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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1893)
lite cnt0cut. PREPARE TO TAX INCOMES l'here is little doubt that tho revenue bill of the next congress will contain a clause imposing a lax upon incomes over a certain amount sny over 110,000 and that from this source can be raised revenne enough to supply any deficiency that may result from a new adjustment of the tariff. The proposition is already warmly ad vocated by leading democratic papers in the west and south, and such a tax his al ways commanded the support of a large majority of the democrats in congress. Many leading republicans also have favored it. Secretary Fessenden urged the continuance of the Ux in 1864 and John Sherman made a speech in the senate ad vocating it in 1882. Mr Wells, when com missioner of internal revenue, earnestly ad vocated it. upon the ground that through it a larger proportion is contributed to the revenues by the classes best able to con tribute than by anv other method of tax ation, and because these classes owe more to the protection of the government and consequently should pay more to sustain it than the poor, who pay very nearly if not quite as much as the rich when taxes are imposed on the necessaries of life Toe objection that such laws offer temp tations to fraud and false sweating and cannot be enforced is met by the facts that the system operates satisfactorily in Eng land, France and Germany, as well as in other European countries, and that we easily raised over 170,000,000 from it in 1866. Besides, nearly all forms of taxation are open to the same objection. Frauds are committed under the tariff laws, in the assessment of lands and the listing of per sonal property; but governments do not hesitate to impose taxes merely because some men succeed in evading them. It would not be difficult to improve on the previous law and to provide methods for ascertaining the amount of incomes with such penalties for evasions as will in sure the fair enforcement of the act. Vfe can discover no objection to the proposition that does not .apply to othe forms of taxation, while it possesses merits which no other form has. It is equitable : it falls upon those most able to bear it and who require most government protection. IMTKKMTING FACTS Sir John Herschel says that If a solid cy' inder of ice, 45 miles in diameter and 200, 000 miles long, were plunged end first into the sun, it would melt in a second of time. The position of the lamprey eels lias been reviewed by Prof Howes, who thinks that instead of being primitive forms they are aberrant fish-like forms, which have lost their lower jaw, their sucking mouth hav ing been secondarily acquired. If the heat of the son were nrodnced by the burning of coal, it would require a layer 16 feet in thickness, extending over its whole surface, to feed the flame a single hour. With the sun a solid body of coal, it would burn up in 46 centuries. The oil wells of California are said to be c ipalle of producing all the coal oil that will be needed on the Pacific coast for ages. The oil is of two kinds, one very dark and heavy, suitable for lubricating purposes. At the depth of i200 feet a good illuminat ing oil is found. The presence of so much oil is clear indication that somewhere on the Rocky or Sierra Nevada mountains are immense bsds of coal. The mineral wealth df the Pacific Coast States has not "by any means been develope I. Only the localities likely to jiHd gold or silver have received much attention yet. Bat cost mines may well prove more valuable than do those of so-called precious metal, which on the average cost in work full value for all they produce. A firm in Savannah, Ga, is engaged in making a substance practically the same as India rubber out of cotton-seed oil . The process is a secret one, and ot course, as rubber has been very dear, the profit is enormous. The uses of the cotton plant are constantly enlarging, and to these extend ed uses of its c'aief staple southern planters owe much of the prosperity they enjoy. Their method of farming, by continuous cropping without seeding, and with little manure, except commercial fertilizers, is gradually changing. Aa the use of cotton seed meal for feed is better understood, planters will keep and fatten more beef, possibly do something towards supplying southern tables with southern-made butter. As it is now, butter in the South is always dear, and is usually poor iri quality also. Gov McKinley is very much disturbed at the repirt that the Secretary cl the Tress ury is gathering data for a tariff bill to faci litate the work of the Ways and Means Commutes when Congress shall assemble. He regards this as a dangerous Innovation on "the old fashione-l way." The country kno a all about tc "old fashioned way" of revving the tariff, It was in full operation in the committee room where Mr McKlnley presided. It produced Ihe new ''lartfi uf abominations' for which be vniply stood sponsor. The "old tani med way" is for the pro tecteo inrma.xi i; who till ihi Republic n osnipaign pa al 1 1 apnea in Washington, in person or by proxy, .i(l Writ; the sche dules to suit themselves h.:hc.Iv an attempt at BonceslssSnt when nr so called M Kin icy hill was ia tfcOCaM of cons. men 1 1. A P'Omtnenl m -in'jer of the Minufac urer's Club of Phil id.- ',iaail wit'i tru'sl frank Stesa d'aiin Use las: campaign .hat they made th- tariff, '.hey ,.:,id for I: an I they pr.ipos-e-l to reaii the lnefts Orift) tt ways, the coantry will un doub: il , f -r revision by atemen in the intend of the epV to revision by mm.ipo-i- s in theirovn interest. la vif v Of tin t,it'jinnt male by the OrrgunrVfji to the effect Kia1 democrats are averse to discussing the 'ariff question, we beg foe' I atten'ion to the fact that for the nitif; m"nths ending March 81, 1892, there ayere imparts into this country 244, 613,884 poun'in of tin plate and for the nine months ending March 3lst. 1893, there were imported 420. i90,890 pounds, being an increase of the latter nine months over the former of 175,576,050 pounds. Now, why tnis increase if the McKin'ev tariff law by its protective operation wa to result in production of large quantities of tin plate? Figures were given by republican leaders in the last campaign showing that Urge quantities of tin were 1eing produced, and the promise was freely and frequent'y made that in a brief length of time enough tin plate would be produced in this country to supply the borne demand. But this promise has n t been made good, in tho face of such facts no arguments from de uiocrato ai need-1. Democrats are simp'y waiting for protectionist- to produce an argument worthy of an answer. The figures above are official. v Pennsylvania Senator Quay warns the Repub'icins thai, only men of imhl-inlshi d Character should be nominated for office. As a reminiscence of tkc Dlaraarer r .. paign ana a ca'm Ignoring ot hia lack of qu ificati in, in the matter ot character this a a fine example of cheek. IIOAKY Senator G F Hoar made so lovely and liberal a speech at a non partisan dinner in Boston last week that the Boston Htraid was almost persuaded that he meant to be some thing better than a narrow partisan hereaft er. Rut all these brave hopes are dashed by his speech at the Home Market Club festival Wednesday, lie then relapsed into his old doctrine that the politics of this period all hinge on the issue of a generation past. His pre cise language was: "Men who were for freedom in the late war are more likely to be better guides for the country's progress thin men who fought for slavery." Senator Hoar's case Is hopeless. He is as much a fogy in these times as the