A 91, SO BOOK FOR A CKKT Quite a unique literary experiment haa been tried by Congressman T L Johnson, with results thut are truly remarkable. Dur n ' the tariff debaie of last spring this live western c ingress man and five other demo cratic colleagues Stone of Kentucky, Washington of Tennessee. Fithlan of Illi nois-divided a copy of Henry George's bo k, "Protection or Free Trade?" into six pa ts. Then each of them quoted their particular put of the book in a speech. In this way the entire volume was made a part of the Congressional Record, and when printed as such became entitled to free postace under the congressional frank. This accomplished,- Johnson had tho whole book, originally published at $1 .50, put into such a compact form that it could be printed in enormous quantit ies at the cost of one cent a copy. In this form the contrressmen cir culated over one million copies of the book, while orders from Canada and Australia ate up an additional hundred thousand. Of course. he object was political effect for the democratic cause Now the congressman is having a second reprint made, what he calls a "O ngnwional edition." This is in larger type, contains double the number of pages of the one cent edition, and will be old by Mr Johnson at two cents per copy. One million copies of this will be printed This is, indeed, book publishing on a large scale. Weekly Journalist. Almost every man who has gone into Mr Cleveland's cabinet has made a personal sacrifice in the way of giving up a position of greater profit and of more certain tenure than attaches to a place in the president's official household. Judge Graham relin quishes a life place on the bench; Mr Car. lisle vacated a seat in the senate which ha had a certain promise of retaining for an indefinite period; Mr Lamont leaves business which affords him a very large income; Bissell and Olney will each of them be forced to abandon a legal practice which brings in a handsome revenue and so on In every case the office has sought the man and the call in each instance was responded to in the interest of patriotism and of able government. That wis a handsome thing for the demo crtts m the United States Senate to do to give all the populist senatots a chairmanship of some committee. Besides they are well provided with places on the standing com m ee as follows; Pefler has a place on the committee on agiicultiiia sod forestry, on claim, oo immigration, stnd improvement of the Mis s'lppi in i its tributaries. Kyle (chairman) n committee on education and laKor. or t-tiga'ion and reclamation of arid l-nri nd on IoVtan depredations. Allen has a place on the Indian affairs committee, and on public land. Irby is chairman of he i SUM an transportation routes to the sea'xtard. The DsitixRAaUriis"" particular junc ture desires to call the attention of its es teemed republican contemporaries of Ore gon that were so wrought up with fear Jlrior to the late presidential election that the choice of Cleveland and the restoration tit power of tfie democracy iu all branchs of the government would result in a reversal of the result of the war that the admintstra tion has now been democrat ten days (hst an odd number) and yet it i patently obsrr b e that the heavens have not fallen, nor have the fountains of the grsat deep leen troeo up but all is as serene as a raid day summer's dream. Attention is called to the fact that a fa days before the outbreak of cholera In Ham burg, fa vt summer all the sparrows left the c.tv, ""d did not return until the epidemic was stsTiped out. The same thing happen ed in Marseilles and Toulon in 1884,, a day or two before the cholera visited those towns. Similar migrations have been noticed ia dlf erent parts of Italy, Austria and Russia, always some days before the appearance of cholera . Krangs, well known German expert mentc, hs recently published an account of his endeavors 'o find out the proper depth to plant seeds. The result is that no rele can be formulated. Same that might be sus pected of preferring a shallow covering, like it comparatively deep, and so on to-tbe con trary. Leguminoee seeds are indifferent not caring irhetner the covering be ha'f an Inch or several inches; but nearly all others have a preference for some specified depth, which can only be determined by experi ence is each case. Tbe stock inspector of Marion county re ports the presence in that county of hogs afh-cted with trichinae. People should be careful to cook all pork aad b:on thorough ly before eating. It is a small hairy like worm in the voluntary muscles of the hog and tho. cjugh cooking kills it, but if not kill ed, it wh.-n eaten with tbe meat finds s place in the muscles of the eater where the male and female pair and multiply rapidly and by their ravages soon destroy life. -'-asm 1 siraBe "If a pou . J of coal U subject to a dry dis tillation, ar.d tie products and residuals treated chemically by the processes for ob taining the well-'enown coal tar colors,,' say s the Ag of Steel of St Louis," the one poun 1 tr-.'.fl will yield enough magenta to oafer 5x1 yards of fiinnel, vermi'.liou for iy . urine for lao yard, an 1 aliza rines .,Ti le '- for 155 yards of red 1 ixh." A di., atcb from Washington says: To '.ue d citation of congressmen who w tile t on aim to make inqtiiiies on the sub ject, 1'ro.Id .-. Cievelan.l said the report a lu rii r -iou not to appoint newtpsper m. tfice was e roneous. He had noin- tei un 0 '.ic:imlnate against new-piper miii 'opac sn-cl masss cr rods are la be igh ini; the public squares in Brus 1 ic object of this system is to prs 'ejties of the parks in the d i - -X! t. ry at Bitfalo, New York, turns out pounds of grape sugar aad glucose The time fit in has a factory at li!, which has a daily capacity of 35 ev t P- 1 h. S ir-hrjne Falls of the Snake Kiver of I tab 1 s-nich have a lxily of water 930 1 w u u itli a fail of 210 feet, are to be used for 1 : vi-loping electric power for iriiga llng purposes. The new St Louis Lumber Combination emoraces about 20 lumber firms, and repre sents a early output of $3,000,000 to $4,000 oou. The moiljn of ilie earth around the sun is 63 305 it). les an hour, over 1000 miles a minute r r 19 miles a second. , rT"ni ""I" ' lil- The herbiiiuin of the New Vork College of Pharmac contains 60,000 specimens. It Is the largest in the United Slates. London has 15.270 pollcem:ii, soi none of them lias vet caught "Jack the Ripper." tShiloh's Cure, tne urest oou h a ml crou p cure, is for sale by as. Posket size oontsias twent-iivs dosoe.ooly 25o. Children Uvs it. Foauay ft Mason. HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION The lull Text of Representative Daly's New Law. Section 1. The homestead of any family shall be exempt from judicial sale for the satisfaction of any liability hereafter con tracted or for the satisfaction of any judg ment hereafter obtained on such debt. Section 2. Such homestead must be the actual abode of, and owned by, such fain -My. or some members thereof. Section Such homestead shall not exceed fifteen hundred dollars in value, nor exceed one hundred and sixty acres in ex tent, if not located in town or city laid off into blocks and lots; if located in any such town or city, then it shall not exceed one block; but in no instance shall such home stead be reduced to less than twenty acres nor one lot, regardless of value. Section 4 This act shall not apply to decrees for the foreclosure -of any mortgage prjperly executed; but if the