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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1893)
Ike Sonant LOCAL RECORD Am Honokahi.k Man. M W Cviness of Pendleton, once a resident of Albany, is financially embarrassed, bis liabilities being about $40,000, but be is doing the square thing, and has paid 85 per cent in cash and secured the other 15 per cent, an honorable course that deserve notice by the worid . Mr Cavinesi was enabled to weather the financial s'orm by the sale of bia Foster ranch property, which was purchased, together with his irriga tion ditch, by the Oregon Cons traction. Land & Irrigation Company, a npwly or ganized enterprise, in which Hon R S IStrahan and Judge J W Whalley.of Port land, are largely interested, of which j W Hunt will be general manager. Tns Traxs-Miksissippi Conurbss. Hon George E Chamberlain returned last night from Ogdcn, where he had been with ten other representatives from Oregon, to the Trans-Mississippi Con gress. A gathering of men in the inter est of the states west of the Mississippi. He reports a live and interesting con gress. Many interests peculiar to this Bection of the U S were discussed, the silver question having the leading place. The congress declared itself in favor of free silver by a vote of 230 to 40, and in favor of admitting I tab as a state bv a vote of lt2 to 71. Governor MrConnell, of Idaho, presided. General H B Comp on was elected vice pesident for Ore gon. Sporting Matters. The Portland Review give the following in reference o the Martin -Kinzel match at HcMinn ville: Unfortunately for Mr Kinzel, his gun became d'wbled during the prelimin ary shoots, which handicapped him to some extent; but despite this fact the splendid shooting he did was beyond the hope of his most sanguine friends, and proved that he was a foe man worthy the steel of the most experienced . As the sore shows, it was r.o man's match until the last bird was killed, and then by only the narrow margin of one bird, the siore being Martin 19, Kinzel it, out of a pos sible 20. Also the following Albanr news: The interest in blue rocks absorbs all others and Albany now boasts of some of the finest trap shots In the state. The follow ing are some of the scores broken from a possible 35 in some of our recent practice shoots: 1 J Baltimore 35, Sky Meeks 33, Geo Froman 33 and O B Monteith 33. The Gold medal is now worn by Geo Froman, and Mr Baltimore certainly wears the belt. And these in the Portland squibs: Peter Lindgrrn was after the blue rocks Sunday but they appeared to be ono his inten tions and thus kept hitr guessing Mr Montelth's arrival on the grounds was met with a general sigh of satisfaction. Mr Monteith Is verv popular and we hepe his call will be frequent. For Life. The jury lntlie case of the State agt Morgan Wassom came Into court Saturday evening at 5:45 o'clock, after being out just 6 hours, and announced a verdict or murder in the second degree. The senfnc will be p renounced on Wed nesday at 9 a m, and will be imprisonment for life On the first ballot two voted for murder In the first degree and 10 against; the neat vote was 7 for murder In the second degree, 2 for first degree and 3 for manslaughter. On the 10th ballot the vote was unanimous, and was probably In accordance with public opinion, as viewed by the majority. On the R. vr Mayor Friendly met Receiver E W Hadlev and General Super intendent R E Mulca'hy, who had come down to Portland especially to meet him . They said they intended tunning the steamer Messenger regularly to Eugene and would ship all Southern Oregon freight offered to this point and have the same forwarded by rail to their respective des inatlons; and if the trade warranted it, they would build a new boa: especially adapted to the upper river, during the summer. Eugene Guard. Asserted for Mctwv. This morning! uepoty U i Marshal J Ttiregg brought over from Yaquina Bay eight or ten sailors recently on the Alice Blanchard, whom he bad arrested on the charge of mutiny, ana took tlieui to fortland. where they will have to answer before lodge Bellinger, on the very serious j charge against them. On of the sailors j recently went to ban trancisco. and hence wiil escape punishment unless ar rested there. A Big Clean Up. Bcac'.i Bros, residing in Benton county, opposite CcrvallU struck a bonanza in potatoes Last fall they raised and purchased together about j bushels of potatoes. I hey bought a large quantity a-, low as 3u cents per bushel. Had they been able 10 ship at once to San Francisco a few day ago, the potatoes would have brought then- jexclu -slve of frcighr,$t.2o per bushel. Gazette. No Bridge Tsndek. The Southern Pacific have not been maintaining a man on their draw bridge at Harriebnra;, as they no donbt are obliged to nnder the U B laws. It is said a complaint will be made which will compel them to do so. This is in order to allow boats to pass the bridge. The Oregon Pacific proposes to navigate the river to Eugene, and doe not wish to have a boat held at the bridge 24 bonrs, as recently occurred. Bonds an Plans Tonight the hoard of directors of the Albany school district will meet and open bids for bonds. There are five or six bids fer them. Tomorrow night plaas for the new building will be . considered, when the district will be in a condition to advertise for bidt for con struction . What is the Scheme. People gener . ally are disappointed at the very high rates to tne World's fair. Some think the game is to catch the rich people at the high rates, as they will no care and that poorer people will follow when rates re reduced', as tney probably will be. $80 should be the maximum rate. Let us have a tumble. A Eugene paper looks at a joke in a ser ious light: Albany is getting all the ben efit of the Aridge acoss 'he river at that place, and the people of Benton county are talking of establishing a toll gate on their end of It so tnat Benton county may reap some benent iron. .