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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1893)
Rights rmo era "The - Demot'crat" One Year for Only $2.00. "State RlgMs Democrat" The Best Paper in the Valley, VOL XXVIII. ALBANYsORKGON, FR1DA1, MARCH 81, 1893. Eater at the Pas wssee at Albany. Or., ai ttrroad-t'lan Mall Hatter.' NO 35 STITEA a NlTTIWG.FabtlsRers aad rrrtctri irfights toltjll. A Land REMOVAL SALE. From now until we remove with the exception Our Entire Stock of Goods at r-A GREAT SACRIFICE.-" Overcoats, r Suits Pants, Hats and offered a prices. PROFITLESS!- to Jus-but" of much advantage To : Our .Customers. This is an opportunity not often found to (ret fresh, first class goods at such low prices. We will remove about April 1st- The L i Mil ilig k Julius Grarjwohl's Bazaar The very latest 'news Is that you can bay at JULIUS 9B DWOHL'S i'AZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: Arbuckle's Coffee, Per Pound Vbs. Granulated Sugar $100 lbs Magnolia Sugar White 100 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 20 Cans refilled, 5 gallons 90 T Gallons Good Pickles,market firm 1-10 1 Gallon No. 1 Syrup 40 J wii. conduct WMlrkstcaah more, an-i a i stooda will be aoid for net oaab tr no 1 36 par - nt lam tnan rt guar price. Ky st'ick of China ware, faner goods, ana 11 loo desirable yles - f 1'ahei, aa well a a general aaortmn! or groceries , crock ry, lamps and fixture in eompiat' . ! nakr. specialty of fl to uts eoffee end xsiing powder, aod always plaae toy cuatomara. Agon or saverai n iponsible Insnrwnnw or-npamea. Jalloa Orsdwohl. c irry w McFarlaiid SEED PORTLAND SEED Portland, Or. SEND FOR Hodges CO, T BE LEADIHG PHOTOGRAPHERS, f -Albany, ereaoa. TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD.! While trying to Crowd their WAY INTO FRJ!HAK BROS. Store, where they always have on hand the largest btock south ot Portland, of the latest Improved Rifle and Shot Gum; n immense stock of KUhlni; Tickle of every description; Tent, Man. mocks, Camp Chair and thousands of thing too numerous to mention . Repair Shop is connection with the Store, and one ol the best workmen In the State to do any and all kinds ot work. Come one Come all. No trouble to show goods "Small prcrit and quick W Is out .notto. irwins ift Slide W -8-IPllTGES- to the Flfnn Block, we offer of our Spring lines Furnishing Goods a lull line 01 purest ari'gs . 1 1 s . 1 and chemicals to be obtained, also patent medicines, druggist sundries and perfumery. e carrv a nne line 01 station T, a a ary and toilet articles. Compounding phynicians pre scriptions a specialty. ee and Poultry SUPPLIES Fertilizers TREES. CATALOGUE. Cabinet photos from $1.50 to $1.00 per dozen. Bnlaiglng picture a spcclalty. 16x20 crayons framed 'for XI0.03. We Tarry a large II ne of 5x8 and sterescoplc view of Or Small Guaranteed to cure Bilious attacks. Sick Headache and Constipation. 40 In each bottle. Price 25c. For sale by druggists. Picture ' '7, 17, TV ' r.nd ?ample dose free. j, r. SMITH & CO., rroprlotort, HEW YORE. FOSHAY MASON fejHsadssI ass asvAit Druggists and Booksellers Agettafor John B, Alden'a publications, wuioh we sell at publisher's prleea with iniieeitner ALBANY. UlttttbiO BiteB LOCAL RECORD Nye and Burbank.. The four or five hundred people who were at the opera house last evening got what they went lor. They saw and heard the most noted bald headed humorist of the present age, Edgar William Nye, which is worth the b'g price of admission any day. Many people had made up their mind to be disappointed, circus like. They certain ly bad no occasion to be. Nye's lecture, or whatever it may be called, for his talks are spliced in between Burbank's. are fully as good as his writing, in fact are the same, without the illustrations, not very much to either of value, The illustrations are offset, though, by a cemetery like delivery, in a small, boyish voice, which reaches the farther gallery with difficulty, making the values about equal. Nye's hnmor is principally ex aggeration. illustrated by the man whose feet were so big that he had to pull his boots off at the cross roads, merely lias. As a matter of fact tins la not real humor nor wit, and vit it tickles the American 1 I X1 1 ! . . L. . A J : puise. Him ye is prince 01 sue inuniu this line. The crowd Unghs became it went to laugh . Ther ia only one Bill Nye, though. In a very few years there will not lie even one. There will be some other fad- We make this statement not to detract from Uie show ; bnt in order to get somewhere near the troth. Bur bank is an elocutionist of great merit, a fine character delineator. His pieces present a stability to the entertainment and their presentation ia certainly a treat. Hia Rip Van Winkle is particu larly good. "The Second Trial," a beau tiful thine, he gives a wroug conception, by giving it a humorous cast in a few iaces, where there should be none. Hie 'Love in Oyster Bay" brings out his talent in a nurrked manner. Aa a whole Burbank gives a show himself. Will Bb Dismissed. A San