The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 24, 1893, Image 3

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    Wit muut
A Fair Item. The legialaturea of Ala
bama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Florida,
Georgia, Kansas, Mississippi, Nevada,
South Carolina, 8outh Dakota, Tennes
see and Alaska failed to make appropria
tion for a representation of the re
sources of their states at the Wo Id's fair,
but funds for that purpose were contrib
uted from other sources in all of them
but Alaska, which is the only state or
territory that will not be represented.
The state appropriations range from $300
000 in New York, California and Penn
sylvania to $10,000 in Delaware. The
funds raised publiclv ranged from 12,500
in Oklahoma to $250,000 in California.
Those states not having state buildings
are Florida, Louisiana, Nevada, Texas
and Wyoming, and Alaska. Arizonia.
New Mexico and Oklahoma will have a
joint building costing $7,500.
A Dkaf and Dumb Bkqo ar. Last even
ing a deaf and dumb man applied to Rev
Metayer of the Catholic church, for aid
He bad a letter dated at Johnston, Colo,
signed by two doctors and two sisters,
stating that he was injured in a mining
accident in which 52 were killed and de
served aid. He made some demonstra
tions peculiar to deaf and dimb men, aa
if he were going to assault Rev Metayer
and, on complaint was arrested and
placed in the calaboose. He took his
leave thia morning. He was undoubted
ly deaf and dumb; as he claimed.
Thb iLoss Adjusted. The Portland
Dispatch says: The loss sustained by
the Brownsville Woolen Mills Company
in this city by water at a recent fire, has
been adjusted $6000. Directly after the
fire the loss was roughlv estimated at
from 150.000 to $100,000. It aDoeara
that the injury don the stock was more I
fanciful than real. It is asserted that
goods that bad a drop of water on them
were condemned, when, in fact, no
damage was done. Where lorn is oc
casioned by water, the blame is more or
less attached to the rite department, but
when the matter is understood cotrectly
the blame is materially lessened.
Bill Nye's Vushm rm f.-."Tt
" 1
e"..-W h T 10 l61 , ?he !
SMH"a5l ?Pa? erl'edlton
01 spring chickens that I am averse to.
It is the aged ben who is in her dotage, 1
and whose eggs also are in their second
childhood. Upon this hen I shower my !
anthemas. Overlooked by the pruning- i
hook of time, shallow in her remarks,!
and a wall flower in society, she deposits
her quota of eggs in the catnip conserva
tory, far from the haunts of men. and!
then m Angnst.wben eggs are ex remely
low and har col'ection of no value t any
one but the antiquarian, sl.r proudly
calls attention to her summer's wotk "
At the opera house Friday night.
Linn County Wm G ' m is In
the city delivering his newmipof Linn
county, a splendidly gotten uj i.rece of
work. According to this map Millers It
4 miles from the court houso ;, Albany
on a bee line: Tangent, over 6; Tail. nan
and Spicer, about 8; Oakville, 9 ; Plain-
view and Lebanon. 12: Shedd. itH ; Shel-
burn and Sc)o,i3; Peoria, 14; Sodaville.
Aberdeen and Fork Rosa,i5 4 ; Waterloo,
17; Halsey, 17; Lacomb and Browns
ville, 18; Santiam and Jordan, JoV;
Crawfordsville, 23; Rowland, 24; Holly,
Sweet Home and Harrisburg, 25; Fott'i
and Lyon, 26; Fox Vallev,27; Maley,
3; Whitcorab, 43. The southern line is
30 miles south and tjie northern line of
the county 10 miles north of Albany.
Was it a Robbery. The Roseburg
Plalndealer says ; Word was received in
this city that Gen M xt Holmes had been
robbed of iSooo. Particulars are meagre,
but It has been the general belief that fie
General has had coi.slderable money
buried on his farm In the Camas valley,
and that some person has found it and
appropriated the same to his two use
Others are of the opinion that the loss Is
purely an Imaginary one, as he recently
old much of his property In order to sat
isff a judgment against him arising out of
the failure of W F Ow ens.
A Big Deal. a satisfaction ol a mort
gage given by the Faimers Loan and Trust
Co., of New York, to the Oregon and Cali
fornia Railroad Co. on June 1st, 1881. was
filed in tt office of the recorder yesterday.
The amount of money for which the yj0
miles of road was bonded was limitei to
$2o,ouo per mile at 6 psr cent, gold bonds
with the principal redeemable at no by an
accumulative sinking fund of 1 per cent, per
annum commencing in 1 886 . Statesman .
The document will be filed in all the Valley
The Oregon W . C. T U. The Ore
gon branch of the W C T U will hold ita
annual state convention in this city on
May 10th, 11th and 12th inclusively. Aa
this lis the first occasion on which the
convention has honored this city with ita
presence, the local mem hers of course
wish to give the visitors a cordiai wel
come. A meetiug was held last Thurs
day for the purpose of devising ways and
means for their entertainment. A com
mittee haa been appointed to call on the
busineas men of Astoria and solicit their
aid in thia regard. Astorian.
In Jail. Harry Wyatt had hi trial
before I ustlce Kinsey Saturday afternoon
and the facts brought out there are as fol
lows: About the middle of January last
Wyatt borrowtd a buggy of W C Rich
mond and afterward sold the same to Wolf
Sanders lor $22, giving a bill of sale there
of. He was found guilty by the court of
larceny by bailee and fined $40 or twenty
days in the county jail. Of necessity he is
serving out the latter option. Guard.
Ah Under Hooo. Last Saturday In
.Jew York Judge Insrram, after hearing
the arguments of counsel, said he would
on Monday make an order confirming
Everest W Hadley as receiver of the Ore
gon Pacific railroad, and directing ex-Receiver
T Egeton Hogg to surrender the
books of the company. Mr Hogg will
hence have to show up, and some live
facts are promised when the books are ex
amined. vheap t-NouGH. rne Welcome says:
Members of the Oregon Press Association
will be given ti ansportation to Chicago and
return, next May, exclusive of Pullman car
privileeess, for the sum of $5. Editors who
swesr off now ought lobe ab'e to take the
trip without serious inconvenience. A grip
and some grub, a few blankets and a pledge
of total abstinence and the excursionists will
be fixed.
Notice. Parties desiring a good cup of
coffee should call at the store of Perry
Conn and examine the Pan American
coffee pot, guaranteed 10 save you 30 per
cent of your coffee ; makes a better coffee
than can be made by the old way, and It is
made In twenty seconds. Call and see us.
Looking letter
feeline better-r- ----
bcttei- in every
wsy. There's
more cinsolaliori
in that llian well
people rtop to
ponce. 10 gel-;
bock flesh an tx
spirits is every
mf s Effiitsiiir
of pore Cod Liver 6i1 vi-.Miy.- -pliosplutes
is prescribed by l' . -n
physicians everywhere ur
mcius that ere causing rapid i
of flesh and vital Etro:ij't!i.
Scott's Emulsion wHI 0o mrr? tbs 1
to stop a linKerinjrCoH:di itio.-t: . s
the ys' c r. AuAlfiiT cougtta as; J col .-3a.
