She gcuwctat. UAIN MAKISSi A dispatch from Topeka, Kansas, says: The long continued drought in the south ern central portion of Kansas hat been broken, and the dry soil soaked by a rain fall much heavier than has been before ex periencod in that section of the state for more than a year. Those who have faith in the science of rain making as advocated by Lieut Dvren forth believe that the concerted action of the people of Wellington, Winfield, Arkan sas City, South Haven, Caldwell, Hutchin son and Newton in firing heavy explosives simultaneously was tbe means of securing the relief which has been obtained. Mayor Savage, of Wellington, originat ed the idea. He consulted the mayors of all towns within a radius of thirty miles concerning his scheme, and while they had little faith in its effectiveness all agreed to assist him in his experiment. Several days were required to perfect ar rangements. The state arsenal was drawn upon. All of the cannons and mortars and guns were brought into requisition. Every thing that ecu Id be found in the country that would make a noise and create a smoke was brought out and distributed over the section which was hoped would be benefitted by it. All of the boys and young men who owned guns were induced to come out. me preparations became so general and elaborate that the country ap peared to be having- a Fourth of July cele bration. At noon Thursday all was in readiness Mayor Savage telegraphed his lieutenants to begin the bombardment of the heavens for two hours the explosives were discharg ed. The noise created was terrific. Win dows were shattered and houses trembled on their foundations. Smoke clouds gathered in small bodies Then they united, and by 3 o'clock the sky over eight counties was black md every indication of a rainstorm was vis ible. Soon water began to fall. The pre cipitation steadily increased, and the work begun by man was carried on by nature. Many people scoff at the idea that Mayor Savage is rcsponsib'e for Thursday's storm but the people of the eight counties where the rain fell who saw and heard the bom bardment believe thoroughly in the art of rainmiking. Daring the past three days Adjt-Gen Art z has received many letters and tele grams from all sections of western Kansas calling on bim for the use of cannons with which to produce rain. The apparent suc cess of Thursday's experiment has incited the people of every town and city where the drought is unbroken to repeat the effort The work will be resumed early in the week. Yesterday at Detroit, a little town in Dickinson county, in lieu of cannon or guns the people procured four anvils from the two village blacksmith shops and com menced the burning of a large amount of powder. After about twenty volleys had been SreJ clouds began to father over the village, and within an hour dense clouds obscured the horizon and shut oat the sky in all directions. In a few minutes rain began to fall, and by sunset a half inch of raia had covered an area t wen ty miles square. These experiences have had a discourag ing effect on the chemical rainmakers of Wi stern Kansas, who have been operating for a month without success. The rain makers reserve the right to operate when they please, and they invariably consult the predictions of the weather prophets before attempting to bring down the moisture. Then they go into a little cabin, run a stovepipe through the roof and set fire to certain chemicals. If the bombardment with gunpowder continues to prove successful, as it did in Southern Kanias, it is believed that the people in the western part of the state "will employ that method exclusively in the future. THE KXTT.A SESSION PresHent Cicvelsnd bss glvta out that be will call an extra session of congress not earlier than the I't nor later than the 1 5th of September. Of tbe purpose of such call hessid: "While there has been no mystery nor secrecy fn regard ta my intention in this mstter, I thins it is not amiss that Oar peo ple should be informed authoritatively that the time is at hand when their representa tives ia congress should be calleo upon to deal with the financial condition, which is the only menace to the country', welfare and prosperity. It is well for the people to take up the subject for thrmtolves and arrive st their own conclusions as ttr the meri s of the financial pclicv which obliges us to purchase idle silver bullion with golJ taken from oar reserve One dots not need the rye of a financier to see that this gold, tliut subtracted from the government's Mock, 1 1 eagerly Stated by other nationa for the purpoee of a renglhening their credit at our expense. It does not need the art of stste-inanalip o detect the danger that awaita epos the ctiniipinance ot this opera tion. Already the ira:dlty ot capital is painfully apparent, sad none of us can fail to see that the fear sppielienston in montnry circle will ultimsiely bring suf fering to every humble home i our land, t think betneen now and ihe meeting of congress that much depends upon the sctlon of those engaged in financial operations and business en erprlss. O ir vas- national resources an I cretic are ahundrntly soifi cient to j i-iif th -m in the trm t-t fsbli and confidence, it instead of bei"g frightened they are rontervative, and if Instead of gloomily anticipating immediate ditaaler they will perform a patriotic duty, and at the same tune protect their own intrrest The things ilia', are just now needed are coolness and ra!mnes In financial circles LnJ study and reflection among our peo pie." TIT KOB TAT. M prion count v'ii private indeb edness ia pr.tlbl v liiwer, in prtiporti jn to her wealth than that of any other county in Oregon. Salem Oeinoctat, And lists county's priests indebtedness is as 1'jw and piobiblv 'ower than that of any other county in llu stale. Now. Ia th: tim; of Ibo reign of James 11 of England, a corpse, that of Thomas Gray, Marquis of J3rset, was removed from the churcb at Astley, in Warwickshire. He bad been buried there on the 10th of Oc tober, 1R19. in the 23d year of the reign of Henry VIII, and, although the remains had lain in the tomb 78 years, the eyes, hair, nails, skin and flesh were as fresh as if they had been but lately interred, the ornts eien being flexible. Tbe fjet U an important one that at the election in Portland the republicans were beaten bv the dein cra s on ihe lead ing ctnlidr'e tint uf city attorney, while they pelted the remainder of their ticks ihrut'gh r small majorities. The fact Is no Us apparent that the populists cast over 1000 votes. T.iersiis .1 s rong sentiment in favor oi ex'eniling govjnim -ui aid to construct the Nlcvatjua canal. All riht, but always upon cptn li io'i t'.t our government shall control if. The P.esident lias sppoinled Charles W Dayton, lawyer, postmaster at New York city, lie It a 'i'nassn deinocrst, having been s member of the Tammany general committee for two year. IIOWTHEOIKAN BKCAHR SALT Prof Edwtrd hill read a paper before the Victoria Institute recently on "How the waters of the ocean became salt." Fiom an inquiry Into the character' and affinities of the organic forms of past geological age, the conclusion was juallrlcdthat the waters of the