Eights "The - Bemoi'ci'at" One Tear for Only $2.00. fmorra "State Rights Democrat" The Best Paper in the Valley, osrx.' vol xxvm. ALL THE SAME, ALWAYS. si SPRAINS. Mt. Pleasaitt, Texas, Juno , 1888. Suffered 8 months with strain of back ; conld not walk straight; used two bottles of St. Jacobs Oil, was cored. No pain in 18 months. M. J. WALLACE. A PROMPT AND Buy. stoves and Rangeslol Matthews & Washburr Buy Stoves and Ranges of Matthews ft Washburn Buy Stoves and Rangesnl Matthews & Washbr Buy Stoves anil Ranges of Bay Stores and Ranges CARPET DEPARTMENT. lOTKLL DTOCKEO WITH THE CHOICEST MATTINGS- OIL DRAPERIES CARPETS OF THIS SEASON'S NOVELTIES AND PRICES MOWED THIS MET Samuel E. Young WE ADVERTISE- TO INCREASE- Our business We have the stock to fill orders and the facilities and reputation of giving a buyer his money 'a worth. We treat our patrons in a way that makes them our friends. This may catch some one who has not writ ten te, us when they have work to place . To these let us remind not to neglect us, as we may do yon good , We are quoting special price these close times SMILEY. THE LEADING PRINTER, Flina Block, Albahy, Ob. Lie Oregon tVItn its home SALEM - - In the Gray block, corner Liberty and MA.KES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tract near Salem Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per ere small cash payment lorig time on balance t Rupture, .Asthma and Piles Dr's Shimp & I looser, Specialists In the treatment of all forms 01 Chrpnlc, Catari hal, Nervous an female Diseases . Twenty (SO) Year Experience in MeJioioe. 8arry an I Kleotrl city curable eases Gusrun.ea 1. Offloo 259 Comrnerslsl Street, Salem. Oregon vrB reiftmu. s""N . , S7? Cabinet ii i I -wr -mmmmmmmw t 5x8 and sterescaplc THE EiEADIHfU FHOTOOKAPHEBM, Albaar,9reEOB. SEEDS Vll 1 UIXJlMJ UUJJ17 Wis r I I U II I I 1 1 IM', I 111! Portland, Or. Or- SEND FOR Entered at the OSSce BRUISES. PmsBtwi, Fa., 802Wylie Are., Jan. 30,'87 One of my workman foil from a ladder, he sprained and braised his arm very badly. He used St. Jacobs Oil and was cured in four days. FRANZ X. GGELZ. im PERMANENT CURE. Matthews & Washburn. at Matthews & f titan CLOTHS. nnnm i Tvjn LINOLEUMS. uUHlAlnO 1 Land Co office si - OlfclUQ-OISrs State ttreet, branch office In Pnrtla-iu Bee and Poultry SUPPLIES . m H MT 7eja, nnvi W TREES. CATALOGUE. IKS at Albnnjr. Or., M second-Mass Hall Matter' Around Lebanon. A lady from Al bany will open a millinery store In Lebanon. J W Bishop of Hamilton Creek called Wednesday. Mr Bishop informed u that a fatal horse disease Is prevalent in his neigh- borhood, he having lost two, three of his neighbors have each lost oat, ami a good many more horses are sick, J R Smith met with 1 painful accident Thurs day of last week . He was taking wood out of the Albany canal, at his borne near Spl cer, and while pulling out a long pole he fell backward over a timber, breaking a rib. The fracture is very troublesome , but he will doubtless soon recover. Robert Montague met with a very dis tressing accident last Friday munrng. While feeding the cow, the animal lalsed up her head and ran one of her hotna into one of bis nostrils, tearing it out a little wajs. The wound bled almost lour davs and caused much suffering, but it is thought the young man will soon be all right. Mr Osborne lost his left eye as a result of a distressing accident a little over a mooih since. While gumming a ssw st the foundry the emory wheel b-irsted and s piece struck him in the face, cutting a gash from the mouth to the forehead Mr Osborne alto broke his wrist In falling, which baa now knit together. The city council met in special session Tuesday evening to hear a proposition from Messrs. Rawlings and Dubrille to provide the city with a fire service. If the city will pay far 15 hydrants at $3 Pr month each, or twelve hydrants at $3.25 per month, the gentlemen will put in water works. Th council took the matter under advisement Advance. v A Sharp Trick. General Com peon is accredited with securing two appropria tions for the Oregon National Guard at the hands of this legislature. The Qul lixson bill giving them 140,000 baa pa seed both houses over the governor's veto. The Ford bill to give the National Guard $60,000 in lien of the mill tax also passed both houses. That gives the state militia a cool hundred thousand to operate with the coming two years. The governor cannot well veto the Ford bill without restoring the mill tax of both the militia and State University, and adding considerably to what they will now receive- When the matter came before the House of paesing the Gnlhx aon bill over the veto Ford denounced it as being in bad faith and an outrage on the tax payers of this state. Journal Ford waa right. Such kind of legislation is very disgraceful and not at all credita ble to anybody concerned. Oi r Mkmsbrs Ths Salem Journal publishes a flash light of the members of the state legislature, in which the Linn county members get the following good notices: Weatherford, an excellent