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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1893)
8br tmunt. Mars revolve around the sun at a mean distance of about 141,000,000 miles. In the open tea the tide is hardly notica ble, the water sometimes rising not more than a foot, but where the wave is forced up into bays or narrow channel, it is very con spicuous. A dispstch from Washington says: President Cleveland has made more changes up to today than he did eight years ago, after the same time spent In the White House. According to some authorities, he has made more than any executive since Grant. George Hey wood was elected town clerk of Concord, Mass . , the other day, for the 4iat time. The records of the office have been In charge of the Hey wood family for more than a century. They ate seriously discussing In Englsnd the project of building a cantilever bridge 200 feet high, and carrying two railroad tracks, serosa the English Channel. The estimated cost is $173,750,000. "Egg albumen," mnch used for cooking purposes, is manufactured from the whites of the eggs of certain sea fowls which are found in Urge numbere near IceUnd, Green land, Labrador and the Hebrides, and al so in the Northern Pacific. It is sent to market in a dry state looking very much like glue. Colonel Robert G Ingersoll at the close of his lecture on Robert Burns, was ap proached by a Scotchman, who said, ''Col onel, the title of your lecture should be the epitaph on your tombstone." "How is that?" asked the orator. "Robert burns," replied the Scot . Great surprise was expressed in certain quarters because Secretary Carlis e decided upon and announced his policy of stopping the issue of gold notes without consulting Wall street. It is a healthful sign. The connection between Wall street and the treasury was altogether to close under the last administration. It is estimrted that the Mississippi river annually discharges into the Gulf of Mexi co 19,500.000.000,000 cubic feet of water Of '.his prodigious quantity the 1-2900 part will be sediment. Thus the Mississippi river annually deposits alone into the Gulf of Mexico sufficient mad to cover a square mile ot surface to a height of zw (eel . Count Kalnoky, the Austrian premier, has given notice to the American minis'.er that the Austrian government will not grant an exeqaLtor to Max Judd, of St Louis, appoin ted by President Cleveland consul-general of the United States at Vienna. Cennt Kalooky slates that his reason for refusing theexequator is because Judd is an Austrian by his former allegiance and is engaged in the immigration business. The tax gatherer is making Democrats through the State by the wholesale. The reckless extravagance of the last legislature is apparent to the people when their taxes are doubled, and ant year, when the far mer will not be allowed to take out his hon est indebtedness from taxation, it will be still more so, and the party which has brought this upon the people will meet with an over whelming defeat. Portland Dispatbh. WW aaaaaaaa The chief pr jlection organ regards as little short of flat treason the assumption of the tariff reformers that oar woolen in dustry will not only not perish, bat will be able to thrive, with free wool and a duty of 15 per cent on manufactured goods. Bat why not ? The woo en industry was a lusty infant seventy-five years ago without any coddlim?. Even under the war tariff it had only a 30 to 35 per cent duty. It is either ignorance or knavery to talk of a duty of 75 to 100 per cent as necessary to cover the "difference in wages." Away with the barbarism of taxed wool and the robbery of taxed clothing! Public opinion is s little in advance of the times, Already an exchange speculates on the probability of our president seeking the nomination for a third term. It is an idea no man who knows the president, will entertain. It would be entirely out of plac: nd our chief executive is not ignorant ot the (act. It will be found four years nence he can retire as gracefully as any pres ident in the paat has done perfectly satisfied with the honor conferred upon him by being thrice no oinated and twice elected to rule the nation. Tillamook Advocate.. I f corporations and wealthy individuals in Oregon were made to pay their just pro portion o! taxes, the tax levy would be one third less. They escaped under the old law and there is ecarcely a doubt that the loose way in which the new law was draws will enable them to continue lopay only a pit tance of what ihey should pay. The man will be a public benefactor with a fame more wide spread and en u'ing than the most popular president the count. yhas ever had, who will contrive a scheme of taxation by which corporations and men of wealth will be compelled o pay their just share of tax ation, making the burden equal and just be tween I he lich and the poor. OnEY TUB LAW. A subscriber io the DEMOCRAT wants to know what the law Is in regard to cting the Soldier's rlome at any point is the state other than at Salem. The constitution of the state of Oregon, an instrument much lost sight of by miny ptopie, and very little understood by many more, provides as fol low, (Site 3 Act 15) ' The :at of govern 111 nt, when established a provided In Sec tion 1, shall not be removed for the term of twenty years from the time if sucli estab lishmrnt; nor in any other manner than as provideJ in tne first section of this article; proviJed, that all the public institutions of the state, itereatter provl led for by the leg s laiive assembly, shall be located at the seat of government . " From put legislative experience it may be safe to ay lha: th: fact is new to many people, nevertheless the fact remains that the constitution was tni.le to be obeyed. ' Our unsophiaticticd forefathers will frarntd ibis constitution never for a momert bar bornl the thought that pairio ic Oregonlani would ever relrograle so far as to wilfully folate this great migna charts. The only point to be s-Mled in the whole controversy is, whether the Soldier's Home, a provided for by the late legislature is s "public insti tution of ihe stst'S' with In the meaning of the provision of the cons ittitjon above recited. If it is, it taMM 'I he locate I at Salem without question or GBaOaM by the board created to miltc such selection. There is room for hut one opinion abou' the matter. The Sol oier's Ho ne is 't public institution of the State" and therefore should be loctted at Salem aodffths law. It It not for any specisl preference lot S em, oi any coldness towsrds the intere of K wchurg, Albany, cr any oihir uohii.ihat wj sirive at this conclusion, out turpi) from r-yerence lor the csnstitiitlos of our adopted sU'e. A;iin, we ripest, this law ess mid. to be obeyed, snd it be nooves 'hone wi'O ar iloubiy morn '.o en fries thi locum?nt to ee thai this wnh sll other sections arc SSCtOdtf ob.eivtd. THE OLDEST LOCHOTIVE According to tho New York World the oldest locomotive in the United States will be on exhibition nt the world's fair. This is the old John Bull engine of the Camden and Am boy Railroad, brought to th country in 1831 ,and still a igorous. thougb wheesy and romantic, old machine, cap able of making from twenty to thirty miles an hour. The old locomotive is going to the world's fair, and with steam up and flags flying, to occupy a prominent place in Ma chinery Hall. John Bull is of imported stock, although pretty thoroughly natura lised. In 1830 Robert L Stevens, founder of the Camden and Amboy Railroad, was in England. His own little New Jersey road was built for running cars