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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1893)
- YrC-y Advance of the Pipe Brigade. Retreat of xhe Cigar Cohorts. Yes the Pipe is coming to the front ;:s never before. The high pi ice of good cisrars is helping drive them c i of use. Millions of smokers t:sc Blackwell's Bull Diii ham Smoking Tobacco. ifei C nd in the market. Smoked for overtwenty. ie is ctiil growing Quality always the same. J:rx ;."!' L.'S DURHAIvl TOBACCO CU., DURHAM, w F. T l ENTORD & CHAJI- BKRLMS Attorney M A v. Welt W-SUIS 1 1 l-g state. Sp J rest attsV.1 J " t .srs In proo anilto oo j-ti i ii. o.'tJJ i :h Fllnn block. T R BIlIYEl) Attorney at Law vnd Solicitor in Chancery. tV.lee lions made on all poluta. Loans negotiated on rabid terras. Albany, Oregon G EO. W. WRIGHT, Attorney at law. and Notary practice in all the ruurts of this state Special attention eiven to j collections an t matters in prelate OIB.ce:--Upstairs t Mason-Twedalo Block Albany. Ojru D. a J 1 1 ' 1 1 1 K ..Hhtit it tfe WATSOS, 11 lejal matters will reus lv protnp r. O.U Fellow's Temple, Albany, O attention Ho M OK11NVE fc HACKlEMaN, Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon. J- WHITNEY Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. J4MES .1 cnARLTOW, U'-tr. i" ... At! ) .r il. bajiaeM ; attended promptlv: FLINT'S illaek. A'bany, Or LBtYV OOlLFXriSG A OVl DALRYMPLE & NEWPORT, Managers, Onller tions a soocisltv rerarctless of aiss. Corvee, dents in all the valley towns: OFFICE over L E B ain Co's store, Foster's Block: D R. J. I.. Ill lei.. Pbycidan and Sanreon. OFFICE Corner Ferry stfe-.ts, Albany, Oregon. n its. n aWTO afe DVI. PhvKciana an Sarreons. OFFICE -Corner ecnnd and B,oililbin streets. Albany. Or, Call promptly attended i atv and ceuntry. c V. CHinSERLlIS. HI. D Heroeonathiat. (nnecUrst In disease of the Eye Twenty years experience Office hours 7 V a mi 1 w i p m. and 8 to 8 evening. Albany , Oreza?.. BILIOUSNESS The S. B. Headache and Liver Core 4.18 A I BAH, f PHYSIC MKT ,t CHEAP If taken as direcled, we Guarantee SatU faction or refund your money. DON T SICKEN. DON T, GRIPE, 50 cents per bottle, by 1 A CUMMINGS. RUN KING THROUGH DAIlaY TRAINS lea m Portland, m L Hi. 7:80 T. M. 4 2 DA.Y8 TO CHICAGO 7 Honrs nieker to St. Paul. 23 Honrs Onirker to Chieaso. 40 II- an Qikktr to Omaha' and Kausus City. PU. MA -ND T0U!3T SLEEPERS, 11 1.01.1 1 j vnmii unns 1 mutts. Vjj iTh and geneiat iftfof mttioa cai 01, r ai.tiress W II UURUiURT.Ass'.Gciri Pass. Agt 254 vast i.iin al I'okiLANri. Oreoon FAftVIKiS ATTflN TION IF : YOU .- V.AJIT A WACO?! HCH BUGGY. CART PtDWj HARROW,DB!LL SEED ER, FEED CUTTER, or any k!:id of a farm Iinrt'e:n;n-. hide, ca'l 011 or address, Ve B. F. RAMP, Opposite Post OtTce, Albany, Or. , ' hi,. . hlUUIIsU Kd Davidson In p n 1 rod to do well digging is first . h style, promptly, an 1 will r'uar ui ... work:. tit. . ..-rjtaaHw I ONLY ;J?B LINE N. C. THE YAQ01NA RODTB Oregon Pacific t VT niDir.Y, Receiver TIME SCHEDULE, except Sunday's.) Leave Albany IMO r. n. jt.v. Tallin, 7:00 t,a Leave Corvall.s IM St, a. LeT CkwTllls,10.Sr. i.u Ante Taqulna, :U r. , Arrive Albany, 11:19 a. i Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. between Willamette Valley Points and ban Franctsco 1 Ot'EAS STEA 8A1I.IKBM a raos sas raascnoo willaBMU Valiey, March 14th, Sf.h. raoa yirra. WiUaaictt Vallsy, atarch 19th, tStb. Tha Oomraanv --eiTe the nsrnt s ange najling datoa w'thout nottea. RiVF.R .STI'AJIERS. Stewmer "Hbae" leave roiuand Wednesdajr ana tsaturaay a H. HCDav.Oen A?t,Stmsn Street WTiarf .Portland p R Va'ushn. Oen Alt, San Frnciee, Cal. C C Bora OFstFa, CorvaTa, Ortfos: EAST AND-SOUTHu VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE Or THfc- Southern Pacific Co. Train leave Portland Daily. South I raoajcul, UK. i??2 7:0Dr. a. I Lv Portland Albany San Fraadac Ar 73S ta LvtrB a Lv 7S t a 10 -a r a Lv Ar Itl5 a a Absre f ains stop only at fallowing- station n orth si ttoosbnnr. Cast I urx'ana. uregon uii, n . oa City, nnra Sslcm. Albany. Tanjent, 8hold, liaise; Ha'- risbarg. Junction City, lr rlnj, Eugene assarcaa aan., Bn.y SrSOaa Lv Prs-uaa Ar' 4fr UrS v B Lt Aleaay Lv 1 1 a fctera I Ar aisiluiu ? ' TaW lUisr lcal n,s (sxearr Sraav) tOOra I Lv Porthusi Ar :osi tralr Albary Lv)eV30s tsttstra 8:lOalLv Albany Ariltrflas tnOanlAr Uebaaoa Lv I S0a lrrsILt Alhtay Ar I :2S u mniir Lebanon Lv I iJB r . PULLMAr BUrTFT SLEEPERS. A!TD Dinincr Cars on Osrden R.utev SECONO-CLKSS SIEI-PIN8 CAIS Atta-hea t all TSretaja Tralas aSest MaBS SHvlalsa. nwtu rsiTUis unm cobvallis. Man. -saiSoain (EaceptSucaajr, T-.SU A a lfc!0 r a Lv Ar Porl'anl Corral lis Ar bv Spiral ie is r strata rtara stay (Kzcjpt Smday . 4:40 r a I Lv Portland WeMnnTllt Ar I r) as j 7:25 ! ra I Ar aa. i TThroiis b Ticlieti co ill point In the EvsV Europe can be ob'alae! a kroab. Arent Albany. '. KOEHLEB MaUaaurer Port'sri Onv -l Btatss Canada and lows,', ra es from C K E P. ROOEtS, vst't O. P. ami E -IKST WATIO M. 8K, or alba t iii tytf, rest-lent ..... Vice Presilent MM LPTaISS S. E.VOCS0 .E. W. LAKODOX fRAilSAfTO A OEN -:aAlatoiasl'il;, II. W, I f . .a- an'Oarl ... ehea-k alGUT KiCaANOK snti W) raphie tmufor, Sew York, 3aa Kr icisoo. Ctueago aca r - tan regon . cOalaECTlOH SADEon tovorahls una. nucnat E. Toc E, W, Lateoo K Bum. L. I'uas Eawato f . Sox. L IKK CO SATIOrt Af. BSiK. OF AtaBAltT. OU-SO. CAPITAL STOCK 1100,900 si-lent e-President tt f'sebier. J L .COWAN, ...J H HAL8TON. .0 A ABi.'HIBOLK. P aatnoaa, I L Cowan, 1 M Ralston, W S Usdil, W U Ool.ra, i A Craword an! O A Arcn old t RAHSACT8 a nenertl hanking bnsinett. UttAWSlOlll OKAFTSeu Hew Vork, n all r.-tlsi I Oreaon. t.OAM MOrTET on appro rsd security P.Ef.EIVE deposits suhleet eh.-ee. B RK OP OREGON. ALBA1ST, S'aultal, sfs OBBBOw. Vice-Prsaldcnt ashler a. J LANNIMO . far W II LAIN Transact t frenet bankinr business: Exchange botufht and sold on all the prlaclftt cities In the United Ststsa l also on England, Ireland Franee anal Oenmny. Collections made at all acceaalblk points on favor. bit terms. Interest tllswed 0.1 titne aepotlle. CVtirK A .. t UltKltV OF ALBANY, OKKOOIS, TRANSACTa renral Ba ikin; b ulntas uKAWBIOHT DKtPTd on Mew ITerk, San Fr eiroand Portland, Oretfn. LCiAN MONEY on approved security RECEIVE dupoeite subject to check. COLLECTIONd made on farorablo terms. INTEREST paid on tlms deoosite B SCIO, OHKOOW. tsident.. ihler .... T J Stunts ....A i Jousso FOSHAY & MASON vas-aiaAte aao asvaiti - Orugistsand Booksellers Atr" ts far .To!.!