The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, May 12, 1893, Image 1

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Entered at tne Pes Ornce at Albany. Or , as Mrrond-t las Mall Matter;
STiTEK at xrrmc,rablUkera;aal rnfrtotini
NO 41
nunutOa 'NOSdWOHX
uaq sail poo ' jnoqn 5TtA 01 ajqn se. ans 'paisnci-rx.-i
aui aiuoq paosM m ajojag pasn iituu j -UN P'll
no saootf r is
o punoori .nrpaapiaid jaraSmrp H "JB o atl""
trilmi a acn, a mm IIIlM Ma". MIM U
seas pnn 'amdsisq ot Jtmfnt snotias isom Smorsirns 'uoSsst
a raojj uamuu,! mat 'aocKi shjj jo rraiui. mpi w
'on ki-miun 'Aomipi
--Gfchant Tailor .--
Sails Mate to Order and Satisfartion Gosraateed
Iepqiii;qg of 3131 liids.
The Own in. There is a difference of
opinion as to the origin o the fire We d
nesday night. Mr EL Thompson, special
agent of the Northwest Insurance Comp
any, as stated by the Dkmoosat, was
one of the first "present, and liss the
marks on his hands to show that he as
sisted in extinguishing the flames. He
states that there was no evidence at all
of kerosene. Others who were pesent
insist that there was a strong smell of
kerosene ; and it is safe to say that the
prevailing opinion is thai the tire was
Mr Beam explains the kerosene from
the fact that the boxes found had beer,
nsed for filling lamps on and say kero
sene had no doubt been spilled on them
in that way. Mr Merrill Phillips dis
covered the fire, and helped break in the
door and put out the fire, and did not
notice any marked smell of coal oil.
Labor Miktiho The meeting at the
armory last night was one of representa
tive laboring men. many of whom have
lived here for years. 1 C Dickey, a
pioneer resident of Linn county, was
e'ected chairman, anil C L Buck, secre
tary. On motion of Mr Frank Kitchen
it a agreed that the price of labor in
by Bnrkhait Bros.
One of the oldest Job printing
. Offset in the State,
lie only Exclusive Job Office
We have the Largest and
best Stock of Printers' Sta
tionery, it has ever been onr
pleasure to offer the people.
For Good, Quick Printing.
Flinn Block,
WE Kill , i . i
coffin. Abo 1 uill
which will be sold at
! .-rtl j foil 1'ie ef nelaiie. bih aid cdrnkiiKi
l ir!siii, in I ton ciotb. sii z , ai I n 1 1 e.
Lowest Living Profits.
EMBALMING aruJ t,,e proper ore of the dead a s-iecislly.
Cabinet phows from $1.50 to $
f f . per dozen. Snuaiging pictur
fS73fS)fflS (specialty. i6xo era von? fra
WAtA' ''Jior $io.o-. We -arrv a laree
" of 5x8 and ateresc op'e views o
- aibany. oregea -
. , 1... mMllml wr.rk that tell thf" causes.
describes -be eaMa points the remedy. This M
U ackDtiacallr the moM valuable, arti!leall)r sj
the roost beautiful. me.ll. al K-.k tht has nr u
a half ume Illustration hi tlnu. s.,m- of the
object, treated are Mervous Debility. .ISSjat.
tency, Mterlllty, Delpinent, arlcorele. The
MDaa4.Th.jw Intendftw Marriage, etc.
r,-, tf tf.m ..W 'Iran i I mint,
thr l'Uiin Forli. thf M SrmU ami "
rird Uff. who wWd ntonf "r jxurt ".'
aroaa naurm miiaiim. -""... n :
an'1 a
11 . .
H T. will Ke imI free under aeal. whll- the ertl
a lion lantii. If eonrenlent encloae ten oenl. to
Bpar pustace alone. AoaraM bh puuiwutra.
rmr Mrnir.aL CO..
ltrFFALO. H. T.
J.F.FORD, Mplist,
Ucfc Moir en, low, "r tea uorlei Jll of
Mjrch T.i, 16 33:
3. B. Mi)..
Dafur, O'ecoa.
Benton 'h MooDi,e.--Wiley Winkul in
Uie heaviest individual hut payer in Benton
county, $79,200 lieinfr Uie amount of his
assixsmeut . Geo S Coe pays on ifl7,490; H
Fischer on 11,142; estute B I. Arnold.
C!,66.,; EW Fisher. $rt3,4:: Jolm and
Man-Smith, $M!t,990: Hi Kline, 27,5W);
Col HogK- 23,:W0; Man- Stewart. 2T,HW:
McConlt'v Forter. 25,659; John Burnett,
12,086; J R Bryon, 6,824; John Foster.
119,065; Max Friendly. 10,862; Wm
Hogp;. 17,688; Mrs F A Helm. 5,290; F
M Johnson, 6,120; S L Kline. 9,025; H
C Kijrer, 17.849; Sol KinlO.ObVi; Cath
erine Fhile. 10,028; J K Sorbin. 6.500;
Mellissa 1 Thayer, 8,400; Caaper Rickard.
8,W6; C M Vanderpool, 9,:r72: W A
Slate, $7.86:1: W ( Porter. 21,171; Wm
Wyittt. 34.347. Those payinif taxes on
over 5,000 in Fairmont and Soap Creek
precincts, across the river from Albuny.are:
5 H Rotbel. 7,381: F L Such, 10,156: Y
R Williamson, 6.525; Wm Abraham.
