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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1893)
i - ... . ,7 Mt mmat LOCAL RECORD An Om Murder Resurrected. The Ashland Record telU the following- end killed his father-in-law, I.mes Arnold, In the old man's cabin in the Bin Butte m An k?0wn as Kicherle prairie Hard had been married to Arnold's daughter a lew months, but had not not along pUa.antlv and she had returned to her father. The killing U supposed to have been in reference to a dispute cvir the ownership of land. Hards was Indicted by the grand jury at the time and was finsll'y released on ball. Hard r..i.lnH ih. -if known Orange Jacobiae hi attorney, who advised him to leave the country. About age me indictment was dis missed As was tecorded bv the Record's taSle Point correspondent Hard returned to that section of the country a few months ago He claimed the ownership of his and in that section, which is now fenced in by other partles.and proceeded to make trouble for them. David Dunlap - a an eye-wttnes to the killing, which was a cold blooded murder. He was at Arnold's when Hard came in, murdered the old man, and before Du.-ilap could Ml out of harm way nearly klllei' him with fright. The late grand jury again indicted Hard for murder and sheriff Pelton ha arrested nlm and now has him in esistody in the Jacksonville jai'. Attorxbys Appointed. Jolita P Fay, of the la firm of Fay, tiest & Hender son, formerly of Seattle, with offices now at Portland and Corvallis, has been ap pointed by Receiver Hadley, of the Ore gon Pacific railroad, as one of the attor neys for the receiver,and ludge Fullerton haa confirmed the appointment. The attorney for receiver upon the Pacific ooaat now are John P Fay and C H (Jest. Receiver Hadley has also appointed h K Pendleton, of New York, attorney for the receiver in New York and this ap pointment has also been confirmed. Fay. who haa been associated with Pendleton in the seceivership matter in New York luring tbe past six weeks, reports the greatest satisfaction on the part of all the New York.Philadelphia, Amsterdam uu "Hiumore ooncinoldera with the an pointment of Pendleton to represent the I receiver in the East. His oemonal iti- macy with all heavv hondhnlrWa rf th i i i ii ... i Oregon Pacific will bring a large financial hacking and support to the road. It was largely due to his efforts in connection with the receiver that the 40,000 jnst paid the employes was obtained. Crook Cosjnty. Taylor Hill and Chas Elktns have gone to the hot springs en the agency. Both gentlemen are afflicted with rheumatism, aid a the waters of those springs are said to be a specific for that disease, they expect to get relief from bathng in them. E R Cary, of Matoies, Is in town. He sav on Matoies they have had a long and tedious winter with plenty of miow. though the weather hrs been warm, and stock have come through in good condition. Review. worlds Fair. Our highly respected fellow townsman, Hon C P Boik.iart, baa just received a certificate of appointment a a member of the Advisory Council on Farm Culiureof the World's Fair. This is a good selection as Mr Burkhtrt is one of oar most experienced farmers. The Agricultural Congress will convene in Chicago on the I6th of October. Any of the farmers of Line county who intend to attend the World's pair should call upon Mr Burkhart for let ters of Intrrauction to HoVSasswl W Al riou Samuel V Al- . lerton, Live Stock Pavillion, Exposition Grounds, which will secure such farmers all the attention from tbe managers necessary to make their visit both profitable and pleas ant. Another Bear Story. The Silver ton Tribune tells it. At Murray la the champion bear hunter in this neck o' woods. Last week he stumbled on to three last year cub up a tree, and calling his dog, waited for the dog to arrive. While waiting for the dog lo come he re ceived a blow across the shoulders from one of the old ones that tore all the clothes off his back and sent him gunless about a rod. Just then the dog made an attack and while Bruin was amusing the dog, Murray secured his gun and killed his aggressor. Just at this time a second old one made its appearance and he killed it also and then brought down the cubs, not losing a feather. This occured not more than five miles from Silverton. This re port came from one of his neighbors, and s probably true. The P. O. Block. Rapid preparations are being made to start work on the poet office building. Preliminary arrange ments have been made by Mr G W Wright transferring to the owners of the post office property eight feet, and Mr Geadwobl, who owns adjoining property, as bis share in consideration of the right of way for the stairway to the new build ing, five feet to Mr Wright. Mr Grad wohl and Mr Wright contemplate erect ing a block on their property the coming summer. The former now owns 2854 feet and tbe latter 30 '2' feet frontage We are entitled to Mr Giad a-ohl fir the above information. Hoki Burglaries. Last Saturday night tbe post office and etore of J G Grogs, at Waterloo, was broken into and robbed of $30 in money, some noatage stamps and a pair of No 10 ehoes. - A man wearing a leather coat was supposed to be the guilty party. 1b this city last night the saloon of Marx Baumgart waa entered by the rear door, by breaking a glass aad unlocking the door. It is probable some liquor was taksn; but it could no. be ascertained what waa stolen- lxcoBFORATKD - The Orsgr n Coa st ruction, Land 4c Irrigation Co, Port land, capital $100. R S Straban, I A Whalley and M L Pipes, incorporators. Independence & SaVm Railroad Co, In dependence; capital $100,000; by T A Veneaa. J M Van Duyn, Geo A Smith, J M Stark and R D Cooper. Up the River. Major Hindbory eu recently up tbe river and has decided that with the present appropriation the river can be made navigable nearly the whole y ear as tar as Iiarrisburg, and he has commenced work to that effect. Pe-ple in Southern Oregon think this will be a great saving. The job of making the liver navigable most of the year to Iiarrisburg will I a big one, and it is to be hoped it wn b accomplish ed, though it Is very doub ful. Such Sued. Last Saturday ev-ning a summons and complaint were erved on F L Such, proprietor of Cloverdale, asking lor a judgment tor xzooo, on account of a subscription to that amount wHch Mr Such made towards the steel bridge. For