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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1893)
tf &e mvat Odd Fki.lowsiiu-. From advance sheets of the report of AN (ianibell, lirand Secretary of the Grand .odge I. O. O. F of Oregon, the following stalls tical facia are gleaned : No working lodges May 1st, 18'.r llfi 1 ncrease during the vear 7 No member Dec. 31st, 1U .... 5186 No members Dec. 31st, 1J592. . 5772 Increase durins Uie year S6 No Rebekah lodgesMay lst,l$!3 35 No members Dec. Slat. 1891. ., 1411 No members Dec. I'.lst, 18S2 1894 Increase during the year 483 No Brothers relieved 663 Amount sick, benefits paid 420,489 28 Am't paid relief of widows 1,710 35 Am't paid funeral benefits .... 2,853 19 Total am't of relief paid 25,063 32 Lodge income 104,239 75 Current expenses 49.8K1 83 Lodge assets 445,57819 List of Patents. Granted to Pacific States inventors this week. Reported by C A Snow & Co, Solicitors of Ameri can and Foreign Patents, Opp U S Patent Office, Washington, D C. D Best, San Leamlro, Cal. gas engine motor for cars, E ChaqueUe. Jan Fran cisco, Cal.bolt or rod cutler; J F Cowdery, San Francisco, Cal, .Mre extinguisher foi railway car heaters and lights; V A Dues bury, San Frinclsco,Cal. label; B Elmore, Biggs. Cal. pump; S C Houghton, San r ranclsco, Ca1, fare legister ; A Knudsen "an r ranclsco Cal. steam encine : I W Maguey and R L Cs.San Francisco, Cal, aiH'ii attachment; t R McCuidv. Los An. celes,Cal, stand attachment for bicycles; J F and 8 I Sander, Portland,(r,e!ectrode for arc lamps ; A C Sanford, The Dalles, Or.caiter ax'e and wheel; A Warrnskjold and J G Burgess. San Dirgo, Cal, running gear Tv0 Tr uxi.'.Ana or Threshing Ma chinery The Advance Thresher Co., of Battle Creek, Mich , will ship about May 15th, 2 large irainloads of their well known threshers and traction engines, etc.. to Edward Hughes, their general agent at Portland, Oregon. There will be about 40 cart in the 2 train loads the value of which will exceed $120,000. This is the largest single shipment of thresh ing machinery ever mde to the Pacific Coast. Train No. one will start from Battle Creek, aa stated above, and will be routed over the Grand Trunk R. R., Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R and the Union Pacific R. R. Train No. two will be routed over the Michigan Cen tral, Chicago, Milwaukee & Si. Panl and Northern Pacific R. 9t The cars in these trainloads will be beautifully ban nered the whole length of the cars in the following form: "Advance Threshers for Edward Hughes, ro tland, Oregon." Crook CocKTT.Ellia Whpeier.knonn aa Heck Wheeler, a former resident of Albany, was tried at Prineville lasi week for the murder of Edwards at a dance, and found guilty ot murder in the second degree, which seems to be the popular verdict in Oregon. Complaint was made charging Marion W. Osborn with swearing falsely on the trial of Wheeler. Abe Hackleman eent a fine stallion from Albany to his ranch on Camp creek tLia week. A. M. Templeton, ot Brownsville, is here visiting his brother, D. E Temple ton. Abe Hackleman will come acroes the Cascades with 300 head of cattle as soon as he can cross the snow. He ia now at tbe edge of the snow on the west aide of the mountain. Review . An Honest Woman-. The following reported by the Pendleton E O was a rare and pleasant experience; April 33rd Chas Caleswortbv, of Kopittke A Co., started j for the ban to mix a deposit of $335. abouf $200 being in checks and the re mainder in money. He had it rolled cp in a wad and dropped the wad Nothing was heard of it until last Saturday, when Mrs G F Carnoyer, cf Thorn 'Hollow walked into the firm's fficc with the roll. which she had picked up on the streets and carried home without examination of j its content. Accountant nite wa very agreeably surprised, and together with the firm's thanks, presented Mr Carnoyer half the money in 'recognition of the favor. Akotsbk Collkgk Yell. The stu dents of the University of Oregon have aa good lungs as anybody and are not to be outdone in a college yell. A meeting of those in the collegiate department waa held yesterday afternoon and the follow ing yell waa adooted : U.O! U. O! Bah Ho : Rah Ho ! Orogortensis ! Rah I Rah ! Ho! ! ! The color chosen is lemon yel low, Oregon wild grape. They are going to the oratorical contest at Salem June 2nd and will take this yell with them and beyond a doubt will be both seen and heard Register. Good Bye, Jons. A dispatch froi Washington today announces that the supreme conrt banded a decision con firming the conatitntionalty of tbe exclu sion act. This means that all laboring Celeetia'.a who did not register mnat re turn to China. Only a few registered none in Albany. Let them go. Shiloh's Core, th ar-"it eounb sod cr. op core, is for sale by u. Pocket iz coota a twenty-itire doses, only 25c. Children love 11 Foahay A Mason. Seod yoor nam and addie to ttsad. Peacock & Co. Albaoy, Oregon, and men tion the Democrat, they wi'i mail yoa a fashion sheet free each month. Sewiso Machines neatly repaired aud warranted by a th roagnly compa.cnt work man, at F M French's jewelry store, Albany, Oregon. Will tt Stark, (V lewelor. "Almost, as Palatable as Milk" This is a fact with regard to Scott's Emulsion cf i 'od Liver Oil. The difference between the oil, in its plain state, is very apparent. In Scott's n you detect no fish-oil taste. As it is a help to diges tion thcro is .:o after effect except good effect. Keep in mind that Scott's Emulsion is the best promoter of flesh and strength known to rcjcncc. ( ' h"-n. Y. All drnacllts. TRY A :- PAIR Of Those Brazilian PebMe Swtalc8 For sale by F. M. FRENCH, the Jewe'ei I. A. Morris & Co, Flour and Feed Store, Have removed their 1 lore to the Strahai stort, formerly occupied by Oeyne 4 Robton, and have on hand a full stock o CORVALL S FLOUr?, B3AN, SHORTS GERM MEAL. GRAHAM, BUCK