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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1893)
.jet .very 5moker's Nose knows when it is pleased. It is always pleased with the fragrant and peculiar aroma of Blackwell's Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco Which been for more than a quarter of a century the desire and delight of comfort lovers everywhere. It strikes the taste of many fastidious smokers. Try it. Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co., DURHAM, N. C. From Terminal or I riorPo:r. s t Northe n Pacific Railroad Is Ike line to lake To all Points EAST art SOUTH3 It ts the DINING TK. It ran Through L EUTB4IH8 in the ST. PAUL and CHICAGO (NO CHANGE OF CARS. Composed of Dining Cars I nsurpaxsed Pullman Drawing Room Sleepers Gf Lata. Equipment TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. Beat ttat can be coMlrnote 1 end la which aocommodaiion are both free and furnished for holders of First or 8t oond class Uoketa, at d ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Line connecting with al linis, affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. Pullman sleeper reservations can be secured lu advance through any agent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS to and from all points In America England and Europe can be purchased at aiy ticket efflca or this eoorpany; Full information concerning ratee.tinie or trains, routes and other Jetails turn ished on application to any agent, or A D CHARLTON. Assistant General Passenger Agent. No 121 First St, cor. Washington. Portland. Oiezon. C O Bat knar . local agent. THE WEBF00T ROUTE Oregon Pacific Bailiodd, W HADLKV. Beeelver. Tljf B SCHEDULE, except Sanaa.) e. re Albany lt F. a.jLJare Taqroaa. r:06a, a.e CorvalU Mr, a. I Leave Corrilie,10:S5 a, s.rri e Taqoina, l-K r. .Arrtv Albaay, U:t a. Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Between Willamette Valley Points and San Francisco Ot f AN MT4KA R 6AILIHOS . raoaaaa raaacuoo Willamette Valley, April 4th. raoa raar.s. WillaaieUe Valley, Aptil 8th. Th. Company serves tne ngnt hange sailing date, v'thout notice. to R.VKR MTBAHEBB. Steame. "Hoae" leare Portland Wednesday and Saturday SAB. H C Day.Oen AirXSalnion Street Wharf. Portland 1) E Veurhn. Oea A-t, San rraaeiseo. Cel. K K Muleaby. General Sapt: EAST AMD-SOUTH, THE SHASTA" ROUTE OK THE Southern Pacific Oo. express Train, leave Portland pally. I Booth 1 rsoa clt t, 1W, I T:0nr. a. I Lr P wtland Ar 7:36 a a ItVtt r H I Lv Al.rtny ly I : a San Prtatdseo L I 7.-00 r 8:16 a s , Ar Abv'e trh ,a,, only at t'.'USnt etatioo north el Eoeeburt. East ron'and, Orea-on City, W .od nan, Salem, Albany. Taasfent, Shodd, llalsey. Har rtebsnj. Junction City, Irrlnf , Eugene.' so uu, Barer 81 . I h lf-.SS e f Lv 5:Kre Ar Portund Albany Bosebtirg Ar ' islrr Lv I ti) ZL'l 7 jOCa nun loch, oaiii fncn Senav) t 00 r a I Lr t"r. I Ar Portlanl Albary Ar I : SO a Lv I 930 a :W I Lv :00 a a ! Ar lrn I L :0a s Ar Albany btftaavMi Albany Lehan'.n Ar Lv Ar Lv lu Mas Was :2Sr y 2:3'. t s PULLMAr BOFrTT SLEEPERS. AND Di Tine Gar3 on Ogden Route. SECONO-CLr VlimW CARS 1. -. la all Thernrh Train Was.) llr rMvlst.. UtTV. V PWItTIVABI. Ot CUI, th a.saii 1 (Esteit Sonoy. 7 :v. a a I 11:10 r a I Lv Ar Sort'end O.rvftlli. Ac kv r.:Sf r m 12:66 ra xrassTsis dult (Except :in ' s 7:26 fa Lv Ar Portland Mclilnnvtlle Arl Lvl :20 a a 6.SS as Throap;h, to all point in Ihe Eisterti 8t.e, Cantds and Eumpe can BS ob .inod t losre.t r"e. from C K SroalA, Aecnt Altiany. KortiM E P. Ro-iKKa, Ma-iee' Vss'i l. F "net Porttr.d Ors-o. ftftftftftTVftftftftftftftftftftft. 'Tm . YOURSELF! f tro'ibledwlth liouerrhosa1 lett.White.8lermatoiTli(fta.i r soy unnatural dlachamaak' your uruggltt Ior a bottle of I BUT O. It cures In a few days wltboutthe aid or publicity of a inocwr. non-pouAonou ftnti I iruaranteed not to stricture. I 7s Vnlvertal American Curt. Manufactured by .Th Eraa Chemical Go. CINCINNATI, O. . .. A. EATHERTORD BEKIiAIN CHAM Attorns (. 1 f Wilt -! i 1 tarti uu. Sniii' (ntfaV.i feit.i t.Msri In pro b and to j 1 i -.. 1 1. r4t it -ttt ftinn block . w R BULVEl Attorney al Law vnd Solicitor In Chancery. Call Uona made on all polota. Loans negotiated on rableterm. Albany, Orafoa G EO. W. fTBIGBT, Attorney at lav, and Notary Puh.ic Will practice In all the court of ttu stale Special attention firm to collection utd matter In prebate tSco:-Upetir Maeon-Twedale Block Albany. Ora D. a, it a. 1 1 1 B ACsVaeH'StH tft WATNOa. II lets) mUteri will race in promo sWonnon Oca r. Odd Fellow1 Temple. Albac .any, o j J WHITIET, Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. ONTAN VE ste HACKIeBMaVlf. Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon. J AMES J. CHABLTON. AUornev-at-Law. All lecU basn i. iisll f FURITS Bock, Albany. Or: jkU J. L. HILL, rhjlftlft. aad Snrceon. OFFICE Corner Farry rtroeta, Albany, Orewen. D fltsj. MAfeTOV k DAVIS, Pbrsician. and Breed. Snrnons. OFFICE Corner Brcedalbin atnets, Albany, Or, Call prooettelj I at. and ce art try. ep Ik (HtnERLlll. M. !., Hemeopathlet. tm SpeeUlct in diteaaea of the Eye. OB ce bears 7 te ra: 1 atpa. and I It I evrniry. A 1 j ".Cietas. W CHUCK at t" :..B t XK KR1 or AtveattT. otuceoit, TB t "TT1 1 fT . .e.1111 ! ueaine I) RAW SIGHT DRAFTS on Sew York, San Fr n son sad PerUend, Oraswa. LOAN MONET 00 approved eenrKy RECEIVE aVapoelW eubeel to cbeek. COUECTIOSS nkfteU ea tftvorabte eenrw. INTEREST Daid en taau B aUBAHT, OBEOOt Casatal. -.- . I Lansing lav w plain banklnabuai ExrAaAftT bovsrht and eokl en ell the ptinoipa otelee in the Catted States I also aa England, Ireland Franes and Germany. Collections nrade ac all acc-avaM points on tav or ble term. .nearest aliened o.i um erneste. I KMT NATIOMAt. BISK, or autaitT. orkooi .L FL1NN Vie President 8. E.TOCNG E. w. LANG 1)05 rRAESACTS A GENERA I. baokla.1: ACCOUNTS KEPT snbjast to ebeek . SIGHT EXCHANGE eavd ssl rapbic .eat Hew Vork, San Praneisoo. Chicago aad eon P -eland CO XECTIOat ADEnr. u.orkhl a E. W, La L. Fuss Etwaaa I . Sox. INK CO HATIOIAIellAMI I or albas. t. o.-eois. CAPITAL STOCK 8100,000. i L COWAN. i H RALSTON t Oftshler O A ARCHIBOLO. P aacTosa, 1 L Cowan, i M Ralston, W 8 LftVdd, W H Golwa, i A Crsword and O A Arch ktei t RANSACTR eeneral banking boalne. DRAW SIUB1 DRAFTS on Hew Tor. sal trtl ii ' Oresoo CXIAH kfOsTEr on epio - .ved eecarlty RECEIVE d-Vfteit snhiuet check. R IRBOr wMU, OIO, ORStGOW. sideat . snier ..... .T J Hsss ..A J Joss ONLY LINE RUN NIN 2 THRiJUGH DAIeY TRAIISS leeaving Portland, 8:45 A. N. 7:80 P. N. D AYS TO f)2 2 CHICAGO 7 Hours (oirker to St. Pau. 28 Honrs (fiiirkcr k (lliifazi). 