different reasons which will appear at the trial, Mr Such refused o pay the subscrip tion. The case will be hotly contested. One of the finest harnesses ever seen in Albany, has just been manufactured by O M McFarland for John Schmeers bearss team. It is not only a handsome set; but displays fine workmanship. Among tbe attractions at the world's fair will be a father and mother from Georgia; they have been married but eleven years and will be accompanied by the thirty children that have been born unto them in that limited period. Weak Digestion strange as it may feem, is caused frim ft I ,. r ,i . . iick d mat wnicn is never exactly rfi-cM (. The greatest iact in connection with Scott's Emulsion appears at this point it is tartly digested atwl the most weakened digestion is ouirklv strengthened by it. The only possible kelp in Consumption is the arrest of zuase and re newal f nm healthy tissue. Scott ' s Emulsion has done wonders in Con sumption just Hi is way. Prepared by 8on(r A Unn-nc, N. V. Alldrufnriita. One Small Bile jrJPfui every night for Week arouse Torpid Livers. X8c. per bottle. Cixbrrku. a. Albany opera house w have a brilliant spectacular production of "Cinderella" on next Friday night. It will be staged on a scale of magnificence and gorgeousness In all Its details. It will be presented by an excellent company. The children's fairy story, mother's and father's remembrances, a supei lor arrav of specialty artists, new and original music, entrancing electrical and scenic effects, artistic properties and costumes, beautiful fairy land scenes, dazzling prince a palace, the living mice and rats, tne living lizards, the ponderous pumpkin, will all be trans formed into an elaborately jeweled coach and Shetland ponies before the eyes of the audience. There will also be a transfor, matton scene unequaled In the history of the stage.and a superb specialty company Including Robert Leando and J C Stack, the famous acrobats; Hi Zada, the great Oriental recromancer; Miss Ada Sewers, queen 01 tne siacK wire; JUtttle Irene, won derful child artist, and the Coles in their startling midair flights. Death of a P ion her Lady. Mrs Calh rine Wigle, died about noon today at the residence of her daughter, Mrs W H Taylor, in this city, aged about 79 years. She crowd the plains with her husband in 1S62 and Bettled in Linn county, w here the remains will be taken tomorrow morning for bnrial. For many years she lived in the Willamette valley, but re cently removed to Eastern Oregon to have the care ot a daughter nursing dur ing her last days. Her death was canted oy oia age. although she had been in poor health from heart troubles for some time. Her husband has been dead for about thirty years, and was buried at Halsey, Linn county. She leaves three sons and one daughter Wm Wigle Jacob Wigle, Y C Wigle and Mrs W H Taylor. Mrs Wigle wasa Chriatian.and lived an exemplary character, loved by her children and respected bv all. 1 he Dalies T M of April 24. Tub Public Snoot. Entertainment at the opera bouse last evening was one of interest, and was highly enjoyed by the fair sued audience present. A sog by the school society opened the exercises. .iiiy v;rwtora gave a bright ad dress of welcome. David Uotlieb did a v.olin solo in an artistic manner; Reuben Thompson was funny in hiadeclama'ion; the male quartet. Davis. Hart. (Vewfnr.i and Thompson were enthaaiasticly en- red twirl- r. cv. X fiY ' ff? CV7. Crawford read the u.vj., wira, iuih inn inline i Farreil were heard in a vocal duet : after mnaic by the orchestra, "Ths Flour of lusrsmiij' was wen presented oy a good cast of characters. Prof Crawford sang "I Love the Merry Sunshine." Martha Rialey recited "My Ned." with good effect. Edith Chiswe'lt was heard in a vocal solo. Joe Bethune declaimed "i s;n ' ' .i r 1 1 w . I . w,gu. juwi unnuj ana Aiargarei Hopkins executed a piano duet "The old Country Aunt's Visit to the City," was presented in good style, doing credit to the participants, closing the program. Improving the Willamette. The Guard says that at a special meeting of tbe board of trade last evening a letter was read from Hon Binger Hermann, which in substance waa to tne effect that the appropriation of public money for the Willamette river in Oregon is in the fol lowing words: "Improving Willamette river at and above Portland, Oregon ; continuing improvements $30,000, of which $3080 shall be used in removing obstructions in Yamhill river np to Mc Minnville. Improving lower Willamelte and Columbia riers in front of and be low Portland. Oreeon. il.iO 000 These items divide the entire navigable nw Pnrtlan1 anil tK mk,. I o low I'ortland and the other above Pr in land as far as Eugene, the recognized head of navigation on the Willamette river. The expenditure of the $27,000 for these purposes is left to the engineer in charge, Major Handbury of Portland." A Bad Accident. DrMaston returned this noon frera Leedy's saw mill, where he had been to amputate the leg of W R Swlnk. While repairing the shute at Leedy' mill Friday afternoon a log got away and rushed-down the shute at a terrific speed, hitting Mr Svink j-.d Utter ally mashing his left leg from the knee down lia jelly, besides injuring his nose. Another man with Swlnk jumped into the river and saved hirr.self. Dr Maston amputated owink's injured leg at the lower third of the thigh, and left him thi morning doing a well as could be expect ed after uch a bad accident. The trip to the scene of the accident Saturday wa made by Dr Master, on a han? car. and proved a very wet and dkagre-able one. Ended nt Blows Last evening several men, among them Mr William Vance, were good naturedlv "gnving" Mr W O Warren about the recent hotel joke on an old gentleman, when the latter looked at it in a more serious manner, and in the course of the remarks called Mr Vau-e a j liar, an expression that sentleraan ia not in the habit of permitting, and a well directed shoulder hit laid the geetleman in the mod, with Mr Vance on top of bim- Marshal McFeron was at tbe scene almost instantly, and after dividing ! -.nein instructed ootn men to visit tne recorder and pay the customarv fine, which they did. The Gymsabii m. Mr Babcock, the! gentleman from 8alem, who will take ; cuarge oi roe gymnasium classes in our Y M C A, is in the city and will meet all the vonng men who desire to enter tbe class at 7 :30 this