The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, May 12, 1893, Image 4

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    Advance of the
Pipe Brigade.
Retreat of the
Cigar Cohorts.
Yes the Pipe is coming to the
front as nover before. The high
price cf gcod ci.ears is helping
drive tbem c i cf use. Millions
cf smokers i
D : rham Smoking Tobacco.
y.i:!;.r Brand in the market. Smoked for overtwenty
. ii Same is still growing Quality always the same.
mm In prob
Km block.
an 1 to i I
R BIll.YKt
At tonx-j- at Law vnj Solicitor In Chancery. Ooi lec
tions made on all no'.nta. Loana negotiate J on
rable terms- Albany, Oregon
Attorney at law, r.l Votary Public Will practice In
all the court of tine stat . Special attention civen to
eaBactiona and matters In prebate OBIee: -Upstair
-TWeoaie tunc Aioaay. utrn
P. a 11 .un
II legal nuncri will roes ire pro top
Oeo r. Odd Fellow's Temple, Albany, O
Attorneys at Law,
Albany, Oregon.
Attorney at Law, Albany. Or.
a yi F.S J. CHARI.TOW.
All k-rU. :. Hi ltd .attended
rLINN-S Mock. Ira ay,
It. J. I.. H I I.e..
ffSjyiaotan and Surgeon. OFFICE Corner
Ferry streets, Albany, Oregon.
R1. ntSTO k DAVIS,
Physicians an Surgeons. OFFICK Corner econd
and Bicadalbin streets, Albany, Or, Calls projiptly
attended i tatr and oauntry .
Heroeopathiat. aSpedJist in diseases of the Bye.
Office hours 7 la 9 a m; 1 si ! p m. and . to
ererung. Albaat, Oregan.
W (i'tfl K dt l l..8tKKK
TRANSACTS general Baoking bnsinraa.
DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on Sew York, San Fr n
00 and Portland, Orwgwa.
LOAN MONEY on aptaored security .
RECEIVE deposiu aubject to check.
COLLECTIONS made on tarnrawe
INTEREST oaid rn time deooatta
albasy, oBanon.
facltal. : -t
. lav W PLAIN
i bankiaf b
and sold on all the prioeipa
eitaaa in the Cnite-i States I also on England, Ireland
Franee and Germany.
Collection made atoll si nasi bit points on favor.
ble terfoa. .
Inter eat allowed o.i time oapuaft.
or albai y, oaaooit.
Tlce Piaslaswt
.. 8. E,YOtTBO
TO Alt 8A CT8 A OEBKBA L hanking bualneaa
ACCOUSTS KEPT aubjett to shock.
biout EXCHAHOE and tel ranhlc tnnafer.
Hew York. San Krandaoo Chicago and P .tlan.l
cO.LErrnoNf dADEon bvorabta t
Tocra E. W, Larasxia
Bta.s. L. Fuaa
Kawsae . So. ,
I or A i . HA - r. o -oo.
sident . I L COWAN,
a-Prastdssii J M R ALSTON.
atrvssblar O A AKCUIBOLD.
O aacroas. -J L Cowan. J B Balaton, W S
utdd, W II 1I ri, J A Craword and O A Arch
f KAMbAfTTK a aeneral banklnc bualneaa.
DRAW SKlB'l KHArrSon New York. a
, ti -.1 . reiroo
UiAN MOriEV on app.d ecurity
mii.i' i .-. i i cW,
k u n mm
PflKland, S:45 A. N.
7:30 P M.
!3Y-J TO
7 Honrs ((uirkcr lo SI. Paiij.
23 Hoars (nir,ker to Cliiwi.
40 Honrs ((nicker to Onaha' and
Kansas I'ily.
For ra'en and general Inforingtlon csl
oi. or sddress
W H H U R LBURT, Asst.Gcn'l. Pass. Agt,
35a Washington St..
Portlano, Oregon
ISl., Kl'jiU.Mr -Ki
prop r I it do W.t
aviiUiiii r
iiitri . 1
i- .. . rtyia. promptly
nil. work.
Ml. I W... Ul
J SetNtiio AMricu
A Apacy for
BsBenssBBB" and 1 1 na
Handbook write to
uviT.Nn You
Mat for
Willi li Mt patents tn Araaatr.
out by us ts brought before
en free or etarge la t
Largest etronlatlon of any sctentlSe paper tn the
wonu. epieouiaiy iuubu-siwo.. rio
man ahooTd be without It.. Week I
Tear: SUA six mootha. Addreas Ml' N.N
Oregon Pacific RailiQdd.
w OABIE1 . Keeelver.
TIME SCHEDULE, except Sundays. 1
Leers Albany VtM r.
L : L are Yaquina. 7:S a,a
. Leare Corrallia,H):SSa,
CorralUa l:OS r
Arrle Yaquina. I-Ji r. n.lArrtTa Aiiamy, a.
Direct Line
Quick Dispatch
Low Freight Rates.
Between Willamette Valley Points and
San Francisco
WiUaaaetU Valley. April th.
raoai vaejema.
WiBaaatt Yauey, ApiU Sth.
The Com pan iwtss tbe ngnt
i -nnge sailing dates Wthout notice.
Steamer "Hoe-" leaves Portland Wednesday and
Saturday t a m.
H C Day.Gan Agt,SUmm Street Whrf.P-Uand
D R Vaughn. G Agt S Franaaeo. Cel.
II B Bujcahy, Gecaral Sapt:
F rein Terminal or IntrriorPo n'.st
N ort h Ei iPic Raitroail
la the line to lake
To all Points EAST aM SOOTH
It is the DISIXG TE.
It runs Throng's
in Ihe
Composed of Dining Can l nsorpa.ssd
Pullman Drawin Room Sleepers
Of Latest Eqnipmeot
Best tLat can be eonstraefe I and in
which soommodi lone are bub free
snd furnished for holders of Kirs' or
S oond olssb lickwt", at d
A ContiDQDus Lisa con nectiiig with
al linss, affording Direct an 1
Uninterrupted Service.
Pullman a'teper reservations can be
neenred In advance through any
agent of the road.
THROUGH TICKET to and from all
points i In Amerlea England and
Kurope oan be parehtamd at t y
ticket ota v of this oorrpaoy,
Full information coonerning rates.tims
of trains, routes and other setalls fnrn
iahed on application to any agent, or
Assistant General Pasaeoger Agent.
No 121 First en, oor. Washington.
Port'snd. Oieon
C G Buikbar., katal agent.
Southern Pacifi
Cxprass Train leare Portlainl Daily
South I
raos ivur 1 , 1 SB-2,
P .rtland
San Francisco
-Ar 7A5 aT
Lr :!3 a a
Lr 7,-00 r a
7: (Sir. a I Lr
lO-.ia r l.v
1:16 a a Ar
Abre trains st.n onlr at lol lowing atathms north
uf Itieeburg. Kaat Porttand, Oregon City, w . od
nurn. Salem, Albany, Tangent, Sbodd, Hal.ey. liar,
riahsrg, Junction City, Irving, Eugene.
sail., saibv t
8j as I Lv
IMf r I Lv
' Ar
Port land
Ar1 lr
Lr I 1 2 -n u
:lv 1 7xa
sLiaxr toot aim (sxc.rr Scjuir)
6 00 r a I Lr
V t 1 Ar
Ar I :u 30 a
Lr I SrSn .
,10 a I l.v
9:00 a a I Ar
1 r M I Lr
09 a u I Ar
Leas ms
IV 'In
:2Sr v
2:39 r a
Dininsr Cars on Ogdrn Rule.
tllB-I.e.l In alt Theaowh Trains
- areas Me aVIVIalM.
asTsicBS rwNTiisa anb s'siavaaLia.
Hiiii -ss.snaiti (Rverit nnsy.