Prpiir-i -, Rn !' Bmrio. S. V. All it
"TUTANrKD. Two young glra to lnr
TT the millinery trade. AplyatMlsa
LADIES who will do writing for me at
tbelr homes will make good wages.
He ply with eelf-addTcNsed, stamped en
Bend, Ind.
r AN LED. A woman lo do light
work in a small family. Inquire at
I, T-xb-
Vail Discharged. Win Vail, the man
arrested at Lebanon yesterday for the
murder of John Loveall, was discharged,
as there was not sufficient if any evidence
against him. Vail was one of the men
who found Loveall after the murder.
Two brothers were on the Coroner's
jury. The $300 reward will probably
cause several arrests. Every man in the
vicinity seen with money will be sua
pec ted. A Lebanon man sayi that a
dozen different men are watched, and
each one did it. There is a law provid
ing for the levying of the costs of suits
unnecessarily brought against the proa
ecuting witness, and it would not be a
bad idea to apply it occasionally. Murder
is a terrible offense ; but it is also a big
offense to be accused of murder on mere
suspicion without evidence to back it.
Every effort to secure the guilty man in
thia aggravated case is commendable;
but there should be some reliable evi
dence before! arrest.
Bang, Bang. The Nimiods are In
possession ol the field today. Beginning
at to o'clock some live poo'.s were shot off
at 10 blue rocks. The Albany men sus
tained the reputation of our city in this
rtpect, P I Baltimore, D B Monteilh, L W
Deyoe, Geo Froman and others making
some good scores. Mr Hughes, one of the
three champions of the N V.' was present
and broke ten straight. Zeph Job, of
Corvallit smashed as high as s out of io.
and Roy Raber, the mining expert,
Smith, Hibbs, Pierson and ethers, tried
thetr hand. Mr Zinge), who will chal
lenge the winner of the Meeks Martin
contest has been present, an interested
spectator. Capt Riley, with Ms white
hair, though a comparatively young man
Is taking a decided Interest in every bang.
He was the referee in the pigeon shoot for
$200 which began at about 3 o'clock, and
will be completed too late for this issue.
The shooting was witnessed by a good
The Tables Turned- Some strange
things occur under the administration of
our government. Jason Wheeler, of
Albany, was Indian agent at the arm
Springe Agency under Cleveland's first
reign, and when he went out of office and
made a settlement, he waa reported $800
short. A bill waa presented for hia relief,
but somehow waa never acted unon .
Now conies Senator Mitchell, who has
,T n . -
at i iwwoH m-1 in 1. , , a 1. . . .
ined in h interior department, and as a
result it is now claimed the government
owes Wheeler $230 If thia be true, the
next deficiency bill wh:cli passes congress
will afford Mr Wheeler relief. Salem
Independent. It is undoubtedlr true,
and the government is the debtor. Mr
Wheeler is as "square" a man aa ever
filled the position of Indian agent.
A Crook County Affair. Last Sun
day night Bob Hamilton and Jim Cross
met In O'Neil Bros saloon, when Hamilton
called Cross out the back door to speak to
him. There they had some words about
Cross calling on Hamilton' wife, who Is
now ilving separate from her husband.
The ords ended In blows, and Hamilton
drew a pistol, and savs he struck at Cross
with it, when the pistol was discharged,
the ball cutting through the lapels of his
coat and entering hi left arm. indicting
vfi-.c a Mrvrre wound. Mammon had an
lamination before Justice Elliott on
Xuesday, on a chaise of assault with a
dangerous weapon, and was held In bonds
of $300 to appear before the next grand
jury. Review.
j A Shooting Accident. Here is an
other Lane county accident, as reported
by the Eugene Journal . A twelve-year-old
son ot Mr Johnson, who lives four
miles below Coburg. accidentally shot
in the hand while out duck hunting: last
eoresaav aiternoon. The particulars
are as follows: Young Johnson and one'
of the Lytle boys were slipping up on a I
band of ducks along a creek. Johnson was I
ahead of Lytle. Wnen Lytle fired the I
charj e struck Johnson s left'ha-.d tearing
away all the fingers except a pan of the I
index finger. It seems that the havs were
somewhat excited to get the ducks and
Lvtle did not notice that Johnson was so !
nearly in front of him
A Pasic at Halsey. Evervbodv in
Halsey yesterday were fOtrig their way,
wucn 01 a &naaen panic veeraed to reign
on the streets. Men were cursing, gun
were fired, and women, ignorant of the
fact, began to faint. Had it not been for
the presrnre in mind of one of our citizens,
who shouted that it was nothing but a lady
in a hoop skirt, no doubt blood would have
been shed. T-e above is from our dty
correspondent, who came home fro.n Al
bany In a "puzzled" condition We do
not doubt the above, but we hare little
faith in the writer. Sews.
Fix the Jail. Nearly every grand
jury recommends that the old shed at the
county jail be torn down. The recom
mendations of this last grand jury parti
cularly should be considered ky the coun
ty court. A lew dollars spent in greatly
needed improvements at the jail will not
be missed. As the state board of charities
is an institution of the past there Is no
danger of another visit from them. It Is
only a matter of right, though, that the
county should give prisoners proper sani
tary privileges.
A Lahc BtraoLAaY. An epidemic of
burglary seems to be prevalent in Lane
county. Cottage Gioe waa viaiud by
the light-fingered gentry last night be
tween the hours of 7 anil 10 o'clock, the
atore of F 8 Younger being broken into
and about $75 worth ol cigars and toba
co and jewelry stolen therefrom, bid-s
the money drawer was rifled of between
two and three dollars of small ebang
Guard .
AW E VTERTAl VMZNT will hr ,j!vrn '
Sand Kidge Grange Hall on the ev-mng of
April I. The drama Comra. lei. i I be pre
sented, followed by music, comic oni-.
recitations anl a very laufchate farce, MA
Sea of Troubles '' Admission. 25 c-nts.
children 25 cent. By -rder ofconmiitee.
It Pays .Some of the fine', land In
Linn connty lies along the Santiam. Rich,
never falling soil. Twenty seres is worth
fifty in many places. A sample of what
the land can do is illustrated by a recent
experience of MrCC Haman, r-aiding
one mile north of Knots' BiVte, On four
acres devoted to pota'oes Mr Haman clear
ed $477.23 the uast season. Hp will sail
ff small tracts of the land at the low nrice
of $35 an acre. Twenty acres of It make a
nne place, bee adv.
Vaoobd. This morning Marshal Mc-
Feron arrested a pretty well dressed
young man for vagrancy and placed him
in tne caiatjoose. It the ca aboose is to I
be used as a place of imprisonment it !
should be furnished with good cots and
bed clothing, kept clean, and made a
respectable place. A little monev thus
spent would be onlv a matter nf hnm.
Albany Gars Part. Bids for remod
eling the brick building in Salem pur
chased by Thos Holman from tha city
were opened this week. The lowest bid
for brick work waa that of Craven &
Olinger, $9,195, for mill work, the Sugar
Pine ) & Li Co ot Albany 1,267, and for
iron works, $699 75.
