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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1893)
!' n5&2'; imp .'..;-- or w EATRERTORD BEBLAIN r CHAW Attornovs st Lie. Will i 1 irti SiotUMMMiimiui imtteri in prob ltoco la:ti i ii. O.'VIU i x t hi Elinn block. WB BIII.YEU Attorney t Law vnd Solicitor in Chancery. Uora made on all points. Loans negotiated rable terms. Albany, Oregon Collets- OB G EO. W. WRIGHT, Attorney at law, and Notary Public. Will practice in all the court of this Hate Special attention riven to collections and matter in probata OSsee: Upstairs Uaon-Twedale Block Albany. Own D. a st. luiiM B uK'KHMtS ok WATSON, 11 tanl aaattsrs will roce tea promp attention fflce r. Odd Follows Temple, Albany, IONTAMTB k HA CHI. EM AN, Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon. J J- WHITNEY. Attorney at Law, Albany, Or. J A WES J. CHABLTOM. Attorner-at-Law. All legal; business prompUv: FUSS'S Bosk, Albany. On LB AMY COI.IECTIHG A'GN'l DALRYMPLE & NEWPORT, Managers, Collectlona a specialty rsewdleee of sis. Ooliaf In all the Taller to us r ICS over L E Hate Go's store. Foeters Block: JJB. J. I- II I I.E. Phyetcian and Surgeon. OFFICE Corner Ferry streets, Albany, Oregon. JJRM. MAHTOV ok DAVIS. FbyaicuuM an Surgeons. OFFICE Corner and Brcwlalbin streets. Albany, Or, Calls pre Aptly attended 1 city and country . 1 V. CHAHBEBI.AIB. H. D., nasasnpsthlst ySpecUis in diseases of Um Eye. se hours 7 1 s a m; itolpa, ana J so ung. Albany, Oregw. W CtJRICK e CO..BA1C KBRM OF ALBANY, ORRGOK, TRANSACT a general Banking bitwise.. DRAW81QUT DRAFTS oa New York, San Fr aco and Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approved security . RECEIVE deposits subject to check COLLECTIONS made oa farorable INTEREST naid cn time deposits B AHH OF OBEGOH. ALBANY, OBeWOW. Coital, -i- -t Tlee-Presldent ashler .. v. i LANNIXO . 1st W PLAIN Traneacta a eerier, banking I Exchange bought and sold on all the priucipa dtiss in the United States I also en England, Ireland France and Germany. Collections made at all accessible point! oa favor ble terms, 'uteres! allowed oj time aeposlts. Flit ST NATIONAL Bill, CF ALBANY, OSKOON, resident .... Vice Presiaent Cashier FLINN 8, E.YOUMO .S. W. LANOOON rRANSACTS A GENERAL hanking 1 af x'f IT KTS K KIT ohiect to check. BIGHT CACUAfiGE and tel ranblc transfer, jid NewYi.k. Han Francisco. Chicago and P -iUant rerun LO JJTIONJ tUDEon favorable 91 E. Totrxe K, w, Lasesos E Blais. L. Fuaa Kowaep r . Sox. I INN CO NATION A f. BANK, A OF ALBANY ON "OON. CAPITAL STOCK 1100,000. aldent.. J L COWAN. s-rresjuent t at kalhton. st Cashier O A ARC HI BOLD. It aatsroaa, -i L Cowan, J M Ralston, W 8 t.arf'1, W il il.i!.r, J V Crawird and I) A Arch bold ( HAKSACTH a general banking tinsiiiess DRAW Slum I.KAFTSou Mew York. ,1 anjsi Oregon. '.OAK MOsIEY on appiored eecurity ilk' i ki itu-rneiis sunisei ONLY LINE It U N NING 2 THROUGH UAU.Y TR AINS leaving Portland, 8:45 A. N. 7:B P. N. 3 DATS TO CHICAGO 7 Hours Quicker to St. Pan(. 23 Hoars Quicker to Chicago. 40 Hours Quicker to Omaha' and Kansas City. PULLMAN AND T0U1I3T SLEEPERS. FREE CECLINNC CHAIR CARS DINING CARS. ' For and general information cat on or address W H HURLBURT.Aast.Gcn'l Pass. Agt, 354 Washington St.. PoRTLA.vr.. Orbgon i rm rry I 4 S Pi Vf 1 ho Tariff ! '. . not raised the. ptic on !!S - ya-vll'T Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. '.Vhc;e are many other brands, represented by some inter ested person to be " just as good as the Bull Durham." They arc not; but like all counterfeits, th y each lack the peculiar ana attractive qualities of the genuine. LACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO. DURHAM, N. C THE WEBF00T ROUTE Oregon Pacific Railroad, W BADLEY, Beeelvwr. TIME SCHEDULE, except Sundaye.) Lot to Albany ItaVJ r. a, Leave Oorrallis arrl re Yaquina, :SS r. a. Ljare Yaqulaa, 7:00 , Leave Oorrallta,10:Xt a.a Arrive Albany, 11:15 a. Direct Lirw Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates Between Willamette VaUev Points and Willamette Valley San Francisco . OCEAN 8TEA B NAIl.III.fiS Valley, April 41k. raoa TAactiA. WUlanastU Tsilsy, ApiU Sta. The Company ftwjiTtw the ngnt I tange Bailing dates without notice. tu BITER STKAHEBS. "Haas leaves Pottlaad Wednesday and Saturday S a a. H C Day .Oo AfSatesaa Street Wharf . Portland D E Yaagbn. Oen AgX'Bia Frandsco, Cel. r Mulcahy, Oeneral Icpt: EAST AND SOUTH, -VIA- THE 8HASTA ROUTE -ur TH1V Southern Pacific Go. Trains leavs Portland Dolly. South smoasiTl, sett, Isfasfi T-esr. a. I Lv 10:23 r a Lv CU A a Ar pjruand Albany San Fran dace Ar I 7:15 a a Lv I :3 A a Lv j IfiO r ASwvo trala. Mop only at Mrowisaj samtiows north of B milieu Boat Portland, Otwrea City, W .od- Albanr, Tsjurent, soodd, Balsej liar- saoa City, In-lnf, SX a .1 Lv FvjrUawe Ar FssTS UswraLv Albany tv ltu a WOra (AT litilsa g.vl TsTOa AiAAjrr Local. msAt (sxcaer Smav) S 0 rat Lv Asrilaod Ar .0 Jt 1 SAraAr Albary LsSa :ISAaLr Albany ar ; -.. 00 a . I Ar Lebanon Lv so a lCralLv Albany Art :r sOSsalAr Lebanon Lv I J:S r a PULLMAr BUFF FT SLEEPERS, -AWD Dinintr Cars on Ogden Rjute. SEC0ND-CLr5S SLEEPING CARS AM. est eel te all BBeyassBP Tralas eYo.1 fata tsmslss. roBTLAXB ABBS tSSIallls. Man, ai san t (Except Snooay, Mil I Lr Portland ArlfctBrs lfclO r a I Ar OcwraUie bv I II JA ew axrsass rails sa n.r (Esejpt ffeavday . 4: to r a I Lv Portland Ar I S.-S0 aa TJt ru I Ar Hcstinn vllle Lv I Ml a B TThrokspfrh Ticket so an point ia ta Easter. St. ilea, Canada and fumes iii be oboiaed at lowest rate, from C M. freak, Arent Albany, c. KOEBLEB E r.'EOOEIlS, Uanawer VsstO. P. and Port' ana Orwjrun. From Terminal or Interior Pointsth Northern Pacific Railroad Itt lite II ue to take To all Points EAST and SODTH it ts the DlMXf. It runts Through Kl TRAIHS in (be TB. s ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. (NO CHARGE OF CARS. Corapose4 of Dinins Cars I nsnrpassd Pillnan Dra win? Room Sleeper m Latest Eqiipnent TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. Beat tLat can be eon struct I and la which soeommodaiions are both free and furnished for holders of Firs or S. 00 rid else ticket, at d ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Line connecting with all linss, afforuiu? Direct ani Uninterrupted Service. Poll man sleeper reservations can be secured lu ad vanes through any ageut of lbs road. THROUGH TICKETS to and from all points In America England and Europe can be purchased at sty ticket office of this coowpsny, Full iofirmation coneurniniz rates. time of trains, routes and other letslls Turn, ished oa application to any agent, or A D CHARLTON. Assistant