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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1893)
LOCAL RECORD Crook i aunty. -A deod has lipon re corded in the clerk's office conveying all the town lots in ratmille bebmging (o tin V V & C M W R Co. to Charles Attscfml. of San Francisco. M H Hell started to Forthtnd WVdmdav. He will be accompanied home by his son Wells, who has been studying law in Port land, and his daughter. Mrs Masters. On Friday of last week Ervia Taylor un dertook to settle the Chinese question in the town of Antelope by attempting to kill Lai Tai, the Chinese hotel keeper ot that place. Messr (ilis;n and Stewart accompanied by Sam Hodges as guide, started in pursuit of Taj lor Tuesday afternoon, and intercept ed him at Mutton springs Wednesday morn ing. They arrived here with him Wednes day night and left Tuesday for Antelope, laylor will be taken to the Dalles for trial, and iis court is now in session he may lie tried at this term.- Review. llKMKNYi.-The Philadelphia (Pa.) Led ger says.of this noted artist : That the hand of ftemenyi, the violinist, has lost none of its cunning, was pleasently evi denced in Association Hall last evening, when tliis celebrated virtuoso and his con cert company Iwpt a large audience well entertained. Remenyi has always added to his great technical faculty a power of ex pression that had much to do with his suc cess, and this happy combination was ap parent once more last night, when his per formance was received with gratifying manifestations of cordiality. It wotdd be in the nature of repetition, however, to dwell upon the characteristics of this ever welcome artist. Let it suffice to say that he was efficiently assisted by Miss Florence Sag', pianist, Miss Minnie Met hot. prano. and James V. Marshbank. Wi tone. At the opera house Wednesday June 1st. Tmk excursion party to Lyons Saturday returned to Albany at about 6 o'clock", much pleased with the trip. The College club defeated the Agricultural r.llege dub 23 to to. Following was the score: ALBS.VT ai'XS OVTS Chavalit ISS OCTS Mil-Tin Turner, as Elliot Irvine, lb 4 A ScoU. c f t (ieorjre WMtabam p t John Barrett rt 2 Orva Turner 3b 4 Charles Fuller 2b s Khnee Ems ett If 1 Otto Turner c 1 PercivaJ Xaeh, rf S Ralph Terrel. e 1 Will Ray s 1 Jack Parmer p i (.'eorge Denman 3k 3 James Watte lb Ben Harris. 'ii cf S H Williams b 0 J MeFerronlf 1 f. Washburn struck out 8 and Palmer 5. The best bits were made by Fuller, ot Albany and Terrel, of Corvallis. Umpire Mat Stanley. What Hb Thinks. Robert Johnson, of Corvallis, on being interviewed at Ohicago about the fair, sid : "The world's fair is a mammoth optical delu sion. The boildinas are built princi pally of plaster and paint, bnt they present a spectacle as imposing as gran ite walls and perhaps answer their purpose as well. The unfinished condi tion of many buildings and exhibits is very unsatisfactory to the Western vis itor, who will likely see the fair but once yet there is as much here as the average sight-seer can absorb. The world's fair has not been over-estimated it is a wonderful sight and is a success in every way but financially . The Oregon exhi bits of fruit and wneat are attracting much attention and I believe are the best on the grounds. The Oratorical Contest. The Inter collegiate Oratorical contest occurs in the M. E. church in Salem on Friday evening next. The graduating class, and several I friends will go from Albany. Miss Mildred Burmester has been invited to sing a solo, and will do so. Representatives of seven colleges will contest for the prize, as follows: Willamette university, of Salem, by Miss Myrtie Marsh; University of Oregon, bv Chas. E. Henderson. 93; State Normal, of Monmouth, by C. J. Mcintosh; Pacific University, of Forest Grove, bv D. H. Thomas, 98; Pacific College, of Xewberg; McMinnville College, McMinnville; Al bany Collegeate Institute. Albany, by Miss Mvy Cundrff. A Representative Woman--Mrs J G Wilson, of this city, has been honored by lieing invited to deliver an address bv the woman's committee, at the World's fair. She has chosen tar her mbjert. the "Pio neer Women of Oregon," and no one is better aliie to speak on this theme, as she came to Oregon in 1851. and has an inti mate knowledge of many interesting events I ot pioneer days. Mrs vv uson is a lady of great intelligence, and her address will be very interesting. The Dalles TM. Wilson is an old resident of Albany. Mrs : 1 the i 1 'EMocRAT two or three years ago publish-1 ed & Innir bitorieatl letter v t -t..n tm . .-r rm 4 Albany's early history. .eo Broken. Little Jimmy Pate, son of Win Pate, near Jefferson, met with a distiessing accident last Tuesday. He was following a dies harrow, which his brother was working, when the thought struck him that he would step between the revolving dies. He did so. and had his leg was broken square off below the knee. Dr. Hawk, ot JeHerson, set tne limb and he is doing as well as could be expected. He will he about again in a few months. Salem Independent. Pretty good for a boy with a leg square off. A Womaji Tbaxp. All fields are open to w omen. Here is another : A woman tramp, nound forChicago, passed through The Lades a few days ago. She was first seen crossing the railroad bridge about half-past four o'clock, and after a da bad arrived at The Dalles was asked lr destinaaion, to which she replied Chicago. She carried a small valise, wore a man's broad-brimmed hat, was tall and athletic and appeared to be about thirty years of age Runaway Accident. James E Davis, an insurance man of Portland, accom panied by his wife, met wth a disas trous accident yesterday morning, while returning to Lebanon from Sodaville. The horses becoming frightened, upset the buggy, throwing both occupants out i i,t ,u. i I sou Kuujyicvc.j nCv.,H i,lc uuggy. Mrs Davis escaped uniiurt, save a severe shock. Mr Davis received several bad bruises and a broken hand. A Bicyclb Accidsnt. Yesterday Charles Younger of the Woolen mills, a son-in-law of J. P. Galbraith had re turned from a bicycle trip to Corvallis, and was turning a corner on a sidewalk in the city when lie was iinu n off strik ing in such a way as to break his right arm. Ur Masion set me bo. e. A higd bicycle was rode. Just Akbiv.d. Direct from eas em manufacturers a number of the most beautiful monuments ever brough "y At hany. Latest designs in use in the east If you are going to put up one this seaisn call at once and get your choice as the neatest will all be gone before Decoration day. At E W Ahison ft Co's. to consumption are ailments we often deem trivial a coia nnu a cough. Consumption thus ac quired is rightly termed " Con sumption from neglect. Scott's