Reomned The goods In the store of T
L Wsllace & Co hsve been purchssed by J
L Cowan and M Sternburg and will be sold
out at reasonable figures. The stack is a
brat cla one, and those wishing bargains
will dowel' to call on them ai the old stand
ant get hgures oeiore nuying, no sucn
opportunity will be offered this resr in Al-
lany to eet doming at the most reasonaDie
figures to be secured.
Egos lroa Setting of the following
breeds furnbhed on short notice:
S. C Brown Leghorn,
-Silver Wyandottes,
Barred Ply moth Roci s,
Light Brahms.
Leave orders with C E Brownell.
Drissmakit'q. Those derirlng firt
cla dressmaking can secure It at Mis
Belle Strausburg'n, In the McIlwain
Block, up stsirs. Do not confuse the
plare with other ttvaps.
Remember. -r-Tlie Ri(i are the only
corsete that seduce and lengthen tbe
waist without injurious tight lacing, to
be had at the Ladiea Bazaar at all prices.
Dost fail to see my line of spring scoV
summer dresa good. Al I are of the latest
a ) les at Samuel E Yonngt .
STOP at Will & (Stark's when y 01 are
after diamonds, the best watches, and
ne finest silverware lo be secured.
lave them.
Prevent and ctire Constipation and Sick
amou nuts uuaus.
At 1 o'clock the case of the State agt
Thos G Brice, convicted of adultery, was
called. While the sentence might have
been a fine or Imprisonment In the ceunt
jail the court made it 6 montns In the pen
itentiary, remarking that the offense was
one against society, that deserved punish.
Ishment. Clyde Pratt, who plead guilty
of larceny from a dwelling, was sentenced
to one y tar in the penitentiary, the smallest
sentence possible.
Sheriff Jackson went to Salem this noon
after Phelps and Baker, who have just
been granted ine. trial by the supreme
court. They will be tried tomorrow.
Judge McFitddn, of Corvallis, their at
torney, is in the city, ready for the second
F H Buchanon vs Chauncey William
et al ; possession real property. Continued
by consent. I
D M Burnett vs J A BUyeu. Judgment
for plff on verdict of juty.
Mary Wood vs Frank Wood ; recovery
moaey. Verdict for pff for $50.
Asa A and Abba Hull vs J F and Anna
Motes; action to establish boundary line.
A Hackleme n vs City of Albany ; in
junction. Continued by consent. -
! H Mullan vs City of Albany; injunc
tion. Continued by consent.
J A Thornton vs City of Albany ; In
junction. Continued by consent.
J C Batrd vs R P Colbert; recovery
money. Order lo publish summons. Con
tinued. Chas
Smith v
A Blaket ; recover1
Geo W Munkers vs Far & Mr Ins Co;
recovery money. Continued by consent.
Assignment ot Albtrtlna Kriesel. Con
Effa Klelnharamer vs Fred Kleinham
mer. Continued.
C P Burkhart va Nellie C Burkhart.
Recommitted to referee and continued.
W J Dawes vs Jennie Dawes. Nonsuit
on motion of plff.
A! lie A UcPherton ye M 9 Mcpherson.
Continued. Referred to A Freekseu.
Nellie - Smith vs Thomas Smith. Dl
vorce granted to plff with costs and dis
bursements and care of minor children.
Assignment of WR Graham. Con-inued.
Assignment of L T Hennes. Contin
ued Enoch Cy rus vs Warrert Cyrus- Con
tinued. Assignment of E C Pyatt. Continued
Chas Williams vs Deestlng Sheppard ;
Nonsuit on inoiloi of pi ff.
Santiam Lumber Co v. F 8 Campbell ;
W E MrPheraon vs A H Phelps; writ
of review; Settled.
Ella H Mendenhall vs Harrisburg Water
Power Co; injunction. Referred a J C
Powell, continued.
Lane Lumber League va Frank Burk
hart etal; foreclosuie Hen. Referred to
Percy Kelley. continued.
H P and Mary Miller vs I N and L A
Wooslle; recovery money. Settled.
J W Cusick agt A B Seal and! wife, rait
to recover money. Order for publication of
summons; continued.
M J Smith vs Heary Watson. E T T
Fisher, W C Tweedale and F M Redfield
appointed referees to make partition, and
cause continued.
Fleckinstein & Meter vs I M aod Wro
Bilveu; recover v money. Dismissed as to
J M Bilyeu. Leave to amend complaint
John Mayer vs Rebecca I Mayer; di
vorce. Piff ordered to pay to clerk $100
for deft to defend her case. Referred to
Percy Kelly. Continued
State of Oregon vs Jaa C Lyons. Deft
fined 1 50.
John W Gaines vs W F Deaklns. Jury
trial, verdict lor pi H.
Matt:e E Bolin vs Wm E Boltn; divorce.
, Divorce granted to plff without costs.
1 Custody of minor child awarded topItT said
Plff allowed to asaume her raalcen nasie.
Malinda aoune vs Neater '! Youna?.
Benjamin Hardman vs Thos Brink et al ;
confirmation of sate. Ordered that deft
quit possession of the mortgaged premise
in 10 days.
A VI Bamford vs Chas Bam ford. Di
vorce granted to plff without costs.
J W Gaines and E L Plummeret al vs
Linn county and J M Hassler et al. Judg
ment on mandate of Supreme court.
The Salem Statesman pays the Y M C A
of that city the following compliment: It
pleases the writer very much to announce
after a year that the Y M C A has sot only
the best saloon in Salem but trial it has by
far the largest. A good- idea . Do all your
drinking at the Y M C A bar.
Notice. Merchant of Albrsny. The
steamer Bismarck will meet any leg! I
mate competition on freight rales, bosh
to end from Albany and Portland, and
intermediate points. Certain parties sre
circulating the report that the Blsmatc k
will not run but we are strictly in It, and
will stay. For rates see MorrU at feed
N, vkltiej iu spring aod torn mar
at S muei E Yoong',
i k s
1I93. During tne year 189:1, froir Se
inn'ng to end. Will A jtark propose tc
Beep up their reputation of h aving the
tircl sic .k of jewelry, watc he, llver
wsr, etc , I- tne valley. If y u want the
bet goods at reasonable prlc ; call on
Polltsv and Hi Das. The 'anderslgned
Is paying the highest cash p. I ce for hides,
furs and poultry. Call on t ae at corner
of Third and Ca'lapooia street. In Albany.
A.. CohilN.
Lace CartalB
I carry a large line cf lac. enrtaios in
price from $1 .00 no. bew 1 roods with new
deaigo just received at 8 E xoang.
Fbsbbbl CLas. Inasmuch
aa the kindergarten training ia a most
excellent preparation for any young lady
for tbe duties of life, especially for tbe
avocation of teacher, a private training
class will be-opened for all those desiring
to uss the kindergarten method in their
work. Primary teachers are especially
invited to tbla case, as they will Ond
that a knowledege of Froebel's Gifts and
Occupations, together with tbe Talks on
(.mid Culture, will be most helpful
Call tor further information at kinder
garten on 7th street.
