the Cumberland church and prin cipal of the Sooth Brownsville public school in both of which he was most soc- essful. In the former he was a most zeal ous worker and an honor to the church he represents, while in the school room he was deeply interested in the welfare of his pupils, and ever ullert to the best interests of edu cation. He has been elected to the pastor ale of the First 'tun her Land Presbyterian chin eh of Albany, where he will move as soon as the new parsonage, now in coarse of erection, is completed. May unbounded success attend him. Brownvi"lle Times. It West Off. Mr Obenauch. the man ager of a bicycle agency here, yesterday ar ranged attachment to his wheel whereby he was enabled to carry a small rifle. He had It on the wheel a greater part of the lay and met with no casualty, bat last evening when his wheel was standing in front of his place of business a boy who was monkeying with th gun. raised the hammer and the gun was discharged. Tbe rod used for cleaning the gun was in the barrel and it and the bullet went whizzing up Commercial street. The wonder is that no one was hurt. The bullet pasted near by Mr Sargeant and the cleaning rod was picked up in front of Branson s grocery store. Salem Independent. Mr Obenaoer was in Albany with the same outfit, and the Albany beys had sense enough to leave the arrangement alone. A Good Foiascir . There were ter eral creditors of the Genraia bank in the county clerk ' office this morning who felt sore. The attachn enta against the Jeiunct bank were over $15,000, while the a-nount realized from sale waa less than fX 00. Among the rest was Mrs Durette, whose claim a as reached, bat only touched, as she received bat $40. She saw no war out, as the creditors were paid in lull in order of attachment, to she quietly went around Genraia vetter day and bought up a few of the preferred claims. One claim of about $120 coat her 640, while one for $175 coat $100, and thus it went. Mrs Dorette'a speculation was a good one, and her method ol get ting tier claim was "lire wed balem in dependent. A Fiddi-r" Hb. A very appreciative and refined audience greeted the great Hungarian vio inis . and his excellent support last evening at the opera house. Probably the Bneet concert program ever presented in Albany waa given our people. Hemenyi la a marvel as a vio linist. The manner in which lie manip ulates the bow on his ritradivartus as tonishes all who hear him. Mr Marsh- bank is a talented ban'one, Mia Methot is a soprano poseesing a rare voice, and Mile Sage is an expert pianist. Unlike the euppor of many stars Itemenyi's ia of a high order. New Gabdess. Mr Small, of the Riverside gardens three miles west of Al bany left at tbe Democrat office today a box of Big Bob strawberries which are very fine. They are large like the Sbarplwi, but posses more color and are not so mild. He also has the Jesse. He now has three acres of new plants, and believes the soil at Riverside, Linn county, is equal if not better than the Benton county soil for gar- Idening. and proposes to give some examples of his gardens capacity for business. 8cio. - 0 W Harris, the popular Albany marble dealer, came over Tuesday. Scio is now a city of darkness. Who is I to blame for its being thusly V Ourcitjr dads should remember "how it is yourself. Dr E O Hvde has liecome the possessor of a safety bicycle, and we expect that he will furnish us several good items in conse quence immediately. Scio merchants and wool buyers claim they are "paying more for wool than is be ing paid in either Albany orSalem. Wool growers should investigate their claims, and see whether they are true or not. tress. Another Pockkt. Southern Oregon must be full of pockets. Here is another one reported: James Byron came in from Olalla, Tnesday, to attend a meeting of the ouiuiera iinme commission, lie informs us that there is at present unite a ripple of I excitement there over a quarti! ledge dis covery. A prospector named Recce struck the lead on a ridge between Ollalla and the Have liionipKon ranch on Cow creek, but considerably nearer the former place. It is claimed that the discover took out $4000 in a pocket of decomposed quartz in one 1 evening, but this report is probably ex aggerated. A t ish SToiiv 4n Oregon City paper claims that a salmon was caught at that citv recently, with a hook and line, weigh ing pounds. A big fish story, serving as a reminder that the new fish ladder should lie built as soon as possible, in order to give Albany opportunity to fish