The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, June 09, 1893, Image 4

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and ComfOrt
by the use of poor smoking tobacco.
The one tobacco that has held its
own through all the changes of
time and against all competitors is
Black well's Bull Durham Smoking
Because it's always pure, always
the same, always the best. Such a
record tells more than pages of
"talk..'" It's just as good to-day
as ever and it is tbe tobacco foro.
If you smoke, you should smoke
Bull Durham
A trial is all we ask.
A Question
A Great Record
For You
Good Advice
j DURHAM. N. C. -
Attorn., v. . WBBall irti
lata. Sx'. s-.ti ni i t i ai'.'i-i In pr
and to -. I;m ts, .10 i -! 1 1 i FUno block.
Attorney it Law and Solicitor in Chanwry.
Uons mad on til points. Loan negotiattd
rable terms. Albany, Oregon
Attorney at law. and Kotarr Pub.ic. Will practice In
all the courts of this stata Special attention (riven to
collections and matter in probate UM - - petalrj
Stason-Tsradale Hock Albany, Oe
D. K . . li J 1 1
II leral nutters -rill race ire promp
r. Odd Follow Temple, Albany, O
attention (Bee
Attorney at Law, Albany, Or.
Attorneys at Law,
Albany, Oregon
AUonr Us. All lexil; business sUa a
FLn. Mock, Albany, Or
J. . HILL.
fhjcklan and Snrgaon . OFFICE Corner
Farry Kreets, Albany, Orsron.
PhnMana aa Sarre. i. OFFICB-Corosr seond
and BicTrtalbin streets. Albans, Or. Call projipUy
stta-dad I ralv and osuntrr.
I . CHAMBBKIidR . M. I ..
Hamaovatblat. T8rsJist in dii
of the tjt.
OS ee hanrs 7 to S a mi lsftpn. and
Tnir r. A : 1 1 .Oressa.
7 tc s
TRAKSACT a eeoe Banking irxss.
DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on Nsw York. San Fr n
MSgM Portland, tNM,
L"AN MONET 00 mrvwdtMrtty.
RECEIVE danaSU abjet lo cheek.
COLLECTIONS mad so favorable tons.
I STE REST oaid on tins danoaiU
num or )RF.u'n,
ass, 1
. 1st w plain
, tssnlrlnir bust
Exchsiire bobt and suld on all ths priocipa
1 B Is in the United State 1 also on England, Ireland
Prsne and Oaraany.
Collectiona made at all aeoeasibl points on taror
ble tenet.
Intareat ailawed oa Urn aevusita.
Wo Pranaent
rRANSACTS A GENERAL banking "buslnaai
ACOO0BPT8 KEPT subject M (hack.
SIGHT EXCHANGE and V) Taphle transfer, itU
New Turk, San - rsnciaco. CUeafO aad P .Uand
CO .LKCnONf SADEon btufabl una
E. Toeso
E Bun.
E, W, Uses
L. Puss
Kowsao I . Sox.
tidt . J L COWAN.
a-Pnaldmt J M RALSTON.
D ancToas, 1 L Caan, J M Ralston, W a
uadrl, W H Golt, J A Craword and O A Arch
fBAKSACTS acanaral bankinf boalneat.
DBA W SHI 111 DHAPTSon Nsw Tort. a
ill ..'tin .rmron.
r.O AN HOET im appio. rd curltjr
I BBT.EIVEd.t aubvct cbec.
ARK Of nt l,
T i Musts
...A J Jobs
J Ctveats. end Trade-Mirks obtained, and all Pat
Sent business conducted (or moderate Fees.
JOur Orr.CE 1a Orrosite O. a. fATSRT Ornes
(and we can secure patent iu less time Uisn iose
4 remote from Washington.
Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip
j tlon. We ad rise, if patentable or not. free of
charge. Our fee not due till paten: is secured.
a. Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with
cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries
t tent free. Address,
s . oiTfHT Qrr ;cr. V. shington. D
Notice of Vacation.
Oeo nv V.ribt has filed a petition
with the ouuty ouitof l.inn touiity, Oit
gtn, ssirK raid ontirtio vacate 'VV ngnt'a
addition 10 ti e city of Albany, Liuo county,
Oregon, ! tVat raid c "in ra tixid Thun
dsv, he 8 b day f .on , 13, at 2 o'uloek
p 111 cf -nil t- , s he foe for hr nK id
pot 1 ti in Mil "I jeot in. thereto if any.
Call on Van Wilson, agent for the Im
pkkim. and 1 m 1 .nik, 6o to $150
Ladies fsaght 'o ride or no sale.
A Fact
Against Time
Fears Nothing
Talk's Cheap
Southern Pacific Go.
B-pratt Train 1 save Portland Dally.
8t I rao- jult 1. 18--, I Nor
7:00.. n. Lt Portland AtVM a a
lolrM Lv Albany Lv :SS a
SOS a a At San Francisco Lt 7,-00 r a
Abars train stop only at following station n orth
of Roseburg. East Portland, Oregon City, n .
onrn, Salem, Albany, Tangent, Shodd, Halsey. liar
rtsDurg, Junction City, Irving, Kogvne.
upku aaiL, -A1LT
a I Lt
Ar1 a -
lMftra I Lt
iMrx Ar
31 7 DC i
6 00 r I Lt
! Ar
Ar I ;o.s a
L I S-J0 a
10-1 SB
1 :r 1 Lt
ami Ar
Dininer Cars on Ogden Route
Attn thea Is all Tkrh Trains
Ve: Sid MTklSB.
arm re rKTi and raavsLLis.
Mail .-saiSoaut ( Except Snny,
yiOAB fLv Portland Ar I tM r m
IfclOral Ar Oorrallis v - ;
mass txaix dailt (Xxespt Snndav .
Mrallr Portland Ar I SrSO s
I. m I Ar -cMlnnrtlle Lt I S.sS A -
to all point in lb Esatarn States, Canada and
Romp can be obtained at lot rs'es from V K
Frank. Arent Albany.
Ilanavar Vsa t O. F and
Port i
From Termina' f t
Northe n Pacific Railroai
To all Points EAST ai SOUTH
It la the DISISO
II runs Through
la ihe
C0JP0! Of Kaiif CITS UtSirpaSSe.
n-ni n : . ol.
1 mi nan irmtt in kjnibb .Mri . v
Of Latest EqaipafDt
Beat tLat eaa be eonstroete I and lo
which are t"th free
and furnish od for holders of Firs' or
Second class Ueketa, at d
1 ContiDU9U8 Lisa connecting with
ai WuHi, affording Direct an .
Uninterrupted Service.
Pullmai ! fee per reservations can be
secured In advance through any
agent of the road.
THROUGH TICKETS, to and from all
points in America England and
Europe can be purchased at aay
ticket office of this coorpaay,
Full Inf. rmatito oooosrnlng rates .time
of trains, route an I other .alalia furn
ished 00 application to any agent, or
Assistant General Passenger Agent.
No 121 first , cor. Waahington.
Portland. Uiejon.
C G Botkbar., local agent.
Oregon Pacific RailfOdd,
w ASXal. Kseelver.
TIME SCHKDULK. except Sand. s
VrST Albany U-.S0 r. a, jL-srs Vaqnlna. 7:00 , a
Tr CorraUl ttft r. a.lT Core allls,10: a,m
Arrl r Vaqnln. I: r. u I Arrive Albsnr, 11:18
Direct Line
Quick Dispatch
Low Freight Rates.