Emulsion not only stops a cold but it 5s re markably successful where the cough has become deep seated. Scott's Emulsion is the richest of fat-foods yet the easiest fat-food to take. It arrests waste and builds up healthy flesh. Prepared br beott i Bowse. N. V AH IsSSsSsSa FUR Sal. K. The undersigned has three fresh milch cows for sale. Call at his salience ons mile south east of Alhiuy. F. G. liURKHAUT. -jajrai. Dr. Patterson-Wallawe. Ths Noted Clairvoyant ard Lite Header, li now hare and can tM found at her residence, naxt door j u'couirili's. She tails about all subjects, past, present arid future; love troubles, absent friends and business. Tou can hear from your dead friend I Two Stepping Sfe CltB Cloanro Kx f.ucisks of Decoration I hiy occurretl at the opera house last even ing, and were conducted by the 0. A. R. with Commander S S Train in the chair. the exercises were opened with prayer by Rev Hill. Addresses were delivered !v Rev. Abbett, Rev. Weimer, Attorney Oen ernl Chamberlain and Hon. L H Montanye. two republicans and two democrats, "all ctiially patriotic and loyal to tho common Mag. Most of the remarks were broad in keeping with tho spirit of the age; but some were a little narrow. The general sentiment, though, was one in favor of dropping all politics on memorial occasions UM uniting on a common footing to do honor to the brave dead. The male quartet, consisting of WS Thompson, C H Hart, lrof Crawford and W W Dams, furnished KW excellent music for the occasion. At Last! You people of Allwuiy have heard of the ' long felt want." Well, that "want" is to be supplied on next Friday evening at the W. ('. T. V. hall. If the want should le in the brain, that mem ber of the human body will be refreshed by entertaining exercises, such as "music' iii the air." Hitting shodows," "picture on the w:ill, "etc. If the "want "should be in the stomach, as is frequently the caw. it will bo abundantly satisfied with melting ice cream and delicious cake, and if the want" will not yield to the cooling in fluence of ice cream, doubtless will to the soothing warmth of hot coffee. Come, eyeryliody and be happy for one evening. No charge at the door. Ice cream, cake add coffee at the usual price. Homkstk us Exkmpi. Vnder the new 'um passed by the state legislature a man is now entitled to a homestead of the value of $1500 exempt from sale for the collection of a debt, unless the same is properly represented in a mortgage. The law allows a man to have an exempt homestead of not to exceed one hundred and sixty acres of land or one block of town property, and he is entitled to at least twenty acres or one lot regardless of value. This does not exempt the property from sale ft.r taxes. Business men will now have to guard their credit business or they may be taken advan tage of. Should a man's property be appraised at a value exceeding $1500 it can be attached for the value over the amount. Ex. A PcTBrpnco True. A curiosit lias been found in Sherniah county in the shape of a petrified tree in the, high re gion nerr the Gordon Butte. Mr. W. B. McCoy found it, and the Moro Observer j says: "when drst discovered the tee ,' stump stood eight or ten feet high, but it has since been knocker! down and port.ons of it removed by Mr. McCoy's family. One piece has been sent East for exhibition and no doubt will be on view at the world's fair. The portion we received bears the unmistakable ap pearance of having once formed part of a tree. Somewhat Litkeaey Last Friday night a literary entertainment was held in the Sanderson school house near the Santiam. A disturbance of the exercises by several young men caused the issue of a Tarrant out of Justice Newport's court the next day for the arrest of Geo. Prfne. John Smith and Robert Foren. Sheriff Jackson after a long hunt arrest ed Prine and Smith and brought them to Ubany in the evening. Ihey plead guilty and were fined $51.70 ineluding costs, and discharged; but before leaving the city Prine was again arrested for as sault and battery and Smith for carrying concealed weapons. They will be tried on Wednesday at 1 o'oclock. The case will be contested. There are said to be j several other charges- Foren has not I yet been found. Probate Mattebs. In the estate of j R A McFarland, final settlement was set j Fourth account filed in estate of C C ; Snvuer, a minor. j In estate of Clara Dierenger, bond of ! administrator for $500 filed. In estate of Tho? Powell, T A Powell ; was aopointed administrator; bonds, 5i2,ow. appraisers appom ea. p Annual account filed in estate of Grace Paddock, a minor. In estate ot Mrs L A Serfling. J A Bilyeu was appointel administrator Bond, $4000; approved. In estates of Stella and Maad War moth, appraisement shows each to tn $324.30 in value. In estate of TE Streithoff, inventory men, estate, real propenv, J7UV; per sonal property, $127 10. In esta'e of Arson, Fanni" and Kittie Raber, Mr C C Raber wa appointed guardian- Bond, $200. The Difference. The rate war in augurated by the Oregon Pacific com- T,a r ,t la ,nnr.,tAi1 Itv a,ma . . t , 1 . 11 nre un thin .was who have to nsr freiirht r r 3. ' m There iaonire a difference between this company's charges and those of the Southern Pacific company. A firm In this eitv received a roll of matting from San Francisco a few davs ago, and the Ireight from San Francisco -o lUrrisbnrg sa twentv-five cents, and from Hams burg to this city the same. The Oregon Pacific company hauled it six times and carried it several hundred miles, and the Southern Pacific company hauled it twice and carried it eighteen miles. Eugene Register. His Favobitb Airs D! all the favor ites of Edourard Remenyi. the great vio linist, are, 'Suanee River,' and 'Dixey .' It recently came to the notice of Mr Remenyi, that the author of 'Dixey,' Mr Dan Emmett, was living in poverty i in an obscure town in Ohio. The fact so touched the heart of the genial genius that be immediately sat about to raise a fund for his relief and started it himself with a contribution of $30. That a nan who could compose ''Dixey" should live in poverty in enlightened America is something unaccountable. A Bad Bar. The snag boat Corvallis is working on the bar just above tbe mouth of the McKenzie. Capt. Hatch was here 'ast evening and informs us that it is the worst place on the river, in fact the only one that would obstruct navi gation. He went on the overlanJ last ! night to Harrisburg to meet Capt Kaabe of the steamer Hoag- They will take a i liiiffffv tn the hsr in unsstiin la-lipn Cant. rJ ... -I - ...Tr Kaabe wjimecida whether he is wining to bring his steamer here for the pro posed excursion, June 4. Eugene Guard, The Game ash Road Laws. A good many requests have