The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 17, 1893, Image 2

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    Site fcttioTvat.
The receipts for customs at the New York
Custom House last year were $129,552,006,
and increaso of $6009,376-ast bound.
The island of Montserrat surrendered by
the French under Count de Grasso on Feb
22, 1782.
Of all the countries of Europe the Ger
man Empire is believed to have the largest
percentage of inhabitants who are able to
read and write.
In 1870 there were 49 establishments in
the United States for the manufacture of
sewing machines, employing a capital of
about $8,000,000. The total annual pro
duct of tho sewing machine business in the
United States in i870 was probably not less
in value than $20,000,000.
It is estimated that no less than 70,000,
000 Europeans wear wooden shoes. Bass
wood is ordinarily used for the sabots, but
willow is the best material'. Toplar, beech,
walnut and birch are also used.
It is said that Col H B Compson of Lake-
view is said to be Governor FennoyerS
candidate for railroad commissioner. Tread
softly. Governor. Are you quite sure as to
the Col's views on the silver question?
It is said that the best handles of small
tools ire made from the wood of the apple
tree, which is extremely hard when dry,
and possesses a fine grain. Moreover it
does not crack easily after it has been
Speaking of remarkable longevity how's
this : Mrs James Polly, of Green county, Ky .
is one hundred and seven years old and the
mother of fourteen children, cf whom
thirteen are living, the youngest being 59
years old. It pains us to say, on tho
authority of a reliable southern paper, that
every member of the Polly family is an
habitual user of tobacco.
Secretary Foster is now issuing bonds to
secure gold to replenish the gold stock in
the treasury. This means that so straight
ened has the condi'ion of the treasury
become that the secretary has been com
pelledjto use the one hundred millions
reserve fund in order to meet pressing cur
rent expenses and now sells bonds to re
plenish the reserve. Verily the treasury is
bankrupt. Compare the condition of the
treasury now with it condition when
Cleveland turned it over to Harrison and
we readily conclude that the people made
no mistake at the polls last fall.
The New York World ot Saturday says:
"We are able to Mate positively that Judge
Walter Q G realism has accepted the office
of secretary of state lathe cabinet of Presi
dent Cleveland." The World is rarely in
error about such nutters, sa Judge G res
ham may be regarded a a member of
Cleveland's cabinet. The appointment
whother made or not, would be, in many
respects a most excellent one. Of course
there would be the usual objection that he
is too recenta convert to democracy to
receive so important an appointment, but
when compared to the value of his services
in the cabinet, the objection will lose much
of its force. His appointment ought to
please populists as he vat the unanimous
choice of that party for the presidency.
It is somewhat surprising to ste a resogui
ed and intelligent Democratic paper like
tbe Atlanta Constitution favoring the es'.sb-
ishment of a road bureau by Congress. The
The Federal Legislature has notbing to do
with the roads of a State, and the propositi
on should find no toleration among Demo
crats. If the counties or the States cannot
manage such matters without calling on Con
gress local government is a failure. It is
the mission of tbe Democratic party to check
the present tendency to nationalize every
thing, and to bring tbe Federal Gouerament
again within Its constitutional limits. More
thsn a quarter of a century of Republican
rule has done great harm in obliterating the
lines which seperate State from proper Fed
eral authority snd in confuting the minds of
the younger generation on the subject. Let
us restore the old landmarks.
And now they say that the governor,
instead of favoring Col Compson for rail
road commissioner, has actually had a row
with him and that the Col. will not so much
as call at the executive office. The cause of
this trouble has been kept a profound
secret, yet observing ones have but little
difficulty in divining the cause. Hints
have been dropped around the corridors of
the capitol that the doughty Col. is not
emphatically orthodox on the silver ques
tion as measured by his Excellency's stand
aid, and one of those hints, caught up by
the winds of a speech made by a senator in
favor of overriding the governor's veto of
tbe world's fair bill, was wafted right into
the executive chamber when the governor
was overwhelmed with consternation on
the discovery of this awful defect in tbe
political makeup of one of the principal
officers of the much admire! stabs militia.
That the governor will proceed at once to
remove the Col. from the important station
which he is rendered so incompetent and
unworthy to fill by reason of his unsound
ness on the silver question, admiits not of a
doubt. Trie interests of the people of tbe
whole commonwealth are at stake. Just
think of it! Suppose on the5tb day' of next
month the Wall street "Plutocrat." (now
mark that word closely,) should send forth
his edict (mark) declaring the annexation
of Hawaii, and suppose tbe British Lion
should become enraged at such brazen con
duct, and suppose the British man-of-war
Warsprite should sail into Yaquina Bay and
at once begin to batter down the fortifica
tions adjacent to that important seaport,
and suppose tbe ever vigilant and intrepid
governor should order the state militia to
the front to defend our homes and firesides,
headed by Col. Compson, and suppose on
be very eve of a great battle it should be
suddenly dincovere.1 that the Col's views
oa the silver question were not in accord
with those of the governor, who could fore
tell the fearful consequences that would
necessarily follow? Should tho governor
pjruiit the Col to hold his com nission a
week lonffer? Nay, verily. Perish the
thought. No, let the governor act with his'
wonted iihurity. Let the Col. be sent to
tiie retired list with Col. Robert A Miller
when they will each have time and oppor
tunity b reflect upon the condign punish inevitably inflicted upon those who
would hare tne audacity to have views
upon the silver question at variance with
those of hit Excellency the Governor. Why
these two military gentlemen should have
so far forgotten the extent of their duly
and obligation to the governor, tbe duty to
always be In harmony with him on al
questions like the silver question which so
materially affects the efficiency, courage
and devotion of the military force of the
state is beyond our com prehension. Why,
such conduct is but little short of treason
and the governor will receive lhe hearty
plaudits of his loyal people if he shall take
heir heads off a la CTirkson.
Holly, Or. Feb 7th, 1893.
Editors Democrat:
Permit me to take exceptions to your claim
for Dav.d A Wells, as the "Ortatest of Po
litical Sconomitt," in answer of your last
week's editorials. I will tonceds that Mr
Wells ia in the forerrost rank of economic
writers of the day, but lhat he is the "great
est seems to me a very careless statement for
the Dkmoctat to make, considering its fair
ness and freeness from prejudice in its utter
ances, If any may living deserves the title
,t is Henry George , the little printer and
Prophet of San Francisco," as the Duke of
Argyle dubbed him In derision. Before the
advent of Mr George into the circle of Eceno
mic writers, while it was stiil consider
ed the "Dismal Science," Adam Smith. T 3
Mills and Herbert Spencer, of England, and
Prof Sumner, of Yale college, Horace Gree-
ly, Henry C Cary and others of America
were the princes amoug essayists on this
subject. But the coming of George's "Pro
gress and Poverty," in which the "Balance
of Trade," and "Wage Fund." theories were
iterally blown to pieces left all of tfctM
titers who without exception, accepted
these theories, as back numbers in political
There are tens of thousands among the
best thinking people ofthe worlJ, who be
lieve that George has harmonized "Capitol
and Labor," salved tie ''Lbor Problem,
an J reduced political economy to an exact
science, with demonstrations as clear as
Newton's presentment of the "Law of Gravi
tation's. " "Procress and Poverty" appeared
in 1879 3 year ago, and since then he has
written some oalf-doxen other works, all of
them but radiated aatelltes from that central
sun. Since then his work has been t run slat
ed into, German, Dutch, French, Italian
Norwegian, Danish, and I think, Spanish
There can be no doubt to the student, n .
