SMt flirts Dtmorrat VOL XXVIII. " - Suits Hade In ALBANY, FORTMILLER Undertakers - and - Embalniers. rE Kl.EPccnttsntvi ceffim. Alto bui'ul i which vrii be sold at The Lowest living Profits. EMBALMING "d the proper care of the dead a speclsltv KO EXTRA CHAR Cfc FOR ALBANY, - - MASONIC Boy RUBBER HOSE Bay RUBBER HOSE of -Buy rubber hose Bny Lawn Mowers rt Buy Lawn Mowers of The Oregon iVitn its home SALEM- - - .ne Gray Block, corner Liberty at J JMT A.KES a specialty of ftunnyside fruit tractc Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 ere smau casn payment long or particulars. J. F. FOE Evangelist, f Des Moines, lows, write un-ler date of March 23, 1893: 5. B. Mei. Mfg Co., Dufnr, Oeeon. Otntlemen : On arriving h m last w.elc well and anxiously a'vaitiaw: I found all Oir little gin. earn ,ud OOKn , r ,d . . . waded away to 3S pound-, is tarn well. ronK .nd v.goron-, and well fl.hed op. . B, Oough . ors hd u r,, work well. 60th of the children like ,t. Yo,r S B. i. - rm me. 5,i ;ive it 1 1 evo'V Yo'. MhMsJFFoKD. It you with to r-i . lor UieSprin'. work u" ... u. ,:u!n'". "sdr Headache an3 Iv cJr. , IS "y."jm w'th.tha aosssescb rfeck. ' uc SO centi psr boWo by J uttyut. M H -Id under a positive ruanulee by J ACUMMING. three Red CrownMills ISOM & UNKING, PROPRIETOR. kw taoaM n.ouR svrsBioR tea AMD BAKERS V8B, H', S? STORAGE -A I!. TIES Entered the s Olllrf n -ohsolutel 1-rA Prompt Cure: 2sA Permanent Cure. Pert ectCure. N. WALDAHL, -Aferchant Tailor. Order and Satisfy ion Gi araatf ' l,Cqiiiig of ill! lyqds. shop:cpposite the post office OREGON A IRVING I : i d a lull l:t e of nictslic, rlolh ? cl d mslst si tts ani tells, in hi osccloih, ,io nlii.i'( HEARSE Ott SERVICE . TEMPLE, - - OREGON of Matthews AWashborn Matthews & Washbnrn Mains & waiHi- Hattbews & Wasbba m Matthews & Washburn, JLand Go office at - OK,3!G3-OjNT3 Str.te street, branch office In I artltto near Sa lero to $60 per time on baj ance HfawafftBttas af "W... Es- BfB-aistLHjT 1 m fasH WaFi-alE 25cta- .'0ctsv,and J 1.00 per Bottle? One cent a dose. Tins Great Off wnero an otners rjtturhi. Crnun Bare Throat, Hoarser aasTwVhoopiag Cough i and Asthma For O Dsamption It has no rfvpl; has cured thoof ands,and wlU cube TOotf taken In time, gold by Drugg-lsta on a guar- Sntee. For a Lame Back or Cheat. On HILOH'S BI ;LLAd6nHA PLASTBftj5c. ILr i H'SsCATAR R H 'REMEDY, ? This remedy tacrui eyou. Price. 5 Jots. injector rlree. VI 60R f MEN Easily. Quickly. Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOU8NE86. DEBILITY, and sU the train of evils from early error, or later ceaes, tbe reaulta t owwork, alckneas, worry, etc. Full strength, development and ton kI ven to every organ and portion of the body, fllmi.le. natural rnetboda. Immediate Improvement neciL Failure unposuow. IK explanation snd proofs ;.'.iwu reiereneee. 5t mailed (sealed) free. 1 mn ;3 ERIE MEDICAL CO BUFFALO, N. Y. VrrirwiasNirji, at Albany. Or., as Heeout- Ibss Halt LOCAL RECORD .The sou ,v I..nxin! Faii-ikr.-It is difficult to keep tnirk of matters connected with the Isom & lining failure. The true situation cannot be given very well. Yesterday tho following attainments were nnule against the property of the firm: John Conner, one for $5687.50. and one for $14,370.80; M. B. ReWforfcJOOlUO. At tachment Rati were begun against the property of h. J. Limning, individually ny rttewart ar Sox for $80; by John Conner tor 9VSSSJS0. Mr. Conner s claims in all amount to $21,191.80. Mr. Reeve has teen an employe of the firm for several ytars and allowed his account to run. and as well loaned the hrm money. After the iuciciimewN were made a mortgage wii hied by W. H. Cioltra from John Isom for tfll.OW covering all the individual proper ty. A peculiar incident happened this morning. In 1890 Mr. Lanning deeded piece of property to Mr. Charles Sutton i he deed was not hied and the property was among trie pieces attached, today Mr sutton appeared and filed the deed, and will prolwbly lie allowed to hold the tiror fnv. A t loveu Coxtkst. -The" Albanv IH.m- h kat mentioned that a ladv of that town picked 50 stems of four leaved clover in her yard and a Portland iwiier tella that a me tropolis girl picked 32 stems. Miss Hattie -Martin, of Ashland, picked from a very small patch lot) stems of four lenved'elover. and it was not a verv mod dav for four leaved clover either. If this is a relative test of the good luck that is to befall them it is our guess that our Ashland Miss will niurrv the Dresident of the Cnitinl State is to be in the year 1901. Young men good look ing and brave here is a pointer, for as a guesser our reputation is immense. Asnnuid Keeont. The Kecord neglects to mention that some of the Al bany clover was five and even six leaved ine Albany girls though are invited to surpass the Ashland girls clover harvest A Live Affair. Eitrht demit v sheriffs went up to detroit Monday evening, their mission being to enforce a decree of eject ment issued aintinst V it Danforth bv a justice of the peace st Mehaiua