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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1893)
euiocrat. Posibly Prof.Totten finds juitlfictioo lor his prediction that the millennium is at hand in the installation of a Democratic Admin istration at Washington and the adjournment of the Indiana Legislature. According to the World almanac the col ored population of the United States in 1890, according to race, was: Persons of African descent, 7,470,040; Chinese, 107, 475; Japanese, 2,039; civilited Indians 58,806. Total, 7,638,360. A small bad boy crawled under the bed in a house out in Harrison when his mother wanted to punish him. She couldn't get him Dut and left him there until his father returned from the city. When the father came and was told about the case ho start ed to reach under the bed and yank out his disobedient son, whereupon the small bad boy said: '-HeUo, pap; is she after vou too?" . .lujju-h, whtt The value which men place on their lives and the relative worth, of an American over men of other countries is well shown by the following statistics: Of 'he $12,000,000, 000 of life insurance written in .the world $0,500,000,000 is placed in the United States. Between the years 1SS0 and 1890 there was $2,000,000,000 new life insurance n ritten in this country and but $1 ,000,000, 000 in the whole British Umpire. a-as---wjaa One postmaster that is likely to hang on is Roswell Bearlsley, who was appointed during John Quincy Adam's administration (1828) to the poet-office at North Lansing and who has held it since withcut inter ruption, a period of sixty-five years. He only got $19.53 for his first year, but he enjoys an increase of nearly 900 per cent at present. His salary is now $170 a year It would be very shocking to James G Blaine it he were alive to learm that his city of Augusta had been carried by the Demo crats In the municipal elections last Monday For 25 years the Republicans have had un interrupted control of its affairs, It mast b: a sad case for Joe Manley, inasmuch as it forces upon him the reflection that all aloae he is not so powerful as he was before he lot his head, so to speak, Bangor and Port land, which have often been carried by the Democrats, have come under Republican control this year, but nearly every other city In the Sate has been captured by ;h: D;m-ccrats- The Orrgosuaa for several years has been trying to prove Thomas Jefferson an enemy to his country rather than the friend he was suppose! to have been. Tha Oregoo must have a grudge against "red headed men," dead or alive, as tnere seems to be no other grounds for its conclusions in regard to Jefferson. East OreoniaM. Yes the dangling of the bair from the Read of any dead democratic Statesman or patri ot has a more terrifying effect upon the edi tors of tha. paper than the flaunting of a red rai before an enraged Oregon bull. The New York World's Washington cor respondent telegraphs the fo'lowing: When Mr Cleveland turned the government over to Mr Harrison in 1889 there was a cash balance in the treasury, according to the detailed and intelligible form of statement introduced by Conrad N Jordan, of 918, 096,158. Foot years later Mr Harrison delivered the government back to Mr Cle veland with a deficit in the treasury of 918.266,285. Mr Harrison's sscxetary of the treasury did not admit any deficit at all. He certi fied to a cash balance of 924,i28,078, which would give a casual reader the impression that there was a reduction of the balance of only 924.000,000. This is a bubble that is easily pricked. After four years of re publican control the treasury was returned to the custody of the democratic party in the condition of a sucked orange. Tbe Illinois appellate court has banded down an opinion of tome interest in the case of the fuliman palace car company vs Lev. Mr Lee purchased a scene class pas senger ticket on the Pennsylvania railroad, an 1 tbn paid for and was assigned a berth In a Pullman sleeper, notwithstanding tbe arrangement between the railroad company and the P illmao company, whrh was that tbe latter should furnish accomodation only to holders of first class tickets. In this case a sleeping berth was sold through over sight, and when the error was discovered a tender was made to Mr Lee of the money he hud paid for the berth. He refused to accept it or to pay for a first class ticket and waa ejected. He brought suit in the Cum berland circuit court for damages and was awarded $200 The company appealed and the appellate court reversed the judgment of the lower court. The Boston Ilaald, a mugw-mp paper say: I If it ere an oiiginal question, "with oo past in our national history 10 embarrass it, . em ght well expect President Cleveland to dis'ribute iheoifices without regsrd to party, and what we Know of him we brieve that he would do to. This now is impos;iUe. The equitable claims ef bis party will now be urged in this respect, and they w ill be admiited to a considerable ex tent. Democrats who were excluded from ofli:e for twenty eight years out of tbe thirty-two only because they are Demo crats will not be ostracized four years tongtr under Cleveland's Administration even to keep competent Republicans in office. This must be considnel a settled, and Cleve land is nor altogether responsible for a pol icy forced upon him by his predecessor. Tbe leat determined for, the fixed st&is from the earth " runs into billions of miles. Some notion of the reality may be deiived frors the fact that If oar sun were removed about 2 )o,oo times i?s presen dlslanee from the earth, it would appear to us simply as a star of the first magnitude. The distune: in auch a case would exceed 19.000. ooo,oooxof miles It follows that if the nearest fixed star i- farther ofTtban this, as appears to be the fact, every star of the first magnitude mcst be larger or brighter than out sun. Tlicoibit of ihe jjlanet Neptune, 3a limes fSfther from the sun than that of the earth, forirs the ou'er boundary of the. solar sys tem. The lii vance is immense, yet shrinks into significance when compared with that arhieh lies beyond. So vast is the gulf wliich intervenes betwe.