t The Man in tha Moon would be happier if he could hava a t apply of Black cell's Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco For over twenty -five years the standard smoking tobacco of the world. To-day More Popular than Ever. To have a good smoke r.nytim and every time it is only necessary to (. pt Bull Durham. It is all good and always good. BLACK WELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., DURHAM, N. C. w KITHEKTOKD BKRLAIX fc CHAM Attorneys at Lt v. j:i;;um nt-ti lata. S",il rtn'.in ti ' tttM P" and to o i la iti i. fl i X ! t hi Flint blank. W K BI1LTEC Attorney at Law uid 3olidtor In Chancery. Cellec udn made on all points. Loan negotiated on Albany, Oregon G EO. IV. WRIGHT, Attorney at law, and Notary Public Will practice In all the court ol thii state SpecU! attention eiven to collections and matter in prebate OS.ee: Upatalr Maaon-Twedale Block Albaay. Orn B ACHHCKN WATSON, II let rattlers will rece ive proavp flee r. Oil Fell iW Temple, Albany, O attention ONTAHTE M ONTAHTE H ACKliKM AN Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon JAMES J. CH1BLTOS. Attornr-t-U-. All leu; boslneae lettended promptly: FUSS"8 Block, Albany, Or. D K. J. I.. HILL. TSjjsklsn and Sorgeon. 0FF1CB Corner rarry atreeta, Albaay, Oregon. D RS. ltiT A DAVIS. PBTafcaan an Sanreoo. OFFH B Comer sound and Bi owjalain street. Albanv, Or, Calls proaipUy ettemded i atr and coontry . V. CHAXSBBLsVIM . M. !., Hemeorathirt. aSpecUlrt in disease ot the Eye. OS1 ea tears 7 10 S a m: 1 40 1 p as, and to S evtnirt. A 1 ;i.Cis". W. CDSICK CO.. B INKERS Of ALBAltT, ORKOOH, TRANSACT leneral Bankmi wsiBaas. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on Mew York. San Ft a aeo and Portland, Oragwa. LOAN MONET oo iHnmd security RKCXIVE deposit abject to check. COLLECTIONS made 00 htrnrakle terms. INTEREST read en time dennWW B NK OP OREGON. ALBANY, OBBOOW. Cawltal. Viee-Premdent.. K J LANSING . lev W PLAIN kswasaa bankliuj boainea: hor.Tht nd aold on aU the priactna attea is the Onited State l also en England, Ireland France and Germany . Collections made at all accessible points 00 laror- Intsrest allowed oa time aepuaita. F I KMT NATIONAL BUK, op ALBA MY, OBSOOS. I.PLINM vioe rreaasawt S. E, YOUNG W. LANG DON TB AN 8 ACTS A GENERAL ban king oosloeB IfiUHirei KVPT atket to aback. SIGHT EXCHANGE and t Tannic tranater, told N.w Vnrk San Francisco. Chicago and r inarm "oo'jLBCnONt MADE on U.orabl verm E. Yoraa R Blaib Pun CCVABS I . SOS. id lift CO NATIONAL BANK. OP ALBANY. OB "GO!. CtPITAL STOCK SIOO.SW. aio.ot . . .. - J L COWAN cPrewdeiit J M RAL8TOM. tOtirhler... O A ARCUIBOLD 11 r.i. 1 e. -1 L OtWan. ) M Balstoa, W S dd, W 11 Jul.'., f A Cr.wurd nd O A Arch old inAM8ACTHa.rTi iiuikine: hwwnase. JOAW Slum iiKAr-.11 Sew Vork. . . il '.-a. ' assail 11 - .iiitli MOn'EV an pi .red .ocurtty a BIVKil'r-wit .ubiect cbota. - 1 w l-.'f.'H.HiieriTtarrh iiMi.iitiriii disebsntaa oa. Jrntuii-t lur a bottle ol Tf.t 't cures In a few days .0111" Itth ! 11I1I or puMir.iiy of a Niin-DOutonoi.i rua run r. nteed not to rtrietiira. Tht l'.,"rrnJ Amerimn Cure. Uetured by Ti t Zvast fAfniCT. C CINCIMNAH, O. I Cavaats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and 11 Pat ent busineSi conducted (or aioDxasTC rtt. Oua Orricr IS Oerosrrr U. . P.timt Omet nd wa can secure pstent 111 less Hot than those remote from Woington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We dvie, if patentable or not, free of k.m nr not due till ntent i tecursd. A PanrMtCT "How to Obtain Patents," with cost of ama in tlx U. 8. and foreign countries sent free. Address, li C.A.SNOW&CO. Orv. PkWkWf Ortncc, Wahimqto,. O- 5 F-aBjjf-a-n--'lMr' swaaastai dr. HvrrrjEWR ELECTRIC BELT LATEST PATENTS BEST IMPROVEMENTS. WITH ELECTRO MAGNETIC suspcNsonr VIM ear Wlthoit Medic WeaLaeen rustiltlnf frora bftrtaiAtlon of brnla, nrt rrrfeieMea or IndUtreilaD, ts sexual nxni'tiUOH, nriim, loain, nirou ovwiutj, sleep 4niii, iaaguor, 1 1 v luntiam. kjdny, liter mod bliJ4er cnnt'lnii.te. We bMk. luinbattfi, MintL-tv, geatrml ill health, te. Thia elnjrl tall twotniiis f sMsdsyrisU laiprWNiat(s evtv Hl trthsjrs, and ji?M n current tbat U Lsuutl felt br Wie wsjetrer -.r wo forfeit &. (M0. and will me Nil of the abovs sllsfsteee or ne y. I'tvooenrid have bati cured by tble mar--'! it? eotlan after all otbar redlea fnlle. njtd wa gla hundreds of Uetlsuoulnli lm tliia aar) aTtrr other state raa tea I boon eer offarad w e.H mwu.VU Kt WITH All VtLTf Health and -Icoroua str.uftfa l AKAKTbKlHo AO iu!hl nae. Bend far Illustrate PuiphloU, mtvllad, aaaWel free, Adstrtsia wivaamai inraunn air ii " n stnayt'si i . tne SAJIOStW BliBC'TIlIG CQ.t No. 172 First St.. PORTLAND. ORE. rvFaw in. .il Cool Fragrant and Soothing THE WEBFOOT ROUTE Oregon Pacific Railroad I ft UUIT, sUeelver. TIMS SCHEDULE, except Sunday. i Albanv MrSO r. a, i L.v T aqoina, 7:00 LSmSLmi.!: Leave Ctto.lO:a. arrl r. Yaquina. i-M r. a. I Arm Albany, UOS a. Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Between Willamette Valley Polnti and San Francisco OCEAN 8TBA R SAILINOtl raoM sax niAjfcaoo WlUameUe Valley, April Mb. raoa Taaenia. WtQaaactts Yallay, ApiU Stk. vs. nnmniav rwno (be ngnt 1 range smiling dates without notice. RIVER NT BAKERS, Stramei "Ho-" See ree rutuaaa " J " oetaraaj o , . ncn Si l.ia.l,nMSMttl wi,uf . Portland j D R VaaVhn, Own AirX San Francisco, Osl. R E Mulcahy, General Sapt: I EAST AND-SOUTH, VIA THE 8H ASTA ROUTE Southern Pacific Go. Train leer Portland Dally. JTJ.I 1. I Mart 7l0br.-.ILv Paruawd Ar MS VTSS r a I Lv Albaay L I ttU a a 1 Ar 8an Fran-aaco Lv 70 r a AWr tnua7wp only at fallowing stations oorth at Koeebarg. East Portland, Oreeon City, od oora. Saletn, Allamr. Taarent, Bhodd, Hahwr- Bar. rWO.IT. Jwexttew City, Irrtng. RWfew. asssscaa bail, sartr Iftn 11.1 Pcrtlead Ar 1 MIr IMS-.ar Albaay iTl,1Hl" UPrsi I Ar Ensibni ?.v' TOO a Ataaarr local ititt (sxoapi Suasav) SSSralLv rvrtland V.'fa-a. SAr Ahwry LvSa9a Baaset, WA I Lv Albany ft I 2 f" Mil Ar Labaoow Lv I iac,BLv Albaay Ar Mil Ar Lebanon lv I T m PULLMAp buffft sleepers. AND Dinintr Cars on Ogden Route. SECOND-CLrtSS SI.EEPINS CARS Sllasliae te all Thiwtsrh Trataa. eTaat aide Mvlalaa. rSSTLAIS A1U ISSlllim. Man. mAtSBAiti (ExseptSonoay. 7.i a a I Lt Oort'and Corral lis Ar kT tIr a 11:10 1 lr I Ar TSAnt atitr (ExesptSataiay. :n r 7:x ra Lv Ar Pnnland McMinnville Arr Lvl S. tt a m TTlironp-b Ticfeetea in all point ia the Etetem StU., Canadt aad Europe can be obtained t lowest ra'ee from C at Sreak. Arent Albany. KOF.HLEB P. ROriEKK urlf.. 