WHEAT, RYE FLOUR, HAY, OATS. STRAW) AHD CHOPPED FEEO: Custom chopping done. f PATENT 1 0 tounKTT Win, bk Hkrr. The Port land Telegram says. The Marquam Grand was crowded Saturday night with a most enthusiastic audience to greet James J. Corbett. the pugilistic champion, in 'Gen tleman .luck. Those who expected to find Ixvtlo-hrowed prizefighter were agreeable surprised to find a very tall, good-looking young man with a soft, agreeable voice. As the play progressed thev were more sur prised to discover that Mr. Corbett possesses considerable dramatic talent, and that- he was ontirely at home on the stage. In the fourth and fifth acts, when the bag punch ing and boxing exhibitions were given, it was seen that the very quiet and demure young man was perfect whirlwind of science and strength. The company is also a most excellent one. Mrs, Corbett and Mr. W. A. Brady appear to good advantage in their respective roles. V. A. Brady looked perfrreetly natural in his impersonation of old Joe Blake, and although his name was not on the bills for the nart, his old Port land friends recognized his voice and greet ed him with cheers. J. W. MeConnell. w ho is another old-time favorite, also re ceived a kindly greeting for his clever act ing. Admission tl.OO and 75c. Children Be coats. Fori! I.kak Clovxk. Mrs. Munley, of Portland, gatheretl 88 four-leaf clovers from a single tuft a few days ago, and the Telegnunywrites up the fact in a glowing manner, as an occurence worthy of note, as it certainly was. But when it ctivere to many .leafed clover Albany de sires to be heard. Mrs. Nealand. residing w-ith Mr. Miser, on Vine street has sent the DntOOUT office 50 fdur-leaf. 5 five-leaf mtt .1 six-leaf clovers, a from one tuft ,u own in any line suggested. NkXT Wkkk. At "Glimpses of the Paradise of Childhood." to be given next week Friday. May 26th. it is merely in tended to give a "peep" with the dailv kindergarten. It will be a "May Party.'" and we ask our friends to come and see how we leam through play in those years when we are not expected to do mnch else than play. The occupation, work dona lv the children in the last tew months will also lie on exhibition, neatly arranged by the faith ful assistant, Mias Nolia Gray. By the. aid of the stereoptican the work'of the kinder garten, will be more fully explained. Re member the entertainment begins at 7 p m. An Uxrar.u. Ixcidknt.- Last Saturday aftemoon M. Levinger. of this citv. and Fred Meinzer, late from Caledonia Center. Wisconsin, were up on Skinner's Butte, watching the government snag boat work ing in the river lielow town when Dm-iit ; Shmdoll came up to where they were sitting im me uiive engageu in conversation. Mr Shindoll has been in this part ef Oregon for about 15 years. As is natural in such conversations, Mr Shindoll inquired of Mr Meinzer regarding his home in Wisconsin. Mutual explanations then developed that the two men had been raised bays on ad joining farms in that state and had seen each other last before when the war broke out in 1861. Thus by peculiar coincidence old neighbors meet after third of a cen tury has passed. Guard. Police News. Last evening was a busy time with Policeman Jones. A father wanted his son. who had ben drinking, to go borne, bat he would not. Afterwards Mr Jones tried to get him to do so. when another young man interfered and told him he wouldn't allow him to make anv arrests. and in the affair that followed the Police man was struck and the young man skipped bat the Policeman declares will be arrested for resisting an officer. The other young man put up bail and his fine. E Fletcher and William Smith, two vags, were calaboosed last evening, and given, three days apiece-. They bad been ordered to move on past the city.but failed to do so. Lincoln's Moocis. The heaviest in dividual tax payer in Lincoln county in Nam taee. who pav on S17.-J09: John A Olason is next, on' W5.084-. S A Loiran. All . 1 . !. 1 1 . a a .. ..- rii. r neaoy. eiu.ieu: William SfStt. 9..V21: Mrs Lvdia Braafield. Sills Mre R A Bensall. 2.317; S G Irvine, W -457; J J Winant. $1,405: Col F J Parker 2.106: L E Blain. 1.365: Blain et al. $4 -550; Dr Rich. ft5.2S; VanCleve Jones. r-'.'ioO; tarra Monteith. 87.116: M M Davis. 8.400- C D Kennedy. W.140: j P Priest. 3.504: Allen Parker. 1.694:'t; A Whitney. .a02; West Yaqnina lnd Co. V2U0: CCMcBri.le 1. -, . M F Whit- ney. UK Contbttants. - Tonight. at Salem. Misses Edith Frizzell and Myrtle Marsh and Messrs Floyd Field. J R Hume and Loyd T Reynolds will contest for the position of representative from Willamette University to the State Oratorical contest The con test in Albany for a representative from the Albany College will occur at tbe Presbyte rian church Friday night, when Marv Cundiff. Abbie Fry, Bert Wight and Mef vin Williams will orate. Local talent will assist in tbe entertainment. The Merohasts Eicirsiox. On the "27th the Oregon Pacific will give a grand Merchants excursion to San Erancuno over their ocean route. Tbe San Francisco Morning Call devotes three columns to the matter. The excuraionhita will be given a banquet at the Palace Hotel. The event promises to be a' great one. Attextiox. Red Mek. Members of Mohawk Tribe. Xo. U, 1. O. R. M., are requested to 1 present at regular mmting Thursduy. May 18th. at 8 o clock p m. as there is important business to come before tbe Tribe. By order of Worthy Sachem. B. M. Patxe, C. of R. Bae Ball Challexgk. -The Y. M.'C. A. base ball club hereby challenges the Al bany College club for a friendly game of seven innings on the College cam bus next Hnturday afternoon at 4 o'clock. D. H. MtCt LLacn.Sec. ne fcprtao- Of all jar iu the year, ia the one for making radical chang in regard to health. During the winter, the avstem becomes lo a certain ezteot cloiged with waste, and tba Mood l.isded t'h imparities, ostirg to lack of exercise, close