raasoner, logical debater and commands the es teem of a'l his col leagues . Jeff Meyers' genial nature and strict attention to business renders him a con spicuous figure, an intelligent law maker and the !ady's man of the senate Miller, gallant, dashing, always happy j-aud timely in his remarks and nsver bores. Elevens, quiet, dignified, chuck full of good fellowship and common sense. Elmore, sagacious, silent, plenty of brains and knows how to use them. The New Omcxes. The first set ot officers of Lincoln county, according to the slate agreed npou by the men instru mental in securing the passage of the bill, and as will probably be appointed by Governor Pennoyer are as follows : D P Bine, peoples party, of Toledo, county judge. Lee Wade, democrat, or Geo Landis, peoples party, probably former, sheriff. Ben Jonee, of Toledo, clerk. Sam Case, Allen Parker and J O Stearns, probably two former, for county commissioners. A O Crogstad, republican, of Toledo, county treasurer. s Geo Bthera, school srperintendent. Ted Pai ker or Geo Landis, assessor. Dr Rich, coroner. Keep Youb Sigh Oct. The great Peter Cooper is credited with the follow ing rare bit of common sense: "In all towns where a newspaper is published every man should advertise, even if nothing more than a card telling his name and tbe business in which hs is in It not only pays tbe advertiser, but lets the people at a distance kite that the town you reside m has a prosperous eiass ot business men - As ths seed are sown so it recompenses. Never pnll down tne sign 11 you intend to do bast ness, for it often indicates that your grip, commercially, is broken. The Judicious advertiser will receive $10 for every one invested in toe columns 01 a local news paper." Already tbe Woolen Mill at Dallas is in trouble. It is a fine thing for a city to nave a woolen mm, but 11 takes bust ness men to run oas successfully- Tbe Transcript says: Tbe stockholders of tbe woolen Manufacturing Company met at tne court bouse Thursday altar noon. After some discussion thev de cided to make an effort to raise sufficient money to save the mill frotx sale and put things in proper shape to start ths concern. Accordingly a crmmittee was appointed to solicit subscriptions to the capital stock ot tbe company. Most or Them. A great deal has been said about the large number of candidates tor ra'iroad commissioner The following Is probably about the complete Hat. aa given by a capital paper: r rom Eastern Oregon : A N Hamilton. C M Donaldson, Louis Cook, J W Nerval, a o our rougns ana possibly tjol J a Eddy. From the central oortlon of the state: Robert Clow, David Holmes, Judge T L savioson, 0 If cnadwtcs, ol Salem, dem ocrats. Among republicans are C H Cooper, B Geer of Marion, Dawson and Blackburn of Linn, Cass Barlow of Clackamas. las Wheeler. Portland. Mo Crum of Yamhill, Robt fjrossan, Salem . Ftom Southern Oregon: Republicans, Geo W Col vl, Sol Abrahams. Democrats: General Compson, Klamath; Pres Sheri. dan of the Coos bay railroad; Henry Kllppel, Jackson. Spread Himself. The Washington orator hss a competitor In young Wilk inson 01 Lane, ine pilot bill was up. Herds the account of bis speech: fn florid rhetoric he maintained that when a storm was on the deep and the waves were lashed into foam, the ship rolling in the trough of the sea and life and property In danger, the place for pilot commissioners is not at Portland but at Astoria, where they could direct the movements of pilot uuau ana sena tne pilots out on their mission of mercy to'distressed seamen. A Haed Time The Astoria Budget savs: Oamblers are having a hard time of it lately. Chased from Portland, they land In Tacoma only to b again forced to wander and seek green fields and pastures new. Like our noble redmen, their sphere is contracting more and more dally and It Is only a matter of time when they will iiaye no auiaing piaoc save cold Alaska. Up there, no doubt they could enjoy a quiet game of freese out. Some Figures. It Is estimated Lincoln county will be republican by about 30 majority, based on the last state election . rretty close, ine to'.ai assessment Is f732,434. The total vote was 753. In the New Benton county, if Blaine is helved, as It may be, the assessable prop erty will be $3,085,761. Lincoln county win nave to be run on fo.ooo to $10,000 to keep tne rate down. A Powder Aocidekt. Yesterday afternoon William Hannibal, residing be tween Albany and Corvallis.was reloading a shell for a shot gun, when it exploded, burning him severely In the face; but not putting out an eye as reported. Mastcn x uavis fixed up the powder burned face Simply Lie. A Minnesota man in the city today said laboring men In that state got i rom 11.50 to S3 a day, and there were no Idle men In the state. If the man Is a representative the state Is full of liars. Laboring men there get ti aday.aad there are more people supported by charity prvpvruvnaiejy mars in uregon. Important to School Interests We publish the following by request : The Oregon State School Journal has been purchased by