-. that is a great scheme. Appreciated. An old subseritier on paying for bis snbscription says "I hope this will find you in good health," n ex pression ef good will that is appreciated, for one cannot wish one any betttr than "good health.'' This is a much better and kinvJer way to end a letter remitting for sub scription than "please discontinue." Salem Girls. St Louis jokes on Chica go big footed girls are traditional . Now comes a Seattle man who says tne atmos phere of Salem Is pure because the girls have such big. feet that when they walk they fan the atmosphere and keep It in motion. Increase. Asp.vv is one of the first good etfee felt by users of Scott's litn .Isi of cod -liver oil with Hypwpii: phitcs. Oood appetite Li.', good health. SGOtl'Sl: V) . . . is a tat tooii t prov.u i own tome. I ;..".;.' :: i' a t:. in -t I oti rp"petilc aw." ti .;on i. wondcrf'il he'p i . ( '.:'.. ScoU's Li. ni (,.' rests tlu prog it. ; y Consuwflum, Urn chiiis, Senftih, a 1 other wasting discca hy raising cbcirri healthy flesh. Strength and iierve. Prafisr'i'l by bentf llrmni.. a. V. .i.e segata Wedding nvitavioks. 1 Wooden, Tin, Silver, Golden, Common every day. Smile v. A Rough Journky. Walla Walla Wnsh ingtijn Statesman. Mrs J C Fberly, wits of Dr Klheriy, went last winter to visit her sisters at Kort Bidwell, in the northeastern part of California near the Nevada line. The trip there was enjoyable, but having stayed until winter had set In, there was no getting out again until the snow had disap pearcd. From Fort Bidwell to the nearest railroad is 110 miles, which has to be trav ersed by stage over a rough mountain roaa with frequent hollows, where mud and water threatened to engulf the coach and its oc cupants bodily. At times the coach sank so low that the wster flowed freely through It. Mrs Eberly had to be strapped to the seat and her baby strapped to her to keep them from being pitched out. It took two days and two nights to travel the no miles. The doctoTrfceived no malt for five weeks owing to tne ntmculiy of it be ng brought out. Horseback and snowshoes were the onlv m-an- of travel during the winter. Mrs Eberly arrive home with marks of the bruises received In her rough ride still via! bit, and says it will be some time before she attempts the journey sgair.. Tiii Bonds Sold. A meeting of the school directors was held last evening at the office of J K Weatherford. All were present except Judge Flinn. Bids were filed by E il Rollins & Sons, of Denver, Ool ; Oay x Sean wood, of Boston ; W j Mayes dt Son, of Cleveland, O; N W Har ris Son. Spifzer Co.. and CH White & Co, of New York. The lowest bid was that of E H Rollins A Sons, of 5 per cent for $20,000 in bonds, and S per cent com mission, a remarkably low bid, which was accepted, and the bonds were form ally awarded by the County Treasurer "jm" w eB8',V ? eW fl b,Bg i dated July 1st, running ten years, one-: tenth being payable in el ven years, and I yearly thereafter. Tonight olans will be accepted for the school house. D C Schell.Geo Brnckman.Casper Kropn and L W Moench, of this citv, Pngh & Me- .aiiy, 01 Slem, D D Near, of Portland ana it starrest, of -;i,t ' aiiverton, nave furnished them. It is to be hoped one be accepted that will be an ornament to the city. One Way. gome men do not use "horse sense" in matters relating to the advertising ot their business. As the parties referred to in the following fiom vnv Kcuurciuu is, win pruuwuly J in i city. Albany we publish it as an eye opener . on general principles- Of coarse the ' Drownm ai Eaceae. motal is to advertise in the Democrat: "J C Derter representing the Pacific Spw:U1 DlMOOUlT Coast Advertising Directory, visited , Vr. , , , Weston on Wednesday and secured quite I tCQKCf. . May 2nd. lack Hel a number of advertisements from leading i terns, a city employee on the streets, was firms, which will be neatly framed and sen floating down the mill creek, near placed in hotels and railroad depots tne University, perfectly limp. He was throughout the county. Weetftam Lead-! ffot out, his face being black and with no er. There are a class of business men, : appearance ot life, yet however willing who patronise these traveling fakirs be- hands went to work at reecutitation.and lieving tbey are spending their money fter a few minutes the man commenced advantageously but who consider they breathing and at this time be show are throwing it away if they spend any eigne of recovery, altnougL be is uncon for an advertisement in a local paper." scions. It is not known how orwber They Wakt It. -The advent of a rail- j N the stream. road into and through Crook county I la esMtrtaaa this year is beginning to assume the ' Pf aMurn,(? ktin .certainty. Whereas, The shadowy angei of doth Our people are, without doubt or noes- i . . . . ... tlon, more hopeful now of the early com- ntrd ih. homeof oar brother Frank Pletion of the Oregon Pacific line than annals, President of Albany Engine they have ever been. This work, so long' N" nd ken therefrom his deferred, will be hailed with delight by w ' Fa-n,e nna!s, an anxious populate that have learned Now, therefore. Be it resolved that this well the inconvenience and vexation of I Albany Fire Department has sustained living aloof from modern means of trans- 'be loss of a true friend and helper; the portation and all its attendant disadvan- Ladies Coffee Club a valuable and efficient tages. We want the railroad. Prineville ! member, and the community an estimable News- Tbe desire is mutual. The two j end noble waman . sections have always been bound toaeth er by a brotherly feeling, and the rail road will make the anion stronger. More Rich Mikes. -Mr W $ Elliot, of Umatilla, came down this morning- fie says there are 115 mining claims staked urt, and all