The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 21, 1893, Image 3

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    Don't Go The Dkmockat publishes
he following by request. It shows the
situation in San Francisco, and suggests
also that of other California cities. Ore
goninns should be contented, nd remain
at home. This is comparatively a glo
rious country, even for labor :
The 8an Francisco unemployed in mass
meeting assembled to workingmen of
evry trade and calling. Greeting,Broth
ers : Do not be deceived by false reports.
The city of San Francisco is crowded
with idle men. There are thousands of
us trapping the streets hungry, hopeless
and destitute. For God's sake keep
away from this city. Advertisements
for laborers, sailors " or mechanics are
false. Place no faith in them. There
are ten men heie for evry job now. By
order executive committtee Sau Fran
cisco Unemployed W M Wiliey.Chair
man; LCFry, Secretary.
ItVoucn tub Wrong (iiRi. Henry
Brown is as mean as his daddy, f not
more so. Some days ago Hi Plummer
was expecting up on a certain train hit
sister, Mrs waymire, of Kansas, whom
be had not seen for over twenty years.
She came sooner than expected nd went
to the home of her sister, Mrs H M
Brown. That evening Henry and Hiram
got on the train at tht water tank, the
latter intending to take his sister by sur
prise. As it happened, there was only
one lady on the train. Henry said,
"there she is,"and Hi slipped up behind
the lady, embraced her, and was pro
ceeding to plan', numerous kisses. She
objected, the conductor appeared and
explanations were in order. The next
thing we expect to hear is that Brother
Brown has induced somebody to put up
a similar game on him. Dallas I te mixer.
The experience narrated in the follow
ing dispatch is a sanple of footracing:
James Collins, aged aS, was dying tonight
In St Michael's hospital, Newark, irom a
pistol-shot wound, inflicted by Patrick
Dolan, a saloon-keeper at that place.
Collins Is a professional runner, and lived
In this city. The men had left the run
ning track at the Kearney Athletic
grounds a few minutes before the shoot
ing occurred. Collins entered today In a
footrace with another runner named
Green, Dolan was Collins' backer and
bet heavily on his man. Collins lost and
Dolan dropped $aoo. As they were leav
ing the grounds Dolan began to upbraid
Cpll'ns, and charged him with selling the
race. Collins, fearing that Dolan would
tio hiin bodily injury, started to run to a
saloon at the lower end sf the grounds
and Dolan followed. Dolan saw that
Collins would escape from him, and as
fie latter sprang up the stoop Dolan drew
his pistol and fired. Collins staggered in
to the hallway and fell. Dolan started to
un, but was captured.
Wiix Bb Rbscmeu. There is a report
based upon what appears to be good au
thority, that Corey Bros will pay the liens
on the completed portion of the Portland
Astoria railroad and resume operations
at an early dates. As it now stands, the Is graded iS miles frCm As'oria and
a few miles of track are laid, The report
comes from Tom Romage, one of the fore
men of construction of the road. He
went to Salt Lake some time ago and re
turned to Portland Friday. In conversa
tion with a foreman of a grading gang,wh
hat a claim against the company, he said
the work on the road would be resumed
TjftE Usual Way. A Portland dispatch
says: "Douglas Picket.of Sa,em, has just
learned that he has fallen heir to property
in Salem valued at tr-aut $20,000. Picket
left home several years ago, and in his ab
sense his mother and the late Mr P arris h,
his grandfatner, died, leaving him proper
ty valued at $10000. For sometime
Picket has been scrubbing floors at the
Esmond hotel in this city." The city
directories fail to disclose a Picket, and at
last accounts grandfather Pairish bad not
died, but was making his syring garden.
Salem Journal . Which is about the way
these big windfalls turn out.
Ax Old Pioneer. Brownsville Timet:
John Diamond, was in the city Tuesday
to attend a dinner given in honor of the
28th anniversary of the birth of Mrs M
iirttma. who bat been an invalid lor a
nnmber ot vtars. Mr Diamond came I
from bit claim where Co burg it now lo- I
cated, to help raise the first mill bnilt on
the Calapooia river in Linn county, in
trie year ot 154n. those were the times
when he went to Albany, a distance of
thirty-five miles, to mail a letter. If yon
people who think jour lot it a hard 'one
now would compare it with some of the
old pioneer life, we think yon would
blush at the result.
Bask Ball is being talked in Albany
jutt now. If our business men ire willing
to put a certain amount down per month
for three or four months Albany will have
a club in the vaafey league. "The Mreet
Car company have offered to put up some
grounds in Goltra' Park. The prospects
now are that the club will materialize. A
good club means life for a city during the
summer months, and Albany should be
up with the timet.
At the Minks. Tbe Ktayton Timet
aays: "B F Clark and W H White are
out from Quartzville for a few days- Mr
Clark hat been running a tunnel for' tbe
Albany M & M Co. They report that
John Schnlte and "Tine" N'odstovick are
progressing nicely with their contract of
100 ft. for tbe same compaae, making an
average of 18 inches per day at t7 00 per
ANOTHtu Of!"ortu jty. One of the
latest swindles reported la an advertise,
merit of a steel engraving. It reads like
this: "Cut this out ard send $1.50 and
you wilt receive a beautiful steel engrav
ing, 'The Landing of Columbus.' This
engraving is authorized by the govern
ment and is an exact copy of one of the
great masters.'' A man answered it and
received in return a Columbian postage
Back Broken. Yesterday at Yaquina
Bay, while an effort was being made to get
the Alice Blanchard into the channel, the
boat had its back broken and is now a
total wreck. Only about 20 tons of wheat
wan lost, and this was sold for s'mething,
the purchaser savin? bo bushels dry cut of
it. The boat was well insured, and the
loss cannot be very heavy.
A Local Trapper. Dating tbe winter
Mr I A Warner, of this city, hss trapped
on the Calapooa between Albany and the
Calapooia bridge, and ias Can ure't a'. out
70 mink, several otter, foxes and other
animals. These he has shipped east, get
ting the benefit of the market
An Ektertainmknt Tbe public
school literaty socletr have prepared an
excellent piogram to be given at the opera
house Tuesday evening, April 25th, Th
proceeds are to be applied on the purchase
of the piano.