Hunker Whigs were In the fifties. At a matter of fact the Senator believes that any man who was for slavery in the late war and is now a Republican is a fitter guide for .Ms country than any man who was for free dotr In the late war if he Is now a Democrat, It was Senator Hoar who hailed Gen Ma hone aa a statesman hose face was to wards the morning. Did anyon; hear Sena tor Hosr protest against turning Gn Corse out of the Boston Post-Office? WAITINU lMTlKNTLY. Gov Pennoyer this morning said in a good humored way that he had not re ceived an apology from Secretary Gresham yet and he could not account for the sec retary's silence. The governor did not place any credence en the report that Cor poral Rockafellow would bono a cannon from Vancouver barracks and attack the executive mansion. Portland Dispatch. Of course the corporal will not borrow a can non from Vancouver barracks. He will borrow the one that lorn Walt borrowed from the govertioi on inauguration day. The Orvgoir.a ts driven into a very small hole, surely, when It has not Mug more truthlul to say concerning democrats than that t W shrink from discussing the tariff question Every body else knows , (and we supposed oar esteemed co temporary knew.) that the time for discussing the tariff by democratic newspapers was passed. The democrats made up their case on the tariff question at Chicago last June and went be- orc the great jury, the voters of the coun try, and that jury after hearing patiently all hat the democrats had to say on ihe one side, and the republicans on the other, ren dered an emphatic verdict in favor of the democrats, and it only remains for congress when it convenes to enter judgment on the verdict of the jury. To discuss the tariff question now would be like presenting a case to a jury af-er they bad rendered their verdict. But democrats are always ready to discuss It when discussion is in order. The Iodianhpolis Sentinel says with scm evidence of exultation : Pensioners who are dropped frora the rolls will bear la naiad that the order drop ping them was issued by a Republican ad ministration some weeks before President Cleveland was inaugurated. Bat would there not be more cause for party rejoicing if the correction of pension abuses were the work of the Democratic party? Our understadding was that the people put the Democratic party in power for tSe purpose of inaugurating reforms of all kinds, and we are unabie to Me how the people of the Uoited Stales will have gained bv Democratic as :endincy by merelv con tinuing to carry out Republican policies The Democratic party must show itself to be capable of taking the initiative in public affairs and especially of ramping the poll cies declared in its p'atform upon the ad ministration ol laovernment If it ts to eojoy ' tne 'i" confidence of the people The Mexican papers tell of a raise named Monecke. who recently died. H's rela-ivea were unwilling that his body should be in terred, as be had tattooed his will over his chest with some red pigment instead of using pen and Ink . The court decreed that th remarkable ' human document" should be copied, and the representation duly attested in the p'eseoce of witnesses. This was done, and the court has pronounced the will genuine. A freak of nature even more remarkable thaa that of the Siamese twins Is reported from Nanking, where a Kiansi mm has two sens, aged about eight, ho are joined to gether by an "armlike piece ol flesh" about the ixe of a man's arm, in snch wise they they s'and, not sloe by side, but lacejto face. A writer who has examined them states tbit when they walked tieyhad 10 move side ways or should :ts first, like the pi regri oat ion of a crab. The Constituntioal Convention of New York State has been long postponed, but will be h-id In Miv.iSqi. It will consist of 17s delegates, 160 from the 31 State districts and 15 from the Slate a- large. The constitution that the convention wil prepore is to be subrriited to the people at the election in 1S94, at which time gov ernor and lieutenant governor and mem bers of Congress are to be chosen. The attempt in Baltimore to run a bqys' and girls' schorl very near each other and prevent flirting will prove a failure. To have young girls and lads wiihin signal ling distance of each other and avoid the indulgence of this delightful and very ural diversion is simply impossible. Report to the government from various dwricte throughout Italy show the drought has caused sueh damage to h- grain crops thit Italy will he compelled to import Ibis year over 100.000,000 boshsfs of grair. in excess of the ordinary amount imported A bell that could be heard 35.000 feet the can four in water could lie heard only 656 in open sir. Dog barking on the earth be heard by balloonfsts , t a he'gnt of miles. Different points on the surface of the earth revolve with different velocities. At the poles 'he speed of rotation is nothing, but at the equator it is greatest, or over I,ooo,oro miles per hour. The 'i lea ar, caused by a great wave, which, raised by the moon's attrirtim, fol luws her in her hoarse around the earth. The sun .1 jes soui-what in producing this cffe.t, but, as the moon is 410 times nearer the eaith. her influence is far greater. Were the sun' attractive force upon the sarth replaced by the largest iteel telegraph wire, it would require nine wires for each square inch of the sun .. ar 1 hi. t - of our g'obe to hold the ear h in i s orbit Ohio democrats should not decline to hit McKinleyism simply because it is down. They have u good opportunity to carry the state this year and they should go in and win. 1' 41 I.Jvao sr ii-, la in ike a i;lohe the lze of the sun The deustlv of the sun i, only about one-fourth that of the earth. ' The rurvture of the earth is eight Inches . per milt. Watch i a uecs I on VI,V 1 '" nt '" -tar' , whosn 1 1 ;. - I irjti ii' vin 1 nd p 10 the 1 mm m' t reanoua'do, Tnv un -j-!iiti io this line as well as ;.urlly. ulvs y nn in jewelry From cur regular Correspondent. .V ash iNOToN, May 8, 1893. President Cleveland Is being Importuned to call an immediate exlra session of Con gregc, and the presence of ex-speaker Crisp in town started a rumor ihat he had decided. He has not rr.ade the decision public. There is little doubt that Mr Cleveland would call sn immediate extra session if he knew that it would promptly repeal the Sherman sliver law, but of that be Is not certain, and a refusal to repeal might have a bad effect on the firm-rial situation, which has njt been aflec'.ed by the Wall street excitement during last week. Many demo trats express the opinion that it would be the i roper thing at this time to call an extra session and throw the responsibility of maintaining the govarnment credit upon congress, but tliey also express their confi dence in the president's ability to do the right thing. Secretary Carlisle took a long step In, the right direction w hen he demanded the resign.! Ion of A L Sturtevant. chief of the division of statiorery. Surtevanl, has b -en in office 31 years, is rich, a salaried j officer 01 a arcspetous safe deposit company and savings hank, and is moreover a ring leader in what is locallv known as the "treasury ring,'' m 'rubers of which have for years bossted that no secretary could get alone, without them- It haa not been two weeks since a loeal pipe, printed aliit of probable changes in the treasury, singling out those w'10 belonged to the "treasury ring" as men whose services it would be iro po.slble for M Carlisle to dispense with sad till continue to o business, and even now the same paper savs that Mr Carlis'e wil' upon consideration of the matter reques Sturtevant to wit'udraw hi resignation, but all