Between Willamette Valley Points and
dsn Francisco
ran as rsAsctsco
WillameUa Vally. April 4ih.
raos TAqi'ias.
Wlllajiett Vallsv. Apill 8'h.
Tba Compans B,ve (be ngnt
hange sailing dates 'thout notice.
8t.mci "Hoag" lease Poitland Wsdnssilay
Saturday 0 a a.
HC Dsy.Oan Aj't,f dm .11 8 irt Wh (.Portland
O K Vauhn, 0n A't. Sin Francisco, Oal .
H K Muluahy, Unral Supt:
- abb asraia
Draggistsand Booksellers
Agents for John B. Alden 'a publications,
wuloh we sell at publisher's prVsas with
etaaead dad
Ml-.. UKtO.
W ANTED Sitnatlon for light
housework by middle agsd laoy,
address box 370 P.,
il i permits, nr f.-ot.n ivn .11 vkh . i 1 i .. . " S??-;---
no i nt ta ! tiT Hi till iiif 1 n i TiTTTn vmurr. mi iiTu.ranriiiTr r u .
VV Xs.mM.UVV. .. L N,W, I no i.IOiD
The following in the text o( i lie cigarette
law pasted by the last legislature. Deatrri
should govern themselves accordingly.
"It thai! be unlawful to tell, barttr, trade,
give, or in any manner furi.ish to any minor
under Pierage ot iS year?, any tobacco,
cigars or cigarettes in any form, or any com
pound In which tobacco iorma a component
part, wlthou'.klhe written content or order
of su.h minor's parents or guardian; and
when such minor has no parents or guar
dian, then in that case consent mty be given
by the county.court, sitting for the trans
action ef county business, upon proper ap
plication in the county in which said minor
may have his residence.
"Any person violating the provisions of
this act shall, upon conviction, be fined in
any sum notjless than $5 nor more than fSu.
''It shall be unlawful .for any minor un
der the age of 18 years to smoke or in any
way use any cigar, cigaiette, or tobacco In
any farm whatsoever, in any public high
way, street, place, square or icsort.
"Any tnlnorj violating the provisions of
this act shall, upon conviction, be fined in
any sum not lesathan one dollar nor mere
than $10, or by imprisonment at the option
of the court, two day a for each offense.
"Justices of the.'peace shall have concur
rent jurisdiction with the circuit court for
all offenses arising under this act."
D I Murphy; Acting Coinmittoner of Pen
sions, has issued the following circular to al)
special examiners:
The numerous complaints received by
the Pension Bureau lead to the belief that
the names of many persons not entitled have
been placed upon the pension rollt through
fraud and deceit. Special examisers are
thtretore directed while engaged upon iheir
regular aork, to make careful and judicious
inquiry in their respective dittricis as to the
existence of such pensioners. . The result of
these inquiries should be submitted by let
ter, in which should be fully set fourth the
circumstances connected with aoy fraudu
lent pension. Improper allowance, or exces
sive rate, and giving the names and post
office addresses of 'he persons cognizant of
the faca. Sufficient data matt also be fur
nished to enable the buresu to Idertlfy each
particular case.
Extreme caution And wise diserimlnalica
thould be exercised, as it is not the int ration
to disturb any allowance of pension . or
is it intended that special examiners thould
be mtde parties to the petit quarrel and
spite-work of unfriendly neighbors.
It is reported that William L Wilton hit
I been telecled for the ways and meant com-
' miite of Ihe next Haute. With the nossi
j ble exteptior. of Carlisle Wilton Is the best
' potted man on me tr quettloa in the
Ualteii Mttet, lie bat gone into every de
tail in quest ii thorough irformation and
i therefore especially 6:ted for this most
important chairmanship. Hit vie are la
harmony with those of his pr ty as expressed
at the Chicago conreo ion and as ratified by
the people at Ue polls last November. In
asmuch a- bill it 10 be framed upon a basis
1 of a tauff for revenue only it is necessary
I that those who aie to be entrusted with this
I nr re.nthilil- shall hive a ih.lrAtioh
knowledge of the. duties. If Mr Wilsos
b placed at the bead of the ways and means
committe, with the aid of Secretary Carlisle
and tbe Ks'ienal Tariff Kefo-m league, many
of whose me.nbers have made the tariff
question a life 'ong ttsdy. there Is no reason
j wtiy the democracy should faf! in giving to
i the peoole that whit h it bat promised
I th which the, have over.hela.ingly and
nhill. in..
1 .
Last year a number uf asssato. through
out the state, including Multnomah county,
assessed mortgages st It tt than face value.
The state board of equalisation eojialized
the assesses. nt of mortgage in all counties
bv placing the assessment si face valne. J
, C Smith of Multnomah county some time
J ago brought suit against the sherill of that
j county to restrain him from collecting aay
greater amount for Uses than 65 cents on
the dollar. The case was tried last week
before Judge Stearns, G E Chamberlain, at
torney general, and John Hall of Portland
appearing foe tbe state board of equalization
and (i H Williams an j W D Kenton ap
pearing for Smith. After argument by
counsel snd due deliberation by the court
it waa held that the action of the state
board of equalization was legal and binding.
This Is a real, highly lmportsnt victory
gained by honest tax payers agsiatt the
prevailing effort throughout the sste ta
dodge the payment of just 'axes.
A dei a bard fight the teaching ot German
in the Chicago primary schools is to be
abandoned. There are more Germans in
Chicago than In any other city in the coun
try. To have primary teaching la German
meantlhat national peculiail'iet in language,
which hinder the American people from
becoming one, were to he perpetuated at
public expense, German will still be taught
in the grammar schools. The Germans
annot complain of this, ss their children
whu hav; leiraed GermSn at horns and
English at school will be masters of two
lanuag s, giving them an advantage over
, of English-American parentage who
are misters of onlv one II is worth think
ingof whether the acquisition of several
languages, which is eaiily done in childhood,
may not often be the best preparation a man
in It'er lf may hiva for tuccettful worn of
a .y knd among a people speaking to many
languigesai are sp.ken In ' the United
States. E nglig ., German, French, I'.alian
a'.d No w.gian airjil hm lv 10 hive in the
north.rn end western state.' In the south
west, In ths errito y acquired from Mlco,
amanwhocin speak Spsnish has an im
portant afvantage over one who cannot.
Every person w'" Is. justly entitled to a
pen-ion unter anv of it.e laws ol congress
thou'd be granted It. wlihout sfini or ruts
tlon. So pe-s n alioul d be permltle.l to
secure s ptniio.i by inesns of fraudulent rr
false affidavit!. No honet. jensioner will
oppose a fair Inve.tig ition intuthe grounds
upon which any and all pension are grant
eJ. I -e' the pension roll be a roll of honor
Ex-Governor Charles Robinson,, foi
years the I adlng democrat in Kansas, hat
finally Ilia fortunes wMi the populittt.
G ivernor Koninson was one of the factors in
bringing sbou. the fjsfon betiseen the dem
ocrats and popu'.ist, and now !e becomes c
lesder in the Istier party, snd is one of the
dtiec ors of the Kansts Ilu'eou and News
Company, jast organized, io disseminate
populist ii ( are.