Letters fe Meters
speak in
warm terms
of what'
has done
tost s r
for their del-.
icate, sickly
It's U'.e brts
inoujanci LarK 1j io.,y iicallii
Scoffs Emulsion
of cod-liver oil with Ihpophos
pliitcs ii employed wi"utv
success in all ailmcntstiRj-..;.
ducr- flesh" and strength.'- -&iupc
ones laite it with relish.
Prin.-irpd by Soott A Bowne, ft. V. All flrawritta.
II. Me McFarland,
Harness -and-Saddler j
Display in the Door
7, y
af . a-.
A Goori 0. P. Item. A Boise City dis-
fatcl reads : Some time ago E W Had
ey, receiver of the Oregon Pacific, wrote
to Mayor Pinney, of Boise, for maps and
other information regarding this section
of the state. The request was complied
with. In a letter acknowledging the re
ceipt of the documents, Mr Had ley says
of the Oregon Pacific: "During all its
vicissitudes, I don't thiak it was ever so
near construction and extension toward
the promised land of Eastern Oregon and
Boise as it is at the present moment , and
I feel sure if we all put our shoulders to
the wheel, with a long pull and a pull all
together, we shall 'ere long be making
the dirt fly in yorr direction," The fact
that such a statement is made by the
receiver is thought to indicate that
strong parlies are preparing to take hold
of the road with a view of pushing it
eastward to a connection with the Bur
lington, or some other trunk line
Here Is a nother frcm tl.e Pnneville News:
lodge' Sumner Is in receipt of a letter from
the O P Co. in which he is asked to make,
an estimate of the busin ;ss our county would
be likely to furnish the road. Looks now
as if the O P were "beginning to notice."
V Monstrosivw Han T J Stephenson'
of Liberty, sends the following descrip
tion ot a monstrosity that would have
been a wonder had it lived. Mr Step
henson says : "On March the 30th one
of our ewes gave birth to a lamb with one
head, eight lege and three bodies. Two
of the bodies were well developed, start
ing from the shoulders. These were ap
parently perfect, having bind legs and
tails welP developed. The third body
seemed to be a continuation of the wain
body, or the one having the head and
front legs. It has no tail, and the feet on
the hind legs of this body were turned
the wrong way. The lamb was covered
with a good coat of wool and teemed to
be well matured. Each of the first
bocies mentioned had a seperate set of
intestines supported by a thin membrane.
too weak to have held them in place ha J
the lamb lived, and also to kidneys each,
but only one liver and one paunch. , 1 he
third body had no intestine, but made
a good covering for the ether two- Octa
oco Review.
Another Violates. The Eugene
Guard says : "Policeman Matthews late
Saturday afternoon arrested Charles H
Friendly, a Portland hidebuyer, on a
warrant charging him with having deer
hides in hit possession ont of season. He
was given an examination before Justice
Kinsey Saturday evening, . who, after
hearing the teatimony bound Friendly
over to the grand jury'm the sum of f 100,
which he furnished readily with B D
Paine as surety. The defendant loudly
protested his innocence and claimed that
he had no deer hide in hit possession,
while Mr Matthews swore positively to
seeing him in possession of one. This
tame gentleman was fined $25 about one
year since for buying bidet out of season,
and owes the county a bill of costs, al
though he received the benefit of a low
nne after pleading guilty
Bridb or a Few Days. Sheriff Knight
yesterday received a tiletjram from
County Assessor D D Coffey ,of Mill City,
which bore the tad intelligence that Mrs j
VAb 1 1 T . 1 .' I
1 noo ucsu. L l WM Oil I V S lew
weeks ago on Sunday, March 26th last
that Mr Coffey was married, at the home
of the bride'a parents in M ill City to Miss
Maggie Badger. The officiating clergy
man was Rev E Badger. Soon afterward
the young wife waa taken seriously ill
and her recovery baa been despaired of
for several days. Mr Coffey hat many
friends to share his affliction with him.
Canity Bears are not all dead n E
O at the following will indicate : 1 hom
es Lister has won laurels at a bear bnnter.
A grizzly had made its appearance in the
neighborhood of Mr Lister's home on the
north fork of Crooked river, and Mr
Lister thought to capture him with
strychnine, hence he put some poison in
the carcase of a horse that had died, and '
tbe next dav went out to see what tbe
result had been. He found the grixxly
eating 00 the dead horse, but thinking
the poison might not prove effectual, he
sent a leaden messenger after the bear,
which instantly brought him to tbe earth
never again to rise.
Plastkb Arrkstbd. Geo Plaster, a
barber running a chop on Court street
between Liberty and Commercial,
arretted yeaterdar afternoon bv Officer
Minto charged with larceny from a store,
preferred by Oscar Hodkins, former pro-
prietorof tbe Salem saloon on Commer
cial street- It is alleged by the plaintiff
that Plaster stole a silver pitcher and
tome disbes, valued at $3o on or about
the 13th inst from the saloon He waa
taken before Recorder Edes yesterday
evening and ater a hearing and having
admitted tie theft of the articles, waa
121-! J?Z.
oeiore tne grand jury which convenee in
Jane next. Statesman. Plaster was a
resident of Albany for several months
last yea'.
Figii Exhibit. Oregon it all right
when it cones to a fish exhibit at the
World's fair. A good dltplay will be
made. It will be in the form of a large
pyramid, the base being about 30 feet
square, and the top 40 feet high. The
lower tier will be of barrels, and the
auperttructnre tiers of cant, filled with
salmon. On tbe top will be placed a
paper-macbe figure of a man Holding a
stuffed salmon, while specimens of sal -
mon staffed dried and in alcohol will oc- I
copy other advantageous positions.