11.060; WR Callowav. 13,400: Tolbert
t art.-r. 10.722; R C aibson. 7.936; J C
iruntor. 5.007; Arthur Johnson. 6.132;
Columbia Read. 8,349; estate T M Read.
13.596; John Wiles. 21.457; JOiJW
Writsman, 11,661. The above is accord
ing to n list just published in the Qaastts.
A Btn t'l.EANt i'. Tlie AhUnd Mining
Vi r 1 x. Vo i j i , I .. matte tfte Ifwilur cleanup of tiieu j-
XlUnyMM h $2 a aj d 'Mjtoti, qMU iAand 4onday. As
1 1 a nr., I tjtani A r.a r K. . a AM.m4l . . . . ....
a nnult of Si l4 rtays run of the mill on ore
from their Patton mine ):!7 ounces of gold
bullion wm bom and Sunt Jos A Wilson
curried the big baby to the bank with a big
broad smile becoming a paterfamilias. IN
Chas S Allroen, the company's skilled as
sayer had ftood reason to feel proud of the
baby, too, for his work of bulhonizing her
was well done and she was seat to the mint
as neat and sleek as a mountain daisy.
Estimating the value of this 437 acvseMMl
bullion at what the others brought it will
be 6555. The company are in about
seventy feet on Tunnel No 2 and making
five feet per day. The tunnel, when it
reaches the ledge. wiH tie 594 feet long.
Ashland Record.
man and team. A Da per was order J
circulated, ceca ring names for the. organ
isation under this agreement. Frank
Kitchen, Uaorge Kearns, Robert Crosbv,
J Hanaley ana J I Livingstoa wera ap
pointed a committee on constitution and
by-laws. An adjourned meeting will be
held Monday night to complete the or
ganisation. Zarn Job akkkstkd Deputy (imm
Warden C W Watts went to Corvallis
yesterday and arrested Zeph Job, the
well known banker on the charge of vio
lating the game law by building a dam
a-ross the river at Niagara, preventing
fish from passing up the stream. J &
Wyatt appeared 'for the tate and J K
Weatberford and C Wolverton for the
defense. The complaint was demurred
to on the grounds that it did not state
sufficient facts to constitute a cause of
action, and because the court did not
have jurisdiction ; but it waa over ruled.
Trial was set for May Slst at this city. The
case will be hotly contested and will he
taken to the supreme coart-
Hk Was Srochxd. Last Tuesday
evening about 8 o'clock R E Burke re
ceived a heavy shock of electricity while
replacing an arc light in the office, on
Commercial street, of the Salem Light
and Power company. He was grasping
the wire with one hand and caught hold
of the lamp with the other, thus com
pleting the circuit, and receiving the full
effect of 2.150 volts, which knocked him
down horning his left hand qoi'.e sever-
ly, in some places to the bone, and burn
ing his right band also.--Statesman.
A Linn Coi nty Accidist. Across the
V illamett: river is a ball that wears a boi rd
on bis horns. At five o'clock Sunday after-
nocn he htd escaped from the past uie and
the hired man was after him, when the own
er, Adam Ridir, came down the lane, re
taining home from church. Passing the
lines to his wife, Mr Radir jumped out to
stop the ball just ss a little dog assaaited
the imroai from the rear. The beard 00
bis horns prevented the ball fiom seeing
what was ahead and in nis mad night from
what was behind he steered himself straight
for the baggy. The horse didn't ant any
of it, and wheeling suddenly around, Mrs
Radir was thrown from the boggy sod her
writ fractured- She also received several
srnises about the face and head. 'limes.
Salem Not In It. Mr Toabley, the
sport, from Portland, who was in Salem
recently for the purpose of forming a team
and to manage a series of games, hss re
turned to Portland. It is hardly probaole
that there will be any games here this
season unless the enthusiasm gets mere
intense than it is at present. Mr C W
Watts, the temporary secretary, writes us
from Albany tor encouraging news, and
says they have signed two players. It is
to be hoped that Salem will vet take up
the proposition to join Portland, Oregon
Citv and Albany in their laudable efforts
to encourage 'cgtlimate sport.- Independ
Tne Best Magazine. The Ket lew of
Reviews for mar wilt be found as striking
lyoiiginal and individual in Its character as
iny previous issues of this enterprising
periodica'.. It strikes out Into a fresh nek)
with Mr Stead s magnificent character
sketch of Fiederick Selous, the great Afri
can t unter and traveler the greatest mm-
rod, in fsct, that this works has ever pro
duced. Mr Stead makes a marve!uslj in
teresting ehspter of cxplpits with lions, ele
phants ani ether large game in the heart
of Africa, and a!o shows in his own pecu-
!irrly rrri!"snj facinating woy bow vitally
the work of a great hunter like Selous may
associate itself with the advance ! civill
lation and with the enlightenment of the
Dark Continrnt.
Up the San ham. The Saatiam Lum
beman says: A petition containing
fifty-eight names hss been forwarded to
the postal department in Washington
asking that a new postoffice be estab
lished at Breitonbaah, seven miles aboe
this place.
Br C C Kelloy and S S Train, of Al
bany, spent Sunday at their ranches near
this place.
Gethno Immigrants. T M Morrison,
foreign immigrant agent, was in Lebanon
on the 25th of April, and again on last
Monday, looking over the Und in this
vicinity with the view of locating some
of his people whom he represents- He
represents a good class of people, being
Scandinavians and Swedes, and says be
will locate eight or ten families near
Lebanon between now and fall. Mr
Morrison seems to be a rustler and will
no donbt do all he undertakes.
