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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1893)
Site Democrat. President Harrison has called an extra session cf the senate to meet March 4th. That body will confirm Cleveland's cabinet appointments and consider the Hawaii trea ty and other executive business, In the popular vote in the late presiden tial election Mr Harrison received 364,639 votes less than he did in 1S88 and Mr Cleveland received 18,339 more than he did In tS8S. (Jen Jackson used to speak of "me and Jim Monroe," but the man who has any thing '.o say of "me and Cleveland" has not been heard lrom. The spectroscope tells us that the compo sition of the sun is nearly trie same as that 01 the earth. We find in It iron, silver, zinc, and other familiar metals. Gov McKinley says the Republican party has no apologies to offer. The Republican pa-ty passed the apologizing stag when it surrendered to McKinley ism. Scientists are beginning to believe that digestion in the'ease of carnivorous planta is rim to the activity of certain micro-or ganism!!, which are a'ways present In the sap of the mature plant, and that their se crctions are favorable to the development of aiuh minute organisms. Hold the watch in such a position that the hour hand U pointed in the direction of the sun, then the point midway between the position of the hour hand and XII. will be due south. If, for Instance, the hour hand point to V due south will be between II. and III., or half way between XII. and V The defalcations of last year aie placed at SS ,000,000, the gifts to educational and re ligious objects at $39,000,000. Ss there is considered to be a handsome balance to the credit of the nation. But no one knows how many defalcations are hushed up. There is no hushing up of gifts of miney for pub He purposes. Turn cntbe light! That is the cry that is rising louder and louder from this tax bur dened nation as the stupendousness cf the pension fraud comes to be more fully real 'zed. Let the pension list be published in oca! papers and it is likely that a quarter o a million of undeserving pensioners will be pointed out. Men are not fond of being '.ax ed to pay pensions to the undeserving. , A Colorado paper says that the irrigating ditches are the cause of the destruction of many trout and other fish which attempt to go up them when full, and get stranded as the water drains away. It this is so tbey could be easily protected by a wire fence where they leave the main stream or return to it. The French government is experiment ing with electric locomotives, the invention of J JlHeilmann. They are propelled by coal and steam turned into electric power in tho locomotive, and it is claimed for this invention that it gives practically more power than is usually done by tbe action of steam directly on the piston. There is besides the further advantage of more easily controlling the power thus generated, and with little waits. It is on these lines that tome day we shall have wagons on country and citj roads propelled by electric power produced as the vehicle is moving. The West Side is of the opinion that his Excellency, Governor Sylvester Pennoyer will be the populist candidate for congress in the second district next year. The gover nor was reported to have said some time ago hat he would not step down from the gov erno:' office to accept the United States sena'or, and :f that be so we cannot under. s and how he would step still lower and accept congressional honors. The election of Democratic Senators has become so general throughout the States that even Republican Legislatures are doing the tame thing merely to keep in the fashion. Th:r were fifty-two Republicans in the North Dakota Legislature to twenty-seven Democrats and eleven Populists, but it e ec'.ed a Democratic Senator. Mr Harrison may soon want to join the procession hlm- seif . There is a good deal of mawkish senti mentality over McKin'ey's financial losaea There is no occasion to start subscription papers. Governor McKinley is an able bodied mai who is able to earn bis own living. Financial reverses are an every day occurrence, and Governor McKinley, being a human being, is liable to all the mis fortunes that flesh is heir to. He was tbe author of legislation which robbed the workinzmen of this country of millions of dollars. Now the beneficiaries of tbe rob ber tariff cuttht to be able to take care of tbe man who has done so much for them. Telegram. A Paris Sorist has designed a floral clock. A circular plot of ground 30 feet in diam eter forms tbe dial of this strange timepiece and flowers are so arranged upon it in plots as to make the figures and minute marks stand oui upon it as clearly as upon an ordinary clock face. The two hands which move over this highly ornamental dial are also covered with growing flowers from end to end and motive power is pro vided for them by means of a small turbine concealed beneath the ground. Gen Mahone lives at Chambrrlins' in Washington. He is the same quaint 111 tie man no bigger than a pint of cider that lie always was. He has a long beard and a long head. He i somewhat gicen to pro fanity and of an every-day sort that even a fool can uiideretmd. He wears a white louclitd hat, whichhe has made to order anJ which costs more money than any other slouched hat in the country, and his shoes have been made for yeais by the same man, who, selects the finest calfskio and lines the shoes with satin. We are now in a sort of a transitioa pe liod bet ween two administrations. We are so near the end of tbe Hanisoa rrg ms that nothing more need be expected from It and yet we are not near enough the beginning of Ocvtlandh' to f-el the thrill of the new or der of things. Most of the interest In Washington, during lhe coming week, wit1 center around the preparations being made for trie inauguration and tne anticipation of things to foUow in ils wake. The coming week v ill he one of surmises and perhaps lurpiUes. Portland Dispatch, A subscriber wants to know who would become president in case of the death of bo h president and vice piesident. Under the act of the 49th congress (chapter 4I in case o! 1 lie removal, deatii, resignaticn or inability of both the presiden' and vice president the secretary of state shall act as pre-i-lei't until the disability of the president or vice president is removed, or a presidv-nt I elected. Incase there is no secretary ufstite, ihen lhe secre ary of the treatturv will act, and the remaining oraer 1 w ... of kuccefion in as louows: nrcre ary o 1 war, attorney general, postmnter general, secretary of ".he nav, secretary of the in terior and secretary of agilculture. A KFl'UBUCAji on pensions. We have repeatedly asserted that the demand for pension reform is not a partisan one, that republican statesmen and papers not governed by petty partisan motives are urging a reduction of pension expenditures by a revision of the laws and an investi gation of tho pension list, and that old soldiers of all ranks are insisting that the pension roll be purged of the names im properly placed upon it. The Cincinnati Times-Star, whose republican orthodoxy cannot be questioned is outspoken for thorough pension reform and for this has been made the target of attack by some purblind republicans who, says, "fail to discriminate between assaults on pension abuses and antagonism to the pension system," although it "may be