A Class Forvsn. Last night at the Y
MCA hall a gymnasium class was
formed which will take special lessons in
tbe work. Mr Babcock, a competent I
member of the gymnasium of tbe Salem ,
Y M C A will probabiy be engaged to
conduct tne class tor several months,
giving two lessons a week, and instruct
ing two classes n eacn visit- Ainany
haa the material for some first class per
formers. A New Novel Novel writers are up with
he limes. A dime novel just out is enti
tled "The Roslyn Bank Robbery; A Histo
ry of Zachary, Kimsey sod tbe Hsle Bros..
the Robbers, and Lift of Those Who With
stood t he M urderous Attack . T ru th stran -ger
than Fiction," Of course It it blood
curdling and exciiing, and makes ones hair
stand on end to read it. As the Man about
Town has not rend this new work of fiction
be ia unable to tell how much of it is true,
probably very little.
Thb De vy. Seek. An Albany China
man says that the davil has been seen around
the old huildlbg at the corner of Second and
Ellsworth streets, between 12 and 1 o clock
at night several limes recently since the
building was vacated. An old Chinaman
who knows how the'devil lookt taw him.
He is, according to the celestial, an old
fellow with gray beard.
Thk Union Meetings. A large audi
ence wat present at the Union Evangelistic
meeting at tbe United Presbyterian church
last evening. Rev I T Abbett preached an
able sermon in the line of the work begun,
00 the increasing spirit of the age, that of
working together for ene pnraose regardless
of individual denominational' opinions. To
night the subject will be "Lots wife," and
it will pay all to be present.
The Markets. Potatoes are potatoes,
and all they cost is a dollar a bushel .
Armies are practically out of the market.
' Eggs 'are plenty at 15 cents per dozen .
Beet is 4 cents per pounu anve, which
means a firm price on tbe block. Fie
plant, lettuce and onions grace tbe front
benches of the grocery stores. It costs
50 cents to net a stood dressed chicken
Butter is 20 cente. with a doward ten
dency. Gilt edge it 25 "ents, und some
makers never sell for less-
A College Club. Under the new
haae ball rales ths pitcher stands i0 feet
from the home plate, and curves will not
amount to much. Besides ti e valley
nice to be established here tbe Albany
College will put up the best club ever
organized by the college here. Other
colleges who want some fun will take
notice. The battery will proDaoiy e
Howland and Washburn,
A Famous Doc. The famous postal dog
"Owney" will pass through Albany in a
dsy or two for San Francisco. He Is making
a tour of the U S. He will have nothing to
do with tny one but postal clerks. He Is
j taken care of and pansed on to the next
trsin. Alter t trip to New Mexico he will
go to the world's fair. He bat been travel
ing almost constantly now for two years,
Gotten Orr. The report about the
Alice Blanchard having broken in two at
Yaquina Bay proves untrue, as we learn
from parties arriving from the Bay today.
Instead she was gotten off the sand bar
last evening and taken cut by a tug.
She was leaking badly.
Foster Russell has located at Tekosh,
Mr Conrad Meyer and family returned
today from a visit to Corvallls.
License was Issued today for the mar
riage of Geo A Wilson and Ella Lemaster.
Elmer E Benham, formerly of this city
and Satem, has located at El a Lawn.Callf .
Dr M V Leener, ot Benton county, and
part of his family, left this noon for his
former home at Canton, Ohio, on a sum
mer's visit.
Abraham Lincoln Geiger introduced
William Henry Harrison Myers to Gen
George Washington Thorp somewhere In
Forest Grove the other day. Forest
Grove Times.
W D Canfield died in Sonoma, Cal, re
cently at the age of 83. He and Otburn
were alt that were left of the Whitman
massacre and Canfleld carried an Indian
bullet with hlrr to his grave. Ex.
Knights Templars D P Mason , J P Gal
bralth, George Humphrey, W B Barr, L
C Marshall, E D Cusick, Geo E Cham
berlain and W Baker, went to Salem
today to attend a grand banquet ef the
Knights Templars of that city tonight.
A couple gentlemen and their families
have taken rooms at Mrs Walter Mon-
teith's, a..d are canvassing Albany for the
Mutual Life Insurance company . As
thoroughly as Albany has been canvassed
by life insurance men, there I no doubt
room for more, particularly old line com -panics.
Hon M L Chamberlain, Orln Barker, F
E Shafer, Wm Clarke, P K Freti and Dr
Williamson returned this morning from
sn evening spent with the Albany en
campment of Odd Fellows. They report
a night of grand good lodge work, a ban
quet by the Rebekahs, and speeches till
daylight. Salem Journal.
Barney Prine, well known throughout
every section of Umatilla county, passed
a few hours in Pendleton Friday evening,
awaiting the overland train, which will
convey him to Alsany. Oregon. There
he will visit his aged mother, Mrs Elcy
Rsy, who came to Oregon Id 1853. She
is aged 85. Mr Prine will remain about
three weeks. Pendleton B. O.
Homer Davenport arrived from San
Francisco Tuesday evening for a brief
visit with his parents among the scenes of
his boyhood. Hi sister Addle met him
in Albany and came home with him, and
both are enjoying their visit. Homer will
depart next week for Chicago, where he
has a position at artist on the Herald of
that city for the World's fair season. Sil
vetlon Tribune.
L C Walker, of the Indian School at
Chemawa, Or., visited his old heme here
a tew days since our last Issue. He -as
called here on account ot the illness of his
mother, who, they feared would not re
cover from an attack of the grippe. Mrs
Wrlker is 8a years old and is one of Ore
gon's oldest pioneers. She is now Im
proved and it is hoped has yet a strong
hold uoon life. Forest Grove Times. Mrs
Walker is mother of MrC H Walker, son-
fn law of Hon Jason Whee'er, of this city.
Hon J K Weatherford aad Tom Kay went
to Salem t his noon.
J R Wyatt and Toe Klein, woo alse at
tended the K T banquet la Salem, returned
. ...
home this 1000.
Mr Ted Curran, who baa charge of the
Berrigan taw mil), near Waterloo, ie in
the city.
Mrs Fred Eggert and sister. Miss Averv,
of Portland, are in the city, visiting Al
bany friends.
Justice N M Newport went to Salem
noon to attend a wedding to take place
there tonight.
George Washington, the well-known
Yaqoina fisherman, waa in Albany to
day on his way to Ashland.
wa j- , . I hi tj 1 T f
th. CaTi; whawZ -7 H Lw ZSLE I
. ;
at toe residence of Mr Peter Folev, on
tbe southeast corner of Second and Jack
son streets, on Thursday evening, April
f0- ,A 8 program will be given and
m iuiicu servN. an are coruiauy invit
ed. Lunch, 25 centa.