coo Hot nunt in poorly veutila ed shi.p and homes, and other causes. This is tha cause of the doll, ilaggiah, tired feeling so genera! at this season, and which most be o'vereon e, r tha health may be entirely broken down. Hood'a Haraaparilla baa attained the greatest popularity all over the country aa the favorite rpiiog me iiciDe It eapi I the accun.ulslif n of impurities through the bowels, kidnevs, liver. Inner and skin, gives to tbe blood the purity and quality necessary lo good health sod over comes that tired leehog. Monk to Loam. i have money in some of $600 to $20,000 to loan on im proved farm lands in Linn and Ben tee counties, at loweat current rates, delay in furnishing the money. C tt Bl'RKHART Real estate agent. Albany, Oregon. Viereek'a shaving and hair tors. cutting par- Hodges 61 McFArland, the leading drnk gists, Albany, Oi. Clean towels to every customer at Visreek's sbaviog parlors. O H Brackmao, architect and builder. Plsps farnisaed on application, Particular attention paid to children hair catting at Viereck a shaving and hair cut ting parlors. When securing tickets to go to the world' air doot forget to get aj policy of M senders . Bett conif any and lowtst rate. Lietter ldst. Following is the list of letters remaining in tbe post offioe at Albany, Linn county, Oregon, May 16th, 1893. Persona calling for these letters mnst give the dite on which they were advertise. ! . Davit, Mrt Susan Kepper, W H bargent.Adarn White, lJ H TllOS. MolTtlTH, P M. Atbanr Market. V heat ,f7K('. Oats, 86c. I 'our, ff.00. utter, ISo. Eggs. 15c. Lard, 14c. Pork - ham 15o; shoulder,, j, Htdo 1250 Hay, baled, fit o atoea, 100c. Apples, 1.00 Hops. 18c. Dried fruit plums, 9o, apples, 9o Chickens. $4 60 per dozen. Beef, on foot, 4c. Hogs, dressed, 7c. ' 0111L and MHMtt . MONDAY Col. Jeff Meyers was in the city today Will Rich has been appointed P. M. at Toledo. Kx-car.didate for sheriff A. A. Kees was in the city foday. 55. H. Rndd returned last evening from a flying trip to hit Peoria farm. Mrs. Wandel and son are visiting relatives in Port Townsend. Mre. Rev. W. B. Barr arrived in Al bany from the eaat Saturday. Mrs. E. Laforest and Mre. Huff went to Roseburg today on a visit. Mr. Ed Fronk, the popular S. T. cle k has returned from a short sojourn at Eu gene. License was issued today for tbe mar -riag of Bart H Allen and Mrs Elanor Carter, both of Halsey . Hon. Geo. E. Chamberlain went to Toledo today, to attend circuit court which convened there this afternoon with a very small docket. On Saturday evening a pleasant snr- Brise party was tendered Miss Lillie Mc largue. Those presmt were: Mr and Mrs welch, Mr and Mrs Skarr, Mr and Mrs McHargue, Lena and Flo McIIar gue, Mary Weber, Ira Turner. Fannie Titus, Flo Cheeney, Lillie McHargue, Rova Payne, Zetta Ogle. Nellie Lattv. Vena Stuart, Mirt Miller, Sadie and 1 Minnie Foley, Jessie Hunter, Louie Ray- j raond and Jessie Greehalgh.Hogh Fisher, j urva turner, sandy Scott, Mack Dennv, Bert Wright. George Howe, Will Gal bralth. Bert West brook. Wren Rosa, Eurey Howell, Oscar Goodman, Roma McCully, Charlev Fuller. Frank Stnart, Joe Ralston, Willie Welch, Jobny Mc Hargue. TISSDAY McAllister, of Eugene. Ar. McAllister, of Eugene, was in the city this noon. Mr. Harry Walden. O. B. agent at Har risburg. is in the city. Mr. Geo. DeVaney and family, of Scio. went to Eugene today on a visit. In response to a dispatrh announcing that his daughter. Mis Lilly, was worse. Mr. R. M. Robertson left thte noon for Ta conia. C. E. Henderson will lto to Salem at the coming contest, as the State University : orator, having won the position in a prelim-I nary trial. Mr. Myron Isham. the popular night i operator in the S. P. ofW is tain,,. (.,. days rest at his parents home inHarris burg. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wright, of Shedd. were in the dty yesterday. The former has oeen seriously ill for some time, and his If"" see mm out -n4nl- W. C. Tweedale. E. A Parker and T. J. j Stites. are in Eugene attending the cram! lodge. I. O. O. V., and Mr. Faroes. Mr. Weatheford and Mrs. Montajive the Kelwcea I lodge. Members of the Baptist Y. P. Union will take notice that their social has been post- - poned from Wednesday to Friday evening I on account of Minn Ackerman's lecture. Committee. J. ti. Crawford and others went to Cor vallis today, and will come down the Wil lamette in boats on each side of the river. A r "a a . I mating a thorough examination of the stream to see if the body has risen, tomor row being- the ninth day. Monday being the 17th birthday of Mia Lillie Purdon quite a number of her friends met at the residence of her parents and took hertsurprise. Games of different kind were indulged in and at a late hour a nice lunch was served. Those present were: Myrtle Miller, Fannie Edwards, Martha Risley. Bertha Wallace. Emma Smead Bertha Kiefer. Rosa Mespelt. Lena Kiefor. Lena Hubert. Edna Miller. Sadie Trnetu Edith Chisweil. Ola Miller. Ella Rislev Lillie Purdoru. Bert Veal. Bert Wertbrook. W'ill Warner. Sandy Scott Homer Phil lips. (ari Kiefer. Lamest hetchen. Oscar Zeyas. Clarence Dubrnille. Arthur Purdonj. WEDXSSDAT. Miss Minnie Folev.of the Indenen rlont cJ atx. aiem. was in the aty 00 a visit re tnming to that city this noon. A letter from L. Senders, at Eldorardo Springy, for his health, announces that be is greatly improved and much encouraged over the prospects. An eastern magwrine gives a picture of the twelve year old son of Senator J. N. Dolph and refers to his father as the trrrai financier, which suggests that the Senator is more celebrated east than at home. E. F. Sox left for the World's Fair this noon. Mr. Harry Craw, fireman on tbe Lebanon road. Frank Sanell and wife, of the O. P.. Henry H. Ames, of this citv. and W H. Harstine. left yesterday for the cen ter .f attraction. W. H. WTarner and James Murray billed Corvallis