evening Twenty-seven have already joined- The first lesson will be given this evening. EveryboJy is requested to be on hand. Onlv those . i entering the class will be allowed on the floor during the exercise. The classes will meet twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays, the boys from 4 to 5. and the men from 8 to 9. All those whose appli cations for membership have been handed in to the Y M C A are requested to call on the secretary and secure their membership tickets. Fbei Delivery. The Pendleton E O saya: "The post office here becomes second class July 1st, the beginning of the next quarter, and the free delivery ayatem will then be inaugurated," And yet Albany has been second class a vear or two and has no free delivery. There must be some mistake about this Mr E O. Have VOU done all the nreliminarv work required, such as numbering all the houses and placing tbe names of the streets at the corners. Do you know that there is a preliminary expense of several thousand dollars before the gov ernment will do a thing. We haven't heard of any arrangements in that way for the change. Two Accidents Thi forenoon, while .,,.., j, , . . ' running a carding machine at the A h.nv I ,m i wT.U caught h,B "ht IT.t maSa-T-e lu' ZV" "J n1 wiist, manglirp the flesh In a serious man ner, and causing a big loss of blood, hu fortunately not injuring the bones any. Dr Wallace dressed the wounds, and the young man is doing well Mr E A Pike was removing a belt thi forenoon at the Red Crown mill, when hi hand got canght In a ro'ler, mashing It in a serious manner. Maston k Davis dressed the wound. A Pioxeer Dead.- Andrew Rickard, who resides some six miles north of here, died Tuesday of heart failure, aged 63 He leaves a wife, three sens and five dauEhters. Mr Rickard was one of the early pioneers, having come to this coun try in 1853. He was one of the immi grants who got last enroute and would have perished from hunger, but for the assistance of friends who were expecting them and went to their rescue. Junction City Times. Woethinoton's Illustrated Magazine for May shows remsrkal.le progres' and growth on the part of this hlphly enter lin ing periodical, which has already won for itself an enviable place among the choicest Magazines of the day. It has been enlar ged by sixteen pages in order to give space for timely contributions, and alio that the excellent paper in the varied Department, which are a marked and very valuable feature of thi periodical, may hereaftei be prin'ed In larger type, corresponding to that in the body of the Magazine. You Can Walk to Chicago; but don't do it; it is 100 far. Nor is it necessary. If you want aa good treatment as can be obtained in the United States, call on Parker Bros. iney carry a first data stock of grocene and produce, and If you are not treated well it is your-own fault. Prices always reason able. Their baked goods are good enough tor arty one, and embrace a fine line. A first class baker does the business. You do not need to go anywhere but to Paricer Bros for youi groceries and bakeJ goods. ' a "reveni ana c.rro Constipation and Bloat - dartre, SmoiX Bile Beans. SOtllL AND rUMSNiL A Beard, of Fossiil, E O is in the city Lionel Webster, the lawyer of Southern Oregon, is in the city. W R Garrett, of Portland,spent Sunday in Albany. Mr and Mrs E Goin, of Scio, were In the city today Mr Mulcahy, the live O P superintend ent, went to Portland today. Deputy Sheriff Croner. of Emrene.went to Salem today with a long haired craxy man. Judge McFadden, of Corvallta, is In the city, to dtfend Baker and Phelps for horse stealing. Mrs O P Coshew and children, of Mc Mlnnvllle, have been In the city visiting moany mends. Mr Walter East, of Jefferson, who has oeen in the city to attend his mother's fun eral, returned home today . Of thirty-two cases in the Crook count v circuit court, M E Brink, formerly of thfs city, is interested In fifteen as attorney. Jack Montgomery, of the Brownsville woolen mill store In Portland, was In the city today on his way to Brownsville. Mrs A B Mathews and daughter, and Mrs Redek-r, left this noon on a vlit to their parent In the Eaat and will be gone five or six months. Dutch George, an old resident of Linn county, for years residing on the Lebanon wagon road, where he has entertained hundreds of travelers, spent Sunday In Albany. Whitelaw Reid, recently candidate for vice-president, and ex-minister to France, passed through Albany Saturday on his way to Portland, In a private car. He needs no Introduction. Among the jurvmen called for the May term of Circuit Court In Crook county, are Ed Parker, brotner of Parker Bros, of this city, J N Gulliford, formerly of Halsey, and S E Gray, once In the photograph business in Al'iany. Mr Will Babcock will probably take charge of the Albany g rmnasium, In con - neciton wttli the Y M C A. Will is one of Salem's sons and Is competent, con scientious and reliable Salem Independ ent. The many friends of Mrs Judge Piper. who was a former resident of Salem, will regret to EC" ? learn that this estimable ladv U Albanv.and that it is of such a nature thmt her n nd daughters have been cl to her ocdslde. Salem Independent mr ionn ouiierworth and little one I and her son Bern I e Jakway started for ! Albany Monday evening, where they will reside while J B fills his position in the railway mall service eastward on the O P from Albany. Ashland Tidings Monroe Newport. A R of Albanv.eame do n Tuesday to wilntss the wedding of Miss Sarah Hunt and B L Steeves, A B. Mr Steeves was a former student and l she, with her husband, have the best ! wishes efahott of friend among the j faculty and old students. Statesman. J The Pottland Review gives the follow j Ing account of a party given- In honor of a young man horn in Albany just twenty one years ago: Last Saturday evening Mr Sol Baum celebrated hia aist birthday by giving a dancir.g party at Mrs Fore man's hall. About too invitations were issued and nearly all invited were present. A very pietty grand march wa begun at 9:30 and dancing wa continued until is o'clock hen an elegant supper was served In the targe dining room annex. After the supper four of the prettiest of German figure were danced, led by Mr sol Baum and Miss Carrie Lauer. of Eugene The W" the od w..ll .1 , , . ... kneeling, the third basket and the fourth the alley way. The favors were very