General Passenger Agent. No 121 First Hi. eor. Washington. Portland. O10 ton. C G Bui kbar , local sgent. HedCrownMills ISOM & UHNINC, PROPRIETORS. sw p-Booe... ri.ooa strrsKioa roa wajtts. s Airo sabers vhh. ik or M lOIO, OKKaors. esMsut.. shier T J Husks .A J Jousso w KI.i. DIMUl Mi -fcsl liavldeoii 1 tolavs style, promptly, auJ will ;.u mi work. Wnt f inoctat. DANUEKOCS ARTICLES IN COMMON CSS Perhaps there is no article that It put to as many practical uses in the household as kerosene oil. It is used as a liniment, as a lubricant, and aga detergent in the laundry; tor oil stoves, for lamps and to kindle fires; and while it is a good servant, it it a very bad master. A large percentage of horrible accidents is caused by the Ignorance or care- lessnees of those who handle it. If fires are to be kindled with it, never truat the can in the hands of ignorant servants or children, and never trust even yourself to turn oil directly from the can en the kindlings, lest there be an invisible spark at fire amo ng the ashes, in which case it may ignite tht gat in the can and cause an explosion with all It attendant horrors. The only safe way is to first turn a little into a cup Kept for the pur pose, and throw it quickly over the kindlings and then touch It off with a match. Another unsafe practice ts to turn down a burning tamp low ennugh to tmoke, for the purpose of saving ail or obtaining a sub dued light. The vapor toon fills a tight room with a poisonous gas wholly unfit to breathe, and there, have been many instances ol death caused by inhaling this gas through tht) hours of the night in a closed chamber Either allow the wick of a lamp to be high enough to burn clear, or otherwise extia guish it. The right way to do thit it to turn it down so as to tnut off about half of the flame, and then blow slightly across the top of the chimney, but never directly down the chimney, a thit la unsafe. Larnpt should be filled and Uiramed In the morning, and never by lamplight; after being filler!, if the wicks are turned down it will prevent the overflow of oil oa the surface of the lamp. Spirits of camphor is another article in ;cuc'i uc v. i:u; uiusi uc luvu 1,1. vauiiuu . While it Is a good remedy for outward ap plication , it should be administered Inter nally only by persons who are acquainted with its powerful effects on the system. When taken in too large dote ft has been kaown to produce spasms and even death. The oil oi peppermint is aaotaer preparation to be used with great csu Ijn, as k it a po etful stimulant and ilt capacity for harm It very great if ttken in large doses. Ulcera tion of the stomach has been knows .o fol low the free use of this potent drug. It would ae far better to have every camphor aad peppermint rottie In the Uad broken, rather than have their contents ately used by persons ignorant of their inju rious effect , These wreparalions sbold be purchased oaly from a reliable druggist, and the re quired amount for a dose plainly written on the label. If laudanum is kept in the house have it labelled poison, with the number of drops to used for a dote. Keep all oanger o-ag medicines o jt of reach of ignorant ser vants aad prying children, as an "ounce of prevention is worth a pound of core." Al bany Cultivator. There are in Wayne county, Mich., 2X0 women who own. occupy or work farms. Of these 56 are married, aS are single snt 1 36 are widows. The total number of acrae of laad owned, occupied or worked by wom en in Wayne county is 16.744 - This ia made np of 220 farms, containing on the average a trifle over 76 acres each. Tbe largest farm belonging 10 any one woman ia Wayne county is that of Mrs Lavina Ellis of New ; Boston, ia Huron Township, which includes sot acres The smallest ta that of Mrs Ol ive Mc Kinney of Livonia, which has only five acres. Tbe former ts said 10 meet with good, and the latter with fair success. Tbe German ministry has failed to satisfy the country and lhe result mug t soon be an appeal to popular vote in which both minis try and throne msy go (lows together. The young emperor has foolishly appealed te socialists for help, as sgainst the farmer ' and middle clai ses whom the more prudent relied on. It U quite likely that with the encouragement the cm- : peror has given them the socialists will haves a large power in the atw Reichstag, bat will they use it as tne emperor desires? . u luivruHWHiai . wiwrga r un. and England, In ifroo, Msssachasctu par - tidpeued. an J 10 psy the expenses the col- ony first issued pepcr money. In 1692 a j new charter was given to Massachusetts by j wbkh New Plymouth waa united with it. ; "li en the Commonwealth induded 40,000 ( inhabitants ard waa divided into several counties. It wss a total province and the governor and recrstary was appointed by tbe king; and no act of the popular legislature was valid without the sanction of the chief magistrate, who possessed s veto power. Mayor Hsnisoc lias surprised the gam blers of Chicago by isteing sn order calling upon sll keepers of gambling bouse snd poolrooms to close their places within 24 hours If the order is violated the offenders will be arrested snd prosecuted . Is view of the fact that the sporting element of Chica go worked hard la elect Carter Harrison, the order comes on them tike a thunderbolt. Among the curiosities hat were shown at a Sunday-school sapper st Lewlston, Me., wss piece of candle that wsa brought over in the Msyflower, and kept by Priscilla Mul in as a souvenir of that first terrible Mr later on the New England sborea It is a short yellow pi'tce of beeswax can Jle, two inches long, am very yellow and dried with sge. They w ic called tapers in those days. I Prof Newton estimates that the average j number of meteors last traverse the atmos i phere daily, visible to die eye on a dark, ( clear night, Is 7,500,000, snd if to these the telescopic meteors be anded, the nutrber would be increased 10400,000,000. 'lhe amount ol precious meta's that go into the gold and illvrrsmitli's ails is enor mous. Europe consumes upward of $24, 000,000 world ofuoU'atiil -ilver annually ! . f 'or plate, jewelry and ornaments. An island has been discovered in the At lantic iii Isiitude 29 degree two minutes north, longitude .37 degrees 59 minutes, westt w'..ich is only nine feet across. Rtvensteln's estimate of the earth's fertile region, in square miles, Is 28,369,400: steppe, '3.908,000; deeit, 4,180,000; polar region, 4,888.800. An crder fur 75.000 pounds of type, given to a New York firm by the Government Prin ting Office 1 cently, was lhe largest order of ! the kind sin e the Invention of printing. In some pirisof China a lormal introduc tion ii given In thesr worda: "This is my friend. II he steals anything 1 will be re sponsible " Esst year .108,820 emigrants left Gernssn ports for the United States, Enough spider weh co go around the world would weigh one-half pound. The Japanese never mix different kinds, of flowers in one vase. II you buy 1 hieyalfl yetthn hei t The IsMwrila of w .ich a hue cut ia-ip.