-, B. AtdtB's puttllvaUonSj wblch we sell at publisher's prioss wlta etSaseaddsd ALBAIT. OHKUOI. ACADEMY - OF Lady of Perpetual Help I T 7 - THE PERSON AS SKClUilTY KOK 1KBT In Missouri and in nearly nil the states o (his coui 'ry imprisonment for debt has been abolished, and It is unlawful to imprison a debtor for refusing to pay a debt even If he refuses r-fter n coart ol law has commanded him to pay. Under our law a debtor thus commanded by a court to satisfy the claims of his credi tors cannot be imprisoned for contempt o the court when he refuses In , such cases the process of the against his pers n, but against his property only. This was a great a.ivance in civilization; for when the person of a debtor can be held for a debt we still have one of the main causes of slavery as an instil uti an, When the debtor can neither be sold to satisfy his creditor nor put in prUon as one who has forfeited his freedom throun debt, the only method lemninlrtg thtough which slaves can be made ts that of war, and there la now ni great danger that prisoner of war will be exposed fot sale on the auction block or even kept in pr son longer than neceasarv. If la states which no longer allow the per son of the debtor 'o be seUed for the 'ebt the corn's were still allowed to imprison for contempt because of the debtors' refusal to obey their judgment, the law against hold- ! ing the person of the debtor in pawn for the debt wnu'd be evaded an', nullified, This is .hat has happened hen the Unit ed S'ates courts have attempted to force the payment o( fraudulent county bonds in the hajdof so called "ianocen purchasers." i The f dcral ituVes have not claimed the right to imprison the people or the reprentatives j of 'be people ol these counties for nonpsy j meat ot the debt, but fur contempt in refus ing lo obey a .-curt order the order being a command to pay the debt. Tr.ere is neither distinction nor difference in the illegality and injustice cf aactt a proceeding f'em the Mleg- ality and injustice of an outfight commit mint for t-etog gutl-y of debt and inability to : py ' The pr.nciple is not at ail changed when t the persons imprisoneil are , -ec nl fl.hi.u, tin thin nw rif the neeoo S r r or tue pwp-tj r.btead of tue pe..ple themeles. Wnen; judges are locked up Im relusing to levy a ! aiaxiopaya debt, they are imprwoacd as debtor in violation of the lasts cf MUsour1 . , j an! of tivl.ixiou the .ffort to compel a j "roropromlse" through j h means as Im- prisonment is n iff reari m kind from the j mtiod by . i; Use fea lil loid secured: compromises tiom iHt se ne heid as hi debt- J or the method tf locking them up for coo- j emttcfh - and , u ine a iaw j tooth everj monuiig un i! lhej cosasented lo ccmpromise. It is true that the ja eetb of our Mis souri judges have not Ken pulled by tlie federal couit-, but t meteod would be as sound in aw and in n-o als as it it to im- 1 prison them for an adrge-t Coatcmpt of coax j but really as debtors, gulli . of not cotnplying will, a court's juHgrnei I for dibr. It is a lawless procee !ng. In Missouri at lea: no citiz-n can be lawfully scourged, or j racked, cr imprisoned 10 cuapcl him to sat- i Ufy the claim of hi creditor. Under the institutions of tb.i tta:e the executor tor i debt lie sgtiast the preper-v. not against ., j..j.w a. i ..t. z,a i warn pnrOD, im mc ucinui . - -vioa i -,-- lie. CLOkINO or saloons Keatark of a wholesale sabjeet The report made by Meres nt ea Ucecae Colleclor ! tO'Wscitw . Buchtel, to the efltxt tha ince the begin- ning oi me last quarter over 50 retail nquor estabtishmeat have closed their doors. has f caused cocsiiierable comtnen- '." people gaged in that line ol bulnes. The general Opinion i that the saloon butiatta i over j done in Portland, and tbe city could easily ) spare several more erabilstiineaU. A SSSESET in re fcrringto the matter "I a-n not at all sorry to see these saloons - . ... . .... I taas v. Tbe fact IS, business it to dull in . pre1.ient -at .' make it hard on the who e I "Greetii ttifs line tbal sale draleit. We have to carry these peo- . ..... . ,. . Pie sna n is IM imposa.oi o get ae money MM o: them. I have now oo my book account t amoun ing lo teveral hou:and do - 2r4 ,nrj ,. , .louMfu! if I ever ge: half of ,. , it, lam groaing t-re.'. of feeding these people aad -uhl .ibe io e msny more sro - . . out of bu'iness. Oo the lt al last January I wat beseigtd 1 y at lai a ottn customer it ho bcge'i me 'o let M.em have $'. o with which to pay loj their quarterly license. I reiused some and now wish I hsd acted like with with all. I do not see how half of tneni live and I predict that on the itt- of Aprt quit number usore taloOSSS will close. If i had my wa about , I woold cause tbe license to i c raised lo $400 quarterly, pay able in dva Ce Th. wool SOI c: the the sale d liquo , b'U would close up a lot i of :ti eplice- t o oar-ly make expense and intcife e jritR other siloons. Ortftm iun. Orriinary grsied horse radish, says the Sceimibc, eaten at frequent in tervj's during iWdsr) and in connection with food at he IM k, il food Is eaten al all, has been found lein rsai ly efti:acious io ownishlrrg he dis'resin( oui!i that fre qucntiy Hajgeta al cr ail tne other symptoms Ot 'he grip ha cone. An iagtototis s: macntne hit been iniroduc.l hits . for picking up s'reet tweepingt ' in- in ichme, which it drawn by horse..' takct up In lit forward muii-aii thr street derhis or mid deposited in ttrcaVs py ihe ; c : sweeper. rtien o bji dlp(; 1 G'een Ich, England, in connexion w ith the'taheetvatofy there, it to bs roofed with papier ma: he. The dome with i't steel fram.- w irk will wrigh twenty tons Sema' lurt in Cirn'-i I, la -ndon immeilia 1- neioliborhojd of the in Bank the - of laOglaod, were told a few days sgo price tha aieraged $150 per foot or at a tome- thing over $10,000,000 an acre. .' '.' WSSSSSSSSSW An CngMth pap r repoits the number of murders of women hy inebriated husbands, f.-om Jan 1, i889. to Jan 1, 189I, lo have been 3004 It is said that on a clear fios y night s map can see 3 oo stars. When he s'ips on a frosty pavement h sometimes sect more than that n-imber Twenty per cent of the mortnity among among Aus ian soldiers it due to the sui cides. The whole nurmer of mates In the Uni ted States is 32,067,880 and the unmber of females is 31.1,554,380. Pear says t ts at le found bumblebees and b u--- tint tie flies as lar norlb as be went. To aid Dlirostlon take one Kmall Dlle Bea3 Biter i ntinir. X!:. per I ml 1 H ABB I ED. I'ENDERSON CROCKETT On Marco 15th, 1893. in Albany, by Rev Oanlel Leedy. Mr Thrs E Henderson and Miss Emma A Crockett both of Linn county. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Home AiolnfmeBts. Wasiiinoton, March 15. The president today sent the following nominations to the senate: William McAdoo of New Jersey, assist ant secretary of tho navy; Edward IJ Whit ney of New York, assistant attorney gen eral. vioo Abraham X Parker, resigned; Passed Assistant Engineer Charles W Kno to be chief engineer; William II Allendice tobepn8ed assistant engineer; Contain Charles V Williams, assistant quarter master, to bo major and quartermaster; Captain James Whelan, second cavalry, to be majorf Captain Adam Cramer. Sixth cavalrv, to be major; Captain Ezra P Ewers Fifth infantry, to be major; First Lieuten ant Fred W Sidley. Sec: ml cavalrv, to be ctptain: First Lieutenant Benjamin Cheev er. Sixth cavalry, to ba captain; First Lieu tenant ilium b U oowen, r ifth nifontrv, to be captain; Joseph K Swindlehurst, post master at Livingston. Mont. A Juror Arrested. A stoma, Or, March 15 Walter J In galls, a well known resident of this county, i in trouble. He was a grand juror at the S resent session of the circuit court, and to ay Hon C W Fultcn, for County Com missioner 1' arm tliers. swore out an infor mation against him for violating his oath as a grand juryman and for contempt of court in attempting to prejudice common jurors agains Carruthers, who was indict ed for malfeasance in office by the grand jury, of which lngalls was a member. Some weeks ago. lngalls was a candidate for the position ot district roatl commissioner tie tore the county court. It was Carruthers' vote which lost him the job. A Hclror rail. Los Olivos. Cal. March 15. An enorm ous meteor passed northerly over Ballard nt 11 o'clock last night. It was so close to the earth that its rush through the air sounded like a miglity wind. Its light was as if the heavens were on fire. Fifteen seconds ' after its passaire three intense explosions occurred, which made the windows rattle like a castanet. The locality of the faliis thought to be m the hills north o! lx$ Olivo. .ol ler Hltsiaalppl Jacksox, Mis. March 15. It is current ly reported here that the new a'.torney-gen eral has recently issued instructions to the officials of the liuif coast counties of Miss issippi, notifying them that training for a ; prizefight is lust as much a violation of the : !faw of the state making prizefighting a ! , t.w t.a, v UC stOlV AtaeS et 1 1 1 ks ui 4 -. iiat tali J ASl i j nruenirtitinir itaeif and ' !. ., e , . th represeau- msti acting them to proceed at once against j ,.,!e-e.,.,-lIi.rarni-inii.i.;i nt hi. ; s - SUA - 11 I . 1 i" ; " f T Abellik Capital rmnlihmestt Denver, Colo, March 15. The senate this morain pass bill abolishing t-api lal punishment. The lull will doubtless ,CM a .,w c.overnor Waite is known to favor it, and it Is almost certain to pas the house. AllraellBa AlteaUea yEW York, March 15 The Will street Journal's Philadelphia special says Oregon rjon :atw.r are again anracung atien tion. It is eaid the old manasrement wir be prosecuted. The finance and investment companies are heavily interested A ratal Mr Lewistow, Idahr. March 16. At about ll o'clock last night a fire broke out in the City hotel at Asotin. The building was a frame, and the are snread with trreat rap idity. There were ten guests in the hotel at the time, beside the proprietors family. They were awakened, to find themselves surrounded by flame Mrs Myers and her two little children were taken out badly scorched. George ttibsoc, a prominent sheep man. leaped from an upper window. aoj escaped aritb minor injuries: but Frank iberry. a young mar., v, i. . armtrM iu -n. I, o ., i a i . . ' . . i s i , j nenitateu 10 maae ine leap, ana to death. c oi i.e-o Tke Vl'laarr . j OreoosCitt. Or. March 16. The meet -ing of the state alliance doted this after ; Boon, after a three days' sesssi wi, which ! those in attendance report very interesting the and profitable. They say that the work done will result in great practical gooa to and to tke state at large- The . i e al 1 111.1 inr. ffta-sen anm, aataa.-al for lllS anl j ZJJJ " N Pit roe. cf I'matiila county. preid-nt: S H Holt, first vice president: Charles Mil i7 , fuuuu tutr-pinLiuvi, a a - - - j - secretary ; M V Rork. state lecturer: Ira Wakefield, chaplain; C Oliver, steward; M E Johnson, doorkeeper. Aa tpyeal far Jo. lire Hoxoli-lc, March 9 The Hawaiian Patriotic Ie-.urue ha forwarded, by the I.W. - wiM SS.,.IW. k II I VsirtDP steamer Alameda, the following telegram i a n . - s a "rawem t .eveiana. sigiteu m j a t. urn 1 man ms a a.a aaa , I iaai t net. I ' ...ti V . w .1.1 ...... ti . c - uatMWH., aetata - wo . .. ..-a ings- ihe Uawiian l-eague. a union of all tne native association, hopes I for malice, and that an 1 -n be t r . made here before a decision as to tion. A I her Bale. WnBiyr.To March lr. Prasimatter i General Hi seel I statetl today that, whenever i there was a con' est for any poctotfice, the I ,,ae aa- et a , . a-s person who held the office I resident leve land' former administration was not to be considered. He further stated the full power of this rule would be applied to fourth class post office, and he. and not the president, was responsible tor it Vers old. purser. Ill, March 16. Henderson Smith died last night, and was buried this afternoon. He was 119 year of age. and married bis second wife at the age of M) He was a lifelong democrat, and saw Wash ington on several occasions. At one time be was in the employ of tlie father of his country. He was the oldest citizen in the state, having been born in Virginia. Fellt leal Talk WatnisiiTOS, March 18 A hint of Cleveland ' policy of building up a new party is gisen. following tbe se'ection of Judge Greabam for tbe cabine', it is said, he is going to appeal to the sentimental re publicans by keeping Minister Lincoln at London, and Minister Fred Grant at Vi enna. Ill ouiinc Tacova, Senator David Bonnet Hill, of New York, is to visit Washington in tbe fall and will address the annual meeting of tbe democratic society of Washington, to be held at New Whatcom. This ai.nounce ment was made last night by one of the most prominent democrats in the state. According to bis story, tbe date il fixed, an invitation has been sent, and Senator Hill has accepted it. BeveDi;ed lii.iti.iN. March 17. .V miner named lioehme purposely exploded 10 pounds of dynamite today in the iron mineofVolk