LSI. a 4 1
12:10 r at I
e.,rt aaaj
n:Sn r a
12:66 rs
atraaasvaais naity (Bxcspt Sunday.
:i a a
s.4'i a M
rT'ixr-oiTfrJi TicketM
... all riolnt In the Kt.t-.rii Huto-. Can.'lt anil
Kun.e ea-i 1.. '.btnia l at lowest raos from r 14
t runb, Aeent Allany.
KOKMLRB K P. ttiliiKKl,
t(anaa-er ttt'l U. K. ..1..1
Ponltsd Oregon. i
owes Our
Drery patent at
ton pubiio by a notice
Ibe Icmucul
On the 4th of July, nearly 117 years ago
the bell which for twenty -three years had
been 1. anting in the belfry of the state) house
In Philadelphia entered In good earnest on
the mission to which it had bren consecrated
at lis caning. "Proclaim liberty through
out all the land to all the inhabitants there
o(" it the legend surrounding its crown, and
it obeyed by ringing out the proclamation
that the colonies of Great Britain had burst
their bonds and become "free and indepen
dent states." Never did bell ring out mor
Important tidings. Never In the history o
the world has there been a bell held in such
affection by a great nation as the old Liberty
bsll that to day halts in its journey westward
that the people of Cleveland may, by doing
it honor, testify their devotion td that gospel
of freedom it proclaimed
Three ijnus only has the venerated bell
eft its home in the ancient Independence
hall. Each time It teas' on a mission of pa triotism.
A little over one year from it,
historic announcement of the birth of the
republic the bell was taken down from the 1
belfry, mounted On an army wagon and car-'
ried northward to Allentown, where it was j
hid in a cellar fiom the lit and their '
Hessian allies, who hid entered Pnilsdel I
phla and wha in thcr search ol mateiial tor j
taunui. anu uaii vic iiw. i.ij i .p-. ;
1 - . 1:1.-1.,
w... .u.. u. . - ,
tae wu nia st ,u i
11-1 . 1. . 1, ....... ... 1 1 u. K..U 1
11. u ,uc uiiiia. 'U'l'.n. '. ' . - mrr
... . . ... -1
atoreu to He place am rang out me newso.
the surrender ot Cornwall! and the final
triumph of iW "free and independent sttte.."
For mare thkn a century it remained sale- j
ly Bheltered in Independence hall In the j
,, , 00 1 1 - 1 I
fall f lSbS it was sent fort on a mission ol j
pracf, fraternity and "atriolUm, The man'
ajerg 01 'he -e un:ant vonu a ratrasg-
ed that the famous bell be allowed to visit ;
that city and promisca 1: aticsre.nd resjt.
Pniladelphia recognulrg tha significance of j
thi reouest. readily consented, and under a j
guard of honor the old bell made atrluaij
tour through the outb, being every where
received with the most patriotic dernonstra-!
ti... I, remained .11 winter ..d sorio on
.he WrU'. Fair wmundn. where it i. one
of the greate t attractions to the southern
Now, again, it is on a patriotic mission.
It goes to Chicago, where people gathered
from-all quarters of the globe to the World'
Fair can see the most famous bell in the
world, may learn History and, perhaps, take
to themselves the injunction it bears to"pro
c aim Hbetty throughout all the land, onto
all tho inhabitant thereof " At every stop
ping place on It journey It will revive pa
riottc memories and kindle into brighter
flam: the people's love for the United Slates,
whose freedom and independence that bell
proclaimed to all tbe earth.
Jonsihm Stan' hope is a wealthy firmer
of the section known a the "B:ue Lick
Hills," 1 1 Wayne cunt j, Indiana. He is
8-years old, a widower, and very eccen
trie. Reccstly he went 10 Ricamond and
prevented hischeckfor $30010 Postmaster
Jenkintoo, asking that Columbian stamp
be given in exchange. The potmaler was
nableto fill theorirr, bu: Stanhope Inislcd
upon leaving the check and the stamp have
been ordered from Wathfogton.
Mr Van -
haps said he had decided to paper the par
lor of his heme with Co uioblan stamps
1, a and 5 cents, snd he has estimated it
will cost $jSoo to carry oat his project.
Word was sent 10 his sen, who lives in
Kansas City, and young Stanhope is al
ready at Richmond trying to prevent his
father from carrying out his poYpose.
Toe rpotective organ sre chuckling oner
their fancy that the reduction of the gugsr
duty and the squandering of the 1 reasory
surplus have rcndcreJ the work of tariff re- trsted by rtore diatlagalthcd artist, tae
fom dimcolt.They predict that the UcKialey ' reus, Sannier, Vogel, atcaalle,,
tariff for tbe fostering of monopolies and tbe
yielding of repubiican campaign funds will
tie very niirj 13 over'uto -t-iy not mat
flittering unctUm to your soul,' The can
itrocticm of a revenue tariff that shall re
plentsh the Treasury without robbing the
people is not so difficult s
McK inlet ism is going, sure.
you imagine.
, . ?
The Supreme Cou.t of 'he failed Stale,
has had occsion to declsre itself oo the
question whether slnsulsr or plural pronouns
ought to be used in (peaking of the United .
ctates The Court sustains the conslitu
tfonal form The United State are,
eae. They are, in fact, forty four. Tqey
are on.:ed -Mck hare bou, .1 tbem
selves together in union for p-rposes,
retaining their sovereignly and individuality
for all other purposes .
A remarkable phenomenon wa, ireently
reported from the Liek observatory Fog
filled th valley, sad upon it level rurface
the moon-sin peaks were mirrowed as if
from s placid lake. A similar sprctscle waa
seen in England from l.-yourn, overlooking
Weasleydale, last September. Thi lovtly
Yorkshire valley was half filled with log,
which looked like a mighty flood or lake.
Upon it the opposite mo. lit up by the
bright sunshine, were reflected with extra
ordinary clearness.
Every new advance In ihe scientific con
veniences of life seems to develop tome
corresponding drawback or danger. At a
congre. of aural surgeons lately held In
Pails, Pi ,t Lanoots declares that people
whose tars are not peifecUy sound should
avoid listening at the telephone, ss It pro
duces hea laclie, vertigo, iiyperestSesia, in
somnia and sometime mental disturbances.
He counsels a sparing use of it, even In per
swns whose auditory aoparatus ts perfect,
and predic'.s sad tonsrquence in peisons
whose lu-ai ing i impaired Do not care
lessly get a "telephone ear.
A new process, inveinel in O.rn.any, al
low, a brilliant snd flexible ntum ol tin to
be dep j'tted upon cotton fi re. A paste is
first mirie of the piw.lcred zinc of commerce
and alii e of egg, and spread on the material
by means of a brush. This Is then coagu
lated after diylngby a current of superheat
ed stream, nrt the ti.sue is ther. intio.luccd
'nco a bath of pcrchnloride of tin. The met
al precipitates on th- zinc in a finely divi
ded state, and after 'inning and diylng I he
clo'h, it is passed 'lnough cylinders crcal
encfers, which give brilliance to the coat of
tin. Beautiful metalic design, may he oL
tained In thja way. It Is stated that thi
prcesg ni bt tuuitiiu'.ed entirely for the
ordinary m . hod of o namcntlng clu h wilh
tinfoi'. I
Tbe restrictive oleomargarine act in Con-!
necticut was passed recently. Under itsj
provision imitation butter must not be j
colored to resemble butter. Heavy penal
UM ure provided for selling any imitation ;
butter without a license, mid every restric
tion is thrown urcund the sale of oleoroar-'
Some of the English pumping engines
pei-form work equalling the riing of ,-
1 000,000 ga'ljns one foot blh by the con
tumptioo of a hundredweight of coat,
sess HF SB
Tbe Paris hot-water fountains for the use
of tbe poor supply eight quarts of heated
1 water fcr one cent.
I'llKtiKMiY AW.