drawn by horses. He saw the trial trip in England of the Planet, the most perfect railroad en gine of that day. It was made by George Stephenson for the Liverpool & Manchester Railroad, and was looked upon by the scientific men gathered from all Europe as a marvel of mechanism. Mr Stevens at once gave an order to the manufacturers for a duplicate engine, similar in size and construction, for the Camden & Amboy. The new engine arrived by sailing vessel in Philadelphia in August 1831, and immed iately was transferred to Bordentown by sloop. Mr Stevens was one of the few American mechanics who had ever seen a locomotive, and when John Bull arrived he was on a business trip. The work of setting up the new machine was left to Isaac Dnpps, a young mechanic who had been in charge of the machinery of the Stevens line of steamboats on the Delaware river. The boiler and cylinders were in place, but all loose portions of the machinery was packed and boxed. The young mechanic went at ;t without drawings or directions, and three days later, when Mr Stevens returned, the engine was standing on the track- The boiler was filled with water from a hogs head, a fire was kindled in the furnace with pitch pine wood, and when the safety valve showed a pressure of- thirty pounds Mr Stevens, Engineer Dripps and Fireman Benjamin Higgins mounted the- cab, th engineer polled the throttle and the trial trip of the first locomotive to turn a wheel on an American road was made. It was a MM Mr Stevens rigged up a tender from a four-wheeled construction car, with an emrjtv whiskey barrel for a tank, built a pilot of white oak, and in 1833 John Ball, or Old No. 1, as railroad men still iove to call the locomotive, commenced running regularly on the Camden & Amboy. After years of service the old engine, in the early sixties, was side-tracked in Bor dentown. In 1876 it was oiled up, fired up, and taken' to the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, where it attracted mnch at tention. After that John Boll found rest I . I . L ,,,ti! I ana pleasant quri 1833. when it was again brought out and taken to tne UW-" - T? appliances. Alter mis tne reunsvivaium Railroad Company gave the old locomotive j to the United States, and since then John Bull has held a prominent place in the Na tional Museum at Washington. For the present purpose the locomotive is borrowed by the Pennsylvania Company tarongh T N Ely, chief of motive power, who has charge of the company's exhibit at the Chicago exposition. The engine was brought to Jersey City about three weeks ago. overhauled and put in condition for the most momentous trip , , - i v:j. of its eventful career h tan took place last Tuesday, with two ancient coaches attached, the engine struck a gait of thirty miles an hour between Jersey City and Hack an sack Meadows, to the great de- It is with a rare sense of the fitness off things that the Pennsylvania Company has picked out a crew for the trip. W T Bailey, the conductor, has been in the passenger service since 1859. Jones (lagan gig top' brakeman, was appointed to that position in 1 849, and is now yard master at New Brunswick. Thomas Gallagher entered the service as rear brakeman in the same year, and is now a passenger conductor. The engineer, A 8 Herbert, was engineer of the John Ball in 1852, and J W Sanford the fireman, now master mechanic at the Meadows shop, was a fireman in 1855. James R Smith, who will direct the run ning of the train, is now Acting Superin tendent, and a "forty-niner" in the service on the road. D H Baker, car inspector al so entered the service of the road in 1849. The coaches John Bull will carry on his triumphal trip are hardly less remarkable than his own ancient and weather beaten self. Over twenty Pve years ago a farmer near South Amboy bought one of the dis -carded coaches of the Camden and Ambuy Road, removed it ficm its trucks, planted I on posts, aad converted it Into a chicken coop. There i was found a few days ago ry an officer ot the Pennsylvania Railroad. The thrify farmer made him pay hih for the old hen house, bat the bargain was made, and the chicken coop, once more 00 its tracks, and as clean as soap, water and var nish will make it, after a rural rest of a quarter of a century, will be whirled over the rails, A not Her coach was found several yeirs ago in a lumber yard ia a New Jersey town among a lot of rubbish and rescued for ust such an occasion as this. Bat this was not all the trouble of fitting out the exhibit. There was one truck mis sing. - nd H S Howard, Superintendent of Motive Power of he United Railroads of New Jersey, who was preparing the exhibit, was at his wits ends to secure an exact re production of the train as it was io 1836. Finally, after weeks spent in overhauling icrap piles anj blacksmith shops, an old truck was discovered hslf buried in a marl pit in New Jersey. It was eicavated, and the iron, though covered with rust of years, was cleaned up, the rotted woodwoik re placed, and the coaches both mounted. Ladies who do a great deal ot sewing fre quently suffer s grest deal from so-eness of the mouth and lips, and are ofttn at a loss to ' ascertain the cause of the trouble Half the time It'is simply the result of biling off thread instead of using a pair of shears for cutting. In the case of .ilk thread the danger is quite marked, because It is usual to soak the thread i acetate of lead, partly to harden it and giv j it a goo I surface, and also, perhaps to Increase its weight somewhst, If this practice U fallowed refill irly and verv much silk thread is used the results msy be quite serious and eves lead to blood poisoning. In some parts ot Norway bread i made which keeps thirty or for.y years. It is mads of a mixfute of bailey and oatmeal ground togetner and baked in an oven made of two concave st 'lies. At Itri-t it is almost as hard ay' tlm two stones between which it is bake), but it seems to mellow with age and to pass through a process of refinlrg tint renders it whjl;someand sweet. floras This! V7-"iffe OneTfnMrr-d Dollars reward for any Co, t of ' .. a. a", c.-j-i uc cuied by Ball's Catarrh Cure, F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. We, tho undersigned, bare known F. J. Cheney for the last IS years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out aay obligations made by their firm. ' Wbst&Tbuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo.O,, Ki.nsan ii M akvin , Wholesale Drug- fists, Toledo, O, a Catarrh Cure Is taken Internallv . act inic directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tbe system Testimonials sent free. Sties 76o per bottle BO HI oy su Druggists. PURGE THE PENSION ROLLS. Tha Grand Ai my Gatttte, the organ ot the G A R has the following vigorous on slaughl on the frauils in the pension depart ment. It is highly creditable on the part of the Gazette to mike this warning, not withstanding It comes rather late: The Gatette't editor long ags called atten tion In an article on '"The Roll of Honor" to the fact that there were numberless frauds on the pension rolls, and msnfully took the ground that these should be eliminated and the prnsicn list be mide again wnat it was at first, and what the patriotic people of America intended it should be a Roll of Honor. That article was republished with favorable comments in many of the leading newspaper in this coun-ry, and the agita tion ihus started has none on Increasing. May It lead to the speedy purging of the pension list. The most drssiL measures coull not be severe enough for that purpose. In this purifying process