40 u.'i.iw tuickt i lo Oiisiilia Kansas City. PULLMAN AND TOUtlST SLEEPER FREE fECUNIiiC CHAIR CAR DINING CARS. For rates and I'eneral Information csl on or address W H HURLBURT.Abst.Gen'l lae. At, 25. Washington St.. Portland. Oregon w Wht Mtm&mt FOKrST FlKES As the dry season approaches when 6res are so essily started we deem it important that the readers of the Democrat should be informed as to the provisions oi the law pasted by the last legislature regarding starting tius. T'..e following is the law: Section t. If any person shall malic-tout ly. with Intent to injure any other person, by himself or any other person, kindle a fir on his own land or any other person.and by means of such fire the buildings, fences, crops, or other personal property or wooded timber lands of any other person shall be destroyed or injured, he shall on conviction be punished by a line not less than 20 dol lars nor more than one thousand dollar, or by imprisonment in the county jail not leas than three month nor more than twelve months, according to the aggravation of the offense. Section 1. It any person shall without malice kindle any fire in any field, pasture, enclosure, forest, prairie, or timber land not hi nam. without the consent of the owner. and the stme shall spread and do damage ; c. anv buildings, fence., crops, cordwood. bark or other personal property not hit own or to any wood or timber land not his own, he shall on conviction be punished by a fine of not lets than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars and cost accord ing to the aggravation of the offense, and shall stand committed until the tine and costs are paid. Section 3. Any person wha shall enter upon the lands of another person for the pui pose of hunting or fishing, and shall without the consent of the owner of ...j " I lands, kindle any 6ce thereon, shall be puo-, ished by a fine of aol les thin ten dollait nor more than one hundred dollars; "d if t such me De kindled maliciously, and with j the Intent to Iniure any other Person, such offender shall be punished by a fiae of set lam than haska Hollar, nor more than co tit, d dellart, or by Iv. : 1 . 1- .K. i "J county jail not ks than three months , no. more than twelve montk, ! Sectian 4. Any person or pevsont who shall wilfully set hie to any wooded country or forest belonging to the state or Cnited States or ,r, -v ne,.o- or rern. aha II he ' SUter, or to aay person or persens, snail be , deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction before a court of competent jurisdiction, shall be punished by a 6ae not exceeding one thousand dollars, or im- pnsonment not exceeding one yetr, or by bath such 6ne and mpr.sonmeni; provided, that no'htng herein contained shall apply 10 aay person who ia good faith tela a back fire to prevent the exientioa of a fire already burning. Section 5. Upon aay prosecution under this act, on half of the hue Imposed shall be paid to the person who first gives In formation thereof lo the district attorney for the d strict ! a which th. offense was committed, and the other sniiety shall be paid into the county treasury for the benefit of the common school fand ot th; county la which said fine is collected. - Section 6. It is he.ebv m-de the daty ot the governor of this State ro issue a procla mation or. the let day ot July raf each year, calling public attention to ll.e pratvietoai ot this act and warning all person 1 againat vio latiag the same. It is also made the duty of each circuit judge of this state to read tt.e provision! of this act ft each grand jury when c tinging them as to their duties. Section 7. Inasmuch a there is urgent necessity fcr the protection of timber and other property f oca fires, 'his bill shall take effect aad be in lore from and after Itt ap proval by the governor. Filed in tne: office of the secretary of stale February 20, 1S93. the soldiers hoi It is evident that some people are beeetn lag very ill-natured over the matter of locating tbe Soldiers' Home. No better i evidence of this truth i needed than the : I following extract taken from a commons- , cation published ia the Salem Statttmam j orMle, he olifnUe of ..s,!,,,,.- Editors Train of the Albany ferorf and I Stiles of the Albany Democrat hare for tea years past attempted to f Amenta petty ; jealousy against Salem, under the absurd ) Impression that they might blrck her pro j gresi, etc." Now, we are no. at all sar- ; prised that this scribbler .Maid fear lo give hit name to the public. With evidently hat. as puny a yet that i conscience as he ; triflinw eurb reetraine hfm IfAfn .elllna ftev . , ? . . "ft, S nig tAischood as thc above under bis own name. Tbe ten lor 'ii'ur of the Democrat has never attempted to foment a petty or SJJZ12ZJ STL' v..u 11. c luipe w. uioesing 11s ui tig left, a nc SlaUtmn correspondent, though pretty well known, is not willing to connect hi. name with sa unblushing a fals hood as the aoove.Dll 1. true that the local editor of the Democrat has frequently written squib sboutthe audacity of Salem's claims a represented by the Salem press, but these were always called out as a defense again. t the attacks made by a Salem paper agaiost Albany. A few salem men niintitnit ihe , ' . COutlc nf thii. rorreanondenf have nun, more enemies for tt ciiy than all other forces combined . Not long ance the editor of the Democrat wrote an article in which we expliciteiy dated that under the con stitution of the state there was but one place tc lacate the Soldiers Home, and that was Sale ii . Does thai look much like at tempting tofoment jealousy against Salem? We have nothing hut Ihe kindest feeling for Salem and ate proud of her progrets, but we have not the kindliest feelings for such of her fol friends as "Salem" shows himself to be If the Chinese shou'd conclude to snake war Ii would he no child, play The Chinaman lays aside ids childlike and bland natnre when he goe to war Hi. religion hitj, tnat those who die foi their country are immediately transported ts the highett celestial tphert. and this makes them hrave. Bur China ha Its hands full In wuching he Rustlsns who aere constant ly threatening her western and northern borders. A', all ever.i th; prorpect for war i. not yet imminent. Heednnan Cltrkton's panacea for Repab iicrn victories in the tulure is thai the gates th ill be opened wide, on the Chicago plan. 'Voters have been alienated," he says, "in the fnlolcisnce of morl-y." What I. wa-ited is 11 easier morality By the way, Mr. Clark. ,n .nade a fair attempt lo get s! the Iruth of Republican decadence when he said: "We have lo face now a Democratic pit ty mule up o( young m..n," vshertasthe Republican party consists -if middle-aged or old men animated by o'd i .ens. Gov-rnor H'letr. of TVx i , ha vetoed the sugar bcumy bid, to the .uperin tendon, of the Texas .i ni'entiaries ta i c Ccpt from Ihe eneial yovernmcirit bounty on sugar rsised on convict farms, lie de nounced the tugnr liounly at the United Stairs. Thk legl.latpre of Coni.ecticut, early in 1784, passe , an act Ihat no negro or mutal ticid l.oni wi liin 1b.1t slate aftst Iht fisi day of, ihat year, should be held in servitude longer than tint j i the age of 25 years. AN INCOME TAX REQUIRED TO PA V StONS PEN- According to official estimate made by Messrs Raum and Foster, the payments for pension! will exceed $200,000,000 a year in the immediate future. This sum must be paid. There is no way of evading pay ment. There will be protest in congress. Perhaps an investigation may be hod and a few thousand names stricken from the list. but it is hopeless to expect any r - ! tion. There is not the