last Friday, Satueday evening a constable went up to Detroit to induce the occupants of a build ing owned by W H Rider to vacate. In this ae was unsuccessful, and. being overpowered by superior forces, returned to (iates. where eight deputy sheriffs were sworn in and the result is Mr Danforth will seek other quarters within two da us. We are inform ed a squabble also occurred over the post office. Although the affair was Batched ui without bloodshed tilings bore a decidedly warlike appearance for a few davs. San- tiant Lumberman. Takb Warning vs. n Etchtnan who lives Id the Forks of the Santtam informs us that he was passing a cboo! house some weeks ago when some voung men and boys who had there congregated be gan to guy him by calling him all kinds of names wnen a dog ran out from under the schvnl house and began to bark at him The said "seek Mm, seek him," when the dog ran up to him and bit bim quite severely in the arm. Our ad vi-.e to these young men Is to avoid this conduct in the future or they may find them selves in the clutches of the law. His Whereabouts Cnknown. Some to weeks ago W P Elmore left ihia city for Spragne. Wash., to attend to some business. It appears that he completed bis affairs there in day or so and thea returned as far as Portland, at which place he was seen one week ago last f nursday by one of oar townsmen who say Porter was then in a sober condition and appar ently all right In every way. Nothing more was seea or heard of him vnlil fast Monday, wnen be Is known to have been at the GHiman house. No trace has been found of him since that time, consequently Henry MrFarland let, for that city yester day morning to ascertain, if possible, his whereabouts. Brownsville Times. .-i units Death. A dispatch from Har risburg this morning announced the death of Mrs. Rhoda Roach, who died at two o'clock this morning. She had been sick but a few days; Mrs. Roach was the wife of T. T. Roach, and sister to Mrs. T. J. StHes. of this city. She was about 37 years of age. an amiable, devout Christian woman. She leaves a husband and a large family of children, besides relatives and friends who will mourn her untimely death. Burial services tomorrow at ten o'clock A. M. Manslaughter, Champ Pync who has been on trial at Co! fas for the last t went y days charged with being an ac complice with Ed Hill la the murder of Langford Summers was found guilty of astMM laughter. The Judge increased the sal from $5000 to $Sjoopend Ing a .not -on for new trial and proba jle appeal . Some time ago we made the statement that G W Philips would move back to Scio in the near future. Last week he completed a tisde with E C Gill by which he became the owner of the letter's farm near tt et Scio, and has taken possession of the same, and will move thereon next month. Wash says that after all farming Is the bussiness and the safest in the long run. Coivallis has set a coed example in one thing. Here it is according to the Ga zette: A man named Char lev Smith di rected an insulting remark to a respecta ble young lady on the street yesterday. for Jtis aucacity he was taken before Police Judge Porter and fined $10, in de fault of which he went to jail. The following from the Rcseburg Re view illustrates the spirit of the ag: Melvin McFarland, of Independence, ar rived on last night's train. He " ill look (or a location In which to engage in busi ness. Come on, you Polk county folks, we will welcome you all. Lacsdhy Work. Every citizen of Al bany should bear in mind that the Albany Steam Laundry guarantee first claas work at very reasonable prices, and employe nothing bat white labor Shirts lone as cheaply as the Chinaman. Pat ronize your own race. t Of Might The traveling public are now fuMy alive to the faot that the Chiosgn, Union Pacitie Si Korth- Wef tern 1 ine offers the verv best a oooiDsnodatioDS to the public from and to C nicaeo, Omaha and intermediate poinU, not only during the World's Psir, but all tne year round . Monky to Loam. 1 have money in sums of 1600 to $20,000 to loan on im proved farm lands in Linn and Bentcs counties, at lowest current rates, delay in furnishing the money. C i Bcskbabt Beal estate agent. Albany, Oregon. VVSDIIINO Invitaviosb. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Golden, Common, every day. gjtf Buy your groceries And produce At a place Where s First class stock Is kept, And the prices are Always tin? Lowestand the treatment the best. Tbst is at Peny Conn's- You Can Walk to Chicago; but dop't do it; it is too far. Nor Is it necesssry. If you want ss good treatment as can be obtained In the United States, call on Parker Bros. Thev carry a first class stock of groceries and produce, and If you are not treated well It is your own fault. Prices always reason able. Their baked goods are good enough for any one, and embrace a fine line, A first class baker does the business. You do not need to go anywhere but to Parker Bros for your groceries and bake-l goods. !wtei. What Is It. A curious besst lias been shipped