't O r. rd Pnrt''W.d Oregon. From Termin alor Interior Po nls t N 1: M lfoafl In the line to tsks To all Points SAST and SOUTH1 It in the OININU TK. It raws Theongti L EO TRAINN In Ihe ST. PADLand CHICAGO. (KO CHANGE OF CARS. Composed of Dining Can lasorpisstfj rillnan urawinu hood Mftprs Of Latest Eqaipnent TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. Its at tLat ca. lie ennstrue'e I nnd in which m ommodtiioi'.a ara b 'th free ami furnlnbtal fur holders cf Pira or a. co ml olasa llokt'ta. ai d ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Cor:iiDUOus Ltna connecting with al liniB. affording- Direct and Un interrupted Service. Pullman alteper re.ervations can bo awcured 1.1 advance through any agent of tbe road. THR )U1H TICKE1N to and from all points In Ameilca England sn.1 Knrope ean he purcbaand at it y ticket ofrVvi of this cotrpsoy, Fnlllnf-.rmatl.nl oomwrnlng ratea.tlme of trains, rnn'et and other jeitlia furn Ished oi application to any agent or A U OHARIrON. Aitant General Paeaeagnr Agent. No I2l First Ot, onr. vVsablngtou. Port'aml ie on C O Ruikbar., local agent. At'.l)KM V -tK- Lady of Perpntnal Help B ANH r it IO, CIO, OHKOON. esirient eklwr .. r J Musts .A J Jubsw ATTENDING TO Bl'tlNUU Editors Democrat; Evidently Gov Pennoyer l having a hard time of it. But In his insane sayings against the president he should be truthfuj as well as funny. The latest is his original charge that President Cleveland and the Chinese minister have connived together to defeat the object of the Geary law by post poning the execution of it. This dcclata- tlon reminds one very forcibly of the accusation made by Salem demo crat on inauguration day that our gover nor was "an ass" a compliment we regret to say our executive by his actions is deter mined to perpetuate. It is a notorious fact thst the Chinese government and its minister at Washington have warned their countrymen now in the UniteJ States, from the hour of its passage to the present time not to heed the Geary act under heavy penalties for disobedience This warning was made before Mr Cleve land was elected president or perhaps nom inated. On the 4ih of March last our pres ident took his oath ot office. Hence he has nothing to do with the Chinese war upon the Geary acts. Recently an appeal wa made by the Chinese authorities to have tSls Geary law tested by the supreme court of the Tjnited States and this court has con sented to hear ihe case on the 10th of May Instant without delay, violence or unneces sary trouble, had the law been executed on the 6t hot May as intended, a test case would have been taken to the supreme court. Wherein then is there at.y cause of censure of our president. It Is the supreme court of the United States that is doing this, and out of courtesy to that court the execution ut the Geary law is postponed, awaiting this final decision. Were Mr Pennoyer president, we in.'ei from his visionary views, that he would ex ecute thi Geary law at all hazards. Being opposed to the interference ot federal courts withthe laws of our country, holding that the laws enacted by "parlumtnt" cannot be ' questioned by court, he would arrest the .... . ... Chinese here and retain them to Chin at the expense of our government in fell con tempt of supreme conn Interference, using . :ss. 1 w . 1... - - ': V VIIUII.1I .11.1 Ul MHUW U , - , , ', , ., , . . . . during tie same period and under like con at Salem on inauguration day. to carry out,.-.. . J,. ... j bis proclamation. When by way of ret I I lation every American in China would in that eveat figure in a Ossible escape from , Heathen murderers or in a deadly massacre. This would be the alternative as threatened j a ' , .. , . . , .. knowat Whh these facts before them we 1 noticed the governor has some admirers who have sent him congratulatory resolutions tor this insult based on Unje false prom set which he tent to the president. This dUtespect for authortiy or for the office of I . . . . , . i - nmmlA.nl fMtnre in I . . tne orgsaizea nosiiwy to government touoo in the socialist, the anarchist aod nihilist And, Governor Pennoyer knows well that his conduct tends to (osier and flatter these fearful elements in ocr nation. In view of the Intuit to the president now forcibly ap pear! the words of that grand aid Roman who said. "An insult offered to the lorct citizen it an insult to the whole rare.'' THE NEUUO PKGBlaTJI. A table of death rates of certain Ameri can cities for tbe year ending jane 20.1S90, which inciuaet in tbe list New Orleans, Washington and Baltimore, in each of whirb there is a v-ry large colored popula tion, shows that the dearh rate a mane the colored ntDle is ..re much lareer rr I won . , - , of population than that of the white race. Thu the tola' deaih rale imong the adalt white was 26.41. The death rate per 100O ef white children under 5 years of age was 87 33 and of white inlants under one year of age 339.93. The total death rate per 1 000 among the colored ada.ts was 36 61 wliile the rate per 1000 of children under 5 years of age was 118. 17 and of infants; under one year 483 .17. In Washington, the total per 1000 among the adult while was '9.79 per laoo, children under 5 years of ! see 1 and lor.m under one tear ol age 2,3 95. wh-I the total rate pe, .000 of ihe colored adults was ;8.M, children under 5 .ear. ed ... nam ao iafant. nd Me .ear " . . . . of see son. U. In Kal'.imore the adult death rate among white adalts was aaaSl, chilcrrn under 5 years 94.76, Infant under one tear of age 329 2a, the colored rate being for sdults 36.41, for children under 5 years of age 108. 23, for infants under one year of age 714.08. These figures woald seem to indicate that tbe larger mortality among the colon J pop ulation is due to the lack of attention to colored children, which shows itself not alone 111 the enormous death rate -mong infants, but in the excessive death rate among adults, for many of those who sur vive infancy aro cut ofl In their ma'urer years by msladUs which may be directly triced to neglect In childhood. Unfor tunately, vital staiistics were not accurately recorded daring the days of slavery, and it is not po'sible, therefore to make comparl sont that would illustrate the relative re sults ef the changed conditions of the col ored people so far as the questiwn of mor tality is concerned . But there csn be no deaU that the ratio of increase in the col ored population is not ss great a it during slave lime and does a H keep pace with tle inctae' In the white population, and as i'ieir tanks ate never likely to be swelled by immig.alion from Afiica tb logic ol the above figure seem to be that within a few hundred year the race in thi country will be prac-ica'iy extinct at any rale that the "negro problem" will become