yesterday for the Corbett enter tainment, including a Celestial house at 11 o'clock at night the occupant refusing the privilege. They report a bigcrowd getting reidy to come to Albany Saturday on the special train. Maried. at the residence of the bride's parent, near Paulina. Crook county. Sun day. May 7th. 1893. J. C. Haaler. J. P.. of ficiating. Mr. W. H. Heisler and Mtaa Syl via Circle. Mr. Heialer is engaged in the cattle business at Beaver creek. His bride is a daughter of Mr. Vinee Circle, of Paul ina, and a grand-daughter of Mr. William Circle of Prineville. Attorney General Oiamberlain and C. E Wolverton returned this noon from Toledo, where they had been to attend the first Cir cuit Court of that county. Nearly all the Corvallis lawyers were present. There were no jury trials; but some business. A Holvoraen came down from the mines today. He reports work progressing on the lower tunnel in a satisfactory manner. About 70 feet have been dug; on the 100 foot cootract and some fine looking ore Is being produced. A Salem paper gives the following glow ing account of a recent Stayton wedding: One of the most pleasant affairs of the sea son, was the marriage of David Wyatt, son of Ihr. Wyatt. of Lyons, and Miss Minnie Balsley . of this place, which was solemnized on Wednesday, May 10, 1893, at the resi dence of the bride's parents, at high noon. The parlor was beautifully decorated with cat flowers, and the bridal party entered to the sweet strains of a wedding march. Rev. Roork, of Salem, performed the ceremony in a beautiful and impressive manner. Mr. Halsleyis in the mercantile business in Stayton. The happy couple left for Lyons, their future home, Thursday morning. The '.ride is a very charming and beautiful young girl, loved by all who know her. the groom was formerly of Salem, but at resent is running a hop farm up near .yons, with a thriving business, excellent morals, and well worthy of the prize he has won. Bobber y at Sales. Special to Dxaocaar. Salem Or May 1 5th . The residence of U A Krausse was broken Into yesterday while the family waa away. A gold watch and other valuable are missing worth two hundred dollars. Frank Riner, of Portland, on a couple weeks visit. is in the city Will Hang. The it no quettion as lo the verdict. He will hang, unless he buys us groceries ana produce 01 rerry (Jonn lake warning and go where you will get freb good and nrt diss treatment. Life Is too short 10 hang around half stocked places, tall on Conn and get the best in the market tn bit constantly renltntthed stock. He also hat a fin line of crockery and gists ware, many new designs just re ceived. You Can Walk to Chicago; but don't do it; it is too far. Nor la it necestaiy. If you want as good treatment at can be obtained in the United States, call on Parker Bros. they carry a mat class stock or groceries and produce, and tr you are not treated well it it your own fault. Frlcet always reason able. Their baked good are good enough for any one. and embrace a fine line, A first class baker doe the business. You do not need to go anywhere but to Parker Bros for your groceries and btkeJ goods. Laukdby Wobb. Every citizen of Al bany ahonld bear in mind that tbe Albany Steam Laundry guarantee first class work at very reasonable prices, and employs nothing but white labor. Shirts done as cheaply as the Chinaman, Pat ronize your own race. HE AND A lice city election occurs at Corvallli today. No clue yet to the whereabouts of the body of Carey Crawford. It rained on Easter and on seven Sun days Including Easter. The first admission tickets to the world'.! fair ever seen In Albany were received by Mr F M French today. A fine piece of work. The trotor began runnlnp yesterday on tha new bed, a great Improvement on the old road bed. It presents a business as pect to matters. Mrs Anna R Rlggs has been elected president of the stae WCTUforihe seventh time. A faithful woman In the m portant portion held. The Y M C A gymnasium class will meet tomorrow night instead of tonight, having been postponed, on account of the phonographic entertainment . One of Joe ilyers delivery teams ran away this afternoon, leaving the wagon at the Democrat office and stopping about in te door of G C Stamrd's drug store. Damage small. The Albany Democrat says Asa Men denhalj. recently with Schilling & Co, I contemplating establishing a bank at Junc tion Pity. This wilt be news lo our peo pie Janction City Times. Charlie Merry, a son of Tom B Merry, and once a reside it of Albany, is missing. He started east to whip his tter. father, wh- had been mistreating his mother, Mrs Crittenden, Merry's first wife, and was lost sight of on the way. Sam Crow and Mrs Govro were taken to Lebanon today by Sheriff lackson and Deput C S Smith for examination on the cnarge of murder. Judge Whitney will defend them. Mr I Banta is reported to have werked up the case. W ill It stick ? Should there be any encouragement the company will send a special train or boat to Albany the evening on which the ath letic association contemplate giving their exhibition in that city . The same may be said In relation to the Corbett combina tion which will appeal In Albany Saturday evening, May 20 h. Corvallis (itxette. T Last evening the Epworth League of the M E church held a very Interesting fourth anniversary service, In which thev were joined bv the other voung people's societies of the city. Mr Luther Elklns presided. Reports showed the society to be In a very flourlsning condition and do log good work. The program waa a good one. Now comes Jim Westfall, a good cltlien of Albany for fifteen or twenty years and n quests the Democrat to state that Gee Wa is the "bad man" in the recent Ce lev- la 1 aHalr. that he took him into his fam- 1 tHy believing hire all right ; but that he wa. UIrf(lll an. I tmtnl kin, n,..n It As. claies Little Jim to be a good