matter whether his sympathies are for or a
gainst his ideas, thai George is exce.-ting a
more powerful influence in moulding the e-
conomic thought of the world than any other
political economist past or prstent. I doubt
whether there ever has been a paratell in
historic 'iraes where a legislative assembly
like the congress of the U S has incorporat
ed a complete work of a living author into its
records and sent It broadcast over the land
by hundreds of thousands of copies. The
highest of compliment was paid to Henry
Gaorge by six prominent Congressmen' pla
cing his famous "Protection or Free Trade,"
afterwards christened in congress "Saint
George,") into the iscor.s as their speeches
The opponents of George's ideas made a
desperate fight against it, sought to have I
eapuned from .the record, and fiailh Bur
rows resolution to that elite t was laid on the
table by a vote of 121 to 71. Thus "Saint
Gex-rge" became a public document, and the
democrats and free traders succeeded in get-
tina- 1.000.012. ranlM of this one congress-
ions edition into circulation b:fore election,
while there is an arranged movement to
place a copy into the hands of every intell
geot voter in the V S before another elect
ion tarns around. This will mean 5 to to
millien copies. The circulation of George's
books are rapidly exceeding the sale of Un-
de Tom a Cabin, wlile an ex-miniiter to
Germany in introducing Mr George at a
recent dinner In New York tald: "We have
with us this evening tne man who is prob
ably more admired, and more fea ed than
any man within the boundaries of the U
S. Every prominent opponent of George's
Ideas who has dartd to attack him ?ublic!y,
from th- nuke nf Arovl. to Herbert Cn.
cer, suffered by loss of thousands, of their
former followers snd hsve grne down in de-
k.i. iwiw. IA. k.e 1,-ri.- .nrt mk .
ty, like tnowflake In a warm too. W hen
you find a par alell to this record yoa will
have found Mr George's equal, when yoa
find a superior you will have found lhe
''Greatest political economist of civilization,"
Yours Sincerely.
Wit E Norrax.
In no part of the country Tiave there been
greater changes in party relationship than
in the cities of New York and Brooklyn
during the last four years, nineteen out of
every twenty changes have been from the
republican to the democratic party. These
two cities are more impregnably democratic
than ever before in their history. Toere
are a number of causes that have led to
these changes. First and foremost is the
fact that the republican policy of high pro
tection is regarded by nearly every one in
those cities as aggresively detrimental to
their interests. Then, again, tbe republi
cans of tbe remainder of the state outside
of the city, as well ai the party of the
whole country have c-ntinnally made war
upon these cities. Resident republicans
were thus compelled to get out of the party
or join with those iio were maaing war
upon the best interest of the city. An
example: The assembly district in which
the O'Brien association bas its head
quarters, gave Mr Harrison 800 majority
four years ago gave Cleveland 2500 major
ity this year. Four years ago this O'Brien
association supported Mr Harrison and
sent a delegation 200 strong to attend his
inauguration. This year a delegation 250
strong go to Washington to take part in
the inauguration of Mr Cleveland. Many
more leaders in the republican party are
putting their houses in order preparatory
to bidding adieu to the party forever.
There are signs that no less a personage
than William Walter Phelps, Harrison's
minister to Germany will soon retire from
republican politics and become a member
of the party of the people the democratic
party. With all these apparently bright
prospects ahead for the detnicratic par'y
their continuance in power iH.fraught with
many doubts. There are rocks and shoals
in the way of the ship of state and it will
require a pilot of rare experience, courage
and foresight to steer clear of these threat
ening obsta lies The interests of the mas9"
es must be the inspiring motive and we
believe M' Cleveland is amply imbued
with this spirit.
Democratic papers all over the state are
handling Governor Pennoyer without gloves
on account of the personal attacks which he
almost daily makes upon President-elect
Cleveland. The matter has been carried ijp
ar by th governor that democratic papers
bave nothing else to do but to strike back,
and this they will continue to do, we sup
pose, as long an the governor pursue this
senseless, childish course. But there is one
thing we believe democratic papers can do
which gives us the white, pleasing side of
the picture, and that is to say, that, taken
ail in all, tbe governor has made a most
excellent chief magistrate of the etate, and,
so far as the' Demociiat is concerned it
has no sufficient cause to regret that it
labored with all its might and iseal to
secure tbe governor's first ant second elec
tion lie lins been a safe, ci.reful economi
cal, painsUikiij governor, all his idiosyn
cracies to the contrary, noiwiih standing.
i" j." fwsaaw.. .!' 'ii
We most earnestly hope that the passage
of the world's fair bill over tbe governor's
veto will not move the governor to resign
as it is reported he would do in case th
legislature took such action. The stale
needs the governor's services the next two
years more than it has ever needed them
(Prom out regular correspondent.
Washington, Feb 6, 1893.
This Is going to he silver week In congress
and conservative democrats will be very
much disappointed if the result is not a
compromise measure that will becomes law,
and settle, at least for a time, the very
troublesome and very Important question.
It has been known ever since congress came
together that President elect Cleveland was
very anxious foi this congress to put a stop
to the purchase ot silver, which he believes
to menace the prosperity ol V-e country. It
was through the efforts of his immediate
friends in the house lhat Thursday and Fri
day of this week have been designated for
the consideration of trie Andrews bill for the
repeal ot the silver law and amending the
nstioaal banking law It is believed that a
sufficient number of democrats in the house
have changed their views on this question to
make the passage of thi bill probable by
the house, but i Is no thought that it can
get through the senate; hence the movement
to effect a compromise that will suspend the
purchase ot Mlver. Senator Hill, who voted
for the present silver law, now holds the
saint opinion about the purchase of ailver
that Mr Cleveland doea and is working to
biing about its suspension. This we. k wll
det e rmine whether a com p cmble,
and if it is n t accomplished an extra session
early in the spring is believed by Mr Cleve
add's closest friends to be inevitable.
It is probable lhat there will be some tariff
legislation t this sesskn after all. The
house ways and means committee favors,
sad there is vtry little opposition anywhere,
to the repeal of lhat clause of the McKlnley
aw which raises the tariff on linen goods
fifty per cent on and after January 1 , 1894. ,
It is admitted by the republicans that this
clause has failed to accomplish what it was
intended to do develop the lintn industry
in the Uolteo States.
Senator Harris, of Tennessee, says that
Judgt Jackson of that state who has been
nominated to tbe vacancy on the supreme
court, although commonly classed as a dem- 000 .000 worthy of property owned b
ocrat, and appointed to his present position 1 m'!,Uon,re nd heretofore non-assessable.
...... . . . ; This enormous sum, even st a per cent,
on the bench ofthe circuit court by MrwiuurnUh $j40000 ,nl,uy " m ,he
Cleveland, is as good a republican as Mr I past the people of Multnomah county have
Harrison. That there will be strong oppo- been robbed of this amount, now the
sition from both sides of the senate to Jack- ' have to pay for protection
son's confirmation is certain, but whether it
will be strong enoagh to defeat him it not
yet apparent. Some republicans will oppose
him because he is classed as a democrat,
others became they had served notice on Mr
Harrison that they would oppose any
nomination he made to the vacancy.