to Joe Tallman from Wctton, and attracted crowds to the rear of the drug store. It t about three leet long, a fool and a half In width, has a shsggy coat of dark end light brown. It head resembled that of a besr, but Its long tail precludes the idea that it might be a cinnamon. There was much speculation as to its identity. One man thought li a crors be tween "a buck-saw and a pair of brown overhalls, but his theory was greeted wl'h derision. Another remarked that if it were not so large it would pass muster as a specimen of the fox-tail bears which frequented the mountains in years past. Pendleton E O. Another Pioneer is gone o his long rest. Anson Kimsey. who had been ailing so long, died Saturday evening last. May 27th at 9 o'clock aod his temains were buried Monday In the Odd Fellows ceme tery, beside those of his wife, who passed to her rest years ago. D -ceased was aged 69 years. He came to Oregon In 1S46 with what was known as the "Wilson Company," composed of euch menasjas McBrlde T J Lovelady and Rev J O Bur nett and others and ieitled in Polk county, where he has since redded. A relative of W li Kimser. of this city. Tbe remarks ot tne Democrat, always intended to be in good humor, about Salem, are tame torn pared to the follow ing from the Astoria Dndgett: "No wonder that Salem is making a wild and frantic grab for another state institution the soldier's home, which, once in sight, has irrelevantly wandered away in the direction of Roeebnrg. When a town cannot put up money enough to see Jim Corbett or back a base ball team, it is bout time to appoint administrators and begin to do some figuring on funeral expenses. In'New Quarters The City Bottling Company are now In their new and com modious quarters just east of the Albany Iron Works, where thev have the facili ties for putting up the finest summer bev erages to be obtained in the vallev . This is a hrst-class bottling establishment and only puts up pure, clean drinks- The company is doing a big business in Al bany and the nrighboring towns, which is sseaaily increasing The cases of the state against Georm Prine and John Smith, for assault and battery and carrvir.g concealed weapon. part of the disturbance at a literary meeting at Sanderson school house, was ried last evening before Justice New port. At nine o'clock this morning the justice fined Piine fS and costs, $64 in all. in default of which he will spend 15 days in tbe county jail. Smith was discharged. are aaat Beev No external remedy ever yet devised has so folly and unquestionably met these three prime conditions as successfully as Allcock't Porous Plasters. .- are safe because they contain no deleterious drugs nd are manufactured upon scientific principles rf meoicinc. "They are sure be cause nothing goes into them except In gredients which are exactly adapted to the purposes for srhich a plaster is required. They are speedy In their acrian because their medicinal qualities go right to their work of relieving pain and restoring the natural end healthy performance of the functions of muscles, nerves and skin. Do not b deceived ry misrepresentation. Ask for Allcock s. and let no solicitation or explanation induce you to accept a sub stitute. Bad Mas. The Albany China people say that H S Lee Way U a bad man, and, that he wrote a letter from Newport that was bad and i niece n V Hr Is not a mcm nf the church. All the Chinese people of Albany sav that Lee Way acted wrong. Kwovo Si jig 4c Co. OX6 DfCK Yf!. Pook Sakg Li no ic Co. Jts War. Wa Err & Co. Board ami Lorxiixn of good quality a reasonable rates are the strong points of the Star Contracts of the World's Fair Hotel and Boarding' Bureau. For sale at al) rail road tiiiket offices in Portland and at Sak-m. Alhanyf Eugene. Corvallis. McMinnville and Oregon City. Don't go to Chicago without your accommodations reserved, un less yon have a big purse you are inxiotw to empty. Call on C. K. Frank at the depot for particulars. Jcst Aaaivsn. Direct from eastern manufacturers s number of the most beautiful monuments ever brought to Ail-any. Latest designs In use in the east. If you are going to put up one this season call al once and get your choice as the neatest will all be gone before Decoration day. At E W Ahison 4 Co's. Tke Skill sad Kaawledge. RssnntUl to vhe prodaetioufif the nwc. per fect sod popular 'axattvs remedy knowr, have enabled the Cdiforaia Fig Syrao Co. to achieve a grat sacaaew in ttht reputation of its rem-dy. Syiuo of Pigs, it ia conced ed to be the universal laxative. CjPor sale by all drugsjists. Will 4t gurk. (V iewelrr Any information concerning government land far settlers may fce obtained of T M Morriaoa, with Cnrran .t Monteitfc. Albany, Dragon . Onr spring wrapt have corns (and on c con..t of their late smvsl we will sell ssme with the smallest pesnbie margin. The Ladies Bazaar. The sunshine that struck us some today reminds us of the bright shines that ema nate from Minnie's wonderful brushes. Try one (Jim sni-.. Pi Rid :UL Prr, Or. 81 Wath- Vherr fsshv ,, sica, g6 bee Oaatom Vh. n ra a ChiM. sbe led tor Cnstons. 