If you w int a copy of the fish snd aine
and road laws .nd tun cent stamp to
Frank C llaker, stal" printer, Salem, Ore
gon, and you will receive them by rttarn
11... .1 ttaresi
Inssying Hood's S.irss pari 1 1 ctiras,
its propiictort make n . idla of xiisv(jnt
claim. Statements from thousands of
liable people proya mat Hood's cares.
Hood'a Pills sssitt digestion
The last mint report gives tho woild'a
production of gold and silver from 1873 to
i892 both years inclusive.
In 1873 the production of gold amounted
to 896,2000,000. The production increased
annually until 1878.when it reacheti $1 19,-
000,000. Then the amount produced .de
clined annually until in 1883 when it was
only $95,4000,000. From that date it has
annuilly increased (with the exception of
one year), until in 1893 the production
amounted to $130,8 16,000. i
In 1873 the production of silver i was
-8,267,080 ounces. In 1882 it had grad
ually increased, when the production was
89,177,000 ounces. In 1884 it it was but
81,597,000 ounees. but from that year it
has increased annually until in 1892 the
production amounted to 152,061,800 ounces.
In 1873 the commercial value of the sil
ver production was $82,120,000 and the
coinage value only $81,-00,000. In 1883
the commercial value of the production of
that year was $9H,986,000 and the coinage
vaue $(15,300,000. In 18H4 the commer
cial value of that year's production was
.$90,817:000 and Uw coinage value $105,
500,000, but from that year the values have
increased annually until 1892, when the
commercial value of the production was
$133,054,000 and the coinage value $196.
605,2000. The commercial value is reckon
ed at the average market price of silver
each year, as well as its coinage value in
the United States.
It will be observed that in 1873 the com
mercial value exceeded the coinage value.
The increase in weight produced from 1873
to 1 892 exceeded i40 per cent, while til
commercial value increased but 62 per cent,
and the coinage value increased of course
in the same ratio with the weight pro-
duced, natnely, 140 per CSnt. Some peer
sons have lost this difference between tbe
commercial and the coinage value of tbe
silver produced, while others have gained
it, for to this time the parity of the two
metals in the coinage has been maintained
in oar domestic exchanges, lt is plainly to
b: seen that the loss falls on the country at
large, and ihe gainers are the owners of
me siiver mines.
The crop of silver has increased largely
beyond the demand for it at the coinage
price, and we have elected to purchase and
hold it instead of exporting tbe surplus as
we do with the products of sericulture,
The absurdity and uncommercial character
of tbe transaction needs no further elncida-
.. , . . . . .
boa. Tw bare statement of the t u
demonstration and should convince the
- -
people that the operation is a losing one
for.thsm. The sooner
tbe purchase of
silver can be stopped
for the country. Ea.
tbe better it will be
Ever since Presiden Cleveland so pub-
licly resenteil being called a mugwump
tK m --" 1'
these has been a general bracing up of the
democratic heads of .departments. The
laSaal In m.lrs s twi. in this line is
.s . ..... i
. uuge lyoenren. tne new BBBSBssma tn
pensions. He has decided to make all the
local pension boards solidly democratic
Hi idea u that by the adoption of thi
policy the reforms contempU&d hj the
rSSnrsF ls.a-. ,, - Vws rvl llt '
uaiuu uutoiu vu i-t wi . -bmbbw
He thinks this will strike at tbe very root
of the pension evil. He is cognizant of the
ct that this new departure
will cause a
policy with
stir, but be will carry out his
"There is one thing the democrat have
committed themselves to do," be is quoted
-einw sift a. nsnrh a. rh the
rubbish which hat been drifting into this
pjnston cesspool. The party has commit-
ted itself to reform in this matter and there
is no better way to makes start than by
l !. . . il la. -
havuig cmly deniocrat on lue "-
Tbe president will probably support tins
l. . 1. ;. wil,.i .r.
lan of reform. It is known at RM q
Smith wants a bouse cleaning- in ibe pen-
aioo department, snd it is in following out
' m
Lis line of thought, it is believed.
Judge Lochren has taken bis present stand
It waa generally believed that Judge
Lochren took this step after consultation
with President Cleveland and Secretary
Smith Henot there is more than ordinary
significance in the announcement. Curing
the first administration of Mr Cleveland
Penuon Commissioner Blk ave lb.
minority lepresentation on all of lbee j
boards, but when Harrison came in Tanner '
made most alt of them solidly repoblicwn. i
., - ,. . ... .k
th PllcT wl 2 "Pub- 1
hcaas right for being so greedy. ,
, . , .!
The Salem Jr will never lorgive (
ircver t. level in 1 lor senrling a sunn ,,e
to the war. The great and only James G
Blaine, (speaking after the mai.i..r of the
Journal, ) not only refused to go to war wurn
drafted, but af . ra-dt so manipulated the
cily or coast' officials of his county aa to
Set them lo remunerate him for the money
expended ia securing a substitute. In the
eyes of Ihe Journal this wsa patriotically
commendable, bal the hiring of a substitute
by Cleveland aad paying the money out o
his own pocket was a great crime never lo
be forgiven . The Journal is welcome to si
the prestige suca consistency (?) aecute for
Ccmg'estrata John De Wi t
Warner in
the June Forum tayt:
A claimant who hat established to the
easy satisfictluu of the Pension Office s
sligt-t dafnett in both ears, the iusa ot a
amsll toe and a little finger, a tendency
to catarrh, will be pensilned for total diss
WHly at $12 a month aa -How, for the
slight deafness, $6 a month; for the tittle
finger, fa a month; for the small toe, a
month, and for th incipient catarrh, $l In
all $11 a month. Petty bodily ailments are
by analogy so rated and compounded that a
man is rsre. no matter how robust, who
cannot god i- hi- anatomy an n-sort men t of
defects or diseases, which though scsrcely
inconvenient, can bs aggregated, at $2 or $4
a month each, into a pension of $ta a month
for lo'al disability.
! J --
Senator Vance, of North Caiolina, a
mtmlier of the Senate pinance Conimlttte
it a pionourced frcd of liver . He said to
day that he cout 1 never he int.uccd to cat
a vote hostile to sllvi, no matter what
argomei.t or influence were brought lo bear
upon I in. The Se-tor is a little hit inclin
ed to ng r when he talks of the proposition
to lepeal the Sherman law without giving
the silver men anything in it place. He Is
emphatic In the belief that the Senate witt
never vote that wav. He Is inclined, too, to
criticize some of the peopU who. while
clsiming to be tiienda of silver, yet sre
witling to adopt a course which would fur
ther degrade that metal.
1 Banta, the expert gunsmith is open
ing a shop in connection with Stewart &
Sox's gun department, where he will be
found ready to serve 'die public in all lines
of repairing.
i New 1 .loTotiKAPiiKit.- I have opened n
now gullery In the Y. M. C. A. block. Sad
street, Albany, and will try hard to pleuse
all who will favor me with their pwtrotuige.
I will take all sizes and styles of photo as
good as the liest and as cheap ns the cheap
est. I am no traveling photo here today
and gone tomorrow, but huve 0OBM with
wife and children to make a boBW in your
Iflorious climate. I have come to stay.
Please call and see me and try my work,
Very respectfully yours,
S. A. Hammejj.,
Latent' Toronto, Canada.
Put up in oeatTto-ap--bottl,siifr
ouated, Small BUe Beana. 26c- per hot tiS.
Live Miy.