owner of such homestead be married, then it shall be ex ecuted by husband and wife. Section 5. When any officer shall levy upon'such homestead, the owner thereof. wife, husband, agent, or attorney of such owner may notify such officer that he claims such premises as his homestead, describing the same by metes and bounds, lot, or block or legal subdivision of the United States; whereupon such officers shall notify the creditor of such claim, and if such home stead shall exceed the minimum in this act, and he deem if of greater value than fifteen hundred dollars then he may direct the sheriff to select three disinterested house holders of the county, who shall examine and appraise such homestead under oath, commencing with the twenty acres or lot upon which the dwelling is located, ap praising such lot or twenty acres separ ately, and if the same shall exceed fifteen hundred dollars the sheriff shall proceed to sell all in excess of fifteen hundred dollars by lots or smallest legal subdivisions, offering : them in the order directed by the judgment debtor, if he chooses to direct, otherwise he shall sell the same as aforesaid, so as to leave the homestead as compact as possible Section 6. In lien of the proceeding aforesaid, the execution creditors may, at any time pay the execution debtor the sum f fifteen hundred dollars and proceed to sell the homestead as he might heretofore have done, adding the said fifteen hundred dollars to his lien, but the money aforesaid shall be exempt from execution. Section 7. The homestead aforesaid .hall be exempt from sale on any jodicia I rocees after death of the person entitled i thereto for the collection of any debts for , which the same could not have been sold during his lifetime, but such faemestead shall descend as if death did not exist. THIS. THAT AND THE OTHER Boston has two negro counciimeo. Dissection of human boJies by medical studente has been practiced since B C 3x0. q ,JO A black slik watch chain should take tbe place of gold when the dress suit Is donned. . Ol the 69,000 Frenchmen wholought with Napoleon at Wa'erlos on'y eight vive. Pendant ear rings are seen more freqaent- ly now than any time during tns la-t twenty yeara. Hard coal loses eight per cent in balk per j annum when exposed to the weather. Soft j coal loses twelve per coot.. j ... , , QRois Wllilims 15 years old, of Martin's' ... . , . , Ferry, V a, weighs 310 lbs and stands 5 feet " . ... ; 9 inches height. i sv a i J- ; : asosion aoveniaer, woo s uenaioeu that there shall be 00 oncertainty about tbe mstter, announces -oenerai ier s auio- biography, W-itten by nimself . " A Belton, Miss, woman, who has a pen" chant for buttor.s, has employed her leisure time during the past twenty seven years ia collecting them, and she now has 3. too spe- cimens, no two alike A flume designed for conveying limber from the place of felling in Uie Sierra Neva- da mountains to the plains below has been j opening of lu extra session, made so eicei baiit in Fresno county Cat, The flume is . leal impression upon the Sens ors as well as said to be fifty- two miles In length. j upon the pub Ic His popularity with the A flower pot fell from aa unprotected r"k ' d 6l 01 " steisaocr.lie party Is ua window sill in the Rue St Deaif, Paris, two j bounded and what U more to me point Is is weeks aeo upon the head of a man who was passing beneath, and fractured his skull so recover- that he died Hi two hours witbou ing consciousness. GHAMJES HLSDatD. The incidenU of the past week at Wash ington emphasize the need of certain changes in our scheme of government. For four months a party twice condemn- ed by the country has been able to delay the execution of the pe" pie's will by defeat ing ill legislation net in harmony with its repudiated policy. -This is an inj t-ti ;e that ouglit to be remedied. A new congress should meet within a month af tei its election. The people's will should be more promptly exe cuted in a republic. In the senate one democratic state will be represented by a republican, and one re publican state by a democrat, because of the inability of their legislatures to elect a senator. Two other states have vacancies that may be filled by executive appointment. Still other states are misrepresented through gerrymanders of the legislative districts or outgrown provisions of their constitu tions which prevent the people from being justly represented in tbe legislature. All this is wrong. Senators should be elected by the people, by a direct vote. This change would not only insure more just representation of tbe states in tbe sen ale but would tend to improve the quality 0 tne senators. TTTIT 1 S" I1 . B, q The Eugene Journal is still lamenting the defeat of D P Thompson for governor. Contrasting him with Pennnyer it says of Thompson: He is not an impracticable, theorizing demagogue, but a plain, sensible, honest, uaruworaing man, woo anowsjoy ex per ience all the hardships and necessities of life as well as any man can know tbem, and who would have made it tbe ambition and delight of bis life to have done every thing possible to have built up and pro tected the interests and proiperity of every citizen in Oregon, especially tbe poor and the weak. Thompson "protect the poor and weak " From such protectors tbe good Lord deliver us. The Journal thinks that democrats would have done better to have elected Thompson. Never. Governor Pecnoyer is eccentric; at times very stubborn. He is Unconsciously ungrateful to his party, but withal he has made a good governor, in many respects the best the state has ever had. Notwithstanding bis indefensible desertion of bis party he is far preferable to D P Thompson. The new Rhode Island law requiring the production of naturalization papers by all naturalized citizens, with the alternative ot having their names stricken from the regis -try of voters, is worse than a hardship i is a wrong. Or course it is a republican trick. The apparent intention is by this means to offset the effect of the abolition of certain property qualifications of voters by which democrats were fermally denied the suffrage. No change of the law affecting naturalized citizens ought to be enforced against men who have once been accepted as voters. Tho presumption is that they were legally admitted. WASHI GTOK LETTER. (From our naularcorrwponcant,) Washington, March C, 1893. Democratic enthusiasm cannot be wash ed out, snowed oui. Mowed out or froze Out. The north wind h.ew, he snow fell and the-e were icicle hanging troui the trees, houses and the whiskers of men, but those little annovanres did not count when it Came In inaugurating a iletnocratic presi dent. Mi Cleveland ptoved nls Indifference to then. b declining to deliver his inaugu ral address in the senate cnamner, Initead of from the open s ir plat forrr on the east front of the capl ol b -fore which standing ir the snow a'Orm, vvereabou 10,000 people. He thouuht. and correctly, too. that if these people were ud enough democrats to brave the storm to see him few of them could ge". near enough to hear him deliv er his inaugural address and take the oath of office, he was good enough democrat to take off hts hat, storm or no storm, and do i, and he lid There Isn't enough money in existance to buy from the Pre-i lent the worn bible upon which lie took the oath of jlnce in 1S83 and upon which Chief Jus. Ice Fuller administ ered to him he same oath Satuiday. It is more valuable ' nan d or precious stones ; it was his mother's and Mi Cleveland has never I.