pretty. After the German there were three extras when all retired for their homes wishing iol many happy returns. The costumes of the ladies were most elegant and presented a beautiful sight dancing to the beautiful strains of Parsons orchestra. The Thetis Club, of which Mr Baum Is a leading menrber. presented him with a splendid watch charm with his monogram set with diamond. During : mm - , - I me intermission Mr M J .Myers gave a I very pleating piano solo to the enjoyment j of all. Messrs Baum and Brandes fairly umuiu memseives on mtt occasion. Lark Biljeu, of Eugene, is In the city. Rev and Mrs Eccleston, of Lebaajn, are visiitog with Albany relatives. A B Hudelson. Jefferson' hardware merchant, has been in tbe city today. Ur E L Powell, formerly ot Lebanon, has been nominated be the m.l.Hiat tor or ef Spokane Mr Baker, of Portland, has bought the Rei saloon at nf jIbwa, in, t. . j . r . ss ILI open ii sea ti . Mr and Mrs L Senders will leave in short time for some well-known medi- cal springs in Missouri, for tbe benefit i of Mr genders health Hon J L. Cowan, banker and mayor of Albany, ia at tbe Holloa, and CaptE J Las-' ninf . of the Red Crown mills, of Albany. : has just re'urned f.oca a business visit to Victoria. Portland Dispatch Mr Mendenhall. Schilling & Go's drum merhaa bees transferred to the next district ! north, while Mr Yale Gleasen still take the Albany district. A B Seal, formerly of tkla Keddin m Hon T J Black, of Halsey, is in the cily. Mr Ben Irvine, the well known populist, is in the city. C E Wolverton and H H Hewitt have been in Eugene on business. License was issued today for the marriage of E L Ross andFsnnie Ward. Mr George Turrell, the well-known shoe drummer, father of Turrell Bros, once of this city, is in Albany today. License was issued torfay for.the marriage of Mr Wm Adams aad Miss Lou Stockton, of this ejty. Tbe ceremony will be per formed to night at Oakville. Ssth Hammer, the well known Salem lawyer, has been in tbe city, not in the ! interest of lex. bat in tbe interest of his fishing rod. He is after mountain trout. Mrs Henrietta Brown, Mrs Tatbam, and Mits Rhoda Hail left to day for Portland to attend tbe State Convention of tbe Y P S C E. Other delegates will go tomorrow. Delegates wishing badges on secure tbem of Miss Elizabeth Irvine, Mr and Mrs L Senders left this noon for Eldorado Springs, Missouri, for the benefit of the formers bea'th. They will be accom panied by a physician. Mr Maurice Sen ders, of this city, and Mr Sam May, of Har riiburg, went to Portland to see them atart eastward. Prof F M Wood, a blind violinist, who v a , UVU , m VIIIIU TIUI1U1BH wilt h.. Keen ;. ;.. ,.. more yar. srrived in Albany yesterday from California, and ia the guest of his lf a tl rj Jn u.-i cousin Mrs A Becker. He will probably give a concert while here. Having in jured one of his feet recently be may re main for some time. Card op Thanks. The undersigned wish to return their sincere thanks to many neighbors and friends, for kind ness and sympathy during the recent ill ness and after the death of tbeir daugh ter and sister, Miss Kate Senior. Mbs Oliver Sbniob. Allen P Senior. Sewink Machines neatly repaired and warranted by a th roughly competent work man, at F M French jewelry store, Albany, Oregon. The Vkbdict la unanimous thst Will ft Stark carry the brtt line of sliver ware In tbe valley. They nave the variety and qual ity, a combination that counts in buying goods. An inspection always carrie con viction. Did Vou See the display of new capes and jackets at Read, Peacock ft Co's. A window full, tables loaded,and an elegant chance on second floor for a new prlng wrap. Call and aee them early while the assortment it large. Eggs for Setting of the following breed furnished on short notice: S. C. Brown Leghorn, Silver Wyandotte, Barred Plymoth Rocks, Light Brahmas. Leave orders with C E Brownell. Por your epeutaolee and 03 French, the jeweler. eye glawea oal Will & Stark, ( jeweler.. To aid Digestion take one Small Bile Bess rtter eating, tic. per bottle. riaicnr corn ((Circuit court convened lo special session at t o'clock this afternoon, with Judge Burnett behind the bar. After disposing of several unimportant matters the case of the State agt Morv V.'assom. charged with the murder of A W Grubbe, st Leb anon, was called awhile after a o'clock. About one hundred people were In attend ance from Lebanon, beside a large num ber from other place. Weatherford Wnlt ney and Garland appeared for the defendant and McClain and Wyatt for the state. Application for continu ance was made by defendent on the ground of absense of witness caused by sickness, which w as taken under advisement by the court. The case of Phelps and Baker will be taken up tomorrow morning. The following cases were disposed of: Bridge A Beach Manf 'g Co v Smith & Sender. Motion withdrawn. Judgment for want of answer. J C Boyer vs Smith Senders. Same as above. J B Stetson t s Smith A Senders. Same as above. Assignment of G W Smith. Continued. Bridge, Beach & Co v G W Smith and J W Cutick. Suit dismissed with costs. Henry Ammerman vs Far k Mer Ins Co. Demurrer overruled. Continued. E L Curtice v A T Curtice. Referred to H C Watson. Continued. H Bryant vs Wm McGilchrlst. Default and decree. Frank Bros v N Bridges. Default and judgment. The case of the State against Phelphs and Baker for hone dealing wa argued this forenoon and submitted to the jury which returned a verdict of guilty, after being out about five minute. A strong case rss made against the men. TUB MORG WASSOai TRIAL began this aftemoeri by the drawing of a ju ry, and will probably last a coiiplc Jays. About thirty witnesses will testify. The following is l he jury empanelled la the Watsom case so tar at made up at the time of going to press: N P Crnmc, Anthonv Maxwell, A Ii Charlton. W C Davis, B W Cundiff aad W R Garrett . ollrar MM Prof Condit will go East to the J'resbv tery, and will not be here at the com mencement season. Mr Ole Tobieson, one of our beat mathematical students, has gotie to his Colombia farm for the summer. The preliminary oratorical contest for a candidate for ths state contest to be held in Salem, is creating Interest. It win ua iiem si me r-reanvrerian -it,irj-ii on May 16th. Among those who will orate 7t thi. time are MiaTAbbie Fry, Melvin Williams, (Aliouis.) Bert W,ght and Oscar Goodman, ail representative