parties who are organizing a stock company. Its name has been changed to the Western Pedagogue, The State School Journal of Oregon. C Elton Blanchard, a teacher well known on the coast, has accepted the editorship, and the prospects for the paper are better than they have ever been before. Mr Blanch ard is an educator and writer of long ex perience and has called to his support some of the best educsttonal wrlltrs. The new organization has plenty of capital to push the enterrrlss to a success never before attained. The paper should and will without the least doubt receive the hearty support of the teachers and school officials of the state. Under these circumstances the organ will serve the school public to a valuable advantage. The teachers of this county should send in their subscrip tions at once. The March Issue, the first number under the new management, will be inalied the last week of 1 ebruary . The home of the paper will now be at Its former location, Corvaltis, Oregon, "the Heart of the Willamette Valley, the seat of our Agricultural College. An Extra v ao akt Legislature . The state tax levy has not yet been made. It will be as large or larger than two years ago. About all this legislature did waa to vote appropriations, create offices an impose taxes. Tbe money will be late and slow getting into tbe treasury. But it will be very fast getting out of there. Ths levy will probably be five mills or more. The people ol thie state have positive reason te dread any more ssesions of the legislature like this one The composition of it was good enough , but the influences that organised it and controlled it were promiscuous in the extreme. Journal. In tact Portland run the whole bakery. An Accipext Mr John Morgan, near Shedd has more than his share of acci dents around his farm. Another one occurred this week. His son Orrin was running a chopper, hen in some manner one of hie arms got between the helt and wheel, drawing It in and breaking an arm in two places, then it caueht young Morgan, by the neck and threw bin thirty feet across tbe barn, fortunately not killing him. in fact doing little other damage A Fiorrv Wrra a Coroaa. Elmer Hall, of Gates, ie reported aa having a racket witn an old cougar a anon distance north of that town the Utter part of last week. The moment that be saw the animal he fired his repeater at him, only wounding the fellow, when it started off. baatly pursued by bis dog. At a short distance away he soon heard then elincb and heard the tassel, but on reaching the battle ground be discovered that bis trusty hunter bad been fairly tore to pieces by tbe brute, but there was no cougar in sight, Mi ll City Gazette- Fatal Street Cae Accident , Yes terday afternoon a terrible accident occurred on a street car line at Albina. About 45 were on board a street car.among the number being the graduating class of the Williams avenue school. The car left the track and was dashed to pieces Four were killed, I O Dennis, a carpenter, Bertram Dennis, a boy, James Meaefee, a painter, and an unknown man. A targe number of tbe young people were injured. The conductor and motor man were ar retted, bnt UK are said to be blameless. The Plane School, There are at this time 477 pupils In attendance at the public scbobls, enrolled l.i the different grades as follows: Grade 1, 70; grade J, 56; grade 3, 62; grade 4, 65- grade 5. 6t ; grade 6. 49; evade 7, 49; grade 6. 65. Nlnety-fivr per cent of those in attendance are between the age of 6 and 1 5, about equallv divided between boys and girls. It will be observed that a majority of those attending are In the primary de partment where the ages are less than IS years. The central line of school papula tion Is not far from Lyon ttrectast of the school house. Tally on fob Omsoost. Mr O P Cosbow informs us that he received a Utter from Mr D H Ambrose, who is in Ohio, in which he stated that he did not want any more of Ohio- He said that Oregon was good enough for him, im mediately. This is tbe verdict of every one who has ever left Oregon, no matter in what state thev may have located. Ths weather here during tbe oast week has been just like spring, the sun shining man its brilliance. Brownsville Times. Dtlt Installed. Last evening the new tent of Macabees was duly placed solidly on its tset by tbe installation of its new officers heretofore published. Sixteen Macabees from Brownsville And Lebanon .assisted in ths work of initiat ing tbe members. S3 in all.a remarkably large lodge The event is pionouoced a very satisfactory one, and the members are grtatly pleased with tbe manner in which the Maccabees are run. Tbe charter will be kept open a week longer R R Commissioners. At the republi can caucu- last night McCrum, of Yam hill county. J B Eddy, the Pendleton editor, and Sen Com peon, of Klamath Falls, were selected as railroad commis sioners. They choose tbeir own clerk from tbe members. Tbe board la an entirely new one- Linn county men will learn not to run for office. They generally get leit. Even Mr Miller had it