Dissolution Notice. Notice is litre
by given that the firm of Conn & Hendric
son doing a general grocery busluei s In Al
bany Or, la this day dessolved by mutual
consent, O Htndricson rstirinz. All out
standing account nd all lUbllitbn will be
ssttled by the old firm of Conn & Hendric
son. AlUpsrtie indebted 10 au 1 Arm are
requested to call at the old stand and settle
their account immediately. T he business
will be tonduc ted at the old star id by Perry
R Cor n. Persy R Comm.
O He kii .icson.
ihey; have moved. Kit in Bio are
now ia their new quarters i n the Cusick
block, and invite the public lo call and see
their metropolitan store, and a swell Inspect
1 heir large and fine line of boa tsanri shoes,
for men, womeu snd childrci 1. The are
prepared to meet all the df mtndt of
public for foot wear.
New Steamer Like. The Independent
steamer Bismarck ia now m akmg regular
trips Monday, Wednesday and Friday,
connecting at Salem with ateatver El-
wood. Through freight to and
Portland. The steamer I iismarck
liitht draft boat and can rt in far in
enmmer months- Order vn ur freight
steamer Eiwood from rt inland,
rates, see Morns at feed stv jre.
Men's Shoes. I call part icular attention
te my new line of fine dress sheet for men.
Nothing In style or quality k elder m tde for
the price. I alto carry a large arso.rtment
of drtss shoes in medium pr iced goods, sll
solid and every pair warrant! f,
SaMVH E. Y0lf.T5.
Miss RoseTtumbull of La Grande, Is In
the city.
Mr Bert VanCleve is traveling for the
City Bottling Co.
H C Chamberlain and daughter went to
Portland this noon on a shoit visit.
License has been issued for the m mitt
of Theo O Cheshire and Millie J llazan.
Mr Jos Watson, of Tacoma, formerly
with the Albany Iron Works,! in the city.
Mr and Mrs Harry Chlpman have
moved to Yaqulna to reside, en account
of the recent O. P change.
Mr Sky Meeks is in the city ready for the
big match shoot to occur on next Friday
with Billy Martin of McMlnnville.
Mr H H Ames leaves this week to prs
pect the Southern Oregon mines that are
now attracting considerable attention.
Deputy Sheriff Croner, of Eugene city,
waa in Albany this noon, on his way
home from Corvallis, where he had been
after some men not to be found.
"Pap" Stroud has been making a tour of
the southern portion of the state securing
the Indorsement of democrats for the pos
sion of collector of Internal revenue at
H D McGuire, state game and fish pro
tector, has been through the valley.
Killers of Chinese pheasants and other
game in close season will have to look out
McGuire means business.
A farewell surprise party was tendered
Mr and Mrs H Farwell Friday evening,
previous to their departure for Plalnview,
where they will reside. A pleasant
evening was spent. There was a large
attendance of friends, whose wltn many
others best wishes they will take to their
new home.
Mrs Mary J Train of Albany, visited
this city Friday and Saturday for the pur
pose of installing the officers of the Wo
men Relief Corps. As her husband is
editor cf the Albany Herald and she, her-'
elf, a pract'eal printer. The Tribune re
ceived a pleasant chatty call. She is a
very pleasant lady. Sllverton Appeal.
Miss Lizzie McNeil, and black little
Diana, left this noon for Liberia, to re
sume the missionary work begun there
nearly five years ago. A host of friends
were at the 'depot to bid them God speed
on their long voyage. Whatever her trials
in ur on Liberia Miss McNeil may al
ways know that she naa the eood wishes
and prayers of the reople of Albany re
gardless of creed. Thev will be joined In
New York bv several others bound for
License wax issued to day for tbe marriace
of Jos. T Watson, of Tacoma, and Miss
Julia E Swank, of Ltan County,
William H Parker, the rsot.ular candidate
for Collector of Costoma at Vaquina. left on
a short trip on the West Side this noon.
Thia afternoon a birthday nartv waa
given at tbe residence of Mr B W Cunditf
luiiotoroune nintn oirtiioay 01 Mies
Margaret Cundiff.
John Wanamaker, Cz-P M general, and
a Dartv of nrominent men and woman
left Philadelphia March 8th, on a lour of
ins 1 a 12,161 miles will be
t raveled
They will arrive in Portland April 23rd
SCSladden. tbe high head N G (na
tional guard) man of Eugene, who was
divorced from his wife laat year, is said
to have betn married to a New Orleans
heiress. She is entitled to the sympathy
of tbe public.
Hon Jeff Meyers, a candidate for Gov
ernor of Alaska, was in the city last even
ing. President Cleveland could not
make a better appointment. Mr Meyers
is a level headed man.judicious and care
ful tn ail his public conduct.
Mr Steve O Saadord, af Ladd & Bash's
bank of Salem, is is Use city, where he will
visit friends for a few days and then leave
for Ohio on a three month visit mi: n his
pa: eat and former neighbor, and as well
attend the World's fair.
Tbe EuRene Guard savs
E R Skin-
wortn has moved his law office into
i rooms 3 and 4 on second floor of Odd
, Fellows Temple, Willamette street- Mr
Skipworth has fitted these offices up in
elegant shape and they present a neat
ana tasty appearance. Mr Bkspwortb
baa a large and well selected law library
ana since bis location in hnene over
four years ago has established a repute
lion as a lawyer of splendid ability, in
segruyanu maustry.
Mr Pat Farrell It confined to hi home
miih ia grippe.
Mr John A Crawford returned
night from a trip to the well-known
Witch Haxel !arm in Washington count v.
where be has some horses in training.
Mr Dovne Turner will leave to morrow
for ETdeestrarg, Wash, to make arrange
ments to locate ia that vicinity. Hi broth
er, S f lamer, of Witemlle, Wash, a bo
has been visiting here, will retain to Water
vtlle. The Statesman sari: Senator Jeff M vers
is a candidate for governor of Alaska. We
hope he will be successful . Jed can hold
that place down as welt as anyone we know
in mis country. He would adorn tbe post
tioa sad advertise the rewurces of the coua
try. Margaret Cundiff birlhdav partv verier-
day afternoon proved a very bappy event
It was her eighth birthday, and a delicious
lanch was the order. Margaret savs the fol
lowing were pescnt. RusseU Wsllace, Em
ma Soa, Pk Nutting, Eva French. Francis
F tench, Lowell Tweedale, Jessie I" rites.
Oracle Payne, Minnie Huston, Lets Blain,
Krankie Payne. Mabel Stuart. Bert Husteo,
JoSeete French, Georgia Moore, Myrtle Mc-
uitde. lna bmna. Volana Smith. Mary Stu
art, Vmnie Mayo, Rey Nutting, Pearl Mt-
This Attebsoox. A msn, womsn. snd
hoy gave an acrobatic rerformance near
Stewart it Sox's to-day, a prcminent tea tort
wa the frequency of the collections, though
tbe contortionist was gool. At another
place a hand organ was being manipulated
by a man aod woman ,
Tbe City treasury of Labancn waa en
riched yeaterdsy by the fine of A F Stowe
and Joel Meyers, on account of a iiye pu
gilistic encounter the previous evening.
or Caw roe Test Read
The testimonial published in this paper re
lating ti Hocu s Saroa aarilla. I bey show
beyond a droit that Hood's Core.
Constipation, aod all trouble with the
iver, are curd by fIof.d' PilU.