'rpvW rs-came Miss, "li- sskag V restores n asv-tsHi2nMt.- nsswessrsi Ca"n When Traveling. Whether on laaute bent, or business, taks on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, it sots most plesssntly and effectively on tne kidneys, liver aud bowels, preventing levers, hesdajjhes and other forms of sickness For sale in 50 cent and $1 I utiles by all leading diuggists. an Easy Winner: The solid vestlbuledtrains nf the Chicago, Union Pacific A North Western Line distant c all competition with ease. It has the short est line, fastest time, Union dspota and do change or delay at the gdiatouri Kiver.and is ths popnlar World's Fair route. To ties at tae (Facts Regarding Hood's Sartaparilia, sa th people who take this medicine, or lead th testimonials often published in this pape They will convinos yon that Honda's cure Hood's fills cuie constipation. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications aa they cannot reach th diseased portion of the ear. Thiro Is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed ?ou hare a rumbling sound or imperfect bear ng, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness la the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any ease of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Curs. Bead tor circulars; free. ,A V. 3. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo, O. JUT Bold by Druggists. 76c." A LB AN YsORfeGON, FRIDA1, JUNE 9. 1893. AOfitt mi rmviMt THURSDAY Mrs- Etta Vassallo is lying quite t the residence of her father, in sick this city. Mrs George Knox and MirS Geisen dorfer went to Portland yesterdav. Mary ( undiff, Era Simpson and Ava Baltimore went to Salem today to attend the in '.er-col legists contest to morrow night. (ieo B Hoventon, if Portland and Miss Hattie Hanna were married in Eugene yea'erday, and passed through Albany topay for Portland. Fred Borkman, C'lias Kiefer, l'eter Anderson, C W Sears, W E GiBett, W. H Huston and others went to Salem to day to attend a meeting of the encamp ment of Odd Fellows at that city tonight Prof rValstrom, who has peen with T M Morrison the immigration agent, went to Portland this noon . The Prof is a man of 'earning, being cultured in the languages aud history g rind would i,.- 8 lad particularly to locate in thU part of 'regoii, as he Is delighted with the climate ext .Saturday at 10 o'clock the t roetwl kindergarten will give a basket picnic to the orphans' home, where they will take a lunch, and return at two o'clock. The motor will take all who wish to go, and a general invitation is extended to the public to join in the picnic. The cars will leave Lvon and 6th streets at just 10 o'clock. Mr. Leigh Harnett, who for the past year has ben at work in tbe mountains along tee South Umpqua river develop -ing one of the biggest placer fields vet discovered in the state, was so unfortu nate some time since as to strain him- II seveielv. producing a runt 11 re of thi m . . " ' moral arterv. lie has now son tn Portland to have an operation performed and will go to the Good Samaritan hos pital tomorrow Eugene Register. mioay. Hon T J Black tt in the city. A dispatch from John Mctiivavv. the new Albany pitcher, announces that he will be in Albany tomorrow mominsr. Go to the Social at the W C T 0 Hall tonight and see the lamed Tingelrlugie nd Ids family start for the Worlds FJr. There is everything in knowing how 10 do this thing, ard here is the plsce to learn. Cariyle Luisrhead. the popular engineer on the Oregon Pacsac train to this pi are. -aagfit trout in Brei ton bush last Sunday, the largest of which niearared '24 inches m length. Several of them went It inches. Saatiam Lumherman. Dry H K and Olive Beer arrived in Al bany yesterday from the east, where they have been taking post graduate courses in one of the leading medical oallesresi. They were at tbe world's fair on their way home. The Drs Beer may locate ia Albany. C B Winn. J A Cummins and H H Hot ton spent Sunday in this vicinity end.-., r ing to induce the fevtive trout to feast on fat -fly hooks. Mr Winn ants assisted by the other young- genthmen in planting it couple of acres of a new dwarf variety of iwtatoe. Santiani Lumberman. iu.s.L i n os. -., J hx-SheriB Scott will return to his farm to reside, after a rwi.lenre in Albany of aisjut three years. I-lcense issued last eretone for the ! marriage of Mr J B Csrter and Miss Ida B M lichen. If M Perry and daughter, of Sods vide, will leave In a few day son a trip through Washington, fir Use latter's awaits . Rev Skip worth, of Lebanon, went to Portland today to ccter a hospital fir treatment. Mr J R stockman went to Portland this noon. Mrs Tsthaaa's Kindergarten class nd several mothers snd friends, about fifty In all, gave a basket picnic to tbe Orphan's Home today, where they spent several delightful hours. A liberal supply of ice cream added to the affair. O M McFarland and J V VTiison rode their Imperials to Salem