students, any one of whom wi'l do credit to the college in the main battle ..i.i.i Atafntniw collem entertainment the Omega degree of the A C Lwill besnven : buttht. is a changeable decree : the stationary degrees are never givn in public, hence there may be absenc) of Skulls and so fotth. Ths graduating class this vear will be a larve one ' ' - Ava Baiumore, nWsatJSMw, Mary Cundiff, Hoab Fiaher.OI. Hewitt! Err Simpson and Anna Yantis. The: normal Class) which also vradnata i mm- posed of Mand Beard, Clara Davis, Lois Drer. Abbie Fry and Oscar Goodman. Members of this class on graduation, and on passing a satisfactory examina- tiou before the state board, receive state certificates. It again falls my lot to answer a query of our friend Aliquia, which appeared in the Morning Herald. I wonU , M. Aliqoiathat be is getting a blile toj fresh ben" lately for hia own comfort Bill Sykes bad nothing to do with tbe college note that appeared in last even ing s Democrat, if be did, I am sore ne would not be ashamed of tbem. He has not been correspond ins with the Dkmo- ',"aAT (or some time and has been giving "'- "' " mine oors not " Bsusnea wttn tnai. M moit ty to disturb Bill Svkea in his peacelrj! alum be re. and now as Bill's Irish is raised be will endeavor to arive Mr Alinui s purest 01 nis mino. ..vr.. - f-flast MsrwalFam twust .. ' "?f SW in the ACL Society ; but he icn.!af?rm Mr AHqoui tiiat with all the kr.ll. K-.-l a.:i I TV j ttTZZCFr?,5i ; ww-w, M..s raw cia I TT.v: ww 1 1 fwisswaw asw iia aastrj and before he would art through with hia initiation hi. r. T. ." "-TI wLicb means some one) 1 " Bwsw.are.Mai ItsssaJB ai 'IUIO roold he changed to Nemo no one I am sorry to have to sneak of our friend in hnt I feel it will do him good to have his hair combed- It might do him a little good and it might help bim with his petition to expel bis friend from the school. and if be wants to know who Bill Sykes is all he has to do is to make his wants known and he can have an introduction to the ' gent, who would be very glad to have a ) personal conversation with him. Hoping ! that he maty have tbe above named pleasure, I remain, reepecifullv M William Stkjus Kxeab & Holden a CoMi'asr The proprietors of tbe Cinderella company, which plays here next Friday night, are ' ortnginfc something which they intend wsll give them a reputation that will draw a crowded honse whenever a play under their management is booked for this city. They bring twenty -five people with them, including the ballet and the company ia made up of artists in their line. With tbeir own scenery, magnifi cent costumes and stage settings tbe v are bountifully equipped for a grand operatic production. Keats are now 00 sale at Hodges dc McFsrland. O H Brook man, architect 1 Plana fomiaoed on application. hul ler. As a matter of fact the destitution in San Francises is simply appalling. Thousaod of men and women tramp the streets every day In pursuit of the elusive job. Penniless, hungry, houseless, scant of clothing, a great army of victims of an uncivilized civilization can be seen every night stretched on the doorsteps. In alley and lumber yards, seek ing slamber that only comes when sheer ex haustion, at Interval, forces sleep, despite the chilly night air. Ex. Peculiar names are on top. The follow ing are some of President Cleveland's ap pointments: Hoke Smith, Bartlett Trip-. Dink Botts and Pod Dinsmoke. Thanks. Matthews & Washburn wish to ask the parties wno have borrowed their Pipe Tongs to return them at once. Guaranteed to cure Bilious Attacksana CooMipattou. Smalt Bile Uc.r..-. Buy your groceries And produce At a place Where a First-class stock Is kept, And the prices are Always the Lowest and the treatment the best. That is at a Perry Conn's- Johnston's patent easy fittins ev. slasst tor aaie at t M r ranch's New goods at Read, Peacock Co'. Colombian veils at Read, Pe 000 GAINS-GEORGE. At the residence of the officiating minister In this city April, 6th. by Rev S G Irvine, D. D. Mr Chettei B Gains to Mist Jennie George, both of Ben ton county. Ihey will reside at Niagara, Linn county . HORN. VAN WINKLE, In Albauy, on April 25th, 1893, to the wife of I 8 Van Winkle an eight pound girl. Wife and babe doing well. Father hilarious. SENDEES. On Monday, April 24tb, 1883, in Albany, to Mr and Mrs Maurice Senders a girl. All doing well. UOMK AND 4 BB0AB A 200,000 lira occurred st Oolfat, Wash, SSa'urday. A company is b'.ing farmed to bnild cus tom flouring mill -t Swet Mome. Yesterday a couple of employes io a hotel fought four rounds over a dispute shout a oow, and one of them wiara a vary dark optic . PnMland will eend a team of eight sthlelas to tbe W, . hi's Kair tournament, and the national tournament to b held in Milwan kee iu July. Mr Alio G Gove of Portland baa txeu appointed admlniatrator of tbe estate of her husband. Charles U Gove, who killed him self on March 25. Tbe.eitate is valued at $2000. the Pendleton E O makta two pointed remarks in one issne. ''Salem reminds us forcibly of th dog in the fable. It has more greed thsn sense." "Young mp, don't pursue office! If yon are made of the right kind of atuff, office will puiaue ou. The man who seek office most is fit for office least. rt ksiiay. Some tine glass wai Conn'a. j ist received at Perrv A Lebanon man la: night broke a couple Albany uamblsra, winning $100 from them. A drunken Chioainan on the atreeis this morning attracted sttentloc. It is not often a Celestial gats to extravagant as that. It will pay to attood tbe public school en -tertainmant at the opera honaa tonight. The program heretofore publuhed i akood one. Ths stockholders of the Albany Mining a Milling Company- held their annual dimii,,. ! night, reelecting all of the old directors. Une of the trials at the coming Circuit Court io Croak county will be that of Heok Wheeler, a former Albany man, for mnrder. See the New Improved Singer sewing ma chine. The be t it always ta a cheapest. J W Sawden, acot. Office at F M KrenlVa jewelry atore. Chaa A Tanner, of Florence. Line countv . baa been held U awaic the aetinaj r-t ths grand jury for appropriatiti $95.40 of ; snbool money to hi own use. Boy going into the javenil ctroauinm slsu should hand their names to l J Smiley I by tomorrow noon. Fifteen are already in , the class which will be nrganissd tomorrow afteraooo Robert I-ando and .1 C Stack, the famon I