courage in congress or anywhere else to face the opposition of the million dependents on the public treas ury who are now such a grievous burden on the labor of the country. . The Republic has reached this conclusion after a full consideration of the entire sub ject. We do not believe it possible to bring about n real reform, and we do not care to be a parly to a pretense of reform that would be intended merely for election eering purposes. As the pensions must be paid, the labor of the country must .call on the country's wealth for aid. An income tax is no longer to be avoided. The enormous; growth of pensions makes it an absolute necessity By WW 't we can get the abominable pen question out 01 pouues. ana out of politics, and let the poor old Home Guards and Ninety Day Men have the pitiful dole tbey bare sworn so hard to secure. It cannot be helped, at any rate, and with an income tax the great majority of the people will be able to bear it without forever complaining of what it ; ts impossible to remedy while the Pretor ians are numerous enough to hold a bal ance of political power in what are still pivotal state. With politic on a New York and Indiana basis, an income tax for ; the pavmunt of pensions is not to lie avoid- , - - - i ea- ! ed. All revenue from the income tax should bo sacredly set apart for this purpose. If $250,000,000 per annum it required, let the i 1 ,w is-r sbduoi nsiuinu. i 1 conntry make the sacrifice required to levy : ana ''een that amount from abnormal in- COmet. It only 1.0,000.000 a year IS re Quired, then let no more than that ha col - .- .... T . . ' t rate on incomes of - $10,000 . y will meet the pension ; expenwr. men ki oniy . per cent oe levtea. Bat if a i0 per cent or a 20 per cent rate is necessary to paT this debt, which, in con - "ection with keeping tip high tariff tax. w baa so often been called "a debt of honor, w, All AA.CVAAA9 ICV UUI WCttllAIJ 11 J 1 11 be called on to show even a more exalted : : ,w 1: .1...:. J ZJihZ her ,i,d ,n the diatrr-aaed corantrynow than they did in the uarx oavs 01 ene t nil war wnen tne 7 nasi eneo to enu tne government tn-ir money at inch interest rates as the exigencies of the situation and the risk justified. They are already aware of the gravely of hare paid more in a tingle year for pen- than KnirLanJ, (lermany. France, Roasia or anv other country of Europe has ... ,, ., ... easAu .or sue enumerate o. tea u my, ua.i iu pcnsiuD um. n e cave puo ior pea- ' 1 - 3 a. We e ? ions Mane a iniru or more oi unr nmniii from all The burden which our Plutocratic friends . k;-;- k.- Iiam -J-1. by Uborthu.far. Heivorforth the palxiot- ism of our capitalists most be called into 1 play in lasaring it. An income Ux for pen- sions. and frr uensions only, will leave the gortneat abund.nt revenue Jem a tariff of 20 prr cent to ' sustain the naUonal per credit" snd to make all needed stents in the public service. Since the payment of these assc ie pensions, in posed in the hope of defeating a reduction of the war tariff, cannot be avoided, it mutt be treated as a sacred ob- i;...;,. i. u j;-i.j k, "i v""""v,"" collected from the abnormal income, of oar verr wealthy citizens, who will no doubt , show the same patriotic illingnets to tup- port tbe indigent veterans that tbey hare done in collecting tbe interest on tbe war debt. St Louis JttfuMe Among the coins to be struck al tbe j United States Mint under the prorissoos of ; tbe .pp-oyed April a. i, was a sd ver dollar of tbe weigh; of 416 graina. I: waa enacted that a J silver coins of the United State shoo Id be 184$ parts fine 10 179 parts alloy; the former to be of pare silver and ihe latter of pure copper. silver dollar was not coined until 1794. It was adorned with . bcanliful head of liber ty, which, in its execution surpassed. ha. never been There Is no doubt that persons are often moonstruck, oa.ticularly in the tropics. The.e is ia port .odsy the master of a . - - - - - crossing the eqaator on hit way north deek .r.a .ke ...... .heWr. e.ened ( In ftLft..t.loi. ftft. ftftft. I. .ltftrfta ft.. .Iftftft, ; reach them, but oa merchant vesalet where there is leas discipline, epeci.lly in ho weather, tars sleep on deck, aad are often ' P'cked up insensible In the rooming . e The first isally leanl arcortioument of ! I ...... .,t ., ..... I. ,K I ,nn gress wa made in 1701 I - ' ' Sine then a new I apportionment has been made every 10 years. Th. first tpportiontoent (179a) gave one lepresentatlve to every 33,000 inhabi tant.; on that of iSoo, the same; on .hat o, 1810, one to 35,000; on that of 1820, one i 40,000; on that of 1830, oae to 47.700; on that of 1840, one to 70.780; on that of 1850, one 10 93,420; oa that of i860, one to 126, 940: on that of 1870. one to 134,400. Attorney General Olney has received a telegram from New Yoi k City, stating that Judge Lacombe, of the circuit court of New York, hat decided section G of the Ueary Chinese exclusion act, though constitution al. still ineffectual because there i no pro vision as to how or by whom the order of deportation of Chinese Is to be executed. This is said to be a new question, not raised or in any way involved in a previous appeal. To approach Russian rojalty seems to be a process mi tended with danger. While the Czar was recently, taksng a jaunt through . his possessions sundry peassnts forgot this j ciicums'snce snd coming loo nesr with multitudinous petitions were rired upon by the guard. The lesson was quite effective, at thirty-six of the people were killed, tnd the u vivor. concealing their discontent ts best they could, flew over the hills to the poorhouses, whence they had come. Mere red tape as practiced in the United States Is mild, after all The exposure of pension frauds in Nor folk, Va,. is not a surprise. An exposure of systematic fraud of this kind in any other part of the country would not create aston Ithment. The people are prepared for such discoveries Iffl were not clear to all Ob 'ervant persons In every community that 1 ic government l.ns been and is the victim ' a gigantic swindle in ihe matter of pen sions, there is one hugs fact, found by a 1: niparisoii 01 irray roils and Ihe pension- roll whlch has convincing weight. In the good old times when oil was used in light bouses a 6000-candle power lamp wa considered immerse. The latest elec tric lighthouse built 111 France (Heve, at Haive) will I have a power of 3,500.000 candles. .1 .. . Tl TO -1 111 -f I 1 II .11 1 A I -. , 1 I -. ' -"lilt., 1 ... i . .1 . ... list Bliusuun. A He I m.aue.pma . rs-jror iaasi inamuiu. nuau. orpri .... w -tpnAi.. ne ijua v a aaiiasiaa ui uo.i hbii k cene.v eseaoiitneOj wpicn 18 geexiDg a very able newspaper which has a .renal d M" M; i.lBSr??mtil' ! " SaCj but I lo lire. It doe. not believe in , Aft . , , .V . . (.race LUiof. J Butlivant, M A Bullivant. of the kind ever 1 saw. I c!l almost vertitine ouacks or knave, having riirht tn irsar fm them, ansa tnat ";.. . .-v ,. n t, ,r i .. . .v e ... "a'u o w . v- 1 tairet a. e. .