-n our ear.h and the st'il!ar universe llut, although many of the st.ireare in all probability larger and bright er lain our sun, yet the mosi powerful tele s is not ab'c to give lhem any appreci - S 'liameler, a mere that is visible. point of light being It Is singular to notice how the appoint Hilary A lleibert has silinced the I nhirt Kvpablicans Not even Cor- I ni;iii r, (Jen Fairchilil, Cap'n Bou'elle' Jjme. .S Clarkass, Fire -Alarm Foraker or J dm C Houk have shown sipns of frothing alHie mouth overThe nppomtment ef a 'rebel" colonel wlio was woumleil whl'e fihtin In the Confederate Army. It Is s new exn.rience, and we cojh?s. we hardly know what it means whtutheie is no shout Ina of "rebel." Does It meai 'hit the Re puhl cans have gone dumb or that they have learned that the war is over? She AN INCOME TAX It is not too soon for Democratic statesmen to consider the sources from which a Demo cratic Administration must derive sufficient revenue to meet the largely increased expen ditures of the Government. It is proposed to reduce the tarifi to a revenue basis, which will perhaps increase the receipts from certain imports on which this reduction is made by Increasing the im portations of the articles thus affected. But it is also proposed to place a number of arti cles on the free list which now pay duty, and the Increased revenue which tha Treas ury will derive from the former source may be more than offees by its failure to derive any revenue whatever from the enlarged free list. It may be argued that Mr Cleveland's Ad ministration will cut down expenditures. But it proposes also to cut down taxation and thereby reduce receipts, and the fact that Mr Hanison's Administration spent a cash balance left by Mr Cleveland of $187,000,000 In addition to ths current revenues shows that a very drastic reduction must be made In order to bring our expenses within our present leceipts. It is very well to promise economy and practice it and to rail against extravagance, but U should not be forgotten that this is a costly government at best, and and the cost of maintaining it, even upon the most economical basis, Is increasing ev ery year. In reducing 'axes In one direction, there fore, we must increase them lu another, or, what It the same thing, impose them on something not hitherto subjected to taxation at all. This is the problem which the first Con gress undir Mr Cleveland's Administration must solve. There is no way to avoii it, and we should familiar ie ourselves with the issue before it is precipitated and finds us unprepared to meet It. The best solution that we can see is the establishment of a graded income tax. We dare not, should we be so unjust as to dr. sire it, increase the burden already weighing heavily on the agricultural classes. We dare not impose more on labor. Wt must, therefore, place it where it really should properly fall, on the class that can best bear it 00 the wealthy. It Is this case that has reaped the great - est gains from the exactions so long and pa- : tirntly borne by agriculture and by mechan ical labor. It has been singularly exempt from anything like oppression, while other interests have groaned under their bar lens. It has grown more and more powerful as its accumulations have increased, and the lime has certainly come to demand of it a proportionate contribution to support a Government that has protected it and even fostered it as a favorite. There fs no valid argument against the proposition; there are many argoments In favor of it, . Sit CLEVELAND AND TH TRUSTS In his inaugural address Mr Cleveland showed that he has not changed his mind about the evil effects of trusts and other combinations formed for the purpose of restricting supply and controlling prices. His language on this subject is explicit and forcible. ' These aggregations and combinations," he said, 'frequently con- stitutes conspiracies against the interests of the people, and in all their phases they ar: unnatural and opposed to our American sense of fairness. To the extent that they ! can be reached and restrained by federal , powers the general government should re ! lieve our citizens from their invrference and exactions." Mr Cleveland nndoul.U.d!y means that he will enforce the Sherman act against com- binations formed to restrain production and hamper trade wherever it will apply against them; but, unfortunately, the Sherman act does not apply against corpo- rations formed by the consolidation of oter j corporations, and it is, therefore, virtually useless. At the time it was proposed many of the trusts bad already incorporated under tbe laws of tbe various states and it waa annarvnt that th mat would soon do so This explains how a law against trusts came to be championed by Joha Sherman and passed by tbe Reed congtes. But though it may not be possible to reach such incorporated conspiracies through prosecutions in lbs federal courts, congress can abolish most of them by pro viding for the admission of goods from abroad without the payment of duties wheuevcr it appears that the home supply of any particular article has been engrossed by combination. Several of these cons .iracies would exist under free trade Tj nil oil monopoly and the monopoly in anthracite coal are in stances of combinati a for the control of production and prices slit exists inde pendently of the tari?. but it will be no -ticed that the coutrol cf the supply in these bases is made possible from the limited area in which a natural product is found. Monopoly in an article that can be pro -duced or manufactured at will i impossi bis without legislation such as the protec tive tariff. Whether these conspiracies can be better read ed through abolition of duties or through the courts, Mr Cleveland will do all be possib'y can to free tbe people from their extortion. He is a sincere and thoroughgoing tariff reformer, and tbe trusts will not be able to cajole or to in - timidate bim. FULL OF GALL Sundiy's Otrgonian conttins a dispatch from Washington to tbe effect that Alva L Pike, tbe present assistant collector of cus toms at Poniard, under "Boss" Lolan, has made application to be appointed collector in place of Lotan . Now here is the check of the spoils hunting crowd at Portland under the leadership of "Boss" Lotan. We are told that Pike is s brother-in-law to Herman and a republican, and ihis move is one merely to keep the office In the fam ily. No doubt it was inspired by Boss Lotan, himself. It would be na change as to the efficiency of the administration of tbe office to remove a "big four" "Boss" from the collectorehip and put in his place one of his abject servants. Without question people of all parties want efficiency and in tegrity, in that office, and to secure these an -entire chsng" must be made. Of one of Gen. B F Butler's political campaigns It Ig related that some of his admirers suspended, daring a torch light procession, a huge banner across one of the main streets of a New Knglan.! town, bearing ti.e legend, "To the Hero of Five Forks," but. "oh, whata diiTirence in the morning," when the public remi, inscribed beneath the additional words of turns uoliti cal vag, "And God knows l.ow many spoons!" Under Mr Cleve'imd'n adminislratinn then: was tatlSeitted of the public debt 8338,042,930, and the premiums paid on unmatured bonds amounted to a little more than 323,000,000. Under Mr Harrison there was redeemed of the public debt 8259 071,960, and tbe premiums paid to bond holders to induce them to let go amounted to more than 830.000,000. Sbiloh's Cuee. the great cough snd croup ones, is for sale by us. Pocket aizs contain. twenty-Sve doses.only 25e.Children love it Posh ay k Mason. SOME NOMINATIONS. President Cleveland Sends In