Pint auo, June 2 There was a reign of
terror today along the route toduy along
the route of the drainage canal Ix-twesn
liamont and Komeo. Four hundred quarry
men struck for an increase of wag. and
armed with clubs and armed with clubs
and revolvers, they marched from one
quarry to another, gaining additions to
their ranks. They stopped at many sa ¬
loons on the way, until tbey were a! most
crazed with liquor. They then left the
quarries and rushed upon tliu nearest camp
of the contractors of the drainage canal
line. Camp after camp was visited, and
in each the men, were driven from work.
Where tbey resisted they were assaulted by
the striker. Many men were severely in
jured, and it is thought one, James f'ow
derly, will die.
A BlUalrlsu j flour
I.jtti.k Rock, Ark, June 2. The town
of Eldorado, Union ccunty, Ark. was swept
by one of ths most destructive cyclone
about 4 o'clock this afternoon, that has
passed over this section of the south for
years past. Eldorado has a population of
1100, and the death and destruction to
people and property in the town was
frightful. A dispatch says from IS to 25
persons were killed and injured whilp the
destruction of property and loss of life in
the vicinity was terrible.
A Mississippi Cyelone
Oueknvii.le, Miss, June 2. The (little j
town .if t'o.lrt- tl mil fciitil li u?l
lireenville wi destroyed bv a cvclone i
vesterdav. John Friedlander tae leadimr i
merchant of e viliase. was killed out I
right, his store having been blown down
upon him. About 20 buildings were des-
troyed. one negro child boing killed and I
several necroes injured. N'othinar as left !
stauding m the track of tbe cyclone:
Irtatdlke WsrU
New oiik. June Thomas L Allen,
or rergunn. aso. sou vt iiiium ..acnteiurn, ;
tn a in. nt . titita luueieaias i
ished a bicycle trip around tbe world,
j which was begun in tin? summer of 1 880. j hmttfsd. The CoUeg- veil .f the N'ewl.frjr
'They started from St Louis, Mo, swdihejw then mat the air in the auditorium
Liverpool, they arrived in San Francisco 1
liecemuer OS ot lat year.
A trsrlt.slr.l
j Ciiadrox. Neb. June 2 -The great
! cowboy race starts from Chadron to Chi
csgo June 18. This was decided upon at a
meeting of the cooittee today, on at-
- ivuint rxf Miss tViti H t 1 1 ttar rosw.rt a t I f lu
tvUH a - vvu v a a-as, v itvs . sa - a -
r- ,u.t nnmMnnt dam .. 4 -
cei red and the number of entries reduce d
. For this reason the list of entries will be
j "P "- d? of starting,
- a are a MMsieiaaea
j VvnmxnTox. June 2. John 0 Brock
! enbr-ogh. of f e gon City, was today ap
PLn,e PJ" anl 01 " general isnu
i office, at el 390 per tear. I o appoint
! ColontfI ls , Vicr(' f,.r
1 Fred FIxwL
an, its 1 ., jars t a riefm
A V Was.
Washinutox. .une 1. -
has been manifested here because of tbe
aoaouncement of the appointment of
! Bridraer. aa district attorney, and J t."
, Drake, of Taeoma. as I n itd States mar-
thai. It is usual when sucu appointment
i s 1 .1 : 3 t s
. wsur us sac urenucot ut uaiv uirui
! I 1: tlZ 1. ...... .1 l-.l. II
announced directh from the Wbith House
when there is no session of congress; but
Uae commits ions are bow on their wajH
and the men are ab.ut ready to ansume the
It was stated here today that the
! appotntinenl ol aist Jicl attorney and mar
shal of tWon. a weU as collector of Port
land, had a so ivn maile in tb. same man -
ner. and that the announcement would not
be made until these men were ready to
iMi their offices.
rell ta a WeU
; ,;Arrov
lr Ji.r. 1 lrn Mjti1 wivo
' keeps a hotel in tats place.
was inttantlr
killed todav l.v f si line into a well.
and Mr Walker, owner of the hotel.
re re ,
intpectinc tbe nroports. The two women t .
were waikins a-row a lam platform cov-
; eriag a well 40 feet in depth, from which
: water is pumped by a windmill I. Mrs
'. W Ml. " weighing 1
pounds. and w ben .be acrident'y stepped j journal i ven sugaertive. and c Mnnent i eott, mr S,,cm
Upon a trapdoor l! tiv.- way. preriplUllDC BlU,il , !,,' t. n,.tt r S. Read. Peaenr k nurrhsird
her into tbe well Her bend struck against U. inaaran. eompanie. id the coontrv are
n iron pir. cuttiaaa deep fMk, ami. it , jjetting to w,Wth . all kind of tavjjerts are
; "' ber instant ty . ! thrsitrtit . f- un'nj. t- money they have
j a rreioar 'tosptijv. Many of th. companvw need a
, 3JLTT h.. si '1'ht'-" ''''h
Hkixxs. Ark. Jpte I. .. heavy stonu. '(inju onev
' reemUinK-a eyoooe. devastated portions ". " .
jjj gj J wetern part of (tulips and Lso'
couuUe yealereay aiternooa. House.! Ira t MA the t editor of the En-
barns and fence 00 ths Dalsell. Northern jne liuanl writ, from Washington: At
I .. a. a a . . . a - a "a S a a . a - . . . .
MMiaxxl pun &Uao. on ine ATtm now
mu u u ruwT war acu xirA- ti i
difficult to ant trtBr. but is known
that one nero was killed and that two!
others were scricualr hart
BSraw ar In rberrs Crers.
Tne Aaixra. Or. June 1 Xewt ha
been been received of the
drowning of
J"" loompson. ot Cherry treek.
nearly exhausted after a hard day. ride
aad was unable to stem the current,
Tbompson made an attempt to reach shore
but was unable to do so. His lo lv was not
recovered. Mr Thompson waa well known
cattleman and leaves msu friends.
an Carts qaake la tuasdor
GcATAijcit. Euador. June 1 -A vere
earthquake shock lasting : seconds was
fell nere ."sunaay evening. Ibe jaii was
wrecked and in lis fal ithnw nnsnntrs worn
crashed to death and many others seriously
hurt. Many other buildings in the city,
including tne governor s hon bvn hall
and I 'nion Ciu
lb housr
bouse, were injured by
An Era .ar Kasrala
. ja '. . ...
oa.s jiw r.. i. .une i. l ue Of
.tifiraAsthvSi: i
In..rd and Cashier Hay ward appropriat-
rW.0ofthebik-. funds. 10i.f
.ve;thno..ncoT,,m, Rai1 ar1
eveu oy notes
A Sis sail:
Catos. O. May Mi. General I It Sher
wood, edit or of the News Democrut. and
an ex congressman, has brought suit
against 1 olonel J J Clark, a prominent
Crand Ar uy mnn. for $25,000 ibmsge.
Tbe suit trrows out of an assault made on
the (ienenit May i9. The petition alleges
mat n.'rwooa was struck on tne berk 01
the head and penuanentlv injured. The
trouble irw 011I nf ,.rfiM .. h a.d
in the general's paper criticisinir Mrs
Clark, who was a national member of the
Woman's Relief Corps.
ACeanlae nBil
I.0SDOX. May III . Spottin? peopli arc
I ilkincr ahniil u Hf .-.! Is.
tween Charli nfiieh. It ih. nntad urilL
and Jim Hall, who knocked out Frank SU
vin at the National Snortinir Clnb Monday
niirht. It an.Br that Mitchell met Hull
and unam led last nitzht near "Pony
- -rr"" ----- -t
Moore's nrt. known us St Jame's hall.
