The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 24, 1893, Image 4

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and Comfort are
by the use of poor smoking tobacco.
The one tobacco that has held its
own through all the changes of
time and against all competitors is
Blackwell's Bull Durham Smoking
Bicause it's always pure, always
the same, always the nest. Such a
record tells more than pages of
"talk." It's just as good to-day
;'.s ever and it is tbe tobacco ioxyou.
If you smoke, you should smoke
Bull Durham
A trial is all we ask.
A Question
A Great Record
For You
Good Advice
Attorn" at Law and Solicitor in Chancery,
lions made on all point. Loans negotiated
rableterm. Albany, Oregon
a G
Attorney at law. and Notary Public . Will practice In
all the court d this UW Special attention irlren to
collections and matters in preltate Oasee: Upstair
lUson-Twedalo Block Albaav, Ogii
a k. iiKiir
11 letr- matters will rees lve promp
r. O ld Fellow's Temple, Albany, O
attention tBcs r. Old Fellow's Tempi s,
Attorneys at Law,
Albany, Oregon.
Attorney at Law, Albany, Or.
All legal; business 'attended .to
rUNN-a Block, Albany,
Collections a special tr regardless of slae. Cortes,
dente In all the Talley towns: OFFICE evar
L E Blain Oe's store, roster s Block:
Tlljisisaii and Surgeon. OPTICS Corner
Ferry atisgts. Albany, Oregon.
Surreons. OFFICE Comer
rcaualbin streets. Albanr. Or. Cadis pre wtly
attended I city and oeantry;
Heaneapathist. aVSatsJ Jlst In diseases of the Eye.
Tasety years' experience OAcc boors 7 te t s at
1 as t p m, and tc g evening. Albany , Oregon.
TRANSACT a general Banking buintes
DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on New York, Sen Fr a
aeo and Portland, Oreg i.
LOAN MONEY ee approved security.
RECEIVE depesite subject to check.
txjuJSUI tUKB made on rarorasia
ISTEREST.peid on time aanaattS.
The 8. B. Headache and liver Cm
- A
Iftaken at directed, we Guarantee Satia
faction or refund your money.
50 cent per bottle, by
1891, 1892.
irst Terns sseaest September sit
A t: I corps of Instructors,
Courses 01 study arranged to in east U
a!l grades of student.
" Sfvnal inducement 1 c feral to students
irons abroad.
"ST. I I r T CwSBiT
leaving Portland, 8:45 A. N.
7:30 P. M.
fl 2
2 (1IIACI0
7 Hours Quicker to St. Pau(.
23 Hours Qaiekcr to Chicago.
40 Hours Quicker to Omaha
Kansas City.
For racs and genera! information cal
oil or address
W If HU RLBURT.Asst.Gen'l. Pass. Agt,
25 Washington St.,
Portland, Oregon
A Pact
Against Time
Fears Nothing
Talk's Cheap
free Handbook write tn
WOt IttfOffiBsHiCMI sUkS
munn oo.. ssv
Oldest bureau tor ae
Crery patent taken out by na Is brought before
the Basis byanouoe given free of obanr tn tha
paienu m
T ii set mi natation of any scientific paper tn the
world.. Splendidly Illustrated. No Intelligent
man snooia set wnaow n. wassc
an J. orasuwv.
Southern Pacific Oo.
Kxpress Trains leave Portland Dally.
eoa nn.v 1. ISM,
Sr. a. I Lv
See Frandsee
Ar 1 T:SS a a
Lv 4:23 a a
. Lv T;00 r a
KfcSSra I Lt
aa a a Ar
Abere trains stop only at following stations north
el lloeeburg. Saat Portland, Oregon City, w .od-
earn, ssiieni, Aioeny, isagsat, seoaa, sssssavf . nf
i lee sit, Junction City, Irrtaf, Eugene.
1 W SEBSX M alar
I HI SaTameaTaTaaT"
fcHJASl I Lv Fortune Ar 4'0r
lfcesr Lv Albany Lv VtjU at
feWr Ar lesibnrt Lv I 7 Mi
jLLsaxr local saJLt (axean Scdav)
seOralLv Portland Ar:oa
"r!Ar Albany Lr JO
lltOanlLv Albany at) lu-Tlas
BOOanlAr Lebanoa Lv I Man
l:Sa Lv Albany Arl :r
4Ba I Ar Lebanon Lv t3ra
Dinintr Cars on Ocrdan Route.
Astaehesl le all Thrssurts Traisis
eVest aide Mvtelesi.
stsrr vTBsTJsT roiniva ao coats allih.
si an. raaii Dan T (Cxeest Sonaay,
MO A I Lv Portland Ar j S.S0 r
IMt, r a I Ar OorreUst tv I ! S6 ra
axrastnraa a SAU.V (Exc)p'. .
4:t0r Lv Portland Ar7! 'rtO
TasralAr McaPnnvUle Lv I 6.W a a
Through Ticket
to all point In the Enter a 3tit, C
Europe can be obtained st lowest rata from C at
freak. As at Albany.
aaaswr Aw't O. F. see
Portltai, Oregon.
Pacific Mmt
BOec, ateeelver.
Oregon Development ro's Steamers,
Short Line to C itlirornia
Flrst-olasa through passenger and
.'.-eight line rrem Portland and all points
fct tbe Willamette. Valley to snd from San
f rauciaoo, Cal.
Eoata matte cloaa connection at A) ban
with trains of the Oregon Paeifi Railroad
TUIK 8CHEDU1 1 except Sundara.1
Las v Albany lfcsa r. a, , L -are Yaquina, T0a.b
(.eare GorraUis IMr, a. jUaro CorvUis,I0Sa,s
laqoioa, iao r. m Arrive AlDeor, 11:11 a.
O. A C. trains coni.-j t at Albany and
Oorvslll. The abovi train connect at
xaauma with ths Ongon Development
wiuirwij i Liine 01. nuwunsnipe oetweea
Yaejoina and San Fraii dvoo,
ssIlsINa OATEM .
rase vascts.
..iQ.-.-.. Vaiier. Oiitavsr ISth . ti-vl
vsoa aa raasctsco
Willamette Valley, Deeemlier stb j. 18th ; nth.
The Companv 'viTt tbe ngnt tc
snnge sailing dates - thout notice.
N. B. 'Past aencera from Portland snri
rVillamette Valley poinU oan make close
rsnnecuon wun tne trains or the Yaqnln
rpnte at Albany or Corvallis, and If de
fnd to Haul Francisco should arrange to
rrive at Yaauina tbe evening h,fore dat
' stlins'.
in Freight rales si st ays th
reatdent ....
VTos President .
nUXSACrn A GKNERAL banting business
ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to check .
fllQatT XXCHANQE and tel rapbic traneter, srsM
New York, San rraoctaeo, Chicago and P'Ula-id
OO.LBVrriONr SADEon latorabl
e. E. Tocae E,W. La
L C BLal. h. FUBB
Eovaaa I . Sox.
mm co
sidont assess- ' I COWAN,
e-Presidunt ...Jat RALSTON.
st Cashier. 0 A AltCHIBOLD.