for big and little salmon. We will be satisfied with ten pounders. Accident at Brownsville. While swinging in a hummock last Sunday on the porch, Mrs. Archie Blackburn received a severe stroke on the head, which might have been more serious than it was. One of the pillars which supports the roof gave way, and falling struck her on the head, inflicting a very painful wound, but she has so far recovered as to be out again. At the Head. H D Norton, now prac ticing law at Junction, passing the exam ination of law students at Salem Tuesday, standing at the head of the class. Those present highly complimented Mr Norton on the excellence of his examination. Eu- fme Guard. According to the Oregon City ntorprise" here is another one, and we are certain Albany has one: Among the suc cessful applicants for admission to the bar at the recent examination were Geo. L Story and E F Origgs of this city. Mr Story who has been studying iu the office of Hon G E Hayes, had the nonor of stand ing at the head of the large class as he did not miss a question. Vrry Sensible.- A peddler has been In town this week with a lot of goods of various kinds. The Courier does not blama the peddler for trying to make money, but It regrets that - any citizen should encourage to the detriment of the home merchant. The home dealer ts the one who hslps to maintain our schools and our churches; It Is they who have helped create the value of our homes, and and It is also they who assist us in time of need. But it is sometimes the pcddlei who gets our c h. This is not right, Itarruburg Courier. This also applies to wandering tailors and a good many et sis. Two Legs Broke. A lender and his J son Walter,' a lad 14 years of age. were en- t ftam&rt in mnn!nr .1 mi, 1.1. in. . mankln. fir Samuel Jones on the Oscar Beardsly farm about twelve miles north of town yester day morning. I'he horse's trace i broke letting the sweep ftv back and hitting first the son and then the father. The bov suf fered a compound fracture of the left leg aoove the knee and the elder Uunier had simple fracture of the same member. Drs Henderson and Brown attended the injured pervons. -statesman. The First Home Game. The Portland club will come to Albany tomorrow deter mined to win. and tliat will be the situa tion of the Albany club; hence a live game win result. U. m. M. rarlnnd will umpire Burns will pitch Saturday and McGreevy .-uiuiay. vtuuam tteleli win umpire Sumlay's game. The first motor will run at 12:45 and every half hjur, returning even- htlf hour, and with tbe fiat car. which has been seated, it is thought over one hun iired can be carried at a trip, tiaiues will be called about r-30 o'clock. Another Brioc.k Wasted. DrTL nolden is circulating a petition for a bridge across tne north fork of the .Santuuu at what is known as the Davis ferry on the road leading from Salem to Scio. Dr olden is the owner of the ferry franchise but be does not care for it lonmtr and head. uie peuuon ior a linage, it win be pre sented to both Linn and Marion counties. A bar has formed in the middle of the river at .1 . ... . . ... . this point and travel is stopped during the low stages ofwater. Salem Independent IUB1TU E.H B iTt 1 Ihere was a large attendance at the meeting at the court bouse last evening. Rev. C. G. Harmon was elected chairman. The matter of Sabbath desecration was dis cussed by several, and the following reso lutions, introduced by T. P. HacUeman. which cover the field, were adopted: Whereas. We are credibly informed that game of baseball is to be plated in tbe vicinity of this city on next Sunday. June 11. under the auspice of the Oregon State Base Ball League, to which excursion train and boats are to be run wi'h a view of se curing the presence in this city of large crowds of people from various part of the valley, therefore we the people of the city of Albany and vicinity, in mass martins- as sembled, do hereby respectfully protest against such a desecration of the Sabtsath day for the following reasons: 1st The citawrvance of the Sabbath a dav of the rest for the Laboring man ami of religious worship and the adVaravment of benevolent enterprise, is an institution hich has existed since the find dawn of creation, and has become sacred as sach to hundreds and thousands of tonle all over our land. 2nd. The desecration of this dav bv anv such a proceeding as a game of has ' mX. however innocent such agamenuiv W upon any other day. is a shock to the moral sense of a large majority of the best people of tliis community. Even if the feelings and op inions of persons opposed to Sabtath a.