last evening, re turning this morning, attending ihe utter col.'eglale contest io the evening. They were 3. hours each way . Yesterday Mr and Mrs Jos CUrk, and W A Cox and family spent the day with Mr George Young at Platnvlew in honor of Ihe 23rd anniversary of the marriage of Mr and Mrs Cos. Thry report a fine lime eating tui key. Ice cream, etc, as well s a variety of undertakings thai go tr make such an occasion enjoyable. The W ('. T. V. gave an enjoyable social at their hall last evening. A "ebon, pro gram was presented, consisting of a song oy Margaret undiff. wio hny II r C. U. life ami a reritaium bv Maid Mct'ov. lames were played and ice cream and cake disposed of m a atifnctory manner. Sam E. May. an old time resident of Sa lem and secretary of state under iovemor Wood, who died in Chicago last year, left a young widow bis second wilt; -and an infant son. Lately. Frank May. eldest son of Sam. by his first wife, whom he married in Salem in the late ""'-. has become hus band of the young' widow, and is now the husband of his own step-mother, and step father of his bany half-brother. She is the wife of her own step-son and mother of tbe half-brotber of her living husband. Statesman. Tate sprlag. Of all sea sb iu the year, is tbe one for making radical changes in regard to health. During the winter, lbs svetetn becomes t a certain extent clogged with waste, snd the Hood loaded with imparities, owirg to lack of exercise, close conhmmint io poor'y ventila' ed shops and homes, and otbor causes. This is the eanse of the. lull, sluggish, tirvd feeling so general at this season, and which mast be overcome, er the health may be entirely broken down. Hood's Sarsaparllla has attained the greatest popularity all over tbe country aa the favorite spring melicine. It expsls th accumulation of imparities through Iks bowels, kidneys, liver. Inns and skm, gives to the blood the purity and quality neoswsary to good health snd over comes that tired feeling. Plain Facts. And that I. what we want. Fortmlller ic Irving have just re ceived an elegant line ol lace curtains. Their stock of wsll paper is large and complete, and prices are rematkablr low. Over i jo dozen window shades on hand. Call un Fortmlller & Irving If you wish Ihe best and largest assortments to select Irom. Werld'a Fair Travelers Hill Rave II The public demand through eerviaj when traveling. !t is old-fashioned to "Change Cars." On the '.hrcugh, -olid yastibaled trains of the Chics.; , Union Pacific A North Western Line Irom or to Cbioago. Omaha sod intermediate points there is no change. This is ths fines, and fastest1, ser ies between the points named. Shiloh's Cure, ths great cough snd croup cure, rs for sale by us. rooset sisa contains twenty-live dosor.only 25a. Children love it Foshay ft Mason. Shiloh'a Vitaliaer SS what you need for dyspepsia, tcrpid II v t, .yellow skin or kid ney trouble. It is guaranteed to give yon atislaotion. Price 7Bo. S nd by Foshay & Mssoc. Osi. . U 3 Di.ji Csl says. "Shiloh's Catarrh Roiedy Is ths tirs medicine I hsve ever found that would do me any good. Prion, 50 ots . Sold by f.'ahay Sc Masoo. Ono .Small nilo tx ..ii svarv night Tor a week arouse Torp" TJvcrs. r&o. r uottlu Send your name aud address to rtsad Peaoook it Co- Alb toy, Oregon, and , men tion lbs DsnoonaT, they will mall you ashion sheet free each month. NEW YORK 1 17 I i 11 New York, May 'Mlh, I83. The Princess Infauta Eulalie of Spain reached tbe lower bay on Friday morn -ing and, as the steamer passed the nar rows the U 8 8 Dolphin, the dispatch boat which played a prominent part in the naval review, ran alongside of the merchantman anJ took the Infanta aboard. Captain Davis, has been ap pointed by 1 ne president to look after the comfort of the prominent foreign cele brity, and he escorted her to Jersey City where a special train was in waiting for the distinguished party to be taken to the capital. Great crowds of neoole hronged the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot and they cheered the gallant little princess with much vigor, and as the tram was passing out of the depot the Infanta waved ber handkerchief and finally threw kisses at the wildly cheer ing crowd, from the rear platform of the traiu. The Infanta evidently ta-ea quite freely to the cordial welcome accorded to Spain a representative in this demo cratic courvry of ours. Bsse ball cranks are becoming more cheerful just now, as the "Giants" are winning and Cap'ain Ward has secured the service- of tbe great and only 'King' Kelly, who will join the New York team in a few days. The cran-s are jubilant and the cry of "long live the king" is heard on all aides of the base ball arena. f.x-Secretary Tracy's propbecv, that the new cruiser New York, winch made a highly successful trial trip along the Massachusetts coast, on Monday, would be the finest of all battleships in the world, was correct in the fullest sense of he word. The contract of the govern ment with the Cramps' shipbuilders of Philadelphia, called 'or an armored ship wim inrte smosesiacws, ol Its.UUu tons horse power. 