been made for the pub lication of the game laws. As they are lengthy, filling pages of a closely print ed pam)hlet the Democ rat cannot very well do it. But it can Vive the important information that any one wishing the game ; laws and road laws can secure all of them I by simply sending a 2 cent stamp to Frank j C Baker. State printer, Salem, Or., hence there will be no excuse for all of our read j era not having them in their isxsession in a handy form. Rkmksyi. The critics admit that 110 violinist now before the public so thor oughly satisfies all classes of the music- loving public as Remenyi. While he I delights in pleasing the popuiar ear he is none the less appreciated by lovers of classic music, to whom bis exquisite ex pression is a revelation. The great vio linist will be seen for the first time in I Albany at the opera house Wednesday, ! June 7. A Doo Cab. This forenoon on com 1 nlaint of Charies Metzaer, made before I Justice N- M. Newport, Henry Williams was arreettd lor Keening a vicious uog, but on a greeing to send hit dog out of the city or get rid ot it, tne case was dropped, on payment of costs. Card or Thanks. Mrs. Cronp and familv wish to thank their friends and neighbors for their kindness in the ill ness and after tbe death of Mr Croup. The O. A. C. Athletic Aiuaaciation will lie at Albany. Saturday, June 8, with the greatest athletes of the Northwest, with Mr. W. F. Keady, tlie champion club swinger of the Pacific Coast. Admittance 01 .Ml un.l 75 cents. A special train will leave Orvallis at 6:30 r. m., returning leave Albany after the performance. Round trip, 50 cents. Albaay Market 'VheafMe. I . Oats. 3c. t 'our, IP.Ofl. ' utter, IBs. Kggs luc. Iatrd, 14c. P.rk bams tM alioui.tsrs, Ho; sides t2Se Hay. baled. SI 5 vo a toes, 100c. Apples,1.00 Hops 18c. Dried fruit--pi urns, He, apples, 9o Chickens, 4 60 per dozen. Beef, on foot, 4o. I Uogia dressed, 7c. (XML rutsoMi Mary Clement Leavitt, well known in VV. O. T. U. circles is in Portland. J B Tillotson will leate tomorrow for Fosters to begin work on the Sweet Dome bridge, Chas Piper is in the city to see his mother, Mrs Judge Piper, who Is not ex pected to live more than a day or two. I. L Campbell writing from Chicago says; The fair w'M not be In good run ning order before Julv I. Many of the exhibits are very incomplete Isaac Manning, formerly city editor of the Salem Statesman, is now in Mat tsalpa, Nicaragua, in the very midst of the revolution occuring there. Miss Mamie Gentry, of Albany, who has hen a guest of Mrs F P Talklnsjton In this city fer a few days, wen to Portland yesterday. Salem Statesman. Miss Mattie Anderson leaves Albany tomorrow on a vist to her parents in Denmark, and will be gone several months on her trip acioas the Atlantic. The telephone line will probably be ex tended to Eugene. The route of the line to Eugene would be by the way ft Lebanon and Brownsville, t which latter place the Hoe is now being- constructed. The Budgettsaya C. I. Curtis, of As toria, well known in Albany, started for the Worlds' fair; and got in the coo'er before he had got any further than Portland. Curtis is a bright man; but he had better look out. Even an editor can't stand much com juije State Attorney-(f n;ral George E Chamberlain was In the city Friday to meet his mother, Mrs V 11 Chamberlain, of Natchez, Mis-, who will visit her son at Albany during the summer. MrsCnam berlain spent some time In Denver before coming to Oregon, visiting a manied daughter there. Oregontan. This afternoon a crowd left Salem for Rock creek, above Mehama, where the j fishing is said to be excellent- The party is composed of Geo. 8. Downing, Daniel J. Fry, Dr. Jeffreys, W. A. Munley and H. H. Thompson. Thejv will return on Tuesday and as the Satiam has been unusually high this season, so that fish could come up easily and consequently are plentiful in the many tributaries of that stream, a large catch may be ex pected Salem Independent. Mr 1 lovd Dorris. who has been attend- lnff school at Waitsburg. Wash, is expect- no tne toiugnt to spend his vacation here H A Brewer, of Iaidd & Bush's bank, ami Mr Brown, of Salem, came up from that city on bicycles today in three and a half hours. Mr Henry M Showalter. of Indiana, who spent last year with some horses here, has returned from a trip east and will dispose of the remainder of his horses. S. W. Recce, of GreenBasin was in the city yesterday and made his final proof be fore County Clerk Payne. Unlike some Mr. Recce's residence on his homestead has been a continued and active one. Cass Matlock and Harry H olden rode from Eugene to Albany yesterday forenoon in five hours on their safety bicycles. The distance is about 48 miles, making the average speed over nine miles an hour. Eugene Guard. Our old-time friend Leo Fried spent last j Wednesday and Thursday i n town. Mr Fried spoke encouragingly of the railroad pros pacta for this country, having expressed the i belief that the.O. P. wovld be completed across the Cascades within eighteen months. Ochoco Review. - , ., . tnomoson ana farai.y, of Portland are in the dcy. m t v T..m .a u. ,0Siton?S 7 ,r John C3onner, of Portland, is In the city, vitltlng with his many old friends ere Mr Geo Piper arrived in this chv from Moscow, Idah this nuor. to attend k. .tuneral of his mother. Mr Oeo L Thompson has purchased Wm Mack's barber shop, and hereafter will be found in charge of It. Mr and Mri John Simpson, and daughter were in Albany this noon on their war to Eugene to attend the wedding of Miss Hattie Hanna. Mrs Rev. M O Brink and daughter, of Canyonville. are in the city on a visit. Last evening the Junior Y. P. S. C. E. of the U. P. church held a rerv enjoyalile social at the residence of V. H. tewart. A rlelicious Innch the occasion. try one of the features .