Bkavtifil MoNfMENT. K W Achin
son. of the firm of E W Achinson & Co.. of
Albany, called on us to-day. having aet op
a monument at the grave of Rettu. beloved
daughter of our esteemed townsman Samu
el Load. The monument is made of the
beautiful Mountain Park marble with
mourning veins running through, and is
one of the neatest monuments ever placed in
our cemeteries. The workmanship and
material are unsurpassed, ami any one
wishing a first class job should hold their
order until a member of this well-known firm
calls upon them. Polk County Observer.
ArTKR Hoietkads. A jolly crowd
left Salem today for the timber moun
tains of the Cascade on the Oregon Pac
ific, under charge ef J L Peasler, consist
ing of Walter Low, Meti Hamilton. Newt
Farrell. John Duncan and Colonel Olm
sted. They left on the local tor Turner
where they meet teams and will drive 10
Detroit on. the Oregon Pacific line.
Mr Peasley will locate the boys 00 choice
homesteads, and says that there are plenty
more just as good left tor taking. Salem
A Bio Sctt. George S. Coe. a citizen of
New Jersey, yesterday commenced a suit in
the United States circuit court against the
Pacific Construction Company .a corporation
havingit offices at Corvallis. to recover the
sum oP$136.02O.70. with interest amount
ing to some 40.000. Mr Waliis Nash i
attorney for plaintiff. The complaint k
voluminous. A peculiar thing about the
suit is that it seems to utt the etxiniaa.
The suit has nothing to do with the railroad
This St mm kk the 0. P. management in
tend to locate a number of tents about the
Breitenbusb and Detroit for the accommo
dation of persons who wish to take an out
ing in those delightful kralitiea. and alo
several special excorrion trains are coming
up from Albany and Corvallis during the
Iwst fishing port of the summer. - Mill Citv
Powttonkij. The annual picnic of the
Y. P. S. C. E. of lakville has been post
poned on account of disagreeable weather
and bail roads. The committee of arrange
ments have decided to change the time
from May 1:1th to Saturdav. June 3rd.
Please take notice of the change ami come
1 . . v..
everyooay. ny oraer 01 committee.
Attention No. i's. All mem hers in
good standing of Albany h opine Co No
I, A F D, are hereby id) seated to have
their measure taken fee the new unifotm st
N Waldahl's tailor shop, within five ilays
from date, ay order of committee
AtKlsl. A Ms rllMltl
Judge Whaliey, of Portland, hss been In
he clt,
J II Townsend. of Ntwberg, is in the
city on business.
Frailer, the horse buyer, is In the citv.
The demand is almost entirely for big
O G Hopkins ss yesterday appointed
auditor and paymaster of the 0 P vice C G
Ifogue, resigned.
J E Sorbin, who I; is been In the velley
ome tlme,ieturned " l noon to his fruit
asnch nesr The ta!U-.
Last evening the lstiics of ths EplKopel
chinch gave a social at the residence ol W
E Warren. A plessant evening was passed.
Mr Claire Vunk, nne of AJbaay's brightest
and most popular young mea, is lying dan
gerouslvlill at the home of hia father in this
city, with no hopes of his recovery.
Adam Asset 1, who for the pact two or
three years hss run a restaurant here, has
closed his business and will locate In New
port in the course of a Couple' of weeks.
bam Simpcon, the poet end a very
bright writer, has just taken a course at
the Znser Institute tollend. Whiskey
was his great enemy, and if lie has con
quered the enemy look out (or a useful life
E Uugher, the expert Portland shot, was
ia the city to day.
Mrs J I. Cowan an. I son Will, returned
Ihls noon from their eaatcra trip.
O M McFarlaad went lo Pail land this
noon m the interest ofihevilley baseball
MrsClSidart and two youngest ci.ild
ren left this nn far Chehah. Wash, to
prepare for removal there.
Mr and Mis Jack Simpson reurneH from
tlieir bridal trip 10 Port'aod last cvexing and
went ts Ysijuina Bay this noen .
A dance will be held at the grange hall
across the river tonight. A tine lunch
hss betn prepared by Parker Bros for the
Jesses J Charlton SMS able to coase to Eeb
anoo Saturday, aad h topp;ng with hi fath
er. He is gradually regaining health.
unanm Aiivance.
Mr W E Bakei has been bos sine U,t
veomg explaining how bis name had hern
changed to Warren. Tta; Episcopal social
nasheidat the residence of W E Raker
Editor E Hofer. of tl e Ssbm Jmm.1
has been elected Colonel of the Sons of
Veterans of Oregon. Col Hofer recently
met Col Jeff Myers, of thi mnntr i ff
the earth didn't ouake it wax not th
fault of these live Colonels.
Mrs 8 E Y0U02 and Mrs E V K lash
yesterday for the east. The w ; nH
Sunday in Salt Lake City, and will at
tend the National VY CTUil Omaha.
Mr Young and Mr Sox will go east in a
few weeks and join them at the World's
Tbe Corvaillis Time -rivea Ihia rrir.
of it: The calcium lieht marhine vol
out of fix at tbe Cinderella performance
Albany last week It waa loratH in
tbe gallerv and when t!, nnr
denly took to bis heals the audience
smeiled danger and made a oreeinitaie
rush tor the door. Fred Yates, w bo was
playing a flute, in the exodus was
knocked down and run over bv some hi
chap who was so busy watching the in
fernal machine that he did'nl im Frevl
The latter was in Corvallis Saturday and
was sept tiusy explaining to friends bow
happened to be crippling around on three
v n tw ram
I'fMfcicd. La.. ;-n in
the citv
Mms Lou Burnett, of Corvaliis. hss been
In the city the guest of the MlssMcFarland
Jack Iiempsey leavvs for the Kart tomor
row, to go into training at 'onev Island bo
nis ngnt with Nnith. which us-- pU. e
ine .sjth. Portland Dispatch.