Thb Well Dressed Man I always
entitled to consideration. This I Intro
ductory to the statement that the L E
aialn ijiething Company's tailoring de
partment under the efficient manaeement
of E A Schiffler has just received the
largest and best assortment of suiting for
the spring and summer trade ever brought
te Albany. If you would be appareled
Id a becoming manner call at this place
snd leave your measure at once and secure
choice ol goods.
Mas Ida M Buxll wishes us to state
that abe bas not moved from Albany, and
ia still continuing her millinery business,
where ahe is receiving new spring goods
every day, and will be pleased to see
1803. st the house of and
On March
by Rev C R
Lamar, Mr J M Fox Miss Ora S Baltimore
both of Linn county.
KENT- GOIN On March 18, 1893, at
the residence of Elijah Goin, near Jeffer
son, In Linn county, Mr Rnssell A Kent
and Nora Alice Goln both of Linn
ass 1 ' mi 1 1 1 1
BLEVINS. On Sunday, March 19,
1893 to Hon and Mrs A Blevlns, of Tan
genta daughter, weight 11 'a pounds.
CHARLTON. At Ellentburg, Wath.
Tuesday. Match 20. 1S93, Harriet Charlton,
wife of" J J Charlton, a former sheriff of
is a
Linn County,
COMELY. On Sunday evening,
March 19, 1893. In Albany, Dorlnda
Fadden, wife of J B Comely, at the age
about 03 yeart. The deceased came with
her husband to Oregon from Kentucky In
i8c,5 and has since resided In Albany. She
leaAts a husband and three sens, Adrian,
Geoage and Edward, and many friends to
mourn her death.
Higher prices wool are expected this
year in Crook oouuty eciording to the Re
view. We have jaat received nurnaw spring and
summer shirt waists for ladies, also new
styles in children's aprons, at Ladies Btztar.
The evolution continues. The last report
presented him as Col Eddy. The LaGracde
Chronicle raises it to tien'j B Eddy.
The meeting of the C L S C to have been
held tomorrow night at tha residenoe oj Jay
W BtaJn has been postponed for a couple of
The Ladies Aid Society meets tomorrow
aftemorn at 2:30 at the residence of Mrs
Thru Ho) kios. All members are requested
to be present .
The Silvartoo Appeal complains that
there are jost twenty -seven buines houses
and professionals in city who do not
advertise. Keep cool, y. ling men.
New oork sole, hand turned slioea, some
thing entirely new, not a winter shoe but
lifchtacd flexible for spring and summer
wear, at Read, Peeo'k it Co', Call and
inspect them.
Tha Miltonian literary aoiiaty, at the
school for tba blind, debated the question,
"Resolved, that tba annexation of the Ha
waiian islands to the United State is justi
fiable." Tba judges deoided the question
in favor of the negative. Salftn Journal.
Last evening Mr Clark Prie on arriving
at bis home three mile east of Alhaoy ds -covered
two akanka in bi cabin. After
trying for half an hour to driva the animal
away h was ubtnpel'ed to let them tal e po
saxston for thenisht. and walked back to
Albany for sleeping quarter.
Arretted For Ml b her. Aitaat
District Attorney J R ATyaU received a
dlf patch today from Lebanon saving that
Wm Vail has been arrested charged with
me muraer ot i,oveail. Mr nun went
out to conduct the preliminary examination,
At Til a U. P. Cmlrch The serce
at the United Presbyterian church yester
day were unusually interesting. The
evangelist. Rev W B Barr, preached both
morning and evening to large audiences.
At 4 o'clock a union children's service
was held. The several juvenile societies
of the dty were welt represented, about
285 being present. Rev Barr proved him
self as much at home with the children,
as In the pulpit. The children voted al
most unanimously to have another meet
ing, which wilt be held Tuesday afternoon
at 4 o'clock. Pr:aching service this even
Ing as usual. The public generally U
cordially invited to attend.
ISTencHAXGua Pclpits.- The Albauy
ministers are working together in har
mony, and the best fee. ing prevcilj among
mem. ie eruay morning they gave
tneir congregatlcns a surprise b
ex hang- j
ing pulpits. Rev C G Harmon, ef the M
E South, preached in the Baptist church ;
Rev E R Prichaid. of the Presbyterian, in
the Christian church: Rev JT AbbetL. of
t the M E. In the Congregational; Rev G
M A, of he Christian, In the Evan
1 gelical; Rev T J Wilson, of tbe V the
; Methodist; Rev L S Kisher.of the Evan-
1 the M E South; Rev W A Trow,
ol the t ong relational. In the 1st Presbv
terian, and Rev Barr in the United Pre!
Vt terian church. The idea la a good one
that mij ht be repeated occasionally with
profit. It shows that more and store only
one object I pushing itself forward in tbe
christian ministry and that denominational
difference are becoming a side matter.
1 1 t'DA
A biaach of the Keeley leal I tat U to t
established at Rosebarg.
The V M C A are moving into their new
quarters, arrtoeg the neatest and beat oa the
rii.u. -k t l. s-j- . . a,
easts 15.000 beatj have recently beea i
bought by th Albany Farmers Cj
The editor f the Mati n Ccasty Lst.o-
h' ' he Eaat rcxa-atl . cea sed
SO casta t jr a meal, and taaraby
rig SWBF
high ibe ti-riaa day.
eordiag to tlx. K-rn- Gctard Robert Mlill-
esa id 22 bdofstai ted cattta to Mr
Hsrv. e.' NtaU'e. for $800. H received 3
( and 3 cents per pootd. cr-at eight, far
Albany wa praUy uvsit laatatght. Two; temetery
or tore, live nehta are reported tne f Robert Andrewe to S B Ken it ton,
eeraer of First aod Rlrswarth street, sad H interest, 2 lots, Halsey
plenty of blood waa left to testify to tbe j Geo T Black to Henry Owen-, in
coateau. AH were ameojc yooo 1 tno. tereat in savers! parcels land .
The annual mretiag of te stockholders ' D w Allioghani to J H Washburn,
of the A Dinv Bui'.lu j A .a, r-at, innni I lot, Brownsville
1 boose) was held Let eveaing at tbe store ol
J liradwohl. The following director were
alerted: J Gradwohl, C H Stewart, J Jo
seph. FPNatUea. WC Tweedale. f f
Read and Geo E Chamberlain. The direc
tors will elect officers this eveoiog. Tba
report of tba treasurer tad secretary show
the aanc:ttoo to be to a tl wn hint oonli-
Paorrr Last n!ght at the U P church
Rev W B Barr preached a powerful ser
mon to a large and interested audience
from the text. " hat shall it profit a
man if be gain the whole wor d and lose '
bis own soul?" He demonstrated very j
logically the proofs of tbe existence of aa '
immortal soul. The importance of apir-1
Itual at compared with tempera! things,
ana tne lolly 01 devoting so much atten
tion to tbe affairs of this life and neg
lecling any preparation for eternity. Ilia
remarks appeared to produce a strong
impression on the audience. Services
will be held this evening at 7:30. All
are invited.
i'be clerk of tbe school board of .he Saltm
1 ublic school trill receive a salary of $500 s
Eogeoe Shelby. Walla Fargo ft Co't ei
preta a-nl at Eageae. haa been fined $'J0
lor shipping Kooge river aaimon to Portland.