--cration are not to be respected and the Sabbath not be regarded as a sacred insti tution try the member and fnend of the Jreson State Base Ball league, we submit that it is highly improper for one portion if our community to invite large numbers of strangers to this citv. or to inaugurate proceedings to secure therein, upon such a day. for such a purpose, when their pres ence here, under such circumstances, cannot be otherwise than annoying and unwelcome to such a large number of citizens residing here. 3rd. The customs and institutions of our country have long since been established, and those institutions which long years of experience have shown to be conducive to the public welfare has Ireen proven by cen turies of experience and cannot in this day be successtully denied. 4th. To tbe Christian Sabbath the la lioring classes are indebted for the f;u-t that they now have one day out of seven, which I they can call their own. without which there would I 3 no stated day of rest, and the time of those who labor would be spent in unre mitting toil. 5th Are these things to be lightly regard ed V Ia this a question of trivial importance ? It would seem to us that those of us who la the most of us do. would hesitate a long timebefore rudely offering an insult to the feelings of those men and women who have by many sacrifices made this day of rest possible, but for whose labor, prayers and devotion a slavery of unceasing toil would await them. 6th. To say nothing of the Sabbath as a divine institution, which it would be un necessary to discuss with those believing in Christianity, and perhaps useless to argue with those who do not accept such a relig ion, we submit that the duties one portion of a community owes to another irortion. makes the contemplated invitation of such large crowds into our city on the Sabbath, under such circumstances, not only an un welcome invasion of our rights as citizens but it naturally places those thus' invited in the embaraasing position of being where they are unwelcome to a large number of people. "th. The opening of sticb a place of amusement on the Sabbath day Is a viola tion of both the letter and spirit of the laws of this state. Therefore be it Resolved, 1st, That we kindly but earnest ly protest against the playing of such a game and the proposed excursions to this place next Sunday or uiron anv other Sal bath day and respectfully ask that the same be postponed to some more suitable tune 2nd. That we respectfully ask idl who believe in the sacred cause of the religion of Christ to use all such legitimate means as may be in their power to prevent such a desecration of that day and to refrain from attending or in any way patronizing such play at any time until we are suns that no such a desecration is any longer con templated. A Fisokk Off. This forenoon wh'.le working in Rainwater's quarry across the vVHIamatie George Babbington had a hand caught in the cogs of the derrick, mashing two finger so seriously that one of them had to be amputated. Dr G W Maiton performed the operation, out or siah t i ho traveling pubiio are now tuny alive totthe fast that the Chieag", Union Pacific & North-VVeftcni line offers th very best accommodations to the public from and to Chicago, Omaha and intermediate points, not only darinf the World's Fair, bat all the year round. Monky to Loan. I have money in sums of $500 to $20,000 to loan on im proved farm land In Linn and Bentc counties, at lowest current rate, delay in furniabing the money. 0 G Bubkhabt Real estate agent, Albany, Oregon. aotiti, m pt.uaoMi TUUHSPAV Mr Sky Meek, the crack shot, o' Har risburg, is in the city. Mrs Wright, wife of the Mutual In surance man, is lying dangerously ill at her rooms at Mrs Walter Monteitb's. Roy Stuart left this noon for ( behalis, where Mrs. Stuart and the other chil dren will go tomorrow to reside. Dr Nat Redpalb, assistant physician at ieiiacoom, ana wiie are in :tie city visiting relatives and old friends here. Prof Michner. of Ibe Lebanon schools has been In tbe city teddy. His school recently closed a successful term with ten graduates. Neat years class will con- lain eighteen pupils. FRIDAY. A F Stowe, the Lebanon lawyer, is doing iiiissjij touay. G W Staver, the well known agricultural man, of i'ortiand, was m the i ity yesterday Miss Mary Scott, daughter of Postmaster Scott, of Fox VaBey, is in this t it v the guest of Mr lrgil rarkor. Bert Magers made a trip