Most of the democrats who
oppose the confirmation do to on principle
i tnej believe the vacancy should have been
j W'1" Mr Cleveland to Gil bat there are
oU,er wbo hl'e opposed to Judge
Jckcn personitl will vote against bis
confirmation because to vote for him would
morally bind them to vote for Mr Harrison's
nomination to the vacancy which hit confir
mation would leave in the circuit cou.t, and
it is coruidcrea certain that a republican
would be nominated. It is creditable to
j JnJe Json mat not one word bas been
"id b7 nybody against bit ability and
personal fitness for tbe honor. Contrary to
I precedent his nomination was referred to a
I committee, and 1: wilt surprise very few
should that committee fail 10 report it back
I to the senate.
Representa.tve Blount, of (ieoigia, chair-
i ofthe House committee on Foreign
affairs, who volontairlv retires from Coo -
i V OB ltte of March, after hsrln. served
""uously therein tor twenty years, was
i tb recipient 00 Sstnrdty of an urrasal and
unexpected compliment from his colleagues
on the floor of tie House. It was while
be diplomatic an I consular Appropriation
bill was under consideration that Mr Blount ,
was bonrred by such phrases as few men
hsve received, from po'u ica, associates as
well as opponents. Among those who made
speeches in honor of the retiriag statesman
were Representative Holman of Indiana;
Hit', Hi,; Bland, of Mo., O'Neill, of Fa,; j
Springer, ol 111.; and McCreary of Ken .No
greater compliment than that paid by Mr
Hitt, when he said "Ia tbe consideration of
public questions Mr Blount bas been s patrr- i
ot and r.ot a partisan,'' has ever been or
ever will be paid a legisUtor.
The Hawaiian commision having present
ed the petition of the government t .ey reo-
resent fot annexation to tbe United States, to
Mr Han ison through the Sec cf Stale, art
now waiting at patiently aa tney may for sa
antwer. Ia spite of the mystery with which
the officials of the State Pepartinent are try
ing to turround the matter there would be
little doubt of the character of the answer
were it not so near he close of Mr Harrison's
term. He unquestionably favors annexati
on, but may, so long as it can hardly be
consummated under hit administration, con
clude lo leave it for Mr Cleveland and tbe
democratic Congress to arrange. This is
certainly what he shou'd de.
Gen Clatkson being asked:
'Wbatofihe future?"
'oh, as tbe French say, the tky will come
blae again to the Republicans. As I have
already said, a majority of the voters of this
nation are Republxans, and with the right
leadership tney will come into tbtir own s
gain. The Democrats did not elect a Demo
cratic President last year. Distat sfied Re
publicans elected fot them a man who is not
a Democrat st least, not of the old type; s
msn who in my judgment Is one of the
strongest men yet developed by any party in
America, the strongest msn that the Demo
cratic party has ever had for popular leader,
ship, and the man who it likely to give tbe
Democracy of the old kind more trouble the
next four yeart thun ar y Republican Presi
dent could possibly have given it. Cleve
land meant all that he said In hit letter of
acceptance in repudiating the reckless plat
form of bis party, and he will bring his
party to the pledges of lhat letter,
oi break it in two trying to do so. He
sees that the old Democracy cannot live to
win Heig for a new Democracy, or a
Democracy superseded or mistered by the
Mugwump creed, lie Intends to give tha
Democratic party a clean lace and a Mug
wump heart. lie has a daring programme,
but lo back him Id it he has more personal
courage snd more iron will than any man
who hat ever been President of this Repub
!c. For where the will of Grant snd Jsck.
son wag tempered by their sense of psrty
loyalty, Cleveland will be Inspired snd
inrdened by. hli Idea of personal superiority.
Clcvtl:n.l's ambition ia clearly to be tbe
founder of anew Democracy,''
A hint thoughtlessly thrown out by a
Maine newspaper that the Govern it of that
S'atc would do well to appoint a Democrat
to the Supreme Court vacancy caused by the
death of Judge V'i gin h s ixcitcd consider
able alarm in th; Repub ican camp. The
bench It solidly Republican, unless Judge
Libbey, win is said o hove voted the Demo
cratic liclee bv mis-ake some yeart ago,
may be calierj a Demociat.
Jtiotte Gretham is within a few weeli of
xty yetrsof ajje. lis is not ir. very ruj
ged health and Is in moderate (.ecuniary
circumstanc s. His place on the bench ft a
life position, and It it. easy to' understand why
he should not want to give U up.
Speaking ol Dr Parkhtmt 's way of c'jating
the devil out of New Yurk, Sam Jones says
It reminds him of the way his dog ran a hog
out of a Georgia cornfield, The dog ran on
A lire stools of pruning shears .nd prun
db h o-a, tbe best made, just received at
Stewart & Sot s. Now is the time to ait
hem .
Orx)uii i E 10 jljy liJ)i.iii t't
ona U lliadriiiioa's.
According to local papsrs the Salem
City council are not dwelling together In
unity enough to attract much attention.
The opposite Is evidenly true.
Oregon will get about $5,000 a year for
public surveys. That is a very insignificant
sum in the' hands of the average civil
engineer. Some of them could hardly
cross a river with that amount.
Walla Walla Statesman: Don't "dun"
anybody on a postal card. A Pendleton
man Is In trouble for dunning a delinquent
on a postal card. The postothec regula
tions forbid the mailing of a postal card
upon which Is written a dun, which most
people don't know.
Edward F Searles, who is enjoying the
Hopkins millions, will build for Bowdotn
college the finest and best equipped struc
ture Tor the study of the sciences that
skill, money and care can provide in mak
ing it superior to any other of Its kind in
the country. That Is the kind of a man
who ought to get somebody's millions.
It is brobable that the only way in which
an appropriation can be secured for the
world's r air will be an Item In the gen
eral appropriation bill. The Governoi
hat been understood to aav that if the
legislature passes the $60,000 appropria- j
lion over nis veio ne win oe lempiea 10
resign. Journal. Why not put It then.
The city of St Petersburg Is preparing
to build a bridge over the Neva to cost
$14,000,000. The plans and specifications
w - , . s-a WT
were drawn by Eiffel, the distinguished
, . . . t . .
French architect and engineer, just sen- i
. . M , , . 1
lenience n- several years imprisonment
as a fraud.
Portland and the sound cities are already
talking about league baseball, and are
figuring Salem in the circuit with Port
land, Seattle and Tacorna. This it the
same gag they worked on us last year,
and It won't succeed a second time. Tney
will have to spring something new if they
expect us to bite. Statesman.
j The Portland Welcome looks at tt this
wav: lhe repeal of the indebtedness
clause Suhiee-rc tn aaamnt nwartv Cl
like common persons.
This Is the last week of the biennial
meeting of the state legislature and lacv
clerks at Salem. Some good bills have
patted, and some poor ones. Most
members have worked hard to serve their
constituents and get a rarre for the ra
te, vet. Linn county has been well repre
tented There are members from a few
counties though who would never have
been heard of but tor the local papers $35
writcupe illustrated.