truly said that the enemies of pension frauds are the special friends and stroncest allies of deserving; pensioners." Our Cincinnati republican contemporary is not to be turned aside by such attacks but presses on with increased vigor. In reply to one of its assailants it says that "in tbe presence of the gigantic pension burden resting upon the nation the only safe plan of doing justice to the deserving soldier is to deal out justice to the undeserving." that abuses must be stopped and the frauds cutoff. "If," says this republican organ -25 ner cent of the $60,000,000 paid to pensioners a dozen years ago went to a multitude of people who made false oaths to get it, as Pension Commissioner Dudley publicly said at that time, under the more liberal and more lax laws subsequently passed how much of the $105,000,000 may we presume now goes into the pockets of men and women who got their names on the rolls by dishonest ana crimina methods? Is it less than one-third? Is nothing to be done to make an end to this colossal imposition, which not only places heroes on the same plane with skulkers and robs the public of untold millions of dollars but tends in every community to gloss over turpitude and crime, to render swindling somewhat respectable if dene in the name of patriotism and the government is the victim, and to demoralize a large element of society beyond reparation by all the religious influences that the churches can exert? is not an exaggerated statement of present conditions. In every city, town, village and rural district the common knowledge that men and women of good social standing have without the slightest ; apparent compunction sworn to lies and ' practiced other forms of rascality to secure ; pensions is today operating upon a consid erable class like a moral leprosy." This is plain language. Had it been uttered by a democratic journal Here would have been a yell of "rebel democrat" and "democratic hater of the union soldier" from the republican papers whose chief stock in trade is made up of appeals to passion and prejudice instead of reason and lice insteaa 01 reasyn ana . however, the language judgment. It is. .ntirbd than v othpr in oVirto sneak for the intelligent element of the part j. CHANGED CONDITIOXS The republican organs that pretend to have discerned a weakening of Mr C'-eve-and's purpose to secure a reform of the tariff mobablv do not deceive themselves. Thev certain lv will not deceive tbe country. The man who risked defeat for an other wisesurere election to the presidency by forcing the issoe of tariff reform because he believed it to be rirht, and whD has adhered steadfastly to that issue ever since, is not at all likely ta weaken in it support now that he has been sustained by the people and put in power to carry out his policy. To the sneering inquiry whether Mr Cleveland now thinks that "it is a condi tion flat confronts us. not a theory." the reply is. Yes, but. thanks to republican profligacy and misrule, tbe condition is different and more perilous. When Mr Cleveland spoke in 1881 the condition was this: A surplus of t60,000, 000 in the treasury and an annual revenue of 9100.000.000 in excess of the needs of the government; a strong gold reserve: a silver coinage which the business of the country absorbed without serious conse quences, and a war tariff after twenty-five years ot peace: I Today, after four more years of republi can rule, the condition is this: An exhausted treasury; a revenue insufficient to meet tbe expenses of the government; the free gold reduced to t8,0OJ,0O). three fourths of which has been loaned by the banks; a compulsory silver purchase and paper inflation wbicb have driven gold out of tbe country and impaired public confidence, and a worse than war 'ariff that has been twice condemned by tbe country. Obviously the firs'- d ityisto meet the dangerous condition created by an empty treasury and a dtmora.ized currency. All other reforms must wait upon these. If there shall be any delay in reforming the tariff it will be due not to Mr Cleveland but to the men who have thus far refused to get the hindering Sherman act out of tbe way New York World. "GOSE 10 THE ENEMY" Under the above caption the Salem Join-no publishes the following dispatch: A special from Grand Forks, N D. says George Walsh speaker of the bouse of rep resentatives has renounced tbe republican party and gone over to the democrats. He declares tbe senatorial contest ut BiHinarck ought to end the existence of the republican party in that state. Now the Democrat rises to move that the "caption" be amended by striking out the two last words, "the enemy," and inserting the words, "his friands." All in favor of the amendment say "aye." Carried unanimously. Allen W. Thurman has thought out a plan which he thinks will solve the financial problem and dispose of the currency ques tion to the satirfaction of all. Hit proposi tion is that silver doiiars shall he the basis for national bank circulation. The banks are to be required to deposit in the Uni'.ed Stat:e treasury 90 per cent, in such dollars, upon which they are to be permitted to issue too per cent of notes. This would always insure sovcnl payments and give the banks a profit on their circulation which they do not now enjoy. Mr Thurman argues that (liver and gold would with free coinage and this amendment to the natioml banking law be at a parity in twenty years ard the strife between the two metals cease. Of the 120 collectors of customs in the United States but three who were appointed by President Cleveland, will be fotnd in office when he Is again inaugurated neat month . The three "holdovers" are the collectors at Nantucket, Mass. Newark, N. J and Vicks. burg, Miss. Th? terms of collectors of cus toms are for four years from the date of comnvssion, and it Is possible that the com missions of thre three hfl" nrtf ep!rtd. This ktaai will Indicate 1.QW Democrats have fared this administration. "Tue sooner the democratic party moves against the McKinley tariff on the lines of it. ntatf.rm th h'ter It wilt lu. fnr thi. rmtn. . , , ., ftrvanlthe party," says the Atlanta Con . .. . ...I.. .-.... stitution. The democratic congress ihould take the aggressive early in the spring, and should not desist till it carries tbe enemy's position, "if It takes all summer." BllITOKIAI. NOTES The Timrs Mountaince- Is in a pec'.; Of trouble over the appo: tmentof Gresham to the cabinet. We commissi rate, but we are not exactly weeping with those who weep. Sixty two paper) in Colorado, supported the populist ticket last fall, but r v , according to the Denver Road, a populist paper, all of them have left the populist cause but 16. This, in n grraUr ls degree, will be the case all over the country. No one of the numerous lamlly of Smiths hss ever occupied Hie presidential or vice presidential chair, nor a place n the bench of the Supreme Cour of "he United States, nor has bui one ever been called to act as president p rot en. of the t e, nor hai any one by that name ever serv I as speaker of the house. The taxpayers of Oregan ilr .1 up" in the next twe year $101,000 to enable the members of te Oregon militia to parade around and look pretty in their b'ue suits with bras buttons The real taxpayers of the state will get about as much good oat of the expenriitare as a chlmpansee would get out of a tailor made suit of clothes East Oregonian. Heniy T Thuiber whrse appoin'meul as private secretary P edc. n sleet Cleveland has announced, is a memoir of 'he law firm of Dickinson. I'l.anv and Stevenson, of Detioit, Michigan. Tbs oftVr ol the private secretaryship came to 'lhuitier by tMegram, and was a complre surprise He announced that he will accept the position. Thnrber has been associated with Don M Dickinson for eighteen years, beginning as a student. The supreme cour' of Knas has decided that the republican house of the legislature of that sta'e ii th legal one The supreme court ha no more jurisdiction over a matter of that kind than Lily of Hawaii has. Each h3aae N the judge of la election, quall&ca- tlon an 1 returns of its own members, and it is an act of usurpation for the courts to at tempt to deter 11. ne to question at issue. The following states have adopted the Australian ballot law or some modification of it : Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, FloiiJa, Illinois. Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Mlchtgtn Minnesota. Mississippi, Missour. Montana, Nebraska, N-w Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Nor; Dakota, Ohio, Oregon Rhode Island Sou;h Dakota, Ttnnesgee, Vermont, Washington and Wyoming:, thirty in ail. TO RESTKItT EXOPIKU Word comes from Milwaukee (hat the Wisconsin legislature will very probably put in o effect, some time during the spring, a .'aw demanding that couples must have resided in that state at least thirty days before they may be married. The invidious intent of this measure will not be lost on Chicago voting couples contem- . . . plating elopement. To run up to Mi'.wau- k...u-i-.-j ! d back to Coicago for supper as 1 man and ife is one thing easy and expedition. But to an ihithor at thr, t- - beginning nf one month and wait loneaome - ly till tbe beginning of the next is quite another. There is too much of tbe leisure which bring repentance. And it is eipen sive. And it invites pursuit and capture. On the whole, looking at the thing from Tiew P0"1 of topers, the i a good thing fUah and haaty marriages are generally unwise-as thcee who contract tbem find out soon enough. And at present Milwaukee is a temptation to enter upon j thorny ways of matrimony without pausing to think SUaACKsUIrw iXSrFAMCS BILL. The amesdeeot to the Insurance laws introduced by Seni or of Hepp ..4 i.i.. a .a k. . 1.- 1. .!, IUU aeiisi.ll yaVaVa.-a eatiw ftvailiv aa ese " r tVaVrllrsVt' 'Tht? amcunt of insuraiir written ia policy of Iniuranee on all buildings insured, after the passage of this act. shall be taken , ... Y . . . .v and deemed the true value of the property af the time of the lea, anu the amount of thr !osi sustained, and shall be th measure o: dinar e. unless the wai oro - - cared by tbe fraud of 'he Insured, or the lose wascaosed by the criminal act of the assured. It shall be lawful for ary ioaurance com pany, liable to pay losses occeioaed by fire, to rebuild any a'rn-.ture wholly or partially destiored of the same style and materials and equal with the one so de.troyca, but they shall make their elec-.ioe so to do within jo days after r.o-.lce of loas. Ia ce there is a partial drattuctioi' of 'he property iniur ed, 00 greater amount shall be collected than the damage sua'ained " Newspaper ridicule of Mr Hoke Smith, tbe younj democratic sta'eaman of Georgia, because of 'he peculiarity of his Christian name, is coarse and offensive. Our Atlanta friend has the advantage of a Christian name to distinguish him from the vast army bear ing his surname. . has the honor of the family name of his mo'.her, who was the daughter of a jurist of high imputation in North Carolina. Nancy Hanks was the name of President Lincoln's mother before site wa married, and the simple-minded son, in ill the glory of his greatness, never forgo: his mother's name. Tii death of General Beauregard leaves but one of the seven full generals of the Souihern army living and njneof the five men on whom that ra'.k wa conferred at the begin: ing cf the war. These five mso were Cooler, Lee, Joseph E Johnston, Al bert Sv- iey Johnston and Beauregard B-ayg and Kirby Smith were afterwards msde fall generals. Kirby Smith alooeinr vlves. The Washington Post aaya that Logan Carlisle, son .f ex-Senator Carlisle, will be chief clerk of the treasury under his father's administration of the department and will lie his father's right hand man in the tieas ury. Logan Carlisle U thirty years old, has a wide acquain an.e wi'h public men and an intimate knowledge of hit father's attain. A ne English wurk entitled "The Cor rect Thing" maintains that it is correct for children to remembei that, ihough they may be much better born than their parents, still these Inevitable persons are their fellow-creatures. Thei are many children to whom this will be news, ' iJ.iJU.ftlJ. It will be just as erell to let in tie res of the territories now and have done with it. None of them will be as much of a rotten borough as Nevnda that was let in solely for the use of tho republican party and of two or three millionaire mine bosses. The Vice-President nd Mrs. Morton f have issued invitations to a reception to be given in honor of ihe Vice-President-tlect and Mi Stevenson Wednesday evening, March 1. letter ldt. Poilowii g is the list of lettera remaining in the post office at Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Feb 27, 1893. Persona calling for these letters must give tba data on which tbey were advertised. Mr II. Dodson, Mr Grimm ,-2 Mr Per ry K. Grange, 0 Ii lohnson. Mr Richard Jolinr, Jacob Ligg, Mr W It McOaniels, Mr W tl McCullouh-2 W H Mil , Mr tieorge Myet, Miea ielitha Phillips. G W Riley, Mr Z T Trulove, Mr C B Wright. Tiius. MoVlUTH, P. M MISFITS John Rusk in, the greatest of the world's art critic's has become an embeoile, and can hardly tell a photograph from ua oil painting. What a transformation. A woman appeared at a theater int Portland wearing hoop shirts, causing consternation . It is safe to predict that women with very much levellieadneas will not go back to crinolines. The Oregonian saya Salem ii fattening on State appropriations, which is true; but it is als true, as the Statesman says, that she would f men any way. It would be much slower. A gentleman who does not want his name published has left at the Statesman office a silver dollar, as a nest-egg for the" McKln ley relief fund."' He sumest hat the admirers of the Ohio statesman and governor In this section, who feel so disposed, send into this office one dollar each, the money to be pre sented by this paper to Governor McKinlav to help retreve bis losses made by endorsing for a false friend. Statesman. The Portland Telegram contains a column article on street lighting, and gives lists of prices. The average annual cost of 37 cities for all night lighting contract system, is given as $130-50. This includes Ottumwa, Iowa, at $44 .the Ion est, and San Francisco, the highest, at $200,75. The average coat bv the moon light system of 30 cities ia $103,11 ; all night, where owning their own plant, 01 live cities xn-s Ti; on moonlight system. r-'citiea, $80.98. An Independent exchange says Governor Pennoyer will be a candidate on the Peo ple's party ticket a' the next election for congress and will probably oe elected. With the exception of John Quincy Adams sons of presidents have never amounted to much. An opportunity is now given another one. G Gardner Tyler, a son of President