The two pugilists tiried tn settle up with
fists, and Hall got decidedly the worst of
tbe encou.fer. 1 1 as 1 1 was knocked down
and hnd his head cut, and looked very
much like a reck.
aonte A ppulnl in ml.
VAsHixiTo. Mv 8L I H A Crvder
has been Hppointud postmaster at Cold
Hill, Jackson cotintv
New postoftices have
also been established at Cheater, Multuo
,mah county, with Rudolph Haumunti, post
master; Davidson. Morrow county, with
C amaliel Davidson, postmaster, and Ion,
Clackamas county, with Corrington S I'or
ter, pctlnihster.
It Was TerrlOe.
I.tTTi.K Rock, Ark, Msy ill. Cyi iones,
bail storms, waterspouts and high water
am playing havoc in Arkansas, The whole
a ount of damage done by the cyclone
which struck the southern portion of tho
state yesterdoy is not yet known. Fence
are all irone and the entire country is
wrecked from two to seven miles southwest.
Hail fell to the depth of eight itches.
Peare Declared.
Panama, May 31. Advices received
state that President Sucaza litis ubtindoned
the struggle with tbe revolutionists in Nie-ii-uun.
Last night the president signed a
treaty of peuce with his opponents. The
members of the provisional government
entered unil assumed control of
atTuirs. The transfer f the reins of kov-
ernment was effected quietly, and there be
been no disorder of any kind.
An Anaerlcan Wan :
I'aius, May 1. A A Zimmruian. a not- !
ed bicyclist of the New Y'ork Athletic
Club, eatily won the mile amateur bicycle
race at Velodrome yesterday, but failed to
lower tbe record. He started back for Lon
don today.
At tho irilcnollegiatf contest in Salem
last night Hist Mary Cnndiff curried off
the honors o far as the audience was con
cerned," and wax GMq ,. the judges with
the highest Standing ill delivery; but, not
withstanding, the medal wax present. .1 to
A. ('. Stanbrough, of Newlierg, who had to
lie prompted twice anil whose delivery was
very xxr. His subject mutter was good.
We dip the following from the Statesman's
long in .mint of t!: contest:
Die auditorium of (lie Methodist church
. . ip its utmost seatingcap;u ity last Powell Reave- in the Justice court of Sa
evening by an audience of iieonle eaire r to i. -h .,..... .,,
Willi.. the first annual it.f,:nle.ri!.fi . I
torn-al conte -t of Oregon. Miss Mill. I'lin-
diff, of the Albany college, orated on "The
Imagination. Its .Mud Cultivation.''
She spoke in full round tone, every word
being distinct, and in her poetical allusion,
the utmont silence prevailed throughout
the audience. A vocal solo by Minn Biirm
ester. of Albany. pleuMxl the audience in a
big degree. Pacific college, of Newberg,
was reprtwented by A G. Stanlirough. His
'('onqneiit of Pea- " was dealt with in a
manner lieenming an orator of high abilitv.
but his hesitation in two places tpoiied the
effect somewhat. Had a pular vote been
taken by fceaudience.Tlioimi would havers-
! ceived flu-highest numlsT as the lt orator
i of the four gentlemen. Each of the oru-
lions had lieen sent to the judges on literary
excellence alsiut two weeks i. t sinii-
tun; being ; nm de plume. Tlw remit of in f i - o a! A I' .i..
brouirh. of l'ai ific ll- his .tamlina.
int? iiWhI at 98. M us Cnndiff wi d-
clared tlic hiirhe t in tlic manner of delivcrv.
her figure being 'xi' u. Mr. Henderson, of
the university at Kugene. won eerlared to
lie aecond. both incouipoiti-i ami deliver?-,
After lnakiiur the annoum-iwnt of the de-
'cision Mr. StanliFOtigh was called to the
: the front and presented with the elegant
miter nieaai. vaiui -I at BOB. ue was also
infornml that he could never arain ! al-
lowed t enter a Conteal ivn i.y the inter-
cdle-iate a- latiou. t..r the reaxon lliat ,
hut-inn wtm thi he w.mlii thiiM 1
The Kugene tiuard editor writing from
Washington pi he a 1 46.'irA000 in
silver stored in vaults whi -h should I in
.Since tbe first of
the millionaires of
January the wealth of
the L h llive1el
nrK mid lad ha shrunk f) tSVl CsVI
i The lionld nrtate has ,xl IBS -
j 000.000 in valne. poor Ueorge Gould kingc, Wallace. 1 1. The Albany ground local for Portland, where they will
t 6,o0.0)i.. This Man about Town would re nearly done. They will be rolled to ! play with that dub today aad torn or
hate Isnen -.itie.i with tl ft.Vsnsi re- morrow, and be ready for business in tbe ' row . They were accompanied by Willi
ganll ex of the rest.
i A lluntm t.jn iit inve. inu- cotu-
i ing this way the following notioe: The
j circus has rame and go and the ; . .r : -Much
surprise S etors left poorer and undoubtedly (!.
! wan when tbey came. uch showf as the
1 i,,l ". the seven-foedeaArleal
and llv man with the rattlesnake skin may j
! he a great attrartion at the Worid's fair. ;
. lit here in Huntingt-.n t tates a different
I tl rJt, ti "Wtn f.
skin" the
j . - ' . - - I
! r
Jesa the gol oW graa.Uitherv . What
- ,b-hnve. aid how thev krve
,i.;- . i.;i;i .! ; M .
, he- ,- ,1 ; -tnrn. fcT thev are al-
n ,lo,ng iethin to mike them hac
; (w, ZEL.w w ,wliil.
k. i.iih.t-
( . ,.!... 1 .r ,.. .rnL;t
i .. ... .. t; v.
' smoothlv with them she has just bought
, each of "them a h-h irns. I- pneumatic tired
.le. the lw lo lie oUainetl in the mar -
' set ISO ol tne srra . nilu . n .e in
to nj.
Art t-irhange v the few hank f-ilon-r
ww. a point wortfc oRtswlennir
T. f.w, ,-. -. v- V4. ,.
j i o cc w. hail tin? pl.a.uiv ot shakm
; '' .nu i niirQi . n
i Phlure twrtrav him trelv. Htreser.
we were disantsoint. I with his heiifht. He
is small of stature .beisv twn or three inches
lower than your writer. ' " He ai sie the
me s.orhl lair as tesiK.w: "Sse are of
the opinion that the sights in Washingts
BeSs1 the World's fair."
tramp inlertiewed by a gentleman
Ahnd. v. there arv four nartte..
iletnoiTatic. rej l -an. populist and h. J:-. j
The peculiarity of tbe h.V, rtv. he say.
is that it vote, for the mo mom. received
from the other. . hence he vote the re pub
lican ticket . He declare that the I ullet
will revolutionise matters and conration.s
will be killed and railroads hrnken into
frajnnents. Then the people by thego em
inent will rr. witrtKt them and thev wUI
i crated m the public interest. This
i imeresunir tramp is touml northward, in
! srija to jjet away from the fleas of the
j south.