Another Batch of Karnes. Washington, March 20. The president sent to the senate the following nomina tions : James B Kttstis, of Louisiana, minister to France. Theodore llunyon, of New Jersey, minis ter to Germany. J E Vitslev. of New York, minister to Denmark. James G Jenkins, of Wisconsin, United States circuit judge, seventh judicial cir cuit. Walter D Ihibney, of Virginia, solicitor of the deportment of state. Charles B Stuart, of Texas, judge of the United States court for Indian territory. Earnest V Baldwin, of Maryland, first auditor of the treasury ; Thomas Holcomb, fifth auditor of the treasury. Wade Hampton, of South Carolina, com missioner of railroad. Stephen A D Kaister, postmaster at Lander, W.vo LTnited States' marshals David L Guy- ton, of Mississippi, northern district of Mississippi; William H Hawkins, of In diana, district of Indiana; Abner,Gaines, of Arkansas, district of Arkansas; James J McAllister, of Indian Territory, United States court, Indian Territory. United States attorneys Frank B Burke, ! of Indiana, district of Indiana; Clifford L Jackson, of Indian Territory, attorney United States court of Indian Territory;! Joseph W House, of Arkansas, eastern district of Arkansas. MUD6E ATMGKf I'oixr We are in receipt of a long communication from Sweet Home, (entirely too long for publication in these columns,) animadverting upon the coutse of the county court In re quiring the citizens of Rocky Point and sur rounding coun ry to f urnisn the lumber as a condition 1 pon which - he court would build a bridge at tnat point A long argument it made bv our correspondent to a now that the lax payers of the entire county are benefited by the building of the M. in question and therefore the bridge should lr built entirely frcm coanti funds. Ifthe county had sum - cient monev to ltulld all the b Idges required, ; our correspondent' policv would certaioly be jhe correc-. one. Bt it should be borne in mind vi a: con6ic ioi in-erests are always asser ing'hemselv.sbeloic thecouaty coutt, ar nth he .ieman.! for more. co;nes an al - . - , . m. .1 i mo un.vM pTOle.s -S..-.v Urgel increase - taxaun a ,ax paytr- are '.urdened. O ir correspondent re- fers to tht county buil ngihe bridge at Al- baev ? af-ilu. fiaancUtli Butheabsald bear in rain.! tils'- tSe cl urns of Albany put j up 50.001" unite the -u:it pul up only : $40.0-10 and then rrq .1 e . h charge of the bkle ai d do catv to have all the future I reoai:i:i. B-t thi is neither hers nor 1 there sc far as he su j: tui. rr consideration is concerned, and w Link onr correspondent made a mistake in referring t- it as an ex ample for to barn- o hud C -nillloas were Inapo-- I u:n A'hsn r. ar: imposed on the r! e "f Rotkl P'lini Nevertheless j the Democrat favir of a bo 'gs at Rocky P-wn' wat I he . n roay see it ' ai d 1 .i, , grooBd that The impression is gaming Josiah ijuincy. whoe nc.i mi. ition as first a--;nt f -t.-.t.' e was sent to the senate. ill remain at his new post for twOj or three months only. Mr VJuiney ' an I ambitiou' yonng man. only thirtj four 'years old. and 1 admitted lobe the brains of tbe onnger element of Maseachusetti t politicians. He ba- brought the state ma I chine into remarkable subjection, and is ; believed by his friends to have nn eye up- on the governorship. Mr Uuincv is natur lit flattered at an ap- :. . . ....... ."u- w-.i -k;m. pointment to the -'ate dep-rtmeut. which , practically puts all tbe politics of the in J stitution into his hands, as it is customary for the first assistant to awign nearly mil '. tha cnnmlidiina in the rif t of the adminis tration. After this work has been done it I is believed Mr Quincy will resign and re- turn to Massachusetts. Hi came has been 1 prominently mentioned n connection with l0-aet-nlHP at l;.t.-in. and it is he lieved he will probably accept the office if it is tendered bim. Re cou d then retain control of the state machine and at the same time dispense tbe large patronage of the port office Mr (juinry was find, spoken of in con nection with the collectordiip. and his ap pointment as first assistant secretary of 'rrrn of bis most state was a surprise to many intimate friends. Jo-iah Qaincy, ihe new Assistant Secre tary of Sta e, it it e filth meiulir ef his fam ily to bear t .e honon K- name of Josiah . So great is ihefval respect in which tbis baptUmal name is l.e 'ha' it used to be aerred by the people of Quincy, Mas., where reveie'i lor the town' namesake family baa becom a cult, that ihe present Mr Quincy w -s mlvciiru'ened Jostah Josuh. T'.e ol.i his n:U bom- of the fam ily at Quincy has l ing bee-' vie of the finest estates in New England, tmto ing as It does a beautiful piece of woodUi-l lying on the m , of the sea. Aimoi adjoining tbe Qaincy es-ate. and perche i on an elevation at ihe very brink of the ocean, is the modern boise of Juhn Quincy Ad-m. w bo also is one of t'ie tuleiai ilivieme. of ihe town. Vou C 'an Walk -o Chicago; but don't do it; it '8 'o far N'r i- i neCttssiy. If you warri :.h ut . .ea' nicm. a on ha obtained fn the Darted Sute., rati on Parker Bros. They carr a first cas -loci, of groceries snd produce, and if you are not treated well it is your own fault Prices always reason able. Their bakeii go" s are good enough for any one. and embi ace a fini line. A first class baker .ice- ihe usiness. You do not need logo anywhere but lu Par-er Bros for youi groceritl and bake . goods. Motor ssakes live addition. lei-1 i b per week. 1 1 m daily to Vieieck'a -uhiuents of SI Put up hi i iisf v.fili:h-sba"-ibottles,iia eoutcd, timaU 'it'm lieu e. tfa. iwr buttlu. A tail Un- o' K Co'. i-oratts at K, P, A largM Ih ; nyharn, a'.'i be displassd at morio.v. A lire li -', oocnauut j ( ri West's I I u dy fr i o'i a U.m-, n I' . somptinn ad'aJ ease. 23 ad t Cumniin;:, li n A foe rjiMlf H Mile! sMsdh -wtrom 'oes, percale, h goods wiil Si Co's o- nd shredded Mueller's. -niehold reme t, brorchlti". v.ih, oor . ii lung dl -Scldby JA is that of C e and is di - The rsadsrs . learn Ihat i that auit neo ii.. . stages, aud that i . Cm cist he r-nly p. I leal fraternity. (Ji dineass, requires bs p'eaa-d lo id-. IdHuSeS una in u I tts fatl's l alnrrh . n ir, tiie Died couxtltBtlonal it trealineiit. nui n isuini i.rii ." -.. - i...:rnauy. fictlng directly trpontheb'.eo t ai rnisturiaotssi the systeni, thereoy dsstroviog tho foundation of the diaeaae, ami plv';. . Tie uatieut vtrunatli hy buiidinir up tV nmatltntfou nn-iaunnrtliig n ituro in doing ite vork. Th-! r'prielrirs bate ro much faith ia is esratlve pov sra, that they iffer One llj.-.'