every comrade can be enlisted wno has given honorable service in his conntry's hour of need. If you know of a person receiving a pension in your town who is no' honorably entitled to ithv service!,, the field send the nam. te ' , , V . I 1 lie new 1 cnaion v nnuninigici lor investi gation. Or if you fear the wralh of the ao-service wearers of the bronze button who might drive you out of the GAR Post because you will not connive at fraud, send the names and addresses to the editor of the Gatttte, at the office of this paper, and we will see that proper Investigation i made. No American can afford to neglect this im portar.t matter. With a pension roll greater than the number of men in the field at the close cf the v. fr of the rebellion and the rajst of those He In honored graves and with an expeadi'ure ot over f l6e,ooo,uoo a year lor that one item. It behooves those in terested in the real veterans, and the tried ano true veterans tnemseits, 10 oe up ana 5 doing. There wilt he some !tariliae revelations in the next two or three yesrs. "c evidence already vinced . We have some which will be prepare:) for the new Own- r of Pen ions. If frand cannot bt prove.!, then the penicn will still bo paid. If irau.l can be proven it cannot be too j quickly proves, and the pension should cease. Every dollar paid In fraud Is wickedly to len. not alone from the pitient taxpayers, but from the deseiving veterans. Strike comrades, w ule the iron is hot, tad ii it should sear tome bogus claimants so as to leave a mark by which tliey may te known of all men, there il be no cause for re gret. Ia thia connection we wbh to call atten tion co the frantic efforts made bv one George E Lemon, m his cla ro agents' organ, to be fog and mislead the people and the com rades who support his paper and have made 1 - - - b, nubliaJaine. hogs cartoon u4 , erw legged aad other ise malned vrerans, and I claiming that when honest men and honor - able e-Utors clamor for the weeding out of ; owner s disgust tie read an advertise -, , mimA ' ment in an eastern paper where a man frauds they are lajurtng those m.toed he- , g pTomiJ reip, raes. Lemon knows better than that. There triat w0uM the horse of bis annoy aevei was a worse or more vicious mis rep- ing habit He sent for the receipt which reseniation made bjr him aad the clsim stents' ring. The got of what we have all a'eng claimed is given above. W l ate ad- . . ... , . . ., . , ded nothing to and taken nothing away from our demand, and readers of the Gazette will j jn that vicinity : VV hen tbe word "bus- j have strict orders Io alliw no union carpal bear as out in wh tt we ay. ' band'' was put on the blackboard none ter, working for the exposition company or olv this Let the persion list be tn children could pronounce it, and . ' , , .Jto help them out the teacher asked, 11 a nam sent In as that of J What would I have if I should get We ask on Overhauled 1 a cirson believed to be a bogus or unworthy i recipient, let the facts he investigated. If the person is uaarorthy strike the name from the Roll ef Honor. Thtt Is all. Can the Grand Arm mountebanks or Mr Lemon object to this? Purge the penuoo soil of honoi cf fictit loos claimants snd recip eats. There is no pa itics io this. A dispttch from Washington says if the present demand for goli abroad continues, a point will probably be reached where Use banks will no longer give op gold unless they give bonds in return for it, Hofore issuing bonds, Secretary Carlisle will prob ably make quite a bole in tbe reserve. How low be will let the amount of gold in tbe treasury fall before be takes steps to replenish it by a sale of bonds is not known but his reluctance to Usue bonds is so well understood it will not be surprising if be allowed fully halt tbe reserve, or even more. o oe exnausteu ueiore rouruuij u w of bonds. Tbe president, on the other hand, is understood to favor an earlier is sue of bonds, and the matter will be one of the principle topics of discussion at the cabinet meeting Tuesday. It is understood that certain democratic senators have ad vised against the issue of bonds for politi cal reasons, thinking tbe administration would lay itself open to tbe accusation of unnecessarily increasing the bonded debt of the country. On the other hand it is urged by others that an early issue of bonds would be a good stroke of policy political ly, on the argument that the condition of finance which necessitated a resort to a sale of bonds was tbe result of republican mis manatreinent, especially during the Reed congress, when tbey nad both booses of congress and tbe presidency, and passed the Sherman silver purchase law, which, it is alleged caused all tbe present difficulty. Shortly before the passage of tbe Sherman law, the treasury held in round number $177,000,000, or $77,000,000 more than the reserve fund. The Sherman law was ap proved by Harrison, July f4. 1890, and immediately after the amount of gold in the treasury began to be reduced, until on January 31, 1891, it had fal'en to $il. 000.000: January 31, 1892, it figured but $119,000,000, and January 3, of tbe present year, but $1(,000,000. or but $8,000,000 over the reserve. Since that time the amount ha been maintained at about tbe full amount of the reserve only by strenuous efforts on the part of officials of tbe treas ury department. The preient condition of the treasury has led to a revival of the talk of an extra session of congress to act on the Sherman law. . Tbe president bas not had hnything to say on the subject to any of his congressional callers ss yet However, it is probable there will not be an extra sea sion before September 1, hen it is under stood congress will be called to consider the administration plan for a revision of the tariff. The president will doubtless at the same time take occasion in his message to urge immediate action on the monetary question and will, it is said, advise the immediate repeal of the Sherman act. Wine cl. ilfiers in France use more thar 80,000.000 eggs a year. Thee are 50 railroad stations within the limits of the city of Boston, A Gkbat Offkb. The Democbat is now enabled to make one of the most liberal offers ever made to subscribers. To new subscriber, or those who psy up all arresrags snd one yi-ar in advance, we can send the Dsmocbat and New York Weealy World one year each and a set of Chambers Encyclopedia for the small sum of $4.!)0. Chambers Encyclopedia contains 30 volumes of 400 pages each, making 12,000 pages of matter on all kinds of subjects. The books of course are bound in paper and ehosyiy put up. but to any one eefk'ng knowledge tl'ey are worth totes the sum mentioned above- A sample copy can lie seen at this office. MISFITS. MC "lilt UIV Ul .IILMIiy, UP H1C II- L i.m.ti. Hv.r ..i. iX,..,i w.,... "M... lit, I. l t .. f ,11 . 