Trier, wall be a member of the next congress. Will he be heard from. A resident of S!t Sake city has a copy of a mottgage made in Bo.s- City in 1861. It was to secure $170, with interest at 10 per cent every month, the interest in case of default to be added to the principal and compound semi-annually. The mortgage was never satisfied, and as it amounts, according to the terras, to $45,971,003,-, and is still growing, there are grave fear that it never w'll be paid. ,htt k? 1 -f T P? r-t?" SL .. JL Uf tot for three SSL " ""I I - - so for $2.) to. He sav that little lawn ddec the eatra price to the property. Those who have looked op the new school laws sive It as tneir omnlon that : things are le(t in a decSledy bad wav fcr the school distrchs in t jawnow umrciis in c new Uw. Tl law cittes art ected Of trie is now In effect and I provide that some notice should have been given on February tst. to make the as- seasment valid. Of course this notice . cannot now oe given and trie re tt no poasi- blltly of making the assessment by the 1 Um, requlre, ,hw un no Z (or : school purpose this rear, thev say. which I will leave the districts without funds or I authority to contract indebtedneaa on oooaa. atate iman . The new asaesimest law come too lata to be observed this year. The city recorder will assess Albany this year as usual and the marshal do the collertia;. Neat year it will undoubtedly be ta fvli cunning order. From a gentleman who baa just re- turned from a trip up through the W H- amette valley, it is learned that the crop outlook ia Utter than it haa been for many years- Farmers are busy plowing and orenarino for aeli,, and llfa .in. tar wheat ia Innkinv Una Vrnit iraaa i have stood the winter well, and have a healthy look Tel ecram. I at - lawn about the houif 1r.1l &nmr naintlntf - -- r m uiai me unuge naa ueen accepted as' LJU rK f f P" Usf0- I'.v Major HdbunHehaif J?UC ln,Pr,ved u,hM lhe f? of tb fcvernment. was magical. He sold the house ten dars aitw. 1 alKJa,, ffU JSsT?. A ft UJC aVBOUli , ru n Id ; employes on the Oregon Pacific daring tbe - - av--Maa. a. -a- wa LwT." , ,vV c,T" , P7,w i arge of the Sa.em dock, went to Portland I yesterday to gn on tbe Hoag aa purser. C j B Miller takes charge of the Oregon Pacific ooc aaiem. 11 ti -ronir oa. , . . n In. lk. r 11 . Pnrfl...! n J 1 ... 7. . , r " . I I m UT- tormtny parser on tr.e tioeg. :ai.c rhargeof the co boast's Portlaad office. Statewnaa TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. fftetaratag ard eetasea. Topzxa, Kan. Feb 25 In the supreme court this morning. Chief Justice Norton rendered a decision. Justice Johnson con curring, and Justice Allen, populist, dis senting, whuh sustained the Douglass, or republican house, aa the legal and constitu tional bouse of representatives of Kansas' legislature, and incidentally declared be populists had no standing. Tbe decision was on tbe case known as tbe Gonn habeas ' corpus case. ft Salable Caa fere ace Lakkwood. N J. Feb 25. Tbe Hon John G Carlisle arrived from Washington totlay. He was met at the station by Mrs Cleveland and driven to the cottage, where be found tba president-elect and Judge Gresham awaiting him. A conference wag held, which lasted until 3 o'clock. Then .'udge Gresham was driven to the station by Mrs Cleveland, and Cleveland and Car lisle weat for a walk. Judge Gresham de clined to talk about the object of hia visit and saidne would return at once to Chi cago. Mr Carlisle will be Cleveland's guest over Sunday. Marrtsea Wanted New Tobk, Feb 26. Considerable cor respondence has been going on between President Harper, of Chicago university, and John 0 Rockefeller, concerning the best methods of promoting tbe growth of tne university, trom a bint dropped by the millionaire, it is believed a chair of constitutional law will be endowed in connection with Chicago university, the salary to be $25,000 per year, and that President Harrison will be invited to ac cept the position. Probably ttordrrrd Chicago, Feb 16. A brutal prize tight between John McArthur and Louis Vera, both of Chicago, was fought near this city early this morning Both men were fear full vpunished. Vera was knocked out in the 22d round. He waa so badly injured that bis recovery is doubtful. Mr Arthur and nine others were arrested. Aright Uk -ki.k, Feb 26. The office for affairs of the Congo state has received dispatches to the effect that Commander I) Sanis has defeatsd a horde of Arab slave-traders under Tippoo Tib's son, and has captured 500 prisoners and 600 rifles. The fig h took place near Sefu, on the Lomanni, river. During recent skirmishes between the Europeans and the Arabs, M Lippens, formerly a resident of Kosongo, and Lieu tenant DeBmile were killed. Lieutenant Chaltin routed tbe Arabs at Yodumba and freed HO slaves, who were dying of starva tion. an Panama, Feb 26. Tbe War ami Herald Ibis morning printed a six-column f iticle which warns the Columbian govern eat to place no faith in the American prracsi tions, and charges the United States with being simply a puppet in the hands of the transcontinental raiiroad kings, who, should they secure concessions and supplant the French corporation, would neither revive the work on tbe canal nor allow others to complete it. wui aelp the .larabwe! Tacoma, Wash, Feb 27. Tbe new east beund local freight tariff of the Northern I Pacitic, received today, gave local jobbers a pleasant surprise, caused by the fact that northwest toast cities are given the same rates to Helena and Butte aa St Paul and Minneapolis, thus greatly extending the jobbing liald of Tacoma, Seattle and Port land. Heretofore the eastern jobbers had the advantage of rates as far west as Spokane. , , The Worn of the lessen. Minneapolis, Feb 27. The worst snow storm of the season has been raffing since daylight, with little signs of a let up. Street car traffic tonight is in a bad way. The Proper Dcrliloa. Salem, Or, Feb 27. In the. supreme court today the state board of equalization tax ease was decided. This was tbe case of Ira Goodnough, appellant, vs T C Powell et al, respondents, on appeal from Multno mah county. The judgment of the lower court was affirmed and the bill dismissed. The opinion was by Lord, chief justice. The court held timt it would be time enough for complainant to ask for an in junction after the assessment was extended and the party had paid tbe part conceded to be due when it was sought to collect tno tax, assuming that the assessment had heen fraudulently made, as alleged. Csld Blessed Harder. Spokane, Wash. Feb 27. rhiilp Miller, a prominent lumberman and contractor, was foully murdered here a hour 8 o'clock this evening. The murderers were young men and strangers in this locality. It is supposed they bad a dispute about an ac count with Mr Miller, when one of them, who carried a loaded rifle, deliberately shot him through the heart. Tho murder wax committed on the south bank of the river, near the ferry landing, and before the report of the murder reached the officers the .ti.i, oi uio oiuru i iv , murderers escaped through the darkness , in an easterly direction. A BUauled Hrpabllesus. liiiVND Forks. N P, Feb 27. George Walsh, speaker of the house of representa tives, has renounced tbe republican party and gone over to the democrats, fie de clares the senatorial contest at Bismarck ought to end the existence of the republi can party in tbe state. WUl he aasvti New York. Feb 27. St Clair KcKel way. editor of the Booklyn Eagle, has been for several days at Lake wood, N J. During that time he has had several con ference with President-elect Cleveland. He tonight writes his paper as follows: "Mr Cleveland's inaugural address, as president of the United States for the four years from March 4 next, will contain about 1700 words, and will be more general than specific in character. Mr Cleveland has careful I v written out what be desires to say, but will speak at the inaugural without manuscript. Aa Baiter laairtea Astoria, Feb 28. Tbe county court is still in session. Tbe grand iurv todav ' brought in several true bills of indict medt. j One of them sustained a charge of criminal j If'-' against John K Rat bom, editor of the i Astorian. Tbe case arises oat of the Sidney ! !