les troublesome to each succeeding gen eration. Tl Mountalntir sat the rrss of the stale should ruw begin to agitate the mat ter of removing the capital from Salem toa more central location. Of course we know Albsny would be a moie suitable place than Salem, neveill.cleis, on account of the great Increase of taxation which the change wouH cn'sll we are constrained 10 oppose the chan-e. Near, then. Pl.in Facts. And that i. what we wait. Fort mil lor & Irving have just re ceived an elegant line of lace curtalna. Their stock of wall paper Is large and complete, and prices are remsikably low. Over 120 dozen window shades on hand. Call on Fortmlller Si Irving If you wish ihe best and largest assortments to select from. I!., ..kill en!k uu ledge. Kantu1 to the producttoonf the m H per. feet and (npalar 'axativ remedy knowr, have enabled the Ctlifornis KgSyruu d. to achieve a great SMS in tht reputatn n of it remedy, Symu of Fis. a it is conced ed tn be the uni.ver.al laxative. For sale '. y all ditigtji.t. K.ir ti e bnas raffia' and ia... lltttp, to to Muelitaa 1 .-ini." mint mo r n lute. tn Bay Wlaneri The .e'id veatthuledltrsin nf the Chiaaao. Uui.m "arlHo A North Western Line diatanre j Una i pe'.itlou witi. 1 ae. It ha the .hjrt-f- line, fastest time, U lion dapnt snd 00 hsntfe or delay a, the Mtasc uri Kivsr.and is in. Mi ular World's Fair route. a j Sc Carse, H..I S rest, Portltad, 8)i W.h THE FORMATION OF COAL Nature is itili making coal, though, un fortunately, not at a rate anything like fast enough to make up for the consumption of this product. The process mny be watched from beginning to end. For this purpose one must go first to a post bed, a hich is simply an accumulation of the remains of plants that grew and decayed on the spot where they are now found. When the up per layer of this material is removed one finds peat with fifty-two to sixty-six per cent of carbon, and the deeper one goes the better quality it gets. It may bo cut in blocks with sharp spades, the water may be pressed from the blocks, and they may be stacked up, covered and dried and used for fuel. There is a certain kind of moss call ed "spagnum" which in large part makes up the peat producing vegetation. Us roots die annually, but from the living top new roots are set out each year. The workmen who dig peat understand that if this surface is destroyed the growth of the bed must stop; so commonly they remove the sod carefully, replacing it after they have taken out a stratum of peat. There is little dcubt that if tbess beds of peat could lie undis turbed and covered over through many ages they would take dn" ull the characteristics of mineral coal. The substance of coal has been so com pressed that the forms of the plants coru , posing it cannot usually he seen. But when ., ts lm ...... i .... ti.;, !,,,( I ;u transmit light, and is then subjected to a powerful microscope, Its vegetable structure mny readily be distinguished. Immediate ly under every separate seam of coal there is a stratum of what is known as fire clay. This stratum is always present, and con tains in great abundance the fossil impres sions of roots and stems and twigs, showing 1 that it was once the soil from which vege tation grew luxuriantly. It is common also to find fossil tree 'terns lying readied fiat beneath the layers of black s'ate which form the roofs of cjal mines as well as the impressions of the leaves, nuts and seeds which fell from these trees while they were living. In some beds of cannel coal whole trees have been found with roots, branches 1 T " , rTTj. Iil -11 va ' suiu eavjcvioi tUIUUltnc, WU il 1 WQ1U ' into the same quality of coil as that U which tney were surrounded. Geologists are of the opinion that bitu minous and anthracite coal were formed . tatisvsia. iivm-inj "lit. lH VIIUIU- nous, but during the violent contortion and upheavels of the earth's crust at the close of the carboniferous age the bitumin ous coals involved in that disturbance were changed by heat and pressure and the con- sequent expulsion cf volatile matter from 77? . .. , , .. bituminous to anthracite. Cannel coal is a variety of bituminous coal which bums j with great freedom, tbe flame of it afford jing considerable light. It was called I ''e.ti,IL. M.!" I.tt lii. t' nr. 1 1. 1 . niAnl. etui "7 "I.. T -. "2 " , 1 first used it, as it often served as a substi- ; tnte for candles 1Lm 1 Ka H,mA 1 1 BB . w. IW rorted to "cannel" and baa so remained. It is more compact than ordinary bilimin ous coal and it can be wrought in a lathe and polished. A certain variety of it found in 1 orkshire, England, u maaufactureu into a kind of jeweiry known as "jet." CV RIOtS FACTS. I.umbert 011, Ct, toasts of a calf that eats thicken. By and by somebody will be eating that ca'if as a chicken sa!ld . T he imperial health officer of Benin says that the juice of both the orange and the lemon is fatal to the cholera bacillus ia a few hears. A mother at Pemiscot, Mo, has foti ! daughters who bear these eaphonious Beulah Mav, Iry Kott, Beoda Al wilda sad Greta Alfleta. A new diiviaj. belt has been mad in Franc by parchment ing tbe leather instead of tan ning i The beh dee not stretch snd is more durable than I as tied bells Someone of a cariooslv mathcuiAitca; torn has calculated that a pound of spider' webbing unwound woald be long enough to reach around the world, with enough left to reach from New Vork to Saa Kraoci'CO. Tbe two (ides of the fare are never alike. "7 . - ' ' . TT uc , ' ll,oa&' th,n ,he o ner "" out ! '1 .,he cu U K""'T hbjher tnaa tne lelt. Tbe Globe, a brig of tio toot leeiwer ----ti- i the I.ivensnol does. un .d ' ing a carg). She was built in iS;6. aad has been in constant service for tT rear, bet a . . , . , survey showed her to be sea srorthr and ar- - parently good for many net voyagei. Tbe Cancer Hospital of London ha fowad It necessary to correct a wwesorcad beiief t necessary to co red a widespread that tomatJe. .re reiuaed 10 it patient. There i no evidence 1 hat tomiloe predit poselo or excite cancer formation or that poaetoor excite cancer tarma.ion. or nat they are In any way lr jurso-t to cancer p.- tleni or other indivituai. Pari, has pr.c tcailv decided that the big . ... -aw . , ... a thing with whi:h shewl l amuse the . orld at the exhibition of 19 a) w.ll be the are'- eat of aU telescope. . It will awt ai letst $500,000, and it I. expected to bring tbe moon near enoueh tn see ahiecta no latirer than the tower.:, the BrookWn bridge A aew work b, H W Wilson .late, that bv lrnetion at ooo.nn.