For the past week or two there hat
been a butter famine In Roseburg, r,ot a
peundol Uht, article being obtainable In
any of the store. It is not the lauit of
the merchants, for they are willing, even
anxious to supply their customers, but the
Vow price ol jo cents per pound does not
seem to justify the cow owners in making
any endue exertions to fill "a long felt
want." It seems queer that the Oregon
butter cow should so neglect her business
in the winter season. Roseburg Plain
dealer. Chili feel chill? towards tbe I S and
will not come to our World e circus.
rerterje Zmnchi xkomskekowlowski
H tbe name of a Buffalo boiler-maker.
The ex queen of the Sandwbich
win please retire
An eminent doctor says gum chewing
injures the health, and makes people
nervous, cross,
... .uHr .uU u-
Pronunciation ia not material ; hot the
Hah - wi-ee, w ith a long i . That ia Web
ster. Licenses have been issued lor the mar
riage of W j Moore and Laura L Ward,
Adolph Eiehman and Elisabeth I'men-
h offer, and Silas E Keeney and Eva
j frinaara.
After kiiiins? a hen the other ilirt
i II? i 1 f , , . , . r. .
' "ana nana woman cat into it.gizzara.
The knife str jck a hard substance which
on inspection turned ont to be a gold
I dollar. Now the wishes the bad let the
ben live for it might bave been laying
j ,2 oM P' Ume. SUtesman
A man cured of tbe drink habit by the
Keeley care, over a year ago, has been ic
tbe city, and the Man About Town's eyes
are very dim, and hie nostrils obstructed .
U he has not gone back completely on
Keeley, a different looking man from ' tive W F Peak, of New Bedford, the hoop
three or four weeks ago The Keeley skirt reformer, is hiirhlv deliehted at the
care loses its effect if a man continrally
piayg with tbe tiger.
Prise fighting seems to increase, with
a lavish and foolish support, unreasona
ble prices being paid for seats. Amcng
those arranged are McMillan agt Hinds,
Ryan agt Dawson, Goddard agt Smith,
Gibbons 'agt Daly and Fitssimmons
agt Hall, with the elate arranged for the
first one in each ease to win, tbe last
the moat doubtful.
8t Valentines day. If Mr Valentine,
there ever was each a man, could be if
present today, he would hang hia head
in ehame on looking at some of tbe die -gusting,
disgraceful pictures labeled
Valentine. The custom it said to have
started in charity. It has degenerated
into venom so far as one kind of Valen
tine is concerned.
Tbe state legialatnre passed the
World's fair bill over the head of Gover
nor Pennoyer. Will tbe $60,000 Le
used, at this late day to give Oregon an
inbition o! sufficient character for the
world to know we have one ; or will it
be squandered by a few n en who want
to enow themselves in the big lake city.
It is to be hoped every cent be honestly
and judiciously expended, in a manner
to confer credit On this state. If cot
there will be music Again, it should
not lie merely a Portland subsidy. There
is a suspicion among some that it will be
managed in a loose jointed way and
about a one hundred dollar show be made
with it.
There is no danger of hoopskirts coin
ing into vogue again. Tbe presa is a
unit in the matter and ii already cart
cataring it in great shape. Any woman
wbo should be so senseless aa to wear
hoopskirts would soon find it so tropical
that she would rejoice when out of
The Oregoniaa aaya the following in
the "slate" that will likely to be suc
cessfu' In the Oregon offices: Collector
internal revenue, Henry Blackmail, of
fleppner ; collector of customs, Portland,
T J Black, Halsey; marshal, Henry
i rady. 'Pendleton ; district attorney, Geo
Noland, Astoria; appraiaer, Pat PoAere,
The butchers of St!em publish the fol'ow-
Ing: Owing to the high price of all kinds of
fsl stock, we the undersigned butchers of
Salem, herebi agree to sell at the fjl lowing
pi ices until further no. Ice:
Loin steak 15c I Mutlon cnopt. . . ia
Round stesk... ujs Mutton legs 12c.
Shoulder stetks.ioc I Mutton shoulder, loc
stand rib roast 12 Ji J Veal hind quar. .15c
rleshyboila 10c Veal forequr,.l2i
Plate beef bollt. .,. 8c Pork chops I2'a
Bilsketb boils.. ..7c Corn beef S and. loc
Beef tongues. . . ia
Great reduction in Animator wind mills
for Dseemhir. Seeithe ssnt, vY W Craw
ford. Remember that F L Darnont does guar
an'. e At, and sews passible or miog rips in
e!o hing bought of his store. Ot eroc ati sold
at cost uutil Cbristmas.
Vsnlrary as I ual
San Francisco, Feb 12. Tho following
reply has been received from Governor
Pennoyer in relation to the question of the
annexation of Hawaii: Tho main bmeflt
to be derived from the annexation of the
Hawaiian islands to the United Stales
would be n closer commercial relationship.
This can be as well secured by tho removal
of tariff restrictions as by annexation . It
is. indeed, quite questionable whether tho
people of tbe islands are competent to main
tain a respectable state gevernmeLt, while
annexation with the purpose of keeping
them in a condition of perpetual territorial
dependency is entirely alien to the spirit of
our constitution.
France la it
New Youk, Feb 12. The sentence of
De Lesseps and the other Panama criminals
is thought severe, and Paris cries out
against the cruelty of condemning to five
years' imprisonment an old 'man, who
iiavinir in other days done great things for
France had more recently robbed her of a
few hundred millions. The real truth is
better expressed in Indon, by the Times:
The sentence 01 ihj u-sseps is a sentence
on I- ranee, nnd the lvnominv noured down I
on that feeble old man is a degradation lor ;
the people who flattered and careered and
glorified him as long as the capital was left
to spend."
Killed While Tebaggaalag
Montreal. Feb 12. A tobogganing "
Party, consisting of Miss Jane Crawford, of
Windsor. Ont, aged 16, her eldest sister. J
Mary Crae ford, and Mr Montgomery, of
."'IIUVUI. "WW A-anaWWaanj aa-utat vsv. v m
Niegres hill,, a verv steep public thorough-
I. " . . T. ' V. i
Montreal, were coasting from iote oes
fare, leading from the mountain
, , 1 ' W , , , , 1
city, last night. Montgomery, who was
steering, lost control of the toboggan which
was going with lightning rapidity, and at
a turn in the road the toboggan ran into a
telegraph pole. Miss Jane Crawford, who
was sitting y& the front of the toboggan, ;
wa dariied head foremost against tbe pole!
and inttantlv killed, her skull Wag terri- i
blv fracture!
' j
Tworor reitala 1
Labkwood, N J. Feb 12. As yet
ranting any one of the portfolios. It is
practically settled, however, that Walter Q
Ureaham has been offered the portfolio of
state and has accepted, and that John G
Carlisle wi l be secretary of the treasury.
These men have admitted enough to re-
move all doubt, so far as they are concerned
A Woaaaa Ceaaaaar
Chicaoo, Feb 12 An application for a
certificate of incorporation for Use Woman's
Insurance Company, of Chicago, wilt bs
forwarded to SprinirSeld tomorrow, with a
i list of prominent men and women as in-
j corporators. The company is capitalized
at tSO.OOO. It is not the purpose of the
company to confine its bosinese to insuring :
the fives of women, but simply to do a life
insurance business without discsiminating
against women.