-rgo. ten the commands it, "Honor thy father and mother." Brother Wanamaker i an expert on the value of advertising. He signalized his re tireroent from puiHc life by sending of course at government expense a letter to very pos' master and railway mall clerk In the country. Thi letter administers taffy In such big chunks that Us receivers cannot fall to read between the lines"! am again in business at tU old stand ; bargains Ineveiy department." Not since the second inauguration of Grant has there been such a disagreeable inaugura tion day, bcl the only noiicable effect the weather had was to keep a lev men whose health was not robust out of the parade, which was over three hours 'ong as it was, to disfigure and disarrrngt the house deco rations and postpone the fireworks. Every thing else went eft according to programme j ost as would Lave been done had the day been as clear and balmy as which Mr Cleveland was first inaugurated. On the reviewing stand with the President and the Vice Piev.den- were a large number of prominent lauics and 'etntlemtn, among them Mrs Cleveland and Mr Stevenson. It si difficult to say which of the demo cratic governors Is the Koceuion received the grandest ova ioasatong the Use of ranch, but Peck, of WUcooaiu. Fiower, ol New Vork, aad Russell, of MastachascU, have good reason 10 pu the day down among l.thi protLtt of their lives. j It is generally r.ced that the Inaugu- , ral bvl srs- .he m a jr.ce tail atCSWitsi, ant tnat bom every , point of vl-w ver hr!d, ant that the decc taiicns ot h sell roosa was handsomer aad j mor- ar'l.tic irao ha ever netn seen acre. ' The m- m.f is -.f the commit ee m charge stsr-ed oat to make tots inauguration a m-mor.ble one ia ererv resoec'. snd they iaccrrcd K a great day tor Urover Cleveland, a greater one for (he democratic p-.ity, and the greatest of all for the country, beginning, aa it did. an era of real, slmon rare I'esnocratr govciimcnt, not the ploch- , back ktoi fe iepu' Iran nave given us. Cleveland's in.uural address a roe-el of it kind. A plsin, honest sir igr iforwsrd siatcm M of has intention to carrv out o itsfuUcst uirt.' the platiorm up- iTT t . . . . , 7 , on wblib be ws nomin ivd and elected, and pantVuiartv noiice.be wasthe cosople'e ig- nosiag ol the Hawaiian aooeaaUosi achem.. , fa e,e, ,nd rar.lcolaily gratlfvlog to democr4 ,h.t M. Clevelsad intends to la , ,h ,u, j,,, Ibolou,h!y than ; M Harriaosi did Defore commituns: himself and as he put himself, in hi address, square ly on recrxd as apposed to subsidies and bounties of all k.nd, it is certain bat if Haw- 1 aii gets annexeJ its sugar planters will get noboun'.y on their sugar. Tbe Vice President in his address, upon assuming ibe chair of ibe Senate at the " ' He ' mac toe "ght sort of stuff A newspaper mas was telling him that he supposed the itlgnitv of his new office wonld prevent a resumption of the free and easy methods la ve gue in hia office, when he was first assistant Post Master General, and tbe "boys" were always welcome. Mr Stevenson iaugned and said; My new office will make no difference Vou boys will be ; iuat as welcome as in tbe old daVs There ( wiH M wnirT iB lf00t. ef the .pred,enfs room. Vou wi!i not be vice forced to dive into your pockets od fish out a card to be transmitted to m j on a salver. The door will stand wide oicn. There are ofas inside for you to occupy. Voa will I walk right in, and if I am not 'here you will send for me. Whenvcr I am the newspa per man is welcome. I am the We Presi dent of the people, and the people are en i Hied to kno what I am doiag. There wiil be no red tape obout the office. v In its short session mood of carelessness congress a. lowed John I I)avenport's ex c- hive bill of t31.000 for his impertinent interference with last years' election in New fork Fortunately this is the last bill of tbe kind that the government wil have to pay, for nothing in 'he future can be more certain than that congress will put a fitia end to this pestilent meddler's ofti cial function and authority before he has a chance to exercise them again. The re;o 01 ' ;.e majority of the Ways and Mil' s f Omn.ittee upon the condition nf tie irrasu v --onfirma alt that has been charged as o the thoroughness of the Re publican looting, ' he great surplus hss disappeared and a drfi icnry ! In sight. S-cretv ') Car'.Ule'a s rutloy is likely to dis-c'o-e roe hi. figure-juggling which the n.inmi tee fail, d ' ! "vn -Tl-TTSe"-9SaSJsSBBjr The naiuii San'iwtcb Islands, is English. hi-ii . apUtii (.' ok discovered tbe group in 1778. abeiut a century after the Spaniards had find lm.ded.tht- e. he christened them in honor of Lord .Sandwich of the English admiralty, who hail .aken much interest in Cook's vo age into the Pacific. 1 U1U You Cat Walk o Chicago; but don't do it; it S'OO fur N r is it nectsary. If you wan' us g' lea'"' as can be obtained In thr C .it l States, ral. on Parker Bros. They carry a fi.-t cfias atock of groceries and pr.xiu e. and if tou are not treated well Ir is yotti own f ult. PL es always reason able. Theii hake't goo- s are g .0 1 enough for any one. and emh.ace a fins line. A firs- class baker loe 'he .uslness. You do not need logo anywhere but to Parker Bros for youi g.oceries and hake 1 goods. Nkw SrEAatKR Luts. The Independent steamer Bismarck is now making regular trips Monday, Wednesday ana Friday, connecting at Salem with steamer El wood. Through freight to and from Portland. The steamer Bismarck ( a light draft boat and can run far in the summer months Order y.ur freight by steamer El wood from Portland. For rates, see Morris at Feed store. AualnapartaDCDIsTereaeei To make it Apparent to thousands, who think themselves ill, thst they are not affect ed with nny disease, but that the system simply needs cleansing, ia to bring comfort borne to thir bttarts, aa a uostivs condition s easily cured by using jyrup of Figs. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co MUFTIS. An evolution. J B Eddy, Hon J B Eddy, Co) J B Eddy, of the R K Com. next One of Portland's oldest hotels Is in the hand of a receiver. The proprietor did his advertising with rubber stamps. Wel come. The woedhaulers of Oregon City have formed a combination by which a charge of $1 per cot d Is made for hauling wcod it for ontv too feet. Men and teams hsve been engaged at Salem to take their places The Oregon Horticultural Society will eive a flower shew In June, one of the .nost unusual and attractive features of hlch will be a native floral exhibit. During the year similar showi will be held at Salem, Albany, Eugene and The Dalles. Ex. Josat Jonas, pedler of cheap jewelry, was yesterday given seven and a half days in the city jail by Recorder Edes for vio lating that portion ot the city ordinance relating to peddling without a license. Statesman. The capital U evidently dangerous place for cheap John dealers. Albany Is not. A Portland paper says: During the next two years Multnomah county will pay Into the state treasury, as its quota ot the ex pense of maintains? the state government 395,4t,3,or more than one third at the en tire state levy. Still the cow counl'es and the prune orchards send up a wall every time Multnomah county' voice Is heard In thestate legislature. Thomas A Davit-, the capitalist of 38o Morrison street, assures the public thst he is first cousin to Secretary Gresham and that there Is no kinship between Mrs : Governor rennoyer and that member of Cleveland's cabinet. Mr Davis says that "while I am a true democrat 1 do not ad mire the course of the governor. Port land Welcome. The Florence West sa: An unique wager wis made last fall between the genial proprietor of the Morris hotel, Chas B Morgan'and Wm Kyle. In the event of Cleveland's election "Morg was to wheel Kyle throng the streets on Inaug -uratlon day and vice versa li Harrloii was the successful I man." If that Is uni- que tell us something that Is not unique. That wlieclborrvw bet Is as old aa the hills almost. The Salem Statesman says: Tomor row evening the Salem Y" MCA will ce!ebrate its first anniversary. In the first eleven months afier the aaenlnsr of th rooms, 41.000 wss the attendance at the 5 circuit court of rregoau removing T Kgen rooms, 8,861 was the attendance at the re- j ton Hogg, of New York, as receiver, and ligious services, iu in bib;e classes. 