-.iri wlee wheie is th ope that i. on rop Riders ifiiiierally am learning thst is TH' bEST without an exceptlnu. Call oa J V Wilton, with Stewart & Sox for particulars. Although nearly three decades have elapsed since the peacs of Appomattox, then are still 162 of the 598 general offices of the confederacy surviving. The longest single span of wire in the world la used for the telegraph line, and ia stretched over the river Klstuah, between Beiorah and Sectanaxoum, India. It ia over 6000 fee', long, and it stretched from the top of one mountain to that of anothtr. IE i.i. im jui u Patinum at a white heat it is said will consume any quantity of tobacco smoke and keep the atmosphere perfectly clear. Lamps with a Utile ring of platinum over the flame are uted for this purpose, but a pitct of plat inum ryire suspended over a gas jet Is much cheaper, aad really deet Itt work better. The steady decrease in our exports of farm products is not altogether a cheerful sign. The falling off in breadstufft for nine mouths, compared with last year, hat been over $88,000,000, and in hog, beef and dairy products nearly (7,000,000. Part of this is due to better crop abroad, but some of the loss is no doubt attributable to the notice served in the McKinley bill that we do not want to bny anything abroad, even though the trade would be profitable, and is indeed necessary, to our producers. Is the power of the United States, wield ¬ ed by a democratic administration, to be used to restore royalty in the Hawaiian islands, tU such time as it may be convenient for for Great Britain to add these islands to her already world-wide possessions? Ore gomian. It it a dark clond of hallucination that hovers like a pall over the Ortg ona if it believes what it indirectly alleges above. that the power of the United States is to be used in restoring the Hawaiian queen to her throne. That paper sees so very much in Cleveland's administration, to approve, that it most needs find something to criti cise. Senator Hill's action in calling for the papers in the cases of several recent presi dential appointments of postmasters in this state is regarded at Washington at a "dec laration of war." We prefer to regard it as simply a natural desire on the senator's part f-jr information to satisfy his carios ity. We infer so from the fact that when Mr Cleveland was president before Gov Hill resented the calling for such informs -tion by republican senators, with hostile in tent, as "infernal insolence." He de nounced them for attempting to "dicta! to Uie president," acd to "invade the very precincts of hit mind and make him tell wby be preferred one subordinate to another in carrying out his onerous and solemn trust." Gov Hill vigorously scored th senators for claiming to be assistant preti dents.' We most conclude that be is not in that business himself now. He is a mas who likes to keep potted, and Postmaster Ueneral Bitseii seems disposed to help him. The art of making needles was kept a tec ret until shout 1650, when It eras taught to the English by Christopher Greening. Sow English needles are sold all over the world. At Redd'uch atone, 20,000 people make mote than 100,000,000 needles a year, sod they are made and exported so cheaply that England has no rival ia this country, aad practically naoaopolixsa the trade. For merly needle-iuaking annually killed tent of tkousands by the particles uf steel be tag Inhaled' bat now a blast of air away from the grindstone has done sway with all of this, and tbe cccspatioa has become quite safe. The most Interesting part of needle making is lb drilling of the eye. It ts said that expert can perforate a hair and thread it with itself. A It bong h Great Britain makes the ordiaarv needW for Aiaericaas, the latter, la their torn, make nearly sll the sewingroachine needles the j National Needle Company st Springfield ; Mas, annually make 30,000,00c machine 1 needles. A. th nmw-,.Hv. JZTrJ th. U. As tbe representative paper of the Massa t wewawatB Qcaaocracy, use r on may us per j milted to refer to the position of the Massa ! chusetta member of Mr Cleveland 's cabinet without incurring the charge of captious criticism. The position of A ttrrney -General Olney is cne in which private leasiisess snd puoiic . . . . 1 . . . ,. . " , , iiuir are umriaiMi in an inmnwmna man - ."l 1 hdociary, and they are entirely honorable. But. for instance, the Chicago. Burlington At Quincy, a fine property, finely adminis tered, may at tome time be the in a suit brought by Use people intuit itc commerce law. to A-t . . s i A st ' al uuuuaru uie ueparuueni ot justice . vw- ney t position as counsel for tbe road and as attorney-general would be singularly in- consistent, We heps Mt Olney will recognize this fact and act accordingly .Boston Posf . A special Watnington corresoende. of . heal repsblican psper yt: Few presidents hsve been held more in sws by the leaders of hit party than is Mr Cleveland by tbe democratic senators Many of his appointments hsve not been popular with those statesmen, but they hive not dared oppose their coefinnation. They threaten to protest and ''kirk" vigorously among themselves, but when tbe nptntna tiost are reported to the senate they all come meekly to the front aad vote to confirm. I he rcpresenlstlves likewise abuse the pres ideoti. private snd to iheir constituents who are here after office, bat they are all smiles when thev csll st the While House a.kint favors. Meanwhile Mr Cleveland continues . . . to snub ard Irnore the democratic senators and congressmen when he feels so incline J, and mskes appointments lo salt himself, snd as deliberately as he pleases. . . . . . .. . It would be quite Impassible to put a greater amount ot silly ia tbe sasae nurr.