-. acre are miii. frail- fui In India alone. In Egypt there sre a biut 6.000.000 acres, and In Ka. opt abou S.o3j,ooo. The United State has just be gun the wcik of Improving its waste area, bat has already about 4,000,000 acres of ir rigk'ed land. According to statistic furnished hy Rev Dr Dawson Burns of London, the English spent $19.16 per capita, the Scotch 515.14 per capita. and the Irish St 1 per capita fo liquor annually, NoTica. Parties desiring a good cup of coffee should cal) at the store of Perry Conn and examine the Pan American coffee not, guaranteed 10 save you 30 per sent of tour coffee; ,n.kcs a better coffee than can be made by the old way .and It is made In twenty second. Call and ee us. rhew twtir wa-, stt-s. -When a ... was n CMM. W- .1 ii kwaaaaa M.. eta 1. in tiu-i i.H '-. e he. ' 'astiirut rsril for I'u.toria sll" Ul WkDlMKO NVrrAVlONS. I Wooden, Tin, Silver, Golden, Common every day. "Smii.kv . oni or aigbt Thej travnliog pul.l'O are now fully alive tn lhe f ot that the C iin.go, Uoion Pacltio & North-Wet turn . lur offeia the very heat accommodations to the public from and to Chicago, Omaha and iutermediata point., tint uoly duiini Ihn World's F.ir, but all tne year round . To art at Ihe Faels B Raiding Hood. Sanaparilli, aaa tb p. pie who take this medicine, r react th te ' 'iiionial otten published in thi pape To. v will oouviuoi yun that Hood' cure I od'a fill 1 outs ooustipstion. Our spring wrspt hsve oomend on .c oi'Uut 01 their lata arrival we will sell same with th smallest pusiible margin. The Ladies Bazaar. Mianrs The West states that ISO new houses were erected in Florence the past twelve months, and 800 town, lots were sold there i last year. The following is significent: The rate of liquor license in Florence lias been fixed at 400 per Annum . Arrange ments are also being made to erect a jail. Portland's two appointees of the presi dent. Judge Bf Dinger and Appraiser Russell, had a mascot. The former was born in Knox county, III., and the latter was reared there. That combination knocks out their competitors. Teleo-ram. moseoora in Knox county, III., will 1 I i picnse come lorward. The Eugene Register snys : We al-! ready have evidence that the small ex- j dibit of this slate in Chicago has attract- I ed favorable attention. A gentleman ; living at Uayton, Ohio, visited the lair fair 1 and was shown throutrh our fruit exhibit 3 by one of th-n commissioners, rie was ' decidedly well pleased with it and has written to H N Cockerline of this city to ; learn more about the country, with a , , - I view of coming here o Iocae periuan- enUv. The way: Salem Journal looks at it in this The board to locate the Soldiers' Home was evidently nut iid for some 1 other purpose than to deal fairly, justly and dispassionately with the subject! thevhave in hand. The editor of the Albany Herald gives this away v. hen he heads his report of the injunction suit as i allows : "Salem Crying! Has nearly 1 nan ot Ail Oregon Now no wants the Rest.'' It matters not if Salem has the earth. This little board was not sel cted to pass on that. The young l.i.ii.-- of "iv,le. CoL, are true to their faith. They will only wear silver onuunentK. Every day reveals the fact that it U a very easy tlung to get al'ti.' u ithout Chiiuunen. In fact, we don't neol tli.-m at all. There are plenty of white men todo the work, and who are willing to utt.'ii.l to anv limm h of it. tbe Salem liid.q. nd, nt is Mjraw f,.r lU .lice for allowing "tin horn gaml.U-o ' to pol remain HI toe city, it u. orettv strong . i inTty trtng as vaJuUmd. ! referring to them mi 09 , and aif of them'ure uidit for ."mv lkT ne ;:IV. "NdBP ill Il.fm ut.Hii.ir). hi..t . ,. - , . , . ' I "S lsssat - ww I ' , 1 t liW,l- tion. the vilest specimen of degraIel hu manitv on the face of the earth " Jefferson Oavis, widow el tne ".onteoei-aie The state board. txaviaUng of (;overtlaeif-plfi.Je1n;' engaged rooms at ians PeniKnw. Treaeurrr Metx-lian and Secre- i 100 ,!orir?h ium,fr-. ,n let,rl tart McBri.le. have decidetl to make no ceived by Mr Cranston today. Mr iNtv s mew rtcttrrions over the enrternrsirt of tlie , i state in tbe interest of the branch asylam. ! ..o. assa it .IwmI .' rr. . . l,. iWi.LJ Tt.;. j.,.. .t,.., Hwaa ,..w-di.w, in tL- L officials a to the legality of locating away from here an -tate intittition. lndete?nd- nt. Doctors mit-t know what they are about judging from the following: ' lh W. II. KobinMOn of Kuwlxirg. ha hern arpstnl for malpractice . He treated the dauglder of Mr. Kapp fra-tort.ilitis.when itwaswrne thing esse. The hodv was exhiiiuexl, an antniy held, are! the jury of four lortr iield that the child i-june to its dewlh from culpable netrfl-nre. Kobinaon was held j for the grand Jury under liaaj Ijon.b. We.ieLtv the New Y.ak Cttttl j railroad s Empire -tate . tpre bntke all railroading reaortis in tne run from Itrxh tr tn ifiilTAilii uMatiiiintf .iwl ,sf Itr'i sr--SB. a .. " fiitlst. tin An XwutT n.. r-.. Ar..n LZ th r.d.iM.l., . ..,.;. v.. 'm . i,;. I, will he sent to the W..ri.l fair Mile were made in from 4 ti of) aectmii. right along until Corfu w .t restt lte.1. Tbe di- tanee from Corfu to ( ntten.ien. four miles snu made in :, minut ami tbe two mile Mwer-n WerKle and LsJ-JJj 18. wr reefed off in one minute and thirty second. The tra it from Ltasnt-vilU. to Forks station is as solid as a rock. The .ii.tance is nine mU. " . .IU.... - tf1?. rnDdfr... iw F'TV'- rvstcneo. a mile v.u aasssBI in mute.w.ii - " TV-:;.... nine rente. Iron, H.4t L. H.,rT,U ma.L, in .,!, ..., .a,t r..,t J - Some asnrsfmpetv air so uurea--.-mal.Se an the crinoline tanstiott that they will even j oppow latrrels Uvtaase they arr-ar h" p- Fanner, gsaserallv are opentng their ew. ahtKit th,- last k-gtlW 16, clerks, m ot.T m of whom ahcmld hare 1.,.,, .J 1 .. . rnnfti- Tn that domn't Ml well in tlic dav. of high I-..-,,... m M , -I ..,-, . . . - 1. d 1 n 1 tax.s Judge IVrl'inger. of the 1" di.tritt I aMlt ji thp fini, ,r i; t: o,uor to Indian, from l(Ho fiV He al I sets down on collusive trap wt l.v detajtie j ami Indian, to get men to violate the law in onier to ge' big vntraw and .leimtv fee. i-nictice that hae hwm verv di.aTranil. A i h''1-hea.ie.l judire. i The little' town, ami little people of I re- gou love to give Sah-ra a dig at evert op- n.- " r , - ' 1 Bwtonitt . int. t.. m graai evi.iernv trial , a!.-m uufHinU. tn wimfUiing -Salem Jour- : nal. Albanv and Portland axe in tbe sann !,oa, : hu! 1,k'' "hi'Tig we are bosxod to nU, ( ililf -fi h,. j i . . 1 ? V ' IS? 1M3!,r ptajtlmil, aral it was then chilly and di.a- .. thp wilUn tJr . 1 the (fern 1 itt of tbe valley, striking tbe h- j ''K' wJfr .,h 'X' ,kT- n'1 I x. sssesta wru . taax "npninn 'HUnnpr ill t PortlaiHl and AJbaay. and I how thi was more like the ..imnv . ornate j of some of the codntrie a. r. tbe At'.inti a deleghtful pbtce. He-all v. we have a liirhtlv '.