Francisco dispatch says: f he clerk of the United States circuit court of appeals has re ceived information of the government's intention to dismiee its case against the Willamette valley a; cascade wagon Road Company. The 'ase is one of sev eral of the same character in which the gove nment sought to recover targe tracts of lands in Oregon, which had been granted by the United States to aid the construction of wagon roads. The gov ernment claimed that the toads were not constructed in accordance with the act of congress making the grants, and that th patents to lands were obtained by fraud. The defense of the corporations which now owu the lands was that they pur- based in good faith from the original grantees without knowledge of tbe fraud. This defense was sustained by the su preme court a few weeks ago in the cases against tbe California A Oregon Land Company, and The Dalles Military Road Company, and in view of that decision tbe government considers it useless to prosecute ita appeal in the remaining The Kill-boards and store windows are decorated with some of the hadd tom es t paper ever seen in this city, announc ing the appearance here of Richard a rringle s Famous Georgia Minstrels at the opera house next Thursday evening.March 30th, when they will present a novel pro gram, given by the leading performers of the minstrel werld. The following is one of many press notice they have received: The Georgia deiight a large audience. Richards a Pringle's Georgia Minstrels gave an excellent entertainment to a targe audience at Metropolitan Hall last even ing. The Georgia 1 have no weak place. when the Kersand' mouth yawned the audience fell back in alarm . but it quietlt recovered to laugh at Jas Croshy , one of the cleverest Ethopian comedians in the country. The Black Paul gave a wonder ful impersonation of female character. A very neat act wa the drill and staging of the Pullman Car Porter. The wind-up was a surprisingly good farce, something not often found in a minstrel program. Raleigh, N CState Chronicle. The prices will be 50 and 75 cents, without any extra charge to reserve. The box plan is at Will Music Store. Accidents At Fates. The past ha been a week of accidents to the mill hands. T. Drace, who works on the carriage, received a seveie iciarv to his foot by dropping a doc oa it Fred Hester dropped a ticket plank en bis foot, mashing his toes, but has re gained his balance. Elmer Hester who works on the tram car, caught his foot in tbe wheel of the car, which threw him to tbe ground, striking hia head violently agaias: a itump. Cor. ScJo Pre. Big Orchard. G A Waggoner return ed Saturday from the Excelsior fruit farm, miles west of Monroe. He has last com pleted setting cat lo: acres ia Italian prunes. The company of which Mr Waggoner is general manager intends to plant too acre each year until they will have 500 acres in prunes. This will make the largest orchard in toe state. Gaxette. New Corporations at 1892. During the year 1892 there were 'n corpora ted in the state of Oregon 269 new corporations, with a total capitalization of $93,060,250. There were 107 mercantile and manufac turing companies, eleven banks and in vestment companies, twenty-three gold. silver and other mining and smelting companies, two coal and iron companies, twenty-six light, heat, power and trans portation companies, six building and loan associations, nine irrigation com panies and eighty five miscellaneous companies. The Match Shoot closed last evening, ith the Linn county man second best. Martin, of McMlnnvllle, killed 24 bird, missing the 10th, while Meeks missed 5. The defeat was a square one. Martin la a cool headed fellow, used to be a sprinter, and gets disturbed at nothing. Meek i composed enough; but he I evidently not Martin equal, ihoogh a crack snot, in the evening the visiting sportsmen were jriven a supper, arranged by the ladies ot the Christian church at the W C T U Hall. Samples of Woods There ha been shipped from Salem three pieces of wood 'aken from E M Crolsan's plate . One I a ijIock ot white lur lehing about 3,400 pounds and the others are a 600 pound piece of oak and a 1,000 pound piece of balm. These go to Portland to be prepared for ex hiblt snu tnen to be placed in the forestry building along with the rest of the Oregon exhibit at the world s fair. Journal. About 150 passes have been recalled by ine new u Y management. It looks as 11 nearly ererybody rode on a pas under the loose tlogg management. A change pas come over the dreams of many, and hereafter it w II take solid coin to ride on the O P. It will not be long before the road is on a pay ing basis at this rate. Receiver Hadiev is Business. Just Arrived. Direct from eastern manufacturers a number of the most beautiful monuments ever brought te AI lany. Latest designs In use in the east If you are going to put up one this season call at once and get your choice at the neatest will all br gone before Decoration day. At E W Ahison A Co'. Ifyou ?et a btoro.e get a good one. Don'1 get a poor one. Van Wilson, with