acrobats; All Zsda, the treat oriental necro mancer; Ada Showers the aaeen f th. slack win; tbe C lea, p-eaenriog tbeir mid-sir thghte; sod Little Irene are the ipe-ialtiea with Cioderall. Dramatic Star Mr Frank Smith, of Santlam precinct while plowing, waa jerked forward atrikii g bis chin on a rook or hard gmaaa splitting hit chin, so that Dr H II, o' thu city, was ....... , . , sent tor to attend him. Dr Hill !... , . ... I s tea foot ot Mr r.ichmas, cot wbU ckftPP wood , , Albany I Charles Andersoo.who haa been work - " 00 ' Review, of SodavilD, for several I saootn. haa letorned to Albany, the pob- i Uaber, Mr Phelps, haviog suspended :h tntiMt ' ,h PP" Hebaaget., r.clluta.' or lo"""rh tlas. while bis fa- i "y ""W l ' ' ? ce Stat t- sirt Bsk.r ar,d : . .P- bnn stehm;, was baiag for hoc ateshne., w beta, trtsj J la -ircit lnrt this afternoon, with a I f 'isas present fro, all isasrss ss i"-on 1 he matter of the post trl"??.? Wm fsahl, ! dwadwl morn,1- tM Aged Groom. Ini (orenc-oo I at tire N" M New nor: : etlormi u mir.n:i. .. marriage ceremony at the Rnas, by uniting ; Mr G 8 Franklin aad Caroline H?!enan in the holy bonds of wedlock. The spry roung groom t about So ver of age. while '-he bride u slightly over half at old B i ' reside in Douglas coantv. cotn'as here ta get married. 1 Class is Athletics. Mr Wdl Babcock ; k " !o cff he g,wmm,m la i fT" ! 10 Albany toeaorrow aad ; "f 7 3- o'clock will meet the b lei iv to be formed. A in. veaile class will also be formed. The lor mer das will consist of about thirty and rne latter snout twenty. Tub LTeojbbi najava as were awail attend. ed last sranine Rar Hill . I 1 . 1 i meeting, preaching a m jt excellent du- 7 e" - - ' IVHUIKKU iuf course i rom the words. "How shall we ; tMM t ei neWi 1 .: ., tie reversed the order of the text and made, "to arreat salvation ' hia ftrat theme, negiect. was next considered . 1 .1 . a . issuj ins escape. Ills w- nS inaiie a deep impression noon his audience. Hia closing appeal and warning, t? sinners, I .11 .www wwwiswa. P"'cor enrnest and persuasive ana certainly connot fail in briniin i . . . p--- I iK.t .K. Z-.ITZZZ. ""V 1VT f ca PP" ! as a AII13DV I j , uv uuiuius mesc inrci- , ingalrom any other reason than the tav. in airvtnv wmr ..-. i . vi . . . ., ing Of SOUlS. 'then Whe will ve nnl hoar Tbe afternoon Bible "readings will be held each day at 3 o'clock. Services at 7 :30 this evening Too are all in v ited. WKDxaenAY. Vieieek ahaeine acJ bur raitin; pal lors. BitSs at Viereak's tbsviox aod hair ca' iog parlor. t lean towels to every costoaier at Viereek' ansvir.g parlors. Particular atteitnu pud t csiidr-a heir catting- at Viereck's shaving and hair cut ting parlors. rbe stove t-un try at the State Peniten tiary has been pu chased and the cwivicis will be pat to worit, Sihu F jster ai d J H Cost bsve been ap pointed special policemen at tbe World's fair. Mi Fost.-r was ia Albany tie firet cf the week. Kx- Post mauter General Wansmaker rrave a talk last Sunday in tbe Hslpii of Kav M M Gibson, of tbe United Presbyterian church in San Francisco. The base ball season has be. on. Tester day ths young son of N'mrwd price while playing ball in the country had hi Hp co had ly by a bat Maston A Da. 1. if ibu city were ta. t for. Arrsrun meat are beinir mad. to irr.nrove tbe Foster Block senerallv Fnahav & Mason are moving entire stock of drnae into tbe atore vacated by L K Blaio, while their atore will be decorated and cleaned. Mr John Twsv now rnna the train lo thi front. Mr Twav is one of the unfortunates who ent out under the Hog administra tion; but the mauaewntnt have shown imnd judgment by seen-ing hu services. The rstes established east, start ionretty high, and are aa follows: Over Southern Pacific. $120. with privilege el returoint by say route, Union and Northern Pacific, U2.sO Unless eonslderall lower s trood many who baye inten led to go eaat, will re main at nome. The Marine Of all ssasa iu the year, is tbe one for making radical changes in regard to health . Daring the winter, ths avstem becomes ta a certain extent clogged with waste, and the lood loaded with impurities, owirg to lack of exercise, close coofinitntnt in poorly veotila'ed shops ami homes, and other cause. This ia the cause of the dull, sluggish, tired feeling so general at this season, and which most be overcome, or the health may be entirely broken down. Hood's Saraaparilla has attained the greatest popularity all over the country aa the favorite apt ing meiicioe It expels the accumulation ot impurities through the bowel, kidneys, liver, lung and skin, gives to tbe blood tho puritv and quality necessary to good health and over comes that tired reeling. A Baking Powder of Surpassing Cream Many marvel at its rapid strides in popularity. The cause is its marked superiority over every other leavening agent. It is a pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Works quickly. Makes the finest flavored, most delicious and wholesome food, Whitest flaky biscuit, Lightest and finest griddle cakes and Pastry and cake that remain moist and sweet. Highest of all In Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLLTTELY PURE TAHtiEXT. Tangent, Or., April 24th, 1903. We notice Mr L B Lnper, who has been confined to his room for nearly two weeks is again able to be out our streets Our literary society haa closed tbeir meetings until the second Saturday night in October. We notice the farmers are feeling a little sore over the late spring which we are having, and it is also very bad on the nursery men. We notice Uncle Perry Knighten is able to be out again with his team, be emg nun wriue anvinif a load of baled hay to Albany some time ago Tangent is progressing rapidly tuslast iew uaya. r,igni rauroaa caipenters are very bnsy constructing our $1000 depot, and the building when completed will be an ornament to our little city. The grangers held their monthly meet- iuis mm meir uau on last Patarday after noon. A team belonging to Mr A I isrblgefarmer got loose and ran away with the carriage hitched to them. The horses tore loose from the vehicle and ran home. The carriage was broke op prefy Mr J J Beard is making a grand im provement around his property. He having his post office building moved over on the block jot north where the uuicuer aiiop formerly stood and the butcher ihop was moved down on the j southeast corner of Brewers