- her of lines. If Mr Cleveland is held in such awe by democratic senator., bow is It thst he continues to snub senators and con gressman adtiiium, and how is It thst these senators and congiessmen come to tne front so meekly snd confirm whomever tht presi dent may appoint to office if they bavelhe power snd do keep him in such awe? The truth is there republican correspoadeats are appointed to criticise and they do the bett , r ( they can, but the above shows thst they have a very we.k case. TIME T0 8AY NO The determination of secraliirw i Wet lata oecreiary utrnsie to defer the beginning of costly public works until the treasury shall be in a better condition to prosecute them is one that may wisely lie adopted in every department. If we are ever to institute a policy of economy in tbe conduct of the government there must be a beginning somewhere . Congress, through the operation of the log. rolling system, has gone right on pasting needless and extravagant public building and river and harbor hills, just as though the treasury surplus bad not been squan dered and a deficit maae probable. Whenever discretion is left with the head of any department as it is in many cases with the secretary of the treasury and the secretary of war the beginning of new work should not he undertaken except where it is absolutely necessary. No honest and prudent basinets man would enter up on costly new enterprises at a time when be was pinched for money to pay his just debts and meet current expenses. This is the condition of the general government today. It is high time to make a stand against reckless expenditure of the public money. TELEGRAPHIC MS. A Terrlfle Eartkqsuihe: Ataexb, April 21. The details of the calamity that has befallen the island of ante show that since tho beginning of April there have been a total of 100 earth quakes, au average of five every day. The island is well known as peculiarly liable to disturbances of this kind, and but little at tention was paid to the shocks, its they were for the most part light and did no damage. Wnen the terrific shock came Monday morning lost the city of .ante was practically, wholly destroyed. There are not in the city W houses that are safe for the people to live in. It is known that 150 persons lost their lives in the disaster. Aa EssjhIsbswx Strike. Chicago, April 21. After several weeks of murmuring and threats the Ksquimaux who have comprised the Esquimaux village in Jackson park have packed up their queer looking belongings and token their depar -ture. They are tired of being compelled to wear heavy sealskin clothes in warm weather, they say, and of being restricted to the extent their managers demand, and they have determined to revolt and run a village of their own. John Sugorloaf, who with his four sons, cleaned out a dozen Arabs in a street fight the other day, is the instigator of the uprising. He proposes to rent ground near Jackson pork and set up a niw village. A Lobs sttwe. New Yoke. April 2i. Tom Roe. the well-known bicycle rider, says he will start to ride acroia the continent, from New York ! to San Francisco. He expects to make the tnp in Go days, and will take the most di rect route to Chicago, following the Union Pacific railroad from there to San Francis -co. The trip Hoe proposes was accom plished by Nelson A Pradt in 190, his time being 96 days. A Nrrrkaal Sudden Death RotfEULito, Or, April '21. William Cochran, aged 64, fell dead this morning at his home in Looking liiaas at the break fast table from heart disease. He had been at well as usual up to the time of his deitb. He has been engaged in the merchandise business at Looking Ulass for the past 26 years, and was well-to-do. He leaves a wife and several married sons and daugh- tera to .-nourn their loss. Ha wil be buried wh'h'-x huni:' hjJd Feihwt' 01 whah order be was a member. A M l.tms Aertde.1 Butte. Mont, April 21 This city is once more the scene of an awful mine dis-, aster. The Silver Bow mine, owned by the A man has to be pretty careful how be 1 Butte A Boston Mining Company, is on stays longer on s Portland trip than he j fire, and nine miners have been imprisoned ; intended Several cases of startling re vita nochancefor their lives There are j ports have revolted. Mr Rhodes, ol two shafts in the mine. The tows cannot Oregon City, was accused of e'oping.w hen , lie estimated but it will be very heavy, he had only been in Portland on trasiness-' " . t V . . .r - I . . .... I vrn.y a snort time ago tnis company s smelter was d-stroved bv firs. It had just been rebuilt at a cost of 1150 000. The company's finances are in a discouraging condition. Aa April Saaw .term St i.. April 20. Three feet of snow 1 on the level April 20 is a most unusual thint, in thi f 1 1 but that amount of ! snow fell last nignt and today, in some parts of Minnesota, however, tbe average. This is also due for advertising. It is is not over one foot- A heavy rain pre- found that Reeves baa a lam near Eu ceeded the snow, which began in tbe north-' gene, bat that it it in his wife's name. western part ot tbe state loesday night it extended rapidly and increased until this afternoon, up to which time 15 inches had fallen. After two or three hours' i - ltw nil s ion it uftfasA aSjtun ut(l tb? Air tottiffut U ones more full of flying snow. iHinat .... .... v. -m tii;.t.u telling cf a testable strike in Willow Springs precinct, naar tbe old postomce. received, lhe lucky prospector's name is Jacob Herchberger, and so rich is the vein that yestoedxv morning be took out rock BsWfSfa tlre-if i with m Id I 1 BMi v ' flOOO. It is estimated that he has taken out no less than ftSVOO since finding the vein a day or two ago. One remarkable Ifaia ahoat it that th weia dtscc - v ered right on tbe old overian-1 stage road. awl only 300 yards from tbe Willow BwaEBSfl weSSSl BMSBfl Warelaer BararJ. Wakdxek. Idaho. April JO. The busi ! aeas nsnrt of Wardner is a hears of tabes . UundmU of pcopie are horaefejaand lhe ' fire is not vet exUniruisbed. The loss is , . .WA - . . estimated at between 8250.000 and 8300, 000. Less taaaksaeMa aeD .thinl. " b Tbe fire start sd in Lswaoo ; clothing store between I sod - o'clock this morning. Tbe cause it not known, a the .t, " - ing before the fire was discovered. raswiet. Bet Brs.set Mil w a 1 see. April 2fl.-Tbe dreadful toVfiaitSTied awaj thebSZ bui.t cn top of tie crib st the mouth of tbe tunnel, about iJiree quarters of a mile from the pumping works at the foot of North street, and 14 men were drowned. 1 ne ; shore ot tne lake is strewn with timbers. wuu ui uk iaic 11 strewn wnu nuiieer. boards tools and aiticles of clothing worn B. .1 -a. . . . -. eawa . by in tbe ill-fated crib. 1 r,o cns fPPP1 . to have occurred aUmt I o ciocs tuts morni morning. A.asaer caaasaaie Washisgtos. Aoril 20 -Emanuel Mver was greatly surprised today when be learn exeT day for himself and is getting ; tired of waiting. The new application will i proueoiy complicate matters some, rr aaiee-orwaem ? Washikotos. April 20. Among the j new arrivals bete are T I Page and Fred . tlber wboi app.irant 1 - " - V MB 111 . ... uin 1 . Ill 13.1 in Ml, r Hi-ju. i age is nere in tne interest ol his Lr , . -i I Ju" & AlTak . r SBaaks WAsnisoTox. April i9. The abstract j C" reports made to the controller of the rr-n..i nh-.i ik. .i.t. - .ii ional tawwfam & Trt lQr ,7 the ! i.o tK. i... i u..j ul x. I have len oreonred at' the trena.'