.r t DoUnrn for ang CSM that it i: .Ih to cure. Bsndj for list of roatimonial. Ad-rsss, V. J. i BKCTft-O., Tolsdo.O. ir- Sold hj Ursiats, He. nially, cetlm One Small Bile Bean everv night for week arouse Torpid Urers. XSc. per bottle. Mil FITS. Pope Leo has outlived three doctors, and has just been compelled to hire a fourth. The Century Is considered a great mag azine ; but the Salem Statesman sets down on it in a live manner. That Napoleon affair was rather of a small piece of jour nalism. The bill for the Wealon normal school provides that the building shall not be located within a mile of any saloon or dis tillery. The city will have to get of some of Its grogshops or locate the school out in the country. Mr Cleveland thinks that when a has servered four years as a public ser vant he ought to be about ready to earn an honest living at something else. That is about right and he should use electricity n removing a large number of four year men. Talk about big heads. Corbett's L about the size of the moon. $80,000 has been offered of the Corbett Mitchell fight; hut Jim sahe Is not going to fight for any small sum. He needs reducing a peg, as well as the whole fighting busi ness. The San Jose Mercury says that the Astorlan Is the only newspaper on the coast that has opposed the annexation of Hawaii. When the Mercury Is told that the editor of the Astorlan Is a full-fledged subieel of her majesty. Queen Victoria , It will not be surprised at the position of the paper. Portland Ex. Nearly every exchange in Oregon has said that: "Poitland Is evidently exper iencing hard times. Fifty saloons have closed during the last quarter and more are expected to not apply for license when their time la up.'' The editors have a wrong conception of the situation. Ths secret of the whole business are two big jag annihiliators in this metropolis. That's where tne shoe ptnenes etcome. The faculty of the State University in this city has made a recommendation to the board of regents that a one yeara course of bookkeeping, stenography and typewriting, commercial law and com mercial arithmetic be adopted in the uni versity. They also recomrr.end the j J-hg - ff lfi I be adopted bv'the board of regi engineer same will adopted bv the board of regents Eu- ; gene Kcguter ' " , i- "T' . . . 1 rriftllw reit hia r t (a nn Ins ttrAols rvl j tnmt ,ow ew dvi The gutet. man withholds his name on account oft : raspect lor the family. ihe brute The t should foe strung up by the toe He ihonM & ,d here .,Ur t0 nerd with , East Oregonian. Pendleton Yesterday oar theatrical man got hold of the porting pencil and mixed Bill Nye and Sky Meeks op in a terific manner- The mixture would care the night- mare A crack shot and a crack punster surreu lugviuvr maaes uuse inai mru. lectricitv erees. Let ns make the mat- ter plain. Sky Meeks will lecture on ! live pigeons tomorrow ( Wednesday at . ; ternoon at 5 o'clock near the depot. ! while Bill Nye. will shoot at fan at the nMr- .,-.n Kri.l.v aeanino Do not get confused on tbe subject. Bill Xve musthave ben over at Pa! las judging from the following from local : ar5.? W MHtil niiUkr & l v r I n' mt-m Kia fat, bow'egged little yellow dog that! TM "m1 J0t ne'al '"I" 7 j bnt is woith two men and half a doxen ? "r dogs in getting meep into tne cars, "e " n"V nal na " , mn to -t into the ear away from bim. At home, whin be hears tbe passenger tra:n coming, tte runs down to K V"S J,3?5 f0 which the newsboy throws off for his 1 master. His name is rritx and he will .not rive up tbe paper until they bim mentor bread. A souvenir book of 300 pages, 50.000 copiea is being gotten oat in Portland I 't ct $20,000. Una coonty hai been asked to give 500 for pace, and probably L.inn county will be given ' chance. ; Reports COBtlnne to UhS effect that the .C B 4 Q Railroad will reach Oregon io ; side of two years, ft certainly is boped that it is time, and yet the official de - clare that they are cot building any fur- tntr west Parinit tbe teachers institute it would be well if an extra effort were mads to keep good ord-r. The great drawback at uie nigni sessions naa always oeen j poor order ?omi neople consider it a , free and saay aflair. termittingnoiae and : moving about at will. ! PnlifP fl-d-a lien PamKna ill e.f g.- Francisco has struck what appears to bs n ori.ini irL j police mairistry. Whm an abominable drank is brought before him he find bim guilty, but sus pends sentence providing the prtsioner ill try the Heeley cure. An agent of , l, - , ., and agrees to take the most horrible ex ample them. ample, to experiment on free charge to .u. r " J C Booth relumed from Albany to ay. where he waa called as a witness in somewhat celebrated horse-stealing case. The hearing was postponed until April 24th, when tbe witnesses will go up on this case for the fifth time. Jour nal. This refers to ths Baser and Phelps cases, and suggests thst some heavy bills are being paid for the buei ness; but then justice cornea high. The following appears in tbe Salem Statesman recently of the last meeting of ' much damage is being done. A consider Ihe Cite Council:' Alderman Cross moved ! able amount of proterty has been destroyed that the section of the license ordinance pro- hibilinj; drugstores and restaurants from selling liquor without a licence be enforce! by the marshal. He slid that was ihe way to test the validity of the ordinance. AI derman Smith seconed the motion. Mar- aha! Minto was asked if he could enforce fl. "I can try," he replied. The motion was put and carried. ave Ms Eqsal. AHcook's Porous Plaater havcattainid a world-wide repotation aolely opon tbeir superlative meitts. Tbey have many wonld be riial, bnt have never been cimt ed or even approached in suraiivs propertie and rapidity and aatety ol sction. Their value has been attested by tbe highest med ical authorities, aa well aa by nnimpcachabla testimonial from those who have oar d them, and they are recommended as the bsst ex ternal remedy for weak biok, rheamatiam, sciatica, colda, ton.ha, sore tbroat, ohest and stomach affection, kidney difficulties, weak muscles, strains, stitches and aohta and pains of vry description. Beware of imitations, and do not Ira de ceived hy miarepiesentstioo. Ask for All oaok', und let oo solicitation or explanation induce you to acaopt a substitute. Klegant Viewh. Mr J G Crawford, of Crawford & Paxton, has just finished a fine lot of views of the state institutions including Reform School, Asylum, Penitentiary, Or phans Ilorr.e, Irdian training achooi at Chemawa, capitol building and street scenes in Salem, Our friends and patrons ere in vited lu call snd sec thern. Albiar -i i - . Vhea,b7Kc Oate, 8no. Flour, $5.00. Hatter, 2fia. Fugs, lftf. Urd, 14c. Pork - hams. 15 ?; ahoul Jers, 9 ', hi ies 12 Ha Hsy. baled. IIS, wo atoes, ftOo.; Applea,100 Hops. 18e. Dried fruit - -plums, Be, app!es,J9c. Chickens, 84 60 per dozen. Reef, on foot, 2c. Hogs, dressed, 7c. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. rrontlBCBt Candidates, Washington, March 20. The following are the most prominent of the many appli cations for office which have been received from Oregon : Will T Webber, for collector of customs at Yaquina bay; Mary A Brown, for reap pointment at the HilUboro postofhee; Miss Robertson, for reappointment at Indepen dence; A Hampton, for reappointment at the Newport postofficc; MA Moore, for postmaster at Prinevilie; Ben Brown, for receiver of the United States land office at Burns; J F Moore, for reirister of the Unit ed States land office at The Dalles: Eugene Portzman, for postmaster at Portland; the Hon Jeff Myers, for governor of Alaska; John Lane, for collector of customs of Alaska; Judge Crews, of Seattle, for United States district attorney for Aluskn; Colonel lv A Miller, for minister to lurkey; Her man Wixe, for postmaster at Astoria; Dr Mullinix and Mr Van Dusen. for collector of customs at Astoria; M J Mchlinnon. for for United States timber inspector; N A Ambrose for assistant superintended! Unit ed Stales railway mail service at Portland; i v 11 hncok. tor postmaster at at wood lawn: J It Hlnckabv. for DOhtmaHter of Jor dan Valley. Richard I Hammond, for post master of Klamath rails: Liouis Iin(foulerg for postmaster at Roseburg; Laramie internal revenue. A Bl NBrrleaaei Svdnkt, March 20 A destructive hur ricane swept, March 6, over the new He brides islands and New Caledonia, destroy ing mtny villages A large number o natives are: said to have perished. The hurricane was the worst one ever experien y,i i.n, it n.i : , u. r 41 . uivir, iuhsmuuj iui uncr aaj;. and tne rauttall u enormous. Halt V . . " aliJl V e I 01 aw nisuonu is nooueu. in tcio alone 10 persrw were drowned. Will Beulxjed. New York, March 20. Judge lngra bam tn tne supreme court todav made an order confinutug Kvereit W lladley. of I orva III, Or. as receiver of the Oiegon I'aciSc. and directing ex Heceiver floir of New York, to surrender the books of the company to the Farmers' Loan A Trust Company. Hogg' counsel said the order would be obeyed. Rack! marrs hi:ted . Loxaox. March 30. A horrible accident occurred this morning in a coal pit near Chesterfield. Derbyshire. While the cage was oescenoing loauett with miners going to their day's work, it fell to the bottom of t'ie shaft and eight miners were killed. Bis IwrrarrsHaU Orbgob Cm. March 20. The Crown paper mill is now running on its last lot of paper prior to c osing down for extensive J improvement, which will convert the mill from a cardboard and straw paper mil! into one fitted to manufacture straw, manillas of all grades and news. viuw SaawMlrrsi Sax FaaJtcuwv, March 19 A morning paper pabtubes a sensational article) n vealing the operations of one of Ibe big Chinese and opium smuggling rings of tbe north west, ana describing the capture in this citr of one Jacob Kincardo. who had J7'Tom U"tith Colombia with near ly HI9.000 in cash, tbe spoils obtained in illegiUmato traffic by bimwelf. John Far ; weU, Hear)' .ckeron and Thomas Spill : man. bis partners. Kincardo. who doew ' not believe in honor among thieves, did not j . bring tbe placderere with bim. but left I , :. 1 tJ 1 : .1 . 1 Sal'TASSS TE3 "JU'u"r ,or i via tti I'll a?. i.viij:ii... A I alal Tire Madrid. March 19. At a "." I sa L this: ' yroiag ire t roke out rn pastry cook j- Sain; SeUstiaa. A keg of fi irii s pints t exploded and spread tbe ore to an adjoin ig boose, whkh w. den-iy tenanted. All the occupant were sleeping, and Ibe flames warearouml tbem before they could be nnuj t., i..,;ii- i ( a four .torr bouse were suffocate. in their I . Fifteen persons jumped from the Ten of them were killed and three receired mortal injuries. Twentr 11 7;.. " a t 1. 1" : aemanm vnnuvm p-ieu uy irio last u ' ftfisMVAlft , JH ihsn .be Snow, for United States (Oregon) district Krm to'ihkSZ Y."' !T? x tb,t info; Henrv Ulackman. for collector of , I LJl " IL . s""l cond hand en- "uiir . i"r lint; Mir in nit 1 in it 1 iiuum - il. a : 1 a 1 . M ..... C 1 1 a t a I lT;ia Oa.-a. f lTe : one pereocf are known to hare pwrhe-i. j and believed to have bean barn-d or cruah 1 ed in the ruins. Waal ll ftadtj Bakkb Cm. Or. March 19 HU Excel- Wr IV. tM.ll Metachan. of the commiltee lo select a site for the Las' era Oregon branch insane asy : Inm. wore guest of the city last Fiida'y. . They arrived on the morning train, and if tbe blowing of boms and beatine of drums. i,nf.jnfvor oflaar. Md a - m "I demonstrations tend to favorably impress 1 the mind of tbis committee with any par i ticuiar locality. Bakor county will not fall far short of obtaining, tbe coveted prise Wilt I lt h t Um Law Now iork. March 19 Lawyer Joseph M Cboste todav confirmed tbe report from tian Francisco t hit the Six Companies had 1 retit-,! hir.i to fijrbt the Geary 'castration law. Es Assistant United Stated Iistuct Attorney Evart will be associated with bim in an effort to defeat the Uearv law. Kvarta will see that the nnsrrmn:e laid ' down is carried oat. and Cboste is to make 'I "Ifmente in tbe supreme .xirt at , " a'hington, when tbe case reaches there. Aa CM -.Idler Head A-miAxn. Or. March 18 Colonel James Norris. a prominent citizen of Ashland, uieu muuciiit esny mis morning troru iwase- He was cantatn of a com- " "?n lanieers inrougu tne , civil war. and was an active fJrand Armv . vtr: i ., , . , man- lie came to Ashland from II inois five years ago. Kaaeked KhW York, March i9.-Jioi Hall, the Australian pugilist, baa again fonnd his match Just after midnight last ntgfat he tried to fight several cabmen in front of the Hoffman house, with the result that be is ! now nuning a badly ran face and numerous bruises souiewhtrc in seclusion. Prairie l'lret Goiraaim 0 T. March 21. Prairie fires are raging for miles around the city and ; a"d some stock injured. Near Evans w!!e last night several houses and barns were j swept away, and many farms wero swept clean of overytbinx. At night the henvens erc ngnieu antl presented a splendid and j t the same time a most appalling scene, t'" O VID KNJOYS Both the method and results v;liet Sjrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refrcsbing to the tasto, and acta fenily yet promptly on the Kidneys, iver and Bowels, demises the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Sirup of Figa ia the only remedy of its kind ever pre duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial tn its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. " ' ' . - ia. a a CI lu lu uuu gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM FRANCISCO. CAL, loumiue, xt. new roan. af. .-dJ, . v .. , , ) ., - a.-.uaioa, i mii ei 01 uie auove- nam OnU 91 DOttlea by all leaillUg drug- e.l bank do solemnly swear that tho above statement ,,: , , a l : 1. 1 j rlA i i . . ..... A Railroad Trouble MEDFOno. Or, March 21. L R Fields, superintendent of the Oregon division of the Southern Pacific, passed Medford on the south hound train this morning. He reported a conflict between white section bands and Japs nt Drain station, near Rosebur?. The company several days ago discharged a number of white men that were employed on section No. 27 and filled their places with Japs. Since that time the former have made life miserable for the latter by stoning them while at work and bembarding their houses at night. Super intendent Fields called upon tho marshal of Drain and the sheriff of Douglas county to protect the Japs, but both were powerless to prevent violence. Yeatetday the Japs were removed to Roseburg for safety. 