the riverfront from Umatilla to Stoke'e is taken up. Tbe Portland Amalgamator Company baa had its agent. Mr J . iayior.on tne ground lor the past few days examining the sand. This! conppany claims that it has a process by wnicn it can save all tne nne gold, nd make from the sand of the Colombia about $40 a day. There have been several gold nuggets found in the vicinity dur- ing the rrast vear. nnr wt-iirhinir ahont 1 $40 and anotbei worth $3 These were picked np on the beach by different per- i sfns who were enaagi-d in examining tbe pebbles. The Dalles T. M. A Live Case was in progress today be- l v " -"s j unm.t. -'v; yjr y aa i i VI JUI J VH Bl Jk UrV OI SIX Zi-.iJi "u.",r n re i ....... I 1. S1I 1 1 n J. i ireiiiioun! wi uie s-orvatns roan, ror about a sear it is lsiinMl ihu Mr R.I. 1 i.Vi L J5 ' - f. - uini5r t. 1 1 lard has been m the habit as he passed ' the Croft residence of making insulting remarks to different members of the family, resulting one day in a alight pug ilistic contest between Ballard and a Croft yonng man. Ballard was arrested for assault and battery, and this case was for tbe purpose of settling disbute. Like all cases there are probably several sides to tbe case. The jary will no doubt get at the right side of it. A Sad Stoky. "You'd sea expect i one of my age, in merchandising to en gage, and hope to get a paying trade without the local paper's aid. And yet I did that very thing; I opened up a s'ore last spring this month the sheriff took my stock, and sold it from the auction block. Don't view me nh a scornful eye, but simply say as I pass by: 'There goes a fool who seemed to think he had no use for printer's ink.' There is a truth as broad as earth, and business men should know its worth; 'tis simply this: The public buys Its goods from those who ad vertise. Th e Salem B. 4 L. A. At the regular faceting of tbe Salem Building and Loan association last night $1,000 was loaned to two different parties st seventy-five months' interest in advance, and with drawal notices ordered paid. No new wttbdrawaU were on hand, and there will be more money to lean in the future. 'rhe shares for tbe latest series are about all sold, and the association is in a flour ishing condition. Another series of stock will have to be opened before long. Statesman . Located. The board of directors o the Soldiers Home met at Roseburg Monday evening, and located the new Soldiers Home .m tbe Brown farm across tbe river from Roseburg, wbich will no doubt be tbe permanent location. The site chosen 'Is said to be a very desirable and healthy one, and Roseburg is cer tainly a good section of the state for it, it not being a case where a central loca tion is material. Their Wages. The Salem Independ ent publishes a list of tbe state legisla tors with their pay for the last ses sion. Tbe total is $17,475.25, over $1C, 000 less than was received bv the clerks Hon Jeff Meyers received $159 ; Hon J K vVeatherford, $242.40; Hon A Blevins, $130.80; Hon W P Elmore, $26a 30; Horn M A Miller, $300 and $150 as clerk. A New Lodge. O n Th ursday evening. May 4, an encampment of Odd Fellows, will be instituted at Halsey, Linn County. Willamette Encampment No 2, of this place, riceived an invitation to be present snd as sist, snd have accepted, and while the en campment will not go in a body, yet a good ly delegation will attend and assist. Salem Independent. A large number will af.end from Albany. Blood Tflls. A few days ago Mr Fred Beers, of Vancouver, sold Onecona, a nine months did Oneco colt,lo P J Mann, nwner of A'tao. for Siooo. tnecoltls said to be a remarkablv fine one, built for speed. Mr George Stimpson, ot this city, has a nine months old Oneco colt fu "y a fine looking ias Onecona. with si me characteristics of a trottri .which, while he has had big offers, he refuses to sell, as he proposes to raise It, The Alice Blancharj'. H.e Demo crat ieccntly reported that the back of the Alice Bianchard was broken at Ysquinn Bay. 'Ibis was denied emphatically, nd the Oemocr at corrected the Item . A gen tleman just from the bay insists that the first report wss correct, thst her back really was broken, though perhaps not so badly as wa supposed . 1 Carb of Thanks. The undersigned desire to return their thanks to their friends .. . .1 I.,.,- ,.l. r..,l,r..,i klndlv old during the late sickness and bereayement ! in tneir family. Frank Campbell, J Whitesides, Elisabeth Whiteside;. . I One Smatt Bile Dean every night fora Week urouse Torpid Livers, ztc. per bottle. MAX BAT ATE SAIB.. 7. Stockton to Anna J Millhol len, 81 acres, 9 E 4 $ 1000 A M Templeton to J H Homey, 152 63 acres, 14 w 2 4320 Win J Philpot to J R Green, 12 acres, 14 w 1 120 Jos D ckson to Linn county. 1 acre Hw2 45 Lelia Barlow to Emma Lyons, 100x142 feet, Lyons 1 O B Hartnus to Wm tlalzfuss.strip land for road way 60 Julius Gradwhol toG W Wright, 5 feet front on Second St Al bany 300 G W Wright to S E Yonng. E F Sox and P A Goodwin, 8 feet front 2nd St, Albany. .. 1 Mark Hnlburt to G WatUice, 148 34 acres, 12 w 4 4500 Geo McGowmn to R B Miller, 80 acies, 11 w 3 3200 D M Hastings to Fred K Hill, 2 lots, Lyons 1000 H M Hayes to W W Richardson, 4 acres 450 J A Archibald by sheriff to R Davis, 1 block, Lebanon 1228 O&CRRCotoJW Drnry, 8368 acres,;9E3 209 V S to Gabriel Miller, 04.98 acres, Owl Patent S E Young.E F 8x and P A Good win to G W Wright, agree ment in reference to P O block. " tt R lPO IIIMI Elbertoh, Wash , April 29th, 1893. vVe are having lovely spring weather basy putting in their crop of spring heat The hotel Elbertou is about completed and it is quite an ornament to our little city. Mr and Mrs Buzzard and son and Mr and Mrs Miller, of Spokane, Wash, arrived here Monday and will take cnarge 01 is me nrsi 01 next montn. iney ,, i4,j vik.. a " '! swu "nil aaiwcisvii MUU S3 hope tney may not have any cause to change their mind. The Loyd Bros hare madequitea 1 im provement in their meat maket. Put ting on an addition and a walk in front. They are rustling young men and that is just what we need to build up our little And be it further resolved that we tender to aur brother the sympathy of thia department, in his sad hour of bereave ment. . 