ocean must have been salt from very early geological times, but it by bo means followed that they were as fully saline as Ihose of the present day. There were two ways by which they might account for the salinity of the ocean waters from a very eaily period of geological lime. First, by supposing that the primeval waters were saturated with acid gasses which were held in suspension in the vapor surrounding the incandescent globe; or; secondly, that the salinity resulted from a process resembling that by which salt lakes of the present day had been formed. He thought that they must concur with Dr Sterry Hunt that from some cause or other chlorine largely abounded in the waters of the primeval ocean, cs by far the greater proportion of the salts were chloride, and chlorine was'bat very slightly represented in river waters of the present day. From the examples of closed lakes they could determine the process of aallnlficstlon ith the utmost certainty. Throughout the greater or shorter periods these lakes had been receiving the waters of riuers, bringing down both mechanically suspended sedi ments a-d chemically dissolved salts, silicates and carbonates. The sediments were pre- cipitated over the bottoms of the lakes, and the water being canted off Into the atmos phere In the form of vapor as far as it enter ed, left behind the dissolved Ingredients. these necesserllv augmented in quantity, and ultimately the waters of the lake be came saturated with sails and carbonates, which were then deposited. The o:ean was a closed lake of enormous tragnltude, and they were thus brought to the conclusion that the saltaeas of the tea might have ori ginated in very much the same way as had that of the Dead Sea, Lake Oroomiah, or the great Salt Lake of Utah, and many others which possessed in common tne character istics of having no cutlet. When the great envelope which surround ed the great incandescent ' globe began to condense upon its cooling surface, the re sulting waters, though containing, as Dr Hunt supposed, acid gas Ms, were destitute at saline ingredients. The process of sa inification began. with the firit stt earns whice entered the seas from the bordering uplands, and this process carried on through out the long ages preceding the al'unan period brought the waters to a condition suited to the life of form? ol inhabitants rep reaentitiv of those whlcn inhabit the ocean at the present day . Thase long ages might be supposed to include not only the archaean and azoic periods, but that during which tne first crust was In course of formation over the incandescent glebe. London Standard. THF BED OF .f-HK ATleANTIC. Proceeding westward from tbe Irish coast the ocean bed deepens very gradually; ia fact, for the first 23a miles the gradient is but six feet to the mile. Ia the next 20 miles however, the fait is over 9000 feet, and so precipitous is tbe sudden descent that in msny places depth of is 00 to 1600 fathoms are encountered in very clone proximity to the loo-fathom line. With tbe depth of 1600 to 2000 fathoms the sea bed ia this part of the Atlantic becomes a ultgh;l v un dulating plain, whose gradients are so light that they show but little alteration of depth foi 1200 miles. The extraordinary fi nes of these submarine prairies renders the fa miliar simile'of the fcain lalher inappro priate. Tbe hollow of the Atlantic is not strictly a basir, hote depth increases regu larly towaid tae center; it is rather a saucer or dish like oae, so even Is the contour of its bed. The greatest depth in the Atlantic hss been found some 100 miles to tbe northward of the island of St Tnomas, where soundings of 3875 fathoms were obtained. The seas round Great Britain can hardly be regarded aa forming part ot the Atlantic hollcw. T:ey are rather a part of the platform banks of the platform bisks of the European conti nent which the ocean has overflowed . An elevation of the sea bed 100 fathoms would suffice to lay beir the greatest part of the North Sea, and pin England to Denrrark, Holland, Bel g u m snd Fraace. A deep channel of water would ran down to ths west coast of Nsrway. A great part si the Bsy of Biscay wou'd dsssp;inr, bat Spain and Portugal are bu". dale removed from fbe Atlantic depression. WHAT Of THIS? "Cilixen," who crni:lsed the Democrat soa.e dsys sgo in the Herald for tome purely imaginary iostnut ttoo agsiost 'oli soldiers" will find in the Oregonian of Ju .e 5th sn article that will likly arouse hia ire. We commecd to his careful reading that paper's article as lollop: There Is nothing to be made by further attacks on the preaent administration for it hostility, real or supposed, to payment of peni'ons. The war was ended so long ago that most of the peODle (in tie Nortnern sta'es) have quite forgotten I'. and care little or nothing for tbote who fought it through. The tims baa been reached when those who wculu like to stop sll pen-ions exceeds the number of those who ere yet governed by any sentimental nonsense about ''what Is due the old soldier." The ad ministration ouid ain infinitely mire by cutting down the pension rolls two-thiids or three-quarters than i would lose In the ettima'ion of the people at large,sn immense majority of whom have 'orgotten the days of '61 to '65, or consider sny mention of them a bore, or perhaps an act unworthy of a patriot and gentleman. One thing ia cer tain: the spirit of the couni ry has changed so that no war liae that would be fought through not-. The man lo die t for his country, or offered to die for tt, is thought of now as a soil of romadllc foil. Gen G A Weitsert, ft trsottel comm-ide of the GAR says: "As for myself, my position on the pen sion question is well enough known. If anybody will point me ont a fraudulent pensioner I wii1 ses that he is reported to the pension Ba-eaj, and if he is a G A R man he can't stay in the organizitTon snd defraud the Government at the same t:me." Ex-Comrmnder Rea of the G. A. -R. says that he never ha regretted voting fei Cleve and, although he has. until last year been an ardent republican. "The Grand Army of tne Republic," he continued, ".an trust President Cleveland. His appointment of Lochren as commission er of pensions wss a most excellent one. The veterans entitled to pensions are sure to get them. I hose who stoop to f-aud will not only 1-e refused hut punished." Afghanistan has 6,000,000 of lobulation and no missionary, India one missionary to 275,000, Persia one to 300,000, Thibet one to 2',ooo,eoo. If 40,000 missionaries were sent to India there would f ill be only one o every 50,000. lioAllli tMl'lxinrilNO of good q:t:ility a HsSKOmsM) fofett u'e ttati strong points of the Star Contracts of the World's Fair Hotel and Hoarding Hureau. For sale at all roil roud ticket offices in Portland and at Salem, Albany, Eugene, Corvallis, McMinnville and Oregon City. Don't go to Chicago without your accommodations reserved, un less you nave a big purse you are 'inxious to empty. Call on C. K. Fronk at the depot for particulars, . liuarant'-ed to cure Bilious Attnc!csand Coustipulion. iuel Uile Ik BV, A SEKMON. The righteous indignation of the Salem loarual over a sermon preached In that city by Rev Kellerman of the M EJchurch on memorial day on theeubject of pensions knows no bounds. There is apparently no limit to the harsh crilicsm which that paper heaps upon the devoted head of the devout man According to the Independent the following is a synopsis of the reveren -ed gentleman's sermon. We leave it to our readers whether facts justify the ser mon or the attack of the Journal upon the preacher : "The present state of the pension busi ness is one ot the most iniquitous things In our national life. The amount of fraud committed is enormous. 