D aat-roaa, 1 L Cowan, J U Balaton, W 8
Ladd. W H Uoltra, J A Craword and O A Arch
f RANSACTR a ceneral banking business .
DBAW81UB1 DRAFTS en New York.
ill artlsr I, Oregon. e.
LOAN MONEY on sppiovsd security
RECEIVE deposlte subtect check.
tapital, -i.
. lav W BLAIN
Transacts a genera banking business:
Exchange bought and sold on all the prlucipa
cities In the United States! also on England, Ireland
Franeo and Germany.
Collections maria at all aeeeaelhle nninta on favor
Lie terms.
Interest allowed o.i time deposits.
... J 8 Hm
O H If
ELij DIUOING Ed Davidson in
prep rod to do well diKKinir is
first olaas style, promptly, and will guar
antes bis work.
m mtmmt !
The Hawaiian treaty la practically ready for
adoption by congress. It will now go to it.
be approved, and then be sent to Hawaii for
consideration by the provisional government
Then It will be returned to Washington again
for final action . At now planned , It pro vldet
for a territorial form of government. State
hood ia out of the question . If the popula
tion increases rapidly, and the resources are
grettly developed, that may come in the
course of a decade or two.
Annexation will require a few ridica
changes. The natives will not have the
right of franchise, nor the ao,ox or more
contract laborers that have beea brought to
the Islands. A legislature similar to those
In our territories will supplant their prtsenl
legislative body. . This will do away with
their house of nobles. A governor and board
of commissioners will be appointed by the
president, and these will probably be chosen
from citizens of the islands. Experiment
has shown In the United States that it is bad
policy to appoint strangers to such respon
sibilities. The chief feature of the treaty
will be its failure to lay anything about the
sugar bounty. How this will be received In
Hawaii is difficult to foretell. Four-fifths
of the capital there is invested in that indus
try, nine -tenths of the men interested are
Americaes; and therefore ihey want annex
ation to favor their commercial development.
The lack of details yet prevents a conclusion
as to whether the treaty will foster trade as
they hope or nut.
Reduced to the principle of right, the co-
meat Hawaii is annexed 10 the I'nited States
it is entitle ! to every privilege and all pre
rogatives to hich other states or territories
are entitled. There have not yet been any
discriminating laws enacted against any area
within the United States, and if it ia tried in
the Hawaiian islands It would serm uncon
stitutional. Farther and absolute particulars
are necessary before a positive conclusion
csn be reached as to the practical working
of the annexation treaty. TtUgram
lite Press, in a long editorial, brings oat
the startling information that if there could
have been a change of 31.979 Tote in Cali
fornia, Delaware, New York, Indiana, West
Virginia and Wisconsin, Harrison would
hare been elected, with one electoral vote
to spare. The result would have been:
I Unison, 224; Cleveland, 196; Weaver, 24
But here it another calculation of the same
kind: A change of only 31,404 vote in Ohio,
Iowa, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Wyo
ming, New Hampshire. Montana and Ne
braska would bare left Harrison ia a moat
pitiable predicament . The result would have
been: Cleveland. 339; Harrison, 73; Wea
ver 32. Even If th- States mentioned by the
Press had been carried b Harrison and the
States we have named had been carried by
Cleveland, the latter would have had 159
electoral votes, Harrison 1 53. and Weaver
3a. The Press ought 10 know that the silly
season of 1892 has passed, it ought not to
force the season for 1893.
The populists sad rrpub'kflns in Kansas
are having a tegular Kilkear cat fight. Both
claim 10 have organized tbe lower house of
the legislature. Bach has a speaker sad a
full set of officer Both hare been meet
ing in the same hall, but the popallsts locked
up tbe hall Tueaday and the republican
broke down tbe doors and then the governor
populist called out the militia and at last
accounts men from all parts of tbe state were
flockin- to the capita), each to help his par
ty in the melee. Tne few democrats of the
legislature occupy a neaatrsl attitude.
What will be tbe outcome can not now be
told but it looks like the populiais have th
advantage as the governor belongs to that
It was a bMst of McrCinler tn ths late
presidential campaign that whatever might
be the result of tne then pending election,
the democrats would not, be able to paas s
tariff bill In the next ten years. The
opinion thus repeatedly expressed was pred
icated upon the belief, first, that it would
be next to imDOSsible for the detnorrt to
break dwn what he supposed to be sn
impregnable republican majority in the
senate, and, second, upon the mistaken
notion that there would in all that tea
years, be too many protection democrats
in the senate to give any hope to tariff
reformers for the consun maiion of their
labor for tariff reduction. But how swift
is retribution when It is once farted on Its
errand of duty. The very 6rst senate
elected after this prediction will pass, with
sn ample majority, the very bill McKinlcy
predicted tber could not pass ia ten years.
Mr Frank Schurmann of Philadelphia
has patented a material which he calls
wne glass. It consists of a sheet of glass,
in which, in course of manufacture, ii en
closed a layer of wire gauze. Th metallic
is literally imbedded and hermetically
sealed within the glsss, and will stand any
amount of rough usage without breaking.
The new material can be mads of varion
thicknesses, and In sheets of large size; aad
there is little doubt it will prove a
valuable substance for sky ighli, roofs of
railway stations, horticultural buildings,
and will find employment In a variety of
ways. Windows made of the material will
be burglar proof, and will be resistant
enough t slop the progress of a pistol
The Michigan Republican hsve followed
up the repeal of tnt Miner law with a bill to
gerrymander the S'-ate so ss to mke lt up
hill work for the Democtat io elect even s
respectable minority of the Congressmen.
BjI gerrymanders don't work as wsll ss they
used to. They get out of order a easily as
a P react! clock oe.
! SI ILLL I Abbs sS
A German suthorltv ssys that almost a
third of all humanity, that I', 4 00,000, eoo
speak the Chinese language. Then the Hln
doj language is spoken by more than loo,
000,000, Foutth, the Russian, with 89,000,
000, while tbe Germsn Is spoken by 57,000,
000 tongues and the Spanish by 48,000,000.
Of the European languages the French is
fifth In place.
The New York machine Is remo'ring every
friend of Mr Cleveland from office under the
State government. This is doubtless very
smuting to the machine, but after March 4th
it will not be so funny if Mr Cleveland Is
quite human, and we believe he is.'
In setting trees It is well 10 allow them to
lesn a little in the directioa of the most pre
vailing heavy winds, and to so trim them
that that side will be a little the heaviest.
West Vlaginls has more square miles of
coal thanUreat Britain, Germany mo France
combined, though lt stands fifth In point of
annual coal production in the United States,
The centra! Sahara registers a mean of
97 degrees in July. Central Australia boast
of 94 degrees in January, a merui wtlch is
attained In South Carolina and inner A ra -bia
in midsummer.
The art of stereotyping waa invented by
a Frenchman, Didot, in 1793.. and wss first
brought to America in 1813.
AFirc news.
A tltret-Car
Wheeling, W Va, Feb 15. Another
riot, growing out of the street car strike,
occurred this evening. A car manned by
nonunion tnnn ran a gauntlet numbering
fully 2000 men, missiles of all description
were thrown and the operators compelled'
to desert the car, which was run off the
track. The police were hastily summoued
and dispersed the mob upon arrival, arrest
ing one man.
rear Do Le seeps'
Paris, Feb 15. Charles de Lessens re
mained all dav yesterday with his father
Ferdinand at Leieheanage. The aged De
lssops roootra'zetl and embraced his son.