Stewart Si Sox, baa a sample Imperial, pneumatio tire, and a junior falcon for boys or gir'r pneumatic lire, mat are nne machine. Ca and see tbem . Riob, red blocd as naturally results fro aa taking Hood's Sarsapsnlla as personal clean liness results from frse use of 'soap snd water, This great punner thoroughly sxpels sorofc ls.salt rheum and ail other impurities. H kH , Pills ars easy, yet effieisnt. Sbilob's Vital iznr Ss what yon need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kid ney tronble. It is guaranteed to give yon satisfaction. PriceJ75o. Slldby Fcshay St Masoc. Ashbv v Carte, Retl Fitate, 80 Wash ton Street. Portland, Or. Put up in neat watch sbaped bottles, su gar coated, maU hiss Beans, ass. ier bottle. List of Patents. Granted to Pacifi States inventors this week. Reported by C A Snow & Co, Solicitors of Ameri can and Foreign Patents, Opp U 8 Patent Office, Washington, D C. 8 L Berry, San Francisco, Cal, water wheel ; T Messing and W A Barker, Los Angeles, Cal, display shelf and carpet elevator ; J W Critea, Sacramento, Cal, vsnding machine; C W Hinton, Los Angeles, Cal, car coupling ; R E Hooper, San Francisco, Cal, guide shield for type writing machines; H M Hoyt, Spokane, Wash, copying nresa : R D Hume, gold beach, Or, machine for forming can bodies; u Mattress, benbner, Cal, stump-extrac tor; J K Mcbregor and UO Ferry, Cen tralia, Wash, nautical signal ; M E Pres cott, san Francisco, Cal, mop wringer ; H Schaake, San Francisco, Cal, can making machine: W N Sherman. Merced. Cal. adjustable ventilating canopy frame lor oedi; j r Khultz, San Jacinto, Cal, plow shovel ; R Steedman, Berkeley ,Cal, setting gage for door frames ; G H Tiet- jen, San Francisco, Cal, apparatus for transferring or stenciling upon transpar ent or other material ; J Tiffany, San Diego.Cal.adjustable support for bracket tables; E L Towneend, Loa Angeles, Cal, manufacture of hoee couplings; J M Wallace. Portland, Or, fire ladder. A Horse Case. Here is the way it ia told the Democrat. David Cooper bought a span of horsee ol W H Dough erty of this citv. Afterwards the atter offered to trade a mare for one of them. admitting tbe horse sold waa not a very good one. Mr Cooper agreed to try the mare and see- The mare did not suit Mr Cooper, and be returned it and de manded the original horse, which Mr Dougherty refused to present, whereup on Mr Cooper had him ar reeled for larceny; but the action was withdrawn and a suit for replevin brought. The case waa being tried before Inst ice Curl this afternoon. The Oregon Pacific Auoressive The Oregon Pacific announces a rate of S ccnte per 100 pounds on ail kinde of freight from Portland to all Willamette river points aa far south asCotvallisand will make a rate of 7 cents nr too pounds on nails in carload lots, from Kan Francisco to Portland, and a 1 1 cent rate to all other points reached L,v it Hnea It does not mean to allow ita territory to be taken without a fight, and will meat all competition. The present manage ment propose to make the O P a paying property. Taxes Dcb the State. County Treas urer Brice Waltace is in receipt of a statement of taxes due from Linn county to the state, sent out by the State Treas urer, wntcn is as follows: On account current expense tax, 1891, 3.361 63; on account militia expense tax, 1891, 1144.37 j on account University expense tax, 191. $10312; on account expenee tax, 1K2, $68,042.98 ; on account militia expenee tax, 1892, $1,245 56. Of tbe above amount the first three items are in lit! gation and this leaves $61 032 32 doe from thecoon'y. about which there is no question. Blkcorb. L S Skinner, a wealthy Polk county fanner, residing a few mile from Salem, wa vesterdav buncoed out 0$ $2500 by two sharpers. They said they had learned that there was coal oil In hit farm, and would give him $40,000 for it ; out wanted to see a sister first. In the meantime they wanted security to snow that it was all right. He borrowed $2500 in bank bills, which were put in a tin box with $1 coo of the men's monev. It w the tame old game. The men had the money of course and skinned nut. Green Skinner. Ox the River. Tbe steamer Bismarck waa sold hut week by Captain Water bury to Captain James Bennett, Captain Waterbory gives up (team boating to en gage in the wholesale commission busi ness tn rortiand. Captain Robert Cap ley ia in command and Mr Berry ia Parser. Grand Horse Show. The ciiiien ef Lebanon are making extensive preparation for a grand stallion sad yearling show on Saturday, April 8th 1893. Liberal 1st and soed prizes will be given oa stallions and yeatliagc. The committee, consisting of Mesvt. Weattall. Smith and Bilreu. are busily engaged in making the accessary ar rangement. A Poor Baxe. General Holmes, of Camas Valley, Douglas county, made a nana of his hay mow for several years, tie had $8,100 hid in it. Some one die covered the fact, and robbed the bank. Of course the General is distracted over the loss. Men in their right minds now sdays are not going to trust hay banks No Woxoex Dr H Barr, C D