.eJ .iv,,i ' ment. Tlie aggregate resources were ; aT.1 791 ! itj. .: : i -. - "i i . au .u.a ivuun huh ii ia in- i ...... ; . .. , . i a .i i.i - iii "wHji nw7 una inu iruni ixun neio . aKTirte tW.Ki,.2ii. and the gold l-tieate. jUttNim Tl.. I ...1 .1; I . . w . . Ut I ' '.1 11 llllll 111- ! wAi-vt.OlXl.OOO. Among the liabilities are ........ . i -1 L. " 1 ... 1. I AAA AAA " .! -. re-tTJvS 1 ... e.,i.i,uw.uuu. A mono tne lla.l.Ill": are ; "-"l""" wu paiu in eo'v.u.JC.uw .inu in .ii i-i.i, ., I . a . -- , w ta i i.i dividual deposits, 1.751, 000.000. Ewe I Like Scabs Omaha, Xeb, April 10 There mav be : A walk out of the .mrinmr. nnd firemen nn j tbe Union Pacific, at least that is what tho j striking ironworkers claim, lbe advisory ! committee of the strikers held a conference this afternoon with a delegation from tbe engineer s aotl tucmcn 1 iirothernoods. ami although the outcome is not known, one of .1 . i , , .. ....... . the strike leaders asserted that the engineers would refuse to handle any engine repaired oy "scabs, except those drawing fast mail. Stattllsi: Easier freteal Berlin. April 19. The Russian csar, now at the Lixidia, his palace in the Cri mea, is said to have found an exipiisitejy painted egg on his table Easter morning. It contained a small silver dagger, two ivory death heads, and a slip of paper bear ing the words, "Christ has risen; we also shall rise n train." The egg must have been ; H'ceu on mo lame ny one 01 tno czars , e . . . . . ,. , .l. 1 i : .t . , 1. ... . as.- svubmuiu, l II Vf'rt rvs j vtov asitts wsvw wo n- room in which it was found. The guilty person hits not been apprehended. Fall of Barglar. Tacom.v, April 19. Thit city a tilt seems to be the rendezvous of an organized gang of burglars and thieves. Almost daily res idences are robbed during the of inmates, and during the night business bouses in the outskirts of tho main business center are robbed. Our police, so far, bave not made one arrest, and still tho rob beries go on. It Here UambllDE Astoria, April 19. Mayor Crosby has affixed his signature to tbe anti gambling ordinance, and tbe keeper of gambling houses have been notified by the chief of police to close down. It is not expected that it will be found possible to enforce Uie law, and the saloon men will in all proba bility make a hot fight for permission to conduct their game. Another Cyclone Fayktteviixe, Ark, April 19. At noon today a terrific cyclone passed through the valley jutt south of this place, leaving a barren waste behind it. Many homes were utterly demolished and many families in the storm tonight ore without shelter. Out of one family consisting of eight persons, not one escaped serious injury. defendant e.1 that Eugene Shelby, of Portland, had 5 oocea and turned over to the owner, snd j the school literary society : ' P"4 ou antf remaining on band, in the 1 of the Med an application for collector of t!e iort. ong eing wai discharged, it is to be j cooniy tresLsary ot said county tor tne i 1 . uie puciutta wnicn ue uaa tjeea seeKinE. J "ve . - j uvm .uwui, p.. wwiih ruumi ou 'v ..s t be rougrJt , , aa he is the wnrwt lonkine Chinaman in j.. ,i- Mareh AH l5 as. i ,i 1 t- wu)i .uwuiuiema i o CTassaaaasw sawaewsy. . . -'v . , . . . mam. Oregon Ci'y has a sensation. The ci:y assessor, J K Rhodes, It is rumored, has skipped with Mrs Myra B VV hillock. Miss MaSel Jennest says the size of women's brains who adopt crinolines will be In inverse ratio to the size of hoops. Level-headed Jennest. Eugene had a genuine metropolitan ex perience: During a trial In Justice Kin sey's office t he floor showed signs of giving away. The crowd made a stampede to get out of the room that would have done justice to a stampeded band of cattle. Some were not contented until they got Into the street, thinking the building was collapsing. On account of the rain Miss Jennets.the talented dress reformer, only had a small audience. An Immense audience, though, went through the same rain to hear Miss Anderson, the missionary from India, which shows that Uregonians do not slop for rain when they really want to go out. Both deserved a large attendance. The Salem Ministerial Association Is having trouble. Recently this organiza tlon made a request upon the tta'c board to be compensated for expounding the gospel at the state penitentiary, asylum and reform school. The board took the matter under consideration and arranged a tcale for the different institutions . The united ministers now, in a letter to the board, say If th: scale Is not raised they will not preach. Journal. sjOj r The Cc mmcrcial Review ears : "Over two-thirds of the mills in the valley have closed down oa account of the depression hin , ,i . , w In. miliar at Ilia nraunl r. r ,-t of flnti, The New York World proposes to let the people elect the posUnMUrs. The idea is not a bad one. It might be well, though, first, to let the people elect the V S Senators Begin at the top and corns down. v e nave suici before. and w aisle it again that the b.r Is . thing of the past, and ti. t ..i-t Wo... ,h.V. ' . i br ,,ormerl-r is dt-p nd 1 p I of almost any harden can now come into tne nvoor wiu, tne greatest s.rety ys quina News. me rart was pnrjnsriea all over llie ttate. Tb. Salem Independent says: Suit has been brought sgaintt Powell Reeves for the purpose of $122.75 due the firm of Lewis ii Drydeo Pun tins i company for advertising. The Oregoni- an has also put a bill far f 1,700 in tbe hands of Tilmon Ford for collection. Mary Schmidt, nee Caafieid. present- ed rer liewe Wd with. . wawaw ki, - lftatwllralT Saturday. Mrs Schmidt will be remem- ! vj -j , . I m0Dlhs ago eloped with her father, hired ! man from the farm on Sail creek . She lt . ... ... s prooa.y tne yonngesr rootner in tne Y1' h:? 00 ,,5lb..1: Apr.l, her 15th buthdar. McMinnville u JLt Considerable money has changed bands in Atrsuiy on account of tbe 46 per cent payment. A peculiar feature of tbe matter is tbe fact that payment was only to the men on account of time - aSSBCaaj he.J BS X't-sv,. a:: 1 ;cU:ort ) and others bold me the checks did not net the benefit. As torn of the old time ctiects were taken in payment of ac counts they were certainly entitled to : J .2 -r .. . . cuusiuerauon. J n ey win, tnoogn, oe WU wuc li.'IJC. I Xo reiuriou set vices are being he sd at ; k. ..... t-Tit..sf ; c-i " r-v- : miv rv. . v iwiMtuimus u aire - i ,;;.,. . t.4 .k'taik. authorities have placed the figure at s f 2 m ,h. ,, as .t th. minm and reform school . The follow ing from dely f tinny : A visit at tbe prison often cons a minister $5 in charity to say tu journal in this connection reads de noth ng about pay for time an ! jJ Rv LaDd bdn tuulcled in J"! "sff Jf JTSlF L U ,0 tobC ; stpt, tic. I , , ... , . . z-r nd broughl to Albany this noon the Ce- fMlltal Vtlh I ha HtrJF nmhdll tslsl Bsfas-lr T . " V.. . . c"."f7 1 7" ... . x A , S JD? w,, ,lnK. 