1 rtr 1 1 It has a bonded Indebtedness of $90,000. Bah! Portland's bonded Indebtedness is nearly six millions ! We're in It Wel come. H O Knox, a patient a' St Vincent Hospital, had an undershirt left in a room with another patient who proved to have the small pox. Knox's shirt was returned to him and he ..ore it, afterwards coming down with the small pox In Clackamas county. He has therefore, sued St lucent Hospital tor $5000 damages, The Jefferson Review ssys: Dr Powell Reeaes Is getting lots of free advertising In the Salem Independent. The "'Old Doc tor" premised to perforate the editor with bullets, and now the editor calls him a liar because he didn't do it. Some people are hard to satisfy. Some one suggests that ' the stats has no right to ask any one's services for nothing," in connection with the ministers' strike. Father J L Parrish served every Sunday as chaplain of the state prison for seventeen years, snd never got a cent. According to the present scale of prices the next legislature would be obliged to u' f u interest to one . . .... -I r 1 . . . . past chaplain of the pen. Journal. The Albany city marshal who thought he could jump upon an old Chinaman's necs, because he had a wen en it as large as a haversack has come to grtef . Salem Journal. Dan't jump at conclusions. The marshal simply acted as an officer, mid did not issue the warrant at all, as any school boy ought to know on the face o f It. The arrest was all right anyway, as there was every reason to believe the Chi naman had stolen the clothes. His con duct wss very unbuslness like. Tho Dbmocrat is requsted to state that j the old gentleman who had the practical 1 joke played on Mm, did all the dining. ; the young women, with whom he tried to ' fllr; indiscriminately when ever he saw 1 them at the windows of the hotel, paying no attention In him Hit fnill.hiini K . tiresome, henc the joke. Most I people think the old gentleman got served abeut right, only not enough so. Old i marries men wno gel into their second boyhood this way are not entitled to any ? sympathy. And now comes s banker of Aberdeen, Watb, with a story that places him on the list of suckers. The old gold brick gag was worked on him to the tune ol $5000 A piece was chipped of the alleged bar of bullion and the asset ers certificate placed Its value at $35,000. 'the man claimed that thev hsd stolen the brick fram the Indisrs The banker bit and sent the '1 bullion tc the mint In San Francisco. A tew nays after the financier received notice that he had sent a fine specimen of copper. Tbe Salem Independent objects to tbe motor men reading exciting novels while running the cor. South Dakota tried to sell her World's fair building to Oregon- Oregon would look curious in a dress from alblizxard state. A Linn county man had a horse that slobuered so mnch as to excite the ;mpiy read "reach your horse to spit. t. jgene Guam 1 , The following is reported bv a Klamath . rfW) ,'rom , di,,ric, hoo, I married?" Tbe answer was prompt. but not what she expected, and she blushed sncb a brilliant red that the light paled K very line in a newspaper costs some thing. If it ia for the benefit of an in dividua., advertising his wares or an- uouDcina; ois intentions, it iboohi ue paid for by hi m If tbe grocer aboard be asked to contribute groceries to one abundantly able to pay for them, he would rndonbtedly refuse. And yet it would be just aa reasonable as to ask free ounces ui tur oeaspaper proprietor, tie ...a sL. I J a . It as.. most pay for the free advertising if the beneficisry does not, and yet i is one of the hardest things to be learned by man v. that a newspaper baa pace in its col umns to rent, and must rent to live - -Ex. The Sa'.em Independent says: Wan G Obenauer I And let the Imperial snd Vest. He rents these wh-els at tweotv- five cents an boat sad ia doing a rushing business. Msny pleasant eveaings see all ' iboee "' Hst be keeps for rest, oat Oregon wants immigration; bat the kind told of by the Eugene Guard is not of tbe nature this glorious country is after: An emigrant family consisting of the narenta and five children, the elrTaat being about 10 years of age, arrived here on tbe overland this morning from the oath. The husband and father was sick, having just recently recovered from an attack of typhoid fever. They hail from North Carolina. Being destitute, without efts iter and on the streets with out food, some charitably disposed per son them to s restaurant snd furnished them with a rooming meal, ail except The county judge wss notified snd now ing me miner, wno was to sick to est nss them under his care st the Minnesta hotel. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Oregon amstsers- Washington-, April 25. It is believed that Davis, of Oregon, will lie appointed judge of Alaska. His principal opponent. William L Colvig, of Jacksonville, is said to have no show. It is expected that an appraiser will be appointed tomorrow. An Oregon democrat says recent and additional charge have been filed against Lotan, which will cause tbe immediate appoint ment of bis successor. Oregon applications in the treasury department: C H Page, ap praiser, Prrtland; W H 8 Hyde, Marsh held, collector of customs. Coos bay. Page is candinate for collector of Astoria. The following Oregon fourth-class postmasters were Dassed on todav. and their uDDoint tnents will be announced tomorrow : J R Blackaby, Jordan Valley, Malheur county; James Leach, Lexington. Morrow county: John T Simpson, Sheridan. Yamhill coun ty; r 1) Healy, Newport, Lincoln county; lone Whitnev, Burnt, Harney county; Claybourne P Houston. Junction City, Lane county. Aaasber Wreehi Saw Khaki wo, April 25. TLe Ameri can ship Alaska, which has been looked for at this port for the past few daps, and for which some apprehension was felt, went to tbe bottom tbe 22d inst. The vessel was bound for this port from Whatcom, Del lingham bay, with 1980 tons of coal. When off Cape Flattery she sprung a leak, and the efforts of the crew to save the ship proved futile. Tbe crew wss rescued by the ship Melancthon, and tbe ship was abandoned with no hope of her floating. A Big Fallaie. Moscow, Idaho, April 25. The McCon-nell-Maguire Company, a large mercantile house closed by the sheriff yesterday, niakeB the following statement of tbe condition of business when tbe attachment was made: Liabilities 2iC,000; assets, 9277,000. Will Rulld Abtokia, Or, April 25. -Tbe Remington party reached here today. Mr Remington stated this evening: "I met tbe trustees of tbe Astoria Guar antee Subsidy Company today, and have (lin ed my business with tbem on, I think, a iHtisfactory basis. Tomorrow I am go ing up via the Northern Pscifi s to Kenne bec, on the Upper Columbia. There I will meet a party ef Eastern gentlenieut, after Ki n ' from that point further up tbe Co lumbia, we a 111 come right down the river to Astoria. You may say that ! intend to make definite arrangements for the building of a railroad before I leave Astoria. a wept by a Terrible C'yetonr, Mookk, O 1", April 25. The country . , " . . west and scuthwest of here was st of here was wwert bv n. terrible cyclone at 7:30 this evening. Great damage was done, but how much cannot be known until telegraphic communication is restored. The news at hand makes it certain that i0 people arc killed and many mare injured. Robert Disappointed. W ahiiinoton, April 25. Robert A Miller, who was a candidate for minister to Turkey to succeed Minister Thompson. and baed his claims on the fact that Ore- gon had the mission during the republican administration, was considerably down in the mouth for a week after tho lexas uutn was appointed. Mr Miller has been cheer ed up (luring the past few days, however, by the hope that something would be done in his favor. Washington. April 24. Senator Dolph was today informed bv the secretary of the I interior that where appointments of regis ters anil receivers were hrst made during tne recess of congress and they were after tJ'S of 5 four years' service would be held to com mence with their appointment. In tins connection it it interesting to know that Murphy and Markley were both at the in terior department, urging to have Cleaver and McClelland removed at I,a Grande, and that they met Senator Do ph s protest a,iuni .uurpnj SWI aiaiait-. in,ufc- were filed against both