Mul- ord, C W Thompson and Glen and Lew Powers were recently bunting near Foley Springe, in Lane county, where they ran on a band of twenty-five elks. It ia no wonder they forgot tbe game law, and killed four of tbe animals- The new game protector McGoire heard of the artair and baa had tbe men arrested. f 100 Ctttard 9100. The reader of this paper will he nleaacd to learn that there U at least one dreaded disease that science ha been ahls to cure la all Ita stage, and that is Catarrh. Hall' Catarrh Cure ia the only potivocure known to the met- I cal fraternity . watarrn 0.111 a constitutional diseaaet requires a constitutional treatment. Hair Catarrn ( are I UKen Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces or the system, thereby dtroving the foundation ot tbe disease, and givlngthe patient strength by building np the constitution and assist nature a ao oing ita work. The proprietor have irletors! r. that ao much faith in lis curative powers, mat tn, offer One Hundred Dollars for an that ft ry iv case tt tails to cure. Bead for list of testimonials. Address, F. 3. CHENEY a CO. , Toledo, O. RaT Sold by Druggists, 75c. Money to Loam. I have money in sums of $600 to $20,000 to loan on im proved farm lands in Linn and Ben tea counties, at loweat current rates, delay in furnishing the money. C t OUBKHART Real estate agent, Albany, Oregon. A Great Invention. I the self pouring coffee and tea pots. With them yon can pour coffee or tea without furr ing the pots. Wonderful. None of the hundred Utile Inconveniences of the old fashioned way. Coffee cook sure and pure and cannot burn, and tea to perfi c- ilon. You raise the fight lid end the coffee or tea run from 'he spout. Ifyou Arould have the finest thing tn tue world sgent order one when Mr Tail, the; local calls on ou. lb union racino have published a very neat piotoritl World's Fair lolder.oontaioing colored lithographs of the various Exposition 1 ...ii. uT-l. - .1 1 v. with a complete map of the city, showing location of tbe fair, hotels, railway depots, street car lines aod city parks . Copy of same itiay bo had by addressing W H Hurl hart, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. They Increase appetite, purity f whole system and act on too 1 1 ver . HI lo Beans 8malL Twerty Dollars Reward. For a purse lost in or about the city of Albany or on tbe road to my home near Tangent on Feb 27, containing about $240 in gold. I will pay the above reward to any one returning the same to me. A J Oum. WeDDIH LXVITAVIONS. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Golden, Common every day. jUT'SaULEY. Notice To all Indian War Veterans. All War Veterans are requested to cal Ion us and make application for Land Warrant, to which they are entitled. No charge nnles successful. Call and get terms and particulars, free. MONTAN YE a H ACKLEMAN. . Cure for ColdT fevers "and General De bility, Small Silo Beans, sec. per bottle. MM 141. ARB rEaaONaa. HICRfPAY Miss Burke, the milliner, Is confined to her home by illness. Judge Deady, of Portland, Is lying dan gerously 111 at tnat city. Mayor J L Cowan and wife left the East for Albany today. Hon. Binger Hermann and wife passed through Albany this noon for tbelr home at Roteburg. The Drmocrat's New York coires- pondent Is a nephew of Mrs Chas Kief er, ofthiscltv, and not a brother, as we re cently stated, Mr I Banta, the expert gunsmith left this noon for Helena, Moa. where be has ac cepted a position in a gen t'ore, and make that town his home. I'RIOAY ' AI Boenicke went to Dallas this noon on a rapid trip. Mr L W Deyoe left on last nights over- tana ior souinein iiregon on a short trip W L Davis, ot the Sll ver ton Appeal, came alt the way to Albeit day to hear Nye ana Human. " The R R Commissioners were in Albany to day on a special, and are doing the Ore gjeiaalhis afiernoon. Mr Harry, the good natured gray haired traveling agent of the Same h e, was in Albany to day. His nips form an oasis in the 11 v of the Albany Railroad men. Mr Shaw, residing near Albany, it said to have gone to school to A P Burbank. in Iowa, several years ago. Had be known of Burbank's future, he would probably never nave oeen guilty onthe dJtttnguished act. Mrs John Nelson, of Sbedd, one of the plessantest ladies ia I.ian Coeaiy, was in the city to stay and called at the Democrat office. No wonder her life is a pleasant one for she has been reading the Ds mocrat far quarter of a cestgry. Lebanon has a voting contest on the most popular married and single men, and mar ried aod single ladles The prises were woo by C B Montague, Jack Ralston. Mr F M Miller, and Miss Addie Stmr-on. The coo teat was close between these aad C H Ral "on, N W Smith. Mr Meixies sod Lihbie Carotbers. SATl'ROAT " Dr Black and wife, of Sales) , are in the city. Mr Coll VaoCisvg home ia this dty. is quite ill at her J S Van Winkle visited the county teat of Lincoln county this week Mr Fred Blumberg went lo Salem this aoea to attend the horse show. Mr and Mrs A H Mai tin went to Salem to day on a visit with friends there. J