1 he false swear ing thst is done, and the false affidavits which are made to secure pensions for un deserving persons is awful, and has a de basing effect on the old soldiers implicated, the morals of communities and depreciatea patriotism. Right after the war (those of us who can remember back that far remem ber it very wel'), when the government voted pensions to ihe soldiers who aaved the Union, many old soldiers ridiculed the Idea of accepting a pension . They had lost an arm or leg. or had been wounded in some vital part, but they were proud ef it, they had done It for the country they loved. This was the noblest patriotism But pen sion agent and demagogues saw an oppor tunity to enrich themselves out of the oh! soldiers and they urged them everywhere to accept pensions. Other laws were Iron) lime to time passed and the list, extended. until nowpersons, an sS and 30 years efte. the war. when the innrmitlesol age natur- ally manifest themselves . great many attempt to trace these disabilities to service '1. nd had served but six months or a year, and nevsr saw a battle, nor got beyond the barracks to which they were sent ifter en -listment, and now they clamor for a pen sion. Rut do not understand mi to sav that the veterans who saved the country are not worthy ot all honor and care that a gratified country can bestow; they are. But these other, suggest the anomaly ot the soldiers turning around and sacking the country which they defended and sated. Patiiotitm is the love of country, the sacrl- fice of self lor the coun-ry's god. and must manifest ,-se.f In time of peace .. wel. .. .0 Ame olr " A TI.N TAKirr e'KAf ll. The Buffalo Express says uemocrauc politicians who snceriogty asserted during the canvass that the American tin plate in- The following from an exchange i pub dustry was created by republican campaign j lished for its odditv : "The great trouble committees for political effect, and that 1 with men is that they marry too young. No nothing would be beard of it after election. "ian hff ,hin.k of "S5 1un,il . . . , he u tlurtv and not one in a thousand can will be interested to learn that arrtmge- j afford ;t lf, forty. The man sfbo mar meats have been completed for an exhibit 1 ries young is always grateful to his wife if of American tin plate at tbe World's fair. '' j ahe Aies and neglects her if sbe lives." Well.wnat was it created for if not for po- J liucai effect ?Will the leemed Kx press hax Kve the dtie ard its reputation for truth by saying that animosities. The Telesrram of Portland. the tin plate industry hss been a success in this country? Is it not true hat at and bjfore the passage of the McKin'ey law th country was repeatedly assured by McKin lev and theWomoters of that monstrositv that the proposed American tin industry hi. j . tauuiti ut; uiaue a succeed vrvugu tuc al leged American tin mines? Is it not alao true that there has never been a paying tin mine in the United States and that work has been abandoned in every tin mine in this country after , i , .Up ( . K'p..'. .,.i, nl i. m n. ed? These are 1 facts that our contempora- i;T. ries and tbe Mcbinieyites Know, bu; en deavor to keep from the knowledge of the people. lbe train is that every dollar worta ot tin plate made in tbe tbe l nited Mates is mide from imported tin. and most'y from imported rolled plate by import ed labor. The sim of Gov McKin ley and his high! protection followers in the attempt to es- tabli.b a tin industrr in this country by extortionate taxation has been a failure in ths true sense and meaning of the term . The proper end of legislation is the greatest good to tbe greatest number. The Mc- Kin ley tin tariff extorts millions of dollars from the people by way of tax and enhanc ed values fot the benefit of a few men. Tbe McKinley tin tariff is a fraud and all the ' exhibits of this article at the world's fair cannot cenceal that fact One of the merits of an income tax often overlooked is that it will relieve production and trade of the hardens imposed by tax upon the materials cf manufacture. It is a commonplace of political economy that so far as production is concerned a tax on raw materials or partly manufactured ar ticles which enter into the finished product is a hindrance to industry which in ant tional scheme of taxation would not be tolerated for an instant An income tax, on the contrary, does not liear in any way upon production. If all revenue were rais ed by taxes upon incomes derived from sources other than current labor, trade would be absolutely free and production would be unfettered. A wise application of this principle would result in a healthy development of legitimate business and give America control of the markets of the world. Tbe New York Herald's Chicago specie quotes Governor Flower of New York as saying in an interview: 'There is no reason why Cleveland should not be tbe nominee of the party in 1896. One presidential term has intervened be tween tbe two administrations. It would take another term before he had served two consecutive ones- If in 1896 Cleveland desires tbe nomination of bis party, no mancan successfully stand in his way. At tbe present time I do 'not know of any aspirants for presidential honors in the party. I know of no true democrat of New York who today does not give the president his hearty support." It is n d at all likely that Governor Flower ever said anything of tbe kind. Governor I'ennoyer indignantly denies any intention of being a candidate for U S senator, and those who know tbe gentle man assert that he is in earnest in the dec laration that he would rather not step down to the senate in lieu of up to his sawmill. The unanimity with which tbe populist are at present endorsing tbe governor for Ue presidency is sn indication that be j may be their next national candidate, boer- 'ever. Jacksonville Timet If one pension agent could by continued fraud successfully cheat the government out of $ loo.roo, what woulit-the probable aum be if inves'igstion should be pursued to the limit as to the operations of all th ; pension agents? It Is the opinion of very many of ths veterans of tbe war that one-tfeird of the money paid to pensioners goes to unde tervers. Wade Hampton it in San Fiancisco on a tojr inspecting subsidized Pacific railroads. If Wade can wado through the mystifying network created for the purpose of keeping the public in as to the workings of these roads he will have done more than congress has ever been able to do. There nre io.soo Individuals in Paris who make a living by noth'ng hut begging; 6000 heggrn live In ;do t 410 lodging houses, scattered over th Cits) 41x10 sleep at wineshops