He is siill ignorant of the judgment that
had doomed them twth to imprisonment.
Charles managed to restrain his tears, and
assumed a cheerful aspect in order that his
father might not suspect the truth.
The Bleody shirt
Washington. ine nouse today re
sumed consideration of the pension appro
priation bill. Boutelle spoke vigorously
against the proposed amendments to the
pension law. declaring the Union veterans
were not safe in the hands of the party
about to come into power, with head
quarters south jf Mason's and Dixon's line
The records of congress, he said, showed
that. Oates replied warmly, saying Houtell
charges were unfortunate and ill-founded.
No gentleman would charge him or any
other ex-conteaerate. with opposing a
proper pension to any union soldier who
was worthy of it.
Peer Kansas
Toi'kka, Kan, Feb 15. Bleeding Kan
sas nearly bled atrain today. Nothuur but
the wisest counsels of tbe calmer leaders of
the opposing parties prevented a serious
conflict and the shedding of blood. Not
since anti-slavery and pro-slavery forces
were arrayed in hostile attitude against
one mother has political excitement run so
high aa today. At 10 o'clock tonight 500
troops are on guard around the building,
while 500 more are on the way from differ
ent parts of the state.
A Libel tall
Walla Walla, Wash. Feb 15. Tbe
libel suit of Reams vs Parker, of the Walla
Walla Statesman, for t2S,000, was finished
today. The trial lasted four days. The
jury was out all last night, and brought in
a verdict this morning of 92. The libel
was published August, 1890. at a time
when Colonel Parker was lying ill in bed
200 miles away.
Wbstox. Or. Feb 16 Notwithstanding
the drizzling rain and disagreeable weather,
anvils were booming, flags flying and band
p laying on me receipt or tne news toaay 01
tbe Dassase of the bill acrjronratintr tH -
000 for the Kastern Oregon state normal
school in this city.
A nirerie t lalmed
NawAoar, R I, Feb 16. Newport has a
most extraordinary religious sensation,
many claiming it to be a miracle. Ia a
plain, garret room, without even a picture
on the wall, at i7 Marsh street, in probably
the most humble home in tbe rity a little
ekiM tha arm ra II, an A U . lfe.ll - V...
been living for several weeks totally unable
to move, suffering with -ale- on th hrain
his lower Kmh rsualrxed and hi stomarh
congested. Lawt evemnaboat7:) o'clock
the mother, who was watching the little
one. was terrified to see a face apnenr on
the pillow next to the one on which the
child lav. Lights were ehifteel into ev re
position, but there was on tbe pillow a face.
to a oust s oeauure ss. toe Torenesva. nose
eyes, mouth and chin as plainly outlined as
if chiseled out of marble. Tbe face grad
ually laded away at o a m.
A fie seer! Br ad:
T a com a, Feb 16 Rev Cashing; Eel's
died of pneumonia at bis son Edwin's
residence in Tacotna, at 2:30 this morning.
Death ocenrred on his 83d birthday. Be
waa born in Massachusetts, and graduated
at Williams' college in 1844 He leave
two sons, Edwin, the Indian agent of tbe
Puysilrjp reservation, and Rev Myron, of
Skokomuh. Wash. Hs was an Indian
missionary in Eastern Washington from 43
to 48. taught at the Willamette university
of Salem in 1861. and helped found tbe
Pacific college at Forest Grove. Or. He
also founded and contributed $30,000 for
the establishment of Whitman college at
Walla Walla.
ToPEaut, Kan, Feb 16. The city is black
and blue today black with people come to
see the fun ; blue wivh troops. Every train
arriving for tbe past 12 hours has brought
troops and republican and populist volun
teers, armed with all sorts of weapons,
anxious to take a hand in tbe fight. Sol
dier surrounded the capital, gtutrds are at
every entrance to prevent any from enter
ing without a pas from tbe governor,
cotmtertagned by tbe adjutant -generai-Members
of tbe legislature are no better off
in this respect than common folks. Mrs
Latase managed to get in, But Mr Lease
pent several hoars trying to follow her.
without success.
4 SBartul Sale!
Kt gene. Or, Feb 16. The moat import
ant transaction that has occurred of a
business nature in this city for some time
waa consummated today, when the new
firm of William Edris si Son was ortranized
and purchased the property of the Euirene
Mill Company. Tbe property comprise
the flourish mill, water power and consid
arable land.
It Will Be BallSrd
Washixotox, Feb 16. A careful canvass
of tbe senate appears to indicate the Haw
aiian treaty will be ratified, with several
votes more than tbe necessary two-thirds to
spare. The limit of the opposition is put
at 20 votes.
a Bobs. rr a wanness t'lletrr.
Medpord, Or, Feb 16. The bueiness
men of this ci y have guaranteed Professor
M E Kigby a bonus ot $1500 for tne erec
tion of a building here to be used as a
business college. All arrangements have
been perfected, and a $5000 building will
be begun at once.
Ttss Treaty.
Washington. The committee on
foreign relations reported to tha senate in
executive session today the Hawaiian an
nexation treaty, with tbe recommendation
that it be ratified. It was placed on tbe
executive calendar, wherrit can be reached
by a majority vote at any time. A poll of
the enate on the ratification of tbe treaty
bae been taken. It stood: For ratification.
47; against ratification, 15; absent, 13:
noncommittal, 13. As those in favor con
stitute more than two-thirds of those
present, there is no doubt about the ratifi
cation of tbe treaty.
A nwallasleB Harder:
HUNTINOTOS. Or. Feb 17. John C
Clark, a rancher living near Snake river,
about i4 miles from Huntington, shot ami
killed Peter Denning, a miner well and
favorably known In this locality. Clark
came to Huntington immediately after the
shooting and surrendered to Deputy Sheriff
Jobn P Hannon. Nothing definite is known
as to the cause of the trouble that led up to
the tragedy. An interview with the
risoner failed to bring outanyof the facts,
ore than that it occurred at about 1 1
olosic t lit miming. Hi claims that his
t was on i of self-defense, aad that he
eii a Winchester rifl Dinning was
aiin? uim with an ax. Tb-jre we.e no
taesei to the tragedy.
a Flxttt With IndlBBst
Spokane, Wash, Feb i7. The severity
of the winter In the Priest river valley,
Idaho, has driven the Indians to despera
tion. They raided Jim Reynold's and drove
off the cattle. Seven ranchers followed.
In the fight one of the Indians was killed
and two Indians and two whites were
Tee Utah Hates.
San Francisco, Feb, i7. John Hayes
Hammond, general manager of tbe Bunker
Hill and Sullivan silver mine, at Wardner,
Idaho, has received word from Nortnern
railroads which ha about convinced him
that he will close down the mine. Nearly
all of tbe other great mines will also close
down. The cause is too high freight rates .
Another Heeretary
LAKH wood, N J, Feb 17. Mr Cleveland
announced this evening that J Sterlin g
Morton, of Nebraska, who visited him
today, wSs tendered the secretaryship of
agriculture and had accepted it.