1 brer Seate-red. P.uus, March 21. Charles de Lesseps, j accused of corrupting ex Minister of Pub lie Works Baihut to support the Panam lottery bonds bill, was found guilty by th I jury. Sentence, one year. Baibut, wh j confessed his guilt in ouen court, and i Blondin. who acted as the go between in i the bribery, were also found guilty. The former was sentenced far five years and t be latter for two years. All the other defend ants were acquitted. Licensl-a -aa-bUng. j Astouia. March 21. A reat deal of in- tererts is taken here orer the new clause in passage of an ordinance to that effect, pinciug ine license at wwi per year. u Kflai vea Waaletfi WAnrOTo.-, March 2 1. Mr Cleveland has signified bis objections to the nepot - ism displayed by senator m appointing j their sons and relative! to clerkships of tbe . . 7 wnate cnmtmtiMs an 1 lias declarei tiiut mo aavice ot sucti men would have bat Todav he aunliwl hula weight with him m . tbe same nil to htmsrlf. and aniHtunced a ww.. s " . : r V -e. nio.v a-jiiii.turui. SaartoBsad Swe4 . Aatoiiia, (Jr. March 21 Attcmev Thomrxon today brought suit on behalf of th West Shore Mills eomnanv asairut the Aston a & fortiand Kail way ( ompany for aiu.uw, tbe value of materials company last summer old to the i A. Jt Allen Ferry. Wssh. . S 20 MileS frOITI & DOCtOT But HOOd'S SarsapArflla was Pesssol Ik. Crrrmm. tquai to tno Emergency FleurUy, Chill and Fever Milk Leg Perfect Cure. "Alter my baby waa bora I got into very terV oas ruHttMs, baring pte-jrtsy. ebOls and fever. gradu-S- developing into milk leg. We Uts 20 nus tr : a 1 j ua i.d Ml kOT wii to do. FlaaGy wXsax at grrat WuiI mt asffrr tmm I began to lake Book's S-rsapria and when l waa sslnguw ir. bottls X coold see N Was Doing M Coed. I eooUausd with aaotber botUe. acd recoveie so rapidly u- sow I waa ia gww awwlifc. I Hood's Cures eraMlalty rm iwiwnil it as s gooj: A. II. AU. . Ferry. TT i alllsaglltss Hood's Pitts cure all Liver His, HCuu. anas. Jaundice, Indigestion. Stek ! THE BEST AND Purest Medicine EVER MADE. Don't bo without a bottle. Ton will not regret lu Try it to-day. What makes tou tremble so? Tot it Xeuvk are all ustrunc. and m NEEO a gentle, soothing TONIC L io assiss uatun e tu repair too arnagc which your excta sea bavo causod . U IptlUT Bitters IS NOT A CHEAP RUM OR WHISKY DRINK to be taken by tho glass like other pretiarattoBS which stimulate only to DESTROY. If you have FAILED L .. . . , e w ".-..-a.w may urueu. l mm utiier medicines or doctors, do not despair. Uso Suljihur Bitters Unmediately. In all cases of St ul.hora, deep sealed di. ;ises. Sulphur Bitters Is the best medicine to use. Don't wait until to-morrow, try a bottle to-day. Send S S-eent atamps to A V. lr-tw .i JJoaUiu, M sa., for beat luedk 1 wurk jublisbeU GOOjDHEWS q Ter las milil ar.s ef co.1t-tr.3rs ol aTutt's Bills e It Bin - Ur. Tutl plewMire to an- A nouuec that he is now quitting Hps TINY LIVER PILL wllh-h is of oaeaa-lnaly mull siws yrl rottUnliia all Hia Vit tneaol llie I farcer ones, t.naratiteeii pun-ly seg-etahtc. Itoth ilie.o(l hSSSU 1 are till Us ue . Tlia exact iz of TUTT'S TINY LIVER PILLS i . alaowa In lb border of tlii. ii." 9J MM REPORT Or TIIE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL. BANK, AT ALBAXY, IN TUB STATE OF ORE CON At th ulose ol butinesi , March ttth, ism. Braanrres I Uuaiisaiid itiscouitca l.TSi. ... SO.OtlO.IIO ... 1.S7T.15 .. 17.248.01 ... 3.4034 . ... I. :. 1 ,. 3,3350 Overdraft .aceuml atid uni-cunxl... t . t.. mmm) to secure rlivulatiou . . Stneka, aocurltes, etc Hue Iroin approved reserve airviita. one mnn .uner Aatlinial Kaiika Hue (mm stale Uaiika and hankers liaiklim hnuee, t mil la. ai id fixture torrent expeiiMea ami taxes paid Premiums on t' 8 bonca Cheeks and other cash items .'.. Itillaof other Banks Fractional lamercurreiici . iiickic. mil cents aM sr.a; MyH Bpsclo Learat tender not i lUnlciuptlon fund valili I . s, iurer(five H.-r cent of circulation.) 91V1.IX1 Total Llabillllrs t Capital utock iwid in., .!iO,tIX.otl . lll.tSlOOfl ESUnilu Html Tnilivli M proSU i,li.ft4 National Hank notes ouutaiuline. .... IS.liO.OO .. 9S.I11 as .... I . I ' ioi) ..3C1,S00.01 Individual doiHmlt anhji-ot to check Demand eertifli-ateaof dejioiiit Hue to other National Bank Due to State Hanks and bankers Total Stats or Oasuox, Coi xtt ur Ltxs, -ss ; I B w , . ,i . . ... I, E W LasoDox. Caah'.er ol Uie ia true lo tin- nest ol my knnaleilKcand belief. K W LANG DON, Cashier Subscribed sad sworn lo lief ore me Uda S2nd day of Harsh, 188S. J Fa an una, ( s.) Notary PubUe. Ooaaicr- Attest : b FLINN, . L. K. BLAIN V Directors. K F SOX, ) ...-j . .... ,UCu.u.c.c iovui -Ji me j tines lee tale at a lisruaau $8.00 WILL BUY A WOMAN the beat washing mcchine made. Go to Stewart & Hex mid Uk one out on trial. They tlso have all kinds of wringers. IT WILL KILL YOUR WIFE : to carry that Kreat big child arnncd ia btr j arms. You inuit o to 8-enart ft Sox and ; bny one of thiir Lai y Mrrlagaa, All kinds i and prices. SfOWINCAWAY HAYutbeDrd 00 a farm. You can make it the easiest by boying complete Hav Carrier outfit of Stewart & .Sox. Call anil see it. GRASS, GARDEN, FLOWEK. Fre,h. pure, sure to gro- sad sold at Port w price.. Garden .!. kept in balk i?.-M . j Muu .... F ! large quantities. STEWaKT U Sox CUPRTDO a un OUT) 1 D t fonoo lUlUiilBO i-llN OGrflUfl 111111 ti.ii!.. PAINTS & OILS. Tha ,t pi for said on thu Coast is tbe "Phoenix" and we are agents for it at Albany. We aleo carry a foil lice of oil , vsrnirbcs, wsgun sud carriage paints, etc. Miwasr t Sox. I BZt CIlDtll ICC r, keep your bees in Stewatt tc H-jr ..'.mi. I n .M i ull iiurrLirii. j oUI x x x,. ; carry oee h: ve, mtio 1 and eee a:oxera at U w tric-. WILLYCU BUILD vear. If von er- te;t hdo not L ; Htewsrt it Sox. Thev keen laree atoek of bo-Mees hardware and piieea U ui.t the ime THOU SHALT HOT KILL . I cearjuaj; to iLr, ati oo ubt V hoy lUJ ; v jar gno td Aa-.niBoiUoot.fSt.wvt Jc Sci. They Jp & god flock &fid tell d-Map GtiLtit powder, foie ami cap alwayc rn h ;oi . WE SELL COAL. IROH bring." and keep a lsrge itock of Usrkrmil .up ties . band. Stew sat k Sex SPRYYOU7 TREES.-y ealSi of Stew art tt Sex asd take care ef yoni t oichsrd. Tbe outfit they sot! has been tnid ia this at 'or tb;ee ers ty Ibe best i ebardrtt aort c c mfiete eccce-. WE RE NOT BRACCINC y have ths oest ice lifts shears, mi irtor. r ts and : r-t caUery ia tho valley, -ome and are for yearselras. 