16.- 031 visited tne gymnasium. 1,991 In gym nasium classes, 2,ic baths taken In the rooms, 975 letters written in the rooms by young men, fifteen young men found em ployment through theemyloyroent bureau. The new Dally Independent of Salem. begins talking economs-and aTi It might be economy ", dispense with the service. of at least two member, of the police force thu. saving to the Us payers nearly ! " H "X"? , P0"" 0oflt an" P"P i.5co a vear. Chief Engineer Ldw irm . Ixstn A Truirt t-'mpany y could be used at a day p.ilceman and' It Is j d? f?1 t"J'onfrom urtloe certa.nl r uncccesaarv o emptor three Jngrain restraining all contest mg parties night watchmen to guard a little city like ! from lntrtrru,sT nh Receiver Hogg. thU. Marshal M into aad Mr Low are frll tm lc. aoie to attend to an cases during tne da and two night watchmen are all that is necessary. In these quiet times to gusrd the dty during the night. s Put an advertisement before the readers of a daily paper, aad you take the cream of asy population . You go straight home 10 the people who can buy, and who are resdy to bay M MGIllsm. A terrible warning to tramp) generally is related. One of that race ot men shipped is. a box car from Portland far San Fran - Cisco He was side tracked at Salem aad- A ssaal SeeisVrai the car shored Into the penitentiary, srbere tbe tramp was discovered, almost filghteaed Utica. N Y March 13. A horrible ac- ut of his wits. He was given a square , cioeat occurred on the Ontario A Western meal and allowed to depart. , railroad, within a few mile of Oneida, to . night. Va oil train parted on aa up grade . , : sjsd the rear part collided with another oil Qr0" Development Co is now a tJut was following. Tbe crash eras terrific part of tbe Oregon Pac.fic. A whole lot aod the engine and four cars were wrecked ??tTa Up"., don ,way d horned. The flsuases frcm Use burning with. Receiver Hadlev is doing things . oU ,l,um,naled tbe oou n try for mile. Ko in a very decidedly business way. Inside g,, Mchael lonohoe. of Oswego. Fire of a rear the rosd.inclad.ng steamers will I IJaJvn tuple, of Oswego, and Head be doing a pay ing bosinese.the employee lfarke. of Norwich, were irastaat- wlll be paid monthly and ir people will . 11 terTiMy burned, have reason to rejoice, k the Man About I fbe erigineer was thrown 75 feet. Town predicts. A San Francisco pmr-er says Ueo-ge B Bar. tow, of Salem, has fallen heir to $315,000, by the death of a cousin. Mrs 1 LI .S 1 -. a ww a a.s aooy " niie, ot Penia Karoara, tllt. fTSlfl: ,hahd b!,,J?1 brr "hP va Salem, had gone to Tillamook, where ic is iu a uuicusr aoop 11 me report is true he will nndoubtedly flee from tbe bloody place at once. j on toward Comaygua. from which point Allen Rhodes, of Salem, haa prepared tieoeral Yacqtm is conducting his opera a display of Oregon game birds that will Hons. Tbe siege of Comayagua has bgua. go to the world s fair. It consis's of IT j u iinmt r Mongolian pheasants. isciuding cock, ben wae ssy asssssswai and 15 chick. 4 pair for s group, 2 pair La Gra.xdc. Or. March 14. Bat little Eastern Oregon prairie chickens, 2 pair interest waa taken in the city election to dusky grouae, 2 pair ruffled grouse, 4 pair ' day. the total vote polled being 523. about valley quail. 3 pair mountain quail, a ' two-thirds the usual number. William group of jack snipe, aid some other am-1 Miller defeated Ben AY Grundy, for mayor gle specimens. j by a majority of 240 William IS Ssargent New Orleans has enough of prize fights , I " electajd recorder by a majority . of 1S6 As the lottery octapo. was act down on so j w A Y orstell. wbi!e Joseph Palmer wili this moestei sea serpent be annihilated w re-elecied aty treasurer and J H Mc- ' Th- m.e.a, l p, A r . . ."a . va ijuu streets alone th alreet car track air inches is causiog considerable discussion pro and con. " B con"ceru' alu,,,,11 0, . 8alsm phraicians aav there la nnthino in tbe report of tbe slock inspector that . . : .-., there is trichinae in that counfy. It takes knowledge and microscope to die -cover this destructive beast. There is a giant tree io Chehalls county on the the sootbeast quarter of section io, toenship 6 north, range 8 weal. The tree is red 6r, snd is 53 fee: and eight inches In circamference st a distance ef six feet from the groand, and has not a churn I .ult. A survey with instruments proves the tree to be nearly 400 fe:t high. Tbe contagion of wearing some d.s tingnisbing feature on the head lias spread from Willamette university stu dents with their mortar-boards to the pupils of the Capital Business collegs, who thronged tha streets yesterday wth neat nave blue cans surrounded by binds of old gold:. Salem Es. There is dangtr of some people getting the telegram T B Wait tent to the gov ernor on inauguration day confuted with tha one Bob Thompson sent- Mr Wait's telegram read : "We have got your gun, and are firing it in your political giave on Willion avenue." Mr Wait paid the cash in advance foi hit dispatch. Statesman. Will send a oiuuii.nioo . Washington, March i4. President Cleveland has fully decided io send a com mission to Hawaii to investigate and report beforo thi miMitinu; of the next congress, The president will probably announce to the senate Wednesday his intention of send ing this commission to Hawaii, bat, as he now views the matter, no action on the part of the senate will be necessary. The commission will be a presidential board of inquiry. Monk v to Loan. 1 have money in sums of $600 to $20,000 to loan on im proved farm lands in Linn and Bentct counties, at lowest current rates, delay in furnitbing the money. 0 H Burkhabt Real estate agent, Albany, Oregon. Dont fail to see my line of spring snd summer drasS goods. All are of the latett at. lets st SsmusT Toungs. Ahbv Carse, Betl Fitevs, 80, Wash ins;. on Street, Portland, O. . Guaranteed to cure Bilious Attadssaod CoofUpatiou, afraafl Uiie Ueans. Clothing at cost at F L Damont'f TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. iloads Sold. a Corvam.ih" MarohU. Tie citv counci held its first meeting in the new city ball mm evening, at whici lime many import ant matters wero c ere opened for the $50,000 of water bonds that DM recently been offerer! for sale and an ordinance wus nassed emoowerinir the police judge to close the contract with a firm in Cleveland, O, who had - offered $2Il!t premium and accrued interest. 