mars Keller, in tbe Harz district. He and six other miners were torn to atoms. Up on leaving home Ibis morning, Boehme gave bis wife a letter, which be said was not to bo opened till noon. Tbe letter said ' merely that Boehme would never return, Hoebiue's motive is suppssed to have been revenge. Ferry Dead . Pahis, March 17. Jules Francois Ca mille Ferry, the French statesman, is aead. 11 is death was caused by an affection of the heart, from which ho suffered, due. to the effect of a bullet striking a rib near tbe base of the henrt ut the time he was attack ed by Auliertin, in 187. He was seized with spasms early this morning, and des pite every effort 'made by tbe physicians who were hastily summoned, tne convul sion contiuued to grow in violence, until, at 6 o'clock. in the eveninir. be expired in I tseeililt' aisvsrat eaio a m wiaaau.j . . ...... a.uauai Aa ' ra at Liars 1 Wamiinoton, March i7. The story published to the effect that President Cleve land ham inaugurated a big light against the senate, liecause of bis displeasure on account of tho manner in which the com mittees of that body were organized, is incorrect. Mr Cleveland might have been be'.ter pleased if the senate committees bad been organized differently, but he does not intend to manifest any displeasure or dis appointment he may feel. The attention of several senators who called at tbe White House was called to the published story, and they unanimously denied any knowl edge of the alleged strained relations be tweon the senate and the president. I.ADIEH who desire a comfortable and at the same a perfect fitting corset or waist for ladies or children should have ineasurosstaken bv Mrs C O Lee, (Uroadalbin St., bet. 2nd and 3rd,) who will fill ordera while MrsTalt is out of town. UKCriT COIIBT. J C Geodale vs Serepta M Hansard. Continued. J L Cowpn. trustee, n Serepta M Han sard. Continued by consent. Assignment of Cyrus 4 I'itchford. Final account appravecl and assignee directed to disttlbute prorata at 5 4-10 percent. Cause continued. State of Oregon vi Thos G Price. Found guilty by jury after being out five tninntes. The Bank of Oregon ve J McKonkie ; recovery of money. Judgment for plain t'lTfor 1112 and costs. P J Porter et al vs J C Elder. Continu ed by consent. Wm Kcrton vs Pearl A Brandon. Set lied. Gaines & Stringer vs Linn county. Writ of review sustained and judgment ef county court reversed. The Bank of Oregon vs J McKonkie. Judgment for plaintiff on the verdict ot the jury. H L Kelso tsj B Kelsey. Judgment for plaintiff on verdict of jury. A E Currte v S P K R Co. Nontuit on motion of d'ft. P Iff to ere bill of exceptions on defi's attorney by April 10. J S Her tin vs Gee Renfroetal. Con tinued for service. R I. Sabln et al vs (I J Brcese ct al Settled. Geo Finlev vt E 11 Chance. Settled. 0 II Hardwlck & Co vs Uualey Bros. Continued. L E Blain s Henry Watson ; recovery r money. Continued bv consent. E W Aeheson &fCo vs Mr G B Mc Kinney. Judgment for want of answer wnn o,acr 10 se;i witacneo property. j Craft, Cjrus A- Peerv vs J Ledgerwood ; etal; foreckssure mortgage. Decree as prayed for in the complaint. Harrisburg Water fewer Co vs M R Schooling. Continued by content. Slate of Oregon vs Jn Enwrignt, John and Bud M'ian, Dismissed at to Bud and John Mi a i and coutHaedas to Enwright. R N" MjiiIs vs Geo W Rogers Con tinued. State ol Oregon vs Clyde Pratt Plead guilty nd will be sentenced. State of Oregon vs Andicw L Arnold Continued. . f fjhe, ; ?' At 9 o'clock aiorg Watson, indicted i r n a uruo e, was t a j , , I "'ought into court, and plead not guil- tv " An atinlication w as mails f.-ir ths . .LP ,T ,f T l"! postponement of the case. H showed h nrisoner lube in nm.r l.e.Iil, .,,.) allegjJ the absence of an important wit i nets, E Mildreth. in Independence, Kan, who. it was '.leged, will testifiy that tirubbe itau said lie would killthede- fendantan l that be left Kansas because he was obliged to. The ease was set tor trial at 1 o'elock p in on isprn 4 at a special term to be ........... i . .. .-ailed for the purpose. - i A D Horner vs Harvey Vtard; foreclo sure: mortgage. Default' and decree as prayed lor in complaint. The Oregon Mortgage Co limited vt C I Col Parker, of the Statesman feels to P Burkhart et al; foreclosure mortgage, j had ovsr the news from Washington to Order for publication of summons. Oon- , the effect that no newspaper man need United Ppl? tor office, that he has made a bon- L A Woodle v Southern Pacific Owlf?41 tr4WsVf0 ,hmswa Jmiemeni -e -1st i- s his ranch near i aquina. there lo rer.;a:u J M V', v- ... rJ.,. ( money. Default and judgment v . . v .... , The Ihiiias Observer says that Iepuiy 8herifT Smith came oyer from Albany ; Tuesday, and summoned Sheriff, Wells , to appear before the Lion county circuit court to give evidence in the cat of the State vs John and Bud Milan. Tlie Mil-1 an brothers were tried at the December ; term of circuit court in this county for ; .,i; . ... i i i.l. n. .i. i(,ri,..!i .i ,,;,,j i .. . . m' ... arre:-.l and taken to Ailnv rl.arv-1 triib larceny in that county. " ttrpsri sr krwad Jar) i To the Hon. Judge of the Circuit Court o- Lien county, Oregon : hi ss t . . r. m in, vrsnri tiirr inr I it. , ..-. is em of the circuit court of lfttf have, as re , . m I . qired bv law. examined the different i , ... .. . "I lmu list, ss rs a-aafir.T v ( i n a sn.i n a Am .ss n.-.,n including the jail and out boildingt Wf find each of the county otficers have ; llietr office in gotd condition and the books neat and clean. We find the itary condition ot tbe c-mntv jail poor. 'and wou'd recommend that tbe wooden strut tu'e on west end be removed and the north corridor be provided w'th sink and portable ba'.h tub There being no I further business before us as retpect- iuilyatk to tie MMM Wn FoRTaiUova, Foreman , (s W UttsaxMoarits, W T COCHRAX, J Archibald, t. A Curse mix, u '' ih't IXD, J M 11 iv: r. p. n Mohel School Ma'am. The Peod'.e fcw EOte.lslhe lolkiag: J F Temple 1 ells ol a model young tcbocl mi' ret la dis- I tries No 13 of which be rs clerk. She taught an excellent school it a manner that won her the approval and endorsement of every one in tbe district, aal beiag aa efficient theacher she pot o:her sccaroplith-ments- For Instaace, when scho-tl work wat over the delighted to be of tome service. In, fact, this tietsurr would harness a team. ISIII aaa ' , ..