to Salem Sd urday. lie thinks Salem milliners must l quite entertaining. -Stiiytou Time. Mr Sam GoldeirTUh, nu father of as bright looking twins a breathe i iregon OMitie. is in the city today on Us regular rounds. Alfred Frey. a former resident of U'lsi non, has just gnno mad at Santa Paula. Calif., and has been taken to the asylum. His insanity was of a wild nature. Mr. C. E. Barrows arrived in Albsuiy last night from a several months sojourn in California, where his family will remain on account of the illness of his daughter. Miss Jessie. Mr M G Smith, of Eugene, Lane county. Lmpped into the Democrat office tolay. to assure us that he had a dead cinch on the U J Marshalship for Oregon. Salem IW?ia crat.' The fainUy of Dr T ' Mackey who some time ago bought the Ellison property on 9th and Calaponia streets, arrive)! "from Gardiner yederday and have already occu pied their new hoine. The Dr. will arrive in a few ilars. Tbe Dr. i a wort lit- and should meet a welcome from all. ATraxAT Mr. Frank Dorr!, the printer, of Port land, is in the cli v. J V pipe returned lodar bom the mines some fine specimen ol ere License was issued toilav fort he marriar. "f r y i r.i'M k and Ju ia It ibn B F Ramp wa In Rjs-turg this week. Mr Kamp has a fine farm nasi ;hat city. Mr Ed Uu!on. ofth Farmer and Mer- chants losurande Company went to Halsrv this noon. Prof B F Parsocs, cf Albany. as in our city this week and had some ; b work done. Broansvhle Time. Re and Mr Ercieston. ot Lebanon were In this cbr to Jay on their sav home from a 132 mil bugf y nde t tin uaii urro on tbe wast Side, Vrbdurtor Charles Wilson, who ial th world's fair, wml home a bill of fare, which show tbe price of a good meal in that city to b several dollars, a rhoi. teak being tl.TxX Roseburg Review. Last evening Mis Hela GiJIwrt's mu sical claws gave a recital at Mr. Arrh Hammer's, which was a very nlnuant affair, and conferred grsat cre-lit on the pupils. Mis. he!- Rhoa.k was given a pleas ant surprise on Saturday evening. Jane :ld. bv bar isssusa truwul ttw. 11 )-,.. k. 30th birthday. iamr and other auius- ment were part -):! in. after which a b-untiful supply of kv cream and cake were disperml with. All went awav happy, wishing Mis Pbebe many aware .u-'h "nappy utrtnuav. i suae press-nt wen-: Mr ail Mr Holt. Mr cm! Mrs Myers. Mr BasMiaa. Misses Verse. Eta and Ada Stewart. Nellie Laity, ikirena Marshall. Lillian Mr her. Bertna and Anna Powell. Linnie Ramaev., Fannie Titus. Lillie Mcllargue. Haley. Rova and llesme 1'ayne. Viola La Porte. Minnie Reese and Mabel Knapp. Messrs Eury Howell. Charles Fnller. Mauriif Payne. Fred Bl-ru. Roma Mc Cully. Fred Powell. Soar Cmditun. Alfred Haley. Frank and Nicholas Stewart. Will Galhraith. Richard Rb-iies. Twewry Tears' raperSraee. C D Fredrick, the well anown pho- tog-apher. 770 Broadway, New York, says- "1 hive been usinc Al'cock Por ous Plasters for jo veais, ar.d found Ihem one ol the best ol family tnrjicide. Briefly summing ap my experience. I say that when placed on the small ol t!e back Allcock' Plasters fill the body with ncr. vous energy, and thus cure fatigue, brain exhaustion, debilty and kidney difficul ties. For women and children I have found them Invaluable . They never In i tate the skin or cauc the slightest pain, but cure aore throat, coughs, cold, pain in the aide, back or chest, ind'gestion and bowel complaint." Board and Lodwso of good quality reasonable rates are the strong point of the riar t on I nuts or the Worlds tair Hotel and Hoarding Bureau. For sale at all rail road ticket offices in Portland and at Salem Albany. Eugene. Conallis. McMinnvilh and Oregon City. Ion't go to Chicago without your accommodations reserved, un seat you have a big purse vou are inxious to empty, tall on C. K. Fronk at the depot ior particulars. They Havr Movbd. K'ein Bum are sew In their new quarter in the Cusick block, and Invite the public to call and see their metropolitan store, and aswrll inspect their large and tine line of boots and shoes, for men, women and children . The are prepared to meet all the demmrls of the pebhe for f jot wear. AnvEKTiMSo Novelties. We have a complete line of noveltiae. direct from the makers, can lurnisli the same nt lowest prices. Whistles, mirrors, pencils, mem oranda books, napkins, fana, rulers, yard sticks, panels, chrotno cards, caps, calen dars, xmas cams, etc., m season. Ami always the treat Job Printinc;, tW SMILEY, leading Printer. Bad Man. The Albsny China ptople say mat it a way io a bad man, and, that