5rrwtT A fox. PLOWS. w w piow ex actly the urns as ihe "Oliver." W a-r-a-tes it and sell on trial. Extras wiil t - ouver. Also we have a fall litw ef steel P-"1'" :inoe,t be exeePed. Yoa might ' few crate bvoomic around sr. a eig B. 9twar & sox. ARE YOU wsj-e r author, rUst. a a. r c r ad venteer t xarw, or are intcxete. in j Ml ibe fa, joc aboalu rj l-T-;:e':io. DRY Wo- It luqulrw 1 IrrV.. a -pirk-. BMorr rrrv Ward. II r ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Intra w'j f state ot J I K err. lie, d. .ed VTCriCK is HFREBY BlXtBH THA r S. 1 nv vireirw of an rr. t. t ... t,?r,- made and entere-i ol ord bv tbeonntT t-aart of the eia'e of r- g . . er Linn evinntT. nnibe6lbiiav i f March. A D, in tho matter of I oMato of J 3 ' :. e. 1 . lb un ers'g. ed a i minlatrjl'ir of lbs si af said de - cessxl. will sa1: at povHie sueUoniothe . --- '.;-lde- rt tbe font rlvr oft bo court boose. In l-s county cf Linn, slate of O.-f (r-ia. on Kotwrdcy. lite !ad day af rit. Is 3 at the hour of twccVock p m of aaid day to fo'ijwing .1eritwd tracls of iand. twiug ia tbe mmrnrf or Linn and f , Oregon iowiu Ixs -ne ! ) md iwo (i)in .onion nlnsesn fl,) township mi tee . (13.) soulb or ratge oa (I) east of tbe v litems'! M.-riJian. in Una county. ' Orsfros. fsntainiar 53i a rw more or -s a. Also Km six (6) in bio-. 8e? 5) ia the town olweetHome, iolbeoautv j of Linn sudl at? cf O egon. a-rding to i the mp and pists tbererf of rec rd la 1 tbe office or be O-tnatj k rrer of sai.-t jeonptj. also the I l.'rwuu: Com-er:c- ing st a point fi rty rod wen nl tbe n.srth j east comer -tthe I. well Ames douati.n i .11 . ciaia-. boln; e'siui No 17; ruon:n we; tsesti r ro.'; iberoe Isou'h twrnty-ve rods; tbeooe east j t wcKty-flw roO-; thnoe nor.h tw-nty. i:e ro.1. to the plars of begiiniuji, eontair.inx three tid tibty.even cue 'hundredth sores mors or ess, lying and I being in township IS, south tatige one last of NViilame-to tu-iui.'t!, ia Linn jr j county, Wmgm. .be satu patceis w.ii bs ..d separable i and Cm cash or orelit. If soM on credit .or one hk!f cash with a first mortga e i on t'je premises sold lo sejui tho remainder. If sold on credit uas year's j lime will be Kiven with inlere-t on amount of notes taken at W psjr cnt per ! anuum, payable annually ! Dated March 17th. 1$9S. Vt 1 1.1. 1 . i RCMBaCGH. 'Monaiive.t IHcklemau. Ada: t-.'or Ally 's for Actn'r. we have a relief and cut in your ignorance of effects and vitality which ia system the elements thus strength and vigor will foU cvite or money refunded. Dr. Sanden's Electric after all other treatments testify, and from many of t'b h i r - -. km K -vwiiT, at mr -, TV i -ti )... : jfr 'rr - : m -rw.M 'isaii- b a complote e.ile.-tiyc !:..tte, y. made Into a belt so as to lie easily won thtrln, work or at rest. artJ It rises s-otkbu. jirolonged enrrents wlncl- are instantly felt throughout aU weak jwrt-i, or xve forfeit $5,000. It has an Improved Electric Suspensory, the Beatest boon ever given weak men. and we Wanaat It to : .re any of .the above weknes, aint lo enlarge shrunken limbs, or p-rts, or .oncy --x--m!cii. They are raded in strength to '! stages of weakness in youa. -a "i-J or old men, and cur a-..- s. i i:i i to t '.r:e month-. Addre-3 A SANDEN ELECTRIC Ck,u",72 First St., POR-vi AND, OREGON 9 SEALED BIDS FOR A WA -OH BRIDGE WY OBDffrt OF THE COTJNIY ort of Ia'nn ceunty, Oregn.aaed Plans strain diagrams snd Mds lor a wagon Uldije acrosa the South Hant am river st s pises known as Kockey Point, about 4 miles northeast f Sweet Hone Lien county, Oregon, wif- b received by ih. -i.rk of sal' court until Frida- .April 7tb. at 8 '.'clock a m, 1893. Haid bridge to os) 19 'set In the clear, covered with mood cedar ablnglea. boxed fn and painted, th county luruisuuiK BHtwi ti.i.,!. nn the tcroan . and the con t ,,..,,,. tn t jrnisb a-1 material and lalior. Each b'ddar will be required to r..rr,i ih a .Ut-ri.U of 5 itr cent of bit bid .,. ,.t.i, it. result of td awarding of mmlA jwaajsaii an by Iw orovided. Ibe kid court reserves the right to rej xrt any and all bids. listed at Albany March. IfH Or, this ISth o.iy of N P PAYME, Clerk I. A. Morris & Co. Flour and feed Store, Have removed their store to tbe Stratum storf, formerly occt-pied by Deyoe fl Robson, snd have on hard a full stock of CORVALLiS FLGU ?, BAN, SHORTS, GERM MEAL. CR4HAM, BUCK WHEAT, RYE FLOUR, HAY, OATS. STRAW AND CHOPPED FEED: Custom chopping done . TRY A PAIR Of nm Brazilian TMt tytiv' .For sale by F. M. FREN:H. the Jew-" F) jJlTIOS WANTED A r Labis y.,ai. . x man wants a poetiim ia basinea. : boos. ill give security :o fs:thf!i Leave wcrd at I'eOCHaT FOR SALE. Pi per acr. SonT of the re 17 brs of jtb t-moc saOs rii-v bolt. m tend, suitable for frail, hop, potatoes. et; wl.l '! :n :cl- to it parch awe rs. 7 northta t ot Albany. Appiy as bous 1 miie north ot Knox's But e. CC hamox! POSITIVELY -: Last Call. -:- All parties owing th: late firm of Conn Ac ifendricson wiil rteas: call ard settle the same bv April tat, r the accounts wiil be placed In the banc s of an attorney for collect k n. For the BEST Cal! or. Van Wilton, agent for Te Is rcaisi. ar.d Fit iKNti. fro to '5o. Lacies Ucebt rice or r.o sale. VJoTICE TO FAKVFRS-Ttebns'oeaa Js crtnmittea efibe Fanasra AUisass batinesw Counnl ot I i n eoanty bars asraroed tn W r luv . of Albany the enniraet to furnish all member cf the aliiancie tbir sorp'tes in dry goo a and groceria for tie Tr 13. MM-N SHELTOX, J W PROPT. 1 nirmen of , CITATION. I iit Centy (5l tie State if Orrg far tit rows r el I-ixx. la the clatter f .h eale cf Owen Vt .te I To Polly Gss'-ies. Henrv Bear. Oethenne Haevey John Hear. Br Ke bw-a G: 'worth Klis Crawjord.Sa ir lec-inpsu fh. Knaelina Gorna'iy . etiee i' ' nil Osbi Tnotrpso-, "N-- ie l h nip-oa,GuvTlsoa,pwi) J Jm- r. ami to a.: ; heir- k: own and unknown ::.:er in Ihe ab ve eoti. le 1 . ais. Greet ng: IS THE N .. . THKStA lK . Oregon, yoo ne hrreb Uc- km re qu'rd to appear in Hm wntti e. n t Of tie scalp ortrer'n. tor t - a uuty I l.i in a: the roue; worn ihn .'.. t Ailtcy in the coonty of Luo, on SI- T af at one o c:ck in I i.e " afternoon r4tbal day lbe and ih- re hi show cause - any there L-e why au .roVr sboald not issue out -'ihe above entitled court author -tuc snd direo.i.i. :h) exsootors of said esr-atfl t- se.l a jvii onol ihe real prope-rtT bolonitinjF to .ai I est;e described a. follows .owi;: BeBinr - at the northi nC corner ofta. kn - . . , land ,m of iiwon flex- v- ; .1.,-, nori&caUaio No '2.10 and claim No 41 in township No 13. South of range four Mi west of the Wi:- Unwte Linnc untv.urexon. snt run una 'henoe west a.-K ihe nor.h bouiJsry line of -aid c.'aim tiX. e eb:us to the no.