Tbe ease will be appealed.
A few day ago a yoang deer tryed into
the yard ol Mr John Mitchell, io Ben too
cov nty. across the river from the oily, and
k cammed and will be taken carenl.
Geo. 8 Yoona ha oId hi barber hop in
this city to Mr Jesses Mneee, who took
charge thia morning. The Kroadalbin Streal
abop ol Nose a Lemming will be tun by
Ml to mining.
Ben F Naptbaly, tbe rrell known Ia-vver
and newspaper man of San Francisco, hat
been fined $1(00 or 500 days in jail io that
city, lor aid log a prisoner, hit client, to
escape, lie W1I1 appeal t the aupiemt
cruri. Nap h il baa not been vey promin
ent hetorrthe public since he had the thoet-
ioa acrtpe with Chailcs De Young about
twenty year ago.
From Aridand we t a minioit item to
the effect I bat the Ash. ami Mining Compa-
nv t rive tramp mm naa a uauy clean up ol
WfS in gold, ao'i tne qua'iz uc eatii.g in
richness the further they net in en the ledge.
Another mine ha been located only about
three mil from town which haa evidence
of being richer than tbe Ashland. Review.
Thmia a very selfish world. The Port
land Telegram report an interview a fol
lowt; "It would be a great boon for this
western country if the cholera would rate
in Europe for ths next two years. In this
vent wo will get a largo proportion of the
$100,800,000 that is spent annually by
Americans in Em one. There are a great
mtny people in the Fast who have traveled
all aha Vnsana I.mI 111. n.WP il..-. 1. i -
, , d if the chotora continoe on the
all other ,id. jt Urn trave this way for the
next few vaai
The Match Shoot. The mate 1 ahoot
between W E Martin, of MeMinnville,
and Sky Meeks, of the Mascot club,
takes place tomorrow a'ternoon at 2
The Quickest, Purest
and the
Best of all the
Baking Powders is
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
While other brands have
Deteriorated and will not
Raise the old amount of flour
Dr. Price's has been brought steadily up to greater perfec
tion; is richer in Cream of Tartar, and higher in leavening power,
hence does immeasurably better arid finer work than any other
Baking Powder known.
T.he Purity of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder has
never been questioned. Pure as the driven snow.
IJighest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
o'clock near the depot at this city. It
win ds at zb live pigeons apiece, and will
be witnessed by a large crowd of sports
men. H pea king or the contest the Re
view ot Portland says : A great amount
of speculation ii being indulged by local
shooters as to the winner. The favor, if
auch can be said, seems to be on Mask's
side.not that he is considered a better shot
than Martin, but owing to the fact of his
being a much older, and consequently
more experienced trap shot. No one
locally seems willing to pick tbe winner
for money, but undoubtedly there will be
mors or less money change hands, as the
Albany bojs feel confident of their man
b-ing successful, while tbe MeMinnville
shooters undoubtedly fssl tbe same. Mr
Martin ia a comparative'y new shooter,
so to speak, but aioee indulging in the
manly aport of trap shooting, baa im
proved wonderfully; but some four or
five weeks ago hs msde several scores en
live birds that would be hard to beat by
any of the professional crack shots in ths
eaat- Mr Mseks ia one the oldest
shooters in this state, and ia possibly
much better known by the shooting fra
ternity than his opponent- He has made
a practice of visiting all the large tour
naments held in the Northwest (or years,
and bis ezperiencv will giv him a big
advantage in hia coming contest.''
J as E Knox to 6 E Young,8 acres,
10 w3 $
Brownsville B 4 L A to Wm Hun
ter, 2 lots
M W Walker to John M Barton,
piece land 12 w 4
tl W Settlemier to Lydia eeltlemier.
1 lot, bl 30, Albany
J S Ramsay to A P Maxwell, 161.41
H Bryant to W H and M F Moore,
169 acres, IS w 2
i Geo M Knox to E Young, 68 acres
Edwin Lord to Wm Flickinger, lot
8. b! 2. HsSrd A. Albany
J c Lyons to A T Zumwalt, 2 lots,
C T Trip to W C Weeks, 6 lots,
Ida M Phelps to Elizabeth Corwin,
1 lot. Sodaville
O P Card to A J Sanford, 2 lots,
Hamnel King to David J King.i lot,
a:uuel King to David J King.i lot.
Heary Lvous to Vinnie Simmons,?
lots, Lyons
John talker to Jaa W Scan land, 2
lots, Lebanon
C G Burkhart to O C Awbrey,
v lots, W 57, Goltra Park
A llaj-klhan in Wm 171thinmr
Inta ami hi 9 It 'a ail, Vt '
Thos Morgan to Lvdia Morgan ,
I lot, HalsST- -TT
J S Ames to Daaisl Hatcbett, 2.1
acres, 13 E 1
, John D Love to E V Her bin,
i acres, uwi
U S to Aboer w WaUrs. 150 acres) Patent
E E Paddock to E P Davie. 55
scree, 12 w 4 4000
I Geo Bond to Jas Bond, H interest
lOfS1 acres. 13 w 3
, A J Kitaer to C E 4c F S Fields, 3660
240 acres. 13 w 3 WO
S to C T Leaver, 100 arree
j f
b to Boabood Hamilton,
W ! Linville to J H Washburn,
5xt6 feet, Brownsville ......
M Psyne lo J B Comely, lol City
j K M Wade to W A C rax ton, power
of attorney.
The Oak Plain G B A to SbeJd
I .odge of Masons. 2 lota
Louis Barxee to R W Fisher, 1 lot,
Ida Phelps to R W Fisher, 1 lot,
O C Awbrey to C G Burkhart, tru
tee, lot 6, bl 14, E A Albany
H N Derthick to Julius C P Mony.
20 acres, 11 w 1 -
raiarn, raactEMSsa
Tuesday evening.March 21st
Present Recorder. Marshal, Street
Commissioner snd Councilmen Pfeiffer,
Burisbart,- Marshall, Wheeler and Stew
art. In the absence of tbe Mayor, Council
man Bark hart waa elected Mayor pre tern.
The committee on streets and public
property, reported in favor of granting
tbe petition of the street railway com
pany asking for tbe raising of tbe grade
of First street six inches with provisions
that it be done at tbe company's expense ,
with eight inchee of gravel in sides, in
place of laoarding, railway company to
raise crossings, cisterns, etc Continued
for a fall council.