-f 1 Mr. and Mrs. D. H. MeCdlagfa. and Dr. Gay went to Mehama today to attend the golden wedding of their parents. Re, and ' Sirs. Gav. which rxvurs tomorrow, an wlhffl.lWa,:) f PI ..,b . bP, of rare occiirrenrt'. Mr. Will Lyon will go tomorrow. An excursion party of about fifty came up from from Salem yesterday afternotta. ; returning home about 7:30. The Klwood was making a regular trip, and took' down a large cargo of Hour from Corvallis. A mong the familiar faces on board were those of H. S. Gile. president of tbe Salem Y. M. C. A. and Frank Power, brother of E. L. Power of this city. Mr. Peter Hensell arrived in Albanv last night from Fish Lake with a large lot of furs, consisting of a bear skin, fisher, mar tin, beaver, etc.. which though 70 years of age, he brought part of the way on his back He is one of the old timers, of that country. He reported that Mr. Shaver, of Shedd. who had been credited with being frozen to death, to be all right without even a chill blain. Mr Geo Luper returned from a trip to Southern California this morning accom panied by his niece. Miss Nora Speldel. Mr Luper spent several weeks on the fruit farm of his father, twenty miles be low Los Angeles, where he had a fine lot of fruit being oranges, lemons and other tropica' fruit, of which he brought back a bout three bushels, and has indly remem bered the Democrat office with at. orange li1.. inches in circumference, and a lesion over io!j inches ir. circumference. Luper reports a very pleasant trip. Mr see Groceries, of couise, whatever their quality, Gold is gold whether ft be 9 carat or 22 . In like man ner people prefer the best quality of gro ceries, also baked goods, when they can get them, especially if the prices are rea sonable. Parker Bros, carry the best to be obtained and sell at reasonable pi Ices. It pays to rrade with 'hem In tbe long run as well a 1 hort mn. Try them a month. Lai-rduy Work. Every citizen of Al bany should bear in mind that tbe Albany Steam Laundry guarantee first class work at very reasonable prices, and I employs nothing but white labor Shirts i lone as cheaply as the Chinaman. Pat ronize your own race. Kemarkab e prices and ment at Parker Bros. lirstclasa treat- Advektisixu Novelties. We have a complete line of noveltise, direct from the makers, can furnish the same at lowest prices. Whistles, mirrors, pencils, mem oranda books, napkins, fans, rulers, yard sticks, panels, chromo cards, caps, calen dars, xmas cards, etc.. in season. And always the best Jon Printing, SMILEY, Leading Printer. Vieieck's shaving sod hsir cutting par lors. Baths at Viereok's shaving and hair cut log parlors. Hodges & McFarland, the leading drufc glsts, Albany, d . Clean towels to every customer at Visreck's Sbsjviog parlors. Particular attention paid to children hair cutting at Viereck's shsving and hair cut ting parlors. When securing tickate to go to the world air doot forget to gat at policy of M Senders. Beit company and lowrst nt?. outer Last. Following is tbe list of letters remaining in the post ouice at Albany, i. nn county, Oregon, Msy 23rd, 1893. l'ersons cslling for these letters mast give tbe date on which they were advertised. nlllisani Mr Henry Davis, Miss Alice t. w n as l.-l Davis. Mr V M Folsom, Mrs Win Fox, Esq. Geo L Hage, Henry Hughs, Mr J I) Roljerson.Mr J Q Sheplack, Mr Chas Truemer, Mr John (Jerkin, Anna Hall, Mr J H Jenness. Miss Mable Smith. Miss Maude Thomas, Miss. Elsie Taos. MosvTeiTh, P. M, A BIO FAILURE A Receiver Appointed For Isom Limning. 1 the i ru n abscosdkd. The DntOC&AI with great regret records a failure, due according to the facts which are appearing, to the mismanagement of one mail. In rRniionsc to a ilisnatrli .In, lire tieo. H. ! Burnett came to Albany last night, and at 1 2 : 10 o'clock this morning, on a long and satisfactory showing made by Mr. John Isom, appointed J. R. Stockman receiver of the property of Isom, burning Ac Co. Mr. Stockman piulititd In the sum of 1-20.000, with J. I,. Cowan, B. W Ijuigilon, S. K. Young and Charles Pfeiffer us sureties, and now has complete charge of the large properties of the firm . The statement of the complainant. Mr. Isom. sets out the facts of the formation of the partnership in 1888, how the manage ment of the business hud lieen left to Mr. Li lining, and he had failed to faithfully and honestly administer the business of the firm, resulting in debts accumulating to the amount of 970.000. while the asset ore only aliout $50,000; that the partner ship is insolvent and unable to pav the lia bilities, in full. That on May 8,1883, the defendant . K. J. Ijinning, converted to his own use fl'2.000 of the firm's fund- and absconded and left the state of Oregon, and i when last heard from was in the state of New York and traveling under an assumed name, but bis exact location at this time is unknown. That the pluinfiff 1 i u u..i i .. lj .... i i 1 i uui?t" ur,iiu iwiirnru uiune neiiuaiii to the tli m before and invested it in other property, exactly unknown. It will ! re membered that the defendant liought largi tracts at Astoria. Port Orchard and other j places during the boom. Thut there are K Moore, Secretary; B U ralne, ireaa littbilities held by a large number and SO-1 urer- The club wl" noW reKur lourna tions will be begnn on account of the de- 'nents. Unc ot its objects will be tne en faleation and mismanagt;ment of the! 'orcement of the fish aad game laws, defendant, and hence a receiver was asked The Oregon Pacirtc Railroad Company for. as well as the dissolution of the port- nership. tioth of which were granted Previous to the appointment of the re ceiver four attachment suits were begun against the private property of Cant. Lannimr. one bv John Isom for 811,940; one by James Laurent for $5544 ; one by : inos. t-teiner tor eiissr ana one ny tne 1 . , also hied two mortgages by John Isom. one toL. V. Iauigtlon for $a).000 and one to O. A. Archibald for $10,000. covering the real estate of the mortgagor. Weatherford & Chamberlain are the at- torneys of Ae plaintiff. In the complaint of Mr. Isom the com-! plete situation is not given as the entire .iLfiTS I t ti n I r.iinfv tkiiiiL- fit I hr k the members of the firm will be MMMfl $128,000. The mortgages by Mr. Isom to the cashiers of the two national banks are ; simnly matters of security and are a port of the liabilities. Mr. Stockman, the re- j ceiver. is a good business man. of the j highest integrity, and will undoubtedly " place the business on a good footing with creditors, and no doubt that all the liabili- tifll ran mvi than lie met The lillllinri 1 of the mill is a rwvinironc.riirhtlv manaare-i. and it is probable will be continued. It will be for the interest of all for this to lie done. The liabilities are such that it is not surmised that they will affect local matters materially, if at all. j Base Ball. Yesterday Albany's ' day In the base ball field. The Willamette ' went to Lebanon and defeated the dub of j that city 1? to 3 with great ease, which was expected. The battery of Burns and Stan- lev was wo mucn lor ine irnanon now. i : l-i sj.n t, I i. , v ..' EagCs did up the Juvenile club of CorvaT- litli t m iA . Amwtm sasUkal sss wll plaved for lvs. Umpire. . M. McFar -j Tj ' ' . - - ti , . r..oown,K as use ste ur uruuiuu same: I Willamett L.