A'Ssn Franc is. tstper savs:
The Ore
iron riM-n hant- who ai San l"ricin
fare c-wt whose acquaintance is ! .tier
I a'.irfii . .illtvi. Il.ii. -.,!.! 1.. s ,.i tl
I . . r. . - .
i s t&tffiirir
; , r . ,i..- , A ,
ed tolVntnl 'if and 1. .,
nf that. There is an opportunity now to
nsrapture tl cminien . of the" Southern
Willamette vallev. and it should not lie al
lowed to slip. Ve trust that our visitor,
will convince themselves that tnnie with us
will be to their ailviuitiiae as well as our. .
Htisinexs is business . and while nuuiy frn-
t.mal .. iitiiin Tits will dout -le. tind ox
; pfwion over the roe do expert
iuivIhkIv to deul with our iswpk' for any
' ""Jf
t ko lid tinnni ial fa'neht to him-
v. in . ta Water
"'.Jt,r charge at usual rates will be
! !""ue lrou' n.d "r ""?'' or use of
,,,,f"i oa PWBll fr prinklitiK and irri-
, .on purposes, and use of water for
.Hak ...... :.i
' such purposes will not be allowed except
' 1... ..... . I 1 . e 1 ..,
1 .sirii ill- uuuia III .1 Hull ; 11 cio.K a.
111. and 0 and 10 o'clock n. m.
. dtsre-
gard of ibis rule ail) cause the water lo
be shut tf from premises when violation
occurs utthotit notice. I 11 necessary
waste of the water from leaky fix
tures and faulty closets will not i. al
lowed, and all such fixtures and closets
must be put in good repair without de
lay or water will be shut off from
premises when they are found. Con
tinual now 01 water iiirougti any nxiure
or closet strictly prohibited, as well as
use of water lor sprinkling streets.
.Consumers must not furnish "nor allow
other parties outside of their own fami
lies or employes to use or take water
from any fixture on their premi.ea
These rules must be stricly conformed
witii, otherwise a sufficient supply can
not lie maintained for all.
vVjuo- Bauxwin,
Cashier A. C. W. T. .V L Co.
Socikty Election. Albany Lodge No
4, 1 O O F. at its regular meeting last
evening elected the following officers for
the ensuing term: N I Re.ce, N t i; J
O Writaman, V G;T J Stiteg. Rec See;
J Gradwohl, Tress.
L. -LJ . .
SMITH CHANCE. -On May -8th,
1983, Mr Charles bmltb and Miss llaitle
Chance a: the residence of the brides
father, by Rev Dtvld Wolfe.
1IKNDKHSON. n .lutie '-ml, lRt, to
Mr. and Mm. Qeo. C. Henderson, in Al
hany, boy. AH doing well.
LAFOLLETT. In Albany: 011 June 1,
18, to Mr and Mrs Charles lfollett. in
Albany a son. All doing well.
Corvallls will celebrate the 4th of July.
The Oregonlan has not learned that
Montana is a state.
0, II. Mueller has been granted stand
privileges on the ba e ball ground.
An excursion will leave AlKanv tnr
aq .ina next Sunday, returning in the i
evening, r are, round trip, $1 60.
Pr. I-riggs was beaten in the general
assembly yesterday, which practically
convicts him of heresy.
iewls Dryden, of Portland sued Ir
T . J""'.
Next tuesday the Jefferson Hand will
give a big picnic at that cif y. There will
be a ball game, contests, etc. Albany
siiouiq sen 0 a large u .legation.
U wiil .pay to attend the entertainment
1 be given Saturday evening by the 3! !
. C. of Corvallis. The chili lias soroei
line gymnasts
Mctireavy. the new Albany pitcher,
left San Francisco last night and will oe
in Albany tomorrow morning. The
clnb will play the first game of the sea
son ai Portland Saturday.
Hon E K Skipwortb ill deliver tbe
address to the graduating claaa of tbe
law school, Uni .entity of Oregon, at the
commencement exercises. Wednesday
forenoon, June 21st. Engene Guard.
The Imperials still continue to reign
I in Albany. J. V Wilson, tbe agent.
S jast ordered two for Rialto and F red
eatber ford, and a lady's bicycle for
Mrs Stockman. Keen roar eves (m the
Mocney, Valentine Co, of I crtland,
have taken charge of Uie stock of goods
of Miss Burke, the millener, for a
debt of about fSOO. The Democrat is
informerl that Miss liurke has been do-
mg a large business.
J F Robiso 1 has brought suit again.
W m . . . m . -' .
the Myrtle Creek Mining Co fur $275 bal
ance on salar 1 . An attachment ha. been
ii.-.i ,. !. Ik-.iII mi . - -
j cover the property of the company in that
county. -Eugene Guard
The L'-.ivertlty in defeated the ;
RpringGeld nine 24 10 7 on Tuesday. The
boys yesterday received a challenge from :
the Albln rluh Thi- will tar .!
ion the faculty and In case they are per -
milled lo if- lo Albans . tr challerge
wit) be acceded. Eugene Guard.
The A I ban r league club will fare the
Portland pitcher on Stturdar at Port land.
In gray shirt and pant, le'ier a on left
j Oreatt.and biac s cap, belt and hose, and
the following order
hea, 2nd b
! Ha
rf. McOreevev. p. Reilv. 3 .
' Stanley, c. Burns, s s. Mullins, 1 b. Cole,
evening, ine ciuo na secured reduce-
rate on the S P
A, . ..;-.: 1 it 1 : , f anu su unsv wiua ami uas asws w ' iiicnic will be el sen to-mor . rsi .
row.. Rfe.s grove on Sop Ceek. Jg- g flUG- .
Jodgs F ur.crton has denied the motion Daonu.T man rioted the new grounds to
to remove C H Oest as attorney of Re-jday. ud (raaA slicatioi of one of tbe
ceiter Hsd.ey. best grounds in e state when completed.
The Merchants Vaiional Bank ot T- j The ewsions are 300x330 feet, with the!
co a, ha Auto ended . Nelson Bennett grand staad in the rear of tbe catcher. '
it one cf the directors. seating 400 or 0 people. ,
Klfly Rodents from Stanford univervlts. - ..." c . ... . I
paed through Portland yesterday on ulZliriJZ l
their war to O c world's lair UL V!? lPL .
w the Democrat office this morning- by Mr. j
Miss Uick rton. daughter of Mr George ; H Hnirhson. who has chart, of Mr f !
! V ' . . . 1 1 . . . '. . . in. . W .
i.nsrawq, wno nn oeen attenoing me
blind school at Salens, returned home
this noon.
-n accouni 01 ine aotonnoinr or aa:
Lannfne work oa the Pfeiffer iwick will
be dels ed until after circuit court
! r nlng owning a f aurth interest in
! ,h roperty .
! A tettet received this morning by the
' AiMnr Coilese club from the SUtei"V V !"J i - i
u 1 rr iit oa .nnouncro ut tne lacui-
ty would noi allow the boys
Come to
I Albanv to play.
i r .. . . . ,
It was the same old game ; only an igoo-
lamus would bhe that way The ' art
evtJenOy In it. for it was a Skinner bon-
"e enttre stock of C C Hackleman, at
Lrtanwi which they wUI add to and run
j a first clas siore. They are enierprUng
1 people and will give our neighboring dty
'- e-.blKi.rr.enr mst . Vr ci to
the city.