-,' - Jilia HII.C, IHifi siiiiru at a wash tub, aad ha4 no fesr of tak ng hold of the pbw handle in case of tmei - gcocy. These virtaes have to commended rhetnselve to Mr Temple that the warmth an! eloqueste ot hit 'ritviteo! th-ir possess - 1 the railroad, or Isr.d company must pay or are extreme. If tome yo. ng min dMer- , taxes 00 the land they arc entitled to ving of good fwrtunr, desire s faultiest under the grant, whether patented o helpmate, he might nbttin inf Jr-natt.n of . not. Asa result Lane couuty will re value by calliag on Mr Temp'e. Icsive this year over $10 000 from thsA m m source, where several years formerly a tew hundred dollars was paid annually. M'soav school issrrri'TS Kev t. U Wbeettr. Sunday school missionarv for the Northwest, will conduct a local Sun day School Institnte in Allianv on Satnr - day afternoon an.l evening, Marcli 25th. The meetings will be held at t-e Baptist church. Mr Wheeler is a Sstjbn of the executive committee ol the International convention and is an enthusiastic repre sentative of the Sunday school work. This meeting will be of great profit to U iniereid.d in the improvement of S. . work. Shsaltt .i lalcrfrrr Tacoma, March I7. A big row is on amon the democracy of Washinirton. It is occasioned by the meet in? bere today of ihe stab? central committee for the ostonsi blc purpose of indoriing ct'rtain of the several thousand applicant for federal po sitions in this state. Four hundred demo cratic office seekers irnthered here today, most of them coming to oppose such action on the committee's part ami declaring that if taken, it would disrupt tbe democracy of the state. They hold the committee has no tighi to indorse anybody, but should leave it a free-for ull nicn for applicants. A Sslrma Orreslsai ''Whrti Mr Nye opened his moutu to speat, his countenance was se Intensely so cnia and his voice so prayermeeting like, that the audience felt for a moment that Bill was sick, and aome subtil lute wl being lung In on them. Far a moment rnly however. 'Ihe shouts of laughter soon evinced ihe fact that Nye was bef-irr them. He never cracked a s'nll through his six selections, though the audience screamed with delight. In fact, he seemed to be pained that good, staid people should be so frivolous, and li-oked at thcin depreciatingly. He wat encored. Cincinnati Enquirer. 'The Portland Collection Atfoiicyjhat com msnoed several uits to onllwt aooonnta for G I, Blackmsn. Parjiet owing him thould settle their account and save o tt. Captain Sween'V", C 8 A,Sm Diego, Cal , aaya. "Shiloh'a Catarrh Ittiiedy is tha tirtt medicine I have ever f oundthst would do me any good Price, 50 ots. .Sold by K-shay -Ma 0.1. MoviNoXiUTriT. The undersigned is prepared to do-all kinds of house raising and house moving promptly and In first class order. Call or leave orders at mv residence at cot of Third and Oak s'reets, Albany. I B Tillotson. Qe-man Lutheran chut-, h service on every tirtt and third Sunday in t very month at 10 am, at the W C T U Hall, by Rev OE Meyer. HUm. gSg"sssassssssasasajji A Salem paper wants the; regiment band sent to Chicago to play for Oregon during the WoKdV fair the state to foot the bill. Next. A man who stops a paper because there Is something In It he doe not like should be consistent and get up and leave a hotel table If he happens to discover on the bill of fpre something that does not suit hi taste. He should be just at, consistent in one as the oth-r Ex, Congress has passed lav. that will com pel railroads to use safe car couplers, A correct move. Thtrc are now 5,000 patents and each will be given a chance. In the list none Is t-etter nor more easily and safely worked than the coupfcr of Mi r Geo P Cramer, of this cilv. Cleveland thinks the people of Hawaii should be allowed to vote on an nexation That is justice on the face of It, The president has a good head, and he lleve In the right. A vote, though, means no annexation. The Kanakas do not want to be run bv another gov rmcnt. Isn't that natural. In a commercial sen the acquisition of Hawaii would be a ten s'loWe. One bad feature of the Columbian stamp Is he fact that it has created a new lot of BUI Nyes and Eli Perkins. Even a Port- land paper dissipates as follows: Wana i maker's aayo sumps with whiskers on do , nr.! ,-em In n.iu. miap. m. I . . n. , K .. ., . . I . . :rj,"::: rri" . ' v: 1 uioti . Ai tm 1 nu 101 vine pro iic 10 l; ci i , used t. them A man went o the post ; ofBce yesterday to get two stamp, one of 1 . 1. u' j S .JXT , ' mistake he dropped the oth-r stamp in muuke he dropped lamp the letter box and put the letter in hit pocket. Government envelope arc al most necessary to prevent such mistake. A squaw was observed in the East End the other day 'arryina a cook stove. annv. a ...--.. ..... . ... i ..... ...... ...i 'T"Vyr ,,ue ; lie, uiair, i-arrtiiia, sire liu inter ariu a popcorn ball. Civilization can do little for the red nuui. The Dalles Chronicle. Mr Cleveland was born Saturday March 18, 1837. He was inaugurated oretident for the second time on Bstfssr day, Mreh 4, lis33, the week day of bis birth waiia l.a statesmaii. A . . . . pretty voting president ; but he is busi- ....a nets. Clackamas county has a pecu'iar case on hand. The Oregon City Exprets rays : C D & D C Latourette. attorneys, sob tutted a proposition to collect' the tax ?. "P00. l'ie '- Willamette Transportation and I-ock Co. to Elijah Smith for 30 per cent of the tax ., - : , . co"11. "aiti iee to oe contingent upon ...v .vim ,iv.i . ' iii: i,. ii :t i. n ili'ln ii . . I to abort t-'2SO. the county to bear court costs. The proposition was accepted. eullAAV.An . . t.m Aw . ... ......... . ' S - r..insviiii in lis ljurei snndlilbl A lis nfi 1 11 all f ha nlieie ,M nnn nul srhsn ha will rslnen )ir,res again. Walls Walia Statemn Bat that was farce report. There it to be no discrimination. Biasell, though, it is reported, ta.-s postmaster must make the P O their bo ti nets No combina- tiocs will be allowed. . . , Fifty rears a-3 las'. Iecmber S w Mass surveved the townsite oftrtf.jn I fit' ... lie Te.l.M fel iwishl.n 111!.. 1 . P" compass brought in his porkel lh P; Ju vears a; l. :s mcnlii Ir Whitman arrived in Wath- ington after bis famous winter ride on , horseback from Ortgon to the states. Mr M talked with him at W all) Walia j lost before bt started, sad entertained : ', him on his return in IMS This was the ' - .t.. . . '.. I . -o- . fits, uwm jtsi 1 J I vitfuu vol.. s tit u I c-mvT,U' P " ",tm,n fnoni tot states Mr Vnu i, sil'l linn I - a- . I in Oregon City. For three rears Currv county bat be-in tbe hrtt to pay takes into the state treasury. Hurrah for Plucky Little Cu ry . This county is the smallest in the stste, in property valuation, but is the county that has remitted taxes i for 1802 having nearly paid all her duet to the stale. Her total tax is $4091. '9. of which 34 is paid. Marion hat not paid a bean of state taxes or anv other county in the slate. IobiiuI. Whenever we 'ants .ive O P item we go to tbe Mill City Oaxetie Here's an other: We hear it rumored that the O t -.