the same h; wili not . He will probably get rid of every chief that belongs to the ring just to sho a them how essy it is to get along without them. He certainly ought to. ' Secretary Lament," said a Mew Yorker to your correspondent, "has no Intention of j ..miinlnir in the cabinet lie nniv arcinl- ed a portfolio as a favor to his old friend, the president, and with the express understand ing that he would resign aa soon as certain work was done ia which he was to take ! pan. ExsCly what that work la 1 don 1 think anv body, except Dan and Mr Cleve land kniw; but there are good reasons to suppose that it relates largely to the federal appoin'mentg in New York,' and as soon as all of those appoint meats the prominent one-, I mean ire made, I am under the impression that Secretary lamont will re sign and resume hra connection with the Whitney street railway syndicate, where hi, salaiy wag more than three times what he sow receives.' Secretary Lamont declines o dUctissi the prohibitive of his early reals; - nation, dlnsiuing inquiries with the state- j meat that be has no present intention of re - ig ling But there are other things which point to the probabi'ity of hit rolng so The secretiry of war has les pa-ionage than any other number of the cabinet, but Secretary Lamont has not availed himself even of the little at his disposal, and many b -lieve 1 hat It it bec'ute be t-n; his successor to have the choosing of the official. Another (lias that has bees commented opon is thai the f.monl h.ra not ai.en on If... reaidaaea n New Vork city, and when Mrs Lamont was in Washington a shot tine ago she spoke very in leanitcly aVrut b;r coming here to livj aciin; and 00W last week she axepte 1 - . .. . ., , r , a zatkm, which wou:d not have ben tendered to her had it been innnatf. i ihat aha had an immedUte Intention of removlne her re.i- desce to Washington. Why mi (rep reKen tattoo should be sv cen- erslin rspablicsn newapapers, as to the. number of foarth class postmasters appoint- ! ed. when tt b so ease to eet the official ns. arc is one of those things that are d"n-UJl o understand. The republican cannot be 'fired out' 100 fast for postmasters the av-rage afnre wlw. a . a -.. u a i wiiuiai, a-UM iv wdiliu incniwc KI vw.we.1 through na,. nls,, h, i.t.r read - - m i a - itable than Other SllsS 10 Mr Maxwell had he exceeded the record of Mr Clarkaon in put- ting in republicans four years ao, bat be has not come up to that reco d by s long . ,., . , , . , s shot, ss will besee.i from the figures beU,w. Du.iog tbefirat two months of the llarri- son adminiatra'ioo s I h foarth class post misters were appain'el, while the number appointed dating tbe fir two months of tbe present administration only reached 3,894 of which 2.6S5, were made 10 rid vacancies caused by resignation an I Oeatu. Sa you see only l,2ao republicans have been remov ed, sgalnat 3,496 democrats remored by Ciarkson in the same period. Brother Max well ma largely increaae hut -peed io mak ing removals without offending say good democrat. The r-cord of presidential post masters appointed during the same periods stands Harritan 264, Cleveland 155. -as Fsutg FKosjtsra. The matter of wool importation is worthy the attention of all candid, thinking wool grow rs. It was promise J that McKinley's new tariff law would operate to keep out foreign wool and thus secure tbe home market for our own home wool growers This is the essential doctrine of protection. Hence, an increase in duties on wool was made in the McKiuley tariff law. Now. see tbe practical effect of the operation of tbe law. For the nine months ending March 31st, 189:1, there were imported into this coun try 1 12,07 .849 pounds of wool, and for the nine months ending March 31st, i893, these were imported into this country" 13 1, 451,009 pounds, being an increase of 19.372,160 pounds. Does this look much like keeping out foreign wool and preserving the home market for our own home producers of ool? This is protection for tbe woo' grower with a vengeance. But what effect has tbe McKinley law on our export trade? It was a fact known of al men that foreign countries, and especially England, regarded be McKinley law as unfriendly legislation How does it affect their demand for wheat ? We go to the figure" again which are offi cial. For the nine months ending March 31st, 1892, we exported i28,347.897 bushels, and for tbe nine months ending March 31st, $96.' we 90,001,004 bushels,- For the for mer period we exported 57,575.367 bushels of corn, and durinir tbe latter nine months we exported only 31,228,253 bushels. Dur ing the former nine months we exported 10,375,772 bushels of rye, and during tht latter nine months we exported only 1.124. 146 bushels. The value of all breadstuff exported during the former nine month was $241,4,127, and the value of all breadstuffs exported during tbe latter nine months was only $153,497,581 . The value of all cotton exported during tbe former period wai $223,334,444 anil for the latter period it was only $158,026,255. These stern facts will erve to show f trmers how much they hat e been benefit telbythe McKinley law It will be re mMnbered that it was the boast of repub ¬ lican papers that the McKinley law equal ized and distributed the benefits of pro tection in such a way as t) secure the farmers a fair share of it. But alas, the fickleness of the promises of men who have bean robbing you under the forms of law. These facts inuke their o n argument. A tax on incomes of over 110,000 will fal on those who receive most protection from the government and tro best able to bear its burdens. The situation with several Albanv ueonle I see rus o bo that it' they lower the raff) they win gtto tne tatr. Don't bother yourself alxmt t'hinu. that country is not on the fight. It will never fight anybody except a tew defenseless mis sionaries. They want to keep the celestials at home, and do not care how many return. The air though is full of smoke. Among baseball crunks of Portland few players are better or more favorably known than ' JigvN" Parrott, A San FtaiMjjaUJ paper of Saturday pays him this compli ment: " 'Jiggs' Parrott, formerly of Port, land, is now regarded as one of the greatest third-basemen in the business. He holds the record for four straight games, which he played without an error. In these games no had 2U assists and 1 1 put-outs, a total of 84 chances aoeepUnl and a percentage of 1000." "Jiggs" is a true son of the hind of showers, ho having first seen the light of life in Kust Portland. -Telegram. Rev. J. R. N. Bell spent Tuesday in Rone burg, on his way Koine from Mcdford whereie attended the teachers institute. He informs us that he has secured the patent on his binding strap, and will soon basin manufacturing them at Independence. The material has already been received from the cast- mis is sometiung mot every travel- Idaho, assaver I'nited States assay office, l r who carries a trunk or valise should , Boise City.'ldahoFred K Pentield, Con haw, and Bro. Bell expects to make el.