er in the open sir, and ab:ut oo of the aristocracy ol the begging com munity live In piivste apartments or in houses. Fiv; years sgo there were but 50 miles o electric railway 111 the United Sta'SS, wliilr now of the 11,655 miles nf street railways 6000 miles sre operated by electricity. MISFITS Albany has a lady boot black. -Portland Dispatch. A verification of the old saying that one has to go nway from home fur the news, Proliably some woman who blocks her husbands shoes. Tho money panic is getting in some hard' licks on the Chicago fair, It is no doubt u big thing for people with money: but poor people should not spend their hint cent to see the elephant. A subscriber to the Salem Independ ent has this to say of the award of the gold medal in the intercollegiate contest last Friday: An oratorical contest should be decided by the amount of in fluence the orator has over his audience. The composition does not figure. An orator, or any one, may write a perfect bit of composition, but it takes magnet ism as well as the proper construction of words and sentences to make an orator. Yesterday's contest given under the aus pices of the intercollegiate association was a farce so far as the award was com cerned. It was a "lever composition but ! delivered by a poor orator. H is lucky for the numerous banks now tailing that they are not In fjhlna. About I four hundred years ago a bank failed In i China and the authorities wound up the . accounts In a very expeditious method, ! which we convrtend to our comptroller. The headk of all the bans: officials were ' ordered to be cut off and thrown into the . mmmMm III. . ..i . u .... n)Nn,bnk UUure , Chn, from ha. d .hU Xhe CeIeslUU ,re not .raltef)r mode,s , , I cn , , ,e. , ,,,, , D,ni,nB. There wouW cer talnl, b. fewer of the. liinii he kwti ui incite men inu u icn i i .li , .t 11 1 c ' lnir in tuia country u trie aucgeu nnanctcri in between a production of 'heir deposits and charge knew they would have to choose a loss of th?ir heads. Ex. An exchange says that the stereotyped expression use.1 by newspapers in reports of fires, "Cause, defective flue," should be re set, "cause, too much instirance. '' .jjTuT SSE . " Ke I,' .1 . i ' g TlJjht CL... !.'... 1 1 a. rTTr . " " ".-V;: 1 .. . 1 ,t...t ; ' .. .1. . a U ... . I. : ' .11 . 1 manner, and explanations will only mix up matters. ! seems to take delight in making remark - use in is: mis is .poxane any to tie tax . ken up with a bank failure, fiut it was not unexpected. All those Washington : towns of mushroom growth must take chances in perilous times. Portland is the j M reliaUe city of the Pacific coast stronger than San r ranciat-o. and 1 even stronger than Mm Kranriarn. and there is no financial storm that can shake our hank ing institntkms. Thi is from the Portland Telegram, and u. atrnw tar situation: tne ounaav ooctnar li i .1.. l i, . - . ""IK: TVrT ' . , I nuiipipuinniw lukeirii tK-n im .tuiuai i -ri. J?'MUn",t?,"er,lhTl "-ii .Tunuaj, uut tare euufiuuunt' uwttstuett down to almost nothing, and the few who ssBtsssns uwrnoae.. and the few who did attend were disatinecl lcaui' there ms nothing to see. These Chicago W- , i, vrt ther? is itoA in Israel and that one day out tof the week Bsraal W oleerveil a a Ltv of rent. , rnrt be obserretl a a day . ... Twenty fear' c D Fredrick, the well Known pho 1 tographer. 770 Eraadway, Sew York " have been uSn Allcock Por- ous Platter fur so vesis. snd found them I 1 , v. . 1 1 , n . 1 jooe of the best of family tnrdlcide : Briefly summing up my experience, I tar j hat when placed on the small ot the back Allcock 's Plaster till the bodv with ner. vou energy, snd thus core fatigue, brain exhaustion, debilty snd kidney dlficui tie. For women sod children I have found them invaluable They never fn 1- 1 uut uu 11 is iikj 11 .1 at. Beg) w ttti'ji ts an saiu un eswntsnj, in rvpiy 10 a uirect que very thin and soupy. That city will tion by a representative of the press, that I at least itet the credit in a verv einnluitit' he intendcvl to call an extra session of eem- latere skin or cau the slightest pain.!, V . 1 hi ...... e-ik.t , ..-i.. Jej. 1- burned to death tn a fire at mtdnurbt in but cure sore throat, toughs, colds, pain in the side, back or chest, indigestion . nd bowel complaints.' rasTraar.E City. Th axderslfcCtd 1 bow rdr to rrc-iv clock o pattaragw. A No 1 feed; 00 bel'er ia tbe ataie; red tap rioter and timothy. Ibe ranch la wel, wateiad, ard well fenced, with plenty , f shade for th ttock . siorwe. 82 pti nirtta cattle, fl. W.ll take gcod car. cf all rock satrosted o my cats, teat will not bs re- sponsible fcf accident or loss. CiovxxbjtLx, Ma, 26, 1893. Uaocaa.aa asr. GaocaeiKa, of covitr, whatevei their quality. Gold Is gold whether it be 0 carst or 22 . In like man ner people prefer ihe beat quality of gro ceries, also baked gtodi, when "they can get them, especially If tbe prices are rea sonable. Parker Bro rsrry the best to be obtained and sell st resaonsb'e prices. It paya to trade with hem In the long ran ai well asrhort -un. Try them a mont'i New aoods at r.e.d, I '-acock Co V A good fountain pen tor $1 25 at F :-i rrench s jewelery store. No two of those 170 elegant pictures for sale by the Albany Furniture CO are alike. All sre stood and verv chean See the New Im;.revcd Sloger sewing ma- r 1 ohiae. The I t is alweva ti e rheaoett. J W Sowden. itnt. UrSee at F M Frenob'a w tbt 1 trie Clean towala to every st Vioreck's sbsviog parlors. Virieck'a si aviog acd bsir cutlior par- or- Biths at Viereck'n sbavins aed hair cu -tag parlorr. Hodge St McPr'snd, tbe Idie2 drai tUw, Albany, C;. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Toe Evaaselleal C-harrh Case. Keadiso, Pa, June C Jud-e I'ndlich has handed down a decision in the famous Sixth-street Evangelical church case, in which he sustains tbe report of tbe master in chancery, deciding in favor of tbe L)uli ites and confirming the right of Rev J II Sbirey and his supporters to the possession of the church. He holds that the Indian apolis general conference in Ptbruary, 189 was illegal and void, tbe participation Bishops Bowman and Ksher in the delib orations of that body vitiated and rendered nugatory its action. The case has been before the court for two years and will now be taken to the supremo court. Boelh IteaS Nkw York, June 7. -America's great tragedian. Edwin Booth, who has been hovering on tbo verge of the shadow land s) many weary days, passed away at 1:15 this (Wednesday) morning in bis apart ments at tne Player's club. The decline in bis physical condition has been very pre ceptible for several days, and so long ago as Saturday night all hope of saving his life were given up. Edwin Booth whs born in Hartford county, Md. near Balti more city, November 111, 1833. The SalBtoa Sllaatlen Astokia, Or, June 6. During the last two day's, fiih have not been running as well as was expected, and tl.e total pnrk for tbe whole river up to tonight is 88,500 p ases. Today 300 boats enme in to the Astoria canneries with an average of eight hsli euch, weighing 20 pounds. The can ipi'ryinen are looking at the situation as utterly hopeless for this year, and while it may not be as bad