1 A B Lamb, Chief engineer. CHS MTZGBrAt chief. Van Wilson, Foreman BH LCo For Life This morning at 9 o'olock Morgan Waaeom was brought into tbe circuit court room to receive the aen- fence of tbe court. Though his bead was bowed he did not seem particnlarlv ami- t tated, not so much aa bis father, who ! was present. Before Dronoutcinar sen I AnnA r . , .1 .-w it t wuvc rwua uuiuco lusur Evmv wen . i .. . 1 - - ii rhnam and innmnri.i. uuiurii uisur mm in wen ferring to the nnnleaaant tank nsriirs. 1 lar.y to bim on account of his aqnain- tance with the prisoners father since prisoners lather 1876. He traced the result to evil c,",on? . on uie Prl . llwpnsooer i nc uis uuuir euinjuuuiDKl iibu CVIIO f, l.inn K.t. i 1 . J . . bim to the tender mercies of God in lan- laaaesssa i , ... l.,li i ii; .n : i i : " n of Poetry and srood sense, and advised, , rVen under hi future aurmnnHinea a r Ufe in ShlSSaTZl ' aibiltia of rtninrr naal fn 1.L i S! Dimes OI doing gOOL One lawyer r- marked that it was tbe best sentence 8 best wntsnes speech be bad ever beard. A motion was made for a new trial on tbe usual grounds, but it was over ruled, without hearing arguments. An appeal will no donbt be taken to the Supreme Court, A Safe Way. Wells,Fargo Co have adopted a p an for a safe method for carry ing money at tne lair. A man can get ihe company's check in any number and amount that he wishes. These checks are so drawn that when presented at tbe Chicago office no identification is necessary but tbe bearer simply gets hi money by presenting the check. This I done by the presenter of tbe check signing in the presence ef the paying-teller and such signature must agree with th? signature already on the check. When a check is given, notice of the same is sent to the -ffice together with the number of the check and name of signer. In the event of any of this paper being lost sll that it is necessary to do Is to give notice to the Chicago office and the man presenting the lost check will be apprehended. Plans Considered. At the meeting of the board of directors last evening thir teen plans for the new school building were considered. It will probably be two or tbiee days before one is selected. The building will be located on the block owned by tbe district in the 3rd ward, and all regardless of location desire tbe erection of a structure not only with modern improvements ; but one that will be an ornament to the city. Just Arrived. Direct from eastern manufacturers a number of the most beautiful monuments ever brought t Al bany. Latest designs In use in the east If you are going to put up one this season call at once and get aour choice as the neatest will .11 be gone before Decoration day. At E W Ahison A Co's. Will Hang. The is no question as to the verdict- He will hsng, unless he buys his groceries and produce of Perry Conn. Take warning and go where you will get fresh good and first class treatment. Life is too short to hang around half stocked places. Call on Conn and get the best in the market in bis constantly replenished stock . He also has a line line of crockery and glass ware, maav new designs just re ceived. Hoed' Vwresi In sty ing that Hood's Sarsaparill cares, it. propi istors make no Idle or extravagant claim, statements from thousand of re liable people proye tnat Hood 'a cures . Hood's Pills assist digestion Tbe contract for the new Masonic Temple at Jefferson was let to Mr Burris of that city. Sewino Machines neatly repaired Bed warranted hy a th roogbly competent work man, at K M French's jewelry store, Albany, uregou. Columbia veil, at Rjil, Ft ..! Cos New good, at Re.d, Pe.cock Co'.. Fur the boss tafhee and peppermint mo lasses dropi go to Muellers rarlor. letter trial. Foilowirg is the Hit of letters remaining in the post offioti at Albany, Linn county, Uregon.Msy 2 nd,1893. Persons cal lien for these letters must give the date on which they were advertised. Bay nard, Era Clem ie Harbur, MiesTisa Cohen, Mr 0 www, maggie CnUnlrl .TM RMS. Rnht At ! j Hofmayer & Stones Johns, Miss Carrie) Maywold, Mox Meyer, S M ! Moody, Mrs Emma Ohrt, H Ramble, Dell Keed, R H ! Ssrenpe, Eben dinner, Kit Vale j Vineyard, John L Yeung, 8 A ThOS. MoTEITH, P. M, I aotlll . PERfte at, Claire Vunk returned todav from a trip to Yayulna Bay. John P Fay, the O P attorney, was do ing the city yesterday. Mr E L Thompson and family came sp from Portland today for a few days. Wm M Hosg and Wsllis Nash, whose names used to be familiar to. Albany peo ple, were In Air-any yesterday. J R N Bell has' returned hpme'and will deliver a lecture at Indepenaence this week on his Eastern trip. It Is to be hoped he does not tell everything. Sheriff Hogan, of Linn county, was In the city yesterday. Portland Welcome. Some other county. Sheriff Jackson la doing the business here in good style. Wm Mack, the barber, has returned and taken charge of the Feny street ship, at least temporarily. Babe Wallace to whom it was sold, went to Portlan J or some other place. fudge Flinn went to Portland on the morning train. He will return on the over land, when he will be joined at this city by his daughrer Ora, sad will continue east by theSP. A mother never loses faith in a son. It is reported that Mrs Wassom was very confident that Mor would return to Leb anon with her Saturday night; but the verdict says they must be parted for life. Miss Maud Hoffman, of Corvallis. will appear in the role of Juliet In a presenta tion of Shakespears popular play an the 8th of this month, at Boston. She has a very bright future, and the