--a.J Lss Is ... L-4 a k. f U t (I IUWJ IIU sJfTVU VUIU VU ttW 1 - Y, M is VA that Col ilowv it under arrest, with ioi:;::r denutv sheriffs watchtni the butanes oi 'his office and his multiplicity of safes. ospectiog lo get the secreted books oi the company. Tbe informer does not know whether the railroad irou had found its way into the safe or not, but are rather suspicious. The Oregon A" California Lar.d Co used i to b assessed on 53,000 seres of land in Lane county. A new ownership book revealed itSU.WO sues, the cwuipmy fought an assessment on that basts. . F: O " " - a - - - i supreme court decided mostly in favor, l01 the county of Line A compromise . ', bss just been made on 136,000 acres, ihe; principle hss been fully established that rrwaslaent Itlaea Dead , i seaal to Psaocaar. Ett,ES, Or.. Msrch iS, 1S93 -Jacob r. . . ... , ! :0"cr- ,.r,.T,cr r . ci,iien. ol 1 al e UCI SWIl UlCta lllOt. III. UIOI"l"a; 1 at 11 , j aged 75 yesrs, he was ihe faihcr of Con . ductor Center. A ttrwaid uf ; W lib- aiven away for any caae if Rhcu ! malum which caonot tie cured by lmm 1 mond's Luhtiu Remedy. The propne : tort do not bide this otier, t ut print it in bold tvpe on all il: r ircnlars, wrapper-, printec . m,tur, and throigh the colnmr. el new. papers evary where It will work wonder baittie csn rg any ordinary case. If ibe i .1 .-t-t bat not got it ho will order it, or it will las tent to any adilrist by express on i receipt Of price, 1 .ether with peers! in- str actions. Urumoiiu-.i MeowUM Co., - 1 Agents j 50 Maiden Ltoe, New Yoik. waatssl, Tf Eanal A'.c -' Porou Pla-tets I a ve attains d a world wide reputa-iou eololy nrn-n their superlative meilts. Tney have maey wo ild bo tiials, but have never been iquil td or even approached iu oursiive prupertiet and rapidity and safety 0' actioi. Th.-lr valae has heen attested hy the higherit me ', aa well rt by uuirnpesrhsble testimonials fiom t h.-e who have Sat d them, tud ttiey are recommended aa tho best er ternsl remedy for weak hick, thcumatieni, sciatica, colds, -ou.hs, anre thrott, chent and stomach affections, kidney difficulties, weak muscles, sttai s, stitches and acht anil pains of evairy deter ipsiatt. Beware of imitations, and in not be de ceived by mitrepresentation. .As'; for A 11 0 .. It'e. ai d let 10 solicitation or explanation indu i- you to accept a sulutitutr. A Great Inventioj. I the self pouting coffee and tea poit. With, then yon can pour coffee or tea without turp ing the 1 -ots. Wonderful. None of the hundred Utile inconveniences of the old fashioned way. Coffee cooks sure ant', pure and cannut burn, and tta lo perfec tion. You raise the light ltd and tbe coffee or tea runs from he spout. Ifyou would have the finest thing In tud world order ane when Mi s lalt, the local calls on ou. agent Th fTtmn Psnilin hav nnkllsKsal . at nio'.oeitl World's lair fiMer.0ont.ini lailia.i-il til hnitesl.ha nf tVSs Vs r iltna K-Saaaaaalal lored lithogrtpht of the various Etnotition tildings, bird's eye view of the grounds, ill, s mmnl.ts man of th. nit. .L ' hnildinaa birdra BWa view of tha. e.. I. with a complete map of the oity, showing location of the fair, hotels, railway depots.1 street oar linesand oity parks. Copy of tame uitv be had hy addreuiog W H Hurl-( bart. Assistant Crneral Patsenger .-Went. Portland, Ore. AM ABBOAR illflUtllAV Six fet t,f sii ,w fell iii Boaton !att wiuUr. i ' J Q W ilson house, in .Salem, built in I 1 853, was turned yesterday. An 8 oent Columbia stamp has b.en i-sued j for regLtratmo. A hi id... aiusoun i-nian a., aieptm the same bed f jr ninety y A -to will betaken on the natation of rnov gthettatec.pttilof Calif urnli to 8a Joae. Mrs Leifft is all ti .'hu hat biMisl of char- ; elccreil prfetdent of I ho itira of j A man ii li.s i,e5i I some, l,o in.-jj, U h i-uiih th vsl ey ; rln Albany th in ; 10 mo't auv et v ta WcaUm Orr0 .11 ilr A Bird. 'of Ti-kamali. Neh, wi.hrs to estHl.liah a c.utierv at Aib-.nv niatllJ . antbei propir It v ly bl also (I captwi botha OBcMd. A eanoary i the J ui r.ivc one "ted tfcu momma that trig :urred on the Hamilton cnek, mnrderer i,f LoveiH , -. n Neither 1 .:.:. co: firmed ai.u i!bly rauard. !, a Portland at t-.roev, iudiuted fc . i 1 iXWfr m Hist NiU P gttil y in the circuit .ourt was MMM was a Mf ie : finer itd WMittd ta estaUuh roj uta. ion. It i not re- eri. 1 known, bu; :t is a fact that on ti. i .triay of tn session of the recent cor gr the tar on tin Was repealed, which wil: .-v.- lbs tv.n. in A ... aboui Sl.SOO.Ot 0. fce Im x sht ttof :hi ' Prii cot" i open 1 t w wr. music mt. Tbu nt,,,,,, , i .1. . . . , , . "f M,V, ZZ'JZ ! ' i'btub1'"" .Lm ,T ,. ! " b ritta Friday ever, Ui' . 1 Three students at toe er-Ilege diat;.-ac d tr.'rm elves i imyrotew ei.n.iuci M'.ridsv. janl suffered farther d.sraoe by being 'pranptly ejtpctled yesterday. Tfcoee who were j-ee.ory lo the iftair deserve a nose of tar ar t father-. Corvalli Times. At The V P ClILftCH. Rev W" fj urr, t:le evaneelis preached a m In- ! rre;iiig sermon last r.iieht at the Coiled , I church, to christian people HU text was 2nd i'lrn. 1-6, "Wherefore I put thee fn r. that thou stir I up the gift of God. which isln thee." He euumcra-ed ihe gift of ihe church at fol lows: Number, wealth, intellect, sou! oower and trie word of God. He said if !ire gifts were stirred up. and to them were added the gif; of the Holv Spirit. what ctu'.d withstand the power of the i t-nurcn. .-ierttces again thu evening. 7 -Si: A!i are corc,ally welcome. al I 8. Patii -k'aday. Green rules. Three f-nps were ateercl Into lL city jil MS The Cetotn 1 c c C is to meet at April. s to be boilt from HUUbnro ! itanee of f :urten m.lea. to Po The oatbly it tin "I the! Association wit be! e!d toouht at the Oregon Bank. Heniy Wei hard, the welt known land brewer, has purchaW the Ecgere ice works . w:!l locate a braacii brewery at m A fcili ba been introduced in the Mince - sot legi-Uture proridia; fuv of 95,000 and live 3 ear !aprior.mct for every mete- - - - J.' a : Kr oa'as i wso i laa', Rim ASR ABKOAD V.irx; 15:b arti Dec let it iJJ be ; ''s toriert and bat the suit witi-lrawn-il ro kilt or offer lor sale ant arild ! A HrLL- t tBtiiaxd dsck, wood deok. -s itgtm. sacras IttSst dscf. A pecplt'tpirtTc!i aid Hit lobars wi bars, tad a rcsoiataos ; ta.. r ! s rscen'Jy organ- b tweaty-acven ateto- was paad stistttcl sr BAter in tfce potuoi be teok egttlatwre is the interest of Mrs R lijbrt, tte we!! known hcrse oli Misty Mr.rn. llnsv Vfreat ! Caaeasti I - K.