man. The I)mocat ha gived both rides cf the matter, simplv as news, and hope the matter will drop now. A" hour after champion lame I Cor ben's memorable battle at New Orleans '' tnc '"wly crowned cnamplon could not te found. It wa believed that Corbett, like other conquering pugiits's naa done before him, had gone oil and celebrated hi victor by gelling Intoxi cated. Judge the surprise of the searching reporters when they found him In a se cluded comer of a restaurant, partaking of a cup 01 weak lea and a piece o! apple le The game of base ball .Saturday between iwe Caller club of Albany and Corvallis resulted in a victory for 'Corvallis by a cere of iS tr 16. In the last eight inning Albany made to to Corva'.lt 9. There wa considerable dissatisfaction with the umpMng of Mr Sonh.up, of Corvallis; nut that is a common thing In base ball. Mr Northrup la gentleman ,ard while he was no doubt biased, hi decision were generally pretty fair one. Urra Turner, of tbe Albany club, made the only home run of the game. It Mat be or some interest to know what the missionary work of the W. C T U. is. About seven or eight years ago Mias Levitt started on her tour round world to farther the temperance cause in foreign land. It is needless to say that her work waa bleeaed in nniting the tern be ranee worker of other land. Several wn iwr ih Acicnusn leu ner lovely oome 10 taae up tint neio and noniy I a 1 she fulfilled her mission for the past five years. But we shall bear more of it on Wednesday evening next . But the work she represents is worthy of support and to it me collection 'Oregon Pacific men look happy The prompt April payment did It. Si So ,000 is the amount of tbe deposits In the First National gar.k of Eugene. Mr Parrish, postmistress at Can) on City, U 10 be short $2,500 in her ac count. Two prominent citizens of Dallas ate said to have invested in green, goods. Green tr en. The order cancelling '.he Corbett en gagement waa reconsidered last night.and the celebrated champion will be here Saturday night as advertised. He will be given a big house. There were six convicts sent to the state penitentiary from Coo county at the ses sion of circuit court just closed. A special est'on haa been set for July 17th lo try two rotre murder cases. Being a resident ofChina will not to be a very pleasant thing. The countul in San Franciscdttuggest a good deal when he says: 1 he treaty will not have any effect upon tbe Chinese government In what they may tea fit to do regarding Ameri can In China." Word comet to ut from the eleventh annual state CTU convention held . Astoria Isal week that It wat one long to be remembered for lit enthusiasm and earnest effort. There were present In all 106 delegate. Mitt Sue Harrington, of the clasa of 1890 of the Wiitemette university, was married recently in Singapore. Mi Harrington has been doing missionary work in India for a year past. Independ ent. Albany Chinamen think they will be given a chance yet to register. They probably will not Jim Wcttfali says they don't care any way. The government will have to pay their transportation ; and then, a Celettrai can demand a jury trial if desired. There will be a meeting at the GAR Hall tonight to make arrangements for a proper observance rf Decoration Day In this city. Citizens generally and repre sentative af other societies are requested to be present and assist In making the event a success. We have heard it ttated bv panics from up the McKcnzie that a man recently came across the Cascade mountains hndlng about 15 feet of tnow at the deepest point. it wiil be the first of July before travel csn be resumed across tbe Cascade range. Eugene Guard. While going to the Bohemia mines, in Lane county, with several others, George Ort while attempting to ford the Frsnk Bass Creek on a horsa wat twept down stream and drowned. Ort wat a young man 33 years of age. Hit body wat tent to hit parent at Frottburg, Maryland. fhe Salem Improvement company hat been reorganized, t m crotsan Is presl stent. E J McCauttland it secretary, and win nave ensrge 01 me nook ana othce while A B Smith 1 superintendent, and will look after the details of the butinest on the outside. Salem Journal. In the Chinese exclusion cste decided in the Supreme Court yesterday, Chief Justice Fuller, Justice Fields and Justice Brewer dissented from the opinion of the majority, claiming that the constitutional right te exclude Immigration did not give the right of deportation. The decision of the majority at least gives satisfaction here to far at the sentiment of It Is concerned. Albert Hutton, from Mission bottom, called upon County Clerk Egan Monday tor $20 in payment 01 lour cayote sctipt. The county clerk bat a band of sheen in the tame locality to out of the fullnett of hit heart anded $2 more from hit own purse. The farmers on Mission bottom encourage the killing of cayotet by pay ing a bonus for every scalp taken, to that it is worth about $20toJhe party who kills oneofthete pests. SaTem Independent. There wat a large attendance at Mr .Tackton't phonographic entertainment last evening. It proved tatitfactory and a very pleasant affair. The phonogi tph It the wonder of thlt age, and its capacities were exhibited in a very comprehensive manner, A song by a quartet, Prof Dtvlt, W S Thompson.C H Hsrt and Prof Craw ford was reproduced befoie the audience. No one can afford to mitt hearing thlt wonderful machine, . Regular meeting of (he B. L. A. FrIJav night. l)e not fall to see Ed Abernethy On the Hying rings at the U A C entertainment. The Coupon Orchestra will furnish the music for the grand bull, nfter Ihu Oi A. C. entertainment. Hear Daamar and Decelle the Dinlsh warblers with the Coibett Co evening Silurdav A new military company Is being or ganized I.. Salem. This will make three companies In the Capital Cl'y. Fred Nodlne sued J. Q. Shlrlev, of Union