Democrat predicts will rank among the leading act resses of the U. 8. Mrs R M Robertson left on the over land this morning for Tacoma, In response to a dispatch announcing the dangerous illness of her daughter. Miss Lllile Rob erlson , of that city. Her many friends In Albany will hope' to learn of her improve ment. Thia week Mrs G W Stayton, who for the past tour years has taught the primary department In the Prineville public school, tendered her resignation, and on Tuesday evening Mr and Mrs M A Moore opened their hoase to Mrs Stayton's friends that they might bid her farewell and a pleasant journey to tier new home in Idaho. Ocboco Review. Mr Eugene Larrimore, of Corvallis, Is ia tbe city this afternoon. Three of the old time an t most popular Oregon drummers. Bob Donavs b,J D Scharff and Sam Goldsmith, are in the city today. Senator Meyers, of Linn Co., ia in the city He has almost a certainty on that Alaskan governorship. Salem Journal. "Pres. and Mrs E N Condi! who left last evening for the east will have their head quarter at Stanhope, New Jersey for about three months. Jack Yonng bas moved his confection ary stand and outfit toCoe. which he will make his headquarters this summer. Coe ia a delightful place .and promises to become a fine mountain resort. A dancing platform will be erected. and tbe place will be made an attractive one generally. Mr Wm A Humphrey, tbe W V oper ator, has accepted in Portland, and a ill move to that city to reside. Mr Hum phrey ia a very competent operator and business man and deserves the con ft dence of the large corporation he is work ing for. Mr George Hyland bas been in the city in the interest ef tbe Holton House, of Portland. This popular hotel recently changed hands. J R Markly. R R Hays and M D Roches, threw popular citizens of Oregon, purchasing it. It ia a first- class place, where the traveling public will always receive tbe best treatment, Tbe hotel" ie fortunate in bavins Mr Hy- 1 1 . : . sbuo, a greai rustier, wiwi ; A gaase of bate bail will be p4d Sat-! sj-a Sraiscs Tat sTaXs The Satardmy evening an enpyable sor-, rd.r Wweea the oclie.e ciab aad tb appointed resierj.y io accordance ihthe party wa. tendered Mr and Mrs i oaag UUmetW 1. passed by tbe bM legU .,o,e three tra, Al Thomas at their pleasant home in When eecuncg tica.K to go tn U wor'J tees to have soperrUicn of the nublic soda Hacklemao'o f"JTe Thcae present fi, dont forget t. get a. accsdet policy o j springs at Sod hie. Thev ste- M A Mil er' : a ,,r J?k ;'Mkl'mn-; M Seoders. Beat company asd low. st rate, lee, Lebanon, D Myers. Scto. and W W Par- Georce .mi Hiinsni. "unKi,arsB ,-,di?n- ?m " x ftw;. XI. McKinlev. and Mrs ieorea Brnckman. Mr and Mrs ' s S aiitt -v I a - latir, ' ' V s. v.n a aa . . . a . ) " r. iieney. nraou airs o 10 uiruuur ssr s.- u 1 aa v.. d i .IUIairi.r. ILfil.. XI;.. R.n.V. 1 . rveiiev. airsuu an iu usruurr. min Uiei F.nnii llua.ll Mi M.r Jones. Miss Grace Trron. Mr Charle Waldron. Mr Fred Rrurkman. Mr I I Howurd, Mr I Morgan. Dr Bal O'Fellows, of Waterloo, ha j . ... . . , . . . . License ha been itsue.' tor tne marriage pi w A titj iu UHle rreeiano. notii ol n,se A Pteh "nounces that M ,Jll Kooertson, who has been 111. is f . . . . ,,.,,m " ' r r ' recover. Mr Maui ice Senders weat to Hiiscv to day to look after inr Senders ranch. A die- Estch from ha father at Omaha tenoned that e had arrived there all tight. Mr Job. GlllllaBd. of Sweet Home ha. been in the city today. He reports bo evi dence of work on the wagon road, aad it is probable nothing will be done. Mr and Mrs P H Raymond are in Halsey, where they will attend the mar riage of Mr Raymond's niece. Miss OUie Free land, to Mr Carey of tbat place. ine sreoaiDg ceremonies win ia p.ace U . 1 1 ' - : Ml ... I " fy mo. nmg as uc tesiuruw . esueas aswaaaaa . .-. ! - asst. Last Friday night a delightful party was held at the residence of Mr and Mrs John Nelson neat Sbedd, in honor of the second anniversaty of the marriage of their daugb ter, who wa. present oa a visit . Dancing aaj sociability was the order, and one of the finest repasts ever partaken was spread late in tbe evening, Mr and Mrs Nelson are very hospitable, social peop'e and know how to entertain their friends in the right manner. (juests were present for miles around and all declared the party a great success. $93 Stolen. Last Sunday morning on going to bed in bis room ever his saloon, Charles Bender placed $93 in money under his pillow. The door to the room was left unlocked. In the morning the money was gone. Mr Bender has his suspicion but no absolute proof, as to who took it. Having slept very soundly he beard no one enter the room. You Can Walk to Chicago; but don't do it; it is too far. Nor I. it necessaiy. If yon want as good treatment a can be obtained la the United States, call oa Parker Bros. They carry a first class stock of groceries and 'produce, and If you are not treated well it is your own fault. 1'iicea always reason able. Their baked goods are good enough for any one, and embrace a fine line. A first class baker doe. the business. You do not need to go any where but to Par iter Bros for yout groceries and baked goods. Laundry Work. Every citizen of Al bany should bear in mind that the Albany Steam Lavtmdry guarantee first class work at very reasonable prices, and employs nothing but white labor. Shirts done as cheaply as the Chinaman. Pat ronise your own 1 ace. SCHMEEO BROWN. On Tuesday evening, May 3rd, 1893, at the residence of John Scbmeer, by L M Curl, J. P., Mr Ed Bchmeer snd Miss Alice Brown, both of Albany. Mr and Mrs Bchmeer bae tbe best wishes of many. THOMAS LAKE At the residence of the brides mother in Mill City at, 9 :30 o'clock Sunday afternoon, April 23, 1803, Frank Thomas and Miss Allie Lake, were united in marriage by Rev Badger. Tbe contracting parties are well and favorably known in this city- Mr Thomas in a nainter bv trade and during his stay among us, has made a host of warm snd true friends. Ihe bride is one of Mill Citv's most fascinating and beautiful young ladies loved snd respected by a legion of friends. Salem Journal. CR ABTREE-EDWARDS On April 30th, 1893, at the residence of and by Elder J H Sperry, Mr Joseph Crsbtree. of Marlon coun'.y, nd Miss Lucy Edwards, of Linn county. STELLMAKER Near Corvallis, prl 1 , 28th, to the wife of Earnest Stellmaker, a daughter. 