Rev. Ira Wakefield, of Piw.-nii w.H-
ktwwn throughout the land as a ..i. il:--sjn-iiker.
and at the late election can-tidatc
tor ctrt-uit itfclge. annuncv that he bju-
withdraw n frcaa the F A A I I
Rev. E. V 'ondit. wife and m. of Al
bany, were on Tuesday's train for the IW
Menan gmerala.i!il,ly Mr. I i a
memlT of Ihivid Clark'" family who are
now living in Ashland Ashland Record
nv pkoi fhh ri.ous rt'. tiuok rns rAMIMS
An UAXV.KK ths:,
oia!.ia ass tl John B. Aldnn'ji mi liltnllr.iB
vuieb wt, sell at ontdlshex'sj -triom with
On arriving hom last wrek, I funcdsll
well and anxiously- n'vaiting.DOur little
girl, e nht and ooe-hslf years okd, who had
wa ted sway to : X pound, is now well,
strong and vigorotor, nnd w-ll fleehed m.
-s. B. Crjiigh i'ure hasdme ltr Wors. well.
Both of ths chlldt ea Uke it. Your S B.
Cough Cure has raised and kvt-p: nwsy all
bosrsenesa from ma. So giv it to every
one, with greetings for all. Wishing you
prorpeii y. we am
Yours, Mb k M J F Kohl.
If j i'i wish to 4. ol f raah and cheerful,, and ready
for the Spring's woi k, cleanse your syateLi wth the
Headache and l,iT Cure, by taking two or three
doses each -reek.
Ml cents 1 r bottloby ail dnifgista.
Sold under a pi altive j-uaraatee by
ladv of Perpatnai Help
iNK or NCIO,
i I ialjLSlI
Ouaa promptly sures
Coughs, Croup. Bora
to per - Bottle.
Une cent a dose,
This Obkat Cotjgh
where aU others fall.
Throat. Hoaraeneaa
Asthma. For Conaumotion ft has no ri
has cured thooaanda. and will CUBS TOO
uuceu in time. Bold try xirnggiSTS on a
anteo. For a Lame Back or
Have you
teed to curt
...-T J Muni
...A J ilouxso
lave you Catarrh ? This remedy Is guaran-
) you. rnoe.ouoja. xnjecxoriree.
To aid Digestion take one Small Bile Beas
after cutlntf. icyper bottle.
Mors O. P. Litigation. Just as we
go to press we lesrn of new developments
n O P litigation mstters. This time it Is
the Oregon Devolooment company that
is In it. Tuesday a suit to foreclose a
nortgage of $1,500,000 agsinst the O D
Co properties wss Sled in the Benton
county circuit court. Brown and Blair
are plaintiffs and the O 1) Co and the
Manhattan Trust Co and B W Wilson, ss
trustees, are defendants. The plaintiffs
also want a receiver sppoinled for the O
U Co. Shortly alter this suit was tiled It
came to light that a receiver. Mr K A
Bensell, of Newport, had been sppointed
by the United States at Portland. It also
developed that B W Wilson Is not
trus'ee in the company ; but thst the
trustee, an eastern man, begun a suit In
the federal court at Portland, while In ef
feet would amount to the ssme as the suit
filed here. This ill net effect the present
arrangements of the O P. Times.
An Eaglk. Esgles are rarely seen in
this country nowaoays, so when a big bald
one flapped his wings and struggled as if
injured on the river bank near Peoria last
week, the passing stesmer Hosg stopped
snd all on b:ard crsned their necks to get a
view, A small boat was loweree in the
hope of capturing him, but a th? boat
suited near the shore the big bird si. read
his wings and left the co&tmen to hold the
ssckv Timei.
Iune Races The Polk County DIs
trlct Fair association, of Independence, Is
making preparations to have one of the
best meetings of fast horses from all over
Oregon ever held, to take place June 15
16 and 17. The race-track and the build
ings on the grounds ef the association are
completed. The association hss one of
the best race tracks In the state and It will
be In Tine condition for tbe races.
The Commencement Exercises of
the College this yesr promise to be ot
more thsn ordinary Interest, on account
of the large size of the class. By virtue
of her highest standing Miss Annie Yantis
will be valedictorian of the class; Hugh
Fisher will present the history of the class
nd Mica Ava Baltimore tne oroohesv
1 The essays snd orations will be of a high
j order.
aa I adl. paled Teat r Bterlt.
A medicine that has been a household
remedy far Over rlftv ve&r and ued in that
time by more than i'id.000 .000 persons must
have great merit. Such a medicine is found
in Brandreth's Pills. This fact demonstrates
the value of these pill letter than anv
stateinent of the proprietors. It will be
observed that the dose miuired to cure is
small. One or two pills taken every night
lor ten or twenty days will cure dyspnpHia.
n-tiveness. rheumatism, liver complaint
biliousness, or any disease arising from an
impure state of the blood.
Kmndreth's Pills are purely vegetable
absolutely harmless, anil safe to take at any
NMd in every drug and medicine -tore
either plain ur sugar coated.
Tbe S wring.