county for $135,000. He recovered $17,500 and appealed the cae to the Su preme Conrt. Frank Biadbury, Chas. Pierce, S ml. Horn, Jas. McGuire, Chas. T. Michel and W. D. Moore, convict were nardoned yesterday by Governor Pcnnoyer. Wm. Keady the champion club swinger of the Pacific Cott, wiil favor the house with special club swinging, at the O. A. C. entertainment next Friday evening Do not fail tf see Palmer perform his wondeilul feats on the horizontal bars at the O A C Athletic entertainment, Friday evening next, at the pera house. Tnere will be a special meeting of the McPherson Corps No 13, W. R, C. on Friday Mario, at J 30 r m, A full at tendance is requested By frder of the president. In the recent quarterly txaminailon for teacners' certificates at Salem, sixteen nut f fifty-nine failed to pass. Five got first grade certificate, eleven second grade, and twenty tlx passed third grade A meeting waa held at Cresweli Satur day, and It wa decided it offer a bonus of $ and a blocs of land in the citv to secure the location of the county-seat there. '1 hey claim that the county seat is only temporarily located at Eugene, and will endeavor to force a vole to decide on a permanent location. Bill. BHT .me tit: John McNeil to M A Stone. 1 Murk Halaey Frederick Keival to John D Parson, one acre. II w :l 10 Sarah M Shields to H F McNu.un. H lot, hi PI K A. Albany. l.i.i. 10 John i t.. K.I 1 i'S-il ' i-a acre. Lebanon. A Bailsman to Elizabeth A M. Kervher lWxluj ft t. X Brown vine Browruville B a I. A to Eliza4h McKervher. 4 lot X Hrxmiis- ville M J Love to W J M. Meekin. KM acres. 15 w 4 W H Phillii to J H Walker. 'ii7.?M acre. w S ... 1 C Myers to 1! W it - S 48xlfi2 feet Scio HVklenian toZ Q Have. I kit, MO HZ, li s 4th ad. Albany Burteiuhaw to John Frextc !tiU acre. 11 w 1 . . C Slater to S S CouUm. 3 lo. Lebanon 416 Higgino to John Higasn. 41 acre. 13 w 3 1 Alois Tauzler to W H Sn-iler. I lot. Munker 121 W M Phillip, to W H Snyder. 6 acre. 10 w 8 ! li W Maston to S E Young. E Sox and P A 1 ioodman. lot 4. U 16. Allktnv 7)0O Geo CHevdermn to Jay W Blain. un divided half of" it.04 acres. II w 2 10 E LaFomtt to H Fanretl. ItiOxl.Vi feet. 12 w 3 00 Itto Grimm to E T Fisher. 1 acr- 10 w 3 SO t; M Thaw to M I Cildersirt,.. 49.M arre. 10 w 3 . . 2500 aiuaiM 1 Btac Stan On Ss'urdav vn me wrm 01 jame , Wallace about one half the distance from A'banw to Lebanon two luunr men. Mr Wallace and another were practicing catching -ith a bate ball.' GujThornpaon. ton of John B Thompson, aged about iS year was standing near bat at the mo ment of the accident was not watching the ball. The ball wa thrown br oneof the vounat men. bot rr.lssrrl lt dirmUn inn struck youig ITxynpsoo on the tern pie cauting hemorrhage of the brain f-om toe enects ot which he died at 3 o'clock P M Sunday. No one was to blame so we are informed. Young Thcrrsrwon was a nephew of Rutus Thompson of this city. MMbMSB MBtftSaVtBtl. Spacs t Daawaurt MCBAXOf, Or.. May 16th. -The prelim inary examination of Sam row are! Mrs. Govro recently arrested for the murder of old man Lovasil. wa brought to acloae this morning about 10::) oVlock. terminating in the discharge of the defendants on mo tion counsel for defence, on the ground that the evidence did not suflirientlv o iniHVt the I directly with . . . the crime it-.f .. the time of the mnrvler la inslifv their 1 ing held. Motion was sustained by the Justice and the prisoners were dixhargel. Bsiisal to th " . m EcctxE Or, May loth Grand En campment I O O F convened today and after rontinebutiitess elected the following officer for the ensuing yesr: Grand Pai riarcn, Wm Pfunder of "Portland, Grand High Priest , K L Harris of Dayton, Grand Senior Wardm, A C Marks, Roseburg, Frand Scribe, A N Gambeil Portland, Grand Treasurer. J G Wright. Salem, Grand Junior Warden. Its Curr.mir, mlr.g, WaT- Portland. Grand Representative, J J ton, Eugene. " Brace up" laa tantaJitaug adraooiliuo to shot who feel all titvd on '.without appetite and discouraged. But th war io wbkh Hood's SarsapariiU bolld npth tired frame sod gives a good appetite, is woods; f tl. Beat fan it cslhartic. Hood's P.IIs. Paiker Bros, grocer. V. M. French keeps railroad time. Boy your groom of Parker Bros Fia groceries at Cona it Heodri .. cream cbees just toeived at Conrad MeySrt. P J Smiley job .rioter, Flioo Block, "doe Srt class work. Smoke the celebrated Haraoa filled 5 oeat cigar at Julia Joseph's, Dr M U B'.lis, ohysiottn and surgeon Albany, -; i. Okll mill In oitv'or oouotry. 1 MKT MAVK MOVED. K'ein Bros arc new la their new qnartert in the Cutick block, and invite the public to call and see their metropolitan store, and at well inspect thslr Isrge and fine line of boots and shoes, for men, women and children. The are prepared to meet all the demands of the public for foot wear. New goods at Read, Peacock Co'. The Verdict Is unanimous that Will 4 Stark ctrry the b'Jt line of sliver ware In the valley. They have the variety an J qual ity, a combination that count in Olivine goods. An inspection always carries con viction. To tlie ladles of Albany. Madam Dean, of Chicago, is in our citv with n splendid stock of spring millinery. She displays for a few days at the parlor of the St Charles hotel. Almost Everybody now knows that Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Is the Quickest, Purest and Best of all the Baking Powders, and everybody should know that 99 of the Baking Powders contain Ammonia, Alum, Lime or other hurtful ingredients. What a revelation to the good house wife when she uses her first .can of DR. PRICE'S and beholds the beautiful work it does, so immeasur- Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report RoYal ABSOLUTELY PURE mini ahtoria. Astoria, May 13th, 1893. Some time has elapsed since your cor- respondent of this city hat written you about uia'.ters and things pertaining to the Isolated