-banon O 'j !; 1 4 j 3 f 2 ;i 27 m The foikrwing account of the game furnished by a young man present: The Iahanon lv-s could not find Bum-. They batted mostly at the wind. Wallace maiie a IsLse hit f.r l'Uticn. Bm "n' :is m.ule bv the Lebanon team. ( Acvidcaiis the Allssnv bovs lattted Kl lreilge at will He was an easy victim for them, espo ially Stanley, who hit two three-base and one two-base hits. Nearly every player made a two-bagger off tbe Lebanon professional. las lbev call him.i I ole moIe the onlv home run on a wild thru Shea ami 1 Burns 4a4-ed a fine game. no error for either. Willis in center nuule a Rood record. Bums struck ont 17. Kldredge I A Genssal Assembly Hebe Al banv also will have a national assembly next year. A dispatch just received by Dr Irvine from K Sox. at Monmouth, III, announces that the Cni'ed Presby- Isrlar. f.nril Aitmlilff laltl tneef In Al- R O R Bowen :;!.. 2 4 Stove. 1 st b. I Stites. 1st b. 2 3 LOdredge. in ') Shea, Vld b. I 8 O'Neil. c, 1 Cole. as. 2 2 Wallace. If. 0 Willis, cf. I 5 Klepper. rf. 0 Stanley, c. 4 1 Shaw. 3d b, 0 Thompson. If. 1 2 Marks. 2d b. 0 Westbrook. r. 2 4 Klkins. as. 1 Burns, p. 23 Faulkner, rf. 0 17 27 banv next year, in May. Though sn in- 1 lne cnurcn vsesfnesslav evening at H vitation had been extended the reception o cleck. Miss Harris will sing. Refresh was a surprise. The assembly is composed ments will be served. TrckiU may be of two hundred and sixty commissioners. -, ccured of tbe bots or at the door. At least one minister snd one elder from j A gentleman from the country tells the eacn of the sixty two Presbyteries, some Dsmocr at that the color of' Mr. A!a of the larger Preskvteries having mere, Marsha. is residence was not caused bv a Including wives, etc, there will probably be 350 present. The Assembly wilt oe compo sed of representative men from all psrts of the east and from the missions In Egypt and India and will remain In session about eight days. The statistical report pat presented by Dr Wallace shows s tol of 10 svnoiis anu sixiy-iwo presi icrica. yj congregations, 638 ot w hich have pastors or aiat'.d supplies; 111. 119 members, an increase during the year of 2,101; 805 ministers, 8t licentiates, 66 stodentsof theology, 3702 ruling elders; 1149 Sabbatn schools wilh 1 1.1 1 efficers and teachers snd 96,908 scholars ; 861 missionary socie ties ; 664 young people's locieiies with a membership of 28,092 ; contributions for the year for all purposes $1,400,000, an average per member of $1507. Paktvraoe CIkn. The ocders!ned is now rrady to rrCMve stock nu pattarsge A Nol feed; 00 better in the aU'e; red top elovtr rod timothy, lbs ranch is weli watered, ard well fsneet. wnb plen.y f shade for the stock. Horses, f2 (Ml month. Cattle, 81. Will take good oars of all stook entrusted 10 my care, hut will not be re sponsible fof accident or loss. r. I,. St'i H. Cr.ovEKDALK, May 20, 1893. We v onl be road it jou buy one of those fine etchings or engravings and get some one else to frame it. Albany Furni ture Co. Call and see Prof J Harry Gay at the St Charles Holel and have a chat about your eyes. You will find Mr Gay Is not a crank. Examination free, Mav 19th to 31st. Yours on sight, J Harry Gay. Wm Frazier, the hore dealer, will be at Sch.neer's stable, Friday, May 20th. He wants 20 head of saddle horses, all bays, welgnt 1000 to 1100 pounds .lows uir time to sell saddle horses. Guaranteed to cure Bilious Attacks and Conetlpatsan. Small Blln Bsgw. BOKN. WOL.FE. On Wednesday morning. May 31, 1893, at the residence of Mr M Sternburg, in Albany, to Mr and Mrs W. Wolfe, a daughter. AH doing well, In cluding grandparents and uncles and aunts. IRD. PIPER. On Monday evening, May 29th. 1893. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. W. Langdon, in Albanv, after a lingering illness, Mrs. Henrietta Piper, at the age of 01 years. Her life passed away very peace fully in the presence of three of her chili! ML Mrs. Longon, Chas. Piper, of theU. S nostnl Hiirvicr. and Miss (iruce Piner. Mr Ted Piper, another son, of San Francisco, could not be present, oeo. riper, ot Mos cow, Idaho, will be here tomorrow, Fred Piper of the same place, will be unable to come to the funeral. Mre. Piper came from Indiana to Oregon and has resided prin cipally in Albanv, Salemand Independence. where there are many people who will mourn the death of a good woman, a splendid mother and neighbor. HOME AND ABROAD MONI1A Y .Sullivan's opera "railence" la soon to be presented in Eugene by (real talent. i ne nioany siren railway now sports n Hat car, and will have three cars In cage I of a ru. A game of base bail will be played al Lebanon tomorrow between the Wlllam ettes and a Lebanon club. Al Roc .land, Washing on,a sheep man sheartd 11,700 pounds of wool from 1300 sheep, ar. average ot nine pounds. The contract for making Ihe base ball suits for the Albany league club has been let to L Waldahl, who exp.-cts to have the suits completed in a day or two. There will be two assessment in the A O 0 W order for the month of June. This makes S assessments for Ihe calendar car go far, being $3 for rix months cn $3000. John Green was taken to Eugene Satur day by Sheriff Croner for stabbing C E livers', a restauranter at Junction City. The right grew out of a dispute over sages. He was stabbed through he left lung. A seven Inning g"e yesterday be j tween trie Willamette..' tnd a picked nine ! resulted In favor cf Ihe farmer by a score j of 6 to 3, though not i single run w s made after Bums begin pitching for the ! latter. ihe first case of lever and ague ever known at the Warm Spring agency has made its appearance there recently. There aie other cases repotted since. This may have been caused by the cold, a ciamp spring, wmcn is veiy unusual in Eastern Oregon. The Lane Countr Rod and Gun club has been orgarlzed in Eugene with the '""owing otbeers: L N Koney. president; have sent word to the management of the ball team at Albany that lithe league Is ! organized, they will erect suitable grounds at Yaquina and give an occasional escur j skm there during the nmrae taking the ' clubs over at an attraction :o visitors there. ' Review. ji lo Piteron. a pioneer of Mr Jos Pslterion. a pioneer ot iSUo, ! u,cu -rviiia onuroiv, ana wnco t his family lot in thi citv Sundav itter- aoon. Rev G W ititl, 'cf ihe 'Baptist ! church, conducted the service. Mr Pat- terson as a man highly respected He j formerly resided In this count v. mhere l.c j leaves rrUilves and friend to ' mourn b? death. A 0 resolutions passed bv th. e grarge who one condemnlrg the ire ; t: .j . v a . t i .J i Oregon legUlature f r lis extravagant ea- oenditure (4 ihe people's money, another urging an early opening cf ihe Colombia river, and resolutions advocating govern- tnenl cont.ol of railroads, and favoring free and unlimited coinage of silver, giv - mg it equal rights with gold. Many of oar readers will recollte: the feats performed bv Blorwfin. the siromr I mn , Cole s circus, or e of which was holding togetherlwo strong