The Chinese in the Fnitetl States are
generally refusing to register under the
Geary law . A cose touching the constitu
tionality of the law iagpending before the
supreme court of tbe United States. Sec
retary Carlisle hat Issued tbe following in
structions to United States officers:
TnEAsunY Dkpaktmbnt, )
Wasiiinuton, I) C, May 4.
The time within which tbe Chinese la
borers, required by the act of May 5. 1HSW,
to procure certificates of residence, will ex
pire on the 5th day of the present month,
and it is evident from the partial reports
rrnlile tn thin Heniirrmpnt l.v thn iv.lle.-lnr .
of internal revenue that in some of tbe
states and territories large numbers of such
persons have failed or refused to make up -plication
as required by the law, but until
complete reports are received of the names
and residences, thoso who have registered
and procured certificates, ana who are
therefore exempt from arrest, cannot be
officially known . Tbe collectors of internal
revenue and collectors of customs and all
customs officers of tbe United States arc
therefore instructed to refrain from making
arrests under the provision of the sixth sec
tion of the act approved May 5, 1892. en
titled "An act to prohibit the coming of
Chinese persons into the United States,"
until further orders and instructions from
this department.
J 0 Secretary.
The Chinese Six Companies have issued 1
he following: j
From the Six Companies to our Chinee !
Brethren in Astoria: You are forbidden to 1
register with the white officials, or to have j
..... .1,:.... u .1 . ...:.ii , 1. ..... '. . ..:.. 1 i
auiuimii iu u.. ou, IUC1H. UU1 llllix-nai
r.-,' . . . . w . .t i l
BSSSWSJ IU UV WUIJ Ultlll. UUi 1(11(111 lilt
" u"",c "uu.
protecting our oeoo e. We have cniraired
l. p:AwirtM u.. o., l' i i
. . . , - . . . - .
... 1 ..',", tin: . '.Ill 1 tnuiin.u SWWJWS . mill
-s rf.TTw. . . our ir ,
er lind
----- y-- w.- .u -.-; j
l?.??': ,..,n.
brother! in New York are to be arrested by
the government for not registering, and
thir case will be tried by one of the high
courts in the countrv Mav la. t)ur minis
. . , . - . . . .. .
states not to arrest any other Chinamen in '
tins country oecau iney um nci register (
unui tnis case is mew. toe American ;
Iiioiisuijisi uu gracious.y aara: -last tuis ue ,
m .. you therefore. register on
der tbe heaviest penalties if you dnwley.
DOM PKIVATE Ei4ioN great tailing off in pale colored hsll, and , ings from now until our n?xt state election there being; kerosene pilt around a re
8YTr:M i the pecker are beirmnintr to Conjrratalate I and use all lmnorable ur-ans to elert f iover- ported. The good were insured la the
Thomas r rennis, a penaion
bureau c
eacribing private pension
abuse in
the Mav Farm, says that in Ilea LHd con-
:t I i . l:ii
; lunuuutTTu a on.
to pension a widow, and zealously sought a
favorable report from tbe committee on in-
valid pensions, who on investigation found
that precisely the same bill, introduced by
tbe same member, bad passed tbe List con
gress, and that the beneficiary had been in
comfortable receipt of her penaion for more
than a rear. In i892 a prominent Southern
member introduced a bill to restore pension
to a soldier 'a widow. An exact duplicate
of this bill bad become a law in February.
1 891, and the intervening year had been
spent by tbe pension bureau in a fruitless
endeavor to ascertain her post-office address.
The member blush ingiy admitted that be
did not know the beneficiary and had no
recoiiecuon 01 me matter; an tat wny
the penswa arrantcj l.-v the List orre t"
Sah A Pheln. still await, a r-laimmt
. si
a :. , j.;i. ,.... K.
A Ne- , ork daily paper taking op the
idea conveyed in Ft -nroarlon s excitmg nor-
el, "Umega: The last days of the World,"
has Interviewed a number oi the leadim- men
' : .11 -rofesaiont as to
what thev woald do i
if science were to predict tomorrow that the '
tend of the world
i.Bexl thirty day.
woald arrive
sithin the
nwcrae villous
and cutious, ano beignieuibe leterest ncn
ts fett sa Ihe teconJ part of Flammanon
great novel, which appears la the May Cos-
niopmitan. tr,n a qscsuoa wnic.i everyone
... ..... . ., i
srl;l Snd interesting to ask of HimeU: What
3nld yoo do if within six weeks ihe end of
wot d were certain? Probably no novel
sshlch has ever a; peared ii. en American
1 '
which has ever a, peered in en American
magazine ha been more elsberately iilos
msgsune has been more elsberalely l.los
; Geradin and Chovin all contribute to Ihe
j explaoatica oi the text.
A clever story ot another kind i thai o
the new Eng.rsh novrii.1. Gd-ert Parker, i.
the asm number. " J3Cirly in
1 1 . ... " 1. .nnlk. 11.1 k,
i Pari'' Is an ar lcieof another kind, but one
' which will interest all who have bad occa
sion to make even a snort residence in the
j French capital. The Cosmnpollua score
! ucc" '" P-ntucing la Its May namber,
i ta"' imultaaeoatly with the d.lly paper,
1 eifboraU description f Professor Grsy
the Telautograph,
handaiilinr, or tbt
. .i..i, i. ,u i.
'. . r" "
j "nt - sltisaf Mr Howell . pur-
3th mon h- ,m'-8 more evident.
...u .. now , w, Je ..CnlKm .( ,..c
bands ol Ihe critics sll over the world.
-. li
One of the most wonderful discoveries in ,
science recently, sat s
ilu. Amwrlean M-
the American a -
chinist, is the fact that a beam of light pro
daces sound. A sunlight beam is thrown
through a lees on a glass nv that con-
tains lamr. black enlnred ailk woeale.1 or
tains lamp oiacs. coiorea ciik. worsted or
ether substances. A disk having slits or
openings cat in it is made lo revolve swift-
ly in this beam of light so as lo cut it op.
thus making alternate flashes of light and
stadow. fin. putting Uie ear to the glass
vessel strange sounds are beard so long as
tbe flashing beam is falling on the
Hsuling dowt) the American flag at Hon
olulu doe not sound well, but It should .be
remembered that If tbe flag wa wrongly
raised it cancot be pot down too sjuickly.
The intereU of Ihe ctuntry rr'iuire annex
atlon, but we want no protectorate establish
ed over lands or people that Uncle Sim ha
not made part of his family. There I no
reason in anything that has yet been dons j
why proposals for annexation may not be !
brought to a successful conclusion. It looks
like iuestion as to who shall get tb: credit
of annexation when it Is accomplished.
in the wine districts of France, Spain
and Italy grapes are still trodden with the
bare feet, tbe idea prevailing that this
makes Bine better.
fraud Charged.
Pobtlabd, May 4 No Chinese passen
gers were landed yesttrday from the Dan ube,
nor is it likely that the ship'iwfearfully
overcrowded condition will be ameliorated
today. Conclusive evidence of attempted
fraud lias been discovered by Collector
Lotan, and pending the arrival of a re
sponse to certain inquiry wired by biin to
Washington ndt one of the 608 cooped up
Celestials will be permitted to set foot upon
Portland soil.
aer. uebe
Vaiker tin , grocers.
F. M. Frenoh ksups railroad time
Kny your grooeris of Parker Bros
Pise at Conn & Hsndrioson's.
.1, itresra cheeae just received at Conrad
P .1 Smiley job printer, Flinn Blook, does
Sr,.'. cl.. work.
Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent
ctparat .hilius Joseph's.
- f II U'.iii. ohyaietsn and surnuon
1 A' i .v. Or
Ocmitry .
:i. CIU mtli la oik)1 or
Uiish, red Id d as nat.irally rau ti frcn
a'tini; rlood'i Nttraaptrtlla as persons 1 oleai..