-owe... yvaiuarvr nramuni . ia .. i ' it. . i I'l'ini inj iuu n. in men itrur ine ..F , inr.,.H. . k. . , i TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. A New Trial tiranled: Washington, May, 20. By a vote of 409 to 146 the Presbyterian general assem bly this afternoon decided to entertain the appeal in the case of Dr. Briggs, and the assembly will proceed with the trial to morrow morning. Throughout Uic long debate of the morning there wero many evidences of feeling, and several of the speskers took advantage of the opportunity to arraign the defendant, shako their lin gers sternly at him and otherwise express their condemnation . Drowned Ike I .unto Ki.nnvr Wind. Mnv .-.lolin Mi'- Killup, a prospector, was drowned in l.anlo river last Friday, lie and Robert Klliott were poling a boat up stream, and were up set m the rapids tormeti oy n tog jam reaching part of the way across the stream. hlliott clambered upon a log ami was res cued, after being in the rivpr from 0 o'clocb until 11 in the forenoon. McKillup's body has not been recovered. A Bank Failure. Tacoma. May 26. i'he Bank of l'uyal lup, at Puyallup. closed its doors this morning. A notice potted on the door stated tnat it was closed on account of the stringency of the money market. A G. Mathews Bled a suit nere touay ummik that a receiver be appointed, stating that the liabilities of the bank were 10.000. Matthews deposited $i.V yesterday fand attempted to draw it out today, but was re futed. A Bla sural Vin knsks. Ind.. May 26. A terrible wind torui visited this locality this morn- j r.u: ing, Uprooting liwn Mm idling fences. At Lawrenoeville. 111., the dnoe f .1.. k ... l,U.n r.ff ami d. ! molisheil the courtroom and furniture. Two Winets house were destroyed. Roofs' i,f...l f,. it.r.l all oyer the street. Manv residences were? badly wrecked by the wind and greatly .1 l, J .... as.eH.zyy Coi.eii an. Tex, May 26. The north- (Jo,f- t-'olorado A SanU Fe passen- , j K d Jtt, t 11:25 P. M.. was R nn and rohhl at the north end of the ! Coleman "Y." a distance of about 600 yanW nortn Ot ttie tiepot. Dy two niasaeu en. n pujjw.s. tney 1 aaed dollar and the Santa ie emoloves , ju for Bal linger id Angelo. The ' car and were not.ole.te,.. ; goes.- ""Q. o. He.1 minute after the rohtav. a Ala rallarr. I FtsrroKl a . . . May . -Ex Secretary of .. lot T ' .n,., .-.?;. snd the banking boose Foster Co.. hare assigned. There ia great excitement at Fostoria. The eovernor esUmates the I .l.ilmM of tiie annus ...ncerns involved at OOO. the aseeUof which, on paper . I w morif ,han c.vef ,ablilt! ' I Aisalraae Chicago, May 21. -Following it a list : o arrivals registered at the uregon oootnt ' th vaswik ..nde.1 today , Julius C Lana-. Kdwin A Turner. W.I- i Jaraiawori and wife. 1' H Page. W I. I'age ' and 11 l.rebe. I'orlnJ. Jlrs erner lirej- Qi4? -nn oreyman arra " -i-wmn,- ami wire. svetB: as uooiae r aieni. .inoni; i g rjv IVndietoO: J It Ueestie. St 1 11 I or ar. a . s lt.l ettt; JQUQ riMtfr auta a re u if iu-ti. C1IU . Ur.)t;.ws, gU;.- I miUmml. wu , ima i-n'-n. a-" 9 Robert Johnson. Corral 1 1 , and II U i Kins ana ramuy. lledford. i CElaeeHa. Tarty AtiarBeel L SVSL'Jdi ; i, ,TiTcountry with a report that half . breeds there told him ttat the Indians on i the Coirule reservation bad attacked an Z oTli .e. .,UOn rest ore, 1 to the pablic do- the reservation restore-! to use puouc oo- main, and that they had killed two. wound- ed others aad driven the whole party off. Tbe story it discredited here. t t.ft.Barard. a ,. , w ... v- a. bamknto, al. Mav New as , , reeviveu nere at noun iouav leuie tare amaa r,r ' . .. . . . i najftat rMYrveon ni uu intwav (. iuta in. in riacer county . wien a pcrpaiauoyj ot aouoe j 1500. was destroyed by fire ibis t !n bout taM! turned most of them linir located in tbe Imsinet center tf the town. The lota !o is about - ; , . ... TTS nfin ftrith an lnsnrnnrte of abont on 7". m S , lllll u i.'l l ii.i n ii.-. . . ttkwe Istaad r.nt.r.t PaetrtDRXrE. Mav 2o. The dflDOOtU won in the bye election in South Kitegtloa tmtt't f,mt today Thu gives them 4 votes in theji;, her majesty's chair .Will tixwl! new ws'aiure aau ,ne "V""- was comieel to the smunble for There liaving been no election for state ,t )rwl hey t to death and even fZLSiJZ -h!cl ftH'rL Tbenwe lAaTiunch in the! be chosen by tbe legislature, srhich roe.-! pltmmt restatiraiit. a:i-1 when we rea.ivd veoesat Newport next Tuesday This, the 1 founi, MrTmT gwMlAaih bawever. does not make tbe election of a I u tJ1i. .-, j.. taf10n nre we SSL i, intimated j f Mrs! W can. win vote tor tne aeraocrauc canuiuaie ior , ...... I alieS rreabylerlan I'harek. MOXMOrTH. l.i.-aay i. -aer -ame. 1 . .,. ft . a- ..... . . . r Drore. Ot -ew rura. era tins morning elected moderator ot Ihe 1 nileil 1 re' - IfsTtn ftSSSIliat twatwaswy. aire refwrta tbe several boards of tbe church were pre seated and referred Statistics presented show ll-.'.ll'Jcoinraunicanle. and cootribu i K aSSWTeBW a Way AppolAlwoB. Wasiiixoton. Mar 35. The president today. appointed Willi.m I Quinby. editor in-chief and principal owner of the ' etrolt 1 ; r-e Press, to be envoy extraordinan and J minister plcoipatentiary of the I'nited ; 10 the..ettieriands A Blatyiaa Blast i fiit.,.iv i it. . in. Mav : An arttioeni . . . .... . ft ft a in bUdine at tbe rock cut near tbe west side mi s at noon todar resulted in dam ! age to the Willamette paper millsof IC00. i ThU nosvn when the l.laatft were off a large rock fell through the roif of tbe w . , .... . one of narer ma-ing roodi and. strikinir tbe big piper machines, spoile.1 tb Four- drinies wire cloth and damaged the nit ber press roll, lieaide this, other injury was done, amounting to not lea than iiOOO A Rica I Ind Central Poiht. Or. May St. Tni place was aroused again today by a rich pocket )nke in the Willow Springs dis trict Hob Swindon started out prospect ing this morning, and HntHnir a particular . . , .1 spot on the serf ace of the earth that seemed 1 to catch nis eye a if by magic, be began j digging without further indieationa. He! didn't go far until he struck the glitteriui metal in a pocket of quart formation Uy noon he had taken out ttV) in coarse gold, ! and when the scene was visited this after -noon, Swindon was still taking out quartz that contained free gold. A Battle Ukahada, Nicaragua, Miy 21. Addi tional details of a decisive battle of Bar ranca Pass, near Masaya, shew that it was even-more disastrious than at first believed to be. Reliable data show that the gov ernment's losses were 155 killed and 207 wounded. Carrying away the wounded with them, Sucasas' troops were finally forced to leave tbe field. When the fight bad ended they filled three cars with the wounded soldiers and sent them back to Managua. None of the revolutionists were injured. Thomo.on Arrived Wahhisoton. May 24. Kx Minister D P Thompson, of Portland, ha. returned from Turkey and remains io WMfUngtorj for a few d'tys to settle up his ' Recount in the ttate department. Mr Thompson left affairs in Turkey in excellent shape and is highly commended by the department for the efficiency he has displayed, especially in treating the recent troubles that have occurred in the Ottoman empire. He brought with him the high esteem and friendship of the sultan & Nan Lynched. Cohcnka, Mich. Mav 23. William Sul livan, a farm hand who brutally murdered his employer, Layton Leetch, and murder unler- r Bu- jail by v outly assaulted the latter s wile, near rand, last January, was taken from un immense mob at 9:20 p m Tuesday and lynched by about 2000 infuriated citixens. J Some Wftft. .,....,,.,. W AaiiiNoTON, May 23 The following fourth c'ars postmasters for Oregon were appointed today: James Bell, at Urowns boro, Jackson county; D K Hubbard, at Crowley. Polk county, and T A Rbinehart, at Summerville, Union county. MHI.UM . I Another letter received by Mrs. George Patterson from her sister, Miss McNeil, continues the very interesting account of her sojourn in Knglaud previous to her de parture for Liberia . UrWHMt, Sma., Maw 7th, 1803. II is a ls'imtifnl Bund ay morning hut wo diil not do ( Jrvstul are not going out. We Palace 1 hursthiv, an wo planned. Ism .m-.