as that, prospects seem anything but encouraging. A a Elretrle Menu Nkw Yohk. June 6. An eleetriral storm ot extraordinary violence passed over this city and Brooklyn this afternoon. It was accompanied by a high winu and blinding rain, and much minor damage was done. One man was killed by light' ning in Brooklyn and one ot the buildings of the New York Warehouse company, In that city, was set on lire by the lightning entailing 11 loss of 100,000. Hpierklro Mvhtlk Point. al loos r. it Or. June (!. Cluus fpreckels, in company itu a reprosentu five of English capitalists. Is exacted here about the 10th to inspect the work of cotv stsUction of the Coos Hay road, preckcls is largely interented in the road. A Bold ltobbrry DsuRnMVIUJC Ark, Jane 5. The town was thrown into tho wildest excitement at 3 o clock this afternoon by a band of six robbers. rushing in, and with drawn Win chestcrs robbing the People's bank of ull 1 its gold ami currency, amounting to about $10,000. They came into town by a lck alley and left one of their number to hold the horses while the three went to tho bank and at the point of their guns compelled the cashier to shell out the cash. Two stool guard at the door and fired into the the streetH at every man that showed hi head. The citizens however, so soon as possible, got what arms they could and commenced a fttsilade on the robbers, final iv wounding two of them, but to what ex tent is not known. Three citizens were wounded in the fight. The kalrrn Baslag. Conktaxtixdplk. June 5. Reports) from several cities of Asiatic Turkey sav , j that the cholera has appeared in many dis- j tnctsand is spreading rapidly rapidly, i Along the lower Tigris and the Shat-EI-Arab rivers the people are dying by thou- I mills. Whole villages have been descried ; I by those fleeing fiom the pest. The panic has become so great that few families wait ! to bury their dead, or even to nurse their ; j sick, but flee to the next town to escape the j ', infection . The fugitives from ' stricken towns are spreading the epidemic with ... r. -.. v e aDDoHinc niniditv. Letters from Hauora p u mtn nan i. (lit , ,'' v' " " Ba0R province alone .Seme AesMlBMseau Wasuisotos. June 5. -The president today announced the following aptxnnt , ments; .'ohn W Webster, of New Meal : co, commissioner from the territory of New Mexico to the wor'd's Columbian nommis I sionr Cbarlea H Mansur, of Miaaonri. sec ; ond controller of be treasury, and Charles I W Tayton, postmaster of New York city. Aa 1 lr esai Washington. June 5 The preideot : - 1 .1-! : : . 1 . 1 . tries not earlier than the 1st nor later than the 15th of September, unles unexpected 1;,. i Tk.,l.l w.i,,t , i,.i: contingencies should neceitate an earlier meeting. rtenly eft. 14 B release. Catraiio. June .'.For the first time in some months tbe Chicago subtxeasury has been drawn on to assist the depleted gold rose' re in the east. Today fit, 000.000 in sold was shipped by express. There are still fT,000,000 in gold here, and amount is continually being increased Chicago banks depositing their gold tbe by '. r currency. anerlbe Bastfes Cbicaoo. June ."1. Tbe failure of Her mass Scbaffner Si t'o's bank, which occur ' 1 m red last week, bore fruit today in well -defined run, which were precipitated on sVF'RF VAT RRlttMHf. ! almost, if not every one of bonk of Chicago. Tbe first " . , r tne savinirs to feet tbe 1 effect of tbe excitetue&t was the bank of Commerce, where a great many Jewish ; cttiseas of the poorer class kept their ac counts A Bis Mrtae CHtCA'eo. June. 4. Them it every prob -u; t.i- it... i... . . .. : - - - - . ....... .... . tanoaru mi tompanv win nave -i ' -i dnl, i. I..n.l. "-., .... strike on it hands. loe working tori now. at iting have decided to strike unless tlcomiyyd to Ibetr demand for a nine hours dav with 10 hours tat- " ,t,.j , ti. ki.t st 1 meet in. decided to walk out tomorrow rasnnaay gives in unless tbe ss ar UaeraeM N t - Yoax, June 4. It it rxaasibV that . the entire senate committee on immigra tioo may take a transcontinental trip thi 'summer. It includes beside Senator .Sen ator Hill. Senators Faulkner Vctsxfcasa. j Squire. I'ul i. Lodge and Proctor, en ; a 1 1 .1 . - .. at or Squire has urged that an examination of the Chines immigration question be I made aod that at least a sot 1 committee be the condition sent to tbe coast to ascertain of the Chinese ia California, and possibly Oregon and Washington. A Terrible f ttr v or 1- the five story flat Loose at East Vortv- I third street. 1 hey were: William Bente. :3 year old; Louise Bente. bis 'Ji-year oM wile; baste Bente. ZS. bis utter. Bssea Wetmore. aged 6. his niece, aod a man named Pugsiey. who boarded with kW Bente fat ily. and occupied tbe top flat- Tbe tire Marled in the third Sat. which was untenanted, aod ran up the air shaft. bursting int . 1 and snreatiinir over Ihe tulh I """J . iPV dr,ul enort ' t floor. Tbe others only esoped bv a won Kacle Pass, Tex, Jane 4-Fire bre om iai signi in im rosnte coal muses, which are situated in Mexico about four mile fiom Kagle pass and operated bv the Mexican International Railmtil company I bera were 60 miners at work in the mine at the time snd 36 of tbe men were bunted to death. Tbe other a were resetted. Basra saying. Sr. York. June 5. At 1:30 a m Kd in 1 tooth is in a very critical condition. ; and from what can be learned, his death is likely to happen at any moment. Dr Smith left tbe club at 6 o'clock and raturne.1 after H. At il i30 a bulletin waa posted to tire effect that there wa no chance in booth's condition. A Balkier et slat lea . Wasihxotot, June 4. Semi official re ports siji; continue to reach Washingtem tion in country. A private letter - .,1,1-4,, ui , 1 , 1 irom 1 er- in.ucating a threatened revolu- ceived from Lima today represents aa ex tremely critical political situation, and grave danger is apprehend. 1 of a revolu -tion before tbe day of the presidential elec tion. Tiitv Uavb Movko. KVin Hot arc bow in t.teir new quartets in the Cuaick blirk, snd Invite the public to csll and see their in, 1, i.olitan tlore, andatwril inspect Ihcir large and fine line of boota and shoes, for men, nomra ar.d children. Tne are prepared to meet ail the demand of the public for fjot wear. Hood'sOures Sharp Pains Short Breath, Heart Trouble, Rheu matism. Mrs. Im M. Potrte Easlo Creek, Oregon. "I have lived here In Oregon for the past twenty years, and most of tho time have been a very great sufferer from iuflainmiuarr rssewaaatlaaw. I liave also had what tho doctor called heart disease, with shortness of breath and sharp pains In t lie left side. I decided to take Hood's Sarsaparllla, and before I had finished three bottles I was In better health than I had been for years. I do not have any pain now, sleep well, and to-day no woman of my sgs Enjoys Bettor Health than I. At homo on tho ranch I pot only attend to my family housework, but last summer I cared for and milked four cows. I do not feel that I can say half enough lu praise ot Hood's Sarsaparilla Mrs. L.M. PAnts, Eagle Creek, Oregon. Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient, yet easy in action. Slid by all druggists. 