horses pulin ln opposite directions. At Saranac. S Y. reccnilv, two horse'.d to the performance were tried. They reared and plunged and Blondin. in endeavorir; to hold thern, burst a blood vessel and j aieo sx.n alicr The following from the Tacoma Newsi is simply funny : Sylvester Peon oyer is ; to Oregon that which Ueorge Francis' Train once was to Tacoma an advert is ing medium. The t'enooyer mouth is as out m ip irain reo ana runs pei:ci;. People all over the Sand are resurrecting f 'r Xo d'v" hf' Vh f1 Oregon may be in which the TiUU , cooUo',U" of erupuon Although Oregon, thanks to Pennoyer, has no exhibit at the Col-. . UBDbian KXtKMltton forelrners V t t In this eoaalry will learn there is such a ; state, thanks to the Pennoyer month. Willamette University has a college veil all ready. Here H Is: -Tl-er-r-a la- oop-a-day Wll lam-ette." The merchan.s excursion party reached San Francisco In thin r-nine hours fro.n the time of leaving Yaquina. a fast and safe trip. There are now o lty two prisoners in the county jail, Mr. Fries, of .Sweet Home, on the charge cf sseahng bogs, and Sullivan the Celestial. Tbe UassoCRAT Is Informed thai Ihe carriage factor v at Corrahi. will soon be moved to Portland, that citv having made a big offer for It, A peculiarity of decoration day today Is tbe absenc; of loses. Indicating a very backward season. Only a few are in blootr . As a usual thing the rose rules on May 30th. The San Francises) Call sat s mai J Miner nas let Ms hair grow long, got " ornmco nat, stuck his pants legs in nis cm ana siar'ed out to capture bontag and Evans. Bill Nye has an income of about So, 000 a year considerable lor a man wilh 1 Slip Kf, n. ren.l.. ... 1.. ..lU.I. i n'aced on film by some of our Albany and : several seauie people. rhs n... . 1..:. t at.- - - church wi 1 hold a public priae speaking In : - " - ' . v aire MS, iK aiiii,. aevere siorm spiastilng the grass against n, mi rroro genuine paint, it is y me goods. An inspection always carries con way, tbe center of attrsctien on the aI- rictioa. bany prairie. . . , , The Salem Democrat boasts as fol - S The Watertown. New York, paper works lows. The Salem Iron Wurks has secured ! lhe contrsct fcr the Iron work for the new poaioffice building at Albaay What we need in Salem is more manufacturing in stttutions and less dependence on state appropriations It is reported that or.e of th IK: v den j w , "v. vamc iicic several ears sru with the race horse Bingo. Is in one of the CalifornU U.W .,,ere o( death for murder. An appeal in his cise la now nendln. lilV. .kv.:,- J. e-rt j of that state. Eugene Guard. Tne Pendleton E. O. takes a bright I 00k at things generallv. It says the money thro -n awav by tne legislature on the Oregon militia Is lo be at least kept In tbe state. The cloth for the uniforms of ! aa bad and Ir decent. H is not a mem she Oregon national guard will be man-i of the church. All the Chinese people . . f -1 1 . , .. , Kv f 1 . .. A H.- .. t III. . I lhe uniforms made by Oregon tailors. - - ""v .ww,,t Wff.Cll null The biggest lot of threshing machinery ever seen In Pendleton was brought In Saturday afternoon on a Union Pacific freight train It consisted of siateen car loads of Advance separators and engines, .he shipment being billed to Mr Hughes of Portland. The train sent out via Wal la Walla for advertialng purpose. Pen dleton E. O. Some of these threshers will be up the valley in a few days. WEDNESDAY. The Chinaman made sick by Su'ltvan is reported to be improving rapid! v . Walter Lyons has sold the Stayton Times and his other interests In thaf burg and will locate elsewhere. The Indian war veterans of the Pacific northwest, including Oregon, Washing and Idaho, will convene in Salem on June 10. Albanv should nave an exempt fire- man'a association, one rrore for good will than for action. Such an association in Eugene Is prosperous. An Ice Cream social will be given bv the Junior League at Virgil Parkei's this evening. A nice program has been prepared bv the Juniors. Ice cream and cake will be served at 25 cents a dlsn. o cts for children. Come and encourage the boys. Prize speaking at the Congregsiional church to night at eight o'clobk. Literaluie, music", refreshments and flow of Tickets of the boys or at the door. Theodore Thomas says, "Remenyi plays for bolh critics and people." He is master of his Instrument, it slnga, s'.ghs and weeps: it all but talks under his mas - ter hand -at the Upera Mouse Wednes day, June 7th. Minnie Ringwald, a German lady, was aries'ed at Salem for pointing a pistol at a man, under the new law. 1 he man had thrown rocks and s.lcka at her chlcaens, and al.e proposed lo stop It. It real her j to. This is the first case reported under the law. Cure ror ColrtsTVevers nnd benerci aJo blUty, Small Uile 11-r.-s. Itc. per bottls. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report as m ABSOLUTELY PURE I KtWFOKDSVILLK The death of Z H Moss was n. uml ssTsti but not altogt'tlier ft f nierteil, as he had marie sevenil atU-mpts to take his life. Mr. Mom was an honest, upright man, with a breast full of the milk of human kindness. Ho was a good neighbor and liberal to those in distress and want. His funeral took place on last Saturday under the ans iies of the odd Fellows, of. which society he was a prominent member. Rev. Wolfe officiated at the funeral and there was a large crowd in attendance. His family have the sympathy of all who know them. The I Of) F officers elecu-d last Satnr day evening wen-: .1 0 I "x. X 0: I W (ilass, V li; W H Olass, RS; I) li Mt Kercher, Treas. Re-. Wolfe perfrimusl the marriage cer emony on yesterday, uniting Mr Smith, of amhill county, ami Miss Hattie Chance, of this place. Tlie young couple now start life in a new capacity and we hoie they may find success. JVy left this morning for their new home. People are aimut through with planting gardens. The fruit crop is not as good as we first thought, but think there will he enough to supply the wants of the com munity, f Mr- M Shackelford has Wo v..rv .;. L for several day. I)r 1 W Sfarr visibii Iter mis am-moon and she ,tu,ru.' B.l. Matlock is building a dwelling on his plane one mile from here. Proiwbly Itob will not be satisfied till be has some one to soothe his sorrows and caliu his w. Several sale of land reported around i uo iji rnaine anv one for Wanting to buv land Ihtv Wil-v oj tnk sotokss fsnmtsTE i , May 29lh. 192. Mr- R. Ward and old and highly re '1' resident of this neighlwrhood" had ! .apopleHic stroke lost Monday from ' ',. i . t t 1 j 'hich hu death resulted on Friday, the ' 'uneral ceremonies were conducted by the Janl' fraternity at their cemetery at ! Moddy on Sunday and attended by a large ! crowd of friends and acquaiutaitces who 1 raoni a inm friend and neighbor. Mrs. Madeline (.rant, of Port Angelas. ' : a!1 her f uher. Mr Ward. Wit arnv?l a tew hours after his death, she will remain here severaid dav until joined by her hnslssnd who is in Idaho at present. A Sabbath i,ool has been organized at the Somen ille- school boose with Mr. Gibha- as superintendent, which smiiiws to ) paite an intemstin? nnnninlvai Meetings at three o'clock in the afternoon. Messrs Morris and MoCrow. of Salem. ere in this vicinity Satur. ky after cattle and each took away a car load of fine ones, Some real taie transfers are about to be made in the neurhUirbood hot as vet then, is nothing definite to record irain i looking pretty well in spite of late rains and the grass is luxuriant. Mrs. H. T. Willoughliy is moving lo tn gene this sreek. Mr. and Mr. John Young expect lo move to the R R Hort place this week, and begin housekeeping for themselves. as) r -.: Io siting tlaat Hoed' Sarsaparilla cans, its proptktors make no vdts or eatravagaal, clam. Statesnets frcrn thtaaaads of n I liable people prey trial Hood s cares. H00.I s Pd.'s sasitt digesttea Hoasrs WatfTsn. We wish so pur chase a span of young hors.s. 1400 to 1S00 lb weight, and will be us Albany, talnrdsy June 4, 1893. John Pass tli a Co., Albina. Vol- Cast Walk to Chicago: but dont do it; tt u)iuO far. Nr is it necessary. If yoa want as good treatment as can be obtained lo the United States, call on Parker Bros. They carry a first class a lock of groceries and produce, and If you are not treated weU It is jour own fault- Prices atwsys reason able. Their baked goods are good enough for any one. and esabrace a fine I me. A first class baker does the 'issiocs. You do not need to go anywhere but to Psri'er Bros for rout groceries and bake J frsxis. Fresh, pure Sodaville water at Boenicke Bros. . A gooc fountain pen for $1 25 at F 'A French's jewelcrv More. 1 No two of those 170 elegant pictures for J sale by the A bany Furniture Co. are alike. ! AH are good and very cheap. Improved Mager sew.og ms- W S, warn. a. est. office at F M Francb'a jswalry store. The Vekdict h anaciowas that Will ft Siark carry the b'H line of silver ware la Ue valley. The nave the vane- jr aaJqual- j Hyt . cmnblasticD that coanU la bujiag 1 has made a i-heet of paper six feet wide and seven and three-fiHirth miles in length, A Pendleton voting man is in the habit of consuming this amount of paper week in writing to his "best giri." dleton K. O. evcrv IV:!'- A Watch is a necessity nowadays. I 1 ,, 1 ,. ... . , 1 5" 00 one " W.,U tortwhf.e stack u large and varird, and pnesa the t reajwoable. They can give ,00 a - Oarjaw in this lie as ll at m j.welry foaerally. i Bad Mav. The Albanv China people jsay lha' II S Lee Wit Is a bad man, and, that ne wroie a letter from Newport that iU .OU.1'1 HI IIISI L.C1 1 SI l u w,i,.k, I . i, . 1 , r 11 . . ...... 1 ,. .... ., . i w 0; I. I M- , I o VtoNfi DfCK I t'X Fock 8aco Long A: Co Jim Way. V. KkxCc Send joor nam sad aidie-s tn Ivesd Peaooek Af C A Oregon, sod men lion lha, Ibsy M mall yon a fashion ihrat tree aach month. New goods at Read, 1'eacoek Cva. Monk V to Loam. I nave money in sums of 600 to 120.000 to loan on im proved farm lands in Linn and Rentes counties, at lowest current rates, delay in furnishing the money. C W Bcrehabt Real estate agent. Albany, Oregon. Sr.wixo Macihssb neatly repaired aud warranted bv a th in uglily oompsixnt work man, at F M French's jewelry store, Albany. Oregon. For the boss uD'ut and peppermint mo lasses dropi go to Muellera Parlors. -reVent una c" 1.- Ccnatipatlon andSlols 4actH-. &mxUt lltb- Ilea OS. DPRICE'S ' m The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Oteo m'1Uohji of Homes 4c Vrar the. Stands Baking Powder THE DA V OF I LOSS : Tribute, iu taenesanea Rslsflera. Iterative Aaa frieads. rrom the illustrious Alleghanii, To the Rocky Mountain chain; From our sunny Southern gulfs, To the sterni-veiled lakes of Maine. From the cabin and the palace. Streaming, now our priple come; Teeming millions after millions. With reverened bread tad miiftVI drum. When the purple keys of morning Draw the silver liars of lay: Haste we forth with braid ami garland. Woven in the looms of May. While our flag droops low and lower O'er tbe tombs of martyred ones; We chant u grateful nation's anthems To our sleeping soldier sons. All the gilden themes of story-. Memoirs of the ancient king: The deeds of these, fair freedom's heroes. For out-strip ;ind far out-sing. Than this day. no day is fairer. Sacred thirtieth of May: Than these graves, no gems are rarer, Iong in tribute live, fair day. Walla West, in The IHilIes Times Mountaineer. The annual memorial services were ob served this year in an interesting manner. I in Sunday evening Bev W B Barr preach ed the sermon of the occasion to tbe W. ft. C. and G. A. R. and a large audience. It has been generally commended as a patri otic, earnest effort, the spirit being against old animosities, and a union against the giganticevils of the day regardless of north or south, east or west. Weather could not make a more glorious i day than has been experienced -jn this me morial occasion. When the procession headed by tbe Mechanics Band reached the cemetery at 10 o'clock it found it a mass of flowers. Not only old soldiers, but relatives and friends are remembered and their mem ories kept green by loving hands decorating their graves in a becoming manner. The day has been a decoration day in fact as well as in name. Besides the graves of old soldiers, the K. of P. and firemen formally 1 remembered their deceased brothers in ap- propnate ceremony. Hundreds ot scHoot children with flowers added to the beauty of the services.als- the A O U W in a large body. F Company and others. Tonight there will be short memorial ad dresses at ffce opera bouse try Revs. Abbett and Weimer. and Hons. tieo. E Chamber lain and L H Montanve. nasi, ESTATE a LatS Sophia C and Wm IJoalev to Mrs f M Rowland. 6 lot. Browns ville f Mrs M Rowland to Clair A Home 6 lots Brownsville Retiben R McCmnher to John Den ny. 80 acres U w 2 L M Wheeler to John Denny. 59.64 acres 12 w 2 $ m Dodder to C, W Dodder. 1 lot UockG7. .sjhsuiy Wm E Spicer to D M Roberts. :fl.79 acres 11 w .1 .-00 440 1.990 1.450 1 7.500 j - 1 1 4.000 i J W and H C Gav to 8 Mo Umnrrv. 316 acres 12 Vr 3 David Cobs et a to Clwriss Alt srJiine. S1.0l0 acres com lull ing ail the lands of the Willam ette valley and Cascade Moun tain Wagon road company ap propriated or in vered off. . ( rvjrnti to Jacob Kee. 23.90 acres Jl sr 2 J S McKechnie bv admr to John Marneld. Mi acres U .1 Oregon California R R Co to E D ami H B Mover. 43.79 acres. 