1 wenty-eight thousand dollars of this money will be used immediately in paying for the Corvallis Water Company's plant and the "tt'unce ex tended this year tn extending and perfecting he system. Fast Play SaaperOet. HEi'ifCKit, Or, March 14. A W Shaw was found dead in his barn Saturday morn ing of last week. He was in a stall in which a tallion was tied, and it was supposed he wdi kicked to death. An inquest was held and a verdict rendered agreeing with this supposition There were developments later which caused the arrest of Mrs Shaw and F W GaHin, a farm hand, who found the body. The verdict of the coroner's jury was thereupon reconsidered. There is strong evidence against the two. Seven wen rerlaheal. Sauna, Kan, March i4. Only meager reports can be secured from the prairie fires which have been raging in western Kansas for the past two days. Today news was received from Kussell county that seven persons were caught between two fires yes terday and perished . They were all farm ers, and were out feeding their stock when overtaken by the flames. Toe bodies of all except one were found this morning, hav ing evidently died soon after being struck by the gale of fire The Alliances Oheoon I'm . March t4. The annual meeting of the state alliance convened in the Seventh street hall this morning, with President N Pierce, of I'matilla county, in the chair. Nearly every part of the atate it represented; all evincing interest and thtuiasai in the work. It was expected that I this meeting would snow a faiunir off in numbers, but tbe report shows that tbe al liance is stronger than ever by over 300 members. a Pteaeer Dead Waxi.a Walla. March 14. Isaac Wool ery, aged 8 1, one of tbe pioneers of Wash - ggslstftw. Ue came to the coast from Missouri in lfv.1. He engaged in tbe In dian war of 1855, came to Walla Walla in 1879, and has since resided here. Tar arrgsa lsvcMe. New Yore. March 13. Tbe struggle for possession of the books of the Oregon t acme continues. 1 ne auesiea oruer or tne 1 appointing r.vererr v tladey. has not a yet arrived, hot it is expected by tomorrow, The bondholders committee tear Hogg will not obey tbe order when it is served bat will obtain a stay. Two deputy sheriffs are in charge ot the office at 65 William sireet, bat tlssy have possession of only such books M "W f n 10 surrvjiaetPr Ihcre ! re. "1 "'t'P, the naUons of which Hog retains. Tbe bond- cowers commitiase oetieTe neae sales con w'essi.voro.v, March i3. At 50 o'clock this afternoon President Cleveland and Mrs Cleveland accorded a special re ception to Princess Kaiaulani. the meeting taking place in th bloc parlor. The prin cess was socompanied by Mr and Mrs Ihtvica. their daughter, and a lady friend. The call was entirelv of a aneial nattsn aad iaated probably s quarter of an hour. Tbe' visitors were charmed with tbe cordiality; of the reception accorded tbem. the ladies being cartiated by the pleawing manr-en of 'he wife of the prewdeot The princeas said subsequently tha Mrs Cleveland was ' tbe only lady she ever feil in love with. Ssaaeltssltax. PaUtaaiA. March 13. A dispatch from a j exwreapondeni in legnctgalpa. says Usui UeraeraJ lssrveoci sierra, chief of Bom .v has .vn a srnavt virtnrr aarainst ;v- erai Vasqoei. enmmaoder of tbe govern (JetiaraJ Sierra atUcked the army. advance line of the enemy's army. Yas- ouez forces were driven back after a desperate fight, pad Sierra's troops pressed Lacblsn citymarshal without opposition. : fasw-' - ... . ,,a Mi ppoho. Or, March 12. I onsiderabl unxielr is felt by tbe family of A W Clem ens, 0( Talent, this countv as to bis where abouts. He left his borne about a month afro!ostoOaklatid.Cl,tonsnltarhy- . a,a. .u n.;..;. M. .u , . -v, va viae iiliiuvil. A . 'U L a week latw his wife received a letter, which which pair ported to have been dictated l.v him. givme his address aa 162 Eleventh street, Oakland, and sayintj that he was receiving medical treatment. Nothing further ha been bean) from him. steady to tie. 8ajt Fit txefkeo. March, 12, The reve j nuc cutter Richard Hash is lying in the! stream off tbe foot of Clay street with the fire banked and ready at a moments notice to anil for any port shi may be ordered to. The Rush is under special orders from i Washington, D C. What her destination j i there no way of telling positively, but it it more than likely that the revenue cut ter i- bound for Honlnlti. and that besides I dispatches she may take down a senat iriai committee to investigate matter at the is'aads. Cat I lor a Kill la It Washington, March 12. The Post sivs the assertion that editors wilt net generafly be recognised by tiio new administration, is true. Cleveland believes his predecessor suffered through the charge of having sub sidized the presf, and he does not intend to run the same gauntlet. The decision is ta ho made particularly applicable te news paper men who detire to be postmasters. Nelt'esataa Tacoma. Wash, March i2. A promi nent stockholder of the Burlington & (juincy, who is on a visit to the r'oast. said, regarding the many rumors that road in teuds extending its line to the coast: "No, the Burlington has no intention of extending its line to the coast, and it is extremely doubtful if the company will ex tend the line one mils further west than its present western terminus. lee aad nigh Water Omaha, Manih 12. Ice is running in the Platte and Klkborn rivers, and, us 1 result, traffic is generally blocked. At Ash land last night a portion of the Burlington s bridge was carried away just before the oust hound flyer bad passed. Today the Missouri Pacific's bridge over the Platte ut La Platte was in great danger. While cut ting away a log that had jammed against the pier Kd Bury fell into the water. An drew Boland tried to res aie Bury, but was swept away with him, and both men drowned. Tbe Small rex , Oueoon Citv, March 12, Word was to- day received from Clackamas that there is I another case of smallpox there. The new j patient is Frank Foster, a young man I about 14 years of age, living quite near town. Ike other cases were out in the country over a mile south of town. Fears are expressed that tbe disease may become epidemic. '(H SI II ruocfeCDi.; .s Tuesday evening, March 4 Present Recorder, Marshal Street Superintendent, City Treasurer and Councilinen Whitney, Stewart, Pfoiffer, Burkbart, Marshall and Wheeler. In the absence of the mayor. Council man Burkhart acted as mayor protein. The following bills were ordered paid: Chris Bender, $5.50; N F i teuton. $IH.5; J W Ross, IS.5O; J Schmeer, $3.50; E Johnson, $1.60; I A MeFeron, $4.26: A A B Lacy, $2.90; R R Crosby, $11.82 ; W B Barr, 180,00; cost bills, 7.82; J Gradwhol, $12.50; Mrs Purdom, $12.60; Secretary of State, $22.60. Bill of W B Barr $30.00, continued. Judge Ftinn addressed the council in reference to raising trio atreet railway track four to eight inches above the grade of the street, the privilege for which was asked. The present ordinance provides for i's being on grade. a The wave and means nrnimitiM ssUevi further time on city assessment, on ac count of attorneys being busy. Granted on week. A long discussion followed in reference to fees of citv survsvor, in which he was handled in rather of a live manner. The street commissioner recommended, that all alleys be cleaned. Adorned. That 8 P R R cut drain under track at Citv marshal esii.i .st.i ... 2nd and R R streets to let water under, i CP"' to the Stomach, prompt .3 lb P!?ca of beg'nnina;, containing 23 50 ; and the N W X of tbe NE and lot No 3 Ordered done. That grade on First, j action and truly beueficial in its T.ltltiA1"" prv,',u1y ''d ! o! setrtion 29 aforeaaid in aid townahip.coo- MNJ!