..ess reauks Irun free me of soap and water,
hi 1 great porifier thoroughly expels scro't rheum and all other unpurltlsr.
P. cd' Pill are eaay,yst eliciett.
The Aaluion Bun.
Wilmington, O, May 5. A cyclone of
terrific proportions struck this beautiful
city about 3 o'clock this afternoon. It
ruined a little about i o'clock and gave the
appearance of clearing off after a few min
utes, when an ominous cloud again appear
ed on the western horizon. The cloud
attracted little attention, but the few who
watched it. saw two clouds come together
just west of town and forma rapidly re
volving circular cloud, which struck the
town on its western eUirt; and traveled di-
,'astw,Rru- taking
POrjon of the place and
takwg in the business
o and leavina itg wakn
strewn with debris of all kinds. Trees
were but as strum, and few were left stand
mg that encountered the storm, wind blew
so furiously that small sticks and straws
were found inibeded in the weather board
ing of ti e houses.
After I'm no it.
Wakminoton, May 5. Editorial 00m
ment in the eastern papers on Pennoyer's
telegram to (iresham is very severs. The
New York World, under the heading
"Governor Pennoyer's Insolence," says:
"W are very sorry that Governor Syl
vester Pennover, of Oregon, calls himself a
1 democrat. He is no tbe kind of person
I who brings respect or honor to any party.
1 The president's message to Governor Pen-
noyer was similar to communications made
to governors of other states where there are
aiany Chinese
TU n!it;nn will snsfain l.ia i
course. It will not approve Governor Pen
noy-er'e rudeness."
Only afew
Pouti.amj. May 5. The force in
t'old -
I w.u,.. ! i
un '.emier S reirtsiraiioil ourv.iu was hcpi
onile ,... vr,loi. :,l..t .VI CliinHyA
. ''' "a' , r i
n iv ni ,,tirAi iiiior :i in ti u-ni nil, T.,r
." .e"-r--""- -rr-, 1
- - . TI. . ..Hi - , , . ,
registnmon. The othi-e was closed at 4
m am, th. 14.OOO Chinese in this district I
'Mho ,aVe nr'dl to take out their cer
tttn.itcs. will now have to
chances of linir dersjrted.
..-.! iu;.
Tstneai who I
were oniiced to rejistere.1 en-
deavoreti to keep away tlo-e who wiabeil to ,
Tk-e s
1 n But
5. Tbe
AsTOUIA. Or. May 5. Tbe !.dinon run
u beginmnR to increase. Ttalay the ran-
nAne)l , -jsTn) fash, averairinif in weiaht
4 pounds. and without exception all
were of irood .luilitv An unusu t thimr
about this season's pack so far has been Ihe
tbemtelve on Uie fact that the quality
seems 10 w improving each year.
: New ioiik, May : Hjturns from Chi-
, caffO restoration snow njjout luU OOmDIiecI
... .. I . .. .1
.7. .... i.n: l.
v:?u TrJ ".lT" : . , .r 'r'
! !32LS"
I ITU. JC Ul aw- aU imuhi lit! a. r?aaw- irVlSlTirU i
, the aOOO Cninamen iu Massachusetts only
M ceniticates oate u?n issued,
nimi More prstataarat.
Wasuinotos. May 5. Murphy auL
int7in few H Fn" fl ! A mtn -gihe vallev with a .nide
Tll ZL rtJTCWnJh SkVl"'?' He give, jewelry a se
Hare. Clatsep county, TO Worth, at Sun- h borroaed se
ny view. Muitnomab county, and t. K guine ' - J
at Kiddie, i'vjglas county.
t'ieed anal Ike rer.tdrar
Wasbisoton. My 4. -lan Murpbv
and H G Davis, of Oregon, and John M
Maddock. of Washington, called at the
White Moose today. Iavis told the presi
dent he was a candidate for judge of Alaska
and received tb assurance that his papers
would have consideration. Later in tbe
j day S F Floed cald to pay his respects
MMWUn rmrfa ::;:; rt an MsBs
I thing sbont the office. He was introdu oed
by H H liilfry. Klcoi told the president
that be hoped to see o!tner appointed aj-
priiser. and tnggested that Thomas Black
u lna.,(0,,ectol. 4 tbe im.
j mfdd. and Jim IJtan removed. Cleve-
' land said thai be did not bare time to fill
actual vacancies, let alone making re
tamer Bates.
Cbicago. Kay 4. At a meeting ol tbe
Cbii'AOo. May 4 At a meeting
1 "' f?j " -
' tUmrtAtmA tn metmtti that imnt n.-rir nl tn
pifr, .Venison A. Topeka. Mis
souri Pacitk and Union Pacific that they
would pat in effect. May the rale of 844.-
tn .l. . . - . iviitu.:.
,wi mm. i.LDT ii.ei n iai.iuiu.ii
: -. . . . , r,MAn Mm
j , rjoiatt. TbesB rates are to sppiy to'
est! bound as well a westbound. Tbe
roads west of the river have today snnonnc
1 J ,0 '
i based on the rate which I to .TO into effe .
ich is to g-o into efflect
, f th nrer Mav
west or ue nver assty a.
A Ylgtsl Wlfk Brtlean
l'niKi Ant;A. Mexic. May 4.-
-A courier
. arrived oere today, trinirtns
of an attack made by several buclred Ya-
iui and a detachment of l.'3 srov
! bo,-, M(le, ting killed an.
' I -. I a .. . ! ,
em ment wK'ier who bad loen sent against
in a number on
and wounded.
Indians were well armed and faugh t
perate'y. compelling the governinent troops
to beat a nasty retreai. witnout carrying tax
the dead and wounded frcm tbe field.
a r tassssr Appwlalew
Wasbixoyos. May S. The presadent
this afiavnoon settled tbe Philadelphia port
office controversy by appointing William
W Carr postmaster at Philadelphia, vice
John Field, resigned. Mr Carr was strong
I S recommended by Chairman Harnl. of
he national democratic committee. CH-.I.
Sl4(ieW'i .tore tt Arago two week ago.
p,! .jjy yesterday, and this morning',, . , , K
Judge Fullertan iMtSsed sentence upon thein V1 ,l,er J z!L,terjr
- ttWr li. tbe oldert. wasi
rin one year ; in tbe penitentiary, and j ' r 1 D"i.Q, -
J"" ann imam were aiioweu eacu two
' T.. L' "- ""Y
.urre ti,, morning. The fire destroyed
"M buildings and dwellings. The insarance
J "" a'"' b amoont of tbe loss is not
a a,., .e a war
I ....... g V. .. .p. . .
- -" '
turned an luiiuense Rood of water upon tbe
resident ..long its course A break 200
teet wine occurreu. anu me water came
nisb ing down in a flood 10 feet deep and
three iniies wide, completely submerging
the country around and carrying everything
in its way No loss of life is reported, but
when the floods subside they will likely
reveal that more than one unfortunate per
ished. I: is impossible to give an estima'e
of tbe ln. The farmers are financially
Alter Ofllrr:
WASiiisiBTOJi. Stay-
The arriviil of
1 1, i. .mi irxnur stirmi tip 1110 iny1" 1 01
ony today. The new arrival is unxious to
have Joe Keeney ma register at I.atimnde.
tie lias also given out to iwo or rnree ure
gon men that he is Imcking W F Muir for
district-attorney. Tbi. however, it found
to be a "blind," for letters have been writ
ten by McArtbur to democratic senators
asking their influence with the president to
make him district-attorney.