On last evening the members of Benlah
Rebekah lodge tendered Mr and Mrs
Omer Hendricton a farewell gathering at
the residence of Mrs Merrill, on 9th and
Calapooia streets. Games and social
converse, 'seasoned with refreshments,
were the order of tbe hoar. Mr and Mrs
Hendricton were presented with a nice)
silver cake dish as a token of esteem in
which they are he'd by tbe order in this
j city To-morrow morning they leave
with their family for Farmington, Wuh
; ington, where they will make their fu
1 tore home.
Last night at Safety Lodge No 13. AO
U W, were in tbe midst of the transaction
I of current business an unusual "alarm"
1 waa sounded at the "outer door" when
I tne guardian of that portal hastened to
door he TUoZZ wiuTa Trmv"ol
ladies, wive of members, loaded down
with packages, demanding admission in
the name of the order. They were ad
mitted and tbe surprise waa complete
The evening was spent in the usual way
with refreshments including hot coffee.
The gathering was a most pleasant one.
The movement on the part of the ladies
was a success.
R N Morris returned last evening from
a business trip to Portland.
Mr M A Rogers, a life long aoscribcr to
tbe Democrat, of Harriabarg, waa in the
city today.
Mr George U Piper, of Moscow, Idaho,
where he is editings paper, is in the city,
called here by tbe serious illness of his
Last evening "Dick" Fox, nn old resi
dent of Albany was stricken with con
gestion of toe brain at his home on First
street. He resides alone, and was fonnd
tbismorning in a critical condition, being
entirely opt of his bead. The case is one
uaote to prove fatal, thongh there is a
possibility of his recovery.
f Cwarse Bead
Tbe testimonials published ie this paper re
lating ti Hood barsaptrilU. rbe sbow
beyond a dentt that Hood's Caress.
Constipation, and all troubles with tbe
liver, are cared by Hood's J'ilU.
A iiBW iwatcbb of the Albaov Steam
Laundry is a towel service. The laundry
furnishes tbe towels, and delivers elean
ones according to contract, every dar or
every other day, and as many aa arrang
ed lor, at a given price. This will be
good thing for stores, offices, etc
Buy your groceries
And produce
At a place
Where a
First class stock
Is kept,
And the prices are
Always the
Lowest and the treatment the heat.
That is at
Perry Conn's-
Eggs for Setting of the leskntlns:
breeda furnished on short notice;
S. C. Brown Leghorn,
Silver Wyandottes,
Barred Ply moth Rocks,
Light Brahmaa.
Leave orders with C E. Brownelt.
Tub Verdict is unanlmons that Will &
Stark carry the b'tt line of .liver wart In
the valley. They have the variety and qual
ity, a combination that counts fn buying
Kuuon. An inspection always carries con
L. Watch it a necessity nowadays. If
you want one call on Will Si Rterk, whose
ttock is large tnd varied, gsad priest the
the moat reasonable. Thty can giva yon a
Bargain in thit lineas well at in jewelry
Prevent ana cirre C-jristipatlon until
4acne. Small BUe Ueaua.
better blst.
Following is ths list of letters rsnuirorasj
in tbe pott office at Albany, Lion county,
Oregon, April 18tb, 1893. Persons oalling for
these letters most give tht date en which
they were advertised.
Anderson, Dick
Bilyen, Nancy E
Davis, Alice
Griffith, Jessie
Lang ton, E L
Morris, J P
Rydman, Emma
Storey, Miss Kate
Taylor, Mrs Isabell
Allen, N J
BarteB.Mrs Annie
Brady. Bert
Francis, Fred
iackson, Geo
fooney, G A
Porter. T M
Shilling, Mrs Etta
Taylor.Mrs badie
Taos, Momtiith
P. M.
A Berk Head fader a railing Tree.
Sunday the William M Hoag made a
trip up the river to Harrlsburg. When
between Corvallls and Harrlsburg, about
ten miles from the latter city, the fireman
on the snag bot Corvallls, who had been
tubing on the bank of the river, asked to
be taken on board and ctrled to his boat
up the river. In going to the shore the
boat hit the roots of a decayed tree. It was
nearly ready to fall, and the jar sent it
ever on to the boat. One of the deck
hands, Joe Brown, known as Big Joe, was
hit a fair blow on the head and body and
knocked Insensible to the deck. He was
badh Injured on the head, one leg was
bro er.and possibly was injured internally.
There were doubts if l.t lived. He was
taxe.i ttj the hospital at Portland on the
morning train from Harrlsburg. Among
the passengers was Postmaster Thos Mon
tetth. of this city, who witnessed the acci
dent. Crook County. We have lived in East
em Oregon since "77, anJ do not remember
to have aver seen a spring so backward as
mis nas Decs .
Mr and Mrs C W Elkint, who bare their
winter home in Prineville, will shortly re
move to tbelr ranch on Beaver Creek tor the
No less thsn ten commercial travelers
have bearded the ugly roads, the bad weath
er and many other unpleasant exper
iences to reach our Inland town during the
past week . But the large orders given them
by our merchants msTde their hardships seem
as naught.
Ksox Huston has filed a caveat with the
US patent offset on a labor-saving device
for tawing wood and logs. It consists of an
endless cross -cut saw, connected with) flexi
ble joints and attached to a series of gear
wheels to give it motion .
While placing a cartridge la hit pittol last
Suaday Frank Criaa had the misfortune of
accidentally shooting himself. The catch
which holds the cylinder of the pistol In
place was broken, aad in closing the weapon
together after loading it, it was discharged.
The bullet entering his body above the left
groin and striking the hip bone wag turned
toward the spine, near which it lodged and
from where it was extracted by the surgeon,
Dr Befcap. Fortunately no internal organs
were injured sad hetnmorrage failed to en
sue. Prineville pt-sers.