locality; not because there is nothing of interest to write about, but because he Iirs an indistinct remem brance of telling you ot the immediate and certain construction of two impor tant railroads from Astoria to Portland tlat up to this dat have eo far failed to materialize. However as time is the essence of alrMniportant propositions, we must therefore bide our lime and possess our souls in patience, (like the good christian people we are.) and wait till the necessity of these roads become ap parent to others beside ourselves. John Jacob As'or and Ben Holladay have been a long umeueati. John Jacob realized the importance of s his harbor aa a com mercial center, while Ben proposed to build the railroad that would develope the resources ol this rich and vast tin pire.but here we are close upon tbe heels of the departing century in which Lewi c Clark explored the great river of the west, and what have we accomplished. Let aocje one tell that knows more (boot it than the writer. Astoria ha jnat been shaken from center to circumference by the moral earthquake, in which the gambling fra terniy suffered by the enforcement of the laws against gain bling.but tha reform is no', likely to urove a success. The I city council is composed of men of varied j characters -most of whom are incapable , of exacting laws for the successful gov ernment oi such a communty. How such men are chosen ia nrnhtom rtiR- i cult to solve. Experience is not a necjs . sary qualification, but good sound genre 1 is, to constitute a good councilman. 1 lie in 1 nete invasion has been suc cewfnlly repulsed After leaving a nnm ber of her passengers in Portland, The : lanuoe niaJe her escape with ibe re 1 s matnder passing Astoria nnder fall ,Vg, I 'earn. If she wa libelled for infraction 01 lie passenger act, the did not wait long to K' investigated, knowing she night tail the teas over while the conrt here might have ber case under advise mvnt. Excursions and seaside travel will be gin tbe season about the 20th of this month. Not itbstanding tbe long talked j of hard limes preparations are being made by steamboats and hotels to ac j commoda'e Urge note her of visitors. Yours, Ned. tiEUTssEK IM EEtl Crop Weather Bulletin. Xol. of the i iregqri state weather service, for the week ending Tuesday. May lGth.ltt. BS Pagne. !vd fcreeaot "ffi.-ial weather luireau j Weatht-r Tbe part week has been the ' first good wk of favorable growing weather this Tring. (is the niirbt of the IJNfc light rain prevailed trbirh was ry wenume. inetiay nave been warm an-l clear. t 'nt - Tlie favorable wesuber h u mad I i favoralle changes in all vegetation. The fall swn wheat i knee high, of good color. I well stooled and well rooted: earlv siring A3 the force on the frm, haw , ,.!.,! la ssTastsfasw .! wwdimr arl tW i rv- tw-.w rrf-. tiv-..-.- .i.-. The urmm bu bren isrmunl in amw I sections and derraisevl in others; In th dose of the present week all i-iowing and seeding will be done. Oat ha M U - m-asssl acreage. Kye- is heading otri in I most of tbe counties. Along the msrthern oossst pnach and cherry trees are in full . hlaaru: in the interior valleys and southern ; roast se-tin cherries are formed and at t k- MSB are in full bloom. The rastirh crop j has i n somewhat injured and curl leaf is -more iininounced than usual. Strawberries SSB in full bloom and In tbe southern ooun I tss they are nTOing. itrap are coming into leaf- t ranuerrv culture in Lincoin county is being increased, those now out are doing finelv: the same in Coos and t'Utxop counties. The hot have rai-id but irregu lar growth, some are six feet high, others just above the ground, while in sections the I yard are not planted yet. iarderis are be ing made and planted: in the warty gardens vifetalrles are above the ground and have good growth. The hay crop promises to he very heavy; early grasses are heading out: clover is unusually heavy. Pastures are ex- cetstSB and stock 1 improving. Sheep nwazmiz progressing an.) an excellent . : ' ,i -i-. , . drj ing out and there is now no impediment to farm work, save the general rain which is falling today, delaying work, but which promises to be of short duration. There has been a steady rise in the Co lumbia and tributary rivers during the past week. The river at Portland is today 16.S. a higher point than ever before at thlt date in May when higher water followed in June. SKTIULC. The mul bos ii Inukinir around to w wberp wtrk i iiwhUhI root. Ho had Ivttor wait till the rain is over. Mr. Xrmlham has rvtiirneil from Iowa, i T"irr.n will Ik his future home if it does rain occaastonall)'. HolUin and W'iUuunson are building- a Liryv I urn for J. K. Hamilton. Si is Kthel Kiddoll ha gone to Harris l.urg to iit her aunt. Mr. Henderson. Miss Sarah Morris, of Olympia. i. ing her parent in South Oakville, perhaps will stay all niinmer. The provptvt for a Uurge crop of fruit wa never more promising, especially cherries, prunes ;uid plums, and gardens urc doing well, thir gartlner say he will kooii have eas and tatoe in the market. The sprint grain is mostly all sown. Some of our farmers are planting corn and potatoes, which will be us profitable a small grain and erhaps more so on small farms. Amicis. MttrtTILLE May l.Mh. ItW. fhe warm weather is wakint; 00 the people and bringing strangers in daily. lr Jones has leen appointed as one o the committee for the improvement of th soda springs, M A Miller Laving resigned Mr Fields and f:unilv. of Walla Walla, is staying at the Valley View hotel. A gentleman! we failed to learn his name. from Oakland, Cal.. on his way to the World's Fair, stopjed over here a week. IJniv Cross, who has been with Mr Fisli- er.haa accepted a position with Dr Limber- son, liray has made many menus during his stay here, who are sorry to set? him leave. The new hell wax placed in jnisitionon the C 1' church last week. Ijist week a young man was arrested and fined $G and costs, making a sum of 113.70. We hope thi will he a lesson to Jthers. as tlure is nothing smart or manly in hood liunism. We do not irive his name on ac count of his parents. 