-otdcbQrca in Sao Fret rtswo to Ch " who is connected w.ts Use j firm tt Hu&'ttfVo. Hcpkjts 4.C , toej pr:.-efa:T U O0O t r ,hr. .. . I . s . S a,.. - w ti.' cotr , I a, w K , , . ' Iws bTva 'T - iw s rse iih:. Wew II i -t . es 1 CO, t I be IElf ocrt j (ocd cir! ; u ; sBa P " tj ms. the )eegau Sec .fir) : fr va, i lean ncg Iana-d t the I ivill .ct ool sreeods,Tce-da . J h Us -f tbe left leg le'ow j 1 1 'hou; thr-an Use 'ff Wi. a Kid to.-. r l . the boua bo' J reef - j eo4J w thr: t, two: chftis, j J wlKsjpi'sg eoatrh, c: - - ! -r '.h-aMUeft cn d f ' Th m Rsrt I -a-ihe k dh. W, ) t ri.l J : a .' . ' . S3 . I 50 Camtitij-, I Th . N if i . it-va ; B fie jvr b ttle . St J-j h-,- J A ! --o ass wf not:.' a. rsrse 1 1 m '' tlir,.- td- i tLc oart of this sr. -. . icr e.ti-t of ihe I I S . ( ahriSHilasaaan i s , an -ce 1, van: : ) So- disr, pal laws 1a rvani to dr taan. a trcBtc - icBce State-! Frank SiaarwOa met with a rQ.;i arcbienl this mcrnir g. by wMch one of has j, w -s Djiued, canting unpcs! -ttetsJaott. . oa Ferry free: t-.t.-.!,. a,. bit tr: the be i l v a fj'h-r. loard eu,ri s ccr. "" ne . . s c3e. A tu r . cn dressed ihe e docket of the j in session in Salem. -p , - . - tB,- rsspor.event l appfnant. Mr J R Teatp.e'ci, ir, 'He b.s s Chat Baker c.wn, resiling ccar h'owas red coa! oil m t.u farm. On fee yer sgo tbe oil was cut nothing wtt tioucht of ; rt,fcg;" a wci: s : fir . tUscov-riecT 1 t at lie t:-nr. ittmr. Coa:tv t.t s 1st M Itliaijueat o , Apr.l J H Sal ,v p, t :a n,-w c.ioa Utts of this i trace, lava ssal th- O 1' roa.i bed is far Fetter -wi mi arvn,. th u rb? Ureit North- tn Mil; Ci; ;.irt-.e. At the n e. . ! the louii line and L aa : . ..- .: !eti.ver.iuv $rK"0t p.- : t . A S Mcbttja: I, cf ii.'owcteille. at 61 months i inscret. i.i -,..-. 1 rd o00 to E Kent at mdiy cT Astweia hr.s leen ill fcy th C-. :it;a', a. d Ii. Albin, itr 'eid:ri. y aresundlcit bv the white 1 is the en per thnijr tjdo V ball vVedcr-.dsy Marvh, the Christian church will dnveu t I C,t ed a 22 the I laiv. lies .1 un.: cr cc iif Utiejr tf meats, v. g-ta- .:d, fruits. case. ui.'. t a. cotTaj. ,t- j lor 23 ceut?. A r.trd ct T Ni-b wia-hes t , starts r v dti a scfficteo: bo cannery i the nrnrtsr Cabi.e. -.- st Al i nut is Ksre !, A tnioj. laei as nave ouf. Albany I'KVO ceat. Mr Bird was formerly eeaaeotcd with the Baless con- erv. Saisro Ullstssss. Next Widneeday will be a !:ye rlay among tf-or;m-n in Alhant . The ma ca shoot he Sky Meeiis, cf flatrisburg, aud Bill. Mai'in.e: Mail nnvilt.-, will take piace cear tbo depot, ; r 100. u.l other com .it will be arrange i In the eveniug a snpeer will l-egiveu st the W C TU Hall. pKtioa.w: for tho Sunday evening ser vice at the First JJ Church, at 7 M p m, to be rsndered bv ihe Woman's For eign Mia?T. .try Society; Hyuin, . j - ..:ttregaiion. ratfei iy tne pastor. Ant hem, bf choir. Scripture reading. Letter to v, bv Maggie i.-:s endorser. Mnging. Thank 0.1 Solo, "tli Little Re. . Two U i bett. Sonjr, in Request." Address b r:ng paper, bv Orra AbWtt ; ..111 1, Send Mt'.-' by lr , May Pollock , or Nellie's liift, Myra Al five parts, "The Heathen's f .Mis all mid Benediction. Siogln Ii Wrote GoKUNr. Hill Xys wrote a comedy lust spiing called "Ihe Cadi." It is now ruiitiiiig 111 New York, and the lines of the pivce are bo funny that tbe progress of the plav is seriously impeded OV the IlliariOUS I:U1 oy tne uiiarious laugiueroi me iiuciience. T,'0 characters of Nye's writing are gro- teaquely funny, bu i .'.'""fe" ,fun ) lifetime. t OU W ill 1 himself is fun enough fo .' lifetime. You w ill have an opportunity J do th'?,n ?lexl trlty . ?he ) 'wcus "Bill" is to appeal -in this city, ; in conjunction with A P Burbatik, who , has won fame on both sides of the At lantic as n monologue entainer. THE ATTwWICT t.F.M s: 11. , ontlM. t? I ' L. L. .11.. . ouoimiuiijui; aurnMir 01 reniiieton, wrott - ' 10 (ieorge E Chamberlain, attornev- general, for his view concerning the Manley law, to see If Mr Chamberlain supported the opinion entertained here! lh the ,eunlenu ol ,ne ,cW dl,trIct ! anJ cit. mut now made nnder -hat i 1 law. The attorney general kindly replies at , length to the letter, setting forth many ! fact of lneret in explanation of the new i assessment law. Mr Chamberlain states 1 that he U clearly of the opinio that the I new law must now. govern aaacssmeots. , quote bection 9 of the act, which pro vid. that "al! laws providing for assessor i c :r.-.-r.t . pnjpertt by anv school district, incorporated town or city. , and all laws in coi flict herewith be and i the same ere hereby reoealed." This i " i.: U 3, r method of procedure in j direct tims. I The Man!t I February 21 si I Meretarv of j no approved ! of the em-ce he ays, was files in the office of tbe , and wr.i'e It i.a ivernor, on arc unt tergency clause, it took effect, i iTci Ion of the supreme court In he car In, in and alter i . . . I ' - I'-.'-g. Anorner par3graph in Mr Chamber- I iain's letter says: "ft Is true that tec ion 1 4 of the law require that each school dis trict and incorpora-ed town and city - a : , notify the COtrnty clerk of ther?te per cent ot the lew made bv it on or hefnrp the first day of February, and that it is Im- possible to comply with said section -cause tne time had elapsed heo the law took effect. The provision of .eetion 4 are, it seem to me. directory, and & failure to comply strictly tliere'itb would ; not invalidate the assessment or the lew i n,aae "teuo.. ; and tr.e notic-required to v- gocu niiucr aoju section ccujg oe giren t ar-y lime before the meeting of the ' county board of equalization." So ft appear that Pendleton's assess ment, and that of the school dittric. mutt undoubtedly b- made by the county f assessor, and that the taxes can not be coilectect unts'. those bv ihe county are These do not gathered bv the thetiff 111 IIIOS iteii.r.iient until Anri) ... ife., , . .......... .. .e,. E. fa All Cai'l ea ihe CalaaeeU. Ca.'