A Bead Head Fair
Ckica'io. May It. 1jss than i500 peo
rtte ti ia ant. I r.oi.1 ca.h for niliuifwion to
rr ' -' iw , , ,:r v
lll!lr?nJi?n th? 8eCOm-1 .'ilaV' n,lth0h
ahont 10,000 people were in the park, ihe
paitl admissiotis at Philadelphia the sscond
rlay numbered 14,"-i2. The revined ollicial
figures for the first day's attendance here
are lll.oOU. of which 14.100 were paitl
tickets. The arrangements ore found to be
quite inadequate, many people pressing
past the large force of guards, to my noth
ing of a large nuiniier of agile people who
enter by jumping the fence.
A Hall la Follow Or, Mav H Today, licforc Re
corder Kde, the preliminary hearing of
Alvin liowiuan for complicity in an assamt
upon W A Shaw was conducted. It is
evident, from what the attorneys for the
prosecution said during the examination,
that criminal or civil action will be insti
tuted at the conclusion of this case against
Messrs Hoffer, published of the Journal.
N More Hanger
Wahiiikuton, May 3. The danger of an
uprising in Corea against the Christian
missionaries in that countiy bus passed.
The news that mobs of natives had threat -ened
to exterminate the whites was received
by tbe state department some weeks ago by
cable. Protection from tho United States
government was requested, and uccording
lg the navy department sent the steamer
Alert from Shanghai to Corea, with ordess
lo remain until affairs bad assumed a
peaceful aspect.
vmmmmm, -r. j . ue rrewuri,i extent, was tne remit ol an incident at a DtniiiiDj; iiwiag .w airs rami and child. and the little daueb
calamity that ever came to tbe people of the matin-e performance, and not tbe bwoy Iron Work for th City Bottling j tr of Rev Mr Miller.escaped uniniureoV
laOgati and Hardin counties came last night ! fault of the iiaut company. One of lb ' Work, whose boamoas haa been inc-eaaiug m
rhwi It... Iwiatrm nwrvnir l.mlrn aaarl ! I .. . . 1 1 . i . . . . i . at . r.,.t rat. i'rliik Camlihell 1. cow- I
President Cleveland pressed the button in
Chicago, anil the thieves ami pirates of that j
City will do the rest. 1 his taduoes theiake
proitions received by nearly every mail
from that city.
The Baker City m-v are Ijotwting UMsl
that eitv is the only one in Kiwteni Oregon
that Jim Corbett will exhibit at. The fact
is he WOnld exhibit at any city making the
guvBoty of 10).
Orcein due not contain all tbe cranks.
A rich Indiana fanner has purchased Jli.K)
Worth of Columbian postage stamps with
which to jiaiM-r hi jnirlor. He will DM one.
two and five cent stamp.
While engaged playing whist, at Hotel
Oregon Tuesday, matches in the pocket of
N. A. AuImow, the railway mail clerk
BMM ignited. When he discovered he wax
till on fire and burning up he begun hopping
around at a Stinol gait, lint soon conquered
the flames. At the. height of the excitement
the urouewblfl Wilson pijil in with the
reiiuirk! "Auibrrwd your e on fire: got a
hydrant and put yourself out." Ashland
Ken rd.
A transient geutleimui now in Albany hax
" .7.1 : " .f ."TI
lieell Willi Jltt-K I --. i i --,
i" expert Isixer. A l
uuiir .iiriu cicra. iiu ex-l I'llip'V rnail
pretending not U know even what a air of
isixititr gioves were. 1 ne two met in u
; friendly contest with bitr (loves. 'ITu-clerk
1 also on exiarrt. with few coiiats fur his
., .1... I u ti '
nw- uwi, ui.i nit- t-a--i n:mi-
'V Lrrv.itlv 'ritrisinl tt'two lu u.u
. .". . " , , - ' .,
(win iit-,1 mounu al I i. .11 1 H'v 11 ill ni, an-
Lig OtUM
The Silver Falls
the Silver Falls Iniiciienilcnt dul
mi.., tb.. f,.l .,.l..f;..
others. alMiut the man who told tlu nnni.
r..i 1 -ii. .
dent t.i mind his own buinese: KeoUi-d
third, that liovenior Pennover is. in our
opinion. Uie riifht nun in th- rttrht plane:
l man who is nol to tell atel act the
truth at idl time-. n.gardls of ring lssi.s,
and tricksti'rs: a tuaii man who ha ril!el
bin liigb position without fear or favor: a
man of whom the stale of Oregon ehonld la
prmnl of as their guvemor. Keolved.
firtirth. that Uie indepenJents of Hn-iron
sbtaild. in mir opinion, hold reimlar meet -
nor Pennoyer again gr,vernrrr of Oregon, if
he so desin-..
iic i 1 1 jn.i nineri zie m tni i.irai su.-
' dde. Tr-at cllv promise, to be a second
I . . . ..rr . .
1 cioe. 1 rat cttv prrm,c to ne a krcontl
PH. and San
A relay bicycle race between Albany
and Portland would be the best iokeof the
season just al this time.
L A Clark ha sued the Southern Pac-
Iftc rallresd company for $15 poo damages,
for the loss of hit right arm in an accident
on the narrow gauge road, January 15th,
umaern uswego ana .uroaie'on. wiere Itse
train went off a Uestie Iwen.y feet down.
The coir.i.lsint alteees that tne train was
. m . .
running a! an unreasonable peJ, to-wit,
twentv miles an hour; that a storm j-omrry aod tiailTOad. waa sat tied tKtsaiier
prevailing: that a caboose was behind ihe .ooai by the .itfeodinca paying th coU and
engine instead cl being on the end of the agreetog to leave the citv.
tfm,n Tb Geary Chisios Uw goes :to effect
I today. Under the law the L'eles'.iais mtfcht
In a mm . at at
Salem ha tested an cacinaece rr ;u:H0g
w 10 be lead through the streets with s
batter. They caanot be drven
Ihe till? inerican girl who marries
an K.nghsh lord with more title then
br:ns i. entitled to the svmpathv of the
hi lite wssdewpaired ot. o taitber paitl
! eatars. Dallas rrasucrip.
D The Mea . good that tbougb Coiumbu Bv D T Staalev, managing editor aitAa
may have bevn a pirate lie coal no: i:h ; Harbiaa, the "or .an ot thj ChrurUan
sigsc Of the t irate snd fakirs of Chicago,
! Going It-re wt:l be like getting in'o a den
tWeT. rdinrr to some reoon.
One hundred ocwspapeis have been
sup pressed in Mexico because tbey op-
Pd H'" J"i'"'''- A strong
ontrasl to!runnin? a tiew.naner -,n ihe
! contrast to "runr. n'-a newsnaner in the
Tf fi V. l . i, ,t i ....I .
suppress one here.
There it only one Governor In the 0 1
who would notify the chief executive v4
the country that he would attend m hi
business and that tl. president ebunid
attend to his- A man blindfolded with
: his ears atoD-irl "d coti.d cue... who thst
one is.
World's Fair. An atenent of only $S
apiece take, them all to Chicago UT
freifcht Truly hath the poet said : "All
things come to him nbo waits."
re or four Vwart ago a roune man
' TLl.mZ " Lu',n"u""
chickens and turkevs to provide a
I f?' ,"d. h .fe" '",VbB ',UB jf Vj .
; ni f.ii.m. ... t. hi.
.f Ciackatnus county for hi offense Hf
i Tbe Ciodereita Company bad an sx
Prie nee at Corvallis also Here it is
ai.e lai.ure oi tne electric lagst at tn
Cinderella performance Saturday night,
I which marred Ihe nrodiL-Iion tn a wee.t
I . .. .. ... . - . T
i.uir, u. sue iruupe auuacu ner metal :
j battle ax to come in contact with the ,
j copper wire of the switchboard, which.
; formed a short circuit snd burned out
( the fuse. She won't do it agam, for be-
tweeil the tender, thoughtful criticism of
the manager and the sparks that flea
from the battle ax she learned a lesson
about switchboards never to be forgotten.
Msy 3rd, 1S93.