- Mr. K. hail tn have a business engagement in the morning, to Diaona ami I went to the. National Art -Gallery where we spoil two hours most pleasantly. It is grand and indescrible by any one not up in art. but 1 (-an have it to say I have seen the work of Ituis'iis, lativi ami Michael Angelo and , I 1 eunro van mise suui liote tfonnenr, bin enjoyed lennsew most of ail. At 1 0 dock we met Mr. ami Mrs. Hiehanls at the We lvan Mission rooms in HLshrm Lute. I had n funny time finding the way. as there is a Bishop gate without and a Bishop gate ' within. They have the strangest names im j their streets, for instkaOB Cheap 8id and I near it is Clieap Cheat Kt., 'ITiread. Needles till Ml I OK and htrarid, t rauls. Cliun h Yard, which j ing and cc the merr; May par'v of twen is not a church yard at all. but a street. fy-lx, "wee ones," snd hsve 'he enjor Tliere is not a straight street or a Huuare in ment of hearing fine local talent a weit the city. The stnwts run everyway and ' the pleaiorr of listening again to the rich mere are nine lanes leading irum one Ui the other in the most liewil.lenng wav. The lanes bear such names as Bread Lane, Ives Lane, ami etc.. Thursday afternoon we took a six mile ride on top of a bus to the Zoological gardens. The animals are fine and the gardens beautifully kept. We were there at the time the lions were fed. Duenna enjoved the monkeys ami one was labeled the Diana monkey from West Afrira, and I am quite sure it ts the same one she played ! much with on the steamer. (jititain i -, : Jcnwu des-lare.1 he would name it Dumna. 1 e were ali ten tired at night. Hev de London s mewt fashionable isirk. and tlie Alljert memorial are near, we visited 'hem tesi. ami altogether it war a verv : sat- sat- ! at- i lstactnry 'lay. rrnlay morning we all at- , ',.,,UIW,..,5?Ber-. "nt to meet Mr. lerrv. tne itifitoii . i.,t,Ker. who nao Kimliv offered b purduise and ship my house for . e im-t at rfiggon, A o. H.el we Udked over plans, and they are a , spevthed plan an.l "nate which 1 will gwt : tomorrow. They think tlier can furni-h a house like the enclosed t.hin for BlOtXi. It ! is to be one ttory. iron roof and sides lined j u.r.mrauu. .uu jura, mir . iiw...u ---,--. v- we win uuti.i a nauve ou ior tne is.ys ami Uke a kitchen off the veranda. After- noem ; - went ou, GH ZLZaJM nfv home of 'ancient - -n ..u.i hi . and Ktr-ptan and Pomiian home. Two I. "PtTrSrZr . . . t mar .e a to' . mi iit .iniaiuuA tains. Bowers and tropical plauits and birds without number make it a sort of fair) -land. Anaind it are aT of beautifullv kept imnrmls W srent in to aw fhs srisil ftuwnvnia of the Siege of Par,,. ItTs an iniaien .-an ,1relchl around tlie sides ... ........ .. 1 .,.1 . t, .1 .. . ,u rf,i f. .i,:,.u U aA ' close to the stand they have real cannons. trees and broken walls and you cannot tell where the rvsel ends and the picture Isegins. it is so well arranged. They tav it is net i exAns of the wounde.1. To reach Crystal Palace we go out several rail" on the mil- wav i iw w noe on toe tmoe-uno n. n. u i uae a irreai innnei ana not a ke a great tunnel and not a j judgment aa well a. any fx! edi tbey run verv- fast. In the Pendleton K. O. bit nice, t-nt a . arts , m a etr. 'ertfrung- xri. n. ami i vir,n i imh aratrasaj. fterd Utsw lae.l ara-ea- - 1 . 1. ; ! 4 ' ' M u:-tB r 11 aa- "cj v-m-- at inor airs, imgi) wax wont, u fine, only the .hamherof horrortatadtes creeiry. We saw the cta-rie? of Napo- i w is one. ooiy tne . nam.rerci norrorntaae- , one creepy, vveaaw wtamAe- pt .-sapo- I awwRyayn wn cn nasi wicrnge.1 j to him ; M what attracted me most was a j tooth sud to be his. It looked like any or- uiran s.t ayapaarsa to w w more nra! tnan tne outer in in.- ,,ft, ... ,.. , chamber of Ivxrors they have all the noted criminals m wax pro know, and tla-v have that awful fellow fWir. whr killed his wife an.! thnse ehildren hnrtevl lifteev. in the kiuhen ami put barrels of cenent over to nuke a new raonr Thee- lure the kttrhen athI all jnst as it wa after the Indies were j disvorereil. It is not a mnlel teat the real :kihijen. Tben- are mudels of the ejneeri and faitnlv. We werV .-iwriallv interval..'. ..i . i. t. . ... ..W .-Fftl.'l '.'I J (ill -, ... HI.' ft ..V--. t bftrothed to Prince tvevarge. Puke of i .. . I 10m. i . itmsavr Mr. and lira. p:.,j,.j. v.a, ... or Southampton A S . "TS 12- "ST P: J " T " " : -A",T,"7, m r..t . .. .-. . -..t r .uiuinsoni. n is a vuoraerTui isii.;:ii; I . ... , - s t ami very nne. i ne nDeee ot ieora map- if't.'.yil as-ltla .x.;.i tin.! rsnynik-on TVj. see-. ue. vftee.-Sftft. Tft.kft.ftf eft,., .. ! Ve .J.l i ; L,.rf:. ; ' t to 1 introdnce,) to us. She ; v.ght u a neautiful hunch of Jou,rui!s an.i Mianna a hox ta ion (sti. Mr. Spen der .W.liel ns with funnv ra.ners an, we bade on-lon the wmwlertV.I r-ifi mwwl l.y 'HAii- . , j,r j,. j, kimiv written to fiurst s' to send a ift.rter tobe train to meef me .1 I . ei ,nfK.-,,lr- .t .n T,em. 1 kr. 1W.1 io mHinun at ur. j imsirrvs 1 to see Mr. Hrown and ItavwatrrA Comtcinv about my freight and ticltet. antl BLtkilv i- " Co. alsKit the house. After that I have nothing more to do but write letter. St. i'venrg s museum isjost atrross St. Johns s.n:ire from here where we can spenda .lay. ; but there is not tut h to see in Livenss'l. I fnund h-tters from Africa awaiting uie 1 t Hiahwalter told me of Bro. j V!TW Srr . "" learn, lie .nci only JU. uava stay in Hh I left here ; Wi Icox was Mist Li -oi --r house had Ut-om- iMfl site hail to 1 our house had ts-come i - " .-a. tnen- is no cm nv 1 but for me to take an iren hotu-.' with me " has been a vert" tn ing vear. A larvv t "niber tne t ago mitsnnrtarit. hav-e : .It 1 1 1 . . . ... .1 ea... j tssetta I have a irreat de.d to lie thankful I that have missed so much that was unpleasant, and bv the tint.- I reach the itAHst it will 1 cooler and a more healthful time. We sail on the l:tth. Oh 1 shall le so glad when we get settlKl again. May l'Jth.