- necticut. agent and consul general of the 000,000 right away. We hope he may do j United States to Cairo; Irving B Kichman, so. Roseburg Review. Thetrutli will out. ; Towa. consul general of the Coiled States Most of our exchanges have referred to the j St Call. To be consuls of tie United States: invention as an attachment for binding 1 Edgar L Civens. Arkansas, Winnipeg; A! wheat ; but alas, it only refers to trunks and j feed C Johnson. Pennsylvania, Stuttgart ; valise. If one thing is needed more than Charles W Wt.ry. Jr. Delaware, St Ktienne: another, though, it is a rapid working ap-1 Wendal C Warner, New York, Tunstall ; plianoe for binding trunks. ! Francis X Belleau. Maine. Three Kivers, j Canada; Anthony Howells, Ohio. Cardiff; ' John P lieecber. Sew York, Cognac; Peter A Savanab firm offers us a lot in Phoa hateCity, Fhv, fora years advertisement. Plenty of phosphate at bo-ne This scheme, by the way is becoming a chest nut. In last .veek'a letter to the S. F. Ex aminer Bill Nye speaks ot Etifcene as the place) where there ia 140,000 acres of good farming land for sale within the city limits. Marion county is talking about having an ownership book. The exoerience of Benton, Clackamas and Multnomah counties would raggeet that' they keep their eye open. Roseburg will get the Soldiers' Home, and Kastcrn Oregon will get the oranrb asylum, but a lot of fool newspapers will I never get good sense Sa'em Statesman. Which tungests the peculiar fact that all newspapers are fools but No. 1. Mrs Anna Potter, who ran for mayor at Kansas City, has turned in her sworn statement of campaign expenses : "Jo- renile colored band. 125; band wagon. 5: another band, $24 ; tickets, $18 30: four banners, $2: total, 17950." Mrs Potter rxceived 25 votes. Frank F.lttore, of Gordo. Pickens r-un ty, A .a. have found $23,000 in 1 buried pot by reason of a communication from a spirit of an old settler, who ap- peami 10 mm st uigi.t .ot many pro pie will believe the story I-ast evening a Chines nhsaaant saen flying in the very heart of the city a IB a SB a . of Albany. Albany Pemocbat tiown iters we take em in the stomach. Port- i kna heart is big enough, nil right, still ! l,,e Itnach IS the bett dlgWter. Mr- cury. I A OerSOO CSU now SO' bv steam from i '"Tr w rerum w? ine JOpps dr Jer- . . . . pKi nuiway nas neen formal y opened j 1 or uusines lor several months, and pil- erims are now beins hauled to Jemaaiam : by locomotives made .in Philadelnhia. ! I!'e Joppa tojerusalem is only isaa sn secono class and for first I class. i The other Jay while returning home t'rm ha'em, Ute Lecturer H. K Hares I fPPed towqulr of some boy the wsr ; to a certain ntam afta.a o. Kn 1. . a given him the desiied information he ; asked them if they had a grange at that i P-Bce- "A shat?" "A grange he replied. I .J00'1. k" " W" UcoUi-' reply. I aon I know.' was the laroni reolv I li., . , . , ' . ' .i-0"'..1.??.1'" " ,lmM' '-' , urauucuv J Here's another view frjm a different ' Salem paper : Somebody bss bee- railing i ?" lg? twnblera Tin-horn gamblers are bad enough, but tbev are no wone tba u,,.,, jn ,oUu.r ' callings. And we fail to see the dar I t difference between tin-horn gamblers aou oiuer gamnasrs laro gambiei s. for instance, or Paraob, aa oar city editor will hsvs it. Tbey are all trying to get something for nothing It would be mach better if we had no such class st all. - ' Three ducks on a pond and a hoy fwhinir from the sidewalk in front of the hVvcrc House, was one of the intcrv-tinir featun- of a very wet forenoon. A man recently in Kllensburgh. Wash., said in Kllensburgh there are entire blocks of fine two-story bricks that are empty, and money is almost an unknown quantitv. People in the Willamette valiev have noth ing to lack at. This is a peculiar world. It cost Colum vJSSJ:jrS' w' - been figured out that it will cost lOiajO times aTm,.h aaEl 1,' J Li Wi w-"o i ammoui. :uiu it naa which V?;i3.000,000 had len sw-nt when the show opene.1. lUrtiTnriif to the Sn i-r k Hiin. th. S..- w. Y , " " - - 1 scm democrat says the htateman s state- ment that a majority of the prmpW of Salem are not opposed to the governor's action is alraolntely false, and we do not Iselievc it can hnd hve business men in the citv who will agree with it. Salem has slept upon her rights altogether too long. In fact, its good nature in the past constitutes its chief danger now, and if the editor of the States- man had iust a trirla of mmmon nu h would understand that everv oublic build - trig that is located elsewhere loosens our hold upon the camtal." which is not a fact The capital is solid in many states whercthc buildings are scattered as they should 1-. Tliin Ii'bhciis ilissatisfacticn. TELEGRAPHIC NHS. home Bsie appointment. Washisotow, May 16 Benj H Moore a son of a Parsee merchant, has been ap pointed collector of 'Alaska. Henry (iruy o Portland and John Lane of Roseburg were candidates. Other appointmects were: A C Baker, of Arizona, chief justsce of the supreme court of Arizona. Edward L Hall, of New Mexico. United States marshal for New Mexico. W A H Pugh, of Ohio, com missioner of customs, vice S V Holliday. of Pennsylvania, resigned. Robert M Cousar. of Tennessee, deputy first auditor of the treasury, vice Alex F McMillan, District of Columbia, resigned. W H Dimcnd, super intendent of fhe United States mint at San Francisco. 1 Csaast Be Barerred, Washington, May 16. The Chinese question occupied tbe entire attention of the cabinet at it meeting today. Before the cabinet meeting. Chief Justice Fuller, who dissented frorg) the decision of the su Ereme court., called at the White House and ad a brief talk with the president. Sub sequently tbe chief justice had an interview with Secretary Uresham. It is understood Uie conclusion reached by the cabinet was that the law could not be enforced, for tbe reason that there was no money available for the purpose. The act only carries an appropriation of $100,000. Secretary Cur bale snowed that not more than $16,001) of tlmt sum remained. High Water Bid II. Astuiua, May 16. Tho lower river cun nei vuien sustained a serious loss at an early hour this morning through the very high freshed now running down tbe Co lumbia. Between Chinook and Sand island, across Baker's bay for a distance of three l miles, are over 300 Sshtraps. each of them j costing a minimum sum of $1000. Fifteen were completely washed away inside of an hour by tbe strength of a current. High Wateri Spokank, Wash, May 16. Tho Spokn n river will be higher this year than ever b e fore in its history. t is now i2J feet above low water mark, and is rising at th rate of three inches every 24 hours Snow in the uper Coeur d'Alenes have not com raenced to nieltyet, and it is expeatvd Iba the river will rise six feet more before reaching its height. KxtraortUnary pre cautions have been taken 111 the way of strengthening bridges, mu! at Front slreet nruige street curs have been prohibited row crossing. The Allre Klanrbartl. j I'oktland, May 16. The Steamer Alice ; ; Hlunchnrd. under arrest at Vaquinu bay, 1 was released yesterday upon order of Judge 1 Hellinger It will be remembered that the : steamer was recently libeled for loOOO by Um Oregon Pacific for salvage, claimed for helping her off the short of the bay opposite Newport. Subsequently two fishermen. Carlson and Andrea, libeled her for $10,000 for having g- ne aboard her while she was beating Witting about the bar and piloting her safely in. The defendants appeared in eourt yesterday and gave bonds in the sum of 0,0O0. She was accordingly released by telegraph. , oue More Appointment. Washington. May 18. The president today made the following appointments: S r Webb, Arizona, collector or customs for the district of Arizona; Frank F Church, L Lieber Indiana. Dueseldorf; Theodore Houston, lllinoi., Paso del Norte. Lul or Her Tribe I J ai kson Mi.t 1 . Or May 14. -Old Jennie, ' the last of the famous tribe of lied Rivers, died here this morning after a rrotracied illness, aged about 65 year. Old Jennie, j it will be remembered, anticipating her : death, prepared with her own hands, in the most cortlv and elaborate manner, her bur -' ial robe, the material of which is of bock skin handsomely ornamented with many colored beads, sea shells. Indian money, beautiful transparent pebbles, etc. (be whole weighing nearly 5U pounds. A TerrlMe AceMeal HowKTOjt. Mich. May 14 Ten men were dashed 5 niece in the Red Jacket perpendicular shaft of the Calumet and lleckla mine at noot today. Tne miners were coming up in the cage to dinner, and i the engineer hoisted the cage agumst the i of the shaft. The coupling pin j brobe and toe men and cage were dashed downward over 3U00 feet to the bottom. tv. war h rr a SkeriB Hrttsox. Mich. May H.