The school closed yesterday with very
interestlnif exercises In the afternoon.
The lUn drill by twelve girls showed very
careful training by MisTillotson who de
serves .nuch credit for the war In which
j she has conducted the school last season.
Mr E Parrlsh has rented Hills hall and
put In a lot of roller skates so the young
people can enjoy themselves now to ihelr
hearts content. "
The cornet band of this town will give
the first concert ot the season on Saturday
evening May Oth.
Miss Graham, an eastern arils: has lo
cated here with her father and Is having a
1 catcu ttere with
i fine gallery mad
, I-'r K. ,?'t
e on Pine at.
Jackson was appointed 'o fill
the position ot city recorder.
Mr Rlcharoson has opened a conletilon
arv store nere.
Dr Prill went lo Sa-eet Heme vestetday
to attend a mm with a broken leg.
Mrs Peery was a vlsi'or In town last
week. B.
UMPHRKY At the rcsii ., 11 n
Ivlnnner on Mav t.,l I Reel I-D a IT...
........ "r-" Lj v "I
age 4: vears and 4 months, nf-
ter a lingering illness of softening of tbe
Mrs Umpbrey crossed the plains with
her parents in 1862 and located on Sand
ridge where she lived until she was mar
ried. Her maiden name waa Lydia
Fronk. She was married to Mr Um
pbrey in 1863 and located 5 miles west of
Lebanon where they have since lived.
Mrs Umpliiay moved to to town last (all
to send her daughter to school. She was '
. 1 . I . I . ,. .. ... I
luemuer ot um aoutiiern AaeUtOatgt
cliuiclt and was an earnest and devoted
christian, and was loved and respected
by all who knew him. She leaves a hus
band and two children and a host of
friends and relatives to mourn her death.
Lebanon Express.
Morion countv is aboat $30fl00.
The Uw passed by the last legislature
have all baen printed twenty da earlier
than erer betora .
Otcar Kendall a pioneer of 1846, of Ben
ton county, was killed by tree on
him few day a ago, a fe miles from Cor
Ti.e stiamtr Missenft-i finds it impossible
to mako trips between HarriaWg and Ka
iiene on accomt of tho onditinn of the river,
and will now only go to lianiaborg.
I Rubesson, who haa lnn 'anning a con
fectionery and cigar t .re at Junction, failed
Tuesday The aett which amounted to
about ffWX) worth of .tock were turned over
to K R ttkipworth, attornry for San Krancia
co creditors.
Mr Moa Itrandt who rhot eeraelf in
I ortland last Saodav w not .he fiu.t wife
ulk ?!fdt-. H'. hr,t ro.rr,e4
"' '--u-.niii aim im nviug wun ner nuo.ana
in Ysuihill county, rieamlt will Ke remem !
Iiernil as the engineer oa the iy-bin.m trin
at one tme.
A L.tnoa Mketini, will be held at the
, .
u.ii.u.T iun.K.u iui me purpuae oi csino-
wl . .u, , 4m Zl . 7 ,0
labor in this city. The move 1 Mirted
ivh nvt-uuiii i-fi ivzm v , jr c n iciitj jatu uy (lie
Street Car ro.nnanv for work or. Imwars.
jTr.-..7,T:iirent.onihe u... It i. ..Id the men
In thk Recoru&r's Coubt.
ilkhS T C"U!n 1 rf veral "eiKh,
bors the houte of ill fame on Second
street, betwetn Baker and Montuomerv.
: , . ..-.l-.-.t i , . ... - i,.. Vs i.
...... ' "'".'W1'
i it eta not
abate, hence a warrant wasi
. ..
itaueo tor
Issued for the arrest of the three inmate.
and Marshal McF-rroi made the arrest
' ..,1 .'.iciiuon. s i a u tints in c caac was
' ii . i . . . .
,.l. .. .. a . . , .. 1 1. .
" " ' "-.-. m -
. .. - - .
rBg wa discovered last eveninr; in
the rear of ihe .tore of 1 Bern t.i ih3rd
flame, extim-uished brf... av ma.e.lal
damage had been done. A lamp nad been
and Ihe fire was undoubtedly merely ac
cidenta. Mr E i. Tno,nP,n.
agent oi the Northwe.: Insurance Com? -
any was one of the first mes prent, and
, state t that there was no ev de.tce at all of
PAT ami r..r.r,errlr..l .nil .he Ssaw Swawl
adjusted at $ JJ o. Tbe building in-
rured In the Farmers aod Merchants, a.-.d
he.damage was about $,o.
....... . ...
: " v -
I M l; A rvmauiam cl saw turn -in..
. b
a. . r.
... 1 .
Indenrodencw will probah.v be the fourth
'. clab in tb valley league, Salem not tetog
equal to tbe occasion
A bicycle clab baa been organu s i in
Eageae wilh a doxrn n.smbers. Harry
Hold, n was 1 leeW optaun and C C Matlock
Iieot nant.
Tb trial ..: Jamsi Hard for a mu-ley
: committed 25 year aco, was cooclatded at
Jacksoortlle.and the jwrv yesterday
is a verdict of maajlanghler.
Fear gentWmen from Independence. Oj
gon. pa. ed thrrogh the ralry with their
own team, emraatw IO thw miles in Southern
own 'earn, eoroatw 10 is. rr.-.te 10 -outarn
reg;n. Tbt U tbe 49 ty!e.
tt : . .... . , j.u-t.
, mi. ,1,1. .
of ilWame on
Toe set: against the inmates cf tb home
r. strewt. between Mont-
, "9 11 tuey- rtavr not regisswa.
; Ictd 'by . bn P" " oj
wait th dectsaon of the Supreme '
Grwrge S -iaegrsat few day S sgo reevi ved
' nuUiasscw tnst hi brother, who
wng u a mill at Swee Home, a
c,?' c "us-sc wmeai irf saa
wsnseriosulyiojaned tUtst i-tsec
chorea, baa Deriacted aragseaeata by
which b wilt at tec stove m paper frosa
Port land to ssa FrateiiCo. Bv BUn'e)
wili alto mays bis family u. that city. The
iiirmeger win maintain a newness uiux n
two was
Tbe O.-aaoa Karer, Assneisti
i.rm.t ,v. . a, a
tv4 .... tx.(.ji . ;
. . .
wi!i be effect. June 2?tr- rre 'cot, A
Brown II; rio pr. ideal, M MclKu.ld;
secretary. F W .-sclUeaner; asst. secretary,
A MiGt.i; ir Ward Rieke.
.. , .. . , . ..
, er-.s day a Vngtby .rtarJ. . r-.-ted -a
a looai pepe. tbarjtnjj Ker K B Ut anrih.
pastor J The l rhttrta church. A.toria.
-Tth imprer coo. i.e. tow. id verat fro...
rrerr.t.. of M one meat kw.. both roamed
and aiagi Th ladass when stoe. are
i r r r ,u
J gfg' Cde enc- t rc oroed
Ka L Fntlie to Albany.
HsrolJ F'.sie. of Sgicin. hai received tbe
fapnointeoent to West Point.
The Salem Jonrna! ssvs there sr- 12f
t oiea in .lem Pa bahl, abtnt a teatH
There will be poit in the gymanslutn
'gbt- An rXe race" is o lapis.
Zl S vT? !
K"'"T- oorc Ptwnent cr..-
rractsco. 1. now a retweo: ot
1 P"0- ,nd u "w h hunting lor a sand
Tb-re -as a big stlendance at the grange
across ine nvev last evening, raraer
' Rr.v iuhe.t , ' .. , -r
i the nfiuence of hi. rellow c ili?n Co!. Jeff
I '. 7.
: 1 .hJTVTj rubi.c""
. ; , .. -.. "., ,k.