-theast eornor of tntr: of Umi M!d to V W K.tbuett and J 0 Kobnit ly lwea Hear and wife. tbn wurli io oliaitia. thence south 31s to' at t'oliow- nr a eng the center of a s'nuh 4 21 caius tbense south 2.Vk) ehai-a-.Sheuce ea-t paraltsi with the north linn or said Owen Bear claim Si 10 chains to the east Hue of said cla m; thence corlh 17 chains to the rdace of beginning, cont-ieinic Ml Sa! tasi more or less, a 1 in Linn county, Oregon lKue by order of ih j H n J X Duncan Judge of tbe Couriy Court of the state o . re-on; :or tie oJtWtw of. jinn; with the Ratal of said court aftl-ed; this 7th dav of March A D. ISM ATKsn N P PAYNK, Clerk. Who are SLEPLESSNK5.Rx)rM the effects ot" abuses, excesses, f fATl NT I a . " m m J Hl.u aIVm I, I I!J 3 VI VI I -UUVI in our man-eloas invention, which requires bu trial toorice the most skeptial cJetrleitjr and thus caused your wtkriess or lack ot force, if you replace into your tTZ t ' an reqU'red W "".th. you will remove the cSeTnd beikh, 5 ni n a'ur?1 wa;- Th is our Plan and treatment, and we guarantee a Nrnd for our Illustrated l'amphlets, free : sent hv m,;t ,,ti K n la , - J - . 3 S ?E?J!Jm. to robust health and rigor. . . ZT y aiaiourctis or tuses """'" " UJVO Slrun- ,j;l:ers rieanc;; testimony to their recovery after using our ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. NOTICE 13 HEBEBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of an order of saledulv made and entered of record hv th FTnnnr-ble county coort of the countv of C'iackamas, fttats of Oregon, ia the matter of tbe estate of Julius Logo., deceased, I will sell at pob Iic aoction to the hightet tbe loort honse door in Albsnv. counts t .,.1. 'i,L0,retn'0" TV.the lth dav of Apri . J8'J3, at tbe boor of two o'clock n m. lha loiiowirs described trscu of land temg in the county of Linn, state of Oregon, lowit: The donation land claim of William A Peter son, know and described on the maps and plats of tb United State an r revs as notifi es ion No 2308. certificate No 2374, in ac tions 29 and 30 of T 12 8 B 2 W r,f the Willamette Mend an, containing 321.61 acre, savicz and tKceotincr firm, this traet j Mt described 15 acre thereof heretofore OH to n. U)go ocritjtd as folloaa; Be -inning 22 ro is more or less west from tha extreme soothe iat corner i t aaid claim, ron aing thence northwesterly to the north line heieof, tbesce cast 40 rods more or less to the northeast corner thereof, thence snath to tbe said southeast corner 19.74 cbana.thence west to the place cf besinnint.. Also the donation land claim of Joseph Haoiiiton and Nancy A Hamilton, bis wife, known cn said maps, plats and surveys afore aid as not cation No CitiO. certificate 519, in aaid see tioos 29 and 30 aforesaid, cooteisiog 112. 58 acres. Also the north half of the N W sac t!-N W of the XK and lot No 3 of tmgu -m 9 aforesaid in said town. hip, oow tai. inc 151 i2ci. Also lot No 3 and the N K 4 f the N E cf said section 30 in said to oal 3 aforesaid, contaioa 66 sens. Also beir.r. tig at a point 00 ibe north ute of tb- dobatroi 'and claim of W C Gailaher acd Amy ( a'laher, hi wife, known on said mapj. i.ts sod acrveva as noUf-caiiuD Ho 2322. claim No 73, in aaid township fare s-id, 100 rods east rrem the northwest corner of said land chum, rooming fhecco on h 46.55 cinina tovhe strath boundary the of, thence eas" 45 lie'-, tbtntr nonh 48.55 cr.ains to the north boundary theier.f. th' nee west 45 feet to the p'aer of h ; :r. 1 11 corttinio2 3 acres. A - . ire S E J f tt.t 9 w of aecnon 4, T 13, K 2 w of the V i iaj, tie r. c.ti'.ainioi 40aera. The whoie of tbe above dcs:,-.--ed tracts to be sold rot ether as One piece. The purchaser to assume a certain mortgage oa aaid lands tor $5000, tbe bail. etc to be ci.h oo oc fir mat ion of sale. 11 art h 7 th, 1!3. CHARLES LOGU, Adm'o cf estate of JsKuLoa-s.dec'd anBHnmHBasmMBM EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE 15 HERESY GIVES THAT THE C5. . wwl tebaa by ths Oaowsv Cos! r mm x-: mmi, a: . Us rasa-tare in Albas? , Uam oowa-j. fjrepx.m Tbis .be Utt-j-lwaij, 1SSS HAJsOX &HE'TO. H H Bmir. ieet.;r Attutxjs tor iLztottmr EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. XOT1CE 13 HEKEBT GIVES THAT THE Cg 11 is 1 1 xaru- cf Ih lw wiB ukI unaual ct can- At a Xoaa, ill ml. baa Sled wnklbs Clerk al Um Cewatr Coort Kw Un I iwilj, Oras-a. turn aaaf aeiaawst ia asssl issi. sa tbe Cocatv Court has mud Ibe 3rd dar at April. 1SSS, at tbe bar 1 clock p m .4 aski osjt. k- Uw tesru-r at ?rm m wmw so a aces otaaaias-ta. This Ztb Fea. w! el D AST) XW8. Sarak Aaw Haas. A o ADMINISTRATBirS NOTICE I HEKEBT GIVES THAT THE I S- iaf ths th earoc at 'sa -hi mm s Crk l : - arttaslMMl aw M m XprS., ras i o cjoes, p ai. 1 m iat aa- - Kr i TT i at T-s the 2-th da; d f eb. Ml a v. e vv A- iaialn'i i ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. li HE EST GPT-X THAT THE rX- avrntv wis lanlail fear the lo aa mialj.aj at H X WaStf. 1 I. A3 ;;rr -v ; ar A:la3.. ft. ED K HVSTOS. wiiiiwHiii-wi'rsa)i'ia,s, fmmmmmt -. AU ja ter .liar. NOTICE QF APPOINTMENT. "VoTR - IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THE Cjj- U Ua i 1-1 aaa Orrr . "-tttza Ml i Oa-M .'aasa-r lh, 1-3, STEl"? T EAR . JOBS F BJ&, mmm J c.-t-. All aiiaa for Eaecms. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. "OTCTJB HMTjCT?Pr HAT THE B- e e of ea W Wain a S the aScc at the darh t tha St da. af AwtL ljsa. a tha 1 e 'dock p m . saki day. as the tin. n t. ta aaaa a t acr i . -aud as aae. I-el SMS el VaRh. 1 I X WARMOITH. w eauaeehi. a l asMHC 3, A aua de I A-oeers ;i3TIGE0F FINAL SETfLtMEMT. Umn IS HEREBY CIVEX THAT THE . i . inJ- tuiuaaaB of tha sstsns U Lotia A Rm!. JVa- Ii a tied m a Ow ton C erk.i.v- L-ua eowatT. ..cva. Us aa aa isaN SIM la ad she ,.rt fe aa Ixed ths 3rd at Ar-U.l-S, at th- bavrM cVioa aa. tartt -- - . - eojia. aaa IV -11 ,r '-ate. Pa-Bahaathr --4r esJXl Ja. tf, issteu leb S, Im z h aroo. Adma- as bo ; NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. X-OTKK IS HEREBY -1V-X THAT THE rX-Jer-tiK- a-oiruatn-or el ike estala oat H L Ku .a. I i. haa CM has AU aeoxist wiH lha ecaaat- eaarfc of Una eoantv, Oeea-uo. and s the coo-tv roort ol aaid Liaa cvu has ami the Srd day April, Is BM, . I ' th wisar ol la'ci-.v'-. - . - or ,u ... tbe kaai-inc ol ohjeetios if aay la said ftul ac- m v ider ! J X Lea t aaB JTJ-' Del rbrui- 3rd. ISJ8. Z H BXDD. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. OTtCE IS HEREBY GIVEX THAT THE CX J a derinsd has hoc- snsrahatail ad u w-aooe el Ihe ol TtKucaa Aifoed, daeeaasd. All ue aasacaiaat aaid estate an requiradto i wuh th proper TOwchars and acanvir seas hate(eWasa 1 1 ism wssinu ta prapar vowehars and sracviT S'k?9"trn itwdaie hawaol, w Jae uiejer-gatd . as Harris jarg. Una coonty, 07 Trvu the ttth day ,i SU.-c. I3sa " "ts VaiWr., Attony lor Admr. last wOiaed final af Jaks BKwsl ksa t Loui epaa.Qresj-a.ll ml. AH pwasos Mw esasss acsaass aaM aslaaessw asssSj s n'Sil torn en 111 ilia ueuewl. n liSni ta n 1 n' . s i-mi I IwSslim e FlUKfsa, dec wad. I .. i-kiV osssi mt us . mmmmt - i Mm saks S I " mm&a t mm msalr r u. to ihe . BssS s a I e' tate cat Jass R-er. sesas I, Lean e-natr. One-a. Ail peraaaa havsag aas-hs ansa this d- -ma MEN - .. - ' : .- ww s nm a i ri i i tvii-vj from Nervous DehiiiV tttitfrtofcHe. f NESaOSSES,PRAlNS:iMWTENCYDR: 0;T M AKIUFVn Dlic-i ia". ai?--! ..-aatr sDAO':KinKIFV Tdoi IRK PC MrrwnncViFCC - M(V.S (MERAl. iLrl&TH vmm r v -..iSr. ttirouohout this State, who would gt-tiy