Breast CarbsUeBr Mistake
Salkk, Or, Feb 17. Daniel Durbin, of
Howell Prairie, aged 61, and one. of tbe
most highly respected farmers in tbe county
died this afternoon from the effects of a
draught of carbolic acid, which he took by
mistake, thinking it water.
The priie rinn has become the stenolnir
stone to the state, not much to the credit
of legitimate acting.
Chinese Ntw Years begins today. Com
ment Is unnecessary. The subject does
not deserve an extended notice, as louH sa
it Is.
Fifty clerks at 8alem have not, it Is
said, done an average of ten minutes work
In nearly four weekt, and the state foots
the bill.
Here it la from an ex: The inside
history of the present session of the- legis
lature will be written at some day. The
real cause why so many public measures
of great general Importance have gone to
the wall been burked will be made
known. It will be an Interesting record
and will do much toward shaping the
future politics of Oregon.
This was all on account of a babv. At
'631 Chouteau avenue, St Louis, Sunday ,
mere was a celebration and a christening
All present became Involved in a? riot
Men, women and children participated,
and every conceivable weapon was used.
In a few minutes the place looked like a
slaughter-house, the walls and floor being
covered with blood and even tne celling
bearing its quoto of blood-stains. A
wagon-load of police succeeded finally In
quelling the disturbance. Sx of those
involved were carried to the dispensary
ami ihelr ImSbmAm olll nmvm fatal Tka
. . J w" r . 1
trouble started because some one wanted
m take the ..! !. i
doors. David McUUHgan will also die, it
Is thought, besides these 12 others are
seriously cut or sustained fractured
craniumt and had bruises about the face .
The Astoria Budget slaps one of iu
legislators, or some one else like this: j
He had never been to school a day In all j
his lire, and he owed hia little learning to ; juoges in aistnci c was auoptco. ,0i ilom ,rr,h thst be would not dar to
the efforts of bis wife, but he long had; bring bis wile and daughter there. Tbe K
nursed a secret hope of saving hi poor 1 ; O thereupon got mad, and mtds some hot
state, of being chosen for a term to go J asteUI to th Oawocaevt remark about the evangelist,
and legislate. The glad day came as bad j Or, Feb 16. House: Pssted: Beginning with May 1st a person -an get
days come to si! who wait snd strive, and Cameron, Mil to amend 1465 code. Cross, I on board th can a Alosroy and go to Cbi
for a season this man was the biggest man ro . trespass set- Mvers, eago without a change of crs. a car for
alive. He was among the first on hand to j e w,rdcn Veitch. to 'empo-er ih porp will le th city at '.eaat
catch the speaker, ear, and when nU j to bid in land sold for uxes. i ' Th. roond trip ticket will be
name wss called at last, he promptly j We,llM.riord, bill ts exempt homeatead , about r5 first-class.
anawerea netx. out wnen it to , rom .tUchmeaU wa, t4bled; Dennv, to
making laws he found it rather slew, tbejp,. Iod(rin, hou( k.cprr, paised;
measures that he introduced were num
bered so and so: were read and then
"committed.'' Some went this wsy, some
went that, and It seemed to him that every
mac was talking through hi hat. It
somehow had occurred to him that all he
i had to do wa to Introduce a law ant) then
just push the measure through : and ail
this jargon and red tape, to hira, teemed
iajst about as senile as a marriage with the
bride and groom left out. And when his
Mils were ' pigeon -holed ' then was he sore
dismayed, and tnto pains of open sin hit j
Kinion iiaaticps iisru. sic ifuii an
charts of reform upon the very day when
needed most wa purloined and spirited
" Pu"! Pet in
fakes. Charles Simons, of PUtin am
' "ge m thai count? invested $3 in one
I received of coarse
Blowout Lake, about two miles from
Green Basin, in this county, a mile
lung and not over 600 feet wide is "aid to
' be a cariosity
Tne Lumberman ears
there are indications that the lake has
tut .si aio 1 uveas, eat tsuurj assaaa iu tea av atsa
not existed
times that
I m general laws psusaed the senate leads
with twentv-nine. while the bouse has
tn h. elelteet W. ih.i.a.i, -w - ' ' , .,
The question to be debated by the
Lyceum at acnoits terry in in it county,
tomorrow night is: Resolved that "mar
ried men lay up more money and enjoy
life better than single men." Tbe
married fraternity are to speak on the
affirmative and tbe single on tbe nega
tive. ..,,, . ... .
J R I Bell, has a rival for ubiqUllOOS-
TT,in,Pt PaB j0bamm ?r' W,U
Walialnion. An ex says: He never aaw
active service in the flsld bat was a quar-
termaateron the racific Northwest coC
" -----..v...... ....
paper and drawinc a food pension, be is
sB IVUlUltWVUtjr UI HIT; VassfMT yCUl 4B1 stsll
uumiiii; ,
attorney-trene isl oi the state and clerk
of tbe senate and penitentiary com-
rtyentol the iUte onivcrattr, wittant
mittee. .otwstiistanaing nis aisaotuiies.
ne seems 10 w an e to cover a consider-
able number of saUra drawing offices.
, . i r ce, nsssru rr euu woiuier iitoac ami
The Lspreas does not give tbe true passed,
inwardness of tbe matter in the follow- j , n- - , - ,
aaemSwBasS xiSjjSJT
"hiXVfitSUSrSi, S-. -a-. Feb ITIh A u,
license, bat as the crowd failed to arrive amount of business waa rushed through
a they expected thsy only plaved a fe ,on the closing day of tbe let iaia to re
pieces and then refunded back tbe i When the smoke clears awav wa will
money to those that were there and than
quit. They gave soma first-class music
on tne streets. e are sorry our people
did not turn out better. Bot come again
boys and bs that
yon will have better
uck next time
a v-.. 1 . . t.
V , "VlaJT . 7.Z1
since wrote a slow Ids account of tbe
second crop of Oregon strawberries to
some panics in Illinois. They packed
np and struck Kugene just as ths snow
was sixteen Inches deep. Tbe, agent baa
taken to the woods.
j age resolution was indefinitely postponed.
They have been having slippery ) Ford offered joint resolution No 16, rela
weather in LaGrande, resulting in the thro to the apportionment of senators
following in ths Gazette: "A maiden jsnd representatives. Under a resolution
fair with sun kissed hair came tripping of tha boost, the speaker, with two
down tbe street; the air waa keen, bar members appointed by him, will examine
age was stesn ; but gee-whiz wasn't she and correct ths journals Tbe speaker
sweet; the sidewalk was slick and she I appointed Merrill and Miller. Ford's
wsnt down quick, with a Jolt that took j bill abolishes tha five mill school tax,
out ner curls, and the words sue used
mast be exensed for she s one of our bast
Of ths 9 .,000 people of the Hawaiian
Islands less tHac 35,000 are natives, and
these sre not the naturally dominant classes
either by intelligence or wealth. The grcst
sst snrprise Is thst s government thus set up
on the apes of a pyramid should hsve en
sured s) long as it hss without topping over.
Thirty er 40 years set Enelish influence
was dominant in these
islands bat It has
been gta lually decreasing and that of Ameri
cans has increased In like proportion.