- f lTn' ndlLon. Wf o effect, prepared only from the most : district n,T nS r 1 tTi'j 151 12c,t- A5-' lot 3 ltd tocommKten .t,mChr- eTred Wealthy 'and agreeable substances, its ! 3 1 aire., I E " N E'' "iA 30 to committee on street? and pub ic prop- li . .. j e uotv dniron ' totis.-ipaforeaaid, toiitsir g 6e5'rrk. Also ertv afur discussion. V I mau?. excellent qualities commend it ; c ?S2g? mMmm . bria.iJ It , ooint I theoorth roe of tb- closeu not connected with sewers. Re- i PPular remedy known, ferred to committee on health and police. ' ojrup of Figs is for sale in 50c Petition of E Becker at al asked tor tbe I auti 1 bottles by all leading drug grading of the Salem road. Referred. gists. Any reliable druggist who Petition of citv fire delesrafes aastad fnr ' may not have it on bnnrisrill nnv quarterly allowance for Chemical Engine ! ?And s,th'A "'nibership be placed I at 30 to 75. Referred. A communication from Albenv Engine ; Co No 1 offered use of funds for' heater. ' All alley, Calipooia to Lvon, Water to Third, were ordered cleasted inside of tea days, gravel to be used where necessary Cesspool on lot 2 block 15 was ordered drained, and cost eo'lected from property ownjp by street superintendent. WweVMI osslDI Btv Vetiiaoa at C K BrowBelU-. VIA VI Co iffiuo in Baltimore block. If yon want a hoe smoke call for Jusepbf white labor cigars, Coe.ie and awe tbe new chil ed plow at Ramps opposite fn-U tfice. The beat mast nnSee in the eity at Omad ) 4tyr a K-avl. Peacock Si 'o. have a splendid new , line of boats sod shoes. The sprioii traooda and trimmings tr f here, at Eeai, Pesoock i ' A tos line at c'oaks were voed today Rssd. Peacock & Co a. Ca'l early td see ! hem 1 u extetuire variety T,t garden steel a loth ia balk sod by the psck-ge csa be found at C E llrowtet.s. Pa roeiix. boms industry by smoLing tbe cetebraled white lalw 3s-art , tnacsfactared . by Ja'ius Jeaeph. Why smoke a Chiaa cigar when for lb same soetoey yoe can get a w die 'abcr cigar . made by J Joseph. Miss Edith Harris, of Salem, wil! swafjaj wt h berclasa f musre, vaca! acd lostta- maatal, 00 Ms-eh 1st. She maybeasew after that date.ua Wesloealay aad i bare day morning, at Mrs Martin Payee's, opposite tha CocgtaaatMBai store h. Mrs BG Simpaoa has retotaed to Albaav, sjsssim saw c HJ isacorv v" n it.e M 1 -hsr.a. which she wili hereafter ran Mr, Simpson is so expsrt at the laasirteaa having Baa years of eipsruoe. sod may te dsrood- 'P" " nrt etas, wot it Whopeng coeS h rs i !,:: . W.tt'. Ciagh Syrup, tie never f ainaj car tor he, oehitie, cnsn,pton. s Km, tm bo tie 25.-; laue bote le 53c. Sold tie Ji Camming, dreggest aaan erw oasrt-.t for a Urvrs. 2oc. pee- txaUaa. saxsisKToaSa' Hood'sjOures Saved My Wife's Life Weaaknesas, MsSrtOUSstaassstf Rheurr . Salt sTekst W. Jo Kalaau. vv vjt. ' Of say own free will and accord, rmbtased by anal wtsatlnc only to do rood to the afflicted. I vrtsh to tell of the seed qcalttjea cat Ilood'a Sanaparliia aod Uood PUl. I think -here are no aaediclnes equal to and lam fely. My wife. Itarff has. been.SaS wr-aasnesa. nerTOTianeas. ana salt raeUaa. 1 spent nearly all that I had of this world s cr-!v ; .KvJJ"'" and mMicUae nntll we decided , to Hood SrlnUa- uadoubtadly Saved My Wife From the Cravo. 1 , . . . . . 1 '1?r?d "Janves lu the east who will be 6tokriowihat -rm.mm . m aaa III sseatiac t nare T" sr. V . Monri'ta Rnr5 a rr! II a ' rBOOJ S OarSaparilia Has cured my ivi!-.- loUS W. Jivr a.awa, t, BSSS. Gel HtH.il : HOOD S PILLS seelh stt sner ettnnee r:u tftaTSfttoa. care hesaiachs. Try s box. llslwllSaW II ll 1 ll II Mr was w a--w a .''via., and f 1.00 per nottaa? One cent a dose. Trrra Oast at Coroa crnjta promptly cure srbere all others fauL Coughs, Croup. Sore Throat, Hoarsen, Whooping Cough and Asthma. For Consumption tt has no rival: has cured thousand, and will CTBB TOU If taken la time, ttold by Pnuaaira on a guar antee. For a laarae Back or Chest, tusa SHILOH'3 BELLADONNA PLA.8TKR.ttc LOHSVVCATARRH REMEDY. avc vou Catarrh 1 Th remcelv is iniaran- tewdtocureyouFrioesoOcta. lnJoaU.-r free. FRAZER AXLE GREASE BEST IN THE won!..-. itsweatri a QusltttMsars aasurvsssed. r.ctuan OuUasttnir two boss of any other brv.i Not erected by beat. laVtiET THU U(. IS B. FOB BALE BY DKAI.ES3 G F.KER.XI,T. JUT WANTED At the store Allen Bros,, formerly owned by BUTTER, EGGS, JL.ARD, BAOON, and 0H0I0E APPLES, for which posrlble. I will payjtlie best cash price 9 F RAMP NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. l-U u ILLU. age I, orciv enjoys oth the method and results wtc. fently yet promptly on tbe Kidneys, Aver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pre Syrup of Figs is the , 'J i '; . . . .'. . - - w uuu 113 ve maae " we most cure it prompUy for any one who wiebes to try It. Do not 'accent any try it. Do not accept any substitute. a .r-rssss s CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAH fSAXCiSCO. CAL. wui$viu. nr. mn roue. .r. aOOiNEWS s0 Fer the mtllltnc ef eoc scoters ef tTnttPillSewi l srr Ir. Tatt plt-wur toatt-A nossvAW tliak ha U umm patting op a TINY UVEi. PILL whieh la af e ase Ainx ! v small size, -as yet rstavltituc li O.s Virtswsof ths V iarsar ones. tatxarsLntsaHl partly sCetablr. Sloth ler. of IHew pills avis stilt moar.1. Ttis eaatet alu of TVTT S TIHY LIVEft PILU O . A ?CT1 sre . 24 la. ! Cleanse The Vitiated Blood When you see Its impurities Bursting through The Skin In Pimples, Blotches 1 And Sores. 9 Rely on Sulphur Bit ters and Health wili follow. w B f'PaS-'w1 f i HHI'S ay stamp to A. P. Orttarar at Ox, Hm Ssswawawa Ma-, tor saw : POsITlOX WASTED. A relaahte ycaraj man wacta a prwitlaa in a lo- am : boose. Will give eecarity aato fa:tfcfa!neav. Uaarc word st I tsecxai t tries "ksJOTICn TO FARMER - tha i as a3 ertDmitiee of tbe Farmers A itauoe Business Couaclt or i inn cmin-v have ; .warned to wr flav s of Albany tbe j contract to funiisJi all member of tbe atroceri for i lie vear i-r - ..-....-.-., . ... J W PROPST. ( hairmen of CVmrnlUetv; tt." KtwRE Architect and t on tractor. Leaveordvrs with Huirxirt Bro., Real estate srecis. AXiKD. A n-.vmsn to d lieht work iu a tmall limiiv. Inrir.irs at this office. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. In the matter r-r the estate ot JSMo Kechuie, lieeeasexl rCTICK IS UKKKUY GIVES THAT i J3l by virtue of an QrasS Ol sale duly made and entered ot iscord by tbe county SSsWt of the sta e of Oretton, for Linn county, on the ttth oay of Marcli, A D, ' 1893. in tin mstter of'iiie estate or J is j McKecbnie. decease it, 1, the undersigned a tmin'.titr .1 r of thu estate of said do-I e-emsfd, wil 1 sail at puollo auction to the higheM bill ii st Hie f.ont ilxir of the court hottso, In t'-e county of Ltun, state !'- !. Otl salarday, the iad elay ef Aprlt, jsji. at the hour of two o'clock p m of said day ' the following djrjbed tracts of land, ' being iu the county of Lina and atate. of uregon town; la-jts oue ( t ) incl two (J) in section niuo een (19,) township tnirteen (18,1 south of ranac one (1) east of tbe WUIametts Meridian, iu Linn county, Oregon, contalninn 63-3 acres more or less. Also tot six (6) iu block tire (Sj lu in" uivtu 01 cvueet ttoiue. iu the coumv 1 . . , , - r or Linn and ate of O-egon. according to ; the nwps and plats them f of record iu J tbe oftaceortbe County Ueoonlor ot said j county . also the fullowlnii: Coirnrt no- tug at a ivoint forty rods wast of the north east corner of the . L wel 1 Ames douatiou laud claim, be;.ng claim Mo sT; running ! (hence west iwentysflvo kh's; Uieucs ! s.mth twenty live rods; thence east ttt s-ity five rod; tbeuce uur.h twenty ! Ave rods the placs or begiriuiug, j contauting three- aud elaihty-eveu oue ) hundredia acres 1 mor j or 'ess, lying aud east of Willame:to ...... ,B ... ,n unu.,. a.s .