11 Wilson, of Ix'huuon. has Uvn in town moving houses and nuking; a great im provenient in the looks of things. B. Baking Powder MM EtrLtSaTtOX: Editor Irmocrat: Hum : My attention has been directed to some lines in yonr esteemed paper of the 12tli inat , by which I see that the Astoria Budgett it in the blues and ven's its bad humor in a "rather lively way." What language lie hat fonnd fit to n I dont know, and it is indifferent to me, as me most scurrilous paper conld not find any reasonable cause for reflecting upon my character as a man and as a business wan two different beings according to tbe moral code of many people. Xow, the facts in the matter are that I acted as an agent for said paper, the stibecrip tion price being two dollars, one of which was to be my fee. Business proved dull. People seemed to consider thf paper and matter value richly paid by one dollar, an opinion which I valiant! v combated, but in vaiu. I told the edilor, Mr. W. Ihmbar. that undesirable state of preva lent public opinion. As he wanted his paper introduced in as many homes as possible even at the price people valued it, and I could not work for nothing, it was agreed upon that I might sell it at one do.iar the lee of my agency. Yon know it was, Mr Uunbar, and vour edi torial staff knoTs it was Xow ibis was a bad business for you for the time being, but yon had an eye to tbe fntnre of your paptr. In common luttice you most own, Mr Dunbar, that I am without any, the least responsibility in this respect Yonr paper must stand upon its own merits. If it has not met with the exptcted two dollar success, you should take it easy. Yon mnst not in fit of pation squander space and ?nk on me in my old frier.d, the Attoria Bodge".', where we may ril! meet on friendly terms. T. M. Moraisros. OZvJQ EATJOY8 Both the method and results whci Srrnp of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts ptn Jy yet promptly on the Kidney. Liver and Bowels, cleanses the svs tern effectually, dispels colds, bead- :. ecbes and fevers and cares en and east sksatteal constipation. Svrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pre doced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial tn iu effects, prepared only from tbe most bestlthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and hare made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for aak in 50c and 1 bottles by all leading drug gists, Any reliable druggist who may not have it 00 hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. S FUiOSCO. C1L. WJtsrms. n. acm rasa. .t ALBANY OPERA HOUSE. WIKS irsicx.. ONE SB ttird&V NIGHT May 20th, : EXTRAORDINARY ENCACEwENT Chammon of He World JAsJ.ES CORBETT Atdsted bra Select Dramatic Companv 'in Hit New Pltv, GENTLEMAN JACK. Superb Scenic Effects Tne Campus at Payn College, Madison bejuare Roof batdcn.N Y Training guarters at Loch Aibour, N J, Olympic Cub Arena,New Orleant. Children, 50 crt.U; reserved seats, $i.v palUi', 75Ctr.U; DRUGS, S'.atioiery, Toilet Arties, Musica Instrumen'S, Etc. Hodofis k HcFarlantl, 'The Corner Drug Store," Albany, Or. WANTED - SitnaHon for light housework by middle aeedlaay, ddro'B box 37tl P U, Kir M ' JrMmBBBBBBBBBBBBBW" ' V4Cv ' COME - AND The DRESS GOODS and TRIMMINGS, CAPES and JACKETS, BOOTS and SHOES, Parasols, Lace Curtains. Furnishing Goods, Etc, ts-LTsaW-t- READ, PEACOCK h COS., 4 SUCCESSORS TO W F READ- PUTTING M EN are equally interested with women in apearing at their best this month. Lverbody is glad to dis caid winter CLOTHING an,J change to the brighter things of spring, And do you know that in the combination of tailoring and luxury, or tailoring and ele gance the L E Blain C'othing Company leads the trade. THE fortune of the store in owning such elegant Spring Suits, Spring Trousers, Dress Shirts,Negligee Shirts, Fine Footwear, And the Newest Styles In Hats CONCERNS every gentleman within reach of the s'ore. They're dressier than ever this spring. There's always another leaf of elegand possible to good tailoring. LOOK dispassionately at the set-out in our windows' You'll say that the day of the merchant tailor for pro ducing luxurious clothing is past. WERE2iust a considerate of boys andjouths. With every $3 purchase in boys' clothing we give a baseball and bat free. REMEMBER THE PLACE Flint. Block, -t- AJ NEW : FUPN1TURE, SrUBE ISKOWFCLL OF FIR?T e f tea room s. chair. Icoogc, e-, BOTTOM Csll on mi for bargains. SEEDS PORTLAND SEED CO., Portland, Or. SEND FOP ADVANCE THRESHERS Are warranted to thresh mo grain in a given time and do it belter man any ma chine made. The Advanck Tractios Esgixes are the bett In the world. Remember lsrge work mear.t large profi't in the threshing business. Catalogue mailed free. EDWARD HCGHES, Gen'l Ag't, Portland, Oregoa WANTED At the nore Allen Bros., formerly owned by BUTTER, EGGS, LARD. BAUON. and GH0I0B APPLB8, for which possible. I will psyche bet cash price B F RAMP """aa ON STYLE 1-j t , Oregon - CLASS FL'EXITUEE. COXSISTtG which I will eli x: PRICES. Tlios. Brink. See and Poult si SUPPLIES Fertilizers TREES. CSTSLCCm albany mm CO. laltiswre Elok - - Attuy, (Nt. Dealer lir all kinds uf Furniture. Was. Paper Carpets, fjno'eurr.s. Picture Frames, tie UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY hydk&Tames, Ptot etrrs J)rugs, l?aints. Oil Glacis, Etc J. A. ALBANY Co mining OREGON FOR RENT. Ha photoeraph tbe Y M C A Mock . Cal 00 tary at he omc cf the YMC. K&liery ia .he : WJ ANTKD.- a. lady fiesirea to secure f a situation as nurse, loqui'e st ibe resjdeaee cf Mrs K RoKrts 00 Thi-d street between Montgotne-ry and Rail road. SEE Wall Paper, ably superior io that of any other.