Petition of R M Halbart and others
asked for better sanitary condition in lot
S, block IS, probably meaning lot 6, block
15. Referred.
The committee on ways and means
read a report on city assessment prepared
by City Attorney Charlton, H H Hewitt
and Chas E Wolvertoo, giving an elabor
ate opinion on the recent new laws, bills
343 and 120. rtiey lonna tnai 93 waa in
direct conflict with certain provisions of
tbe citv charter. An attempt to repeal
a section ol a law without setting out the
whole section will not stand. See 0 Saw
yer. 33. The statute is an amendatory
one, and would amend sec 34, and other
sections, of onr charter, which it
cannot do. See State agt Wright, 14
Oregon, 309. A Legislature by one act
cannot amena every ensner in a buu
Zi 1 .r u- r Vi.;.i t.i:
gatione, nor can it pass a aw impairing
the obligation 01 a contract, anis it
would do in the case of Albany, citing its
contract in .reference to tbe payment ot
interest on city bonds. In reference to
deductions for indebtedness the opinion
is (riven that no deductions can be made
1, .r iniiwhteiliH'aH. as the citv charter oro
ides for a proceeding on the basis ot the
existing state law
On motion the report was adopted and
the recorder authorised to make an ass
essment of the city and the Marshal col
lect the city taxes as usual.
Tim committee on ordinance waa in
ntructed to prepare an ordinance provid
iag the', all main and latteral sewers be
terra rutin This wss made necessarv on
account of the dangerous condition of
th.i latteral aewer Between naaer ana
Montgomery, and Firat and Second, made
of cement pipe-
The Linn County Teachers Institute
waa opened Tuesday night with Super
intendent .Russell in the chair Piof
Crawford delivered a pointed and pleas
ing address of welcome. Mrs Etta
vassallo and Miss Eva McFarland were
heard in a piano duet; Mis Marguerete
Hopkins recited ' I tie Charge ni Co a
t nag drill by a class of pupils of tbe
public schools was presented in a pretty
manner- President j M Bloss, of the
Agricultural college delivered the ad
dress of ths evening. A thoughtful, able
snort, making a good impression on the
The institute v ss called to order by
Supt Russell. An enrollment was taken
and the following entered their names:
Albany Miss Anna Farrell, MrsSusie
Thrall, Clara L Gard, Abbte Wright,
Isabell Gray, Bessie (i Rand, Kate Dai
ry niple, Jennie Blount, Ida Black, W J
Crawford, 3 V Russell. Anna Worrsl,
Maude M Beard, Clara A Davis, C E
Pee bier, Mary A Sedge wick.
Gates Mrs Nellie Lambeon.
Tallman Mrs M E Weaver.
function City Lottie Kewcomb.
Lebanon Mrs Minnie Wright, Fena
Floy, C F Bigbee, Abbie J Frv, W E
Wallace, W L Jackson .
Sbedd E'.la Dunlap. W H Letts, Ber
tha Shedd, Mary Porter.
Crawfordsville Ida M Swann. W C
1 'Swann.
I Sodaviville O A Haten
700 1 Corvallis-John M Blots.
Peoria A g Bates.
Minto-E C Xeal.
Brownsville- L A Jennings, Mrs W J
Steele, D Stanton, Mrs I D Dover;
Halsey J F Ralston.
Roteburg-Mra V A Smick.
Salem President Geo Whitsker. Wil-
lamette University.
Prof Bloss. of Corralli A ertmltnral I
college, introduced the subiect of teach- ,
ing. Tbe subject -as discussed by Prof t
w J Crawford and others.
Mrs atee'e read an article on tbe sub- j
ject of morsl training in the public I
Prof Swan was appointed secretary.
Song by the member led by Prof J W
Prof J W Crwfod presented the subject
ef A Conference Diacusdoa ol Character."
The Prof made the whole membership a
class to assist in the detailed developsoesWof
the subject. The subject was elaborately
discussed Bad in a very profitable and inter
es'-ing manner. After which Prof VcEirov,
state sopTisteedent of public Instruction,
talked at length on the matter of educa
tional exnlbt'.a at the Worlds Fair.
At the First Baptist Church la.t night
Bill" Nje and A P Burbank appeared
before acotrer large and equally apprecit
tlve audience. 'Fhe program opened at
8: JO o'clock aitha recitatVan bv Vr Bur
bank of a poem bv Rudvard Kipling. He
followed himsSf with a representation of
a geatiemari If m Hamburg In an orator!
cal struggle i:h American politics. To
the double encore Mr Durban k denned the
German dialect admirahlv and ended with
a beautiful piece of ehistUed me ads.
The funnt man from" then
shambled into the scene in his own peco
'lar Nye -like manner. He detailed some
of hit early experier.os a a lawyer amid
the hirsute fa.'r.ess of W voicing 'territory.
nuroank too tie 'ci!otng number with
the second act In the plav of Othello. The
mildly humorous N ie then interrupted
the proceedings mith an experience of hia
with a "bronco" cow He responded to
tne resulting er.core wl h ar other dtirv
tiorv. A new version of the fight be
tween David and Goliath wat presented
by Mi Bulbar k to the iatense de 'ght of
tneauairnce. It was rendered in the rich
S.C-UC o rogue ot amen Buroank Is so
capable, atd was the gem of his creations
for the evening. To an encore he sarsg sn
equally new -Lay of the Wandering Min
strel." The callow appearing Bill again
appeared and gave "I wo Opinions,
which, as be said, wa from the pen of
former citizen of Denver. Kugroe Field,
the well-known poet Nre's next waa a
delicious burlesque on the high school
graduate. It was hit Lett number for the
evening. The third act of Joe Jefferson
creation of "Rip Van Winkle. 1 bv Mr
Burbank, was fice. arid showed great his
trionic culture. Nye finished up the even
ing s enjoyment ov doing the tchool-bov
In - class act. Nye and Burbank made an
interestine pair, add leave manv admirers
In Deever aa tbe result ot this last visit.
Denver News. At the opera house Fri
day night.
Vesiaon at C E Bi ownelly.
VIAVI Co iffk io Baltimore block.
If rou want a tine i-raokr call for Joseph a
wnite laoor cigar-.
Come and see the new chil ed plow at
Ramps opposite postaffice.
The beat.maat .mSea in the citv nt C.uad
idytr a
An extensive variety of Garden teed both
in balk and by rha package can be found at
CE Brown el la.
Pa ronita borne loduttry bv smokins the
elebrated white labor cicart. mansfactarad
Jay Ja'ioa Jotepb.
Why tmoke a Chiua ciear when for tha
same money yon can get a w lite labor cigar
maae oy j joseps.
Whooping coagh readily vieldt to West
Cjugh Syrup, the never failing core for
bronchitis, consumption. athma.eto. 4 cx
bo.tlo 25c; taiste b tLjaSOc. Sold bv JA
Camming, druxyatt
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, Golden,
Common every day.
We : Want : Your : Trade
-IX Ol'R-
Drc88 floods
We have the right goods at the lowett
prices, and wo guarantee satisfaction to
Rkau, Peacock & Co.
Wasb dress goods, calicoes, white
ground, with polka dot, check, stripes,
small fiamres. delicate xnrnvs. large
figures, etc, so desirable for waists
wrappers Black and navy grounds,
with all sorts of designs in white
Fancy printed dress calicoes; l'ercales,
a lovely variety of deeigae ; Fiitteens
we have a special line; ginghams
good values and very pretty designs.
We : Want : Your 1 Trade
Hoot and fence
1 . j .t.,iicl nu
nei iv .11 "shapes T.ia;. which
will take pleasure in showing you.
Raan. Pbacock & Rbad, Peacock & Co.
While trying to Crowd their
'.or, where they always have on hand
the largest Stock south of Portland, cf
the latest Improved Rifle and .shot
Guns; an Immense stock of Fishing
Tickle of every description: Tnt.