Of sll seaso iu tbe year, ia the oae for
making radical cbang in regard to health
During the w inter, the si steal becomes to
curtain extent clozged with waste, and the
lood loaded with impurities, owing to lack
of exercise, close on tin. m. nt in poorly
ventila' ed shops and horns, and other causes
This is tbe cause of the dull, ilugsish, tired
feeling so general at this aeaaon, and which
most be overcome. r the health may be
entirely broken down. Hood's Sarssparilla
baa attained tne greatest popularity all over
the country as the favorite rpnng mellcine.
It expos the aocumulatu n of imparities
through the bowels, kidneys, liver, lunar
and skin, gives to the blood the parity sad
quality necessary to good heiitb sod over
comes tbst tired feeliag.
Capt Sweeney, 0 8 A ,San Diego, CaL
says. "Snilob s Catarrh Ke-nedy Is tbe hrs
medicine I hsve ever found that would do me
any good , Price, 50 cts . Sold by .shay
dt Mason.
Shiloh's Yitaiizer is what yon need ftr
dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kid
ney trouble. It is guaranteed to give yon
satis:action. moe;7&0. roahay
na aa . . .
1 ne repress is m receipt of s cummuni-
ation fmm Clear lake which IsHs of some
queer doings among the superstitious Mo
docs down that way. and repeals the fact
o-naiii SBemoerv the trils- are we.i ni in
tne an 01 necromancy. Ihir correspontlent
rvi.ii.-. mat ore- night Lu-t c k lr 1 li.u"!ie
an oii meviicine man. cxt a sntl upon an
Indian wonuui who had vtich a terrt of the
sorcerer that she went into siwsms. that
followed one after another for four hours
Mie finally implored the medicine man to
relieve from the asronv which she was en-
lnnng. Ih- Charlie and otliers cnt.-n-d her
wickiup and the former U-gan an incantu
tion. calling upon Comniu.-umk anl tbe
other gods to assist him. He finally places:
his mouth to that of the woman S antldraw
ing a Oe'p hreath su,vdel in extnictmg
from her stomach a largi' MWMM Uxu to th
anuizi nieiil of the Indians encircled alnit
lr I harlie irlon w-a ,,idv i.f short ilur
ation. being dimmtst by tlte appearance on
tbe scene the following niuht of a woman
ho claimed that Charli. w.lh only a novice
in Uw business of casting out evil spirits
and charged him with having siisonel hi
victim 01 tne night previous, boa ngree
to tovc" her assertion
the doctress Ugan incantation of a weird
na!im the audience sinirimr in the mean
while. She also tlawd her mouth to that
of the unfortunate and then siwt out a green
sulwtance that immediately began to burn
with a blue hued blase and in the smoke
that arose the forms of the gods 'ommuc-
uhiks and isees were plainly outlined. Ine
Indians run in terror from the sick woman's
tent and the doctmu is now regarded w ith
great awe.
Tuch Ji the tale that comes from our cor
respondent, a 'reliable gentleman of that
vii inity who mixes with the Indians ami i
acquainted with tlieir snpeTstitions.
Poultry and Hides. The undersigned
Is paying the highest cash p. ice for hides,
furs and poultry. Call on me at corner
of Third and Ca'lapoola streets, In Albany.
A. Cohen.
Notice. Parties desiring s good cup of
coffee should call at the store of Perry
Conn and examine the Pan American
coffee pot, guaranteed 10 save you 30 per
cent of your coffee; m-kes a better coffee
than can be made by the old way, and It Is
made in twenty seconds. Call and see us.
Ont Of Sight
The traveling pnblio are now folly alive
tolthe fsct thst the Chicago, Union Pacific
& North- Weftern i Ine offers the very best
accommodations to the public from 'and to
Chicago, Omaha and intermediate points,
not only durina the World's Fair, out all
the year round.
AThea Saby tu slca, we gave bar Castorns,
hen uwsis Child, she eried for Caatorta,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorta,
Chen sbo bad Child -en, she gave them Castorta.
Whra Traveling.
Whsthet on plessoie bent, or business,
take on everv trio a bottle of .Syrup of frigs
it acts most pleasantly snd effectively on I be
kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers,
headslhes snd other forms cf sickness For
sale in 50 cent and $1 1 ottlcs by all leading
The SbUI sad ataawlewge-
F.antial to the productionjof the most per
fect sod popular 'sxstive remedy known,
have enabled the California rigSyruo Co
to achieve a great suconas in th reputation
of its renidy, Sviud M rigs, as i is conced
el to be the universal laxsuve. ror sale y
all druggists.
For the boss tafhes aii-1 peppermint mo
lasses drnpi go to Muellers Parlors.
World's Fair Travelers Will Have II: si
The public demand through service when
traveling, .'t is old-fashioned to "Change
Cars. On the ihrough, ol.d yeatumled
trains i.f the Chicago, Union PaciCo A
North Western Line from or to Chicago,
Omaha and intermediate points there is no
change. This is the finest and fastest ser
vice between the points named.
in Easy Winner:
The solid veatlbuledltraiu nf the Chicaoo.
Union Pacific A North Western Line diatanr e
all competition with ease. It hss the short
est line, fastest time, Union dspots and no
chsnge or delay at the Missouri River.and is
ths popular World's Fair route.
Guaranteed to cure Bilious AttacJtsand
Constipation, Small tlile Ueanr.
Nw York, April 28, 1893
Hardly have the congratulations and
scenes of joy left the house of Brauley
Martin, by the departure of the Earl snd
Countess of Craven on their honey moon,
than the name of the Martins comes be
fore the public view again. On last Fri
day evening or rather at midnight, burglars
entered the mansion occupied by the
genial Bradley Martin. A pane ef glass
was broken In the rear basement window
snd through this the ambitious marauders
entered. After taking everything in the
sliver line the burgla's at and drank to
the health of Mr Martin ar.d then took
leave by the front ss to be stylish.