M Is h Water
Tacona. Wash Feb 12. Tbe precipiU
fioci of moisture since January 26 amount i
j to 8 Mi inches. This is unprecedented, one
seventh of the average of the rainfall of the i
5 ITriW iVd ULsmaL i.e fil-
year saving taiien in 1 days, the riven
that tbe indications point
to a
1 octicued
. rain.
Ctad.loae Arrival.
Loxtxix. Feb I !. Excitement ran hich
today before the opening of tbe boute, tbe
news that Uiadstone was to introduce bis
: borne rule
bill drawuur like a mairnet
From early morning tae scene around the
palace yard at Westminster was of tbe
most animated description. Crowds as
1 1 - : , u . ; 1 . t .1
1 , ,1. . laj 1 1
, Wltb md (be .-r were
1 crow crowded. When tbe door was opened
! tbere was a disorderly roth for seats, the
; members shouting and strovgiiBg like a
: mob of excursionist.
( Bll
Cmatilla. Or, Feb 1 3 Particulars
have just been received of the terrible death
of of Iter Mr W'ocdhail. of '.oldendale.
Wa,h Two weeks ago last Friday he left
: bit borne, intending to go to Arlington on
', buainerr . It is supposed be? lost bis way
in tor Minding storm which was raging at
that time, and rjerisbed in the snow oa the
bank of 'be Columbia river. Tbe
ies during ''the
MS , ,01
man was beard several !imes
night crying. " Mv (rod.'
soon as daylight came. Mr Davidson, the
agent at Blalockv. and others instituted a
careful search for the. but the depth of nw
prevented his being found. When tbe
snow melted away yesterday, however, his
body, partly eaten by coyotes, was found
Win near the place where bis cries had
been beard. The deceased wai about 50
J v
An AsSatta larder:
Astoria, Or. Feb IS. In a scrape in a
i mnese gambling bouse here tonigut. a
! young Chinaman was smashed on the bead
by a fellow countryman with a crowbar.
The injured man will die lerfore morning.
' Hit assailant escaped and the police have
; been scouring the city all night in search
of him.
A Coed sUvc!
LorisviiiE, Ky. Feb 13.-
approbation which the anti-crinoline bill
be introduced in the legislature has been
received. He says hit bold stand bas not
only met with favor among his constituents
but that he has also received many letters
and other expressions of encouragement
from ail the large cities in this and other
A Sewing Machine Trwsii
New Yobs. Feb L'l Representative!
of the several landing sewing machine
companies will attend a conference called
to make an effort lo reduce competition,
which of late years has been cutting the
profits of the manufacturers It it stated
that an attempt will be made at the meet
ing to practically form a truet.
Appropriation Ken are 1
WAsrtiNGTOje, Feb i4. Senators Dolph
and Mitchell are prepared to attack tbe cuts
made in the sundry civil bill for the river
and naroor improvements, especially that
portion mating to tbe Cascade, i ne
house appropriated SI.4i9.'250. and the
senate lias rut tbe sum to SN68.000. Senator
' Dolph thinks be will be able to have the
i full an
amount restored.
Both the method and results when
Syrup 0f Fig. ja taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
fently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures jiabitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy or its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Byrup of Bigs is for sale in 5t
and fl bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
uoumiUM, nr. new rout, n.r.
Having Hot Tine.
'ForEKA, Kan, Feb 14. This afternoon,
by order of the republican house. H C Rich,
clerk of the populist house, was arrested by
the sergeant-at-arins of the republican
house on the charge of contempt of court.
The populittU at once rallied, forcibly re
leased him, and escorted him to the
governor's office. During the conflict two
republicans were knocked down and several
men on each side badly bruised by blows of
fists. Later the republican swore out
warrants befo'e Justice Chesnev, charging
Representative Ryan and Reading Clerk M
Scott with assault and battery. Ryan con
sulted with friends and announced that he
would neither go with the constable nor
vive bond for Ins appearance. The con
stable, finding that an attempt to make the
arresi wtiue such great excitement prevailed
might precipitate serious trouble, made no
attempt to serve the warrants and will not
until tomorrow.
They are Nad :
Cobvali.ib Or. Feb U. The news that
the bill creating the new county of Lincoln
had passed the boute reached here tl.ti
morning. It is claimed that the bill was
brought to its passage at the instigation
ftnd in the interests of a few ottiee hunters
who have been in Salem during most of
tbe present session working for it. The
fact that it ha been favored by all three of
tif, .n Afrailnn in ttiA fs,v it tin.
opposition that has ln brought to bear
against it ly both parties and from all
sections of the county causes general (sur
prise and condemnation. Many prominent j
citizens of both partie feel deeply incanaed j
particularly with tbe action of ifepreeenta
tive Jeffreys.
I war nteaanrrs Selected
La re wood, X J, Feb 14. Cleveland
, I t , ,
oBlejnlly announced the names of four
mfwhaw nf li j fwl.inal k Ew ........ 1..,. 'Tl . ..
members of his cabinet this evening. They
are: waiter u trresnam. ot ltiinnu, secre
tary of state; John G Carlisle, of Kentucky
secretary 01 finance; Daniel s Lament.
New York, secretary of war; WiUon
Bissell, of Buffalo, pottmaster-gercral.
Carwiarr seaiearcd
. ....
.OBy feb. Tf-H, 9T
ner, chief detective of Dr Parkburst 1
society, convicted of attempting to extort
money from Lillie Clifton, inmate of a
' disorder If booae, wu mntenced to two
I 1 A i 1 ; ai a r t
cw uafifu iawr in ine sune t prison uy
Recorder Smith in general tessions this
; . .
Salem, Or Feb 13 Rose, alias Carter,
, ,n Mount ernon. Mo, murderer, has ar
nved safely at tbe scene of his crime. On
hit way to Missouri he confessed to tbe
oflictrs that be was the man wanted.
Sire. Eiuabeth Keeaer
Baltimore. Md.
. ,
K6SCU80 110111 Dfieltll
All Said
Sh Could
Not thro a
.4IU-C and Welt Thank
Hood's Sarnaparilla.
-1 avast praise BooeTs SartaaartFa. for It Is
1 wonderful medicine. I suffered 10 years with
Neuralgia and Dyspepsia
and fnlnring eawlla. feoettne-t I wonts
be alamt stiff with cold penptraUoo. 1 speat
a ereal deal of money far raetflea! attendance,
but 1 did not -1 any benefit nam my dacsftw
ssMantaatnaYnSn s nstnajsntsnafsl I t-tvi
, to take It. I welshed lets than loo So, and was
A Picture of Misery
j Every one who saw me thonabt I eenid aat
i live another ssooth. But I began to tnmrove
St aoee after beetrmms with Hood's SSnua.
nils, and hate cradually ealaed oattt I am now
nerfeetir rarrS. I eat web, sleep well, and
Hood's Sarsaparilla
instead of betas dead now. I am aSve and
i owe auto
Mas Kt.ii.vaam Marwsa,
is East Barney Meet, ITlilssiiii
HOOD'S Plt-t-S are rarer ntibVe
f eelly Karxeueat. always re&aK afefi t. V
Tn i i jo atua ti ci remans nj
Jo ! leie SWaa "I? lift ere
I tlfl oei tttott -arWl-a4 1
tSaeStl r ..!..tir.-r,i "Via 1 -5-r
j ll;o m- iU t: SBtiftaa ii ffS
:TV.. I
. a i in peuie zo i ei -f: u e-
Tlid U3A11 ANI1
n da en 1 1 1 ti tt nan aq ttnn ewiw
F -n oi tUnwAwai imx j.i -aS n
js uacnrcm e sufmjrat em jcj
Tne- mccca of this Great Cough Cor !
withcot a parallel in the htory of
An dmniata are authorised oselliton apcu
Itlve cnaraatee. a lest lhat no other cn-e era
..1. v aland. That it may becoia-
knrrn, the I'MtnjntefS, at an enormous ex
pense, are piscine a Sample Bottle Free into
every l-nie In the United Stain snd Canada.