-Iter climat,. that, .ir ,,..S,,1,1-, ' .1 1. .1 i 1-.-. . ,..' ! ; to Portland weather we are rWnae i no, 1K'"'"- Some fanny things happe;. at touchers ex amination -. At the recent examination n Salem a" teacher answered the ouestion "( live an account of the .barter oak as fol fows: "Ihiringa meeting in the tii.lewen.l ence hail a chiutrT was written and laid on the table When some one sulik-nlv blew the lights out. And Andrew l..k-..n cniight the charter, escaped and bid the ABa rti.r ,. am .,1,2 )ill,.. .. .1- I, tuj - ........w ia. il i.-uiiuil..! theVf.ir wwaall veu when kw. f,llm.i and carrie.1 bark to the hall and the mmi bers sign.-d it by placing the word 'Fini.'' itcross the tre. This u the way the char ter oak obtained its name. Shil.ih'a Vitaiiter what you nre.l I. r dyspepsia, tcrpid liver, yellow skin or kid nev troahle. It t vnartnterd to g-ve you sati-laction. Price 7.V. S ld b Foah.v Maw.c Poiltrv ani Hides. The undersigned V paying the highest casii p.lcc for hides, fur. snd poultry. Csll on me at corner ol Third and Ca'lapoola stieets. in Albany. A. CoilkN. 1 ar . 1 . .i MARaiEaV. BURT KDWARPS. At the residence of Isaac Klder, May 1 1th, bv Key. T.I. Wilson. Mr. (ieo. H. Burt and Mi s Kule Kdwurds nil of of Linn n unity, TRITES ORAF. On Wednesday evening, May 10, 1803, at the reeidence of the bride's parents near Albany, bv Rev. K. R. Prichard, Mr. W. A. I rite's and Mis Hattie K Graf. Ater an Inter teresting ceremony a fine wedding supper was served. Several friehds and rela lives were present from Albany, about thirty in all, and congratulations were general. The happy couple wero re membered in a liberal manner hy their guests They deserve the best wishes of a host of friends. BIED. r0WELL.-0n Tuesday, May 9th, 1603, at his home in Halsey, of old a ,(, Mr. Thomas Powell, aged nearly 81 years I The deceased was a pioneer of 1817, com- ing 10 Linn county in 1857. Mrs Powell I died a day or two less than two months ago. lhe deceased was the lather of Mrs Chas Metzger of this city, and was a man highly respected. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Troop tailed uu, tssw Portland, May 12. Company V, Four teenth infantry, arrived in Portland at h o'clock this morning from Vancouver, Wash, on their way to Puyallup, where they are required to prevent depredations on Cade Sam's lands. The company consisted of 00 men under the command of Captain Carienter. They remained at the depot until the Northern Pacific train was ready to leave, when they left for Puyallup. where they will prevent, by force, if necessary, the invasion of the 1 uyallup Indian reservation ly a fotee ol men under the supervision of Frank C Boss, a railroid builder. Will Open the .ruml CmcAOO, May '12 .The world's fair gates will be open to the public Sunday, and the vexed question is settled. Today, a a l ili a; rTi.rA7r. lLlii i thu IOCS: I to open the gate of Jackson Park to the ! puyic for half the sum of tiie admittance to ! the fair durinir thp wk rW- H rpn! i Thi. mn hu. nnthir.n n a,. ,ok !., ' - .1. it -,, in,-- Vf, ,11111. IU ,IU illi HJC openinir of buildings. The latter will re- mam tioetl as required under the laws pasaediby congress, and a agreed to when i the K.iOO.OOO was arrerted from the .12d congress. The action of the loard will go i into effect the 21st of this month 7. Wasiusotos, May 12. Herman Wise w" l aprinlcd postmaster at Astoria m ? few dl4)- Tb, iUbam Potion Wjse sent ,,efn more v"an Cleveland or Bwsell - yj"swwiwiaiii wiku n was backed )y Murtiby and Markley. l'he; gentlemen secured the following fourtii class postmas'ers today: Mary L Corry, at Orewsey, Harney frtimtt" A 1st TiriaMirit1 at i ' 1 1 1 -i n i A tfV.lntii. hia county; K w Lopner, at uwne Kock, : (lilliain county; Martha CarJwell. at Con-! tral Point, Jackson county. A sural litrUte. Bakui Citv. ()t. May 12. One cf tbe ri.-liMt irnl.1 .trik. ever mail in thi. ut- lion nf .'ountrv. not excerttine' the now famous White Swan mine, which is yield dav with a 10 starnn mill. - r T e j " , , . . , was uncovere.1 ysMeruay. The lucky bud- ietvof tbe rich gold deposit are James andjCRiT. M' Meizget wa. for a ti.neai .Samuel Baisley, tbe latter one of the coverers f tbe White Swan. The dt IsMI I a - . uw ww. Ihe White Swan and Virtue ruin a?j : "a -a 1 s. a ' ,Miu a v !lna uaieu awut itirce m,r jmuiu "i lfl I 1WU ID KUU1 Wa DUUDUH1 UUl iniVfua, IU hand mortar. ' , HrsDatli sad In Kraal. Highland Falls. N Y, May i2 Mrs VfT ,,Dve her "Pa""."? 5?5 ,bn?? U' - I1 M c,un0U fffS - 1 ... ..... ....!. - ...... unnv "a. uic 1UU" v.. ucuov um. I will occut-v a stUIS in tbe same botei tut season . I Draakard. Barrlble strata LlvKtufonE. Cal, May li Christie t arroll. a saloon-keeper, was burned to death last night He lived over his saloon ;. wi. .mi . 1 1 ... ., ,y. i.a was intoxicated and quarreled with his wife. Finally she left the house to have tae tonttable arrest him. During her siaasswe i be upset the lamp and the boose caught fire. Tbe chiid escaped by jumping from a win- j dow. When the wife return-1 with an; officer they found Carroll imprisoned in tbe 1 1 .1 ... - ..!- ..... 1 W. ,1.. Lisouse. buratBe to lih. Tbev were un- I . , . e t - . . atoseio save ntti. ana ne mo etpireu uexorw their eyes. A 1tra..asi S ..lage ..re,ed rv . , . 1-r.iitoiT. Sitn, a at- at. .prcuu ot Tr ,Z .1 . df o nrfng Uke. a Grand Haven A MU - m UrsMI nver. two I a .L. . iL.I Ua.IsT I a i ii-ai iiai "it awi ! village on the Ivtroit waukee railway, and on . miie atove t.rami natTO.oa. oeem ' iroyed by fixe, tbe village has a ve churches irao a1"- "aj7- u l'T : aawmilU. J be steamboat i arreta. , eauw op tne river. 