Their plunder amounts to about $5000,
and dctectltrs are an the track ol the
The oldest 1 esident of the city died last
Thursday ass the age ef ninety-eight.
Colonel Charles B 1 appen was born In
New Jersey, on February jib, 179 His
father died when he waa only eight years
old, snd with five children" hia mother
moved 10 'his city, where Col Tappen has
lived slice that t'lane. A the outbreak of
tbe war f. i N12 Uoverner Willlaro L Mar
cy appointed him Colonel of a regiment.
Kscm 1 bit to S Colonel Ta noen was
Con. mlssioner of Public Works. At the
time of bis death he lived with his son,
Frederick D Trapper, who Is president of
the Gallatin National Bank, of this citv,
and It was bis custom tc aalk from his
house to his son's office In Wall street, a
distance of about four railes,e very day and
return. He was good looking, wefl pre
served and had a host of friends who will
mourn the loss of so oM and worthy s
citizen. Co onel Tsppen had thirty-two
d-scendants. Une of them, a great-great-grand-daughter.
Is twenty years oka. He
was buried on Saturday from All Souls
church, one of the leading churches in
the city.
When ordinarily spoken of a "stag" is
a mere gathering of th masculine sex.
dut the "stag" which was given by the
Twenty-second Regimental the large and
comrxfious srmory.which covers an entire
city block, on Monday evening, was an
event of no little concern the citizen
soldiers and their many friends In this
city- PerhsTs four ' thousand people
crowded into the armory to enjoy the fine
progra:r. which was presented bv the com
mittee under the ieadersnlp of 'the genial
Colonel Cssnp The talent was all first -clsss
snd, including many from the
Imperial," It was plainly 1 he cream M
the Var.devillc stage. The first number
was Introduced at about ten o'clock and
you may be sure that it waa a late hour
the nest day , when U-e bovs started
homeward. This is an annual event snd
lihout equal In lu kind In tbe me
Tbe great international fleet, consisting
thirty-five ironclads and gunboat.
reached the lower bay on Tuesdav morn
ing, having left Hampton Roads on Mon
Jay . On Wednesday forenoon the vessels
farted up tbe bar and anchored in twa
columns in tbe Hudson river, where they
will remain to be reviewed on Thursday'.
This unusual sight has attracted manr
peop.e 10 New lark and the hotels sre
a!i fairly crowded. Following are the
cssels which are at anchor a-.d constitute
his fleet: United Slates Philadelphia
flag. Cashing, Newark fSag.l Atlanta.
San Francisco, Miantonorr oh, Bancroft,
Chicago flag,) Yorktown, Charleston,
esuvius, Concord ; Argetlna De Julio:
Holland Van Spevk ; Germany Kai-
swin Augusta, Steadier. Great Britair.
Blake (flag. ; Australia.Maeicienne.Tanar :
Russia Dinutri Denskoi ffsaaT.i General
Admiral, kynds; France Arctbuse flag.)
l-ussard, lean Bstt Ha v Etna iflaaO
Giovanni Banssn : Soain fnfata Isabel.
Rein Regente, Nenva Eepana: Brazil
Aquids'nn (flag.i Tisadentts. RrmihhV-a
Thursday was ushered in bv a continuous
rain and disagreeable weather causing tbe
postponement of the naval review until
.ne o clock Instead of ten in the mc ruing.
as had been intended orieinailr The
rain ceased about twelve thirty .and when
President Cle? eland and his cabinet
boarded the Dolphin the sun was trying
hard to force its war through the daril
- - ---- . . . wmw pitKHtcu
a'ong the Hudson river lor a distance of
over three miles will never be forget ten
oy tnose w nose good fortune it was to
witness the magnificent spectacle. It
the grandest marine picture that was ever
witnessed in a Hire of feace. Imagine
that you could see tbe grand panorama.
lor such it appeared to be. One line ol
vessels composed the rer-reseniatives of
:i. bngitsh. trerman. Italian. Russian.
Spanish, French and the Sooth American
navies; the other column consisted o
' m ddles" with white sides and
the stars and stripes at the.r masthtad.
Around these vessels were excursion
boats, yachts, sloops, steam boa's and si,
klrd of crafts loaded down with humanity
snd acng either shores of the noble Hud -
people gathered in thousands, on
housetops and wharfs or wherever they
could obtain a view of the great fleet. Tne
President on board the i)otphtn started at
the southern end of the line and proceeded
between the column of warships, eacb of
wnun nred a salute of twenty-one guns as
the Chief Magistrate passed'. When the
Dolphin finished Its cruise and passed the
last ship.smail boats containing the officers
of the several ships came alone side and
left the officers who were entertained in a
reception by President Cleveland. As
the President was going ashore the Do! -phin
fired one shot which was s signal,
and the entire fleet fired twenty-one shots
In concourse, making a most terrific noise
ana imposing spectacle. The many boats
then steamed around Uie various great
Ships and the great crowd was reluctant to
go home. Avery Interesting event was
the exhibition given in the evening by alt
the ships which at a signal threw such
lights all around the river making a most
brilliant scene. The lights are so strong
tnst they can reneel a distance of nearly
nve mites.