- Just a line as the last from Kniriahd. We sail at 9 in the morning, mid I am so glad. The nice weather continnes and struwlsa-rie.. are in market. We could not have had asked for a pleasanter time than we have had. I hoip the csst weatli- ; 1 er will continue till sumu-h Africa I am . .. . - -- . r well, also I'uuina. and I believe 1 am looking better than any time since I caw, home. It is all ierranaeil ahwt the house. ; 111sKiis.ii two story ami contains seven rooms. ,1 bath room and snudl store num. w t . ... ... .1.. 1 1. 1 r . -r ..r the nanus are 14x24. - 11. .01,, mi e. .tun 1 1. 1111 . 1 .. it ii . 1 . -i . . . , the girU sleeping nsnn un stairs. 1 have 1- are i:i 1 no siitnnr rismi ami , 1 ... .... .... . . :..V .I .73 JSZrZLZ . .1 . . S"f was in ili-siiair for a moment Isatiss- I had intend.Nl all along to sell it. but have hated to do so. Miss Hurst thought I miht hnd a jeweler, mi 1 went out and found just one shop ojien, and the jeweler kindly took it to put in a new spring. He onlvcharged 1.2" or five shillings.while in S. P. they charg-.! me IfttfiO, Yestenlav we wvnt out to Soatb IKitl to sis Anuuidu Smith's ls.y. Hob. a native boy she brought from CttU Palnias "'' 7 T ..ieur. with ncr aim piaie.1 in sclus.l then-. He has grown to l. a fine tuv and st.k Knee- lish verv nic. lv Be WM so pleased to tee irkjima We attended a w.slding at the Salvation Army barracks and that is all the going nut we have done, Mr. Brown had Isnx of provision tucked for me, 2D lbs butter, some tinmil meal, etc He told me Bro. tiiirwood was drowned in the t'livallu. It is so sad. I he man has broiiirht luv watch, so 1 rejoice once more. Lof. to ul. 1.1X1SIK. BoaHD vM.'l.iin.MMt of K0"1 quality a reasonable r.ilis arc the slrong points of Uie star Contract of the World's Fair Hotel and Hoarding Bureau. For sale at all niil roiiil ticket offices in Portland and at Salem. Albany. Kugene, t'onallis, McMinnvillii and OrQROn City, Don't go to Chicatrn 1 wl'hont vonr lu-coinnio i 'w18 yu navo tt hig P' I empty, ('all on t. K. r particnlars. without your lUTOinniodutions reserved, iin- "iirse you are uixious to bmnk: at the deist it . They Have Moved. Rteln Bro are now In their new quarfert in the Cusick block, and Invite the public to call and see their metropolitan store, and at well intpect their large and line line of boots and shoes, for men, womeu and children. The' aie prepared to meet all the demands of the public, for foot wear. yetinlay fw Ant-rica. Misp 'i..i l' ui . . inhhe.UiM-.AV. arK ia t-. iha i v -. -- e - . - 1 . e-sk ar- m.. I . - r i n c - r n' -. t rv-.ii n 1 pa rirai v ft a v . , 1 v "irvt, i lit.: i n i 11c jicamcr I1tx ex ; ---- . a.. .. H alOIW at t Mm VAlmnfi. Una ' hav rhr- ttymmrK. r-f rrkerstr I th-fr . rflJe-- ONE AND JKIUili J M Davis has been ejected Chuf of Po- nee of Uorvaliit. Twenty-eight pupil graduate from the public schools of Eugene this season. Mr fu.cahv says Albany will tend 25 on tl 0 Merchants -xcura'.on to San Fran cisco. Thacity hall boast' t. J W Haves & Son, premium of ffShh.-io. , of Cnrvallia.wer sold of Cleveland, O , at a The little daughter of E S Warren fell and broke an arm yesterday afternoon .! Dr Maston set the bone. Hon J P Wagir. the well known news paper man . it in jail In Portland on ihe charge of forgery. It i probable that in- - 1. - 1 ... . 1 .. i ivui.;io.c is enc cause 01 vy aget tail. The advertising columns of a newapa-7:3 per are among tie mor important, for no. man really become' acquainted even with the news ol the dav until he has thorough perused the advertisement. Harper's Monthly . Go to the opera home tomorrow even voice ot Mi Edi:h Harris, of .-salem . The game of baseball yetteiday be-1 tweenthe College and V MC A club j i.v. ..-r. r 1 r . : n. v r i , by a score of 9 to o. T-e Y M C A bovs had only practiced a tew moments once P...ui. .f- ........... and not at all with the bal. The game ! wa an intereling one. Mat Stanley urn- mreo in a very satisiactory manner. A small ,udi,nf, r . Ml. w j I Florence 'ast evening, I.. "The Mighty j In her style of character Mis I Is unique and has few if any i ""r wrence equal. The play has a vein of humor that hat made it famous through the East. where Mrs Florence has always been very ! po?u!ar. Here, though. It Is sale to say ! nere Mrs r lorencehas always been very popular. Here, though .ne ws, not appreciated by moat of her auuw:nce. j i Sal-m Yesterday the diamond rned i sroot was evon bvC D Gabrielson, wBO mace tn..nsF'miii noaaible wentv five Thft ,, thc lh5rd ,ime Mr Cabrieison ha won the shoot Th- .cnr. ..' . .u l.WV lY?,. n obrlelton. 2i:TBlonr. 10: AM Ls loi tt. 11 t l n 'I ie -r . . 19, .lent rones, 10. . ... ., . JZTZZZZTZL Z-ZZ M,L 0,?? pTO -ruU deligntful manner A 'unch such as At- han !,,,e re famous for providing on ! such occasions will be served and every- i ",nt an if pieani . one will be done. All the member are - . , ... , , , - i - A determined and desperate attempt a! destruction was made Tuetday naon or lonn UMotr. Itvinw on a larm one ! nUe north of Monroe. Benton county. t Leooney fira, .Uempted the terrible .Seed wttn a v r-.s tut n fiocr; i in the act and the run taken away from ? h'rn by hit wife aed grown up daughter 1 hen he tried to stab himself In the heart, but failed- Tliere i a paper down in Salem, re- r . , . - ... too ad- not i UUows whom the fools love to patronise in preference to any other. The fool , rioull have the right to exercise his i iraagmenl as well as anv to'. et: or. Hon John W Craw nnfl inkn - V. J W Crawtord, United States . ladUa jmmfr- just r th dcpar.ner.t to pay ; fmatllla reservation i received order. fnm .he departrer.t to par the Indian on the VmttiUA reservation tne oe. caeita aliow aBCe. c $J. mtjU ,nd .H, mCTCe Aborting the moae v In a (ew davs. There are about loon .Hottees on he ( restn tiion, maklng about $ : ; .ooo to be aioriSi ie umu.i.ii, s iiiui. .yn i .iiiiviUAiHi ft i u ut. lo UT lhil rf , ue spent in Peodletoo and , th.: mlMa , re. y sJton space of time, 1 V MCA gymrutsieim to sight. The Eugene fire department twenty-erce years old this month. is just It it .ate Baby Ro'h sviil soon have a companion for the public to talk about. A specia' train with some high S P oE ; ctals paed over tht road this adternooo. I L lacos. rt Athanr svent un to lle-roh Monday, where he exirct to "pen a hotel t and store. ! The a- - from Astorl. i. acco.d- ling to a Itstal i Ter, t'-'.t there Is a lull in i nunrota mt'.ierf Mr a.. d Mrs Jason' Wheeler went lo tav ton' this al.errAorsn on. ylr .1.1. Stayton tM afternoon on a vteit their da ighter Mrs Dr Kiichen. j one . hnuU fail In - Sf Vi, :' letter, tit. treat, and tells Six or seven tralna in Albans at one ti.rae at.rac.s iitUe attention now a bany is the railroad center of ,0e north- wi.t. . a ' ' I? . r : ... .,.. '.. T- ' . . At the opera house in "G impses of tbe I drd be tested the i".',ne5 clone great writer; "Play is the ch,w world aid a o play is hit first Hlr.' It is rvevned that .henerenrairwn . used tonight In O'.im ases of the Para- j diae of Childhood" j 'tcabie idea of the tenlng. will give a mote prac , method of kinderga-- j M. D. Phillips, of the Albany Steam j Laundry, was In the city the 6r' part of i the week and made itnnn... .i,k ' G. P. Ricklev to look ter a - in Uanisbura Harr. sburw Courier I 1 tr ...a.. .... j. - "- - .t iv. ..1 