The Grand LedgeMich Lrtlger reported
he manlage of a Mr Barnes, who subse
quently called upon the edi'cr snd demanded
a correction of the statement. The next
day the -tfsjer sstd: "We fully believe
that Mrs Barnes Is not msrrivd, nor do we
think s'..s cvtr wlll be,"
Ths present legislature hss written ltsel
down as a most extravagant one. Tbe ap
propriations exceed twomllltxis. Taxpayers
wlil groan for some lime to come.
air Bisht t Telli
The RevMsrkGoy Tesrse, the eminent
English Divine writes:
BanroBD Plaos, Rosssli. Squabs ,)
London, December 10,1888. )
"I think it only ri -lit that I should tell
yon of how much use I find AUcook's Porons
Plasters In my family snd among those to
whom I hava recommended them. I God
thsm a v try breastplate against colds aud
Old Darter Drasumond.
After many veara of patient atudy and ex
periment hss given to ths world a prepare,
tion whi h ia an abtolnte euro for every form
of Ask your druaglst for lt,
and do not tak anvthios else, for nothing
alss is a good. ' If your drnsgist hss aot trot
it, write to the Drummond Medicine Co., 4U
50 Maiden Lsne, Ksw York, snd they will
ssnd you full particulars and testimonials of
wonderful cures, together with special in
structions. Agents wanted.
Gavmsa Lutheran church servioe on every
first and third Sunday in every month at 10
am, at the WijTU Hall, by Rev G K
Guaranteed to cure Bilious Attacks and
Const! jiu t km, Small late Beans.
Salem, afternoon, Feb 15. In the
Senate. Action was taken on the follow
ing: By Elmore, amending Brownsville's
chrrter; pasted. Myers, to repeal the act
creating the state board of equalization ;
failed to pass, 16 to 13. Special asylum
committee's report, which was read and
adopted. It exonerates the management
of the asylum frOm the charges recently
preferred by the state board of charities.
Miller's bill making an appropriation for
Sedavlllc mineral springs was given its
first reading. Weatherford, to protect
Chinook salmon ; failed to pass. Willis,
to tbe employment of women at legisla
tive clerks; failed to pass. Willis, to ex
tend the time of the meeting of the state
board of equalization . passed.
In One House. By Nickel, for the pay
of members of the present session ; passed.
Miller, for the improvement of the public
soda springs at Sodaville.Linn county,and
appropriating $500; passed. Nlckell.
changing the time ef Arbor day in the
public icritols; passed. Geer,of Marlon,
providing for elementary text books on
agriculture and horticulture In the public
school, passed. Brown of Douglas, pro
viding for the election of county tchool
superintendents every four years, and to
provide a school for convict at the peniten
tiary , both passed.
Gullixaon'a bill for the equipment, etc.,
of the Oregon National Guird, with a
veto message from the povernor, was
placed before the house. Tnr bill ptaacd
over the veto. 39 to 13.
Senate hill No en nrovidinir that ahe.iff'.
..lataba mmA m.m.,i attalt k. n.l.l a
..b. .-.1 (--. .i,.it iJa.1.1 . ....1. :
, - , , -"
BalaTy and fixing respective amounts was
Geer of Clackamas, to chance rate of ;
Interest from 8 and 10 per otmt to 6 and 8 i
per cent ; Mr Geer moved to indefinitely j
postpone, but the motion was lost, and the
bill passed 31 to 16. '
Senate joint resolution proposing an ,
amendment to the constitution, providing
'or the election of supreme and circuit
Cogswell.relatlng to dormant j jdgmfnta, s
pasted; Geer, bill to provide for taxation
of mortgages under Lawton bill ; patted.
Bills passed senate; GuMxson, appro
i priatinp, $40,000 National Guard passed
i both brsnche over veto. This give
s muma two appropriations 01 one nunorco j
. umuL uuitars.
Sale-, afternoon, Feb. ltitb. The
legislature rushed through considerable
nusinees- In tne senate, Nickels senate
bill passed ; Alsea waa changed to Stan-
ford ; bills regulating salaries of county
judges end terms of county officers,
passed. Myers introduced a senate joint
memorial to congress, asking that a road
department be established by tbe govern-
mem, wnicn waa reierrea to tne cam-
In the House, bill enabling rnamed
,n..n a, muim, thai. Ma hranavlr
witLoat tbe husband joining in tbe con-
veyance, amended so aa not to effect
estates in entirely and then passed ;
H0; nal. the P,Un?. 01
arms athuman beina-.passed Bancroft
o protect common carriers and to trunisb
the tampering with I ocas of railroad
j - ar - a
! Uiellin 0. rlor
j noshed
twenty one.
Miller ha two nroreedine hi matte
courts and Oregon fish ladder j Meyers
one, relating to payment of laborers. "
Sfsrssl to Dassocear.
Sauos. Or..Feb. 171 b .Moose : Senate
bills, holding counties liable for damages
I from defective bridges or roads, pawed ;
nrn.;H. fft, rrrrlina. .ill. r.-t
! es oi county fudatbled Earn
0f intMt llJZm tv--d .tstr-
ef education to pnrehase sehool
roriWjiIjl,Dg cities of four
: tnousanti as iniepen-ient districts, ani
j .nil,..;.;.. r. iTie,,. 1. r..,t,i.
schools, passed t Biackman'a valued 00-
llcy tiii. passed . general appropriation
,,.7 order this afternoon
! jn rlmittee ni whole.
. e. aX w at m
noose 0111 to proiti mi sa,e
-.. .....
cir,,, .nd cigars to minors, W
. GOTeror', appointment confirmed ;
I Kill nMfS K,l.a a!,..).
. . . I 1 1 ...... .V U.V . . M .. . .
I give a list of the bills passed.
Among the bills passing both bouse.
completing tne circuit, were we 101 low-;
ing : By Ready, permiitinz btcvcles on
' public roads; Paxton. no dav of grace ;
- Oeer, fencing railroads ; Miller, to im -
I prove Sodaville springs; general appro-i
. , : , 1 t . a . -
: pria.iuu oiu; sutoamsi susuaiian
ballot law : M
were, maarinw mnntiea lis-
bie for damaares bv defective raavda. Mat
lock, for Eastern Oregon insane asylum ;
weatherford. amending the law in rela-
tion to limits of school districts in chiea ;
Black man, to resra late tbe payment of
the amount of insurance. The lree coin-
ana nereaiter tre levy tor school pur
poses will be made on the per capita
At this morning's session the invrsti-
trtil is in sif t V aa sLasa r-awat strvsa i nstt Siti nr i n-
, Und t Drr raittg waa presented ani that
gentlemsn was entirely exhonoratetl.
Sali. Or., Feb 18th. Both houses Of
the legislature met at 10 a m. Customary
resolutions were passed thsnking presid-
inn officer and complimenting minority
and majority parties. Addresses were ;
msils he nfMlitine nfBrSr All bill .
: Pssed Dot 11 nouses were reponu en-
Krueseu anit eiguvu. voernwi uas um.t
Wednesday to examine ami veto. Ap
propriations of seasion amount to over
two millions. Resolutions of sympathy
wre tendered to tiso W McBridc in his
Illness. Both houses adjourned sine die
at 11 o'clock.