.,; . ..
ihe Jiacrabeet eniertJnment announc-
d to : psro . . it cy on June ta will
' g P! ' ' aar Lebanon on
I I s. sa r , -1 t .. I I f . 1 - A
721 . Ta
s it . ,
,hc condi'" 1 .ackhsmsw . grove.
- A recent number of the Portland Review
gives a picture of an Albany dog. owned
possesses q.ce a pedigree. F ay T is the '
name f l!e owned by John lao, jr.
This dog took ihe fiits pretnium at the,
Indiana state bench sho last year. Barney;
Uiencho, an Irish telle otraed by Mr
i so m also has a regi ered pedigree of
so rr.e note.
The wide pred in St .-nee of Ihe Daw
f0 n?1 Mit
! ! e published an Item about
's. cen: -
a well -
known and popular drummer being abort
to Stan a bank at Junction City. The
gentleman has already received nearly a
dojtrn 'eVUr from all over the U S from
ail over the 1 S from dealer in bank
-Xturea and more an- expected. Sa much
tor a joke by a friend .
Ist eveniar the Man A boat Town was
shown through SI. . W m. Peacock" gar-1
den across ihe river. These are among i
the finest In Oregon and are kept up in 1
elegant vie by this expert garden ettist
E vers thine is now in the reen day j
e'ory. '. raw berries are fr rminir and i
promise only an average crop. Though
I th. csn has . hsH -.. rn rsr
srt mgs
hs. . large coUeciion of bin? . and t
t$? . SS ,ni
add, lion to his manv oth.r duties runs an .
"m r Photograph gallery on his place.
plenty of pictures to show for his
The fr .ght train arrived at Tangent ;
awhile after 1 1 o'clock today. Several j
children were playing around the platform
among others fivi'-vx-ir-okl Jolinnv New-1
comb, son of I. W. Newcouil 1. When the
train had passed the little fellow was found
on the track with both legs and an arm off.
and in a dying condition. The S P agent.
Mr Heard, immediately came to Albany on
the Roeebnrg local, eful returned with Dr.
Maston. the S P surfceon for this district.
It was not thought possible for the boy to
live acvording to the latest reports. Just
how tbe aociiie nt happened was not known,
as no one seemed to see it. unless it was one
or two small children, too young to explain.
It was thought that the boy tried to jump
on the train just as it started, or he may
have lieen crawling under a ear.
TlIK lXTKKl l.l!IATK lXT ST occur.
a - li m tomirht. I nerewiH I . seven con-
j tcstants. one -each from Ihe ivlleges
' Monmouth. Newherar. McMinnviiie. ulem.
Forest Qtmre, Eugene and Albany. The
colleges at Portland and Corvallis will not
participate this year, though thev will have
delegate prssenL There will be two sets
of judges, one set to im. noon the literary
Kach oration was sent to these judges two
weeks ago under a nom de plume. The
itulgvs of delivery are H B Beckman. and
Beni na, of Portland, and Rev Killer,
nian, of Sale nt. The prize is a $35 gold
medal. Miss Mamie Cundiff. Ilaesenli
the Albany college.
Among those who went this iuxm to at
tend the contest were Misses Mildred Bur
mester. Annie and Marv Yautis. Mav
PoHock, Clga Hewitt. Alice Moses. Klliott
and Clem Irviiw. Hugh Fisher, K. W. Km
melt, Prof. Lee, Mrs. Andrew McCoy iunl
Mrs. Nutting.
The complete program will be as follows:
Address of welcome, President Whit
ker. Vocal duet, "Till We Meet Again,'
liuiiev: .Miss t iiris'ttter.
thtlon, "Should Imiuigration le Re
stricted," Mr. R. L. Alderman.
Oration. " I he Imagination; Its I' so and
Cultivation;" Miss Mary Cumliff.
VikhI solo; Miss Burin, ter.
Oration. "The Reunited Union;" Mr.
C. Eia Henderson.
Oration, "The Golden Age;" Miss
Myrtle March.
Vocal solo, selected; Prof. M. 0. Scriber.
Oration, "A pioneer and Pioneers;" Mr.
0. J. Mcintosh.
Oration, "The Conquest of Peace."
Oration, Mr. D. H. Thomas.
Piano Solo, "The Last Rose of Summer;-'
Sidney Smith; Miss Carpenter.
exceneiu. ot u 1 Miier ami tno ouier set to enough real good. And thbk how
judgiMis to th.. delivery. Those who judge 1 it leaTe you when it's all over !
the literary .Mellem . are Judge 1 lean. Rev v-ti.. . i 1 ,
Kni,t ,..,.1 Vmti .,f .!.. A.- t lerco s Fleasant Pellets act
Hold us lor a moment. A London
paper refers to Portland at In Oregon,
Canada, which ft worse than being located
in California. Will these slanders never
The accident at Tangent is a warning
to chitdren to keep away ffom the rail
road entirely, except when witn older
people en business. More than that,
young children should keep off the
- . n.i tl l
airecia a mut as iui , ywt i
place in whicl. to cultivate me ruing
generation .
Last Saturday evening Marshal Morgan '
arrested Geo Wheeler for leaving Ms 1
horse loose on Main street. The case j
wst tried before the city recorder on ;
Monday evening which resulted in
Wheeler being fined the usual sum, $5 t
snd cost, making $n.J$ In all. Lebanon ,
Several college boys were so much in
terested in the intercollegiate contest at
th,t the'r ,e W U wh,ch
a"?itJloset J .lock', Temti? P.. '
un,i!.bout" c,ock order to hear I be
news last evening. Though lndfinl'e It
was very satisfactory for Albany, is Us j
popular representative. Mitt Cnndiff.
ranked first in delivery.
Following it the program for the com- ,
mencement season: Sabbath, June It, at j
the United Presbyterian church. Bacea-
laureate sermon at 10:30 o'clock a m. '
Addreat u voung people at 7:30 o'clock p !
m, by Rev H Gwynne, 1) U:of Salem
JSonoajr. June 12. nt the opera house.
; Junior orations at 8 o'dork p m. Tuet
j dav, June 13, at the United Presbyterian
church. Lecture. 'Diamond Lenses." at ,
! o'clock p m. by Rev G E Hawi, .
j Portland. Wednesday. June u, at the
; United Presbt church. Commence-
J ment oration at 10 o'clock, a m.
j reunion at 8 o'clock p m at the college,
The graJuatin exercise of the public !
school will take place on 1 ne 17,, The
graduates wil! be Reuben Ttmr..n, who
i will aellver the class history. Ben Recce.
i who will orate m "William Tecumseh
! Sherman." Elvah J Wheeler, whose esay
I X1 I I t.T, . . It 1 V A t
will be "John Paul Jones." Ada Kiickin
gee, "The Kate of ti e Amerin Indian,"
Clarence Settlemire. "Phil Kheridan,"
and Hert Besm. Cora Shupp. Maud
Crosbv, Marauente Hopkins, Mar ha R is
les . Edna Miller, tannic Edwards, TWa
Dorris, Pearl Wood snd Annie Worrell,
whose topics have not yet been given the
. Died. Johnny ewcom!i. the victim of
j the accident al Tangent yesterday noon, by
j which he had both tegs aad aa arm cot off
1 try t can, died at 6 o'clock last night,
er terrible suffering. He was aged 7
years. Both legs and ruzht arm were
nutated and dressed by Dr. Maston
1 Bark Haul. -Mc-Jreavv and Reilv. of
t!i Albany team, arrived in Albany on tbe
i overland, and left with the team on the
and Stites as substitutes. Five men for
the Independence teem arrived with them.