D Gala of Wocdburn. formerly of Al bany, bat purchased the Da ret port pliar mscy at Silvrrtoo. Mr Bryant, the engineer at the reform school, came up to Albany this noon to spend Sundsy with some Knox Babe fiiencs. J W Sen ft has accepted tbe position of special agent for Ihc f armers and Mrrch.nn Insurance Company. Mr Scan is s rasllcr aad a reliable insurance man. Mr L Btlyea and son. Coke, of Eugene, arrived in Albany this aooa, to see the for mer's father, whose condition is about the same, while Mis A B Slausoa, who baa been here tome lime, returned home. Mr Frank Steeol. of Corvallia, aod Miss Leaa Kstor, of Ptuloaa'b, sister of Mr Bert VsnCleve. of A bartj. wtre married ia Cor vslli this forenoon, and were la Albany at aoon, on their wav to Portland oa their bridal trip. TRIE ABSKaVAMKtr 5 This matter of county assessment is one of the most vital of the day. It strikes heme. Eqaality is what ia want ed ; that ie that every county be ssnssiij alike. This annual raise by a state board of equalisation ia very aggravating, par ticularly aa Linn roanly already has a higher assessment thau many counties -The following from the Salem Independ ent is local and interesting on the subject .- D D Coffey has five dsDnties to aaasat him in making the smcsmicot of the county. Work baa fairlv commenced, and the blanks are being rapidlv filled out. Mr Coffey has made visits to tbe different counties in tbe valiev foi tbe purpose of ascertaining the oninion of different assessors on a method of assess ment. During this trio he haa viaitad Lane, Linn, Polk, Benton and Mu'. tno mah counties. He eays that in none of tbeae counties will real property be taken at more than fifty per cent of ita supposed cash value and that he haa given hia deputtee instructions to aaseis it at fifty per cnt. Although some of toe assesa ore in counties south of us talked of lower rate, the general impression is that me majority of eaaee it will he filly percentum. Horses wiil be rated at 70 percent of tbe valne given in by owners. -aine one year old will be rated at . a head, two years o'd at sr. rows at S12. and all other cattle over two years old. at 60 per cent of the value given in by owner. Sheeo will be valued at SI 50 a head and hogs over six months old at $2 per head. Hogs rnder six months old will uot be assessed. M r Coffey says that the Linn county assessor told him that he intended tak ing ali notes and book accounts at their ao value, but Mr Coffey says that he haa given hi deputies instructions to use their own ludgment in th matter and and only take these notes and a-counta at their lace value whoee owners con aider them adequately secured. arraia bishti Geo AgostesSala. the well-known English writer, 00 his last Anstralian trip, wrote as follows to The London Daily Telegraph: "I especially have a pleasant remember - aoce c 1 roe snip s doctor a vary experienced maritime meaioo indeed, who tended ms most kindly daring s horrible spell of bron cbittt and spasmodic asthma, provoked by me 1 ea log woion Bad swooped down on us just after we left Sao Franciseo Bat the doc tor s p ssonpttoogsad the increasing warmth 01 the temperature aa weneared ths Tropica, ami, in particular, a couple jtiioooa roroua Plaatr r clapped on one on the cheat aod another between the shoulder blade scon ret ms right. Reopenep. The goods in tbe store of T I. Wsllsce A Co have been purchased by J L Cowan and M Sternburg and will be sold out at reasonable figures . The stock I nrst class one, and those wishing bargains win 00 wer to call on mem at tr.cold stand and get figures ' before buying. No such opportunity will be offered this year in Al bany to get clothing at the most reasonable figures to be secured. New Steamer Ijne. The Independent steamer Bismarck is now making regular irips -Monday, Wednesday and r riday connecting at Salem with steamer El- wood. Through freight to and from rortiand. The steamer Bismarck is light draft boat and can run far in the summer months. Order your freight by steamer El wood from Portland. For rates, see Morris at reed store. Shiloh's Cure, the great cough and croup : , , , , , , , . . , oare, ia ior aaie oy ua. rous't size contains twenty-five dosoa.oaly 25c.;Children love it roshay a Mason. Ladies who desire a comfortable and at the same a perfect fitting corset or waist ior ladies or Children should have measures taken by Mrs CO Lee, (Broadalbin St., bet. 2nd and 3rd.) who will fill orders while Mrs Talt in out of town. Clothtog at coat at F L Dumont'a. .Captain Sweeney, U ii A, San Diego, Cal ays. "Shiloh's Catarrh Ranedy is ths first medicine I have ever foundjt hat would do me any good. Price, 50 cts. 8old by K0hsy Si Mason. WASHINGTON LHTTKK, (Prom our ratrular correspondent.) Washington, March 20, 1893 I resident Cleveland was fifty-six years old Saturday, and his numerous callers did not forget to tender congratulations and "many happy return." The day was not celebrated in any way at the Wbife House, unless the unusually hard days work put in by the president and his