he wrote a letter from Newport that wa bad and Irdecent, lit It not a mem- of the church. All the Chinese people of Albany sav that Lcc Way acted wrong. rv v o . i aiMj 10. v ong Dick Yun Fook Sas-o Ltnra .v Co. Jim Way. Wa KerSCo. LAtitnuv Worb Every citisen ol Al bany should bear in mind that the Albany 8team Laundry guarantee fiiat class work at verv reasonable prices, and employs nothing but white lsbor. Shirts lone aa cheaply a the Chinaman. Pat ronise your own race- The skill end siHi. Irdec Rstaolial to the productionjof ths mail per feet and popular 'axative remedy known, have enabled the Ctbfornia Fig 8;rnn Co. to achieve a great anoaet in tht reputation of its remedy, Syiuo of Fiif, a it is conoed d tn he the universal laxative, r For ta e l.y all rliilji-in. Xhen Baby wa, sica. sri When ..a wan a Qillrl, t When slie rni ariu) Miss. rbfin sho baa ClillJ-c- i tier i.'asoi: 1 iisi for I "raVo c i!ir tr' 'rrsl Shiloh' Vitalixer t what you need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow akin or kid- j nay trouble. It It gaaranmea to give yoo tatitlectioD, Prioe 75o. 8 Fushsy & Masoc. HEW V KklETTFB, New Yobk, June 2nd, 1893 A party of Cherokee Indians looking for a six million dolllar loan, waa one of the oddities of the businesa day in Wall street yesterday. Tbe Indians were not in war paint and (eatherr. They wore much the same clothes as the habitues ot tbe street, and all that betrayed their lineage was their complexion and their features. Tbe party consisted ol C J Harris, chief of the nation ; Exechia Starr, treasurer; DWLipe, J I' Cuming ham and John Staples who ia a cousin o tssistant District Attorney Staple of city. They came from Tahleouab, tbe capital of tbe Indian Territory, to aell $tt 6-0,000 of bonds. As the Cberokeea can no lor.ger collect rents from rancher for the grazing land in the land under their possession they are obliged to look about for some mean to raise the money to meet the expense of the nation. which has schools, churches, ccurts and popular government to support. Ttiev therefore decided to aell bonds on the government' promise to pay. The bonds are all guaranteed, pri..cipai and interest by the United States Uovtrnment, and all! "bear 4 percent interest. The Indian financiers wilt remain in the city until they nave placed all the bond, which are considered first class securities. some time ago the New York Herald appeared without tbe customary bead line on the editorial r-age, Jatnf Gordon liennett Editor and Proprietor." The change caused much gossip and it was aired amund that Mr Bennett had acid hi interest in the paper which wa founded by bia father. The rumor waa denied Mr Bennett :n a cable gram irom London in wbieh be stated that it was to give the credit to hi man aging editors by placing their names at the head of the paper in lieu of bis own. Mr Bennett was much aggravated and enraged at this little occurrence Lot he must remember that snch a little thing is very natural in the nineteenth cen turj ol gossip and rumors up me American Kiiine " that ua tbe order of the program for tbe In an a on .Monday. Accompanied by Com mander Davis the princess preceded to the Steamer Monmrulh, and thence up tbe noble Hudson - At wet Point th company landed and reviewed tbe cadets at the Academy. Tbe Infanta was de lighted with the trip, and a the day wa bright ia tbe spring beauty tbe distin guished foreigner had tbe opportunity of observing tue majestic Hudson in its glory and rare a'-tractirenea. The son rose on a blue sky , on Tuesday and many anticipated an enjoyable holi day. Very few were disappointed, for t he many interesting event, served to make Memorial Iay, a day of recrtaUon and amusement. Tbe usual parade in the morning waa received by Governor Flow er and a feature waa the presence of many sailors and mrine. from tbe war vecteU atiil at anchor ia the Hudson, who par aded in honor ol the nations dead heroes. Many a tattered old nag waa cheered aa it passed down the avenue, lined bv hu manity, and carried by 'soma battle rred old veteran- The old soldiencare ian:ng on rapidly eacn year aad every year there are less in line than the year before, but tbe old soldiers who marched or rode to the various cemetries after the parade kept the grave of their comrade green. Some writers have made atatemecu to the effect tha- base bail waaon its last leg In Nw York. There is nothing ao conclusive to present to assure them that they are miftaken as tbe figure them selves. Two games were played on Tuesday doe at 11 a ra. tb attendance being 6.5U0 and on at 4 p m . when 23. 