published that be was a resident of Portland, in stead of Albany.it is re ported, so he would stand some chance. A New Grakoe- Yesterday at the school house four milee west of Albany, Deputy R A Irvine organised Riverside Grange with a charter membership of forty-two. Following are amomg the new officers : H M Palmer, master; B R Pendleton, secretary ;Wm C Stell maker, overseer; Y H Caldwell, lecturer , G L heece, assistant steward; W p Small, chaplain ; Jas Dyer, treasurer. A Burglar Around. Wednesday night Mrs Alfred W heeler bearing a noise in her room arose In ber bed and discovered a man with a dark lantern In tbe room , He wore a gray beard, evidently false. Upon seeing ber he ran from the room and bouse. Nothing wss taken. It was not known bow he entered the house. Annual Meeting. Tbe annual meet ing of tbe Union Y P 8 0 E was held last evening at tbe Congregational church. The election of officers resulted in the selection ol Q Propst as President, the Presidents of the different societies as Vice Presidents,and Mies Rhode Hail as Secretary. The legislators and lady clerks returned borne burdened with waste baskets and other spoils of office, they had stolen from the state, though not called by that name. The sight is biennially a very tiresome one, and really makes the whole business look small in tbe eyes of tbe people. Some orange plants may be seen at C E Brownell's with orsnees growina on them. They were shipped from Japan and are certainly curloeitles In this country. A Japanlsa, also shipped with them, adds to tne display. The Man About Town this afternoon counted sixteen horses on the public square in the rain without a blanket over one of them. Mow't mis! Wuo2or Cnc Hundred Dollars regard for any case ut Catarrh that caunot be cured by Ball's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY &. CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known SL J. Cheney lor the last IS years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially ablo to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West ATbuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo.O, Waldisu. Kin.vn AMabvin, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, act ing directly upon tbe blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price Tie. per bottle. Bold by all Druggist. All the Style to go to Mueller's par lors with the ladies and treat them to Coeoaand High T wafers. Served at all hours. ALBANYaOREGON, FR1DA1, FEBRUARY social ao rests onal tucrspav Wm M Hoag, of the Oregon Pacific, was In the city today on his wsy to Eugene. License has been I- sued for the marriage xi Homer Wm Price and Hattle Laura Pickens. Mr and Mis Levi West, of Tacoma, former residents of A Ibany .returned home today. Dr SoAitherland, the N W Insurance man, returned to Albany this noon after an absence cf several months. C A Schmidt.W W Bsker, and Holman of Clackamas county are candidates for the office of State Fowl and Dairy com missioner. Mrs Rowert Brown, and son Robert, went to Portland to dsy In order to have the Utters eyes treated by Portland's leading eye man, Dr Brown. The following delegates have been elected from the Albany Chapter of the Ep worth League to attend the District Convention, which meets at Corvallls February 28th: Misses Maggie Cham bers, Llzxle Starbuck, Arte Huston, May Hideout and Mrs McCbesaey. raiDAV Dr A Greggory Prill, of Sodaville, has been in tbe city today. License has been Issued far the marriage or Bert Reberts sod Luis McBce. Mr Bert Van Cltve will leave for Toledo In a few days te resume charge of the Post, of tbe county seat of Lincoln. L W Deyoe, W E Baker, Grant Fromsn snd W B Barr went to Salem today to assist in organising a state league of sporismea . C J Stewart, of Albany, solicitor for tbe Oregon Pacific, was in town Monday making arrangements with our shippers for a cargo of wheat. Tbe boat will be up the last of the week if the river re mains at its present stage. Courier. Judge G realism, who has been selected aa Secretary of State by President-elect Cleveland, is a cousin of Mr W S Peters, formerly of Albany, and Mrs Governor Pennoyer, of Portland. Another Oregon boy is heard front. The Grants Pass Courier says: Roy K Hackett, twelve year old sea of Jons Hackett of this city woe a prize for best essay oa Columbus in the N V Voice recent! t. Te lad's pic ture adores the columns of the Voice sad the article pitches right into tbe middle o the subject In genuine mode- n reporter style Master Mechanic Hume, has retired from the Oregon Pacific, and Mr Harry Chipman, ot tbe round bouse has been appointed to succeed him Mr Thomas Thomas will have charge of tbe round bouse, and Jack Simpson will ran tbe engine of the peesenger to tbe Bey. Hon 8 A Dawson, ot this conoty, a prominent candidate for railroad cam miesioner.a position he would have filled with credit, returned borne this noon. He has undoubtedly lost faith in the word of legislators . It is reported enough votes were pledged him before the republican caucus to have