assistants can be called a celebration. That tbe rule against the appointment of ex-officials is not an iron-clad affair was demonstrated when Representative Springer, of Illinois, at the , head of a delegation, presented the name of Mr Ij w Chambers, who was postmaster at Jasksonviile. HI, under Mr Cleveland's last administration, as a candidate for reap pointment. The president at once re minded Mr Springer of tbe one term rule. "But Mr President," replied Mr Springer, "this is an exceptional case. Mr Chambers was the best postmaster the town ever had and the citizens generally wish him reap pointed. Besides, he was not allowed to serve out his term." "Ah," replied M Cleveland, "that makes quite a difference Please put the facts in writing and submit to me." Hia thoroughness with everything that comes before him is what surprises those who come in contact with President Cleve land more than any other one trait in bis character. A case in point came under my personal observation several days ago. The president made an appointment setting a time early the next morning to hear an ap -peal for executive clemency for a condemn ed murderer, whose crime tbe deliberate murder of bis young wife and her brother was one of the most brutal ever committed in Washington. At the time tbe president knew little more about tbe ease than that a last appeal to tbe supreme court of the United States in behalf of the prisoner had failed a day or two before, but he sent for a complete record of the case and when be met those who came to make the appeal be was as familiar with the cast) as they were, although he had been compelled to remain up nearly all night to acquire the knowl edge. Of course they were surprised to find all of their arguments so well met by tbe president, but after seeing how thor oughly posted he was on the case they wars not surprised at his refusal to interfere with the carrying out of the sentecce. This is only one case, bnt it furnishes' a fair sample of the methods of the president. It wa. because be did not possess the knowl edge about Hawaii that he deemed neces sary to intelligent action that the treaty was withdrawn from tbe senate and ex Congressman Blount sent to Hawaii in search of the desired information. He is nerer'precipitate in anything: hence his reputation for making few mistake-, aad for being a safe man. So many ataissliiaul stories have been told and printed during the hut week about the president being disappointed at the commiltea Btaitwaeata A the senate, and about tnose assignment having beeta made by a majority of the democratic caucus in defiance ofJMr Cleveland's wishes, that I have taken special ear to obtain tbe senti ment of the democratic senators regarding those stories. As tbe result it cam be posi tively stated that the president made no attempt to interfere in the slightest manner with the committee assignments, which were made in the usual way. in accordance with the wishes of a majority of the demo cratic senatorial caucus; therefore he could not have been disappointed. There can be no doubt that the president regrets that S n social views of a majority of the demo cratic senators do not entirely accord with hi own, but neither be nor they anticipate any clash on that account, as all good dem ocrats have precisely tbe same end in view the prosperity of the country: and that a legislilive program can be arranged op m which all can unite is not doubted in either the WbifefHouse or the senate. Rey:eeoUiivf nSoe, of Teanesee. who has for a long time been fighting the many abase for which Pension Commissioner Raum was responsible, has the satisfaction of knowing that he wa directly the cause of Rsum't resignation being ask ed for aad re ceived by Sec. Smith. Mr Enloe has no candidate lor tbe office; all be wished was to see Raum "fired oat" of the office which he has In various ways disgraced aad he did not ran unlit that was an accomplished fact. It is tape led that the new democratic Com missioner of Penstoas will be sppotnted with in the neat two weeks. Meanwhile, Depu ty Commissioner Davidson is acting head o the Bureau. A to the new man, Secretary Smith says he i determined to get the best man in the country for the place. -The right son of a man at the Lead of tbe Pension Bu reau will have an unexcelled opportom'y to make a national reputation, by saving some of the millioa that as annual ly squandered upon frauduleo' and undeserving pensioners, and that' tbe sort of a man who will be selected . Secretary Morton has started in well. One of hi first official acts was the dismissal of forty-odd employee whose work be consid ered unnecessary. lNTtUKSTlNU FACTS. West Indian people eat alligator egg. The British Ules comprise no fewer than 1000 separate islands and islets. Texat has 57 counties, each of which is larger than the State of Khode Itland . The peculiar flavor o! Bavarian beer tt due to ths use of pint lops In Its manufacture. A late invention is a cradle which rocks by clock-work mechanism and plays baby tune. Over 14,000 patents