Will sot RKaisrxa. Russell T Cham-
berUin.deputy collector internal revenue
J . . . .... . . ,
hat been in the city today for the pur
pose of giving laboring Chinamen an op
Portunity to register. None of the Cel-
ual. have done to. The Telegram o
Portland, says: "Qiite a nnmber d
Chinamen are coming into the office of
iw'cuuc cuiiecvut rimer to receive 1
their csrtincatc. Manv of ffhatsa ar.
hopgrowere who have leased and planted
nopyams, and are anxious to avoid any
liability o! being imported. Others are
cooks and servants, who have bean here
for rears, at id whoa employers insist on
their registering. " Jim Wettfall says
this it a lit), that none of them have reg
istered either there or in San Francisco.
He says he gelt Cbineae papers that say
to and be kootta. They are undoubted
ly registering though tome, aa stated.
Blows re&at a Taurx. A
Bnrlington. !
Ia, special eayt: "John SI ingle, of
Salem, Oregon, waa blown from a plat
form en train No 5 of the C Hi gn
Kirk wood. Ill, while tbe storm waa rag
ing fiercely and the train running broad
tide to the wind at a high rate of speed -Slingie
had been acting qneerly all tbe
way troTt Chicago, conanctor Kipiev
sending him into the cars from off the
PuerneeTera Utnes. ssften the tram
arnvea at mrunaton me uia-i was
missed, and an inquiry was instituted
which resulted in finding the body near
the aide of the tbe traek a short distance
from K irk wood. Tbe authorities at
Salem have been notified." Tbe Salem
diiectoriee fail to disclose a "Slingie,"
though there might be several here for
that matter- Journal.
To Fit-lT Grow krs. The undersigned
request til persons interested in fruit grow
ing in tbe vicinity of Albany, to meet at
the parlors of the Bank of Oregon on Sat
arday tbe 22nd day of April ai 3 30 o'clock
in the afternoon 10 take step towards the
organization cf a horticultural society.
II lit YAM
J F Peebler
i L Hill.
t." o" "
gg.1" ""
IV P.p.
. , .
A Pom-ASto Snaps. Mrs H Barnes
the well-known Rebacca organiser, saw
a eight at Portland this morning that
filled her wish horror. Jnst as she wat
approacning mo train vo corns w ai-
baoy a st renter threw himtelt in tront
of an approaching train on the adjoining
track, and was torn and cut to pieces
Tbs spectacle waa a alood curdling one.
She did not learn tbe man's name.
A Fbesh Line. At Muellers candy ptr-
tois can be found the finest line of choice
ctsocoUste and cream bonbons ever brought
to this city . Call and simple them .
Plain Facts. And that It what we
want. Fortmiller C Irving have jus: re
ceived tn elegant line of lace curtains
Their stock of will paper is Urge and
complete, and prices are remarkably low.
Over 120 dozen window shades on hand.
Call on Fortmiller & Irving if yon with
the best and largest assortments to select
Lacssit Wokk. Every citizen of Al
bany should bear in mind that tbe
Albany Steam Lattndry guarantee fust
class work at very reasonable prices, and
employs nothing bat white labor. Shirts
done aa cheaply at the Chinaman. Pat
ronise your own race.
Dib You See the display of new capes
tnd jackets at Read. Peacock & Co't. A
window full, tablet loaded, and an elegant
chance on second floor for a new spring
wrap. Call and tee them early while the
assortment is large.
Away Br ilad.
Lsr all comae titers witn Chic .
Union Pacific a rorth-Westro Line.
This it the popular route for p leseogert
dertined to the World's Pair.
Johnston's patent easy tilting eyj g!
for tale at M French's
II yen bay a bicycle get tbe best Tht
Imberial, of wliich a fine cat appears else
where ia tht one that ia on top. Rider
generally are learning that it THB BEST
without aa exception. Call oa J V Wilton,
with Stewart & Sox for particulars
One Small Me jSBt tnrj nitrht fort
week arouse Torpid JUvert. SSc per buttle.
Clothing st cost at F L Dumont' a.
Hhiloh's Cars, the great cough tnd croup
care, is for tale by us. Poeket tits contains
twenty-five dosos,only 25c. Children love it
Foshsy k Mason.
Ptiker Bros, grocers.
9. M. French ksspt railroad time.
Bey yonr groceries of Parker Bros
Put groceries st Conn & Hrndriosoo's,
New cream cheese just reoeive'd at Conrad
P t Smilsy job printer, Flion Block, does
Srst class work.
Smoke the oatebrttad Havtna filled 5 oent
cigar at I alios Joseph's.
Dr M H Eilis, physician and tarireon
Albany, Or iz 11 . Cklit mtli li oity!or
STARK. On Tuesday evening, April
18, 1893. at her home neur Monroe, Ben
ton county, M s Eliza Starr, at the age of
83 years. Mrs Starr was a pidaeer from
lows in the year 1848. She was tbe
mother of Dr Starr, of this city, and wai
a woman highly respected during her
long life.
ST1TES. At Salem, Oregon, April
17th, 1803, Virgil L. Stltes, aged about 24
years. Virgil was a son of Leander Stltes,
now deceased, and nephew of the senior
editor of the Da-mock a 1 .
Hops art 14 centa or under, having stead
ily declined.
Mr Rohart Wa'laor, son of oouoty treas
urer WaMace, hsa purchased tl barber thnp
ot wm Macs:
Old Reel Keot, the stuQed grizzl; , ia be
ing exhibited through the valley on his way
to the World's fair.
The Oregonian ia cunttmplstiog running
an early morning train up the road at la- as
Salem Hatter continue i-, to Albany.
Mr Ira Wilson was tried thia 'orenoon be
fore Recorder Henton and a big crowd on
the charge of using abusive language, and
waa fined So and costa,
AH who are interested in joining a class
in gymnasium and with o provide a costume
are requested to meet in the gymoaaium to
morrow evening at 8:30 sharp.
CJ J Cnrtia, ef Astoria, will move the Suc
day Hrald office to Portland 0 the first
day of Jane and commence the publication
f a paper under tbe anepioea of the Benev
olent Protective Order of Elks of thia city.