-6v a.aio meriatan, lu lalnu , ouimty, tlregon. The (aid parcels will bs sold separately and for cash or credit. If sold on credit aor ons half cash with a first naortgatie on tbe premises sold to aeouro tho remainder. If sold on credit one year's time will be given with interest on amount of notes taken at lu per cent per annum, payable annually Dated March 17th, I.stu WILLIAM Kl MBA UGH, Mou.auyoA Uaokleuiau, Admin'or. Atty'a for Adui'r. SHERIFFS SALE: fn tie Circuit Court of the State oj Our on for .inn county. N A Blodgelt. Plaintiff, VH W K Kfciley.Mary A Kel'ey a no v? ;o:nra.i, Defendants, ItvTO.ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT !3l by virtue of an execution and order 01 nai duly leaned out ot ibe above named oour. . in the shove entitled action to inn (llrectui aid delivered, I will on isatatrday. the 1Mb slay ef Harris, 193, at the frontdoor of the courthouse, in tho city of Albany. Unn county. O egnn, a. tho hone nfnnA o'.-i, u tv m -,r .T , ' e!l at pablirf auction lor cash in band to tb' 'iigbevt bidder all of the real i ropam described In said execution and order r.f ) di-acribr-d u follows fowit: The outh it if f the i-ortb west Quarter and "hMu;H UDart; 01 section A i- town , -blp 13, south of rang 2 west of tlx UJaiuAtte meridian; a. so beginn'ngs. the northwest corner ot tha oatbw-t quarter of tbe scathe-st quarter 01 aid He.:tien 1,1, tewnablp 18, sooth of rang 2 t1; running from 'heno snneh Tlz cutn: , thence east 5 chains; thence ou'.U h i-hsint; thence scnih 82J4 cast ! .ma .OI ,u c" tract; thfrnce -..m ,- uwius, kiisni's w i cnaini. to ( said r! propert' to be r.pplied flrat, o OM" '' ' 'and claim of w C Oallaber ar,d tbe p.-yment of tbe costs f and opon!Am' vialiaher, hit wife, known on raid said exe- ution and tha original coats o j mt, pltand serve s as noti !;ca'UD Ho duit UXtiJ at 29 50; asscond, to Ibe pay '2322. r'aim So 73. iu'asid townehip A .re ment of pUintlfTs claim amountlnr to ' sti, 100 rods east tr ot tbe nortbwett trie sum or si4oz with into et tbereoo Irenn the 7th lay .of November. I8i st tta&str "VW.', or to per cent per ssoom, aud sum of 1100 attnrsev'a 'a.-,: nd tbinl. to the payment' f tbe i-laiin or tbe defendant W f t'ocoran, amounting to tbe sum f $1448 9J-100 with interest thereon r.t she rat of ten per cent per annum from the, 27th de of Junr. 1892. bated this 15th day af February, 16'J3 Sheriff ol L:ds rouatv, Oregon: SHtBIFF SALE i In 0 Circuit Court of tAeStaUo' Ci f aor Linn County, f Ruet Ctaater, Plaintiff, va Margaret Coater, Defer dan t. ta.TOf!CE 18 HEREBY GI V ES TH AT by virtae of an exscu'.'on duly fjtsaesd j oat o an 1 noder the aeat of the above named or.urt. in the atoe entitled salt p me directed aad delivered, dated the 9th .lay of Februarv. 1893. nponajuug raeot io favor (1 Margaret! luster, defendant, and again Rue! Cnat-r I sumitT, for the sum of $40 per month -store Ue 13rd day of April, 1892, and in compliavoce with tbe ore mends of said zescotion. I did ran the 13Us day of Feb ruary, 1898, io Unn totality Oregon, da: levy upon all the right, tine and Inter 4 ; of Kal Coster.tbe atxave nsrued plaintiff, i in and to the fot lowing devifbod rsjal : j property to it: Ia.it No 8. h i lock So I 118, in Hack'.etnari's addittoa to A'.bsr y, . Lion county, unsron, and will on , aalatatay. ike ISih stavy st stareia ISS3. at tbe boor of one o'eHoek pat, st tbe front door of tbe court bones, in tbe city ' of Albeay. Linn county. Oregon, for cash in band to tha higbe 4 bid ler, sell all tbe right, ut.eaod interest of thassid piaia ' ' tUt, Roe. Caster, in and to mid real -p.operty aboee deasenbevd. Ttteproceeds sr ' ng from aaidaale to beapsiied to th- . payaaeet f the accruing ooata of and I ' upon saud executioa, judgji'ent and ' tsSasssasst, Dated this 14th day of February, 1883. C C JACKSuX. Sheriff of Unn eoanty. irre go a CITATION. j f x tit Coarser O .sr 1 of tke SSsle of Orrgom, or tit csvswy er lUm. In ktW mi: I cf be estate of Owen Bear, deartael: To Pr-Uy GaaVina Hear. Rear. Otherlee tsarvey Jotm Bear. Peter Beevr Ke 1 bseca G.'worrb Kl.eya Crasvlor-Iiauna , Hecaiopsgh. Rmtine Gorney.Riee ' Oilwe.rtb. Owen Tbooopaon. Nellie , 1 bo mDoa,Uay Tkua pew sail Jem : Kr soy and to ail tbe heirs fccown and ' unknown intetvetea in tbe abjve eati'lel ta) ate. Greet op tne. StUf THK STeVTE 0r KaHEOK THK STATE Of Orewoo. you tie h.rebr dtod an i re o aired to snnsseiti I aa yinntr A.n. a- ller.ste of tree-n. for tr e count of Uoonat the court rvom ile-reif,st Aitauty : n r W nn,a at" V -' aaat SMaT WHUIJ aTl ssaSStUaVT, iaWV alarlaj. late Sth stay af April. ItXt, at cue o'clcck in tbe artmorm ot that ; day tbea and there to a bow ran an if any I sire l-e why an ordsvt abeaold not twee oat af tho above entitled court autho a ' c and direc.ios tb- xeeut vrs ot said eer.sie to se.I a portion o! lh real pror,rtrr ( tiRtng to -aki estate deattribe- i a- "OTlrE I- HKKKBT c !V E TH IT THE Of ln: a wa.owit: Befrinni-ie at he uoilbras. Jn n TTf 'jTTT, 1 it'i .'tt Tr .-ora-r of tie -onstiran had. c elm of ifce cesaaw? TAwt ter Ltla Cvm-xr. - Tr.-e, iser fc.l "'ea Bear and anfe, ootiatsxtevn - iiiwuii it m has in I tin I it saj at isril. 2240 and claim No 41 In to a nahip Sa It ! Istaj, si the Was cat 1 sYlpr. r a. sr Sssrlas. o Southeaf range four (41 weast of tke VI l- i gfa a say sWastaSSsssaS sas! t rtas sattleascaS 'injeta nifkrulsaii laa 1 tnnirnle etaata.-.r, ' and runtaiaar ibouce west alone tbe nor.h . bound try line of said claim rU. e chains ' to the northeast corner of tract of hand -old to T W Robestt and J C Robneu ty ' '-n Bear and aire, ihesvai snn'h two rhain, tbenee south 31s 5" al feiiow- ! l.iar or-st the center vf a ajb i 24 . aroTI. ti LS HEKCBT i lvtN that THE r caains. ibenee .-oath ehsi' -theui-e f 1 Jrttinoi hss base aeiv n imlstsS by ska eat para. is, With the n-veth l j f.f said runaiv .van ,y Lira count- .Oeejras. Iail11iiil r ml t Tven Bear elaire la 10 iliauriai to the easi inaarJ s.lrf .t. m- ll r , IT r-lS. r " - - - -- . ear iota psaew i eaeaiicuinsr, cvquiuibi. ; ivi st aeres more or lerta a : in unn county e rvjron Oone bv order of ih H'ttJX Duncan Judge of tbe Coin ty Ccurt of th? state o : e r.etoo; for iLe connty ( lainr: with the ) aeat of said court ataxrd; this 7th dav of March A Ok lS AtTatsT: S P PATSK, Cierk Star Bakerj arltr itaabln aad Kf rat fa CONRAD MEYER, PROPRIETOR, sBAkta a t Saaine d I ra Is, sIataM wttrr, asriesl rrsilla. Tsharea, Watgar, 'wslees aiitoe He tlueeatisare egetstklea. tissts iplees. Test, Etc., le (set sverrtausat that la arm 1.1 s reecr isiira; aas sanT lure, Itlg! r iaisrsci pcut seteatasid for KINDS fir PRflTlTTfe a- I For the BEST BICYCLES I Call on Van Wilson, agent for the Im perial and Fai'LKnkr, $60 to $'50. Ladies taught to ride or no tale. ANNUAL MEETING- NOTaOK ts h era by siven that tbe ,.u,i...i,i..suai,.ia..i .1.. n l-U. uin-uus va. w Mwam'11117, . vi laie.ll a,,,,.. Buiuliug Aaaociation will be held at ,or, of j uradeobl. In Albany on Mom- ti,y, March 20th, 188, at T3) pui tor tha eieotion of directors, rnd suoh, o:hr business as may come belore thsCmeetiiig. Oatod Feb gib, I8S. F P M'T 1 1 NO, vv c TVKK1)..LE, h-'ecre ary President . tajoTlCK.