J b-v ,h. Si!ero c,, '"A'f 'h
ucense .no wap ana mean, comui.i.ccs
1 . , . I s . 1 - .U . .1
- -e ,
lr or
By the deal, ot a rjlaiive in the South. ;
Mr. 1. II. Montanye. ot t'.il city t.s
fallen heir to Ijooo. and her daughter to a
j fine piano and other thing of personal
' valae.
- Akgsmc of base ball was in progress this
; tcrnoor. on the college grounds between
' the College club and the young Willam
ette. The latter appeared in ncir new
uniform, the most attractive vet worn in
The. cwrner s one of ihe new Soldiers
Home wt Kosehtirg will nrobav he laid
on ircrarai-on iray. iiie structure ts to j
be a three story frame building, with j
brick basement, and will accommodate 1
1 M me.n
The Satesman savg: W. R
Biiyeu. of;
Albany, was s-.lcm visitor yesterday. Mr.
liiiyeu tsa inemher 01 ine miyeu lamtty
from tne Porks of the Smtiam, where
there are naety-one male members ol the
family, all ot whom vole the democratic
Dr. E. G. Johnson, o! Seattle, once a
retidcut of Albany, U quite an advertiser .
He makes a specialty of consumption, snd
says he is p.epared to treat consumption
and other lung u'isea:r with the "Improved
Pncumnlc Catanet." With this mechan
ical device appropiiate remedial agents can
be carried to every portion of the lungs,
making dnect application to pans hitherto
inarcesMhlc. Its use also expands the
lungs, increases the brca'hing capacity,
thoroughly acracj the blood and improves
Buy your groceries
And produce
i A PlaC,!
Where a
First class s'.ock
Is kept,
And the prices are
Always the
Lowe stand the treatment the beat.
That ia at
Peny Conn's-
Erics for Setting ot ihe following
breeds furnished on short notice:
S. C. Brown Leghorn,
Silver Wyandotte,
Barred Ply moth Rocks,
Light Brahma.
Leave order with C E Brownell.
One Smalt Bile sfoan every night for
arouse Torpttl xavera. sac. per ootue.
cor bt.
(J. N. Duncan, county lodge ;
Wm. Rumbauch
and J. W. Pugh, Cotnnilasluwssi.)
The County snfierviaors were orilcretl to
furnish the t.onnty Cxmri with a list of R R
ernsriiigs and irnprovementH on each.
Petition of Nancy Coon and J A Mcllride
for county road jrran ted; on pajment of
ehargea. I
Jas Carey, of Crawfonlsvrlle. waajrpoiiit
i "
eil roarl supervisor of district V).
A K Ansortre allowed 82.50 relate
tax. and Klla H Mendenhall I0.20
A Holmon, 912.00.
Kees Kpi!cial fe-mi ciraiit court witness al-1
Timi! for settlement of &esrnet roll of j
1 9H mkmM to Jnne 1st.
Thr contract for Imilding the bridge :
acrews the Muddy was let to Duncan It Jn- j
sen at riW. for a 1W foot lient. Bonds.
The contract for building a bridge aero ,
! South rkntiaun at Boei Point was let to
, j n I . -,t ai.l-xi aru
Application of If E Cady et al lor loca
tion of county road was granted and roail
orocree openea. -i
t.c. . . .
1 wjriiraci tor lurnUl.tng wood lortne
court house was let to W A Wiliiwmann at
3 tor 40 cards of oak wood and $2 75 for
body fir aonH ,tf, on i .it
In appUcation of John B'.etcsh et i iyr
! . FP""UQn 01 jonn IS.eiCkh
r09.d.1 n l,.'w",
cot ice.
Matter of M Kiz-,
et at for count v
i road continued
' Bill H Baker, 8.00, continued.
n , , .
. i.Pet't,on ot Orchambaogh et al, con
1 tinned.
T"e following bills were allowed :
1-adies Aid Socbj-j-, keeping poor $ ir 50
i Aid Mrs M F Tai lor.
ft oo :
'3 95 ;
37 95
3Sj oo
16 oo
3 4
IO oo
1 l " . . . - v
i rra isic ugt 1 , cc jorig
. . .. . . . . ....
..tiiii nmriKkasi
ialitcecll Sc Lewi Co. ptowa and
I tfrsneri
. ... 1. o
Crf;rd Paston, map.
for a-
!!,v" BuC! ."rr P'
' 7 ', Y
St Inceo'a H.pita!, a'tendance
. - 'n ',. 7.
;, L Berry, neet ione
. w ssaA'-
I I. C" . I .
Ken C Irvln & Co, stationary
Montanye it Hackleman, collect-
' r?"'
-! ' ggtyj-ffF
i 2A? ' V"P ,
' Thos I Smith hAntw '
a v . . n . .. .
I " 4
"''-"" "wci-wr . . .
i w F Deakins
" U SSKWOT. ......
v .u , A- s . " u
I - - W , V - . v ....
it..., t m . j " "
I lmci, .ttl .USUI ...... S OO
Cha PfeiSer, keeping jury M
' Waasom case ,. ,n
f,C Coo'.ey , aid Mrs Ola'k . . '.M 6 00
O P Cos how, aid Hail family
10 00
8 00
12 00
15 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
18 50
25 50
10S 42
131 30
4 00
25 00
vv K Savage, aid J W Cox
G Crawford, aid Mrs Bcherta .
W H Wallace, aid Mrs Kills
1 htte, aid Matilda Ktawortbr
-'ohn Csber. fees
W H Gnlliford, aid Mrs Johnson.
B Olase, aid S Kemp.
lD- g9
j.? v"'tney, Pnntmg
. -V .'Caf-jD. ait assessor.
1 . . - a
c. -(J
ii 1 iTi ,
I AlhwWw fum Ytu ".-vL
, " ' T!
John Harnett, arct mor.
Fees, Oregon agt Joshua Ballard .
Linn Connty Abstract Co
J X Ieincan. salary
Wm Kambanarh. fees
J W Posh. fee, actt raads
,- Jgdrang,. fees
lirio, Wallaae.
safari .
! in April, ISM, occurred the explosion
w u.e stemmer traxeue at lanrman. Tbe '
got oat an extra with Int.!
spectator cot oat an extra with tniai
interesting account of it:
Hie headlines read : "Awful EidI
sion of Steamer Gazelle ' Twenry-eirht
Liven Lost 'Thirty fit hers Wounded "
I hen it goes on to say :
tbe W lliamette Fa'is Cosnpany 's new
steamer t.axelle left her wharf las'.
. -' w . uviiiii . ' twc., ii-ju naa
ianded at t tie upper landing at Cane ma h,
! wben aboot tnble expkmog,
i br br, b! into atoms.kiiiing
nearly persons, and woundinsr as
ana woucdinaT
t mwnw nthm
Probable a more heart wxurren on me
VUnc. mmV ,A ooa ? the smoke
i cleared awiy a bttle.hundredsof citizens,
) mbo wer rr,if to help the dying, gath-
' erv d or. tbe wreck, and tbe work of aid
I romraencd. . 01
. . a- , . ,
" foand "
: ,,T! V, j.T . '.T V
tt "!"' 0010 ,b.rV Bat
! "i , . ' . ,7 L7-? .
i the cjmpaoy. had his head literally
j dashed to pieres.arHi could not have been
rt-Offnixed by other means than his
. clothe. Manv others were as had It
mutilated. We have hurrkdly collected
ee parueuiars. arsa can give the
i rmme of U.oe known. uno 10 o'clock.
"rr. B P
; . J1" l-P',',Kl ss' Fr?n
l&hsTi "wS-TS&ikK
deckhand ; Joseph Hffn. sa- vevor. i-
CBitir. . Match, deckiiaad John
rhxw. ,teward j John Clemmens.
pilot ; David Fuller. Portland ;
! Wadsaorth, passenger ; lodge Birvh,
Laitninse; .tames nire. casern : jonn
i- u:iu. jJ..,,. i M rjM .iw
..-" aw. i' .i;rr . ivnausi.oi
steamer tt na-ouib; Daniel Mcljtne La- j
favette, Ind.