I ill -1 : A L .! SJ s I
ee4s garden. k e riser. Ihpv are
! of the (lark variety, a defks
;t - wh4i is His ih in the
::srkr t. - vr.-r -rar aelariag hagaa ki
turn vet. in. vines were oarr
. the 7th of Mxh. and until reeentlv wer.
j given up by Mr Hughson as of little value
joa account of their very slow growth: but it j
j ,Baf" f fjj? ."P " !
record in avin this year
i eaar ruasiwi . auu ssae ev
i ( Rat anmsrixtes the compliments of the
- i: m i : l .s . n
Ht xtex Kii.i.!.. Spriafcfield Met-.
June '2 savs: litis Washburne
a SL-r trip a- far south a Yon-'
calls. Tuesday, returning Wednesday. '
While at CuoHtork he learned that two j
boys went I untie.' cr that place Tuesday j
and killed a .leer ami started hone with it !
takiniT time about r-nir. the game.
nuking the exchange the gun carried
k-ft ankle 00 shatttering the limb that the
boy died Wednesday morning. The twines
of the parties could not be Warned.
' UTS TC Wit'
stKlll .
smaasry. Statioo, Alhany, Or. Month.
Msy, 1 893.
EieratioB above sea lard. -17-7
M an tempera'are, 54.
DepartBra fre oral. 4 3
Max'mom lemperatareCr: date, 27.
M i B itempt rsture, 39; data. 2
Mean of maxima taaperatare.fB 3
Meaa af minimum temneratare, 45.
No. timea iraxiatam temper-tare 90 or
f above, 0.
minimum tempentar. or
'.. 0
o. t
tpeiaUrc 40" or
be. w, 5.
Total precinitalun 3.13
) l-partar trass nornaL 0
Creates: preeiperioo in S4
l Beats, u ; date, 16.
Total depth of namalied aswil,
Prevailing direction of th wicd.nd X
No. or clear days, 6.
N . of pa. Uy cloudy days, II.
I 3, of cloudy days, 14."
No of days oa which .01 or ao of preo-
pa tattoo tell, 16.
Date 00 whih hail fell. O
Date 00 which aw fell, 0.
Das of I larder ... im. 23.
lt s of iigt frost, 0.
Date of killing or injarious frost, 0.
Dates of solar hales. 3. 10. 13. SI 30.
Dates of lunar halo. SI.
Remarks: This la th coldest month of
May oa record lor this locality with aa ex
ceution. that of Msy.lSSO, whsu it averaged
2 below the presea. month.
The perc.pitati.a a a lightly above
JoBX Bkic.cs,
Volunteer Ubaerver.
, Itafting in the fact
of Mature to take tho orJinary pilL
Just consider how it acts, -here's
too much bulk and bustle, and not
naturally. They helD Nature to do
her own work. They cleanse and
renovate, mildly but thoroughly, the
whole system. Jttffxdatt it, too.
Tho help that they give, lasts.
They're purely vegetable, per
fectly harmless, the smallest, easiest,
and best to take. Sick Headache,
Bilious Headache, Constipation, In
digestion, Bilious Attacks, and all
derangements of tho Liver, Stomach
and Bowels are promptly relieved
and permanently cured. One tiny,
sugar-coated Pellet for a gentle
laxative three for a cathartic.
They're tho checuxst nill vnn isast
buy, lor theyVe guaranteed to giv
: sa.isft .Hon, or your money is re
turned. j Yon pay only for the oood yo
This is true only of Dr. Pierce
j M. HTOM.
Arehiteet and Cob tractor.
Leavoos-Msjwltb .Hulburt lEroa,. Rat
stats scents.
Always Sore. Durncd Like Fire.
Ashamed to b, .sen. Out Worse
Under ar Doctors.
Cured by Catieora.
t-rvr. SUV
Ift '. I r
wth scrofula. My li was alwa-
lry and jf, awl I .irni 'is
a My N-J !! 1 .j if
spca in f-., afci 1 c S
kat.w j , rsn
to f tat i 1 a ' t.f
tadtti-j .. . .i nt.
hSi M 1 Hi n
. u ; l I ' . 1 1 Jr
W OW , - V
r'..rr, a Ity
r. mv diy 1
t. r a s.
In kp tba rt tc 1 . 4 ! a
Aftrr I wouM " . I
r nliaples ail t:i.i) :. - . : .
or t paof-io -ii. -.1
ltiu. I Jl 1 1 . .
Aoon it- OI I-. f . . ! .1 I
t-l nt healifc 'in ' ' . ...
.pica 1 W I ' : '
L .i. .. . 1. ..
my (s.r. -.
Cs, I i.
Out. cur a
tmitu Ea jrr. t? n
h'i:rlr laUliy o." rlu- t
-j YVkA a-d Pl
f .ui .r -J3 fan.
tbeslu-ianl "- r t- tl. hi: .c-
. d:"a and b.wr ol tbe ::i. .t. ird
1 a of nl Ww; M ar, lre
S ., serrfi.U. - o f c-t ftlnll la, b-
.. all other rtni faU.
t .. rervwhere . ' i-ttiru, .
i r
c I'otut
lc ass Casaro- . tux. buar-
sar-Howie Care S.:in lWniii" .
: !.etUon. - ' Ur.!u. sid free.
DUrU.-l: . j- , red, n-! r. ,pfM.
llln 'r at cn ty CCTsciaa ftsee.
In esse astw. 1 1 tl - tHna
AaU Pain ! - reo-
BMlll sd-tt r. t.if., kr . .
mod et : - -'- r'Bl0
run m
Lara: fsrthsi, Sifi 1. 1.
- - cMT.l.
7 taitKftflr Ut.rj.
21 Inn tatter U Chita;. .
4 Etm ijiifkfr t . Onaka
lanai Citr.
For es ad genera! infoition cat
aa or address
W H HCRLBL-RT.Aast.Gen l. Pass. Agt,
354 Washiagton t..
.9 . at
In, For the taiiiSBS f bubu si m
by . ,
It eiss t r- Tall pirwacre te an- 1
a iaai i llial ti i T in in llnfi a
whlrhlei isBlj llsfae.j
se rr iss alt U. lrtu ol Il I
urr oss s..i mmm i ii pgiy
- are still i- '.
a mrs tixy uvEK pills m
Wbatrsra ' M
IF ; toe
: t a
or any kind of a Farm
hide, call on or addr i
Im - emeu: orVe.
Opposite Post Ofixe,
Albany, Or.
Guaranteed to cure Bilious attacks.
Sick Headache end Costipt 40 in
each bottle. Pile. ". . Fee sale by
drussists .
Picture --T. ,
j. f. samt c:
1 ose free.
JToettiiSic m mm
ICIRKlhlsal ,Ki :...,. .
for any uunat dtactsi
r is s, ssskt
jour aruccL. fur a K.,u
ts It cures ta a few dan
Wttout the aid or publicity of a
uoewtr. nnn noiannnma and
naiaut not to atrietura.
lias Qa al Amtrkm Ctrl.
MSButeenuad by
.Ths Bvaaa Qksj C
u B. a.
IM r ANT-D -a lady desires to seeure
jf f a situation aa nurse. Inquire at th
tsstdsaeeof Mrs on Third
street between Montgomery and Kali -road.