-heriff llailev. 1 "of Bryan. . trakr.l a gang who robbed a ck thimr store at West I nitv to this vicin , ity. and with ! Vpuiv Sberiff rease. of this city. Le cap. turd eight of tbe robbers nesx , Oseo. Soon after being captured tbe rob ben compelled tbe officers to give up their gun, and tbey escaped. Bra serf With Bit Befar CoTTaoa Okove, Or. May 14. Oeorge. Tt. of Iteiso. ao. was di owned id tee Frank Brass creek, between this point and the Bohemia mines, yesterday at fx o'clock tie was crossing lbs ton, when bis horse was thrown from hi feet and both drowsed. His parents resides! Froatliurg TLI J SSfS . S . . Sw t Jsd. The bedy was recovcredsat G o clock ' tuts afternoon. The El ret taa at ( ai salltt. Cobvalus. Or. May 15. Tbe city elec tion held here today rvsulted in a mixed victory, and ia as follows: WT McFad den. mayor: A Cant born, treasurer, coun- : .11 t ' 11 I . "-;. ,f in-eree r Kg. in. h I 'nsnsu t Alttuan Tbe vote was the largest ever held here, there being 4-7 ballot cast. I be water taction va- very much elated over tf-e election of their can didafe for mayor and one councilman while tbe an't wafer pnopv are reioicinc , over the suorwws of the' ounciimeo on their ticket, one of whom, however, was j odors - ' " Batt fall are: f I lies v KB, May 15. William B Migatt. the weli known banker and busmen man. made an aignmest today. He place bis at g 5 j,, ,-,,.;, "'i and hu liabilities at 5l7.- sssets consist of real estate tiajlollHK w awui nw.w aronod Denver: docks valued amounting to shout WOO.000. located 1! at. u i.'kl.OOO and loans amounting to about 10.000. Waal Step Ban a "" " MU.s. H May 10. Governor Pennoyer ; WE SELL CCAL, IRCK -refemn.- to recent ncsra inner articles, said itvuur.-" sad kewp a lrxa it. to a Mate a. an reporter today -. . n. . , - 1 1 ou may say tor me that tbe purpose announced two vears Sato not to be a can oe . unci mted Stakes upon Uie expiration of my term of offi-. is still rigidly adhered Io 4 rtlrtsrS Battle With Haa . I'sioxtows. Pa. May 15. A pitched battle took place at J Rainey's coke work at Oasraon yesterday stcrnoon be- tsreeo ICO'Ih-unken Hungarians and the borough constable and it deputies who at tempted to arrest them Several of the Hungarians were beaten into unconscious -nets and left on the field for dead, while deputies Vincent. Gallatin, Johnson. Will- iam Roach and Harry Raymond were seri- i ously and perhaps fatally hurt. Losoos. May, 15. Tbe official li ir of closing left tbe stock exchange feveris an d day. excited over the developments of the TTiree defaulters had been pjstod. while it j uw ,t, ,Ka f..aV. .i . . i "T . . a , . . mosa.lm Por ant f'lQ had only been deferred uu ' l" wn,;,rffw dealings m the street V1 1,t?. TT an eod"d ,n ' a f 1 1 n . I lint .nifrsSf fa ibIs lw. .--.., t i,;.k ka r.a:i., r .u s . 1 Niusjusres w. SIS.SS S,SSWJ U lUlv Ul Wkw9 V sttltll' I s ctal Hanking Uompany. of Syduev. was Uie j gravest set announced. be rrp rtc 1 gold ? shipment f 1 Xtw York, and the advices of ' the lower prices of Wall ttreet added to the depression j . a.--, .a" j j sarsrs. i KW YoBB, May 15 Amidst a deep jn1 oppre sive silence. Diablo, the aged son of Eoliia and lirace IUrling. won ILe 1 ric' Brooklyn handicap at Ctravescnd this 1 Mtern.o-1?' . the presence of W.OOO people. Laaipliirlitr-r. the favorite, who went to the post cBUB a ton of money, was second and Leon-iweil third.'' The Brooklyn cup run toaay was the seventh 111 the ni j tory of the event, and was guaranteed t I to be worth $25,000. Of this th winner received SIN, 000. the second bur-.- i?W". I and the third $8000. MM REPORT or THE CONDITION or TUB FIRST NATIONAL. BANK, AT ALBANY, IN THE STATE OK OREOON At lb close of limine , Mav llh, 18tB. Bessarre t Loan ami .lla-ounu. z:3,oSS.4S Ovonlrn,t.onrwl and uiuwourol 2,UH.1 U. 8. Bond u Mcurc circulation 20,0(16,00 tsTocka, sseurttss, ate LJfN U Hup from approved reserve agvuta 13.ssi.71 Due from other National Bank IS, 778. 88 Due from Stat Hank, and banker I l.at3 7S Backinir bouae, funiitiiie, and fixtures. . . Ui.00o.0u (turrent SSBSBSSI an. I tax pai-.l 2.311. SI Premium on V 8 boo. 3,3S!.50 Checks aaat other caali Itauis (.7.7.1 Bill of other Banks i W OU Kractlonal paper currency, nlcklea and cent BJ.U 8pecl lajgal tender not Ka.lemi.Uon fund wtUi U. H. Treasurer (Sv per cnl of circulation.) 000.00 Total ffStO.ssi.etl Llsaillllea 1 Capital stock paid in 180,000.00 Bib mIms fiBiil 111.00000 Unitlvldod iirnflts M.8S.VM atkatSl Bank not outatandini; 15,050.00 lit.liv iilual SSSaSlB Sllbjoctlo chuck . lOB.llSt) 40 Demand crtlniUsof dep-wit 70,070.61 Due to other National Banks Du to State Banka and banker .00 Total s ..' '.ii.'.nn Stars o Oitsuos, Oocxtv or Lins, s : I, E W Lasodos, (ashler of tho above nam ed bank do solemnly swear that Uie abovs atatement is true to the best of tny knowleilgsiuid belief. E W LANQDON, Caahlor Subacrtboil and sworn to Bator tne this lulh day ol May, 180. D B MONTKIT1I, 0 a) Notary Nksse, CoaaacT- Attest t E F SOX, 1 s E oi'NO, fDlrcctora. t. E. BLA1N, j Hood's Cures Dyspepsia and Indigestion 21 rs. N. Flake San Fraacbco. The combination of excellent stomach tonics in Hood's Sarsaparilla is such tliat, with proper attention to diet. Indigestion J and even the worst cases of dyspepsia are cured by this medicine. Itead Uiij: "Having for several year been Greatly troubled with ladtgestlon, and having seen Hood's Sarsaparilla advertised, I concluded to HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES Civs It a trial. To my happiness and great salt- I faction 1 found It to be saw astir remedy for this i-omplalnL" Mrs, N. Fiasc 425 Geary Street, ban Vrauiclseo. CL Hood's Pills act easily, yet proropUy i sfCcieutly. on taa liver aad bowels. Z6c $8.00 WILL BOY A W01 AM i to tffnV the i-eal washing aiachin nude. Stiwart ot 'm.i i nd take one cut on Toy rlso have kinds of wringers. IT WILL KILL YQUR WIFE to carry that fcieat by child amai d m her arms. You mast totoSrewsrt sx and buy one of th ie hal-y damage. W fcitidf ' , and pric. SOWING AWAY HAY 'b i a,d , ,k oa a 'arm. You en make it tba caaieat by haying a corap'rt Hay Carrier "Uttit of BtssaMl It Sox . Call acd aae it. SEEDS I ;ua--. IAbUMBL FU1VVEK. ?reth, pore, sore logro" .jttj : Port land price. UaHeo seed kept io balk, field peas and IV id corn a' earned in large qaaatitia. STtw aarr U Sox ENGINES AND SEPARATORS Tby don't .ae aay I ',! ihta th Row!!" aed Stewart at R. a mU that bin t Albinv Several goul -c-oosd head ea .-ice f" alssta bartram. PAiNTS & 011S.-Tfcc ,t "d aut far taa ot. ttssa Vmt u lb - Baa-nix" aad we are agmta fr it al Athaoy. We slat carry a fall lies of oil ,, a;. aad cartage patut. etc. STCwaJtv A Sox. BEE SUPPLIES. ! so old box as, laager. N?rt S 1 carry . o res. sad uee acosrr, al low prk.. p WILL YOU BUILD 11 ' l! y001- tart tod- cot tad to Siewart & Soi. 1W k.i,a S,t .. stack elbarklm Kardwata and ll si Until tkc Uitse. .THOU SHALT KOI KILL aoooruiog to law. ao-i k U bay a I jar goo acd an, o of ..: A j, Tbey keep a LOod atotk and " o- - .j. Gisat fsjwder.fut acd cap alasya tB band. d steal for ti ck cf blacksmith sop( ilea rm bcd. SPRAY YOU TREES.