these officers today. A rerallar AMr. 1mi .i'kxhkxi i.. Or. April 24. A pe culiar state of affairs will soon exist here regarding the closing of saloons Sundays, if reports are true. The city council or dered the saloons closed Sundays, but lately the ordir ban been disregarded, and a num ber ot citizens wbo are in favor ot cows running at large intend turning their cows I all competition with -. ft haa the th .rt out, and if the council attempts to enforce : eat line, fastest time, Uaiun i. and 00 the cow law. cause public opinion to force s tne council to either let the ordinance re garding cows remain unenforced or else , enforce the Sunday closing ordinance. Slegrae Treab'ee. fUuaon. NC, April 24 The state! guard of .North Carolina is holding itself : in readiness at New Heme to go to James . City to expel H0OO rebellious negroes from ' : that settlement. Toe negroes are not the ; lawful owners of the property, and it baa ( ' been decided by the courts that they must ' , leave It is a negro town and they refuse t1",' ZTKTr, tempt 1 1 dislodge theji to go. and threaten bloodshed if any at A Strike esTi Uatatia. April 24. The strike of the Union Pacific blacksmiths and boiler -' makers, which began a week ago and threatened to involve uu men in an in- j definite lockout, was brought to an end ibis evening, and tomorrow morn ins tbe men will rescrv work all along the road. The tenso of settlement will not be given out until they aie ratified by IVesidant Claik. Will Uve New York. April 24. The Xew York 1 Times will make this statement under ao Albany date: "It may be stated with semi -official post tiveset that liovernor Flower will save , Cariyle W Harris, the convicted wife mur-. derer. from execution. It may also sttted with equal certainity that this information haa been conveyed not only to Mrs Harris, but to young Harris himself. Orarari Will be SUaded Medeoiui. Or. April 24. At tbe special i e'ection held today tbe proposition to bond ' the town for M0.00O. for water and light purpose, was carried by a rousing major- itv. Only ait rotes were cast against it. ! This is a big thing fx Medford, and tbe' people are to be oongratulated a reelhbStrlbe. Cnicaio. April 24.--Wbeo tbe carpen- ters employed at Jackson Park so to work tomorrow morning they will find tbe gales of tbe exposition grounds guarded by a cordon ot union delegates, loese delegates ' those contractors who bare not signed the agreement of tbe carpenters' council, to enter within tbe grounds. Tbe scenes of two weeks aro are to be repeated. Not only will tbe union cnepenteys strike at the j i world's fair grounds, but all over the city. lrelaansy falsest eat Sax Fiuxcisro. April 34. The barken -tine lrmgord arrived from Honolulu to night. t-rrnginsT advices up to April 12- The j leading event since tbe last iefter to the as soriated Press was tbe supposed wholesale attempt to poison soldiers and members of . the National Guard Tbe night of April 1 1 . soldiers at the barracks were taken 1 with rmWi rornttino niia Snrm Rodgers was hastily summoned.' aad found rOjaS M men Showed symptom Of HTltant ! own. ' ... poisoning. 1 be men were so distressed at ' j to be obliged to take to their cots. nhers j were taken the same way. Tbey bad evi ! dently been poisoned. Saw Very MUsTaclai , iYashixgtox. April 21. Pan Murphy bas been informed that Col lector Lotan's i term will expire at the. end of four years, from the time be was appointed, unless ' charges against which can ue sustained, are made, ibis win mean that no democratic . i collector will be appointed for two j Probably when an appointment is made it tear will be a dark horse and neither Black nor Myer will be named. Myer leave for home tomorrow. inure la wall sUlleet by a Train IYaraw, lad, April 23. In Jackson township: nine mile, southeast of this citv vetcrdav an easthound ivniT train cm th. Nickhs i'late road, while running at a high t rate of speed and rounding a sharp curve, struck a wagon containinir he family of John ."smith, consisting cf himself, wife and three small children. All were instai ly killed, their bodies being horribly raat ilated. rUsed f.r Caanlaz A stoki , April 23 The case gainst now L vv hehlm and N Tustse under tl ' clt ordinance for conducting and i-..ivini? at a gaming table was tried in Judge (Hi . borne court yesterday, end a verdict of i guilty returned against both men. Thev , mw. nv anu csaaa. t OPCawM will ue j appealed to the circuit court Indiana vs tswk ia Desvk!:. Colo. April 23 Advices from ! Green Rier, Utah, tell of a scrimmage be tween cowboys, employed by Knowle k ! Co. and Navajo Indians, in which two ! cowboys were injured. Kid Johnson, the leafier of the cowboys, was one of the i wounded, and will probably die. cooynioNr.issi The best thing to do is this : when you're suffering from Sick or Bilious Headaches, Consti pation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, or any derangement of the Liver, Stomach, or Bowels, get something that relieves promptly and cures permanently. Don't shock tho sys tem with the ordinary pills get Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They're tho smallest, for one thing (but that's a great thing), and the easiest to take. They're the best, for they work io Nature's own way mildly and gently, but thoroughly and effec tively. They're the cheapest, for they're guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is returned. You pay only for tho good you get. What more can you ask? But don't get something that tbe dealer says is "just as good." It may be 'better for him. but it's pretty certain to be worse for you. fut up in neat watoh-sliaped bottles, sugar coated, Snali Ulc Beans. UUs. ncr bottle. THE WfKATHEB B S Paguo Hives the following sum mary of the weathe, indicating that this lias indeed been a wet season; but the sunsli'ne and owl crops will soon make us forget about that fact: The season is tiie coldest on record. In former years there has been much more precipitation, but none had the continu ous cool weather; the assertion of the people who have resided so many years in Oregon is correct relative to the cold backward spring. The amount of rain fall is in excess for the month of April, but deficient 'or the month period from January 1st. The amount of sunshine is greatly deficient. No April on record lias had the amount ol cloudv weather ami tlm numlmr ,.f days on which rain has fallen. Since March Till rain Inn fallen at IViPtldnrt nn ! March 7th rain has fallen at Portland on 4 days out of the 49. Since February l(t rain has fallen at Portland on 72 days out of a possible 84, while the average for the period is but 41. While there 7to -ounHf ZtobZ S cient. The rain lias fallen in small amounts and slowly, allowing it to thor- j oughly saturate the soil, now the soil b ing as full of water as it possibly can be ! 11 runs on ami helps swell the volume in the streams which ar alresdv full from the melting snow in the mountains. The backward season has Ix-en caus d bv the ; continuous low ternperatures.which'have ; 1 been from three to ten degrees a day be- j ; low the normal. The nearest approach to the present season was that of 1S90. Sat Easy Wlasieri The solid veatlb-jledjNraina of the Chicago, ' Union aolHc N.inh UV.t. ru I .lop rilflt&ni change or delay at the Missouri Uiver.and ia the popular World's Fair route. Rich, red blncd at naturally reenU fro.n akinfi Uood't Maraapinlla as personal clean arSSS multa tr-.m free oae of aoap and water, bia great purifier thumoicbly expel s-rotu-.aalt rheum aad all other iaapariile. Hood's Pills are easy, yet en:ieut. Hood sCures Sharp Pains Short Breath, Heart Trouble, Rhou motiaxm. Jfrs. X. if. pofne Eagle Creek. Oregon. "I have lived here bt Oregon lot Use past twenty years, and most of the time have bean a, ' very great sdterer from ! s sa 11 ; aaaOSOOaOsSsO I have also bad what the doctor i called heart disease, with shortness ot breath sd Iksi ii pates laths left side. I decided to taka Hood's SsrsstoriTfs. and befcre I had finished . three botiies I eras la belter health than I bad been tor years. I do not have aay pant now. steep we it, and to-day no woman at my ass Enjoys Better Health than I. At bosne on tbe ranch I not only attend j to my fSBsUy housework, but Ust sonaner I : . 