Iut up in neat watch-shaped bot ties, sugar
coated. Small tU Issan tie urr liottle.
15th, 1893, at the residence of Mr A Bas
sett, in Halsey, by Rev M M Marling, Mr
August W Shulz and Miss Dasic Keenev,
both of Halsey.
15th, 1 83, at the residence of Mr A Bas
sett, in Halsey, by Rev M M Marling, Mr
Silas E Keenev and Miss Evs Drinksrd
both of Halsey.
1893, at the residence of J S Sonek, by J S
Ireland. J. P. Mr A D Burrell and Miss
Delia McKinney.
MOORE-WARD, On Feb 14, 1893. at
the residence of the brlde'a father Caleb
Ward, by Rev C C Sperry, Mr W J Moore
and Miss Laura L Ward both of Linn Co.
&1SKRRY. On Sslurdsy rooming, near
Ca'apoola bridge, to Mr and Mrs Charles
Berry a son. Weight, about is pounds.
McCLURE. At his home near Sweet
Horns, Feb 11, 1883, of Bright 's disease,
D H McClure, aged about 76 years.
Decease was a well known and highly
respected citizen, and came from an old
Pennsylvania family. He came to Linn
county m 1851 and settled near Albany,
and has lived on tha place near Bweet
Home about twsnty-two years- He
leaves a wife and five children. Mrs Mc
Clure is a sister of J B Parriah of
Sodayille Advance.
There will be races in Salem on July 4th,
6th and 7th.
A new case ia the Circuit Court is R L
Cnrtiso at A T Carrier, for divcroe.
Th teuteo season began yesterday. There
will i.ot be much fasting in Albany, though.
The price of school lauds will probably be
doubled by ths present legislature and raised
1 1 92. 60 an acre
It is to be hoped the senate has to much
good judgment to pass the Blane county bill
Ooe alice ia enough.
j folding chair frame waa stolen from the
rear of Mr Thos Brink's furniture store
Tuesday night. Pleare return.
The Military Band bad a fair attendance i
at their concert and entertainment !
evening, and gave a pleating exhibition of ',
their varied talents. j
Taio-.a wants the world, and insists on .
Mt Kenier being called Mt I scorns. Seattle
objects and will never submit to
calling it
Mt I fonts. Htls!
Mrs Cbsrlea Norton w ho died near Vt
ijUina o- weeks ego, it isnn thought wsa
murdered by poisoning, and a thorough in
vestigation will be made of 1 Le ease.
Th annusl meeting of the Uoiuo Y P S C
K will be at tbe Otngregstionsl church to
morrow night st 7,.'f ) o'clock . Election of
officers will occur and a short program will
Le rendered. Let all members be present.
Under the new salary law the sheriff and
or Man county will e-b receivs S'JQOO
a year and the recorder 91800 Beauties i
will be allowi d in the discretion trf the .
awwaasj cours.
California capitalists are negotiating for i
the purchase of the coat claim of Charles
Shaw, located one mile east of Yeqalaa.
They have bad ths claim aoder lease for toe
last ten years, bat have never done anything i
to ard developing it T.mesf
An evangel! t to I'endleton a remark
irom a polptt thai Pendleton i.aoch a Sodom
Ilarrisbaeg needs a goad, lively, efficient
yoasg attorney. Thar is a Sae opening for
the right penoa st this pomt. Courier
Miller' fish ladder bill ia 03 that ahon d
prove of immense rale to tbe upper Wil-
ar otUaas oaerallv will
. c'-ate ths effort made to peas it.
A'.ba He) wood in "Nsw &igewood
Folks, Friday March 3rd, instead of the 1st
aa heretofore arranged. This will be on of
th theatrical treat of th season, aad these
will b a packed house,
j !t is claimed, that the whereaboats of the
' lantern helonsug to th are iepsrtmrnt.
I now tssiea advertised, ia known. Usdess
I returned to the assistant chief there may be
; troants.
i . ... .
.tsen th. A,bny chaite b.U
1 MOM Of Oftr emxnc Hare Men wsteluiu,
; s. J . i . .. . . .. .
. both hew tar The only ettaage is to wive
ttt city iariadidtioa over th whole bridge
Mtba tb(r. re!niinf so ,.
i about fourteen inches of snow; at BrTtTen
31 fet whlU u fi,. (eet
. d oow has (alien nearly every day for
,k . t t ' ' ' ,
5 wow a-.sssa-u ssusw ,
i fJ
V r- - e-.wwv'
! !7r "tera, 'ow
leti'.ata e.sort of a Udyacierk affair. Sev-
i a ". wsnpi. nave Been
; vm$T
1 "" the Cotdray-Waa theatrical com-
, V ' McMutnvrne.Mit. Id Burritrs,
a mem or r ate cwptsy, !! and broks
00 0 her aceooBt of s defective
aadewai. A hsll for damaca trill follow,
."be oty churter, OsostshTllxehe maxima.
d sotge at $100 Irom such udew.lka.
? J ItinVtrlL bTt'hTrf esrair,
- "r,'Uo bjr th c?reto
ears, , .
VT- 'V,. . " y
W f... Ji,.. ...i . t.TlL...
- - -- - mwm j s WM'a -Ji r a t S I IIM
torieUrr. V vucg irowa in for ai;hwv
rebbery mui tampUt h; cotcse am Mat
tat has tt-a s-rsfl I . elM
S . Tnl r" ! !B B r. ""LV
1 IA Baa 1 1 IITIfta flVar fftet ' -
w.'njw .
e l as ITm-wi P.,-h - .e,l ioa,ihe p
to anv part i t : - C S. This Is tie caa.v ' nle ,'le ecn nl that a copy each be I
i " Ja 1, , . . . , "'lieilMheHeisU-jn.Mee.iTallllea.i
uiacw ia aaioauxs wscrc ujxiu etj v ee.-ar-
1 . nrBjttk.-,'
B.- wrsiviiio
will probsily have eiectiic
mmZ iL.l urpaao s home sntfl
WW rc tfce a.eoral approottetaoa ball.
. . a .
The prrtt,.Btn pitcher Kratoa t -ccerv
.t - .-aw . away nest T.-.dy aswoutg at
! o'clock
Of the 44 examined f r teacher certifi
cate last week. IS obtained third grade
ertiaeates, 9-eood. 2 first, and IS failed
; Ttsaight at the armoey nil! occur th
erana nie sssttn carnival, wftica prosn
asa to be a live affair. A ftar ef
the vwatBi will be a anile race between
Qacar 7,it, cfasm 10a of Albany, sod Fraak
wa 11 cM.waa.
I Andrew L Arnold was er amine. 1 h. f.ire a
1 jsstic ia Sca and he'd coder 9300 hoed 10 !
j await to action or the trrand jarv fort
haraiag the barn of A R Mclkiaald. H I
J a Mr McDonald dvUIy for
Go T Myers, Geo Goslin. Allan Parker,
W J Ktley and J aa Parqae! will be ffah
oommtssionecs: J A Brows. John Fox aad
B F Packard, pilot comrniastooetsr. J B Pat
mac atat herariaa; Cha Uolmao. fool aad
dairy commtasioaor. Ferry Heashaw, gam
protector sod E F Bradford, boatman.