-" r-r.yw., iralbt of Strwait AtSci and take rarsrf -oai ; orchard. The ratht they tell taa h-eo Aei , to this stats for seats by th beat or cfcsrdut sod ia s c Bi.!te SBsBSgB. WE RE NOT BRACCINO --- r he lbs beat bee at ska hera. tUaaor rssnr aad pcckti calteiy m ths val'ev 'tn.- sad si for trarvrlra. Sntwarr ft Fox. PLOWS -W t hilled plow ex isrtly Ihesam St ihe "Oliver." We ts -r-1 sntee it and tall on trwl. I'rtVa will fji OUirer. Alto we havs s fall line af steel "SlaiBB nnt.a' Le escei'ed. Yob miaht tawaioiy save a lew cent BW crmicg aroucd and sten g a. Stivi art ft Sox. 46. Report of the Condition or THE LIS COITTV HTIOUL BIVK. AT ALBANV. IX T'IIK STATE Of OKT.i. a' thecic si :..ivU-i-. alar SSS, iw.i. Beaaarrea: ! an,' dSacnunta . Orcr.lrtrt. arur-d and ui.m uml 6,tHt.e i.' .Mi I". ri IVaiwa iu aecor ctrralation Stock. Menrili. tc Das fmtn approved agenla. Iue Iras ,.thr Nali.uial hank Iu !r i Ult bank and hanker. banking h.uae. fumitor and Saiam Ourrent xpav and last paid ilsai j . 1 - .1 j ...... I llgB SJ ' - s.trnt. . 1 s9BUri i03.t4 OJO.00 .sr it, w. so co.oo hek n,i other cm rroiiumt .,11 1 . a. tml . h . OBai.-uA Kracttonalawncr currcnev. liitkcis. ecnia Specie . . . . 111 leader wit . ; itsdcmimoofon.i aith D 8, Treasurer. fji per eenl ,4 -rireu'alion).... 1 .115 '1 s r.iri. ; Tottl iablllUest t a Vital .t..J. paid la ..'. Sltl.i.OOO.OO 15,0np,n0 NI0S.S2 SiSOO.lW ,79S.ta - -i . i S.SI1.7I a sir MinWu. fond,. I'ndiinl.d t omflu National lank n..l outatamting- Individuai dpott subject to chaefc... Demand ccrtiflcatea otdapnsit ......... Due to otlicr National bnk Due Io Mlate bank and bankers Mole ami billa readiseouat.! li K0,00 Total aW7.tt71.3i! Srais or Oaruos, County ai Linn I, O. A. AacHiBALD. Casnisr, of BBS abov naiiicl bank, do solemnlv swear that the alaivn ute ment is true to the hostol my kn..wldk-o and belief O. A. A KCH I BALD. Cashier Sutiacribed an.! May, 1883. L a) CRas-r Attest: seen w befor me thl lath day of 010 B WKIOHT, Notary Public J. A. Clttwi-DBD W. H.'UULTHA i. L: COWAN, Directors CARPETS, WALL PAPER, LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, Best : i U : Mariet, AT Fortmiller & Irving's. OOUND-In this city today, a itfrla V plaid cloak Call on Frank Camp- or same. - iiw mum illinium THE BE8T is Blood Purifier IN THE WORLD. WHY BUFFER with that chronic disease? Do you want to die? Sul phur Bitters will cure you as it lias thousands. Why do yon suffer with that FOUL, OFFCN8IVE BREATH? You need not If you uso Hulphur Bitters. They never fall to cure. Operatives who are closely confined in the mills and workshops; clerks who do not have sufficient exercise, and all who are confined indoors, should use Sulphur Bitters. They wifl not then bo WEAK AND SICKLY. Is Tour Breath iiuoure. Your Stomach Is out of order. Sulphur Bitters is the best medicine to take. Sulphur Bitters will build you up and make you STRONG AND HEALTHY. At the dawn of womanhood, Sul phur Hitters should Ire used. Bend 3 2-rent ataamai to A. P. Ordsrav Co- BoMon,Alaaa.,for beat medical worVpobllaaasI SHERIFF'S SALE. a the CircnU Court of the State o' t Linn County. ytior A D Horn'. vs Harvey Ward Plainttf. Cf ndaut T OTICB 18 HKIfKBY Ol Ki IH by virtu of n x D illon aa 1 order I of aie duly :wut .11: hi and und r tbe naiiM-d oouri. in tbe la ma : r i and i aoa' of tbe abc,v( l abuv- entitled huU delivered, I wil on itaitsntajr. ike fasts day mt Star. I4SB at tbe froit' door ( !he nrt Hou-c i z. art.. iMM ........ . w , . 1 1. 1. n : at tsaa laaaw of rma nVI.-k 1, in of aaid far. I sell at public auction for esuh in stsstat 10 the liitboat bidder, tbe real propdrtv de i bed in said execution sod orde. o ! " follows lowd: Ibo nortba.s ifusner crine B(Hiiiwanimiwi w - in'riinix m ) .ownsiup mos is ; jio range three (3) east cf the Wiliamsue meridian, tsi t-in-j county; Uregon con taining 4 acres, lie poceo srissng 1 Iroui auch sale to be applied as f-l:ws 1st, to the psymect of tbe coats so: expenaea or making snch aale and tba : sum cf $60 as attornr y "s fees and the orieina. er. (fault taxed at S4S.SO. Znde to tbe t.ymeni to the plsiot:tT Lerain be mof fU .Uin gold com of the Lmted sum of SUV in gold nl of ArtMrica, together with Interest lueresn in like g.10 eaiin at me r? "i ten per cnt peraunnm from the 2nd day 1 of Hepusmber, l-'.'i. notlt paid and sccra ; ing mteraau 3ro, the ovs-rplua if sny to ' he paid lot,-.e aid defetsdi nt, hi beirs r av4gnes. thued this 10th Jsv of Arrti 1S CC JACKSciX TSberifTof Linn county. Oregon. SHEBiFF SALE ! l-t'tke CiremU Coart of the Uafr of Oregon, for the Comm'f 07 Limn f KMpP. Banell a Cominy.FlslolifI?, j A s Knox, Jr. IMfendsn' ' JCriCKIS UFREBY GIVES THAT af be virtue of an sxeeuuon and order of .ie du.v las'jad eu'. of ssd under tne seal of tbe above named court In the sbore en'itled action to m dtrec ed and !- . '. I ti l oa a tarda?, the ttlh say af Bay. i n :. U the front dcir of th. curt houstsln tbe , of AlbiIiy. Unn CJUatr. treon. at the hour of 00 o'clock pro of said day, sell st pobic suction for cash la hand to thehigtwt tnddertb real prope tv de scribed in said exeeutiar. and order of ! ' " fO!J"W owl : Heg:nnl C at a H is 10x12x1 inches io ts-e north l-un dsry Itne tf tte d"nti -n landv'sim of luses 'Nnox a I wife, latin? notiffestion . Wltn in wwi.-bip !" K3 west, a: a ) KM (Falls I a nf-n . u. . anr rj r r,( aaid fit . safk tl -aa;m an 1 ruor.iea thence a of the nm th west ea-t to a atone IOxUxlS incba; ihc-v.-- . o 0 40 chatntf to a stone 10x12x14 Irene-; thence west 17 50 cbsins to a s'one '.si3xl4 incbea. thanes north ' to ensins to ihe place or be,oui-c con- c.i .ae TO seres more r .; s!-o teittniiax at the nortb. MS) sssfaaB c r the -ionuori roiv ri anaaM sekssgq wife, beinst n- tincaUcii No leaSS in town ship 10, ft K S arat. s'tsna 12x13x24 incb marked C s. a. i runnra tbencai asatli 4) chain to . at De 10x12x1$ Inches: then.-- west 19 a, , chain to a stone xlC ill Inc ia. thence north 40 vhaios to ' he north b tin-Ian line of said Halr at : stone lx!2xH inchsna, t hence east lS.tS ba'na to tbe place of baeinnt-'g. conlsit -ng 7i 6s acreat more or lea a, and all ly nt; nd oeing in T.-nr. tu'v O'eexm. The proceed aria ng Iroui aaid aa'e to be j appiisd, firaS, ;o the pay tnsnt of the .-oats i of and upon aaid execution and the 1 nrlgioa: coats . x d at $! S 3 a .n.n i tn ; the pivmsit to th p aintifl herein th ; sum of TO and the 'urthei sum f t-j as att wnev's foes lXi ed this it n dar of prll. 1-? C C JACKSON. Sheriff ..f Linn county. Mregon. SHERIFFS SALE. In tht CirtuU Court of the Stale for tht Cointu of .. i. H Bryan I. Plaintiir.- T Wilt lam Melt 1. christ. Jen. uie McGil.hrtst, his wife. Defendsnts. 01 Oregon V . . .-.'.- T ... T-t.- CII-l'V Til . 1 I IV 1. a? 1 . . v. .... - a aa ca by virtue f an execution and order oi m.V du' v s.ue 1 out of sn I under tbe a. . - . seal of tbe above nam d court 1 ths sbove entitled suit to m? direct 'd sod deliver d, I will on ftalarwar. the tfjth ttnj at Bay. isaa. at the front door of the court bouse, in the cilv or Allwi. v, Lmo (oatity, Oregon At ,iu. Hour of oneo cIgck p ic of said dev. aal: at djWIc auction f .r cash in band to tne highest bidden tbe leal property dt scribed in sail execution and order of aale aa followa U.wit . IBiraoiag al the southwest corner of the cortbeast qaar- ver f sasm-a 3t is tn 1 1 . sou th rsuae 1 west .a. a- . I. - m me a ti auicriv, vi.ek-oc. and runsinc thence east '.n ctaiot; thence anrth 5 ekaiai; then.