142 people crowded into tbe Polo grounds, and fully 3009 more crowded the elevated railroad structure nearjby. Cincinnati waa tb opposing team and they divided honors with the iiaots by winning one game and lociog tbe other ; the follow in ia ths score : Morning gan.e New Yurk-0 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 4-8 Cincinnati 0 030010000 2 6 Afternoon game New York 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0-2 Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 I 03 With flowers and with gratitude, did the Princess Kuialie celebrate our bo'i- day Upon Riverside drive, tbe tomb of lieneral Grant is situated and there the S 'iranl Post of Brooklyn gather each year to honor the memory of the illustri ous hero whose remains are laid away in the quiet tomb along tb Hudson. Many floral offerings decked the casket, but tbe feature ol tbe exercise was tbe pretence of the Spanish Princess, who with a solemn manner laved a wreath on the casket of tbe dead soldier. H waa an event of no little consequence. It waa a tribute to one ol our nation s illustrious dead. The orator of tha day waa Ex Uovernor J B Foraker of Ohio- He paid a glowing tribute to General Grant and tb orator wa bnlliant and eloquent. being greatly appreciated bv the thou sanda who crowed around tbe utile tomb ol General U lyase S Grant. 1 be annual parade ol the Police ie partment on Wednesday, waa demon- slat ive in showing what aa able body of men the Poiic department is With Superintendent Byrnes at the bead ol 'he column and Inspectors Conlin, Wil liams, McAvoy, McLauglin and Cope- land, in eomrasnd ol the several divia ions, "The Finest" looked grand as tbey passed the stand where Mayor Oilroy and tbe llnfanta Eulalie reviewed the 3.600 able guardians ol tbe peace. If ther ia one city io the world that can show as able and successful a public force aa that in New York that city haa not been discovered Wm. F. II. Koklbcm. a n t nk raiu-BK sTraasALU. to tb TrxaoctaTl CoKVAU-is, June 10th. lst Shortly be fore banking hours this mom in sr. tlie fol lowing notice appeared on the doors of the well known banking house of Hamilton, Job V Co: "We are compelled to suspend for want of cash. Assets sufficient to pay all de posits in full as soon as they can be real ized upon. (signed) HawiltoS, Job & Co. There is no nin upon the Kirst National Hank, the only other lumk in the city. : De liositors in the suspended biuikare nniver- sallv conlident that they wililvi- paid in full and general confidence is expressed that the Inink will soon lie able to resume business. The closing of the carriaare factory and the distress of the liank are the ironcrnl theme of conversation but it is lielievcd that the triililc in each ca- is only temporary. On an American 25 cent piece there are 13 stars, i3 letters in the scroll held in the eagle's beak, 13 marginal feathers in each winiT, 13 tail feathers, 13 paralell lines in the shield, ill horizontal bars, 13 arrow heads and 13 letters in the words "iiuarter dollar." C?'. Swmusv, 0 8 A,Sn D.o. Cal. tavt. MShiioh'a Catarrh Ko ndy i the tirt medictno I have ever (omul that would do me any good. Prio,50ots. Sold by "BBBBf at .Ma oa. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach th dlneaaed portism of the ear. Tht re ia only on way 10 cure octtinc, anti inai is oy i-uuuiu tlrinnl ri-UK-d ii-s . FlcafnirNH i arjrtt1 bv Q in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Kustnchlan Tube. When this tub is inflamed von havn a rumlilinir Hound or imperfect hcar- lnx, and when it ia entirely closed, iK-afneaa ia the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, htarinr will be destroyed rorever; n 1 110 craava 0111 Ol icir mtv vy, which is nothlnc hut an Inflamed condition ot the mucous nuriaccs. We wHl fvo Ono Hundred Dollara tor any of leafn?s tcause.1 by catarrh) that can not he cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Scad tor circulars; fre. , V. 3. chenky a CO., Toledo, O. Star Sold by UnutxiaU, 7to OtT OF JOINT. wur cotetuporary, the mi, in urging opposition to the adoption of tbe income tax plan tats: A tax is simply a measure of tbe indi vidual's ability to contribute to the govern ment support. To determine that ability the individual' possessions or present bold ings, are taken as a basis, and, when fairly taken, form an equitable adjustment upon which to determine the individual's liabil ity. The introduction of tbe ''income