I vou have s Coneh, Sore Throat, or ltron
chilis use It. fcr it will cure yen. If yo.i
child bas the Cm- : or Whocpina-Conah. ip
it promptly, and relief is snre. If youdtca
that insidiona disease Const rapt ton. use it.
Ask voir Drueaist for SHILOH'S CCRK,
Trice 10 tti.. rocts. s.iiitl.00. Ifvoor Lung
are tore or Back taStS, ne Saitoh's Poron
Plaster. Price Mcu. For sale by all rra
(iats and Oee'-en
48 sold in '88
2.288 sold In '89
6,268 sold In '90
80,049 sold in '91
will oe sold in 'Q2
A Stool Windmill and Stent
Tower every 3 minutes
Cj ' Those figures tell the
otory of trie ever-growing,
ever -going, everlasvng
Steel Aermoter. Where
one. goes others follow.
Tine, trie countre."
fseeteM.ewmeaaaMWAk' ui el
Ika aVa Inwui la Si. OrAeea dtaa
esllvdf vrkstor tUnl. but sow e tare
r seily iKifuel ar t'leal sd4 sit t-rrrer4
aeenptijrra plsal or lsrM la tverj
ksblMbb rutlos r OMCtokc.
An tmi earloua to Ir... Law Ihe aar-
motorCo. larJMsib ?tfotiuiie-
n w uii man times aa
many: windmills as nil other
makers combined? aa
cum to awnsts tae sioel Vteel.
(So SSmI riti Twver.tat steel
iikids lowrrr
bitb tliers Sal beett so lotproro- a
wtl br nar. sa4 la vbWb
11. ve fronmonced is a aeld ta a
mod no leleot or utl
w.wi, nvi.riiiiin (.Q.MOa
eiODl ia nolo imitation H
or our inventions. 2
Bnnufciurv.vibUe tt'ko- Q m
tltVo 1 iirriir i (t.m aewanawl. " J
menu w: siJ tj aklll,! S j
eKhiutJen.laT.ta vhlch 5- j
OTtr 5.000 Ojnawaincliifl n
mi ftirnis of vfatvti, r,rar ;
timm Baas oa u aiotf.
MKJ tU0cll-it(ItBt-refWf, :
VavltWa fiaA, which atMtiesi
dcOhlt. mot quaUo I
relating to ttft urea eoeed .
beeM form. aula, curt at are ind ajKuraBt of sail :
. the iilsUuiM of air to rotation, obstruction to. ihs I
woeei, iM u Bvy wooara imi. ocetmcuou oejuw im
rWol, m im U vwielow mill, act macT other nor th- j
trvsM, thotiih Mi lew importtvat qutailons. Theee
proved that the power of I
ffheete could be doubled, K
UrtHJ ortwnfliniM mm
s tbe Bpeewl it eest I
Hi rvroieti tae most perfect bearings a i
Mia awWolll. tui See. mats aa exhaustive re- 5 i
eraion oe tow sermoror ana t ot
itire"ui .
want tbe tower
Ikat opele ron lell (hi
ITbo Hloot aonaobarS o
... w'ood ii.l himnZh .Maeeeei uZ. -J!23
one stlWi, wrilo lor corloo4,UIMrilol prUtcJ ett-t", ?i
asa'vwt u" W0" jjl4nui eoatWHUe- 5 8
mwjHravA wa
tt 5rw
mm. m.
18? m
n st t i at
SI' lrliW rtVi'f 1
af akatLui
nu iiinnmv wee
M To tbe liberal policy or th. awwetee Co., last naraa
tntjUe ssase eaitireitwjr n t tjtkii betkaus. aat
S9 tbeeeeeneas eaipat ol lie ttotorr atua enable. It u fur -alea
IkebaHsnlawat imi tbaa tin aeraia mm fee. ta
it no a ueen none.
Weak and
Weary Mothers
1 Raise
Puny, Pit-idling
Sulphur Bitters
Will make them
Strong, hearty
And healthy.
Send S 2-eent ttarara to A. I. Ordwie & Co
Boston, Mass., for but i&edkal work poMisbed
sorrre roa-
"TOSE t SeS- rtAXOS,
flfllf na- .
& tiRBvrr ;
Wr u tat Cs'alamat ad Meet natare
Carabtee; eC. Irs- fVu i s! Uni
taali tatVnmiMt. Bka aat Mine oi E
XewBarae sad -trS- a; Hiii.k Xee&ea.
OJ aas iUyu 1st ail Marnlsntc
i. I- MN.L. -
w Bwiilwa PAWf Sptttarlfs
For sale b F. M.
FRENCH, the lew e'er.
Notice to
NOTICE is hercbv
; aeuty win meet the 'ax-pa
county, Oregon, a: 9 o'clock a m and re
I mala until 4 o'clock p as, at their retpec
i live places of voting i'i the several pre
j cinctt. nt the following times and places,
j for ihe purpose of collecting lhe taxes for
: the vear 1S9J:
5he!bum, Mo.idav. Feitrtiarv 17,1593
Reck Creek,Tutlav,Februarv iS, 1S93
Fox Valley, WeeineVjav, March 1, 1S93
i Jordan, Thursday, March 2. 1S93.
Scio, Friday, March 3. 1S93.
Franklin Butte.Saturday. March 4,1893.
1 North Lebanon.Moudaw, March (i,'iS93
Santiam. Mondav. March 6. iSot
South Le'asnon.Tueadav, March 7, iSq-i
I .ivaicrioo, 1 iicsaav, Aiarcn 7, iSj3
Sodaville, vVcdnesdav, March t, 1S93.
Sweet Home, Thurseiav, March 9. 1S93.
Crawfordsviile, Friday", March 10, 1S93.
N Browntvillcaturday.March it.iMj.
3 Brownsville. Saturdav. March n.iSot
C Brownsville,Mondav, March 13, 1S93
I'rice, Monday, March 13. 1S93.
N liarrisburg, Tuesday, March 14,1893.
S Harrisburg, Tuesdav, Mtrch 14. 1S93.
Halter, Wednesday. March ij, 1893.
Stvcdd, Thursdav, Msrch 16, 1S93.
langer.t, rnday. March 17, 1S93.
Orleans, Saturday, March iS. 1S93.
Syracue, Saturday. March iS, ltt.
West Albany, Monday, March jo, 1S93.
Center Albany, Mondav. March 20,iS93.
Albany, Tuesday, March si, 1S93.
Eatt Albany Tuesdav, March at, 1S93.
Pay vour taxet promptly and bv to do
ing you will have no delinquent costs to
SheriB and Tax Collector.