.wF .aosvrxr.E. March i&tXiSoJ. EJiort liemocrol : Peic- reigns in Warsaw Trie n:t of lull for one ha'f acre of lir.d has been setrled by R W Moses paying sixty-five! dollars far Hull's half of rfyer running :we-.!t-:hree dials and the relinquish ' men, in my hall acre of land, and Hull j fating the. expense of suit, amounting to fori dollar. I now have the right to j raie my rt-xn fish in the Ca'apooia river ar-d my cattle can cuersch their h'rt in ; wster belonging to rce. J F Mcsea. tin!. I er.lsn: A few tlavs ago we nob'iBbed Mr M'se side of a it Cement. Heie is the other Port-'side: MrMt4 EDrroas: The suit of Hull vs Motes it se tiled bv Siosea paying all I cosu of suit. I5 ; Hull's attorneys fees, 1 125; and 5 for the strip of land, which ! i the price Hull has always Seked for kb.e land, making in all $65, sod Hull les Is '.. estr ;. to Motjes lor tMSsnssOtHSt, Males oat $i1 for the land, sends M0 to; A Barctary. pecks! to use 'oWxKtotTi El Qa M.tJtCil l6ti-, Burglars ' ! broke into the stose of L D Scarbougn . CretiweU last nicat aud stole about Sloo r "otthof clo'.h.:; J-ho-rt, e-. Xo clae to ! tSe barglart. I I:sn't mtotma tit she outfU the weak, nervous aad ailing wo man. As long as the suffers from the aches, pains, and derangements peculiar to ber sex, she can't ex pert to. But there's oclv herself to blame. With Dr. Pieire's Favorite Pre Fcrii'tion. she's a different t-omin. 1 .Aad lt s a chance test can be seen as well as felt. The system is in vigorated, tbe blood enriched, di gestion improved, melancholy aad nervousness dispelled. With the "Favorite Preseription,'' all the proper functions are restored to healthy action. Periodical pains, weak back, bearing-dosm sensations, nervous prostration, i-li " female complaints n are curod by- it- It's the ouly medicine for woman's weaknesses and ailments that's fruoranttfd to do what is claimed for it. If it doesn't give satisfac tion, in every case for which it's reo omnienileti, the money is returned. Can something else offered by the dealer, thon oh it may pay hui better, be CAVEATS. TRADE SS ARKS. OESICN PATENTS, COPTRMtHTI. Fee lufia Uaatttoo Otlg Ha BaoapWatT. Kxw York. au for aaiiiitii, -.iwia m. ?. frH II a . . O at Iery Ipt taken otrtbe ua la brcaabt beiote it Mttlaxx year! LS0 six AoMlws. ?SVi K uusBaas, 361 BreMwv. -New Yc-t Ut. Udifs "ilBiaVe ?5 rsss 3ES W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE noTVsVp. SBetst Calf Shoe In tb world for the prtoex ! W. L. Dou&las boo are eold avarywbera. , SvwrrbodLT Should wear them. It ts a duty yoo ot Toursalt to gat tha beat value toe . your money. Boosomlse In your toot wear by : piuonatuag w. t. uougias 5nOOS,wnion represent tha bast value at tha prions ad vaxtlsed above, as tbouHnda oas toalily. Sa- Take No Substitute. St Iteware of fraud. Son reuutne without W. I. Dotula name and price stamped ea bottom. Look foe It when yott buy. V. la. Deaslaus, Brocktao, Mass. Sou by SOUS ttt . E. KLAIN. REVERE HOUSE .LBANY - OREGth CHAS. rKUFrilEToR . OVa,-..! I 4 Sdestilio AsMricu T -'-.i.i'; -.Mr w. jmintw 1 U. atSaSsS I a .Vta SKtatW- llf. wswasawsau OUaSSsHIIV ta 1. a . S I, Bt riir eLPJL , 1H . itwswsv.. ON FIRE WITH ECZEMA Terrible SnTerin3 of Little Bab. Seven Doctors nnd Two Ilospitala Fall. Ciircl by Catlcora. My t.aby Vy, S m-mha old. broke cat with f' :n rh itrhlnij acd rmrnlna was tntenw; tho .twma r,red l bia Braba, breut, fac, anj boait, Baal be worn neirry eovend; Ms tarturin" gst kss wen pttabU to bcbold; he haJ no pew ana PW4 mue reat BiaM cr day. He was nairr trecr nicrnt at different tic."i : ; two baapiuls ann .y mt f'toralnth!aruy ;y t tho least benefit ; mmt t reserljJon ot tbe d-t was lattMnlly trtC't, b ; crew wonts ail the t: a, jVer coi.tta 1 abctit t per wecie tor rneiiidnee, aa4 was n. Cre y diseeurjed. I pur. ebied Otrncisu, t.r-t- tTRA .'.. .:. A Cct . lteaotTn an4 v t !!:. Beiiet was tm - -- er. : t, trd rest and ti v.j t' .-- Jir. c-rrcrEA,SCe-: Eoa?. ..o-t by the I'CTTis i, r-i, rwsi, cfetpyed, ztJ yCTitraoar. FOLKS' PftiSST SQG, SSHS icX SHBsaatBaat 5 (SB S w7KtiIMWB 2Vfa,g SljUnrBossafi One cent a dose. Thu Gbxat Co r th Crat pro-5ptty curt where all otbeas fail, Ooofke. Crazp. Sere Tbros-t, Hoarteneaa, Whco;i Ceagb aasl Aithma. For CisiwnstShst St has do rrrae has cured thoaaar.da.ac4 wifl ctrtia TOC tf taken In time. Bold by Ptusoziats on a snax estee. For a Ltrce Back or Cheat, tats SHILOI-ra BELLADONNA PLASTESLiSc, CATARRH REMEDY. etrou' This tesBedr im rnarsa- I ! I tcctltcureyou. Prtrr Wits. Injector free. ALPIEI COLLI&Uig ligflTOTI ALBANY, OREGON 3.802., 1892. Irit Terse eroa-J Serteather SCk A ' I corps of aiaSrtrocsazx, CLAiSiCAL, SClEKTinC, U7E3APt COUKErGWL AMD KCHHAl CLASSES. Coarsest ot study arraaeed ts m.i ; all grades o? students Vsei ,' i r :so:rmeSaf rf treat ft Uira' rest jirood. art. ZS.SKBT IMMtJ IBS as assess, aSssk 0ia r. i sa.a by -Mic-seirea. . H 0SIa mm is wtx Pi 1 n EC Wssr'S Xr, Itaacs TuinotT, twarmatseal tsciVr ttr , jejie. MaSSsw . Cwn swWea rtsjfwn.-,- ; :-a.rt.lei.xtvaaa Pr sr-s.i ta tames . e, v steshat car lots so 00. Waakeetttasna. Xisii Itiisitsji I. SeiVralar et th Baas iseaflt letasai -i . t 11m tleosy aat tlealti, ?.- . .. I i -, aras. bwiiif he-raSaWt.t, lie wiurr Lasses atal Stw aaiv-ertstet ctasit 3 --trbo. sf tha cam. sett-abase oe tUsa Sox a'Oal-nr ttWatatnatK.' I al -llikat .ean oiesteti.ssu b. teuorjrji.j r-a-asafeSaa. t tat ARlYTafJ. M f.-t-i ii." :..-. V 1 , to . -1 il" . C . 1 -t 0a I i , . s f!ta a, -,.-. -aiiiesl esw.t ta ria aiilfif Altriin-. tte, ,1 issHsttl i rr I Cia 1;. :.-j;;tt ' ELECTRH) UnSTPATEUTS WITH EI-KTsfl. MACHETIS sesKitsosy KR ttmrtMEKTS. ta-l ffsee , 5oc! Va'.i.a. .at at... i-. .-r:nsitoc. of trsia. setts r mi h sr tsrhsi lllia. uteiuIetSSMllsa tralas. ItWaE asrees. setl:!,,. 5r5 ""r: '''...'."?'- tstltee. u.,r au Wle a: wiser. sst gtess s ear rest .so: U twitsatle felt ft. tfte e, . lorMI . e. j "Js. lie tte . . v - iieufcciac... ttn ,-r-j ; rsaeetlxs ft. .0 ts. ss 1 l!?,.lM""l-, - i taet J "i? tue a. Osey-eseeeSI lrUta tlttltll SI trlaseKt . Its pe.lei: t-.-n ...r efirs eea.1 aSes.l 8U WITS tU. tt I iLilS lr-tlt,i 1B ,at a to -stawSWDaja. 8tAfceU:iuxalt-J faw:l;.u. asi eJ.aM. lee aCiissa "EW jEXaSjcTaCa.IO CO., Wo. 172 r.rst S... PCRTLAMO. OR. Wall Paper, rugs, Iaiiat;i, Oil: CSlfifc.., IZtc J. A. Cumiiiiog RECR . slits BSM H- Bjm t-. ?a wta '.-:::!. aKsatntr? - J-areasJt" JKSIFr .it for a tote! al BeVsviftf il c lares In a few dart t sjBMMj liitiout tie aid orr-abUcity of a arTBW O.-vt -r. aScarCtaStvtaons and MIM etirjit-ed not to rtrieture. HaaanH "e. .-s;J Xsrra ri-, HA Mar.utacnced by awawsswa Re Stws CSser.-: : O VaH Bh C aB tjatJ BELT