380 ieet in lensrth and in have a speed of at leas'. A) knots an hour. A premium of tMX) to be paid for every quarter of a knot in excess of that time and the same amount to be forfeit ed for every quarter of a knot leas than tbe contracted 10 knots per hour. Tbe vessel cost over 12,980,000 under the con tract. The trial trip on Monday resulted in the breaking of all previous records, the noble cruiser, well built and well named, making ihe distance of forty miles on an average speed of 21.06 knots n hour. This is remarkable time and earns $'-111,000 for the Cramps In ad dition to the regular battery the New York's carries two great guns of the most modern manufacture, each weighing 20 tons. She is tbe crack of ail navies and we may be justly proud nf the success of American genius and enterprise in snp i yine the new '"mistress of the seas ' Th Chicago papers hare been com psaioing ot me manner in winch tome New York journals are ridiculing the world' fair- It is true, 'hat some of our papers are making a very poor show of what thty rait funny, in printing sar castic comments on the world's fair. But these papers are lew and of the second claas, and the opinion in this city is that tbe fair will be tbe great success that it deserv -s. For an example, tbe follow ing is the exact words spoken by Bradley Marin, on his return from Chicago a few days ago : I found Chicago in a boey oat goon condition, and, as lor the fair it is tbe grandest sight of arthitectual spndor ttat I have ever witaesaad; it exceeds anything UKre in in Paria. If ibis were not true, an aristocrat like Mr Martin woold not make the assertion that the buildings at the fair were great- er than those ol Parts. As Mr Martin spends halt of his time traveling in Europe be certainly is a good iudge of different sights- Tbe Ne York Press Club is to be con gratulated upon the success of the fair which it is running at the Grand Cen tral Palace The Ten tors is very sue cessful, as it deserve to be, and the many attractions makes the fair a prcm inent place for sigb lasers and amuse ment seekers about the city. Central Park was crowded 00 Sunday afternoon when tbe Saragosa band, which cams from Spain with the Infants, gave a concert, sided by s perfect spring day. Ihe ad also serenaded Mayor Uilroy on Tuesday at tbe City Hall. I very amusing incident was the plaving of "Yankee Doodle" by the Spaniards in low time, making it sound like a dead march instead of a lively air. The trouble was tbst the mus'c was written in s.ow lime, and when tbe leader was informed of the mistake ne was very angry with tbe man who composed the sheet. It -as a huge joke on the am bition Spaniards. No wonder ti e delegates to the Re publican National League convention in Louisville cam home enthusiastic Henry ileason, who was chairman of tbe New York delegation .said that upon tbeir arrival in vY'altereon's town each delegate was presented with two bottles of fine whifkv. just twenty vears old. It inspired them to sing, and the song that reached every one's heart was '-The Uid Kentucky Home. Mr. Glesaxn also brought home eome of tbe velvet brand of rye for medical purposes. All of bis friends who called to see him soon became sick. The Infanta Eulalie has arrived in Gotham, and with great ceremony the committee teeeived tbe fair princess. Alter leaving the train which arrived from Waehington about 3 o'clock in the afternoon on Ihnradav. the royal nartv was in the charge of Commander Davis. The committee in waiting, consisting ot Whitelew Reid, SYR Crnger, J J O'Dooahue, Cornelius N Bliss, Howard Car rail and Osnersl horses Porter, met the party st the Jersey City station and escorted them to the steamer General Slocum, which proceeded across the r'ver to the New t ork shore. Troop A acted as escort to the distinguished party when they proceeded from the wharf to the Hotel Savoy in carriages. The Spanish-American citizens formed procession snd serenaded ths Infants st her hotel io the evening, and then Her Highness attended the tnnelul opera of "Robin Hood at the Garden theater She expressed herself ss being pleased witu her reception, and if she follows the progam laid out by tbe committee she wilt never regret her visit to the shores of Columbis. Wm. F. H. Koelsch wonts, CNSIaEBMU Veoisooat C K Browoelle. VIA VI Co iffioe in Baltimore block. A foil line o! Werner Bros com tt at R, P ft.Cos. If you want a tine smokr call for Joseph white labor cigars. Cobie snd see the new chit ed plow st R imps opposite post i dice. The bcstrnaat .-ntiee in the city at Com ad duysr a Motor makes five Iripi daily to Vieieck'a addition. Lotr thrse oa installments of f I per week. An extensive variety of garden seeds both to bulk and by tho package can be found at C K Rrownells. Pa ronise home industry by smoUug the . elelirated white labor oigars, manufactured by Ju'iut Joseph. New cork sole, hsnd turned shoes, some thing entirely new, not a winter shoe but light aod tt x.l.le for spring and summer wear, at Uaad, Peaccok & ' Vs, Call and inspect them. SBR BUS Paiker Bros, grocers. P. M. French keeps railroad time Buy yonr groceries of Parker Bros r i ie groceries at Conn & Heodrioson's. ilsw cream cheese just received at Conrad Movers. . P J Smiley job printer, Fiino Blook, does first class work. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent oigarat Julius Joseph's. Or M If BilK ohysieun and surgeon Albany. ; 1 1 ''.In mils la aily'or o mntry . They Increase appetite, purify t'jo whole System and not on tbe liver JBUe BaaonAMB. YVASHI.sUTiiN letter. rum 11 r regular Correspondent. 'A -miuNGTof., May 29. 1893 Why Khonld democratic seuator and representa ives insist u. on having republi cans retained in omcei' rant u a question that has puzzled th president, the mem bert of the cabinet and the beads of tbe important bureaus of the government, and also at times very n ucb embarrassed tbem For instance, a democratic senator or rep resentative goes to the head of a depart ment or bureau and asks that a republican chief of a division 1k nuked to resiirn and 1 one of his constituents, a democrat be ap- pointed to his place. He it confronted with a letter from a democratic senator or rep resentative, sometimes with letters from several of each, insisting and, sometimes actually demanding that the republican chief be kept in office. You may imagine tbe embarressmeot that follows. If this practice is kept up some sensational dis closures may be made whea congress meets, by those democrats who believe that posi tions as important as chiefs of divisions ought to be heL by democrats, if demo crats ideas of economy aod rsfortn arc to lie Ihorou -hly carried out in tbe work of tbe government in all ot its branches. They claim that democratic senators and representatives have no right to allow personal friendship for republican officials, wnkn is supposed to be the reason f jr tbeir endorsement, to stand in the way of filling tbe important offices with demo crats, to say nothing of the bad effect the retention of these republicans will have on tbe working democrats who have applied for these places, believing themselves en titled to them These men make no com plaint wLen a place they are after is given to another democrat, but they do not like to see republicans retained in tbe places they think Tugfat to be filled by desnsents Is s man who is able to earn a living a i labor and who suffers from no wound or disability incurred while in ac tual service entitled to s pension from the government f Secretary Hoke Smith has decided by rtyesliag a ruling of tbe Mat administration ss to. the construction thai the pension office shall put upon the "disa bility not of service origin" clause of the pension set of 1890, that be is not. and WTSMBjon sense would seem to be on the secretary's ride. In the future no man wilt be granted a pension under that law unless he establishes the fact that be is un able by reason of his disability to obtain a support by manual labor. There will of coarse, be s concerted bowl from the Ten sion shark over this ruling because it will reduce the pension payments something like t30.0O0.0OO a year, and their fees in a corresponding ratio; but the tax payers will not object to this earing, particularly when it is made without depriving any old soldier who is unsb e to earn a living be cause of bis disability of a pension. Senator Yoorbees. who has just returned from bis constituents, says there is no com plaint among the democrats of Indiana because of the slowness ef President CJeve taad ia making appointments: that they are perfect y satisfied that he is doing his full duty in a wise snd patriotic manner, recognizing the fact that there are otbor things requiring hif attention besides pa tronage. Secretary Lazaont, Attorney General Olney. and P M G Bissell left Washington on a flying visit to their respective horses on Saturday, but they will all be back st their desks early this week The trial of Prof Brings for heresy .which 1 now going on before toe General Assem bly of tbe Presbyterian church, in session here is attracting the greatest public in terest. It seems to be generaLy belie red that be will be found guilty, bat there is much doubt sa to the punishment tbe as sembly will deride to inflict upon him. Ambassador Bayard has received his last instructions from Secretary Greshsm and will start from New York next Saturday for London. The demand for gold for export has again brought the gold leseive fund several millions below the i 00.000 .000 line, but Sec. Carlisle is serene and ears he sees not tbe slightest indication of any financial breakers ahead, at least not for tbe im mediate future. Among the new democratic officials who will assume their duties this week are So licitor General Maxwell, C 8 Treasurer Morgan, snd Commissioner of Customs Pugh. James C Saunders, of Port Townsend, received official notification yesterday of his appointment as collector