25c. Viajjfj WOWEBuYAWuMAll the i en Stewart A Thr iw 111 .1 r 1 hit 'It-. Go to n out on nl. of II.;.' r:. IT WILL KILL YOUR WIFE to carry that (.icat Mu ihild annul iu her arms. Ymi must to Hfewart A Hox and b"v oue o? their I a by Tarriaes. Al! kinds and prion. S rowiNC AWAY HAY lh 00 a farm. You can make it the rattiest by baying a compete Hay Carrier i.uttil of Me war t St Sox . Call and ace it. ORAM, HARDEN, KLOVvKR. Fresh, pure, sure to gro aid sold at Port land price. Garden seeds kept in bulk. Field peaa an 1 Field corn a'o carried in larpenuaetituM. Stew art at Sox ENGINES AND SEPARATORS -Xhey don't stake any better than th 'Ru.iuir' and Stewart A Box sell that kin tAlttuy. Several good eeoood hand eo gines frr .le at a barcaio. PAINTS & 0ILS.-The for oaU on it, i Utttut 1 In "Phoenix" and we are ageoU fr it a. atltasany; We also carry a foil lire of oil , vjtbi hea, wagon 1 ' ' 1 ana oar'uge paints, etc. Stxwabt 4 Sox. g SUPPLIES. -D"0'1 keP c be ia an old rxn any longer. I atewait Si B01 earry bee h:v, tmmmm, comb founcat loo and tKeaneokera at low price. WILL YOU BUILD thU i - t:t tode not tail tore Stt-it Si Sox They beep a Ur.e 1 tick of bsnleW harr.waic . . . . . ..... ,nd '' ,l 1 ' 1 ,B THOU SHALT NOT KILL p acord 1 to law, and I on BS boy ail rnZvnV' " eps.ood .took and et. eticap. Giant pwde',fiue and eap alaay sat hood. Wt otLL UUAL, IKUN kad !or iTiBff. aai aeep a itrfe ttock cf 1 k-roith topplie eti i r '. Srrwaar t 5ox. SWAY YOUR TREES.-8-' - caltit of Stewart & Sex asd take care ef year orchsrd. Tbe outfit they rail to been tried io thi ta for th.e ears by the best or cnarauia ard is a c mj..;e ' witnwwinu bre tbe best lce btfii- their. . t,r,r. and r.-ftiet !f it. - f .Vm and aer ft, m nrwt ftrxwisrr ft fox. PLOWS. W h,te a sew i hilled plow e seUythecsm s th "OSit--." We ti r stttee it and sell on trial. Kttraa wUI fit Our. Aleo wc have a 'olS he- of tj pictrathat isaast km trseet'ed. Too mtebt po'bi and.,, y save a few cents 1 1 oomins aroond "e" o. Srxwtirr A ?ox. TRY A -8- PAIR Of Thftsf BraiilUi tthkh Spfrtatltf For F- M. FRENt H.tfbt lew'- I A. Tiorris & Co, Floor and feed Store. Hsve removed their etote tottcStrahai store, 'orme.-'y occipted y Deyne J Robaoc, sod bate on band a full sleek o CQBVAU S fUU , BAH, SHORTS CERM MEAL. mikH, BUCK f HtAT, RYE FLOUR, HAY, OATS. STRAW AND CHOPPED FEED: Custom chopping done. CARPETS, A large tt.d Mtie , I ct abotv. telvil f laptalre and trtratn cai.eie. ieelessaaa sno oil c'olnt, Ste. SO per rent ),, ih. n eleewhtre ia A'hat t , of N n.e ,ra ', Attn fin line rf SMsae scd ld' el-oes 25 to CO rt'sA:r ;. than ta me i-ds can be toagb. t's. t. hr h ia lone cwnty. A. B Mcll.WAlX. ALBANY FOIITORE GO Baltimore Blocks - Albany, Ore. Des!er 11. all kinds of Kurniture. We. rsper- Carpets, I. in . ian-. Picture Krmes, Mc e UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY HYDE & JAMES, ProT'etortj- 1 1 WANTED At the store Allen Bros., formerly owned h BUTTER, BOOS, LARD, BACON, and OHOIOB APPLES, tor which possible. I will pay thr best casl: price B F RAMP AXLE GREASE J1ENT IS THE WOBX.D. Jfwrijtt qualltieaar uuaurpaaae t. actuattw entlaailng two boa ofaoyottwr pi off t cu d by ht. ITOCT THK OEM t IS K. rOK BSXE BY IlEA?eV.l8 OimgTiAU. gtfmt FOB SALE OR RENT. -A good orga, for sals or itnf. at Tuj uiss-i Brink. 1 "a-N. f ww? I m . ttvt. AtSmSiBi 1 VaaBBSJaoV FPZER Will cure The worst cases. Of Skin Disease From a Common Pimple On the Face To that awful Disease Scrofula. I Try a bottle To-day- Bend 3 2-rrnl stamps to A. P. Ordwsy GSb, lot trass memrau wan pnrwranrn SHERIFF'S SALE: tie Circuit Cfii $ ej fie Stale of Oregon for tit county ft .inn . D M Jooto, PlaintitT, va 1" F Donley and A 1 mire rl Donlay, hu wife. Defendant. X OTICK li HBBEBT filVKN TrJAT ot sale do: issued cat of and undei the seal of the abort trrji court o th bue eo- P . .I.J . j . , a ,: J . ; r 11m iBit tu pan uiitcwu ton ucipiitbd, a will on ardai tate ITlSi d r Jaar. W . ... fra, doo- rJ th eoart hoore is the at the city cf Albany, Linn onenty Oregon boar of no o'clock nsd nit day. pabitc auction far cash in hud to tne 1 24b 9t ,uArr Lhw ra. r.rcnr: tirikA .w) J I f - J ' 1 A M f . S S . i z . sawrl Mlste . i Jawenh,! -at i.- li owit Lot Ko(6is .i block (26) taaot-nx in Macatemao'a second addi ion to tbe city 'A A 1 ban v. in Lie a ouan't.Oretroii the prcceed arittug from tbe al of cud real prcpe-ty, will be a polled hi at. to tne payment of th ccst cf and a poo said exaeti ttoa and the original cost of writ taxed at $19.05; ttecoad, tw tbe pavaaeat cf ue r .aint 3a 4i toed amoaotisg to tbeaassof 995.00 asd accenting interest thereon rae ef tta per oat per ananas, a farther asm of $100.00 aa attorney' and tbe orcrpias if aoy to b pud said defendant Dated this 17tb das of stay. 1893. CC JACKSON. SherrH 1 f Liwn enact, DISSOLUTION NOTICE The partuertbtp heretofore existing between W I- Moore and A !Sraney . doinc a livevy bust new in Albany. Or., u ner ibe firm name of Strsney t Moot, i- tbi day datwo'ved by rautuwi eowsent. Tba t uaineaa will be continued by W L Moore, who will settle a t tbe oid firm's tndebtednesa and eotleet all ol'ls due ibe firm. Mat 4:b W L MOORE. A WTRAMSY. LADIES' TEA T Is a pieaaaat driak. which wtli be bores by the stootoch withswt paaia or gripiag. It eta thoroughly ea tbe liver, ktdaeys aatd rrprodactit-e organs. A ger tte nhysse, efh creat diateiiic. td tswt waefal is teaat or ratsfai aaesstaratioe. it aula digeataoa and redaces ccrj-a 'eccy jc!er the eos4eaioe, rrsnle'ias it fair, ?S reetorieg be sat are' toe of the ahte.tor it remove th btit which, I by the I iW , mady j complexioa pecwhar to tbe eoaatipated state. S. 14 bv ail draggtst. GRAHAMS SHAW 4alOffi IX- , A GRICI'L'IVRAL Implements and J aTvsupp'ie. Advance Threabets snd eo- j ginc. Minnespoli Binders, Wood and Standard Mowers. Newton Wagons, Nor wegian Plows, tv; cf a'l kind at the" osytt price pcMSle. The A i - c and C range agents have warded us the con act 10 furnish Twine for heir member. Call and get our prices before purchasing elsewhere. ADVANCE THRESHERS Are warranted to thresh more grain in a given time and do tt better than any ma chine made. The &SVAISCX Traction Exgisss art. the best in the world. Remember large work nicer. large profbs in the threshing business. Catalogue mailed free. EDWARD HUGHES, Gen'l AgT, rortlsnd, Oregon Star Bakerj ( itrHf-pU I1I11 11 ml Ktrtl CCNRAD MEYER, PROPRIETOR, Statu rni is, Glass start,, (tried rraltB. Tttbttcoo, atagar, "o dee. Jta,,StSe( lies , QneeiaHtsstrv Vegetable. Vicars Npleea. Tea. ct.. Ie thai is kept in ,ner rsrlet- and ptocery atora, Mi heel market price paid for ALL KINDS OP PRODUCE Wall Paper Jrkicsc, I'txintss, Oils tilash, lito J. A. Cuiiiming ALBANY -:- ORECOK r il SHERIFFS SALE. tkr Cirrait CohU oj Iht State oj Otrgen fox Linn county. Cba T Craft, J H Peerv, Henry Cyrus and flslntiff'. re Jsccb Ledgers od and r hniialL'- srerw.od, tils wile O L ('strip tall sod a A Campbell, bis wife, Defendants. NOTfCE H HBRSBY OIVKSHUT by virtue ot sin execution and order tfastledaly lassoed not of and under the seal of the above named court, In toe above entitled salt to torn directed and delivered, I will on salami), the Iwta star ef Jane, AS B. ISM at t.