Dated February 10th, 1S93.
T OS l Fireman's lantern Tho
i tern belonulna to tlie r ffice ofthe
v tit-t, ' 1 iiic : . L .1 -i v
Fire Deperunnnt has been n-isplacad and
any Information concerning the saaii,
i..i. ni.1.1 r 1
willbe lhaiUfulIv hv t!, ana.
See' a F D,
1 V A NTSD Pushing Car-vsRser of
? T good addrrsa. Liberal salary and
if.VT nVT.? vM'wt aeM Posl -
i'Vi. rV-
OR SA LI -Firte Imrortrd standard
t Mi'tM'tf Stallion. KSw
."""". e iiis r.ear itstoibs. In fine
condilitn. Ptrca MC0. Address D L
Richards, Yew Park, Salein-
uk ftAi.K A Domeelio sewing
A. i ;i . utnriy
I'. W ik aal '
nieuts. for sale rrr frs. Call at Mm Rav '
rnonda,,tn ano Thutston streets Albnv
FOR RENT.--The store building on
try premises on Brcadaibm stroct.
suitable fcr rnsldoe for smal family.
. ateam laundry for sale,
A model
- Rnotlew l
wash dopartment 50 per dat; for a
hnndf, located in Central Albaiiv.ou Snd
and Montgomery- street, I wish to en
gtgej in other bu8lnea. Will sell cheap
J 1 SMITH- Proprietor
ArebitetU and Coulrttetor.
Leave ordjra with Hulburt Bios,, Baal
Estate tt.,ei:-.
r i t! ? a'ov?' f, -r ivt . a-v c
t ir CiJst.vcncM vo caeiic! -mre wilt v
i.iv-rIi.K ultra x). 4irw!tw-
t with. They are furt-ly .-. f.a -. -r
ie tvaUsfmctiwi. : Larvo
. tl , Mtr o( wmutt
'julu muafactarvd ani
l I II III 111 1 fV f m
In tU Circuit Court of the Slate oj Oreaon
for the County of Lane.
Cbarloa T Craft, Henry Cyrnt
and i H Peety, Pfaln'ffT,
Jacob tderwood and Y. ;
mlra Ledgerwood, hia wife,
O L Campbell nnd A A Camp
bel, hia wife, Defendants.
To Jacob Ledger wood. Elmira Ledger
wood, i L Campbell and 4 A Camp
bell, the above named Defendants.
Ore -on, you sad each of you are
herehv required to awar and answ.r
th eoWakt of the above DlalntitT. In ;
tho above entitled on fi'e with
j tho clei V of said court, try tbe first day of
j tba next regular term of said eoart fol
lowing t in expiration cf tbe tisne
pwribed In the o der of publication
hereo'. lowis,
Mannar. Use 13th Uj al nareb, M . 1SSK.
and you are -eieby notified that if you
ran u spimr ana ans wer aia complaint
as hereby required, toe plaintiffs wi'l
apply 1 1 the court '01 the relief prayed
for towit: for a doc -ee foreclosing tbe
mortgage of tbe p'.aintl ffs in th s compl aint
mentioned and directing tba sale of tbe
real property described therein as follows
town, j ne oai,t baft or tbe donation land
claim Of William ('inn mwA U A
; Cyras, bta wife, being Not 533 in sc 1
; and 3, t 10, 8 K 1 Wait, and hoc 4 and ;
Ji,ip ivtDdii.sKlMst, L,lnn cooot,
1 Oregon; also ibe wet half of the donation
lonu ..i.iiii v 11 i.jtuii ana Jttrv Ann
yrun, being Not 53S. seen 1 and aa. in
and 11, S K 1 West, Linn eonatr .Oregon-
101 s iu ec 1 ip ii a k 1 we); lot t and I
?!J .H, ' 1-? L"6 LiU?, C?"nty;
b taciDiricu conation lan 1 esfswa east aaU 1
north of Crabtree creak In aas 1. to II. S !
, K 1 weat.Unn ecunty.uregou, containing
. 80 acre.; also lots 3 snd 4, of toe . tp 11,
SBlEaat. coot Jnlng 31.67 acret; all of
; tbe Andrew j j a roes and wire 1 onation
' land claim, situate in aac 6, tp II, H R I
1-.n'.. Linn county, Oragon, excepting
therefrom 123 acres off ofthe east side of
ibe last described Irar-t, eontainmg
acre; lot No 1 of see 31 tp 10 .SRI East
of the '.Viliaa&elte Meridian, containinc
ZS 57 acres Beginntna' ou the west
boundary ilne of tbe city of Scio IJSe
i chain 1 south and 6 32 chains east of tbe
cr.rthwest center of tfce nortbeaat q aarte r
! of section IS In tp 10 3 R 1 wee, and
running thence wee'. 197$ chains to a
i poiit 15 feet east cf ihe center of the
niliroad trade, thence south 3 degree.
west para. lei with the ssi ' railr.-ad track
: 2 39 chains, : bonce south S3 degrees east
' 4 2o chains, tbenee east 12.51 cbsmt to m
point 2 30 chains west of tbe west boon,
i dtry lse nf the city officio, thence north
3.15 cbior,tbeace east 3.30 chains. thence
north 2 til chains to tbe place of begin
bing.ontainingi0.50 anea. Beginning
10 chains north and 16.05 chains east of the
a q lb a est earner of section 17. tp 10, S B 1
sat cf tba Willamette Meridian, Lion
county, Oregon i running thecce north to.S-S
chains to tbe center of the. coanty road,
j thence north b5 degree, east along said
coorKy road 17.75 chains, theaee semthet)
chaias. thecce- west 13.75 chain , these
tooth 10 chains, thence west 3.95 chains to
an D - the. place of beiamiac, eoniainin; 74 88
- acres The northwest quarter of the north -.
east qaarte-of aecUoe 36, tp 10, SRI west,
. containing 40 sjres; lot No 3 of section 1, tp
1U,S it 1 meat, containing 10 acres: J-.ts 1
and 2 of lection 1. is to 11. S El weat- A!
of said real propert-1, ing and beinn in Lias
i;, Ore.oo . Tnat the proceeds thereof
be app:i d first, to the payment of tbe costs
aid disburse meet cf ;hu tail, ard the
j aeenitBg co-.Ia; seennd. to the payment of
' $75 CO aa attorney's fee; thir-, to .he paj
ment of the earn of $600.(0 with interest
; thereon at ibe rate of ten per cent r an
num from Jan nary 1st, lSSI.ley f0 00 p. id
laoart 1, 1S92. snd $105 CO paid Jannary
- . ' 10 F10'-'1-'- ard tie overplus
. h any mere oe w tee ceiecoanta, sen mat
jut u(huii oe vsrraiua t-jtwetnxess nt
a!', rteht of taJnaanntaM t n.iAt
: ny law and for rack crder and decree
u to the toart teems proper.
Published Dy order ol Hon Geo H Harnett,
: Jadg. -A said coort, made r.t Chambers ta
the city of Salem, Oceeoc. el date Jaaaary
19ta, 1SS3.
WaaTHEerjEE A CBAaxaat aik.
Att'ya far P.ffs.
tie Circuit Cenrf nf the State oOre-gsw
fer Linn enmntr.