Mrs Ntadles. who has been conducting a
restaurant at Junction City, sold oat her
business there, and moved to Harriabarg
isat week, where tbe ia preparing to run a
It is natural for ptop'e to trade with the
advertisers ia the pain r they read. There
ia not to advertisement iu any earner of s
local pa par with which the regular readers
are not fimiliar.
A cute piece of artistic work exrcat,.A l,
Mrs O W Simpson may bt mmd in the show
window of tht L R Blain Clothrnir Com
pany. Tba aabject Is the foor months old
son of E W Aehisoo .
A Kansas postmaster, bas applied en be
half of hit daughter for tht privilege of sell
ing postage stamps at tbe Colum' tan fair,
1 giving aa a reason that aha weighs 427
j pounds, tnd it only 24 years eld.
Paraer Bros of Meriden, C .nn, writes
j President Oahrielaoa, ef the State Snorts -I
man atsociat on. teat they wi'i offer in
association a IUO glade gun a a priza to
tbe part) making tht higaett average dating
tbe three days tournament.
Following are tba new officers of tbe Col
lege ACL: Frank El kins, president; V. W
Emmett, vice president; Melvia WiliUms,
sooretary; Ola Tobsetass, treasurer; Clem
Irvine, critic; Hugh Fisher, 8 at A; Sandy
Scott, librarian. .
Mist Anderson, sn East Indian missionary,
wi.l give a talk at the the U P church Wed
nesday evening, illostrated by scene Mora
astereoptican. Thev are from Dkotoaranha
j en b Mit Anderson, aad asoet will be
I 2"i '"ertsjt.
1 ween it toast toblierock hooting the
FromlI funll C4D hMrf tbrotMra!
' Prank h ,, " 1 J
i g J.' lTui
' aa m.
... . ... .
evangenttic services trill be h.M at
Union evangelistic ser
7:30 o'clock toaijht at
saw u r v norci
f reaching by Key J T Abbett. Rev G W
Hill will coavdact the after meeting Ar
rangements will be made to continue tbe
meetings somewhere in the city during the
Dr O W Odgws has closed a contract far
the ooDstructtoo of a new reside-ce 00 bis
. lots, ooe bio ,k sooth trad wet of tat poblic
j school boiMing. Tbe hajldusg will be one
i and a half atones. It it f b finished
throughout th- beat DosasbU minner aad
,,PU to teat part of
W E Martin and Paol Kintal w 1! ahootal
live buds al McMionville on Apr.) 26tb. 2
ptieoee wi.l rite before each if these e inert
Circuit coort c-nveeea in Albaov Mat
Monday for the porpee of trying Mor,
w aasom. marder ca. ,1a. ,.,era!
other -natioal cats conUaaad sail! than.
A social j sac will be gives at the Opera
House Taaitday night Grand March 9
ocjoek saar. Concert frost S to 9. Ad
mission to gailerv 23 cents. Matte femish
d oy O-heatrsl Cot o Everybody invited.
The new Colo as bos stamps are now rlssig
eatao aa i-eant, a 'Masco very ; 2-cwoU. a
.aaxung, 3 osata, tub boat; ' 4-eta.ta, a
Maria: ' .'. centa. "toochiag tht old Jsvdv;"
6 cents, "; 10-iect. whis
key to Indians." These si imps will oo'y be
used a year
A Capital city paper doesn't
very particular a bowl whet it aays
S have been reading ooe of tne-'wiodfairitems
aheo it ptacwd the fellowine- -Tb. Stan
' tents tOBtght carrv on hundred sad ! jrty-
two trunks. Tot party is (arty-one
I U aTtSfcthnaa, of Eogwn, waa a. retted .1
Kagea. yswitrday lor stllioc cunittt.s to
awy Md- 18. aad wat Seed $20 aad costs,
onae ooe in Albany it violating thia law
!tiJljr. probably several. Nothing
1 mw a noy s maanood a way troa mm mora
;; thac oaarattet. aad he shoo Id qait laim re-
tee is
Tai Ahxttai. xesttvo of the Willamette
Association of rnwrwatir,nal -!.nrrha
I will be held in for van ia todav and to-
morrow. Rev 11 V Komincer was to
' de hver tna r.nonin .,lr. at ? SS
o'clock today The n roc ram contains
what promises to be some live sermons
and papers Tomorrow afternoon Rev
w A Trow will have a paper, on the
"The Todav and Tomorrow of
Church Work." Mrs Tathan. of this city.
on tne same afternoon will read a paper
"Tbe Kindergarten as a Factor in Mis
sionary Work."
ror the bnss trffiet and peppermint mo-
dropt goto Muellers Parlor s.
A daughter wat born to Mr tnd Mrt
Walter E Torre!!, in Ta.oma.on April loth
On May ltt hide trill be opened at Salem
for new fire arms aad aciformi for members
of tht 'I NO
Next Saturday a game of beat ball itto he
played 00 the Celiac Campus between tbe
'-..!!. - ric. , .-. .
c ung: usssasi 1 ity nine
3t John Lodge No63A FandAMwiH
confer the 3-d iIhom th,. nm All M
M in good standing cordial v invited. By
order of the W M.
The Portland Telegrtm says there are
ttrong hopes of ths recovery of Joe Brown,
the injure.! deck hand He it at St Viuoanl a
hospital and ia reoeiviog good treatment. '
A civil suit it being tried before Justice
Kinsey aad a jury this afternoon, wherein P
O Gibbons anet Dr Powell Reevca and wife
for the ram of $56.25, moorv ajleged to be
doe tor term work. Eugeue Guard -
If yon won Id spend an eveliu pleaaaitly
bear Mist Emma Ueto ' nde'tou. on the
North India missionary work. Ten years
residence there will enable her to make the
lecture an interesting one. At the U P
church tonight, ,
Albany Market.
Wheat ,57S
Oats, 860.
Floor, f8.0a
Batter, 25o.
Eg0S, 15c,
Lard, 14a.
Pork-bsmt. 15a; shoaldert, flo: tides
Hay, baled, fit
o aloes. 100c.
loos, 18o.
Orled fruitplums, 9o, sppIet.lOo
Chickens, ft 50 per doaen.
Beef, on foot, 4
Hoars, dressed. 7c.
Cannot Be Imitated!