have been issued by the linked State for application of electric itjr. Sound, traveling In air, f row sun to esrth, would require about 14 year to accomplish the journey. Platinum can now be drawn Into wire strands so fine thst 37 twisted together csn be inserted Into the hollow of a htir. In a human body there are about so 3 bones. The muscles are about 500 in number. The length of the alimentary canal it about 3a ft. Mr 1 T llarnum, the well known show -man wisely tsld, 'The road to fortune it through ptinter's Ink". r ait To ol.anye the sys'om in a gsotls and traly btnsHcial manner, when ths springtime uomeae, ue the true ami perfrnt remedy. Syrup of Pigs. One bottle wilt answer for all tbe family and oosts only 60 cent: tbe largs site, $1. Try it and bo pleaand . Man ufactnred by tbs California Fig Syrup Co. only. The Portland Collection Agenoy ha com menced seversl suit to ooUs ot account for O L Black m au. Pardee ow ing hint should settle their accounts and save ootta. The largest barometer yet made has been put in working order at the St Juques tower In Paris. It is 41 feet five inches high. I lie first Sunday echoal was opened by Robert Koikes, in Gloucester, England, in 1781. The first Sunday school in America was held in Hanover county, Va, in 1786 At Colorado Springs the rainfall u about 1 4 inches annually, most of which fall dur ing summer thunder-storms, and the sun shines brightly during 330 days of tbe year. Tbe $3,000,000 which the bat manufac turers of tte country have got to hand over to the inventor of tbe' sweat band used on hats affords a striking illustration of f be value of genius when it makes a hit. At the first presidential election, the states were entitled to 73 votes, but only 69 votes were cast New York did not vote because she had not passed her electoral taw, and Rhode Island did not, because she had not yet adopted tbe constitution. The largest casting ever made in India was the anvil-blsck for a new steam -ham mer, which wa recently cast at the Jamal pur shops of the East Indian Railway The block was cast close to the spot where it will be ased, sad weigh about 38 tons. Tbe iron used wss a mixture of Indian iron snd imported (English) pig. Experiments ate to be made v iih a light brick for interior partitions, ceiling and other placet where chruabing strength is not re quired. With ordinary clay aad sard about 50 per cent, of fine sawdust will be mixed; tbe brick will be molded under heavy pres sure and then burned until the sawdust is consumed. Referring to the editorial in the Daato- ct at of Wednesday concerning the matte ef a bridge at Bock Point, Mr Rumbaugh one i.f tbe county commissioners, informs the Democrat that tbe people ap in that section proposed if the county would do the skilled work and furnish all the iron and nails that they would do the rest. We ars glad these people are to have a bridge . Carter Harrison is the democratic candl date for mayor ia Chlcage, Every newspaper fat the city except the Timet his own, snd the GNc oppov hi cidrtioa, and ye: bet are made that he will have 35000 majority The democrat made a nuva in nominating him and if tbe party with its 30,000 majority shall suffer defeat they will have themselves to blame for it . The lime far whipping men into line cn bad candidates is peat. ll'ortkisgtem,' t IUs!ratml A. j gas erne con to hand with a geacrous supply of good things far the enleruiemeot of its rapidly growing circle of reader Tbe April number of this vigorous yoeng magazine is the best that has yet been published, its table of content showing great diverg tr of material and a at excellent list of cociribntors. The in terest and value of its leading articles, tbe exceptional literary quality of its stories, po ems, and Department matter, are admirably sapplemented by the fine press work snd artistic iljautratioca shadh mak this number as attractive as it is readable. There are bills before several of the leg i slat -ore of western states forbidding the marriage of first cousin There may be these legislature member who are com petent enough scientists to pass judgment upon the effect? of the marriage of cousins but if so the world bat not heard of them A scientist we'l known to the whole world. none other than Charles Darwin, who marie the subject of inherited tendencies t life long study, looked into this matter of the marriage of cousins and concluded that the prejudice against it was nothing bat a an perstition: and that if the stock was gtod such marriages were likely to produce off spring which would inherit the vigor 0 their parent. And then he married hi own first cousin. Tae moon and its phases have always been supposed by star-garert and others to have a great deal to do with the fortunes and affairs of the people ef the earth Now, however, it is proposed to add to their im portance by holding them responsible for tbe appetites of tbe fishes of the sea. Ac cording to a veteran continental angler who has recently given to the world the results of hit observations, fishes bite most