1 BORN. ' HENDERSON, At Oak'.end, Oregon 1 April a8, i8Q3to the wife of E H Hender son, a boy. Weight 8J4 pounds. Ervs's smile Is chlldttke snd blind. IIOHE AMI MONDAY r Wm McLaughlin, a ft'rmer Albany tailor, died in Spokaua Siturday . There has bcou a mystery about what J R .N Holl a patent was. 1 . tran ipiro, that it is a self adjusting binding straf . Ths L, idles Aid Siety will Mino: row afterdoon. at 2.30 o'okjok, at the rasi-dnnce-of Mrs Walti-r Monssitb . The Purine Guard says: About seveatj -five ounces of gold were br raght duwo this morning f t in tbs Myitis ettet mines, the result of a partial clean. A new instituiion in Salem ia to be a training sohol for Kindergarten teachers. A field of work that offers much iW young wo men of the right proclivities. Deputy Sheriff (.'has 8 Smith went to Salem with Phslps and Baker, the horse thieves, who re tu u for tost yaj is sad I,. us, month, longer residi nee thr i, making a total imprisonment of five years The V Ml' A o'aa in ethic lot meets at he hall tonight from 7 to 8. , ill memh. -.. should be on hand promptly, jcltss work will begin with a dumiheil drill, wbich no one should miss as it i- iiia,atioQtbly tbs rest exircne that eati e tLeo. The Albany Collate bae ball deb was defeated by tbe Agrion't iraj College aiue of Corvallis Hatirday afiuin -on, 21 to live innings. They, report spleodi l treatment by tbe Agrioaltoraliats ami umpire, who was very impartial aoJ uudei stood b!i easiness. On the first toning Albany made s ran and Corvallis 10. TUESDAY Hodges & McFuriaud, the 1-j In..- drug gists, Albany, C , The senteroe of Mare Waarom occurs to morrow at 9 o'clock. It ia pr !,.'! that at this time a motion will be made for a new to:. The work of axeavatlog for the P blooiV was begun today. Tbe owners will take charge of the work instead cf letting a eon -knot tor it. Albany is now roatrcpolitaa. It bas a nickel in I he slot, which may be seen at Hodges 4 McKat land . You put :o a i ictr aod poll out some chocolate tarams. Jim Corbett is approach:! g the Northast with his dramatic troup. As he will stop at Baker City with bis "Geatlemsa Jac, ' itia possible Albany will be runted by tbe great pogiliat. This morning Stewart fc Sox received a ear load of Btudebaker wagons direct from the factory, coming throagh ia remaxkah.y ' quick time The Studebaker e a great ' goo, aa firmer geoerally are learning. Mattbews Sc Waehburn todas received the largest ear load of stoves from tbe Eaxtani factory ever brought to Albany It con tained over levsssty etovrr. Their manner ; of baying stoves makes it possible to give ' their canonists bargaioi not atenred else ' where. Yjstetday after neon w bile tereIyosag j men war fishin t oo tbe beaks of the Wti ; lamett one of them thooght be bad bite, ! sod Jerked bia line hastily from the water. The hook struck Jiv Ksn.t.siho Was i . . - - . she (ace, lodging m the opper eyelid, wtihm a hairsbieadtb of the hall, caneine a mail round A eloe-s sail to the ten of aa eye. The owa ha come to a that vtm gold discover; a quart i !.d,je ha beeq eiad aear Libert j, about 14 mil this aids of Mitchell, ia this coaaiy. Mr John Evas ! ts tne rortaaate discoverer. An assay of ts reek taken out hss proven quit satisfactory, work of development, PrroevUle Nesrs. - ms j m WCDXXSDAT. Prof W T VaaScny ha been eletied pres ident cf to Normal rcbool at Drain. ' Six Chinee have registered at Ko! -. , bo t they seem to wih t keep it from -be or Celestial. . ........... W J Besnl the ar-eb:tsrt has dr. . ?art of oUa, fr, lb p.W Loldiw". boa, I -.., , . - a f .. Ik. . Jt ' iZTi - ; 10 twro - .... ! Any la'otnoalioo ccncerniBg government land for aetllen maybe okiain-d of T M "". -"h Carran Hontertb. Albany. I wfe. Mr,S W Bio baa the eoatract for -xes-rating for the P O blarck , seOfBd bid.Jhst leg . been rewived far t'e earn . At a . ... - ""!-"! am aii ' , raiaer ssinwira mpieisi, j u- c. n. . j r ,""' " m, are iieoUnant. I . . . . . ; jm f ? "a.., srieu jeaieraa, oeiore rfaeitoe Newport for aaaVolt and m-rv broueht in ! 'i .1 . ,. s rrua si aos gsuir- i sod r aod address to ttead, j reaoock it Co Albaev, Oregon, sod men ' tiooibe Democrat, they will snail )osi Ulh,on thwl fn ch "lonih- Tb advertisement cf N W aid. hi. tb tailor appesr elsewhere Mr WakUhlisa first ei work can and understands bis boaineea thoroughly, according to report from hi former home. Try htm. An Albany ladv lost fine pair of gold . m. (.- opui nmsaec glasses. A gentlemen looed thero. ;lldpolu, advertisemen" ic the Dauo. rat. It Bad just beer set op whea the c wner wa 1 tssssaf . Another evidence cl the power of the pre. The Union Service at tLe M K church a-as largely attended last night. A most eieel tent sermon was preached by Re McFar laad, Presioing Elder of the M E church south. Rev Hill conduct .