- controversy. Another indictment was brought in against County : Robert Carruthers. chargia .airM. .-Hi 'r! x r .1 the Walluski bridge built over the Walluski riw by Carrot hem was not campleted ! to specifications. The pnnd jury nrouimi in a true mil. nntwiuiataruimsr iiv . 1 . .L 1 ' 1 . . : Tt P as Corvalus. Or. Feb This morning : s the Oregon Pacific matter was brought up i j and argued at considerable length. Tbe ' Blair Whorton faction, thronsh their' i altornev. C H tlest. asked for a poetpon- ' mcai 01 toe saw lor tnree montn. wntcn tne f court was inclined to faver. providing; the laborers were paid at once. Action in tbe I matter was postponed until Saturday, when further argument will be heard. The road 1 wiu pruoouiy not oe soia tomorrow advertised, a at this time no bidders have mlde the required deposit of 1300.000 1 !! lasssssssssaa Ci.ev eiasd. O. Feb 2s-. McKinlev has written a letter to the Leader, which has been receiving voluntary contributions to the fund to help the governor out of his financial difficulties, raying that while there j generous offers of asaistanre have touched I bits deeply, be cannot accept them. Aassrssrtae AirroBiA. Feb 28 Rev Van Tassel.! pastor of the Ba tit church here, who i resigned his position last month, baa dead ajr , nme cxafV 1U- 1 !"' change in hi work, which ""f, lnDOVUon monS yft He announces today that be I ept BO Salary for hiS labors, but Will a . n -. . I ' depend on the free will offerings for a ' 'lvlDa'- trier many tears I V - L i3 ft ft al ' assHHa m I!.." 7X1 I MlaWJH UVCA A- ml sT aft. i A t e, a r ! j f.rt-, lewfer ' - - - - - UraSaWaia I'nat aaa a. aa 1 wa vnaraj m iVMaHt a i save ft Vft VC Mfl BoauoeA maoauh money to complete 5 i Ue monument had been raised and tbe co-tracts to build it had been let The monument is to be finished -in the fail rf 195. rifleea reel la the Street.: Hrnsos. Wia. Feb 2 -The storm in many years vitited this section last night Twenty-two inches of snow fell, followed by a cutting wind from the northwest. All trains on tbe northeast and south division of tbe Omaha road are blocked within a few miles of this city. Tbe last train out of here at 5 o'clock laat mgbt haa not yet reached tbe first station, VI miles distant. The public school are closed, and business i practically sutprnd- eu. 1 no most is piiM on the street in drifts 10 lo 15 feet high the ptincipal NEW ADVEHTISEME.M8. ESTRAY NOTICE strayed from my pr.mi.ea ner Ai - bany. laat Friday nignt one bay home, star 10 iorebead, a iu branded on left boalder with monogram H. B. Any arty returning It or giving Information j a to la whereaboju will be aul ably : awarded. Jobs Balcoa WANTSP-puahlng Canvasser good addraaa I.lhaieal aalar npea,v raid weekly. Permanent pnsl- lion. lIKOWM Rttfltiro Vnr..n.n Portland Oregon. TRY WV)U novo kinds ral foratie ' ... ui'ira n f . BOlnlc.. al rrta.l n Kerry Ward ieet. cr cr A BMoiris. Third I. A. Morris k Co Floor and feed Store, nae removed llicir itoie tothe Strahan . ... wre, rormer:y occi pied by Deyoe & Kouaofl, and have on hand a full atock of COBVALl'S FLOU I, B.IAN, SHOUT ?, , aaaaa .a.., a .. v UtHW MtL. UnSHAM, BUCK umriT sur maiiaa . .. WnCAl, Kit f LUUn, ilAT, OATS. STRAW AND CHOPPEO FEEO: Custom chopping done. TRY t A i PAIR Or Those Brazilian Pebble Spectacles For sg)e by F. M. FRENCH, the Jeweler. Wall Paper, OriiaN, JPaintat, OH -a CjlJlf-ia, Et J. A. Cumming ALBANY, :- OREGON (lu Rich Red Blood Results from taking Hood's 8arsapariiia Jkfr. Cham. Walker Of San Francisco. " For several years I have been troubled with Motchet , ,,!,,,!,., on my face, and body, wnlch wl ,n , trto, SV(.ral pre. scrlptloas, and also other medicines but they Hood's Cures Sarsa parllla did not seem to benefit me. Last fall a friend advised me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I was aviernuneu 10 cue u A Thorough Trial. After using two bottles, my skin returned to its natural state. I suit use ft. as It gives ma strength and vigor. I never bad better health In my life, and foare tt h) taking Hood's harsa partfla." Crab. Walkbh. with Carvill Mfg. Co., 48 Eighth (Street, Ban Francisco. Mood's Pllla are the best after-dinner PUta, assist digestion, cure head ar be. 26c. mm cocta-aad pec Bottle? Cue cent a does. Tina Obxax Oocon Cckb promptly mm takeatntfaMu Sold by oa a sTuar Cbeat. use lSTKR.Sc. r.lw. For a. Lame Back or SH I LOH 8 BELLADONNA. PLAST CATARRH REMEDY. sdrlsauaraa- laijaeforixac. toed to cure you. Price, SO eta. e GO OB NEWS j Far Use militant of caesussars cf Q Tutt'a Pills. IS srlna nr. Tuts f I ! ta mm. A ssastnea uas ass as nw psxatsssf, say at TINY LIVER FILL whisk a Bf sxrwaaluVsrly ' ; i - . em. tl reiaUstlDs all Ctsa viretf I ha V Larger nasi. asnaiw. parol? laafVtkbU. Both Ji,.rtV- t.,ii- A are still ktaaad. Uo ot W TUTTS TIMY LIVE?! PuLS A ftj aJaowu ha IW hwrvWr f a "muLT Star Baker CrBrj4lhlss and rirat Jsl nuoa yrvcB PliftPRIFmS wllHllrU MUIK, rntjrnlt Un, i ( stasifd, tsnilfl If v Qaressear . Vegetable Cigar Kpfec-a. Tees. Caw., til suae stasre, Ortcd rratlte. Tabateo, Matgatr, aac. Kt,. It tact narrta.c thai is tea la a a taw rufcty aad aweary . t, ffigasal aatrket prx !d hr aU.C KINDS OF PRODUCE TWO MEN AND OSE BOY Oft a. T X" a a ! T U U i II j DEAD ! j While trying to Crowd their j way into HUM BROS. Store, where they aiwavi hare on hand the largest Stock south of Port Ian.'., r f the latest improved Rifles and Shot Qf .vfuua, mn iiowcik (oca ok risning TtckJe. of every ceacnpiHin; ints. "an.mocks. Camp Chairs and thousands , of thine too numerous to menttor, . I -a-a. Repair Shop In rnnnM-IInn will, t li . o .1 on, : .e best workmen in the Mate to do any and all kind, of arOtk. Come one Come all. No trouble to show goods. "Small profit and quick ll'ei" Is CU' JlOttO. WANTED At the note foimerly owned by Alien Bro., ! BUTTER, t EGGS ' L.ARD, BAOON, and CHOICE APPLES, for which possible. I will paylhe best cash price B F RAMP ANNUAL MEETING- NOTtCE ta hereby lveu that thu an nual meeting of the stockholders of the Al bany Building Association will be held at store cf J tiradwobl. in Albany or Mnu day, March 20tb, 1888, at 7.30 pin for tbe election of directors, rnd such, o.her buslnefa aa may come belore the meeting. Dated Feb gtb, 1803. FP NUTTING, W c TVT KEli ALE, Stwre ary. PreUfent A BARGAIN ruit asn vsortablk rr a fcr aal OonslatliiK of 40 acron or less cl land ona mite narth of Albanv Lan-t welt tin proved. For particular Inxulro of ft II Warnks BRINK'S Furniture Store. kf U TUOS ISKIM; ia now at hia old .J stand, opposite the opera house, where those wishing substantial, reliable furniture can seomw what thv warn Home manufactured stands, flour cheats, aafea, etc, alwayaon hand or; mad e on short notice; at bottom prices. -- awj aasvU II MU'e im aV " OJ kvr n 9 W -aasaB Cleanse The Vitiated Blood When you see Its impurities Bursting through The Skin In Pimples, Blotches And Sores. Rely on Sulphur Bit ters and Health will follow. Rend 3 2-rei.t stamps to A- P. Ordw-ir ft Co., Boston, Mass., for Uat work BSSMMBS SHERIFFS SALE: As fir Circuit Court of Ike Stall of Qtqo, for Linn county. N A Biodgeit, Plaintiff, vsi W I" Kr ::e . Vary A Kel'ey aid VV ;ochra.i , Defendant. VTOTICK is HKKFJBY GIVEN THAT 1 by virtue cf an execution "d ordVr of ai dnly ivun' out ot the above named cour. . in tbe above entitled aetirn ! to tue direcul 1 t'eiiverad, I will on I ifsotarway. the lath out r Btarrh, 10s, at tbe frontdoor of the court bouse, 10 ! the city of Al bany. Lion count v. O etfntt, I aw the h. u of one r.