1. said to rtase "J 1 5An" wonl? lte 'oas win loot op : ,0 ! DO known . .,.... -.r.. Washington. Mav II. -Cable advice, . .. . . tt - - ' . - ttbe tatetsetuntent today are to tbe ef - ,ra ,n.1 .re,uli ,n . -,,a,r f.i-f. thai the rev.lhittnn in Nlcarajrua it . e'i' " saw awawaw. jn-. a-a. r tically 10 control of tne go u 1 iiaassil ceived similar adt,ow. It is otHterstoml be had a long conference with Secretary Greaham at the state department today, Tk,J.bhnnt. a- . bam waiwtnt from .San Juan del Sur. ' port 00 toe coast of Nicaragua, b, Mr New- all. who is consul at the capital of the countrr. ' , w . . a A ree.Kh Maw. Portland. Mav il. Samuel Yaisk's beltel in in the doctrine, preached br faith canst has cot him his !:fe In obedience toa spiritual command which be under stood was made him. he undertook to fast for forty aays lie axade the sacrifice for .. when nature asserted itself, and casting all spiritual influence aside, forced Samuel a 1 to snoruml.. He died al hu home at Monti - )io .a.hmKndndk.nir near Mount ! Tabor. MalsjaJar nitrht. at about 10 o c.ocic, 01 wnat toe uoctors prtJoouiKV starvation. , a. era! I l.k' . ..... AeTolti t. May II. At 4ocwck this aflernoon nearly :i00 fihboats from the different t-annerie bad their nets out off Sand island. A tew minutes later cloud Uame up. and without any warning a heavy 1 storm burst over the river's mouth About i 3X of the boats reacbcl .belter, the others anal.!e irom ih,.;r t.wition to beat around, 1 f sai SeTR era! were wrecked and proUbly a dozen men drowned. Decl.lr.tlj aensallowal j V 1 In n a . May 1 0. IHiring a performance at tbe tbea'er in Lomberg last night Herr Issleiuk. one cf tbe actor, in a fit of jeal ojs rap. Iwvatiw an a..tre. who was en- -uHing with a man "fXiew 'her and shot stricken audience. lang VtlnUrit ratter la. 1 !'. ii.i.K. May iO. The national re publican commit te met here today and Jonh l'tot program matie up at the caucus M night. ; After a four hours' session the committee! adjourned. In accordance with the caucus progranime, the meeting wa.calied to order ( . . , . . r. X" ! dere.1 the gavel to Ie XOWff, vice-chair man. and withdrew trotn tne meeting, a j resolution declaring Mr Carter to be the ' permanent chairman of th republican na ! tional committee was unanimously adopted. A Iti 1 al ull. 11 1 San ,1i an, May i0. The revolution ag.nn.t the power ot t resident acasa is rapidly gaining. The revolutionists have taken po.sos.iou of this port, and control most ef lite country between here and Gntnada. They are rapidly gathering arms, enlisting troops and collecting money. 1 heir army is gaining reintorvements dally Many of the leading merchants have open ly declared their sympathy for the revo lutionary cause Among the laboring class es great enthusiasm is shown. ' I cat lag for tin nil. l'oitTi.Axn. May 10. With 410 of the Cl'J Chinese passengers sle carried to Portland still aboard her. the Danube slip ped her hawsers at St.'lO o'clock last even ing and started back 'o Victoria, 11 C. Cap tain Myer. in command of ihe steamer, expluined her abrupt departure bv stating I hat he could not afford to keep her here until the cuitoais collector ami the federal court disposed of his human cargo. Since her arrival here over' a week ago only 212 of her pig tailed passengers were land ed. Illnrtt Srre.ted Mausiii iki.d. Or, May 10. This after noon, about 4 o'clock, A II Hindi, the man who so foully murdered Andrew Wick man in June, on the slough about live miles from this place, end escaped from the county jail a day or two before the session of the circuit court of last October, was to day rearrested near the place of theiiiurder, nnu is now in the county juil at Empire City. Capt Sw.km.-v. 0 S A, San Diego, Cal. ays. "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy ia the firs medicine IJhsve ever foundjthat would do me any good. Price, 50 ota. Sold by "Vishay & Majoa. rut up in neat watehwhaperi bot t les, sugar ouoteu, -Y-mU Bile Beuoa. &o. cr bottle. HOME AMI AEsTOlD ' ,. , . S Wheat Is 63 cent, in Salem. J Yesterday morning Or Webb,on.ln-iaw . j " Is " ncuu,nuii'iii'ww of Cornelius Vandrtrbllt, passed through Albany. The fact awoke no one. A Willamette Valley fruit growers association was organized at Salem Tues day with J M Wallace as president. Mrs David ilfgglr.t U to keep the coun ty paupers of Ben on countv for$3 a week each. She is to keep all county charges. V -l -i ii-,...,' . i , oia ihayer, a niece of ex-Governor Thayer, wa. appointed pottmatter at Mount Taboi, Multnomah cinnty, In nlaee of E S Bruaakcr. removtii. rrir.-il r.., . . 1 t -. , v ..u cue Tomorrow night the Chief Engineer will make a ttst of a new hose holder and pattnt nczzlc. It Is a modern fire arrange- .. I i. Though the search for the body of : Larey Crawford 1 kept up no clew at all to in whereabouts ha been obtained It P"Wy ught in smc deep eddy on Its way down stream. " w,"y down "re'm-, . '? ,5urrows, ihe Portland aetreis, who broke her leg at McMinnvllle through a "elective sidewalk, is just cet ine out of the hospital. She w'ii sue McMinnville for $to,ooo damages. Ir Owynne, of Salem, will deliver the DrGwynne, of Salem, baccalaureate sermon for the commence ment exercise, of the Albany College, and i Kev Ueo Howes, cf Portland, the address to young people In the evening. Lincoln countv ha made an Initial pay ment on her portion of the taxes due the State frOm lfntAn wA I InMln rntinlU. The amount was fjooo. Tne balance U j .oS7. ana wr.i De pst.i in short time. Jessie Faster sold last week to a reore- s set.taii ve ol the Portlano beef combine 66 j days and we hope all may be light head cf four and five year eld beef steers ! The prospect for all kinds of fruit is at forty-one dollars per head In the pas- excellent unless it be peaches- Cherries lure. Ihe catlle were shinned via Alhanv 1 --u lata, Kni will Va. hra in nlentv i v A game of baseball was plaved vester day evening between the Young Eagles i and a picked nine. The score was 8 to 7 1 in favor of the Youni? Kar-le. Batterie. ' for the Eagles ZcysaA McParland, for 1 nicked nliw I -eiwhinn s r,r,.l r: ; 1 r- . o-. .j evening , on an old. tine h. n' ...i...r 1-1 . . ' " " "IS wo.. .ncizKci wiiii a nxnuwmc ,.,,. nin r k.h, aii.,. iw reatauramer at Kelem ,r,.l here i. n. s I 1 a- 1 area n . ww aaiern Journal The O. A. C. Athletes wit, give an en- . . j . , " . .JtL.. JSLtZ. them to make the trip by boat. together . . . . ..s.iuvin au-rui ttfiiivicau wi boat . together of their friends with an unlimited number and admirers. It will probably be a gala occasion. Time. The hoy will deserve ; a big house. The fact, though, that they come the night previous to the Corbett entertainment may keep some away. Tomato plants at the Farmer Depct. A report have been made that a guitar : naa oeen teen woasing tn tne Willamette. Mr Crawto.d. lattarr ot Carey Crawtord went in a roar boat this afternoon to Springhill to tee if he' could lean, axy -hing in re faience to it Someone broke into the house of W W Francis, wr.o lives two miles south ..f ... ""Jc-;-'", ai tor naon tr roooea of h' rf? containing two twenty dol-r rH eight or ten do:'.ars in tuarterlv meeting at St Paul M E church. Preaching Saturday night at 8 o'clock. Text for Sunday m .rnlng 1 1 a n, 2nd Tim. 3. A and 17. Communion I j-!