block M i heard intends fixing up his buiidirg for . s j nan . Mr Wiliiam Obernieyer is hanling lumber and making preparations to erect a new dwelling house on his farai just east of here, also Mr John Beard is get ting ready to bn Id a new barn. Mrs Fisher, of near Rising Son, In diana, a mother of Mr F L Fisher, came out to see her son a few days ago, this Ottaaj her first trip to rta.on she is thinking of locating tome where near here. Rev J L Futrell, pastor of the M E -hurch South, is editor of a monthly paper, it is quite a neat little naoer and .. . , . I M r ii.. . I . . i I ' - .. ... j H,; VLT , ,1"' ' e ! g tJ l Tmagent boald b'P x "PP0" 11 T ooo a correspondence from j '"fen1 written in the Herald Diaswai ' m,n'OT some time ago. They wanted to ,' '"7 e umocrat . correspondent i from Tangent wrote bis items backwards. ; e will sav they moat have looked at the lla.rn. as res - 1 1 - .1 , V ... . i IT T " uwo.' 00 " ! fl.J.0. VI. a.1 7 th,n' We j mv " in, nuui aa near as we can get it The, aarertisutg of Ho d's Ssreapariiui is sahstasjtssted by endorsements which the financial world w-eld be accepted without a .uuo. : bey ejl Use sWv Mood Cnres. Ho I't Pi't. car.- "iver ilk, jsondloe. wwstvfj rsitistiu. VriaeoB at C R Browne)!. VIA VI Coc inlUltiasora;i:ock. A fall Hue of Warner Bros eeraaUat IS. P Cos. ." V "a want a tsae trtaokr ealllfor Joseph " ,l ". I CVaoeacd see the new emi d plow at Ramps opposite post' Sot. -j-i r :.rosat nn9e in Uf cits at C ad I Mot Of takes five tnp daily to Vxiecke ' tdi,t'""- Lou " ate of II " ,iUm.,.,,.i, .j i j. M l-olk and by 'be packce can be rawaSal t V r. firoeui j. Pa roaiae joate inJaatry by sweating the . .or miai wnite ;so-r rijrari. naoi.'acsrwi by Ja'ios Jorss b. New cork sole, hand tanad shoe, some - I thiae entirele imi - .u . h s.i.iu L. t . -. . . ...... .E iu. mwimv ana snmiwer w" Call aad i ""P mm 1 -m, Pxix Facts. And that is what we want. FortmllW & Irvine- hare iuat r ccsvea an eiecan: line of lace curtain. 1 Their stock ot wall paper Is large and i complete, and prices are remaikably low. i Over : 10 dozen window shades on hand. sii on ror:miller JC Irving ff you whh the bett and largest ator(rrtente to select from. Lai kdkt Wokk Every citicen of Al bany shoo Id bear in mind that tbe Albany Steam Laundry guarantee fim class work at very reasonable prices, and employs nothing but white labor Shirts done aa cheaply aa the Chinaman. Pat ronize your own race. A F rf.-h Ijne. At Mueller candy par lor can be found tbe fir est line ef choice c.iocolale and cream bonbons ever brought to this city Call and sample them . For tbe boss taffies and peppermint mo lasses dropr go to Muellers Parlors. Thet Have Moved K!n Bros are new In their new quarters in the Cutick block, and invite the public to call and see Ihcir metropolitan store, and a well inspect their targe and fine line of boots aad shoes, for men, women aad children. Tbe are prepared to meet all the demand of the public for foot wear. Just Akri van. Direct from eastern manufacturers a number of the most beautiful monument ever brought to Ail-any. Latest designs In use in the east If yon are going to put up one this season call at once and get vour choice as the neatest will all be gone before Decoration day. At E W Ahaaon A Co. A Wai. h is a necessity nowadays. If yon want one call on Will k Stark, whose stock is large and varied, and t rices the the most reasonable. They can sivs vou a bargain in this lino a well as in iewelrv generally. Teachers KxaawiaallMi Notice it hereby given that for tbe nur pose of maklug an examinatlonofell per' sons who may offer themselves as candi dates for teachers of the scioola of this countv, tbe county superintendent there of will bold a public examination at Ai- Deny, Beginning at 1 o'clock p m, on Wednesday, May 10. i893, and continuing two nays a :ee ot ft win oe cnarged Tor a Id examination Applicants tor state papers should file their applications with the county eu peri ni ended t at that Usee, Dated this lSih day ot A,- ril, 1893 O F KUSSKLI, County School Supt sh hv tt Carts, Rati 04 sate, 81)1 Waah Stroet. Portlaod, Or. Known Purity and Excellence Dr. Price's Baking Powder. Baking Powder t OmriL PBOf't-EDISCH. Present Mayor, recorder.street super intendent. (Vnniii man Whitney, Stewart, Pfeiffer. Burkhartand "neeier. Tie following bills were ordered naid: S f "T,10"' L R Croaby, 17 14 a , otuiiey, mo.zo; ti Pnrdom: 15 00- Btum Lumber Co, $16 00; McFeron k !!??!. 8tw"t & Sox; $21 80; .2G.20; T H Hoadei. $15.00 rr.fll Killai btK OA s 'f swsj.ou. Bill of W B Barr.fll OOcontinujd reuiion lor aide walk on 7th etreet north side Elm west to city limits, If Ttk ffl f si , I ynae on Baker etreet from 7th to "."ue over canal was ordered rha..erl the new grade being raised 10 inches. mnthD.,trgees,,e0,, ,0U"' end ' bridge to t-?t-1t,uPrintDtlt recommend- lus ,, ,lr(fel from Elm oIock( r.T-. raaea ana graveled from Kirn 1 jnvmm east, aitches and water carried off. from Calapooia on llth west to bridge he graveled and graded. The marshal reported notice served on proprietor of house of ill n hecond. east of Montgomery, to abate 7,i..Z , c,lT omcers were direct ed to take legal proceeding to abate the svss ijZ. Psftl tflavs r 1 t n S : - suu ji j r, nrnrm an ann r.iimra aeu lor new aide walk. Referred. a a " " ' II''. . a License to sell Honor a-.. ..,.,. .1 a a Baker. "" a The owner of the RrinV 1.1 , , - - Miwt.a waa or c'red weae connection with newer in- aide of five days. Tbe committee on fire an. water was also directed to examine tne said block and safety. ascertain as to its WarM' Fair Travelers W ill 1 ve II: Tbe public demand ihroaab . .K trsvsllna. .t ts oW-fsafciooed to -tnn.e Cars." On the 'hroaeh. olid veatilstkled mm of be t'hica, Haiaei P.-.- x North Western Una Ine. or rn rhi.n utaana and intermediate points there is no ae-e. t nia is lae finest aad fastest ser vice between the point named. Then Eaer srsfl stea. ere rave bar Castors nn aUa snas a OtOA. (be cried for Caatoras etara etas tteesuae ra. eta etms; to raasona. rtm ar h '"! :V'tm) tir rsretHrn Caatoras Oar spring srrapt hive come and on t eoa.t of tbsir lata arrival we will sell .arte with the taaallsst posribie rraargn Tts 1 sites Baa tar. OXE ENJOYS Both the method and results wher Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts eenUy yet promptly on the Kidnevs. Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual coMtipafJon. Syrup of Figs it the only remedy of its kind ever pre duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt la iu action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it tbe most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and tl bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it- Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG STROP CO. lOoanu. ar. arar roue. .r. J.F.FORD, ftaiielisl, Of Des Moines, lows, write under data rf March 23, 1S93: 9. B. Mi Mr. Co.. Dafar, Oregon. Otntlrme On arriving home last week. I fens J all well aad aoxioasly awaiting. Oar little girl, sight and one-half years old, who bad wanted away to .tS pounds, ia now well. strong and vigorous, aad well fleshed up. s. ti. Cough rant baa dine its work well. 80th of the children like it. Your S B. Cough Care haa cared and kept away alt hoarseness from me . 80 give it to every one, with greying for all. Wiifaing vou prottreii y, we are Vou re, Ma & Mas J F Foati. If vea wish te lest treaa sad cheerial, ami rssdv tr the Sonne's e-uk. clasiue yourrrystea arth the a. as ana V are. by taking two taree deassesch .-eck. SO eeots per botUo by all drn$ewia. SoW ender a poaiUTS rurum b; J ACL MMIXG. Dress Goods, Laces and Handkerchiefs, Trimmings and Buttons, Woolens, Silks and Velvets, Gloves, Domestics, Ladies aad Gents' Furnishing, Veilings, . Shoes, Umbrellas and Parasols, Trunks and Valises, Hats and Caps, Buttock's Patterns. $8.00 WILL BUY A WOMAN the Lrt washing machine made. Go to Stewart k -os 0d fake true oat on trial. They Iso have ail kinda of wringers. IT WILL KILL YOUR WIFE to carry that great big child around iu her raw. Yon roust go ta Stewart k Sox and bny one of their baby sarriage. AM kinds and price. S rOWINC AWAY HAY -ork on s farm. Yon can make it tbe easiest by bnying a complete Ilsy Carrier ootht of fctsv irt k Sox. Call and ntt it. GRAM, GARDEN. FLOVVER. Presh, pore, sure to groi aad sold' st Port htod prices. Gsrdsn seeds kept in bulk. Field peas aad Field corn also carried in large quantities. Stbwsbt fe fSox ENGINES AND SBPARATOBS They don't soaks any better than th 'Russell'' and Stewart ASoa sell thst kin t Albany. Several good second band sn fe sale st a bargain. PAINTS & OILS.-11" '"d P"t for sale on this Coast is the "Phoenix" aad we are agents for it at Albany. We also carry a foil line of oil-, varniabss, wagon sad carnage pain la, etc. Stbwakt a Sox. BEE SUPPLIES.-000'1 keep ys bees i, an old h x any longer. Stewart k Sox carry bee brvea, tectlooa, comb foundation snd eee smokers st sow pries. WILL YOU BUILD thU ' e.-t tods not (ail to see Stewart at Sox. IV y keeps Larce stock of builder hardware and sell at prices to mit tbe times. THOU SHALT ROT RILL p ai.-ordlBff to law, and vou roust to bae all vmr gutts and air monition of Ktew-ti t k hex. ihey keep a toed stock snd sell cheap. -ii... 1 . . . - iwuar,iaee axe cap always oat band terr ears s nasi .aaaaaa . . . Bt atLl leUAL, IKUR m ,t1 a linne," and keep a large stock of blacksmith soppiies on band. Srrwaxrr fcSnz. SPRAY Y0UB TIFFS -Bo, a tprsvina oi' ef Stewart & Sox sod take care of you orta-ara. i ne ootni tftey aeli Laa bees tried io this state for thiee rears he th. Iw toaiaraxs ana t a e mpiete WE RE ROT BRACCIRC y w. nave use nest has of bxe ah ears, at i ill rsxor sod pocket cnlterv in th. ..IU.' 'ome and ate for y curse res. Srxwaxrr k Fox. PLOWS. We htrt w chilled plow ex sasiy 'he same as the "Oliver.- We swr satee it snd sell on trial. Extra wall fit Oliver. Also we have a fall tin. M 1 plows that Msnotbe excelled. Yon saigbt possibly aave a few cent fay rsasnln. arssrnd d seeing as. Stxwxbt k Sox. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE sot'Wp. R. BlaAIN.I Star Baker I'rr4a4tl4la mm KirslSir CONRAD MEYER, PROPRIETOR. est r ran is. Orlest Frnita. Tobacco, "sLgstr. aee, sverrtaaeg taat I kewt is s reaer tetj and rxoeerr store, Hirkxat mxrtel pooepaid for aVIaL KINDS OP PRODUCE For the BEST BICYCLES Call on Van Wilson, agent for the Im ps rial and Faulkner. (60 to $150 Ladies taught to ride or no sale. Capes and Read, Peacock & Co, Successors to W. F. Read. ALBANY, OREGON '11 Baaf W. 1 Doeslaa. Bracktes, Haaa. Brad ay . - L. tanned II Qneenaware VegeMtblea, Ciwawsi Hpim, Teas. Ce.. WILL'S MUSIC STORE ou attirrs roa CHICKEKIXO - "HF MILLER, 'STECK" A3TD rosr, t soar- mxo.s. 'HKWJIAjr ER08 OBGAJfg. D EARFICFP alr" C I Ji T.t I t ii 1 Write for CataJonas nd prioss betare tmrdtatlof Elsewhere- We set, .ni BastOoed at Loweet Prkast mall ratrBtaSr), rXjafc SCS Descriptioa! Marie ot ,E Kew Bxae and other Seein t M.J. .ne. also Needles. Oil and Extra (or all Machine: I. U.WILL, Alkiirlr. 1 v w s 3 a COMPLETE MANHOOD HOW snsxex treated are Xerroas Detaurr, Ixsao-' , ia vsnipasi ar, .ancocae, iae s 1 tsseadlax aurr B tae PSHm FortM. the OaS SerretS waul SeeM. I h cater Erwd BaaWa rot . w. . . m- anwa awr aa awaer u mtt w. wwo wowas aroae ror aaar rtmurm i a rKfwv roiit. .mU vne iw t rtaarl wm we east rree. 1 SBBB wawa. txexaie par naai rstaaas ERIE MEDICAL CO. . sr. T. TRY -:- A :- PAIR . Tkose Braxiltai tm SftttitM For tale by F. If. FRENCH. the Je 1. A. Morris k Co. Flour anil Feed tare. Have removed their store to the Strahai Vv Derrae t a futl stock o stor - former v occrpied Robson, and have on hand CORVAU S flCU. BHAN, SHB8T?, HUM MEAL. CkHAm, BUCK WHEAT, RYE FLOUR, HAY, OATS. STRAW ARB CHOPPED FEED: Custom chopping done. ADYANCE THRESHERS Are warranted to thresh more grain in a given time and do it better than any ma chine made. The Advaxcb Tk. act ion Engixks are the best in tbe world. Remember large work mear.s large pro&s in the threshing business. Catalogue mailed free. EDWARD HUGHES, Gen 'I Agt, rortland, Oregon. I rnfrs, Paints Oils), Etc J. A. ALBANY, Cuninung OREGON FOR SALE. Household treorJs, cheap, on account of moving away. Also a good hoggy herse. Call cea timer Hendric aon, at hia residence on Broads! bio street. Jackets, Ribbons and Fans, Linens, Hosiery, Underwear, Fancy goods, Shawls, Linings, Infant wear. Notions, Blankets and Bedding. TO ATTAIN IT. at laet a iwwtl-.l work taat ten tae eawewa. W jaaaSBwa use aseet. pexma ess rsssadr . Tat H wwerrSialiT tae xeca easwaMe. aetaKleailx 3 raw stnt bee I If al. Seaaa-al rasoktBax ka aa- S SB 1 11 See was: SI i in I eearrxawe bearia. S 4'ISSTSWTN Wall Paper,