'V WOnn. 01 J?D" uc.imiiiiui u. vuwe wuijiuj, sue vr r bridEentsbtwatchman. On examination it was learned that the goods had been i "ft Wa s for deliverv when Hong - I s,af went to Salem, and they were pro Oa Secesh mountain. in Eastern Idaho. it is estimated that at least 100 feet ot ' ,now wl during the past inter. 1.. . .. . I ". rlfhl in ouarters wher there should be tbe opposite. On account of the. rain Miss Jennets, . i i . . , i . . . t ut'en.vvi uress reiornicr, oniy nau a I nl?il 2 l A,b5 & AKn audience .though.went through the same ' i lhe 'vening to hear Miss An- , rain the same evenine to hear Miss An- derson, the missionary from India, tell all about the blai; Uvvcd bindus who do , '.o. wear corsets or anything else. Journal. . - -"V'Srs-.----L-Tsr: :r" iigurrng as 'ouowe- ijisi aiu-iiwy uie o I figuring as follows: I I . - ... .. ..' saiouue nneayoi paid into the treasury f tfiOO license to seli whisky. One . hrewerv naid slOO and the live tlrus stores psid in $125. During the next six montiis trie nave to sei. I 16.000 drillkt j already paid KB H" mtiC III wt iismt tut ! t.r sc out for licenses. A paper in the virtuous and exemplary town o' Eugene heads an item a tough : ,. 7 ! ton "S 1,-V8, ness in t'orva There is much rotten in t.orvaiiis. me pimuc nose is continually offended W1U1 odors from disreputable, disgraceful and depraved orgies. The freaks of deviltry and de bauchery that happens so often without even the chastisement of a condemning public opinion are astounding. Respec table citizens are enduring much that needs curing. Albany journalism doesn't seem to have any entertainment much except to attend free church sociables and experience an occasional pang of jealousy at Salem. Salem lournal. Please don't. We are all exercising in the gymnasium now, as well as keeping our eyes on the city run by the state's pap, and think all together that we cover as a big field aa Salem journalism, excepting ',he strawberry patch. The Eugene Journal'eays : The picture of Dr Powell Reevea in the Albany paper, which we have had filed away in our office for some time aa a curiosity in the advertising business, ia the picture of Senator John H Mitchell, of Oregon, lie isalin looking man, and the picture, which ia absolutely perfect and life-like. ia, 01 cnurae, 1 nice looking' and repre senta a "fairly honest business man, ''we might aay a"very honest business man." Bat he waa some yeara Professor of Med ical Jurisprudence in a college, and may be presumed to know something himself about doctoring. The Skill end Kaswledge. Ksseatial to the production of the most per fect sod popular 'axstivs remedy known, have enabled tbe California Pig Syruo (Jo, to achieve a great suooess in the reputation of itt remedy, Syrup of Figs, as it is conced ed to be the universal laxative. For sal t y all druggists. ntocr uregon. Address, bv the Iresiden- 1Ule8e my hand tpis list, jyoi April, HO HI' ISIS ABROAD THTBSUAY The rtceir U of th 8lm pottofCee fr the past year were $19.362.12,a tine showing for the capital city. There are yet fourteen months for the giusiaw A Eastern railrnal to claim the $100 000 which was raited last spring, and wh' o most popl are weak in their faith that the road will m coi structed. vet we should not lose hops . Two or three to h roads might be t.orit in lea. time fhan a year. 1 Ky rwSur. Many Cor vail is fires are now fed with fuel (roui the ('aca1 mountains. M H Kriebtl of Niagara having been in town last week and ails' sets' of over six handred cords. Tne w.,., ii Br, is from the Niagara Mills and coau two dollars and aixty cents per cord aboard the cr. at Corvlluj, ...eluding railroad chargot.,. Times. ntranine roiu.l ol thesnitat Ktven mi ntiooed yesterday, entirely in fvor of the "fld Doctor." 'he c.vit suit in Jus ttce Kirsoy .court before a jury, wherein POGibb-n. sued Dr Powell Reeve, add wife for lbs sum of SilJ . ', rnou,, alleoerl to be dus for farm work, -oded a! out 5 JO ye rday afternoon, and tie jury ro about 30 minutes retarnet a verdict for plaintiff in the sum of f 7 50 the vnouut tendered Gib bons by Dr Reeves . The Execit'h CoMMiTrtt in charge of the t'nton Evangelistic services, has decided to change the place of meeting to the M E church, on account of fts central location. It is hoped that this change is judicious and for the cood of the wr.ole, and that the large audiences which have gathered from nignt to night tor a period of five weeks, at the United Presbyterian I rhnrrh ul!t nA, V. .,;!:. i . ... . , . .. uc uiiutiiieilCQ DV ine I ,ih,n tz. an . ? Ti I s 'LV"X."C L I"e ! ; ,nd m,ke lhe raec,pg; hipfui. If the ! enriman poeple, irrespective of denomina I.. ... . ". iinn. .in a ; ii , ... j fully, there is no reason whv thesi meet- "1 Jhe 61 "l" ""1"r,d Pufi0 '" the atmosphere our 5 fl.'j 1 "yV meet,n8 or men will be i 'v"y tU-v ,r"" ' 1 to rloek, at the 1 J rT.- Z 1mrelh,6 I nd B b e r,"g U E chusch at i 2 y o clock. Services vt r 3o tnis evtn- ' 1 j'j ii.-.ii' t inu Draver- in.. ,1 Ik. U r .1 L. si. ....... ! f 'ome .ml Kn m.-a . jn - tiiuitn. rti. arc nswtWU raiDAY. Tb -1 tonijht at the Oregon Bank ; The receioUof the McM.nns.ile Do.uffice tai ycr were aut, a. ,3, aa utc ea e about 2O0 over the previous year. P J Smiley, who has been placed id chares of the juvenile work of th Y II C A wishes alt boys who intend to join tho els, being formed to hsnd their 1 ante to him by next Wednesday soon. Tub I'wiox gsariCB at the If E cbarcb last evening was well attended. Rev Piichard Dreached a sfrons sermon from 1 iui n nusaner snsii can on the ever will. and lastly he made it very plain hat was meant by calline- on find for talvatijn. If there was dark new. in the ran'inl! he rlL-U'l "V "s. point he ditcsaied, he surely must have maae tne tray clear, as bis anramenu were c.ear cat and conclusive. Rev Har- "f0 took chsrtfe of the after meeting in ' manner, lollowing the t.e ?l V'bt presented by t Rev file hard g?