Man mock. Camp Chair and thousands
of thing too numerous to mention.
Repair Shop
u connection with the Store, and one of
the beat workmen In the State to do any
and all kinds of work.
Come oae Come all. No trouble to
show goods "Small profit and nuici
siW is oui JlOttO.
1891, 1892.
Iras Teras opeaed SaBsaaaber Xr
A I . I corpe of Instructor,
Courses ot study arranged se meat it
all grades of students
ififial imani eftrtd to stmdemti
from abroad.
art. ilsest
Ceyata.sadTisds Msaaiiilafrkasa'.san'sB Pat
etjanii rood acted far ooctt rets.
Owe Orncc Ofsssm U. . Parsarr Omtt
sad we caassgre patent in less time taaataoss
feasors trass w saanagtoa. t
Scad saodet, drawiag or photo., witfe dtaczfp-t
uoo. wa auras, u aatcstao or not, ma or.
cSanre. Oar fee M one tOl causae Is
a Pasmsicy, -yaowiovnwia raxeso.
- ii-r
: .1 . 1.
Wriutae CM
I listen adPrica
re; eei. u- Bees 1
tail lattntaaaSs, Bates ac Have at B
It - nl ii IBs III ties Biiattt. tan BasaBse,
uu aaa mm tor ail a-taata;
Albany, wr.
Star Baker
Cwrlttaita and Firm S(e
ltieeJ t roils,
"rled ryalsa,
Caste Me
C Igars
ta tact everrth.t skat ia kept ia a eeaar
, variety aad raoosrv ttara, nhhl
Savsptt price paid (or
II i nave a brother. William m
wham I Lave not seen for 20 tmih nut
have ef late received re '.iabl infer mat ton
tuai ne was in Albany, regoa. Any
person acquainted with or knowing the
wbsreabouta of tald prsn will be paid
vs uim uvuutt oy aaorestung;
Marshfleld, Oregoi
WELL DIGGING. Ed Davidson in
prep? red to do well digging ia
rat class etvle. nromnclv. and will nn
antoa hia work.
iRuj YourDiess Goods Now!
rtnu nere are our reasons for unrmK
lyoutodoso: Yon want "tbe latesf'H
I we have them right now ; you want good!
va'ue mat is what we oner vou: vou
want a gead assortment to select from 1
we never had a better line : vou wantl
your area m seasonable time and nicely!
. . . . ., - - . .
maae ttien luv it now and e-ive vour
uressiuaKer reasonable time: vou want
a ' . ... . - - f
the full benefit of your drees then get!
; . 1 .. . , . .
1. rail. , urn vou may gei iuii service
from it before tbe warm season som
mences. Aren't these sensible sugges-
W !., . in V o.l'.u.' fihv Tst.narljTTmhri.lla and Parasol
. iiM of Cork acre turn ahoes
1 .,i;v, .j ;n
.wuk:.. . tpr
n'weanug Qualities are utn surpasses
w. have them in Uce or nutton, plain toe
jwith Up. Also in a variety of shapes
Wm G Obenauer & Co are mak?ng a
map of Linn county, which should be In
every business houtr, public dwelling anl
school room In Li .in county. The map
accurately locatet every city, town and
pottoffice, and riveit and creek, snowt
voting precinct, townships, etc,ho the
distance of each postofBce from Albeny
Cut out the following and mail to V'm
O Obenauet Sc Co, too Fiont street. Port
land, Orrgen,and ti.ey will deliver you at
many as you order.
Please deliver me copies of vour
Linn county map for which aree
to oay nftv cent per copy on delivtry of
mar s.
A tnrsiil (ItatsMt Tratnn' fit natiaaT et Bob
MkitoriaaXXataae-it in (j um Rv aod PVU
PoatirtCan for a eternal. Iat-rai.Blbkl or Blate,
aa Itraaac, aumac, Beeaoter Heraartarr rue, and
SBttf ockvie das ami ftmale aiilmwi; It m
stay satafJsSaSBl to she faaeral WaHh. Tba flrtt
liconerv aaa adieal cure rwideriu so operattaa
efca Sea bnatt nw -eaaarv hereafter. TM rtataty
baa never keen kaawa i. tail. Slparkox (tor SS;
M -v Basil . Wtv mat tmm thia terrible
artca a written jrtraata it peatUvety tivaa
txa.v rafaaevta money at no eared. Bead
or ire Seiapte- Oay ntXnt ianed by
J A raoaatlas. Btrasaau. te Aea
At the store
Allen Bros,
formerly owned by
for which
I i
til pav the best cast price
Wall Paper,
J ritgr3, Pa-intBu Oil
3 !&,, Etc
J. A. Camming
R. "
Arehiteet and C etttiartor.
LeaviKirdjr with Hclburt Brc , Rsaf
saisle acenta.
KOT.CE ks her by st 1 1-
cnai meeting -f the stckb'idnsof U
bany Boildice Asaocferjrr- will be beV at
store cf J ot.I ha tar y n M
day, Marih 2ft b. '-3 at Si'n n, ta
eitaSrinn of dlrwtora- ad ssbbs r, br
bosmneea as may come oe:o.- tie" meeting.
Dated Feb gtb. ISSJ.
f p -i-niNG,
WCTWEED.LE :-ecrearv
Pret-i ect
O. M. McFarland,
Harness -and-Saddlery
Display in the loot
Furniture Store.
f R THOS BRINE, is now at his old
' Vl stand, opposite tbe opera house.
wlere those wrbing anhstanlisl rei-able
wrnitnre can secure what tLey want ,
dome manufactured stands, flcur 'bests,
afee etc, r i ways on band or made on
sort notice, at bottom prices.
18 acres ef choice fruit and garden land
M mile o Jtftcrsosi. Good new house,
barn, wooohonse and oat bu tiding. 3
acre orchard choice fruit, mostly prunes
it bearing: S acres cleared; X of place
berver dam land: balance good up and,
well fencep and watered. Fed mice and
terms apply to owner at place,
J. H.Toxpix.
Facrr asd vbsbtablb f r for sal
consisting of 40 acrea or '.tea cf land
oca mile nerth of Albany Land weU Im
proved. Forpartieulaiainxatreof
H Wabkbk
steam ianndry for sale, capacity in
wasb department $30 per dat; for S
hands, located in Central Albany.on 2nd
and Montgomery atreeu I wiah V
gage m other boaine-a Will sell cheap
J PfcMITB, Proprietor
WANTED ftishtng Canvasser of
good eddrefs. Liberal salary and
eaperasea paid weakly. Permanent posi
tion. BROWN BROS CO.. Nurserymen,
Portland, Oregon.
We : Want ; Yoar : Tradi
is ora
Cape and Jacket
ve offer superior couds in welletlected
sty lee at moderately ovr pi
K..AD, Pl.Al.XVK & Co.
Low Prices,
Due Price to Al
Call : and : Be : 11?
Rkau, Pi aco. k i t
We : W ant : Yon:- : Tra''e
-in oca
- l
hart, a offer excellent
values in all
o. r-
ml Rsad, Pbacock & Co.