-e oast 4. links: thence north 78 cbsinr: thence wast 1 100 .hainr; then ee north IS chains; thence wast 19 7-100 chains; thence soath 06 9S-100 chains: thence wast 20 chaiaa; tLroce south 1 chain; tneoce east 20 chains to the place ef beginning, coutainiBg 200 acres, ia Linn couoty.Or.' .m The proceeds ariaing from said sale to tie applied. First, to the pay ment of the cnata aud dirbnrsemeata of suit and the expeuaes of and upon said execution; and 2ad, to th payment of he plaantitTs claim amount uii; to the sum of $2996,50 with accruing inter, - t thereon st thn ra-e of S for eent per annas! and the foithsr mm of $280 attorney a fees; 3rd, the overplus if say be paid the deft, herein. listed ai 25 .h day of April, 1SS3. 0 0 JACKSON, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. -NTOT1CK IS HKKEBY UIVKN THAT THK l!N JSJ arraigned haa heen anoint(t aitiuinistrator of the ostato ol Thomas Alton), .leeeaaeJ. All r sons having claims against saltl estate are miuirwl to present thcru with the proner vouchers anil nrwperly veHScl, within six month from th dt, to th.. uiuteraiiitie.l, at ttarrl,bone, Linu oaaaST, Or. Thl the iih da; ol March, IS .; , . M ALFDKP. Weelharfcnl tt Chauiberlatii, Administrator. Attonuy lor Admr. i CARPETS. A large and tins tlock ot Roxbury, velvet tapestry and insraiu carpets, linoleums and oil ctotns, StoSOpsr cent Issa than elsewhere in Albany, of tame grade. Alto tint lino cf men 'a sod ladiea' shoes 25 1 60 cents a pair less than sams goods oanbi bought elaewhere in Linn countv. A. B. MclLWAlN. HtR IFF SALE In thr Circuit Court of it Slate of (Jxtgon ! for Linn county. Cbss T Craft, J H Pecrv, Henry Cyrus and mintiff', Jaer.b i.-!gerw od snde irr.itsLetf gerw. od, bis sife O U Campbell and a a Campbell, his wife, Deteodwle. NOTICE IS HER5CBV OIVBN THAf by virt-ie ot an execution said order f sale doty issurd out of end under th 1 seal oftt.e alove named tourt, in lie sbnvn entitled suit to me directed and delivered, t will on : aalardai, lb l.'tta day at Jane. A B ll. I at te front dnnr -f tlu court bouse III the citv cf Albany, at the hour of one i.'c o k p m of said day. sell at public suction for cash In need to the highest bidder a'l the riant, title and intere.t of the above namtd defendanUf' r either of (hem) in end to tbe real prcpe 1 ! deecrih.1 in said x-'uii n end jrder of! sale as follows towil: Tract 1. Tbe east half of tba donation land claim of Wtlltau Cvrna and Mary ary inn Cyrus, his wife, oeinir Not in as.; ' iai"i o ip iu is tv w ew. ana sec o ami 31 In tp 10 acd 118 K l Kat,Mnn county, Oreejoo, Trsc 2. Aiso the weal half of tbe dona ; tion land cl irn of Wm fyrue and Marv : Ann Cyru. being Not 533, sees 1 and 3), tp 10 and II, a K I Wear, Lisn ".cnty, orexnn. Traet 3 Tot 4 In see 1 tp 1 l,S R 1 Went Tract 4 lH 4 and af sc 36 tp li -- if, j 1 Wee, I ion county. Oregon, eont loins; f5 a re-. Tiac. 5. All of th K f. Mclnfnch dona ' tion ,aod claim it and north of I rab i j tree creek, in sec 1 tp 1 1 S K i Wet I inn i eonmr, Orecoo. cootaiatns SI acres Tract 6. Also 1 u 3 ad 4 of ec 6 tp 11 !SK1 ffaet, eon'airihiK 31 Wi acre Tract 7, All of tbe Andrew J James ana wife donation land claim, situate in sec J tp 11 SRI Beat. Linn county, Oregon, excepting therefr m 129 acres Off of tbe ' east aide of tbe as . destribed trae:, con- tainirw scr-. 1 raft S. Lot No 1 of sec 31 tp 10 R I t . of fie Willamette msrl Inn, contalo -I Ing 33.5T acres. 1 I lr ct 9. (''saed I I rac 10, Begino ng oo tb - w -at boon iarr lino of tba c tv of cio 7A8 chain aoiuh and ft.3a'bains asatof Use oortn smtormr ot tbe oorthes-t quarter ot -fti ) W, in tplO. SRI West, sad runoinc thence west 19.76 chain to s 1 01 nt 15 feat east of the oeatar of thn raKrosd track; tbsooe arfoth degrea) .-'. parallel with the said railroad track 2 39 cba'ns; t hence sooth S3 degrees east 4 if - tbaoc -l chains to a p itDt z.Vj chains west of tbe west boos ibence north 1X5 chsins to the place of t. tA ning containing 103 scrsa. 'Irsctll. Beginning 16 chsins north sndtoV o chains ssst of the south weat corner sf aection 17. tp 10 SRI West of tba Wi;s oette jieridisn. Linn caantv regoo. running thence north 48.88 chains to tliecenterof tUe county roa-.; ibence north KS decrees east along sai coooty road 17 7o chain: th-neo sontb yalh ebain thence w sot 35 chsins to ,h. n,", j hl-,Bn,. ntainl. -4jfts Vract 12. Too northwest quarter of the .sea ,ln,t Ar 1 torthesst quarter of senior 36 tp 10S R I ; To OeoESiy. .hesbovs naml dafcn i West, eufuinina 40 seres. mn : , Tract 13. Lot Xo 3 of section 1 tp 108 R TN THE SAME OF THE STAT4C k 1 West, containing 10 acr-a. . A. Oregon. no ar j bsreby requirrd to 1 net 14. LaU I and 2 of -ajctioB I tp II I appear aal sn.?. the ccmplaint Hied SRI in Una county Urearow, con agaiot won in Uas above entitled suit on tainlng 19.61 seres- j sr before the first dav o' the next regular the tioceds rr'aing from tit stleofiterm of lh above entitSed court next asm real pioperty to be spp.ied lt,L the ,f- lowing the expiration of Cie puotiei pv meot of ihs coats and expenses of and n of ibis aumm-H tosrit ;h Si Ja dav upon aasd execution and the original ! srf June, lf3i so 1 if you tsul to answer as costs cf sail taxed at $57.15, sad the ' wein required the p'.airtiff will take runner sjm of 175 auo. neys Ts: 2nd, te judgment acainat you f.r the relief ds tbepavment to the p afnuff herein tbe ' otsnded ia her complaint towii: A aecre sum of $568-75 with seeruin interact of ht above em. lied coart diasolriog tae thereon at the rate ot' ten per' cent per j hoods of mtrinoory now exutsptr annum, and th overo us if anv there rse to be paid iothadefendsnuG LCsjapbsli. fated this &th day rf May 1883 C C J ACKaOS, Sheriff of 12a j ciucty. Oregon . SUMMONS. a the Circuit Court of the StjU of Oregon, for Linn count r. Anna M Fread. Gaorge Fread, TlGsr,- K.a1 Plaiau. ss it 1 tic ) rsreed d-tsnd Is.. THE S AME O? THE STATE OF Ir-a-ja. V m ar harbv a. -. -., ral ia an - awwr iw abw taa v-muaaui uiru aaitfi. yoa in the above eaiiiled tsit witkia tea day from the data of th service of I fax . soaawBi opon yoa. if served within this f coooty : or if served withut any other county : trni tate. toea art cm tweaty data from date of ta sernceWf this samraoo a poo yoc; cr tt served ap .0 yos by pablieataoa , thereof, thee that yoa appear and ana we r tbe aa. t t- .mn'.in ka tka I...I Aw l tKa . I team of the ahoae earned co-art, tosnt .tt the 26th day of Jaae, 1SS3. aad if yoa fail -o to aoswer. for a-aat tWecf. tbe claao ;l wi. ; uke a aVaasa against im fcr the lehaf .i r - .... w . , ia decea d sardr-og th tooi o.' atrim.B exiatrag betwea a pUiatiff and defeedaat, aad that phuaoff b awa-dad the ca '-adv Ol taa saiaorchiklof plaintiiT snd deleadaat, Ule Fresd, and forsach other li.f a msv be meet at d just . This sail iiss "ts served by pabUcati o tasre f in th States Rmbt Dno ut by order of the How Geo H Baraett. Jada of tbe oae aaaasl coo-t. dated aad atade as the 9 hda of Vlav. 1S93 LVARCY ft BINGHAM, Auww fa- .tatatifF. SHERIFF'S SAL' fs the Circuit Court for Linn Count y. State Of Oregon: A B Mcllsraia. fisintifT, srs Rue Custer, Def ndants VfOTICa. tS HEREBY GfYEN THAT a v by Tirtua of -i execotioa and order 1 ' of vale da t uauad out of ana under tbe .seal of tbe court above named in tbe J aboe entitled suit to e directed and delivered, I will on aaiardajr the Mth slay at Jaae. ISS3, at tbe front door of the court heuse,iu tt -. - . a , 1 - w ' ,, a V w J tares on. at th,"?nJr k,, OB v0? P r ald daT. kathl I sit nil 11 ! il S-f lrtr. fa-l- V K in haaaaal Saa. Ita tiivasaiaSi ,.r in htl l? tbe h'gbeet bidder all the riant, title snd interest of the above named defendant in and to the real property described in said execution and oruer of aale ss follows towit: Lots 7 and 8 in blo-k 118 iu Hack Ionian's addition to tbe city of Albany. "un "",utJ. srreg n; also lot s and the " 1 ul - ",oc l. w men is in j at ?'eru adaition to the city of AJ. Sn,y' "noounty, Oregon; also out ,ilnf.12 ,kown, '?fr