12-55 BtI for aad sauted four cows- I do not feel can say half esocgh In praise of Hood's Sarsaparilia Mas. L M. Paixb. Eac'.e Creek. Orexeas. Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient, yet sawylnacuca. S jid by all drusists. tSo. BGOOD NEWSt Fer the railliens ef coasasncrs of Tntt's Pills, It Elsr-ft I r yell flr-aurr la an-I smuirrr tbst be as raam -wtt ius apa TIMY LIVER Pill nHlsrb i of ejiwwlinclr Mrtdkil oiar. , i.l rrtAitilnr all II irtotrwnrtUr 9 i-t rxrr est-. -. nlrl pur It r c taUlr. rWh l,..!lhf (ilUi ut -l.i ewfcu. ilfteruftrt ni uf 1 ii rvTTS TIHY LIVER PILLS 1. ait. Kulalbr bor! r r t:u -ad." ALBANY mm CO. Baltiswre Block ' - - AIMIT, Uff. , nds t.f Fu rnimre. W Wndmmfion 1 ft aa ' . . . - . Dea .mm iu sli kind Ppr orpets, Lino'enina. Plot are Fran tea, t-te. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY HYDE & JAMES, Pro'retors. ARE YOU a newspaper vr ' I ubab.n r -r. ant nor, artist, ?rtler f IntereMerl in ear . hoa Id rtad 11 yon are, or ai -: a ib2v . 1 Tri ALIST. DO YOU a ant ti reach tbe above! t,, u'vrtisc- in tub Jot MSAiaBT. K i . i u 1 1 n ft.uO a year, tavi 11 In . rat. son application. A'.LkS I OHM AN, E.: ii.r ana lroprletnr, :'.v.-sau STKxsr. Xsw York, N. T. BRINK'S Furniture Store. 4 It TH JS StRtMa Is now at his old J ni a ml, opposite the opera house, wLere thote Wishing substantial, refable rurnitnre can secure what they want, fame manufactured stands, flour chests, fee. etc, plwayson hand or made on ort notice, at bottom prloea. R. JH. KTONtv. Arclistoct and C'outroetor. Leaveordirs with Huibnrt Bros,, Res estate a re tils, FOSHAY & MA8ON awouiata aaa assail if rut ?;ists and Booksellers Aiei is for John B. Alden'a publications' ralcb we sell a publisher's prieee with -SaSNHtrlilrV' S.I.H.S Hf. KfeSJOf M ra. Dr. Patterson Wallace. The Notel Clairvoyant a-U Lite Resdwr, la now hare, and can be fount! at her rseltleiiee, next doar J B CougH'ii. She tells about all aubteets, past, present aad future; love troubles, absent frisadi and tiuiiueaa. You can bear front your dead friends TjOH SALE. A good gentle horse, snd s bunny. Inquire ot John 1i k hi m.kk THE BEST Blood Purifier IN THR WORLD WHY SUFFER with that chronic disease? Do yon want to die? Sul phur Hitters will cure you as tt has thousands. . Wiir do you sutler with that FOUL, OFFENSIVE breath? You need not If you use 8nlphnr Bitters. They never fail to cure. Operatives who are closely confined in the mills and workshops; clerks who do not have sufficient exercise, and all who are confined indoors, should use Sulphur Bitters. They will not then be WEAK AND SICKLY. Is your Breath impure. Your Stomach Is out of order. Sulphur Bitters ia the best medicine to take. Sulphur Bitters will build you up and make you STRONG AND HEALTHY. At the dawn of womanhood, Sul phur Bitters should be used. SenA 3 2-eent ataimM to A. I. Ordwav A Co Boston, Mass., for Uat, nar'Ucal work published ; i for SHERIFF'S SALE. fn the Circuit Court of the Stole o C Linn County. A D !lornH. v liatvey Ward, Plain'.lt'. rtafeaiiialll VJOriCE iM HErfkBY GIVF.V HUT i.1 by virtu of an -x-uiion and order of sale duly issued out of and urtdor tbe boa1 of tne above natnl rourt., in ihe above entitled suit delivered, I wilt on to rna ! and MlanUjr. lav reth slay ,-.). tan. at the frontdoor cf the Conrt Houe in tne c;;y ot A'bsuy, Ltnn oaoauy. regon, 1 tia hour of one o'clock p m of said day. ell at puoild and ion "or catn In oand -.0 ' the biabwat bidder, tbe real propsrtr de a Tibexl in said execatioa end order o ale at follows lowit: The nortUeva quarter of the north west quarter of aevtion ittinrx CM ) .ownship nines (0 ) a itfa range three (3) eaaa of the vViliamoUe meridian, ia L,inn county; Ore-eon con taistng CI acres, lie proceed arUinr from such sole to be applied as f-l;owa , 1st, to the payment of tbe costs sn: expense ot making such aaue and tho I sum of (60 as artorn,y' fbea aad tne origins, ex sis rf an it tsxsd at 4.3o. 2nd to the payment to the plaintiff herein the am of f40o In gold coin of the United uis of America, together with intereat thereon in like goto coin at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 2nd day ot -Sr-piemb-r, leVJ, until paid -and sccra , ins: interest. '3ro, the overplus if sny to 1 be paid to the said defends nt, hi. neiis or asKigneeat. Dated this IStb Jay of Aseil I88S C C JACKtsxiN beriff of Linn county, Oregon. SHERIFFS SALE ... r n . -. mr saw -f -rrrgv. rot ime Lostafy or Lamm Koapp. Buriell Company .Pisiotiffs, va A S Knox. Jr, Defeodsn' X CflGK IS liEREBY GIVEN THAT a.w oy vume o: an execmuoa ana oner ot le duly bssned ont of end nnder tbe seal ot .be above named conn in (he stftPa. A V ' Si last - 4 an tAara "a an rtt w... 1 above en ule i action to me directed and dive-wd, I wilt on Mlstrdar. itse mm day of May. tasa. at tne front door of the ova rt hoosein the nty of Albany, Uon couoly. Oreston. at Use boar of on o'clock p ot of snid day, ell st pubiic auction for r-vah In band to the higbrft bid.te.-Uia real propel tv de scribed in said execution and order of sat e as follows lowit: Resrinnl' tt ax a s: ' r " hsasass m .e sasstJi fsooa dary line of tbe d nail n land c'aim of James Midi and wife, being not!nOaloO No 1439 in township 10. S H 3 weaat, at a point 10 5s chains east of that notihwest corner nf sail claim and rannicg thence wot 17 5S cb ' na to a IAltVwiel incbea; tbenoe rh 40 chains to a atone 10x12x14 irtohe-': thence wea 17 50 chains los atone xtx 14 inches, thence north 4tf chains an tbe pfaee of beinnii'g, eon- tsining 7J acres snore or iim; alo hector ing : tbe north as corner e t the donatson lawd chains of Jsiae Knrx sod wife, oelnst r.' t OrmUon No 1669 in town ship 10, S S wee, oa aatoate 12xtx24 incbea marked C S, acl running tbe nee sou ih 40 chains to a atone lOxlixIS iochf; i beoc- srest 19 , ot. a: n to stone 9xKxl4 tuc ie-a, then aonh 4f chains to the north b undarv If rf said oial at a stone Iexl2xl4 iocb. . the no- s'. IS JS chains to tbe j. aoe of l -xi u:tg cotilsll- ; ing 7JI GS acre m. re or a i . nd being in U'nn n notv Of ( a II lytssj earon. Tbe r, -, u . w .... I ., . . - - ,A arpltsd, first, io the payment o the eoesu ' "f.",t UJ "W. x"Tn and the iginaJ eostfs I, x jd al $55 s, o.nd. to I fada S WJiara aa r . lha ws a i nS i SO fti tain Sla& thetwrrren to the naintin herein ihsTTsT . '"Zl ELT1 ai.m f .., To .r,a ih!nr,k.. -Ja-l("r. . " . v- i att -rSet'r. fees T -- - w- v Doted this 19.b dsy of April. IMS Cf JACKSON. Sheriff - f Linn county, tiregon. ALBANY OPERA HOUSE. otss" ti steh. 0; MiHT 0tLl Friday, April 28th. A briiiiaat spectacular production of the Famous, Fairy Faole. SLPF.R3 SPECIALTY COMPANY NEW AND BRILLIANT COS. TCMES.NEW ELEGANT SCENERY. k ELABORATELY JEWELED C0AC1 mmii mm. A TRANSFORMATION SCENE uncqualed in the history of the stage. Popular prices, 50 and 75 cents. RrtcrvrM