elected him : but only received 3 in the caucus Tbe truth is th commissioners selected will create general dissatisfaction. There is evidently something shaky in the matter. A SO.VEB WEBDDtG . Yesterday waa the 25th anniversary of the marriage of Mr and Mrs A D Barker. The event was calibrated in tbe evening at their residence near the S. P- depot with a silver wedding, and Mr Barker is now thoroughly converted to free silver. The evening waa sweat in games, thorough sociability and in partaking of a sumptuous wedding repast Tbe happy and live vonng couple were remembered with a fine display of silver ware. Tbe sentiment was general that thev should live to celebrate their golden wedding under as favorable auspices. Those present, besides members of the family, were: Mr and Mrs L C Straiten, Mr and Mrs S Froman. Mr and Mrs Wm Rnmbangh, Mr and Mrs Geo Stimpaoo, Mr and Mrs Al Say lor, Mr and Mrs Frank Purdem, Mr and Mrs G P Warner. Mr and Mrs C F Frock. Mr and Mrs Frank Craw, MraSPordom, Mrs J Stimpeon, Miss Lvdia Rnmbangh, Mies Lillie Pur dom. Miss Emma Smead, the Misse Warner, the Misses DodJer.Meesrs Kee per Van d ran, John Isom.Carv Crawford, Harry Craw and S Galloway. SAirapAr Mrs L Bilyeu sad sou Coke, of Eugene, caste Owe oa the noon train to speed Sab bath with the formers parents Hon and M r R A Irvine. G W Fergey, formerly of Wren Station sad how of Albany, Is lying very low with a complication of typhoid pneumonia aad kidney disease Gazette Tbe Ladies AM Society of the Christian church will give a box social at the church on Friday evening Feb is- An interesting program will te rendered. AH are cor dially invited to attend. Mrs G W Dodder who has been sick for the past 8 weeks has been removed to bet sisters, Mrs A D Barker, where she will be pleased to see any of ber friends who may wish to call. We are informed that there is but little improvement in tbe health of Hon R B Cochran, who was stricksn with paraly sis at bis borne near Co burg a ehort time sines. His right side, arm and leg are paralyzed so that he is completely help less The power of speech is gone, but he is entirely conscious of his surround ings. Eugene Guard. Mary J Babb has commenced suit for absolute divorce against her hnahamd. A J Babb, in tbe Circuit Court of Lane county. They were married July 22nd, 1865, and eleven children are tbe issue of tbe marriage, tbe youngest being 13 years of age. Foo bad they could not compromise matters for tbe remaining few years of tbeir lives. Aaalsaawrtaat BMSrtreaeet To make it apparent to thousands, who think themselves ill, that they are not affect ed with any disease, bat that the system simply needs cleansing, is to bring comfort home to their hearts, as a costive condition i easily cured by using Syrup of Figs. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. a steward or esse Will be. given away for any case of Rheu matism which cannot be cured by Drum mond's Lightning Remedy. The proprie tors do not hide this ober, but print it in bold type on all their circulars, wrappers, printed matter, aad through tbs columns of news papers everywhere. It will work wonders one bottle cari Eg any ordinary osse . If tbe druggist has not got it. he will order it, or it win he sent to any address by express on receipt of price, together with special in st ructions. Drammond Mediums Co., 48 50 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents wanted . When you come to Albany Den t fall to visit Hodges McFarland, The driifrtrlata Ttt.v ,r.v l.iri,. an A choice vtocK of drugs, patent medicines, cit. rrescripuons are always careiuiiy and promptly attended to. It will Pay yeu. A Great Invention. Is the self pouring coffee and tea pots. With them von can pour coffee or tea without turn ing the pots. Wonderful. None of the hundred little Inconveniences of the old fashioned way. Coffee cooks sure snd pure and cannot burn, and tea to perfec tion. You raise the light ltd and the coffee or tea runs from the spout. Ifyou would have the finest thing In the world order ene when Mrs Tslt, the local agent callsfon ou. If yon want somethiug gtol go to Carters war ana gtt one of those tine la, hen?. UHESHAM A DEMOCRAT A dispatch from Chicago says: Judge Walter Q Uretham is tbe central figure in a new political sensation. Judge Hubert Jamieson of Chicago, a personal friend of tbe coming secretary of state, sprung the matter today. The disclosure was elicited by expressions of opinion here that President-elect Cleveland bad not only made a mistake in calling Gresham into his cabinet, but that tbe Judge had violated political decency in accepting tbe office, in the light of the fact that the appcintment might be construed as a reward for desert -inir a nartv thai, had liAnnntd him Judge Jamieson said: "I do not speak from hearsay but from direct personal knowledge. Part of the Pennsylvania delegation to the republican national con vention stopped over iu this city on its wav to MinnAsnnlte Tha Am nf id. :! - .