Stands Without a Rival 1
Di Price's
Cream Baking Powder
Is superior in all things to any other. It's popularity has
induced a host of imitations. More than twenty of these have
been suppressed in the past year by the strong arm of the law.
Neither these imitations nor any of the
Ammonia, Alum or Prize Baking Pow
ders can any more approach
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
In its marvelous strength, purity and
other great qualities, than the paste can
uke the place of an old mine diamond.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
11001. 1 1 mi irreKTieriNEXT.
-The following is the amount of school
fund apportioned to School Superintend.
ent Russell out of county funds. The
state fund will be apportioned in August.
The total amount apportioned is $20,0X),
being Si! per scholar as reported by the
clerks :
No Am't No Am't
Diet Fund Iitt Fund
1.1 1118.00 2 158.00
3 5S8.00 4 150.00
5 2118.00 6 170.00
7 162.00 8 H8.C0
"J I3C.00 10 204.00
II 188.00 12 158.00
13 314.00 14 128.00
15 130.00 10 840.00
17...- 212.00 18 ISKS.00
138.00 20 ir-oo
21, joint 98.00 22 102.00
23 130 00 24 102.00
25 192.00 2s5 260.00
-'7 1 142.00 28 160.00
2i 12 00 30 9400
31 140.00 32 162 00
S3 IOC. 00 34 154.CO
35 130.00 36 108.00
37 196.00 38 12000
39 164.00 40 9400
41 354 00 42 600 On
43 110 00 44 106 On
45 152.00 46 4.0n
47 96.00 48 126.2
49 16200 SO -. 146.0
51 110 00 62 512 00
fj3 140.00 54 144.00
55 224.00 56 146.00
67 192.00 58 132.00
00 148.00 60..., 152.00
61 132.00 02 122 00
63 122 .00 64 136.00
6 120 00 66 124.00
67 156.00 68 106.00
69 134.00 70 160.00
71 166 00 72 100.00
73 214 00 74... 30200
75 100.00 76 116.00
77 100.00 78 110.00
70 ! 94.00 80 1.... 150.00
81 186.00 82 192.00
83 114.00 84 102.00
85 84.00 6 86.00
87 126 00 88 96-00
89 :S4.00 90 108.00
91 130 00 92 144.00
93 94 00 94 12400
95 398 .00 96 138.00
97 110 00 98 112.00
99 180.00 100 106.00
101 10000 102 160.00
108 86.00 104 86.00
105 02.00 106 94.00
107 74.00 108 108.00
109 110 09 110 118.00
111 ..... 108.00 112 1K6 00
117,joint 6 25 130, joint... 55.80
121, joint. .. 44.60
01 wl LLC
Mia. D Anderson, s missionary
from lodii. wat here est Saturday evening.
She gave an in-cresting lecture sad Ulofra
ri i. with magic Uatren views. Besides
t' owing the diflerent mission stations with
the lantern she snows the worn -
There will be several new hocse bailt
ia OakvtCc Ibis summer Mr Geo Bartow,
the nurse- y mas, wlU build a rose residence,
and the pott nutter will build aa addition
to bit t'ore.
Mr Wm Acteson late of lawa is visiting
hla Uacte, Rev Acheton. Hettytthere
port ot the Iowa storms is eatggrrated it
the Oregon papers
In one of oar county news papers of re
cent dttc it the fot'owlng notice "Eigh
teen years tgo today W tikes Booth the ac
tor, shot Abraham Lincoln . " This it strange
news tj as, tcr it seems that Abraham Lis
cola wa assaainatcd April 14, 1S65, which
woulJ be almost S years ago.
Notice ir hereby given that for the pur
pose of makiug an xam i nation of cH per
sons who at? offer thorn nalvwt as aaadi
oslas f ir teacher of the act ools of tbts
county, the county superintendent there
of will bold a public examination at A J
banv, beginning at 1 o'clock p m, 00
Wednesday .May to, S9S. and continuing
two days A 3seof fl will be charged for
wid examination applicants tr state
papers sbeold Ale their applications with
tbs counts, supetintendedt at that time
stated this 18th day ot A. ril. 1000
County School Supt
Voc Can Walk lo Chicago; but don't do
it; it is too far. Nor kit necessary. If von
want as good treatment as can be obtained
ia the United States, call On Parker Brat.
1 bey carry t brat class stock or groceries
snd produce, and M you tre not treated well
H st your own fault. Prices always reason
able. Their baked goods are good enough
for anv ooe. and embrace a fine line. A
first class baker doc the butl nest. You do
not need to go tny where but to lrier Brat
lor your groceries tnd btkeJ JjBsBB,
6 H Brack man, architect tod builder,
flaps fa-nuoed on application.
They Have Movid. K'ein Bros are
new In their new quarters in the Cusick
block, and invite the public to call and tec
their metropolitan store, and as well Inspect
tbtlr large and tine line of boots tnd shoes,
for men, women aad children. The are
prepared lo meet all the demands of the
peblic for IjOt wear.
JfT A ri van. Direct from eastern
manufacturers a number of the moat
beautiful monuments ever brought to Ai
lany. Latest designs In use in the east.
If voa are going to put up one this season
call at ouce and get your choice as the
neatest will all be tone before Decoration
dy. At E W Ahison A Co't.
Notice. Parties desiring t good cup of
coffee should call at the store of Perry
Conn tnd examine the Pan American
codec pot, guaranteed o save you 30 per
cent of your cottee ; mket t better cottee
than can be made by the old way .and It it
mads In twenty seconds. Call and see us.
New good at Read, Peacock Co't.
Colombian veils at Read, Pt voook & Co t
For yonr spectacles and eye glasses cal
oa French, the jeweler .
Will ft Stark. (V tewelera.
Be sure tod consult Prof J Aloes at the
parlors of ths Revere Hoots tbout soar
catarrh aod deaf neat, tnd hs will examine
yonr hied, yonr tyet, your throat, and note
free of charge. 3f
From B H Pague's crop weather bulle
tin we take the following: While the
rains have been frequent, yet 'he total
Amount ban been amah and it is not up
to the normal The winds have been
south to west and chilly The rainfall
was heaviest in the central portion of the
Willamette valley. There has been bat
l'.ttle growth in vegetation during the
week. The peach, pear and cherry trees
are unusually later in coming into bloom ;
the buds are swelling, but it is in only
favoied localities that they are in fall
bloom The froets of the past week are
not euppoe-d to hav done injury to the
buds, though the continued cool weather
will certainlv lie ol some injury to them.