seats now on sale at llilgcs & Mcrarland's drug store. FORHtl.K A grocery store in good location, wih sell at a oarga.n. Par eons dealrinK to purchase, inquire at this office. waj;. iVTKD Salesmen, local and trsv- ine, to represent onr avail knna-n house You need no capital to represent a firm that warrants nursery stock first class snd true to name. Vrrk all the year. $100 pasr mourn to tbe right man; Apply quick -tatine age. L L MAY CO. Nurserymen, Florists and Seedsmen, St Paul, Minn (This house is responsible. ) TCORSALK: A hundred fiet of nicket ft. ieuce,a good aa isv itn oeoar sells- In ; IKista, taken oat in 20 t'.t panned uuircat naUaOfMaVTOinea CORSAl,tC Furniture tor lifcht house I kerpliik. Inquire 'rutndiately at Carer's grocery.oppoalto the Rusj House FRAZER GREASE BEST IX THE HMKv-D. AawaarUequatlilraaratiaauriMiae- I -tuaTrw ntlnetliisr two boxeaof any ojbyr brj JWe sOSctod by heat. sjreETTHaiOI-N . IME. FOB SALE BY DEAjJUtS OE?rE&&)t I.T. flSO IDEIlii SHERIFF'S SALF. fn th Circuit Court for Linn County, State 0; Oregon; A P Black barn. Plaintiff, s K B Case, Carrie Case. hi wife, K Goan, Lizzie (Joan, his wife. nd Cnarles H Goan, Defendants XrOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT i- by virtue of an execution and order i of tale dnly issued out of and under the seal of the court above named in the j above entitled salt to tne directed and ' delivered, I will on aslsnls;, (be TMfc day at Sprll. IttttS, at the front door of th" court heuae.In U e city of AJhany, L.nn uountj, Orexon, at the hour nt one oV.ock p in of said dav. bell at public sun ion for cash In I nd to i the b'gheat bidder the reai property In l said' execution .ud order of sale described ! aa follows uwlt. Lota eight (8.) nine (9 1 nd ten (10) In block So three (S) I Klrkpatrick' third addition to the to a i of Lebanon, Ores o, m th. same appears : on the mp and p at of said i.n no w of : record In tbo County Recorder's oftHsS for ! Linn o- unty. Oregon; also a tract of land beginning at the S K corner of John ringer's tract of land wblcb said tract wee : I deedd by J R Klrkpatrick and ia on ihs extension of lsabelle street from Kirk : paitrick'a addition to the tn of Lebanon, Oregon; running from thence north 2M feet; thence east 80 feet; tbecee south 26 i , feet; thence west 80 feet to the piece of beginning, and I ing in tp 12 H K 2 W io j Linn county, Oree- e; also Jots three 16) and four () in block twenty five (25) of J i M RaJaton's aw'dliiou to the town of j : lebanou. Lion county. Uref on a shown ' on the snap nd plat of said J M Ralston ' addiiion, now en file and of record in Ute ' (fflc of the County Recorder of L no county, Oregon '1 be proceed en ink, from the a l of eadd pro: en j to e ! applied first, to the payment of the cost . and charges of inaklnsj an,:b fcatie a - d the ' original coats of suit Uxd at STI.36 -nd ! the sum of ISO st orney 's fee with awcrn , j ing interest thereon at the rate of 8 per coast per annum; second, to the payment ' of toe plaiullffH iaim amounting to th i ! aurr 01 $449.33 in C S gold coiu wi h acruiog Inixreat thereon in lk got eoin l the rale o ten per cent p r annum until paid; and tbe su plus if any be paid t'j E it aa and Charles H Goan. two of ,k .t,. ! ate. 1 ib U 27th day f March 1893 C C J V KiON . Sheriff of Lin - county, Oregon SHERIFFS SUE: ' tic Citcmit Court of the Stale of Oregon, tor Liun county. Mary A Ml'.ier, Plaintiff, (George M Sisffrdscd Gennie Stafford . Defendaou. VTOTICK IS HEREBY GIVES TH sT lo by virtoe of an execution doty : laeraed out of and under the seel or the above named court in tbe above ecu it d action to me directed and delivered, I did on tbe 7th day of March. 1993. doty levy cpon ail the rizht. ti' n and intninas nf the above named defsndanM or either of tnem in and to the real property herein iter aesrrnoen. ao 3 1 will on swJstrataur. like tech stay at April, ISOS, j '. tre front door cf th court house in the city of Albany. Linn eounly. Oreyoa, at tbe hour ol oae o'clock p m of aai I day , sell at public suction for case, in nand to ' tbe highest bidder a' I the right, title and - 'interest of said defend sola or either of; them in and to aaud real prcparty l daecribeJ as follows tow it: f h northeast t quarter of section thirty four (34) towaabip ; nQ Oj StJUUj of KUSI thr (3) ESt Of Ihe Willamette Moridue. n Linn county , Oregon. The proceeds arising from each sstie to be applied first, to tbe coats an i ; expenses of and open sale execution snd j the original coats taxed at g3 65; ssacooo. to the payment to tbe p aiottff, Mary A Mis er. the ram of U221.0T with interest thereon at the rale of per oent per ananm from the :4th day ofCctcbtr. 1892: ad the overplus to be paid over to the do m- m feti dan t. Dated this 28th d-yef March. 1893. cc Jackson. SberifT of Linn county, Oregon. I SHtFiFF SALE 1 f Circuit Court of Or Snte of Otercn f.irnn county. Knapp Barrel! A '.ompai y.P:sintfT, vs Leigh ion B Knox aud S S Knox. Deeodants. VOTICF.1S HEREBY GIVEN THAT oy wirt-ie of an exocouon and order 4 sm.e amy loaed oat of and under the "M b .ve named eoort, in the u rainwa anion io me arrecten srra delivered. I wiU on MtasOay. itse twlh Say ef mmoU, ISOS, at th- boar nf one o'clock tmofstil day t the front door of tbe court bociw, In a buy, Ltnn ooaaty. Oismuss, H t publWi aaetion for oa-b ia hand to ,h bigheet bidder the real p- .py.rt i" id exe utioo snd rder nf sale d -Tibet as Ssllaesia towit: Beginning at s stooe 10x12x10 taehe markrd RS an n.u ar comer f the d-r.sti m land :sdns of Jonathan Orrssr cr4ifi-stioj No' lS6d it . . . . ' I being t2 links south of ihe nortooas eo,, aotiSasiU.41 So l98 u sd ? lowoahJp. sad running tboore eet 18 amis so eoaina 10 a ato- r m ; it.en.n- , thence wet IS chains to a ;iu 10x14x16 ? i , ... . . . i mimiDIOli ll txim WT '1 IU n.l : SosfSOO No 198, t tease nor a 40 chain. to tbe ptac-of beginning, coniaining 72 ;crs mors or ts-s, nil in Unn county, Oregon. The prx-eedi arising from the sale of said pror-rtv will be applied first, ,to t lie payment of the coets of rmd opo" 1 said execution snd ie origins! oosta said salt taxed at f-W.20: a -mod. to the P-Tn"' of tbe PiaintiO'a claim amount , irg u 'be am ofS59.70.ta I 3 gold coin, cent per enruo- f.-ji tbe 14th day of March, 1U. and the further sum ol"$15 1 attorney's fees. dy"f LVed thU 27lh aay of March, 1808. C 3 J ACKSOM. Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. "rOTIOS CIS HKREBT GIVEN THAT THE rs la dersi(asd saw been oulv aptwlnted hv the o-untr coon at Uon nnsnlj, fit sail. aSaiiaaan'i 1 g , i a m waller, m ileal. An par- .