Ik ia with pleasure that we teccotnmeod
onr readers to troy ffrsi'i Ceugh Syrnp.
Von will tind It eeneciailv earful at til La
season oi the year to care sudden cold,
check coughs and lane trouble. Beat and
cbeanest. 15 and 50c. Sold by J A Cam-
... . . .),, ..1.1
j who Wlll hw nr Brown Fri.
dsv evetloa atthPre.bvtenn chnreh will
find bi... to t-e an eloquent and impressive
Pkr. His lectori will be instructive and
j, scholarly and popular. It will
J nnatnal !iterarv tret. torn, and
j hear him. Admission only 5c.
Rsligkus Ssaviccs. First M. E.
Church: Services at 11 a m and 7 :30 p
m. Preaching bv Rev tieo Whitaker, D
D, president of Willamette University ,of
Salem. Sunday school at 3 JO, Junior
league at 3 :30,devotional meeting of the
Epwoith League at 6:W. All are wel
come to these services. J T Abbett,
The usutl service will be held at the M
E church, south Sunday school at 10
o'clock . Preaching at 1 1 a ra and 7:30 p an.
All ate made welcome at these services.
The set vices tomorrow atthePresbvteiian
church will beat follows: Preaching by the
pastor at 11 a in and 7:30 p m. 'Sabbath
school at U:i5 p ra. Y P S C E meeting at
6:45 p m. The subject of the morning ser
mon wlll be "In his name." In the evening
the topic v8 he "Modern Blindness," There
will be public reception of new members in
connection ith the morning services.
At the United Prtsbyterian church, ser
vice at 11 and at 7:30 will be conducted by
Rev Dr Wallace of East Portland. Sabbstn
school at s:3i. junior E.ideavor Society
and Teachers prayer meeting at 3:30.
VPS C E at 6:30. All are made welcome
to these services.
Dr Whiteaker at the Y M C A at
ThU to stesutt ror 1 u
It haa been trnly vaid that half the world
doea not know how the other halt live.
Comparatively few of u have perfect health,
cwing to it impure condition ot our blood.
But we rub alons from day to day, with ,
scarcely a thought, utilise forced to our at
tention, of the thousands all about us who
are suffering from sctofula, salt rheum and ,
o'hsi serious blood disorder, and wnoaej
agonies oan only be imagined . The marked j
success of Hood's Sarsanarilla for thsse '
troubles, shown ia our advertising columns
faauuen-Jy, oertainly seem to justify urging j
the ass of this excellent medicine by all who
knew that thnir hlood ia disordered. Everv 1
claim iu behalf of Hood's Sarsanarilla ia fully '
backed up bv what the medicine baa done
and is still doing, and whan it proprietor
' urge its merits and its use upon all who
suffer from impure blood, in great or small
degree, they certainly mean to include you.
The annual meeting of the Building
and I-oan Association was held last even
ing. A loan of $600 was made to Mrs 1
Sedgwick. The old officers were all re
elected, as follow! : C H Stewart, pres
ident ; H Bryant, vice president ; W -8
Thompson, treasurer ; Dr 3 P Wallace, E
Washburn, H Farwell, M Senders, T L
Wallace and F P Nutting, directors; J
W Blain, who bas served tbe assoc'ation
eo well, secretary; fudge J N Duncan,
attorney; K N Condit, J B Stockman
j and i vv Wright, auditors; H Bryant, 1
P Wallace and F P Natting,finance com-
I mittee.
A resolution wss passed authorizing
: the association to sell stock and make
j loans on first-class security in Lebanon,
Brownsville, Corvallis and other towns,
in this and adjacent counties, as provided
by the Denny law just passed,
The report of the secretary shows the
following :
Cash on hand last statement. . . 1418.07
Received from does 11814.00
Entrance and expense account. 563.00
Fines and transfer fees 45.90
I merest 124.70
Tax account 405.27
Withdrawals 5.43
Expense account
Tax account
On a 2 last year's loan . .
Cash on band
. $ 6432.30
.. 4224.82
.-. 696.7 ,
. - 976.33
. 1824.23
1 si
Loans 4th veir
. .$48,500.00
. . 11,175 00
. . 1,824 23
854 57
Cash on hand
Furniture and supplies
Due from members
. 13,714.93
$48,728.87 !
htm unearned interest
Interest earned
Fines and transfer fees
Entrance and expense fees-
Profits ou withdrawals
Not divided last vear.
..$ 438.66;
an .71
230 .68
1063 30
403 35
i The increase in profits
o-rsdrutllv I
: . t - . , -. -
' i j'X Ik" s!I ':!f.,' '! !
. P."' .uctuea wc its m .
in eight years to 100 months A com-
1 pari son ot the profits for last vear with
tbe total for four Tears ahowa how the j
valne increases with tbe age of tbe series.
The profits last year were : 1st aeries.
6.16: Snd. 5. 40: 3rd.2: 4th.4 M : 5th.
XX; 6U1, SJB; 7th. 2.73-
nas ste
t At . o ,h, th r p
f tsmeDr otthe teni ottltetr
, -.".-. u viosny. ioBry z 1 at, t
! lhc tWtosring resolution were adopted,
i Whereas. The relation existing between
Rev C A Woolev and the CP church of j
Albanv as pastor and people ha been'
s severest, therefore revived.
i . , , , . . . , .
. Tha' ,hlnkl congrega- ;
I VV , leaaeTta
I 'v -, n t uv.c itt un uniuiug ciinf
ar.dfaithtuIneM ia behalf of this congrc- j
Second. Tnat ossr p ravers attend him
ara that i.-c.-r. re-a?" I ) I ias Sjd BB :he
- church from bia efforts. In the new field to
which rw has been caled.
1 1 nira. tnat a copy ot these resolutions
I ne pretervest bv oelnw entered tc the mio
- - " " - ' - - - - - -
and the Cumberland Prcsavtenan of
NathvilJe, Teotv, tor publication.
Rev S F Lot. g a bottom,
D McGstattoa. Moderator.
NoT1CE.To , itMMn vr.r Vet-rins.
: . ,
f All War eteran are reqttested to call Oct
' o nd make application for Land Warrant.
as. .s... v-
v . .is 11 t .rc w su tr vrinj . ittvi. e.'BV a lami tr
j nnlrvl SUCCC5fuI. c g-t lJTOl an-
narlicuiars. f re.
tshtloh's Cvie. the great coagh sad creep
, for by bs. . t'owket ias coo
t went) -ate drawa, Italy St CuMrs love it.
Ftnha v A Mason.
The teed is planted
when yon feel "run-down" aad
"nsod-up." Malarial, typhoid or
bilious fevers spring from it all
sorts of diseases. Don't take any
risk. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery invigorates tha system
and repels disease. It starts the
torpid liver into healthful action,
purifies and enriches the blood, and
restores health and vigor. As aa
appetizing, restorative tonic, it seta
at work all the processes of diges
tion and nutrition, and builds sp
flesh and strength. For all diseases
that come from a disordered liver
and impure blood, skin, scalp and
scrofulous affections, it's the onlv
remedy that's guaranteed. If ft
doesn't benefit or core in every
case, yon have your money back.