-A BROTHER WANTED j bve , broUler( William Agers. whom I Lsve not seen for 20 vearslou haTe ..r raaoailved reliable infarinstlo.. ,nat ne wu ,n Albany, wreiron. Any person acquainted with or knowiug the whereabouts of said porsm will be paid iur iii .ir trouuie oy auureaamg, R L AOERS, Marshfleld, Oregon MTAaSTSlV-Pushtng Canvasser of T f good address. Liberal aalarv and xpeueos raid weekly. Permanent posi tion. BROWN iUtOSCO,. Nurserymen. Portland, Oregon. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. NOTICE IS HEEKBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of so order of sale only made and entered of record by tte Hotorable county court of the coontv of Claeksmas, state of Oregon, in the matter rf the tatati of Julius Locus, deceased. I will sell at scb- ' lie auction to the highest bidder.at the court bona door 10 Albany, county of Lion, itala of Uregon.on Tuesday, the 18th day of April, 1893, at the eour of two o'clock p m, tha following described tracts ot land teing in the county of Liuo, state of Oregon, tov It The donation land claim of William A Peter sou, knowj and deacti'ed on the maps and plats of tb United Stats snrvey aa notifi es' ion No 2308, certificate No 2374, in tec tiotss 29 and 30 - of T 12 8 R 2 W of the Willamette Me-idiao, containing 321.61 acres, taring and excepting f.om this tract last described 15 acres thereof heretofore told to A D-gi deecrintd as folios s. Be ginning Si to Is more or ieu w?rt from the iheieot, tner.ee east 40 rods more or !ee to the northeast corner thereof, thence cnth to the said southeast corner 19.74 cta'na.tbence west to the place of Sjegiomnit. Also the donation land claim of Joseph Hamilton and, Niocy A Hamilton, bis wife, known on said maps, plats aad sorve v.s aforea.m aanol-n- cation No6460, certifijate 519, in said ec- tions 2'J and 30 aforeaaal. conUininB 112 5S aerea vmu isuu .riaiui, i unwu . I , L seath 48 55 cbsins to 'she south bnendsry thereof, tbenee east 45 sSSC, thrnee north 48.55 chaios to tbe north iauocda'7 thereof, thence west 45 feet to the pleoe of tastjae ing. coctaiaiag 3 acres. Aiu the S E 1 (i the .. :j i i ..;. i .1 . i 9 W f of section 4 T Is H S3 sr ni the I Wiilactartte e ; ;r,Mir 4tacTs- The wko:e of ".he 1 ov- i'- a e.s-ael resets to : tie sold together as Cx.-- l iecc The par baser ta aaaana a craio n,.; gge 'ao sattt l-Jsaia for $5000, tbe baJaj.cs. See ue caarh oo acafa nation of sale. March 7th, I8V3. CHAELES L0GUA Adic'o cf estate r.f J o Una Lcoa, dec' d SUMMONS. a east County Court of ikSlaUoi Ortgon fur the Count of Limn i S M Eaisoe, FtaietrA, vs. Mart Mallen, IX feel act Mart McUee, the aimvs aat: 4 defend- IK THE SAUE OP THE STATE OF Oregon, yam sre berebs; reqrtred o ap pear assd aavswer the caeauluat esf the above piasatvff, in the above entitUd coar:, new oa file wita tha clerk ef said ccrsrt, est ear before tbe Cr day of the aeat regaaa. term of said caxtrt, after ibe pablcation raf ihas resam.ios foe ax - -coll ve weeks totri'. Mocdar, the Cti dae of March, IS93; 1 .o s-e SVoUlirO l aat if J-ym foia to aerpeavr aad aavswer said con- plaint, aa heTchy teoirrd.tise ina'e taS for waat thereof will take iadgavnt sarairast josi for Use tam of fSSIT sad the era aad ditbsrseineats of thu .Oeoo sa he taxed; aad an order direetice the sale of a eertain frame beildiec otvaed by tSe ttefetad aat. oa the wee essei of let 12. iB i loek X ia Shedd, Oe egoo. sasd a lot of tool .Heated therein, all sttarereri aa tbe Brsoert v of the atteesaaas i PaS Ubed by order cf tke Hoeorabte I N Oancan, Joda-e af aesd eoart. atade at Cbaaw- bera, ia Albaav, -inn rrwnt.v.kr-ow. the 27 th day af Oeeewabar, Igtl WaUTHCarOatO A rsise.tr ary, Atteeiseya lor PlauctiiT EXECUTOR'S KOTICE. V (mil IS HEEZBT GIVES THAT THE nr. I Onceae sssaS' CMt ot law is s.4 t Hull I al Mum BSfwa. laL titj.0-eesa.li mi l, A3 pe asu aariaw Taas the IKk dsr ot JaSKaarr. lasrj fill : : : " 7 . ea H Ha arm. Eaercior . Ataerser tar stsSsSJSst - EXECUTORY HQTiCE. X-iTTTri- t prmrav ,:rvsrc -rras-r mar srsi "S.T V -1 tree aaJtarsS sad 1 t azai abi- has Steal anlAUas CSsrfc IS CraV Csssrt K Lraa I SLL SSL . I " " uM9B as Ssal A&s ol AasB ta Iwar 1 e cfeck B ss a oU atsar. Sar tks 1 eat awii ISU Ufais V. la StaSa isaa. 1 j era ana ' o Ayr sets evil of Ssrsa to M ae. -VDMlNISTtAtRirSieTlCE ' . - Tat, t!ae Ctk day of Feb . IS.C sua rnsx aaSsaass AOt-INISTRATGia'S HOTICL wa s- win ill. AU sar- clsiar sesr waf eatst. sr. miaireM u pesaarst ! Baa mmM s imsaini si auaaay. ear. Dated us 11th asy at at area tSS. ' tl K HrTOS. aasaaSSSM at v-aa Attys lor Alter. NOTICE OF APPJIfiTMEMT. . OTK-EIS HESEBT IHVIX THAT THE CS Jtrsarrried have ivea saxasctasi uatcanear ot j ksst I snl! sad tcasanacet aad estate .xl Jesse B-rr. mm ssSSSV ess ol Una coanlr. earearaio. Ail ivraa hanis j caaaa ajnaisas asi) SStsts srs aaaKbar reouiraal preMat ibe sara m-iii rarorsre rveacreers to the oaatear esrsed eaecutbrs st Ssreel Hoasa, Lias eoacsv, Orearoo. wilhis sU ssositava treat this date. Jsnasrv r.lh. ism. STtTFS V BAKU, JOBS T UAaUt, J Chtrltar. Ex earoes Au.sjney I r 1. - . AOMINiSTRATOR S NOTICE. N' OTICE IS HEREBY CIVEX RHAT THE CM. do-.:p.atr: or .if Vsaa aaa si laas estate 01 v.o a asnaoata. decea-asd, aa Devi ia the otV cf .tke cserk si tb CVoatv Court of Una j otsssay, his Ssal seeoraat sad that saad court gas arssunted tas IBj day ,af At.nl. ismt. at tea soar ef 1 o'clock p m of esid day, as the thac. fcar taesrla: ah aBjssUssa, il aay, tsssadtaal aoeooat. and (or Ibesettkeaeam otd as ate. Datad saw ia say of afstvh. IS8S. I X WASatOtTH, . w eslaaerford a Caatbrrlsii . Adaun ds caaaa aaa. ' Atlaarosys NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. KvVTU-E IS HEREBT UITSX THAT THE I S. dorsairoeu avluatniatrstorde bone oou c th easasas , I LAdi A KlK'J. decoaee.1.1 x tiled arilh ihc Ccurata Oeark.Kvr laSaa eoaintv, Uevaroa. aa traT socount m said estas aaul tas c.Htrt baa axl the Srd d of a.pnl. lias, at the hour al 1 v'cl.vk p ra. for tbe asari&ar of objavtions srtd the eaHtletueiit of aafa as sat. iubiishexl bv order ot J S Dar.can. iVunn ; J ' ate, lasted Keb 2S, ISstt. Z H Rl DD. Adair de benis Don: NOTICE OF FINAL SETTiaKIIT. "V-OTICE IS HEREBY O.IVES THAT THK US lt dsraieiied aJmitsstrai.gr of th estate of It L Rttdd. daaceaseat. ha fusel hia teal account arlth th county clsrk of Linn countv, Orearva, and that the county cottrt of said Linn courier baa Sxsd tbe Seat day of April, lsse, t ' tb hour of t s-clock iu the afternoon a( aid sav, for tbe hcsvnns of objeouoaa U aay vo amid Baal aar- vvv..i uiu uw av.inriueiia ol Saud sMate by otdee- ol J M Uunraa, Ooeiatv atassaa: haaeiSaVSasI e- - asaa - im. 1 II RCDDv, Aduiiuistralor. FOR SALE. 18 acres of choice fruit and garden land H mtie o Jsfltreou. Uood new house. Laru, woodhouse and out buiidlnga. S acre orchard choice fruit, montlv prunes la bearing; 8 aorea cleared; H 'ot place bervsr dam land: balance good upland, well fencep and wets red. For piieeand terms apply to owner at place, J. H, Turpi j,. A BARGAIN FSBW ASP VSQKTARLE PA I at fcr Sal consisting of 40 acres or leascf land one taile nerth of A It-an v Land well im proved. For particulai inxuire of vV II Wiksta 1RY WOOD seve kiadSjial for sal a JL Inquire of P W !pink tv piun , at root o tenv WsrtL street, or or a li Morria, Third S I ! h, nnrt h fr, f ,. ST VV 1 ef Ura ' arast tsataa s uasulj sussed ts taw sastetasna' at . bis ressiicraoe is Alhssv. L is caeaatv. fSrnm.iaaam afar ssrssasa Irsss tass oa. I a -, am