-is hariat claiaaa agaias said estate are h;rbv quired v. praeaet the eama witkia sis sseaUas hvea the date aereat prapaHjr TariSad. to the an. darstsaaj at Albanv. Or. Dated the 11th tajr of Maivh,l-3S- Attys for Adasr, CARPETS. A large and tine stock ot Roxbnry, velvet tap st ry and ingrain carpets, lmoleums and oil elottw, 5 to SO per cent less than elsewhere in Albanv, of same grade. Also fine line of men's sad ladies' shoes 25 to CO cants a pair leas than same goods can be bought elsewhere in Linn county. A. tJ. MCIL AIN, WANTED At the store Alten Bros., BUTTER, EGGS, L.ARD, formerly owned bj JJAUUW, ami CHOICE APPLES. j for which ! possible. I will payjthe best cash price B F RAMP FOR SALE. 35peraor. Some of the very best of the famous Santiam river bottom land, suitable for fruit, hops, potatoes, etc. Wilt ae'l In lot to suit purcliaaera t miles northeast ot Albany. Apptv at ouse 1 mile north ol Knox'a Rnlta O C HAMOX I SHERIFFS SALE. fn the Circuit Court of thr. Stole oj Oregon for the Comty of Mm. H Bryant. Plaintiff, vs William MKiilehri-t, Jen nie M Gil: hrist, his wire. Defendants. "VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEV THAV t . Tmu (-fas execution and order or sa. 9 duly Israel out ot snl under the seal of the abova nam d court i" the above entitled suu to in direct! and ! deliver! d, I will on aalardar, tkr r.O, day f Mar. I3, at toe front door of the court house. In the city of Albany, Linn conntv, Oregon, at the boar of one o'clock p ir of said i day. 11 at pablie auction for cash i , hand to tne higher bidder the real ' property described in said execution and . order cf sale v. folWws twtt: Brginoiog st ! he sooth west corner of the nonbeat qisr msT cf aection 30 in tp 1 1, month raaKe 1 west of the VV,liintt meridis-, O.eeoo, j and running thtnee saw! 20 ebaio- thenee north 5 Ch n; '. ,.t 45 lint,- tbence north 78 chato. : thence ana 1 38 100 chaios; thence north 15 chio; thence west 19 7-100 chains; tbeoce south 96 98-100 chains; thence west 20 chains; tl-ence sooth 1 chain; tnenee east 20 chains to the pSac ef beginriinfr, containing 200 aeres, in Linn county, Oregon The proceeds aruing from said sale to be applied. First, to tbe pay ment of the easts od dtrbarsemrnts of aoit a. .1 " rxpenseft of and upen said execution; ant 2 .1, toth psvineatof 'h ptaintifTs cliiio lountioz to the snm of 52096.10 with accraii ; ioWrst thereon at th ra- of 8 f er cent eS anonm; and tbefaither am -t $280 attorney s t .-; 3rd, the over p! 31 if a-, be paid the deft, herein. Itou.l tl is ZS.h day of April, 193. C C JACKSOJt. tbmtfkt ot Linn county, Oregee. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY CITES E1IAT TH UX. deraseaeat administrator d b mat boo of the estate nl Geo W Waroxiota. itrtx-i, bas Bud in the neV A the dark it tbe -Coon? Cowt of Lino cnontj. hi, Saal aeexriot ar.-: that ruti eaort ha appointed th h U 4 April. 1, at the boor A 1 o'drcfc p m l uia laj. mm the tinaa, t r heariaaT all objactioaa, tf uj, te arid Iliad aiaiasat, ; and lor tliaailllissiiiit A said e ate. Dated this iai daj ot IsarcJi lestv I 5 WaRMOtTB. j waataiiT 11 11 a ijaaiberiaai, Aeaua de I Attorneya ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. JtroTiaE IS HEEE1T CfVES THAT THE VB- J.S af raw aetata of Tbeexaa AJsarat, sens harnar eauraa ana praani mess wua taw prper renenera ana praprrly rariaWd. wTthia abl aaiuSka trees the dale acreaf, to the Oman an ue l. al Hn . aba,.. Uaa nranST, Or. Tkaa the lth day of March. 1SBS . O at ALFOID. Waathrrf zw at Clusat irtafai. - - uliaei 11 1 . Attoawey sac Aitaar. ANKBAL MEETING. NOT.CE is hereby -iven that tbe an nual meeting of the stock boldeva of the Al bany Mining and Milling Co. wUi be held at tbe rfHce cf J V Plp. in Albany, Cr.ot Mor. lay.Aprii Sstb.lWfsjst 4iV p m.for tb pupo-e ot eieexiasg aeiesi directors to serve for the eosufns yea-. J Y PIPE. Secretary. J L COf. i rei.lent Stockholder's Meeting. Notice is hereby gives that the andoai meeting of the stockhol-iera of tbe Albany Farmers Co ami be held in the office of std company in Use ettw cf A baoy , on tbe 16. h day of May. 1833 at I o'clock p at Said tweeting wilt be held fo the porpoae of eseetiiia; aerren (7) directors to nerve for tbo ssasnhig yesv, scd for the transaction of snch other b-nea as rosy retrulari v eoaie before such inisSlaii, DafasdT Albany. Or. April ITih 1898. Aftesfe ht H "FILD4. Pres B Marshall. treaidect. See's. lllSSPI HTlfist IIP PARTHSHi0 The partnership herttcfore cxtisc ba T C Baker, Wan Esssreek aad C M Iterkhaat. deii buiwcaw ausder the firm t .k. a ;u.. rw.a R ir-.. I was dissolved by rr atnal eaasaesXoatbe tint - dsv of April, 1893. Ail aeeoewla dae the firm cf Albany Dressed Beef SOP sassy win be payable to TC Baker, and is wiii pay all , bills owing by said firm. . X-C Kajtax. C M HrBKaTAKT, ffi Eatsarjcx. LADIES' TEA Is a pleasant drink, which will be borne by Ossassaa wth:u; naaaea or mosts. It . eta tboroaghly on th- liver, kadaetsaad j reprodaetiee organs. A geeth physic, ef& caeat droreSic, aid -r no,: asefal in scant or awjIisW sBenstBratioc. It aids SasSffaso and '. redaces ecrfn'ewey ; clears tke csDj-iexios, I 'ettdertna it tsir, sad restoTtrg .he natnra' I tone of the akta.frr jt recRovei t h- til.' wkwaSt, ; h aecaasslatiQc.predseef the'y c implexio-a peculiar to the cooatipated state. S- M by sll draggtsts. FARM TO RENT The crdo-.tfoed wishes to rent h fair nH ns.'t -i u a o: A :urv. css:.s- I 450 kcnes, iS of which la ia .i n----.hy .a,iow. 1 sor-s to be i H .ve tasass Abaat a hannred acd Sfry ixt ib wheat arii at this f .ing. i ? "! " Z '?- , , ni caraat- or wio ma. e otr:r ar-aage- men 'a with ranter. Afaa have 5000 I'eutw -one trees a hich I will sail at 4 eects nr-rm 1 rah. fm G ' ' ! JfjV " bxm 5 to 8 feet. l'n ' r otitis, I - W f Q FOR V HflTl Ul vyJ 'lUdP, Notice is hereby aiven that sealsd bids will be receive 1 at t1- Cornty Clerk's I c.fflee in Linn county. Oregoa.'ap oVJock p m. Wennesdiy. he Sri to one -iav if Hit ism rr an . I body oak and six cords larga red or vel- fow nr wood uac grabs not io be lean than S laches in diameter at lam eni. Said woed to be delivered at the wood Kwl lulnnnlw-. M ; J . Iu. j fore Aueast loth 189. Countv reser-ine: the right to rejtct all bids. Done by orcer of Countv Court. Attest. N'PPAYSE. April 15th, IS93. Countv Clerk. WAGON BRIDGE BIOS. Sealed bids and strain diagrams for a wtgon bridge across afnod creek at a point 2 mi ee west or .Sbe-fd LL n county Oregon, will be received by the eiark of the county court of said county until rriday, Mav 5th. at 9 o'clock a m. 18S , said bridga to be 16 feet in the dear, ana he main bridga to be 190 feet ions with 90 feet cf approach Separate bids will be received f ir bents ro set on ordinary mud sil s or on Brand siaed ,iiini: sawed off 1 bstow low water mark. Should a span . be but!, tbe span would be 190 test and I hould be covered and painted. The I right .0 reject any and all bids is reserved ! Albany, Urea 00. April aoth. l$93. S P PAYXE, caerk. Notice to Architects. Notice is hereby given that tbe TUrec tors ol School District. No 5, of Linn eounly Oregon .will receive plans for an S rooai frame school building with base ment and arrangements forheaaaz ptans to be submitted to the oierk at tbe store cf Stewart a Sox, in Albany, Or, within twenty days from data. Albany, ApriU3tb. 1898 CUSFBvVaRT, Clerk. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. "ATOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEX THAT THE Bad A deraitTUed.bas thia dai - boea dly anpointat as-luinistratrava-1 the estate ol Stella Wamwtb. late of Uaa eonnty. Oeafoa, deceased. All persona havun- claims asaiaat aaid estate are required to resent tham property verified, to the underskiriied at nt)arasvlue,unn countv. CtretroB.aithiu sot month 1 rroni tSUdata. Uatad this and day ol Apjil, 18SS. , v at ikUIITH. Weatberford dt Cbatnseriaio, ' Admiaistrator ior aiioim. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. TOTICK IS HER Kit V GIYaX THAT THE VS i.' aasaaatsaal haa been thia davbT order of tbe saaa- IJ court of Unn ewuate.aisieinted administrator the laud Warmotlt, late of Unn eoont.v, Or., All persona bavimr eiaima airainst said re hereby required to present theaa duly aa hv itiiirftl to tbe underianed at Brasmavill nr.-,..,, .ithin aix mouths trein the da-ebareit. ' Dated Ibis iind das' of April. 18S. IS WAKMOTH, Wealherford dt Chamberlain, Attja far Admis. Administrator. FOR RENT. House with on 3rd and Bros dal bin, five loom Apply at MMaaw Vtereck'a.