-. i c i . a : .ww,,. -r. . ic . ,i .. n ' cordial In vita; ion I. extended to all. DC j McF.rla!. P E. We would Use to have a tno'.oi Kne to ; Salem, but the Alhanv and Astasia tomd : sle,n. th Albanv and Astoria toad, . lhe Hne ,urey Vhich run through 1 n,,,,, u WOuUi . piace , , eJtxt communication with the I . " " " f Seaboard. And it srili be built one of i tnete daw. See if it don't Ia:las s Transcript- I hankt for the hopeful grion ug- ; w .nforrne-l be the assent of the S P P phtinUve nwladiea tbroejgb the tall , ,0. ihaTtlw" oT t .f right cWi and snnwet yttntbe doves , . , . ,, . .mtl , . ,k rflaurfsoeors; now the sannbwers nod their Ann! was the breed w Wt, at thi. rf.flM, Lmm I Wl ' .". 1 1 C 1 " I ' Lmo TomrOnl. inaktrtg total of handled. -Usac Advance. 7'"- '.. Ma j . - . r (. , I - . . I ) -v. -'-..1, .', WeBBBBBBBl ITUlim this noon from Nesrport with Samtael Crow aiei .i. uiuieui .jowl, ran toe cnarxte 01 H-! , ' , YT1 l,' ".. JuPcr i i" """TT- '".y wi u i ranen " e. w euuiluKll. .row tiao J?t "1 ""?' b"h wa, rited Zt3ZZ? "f, S. 2S I!. 2. UrtC TUL LsMmilll lill. iud to probmbfy la; enough I oa Usran: but canrj.it he learn..! i Immediate! v .titer the murder, tiovro. who d alway born a good reputation left for trie eaet. t row .uk! Jtr t.ovro. ageai about 40 and 36 went to Newport where they wtare lit ir. r TniaaaaxT. s s -a j m.. w. ea aaJ awaaaaBa. .L.-. bw-. is .1 am-awawAwawa wur .own w Un F II Calder. of ".row n ville . i the city. ia i M Web.er. of Al ea. ha. been in tht- city far several day. Mr Geo C Stanard, went to Bre nv- ville toda on a fivhing exeur.i n in lhe Cream beyond that city. 170 astonUhly Sne picture- at astonish it low rsricet Bought at forced sale. bee TVIbtn. Furr.i.ure Co. Bv a vote of C2 to 17 Scio decided to iue $10,000 in bond, for budding a school house . Progressive Scio. A fine tpevimen of Iowa, backwjhest. may be seen at Cummlng's drug store. It I also illustrate, how cocoa nut?, arrow. James S Morgan, a brother of Mr II C Watson of this city died a' Hems do. ' Mist, at 7:33o-clock t..is morning The examination of Sam Crow and Elizabeth tiovro for the murder of John Loveall wiil uke pla at Lebanon on f Monday. You will find something to aroue every ' faculty of the human ml ad m i nose 17b ; etchings and engraving at A.banv Furn iture Co. Prof Condon says the high hills of ' Southern Oregon are the oldest part of Use state, hence their Mabilitt to hsve fine gold tr.ari.ig quartz. The Corvallis Gazette sav: M- and o'Vnda and by the vaho .i Mr. floguc will be missed here bv a large ,cr,ed ori weUare ci Co. v.'its. Messrs! t; Wright and H F Rwlbnit. representing the Mutual Life Ins Co of j t ork. are in the city in the Interest hoys (efferson Review. The Press says a Scio man it paying 60 per cent inteiest. There are men in Al bany knocking that out, but such cases are not published in tht papers: The Salem architects se;m 10 be in it. 1 W Pugh f -irnishes the plans for the Al bany P. O. block, and C S McXaliy for the Corvallis Mssonic temple. Mr A Boenicke who now hss the new and confectioniry privileges of the Orcs-on Pacific, has placed G rover Haekleman on Ihe ruh to the rtav and Seth Morean toihe front . The con,-., fc.r a candidate to tSe state oratorical contest to be held In Saiem in June will occur at the Presbyterian church on Friday night of nex' week. Five 'ora tions will be submitted. The Aslom Budgeit and Brownsvitle Ttmes are -going for" T M Morrison, the Immigration agent, in rather of a live manner. The Democrat has heard no complaint In Albany yet. Gee Wa, the Celestial aru .ted recent! v on complaint of Nancy Wetttail, went to Eugene and Rosebnrg today. He requettt the Usmocrat to say good bve to Ms fr ends for him . Gee V a say s Jim West fell and Nncv tre all right, that Jim's cousin, Little Jim, it the bad man. A warrant has been issued at Corvallis for the arrest of Jos Kellev for disturbing the recent Fairmont gran'ee dance, ac cording to report, several Albanv young men were alto involved In It. " " It is claimed the conditions are favoia- j ble for an Immense une flood along the foluinhla, and that ' Portland nteds to be prepared for deep water. Albanv I for- ! tunate In not being affecled bv the'Colum-1 bia. The Salem Statesman says Lawyer L F Conn ha probably skipped out, leaving numerous account unsettled. Perhaps it i Uke several other skips out They all returned when they had attended to their business. Last evening the fire department letted th: new hose halder and nozzle, which proved satisfactory. No j't engine did net work weil, and No l't had had the safety valve screwd down tight. Sorr.e thin It had been done maliciously. Both engines are now all right for business. ABoJher cornmer)t Uom tne BoMo Erenln Transcript U as follows: Miss : Maud Hoffman will surely be one ol the Met beautiful Ju'.lets ever seen on this or ' any other stage. Her friends say that Miss Hoffman makes no pretentions which might bar her claim to the couresy and Indulgence due to a novice, who has been offered a remarkable ODOOrtunlty. Yet Iher excenttdnal advanta6es in studying ' with Mrs Ervlnii Winslow have been o wttn Mrs trying I h. 1 welMmPr f d' k .V ,Z t, LI . . ... hat the exoenenceo man d ooera house said ot her a... - - - ti. ,,,, al nrst rcnersai m nc -iicvci . in a debutante.' ' csor impeTi Tasoen r, Or., May 10th, 1893. The p'ospects for ripe crops the com ing season is good. In traveling over considerable portion of Linn county, I see the fall grain is coming on nicely- ! he low ground tbe wheat has felt the effect of too much rain, but otherwise it is doing well. Winter oats and cheat promises a heavy yield, as the continued wet weather seemingly has injured them but little. Bnt how the epring.grain will turn out is yet to be seen, for the most of it is still in the granaries and the groono entirely too wet for sowing. Possibly if the season is good we may have fair I spring crops, as there has been times when grain has been sowed the last days of May and produced a reasonably good ; "cfardens i are also in tbe back gronnd.as mmAlt ioot hih re oviDll where the warlv vewetsthlM ahonlri be.bnt a few fine after awhile- Prates and plums are also j Prospering finely. The apple crop will I e immense if there is not too rcany : pests to destroy them. The most of the trees aie in full bloom and they look. strong and vigorous. There mar lie such a t bins? that Oregon twill not be anv further behind than I s! ome of the other states, as reports there i an unusual amount ol ram , , . , . . neary every part ol the land. . aone fanners trying to mod m ' Pat" wn.cn 1 inrnsi. ,ery nuwiwe, rwsksfei TeT Tsi nrsssMinB BMawin mi murr..iniL 1 , 7 , V. i Tt " T j-i.iw.s. t ri.frowl-g nicely and stock can gel enough to maze them feel happy, but tbulk t wi tj gome time before there I j, rnoch f,.