-e front door cf the court boose In the city of Allany. at the hour ot nuf o'c'oek p m of said day. sell at public suction for cash In nand to the highest bidder ' the rinht, title and Interest of ihe above namsd defendantor either of .hem 1 in and to the real property described in raid ecutiin and order o: sale as follows tow it: Trautl. Tbeesst half of tba dons ion IsndcUim of Will taw Cyro and Mry Ann Cyrus, bis wife, ceing Not hit In ttsc 1 and MtplOSKl West, and sees 6 and l In tp 10 and HHR1 Raat.Uoo county, Oregon, Trsc: 2. Also tbe west hilf of the dons tion land cl Im of Win Cyrus and Mary Ann Cvru, bMng Not 533, sic 1 and 38, iptuana 11, j n 1 west, UAtu ennty,' oretson. Tracts fot 4 in see 1 tp ll.S R 1 WtM Trsr-t 4 lot 4 and of see 36 tp 10 - H 1 Weal, Uun county, Oregon, conuinica M acre. Tract S. All of th E A Kelnfnch dons tion land claim east and north of crab trea rreek, to ee 1 tp II M R I We-t lann Cviniy, Oregon, eontAiolug 80 sere Tract 6. Also lou 3 a-d 4 of sec 6 tp li 1 Rl ataat, nonrsinlog 33 67 aerea. i net 7. All of the Andrew J Jmo ano wiff d motion land clsJai, suaate In see 6 tp 11 NB1EW, Linn c.antr , Oregon, exceoting tbernfr im 120 acres off of tbe earn aide of tbe . dvsribed trsc;, con taining acres. 1 rt S. Lot Ko l of sec 31 tp 10 fe R 1 east of ta Willamette meridt in, eonlain ing 33.S7 acre. Tr et 9. f'aed ) Tract 10, on th wat botsn- dary line of tba c tv of tcto 71 chain sosub astd S.32rbins east of tbe north j west corner ot tbe northaa-t quarter t section 18. iu tp 10. H R 1 Aest, and running; thence west 19.76 ebaina to a point 125 feet east of the center of tbe railroad track: tbeoos south 3 decree i . nan.ll I 1. ,k- I A : . 1 . I 2 S9 .-i.ana; tbenee sootb S3 degree east 4 2 cna.n-, tbeoos eroat 12 51 chains to a To J oae oh Aadrewe, tbe above naed de point 7Jli ebaina wear of tbe west boon feadaxt: larviineof ibe cily of Sck; theee north fkil.,. rhann as rj, l..l.. ' (v-e.... i a ca r inesf nonn j.rit cnaina to I t ss tu, WMSMUIUIf. iu.-; WKCajta. . 9 i rn i i. HMinnnf 19 ebUiu north SBLnspk i nd ,6X5 cnaina east of tbe sootbwtat i cfert ' ' ",d crt, b, the firt corner sf aeetion 17. tp 10 SRI West ot tbe next rexatarterm U ad eoert Use Wi;la oette aieridtan. Usn county after tne pabi;rtrifo of th aawoaoee form Oregon, running tbenae north 48JJ8 wewka towxr, M.widsr, - e 2l?-h. 1S33. aod chains to tbe center of toe county rotu.; : voa are be-eby otified that if ton fail as to thence north 86 deersea east along sai ' answer toe ataictrff will apply ta tbe eoert county road 17 76 chains: thence south i for tbe relief demanded ia tbe 1 aaaiasist te chaina; tbence west 13.7.'. chain; tbewce wrt, for s decree dis-olring I he toed ef n,tn j. sssBBSSSj toence weasavao cbaius Timet IS. Lot No 3 of section 1 tp 10 8 B a new. ooatouning IU err-. Tract 14. Lota I and 2 of vetaoa 1 tp 11 SJtlvv in Lion county Orasjon, eoa tainiog sere- "I be proceeds 'rising from tb-s axle of sad real property to be applied lMo the pay men: of th coat and exrienaea of and swat ua execution and tne Original tfc ! - a. . 1 " ' ""-. w"-"""! aaatdefeBOasi. and aws nd the 1-2 tk- ,.k- i " . r f-aD9 rnv". . yf aast taxed at $57.15. and tba tie Ccmmly Cort of tie Stat or Ortgon for aam of $75 attorney .ewt; 2nd, te 1 tie County 0 Lam : ?ttm'sst?!L25 h"nU!ajQloASIy. p-airitiff. $5e.i5 with aeernin interest TS fcrtbers nam of ineievii m: toe rate 01 ten oer cent ner aouuin, ana ins overp as if saw tears oe to be paid to 1 be d ?feodact.U L ' "ampbe::. Pateo this 5th dav cf Msv isaa- '. J v. KsuN, Sheriff of LJnj eotiaty, Oregon. SyUMONS. Im ti, r.t mii C.rt s li, j, tor wee ONiatfy. AassaM Freed. PUiati. va George Prewd, U -i-ndv.t. T: , - r. - K - . . th- rained d.-fead sat : IB Tnr. aAMK OF THE STATE OF I 'rer-w. " r- hereby re 1 -tired to an pear d answer tbe cwableiat hied agataa. so, ta the ah eo ; led rail wittia tea days from the date of the service of thi apoa yew, if .erred aithia ISSBI t, . or if served within any other oawat at thaa state, then snlhtw hi.t. A.. . t the date of tbe sail tee of this ruuitansi ansa j jww, . u myjm TOW By pBntSBStlOa , tUrroT: sersa ef the ov named eoirt, towit.. n 1 n the 2bf h day of Jbbc. 1893. and if vow ful ste tstwer. for want tWesrf ttw. lt-fr Uke .decree t,,, you feT the .Smll- prayed form weoaptatnt bereta to it, aece a swolvag the hood of Kiatnnwnt extg between pUiattff sd detettdaat, and that plaianff bw aw-dd the caf-odj of the minor child of pUiatrff and defendant, I J2rS TtJr oe meet at d jat . inu Kmiiow is verved by pablicatiea th-re f ia 14 Staves Ri .ht Dewo. nar bv order of the Hoa Gm H kjrn.rt iml. J I ... w tke Te aiMfJ fori AmMmA A Ik. O k J.. AM ian " -F si Sksamj. sjsi tr, w . iom D'ARCY A BINGHAIf, Attoraty :' r i Umtiff. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEXTHiTi the oadersigoed, sdattttstraior of the estate oft To Jmu Ctewn; en , deeeaeed, hat i riled hia beat a-eooot with the oont clerk I of Laaa eoBatr. Oregoeind that the roanty court of said cmnty ha ri t-j the Stb day of A u rati. IS93, at the hoar of one t Vlock r. a of ui I -! I", r rks oeartng of objac taoos to stid i tail account arts' th final set tle Tent of aatd estate. Dated jsse 6, 1S93. Jok A. Ci.Ettar.xs Jaues J. Cbaklton, Administrator. Attorney for Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. In the County Court) the State of Octnm, county of Limn,: a Uk carter oltaa ratal of Clara Patent .v. feJOTtCK l HEREBY GIVEN THAT iTHE IX Xt demyiiwl has kwa aair aprstinled by th tU satate and alt petsotss havtaw add assata an karatrr nnnil t, MMhr wtth the proper Tooehrr aad prcot to th naSaassaaiil tth It, oflk ol J J Whttner. ta At Uoy, wnhin sU nU from the date here! Dd Ih. lsth lr ol w.lsss. ' T.JitS'a Adadaaowisxr. AUv for Admr. DMINISTRVTG R S NOTICE. roT'F IS HKRKBY GIVEN THAT THE Bsw XI dortMd.a thia day ken dnlt appointed ad. miidatratrator of th Mtc ol sSawa W rwNth.lte of una count, twemn - - an ... harins daiat aiaet aid estate r reoaired to fyswB' property verities!. SB the uwdenei 1 lsnjrrrrtll.Larari Awntv. iiMm,M within n.kitiK. tnn thi date. lwtad this tted dr of April. 1SB. I N WARMOTH. weatawrtord a Chmbrlin. Adniintatraior Attys tor Adaain. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 8 duly OT lit V EN THAT ON THK at. Jackson A rtilreu. was ulv aniwunte.1 .tdiniJtrtor of th iwlat ot Mr L A Sartlinc deceased, and that I bare duly qualified such Administrator therefore all person having rlaiaiaatrua! Ihe eatala ot said decedent are her- 01 nouned and required n present in to me with proper evticher t aty bSSUbbbs in th city of Solo, Lirin county, Oragea, within six months !rim the date hereof. Wiiucat m hand Ihis ind 1t of June, litt. JACKSON A BtLVEC, W K BIl.YKl . Atlntuus'.rator Attorney for Anmlnistnttor Notice of Vacation. TV T OTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAI xN the WiUamctte Load Co., a cor pota tion, ha filed a petition with the count, court ot Lion county, Oregon, to vaosts its "Sunuyside addition to th city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon," sad that said conuty oourt has fixed Ti ursday, Jane 8th, 1893, at '2 o'clock p m of said day, a the time for hearioK said petition and objections thereto if any. WILLAMETTE LAND CO., A corporation. Petitiootr. t C10 V Win hi, lis , u 11 1 M rw. Dr. Pastcrsaa Wallaea. lac Noted eiairvovml see Ufa Header, ia nr, and can b found at her rdBc, swat d Hoe - w v.u 11 1 a. h, leua aiseut ii auojt prsmt sua ratur; lev rroatu, aSssBs l 1 ou can near rross jour ihs I SHERIFFS SALE- 1 llu Circuit Court oj the tUitt of Oregon for the County oj f.inn. Knapp, Banell a Company .Plaintiffs, a AS Knox, Jr, Defendru' NCTlctC is UKBKBY GIVEN TH by virtue of an xwHKn and ord . aoiy tasupsd outof.nd under t ZZL " 6 natie.1 court in tbi ZiZS TZ, , ,n" m" a,r ed and ..,w.w, Will 1,11 aatBraay, the TJIa S7 ,r ja, IMX 1 tne roil aoor -ji tne court hnnse.ln ihe city of Albany, Linn county . Oreaon. t tne nour 01 on o cioeK p m of oaid day sell at public auction for cash In hand to tbe highest bidde tbe reel prope: ty de scribed in sail! execution and order of sale aa followa low! : Begir.nli g at a atone 10x12x18 inches in i-e north bo no tary line ot tte denatinn land c aim of James vnox and wit. being noliecation No 1AC9 in townabip 10 m r g west, st a point 10.5 chains cast 1 f tbe northwest corner of said claim an t runnicg thence east 17Mcbsins to a ator.e I0x1(jxI2 inches; thenee aonib 40 chains to a stone 10x12x14 ioche-; thence west 17 50 cbsina to a atone 9x13x14 incbe, tbenoe north 40 chains to tbe place of beginning, cos sining 70 acres more or es; also tieginoing at tbe north at eorner cf tbe donation laud claim of James Knox and wife, being n't ficati n No 1060 in town hip 10, H R ft west, at a atone 12x12x24 - marked C Si. and runnipg tbence oath 40 chain to a stone 10x12x18 in'-be: nencs west 19 45 chain to a atone 9xlCx' t inejea, tnenne north 40 ctuio to be no a b aindar v line of said ciaim at atone, Ixl2xl4 iccb, thenee eas: 18,1S 1 h'n in tbe (dace of betlnni-g. contain : og 73G8 aeren more or lea, and all ly ng na oeing in u m county, oresrnn. Tne p o eei arls'ng irom said sale to be applied, first, :o tbe payment of tbe cnati of and upoti said execution and tba original coats sxsd a: $19 9 1, saeond, to the paymeit in tbe praintin herein tbe sum of $85 70 and the 'art bei sum of$2S aa attorney' fees Dated this I9tb dav of April. 193 CCJaCKsi Sheriff of L nn p jntjr. twsajs SUMMONS the Crreu 1 Cyurt of ihe State 0 Oreyos jor rue comny oj Lmn, Al'ie Andrews, Plaintiff, i "'t,;pb Aodreae,DtfKlB'. Tv THE .Auv Dp- THK riTRC? r OrezbB, ros are be-shy req-.i d to ap petT VKl BfVCf tile c WbltjD rf ifee abor. i s - - m. " .1 aTMStlaSftR I SB T s tt-wtaavic. uttetwl s t :7- .v..-.wlw-,Bvw bu mstrivK nv cam eisUn i,t.. wiaiattff rdinc pt&xatsat tbe tbeir mini 1 ehild, tb tbe H wa Geo H I ?ftt- iade 1 i m"A Cktn- r - " ! M,7 ; 1983 W zatbci Fop.r Sc CHBBXxaia, A Manet s fcr Piaiatiff. - t - . i SUMMONS. 1 ueo a3iy, ie.ertcanL. To Geo E Sly. .he above atari dP-n ! ! ant: 1 I r xrxc.aa.3te ouuEsriTB OK a. ' ireson. 7011 are pssaby reqatmal to appear and an are the ecmp'.eint Sled . 1 again: von In lbs above enacted await on 1 or before tbe first day of tbe nx; regular j term of tbe above entitled court next fo lowirne the exptrataots of t'te pobive . j ra ox am cc,m"os towit tit Jffih day wtrein required Ibe plaicuff will uke judgment scsinst yea f r the relief de mended in bar compiaunt towit: a eaere" ; of lb5 above entitled court ritawolvingt'ie www m mmnaary new exsttma; between ptaiatrtT Bd oV fen Uut a: ore named aod awardinst 40 D -mtiff the cuatoefT ,-f Ira Sly. ehs minor a Sir- lbs m-oor trht'd of Fia ntiC acO def.-ndant. ' nis iwji 1 ass of ssmmnria i- maoe bsy ' 'a1osQen or owe.- or Hon ti3. H Bar sett, in dare of said eoart. made x Cham : b. !".th t?wo P lm P fc eonntv. lDe ,Kn Mf "v AP JJ HiriKl. Att'j for P aintia mwmx iiotice V-'TiCE IS HKSXI V GifEX THAT OS THEaBta Alsotyef asat.lSaBUJaeSawBA BOyea. wa Swly j 'fl'taStS l swill li; or the sf Mnf. ASets. j nalaal lwssssaet iJI li 1 ulistt arekasebT a "rJ KTeeST twaetw t eatehuaaf S ' "stawsaaty bp1 tai!al way oliow, 18BX. Bav JSat-ltt. Attearwey tor at aa aisntar ! ' . NQTIRF OF F1MAI SfTTI FIIFMT . ' " ew ws st asrwwwssw tifclMstH a ' HEXEBT GITEX THAT THE rsr- 0! eav Jair. t ww wt 1 axosui ta taw snerr taw kwoiiac of tjtlinw if 1 and the serttasneat rf sal at said tatr, tar ltul Maj ISta, USa. , . I B M-.-FARLtXP. J J WurrXET. Adaiiwaatraior Arty tar awaassastsaaoe. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. SATOTICE IS HER1.BY GiVES THAT 7rfE cx- 11 tT ' a.a-J -, arts,,,, V saanot XiasB natala aiiiaalniiailaaSiialin ilia. of afual Waiwrwa. kit rftmn mwii.Ot. &U1 OMed that Sad way rf Aiwfl. 1. w.. . I WARMOTH. Attys far ASawaw. SHERIFFS SALF. r P" CW-r Um Count. Srft or Ortgpn; A B Mcllwain. Plaintiff, sra Rue! Custer, Defendants 1TOTlCK IS UERBBT GIVES THAT aA by virtue ef a exeeation and order of sale duly issued out of ami under the seal oftbe court above named in tbe aboe entitled suit to me directed and delivered, I will on Sawavtlay. Ike let It day wT at tbe front door ex" the court bouse.ia th city of Albany lann county, Qreion, a the hour of oae o'eiock p iu cf said day sett at public auction for cash in hand to the h'srhest bidder ail tbe right, title and interest of tbe above named defendant in and to tbe real property described in said execution and onterof sale as follows towit: leots 7 and io block 118 ia Hack. leinan's audition to tbe city of Albanv. Linn county, Oregon; alao lot S and trie east ha f of lot 2 In bioek 1, which is in the Western adoltion to tbe ci;v 0 Al bany. Unn county, rtsrou; also ots I. S. 11 and 13, known aa Fair Ground lots, sur-eyert and platted by ths Lion Ceuntv A svtwsl Ilea) Ct camtiit:,.. ww. . - o' i, , m" . . -,!,! SIB, in sec lo, tp 11, s sir it 4 nest, in l.uu cortctv, orettoB. alao the folk winaJ oinit at the north east corner of J S ratur ilmi ti. i-n.t wes 8 97 chalos; thence north BH .w .'-.e! 1 chains; theuce north 12 .0 ohsdns; esuu 20 chain: theses south 30 chains, thence west 10 .-.nL-n',80ulu l ehsins: thence wast 00.- chains to the place ef besin niog. containing 17S.11 .re in Linn county, Oregon. The proceeds arising frcm said sale to be applied 1st, to tbe payment of the costs ot and upon said execution ami the onginai eosts of sun at m 2nd, to the payment to , Phshstltt, A B Mellwain. the sum of fiOTs 80 with acorui. g intertst thereon at JJs t f ten per cent per annum unUt Dated this 5th day of May. ISW. O C JACKSON, Sheriff of IJnn county, Ureg n ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE IN ura0fBd has hen appointed administrator " SB natal, ot Thomas Alford. deceased. All ir soaa ha Tiny chuat ajrainat said eatate are required to preseat them with the proper vouchers and properly rsrisea, within six months from the dale hereof, to lb anderautved. at tAarriaburs. Liau county, Or. Thi lb 2h day rf March, 16WS . ' O st ALFOES. Wtarfsrd A Chamberlain, Adnuoutrrtt Attorney for Adair., J ' S-a A a I'll 'nil jinn it Jim aS Bat fiBiaecawat .witk the ewawty clerk ol Lisa ii'iwtl, Orerea. wtawt Ikwcoaraty coBrtofsaai UwTeaB.tT. kwrefcr rtayatred w rmeeat tsasot Saw venaed he w required to the awswtsswwaS M !wv, Oretea, withi. x aw-akwhwi tkw