' - "In ,be ,ist oonded, scalded, etc..
i ' name oi .-urs rtev Miller ,ot Albany.
! Two brothers, named fats haw ; Mosea
Tonie. first ensineer : ZTmssll rln.t !
a a . . . . . . - a. ..a m.
Mrs Paint and child.and the little dangh-
Th the nstirv of a tMmim
who'a weak, ailing, and miserable.
wny not Do a woman who's healthv,
happy, and strong ? You can be.
lou needn't experiment The
change is made, safely and surely,
with Dr. Pierce Favorite Pre
scription. It s a matter that rests with you.
Here is the medicine the only one
for woman's peculiar weaknesses
and diseases that's guaranteed to
help you. It must give satisfac
tion, in every case, or the money is
promptly returned. Take it, and
J'ou're a new woman. You can af
ord to make the trial, for you've
nothing to lose.
But "do you need to be urged f
You don't want size in a pill it
means disturbance. You want re
sults. With Dr. Pierce's Pleasant
Pellets, smallest, cheapest, easiest to
take, you get the best results. Sick
Headache, Biliousness, Constipation,
Indigestion, and all derangements
of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels
axe prevented, relieved, and cured.
.ttawwwrlaa qualltlsnars tsaaurpaaaecl. actual
entlaatins two boxen of ear other bran a. Naa
fleeted by . EaCIET THE GEN UlUlaS
: km-
How He Suffered from lj!rrrisv. Doc
tore Failed. Grete Wcree. Death
Only Relief Expected.
I have hero tnbl: witj. etrrante Scicma on my
llmtM. 1 he itcic.nir u in ii,.;,.
1 un "or work, i ana nod man
Lf - j
unfit for work . I i. ..; , J...,,, rcmedi
ecsi pny-
- v-.i no per
i:e Km.
t l,.r a mrrt
Ij (. -' . ' Iocs, more than a
fff pj bi t yar ago, and r.ow I wish I
i. t '.- sk and begun
to w the CcTicxaa Ittxc
mt' ti on-je. fiat tb
itn'.vt rata law raised lie,
gOI"! fr. KIK OM, WOOld
In ' :' i I oaa ro me, and coo
tir.nd 13 pmeriba for row
for tiw SMftdu. I grew
'-.:h wy.:M ftre been a re.
rrcv arfl -rorrs.
lief, srid ft wan the only rrhf I rzpeeted. .Tort
tbe:i ray wife (I Uuadt tod for a rod one) found
the Uxb tow eeut la eon- oor-of the-way plase
aol r'-ft It liitonh. ffym Ott birged the attend'
rig pby.4cian ami atf we wvj:d rj the
Cuticura Remedies
Procured one box of "i rict'oa, one eaka
d Ylccua tor. a't a bottle of Cctkubs lie
vr.T. I began to ii - thrca about the middle of
; lo-: Autroat, procarlng
ktet Auirut, procnniig i'
supply wt
I weifaad
; lir.t was exhausted, f tm now
my mioa7y wort.
feVrretary of tho
oiiivan Coonty Bible rSoeirty i portrait loeloaad).
Hare been cnyag'-d
n work in taw
VJSSm rarS
" Z7
Str.r. MA.rii.V .IU.K--.PTE.
1. ft. Ccz II, atongaup, Suliiran Co., S.T.
Cttt- -sal Rxwrrmrs are tbe greatest rain cure.
blid rrlners, and humor remed:ea of modrrn
tw. ' okI erety wkere. Irk. Ci-nctaa, aoc;
- .at. . : KxaotrKST, 1. I'rr pared by the
fin-rut liaru axn CugCAi.Cer., Boatoa.
tjr " How to Core PUn Pjarsam " A pages,
i'.l itration, itd UartC racial, nunjed free.
PlMPI.Krf. blaclbeads. n, chapped, and
tin o:. t)ua cured by finjf I a Soar.
Back Acbr, Kldncr rains, sad Weak,
neaa, Boieneas, Lanarneaa. ritrria,,
Sfsf Pain relnrvisd In one mlauite-t.y
tbe Cutl.Ti r ".fstiu i-later.
S3 SHOE .oTVrr.
tt hsadstv
sM to gsetsBaj beast wwlaiai tog
JaBOflanMasaauStf is 'VOQTX SCRItWMI' toV
W. L. DowKlasShoes.rtrae4
Sa- Twke Sc. &11I llllaSk .
Pawn re if frwwd. Boawg
oocapaa nasie at : ,n
gsrst wfctst yon bay.
W. L. Desglas, BrocVtes,
L. R. B-aAl S.
Gaararieed to
Sick Uea Jaehe ss
an. 40 in
sale by
h bo::c.
j. r. i, t J
-.., l.-srrM, SswiaMSaa. 1. nerr estawaaasa
Swra....tai ! tram c .rale strsssway. a,
rw-nsSKsmreiaw. rsesxwrs asxaatVs
aaassaaa w nw wctj- ..iiaomsnwirtso.
5.1;-.--- ...,.,1.1- . j ssat SA , '-rk
Sjarsi xxe rtr kTic:ctric co.
Mo. I7B First St POKTUSJiO. ore.
Wm GObenaueri Co are mak'ng a
map of Linn county, which should be in
every business house, public dwelling an 3
school room In Ltin county. The map
accurately locates every city, town and
postoffice, and rirei s and creeks, sltows
-rttif..- " r.' r . In.n.lila. ' --
distance of each postotHce from Albcnv
Cutout the fohowir.e and mau to W.
1 G Obenauet & Co, 100 Fioot street, Port
S land, Oregon, and t.ey w ill deliver rou as
i many as jou order.
; Please deliver me copies of your
x.rnn county map lor which aaree
to nay fitte cents per coot on deirvtrT ct
- c nc
a axes
t lire tlMa-v! with .ilat-:-T!
I Set . W h i res. s pt?r -a a torrscaafl
racr uurarurs:dtsrba2satkw
TOor druggist for a Nvtle of
Bur -. !; eiiaaa in vw .'are
witbeut the &i i or publicity of a
doctor. Non-routococs and
guaranteed not to stricter.
ra taawrasi gasar Icua Car.
Caveats, snd Trade-Marks c btaioe.1, and all Pat.
asttisauieHcocducted tor Moota.rc Fits.
Oowonncc is Opeoarrc o. s. p. tint omet
and w can secure patent iu lessmus litaa those
remote from Wasbioeton
bend model, drawing or photo., with descrir-
" e advise, if patentable or not. tree of J
charge. Our lea not dm till paient is yccured. 2
a BaaPMirr, How to Oiwain Patents," witkf
cose or same in tne l. S. sod loreign countries
seat tree. Address,
OP, "avrsrr Orrtcc. WasHiNaron. D. C.
Harness - and - SaddJery
Display in the Ooot
r gypj ism sWaow -aa"aa-jk- , a t jlwas . WBu
0 fl .nnKMnw n.
s?l!' SSuSml tfomm saw sell si STmmZi
Tg.JOS ....
w WTtliil wi Wl l. 1 Ml nl.iii saaaBSae trmt
" ioww, , . a.rnsj eaastaw. saww.
-w-. Iisgs r. rtausaaww. sMae.W asa'hwMer
a a ' -f- L iaSWSlllISSSI
aw - - - .. , ,n,
.sis.aaal,e. . nmslsaa la SsaSaatty sss a, .la,
wewer w. kAslka. wt ewe al .r ikaaWc.
' " Jmm IWkOT 5WJ s.taaa-
Ttjr,,i Manufaetare.1 by BBBBBBana
kThe Evans AesDczl Cr jfl