- n,!'ni1for tbY M ,r,m fr"m t,2: "'oM I Beat in mind, alwn ihe '-UnnMrHr. ' r. : ; vice at the M E church. lh:a Service at 7 JO ! n- Li a-w. The S em Y M C A is havia a hand ball trmrraseat . FortmillcT A Irvine display wtwdows are w a' h siag. Their stack cf wall paper, by the way. Is big new, embracing a iioe of goods rarely foead in a place ukt Albany. At a eeong of ta Sailduig a Loss -Va-soctsti n ast t renins SIOJO was lo.aed to a Lavesccr ani 1UUU to J ts tvintaaas. uotB o' tarawstv-.i.e !tn at 71 months in tTOt in Advaac n r, as-r- . . . . . . 1 .i.vwi.rv. s:ic pocsor vesxe . uieai m ca.mpiau.s ia J a si tee 1 l-"J " rowrx mus lie owners at um null dam at X..ra f r obet-w. ling the pro- of ash ap th- river , The matter will be beard next week. Th caalte school entertainment to he . Wood ev-.e Rses-llewS eeaaaae srrasged for tb octassosu Th pec is rassnBalilt that ever owe eaa afford to re. Tickets 25 et ail over the oar ra-Ertet.ts to go. ilu, name of the Lord shall b. saved ' &r&mZlZtiZTZr presented the simplicity of the plan of March A I) 1MB ll - tKTi ; -Ivation ; then cafied atUeatiou lo the rV,d o t from n'ool ITeT-d from brosui invilat.n extended to all-.hrwao-! Ii... "i? "!vM.."". Tbe Kaewf urg B A L. aatoe'atioti has laal eomp-.el it sec-wed year. It has 406 bare, cf stock and 74 ill swi lie s IS Bweaal ; have been made: the largest bid last year: --, waabo moeiths ir.lerwst ia advance and the , . . t , anis.ii.wt BS aa a o , Amt paid oof on school snrer- muted uct. ettergsr a vjstTfcw man working lor Ira Ta.r.e-, on the Corvailrs 1 wi.iwj en. are inrne-. on use torwalits road, skipped out, fakir . she run. revoi - Ja . .. sT 9 BBSs m aW tn a sal IS. r a . a. htm. A warrant was Hsaed for hi. ar , rest: bet rf he gets hid ia .1 ., ii-; the clothes once . . . TL. . ' . ! . 'vmm program win oe given - u,e ' 'pera Moose on Tuesday evening, lnstrumenlal music. David Gottlieb. Peclamation, Reuben Thompson. "The Sailor's Chorus." Albany Male Quartette. Socitv paper, editor .Oary Crawford. iruei.isse Lime ana Lallie ratrei. Music. Orchestra. Dialogue. "The Floor of the Family." Mrs Simpson. Ella Risley; Tolly Simp son, Edna Miller: Ma'ry, the servant, Martha Risley ; Mr Thompson, Reuben Thompeoo . e.tsr 1 1 ? the Merry Solo, "I Ixsv Prof Crawford. Sunshine.' . Kecitstidn' "Mr Ned. Mar' ha Risley. Sola, Edith ChUwell. 1 Oeciamstion, "A Sign." Joe Befiune Piano Duett. Maude Crosbv and Mar- ! guerite Hopkins. ' a? . T . 1 j ... . . . ... .. 1 ' v-ounttv unt s isit 10 - ,1, 1, Aunt Peabodv. Cor. Barker: Miittie. Cora Ratke , -t-,,. iv , . , .... Dorrf i I I ' leanor, tWa Sliupn nil vnorus, igut 11.. uuttn. j ,r AtT Male tjuartet. lT as-,-, SSaww It ess -The Kncene i '. wsss nas ooen in t.regon ; t - a almost since there was an Oregon. ra : auni .vie., llie nutlOUS lieu ioni the logger, has been declared a drunk by the Salem city council. Tom has seen the day when he was not known as a "common'' drunk but as a man of great ability and capacity. In times past Tom would come to town and put himself outside of a "small barrel" of whisky and thn proceed to paint the town a "sky blue pink with carmine patches" W the utter defiance of the police. A few years ago when driving lasts, on the Wi.lamette.hegoton a boose at Junction City and defied a whole : posse of marshals and demities. flnlw . few years ago at Albany he found a drove 1 v.- oiwuvi uu icpuies in nts ooots and being unable to run away from them he decided to seek safety in Heaven so he cat his throat But sad to say some doctors got hold of him and patched it up againand he is still livimrand .hie, in smile on the essence of distilled cereals. f rear view ot To mn.i. li.. ;.l iitlul. If. lawsa. far view of Tom's life reve.l. th!.. i.,, 1..1;. .kiij ....,u truth that "the saddest of all sad things are, it might have been." Noticb. Parties desiring s good cup of coffee should call at the store of Perry Conn and examine the Pan American corree pot, guaranteed io save you 30 per cent of your coffee; m.kcs a better coffee than can be made by the old way.and It is made in twentv seconds. Call and see ut. A new 1 k M t itK of the Albany Steam Laundry ia a towel service. The laundry furnishes the towels, and delivers clean onea according to contract, every day or every other day, and aa many as arrang ed for, at a given price. This will be a good thing for stores, offices, etc Money to Loan. 1 have money in turns of A500 to 120,000 to loan on im proved farm lands in Linn and Bentci counties, at lowest current rates. delay iu furnishing the money. C G Bl'KEflAET Real estate agent, Albany, Oregon. F.II-A,XI t STAYEWEVr. Semi-annual report of the county clerk ti Linn county, state of Oregon, showing the amount and number of claims allow ed by the county court of said connty.for wbst allowed, amount of warrants drawn, and amount of warrant outstanding and unpaid, from the 1st day of October, 1852, to the 31 at day of March, 1893, both in clusive: ACCOCXTS ALLOWED. County Judge's salary. 600 00 600 02 1781 44 1111 22, 198 50 1998 00 099 58 198 10 477 50 78 00 1287 9fi 3013 7 3 74 627 18 114 70 2 03 57 j 173 50! 253 90 1091 451 193 80 114 60; 108 00 940 45, 161 50 1878 20 216 50! 553 88 fjennty Treasurer's salary CoTJrJt, Clerk's fees sheriff's fees Com niiasionejs, per diem . County Assessor j Sell oof superintendent. . . Coroner 1 District Attorney .... ' County Surveyor Poor and paupers TtfM(I. anS hridw. Court house and jail Stationary and printing. Insane Inc iKntal expenses Fuel Witnesses in criminal i Petit jurors Grand jurors Witnesses befo.e grand jury. Bailiffs Elections Viewing and survey ing Road supervisors Bonnty Preliminary examinations. . . Total amount claims allowed and drawn 121304 76 I Atnonnt of unpaid and outstand ing county warrants Oct 1st. 1892 $21568 48 Total amount claims allowed and d rswn. including nnpaid connty warrants on Oct 1st, 1892. . $42873 24 uouiaoaiDe DDptia wtrnnu on . . . . . - ... . - . ' - , "e ,ot feh,lcW.ZI375 09 1 wir..,0f "f" 09 . wrr 2137 w Stays or Okecox. i - m, Col:?T 2 I, N P P-yneoonty clerk of the conn- ; ty of Unn. state of Orsasm A I m. -I. .. . .--- certify that th 1 "35 - - ! amount of claims allowed rvw therntv I TfTZTT.. ,nM tMlOWea . Dy tbe lXDDty Ynd'hvi what account the same were allowed .rid the SBOOBt ol wsJTSDtS drS-WB, and the ..1 amount 01 warrant oatataadine- and nn- i psud as the same appear upon the records tu my omce ana in my official custody. Witness my band and the seal of said County Court of said county this 21st aay of April A D, 1893. P PAYNE, j al Conntv Clerk. I I By B M Payne, Deputy. Semi -annual statement of the county ' ....,. ,.. r : n oat: ' 1 AXOl'XY BECEIVED. j ' hand f fom last report. $11208 55 j Ami received from damxtce on. on Wigie, road A cat received from Smith A Roach, ferry iiomse Amt received from J R Allen, peelers license Amt received from fines from Justice courts Amt from forfeited bond State ys Bran in Ajst Coroner, found on dead bodies Amt H g Williams, poll tax col lected by Assessor Amt C C Jackson, delinquent taxes for 1801 Amt examining insace person . Amt Linn Co Sst Bank, loan to Co.: Amt C C J.ckeou.laxe for 1892. 