of customs ol the di s:n-t of Puget sound. Sauaders Is the of the editor of the Aaiomal Dtmotrat, of Washington, D C. He was editor of the Fort Smith ( Ark) Daily Ilcntiii. Ia lStt he became clrik of the house committee commerce, and the following year he was clerk to Senator Gorman. Cleveland shortly after his first inauguration appointed him his confidential cltra, winch he held until iSSS, when he became special Indian rent. He is cashier of the Commercial bank. Port Townsend. of which W now collector, is president. Saunders related to Secretary of War La moot. The Mlnneadolis Jour,;,' prints a sen tional article concerning pension frauds In northern Iowa and southern Minnesota. As a result of the work ol a special pension examiner, G V Vsnlsuvei, jr., a pension attorney at Lime Springs, lows, aed Dr George Kessel, mayor of Ciesco, lows were arreseed nnd gsve bonds The hear ing of Yanleuven Is set for today, It I charged the names of witnesses to pension papers were forged not onley in the case in which the anest was made, but ihat similar have been perpetrated on a large scale for years . As apprehended by republicans sf'er the nsticnal election lat fall (he wool market has opened very q ict, and the prices are the lowest that have been offered for many vears, This is because the manufacturers expect a repeal of the tariff on the product and believe they wtll be able to purchase I at very low figures. .toKiiniotrr. Now will our esteemed contemporary tell why wool was lowtr In 1891-3 just after the passage of the McKinley law and prior t the last nstlt nal election than it had been oii'ered at for many years. Let havt facts, The branches of the legislature of Rhode Island tailed to agree. The senate passed a joint resolution lor adjournment until January, but the house took do action on it The senate adjourned and ihe republican members are going home, leaving the gov ernor to tdiotirn the legislature until J in uary. The effect will be the pres-nt state officers will hold over till the next election, Vrevent ana c- rt' Constipation andBlcla iache. Anal? Bile Besns, TlTfM nmicriUUatnlni Proprietors: ESTABLISHED by Bar One of the oldeft Job printing Qffieef in the State, fhe only Exclusive Job Office IN LINN COUNTY We have the Largest and best Stock of Printers' Sta tionery, it has ever been our pleasure to off er the people. GOME TO SEE US For Good, Quick Printing. SMILEY, FliiuEksk for Infants 'T'tmr-rls llSSitfiiiMHli n 11 i ""i-e" n. A. A2casa. !L D-. Ul So. St. Brooklyn, JS T. V QfTaalisI 'ts .- !, weuxjknos tfcaitt aeesssw -v-rvsve-zn to esalotae it Few - t;e swaawawnocoasskeep fsilinia Cssnos Xawror, Tt, D . Sew Vori ore. ' x-nr- tale Returned Csnsvfe. Tsa Cxctaj Julius GradwoW's Bazaar very latest news is fVDWOHX'S BAZAAR, for net Arbuckle's Coffee, Per Pound Cls. Granulated Sugar Sl.OC ths Magnolia Sugar White 1.00 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon .20 Cans refilled, 5 gallons 90 Gallons Good firm. 1.10 1 Gallon No. 1 Syrup 40 Mssfa wjsfocSaatrksesasnsaofw,suad al! goods will bs aoid for net cash fr..w i - P - nt Issss than regular prion. Ky stock of Chinasrard, faney goods, sac I ibs .lessiahss ayt of dlsbss. as well aa a general aasvirtmpat of groeeaerocw y, tamps and fixtures is eocspssU- I male a speeisjty ot fine tws, noOss ans vmg powder, and always please my rrsstonaari. . jec or several njiponaible Inssaisnes PATRONIZE IBM THE FARMERS & MffiCHANTS INSURANCE Cli laatr, 1 2KAU, PreaSdsat 1 L COWAN. t Cowan, G ,?'.pr'- F RJ. J K West barton, G J - a '-so ctSTftrtT Ml Solid Eastern NEW : FURNITURE, MT.iwSL;i0USLP "'ssr-cisss FCBxrruRS. coksistikg iX (i Mram tat., cbun, Icwgo, te , .,Kfa I mi) M BOTTOM PRICES. Call on me for bkrgaiaa. CITY BOTTLING CO., Wholesale and Soda Water. Ciders, Orange stad. Iron . Seltser Waters, Country orders solicited. Giys'us a trial. OPPOSITE 'RUSS HOUSE, OrrnC vLLlffO PORTLAND SEED CO., Portland, Or. SEMD rOR ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH, Proprietor, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Only White Labor Employed nCLEAOIR PHOTOGRAPHERS, -slssssv NO 44 1871 - hart Bros. ALBANY am Childrer Cnwtet CoT.r. ( Socr Eusnadi. VHarrfMsa. axactaun. aUs Worai, C"y sleep, aad zmmxsi T- WaouS getlCT-row. Fcr servral years I bare loxjousiiseaiiesl I ' CSt. r-a- i - .L-J ili jv. v ... r. do so as t has ferar-a-y produced besiefiria Eown r. Passes. M. TJl, ts wtasnss T"'"TfitTTrasTMrI-Th tsi. SewTorkCstt Coan-ajrr, 77 Mcmmr r Siaaaj, Saw Te that you can buy at JULIUS cash, goods as follows: ecnpaaies. J all as Grsvafwofci. INSTITUTIONS. J o WRnsu iv Geo F SIMPSON. View FrwsMaa, D B Montwit 1.M tearnoerg Staart. O WriUrxraa. aosarrs ssa- and Foreign Companies Thos. Bruk. Retail Dealers In BIrelk Beer, SnrsnparlUa sad lrei Irani Wine. (Bte.' ALBANY, OR. SeeandPouItry SUPPLIES Fertilizers CAT SiLOCU S.. Cabinet phjtos from J (.51 1 per doxen. Snlaigin pictur pccutltv. 1OU0 crsvon; fra for $1000. We isrry a 'arsre of 5x8 and sterescoplc views o egon.