ift. . , ii.iftr.iurn The sc'.uers arour.d Green Basin he'd a meeting recently and arganesed to ptotect that country from fore.t fire started by careless campers. A central committee was appointed consisting of : Messrs Jones. j tseo, Scott, J L Berry, f P Mddill, R M Poe, lyes, N Bowman, J Schuit, Frink rarketi and Jos reasle. . A Eugene man has figured out tha Lan; county sends away 9460.000 a tear for manufactured goods ihat could' be made at home. The easiest thing in the worhs Is 10 figure. The urging of more name manufactures is a good one.though, and applies to every live counts in the M,le We learn hv IVInftit C V..I i maim Wo h.o "r.i a .. w. . -. . - - . . . . . . e 1 -111 IS.. 1 ... llivoi.lll In the kindergarten and the work done by the pupil vi;i form part of the decoration tonight at ihe opera house Friends of the work are invited te inspect It. Co-r?e ' esrlv cnouirb to do It I w .1 iftfttswieai nieneii won were 1 aouina TI , . o.t 11 1. . .... . . u... . i Aft ... ca.i..i;-.c uic 1 roneer rerumeo i a.:.. ....... a e-,.. . ...... : ,oud " b';!r th" ey expected. They 100k totrve aamnlei that were exrsosed ... I the weathci ii years and are as goad to j day as when taken out. Fireo'aces were thown made of this stone vesrs aero a g.ou as wnen put to ..... ... - . pul 10. .. sample ot the ttone may be seen at P X Duncan's in this City. The Imperials were in It todav. Wm Obenaur and Mr Taylor came up from Salem today, and this afternoon were bi cycling with O M McFarland and 1 V : " llson on Imperials, when a tllaht ' wUh w,,cel m front e.used Mr i " "or- he thrown over his bicycle. ' l,e next bicyclist r-dingover both wheels . 1 v ..son lengmwise, As tne periais are made (cr use Ihe tl.1m.1ce .nfttl .A.. ... ,. . O was Hiuutii me unoer man lost some cuticle. A few friends of Mvron ttham assem bled at his home in this chv :st Mondav i evening to enjoy an evening of music both vocal and instrumental. Selections were rendered on tbe guitar, violin and organ by Ed, Kronk, A. R. Rutherford, Mrs Itendee and Nora Mav. The music was interspersed with games, and shortly after eleven o'clock Ice-cream and cake was served. All present spent a most enjoyable evdnlng until long after mid night Among those present were: Mfsses Emma and Alice Love, Pauline and Nora May, l.ola Senders, Gertie Gore, Grace Isham and Mr Hendee, Messrs. A. R. Rutherford. Mvron isham, C. E. Hawk, A. Bassett, Ed Frank and H. Walden. Myron left on Thursday's local to resume his work as night man In the S, p. .depot In Albany. tiarrlsburg Courier. Salem has made a six years contract wliii the Electric Light Co. of that city. llalsey has a base ball club. C. G. : Gray is captain. , j. - . voiftuHi . rm iu ntuinT inn rnom i . 11 ing 10 attend rhe funeral of his friend Cvrev inflammation of th.- b ajder. after a short U f : II f I t- t tSWfAatv- i v-w . ft Jilt va at , . - e ya - 1 ' II II I J A No. t badge A. F. 15., with the Ini tials W. W. on It, was lost last night. Please return to the Democrat office. O. S. Davey, representing 'the Albany Bottling Ccmpany, was In the city this week. Brown.tville Tlir.ea. Judging from the Brownsville Times and several other of cur exchanges the life insurance ousinestts getting nvc.y in tne l'r' . , , ... ne. through contideraWe bnains tran- To-morrow a big excursion party will sactiona, that the publication does Mr come from If a'ritburg to Albany, arriving Kennel! a great injustice and that the iiere about noon. At least to t.undred ' same was primarily pnt forth in the in peop:e are expected on the boat, 1 terett of rival and jealous insurance I O Writsman, Thos Kay, J K Weath- agents. Mr Fennell came into our city erford, 7. II Rudd, E A Miloer and Will ' with the highest recommendations from Davis went to Waterloo today cm business ' prominent financial people from both connected with tne new knitting factor. '. Corrallw and Indepenceand from t bn;- aii m v.... . r. a n 1 ... v ( association. I have never dicover- 35, IOOF are ..queried to meet .rtbefr hall this evening fiaturday) May 27th J .,ii, r .a; S .vL L a : o'clock. By Mrs I O YVri'sman . ne A Celestial was asted to-dav hosr Chlntman stabbed by Sullivan wa get log wB. .ieerco: "-ie live two, : , tlee dlsys, then he live; but he not Hire two, llee days, then he die," which shows I the situation very well. List evening the bone f a mastodon was found in the excavation fr the new P. O. building. It seemed to be a part of . 1 . . . . . . wie tore leg. It was tn a bad condition. and of ii'tle value, but indicated plain I, the laige si of the anlma, of which it ,. . a Umporarv In unction has been arrant ' ea prerertlrig work, on the Soldiers horre Roebunr. The irmea. for re. . 1 anent fniunctlcm will be hetrd before i Judge Burnett at the fune term in this city, when the case will goto .he Supreme Court - Tom McNarv aain. The lat heard about this notorious common Jrunk was 'hat he wa at St Pant, this county, on a protracted tpree. He wound it up by breaking iit a "d searing her oreaamg nito a wioow woman a house badfr. Mr Coyle has ! made complaint and he will p.obably be broughtto ju. ice. Salem Independent. , Mtatrift 1 j The man. who doesn't keep hi. eye. open and his a?i a abont bin nowaday An ex 'hinge y. A la not in it. history of Oregon i. now being delivered at $. a book which i, pronounced a frand. Wins- a eheao adrertiain and - t..vP .e...a.MS biographical work biographical work. Here's another from th. PendUrton E. O : W N Mar lock, who is an assistant superintendent of Oregon's agricultural department at the world's fair, write, to i . - . . . . , - , ,- .aener, senator ae.oca, .pc ignorance some of the fair visitors display concerning our areat state aire him a weary feeling. Stopping to look at thi . B'.n' Braaee. and Ifroi they enquire: " r w nr way"' ,d with inward diagn.t VW' proceeds to enl.Shten them r.-.Fii-:irormt! 19.0 ueeu 01 o-ne adve-risine. q.m .be m0(t rernarkable children ' , eyer bo'i, in the United States died at . the residence of it. parent, in Portland . . . 1 eAtL , . . 1 -. . 1 -vtonuay morning. An. coua was nine j Jake Kafka, born 9 yean ago on the 27th i of last December. The deceased boy-i never fttvwl hieher than ?l inrbet .nrl - A t hi. maximum weight was 14 p"jMff I Little Jake was gifted with woad iiful 1 memai iacu:::es.wnicii surprise.! ail wnoi convened with him. It was beyond the I under standing ot tome of the Mat medi- i j B"" in tbe crty. how such a frail, I IJ; " . ft . . ft. oiminuiive oooy cooia aeveiop no mwen I brain power. He was verv apt at homo: on. and witty repartee, and his nature also had a serious side lo it. An item in onr rontemrtorarr. inti mate, that tbe art icb from tbe States men in reference to Fennell was pub lished at the instigation of some one. The name article appeared also in the Herald, a fact overlooked, and in each ctstwu no doubt published merely aa an item of new.. Tbe whole matter j that though life insurance is no j doubt a fine thing, a man should know what be i. doing and with whom he is; dealing when he taaes oat insurance. It; : seems that most agents get t he credit of ; I misrepresentation, a fact aicne that sug gests eaatios. Tbe manner in which ! I .11 ftlftll .ft ftft.ft.lft. Ift A.. ,i. . 