Apple trees arc beginning to show leaf,aa
well as varieties of shad-aud omafaifntal
trees, as the madrone, mtple, elm, dog
wood, etc. Grass lias good growth and is
becoming verv luxuriant; plowing has
been greatly retarded and spring seeding
continues to be delayed- Fall sown
icrsin has little upward growth, but it is
rooting and stooling very well. Many
farmers are becoming discouraged with
tbe lateness of the season. The present
season somewhat resembles that of 1890
in which year spring weather began on
April 20tn. The present atmospheric
conditions do not indicate an immediate
clearing of the weather, yet their forma
tion is such as to lead to the belief that
within tbe next ten days more favorable
weather will prevail.
From thorough reports the following
Diormstion is compiled by toe Oregon
Weather Bureau .etative to the number
of cattle, etc, in the state on April 1st,
1893: Number of cattle, 868,293; esti
mated value,$14,81191. Horses,209,4S3 ;
estimated value, SI, 1,7 15,842. hep, 2,
456,077; estimated value, $5,903,182.
Hogs, 204,609; estimated value.912,760,
making a total value of the above named
varieties of livs stock in Oregon of $35,
343,075. In making the above estimate
horses have been averaged at S4-5 86
apiece; cattle at S1C.67 apiece ; sheep at
$2.40 apiece and hogs at $4.46 apiece
Considering that the sheep will clip seven
pounds of wool lo the fleece, we have
over seventeen million pounds of wool
for sale within the nest three months-
Mossr to LoAV. 1 nave money in
ms of $500 to tao.000 to loan on im
proved farm lands in Linn and Bentcs
coon ties, at lowest current rates,
delay in furnishing the money.
C O B r ilk hart
Seal estate agent. Albany, Oregon.
Both the method and results whe:
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
penUy jet promptly oa tbe Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanse the st?
tern effectuaJIv, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to tbe stomach, prompt La
its action and truly beneficial m its
effects, prepared only lrom the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities command it
to all and have made it tbe most
popular remedy known.
Strop of Fun is for sale in 50c
and $1 bottles by all leading drug-
gastn Any reiutote oruggui woo
may not have it 00 band will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try il Do not accept any
substitute. ,
UMMSruii, ST.
J Y Wilson,
Dress Goods,
Laces and Handkerchiefs,
Trimmings and Buttons,
Silks and Velvets,
Ladies a. id
Gents' Furnishing,
Umbrellas and Parasols,
Trunks and Valises,
Hats and Caps, Buttrick's Patterns.
"VO8K at SOS" flASOS,
Write tor Cat at ovum
n-t Prices tiefore Parebseinf
Lis where: W e set. U Beat Ooode at LtWatS
mall Instruments,
B- lrs aoa
Maw st :
New Boom s id other Sewin aUAinse. site Biillit.
Oil and Extras for all Machines:
8. U. WILL, JUkuirtr.
Star Bakerj
Cor Bro a ft all in and First SU
Uunrd r raits,
"Heel frmltm.
Cava aes n- a
Cltj sirs
t tiee, '
fee events. that It kept ia a
issisij a psawer swam assssta.
rest price pati far
eaewrtwas SJrifwil SWswiwsw t atl i i Mmr- I
rssst Uft. was 11 mil n I sir pmmr Mk
mm mrUi Vr-r pitfall, akowU ars-tk fur Ckis
H hwffltwaesurraw.sBktereaa.wsaavtaweSl-
tf CO
1 r. anther, trtlet.
i.uaasber or a 1 1
If voa are, or are i
of 'ie above, sbosM resvt
wast to reach the above I
Tberj adverose in
Tn Jotssaur.
Ho veripu- a Sa.00 a year.
Advcttisinx taut on aooiicattoa.
Euitor and Proprietnr,
UT S ass ac STaaxr, Xr Tobx. X. T.
dauk or acio.
lf scio,
T I Mr sa
.A 1 ,
j wPcalwnsnesw.
M UwssaKkwEetrsT asaaaeaTbsoktaws tea v
S peered for jewn; S ttawa. eiesf paaw t
S a half sue Ulawraaoa tattaas, Sissi ef tte
B wiSSsets merit ar Sinews DmXOtcj. Iaspo
5 teaey. stMlWsj. Hi sliijual. Vwrteoeefc, ft
W nirtiit Tbraw lasrwdfW mamas, ef.
HCt ria JSacejL IA OSS tansts
Imperial Agent, Albany, Or.
Capes and Jackets,
Read, Peacock & Co.
Successors to W. F. Head.
S3 SHOE .tft'ttp.
CH Bbee to tbs world tar u price.
II WadnW
yon owe your, u to get tbe best value for
ry. unononme in yoartootweex by
0 W. L. Douglas 8 hoes, which
the be value at tot) prtoss SV
beve, km TbositsBrls otat 1 ssttfj
SST Tak Xo Substitute. Jff
wmmffvmmA- Tuna fl,.. iMfcn.n ir T
W. L. Deatlas, Bracks, Bbsea. Solder
-HVf- L. E. BlaAIV.
f Tkfse Eraziliu PetWe Sfrwtatks
For tale by F. M. FRENCH, the Jew'rr
L A. Morris k C.
Floor and Feed Stare,
Have removed their store to the Strahan
store, formerty occvpied by Deyae 0
Robtoo, sod baye on hand a full ttock o
Custom chopping done.
Ewltuitre llffd. Albuj, Ore.
Dealer in all binds ot Fareitare, Wa
Paper carpets, Uxusin.
Picture Frames, tt
Pro- r e tors.
At the store
Alien Bro,
formerly owned
for which
I will jsty'the bear ess r-ice
Ribbons and Fans,
Fancy goods,
Infant wear,
Blankets and Bedding.
f ' fATEWT 1
g. lV.