Qroand lota, IE,!y I" Uno?? i'. .!?B!,WB n Bc IS, p 1 1, ra aw WW WH, in 1. nn coi'titv. tlrairnn. .... m, ...iijwiua.oeginoinir at tbe north east corner of J S Knox donation land claim, notification 1699, o'atna 42, thsnco raw ! t-uaias; taeaoe nortn 2, as chsins; thence east 55.30 chains: taet.oe aorth 12 76 chains; the. ce east 30 chains: thence south SO chains; thenos west 10 chains; thenos soutn 14 Si chsins; thence west 56 54 chains to the place ef begin mug. coutainlns: 173.11 acres in Linn county, Oregon. The prooeeds s using from sJd sale to be applied 1st, to the payment of ths) costs of and upon aaid execution and the original coats of suit 1 taxed at $30 15: 2nd. to the payment to ! he plaintiff, A. B Mcllwain. tne sum of 1674 SO with ac'rtiijir intertst thereon at the rate cf ten per cent per annum until pain. Dated this 5th day of Mar, 1S9S. C 0 JACKSON, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. OMINISTRATORS NOTICE. AJOTICK IS HERESY GIVEN THAT THE UN. J.V this day baen duly appoiutad ad. mintaUatraUur ,4 the estate ot Stall Waruioth.iate of Unn niamy, Onaron. deceased. all person haviiur claim againM said eatat ar rvqulred to present them properly verified, to the undersign. d at ilroravill,Uan counts-, Oreiron.althin six months from Ihi dale. Dated this and day ot Apri', 1SS. 1 N WARMOTit. Wcalherfont at Chamberlain, Administrator Ally for Admin. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. BaTOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEX THAT THE I N i.S d.-raisned ha been thi day by order of the coun ty court ol Linn tv'Uuty.appointcladminUirauirotthe estate .4 Maud Warmrth. rat of Unn county, Or., deceased. All persons bavins: cialnia aaaiaat aaid eaut are hereby required to present them duly verified as by law leuutrod to the uuderainad at HrosywvilW. Oregon, within six month from th Uatd thia iind day of April, 1S8. 1 N WAKHOTH, IV catberforvi at thamhrialn, Adunmstrator Attys tor Admin. M rm. Dr. Patterson-Wallace. Th Noted Clairvoyant aed Uf Reader, I now hare, and can be found at bar TstitSMi,aatdoor J B Cousin's. 8b Mils about all ubtaeta naa, prssatit aad future; lor troubles, abeaut fritads aau i ou n near rroiu your dead rrlaads SHERIFFS SALE: l A thr Circuit Ct,'i l of thr. Statr of Oregon, for tut comiy rr m. DM Joii', Pis 1 tiff, vs ' I I). inlay ard Almtra K Donlay, hia wife D-f-ndi, IN OTICB 1 HKKEBY OIVKN THAT , ot aale dnly lne(l 001 of ana andto the seal , ,, "f. "V 1 f" re csrr.mi oarl in en- to roe directed and delivered. I will tn ales-star, (tse Kit star r Jsse, ISKl at tbe fr, nt r!oo- i,i th court hoo'e, in ths eit'f Albanv. Linu ennnty O'eine, ttb boor of ooe o'clnek p as of H ,Uv, si1 at oblic suction for eah ia band o tbe hih -bidder tbe real prop -rty deaerib- d in raid execution and fide' f ! deacntwrl aa fat. lows tosnt- lt No (i;p ' l.losk (26j twenty -six in Ha.lemao' wccod addi ion to the ettyrt Albany, in Liiiscor.n'y,Oreg,o. I he proceeds aiistug from tne ! of id real prope'ty, ! be spoiled, to the rvm.nt f,f tfc" est t r ani 01.00 aawi exeea- ft. ik. r.'inim orisrioa' costs of asit taxed at $19.05: second, tv the p.vmeut cf the p aint.fT s demand amounting to tbe iiss of fJ25.00 aed accmiag isternt tbereoa at the ra-e of tin per rwtt p-ranaani, asd tbe fa- -t:n of $100.00 sttorney". fea; and tHe overp'ss if St to be p id ver to said def n ln". Dated this 17th d- f May. 1833 C C JACEjSOH. fiheriff'- f Loa enonty, Oregna.- SUMMOHS In tit Cirem t Cturt of J. Suite 0 Or:j t for the comity of Linn Allis Atdiawa, Plaintiff, va Joseph Andrear.Def -.idiut. To Joaeph Aidre, Ue boa ua n-d d -fend ant: IS THE iMK 0- THE STATatfJ' Oregon, Vo are berehy reqairei to ap pear and answer tbe -m pi -.tot of the above plaiataff. is toe obore entitled coart, bow on i tile with tbe cler- of atd easu-t, by the first I T tssnsxi rei-nar term .,1 raid oort after tbe patlicaUoa of this sarsas-xis for six , week toa-i', M dav, oe 2C:b. 133, asd ' voo are be.eby ootined tKat if yrx fail so to ; answer tbe plaictiff atll apply to Use cos rt i fur thr nljr ilrasnl r ia thr maialaint tn j wrt, for adacree disvoWmg h boads -f , nutrimocv cow er. stmz ret. 1 p;.int:ff , u defendant, and awarding plaianiS the n ; thelr B1Di., yaaA. tbe t c,t : 1 -. f"11- ag' "l , d ; kr" ber. m th. ty of .suesa, Manos eosat. y 6 b. 193. WasTBEEroEu at Cmsnu ats, Atforsejs for Plaintiff. tiasasrue SUMMuNS. ; I the Comaty Court of the State ai Oregon for r .u A - PlsintitT La,u ylmiatm- between pisintitr and dcXeedant s o named mud sward .ng o p:siat.ff the custody of Ira Sly. the minor child of piB-nlsaTand dert-ndant. This sss im of summons fs asaras by P'Jb:icsuicn bv order of Hon Ga H Bur judge of ssid rart. ma tea! Caam m the low of Oa las. Fo!A eonatr. OB the WA dsTo: Mav. A D. Hit, J J WHITKT. Att'y for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. j TajoTk e X. b-e a : wita al i td the Snl ska sf .air, at l cSoa 1 ta of oSHKUoaa sfi -f ta Iu:s Maj MtB, IBB. ii WBTTSET, Art; I LaVDIES TEA S U pieaaaot drink, which will be boras by i li" ' with ?st aaasea or criptag. ctl thorrmgblf oa ths liver, kidney asd repioductlre orgaas. A genti phasic, iffi- s cseai aiiicv.-. aia rsoat sseiai in caat or i ssestatBrataaa. It aada dlgeataoa aad Kf "n coatxioc, I retod Blair, acd restoring -be aatara. kta.ioe it removei the bU. wbseh, h- sccsalaUws,prodacer th Ikw .BkaaVy eoaspiexioB pecaliax 1 1 tbe c--ipted state i M b d?c'- ' i . StOCK tlOlder S M.t?etin2T. Hasten is hen-ht- gives that ice anjuai meeting of the stockholders of the Albany Farrcsars Co snii be held ia the office of ssid company in the c t cf Albany, on tbe 16. h day of May. '-33 at 1 o'c.cck p 91 Msid rxeetins: w te held for the purpose of etee-ji-u wven T) directors to serve for the euutng year, acd for the tram a. Hi on ut such o be.' b--s arts aa may regularly come before ch meeting. Daud Albany. Or, April ITth 1888. Attest: M H a lLD'i. Prei B Marshal:. Sec'y. Vresideut. Notice of Vacation. N' OTICK IS HEREBY GIVES THAT the Wil-amette Land Co a corpora- tion, baa died a petition w:th the caaatv ; com t of Lrna coaaty, Onrgoo, to vacate Ha 'Saaayside addition so th etty of Albaay, I Libd county. Orejpoo,- acd that aaid exatatv I .a a ssv aa. a a. i rt Tt-ursday, Jane Sth, 1S95. at 2 o clock p m of said day, as the time tor hearing said petition and objection thereto if anyi WILLA5J ET T E LAS D CO.. A corporation. Peti aoaer. by Geo W Wstottr. I- Bttorwe?. DISSOLUTION NOTICE- Tbe pertusrshtp heretofore existing between W I. Moore snd A S.rney doinc a Hvetv business in Albany. Or., un-'.er the firm name of Straney ! Moore, i tbl day disso'ved by mutual cosseni. The i'Usiness witt oe bsbbbsbbbb by W L Moore, who will settle a. I taa oid firm's indebtedness and collect all oUls due the firm. Msv 4tb, 1S9S. W la MOORE, A Sl RAfEY. For the BEST ARE YOU a nesespsper wi puhlishercr .i If you are, or ai of .b above, sr. author, artist, rttserr Interested in say . should read TrE JOUF IALIST. DO YOL west to react?! he a bore ? I hn aevartta in Tac Jochkaust. fn iiptnn$.taiayear. Aivv li-tn.'-.aasonsppiicatlon. AU. ,S fORMAN. K..' - lroprietrr, ill Nassac ttxassx. Xaw Yoaa,Jf. Y. BRINK'S Fvimitiire Store. f R TH08 BRINE Is now at his old v 1 stand, opposite the opera bouse, wUere those wthing substantial reliable rurnttore. can secure what tbey want, some manufactured stsnds, flour 'bests, fas, etc, always on band or made on art notice, at bottom prices. ft. H HTONE, Architect BBS i on tract or. Leaveordorswith Htlburt Bros,, Hcs estate aj-enls. IS BEIEBT .ItXa TIHT THE t X- wwtwd a;-.;:. j5r.. of th easate of Baa- 5s"iSLSrdSaBi mm Oanaa tan: ,t th af caid 4ar, for b aaat fiaal ac-