Friday was a magnificent dav. mild and
bright. The feature ol the day was the
grand land psraee, which was reviewed
by Governor Flower and Mayor Gllroy
ffom the City Hall. The first division
consisted of the marines and sailors from
the American ships, and cheer upon cheer
went up from tne enthusiastic multitude
ss the gallant sailors marched down
Broadway with fine ranks. The second
division c insisted of sailors and marines
f om the foreign ships, and the sight of
the English marines in their neat red
uniforrrs and white helmets was some
thing that the pin cannot describe And
then the oilier nslions, all carrying their
flags, passed on amid a constant spell of
cheenvg and every or.e waved old glory
ine rust nrigsde ot the .New York mill
tia followed and won much desetved ap
plause by their fine marching. This
event Is unprecedented In the history of
the world, where so many nations matched
in the same parade. New York is proud
today and the entire country should feel
the thrill of pride which centers In the
The grand bsll given at Madison Square
garden on 1 hursday evening was a tin:
llant success, and the foreign naval dig
nalles were entertained by the President
si d his cabinet and the municipal officers
of the city.
The Union League Club held a recep
Hon on Wednesday evening in honor of
the naval officers, who attended In large
numbers, making the club house appear
more brilliant than the court of an Euro
pean monatch.
The city Is crowded with visit rs and
tbe great ships of wsr are being visited
and inspected by thousands of curious
people. Wm F H Korlscii
regaiar cnr.ep,adeni.
Washington, May 1, 1893.
.'udge Lochren, the democratic commis
sioner of pensions, takes charge of the pen
sion bureau this week, with the full
knowledge that be has undertaken tbe task
of his life, and by far tbe hardest job that
will fall to any bureau chief under the pres
ent administration. He folly shares Presi
dent Cleveland's ideas that the V 8 pension
list should be a role of honor, and from the
start it will be his earnest endeavor to make
it so. No soldier legally entitled to a pen
sion has anything to fear from Judge,
Locbreo; it is those who are drawing pen
sions without any legal right to them that
are in danger from the new administration
of the pension bureau. The roll is to be
gone over i artfully as rapidly as possible
without neglecting the current business of
Uie office, and the rascnln, when found, are
not only to be dropped, but where ever it
can be done they are to be compelled to
repay the money they have illegally drawn
from the government- In this good work
Judge Lochren will be glad of the co-operation
of every good dttzan. If any citizen
in sny'part of tbe country knows of any
man who draws a pension without being
entitled to it be sbduld at once communi
cate with Judge Lochren. giving the lads
as far as he knows them, in order that an
official examination may be made. It is
believed that the old soldiers themselves
will aid in this work as soon as they be
come convinced, as they soon most be, that
only the frauds are in any dang" r of losing
their pensions-
Sectetajj Herbert hat been to busy since
he took charge of the nary, department
making preparations for the naval review
to say nothing of an attack from the gnr
that he has had no lime to inquire into
several notorious abases known to exist in
bis department, bat he will 4o so now.
Prominent in this list of abases is the prac
tice of granting long Leaves of absence to
nival officers with two-thirds pay, in order
that they may enter the employ of private
parties or corporations, thus drawing two
salaries. The very nature of tbe employ
ment of these officers, as will be seen by a
list of the most prominent of them hereto
appended, is in itself scauadaiona, and wouUl
salt be tolerated by any other government,
snd probably will not much longer by tbe
United States: Commander Folger, who
eras for some years Chief of bureau of ord-
e of the navy department, was last
year grant! ksr.e 1 1 aWnoe IsT tw I yar
on the ground of ill health. He immediately
entered tbe employ of the company which
rvsstrnlled the Harvey process for improv
ing steel armor plates, and which has large
contricu with ths government, contracts.
too. which he. as chief of the ordnance
bureau, had been instrumental in ,,-etttng
awarded to that company. This transac
tion doesn't look altogether straight doss
it r Lieut Swift has been on leave since
August 1, iSsD, and during all this time he
has been in the employ cf Sellers A- Co. o
Philadelphia, who have sold tbe navy de
partment big bilk of took. etc. many of
which were designed by Lieut. Swift, a-ho
ako negotiated their sale to the deportment.
Lieut Commander Symonds. and Chief
Engineer Robinson got one year's leave of
absence each, in order ta accept positions
with private parties at the world's fair.
Lieut Commander Corcwall has been on
leave of absence for two years and under
salary to the Thomson-Houston Copper and
Xickle Co.. to look after its contracts with
the navy department . Lieut Stone has a
three years leave dating from March 16,
1891. and draws $ 5OOO, a yesr from Car
negie & Co., to look after their steel eon
tracts with the navy department. Lieut,
I'riggs joint inventor of a rapid firing gun
used in the navy, is on leave and in the
employ of the company that manufactures
those guns. Chief Engineer Towne, after
long service in preparing for the depart
ment, designs for laachinery for naval res
sals, was granted leave of absence for two
years in order that be might draw 16000 a
year flora Cramp and Sons for superintend
ing tbe construction of the machinery be
has designed in de course of his regular
duty. Chaplain Holt is on leave engaged
in literary work. Civil Engineer MenocaL
is on leave, and is chief engineer of the
Nicaragua Canal Co. This is only a partial
list, but it shows a bad system.