14 El , John iom to ("has IViffer. inter est in lot. W Albanv 1 68 295! 1.500; -Bst It IX As Pearl Cary a little girl living six ; miles rbove t rawfisville was going home from school last Friday evening she was pruned by a oousar which had irot within a few feet of her when it was surprised by 1 thrw Uiys coming through the brush just i-nirni 11. tne cougar enn? inem usscaeii off. Tbe four children then nurried off and ' gave the alarm to some men who inuned- i latelv set out with their guns and finding j s... 1 ... .i... -s- .l . ; tuc i uk 1" --- tur , -.1 ' uri r i . ssas , scared the rhil.lren H bodlv thev shot and i killed it. Dr. Madam Walla. of Albany is staying here and using tbe mineral baths for lame- ne. Mr. W. Powers anil stepsister. Miss I Revnolds. of Weston. K. 0. have been vis- it ing here last week. Mr. Johns and family of Albany were in town a few days last w,ek. Campers are beginning to come in. Mr. H. W. Peerv is in town. B. WSstTsI t 1 VlsKiaO Veoisno'at C K B-oaraeH. VI A VI Co .15 is UaHiaiore block. A fall line of Warner B i corsets si R, P I Cos. If voa want a tine araokr 'call for Joseph,) white labor cigar. Ce-nie and see the new chil'ed plow at Ramps opposite post, files. The bestmaat nn9e Use city at Coal ad af yer a Motor makes five rip daily to Vieieck's addition. Lotr there oa instal'meota of $1 per week. An extessive variety earden seed both in halk and by -he psckge caan he found at C K Browne! s. , Pa rooifte n. ia-try by smoLing lh .eWhratsd white Ish-.r ccar.. nsnafacta-d . l,,i... ... l I - New crk sole, hand tu-t;ed shoes, anm- thing anti-sK new, not a wiqt.T ehoe Hat .;.!.' aol li le tor pri nd snnimer weir, at Ke d. !Vac rk I'u'r, Call sad rnsMct them acst SCft Paiker Bros, gioeera F. M. French kevps railroad unit Kuy your gnieepi-a of Par lie r Bros Fias groceries at t win & 1 leodricaan's. ei i ... ihees just received at Conrad ales ert. P J Smiley job printer, FHnn Block, doss first class work. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled S cent oigar at Julius Joseph 'a. Dr M if Ellis, physician aad surgeon Albany, Ori 11. Clls rntla In cit'or oonntry . an Easy Winner! Ths solid veatlbaledltnina nf the Chicago, Union Pacitv A North West, rn Line d iatani all oompstitton with ease. It haa ths short est line, fastest time, Union dapota sod no chauge or delay at the Missouri River, and is ths popular World's Fair roots. The rproial tffoit of Read, Peacock a Co for the spring season is to increase the purchasing powe. of your dollar with the o as a test vai ck svbb orsracD sob voir moset. It will be to your interest t9 call and Inspect their harm 150 nisPLAV of nov r.i.njM and reliable ktavdari' (trades In STAPLE AND FANCY DM GOODS, Dress Goods Fancy Goods, Their servtcable stock is distinctive display, and sure to please. Try them when you We have an e'egant Y u can be economical with no effort whatever by buying what you need for Spring from BEAD, PEACOCK CO., ALBANY, SEEDS PORTLAND SEED CO., Portland. Or. WSEsfO FOR WILLS MUSIC STORE tOuc&Exrso - -n r xiuxa.- -sttxs:,- asd -VOSatstaOsT rtASOS, BsTKT.- 'KW1ISJ BK08," oRGAXS. D CAJUTCFT -4T . , t -r " u .'mi 3islt8Srsas sTriutw . trim si Pricss setae wmh u- Bsst Cods SI Lssscst aaall Itr.-m - ilv Sks aa.4 Haas: sf r ai a(Vr Stvis Huhsaas. aass Xcealss. OU at Katravlor all MaaMaas; . , I . nlLL, OR. ELECTRIC BELT .rasa WTM aaa.saa.TJ No. ITS First St., PORTLAND. ORE. An agreeable Laxative snd NxnraJToirjc. and IXOOper package. Samples free! VA aflfafSa Toe Favorite. fUUU AV HW f or the Teeth and Breath,a5c, says: "ShUoh"s Catarrh Kernedy Cm medlctnel bare ever found that wouM do mo any good. m50cta. Sohi by Prugglsta. SHILOH'S CURE. IU Ohxat Oouoa Ocnaa prorapOytmrm where aJU othees fall. For Consumption tt baa VI60R MEN Easfff. Qslcslj. Psrsaaasatl) Restores. WEAKNESS. NERVOUSNESS. DEBILITY, aad all the rnaln of sella tiosa early errors or later aesssss. the reaulrs of overwork, sickness, vrorrv.eto. suli atreosts, derelopinsat and Us given W svsry ortan and portion or the body. SI injile.. natural methoda. Inmeoiatslmprovsmsnc seen. Kallure GnjxsWbaa. t.(Ui rsfereoeea. Book, explanation and nrooSl aaalled (ssalnl) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N. V. FRAZER AXLE GREASE BSST IN THE WOULD. ootlssrf ae two boxsa; ofsnr her braoi Koh kuaI by nsss. m vota.a aaas asavja aa-an, r0R8ALBWDatapUt8Oi;ir34LLT. fft' .Alj."'jsjjS HfelflBsl8 LATEST MTOnsifsirrS OfCTKW SEST flgg slACJIFriG awmiUsiirs. -oj MRssMl wtaem WMmsS WsMdsfBTw I isaintsi rtaaa mBjIft sMfSstafc, sBaW nnsaAaMVMsM sJT tsMMCTwOsssV ZTZLttlViZSa ToTTiT7"i all stkamsaa chsa a asuasiatsl asaaasatr Salt la. nam ar SatsaSl SS.SSB. asS -as nn sSsT tSsaWm Sin un si aa par- tssinilS ! I 1st tsUT naasa li naUn ararr a sassr laai alii siflss. asS sa io. fc.itiiai siaiia..aa la tis-nsf rr isit arsaa Notions, Furnishing Goods In style, elegant In want line. SHOES. OREGON- Bee and Poultry SUPPLIES Fertilizers CATALOGUE- Star Baker JrltTallla and Ffrsjt CI-k RAD MEYER, PROPRIETY. aialUeat rra.IS, OlasM stare, irfesJ Fruif. . Uaars - - tiartBsasi Vegevable- ree. T tt.. lis a rses Harhssa AJ.L KINDS OF PRODUCE ALFAJT GOLLlBJilE ISSTITITtI ALBANY, OREGON 18Q1, 1892. Mft A fL 1 eorrw of ir CiAoSICAL, striomnc, UTIRAET COMMEICItUrUlO NORMAL CUSSES. ARE YO'J r, artist. II yon are, or si of -he above. -.oarestediaaay shoaM read THE JOUF ;ALIST. ,DO YOL vr ,et t rasen th above f h-i, staua 1 sc JocstsuT. Ea 1 1 11 nKn)sjtsr. -e. it .6 mw appHcaiioa. A L S I OHM AN, E it raa-Piorilef 1. ..,;;aar. XawToa,S.T. ALBANY FOBWTOEE Cfl laltimre liork. - Albuy, In. Dealers it, all kinds of Farcitare, Wt Fapr Carpets, Linolenms. Pirtnre Frames, ttc UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY HYDE & JAMES, Pro-rVf. l Wall Paper, l 1 titles, JPaintK. il (iiaN, 1- if J. A. fwnnn!!! ALfciAF.Y. -:- ORECOli WANTED At the store Allen Bros., formerly owned by BUTTER, EGGS, JL.ARD, BACON, and GHOIOB APPLES, for which possible. I will 'pay.the best cash price B F RAMP EXECUTRIX' NOTICE XTOT1CE IS HKREBY GIVEN TH AT OX THE JOsh i Say of May, 1SSS 1, Jackson A Bdyeu. a duly aiipointsd adndnlatrator of the eska'.e ot Mr L A See fUnc deceased, and that I have dntr iiaaliSed aa sues adaaasMnasSa. Utarsfors all persons aasiaa stakas aralnat l ealate of said deceOeat are hereby noti fied and required to present the saa.e to me with the proper touchers al my residence in the etly of Scio, Linn coanly , Oregon, within six inonths from the dsae hesaof Witness my hand vhU 2d day of J une, 13S3. Jai SSOS A BlL-Sl. W K Par si Adouniatrator Attorney for sdmintstrater Ooaxaca ot study arranged as mast Sfftamt rwararwarsfi fftrmd tm rtrndtrntt raws 1 irr jss f. STT. CLBEKT CSSIsMT