plan only complicates and makes a worse in stead of better condition of affairs. Now we want to say right here, and now, to the leiatil, that not a single feature of its rule laid down above has been brcugbt into requisition by the republican party in its present revenue system. Equality of tax burdens in proportion to the individ ual's ability to support the government has been, lime ami again, ignored by the HrraWi party Where has the individ ual's poaessions or present holdings been taken as a basis by the republican party to form an equitable adjustment upan which to determine the individuals liability? We trust tbe HroM will answer tbeques tion. It is the studied purpose of republican leaders to ignore tLu fair rule that ha caused it to lose o many farmers in tbe west and northwest from its ranks Our cotemporary ' logic is entirely out of joint No man at this late day would have tbe brazen hardihood tc say that the collection of revenue by means of a tariff comes under the above rule, for tbe measure of what the individual shall pay by that sys tem is determined by what he may eat and wear and not by his posses sion or present holdings. Neither would any one datre s ty that the collection of a revenue by our present internal revenue system comes under I be above rule for the measure of what the individual shall pay under that system is determined by wfcat he may drink, smoke, or chew. aad not by his possessions or present hold ing. If our cotemporary will consult the report of Harrison's secretary of tbe inter ior made in Iecember 192. be will find tbe total collections of revenue for that year to be 'as follows : From customs duties. $177, 4-v.j4 ; trum internal revenue. ei53.9i, 072; from tale of public lands, $3.26i,876; from miscellaneoos source $2J.2o'.8?2; and under tbe rule ia d down by the Hr-aU mot a imglt etr.i. The most in- qui table way of raiting a reveno it b a tariff on imports. It -cakes the po r pay as much as the rich, and frequently more, for it is laid upon what men eat aad wear and their ability to pay cuts no figure at all in the premises. Toe only way to collect taxes under tbe role laid down by oar eotempo rary is to repeal a'! tariff aad internal revenue laws and adopt tbe direct tax plan Does the Hald favor taat? The lactxss ax plan woald be mare nearly in harmony with the rule laid doaa by the Htald than the present system of tbe republican party urstuH. not b'oc;h Republican convention are usually at traded with a large amount of hurrah and applause, articles iruoufartured and pro- riied for n?e on the occurim. Tbe scenes If Wiling tbe Ohio convention that nomi nated McKinley seems to have been no ev-eption to the mi. The fact that this a at is not to be regarded as proof that all is harmony arooog Ohio rerublicahs It is given out by McKinley ' friends that they will posh him for tbe republican nom ination in tS96. and that the prestige cf aa elect i an for governor this fall will do much to secure hiai tbe nomination. Now it is a tct known of all observant politicians that there are many republicans in Ohio who do not want him for president and ill d j nothing to promote bis chances for su;h high honors, hence their support of him will be very formal and frigid. Mc - KmlerUm to many Ohio republicans is not what they once thought it was. Many of them regard it. (aad truly, ! as the obstacle over which Mr Harrison tripped in his raceffor the presidency. All of these things put together make it somewhat uncertain about his e'ection this fall notwithstanding tbe state is republican to a rock ribbed extent how tr worry Tbe wOtkieg of republican "protection to American Saber" i gradually becoming very clear to the people, la the brat place, a law It pas .d giving to privileged classes cf maoutactuicrx the pow er to impose exorbitant prices without dinger of foreign compe'thion. Then, ostensibly to preserve home competition, an anti-trust law Is passed. Bui it is sol enforced. Per uana it cannot be. At leas', producers combine to limit production and maintain high pi ices, and the official charsred with the preventing this do nothing about it. In ordet to give color to the pretext that high duties are in tbe interest of American warWroea a law Is passed forbidding the importation ol European pauper labor ander contrac. But this law also it tvst?natic- al v and luc-esaluliv evaded. No offi tr xtteropls to use the la to prevent the wraag. The senate mye.tigatiaa now in progiesa shos that the "comninea" wbich aie organ ixed in defiance of law const m'iy import cheav iahortr- ithaa hindrance But the taxt which trie consumer as to pay are enlarccd . clealUssly. The whole gvstcm from oeKinning 10 end, and in til its pane, operate to favor the rich an I oppress he poor. A pro ecuon o- an says: II look boui to.rtoo.oao IO Py he r-ouoty on sugar last eai, but ts sugar d lor two rents a pound less than ta did before he duly was taken oft th.