-d the aflermeet Ing. It was with geaeral regret that the sa Bouncecneot was heard thai tbe Esecutivc Committee had decided to close the meet Ing 10 night. Comeont to the list meeting f the Union Service, to night. Ta bet al live feels Regarding Hood's SarsapariiU, as th pe opl who take this medicine, or read tb t stimoaial often pnbtiabed ia this pap Tkey wilt convince yon that Hoid" cure Hood, fills erne oooatipalioo . Did Yoc Ser the display of new capes and jackets at Read, Peacock & Co's. A window full, tables an elegant chance oit second floor for a new spring wrap. Call end see them early while the assortment is lsrge. A Watth is a necessity nowsdajs. If you want one call on Will Si Stark , whose stock is large and varied, aad prices the the most reasonable. Tbey can give yu a bargain in this line a well aa in jewelry generally. THE Verdict Is unanimous that Wiil & Stark carry the b't line of sliver ware In the valley. They have the variety and qual ity, a combination tbat counts in buying goods. An inspection always carries con viction. Money to Loam. I have money in sums of $600 to $20,000 to loan-on im proved farm lands in Linn and Bentcs counties, at lowest current rates, delay in furnishing the money. C i Bl'RKHART Real estate agent. Albany, Oregon. SWEET AND FOR THE Dinner and Supper Tables can always be prepared quickly ! BY USING Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. It is distinguished as being the only Pure Cream of Tartar Baking Powder free from Ammonia, Alum, Lime or any other adulteration. All other Baking Powders leave traces of Alkali or Acid in the food. P prices paktng ftawfcr Is without a rival and is indispensable where the Finest and Most Wholesome Food is desired. Highest of all in Leavening PowerLatest U. S. Gov't Report. J m ABSOLLTTELY PURE OKK..UV TATI M l trill K KEKVIce. Summary. SU'ion, Albiny, Or. Mtnttat April, IS93. Kleyation above sea level, 217.7 feet. Mean temperature, 46 5. Departure from normal, 6. Maximum tern pe rata re,u7; date, 21. Minimum temperature, 32; date, 15. Mean of maximum temuemtnre s Mean of min mum temperature, 41.S. No. time u aximom temperatore 0 or illl'VP, 0. No. time minimum temperatore 32 or below, 1. No. times mini awn tempi lature 40' or below, 9. wi Total precipitation. 5.S1 inches. 1 isr'.ui.- trom normal. J 204 inches. (i testes' precipaiion ia 24 c nsecative hour. 0.60; date, 2. Total depth of unmelted Sbowfsll, 0 ioche. Prevailioe direction of tbe aind.S. No. oi clear day, 0. No. of pa.tly cloudy day, 7. N . of cloooy day, 23. No of day on which .01 or moe of preci piiatioo 1.11,24. No. of dys oa which .04 or more of prtei P'Utioo fell, 22. Iate oo which kail ML 6. 7, 9 A; 17. Date on wbich teats fell, 7. Dates of thunder storms. 0. DaUs of light frost, 15. Dates of killing or in jo nous frost, 0. Dates of solar haloe, 15, 25. "t of lunar halo. 23. Itemarks: This with'oo exception has oeo the wetteat April for 15 yean, the ex ception beio ia 18S3 with a rainfall of 6.5S inches against fj.." I this month, the mean for April beiag 3.47. The temperature is tbe tnet by 6 degrt ea nt aay month of April ia 15 years, the mean beiog 52..' agaieat 46.5 this month. Jobs Bbicom, Volunteer Ubserrer. wetlg ( aistjlio Veniaoa at C K Browoell. VIAVI CoJ l, in Baltunore; block . - A fall lmo! Warner Bros oorstUat B, P A Co s. If yos waat a fine smoke call for Joseph s white labor cigars, tV-tu end w-e the new ehil ad plow at Baaop eppoeite postofCce. i i The hetnt aoSea in the city at Com ad . i Motor wakes five ! rip-daily to Yieteck'a 1 1't''. Lotr thee oa installment of $1 ' ! : 0 esteosiv variety cf garden ssfdiboth ' ha! and by h peckc cava be found st - n "Towi lta. ; Pa room jome loJastry br smokies the i ruisiai wmse Hint etgar, rnan&'act-amd by Jaia Joseph. New cork aole, band ta-od ahoae, some - thiog entirely new, not a "winter akoa bat tibt ard flesiUe foe rpnag sad sammi r ear. at K.d. I'cs&ek St tVl, Call xd loej -,ct then ! aJS. hodaville. I i.s. t . sr- a a ""mZ "f ,.uin.jj smrKMi sweinr 10 not 1 . r. . si , .Si as rise Armory nail to or -aowe for the prOnaoaVon of tbe Interest of uurrepie. laignea; liwi min PlilX Facxs.-waot- Fort miller And that is what we it Irving have just rv ; eclved an egsn ice ot lace curtains j Their stock of wall paper it large and complete, and price are remarkably low. Over i jo dozen window shades on hand. Cadi on Fort milter & Irving If von wish the best and largest assortments to select from. A Far mi Ijnju At Muellers candy par lors can be found the finest line of choice C jocolate and ereasa bonbons ever brought oioisciiy. iaji ana sample them ear 1 Thasks Milt lees A' AVashbuin wish to ask ihe parties woo base borrowed their 1 ipe longs 10 return tbtra at cot. For 5 our spectacle and eye glass. 00 French, tbe jeweler. cai Will A; Stark, V (ewehtr G H Bruckmao, architect aad builder Plars faiaiaaed oa .pt'icatior. Johaaton's patent e)ricting ea t !: or saie al r al rrrocna. Viereck' sharing and hair cutting pal lor. Bits, at Viereck' shaving aad hair cot- lag parlors. C lean towels to every cnstoixer at Viereck 's shaving parlors. Particular attention paid to children hair cottios at Viereck' shaving aad hair cat. ting parlor. See th New Improved Sloger sewing ma chioe. Tbe best ia al way tke cheapest. J W Sawdeo, agent. Office at K M French's jnwelry store.; ThelSklll east Kawlenjr. Kootil to the production of the most per- lect sod popular '.satire r-tried v known have enabled the California 1 ig Syrno Co to achieve a great success in the repotaticn of it reoidy. Syrup of Fig, aa it iconcetl d to be f he universal laxative. For sale by an cruggists. 1 hey Have Moved. K'ein Bros are new In their new quarters in Ihe Cusick block, and invite the public to call and see their metropolitan store, aod as well Inspect tbslr lsrge and bne line of boots and shoes lor men, women and children, ihe.