-lcck p m of said day ell at 1 ii', i.- auction for cash in hand to ; tbe kighet bidder all of Use real ropem deacribed In naid execution and older f j sale deaertbed ca foilosra towit: The j south half f the rortbweat qoarur and tbe north half of te outh eat quarter of aection Jo. aito tbe weal half of lhe south.-: quarter of section 3, i 1 town btp 13, aouth of range 3 weat nf the ; Willamette meridian; a.fto beton'ogat I tbe nortbwevt corner 01 tba outhw-t ; q nailer of the ao-jt he K quarter 01 said ectien la. townb!p 13. aoath of refute 1 weat; running from 'hence aouth chain; ttet- e east 5X chain; thence j aoath 5H ch .nns; tnence south tM . to the st de of 4e acre tract; t nance north H chains: thence weat 30 chains to . the puree of beginning, containing; 23 50 ' arree, excepting one acre previously sold - eat ol said laat named tract to school district No 90. of Lnno.uDtr. Oregon, in all ; aetee. rll rata a :ed in I inn ' county, Uragoo. 1 The procawda arisinz from the aale of i aaid rl propert to be applied first, 'o ' the pcyment of the casta it and upon I said execution and tbe original coats o : suit tax-id at $29.50; aecoou. to the pay meat of plaictlfTa claim amountina; (a i tne sum of IW2 with late, est thereon : Irons tbe Tth day of November. 18li at the rata cf 10 per cent per annum, and the further sum of f 100 attorney's fees; : and third, to tbe payment cftbe claim of ' the Jefendant V T Cochran, amonntinft : to the aum af $4iS 93.100 with interea tberaon M the rate of tea per cent per annum frcm thh -Tth da of Juno. 18J. Iatad ttia 13th day of February. MSG. CC JACKSON. Sheriff of Linn coun.y. t.Tec r.: SHLPIFF SALE fa tie Ctrrmil Court of lie Slat ol Cfftfor JSsssa Coumtjf. Rue! Custer, Plaintiff, vs Margaretta Cuaser.Defej'Jatt. I ThJOTlCK IS HEREBY Gi EN T U AT X by rtrtoe of vn excu: on duly wsik ,' out af an 1 under the sa of the above ' namid ccurt. In the at ove estit'ed aadt . to me direct.! ail delivered, dated the (eie-'W Ui li-T rLTiV-ail ZZL" laJ , aaaar -1 saaa -a V k .a; tm , tr.mJM t. ! daf aadact, ar..: against Rue! Cat-r : t.'aicttn. for tbe aam Of S49 per month aince tbe '.3rd day of April, 1891, and in comp! with ib coenmands of said ' azeeution. t did on tbe lath day of Feb ruary. IVJS. in I. inn r-innlr llr..n. Hntw j levy upon at tba right, titie and intret of Kuei ( usier.lhe above named plaintiff. tnand loth fo-.owmg deviibed real prrpertT lra It: LuNoS. 1-. : lock No 118, tn Uachlatnen's addition to Altwi v, Linn county, Oregon, and will en alartay, lb ta b fta9 el starch lata, at tbe hour of one oV irk ft m, at tbe' rront door ct tbe court houea. in tbe ciiv i of .Mbtnv I in hand lo tba hie ha j lv t (ar aal! ail ik. ' tav Mil -1 1 .,-. right, titie and interest of the aaid p ain -I till; Rue. Custer, I in and to said real ' i property above deecrtbed. The proceeds : arising from aaid : to be applied to th i payment of the ac-ruing costa of and , j upon aaid execution, judgment and, , int-rrest. LUted tbfc, H;b day of Pebrntry, 1STS C C JACKSC'X, Sberiff of Linn county, Oregon NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. rtmci OTIC l HKRKJIY CIVICX THAT Tiil; Cab N Lru A Koti. Ilea ailta the CcaBty Oars, far laoa sasssfa . Utvrw. a an' aousat In mud ati aaa h Van hu aJ t!w Sni dar , Aptd. liSO, al the i xir f 1 o VKv r m 1 1 ut asarlsfof (MsaSSaa BJ lb alli'iuM rf n!l i. su. I'ubtiaHrU r "Irr of J N Daccaii. Oassjty J't. Dazed Feb is, laat Z 11 Rt'DD, A Jaw lie aaaoxs' NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. N'OTR-K IS UERKBV lilVEX THAT THE fX drned aaaiinistralur of lbs astala o( It L Ruau. orofaa-J, tu Bled ha final acwast with th SSSBSS clerk af Lisa eoanty, ireyu. and thai tho CHinlv court U saal Linn has Sxad th Srd day of April, ISM, I lb boor of I a'ehxk u th ftn; af all aar, lor lh haartnr 4 . h ectkna If uv lo aid Snat ac- oouot ami ik etuciseat at said auaio. ruMtihed by otdsr of J X Daacan. C .ttiily J . . ,. lted rcbruary JSnL ISSO. Z H RCPD, AdouDittralor. rutupiniK-at aatobsliaiaWllwifiiaa oaiu-u. Snail Hiie Beans. 4Ac vet U.tti." 45 sold In '88 2,238 sofd in Q3 6,268 sold in '90 20,049 sold in '9 1 Oe cold in '92 A Stool WinOmlU and Steal owar a Tory a minurea tj- These ftgvrea tall the i-orOlther-;rowlnsj. ssfsplsj, overt sstlna Steal Aermoter. Whsrs and wm Taka ttaa Cmmtn 'I Tfcxf '.. ..U. a amr K B ik- !!. ta si. ciamfeaa iiMtixarali sua. ! ah M'r iwnai aw isai i I t rmaias sitrsn aw raniiMk ta Aar. motor Co. 1 tar HI narollutSk. st,fs toaua mnlni aa coroMriSVT. inaavrs com rlcliuw i ins St.,; n,e4 tssMjk aKin w Tuu T.Mr a j i.a im,i ml A uiftfiK IZimZZS t mrni fir -gar, a f , llVcrc ftravd U4 lic or mifi J iWn ai,,l . -TT3Z. im w. waa.,. a.ialh.S rfw.a ttmmvmwn m o M lt f MMaMllM lift uafwur,Mi.iuU r vka- Q U0i UvftftUiaOca ftftd txpfftH " 3 Mli wsjr aJ) t a Mnilfxl 3 sasilllia atytjMssr .ta Vaslck g ffi OTftf t,fJM BajtvmetrU 3 Iwftftl ttff ffttW on 1 aUBwT- A hw bjf sgrUle.ftlftaW anAtf g nifr m wiiiJ. vtUcbftwtUM fi " dwtlaltr't fMU BwfswthjfJS A M wt, th beat fena, ctirt tu nl aK-tiftiof tail Z rolatln e la tho in mi srana I . Sli "haw, th rituao r a:r to nttilw, oMttMUoa. in a;l, wh aa htfftVT wooito arxaM. canu.-tka bsKkr l Z wntx-i. ftj in tbe tn. lc ml!!, and uuiit o:ftcr own ftV UsOaitt not left t4vrlal qucatu-oft, mOH InveatlBattoi.ft proved that tho power of vnm vtina wneen couio do ucruutea, and the AE II MOTOR dally demo net rates It has been done. 3d To tbe liberal nullo at lhs Arrmt.r Co . that nuu 9t its itfVJs ailsfa-Urr r pttTa tirtihl bih vi. mad t sSJfcffai-Joya o i j-ul.-l U kMB alhfasMcs a to far- fj lab th. 1...1 aitkkal tsya tUo th pKf4t liiU'l. Kf m ftwatt. t moot perfect bearlnft cl in ft a u jtuiU, a tfj aaa! sua exhaustive re 3 1 hMIam r I- ,s AamteiSA nl Tiuara S Mji'ti wattt h atiMtis, "in, Fixed Tower r if Jm I altmh i tSa Hlcl T 1 1 ! 1 w: thJ tovct jpdu ( hav to Twfr)ftu4 ttiuVhcrl that itvas wbfta ftU eibcr aifto4 aImC 1 that rtvais won leas (bftn Wtxl ftnd lftU lata Uhms aV kt 3 i nc f t.-ri AtTiU'iuiri or ii yu wftai v urstrr abnri rri4, out frsxj. pump water, turn v . mi twJ. that litw-a tht vurk ot i bowj at i.. , rm tl 00 , write fcT tviiiiulr tlluiuati-JI irtuifJ i abowlr.ii verj vwrtlmW mHT. " lodnaiU inlrwis 1 Mdvotk.i . iY W CRAWFORD, Agent, Tallman.O 60,000 wis ! pi aviig : nr lit fi l M IU WmmW i axaaafxaSaaaBaaS(saaraa 1 - 1 aKliilTffwHi I S3. 