Boy Lawn Mowers of Matthews & Washburn
But Lawn lowers ot Matthews l Washburn
Bit Law Mowers t Wm k f aslbui-
80; Lawn Mowers ot Matthews & Washburn
Boy Lain Mowers of Matthews & Washburn
Julius Gmdwohl's Bazaar
Tie ery latest .'new is that yon can buy at JULIUS
'R tVDWOBX'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows:
Artraokle's Coffee, Pot Pound
Pbs. Granulated Sugar $1 00
xbs. MsgnoUa Sugar White i oo
Wo- 1 ZL' Pr inle gallon 20
Cans refilled, 5 gallons. 90
6 Gallons Good Piokles,market firm. iio
1 Gallon Ho. 1 Syrup 40
JW eoodnot a strict cash stotw. and all good, will be sld for not eaah from 1
Tfs fT.'r prtOB- . 7 of Cbinaware, fancy gornimU
ti lbs dswnrabk sylos of dishes, aa well as a general aa.,rtmnt of groeotVeroei
T. ramps nnd fisrnrew is sasapKtc. 1 snahs a vpeei Utv of floe to., eoffw ana
-.cmg powder, and always pl'sss toy ensSorrsssra,
or ssvoral n vporitdbU insoranoa ec sapanies. JsallsaB sSrstsf sroU.
for Infants an Children
-?t-s.- IL A. linn U D
Ul So. Oxford Sl, Brocrja, X. w.
H- Msf'Osnife'haDBsinnslaM
-r.-r i s ?!! kawa taast It aswnsa a work
UsasiS nasties waa do sue awep Cassia is
Casus alawrrs. D.TJL.
.Vrw York CUT.
nnfii nlliaili in
Eccr sunascU, ZawesaSaasv,
KBat Wcrass, gives steep, and prom
For amal swan I isrr
oar ' Castorm. ' aad aiui. alrsr c
so sail has bmrmoiy jiiiiaurial I
Ebwix r. Pabexs. H. Sl,
Tixs WlzCkrop. 13di SsracS aad 7tA As-,
Sew Tork Cast
r-ri Ca-naca Ccusvastr, TT jtcxaax grssaTT. Saw Tecs.
iKAd, PrssadowtV
J L WW AS. TrssMorer.
j o wRrrsMs.. soexwtij-
Oeo F SJMFSOJf. View Presiiant
t C.swan. Ueo P Simpson. W F Read, D B Sfonteith.M srnoers.fl W
J a, eat nertord, v Stnart.1 o
also DnrrsKT aesarrs i
Secretary G res ham, having received in
formation that riots were likely to break
oat in stales having many Chinese on the
5th of May, sent a request to tbe governors
of such states thst such riots be promptly
quelled. Governor Pennoyer seat back
the following reply: "I will atten 1 to my
business. Let the president sitend to his."
This boorishness is characteristic of the
The San Francisco Poft thus comments
upon the conduct of the governor :
Poor old Pennoyer : what a hard time he
has keeping himself in the public eye. He
has the misfortune ta be governor of Ore
goo, wblcb is one position wuich stands be
tween him and his dearest w sh of becoming
trick mule in a country cucu. ror tbe
place he is adequately adapted by nrtuial
talents ana education, ana long practice
with gubernatorial opportunities have made
him a dangerous rival for iny four footed
ia the profession. Itnnover oannot re
fiain from hi; foolishness any more than :
monkev can from making faces. He wss
born with wheels uneer his bst, and they
have been whirring ever tince. It is qnlte
probable that he has no desire to appear the
fool that be is. He may. indeed, try to
hide the fact that he should have a guar
dian, but so fsr he hss failed. He is plainly
a cad, and extraordinarily impertinent, even
for an Oregonisn. lie has all the igno
ranee ol a Toon with the presumption of a
psrrot. In answer to a business dispatch
from the secretary ot state, Penmner made
his reply, which was as follows, public:
"I will attend to my business. Lh the
president at'end to his."
At first we believed that it was plain
whisky, but second reading convinced us
it wss somethinc else. In drswlng atten
tion to Pennoyer's resemblance to the
mule, we, of course apologize to the latter.
Many other papers comment in a similar
Ta Cet at Ike Facts
Keuardiog Hood's Sarsaparii h, aaa th
people who take this medieior, or leid th
testimonials often published in this psps
Tbsy will convince yon thst Hoods's oars
Hood's Pill ouie ooostipstion.
several Solid Eastern and Foreign Companies
The Oregon Land Co
A'itn its home office st
SALEM - - -
.ne Gray Block, comer Liberty and State street, branch office !n Portia -W
MA.KES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tracts near Salem' .
Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 ptr
ere small cash payment long time on balance
or particulars.
WhoUcale ard Retail Dealers in
od Water,
Orange snd,lroii.
Keltaer Waters,
Birrh Beer,
sarsnpatriUa nattron.!
Iron Wtae,
Country orders solicited. G t s a tria",
flf.d neuard $1C0.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
Iraru that Uu r is at i issS oce dreaded disease
that science has boon able to euro in all its
Blairvs, tied that l CV.tairh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is the ouly positive, cure known to the med
ical fraternity. Catarrh being; a conatitiitloual
disease, rvquirra .v ouutiiuliona! treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly upon the Hood and mucous surfaces of
the system, thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease, ami giving the patient strength
by buildingup tho constitution and assisting
nature in doing its work. The proprietors have
mar t ne;
Our spring wraps have oome and on ac
count of their late arrival we will sell same
with tis small Mt pcsiibls margin. Th
Ladies Bassar.
offer One Hundred Dollars for any ease tbat ft
fails to cure. Send for list ot testimonials.
Address, F. J. CHEJIEY & CO. , Toledo, a
S3- Sol " sv Druggis' ie.
tut up in neat watoh-ebaped bottles, augur
coated. Snail !. Beuns. Sic oer bottle.
Bee and Poultry
Portland, Or.
J. JOSEPH, Proprietor,
Only White Labor Employed