-j . . ui e , , a 1 1 was invited by a prominent member of iu ueiegaiion to meet a number of them at the auditorium. 1 went there and it WiU ftltlainHl In m tht ; l I I , -U1IC I II,. . van 1 a was for Blaine, the contingency of a mi-mo 10 ncinwnt mm uad entered into their calculations. Gresham was their second choice, and they recognized in him elements that might consolidate tbe anti Harrison strength to a greater extant even then Blaine. It occurred to me that it wasn't my funeral, and I laughingly asked what was wanted of me in connection with a national republican convention of any sort. . 1 1 ,Taa00'' 8id "J friend. to ; see Judge ( iresham and find out if he will let us put him in training for the nomination in case it is ascertained that we can win with him and not wi'h Blaine.' " 'You are seeding a democrat on rather a queer mission.' I replied, "but being your friend and a friend of Judge Gresham I will do what I can.' "I found Judge Gresham in his chambers, and bad a conversation with him that lasted over an hour I told him frankly what I had called for and outlined tbe situation aa it had been given to me. The Judge said be appreciated the high com pliment naid him. hnr th nA circumstances could be be considered as a possibility. 1 no not trunk it u possible to defeat Mr Hum, fnr he remarked, 'but even if it were, and the nomination were offered me, I could not, as an honest man, accert if "He then went on and defined his views on the tariff Question. He was in thorough accord with Sir Cleveland, and came out flat footed tar sasssssi nlnm .-rw, ik. tariff issue.' be said. 'I am aa much of a oeraotiax as yon are, and entertaining such candidate of the republican party for presi dent ' There could be no mistaking his mmIIL I. I - . . W l"u'j 11 was csear as ranugnt. The recent marriageof D L Heritage, of Richmond, Indiana, to Miss Mortis brings about a peculiar complication of relation ship. The wife of Representative fohn M Morris j the daughter of Mr Heritage, whose bride ts a sister to Mr Morris. Mr Morris is, therefore, a brother in-law to his father-in-law aad a bother to his motber-ia-law. He basoc-tn-Uw to hss sister, and also s sen-ID law to hit brother-in-law Mr Ueri tsge is s brother-in-law to his daughter, a brother-in-law to h son-in-law aad an saclc te h s grandchild, while Mrs Heritage is s mother in-law to her brother and a sitter-in-la m to ber dasgster in-law , and is aho a graadsrotber to ber niece. The first act in the destruction of the federal ejection law, of which the chief purpose seems to be to support John I Davenport from the public treasury, eras done yesterday by the adoption of aa amendment to the Sundry Civil bill limit ing tbe fees of commissioners in federal election cases to prosecutions where the warrants have been issued on sworn com plaints. This, if it becomes law, will dis courage the heinous arbitrary proceeding? by which the little despot of New York ha thriven. Mr Bou telle was the fit defends) of the old order of things. Congressman elect Coldrier, of Chicago, is in Vienna engaged in ths pleasant task of selecting!seventy pretty girls tor the Austrian village at the world's fair. He intends to get the handsomest girls in Vienna if he can. Their duties will be to sell the leather and metal wares, toys and ornaments and meerschaum aad amber goods which will be manufactured in tbe village. Each girl has to bind herself by a contract drawn with spartan severity to puisne her calling without interruption from the time the fair opens until it is dosed. This is to guard against their falling in love and getting married while the fair lasts. Tbe Kansas Populists sre disposed to hold the nose of the Republican party as hard against the grindstone as the law al lows. If not a little harder. On some accounts this is not entirely commendable, but it may be well enough that Kansas Radicalism should learn how it feels to be tramped on An ordinary photograph mav be made lu minous in the dark by a very simple process, Take white mount, coat it with staicb paste aad sprinkle the paste with luminous powder. This done, make the silver print as trans. parent at possible, by coating the back with castor oil. and affix It to tbe mount. The effect is said te be, quite satisfactory. Judge Allen who was elected United States Senator from Nebraske voted and stumped the Slate of Iowa for Tilden and Hendricks In 1876 but has been a Republican In Ne braska until the Populist party was organ Ued when he became one of its leaders. Some of the cotton mills in South Caroli na earned as high as 4a per cent on their investments last year, and all In all It was the most prosperous year In the history of cotton manufacturing In that State. Mr Fitch was quite right when he told the House yesterday that the Democratic party makes no secret of Its purpose to repeal the Federal Elections law. It mutt go, aad it will go toon, The Empress of Austria lately ordered that 50.000 rose trees should be planted around the statue of Heine, to be erected on her property at Corfu, on a rock over 2000 feet above the