1 U4iliiIIIUjIfS i SUMMOVS. fn the Circuit Court of Me .Slate oj Oregon for the Co-inty of Lane. O'harlea T Crat, Henry Cyrus nd J Jl Peety, Plaintiff, vs Jacob Ledeerwood an I V. , mira Jdgerwood, hta wife, ii Campbell ana a a camp el, hia wife, Defendants, to Jacob Ledorertvood. Elntira ljdrfr wood, U L Campbell and A A Camp bell, tbe above named Xsfendanto. I N THE NAME OF THE STATE OP O'e :on, yon and each cf yon ara K'3T required to appear and answer 'ha complaint of the aoove plaintiff, in tki aoove entitled eoort.cow on fi'e with tts3 cler ' of said court, ty the flrt day of lis next regular term or aaia conn 101- lowing tbe expiration or the time riecribe: in tbe u-'der of pobii atlon isreo'. to wit. Maawar, the 13.U day f March, 4 , 1WW. ad yon are hereby notified that jf yon fall to appaarand answer said complaint hereby required, toe plaintiff sri I ipply t the court '01 the relief pra ad 'ortowlt: tor a decree foreclosing tba mortgage of the plaintiff in thacomplaint mentioned and directing toe sale of tba real proprty described therein aa follows cowil. '1 he eafct hall of the donation land ! H i H I I .T IViilUm for... M A - - - ...iu au'i uimry i e, weinincn conation Ian 1 claim eat aad north of Crabtree creak In aes 1, tp 11. I K 1 weat. Linn ccuntsvirestoii. xrtaininz ! N acre.; aao iota 3 and 4, Of aec a. tp 1 1, 1 - r. 1 i-a, com .in ing acree; aliOfi the Andrew J Jamea and wife ''onation land claim, situate In sec 8. tp 11. S K 1 Kaat, Uno county, Oregon, excepting 1 Herefrom 12d acrt off of the eaat aide of tbe laat described tract, containing acre; lot Not of sec 31 tp 10 si B 1 Eat fine .Vit.aT.e'.uj Meridiau. containmst :tl 57 acr Baginniag 0,1 thi weat oundary Baw of tte c.ty of -clo 1 ,J88 11 1 H-jiita and 5 33 chain eaat cf the orthweat corner of the nonheestqaarter if cUou 18 in tp 10 3 K 1 weal, and running thence wee- 19 76 chains to uol-H lzSfeet eaat cfihe center of tbe railroad track, thence aouth 3 degreea weat parallel with the aal : rallr. ad track 2 39 coaina, thence south 33 degrees eaat i 2- cbaina, thence eaat 1251 chaina to a point 3 30 chain west of tbe weat boun- .iary l'a;e of the city of Scio, tbence north 3.15 chiior.theoce east 3.30 cbaina,thence uorth 2 o") chain to tba place of begin - ring, c inuining 10.50 acie. Beginning lOcbama north aed 16 Oo cbaioa east of the atheat corner of aeettoo 1, . tp , h R 1 -et cf the UiiUmelU Mer-iian, Ltnn ooauty, Oregon ; nncing theoee north 49.86 cbain to the ce tar of tfct coaaty read, .beavce north 85 degrees eaat along aaid out. .y road 17.75 chain, thence sooth 40 chaiu. tbecce wect 1 3 . 75 chain, thence oath 10 chains, tbeooe weat 3.93 chains to tba place of begtsciac, coauueia? 74.56 acre The nortsweat quarter of tbe north- east qaarterof aactiao 36, p 10, S B 1 west, owLaamng 40 a jrca; lot o 3 ot aectaoa 1. tp lO.SRl contwnin? 10 acrea: h ta 1 and 2 of tectum 1, in tp It, 8 R 1 west. All J aaaaraal I - 1 1 m 2 X t Zr:: ' TJ!" .l", IIV " ,'. . j I ' . K . . -rv"" " u:a paymeas oc cw disbataemeats cf tbia suit, and the c -ruing awlta; second, to the payment ct 575 00 aa attorney a fee; third, to the pay aeot of the ion off600.0 with interest thareoo at the rate of tee per dent r aa nam from January 1st, l$91.!ia S60 00 pid January 1, li9i aed $103 CO paid Janoary 30, 1892. tothe plamUbV, aed the owerplut if any there be to tbe defendants, aad that the defendants ha barred and foreclosed of all right of redemption except aa provided by law and for each farther order and decree a to the court seems proper. Pabliahed by order of Hoe Geo H Bernett, Jadge ii aaad cco-t, made at t hamber in the city of Um, Orrgos. cf date January 19th, 1S93. A IA"I LLT 1.1. ft t'HAratIAt5. Att'ia fcr P ffa. SUMMONS. tie Circuit Court tie State rO'egem j for Liuu eoualf. MttM K Bolu. -Plaintiff, ! m ' othi. D.-tdrUnL . -wa ru- .... 13 " m 11 tir,vce a cove nas.ea deleadaat. T U TBK NAME OF THE STATE OF v- .a . 1 Oregoc, you are hereby repaired to ap- aaawer me rswapraiaa as paamrm new on die agaiant you in the above entitled , to it oa or before tbe first day of the next J regular term ef the circa!; court for the state : cf Oregon, f-w Linn eoenty. to be hold en oa the aecoed Monday, the 13:h day ot it arch. A D, IS93, and if yea fail to answer for want In- reef th said plaintiff an" take j dg- aaaai agauasl yra for a daaaomttoB or tee , rr s ... . '?ul Ma . . MtMM. ... ..ts . . . . ' T . I . I u ana oeieeoant red tor tne ease and of tbe minor child, and far casts! lanl curortaaaaBui or thii tcl! . This aaaaaaoaa is pabUh.d by the order Bt is H . ,r n R Ranat jBa. j ma e at 1 namoera oa the ZU davof Janaarv. . . ' i a u. is;j J J werrxEY. Atty for PaT. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. "':nt.E IS HER EST GIVEN THAT THK IX i.1 dersbraaJ hare bars pocts'.d aaaa af Jkt aa aaa ut Una eooatr. Orecoc. aJS pan a-jaS aul ja are S, .-(; pcual I ihe n a-.lh rroper i.octKr tc tbe eiecut.r al ret i.w, Usa cvaatr iryvv. atthin six Boath frvai this due. Iled Jnoarr ieO., IS. SVRfS V BARB, . MaU r bikk. Ka cxtcr Atiorssf lor Eaecwasra, A LINN COUNTY MAP Wm G Ober.auer V Co are rr.ak'ng a : map of Linn county, which should be in ! every business house, public dwelling and school room in countv. The map accurately locate every city, .town and pestoffice,. and rivets and creeks, ahows voting precincts, townships, the distance of each postofEce from Albanv Cut cut the foliostir.g and mail to W.n G tibenauei & Co. loo Fiont street, Port land, Oregon, and ti.ey will deliver you as many as jou order. Please deliver me opiei of vim r Linn county map tor which aaree to pay fiftv cents per copy on deli verv cf mars. -Signature. -Postothce. ADMINISTRATRIX S NOTICE ; "V"OTlrE ia HEREBY GIVEX THAT THt l .V. : Xv leriaad Adsaialsualrix of the th vst'O of I a 11 rtnoarmo. deceased, baa filed aitb the Clerk of I deCouotv Court I.t Linn Coontr, traron. ber ftaal : accvuul and lbs rvnirt bs Hxd tbe Srd dv of April, ' ISJ3, at lbs hour ol 1 v: . tu. for haarinr ob jrctions U nr to sKl sccaaai and tit the settlement I of mUI cnaie'. Thu. ttK- i7th dav si Feb.. tSS. ALICE ri xs. AilmipiWrstrix. ANNUAL ELECTION XTOTrCK 18 HEREXY GIVEN THA , -A the rest'lar annua! achoil election! district No s Linn county, Oregoa, w le held at tbe centra! school buildin g taid die rict on the 13th day of March 1893, for the purpose of electing one di rector to serve said district for a term of , tune years, ana one cleric to sarve said , district for the term of one year. Said I e ect'on to begin at the hour of 3 o'clock I p m and continue until 6 o'clock r x of ; said da jfjf Dated Fe oruary 28, 189S: , C G BVRKHaRT. joh-i rotis y. Diatriot Clerk Chairman board ef directors. EXECUrOR'S NOTICE VHK IS HEREBY 01VEK THAT THE D il JerslHKi exeeuiorciih4lalUIDd testament t J-swl. has lltea wiia th Clerk jjt the i ounty Court for Una county, Orseoii. hi i5S P ofaaklda,. fU.?air";( 19-2S2" " 9 sail vouut and for wtUameiit of sakl cute. Thi is Feb, jsaj. txcutor.rflhla wia of Sarah Ann Moss ae. ces'eJ , 1 A re lilt cct uud. Contractor. Cyrus, bia wife, being Not 53 in see 1 Second, ror a decree of said court fore tnd 36, t,j 10, S K 1 Wert, and sect 6 and j closing the mortgage executed by yoa ta favor 31, tp 10 and 11,8 R 1 East, Linn coontv, al plaintiff on th eceocd day ct fecUrober, Oregon; alaotbe we-t half of tbe donation ' IbDl. the following doacriW traet of na claim of Wj Cyru and Mary ann I Uki. t wii: The -ortheist qaarter el the v-yrua, betog io'. 