29706 40 Total received.. 5i6T5 ecu 001. FTXD Amt on hand from last report. Sik-4 6705 12 i Amt received C ' lac it son. . t..i ;s arsa sn receiyed 7889 81 l Total balance on hand as per ; a'uore statement 430343 43 aatOCXT PAID OCT. so Amt P"d oct on county war- nasi 5il4: 15 ' Ami pata oat on in ton io war- ! rants 23 86 Balance general fund 00 hand. 23632 74 in. i Total paid -84515 intendenU' wsrranU $1179 ; Balance school fond on hand. . firSO 89 ; , ! Total paid-. State or OattGos. i CoC!Crr or Lis ) I a, Brice Wallace, do hereby certify in s that tbe foregoing is a true and correct statement of the amount, receiyed and BRICE W ALLACE. C-oontr Treasurer. j Semi annual statement of tbe amount of money and warrants received for taxes ! i and money paid to the county treasurer t 1 - 1 V . a - t T . . 1 ! oy uie suenu 01 a.ian cwsir, urepw, for the six months ending on the 31st day of March, A D, I8S8: AUOl'XT BECEIVBD. Octooer $ 942 -7 November 312 4 December 463 9T January 696 H3 February 2523 15 eawrcu w j j Astorxra riD to cocxtt tbbastkek November December. January. . . February . March... $ 899 50? . . . . 845 7 . . . 2926 82 ' . . . . 33486 20 0 C JACKSON, Sberifl of Linn county. S-.mi-annual srmmtry statement of 1 the financial condition of the county of ( vwaav wa ws Betas, in tne state 01 orygon , on tne 1st i day of April, t D, 1893 ! liabiutiks War rants drawn on the conntv treasurer, and outstanding and unpaid 2131 5 OS Total liabilities $21S75 09 arcoiasts. Funds in hands of connty treas urer applicable te tbe pay ment of county srarrrants. .23632 74 Funds in the bands of connty sheriff applicable to the payment of county war rants 2S51S 91 Estimated unnaid current taxes applicable to tbe payment oi county warrants 29607 99 Total recources $78759 67 Ladies who desire a comfortable aad al thiv .'. lie ti.nea saaefasst fltlinrr rrvswel ; have measures taken by Mrs C 0 Lee. (Broadalbin St., bet. 2nd and 3rd.) who wil1 "'f whUe Mrs Talt is out of trsrss j AMI! RINEHART GIL3ERT. At the res idence of Mrs P J Porter, on April so by Rev S L Lee, Mr W T Rinehars and M C'ivia Gilbert both of Linn countv. SENIOR. On Friday evening, Aurit at, 1S93, ia Albany, ot consumption and heart disease. Miss Kate B Senior, daughter of Oliver Senior, aged IS years. Mr Senior Is in the East. Mis Senior having remained to take care of her daughter. Two brothers reside in Salt Lake City. The deceased It highly s?okeo of. EAST. On Friday, April list, Mrs East, mother ot Henry Taylor, and Walter and ' James East after an illness of tome time, at I- the age of about 60 years. She has resided in Albany a good many years, aad leaves a good many friends te mourn her death. BABY RUNNING SGI Worst Bight Ever Seen. Lena, Anns, Body One .Solid; Deep, stunning Sore. Megan i sing Uutlcnra. In Two We Grest Improveniefrt followed try Complete Cure. KyrMld bfM to be sore when two months 2od over all his body. EWr osss wfeT He many time, a oar, then fee would fast to Us cfotbesTj conid not alone fori Hole lea. arras srere hast o J deep lunulas a was sate an or the deesest ones SI SSI arr.i. lees. faee. Hiafaeand la th- fth. i swoilec so that bediditotksoknteacaud. BlswerJ the worst sores I nave crcr seen of begin csuif tbe Crnccai 1 weeks we eoold see a wr now be Is eoespietelr eared. Bis akin Is i and wb le, and fee eeana entirely wen. We am ttaeokftil. rortratt metoeeo. I w everaee srbo has a aeSerias hatrr . Mas. FRED BAKKZTT. WfrfleVi, Ingbaa Ootraty, atkawj Cutieura Resolvent The new Blood and Skin Pcrtfier, tartersaihr. t-l-nccBA, Ik stsat Skin Care, aad Ccnerja oar, sa . nt ta. ataa aealo. Lair, from lotaney to say, truss piw pass to i Sold ererisifeeie. Price, CtmcraA. Sfle.; tc- . o . u. nM art rtewmraal bv taw 1 V aco aJroCsraatfCAi. CoaTOSATlosr, BosfSSi,! Bow toCore Bid. Diseases, OS pases,! MBT'5 Sfcn S tVsSsi pSSnM wy t-cncciLa swar 4fe RKtUP W In owe mis nhV efo. Sep, d JBpWaSMiwOSi RHEUMATIC PJUM8 , la ate naianate tsset mim - t.;,. fsMSSST, ciitst, aad r mum imsiii 11 1 M.tlJiK1 aim t.Xi per BcfcJe? This Cszat Cocca ocaa faompUy cssres wnen au ousers Dm, wsensy v-rocp, we Throat. Hoorsesess. WhoopiniT Coach SB Asthma. For CairaiiBiptioo tt has no rtvat j has cured tlisasissils. snrt will ccms tost tt t kev. in Hma Sold bv Drrjaraasts 00 a srtsar- I actor- l or a lame Bade or Cbest, ta ( SH1LCH-S BELLADONNA PLJLSTEJtJac. i 'HIL0H'S CATARRH REMEDY. i.rnMratinsT Tsja swaBesnr is eraarsB- teedtocureyoa. friessoeas, iiissiiwi Tf S. p. Hdacfct u. Ufer Csrf sos) a xrr. PHYSIC i ar at If taken as directed, we Gu 2x3.2 tee Saiia i. or refund your money. D0RT SICKEN. DOST. GRIPE 50 cents tser rotue, by I A CUMM'.NGS. la!?1 CURE YOURSELF! 12' f. ru.- crusret tor a ewen. of A It eizes :s a few dar. atd BR I it's Fiirniture Store VfRTHOS BR1NL is now at his old . JL stand, opposite tbe opera house, wLeur those wishing substantial releableT tunitare. can secure what ILev want, some manufactured stands, flour 'bests, fee, etc, r I ways on hand or mad c on hart notice, at bottom prices. JCTtia,sjBjlTra!eNarr!obcai3ci ami all Fat. SesabasineVeoadiKted tor ejo0t.TC Fees. Oo Omce is owom U. S. TttT Orrtcc J ims can secure paten: in .ess ust tata. ... 1-,-, v. - awSW, Scad model, drawuag or photo., with desctirv tion. We advise, ii patentable or not. tree oi caaxre. Ocr toe not ju till vwlent rs secure a eiwaairr. "How to Obtain Patents.' w cost oi state ia tie D. S. and locvasrn 1, 11 rill. seat free. Aailuit, r C.A.SNOW&CO.; Owe. fe.TTBrr Oerrct. WasxutoTow. O. C asssasasavassswaasassw mm CQLLEBJATS IKStTJOtI ALBANY, OREGON 18Q1, 189-2. test Teewa ecl September Sit: A f I corpa of instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERAL COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL SUSSES. Courses ot tudy arranged to meet ui all grades of student $acW lamworwkwv efmtt U tixdext 'root ajrjeu ". BLUEST 1 roXBIT ACADEMY -OF- Uuly ol Fefptitaal aelc O. Mb McFarland, - DKA LIB IN - Harness -and -Saddler; Display in the floor REVERE HOUSE? LBAMY - OREGCh CHAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR RTT.TflTTRNSSS 20 00 H H 100 15 Ojll lgl 1500 00 - SiaCj-. "X&y BHranrnteM act to s-r-rcre. re rwlneeaef awr-t.--. Jars. Tat Bvata flip a iIOsJaB H CtatCJSIJtATl, a .fl bbbW. u' jjSFl