level of the sea. Gov McKinley Is butily engaged in paying court to Forsker . He now fully realises that there arc no Republican votes to spare in he Siate of Ohio. Queen Victoria's surname before her marriage was Quel ph. In marrying she, of course, under the common law took the surname of her husband, Prince Albert Wettin. The buttons of the wedding dress of a New York millionaire's daughter, recently married, were made of jewels, and cost $100 each. The total receipts of ths Boston postoffice for 189a were $3,484,686, against $3,270, 686 the previous year. Scales are now made that will weigh the flame of a candle or tbe smallest strand of bair plucked from the eyebrow, 34, 1893 ST1TE XI WA-tHINUTO-v LK1TBK. (Prom out ruruiar correspondent. Washington, Feb IS, 1893. Democrats in congress are far from being pleased with the financial outlook. The house ways and means committee made a favorable report of Representative Bynum's resolution authorizing an investigation of the charge pnbliely made that Secretary Foster has made a deal with certain New York bank ers whereby he was to exchange at par for gold $50,000,000 ef U 8 bonds. The fact that New York bankers are seldom philan -thropisti, and that they are known to be furnishing the treasury with nld caused many people to believe this charge; hence the necessity for an investigation. The public wants no secret juggling with tbe finances ef tbe country. It is only fair to Secretary Foster and the present adminis tration to say that they dray the charge of issuing or having promised to issue bonds for gold, ritill it it believed by some that Secretary Foster, who is now in New York, is there to break up tbe deal, because of the proposed investigation. "Silver week ' in the bouse and senate amounted to nothing more substantial than to make its certain taat no silver legisla tion would take place at the present session. It has been repeatedly stated here within tbe last ten days that President elect Cleve land had said he would call an immediate extra session of the next congress if the present failed to take some action that would stop tbe purchase of skiver by the government but now that congress has by votes in both houses given notice of its tenure to take such action no one seems to be certain that an early session will be called, and there appears to be a doubt in t be minds of quite a number of democrats as to whether Mr Cleveland ever authorized those statements. h Mr Harrison s inflnence be strong enough to accomplish it tbe legislation necessary to the annexation of Hawaii is to be rushed through congress. Mr Harrison 1 w . nas decided to tend a mesaage to congress recommending annexation and suggesting the terms to be contained in the legislation To many this appears to be as hasty as was the action of Minister Stevens in establish ing a protectorate, and it is certainly going to be done with much less to excuse it It is assumed to be necessary for this govern meet to endorse the action of Stevens, and that being done what occasion is there for hurrying annexation ? It is well known that so tongas Hawaii is under the protection of the American lag no European govern meat win eure to interfere, mere it a great big nigger concealed somewhere in this Hawaiian wood pile, and his feet will be exposed if there be no undue baste in the matter. Tbe talk of tbe republicans on the floors of eongn-sa aad in private on the penal questten i very different Privately they admit that if to -selling is not done to reduce them the payments will soon bank rapt the country, but on the noon of rrsagiess they bitterly resist every attempt to reduce the amount paid. Tbe boose committee oa appropriations after carefu ojutAoeraticm has recommended some amendments to tbe general pension appro priation bills, now being considered by tbs house, which would if thev became laws save $30,000,000 a year, but the republicans are doing everything in their power to present tie adoption of these amendments -One of the amendments orovides for (rmntf erring tbe pension bureau to the war department and the detail of army officers to manage it which would remove it from politics; others provide for a suspension of pentiens paid to widow who were not married within five years after the dose of the war; to those having a yearly income of $609 or more, and. except in cases of total disability, to alien non residents. The difficulty tbe Panama investigation committee has had in getting witnesses to testify baa caused the suspicion to be gen eral that influences are at work to' prevent the troth being found out. Tbe committee has now gone to New York to see if any thing can be got out of the bankers who disbursed the money. Later they wilt go to Indiana to get ex-Secretary Thompson's statement of what be did to earn his salary of $24,000 a year; also what he knows about other money spent. FEET A RED TO DO sttsiMS W hifo tbe Glob had hopes oi the electisn of a democratic senator tn Nebraska still there is a deal of consolation in the defeat ef a