Yon pay only for the good yon
The worst cases yield to ths
mild, soothing, cleansing and heal
ing properties of Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Tcaimaulw TH. a ' w-l, .- eKu rtwinriA.
tors can', and do, promise to pay
fw ior a case Ot tatarro m use
Head which they cannot oare.
The success of this Great Cough Cur lt
without a parallel in th his'ory of medicine
Alt dnigTrista-Stre authorised .0 sell it on a pot
Hive guarantee, ft test that no other cure era
aucccssfally stand. That tt may becotae
known, the Proprietors, at an enormous e.v
potie, are placing a Sample Bottle Free Into
every heme in the United States and Canada,
tf voit have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bron
chitis, us it, for It will core you. If H
chiUI has theCreup. or Whooping Cough.
tt promptly, and relief Is eare. If you dieai
that insidious disease Consumption, use tt
Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CITUS,
Price 10 eta., sects, andtl.00. it your Lungs
are sore or Back lame, use Saitoh's Poron
Plaster. Price 36 eta. For sale by all Drn
lints and D
lady of Perpetual Help
aaat sees rsorrrs raura-
1 H7-00 14.63 61.r3
2 40 00 11.50 51.50
3 38 OC 9.28 45.28
14 3600 &42 442
!6 27 J .fe 33 22
j 6 24.00 5-29 20 2a
!7 1800 3.22 21 22
8 1200 2.22 1422
9 6.00 .55 6 55
mVt(. i r
Sores All Over Her Body. Suffering
Kndless. Doctor I'seless. Cured
In 4 Weeks by Cutlcunt.
Tour most valuable Ceru xiu Ilsarcntzs bav
done my little alrl so much Kood that I fee! like
earing this lor tin, bear fit of mose erbo are trosMest
with akin dlapeecs. fU. wsa trootittd wits itchtnf.
"vrmui ..--.. ,.. ..( a
to.. a ber to tho dor tor
IS first tiro. It ssSM ft
tv Italian iurli, : i..l c-id
he would re re sr in two
vi-eks. When ilj two
weeks were op. be called
It . n. .. end to litat
time she was worse then
tie'ere. lie doctored Lcr
for lareenMktlM.acd she
was so bod that Wtf did
no, anew whet to do.
tlr. did t t do ber say
ftood. 1 saw the bdvsr
!:. rreot of CrTxrSa
UkmedixsuUk! (xOv-r, : nd l-.IJte my srlfe. 'Itm
nng to try lira. tt:j- v U-tl a. ate wa so
Uiiek with sore th -.t v; h 1 Vj soak b-r 1 r.tbea to
take tbettt oS. Itcl r.raso erJ Is It- Eho
bad It all over Her tKH... Ii s, f C, m oe-twp-.nherflnpfrrs.
f-hsdHl : h re W 1 he-hind.
jfst Sfssr tstliss jwsr Crete a Baxi
weeks tt itch , rd. tdt-if
were all so- I iu ij-r swrra.t
thaa pteaacd v- 1 j,-ar
jfaer sptedlir i-.rtl tt.T d -' - : '
; far ttjo
Jss tho sore
I nn rcorc
tgrtttoste, .
if ybady
i.'jS thtie
euiy, i'a.
aaks me ebout jo.r id- . I
wherever I go. " ." . f " ' '
(JouabobocU. ..XL. IS
Wliy Suffer Qii$ Kcmortt
From turturlB srA i:lr. l 1 t
'.. -.:.--: . ' ''
I attics 111, iu tie grcst raaj- ..ijr c
I lrutint ruBef ia ths ticrt i51.01r.BS at i'cnin.
," scaly, cru-ul. Usd; , . as.j "yji.,
si.!o . i blood c f-T.t'f, v :a los 01 a.-;.
polat l . a speedy, leiiart,
ss ssssstari 1 iOT.
6o!d everywhere, prtrc r 7.1TU, -3e.; Foir.
.; Uceos-sasTT. 81. i-rttrd lr tee Forrxat
Dace AMD CSIXICAL CBJ-.,i!TIO. Uoetos.
Cr " How to Care Skis D eeseee." pages,
Uloatration. asd t.etisaottiaia, mailed free.
BIDVC Bkm ad Scalp t riord 5 beaonfled
MSI U byCcrtcca- Boar. AtaH:t.:y pare.
Of fiscal ir taste stir rv Sired by '-hat
siew. eiesaet, -. 1 .nfa'.U. Aottdotet
run. Inaammaisori. asd VIV.we, toe
C out ura Anti-1 la inssUrr. j ,
Guaranteed to cure BUioca
Back Bedaebo and
each bottle.
Picture T." t-O sianle t
J. f. SJIOi A CO., Frtjf.asrs,
Rwevwoataarrhr TrTtBeBsrly. hi
seBetesas Cttswyoo. "rf,IB;
gUloh'B RewdieB are sotd by us on s
83 SHOE wdf'ViP.
. L. Dougl as Shcs.wt-oh
hsmvsOnai ths tyaosta atV
L. Deatrlas, Brwcktass,
R. BJLA1 N'.
and Ooea ste Ti sal sa ss.
BASsassaaastB la.11
s r ub Oare rot " ' '- ir il Waal or JBasa.
ne IfcariBr, Chroaie, Heeenl er Hsredtaarr PBee, and
wave a pta fctsssat to the zesseral hearth
as a arw care 1 ss in 1 aaa ae oeeratMa
with to tode BBtaewBBwyharatsr. Thas raasaty
saet saner Baas kaxxra to tal. SI ear hex. S far ss e
seof.jnsaU. wey softer fr 11 laatlnlkh dsseass
waaa a wrttlaa f-au-actee is rawidvatv atssst with a
hDssssaB reread th as owe r it ao cstrd. Send staasB
orrreeSampea. OsttBsata issued By
snuu ts a ass ut- AD(i Booksellers
Aim.ta for John B. AldenV pubfeatJoae.
-ales, we sell st pubUsker's price with
-:- of;-
Baby :-: Buggies
best'assrrtment ever brought to Albsfj
just received at
StevVt Sox's.
m and 6ft friffs
Cot itipatisB. sum
Price 25c- For sale try
C e-r-e C uu s n ! ji 1 1 . C oes, Crocs., Sot
nraat, Soldbv aaPraxsstaCiisissiWii
For Lease Sedr, BarA or t-fcest Siauaasa . rwroo.
Pleaxex will e p sarmfai line sj cents.
tar S fli 1 1 1 I a all 11 a
aT-T-ke o
axaaa. ScUbr
BbbssbsbBb Si aw
in Box aad Pills
I J A CbbbbsIbc. Bs-stsxtt.
s3 Hrlttroubledwtth GonorrhoatV
WHfortD; uanatnral CtKhrnskaai
BHrour drtassriat sat a bottia si
0HHa. It core in few days
withc-u t the a: .i or 03 Widtv oca
ref doctor. Noo posse Doos sad
Mr.'-aractee,! cot to strict-.: ra.
rw fnv-I Jmrriem tar.
tK tttt Manufactored br aaBBBBBBJ
Qt LTb Kvaaa QaSBkal Co.! j I
.: ClNCINNATt, o. jSk f