1 (ft. ' Iby tbe big commission of 40 to oO per cent, and perhapa more, received on the first year's premium. ' -yv s. ,v; ... The vw hl thing titB k. i- s--ladvmisement. Isakavics. cfi, T Willamette valley doesnt get mnch j f0 5" Iopte travelinK over the oart j ii,-.i wrv tney are maieiiigmin trips. 1 ' s 5T- iH g jgMSffl, ? kffolb0 reyvyntly rode 12.000 miles 1 without toocbing ; lSr 't Wlovrs: All tOeses- ant things mast end. as I real: red when tbe - Portland, itr-; aug tne iTiene nau tecome a pun or 1 ue express, wmcn was soon nying- tnrvwgn 1 toe silent msitt toward Baa The promise of a rainbow wa fulSiled. for with the dawn came a n?t perfect .lay. A rloodles sky afforded a clear view -f H- vue river valley and distant ctountauiv. MEISER Oa Friday afternoon. May $th. 1596. after aa illness of several 1 j mutith. at her home in the First ward. I ! Mrs. Jas. II. Meiser. at the age of about ! !:fc? yreers. The family of the devettsed. a I I wsnan of ex.'vsllent .-hArai-t.r have the I sympathy of all in their great loss. CRocr. -On Saturday. Mav T,t93,of tion. BUK.N. Tosilisson In Benton coun. , on Fri day, May 26, ta Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Tom linson. a boy. Let the college yell be snouted. Set right all the proper functions of wo manhood. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the remedy. It regulates and promotes their ac tion, and removes the obstruc tions and suppressions which cause trouble and misery. At the two critical periods in a woman's life the change from girlhood to woman hood, and, !ater, the "change of life w it is a perfectly safe and an es pecially valuable remedial agent, that can produce only good results. It's a powerful, invigorating tonic, and a soothing and strengthening nervine ; a legitimate medicine purely vegetable, perfectly harm lessand "carefully adapted, by an extierieneed physician, to woman's delicate needs. For all the derangements, irregu laritics, and weaknesses peculiar to the sex, the Favorite l'resc ription " is a romedv so certain that it can be guaranteed. If it doesn't give satis faction in every case, the money is returned. No other medicine for women is sold in this way. Ho other medicine can be. FOSHAY A MASON Druggists and Booksellers Apea ts for John B. Alden't publtotOko, walph we tell at puteUtvkssr'a prioas with tjaddad ! IY. LrTTEKS OI E.D0EKT FROM OVB MAYOR . The Albany Democrat recently pub lished an article that seeminglv reflected upon the boeiness methods of Mr Gerald M Fennel!, agent of the Mntnal Life In- j eurance Company of New York. I desire Ul .DRt from WI k g!2FJ tt? ZTlT??!? iTJl &.ln Ji.T'1 th,t .'' wh,J. hare ben insured by the partiee will in due time receive their policies, in fact. I do not consider that any one could remain in the ftintrrv of mil, I rrmi nan. ,oar honr w ho was guilty of crooked or even easpictoas wora., (S'gnedrj. L. Cow as. orrict or bamcm. e. vocxg. ALBASt, Or., May 24th, 1883. . , , ..j .1 r. . . v".a ifrf T.I "I-.i V uaVT "Xew Vork, Cfuking a polki wh icb I hare me3 recei ved and caref ully ...1 .,(.c!, Mri.M -iff. i v. rt I have nr.! the li-ht- STJfi .i 1. r. im. .ill .K-ie lici in eV.r.rJne with the statement node by Mr Fennell. The policies will arrrre undoubtedly aa rapidly aa the company can issue them. Erer faithfully yours, : -v'i.: J ! YoCXO. JBAtXrC IBSCBA9CL-C lt..N An article having appeared in the DtatoraaT of this city, pnb'ished at the Instigation of some of Gtry Id M Fennell'a jealous, would-be eompeti'ors, we deem it in common justice due both to Mr Fennell and the people with whom he b" j"' 40 " tb. th. " wuuiu teem 10 oe riaieniou. ' preposterous to suppose that he bar- V21!ZttiJ XT l ' f" f" "'J?? TT ? OUr d"C5nt Counties, detivenng to .hem .me cljht hn.M.wi .l.,. A A,s "TT gr. rr,rr PW- .iJ! . I, ,7 . ' A lDTtfast ' IgZZjg ll'r & perfectly straight and -eiiable. We have no beestation in endorsing his com pan' and himself, and find upon investigation , . . - . . ,.- . . en.t tne nrmosn. pmicise wmren ater his arrival here tare been delivered and have given exct 1 irat rtof act.rjn .d can Bay to our friends tba-they need pre themselves no naeuiaeeai theirs will " Verv laitnl oily yours, lfeAgnedJ J. P. Waixace, M. D. signed) J. Lisset Hill. U D SCROFULA 12 YEARS AJwnays Sore. Bat-ace. L3aa Fire. I to h -ea. O.t Worse Utyder F. ar Doctor . CtTresl by CaUctira. oetw. tvyyyerIh2T Ti ilnsaVal ilV ItBSi VUAi.O.Mf.D.bM wscryaara-ii, as; rvtr t;.- : . Sljfc.-!. biftd ! ry reat t 1 1. 1 not ha. lynx el e-iora t.-ta rlree. sj. e tn :. . kaota- VABAt - t tar. a Eva tb 13 I r vrsne yaesj I t:id cAer BCtl .riH cse i a asftasattal ti ftSte '.. i I a tAlObl: ' 1It;- !.- .Vt lirs setsH yra t :- - r.w at aay (UUy 1 cr I d ts wear a t . . t ti r-s teen the clrl bra cntise ixt"? taw AfSer f woe bo nk, I staxVI be isy. -rd wit. I . red yattBtyBtsvesft7 twei .zxl lav - ta-ttcn or tkewe i.b sM-Ad es. a try t-r-rL i.A AtHDtE... I del It ebett . tat E I f!e$ 1 Eove siatsi. OhJ lo.. .Ha. ar-1 ir. eysawf be-.iT eetwr. ( oat: alas.. eh.-sXyaxafc eUtiirj, too . I.ieei Bty av -trss. is vr. i-. .u U ftsnse, :x t mersa seaAwn.. ttvt.'yaeTw-w IV ra.-teKS feftSfttrssvlH tw tiCft.- tbe U - - esyiftt Itsaa '.'ire, a-i CTree aa .- ar. ts. - k svatw 1-swu.rr a4 EetTeTftSeT, ets ftyATAfy -.1 lav ln aad ecaup ad Twetore EaSr). e say Cn ear asvj feeavar of tbe slab, ftcei. . - . wiia mfte ... si.i. : -.ti 1- .ary-' oi o eervAfaea. was. the neat FbywiiCx. ia-. tttjft. aasl alt KW rABssBw tail. iriee. Ctistvava. fa-, l'rewss! bv lie iV:Tt. erars aatnCamarcai. Ce2-oaaris. li assist - XJT Hue toe'ore Saw nieew. " fci sa ' .traiiasw, - OeriSfthiftiiM. wmiftd free. DIMPLES, v I IBB mij in ccavas by Ctraccaa svar. NOtWEtMIATC Im as. -etftiie.bis. tftlnrT. aw tswtii. Tbe tlrftta-al odw tsrt.lTlrt tstftSHftm4EAaetA. HstftSlef AT G:..neaTMl r .- I B aa .utacks. Sick Ueadaehc and Ci-tupaiioa. 40 in each bonk-. P.:.; Ce. For sale by drus-nsts . PSetare '-T. " -r-: Cose free. J. F. s:r:: ... ....... objl if Notice of Vacation. "T0TICB IS HERKJY GIVEN THAT IX Geo W Wright hat filed a pefi ion with the county court of Lmo county, the gen, taking atud cvort to vacate "Wttgata addition to the city of Albaay, Linn crunty, Oregon, and tSat said ooem has fixed Thurs day, tbe Sen day at Jon... 1S93, at 2 o'eaock p ta of said day, aa tbe tits U hearing said petition and objection thereto if aay. GEO W WRIGHT, Petiticaee . BICYCLES Call on Van Wilson, agent for tne Im pebial and Faulkner, $60 to $150 Ladies taught to ride or no sale. REVERE HOUSE LBANY . 0REGL AS. ?mm t-ROPRIETlR etOTive. THarftft . d Dit a en patents, COPrasoHTc -.0 rafwar. S&ilB&Si br uJ brought before tav puiUlo Dy a noeice jItcc rreo ol ciierte ui e&n mm tmm vr?SS? 8pSft4Uuatr man ateould ke. wrehoae te w. 0. H. MeFarlands -:- DKAxaa ts Harness -and Saddlery. Display in the Boo, IS ... ft rnaitti . - V no fra. -VTNS -eV fi-ll take tassel iass-r-ftc.-.- mm m aW-m-Sat .4 If .er.d i SciMAayltM IalV:,5!Astasy'JsVftayASW .1. ft. ft ftftft -