republican and In the election of an Inde pendent. Half a loaf Is better than none, and an independent with democratic senti ments is much mere preferable than a re publican. Tbe outcome la Nebraska is largely a democratic victory. It was demo cratic support that made Judge Allen's elec tion possible, sad Judge Allen, the senator elect was formerly a democrat, and has never lost resyect or affection for his old snd first party. It is certain that Judge Allen gave the democrats assurance that he would co-operate with the democrats la the Senate oa potent issues, hence his election means one more democratic vote in the Senate. This Insures democratic supremacy la the Senate aad harmonizes both branches of tbe national legislature with the administration attcr March 4 For the first time in 30 years the democrats will thus h-ve an opportunity to undue republican legislation, fulfill prom- set made to ihe people and right the wrongs hat have enslaved and pauperized industry and industrial labor. Toat the party wttl be true to its trusts there is no doubt. Tbe democracy hss fought Its wsy into power against greet odds and in spite of monopo lists ami corruptlonists, and having at last reached the point of its ambition there will be no rest of arms until every wrong is right ed, every class law repealed and every sat ellite and spoliator officially dismantled. Council Blufts OVoAr. IT WAS A CORKU1T LEUUbATVRF. In Ibis respect: That nearly a half million dollars ot ap- I propriations were looted out of the public treasury before the legislature ever met Deals were made by which an asylum was given to one pert of the state, a normal school to ano'.her, a jute mill to another, etc and these deals bound men to vote by whole sections, by groups snd counties. Few men were left free from the clutch of boodle in either body to vote upon messures of general interest upon tbctr merit. The W illamette and Columbia rivers were left in the grasp ol transportation monopolist, while members fell under the fatal sway of appropriation boodle. Capital Journal. , In 1733 Pennsylvania made its first issue of a paper currency. It issued in March paper bills of credit to the amount of $60, 1 TTIVV, PiblUkcn and Proprietors: PUMPS ! 1 PUMPS ! PUMPS ! We are general agents for the celebrated Myers Force and Lift Ppmps, also the Rumeey Foice and Li t Pumps. We guarantee these pumps to give perfect satisfaction or no sale. We also guarantee them superior to any other pump in the market. We also carry the largest stock of Farm, Implements and Vehicle to befound in the valley, Give us a call. MITCHELL, LEWIS 4 STAVEK CO. St57 22nd & El las worth st, Albany, Or PATR0NIZE HOM HISTITUTIONS. ; THt FARMERS & MERCHANTS INSURANCE C(i! Alsaay, T 2KAU, President. i l VOW AS, I Cowan, Geo F Simpson. W F Read, J K Wesuhertord, G J OTJTB3CT Ml Solid Eastern Li 'for Infants OsiOTiattsnweSsuapcai&DiialrnBtbat vattauosl U a scperfca- to any praczSjCinB. ':.sau" It A. A arm. 1L P.. til So. Oxford Stv, BrootUj-a, 5. T. -b- oas of Clin r tt so ns'TcmJ am rr-rixs so wrtl taon that K seems a work -imsbju iTJnn totnrWw It. Few are the -iNgewt sanstnas waoao not keep Caatu ss Sew Tort Cr. ksaj Rsaaw 5 jota-r- Ml Bawasastl rAsBtav Julius Gradwohls Bazaar The very latest jnewa is that yon can bay at JULIUS wR A.DWOHLS BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: Arbuekle's Co See, Per Pound Vba. Granulated Sugar $1.00 lbs. Magnolia Sugar White LOO No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon .25 Cane refilled, 5 gallons LOO 6 Gallons Good Pickles.market firm 1 10 20 lbs. No. savon Soap .90 1 Gallon No. 1 Syrup 40 wth coodnot a strict cash More, aad ail goods will be sold for net cash from 1 etS per eat leas than reajnlar pries. afy stock of China ware, fancy goods, ana II lbs desirable sylea of dishes, as well as a geoend assortment of groceries, crock -rv, lamps and fixture is complete. 1 nsaks a speeititv of fine teas, eofleea and tning powder, and always i lease my eastotners, Agen or severs! responsible insurance oompHnie. JlallssS SSrasfwotll. Sauer kraut, Chow chow, Sorghum. Salmon, White fish, Herring, and all -AT C. E. BROWNELL'S, THE GROCER. F0RTM1LLER & IRVING Undertakers WE KEEP constantly on hand a full line of roetalic, cloth and weed caskets as coffins. Also burial robes and suits, InJ brcaccloth, satin, tasl n ne, etc which will be sold at The Lowest Living Profits. EMBALMING anJ lhe proper care of the dead a specialty. K0 EXTRA CH ARC FOR ALBANY. - - MASONIC Mi :so J O WRITS MAX. Secretary Geo F SHe PSKJ", Vies President, D B Uonteith. M Sternberg i W 1 -Stuart. I Writamsa.J as am 1 and Foreign Companies aw Chi Id rer. " For mrral vesca I barr- hi ii uSsil -Wilis anqsaaaaiwrnraoimnasjitr stusu seat it ij is i usi in ss las Etewnr P. Final. XL D, "TlW WlssthrorA - m Street and 7th Ave BewTorkOr, JUas Wntasa. gnass saaeas nasi ptnsnotes Sweet pickles, Dried fruits In large variety. Specialties in Teas and coffes, Fruits, tilings nice, and Embalmers. HEARSE OR SERVICE , TEMPLE, - - OREGON