- are prepared to meet all the demands of the public for foot wear. V sew Ki m re of the A'.baoy Steam Laundry is a towel service. The laundry furnishes the towels, and delivers clean ones according to contract, every dav or every other day, and .as many as arrang ed for, at a given price. Tbia will be good thing for stores, offices, et- i DAINTY DISHES Baking Powder - late WEATHF.K. U. S. Department of Agricnltare, yeather Korean. Crop Weather Bulle tin, No 6, of the Oregon state weather service, for the week ending Tuesday May 2nd, 1803. B 8 Pague, lxcal Fore cast Official, Weather Burean. The past week showed a marked im provement in the climatic conditions.yet tbe cool, cloudy and showery weather continues. Rain fell on April 26tb,27th, 30th, on May 1st and today general rain is !aing. Tnere were several days of bright, warm weather. The mean tem perature has lieen from 48 to 51 degrees. The total rainfall has been less than one half an inch, except at Ashland, where 0 84 of an iucli fell. Frost occurred in Douglas, losenhine and Jackson counties on the 26th and 27th, which did some I alioht rltmnoa 4 a .... 1 The ground is thoroughly saturated, and on the low lands it continues to be too wet to be worked- The peach, pear, cherry and prune trees and strawberries are in full bloom. Apples are swelling their buds and are almost ready to blos som. Some damage has been done to the peach bloom by tbe continued cool, wet weather; bat the prevailing opinion ir that there will be a large fruit crop. The berry boshs a-e loaded with blos som. On tbe uplands plowing and seed ing bas progressed and the major portion of the spring seeding bas Uen done. On tbe lowlands some wheat lias been in jred. 'The wheat is rooting and stool ing moss saus'actority. the grass is growing much better than anv other veetetatinn. egetablee, where nlanted.are above the grouna and very health v. Hops in Linn, Marion and Clackamas connties are from one to four feet bigb and almost ready to tie. In Wash'ngton, Yamhill and Polk counties tbey do not appear to be so far an van ceo : tne nop acreage lias generally been increased. The bop lice have an pea red at Need. Clack ma conntv. Tbe present atmospheric conditions do not indicate an immediate clearing of the weather, though warmer weather with fewer showers may be expected, and these conditions will be much non favorable than a sadden warm dry spell- ore sunenine would be ot great Dene lit to tne vegetation OaVJS ENJOYS Both the method and results wher Syrup of Fi?s is takes: it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and act Enlly yet promptly on the Kidney ver and BoweL. cleanses the st torn effect oal! v, disrtc-U colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of" iu kind ever pre a need, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt La its action and truly beneficial tn its efiects, prepared only from the most ncalUiT and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. oyrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any rehable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try iu Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 34S fgX!tC.$CO. CM. loaarsui tr mm rots. .r. COME - AND The DRESS GOODS and TRIMMINGS, . GAPES and JACKETS, BOOTS and SHOES, Parasols, Lace Curtains. Furnishing Goods, Etc, BEAD, PEACOCK & CO'S., 1 mnwmiK ' we have a relief and cure In vour ignorance of effects and vitality which is system the elements thus strength and vigor will fol cure or money refunded. Dr. Sanden's Electric after all other treatments testify, and from many of THE .aijli 4a? ,ai. is a complete ealvanic battery, made into a belt so as to be easily worn uurtn; wor. or ac ami n ji-nMnuu,;, . .v... . which are instantly felt throughout all weak parts, or we forfeit $5,000. It has an Improved Electric Suspensory, the neatest boon ever given weak men, and we warrant it to cure any of the above weaknesses, and to enlarge shrunken limbs, or parts, or iine.. Refunded. They are rradrd v " worst cases in two or three month t. Address SANDEN ELECTRIC CO.j 172 First St., "1 CURE FITS.' That's what some people adver tise. Now don't get discouraged. This is no patent medicine ''ad " We simply arise to promulgate the simon uhmo truth that we 1 an show you tbe most perfect Citing, tbe strongest made and the most popular styles in men's and boys' clothing that it has been the fortunate lot of man to behold, and at tbe very lowest prices. Why, some people would rather bare a tooth polled than try and select a suit for themselves, and two teeth if they were selecting for some one else. Hy L I Hi Mil I n. Flinn Block, -t- Albany, -s- Oregon Si its ladf ALBANY, SUCCESSORS TO W F READ- Y - WHO ARB SLEERESSNESsRORhfaW the effects of abuses, excesses, worry and exposmx. For stich 1 in our marvelous Invention, which requires bur a trial to convince the most skeptical or by excesses, or exposure, yon may have unduly drained your system of nerve force electricity and thus caused your weakness or Jack of force, ifyou replace into your drained, which are required for vigorous strength, you will reroovethc cause, and health, low at once and in a natural way. This is our plan and treatment, and we guarantee a Send for our Illustrated rampntets, tree ; sent Dy man, scaieo. Belt is no experiment, as we have restored thousands to robust health and vigor, failed, as can be shown by hundreds of cases throughout this State, who would gladly whom we have strong letters bearing testimony to their recovery after using our Beit. DR. SHNDEN ELECTRIC BELT in strength to ui.-r.-ll stages of weakness in Tbe day . is past snd gone when such should be he came; it should rather rie a pleasure ; bay of us 'twill proves treasure S you let us get your measure vou will be perfectly pleased. Bring your shape along and get it fitted and clothed in one of our new spring suits. New lines of Bummer Shirts, Neckties, Underwear, Hs's and Shoes. The beet pfowshoe in the world ; Try a pair. N. WALDAHL, -Merchant Tailoi'. U OraVr art SatisfattUa Garaitd Ixefpqiyiqs of lids. SHOP OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE OREGON - SEE 'OXT WEAK? FNSCkt tor. EAKJflEN DEBILITATED AND SUFFERING FROM NERVOU S DEBiLlTY tSEMIMALWEAK- B ness. Losses. Drains Impotenc y or, 5Lbsf Ma'nhood, Rheumatism,-La me Back;KidneVTroubles. Nervousness yocnr He-aged or old men, 3DU r ' turn PORTLAND, OREGOt'