- bef, for tbe grass is growing to-1 slowly to fatten animals verv last. We may hope for better weather toon and likely will not be disappointed, then all ot the' past will be forgotten and every thing will be all right. Sbedo, Or., May Sib, 1843 In Sbedd, on April 14th, 1803, of con sumption, Mr Mary Looney, aged about 40, daughter of Mr R II and Mrs Lnry W right. Deceased leaves a hnsbr nd and six children, three in Colfax. Wash.. with their father, B C Looney. Tbe youngest is with her Grandma Wright in Sbedd. She also leaves one brother, W B Wright sal Sbedd. and many warm friends to moorn her death. In the death of Mary Ijooney this community lost an estimable lady, and they feel ber loss very keenly. Her sickness lasted for several months. and she endured tbe sneering pauentlv. She felt perfectly resigned to unite the ' chance, and more than once expressed a ' wish to see the end. It rauoe at last and M the evening of tbe 14th ol April she j fell asleep jus: after tbe sun bad kissed the world good night and sank into it bed of crimson and gold. Kind friends'. laid her to rest in tbe church yard on the hill. No finer spot could be found than this to take the last long and dream- leas sleep, there where the winds whis- ! graceful cour'esies to the summer breezes and around the tall white marble e.'ahe .1 1 a:. a .1 . .., toe nBNJUVStiraima 11 i.aei ana uie Btavrtsgn. I play. SIMIt nsTitaHIU: Thursday evening- May. 1 1. 1!. Special meeting. Present Mayor Re .-.Tiler. Marshal. IiaTOtettdexit Street. and (".aiocilmea Stew-art. Pfeiffer. Btirkhart ; Marvklii Bill for street workaallrrwetL t'twnmittee 00 fire and water reported apunJ granting petition asking fur prir lege of enianring tbe boilding of W . L. Vance in the fire limits. Aikajted. Petition of J. J. Dut.ruille et al aekinp that blocks 1. 2 and S be taken from the Sre iimiu. rer.Trted the same bark to the council, and it was continued ontil Mav 21. I " - i QaJ yQ 1 irvti nance .No. s changing grsale Baker street was Xsnwed. If The petition of J. C. Toong . reimlejrwnerit of fih daasassjea i f.,Hir,o into . keA. " " I in a false leg ing mitire.1. tra.i rejecon ! the ground that the ity wan not liable, but j the owner of the ptvmatv. Tbe accident ' ' hapta-ned at o clock on May -h. lft?. lteolittions 19. 20 and 21 were pwsi. See notice elsewhere, i if Can be eomted 0 to cure Catarrh Dr. Sasre's Catarrh STe-it lnl Z thing. It gives prompt and com- piew reiiei out you want mora than that. And von tret it. with tlt By W. I cure that w penece ana permanent The worst chronic cases, no matter of how lonff StandiniT. vield to ita mUd, soothing cleansing and heal-i ing properties. " Cold in the Head " needs but a few application. Ca tarrhal Headache, and all the troubles that come from Catarrh, aro at once relieved and cared. lou can count on something else, too 500 in cash. You can count on it, but it's more than doubtful whether you ! earn it. The proprietors of Dr. Sage's Remedy, in good faith, offer that amount for an incurable case of Catarrh. Don't think that have one, thoueh. you They'll pay you, if they cant cure you. That's certain. But they can cure you. That's just about as certain, toa Can you ask more 1 Star Baker j 01- te I ill. in i.l 'r. I t CCNRAD MEYER, PROPRIETOR, t'u-s trrails, ! SVttTC. ikrtett rrwltM. I'sltiut-ii, NtlKttr, CoNe-e. CBBStli e. aeetiawatr. . Vegetit hie-. Cigarw Sipleea. Taat. tie.. hu every th. -a that ia kept in a rener variety and geueery store, Hkjrk niarket price paid ha AIiL KINDS OP PRODUCE r m. a ITCHING AND SCALY akin Disrate Vestn. Doctors and Medicines irseless. Cured by Catlcans for $4.75. t f.. I It 1. niv duty li tell y.a ror esnerieaws with y.Hir CcTietau Ksbsdies. I mm swrw sro'jliled for over nine y-ar. with a dreadlnt ..Im - Wbm 1 nr.t ti lt It, there .p;- :.d . lew emttU red wwle osl my brereit, nd It V- i n prAdlrte iwt - . 1.1 ..i ed the SWNSS 11 rr lil, setween my BwosCw w. A few d'jf .lui law . 1 turM it Stry. (!t 1 ilcb.ua oi..ir ; .l UH (df, It cwatie ireadiaf all ov.-r w.) Uod). I irkd .11 e ftiy en 1 iBalletc. I xatu. i) at. or aet bui'l i. I eoa.uU.d di..i-;i. tiw wuafas Co e e In a ibnrt ?Vy slw.y Lailf.1. Tb. i . it jl w , mt" T f-'r . e'" i-e It 'urMUm I ;"l 'i.r d .. lauilk) th - Taeuma J;- 1 ttxetvt.t I K u t y lii-i.i.niim tiKM'tiu , ted ta;...u t ' ' 1 m raorft ST-xr'. ' "l ,J ot'", I . ' ljtrrixra,ee t '"re Utleeot;irut;n.4SeK-t.w d "W.attt-1' . SJ v i. nee . whl'.e iel wire " . Vrt my P'V rerr.a;A. I K.ve pnfc.- tru-i la f-i-ij l'l l't H. Vtl. ib. . J!. O. .jo iJid, Wteuu, Watblar Cuticura Resolvent JTie new B.d eod Kkin rarUVt. ttceraslrf aast ( ; ( i ... uk s-rea eslo Cor, aa-l ..Ticiu - - Mt -,sww MSto BewottS-r exarraally, ra , , a.-e.sd epeei illy can eeerjr dee-.ad a , Si m U.!jbcjo a, from ajjupta to eenssa. ' rerrwtwr. praw.Crrn-caa, JOe.; Soar, I .; ..cwtrtn, 1. Freparew ty nv: l onsa ,r How to Core tfsJa ie.seae... t pmgm. It ".a ;.., 190 teatiavwtaki, saallwl i ree. m n-l':.ldnaad. r4,roojh,ebapped,aod cry .kia cored iy uemm 1 WEAK, PANFUL KIDNEYS, vTlth Ibetr -eary. dull, ara. Hleleee. mm ssawaslss ssawawaal mtwwta ty ae CnUmrw Awtl-Paln Pusstcr. Tee first sad osy taetaeta kUiias Hi snallisslsg BSSWST- Sieesu. WILL'S MuSlf. 'STORE wu t .dtss roa- CHica-EitiNG - -a r mtlleav "stetk." as YosKek sos- rtANoa, NEWMAN BsVOS OSV3ANS. i F.i&ui' rr v . sTrtselr- GCeit 3ii littrsari sal Priose bet-re Pmibisbag tw atsere; e ad. tar. 81 ftisasi aSLwweat aasH lidawty near ac Ji: af E -A r.-iee y "r M:i OB aad EsasaassrallJ S I VIM V. S1.S.A-, AllttiJ. If. FARMERS. ATTENTIOaV if : roc .- CA3CT a WACON HACK BUGGY CART PL8W .H ARRQ rV.DRilL SEED ER, pEEO cuher, or any kind of a Farm IraVcrr.en: hide, call on or atWress., or Ve- B, F. RAMP, Oppc :e Pes; OrTce, Albany, Or. Lsnssa tOssilatfaa c ssxy 1 rtaxaa -keeSritJta in at aiwatls j. Kum T a 1 atr. I ALP, wSOLLEBUfl IHSWuTl ALBANY, OREGON 18Q1., 1892. Iw Vera O stew (4 Se-pteaaker S A f i corps of Inata-cctora, GlAiSIGAL, SCIENTIFIC, UTERAFr COMMERCIAL AND NORMAl fiLASSES. Coarse ot study arrancw.1 u roet te ail grades of students SferM raacawrw rrrtf (0 Aaasat trvm a- ,.- ;' . elbsst OV.01T o. rl. VleFairland -:- DBAI.ES W - s- Harness -and-Saddler; Display in the flooi REVERE HOlir tLBANY . 0REG.:. CHAS. PFiSlFFFI' rHGi'UlKTl'R ISOM A UNHINC, PROPRIETORS. bw eaocsax txooa sersaioa rot, aatsTMSl AST) aaxBsu esa. HESTSTORAGP ACIUTKS i Sciiatifio AnKfiqaa HriW oec i "ARn. TmtmtmmmymmAmJmejIlhmim wine to nisSWMiBwijAsaTuiiaulxi? tSSf". PO8HAY & MASON TajtatAta aaa aavauv Druggists and Bookseller i Ageaitafor John B. Alden'a publicaUora' waieh wa sell al publisher' priose with ataujoadde.' AiVBaRjT, ommumn