533, sees 1 and 39, tp 10 nortcweat quarter .f aeef'on thirty-ix,B-and 11, S Hi West, Urm oountT.Oretcon j ,bip sir a, Socth, Kanae three east cf Will. r JLinf 'UP L'y? ,B 1 Vt tot 4 6 1 St". l-n cooaty, Oregon, conta,ni8 Oointnfnl L- ' "V?1 i trt3 a rea, and directirg aaid Wd to he .old Oregon, containing W aersr, all o. tba Kl " m - " SUMONS t .': . I. ll f, Linn Count!. A D Horner, Plaintiff, vs Harvey Ward.Dfei.d ana. To Harvey Ward, the arove defend ant: TK : THKNAMK OK THK STATE OP X Oregon. oa ais hereby r.qolrrd o ap pear and answer ti e con.j !ai..t ot the plain tiff filed against you in the above entitled cause, on or before the first day of tba next regular term of said ccurt. which ;sd trim is to be began and held on :ha 13th day of March, WJ3, at tie coart hooaa in the ntv of Albany, Linn ccanty. Oregon; and yea are farther noticed that if j en fail to appear and answer said complaint as hereby re quired, for want thereof, the said plaintiff will apply to the aaid court for tba rebel urayid for in his taid complaint, wbicb ia rs followa: First. For a jodqment atd decree againtt yoa for the sum cf 400 in United States gold ooio with interest tbrreon in like gold coin at toe rate of ten per cent per annum from tba second day of September, 191, antil paid, and tor tbe farther asm ol $60 attorn ays fee, aad for tbe coata and disbars -meats of tbia ruit. j & 77 7 . rr." ; " pajiaent of be uot and e- , r. - -- : 7 tee, and the pay meet of aWJ ia U b gold vAu due on the note eaed on in tbia sait,acd interest on said aam of $400 from tbe econd day of Septtmier, 1S91, ic like gold coin at the rate of tan per cent erai.aaan til, paid, aed that the tarplua, if any, re paid ta sch sums as the ccmr may dca. Third. I hat y u and alt ntr pertoaa cJaimiaa hv-moo ,n ,r md-r .oa ha orv,r fortcwd or any ,.d ii right, ; tiUe iutmtt or .q ,nv U redciepUoa ia : , ' -JL, 1, , V "T f ""f- ,Foa.,th- th ! ltJl'Ll I1.".1 111 ' Uot 1 eut to W and fy ""c'0 phuatiff together with '. " e3u aiwren.enta and a reaacubte aey a fee for eomnietcing tfcia aait, that ! piaiauff nave a personal jodgment againat : o for the deficiency aca bat xecotiaa j iarne therefor. ' f'if.h. For such other aed farther relief ' aa m.y be asect to earty ia tbe premise, , This asuBmooa ia served by publication is the iTaTX Piohts Dk,cat by order of Him Geo H Bo., imigK f uld court, s dtUd Chmhe,a io the city of Salem, Oregoo, oa the 34th day of Janarv,lS93. y j gj T j Attcmey'for Plaintiff, , I the j gow, f .CITATION. L- m Ctnty. I a th-matter of the estate cf J81V i Kechnie, daceaa.l. I Tothe h known .ndonknowa.,1 toa.l other lntereated in tbe above named eafate Greet iner IS 1 HE N 'ME OF THE STATE OF, Oregoo, yon are hereby cited and ' r quired to appeer in the eountv court of tbe state of Oregon, for tho county of Linn .at tbe court room thereof t Albany. In the county cf Linn, oa Monday, tbe tb day of March, IsSS, at I o'clock in the afternoon of that day. then ana there to show cause if tar you have why the application of vVm Rombaugb, the admin iatntor cf aaid eafate, to sell the seal property belonging to said estate, irarrfbaif as follows town: Lota case (1) and (t) in aectaoa nineteen (It,) ia town ship (13.) aouth range one (1) east of the Wih'mmette Meridian .a linn county, Oregon, containing fifty three and X ; acrea more or leas; alao beginnicg at a point lorry roda weat cf the nort heast corner of the donatio r? iaxd eiaim of Lowe; jumihi Ko 47 ranidng thence ' west twenty five rodn, thence south twenty fire rods, t hence eaat twenty dee root; thence north tweet' -Are rod, coo taining 3 fMK acres mora or 'in sriiiMaal . ic said mod state; alao lot ft in hock 5 rn the town of 'tweet Home, ia I -aid ounty and state. 1 eeordfng to the - - -" - - uivir 1, w.-u. u ij ue granted. Done bv order jt the Has I X r.nnean. Jndge ef th C unty Court of the State of I w er aaa- t. vtmit WUl a Uft ftftg 1 Oregon, for th county of Una. with the nn.eixeJ, tba. 14t day d ,uua J : kOVh Attest: N P PftVNE. CUrk. By B M hiss Dsa c .y . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. SVrOTICE IS HEX EE Y GIVES rHjT TBI C3T. A.W i " 1 --- - ' ' ' JLiihJAEET (Mfft , : nwwaii. AStJ lat A-ias;.- ! I EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. HBBZBV GIVKX THAT THK ITf- er Ids rsMni aa Alhanr. mi SKtttas (rasa this dat. Tba lb IMaraHacn v. 1SSU lilOX i HELTON". H H Hasm. xerMar AuorseT tor E star - SOMMONS. a lit County Court ctfc Salvor Ortgum Ar the Count) ot' Linn : S M Eliisaa, Piaioviff, vs. Mart ifailer, Dif.ndanf. To Mart Mc'.leo, the above naraedl dsfaod aat: IN THEKAMc OF THE STATE OF Oregon, vou are hereby required to ap pear and answ.r the complaint of the above plaintiff, in tbeabeve entitled coort, now oa tile wtth the clerk of said coort, oa or before the hut day of the next regaiar term of said court, after tbe publication ol liua summon for six consecutive week towit. Mondv. see oin aay et Mi arch. 1S5I3: an.1 r,n I notihaii that if na f .;: ... aaid cooiplaint.'as hereby reonirl the ni.i.. ; tiff for wast thereof a ill take iodament against you for the sum of JSJ IT and th. . costa and disbursements of tbia action ta ba taxed; aad an order ii rev tine tbs sale of a ; certain frame buildin oa ee l by tbe defend j ant on the weat en I of lot 12, in block 3. in Sbedd, Orrgoi, and a lot of tod situated , therein, all attached as the property of the idtfendant herein. Pnbltthed by order cf the Honorable I N ; UancsQ, Jadge of said oonrt, made at Cham. ber, ia A. ham, inn cuftv, Oregon, tba 37th day of December, lS-Ji WliATUSIirOlU) Jt CaABJlLAX, Attorneys lor plaintiff ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING. isrran wars .. iba legal voters of School District . Linn etui: tv. iw. .... So 5. t acnooi nvtatlng ol aaid school district wiU be held on the first . cr the hour of ? o'clo A p m ol aala day, et tbe court houai In th. ;t r . , . ."w. ..w. .uw dit?lf ' fll -n'T. Orwaon ln aaid district, for tbe IHirpose of bsarinr U e SaS2 mm d' J clerV of id ttS!2 nd, '"'y a fx for the support 2L ,ohooJ fjr he ensuing v ear Also for the purpoae of lewio a tax f r vSm ?hii ,ho?; d sur,ct "n Wins he f m k"1, B"t'nnt of tFe ,incipa: jfina ,hV2Lbonj9 Jue aud parable an June loth im anrj lor tbe transaction fher buaineas that may oomo oa-ore said maatlna. lSU?UdlW a'V of February. A D, . C G BURKtf ART, John Fornax, Dlaurlct Clerk. Chairman Board of Dlrootora, STOCKHOLDER'S ME.TINC, CT1CE IS HESKBYGIVKN THAT mere will be a uieetiug of tbe stock ers of the 1.1,I Kailniv Mall Ht.iMin- nolc Association, held in their office in Al bany, Oregon, on Monday, the 6th day ot March, 1S83. at the hour of 7 o'slook p m of aaid day. far tha purpose of electing seven directors to serve for the ensuing year, and to transact any other businaas that irayoome before said meeting. Dated tbia 61h day of February ,1813, . W CTWEHOAXE. E A Parker. Preeideat, Secretary , . . M IyBBnc"w Ij, j 1 1 11 1 1 f 11 still In aergafth satasa ct Brary has.baejaf Lfaa aamir. Or. EKe are nan) lan-uaa a hiiiii Uheat aatj tan Sad as ty ktw itmunm at tba aw iglia of rata aye at nirtlia. at AJaaar, Oraaoa. 4dnmssaaa.uaana BTOTICE IS K " "a ay ta losMi cassrl al rUaa cuoasr. Oracoa. Mr apyaSsts - , m sflblaa aiOard tastaascBt at Joaa nBja. tats MUi.n ly.Orejoa.oacraaed. Ail paraoaa barbs, caiatf a.-aas; m1 anale ara fecrekv norSaa is pre sal laasa at writ i mia.l to t - - .. Lass ecata-r fa