freely daring the four or five days after the moon's first quarter, while from tbe third day after tbe last quarter to tbe second day before tbe nsw aaoon the sport is at its worst. One of the advantages of a wet time in spring is for the farmer to learn where are the places in his field thai most need drain inc. It may seem to one who look at n large stagnant pond that takes weeks to dry out that only a very large and cxpen aive drain oaa suffice to remove its surplus water. But a three or four inch tile sunk three feet or more under ground will take away a large pond in a few hours. There is a capacity for a greater amount of water in a small tile than most people imagine. Tbs deeper it is sunk the better it wii drain, provided there is always a good out let. All the soil to the surface from the bottom of tbe tile is kept porous by its withdrawal of water. Yet such is the ad vantage of underdrawing, being more porous, it will bold more water without being stagnant than it could if no drain were there. A waiting world has been relieved by the glad tidings tnat Governor McKinley debts are paid by an admiring and wealth laden populace, without sacrifice of his costly persona' trappings. Contribution weie made, suv the dispatches, in sums ranging from one to five thousand dollars When the average man harmless as he is, gets into debt every other man seems to have some claim or grudge against him and certainly none offer to donate the thousands te assist him. But with He ' Kiniey it is different; evidently there exists in this country ninety -hve tnousand dollar worth of admiration for a man who was used ss a tool for the monopolists In the passage of the tariff law by which many times ninety-five thousand dollars have been taken from labor and given to th who toil not. It is my knowledge of the financial condition and my belief in the good sense of tbe common people lead me to suppose, from tbe monopolists that this donation comes. Thev could very well ai ford to place Mr McKinley on a life pension for that matter. t opuiist f oce. Many of the stars are heavier ihan our sua, For example, MUar, the middle alar In ths tail of the Great Bear, is 40 tives ss heavy ss the tun . To the naked eye there are five or six thousand of thtte heavenly bodies visible. In all prodabiliat there are worlds revolving around them. FORTMILLER & IRVING Undertakers and WE KEEP constantly cn hard a full line of mefalic, ric h trd weed estkets st coffins. Alto burial rotes and suits, ini trcscfcloth, istir ,t) n it,-. which will be sold st The Loweet EMBALMING and the proper R0 EXTRA CHARGit FOR ALBANY, - - MA8ONIC for Infants sown so me-" IL A. A far a, H. D-. Ul 6c Ozford St., Brcxridja, K. T. -sr was of 'CaaSorfc' a an Batons! aaa i:.-nu veil kaava last It astosa vet mwttmmkm tor aatoraw It. few are taw Cll ral XawRB, B-D . now To Sew York CSy. Tsx Carrara ESTABLISHED 1871 by Borkhart Bros. One of the oldefl Job Jrinfcng Office! in the State, The only Exclusive Job Office IN LINN COUNTY We have the Largest and best Stock of Printers' Sta tionery, it has ever been our pleasure to offer the people. GOME TO SEE US For Good, Quick Printing. SMILEY, Hinn Block, - -PATRONIZE HOM JtMSimnWtS. I FURMERS k mm INSURANCE ES AiksMsy, Ore r atatatV J L COW AH. Treaaorar. t Cowan. Geo F Simpson, W F Reed, J K WcMUberiord, C J serai Solid Eastern ne Oregon Land uc vVltn its SAT.,"EM - - In the Gray Block, corner Liberty and MA.KES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tracts near Salem Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per ere small cash payment long time on balance or particulars. ALBANY NURSERIES ALBERT BROWNELL (Sowessor to Hymarj- Brownell Proprietor.) OFFICE AND PACKING GROUNDS ONE HALF MILE WEST OF THE city. N e would call the attention of our friends to the fact that we are better prepared than ever before to furnish everything In the shspc of Fruit, Shade and Ornamental trees, Small Fruit vines, etc., at either wholesale or retail. Otw ttcck it first-class, guaranteed true 10 name and free ' om inspect pests, and our prlces low. C. E. Brownell ts our dty agent and t -en, left with him at hU store will receive prompt and careful attention . fn . and see me or write for free catalogue to ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH, Proprietor, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Only White Labor Employed Embalm era. Living Profits. care of the dead a specialty. HEARSE OR SERVICE , TEMPLE, - - OREGON am Child re-- re Colic. asBWWBBv Soar Stomach, baSMSB. Blssttasiaw, Kills Varxst, grow jcep, aad prxaotes dL rescue, Watnaaatiajs For axmal year I have rwcooeanrwM ar tawwas as. aaa a&au aiansra cnssHnce oaa ttbas lavarasoly prodaoad laikJ F. Passes, M. D- fcSsa Sena sod Tth Awe, JtVrw York Cat OoaVajnr, TT Mntaax Snsscr, Kcw Toss. ALBANY J O WRTTHM rt Seer Geo r SIMPSON. Vice Prosi lnt D B Mooteit h. M. Sternberg J J Siuart. 1 O tfntsman. and Foreign Companies home onVce sA - OllJG-OlS"2 State street, branch office in PorUato ALBERT MOWNELL A'bany, Oreget