- bmntv o d. ihose wtio used ne artless aved about $55,000, 000, But that is onlv abon; 50 cent apiece for each member of ihe family, and money mutt be spent in tome way, or what it the use of It. The consumers of suger in this country might have also saved $9,000,000 more, had it not been for the passige of '.hat egreglously bad law by the republicans known as the bounty provision ol the Mc Kinley bill by which the taxpayers of the country are required to pay to home pro ducers two cents for every pound of sugar produced, This law should be repealed at once. It would make a difference ot $i3 000,000 per year in the condttton of ihe now depleted treasury. Among those who havo rectlved invita tions to participate ia the ceremonies sttead ing the letntsrment of the remains of Jefferson Davis st ood Is Frederick Meglnnis, a negro in the employ of a Balti more aews company . was for a long time Gen Beauregard' body servant, and when the rebellion was ended he at tended the ex-prettdent of the Confederacy during hia imprisonment at Fortress Mon roe, preparing his mea's and performing Other services tor him. Prevent ana euro Constipation and Sk-fe lache, StaoR Buu Beau. ESTABJJSHED 1871 by Burkliart Bros. One of the oldeft Job printing Offief in the State, file only Exclusive Job Office IN LINN COUNTY We hare the Largest and best Strock of Printers' Sta- tionery, it has ever been ourj pleasure to oiler the people. COME TO SEE US For Good, Quick Printing. SMILEY. Hi .-i for Infants ' - :r;a la so wrrfl adapted igychittrea that ' -ai-ad 1 1 Kprric.- to airy raeacripuan II A. Aam, XL D Ul Go. Oxi.d St. BrocscljB. K T. " - ssss of 'Ctorit ia so uarrertsl aa -a k well kxwvn that it sceoa a .vi '-v- ari-o to adcwse Ic Few areu-e. t .TMbet who oo Srot ep Canoes . -tjr neuefa " Castas Hjvrrs. T.U . Kew York Car. rr Julius Gradwohi's Bazaar "he very latent news im that you can buy at JULIUS ft DWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods aa follows: Arbuc tie's Coffee. Per Pound CVbs. Granulated Sugar $1-00 ibs Magnolia Sugar White LOO No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 20 Cans refilled, 5 gallons 90 I Gallons Good firm 1.10 1 Gallon Iffo 1 Syrup 40 iwi; onedtact a atriet cash ators, and all good will b aold for net csnh fr.ra 1 .A pw -. nt least than rwauar price. Kv stock of China ware, fancy goods, so i it durable y'ea ot dAabex, an well as a eerie raj artmat of groeerww, crock -v. ramp and fixture ia complex. 1 mako a speiiHy of dae to.., eoaTao and virx powder, aad always pimm my cuatoraers, iter, or wvsrai n rponaibie insurance ec aira.nie. Joliasi brad Ul. PATR0NIZE HOM THt FARMERS & MWTS INSURANCE CU - A ltsa.y , &KA0. J la COWAN. I ("owan. G6 f ?'2p,n FRaed, J K Weal bertord. C J SLSO DISTXUCT Ml Solid Eastern NEW : FURNITURE, , Y SPORE InKOWFULL OF FIRST-CLASS FCRNITUER, COXSISTISO .V 1 t f bed room set, chairs, icaosa, rate., which I w; 1 tell at BOTTOM CU me for bargvii' CITY BOTTLING CO., Whole tale and Sadat Water, ClsJera, Vraaige and Iron Sellser Waters. Country orders .o'.leited. Giyejus a trial. OPPOSITE RUSS HOUSE SEEDS PORTLAND SEED CO, Portland. Or. SEND FOR ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH. f roprletor, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Only White Labor Employed Itr. I.KAniftCI PHOTOGRAPHER, Albaay wrea ALBANY anr Child rer Cteri em CoR-, Cncr; at! tVjcr Swcnaca, Tcr ra. Iron.. Kia vyceia. gr step, aad pt mjgfopt treda-atwn. " For setvtal year I hae ra . yosr Caatcrta, ' aad than aj s. Loaa tha ixrvaxwsprod-raec tweaks. Euro T. Paassa. J. The Wmtferor!i&& Street aad 7 Kew i Tax Csvram Cosn-ajrr, 77 SrtxM rer. Saw ' INSTITUTIONS. J O WRITSMaw. Secresa Geo r SIMPSON. Vio Presj tent. DBMoatoitii.w.'jteraberg. Stuart. I O Writamaa. ,J W fa AGKSTS FOB- and Foreign Compaaies PRICES. Thos. Brink. Retail Dealers in Birch Beer, Sarsaparilla aad Iron " Iron Wlue. Ete. ALBANY, OR. Bee and Poultry SUPPLIES Fertilizers CA-TALOCUC- Cabinet photos fro n $1.51 to $ per dosen. snlaimg plctur specialty . 16x10 crayon- fra for Sto.00. We -.arrv a 'area of 5x8 and vlsws o egon.