Maf.:e K Bo' IB, Plaiatiff,
Wm E BoSn. Defendant
Wm E Bolt , tfce above earned defendant.
Oregon, yoa are hereby re q aired to ap-
pear and aneser the complaint nf plain US
. new oa file against yoa in the above entitled
I suit on or before tbe first day of the next
regalar term of tbe circai: eoart for tbe state
cf Oreyoa, for Linn coanty. to be b olden on i
mtrnaee coc tract now extsune bet
(jiaint ff and defendant sad for tae care and '
cut' -i v of tae minor child, aat for costs '
atxt orsemecta of trie salt,
Ttit summon is rabeishecl bv tbe order
of lie Bon G H Burnett, Jodee of said eoart,
made at 1 runners on trie it) ifav of Jaaaair,
A 0. 1693
Atty for Piff.
XV deieatanl aavabsnaanenSBterl eveca- arso Jbt last
i B1
.'.' 1. rr. deceased.
ol Una ewantr.
Oenrsn, Ail pe.-suas kanaf
aae ar hereby required ta
roper evoehara to tbe Trader
rt H.ieae. Una canatr.
acaiaea aati ea
ifiai si-e ::;-
(nagaa. vmara sax stern sa rrsea ttut asza.
Wted Jaaaarr IJih, t03.
Jaatea J Cnarltoa, Ex eators
AttomeT for Eaexntora.
NOTCE is hereby eireo that tbe an
nual meeting of tbe stockholders of the.Al-
bany Boitdinn Association will be held at
siore ri j uraanoai. in Albany on Mou
day, March 20ib, 1S9S, at 7. SO p ni for tba
election of directors, rnd such, o-her
business as may oome beiore the mettirtK.
Dated Feb ,th, I8SI.
w C TWEEDALE. ecre ary.
there will be a meeting of tbe s'ock
hoi iera of the Odd Fellows Hal 1 Building
Association, held ia their office in al
twny, Oregon, on Mondoy, thn 6th day
ol March, 1-93. at the hour of 7 o'clock p
m of said day. for the nnrrvoaw of eAsneisbw
uiree-iora to snrvn lor tne ensuing
,i . , M . , , . ,
nJ, ' LSklSS- 252 bQnes'
u uar 01 rsorutry,is
E A Parker,
Ssc rotary
j, IS acrca of choice fruit and garden tandi
ml " Jntrsoj. Uooel new house.
I t-aru, woodhoose and out ouildlngs. 3
acre orcaaru cuoice rru;t, nioeuiv prunes
It- beariag; S acted cleaied; S of place
! oerner nam lane: Oalaooo gooa upland,
: well feocep and watered. Foi pi ice and
terms apply to owner at place,
J. H, Turpi !
Furniture Store.
HI! 1 UOS HRIM. Is t.ow at his old
. stand, opposite tfce opera house,
wl.ere tboee wishing substantial, reliable
furnitore. can secure what they want.
Home manufactured stands, flour -hosts.
saies etc, ri ways on nana or made on
short notice, at bottom prices.
I. A. Morris & Co,
Flour and Feed Store,
Have removed their ttore
stor, formerly occvpled
Robson, and have on hand
to the Strahan
by Deyoe &
a full stock of
Custom chopping done.
T fLX-PftT? Am "coed Monday , the 13th day ot M arch,
J . a n iso-i ; ; t i
given ttiat I er rr.y - "- r1" J-1"!-
. , ( .-. : l je 11 . L. ; 3
vers of Linn jcu ior nawjiiun trace
In the Circuit Ccvrl of tie State
Linn County.
A D Horner, Plaintiff,
Harvey Wsrd.lWendaat.
To Harvey Ward, the above defeat -aat:
A Oregon, yon are hereby reqnlred to ap
pear and answer the con.r.!ii,t of the plain -tiff
fld against you in the above entitled
cause, 00 or oeiore tbe hrtt day of tbe nest
. . lu ccoii, which uid term
?. 10 ? 5n neld " day of
Mrcb, Ib'Jfi. at tU court honse in th fitv
of Albany, Linn coonty. Oregon ; and yon
are farther notified that if yea fail to appear
and answer said complaint aa hereby re
named, for want thereof, tbe said plaintiff
will apply to the said eoart for the relief
prayr d for ia his said com pi aid t, which ia as
First. For a jodemeot and rlecre iatntl
yon lor wte torn 01 &u in United States
gold coin with a teres t thereon in tike cold
coia at toe rate of ten per cent per accnm
from tbe second day of September, 169,
until paid, and tor the farther torn of $60
attorney fee, and for tbe coats and dubaret
meats of this rait.
Second. For a decree of said eoart fore-
clo,,, tb mortgsae exec tiled by joa in favor
ct ' u"'titt 00 tne eMld day ot -er.t.mber.
'oa. m ""rowing uioiw.a iral Gt
land, t wit The jortbesst quarter of the
oortbw tt quarter of section thirty
ni e, 80c th, Bangs three east of Will.
Mer. in Linn coonty, Oregon, containing
forty area, and directing raid laud to he told
" provided and tbe proce ds thereof
at plied ta the payment ofthe uoatt ajid ex
pense t of making tach sa'e. SCO attoraey's
fee, snd the payment of t40) in U S gold
V J ,
M,D du'
on the note toed on ia this so -it, and
on tail torn of $400 from tfce sacatMt
day of 8ertmrjer, 1891, ia I ke (old coir, tt
tbe rate of ten per cent ; er annum fit! pud,
and that tbe enrplas, if any, t-e paid ia sach
soma aa tbe eoa't may decree
iniru, ic -a iimi at:
in ', all ailver peraou
claiming by, through or ander ) torev.-r
barreu ana tore closed of any all right,
title or interest, or equity of redemption in
or to saia real property or sav Part thereof.
Fourth. That if the proceeds of the sale
of said premises be not tefSeiect to pay and
sati-fy the claim of plaintiff together with
all enats snd disbarsementa and a letaoaaMe
attorney's fee lor ccmmeccic; this suit, that
the plain '.if have a personal judgment afsawat
y. b for the d'DCieney axd bUcxecatua
issue therefor.
Fifth. For such other and farther relief
as miy be meet toe-rutty is the premises.
This saxasaaos is served by publication in
the St atx Eights Dsatocaar by order of
Hon Ceo H Boroett, Jndge of said eoart,
dated at Chambers in the city of Ciltas,
Oregon, on the 24th day of Jaeasry,18S3.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Coumtr Cemrt ef OaSt
gon.fer Limn County.
In the matter of the estate cf IS Me
Kechnie, deceased.
To tbe heirs known and unknown, s"d
to all others intereated in the above
named eafate Greeting:
Oregon, yoa are hereby- cited and
r- quired to apienr in the oonnty eonri of
tbe state of Oregon, for the coanty of
Linn at tbe eoart room thereof t Albany-,
in the eoanty of Lien, on Monday, the
ath day of March, lt3, at 1 o'clock in
the afternoon of tnat day . then ana there
rat st K -star ent rtta if aatv nn Viava war K wr t m
appiicatton of Wm Eambangb, the
administrator of said etfars, to aell tba
eval property belonging to said estate,
aeneribed aa follows towit: Lots one (I)
and (I) in section nineteen (la,) is town
ship US,) south range one (1) east of the
Willamette Meridian .n I inn county,
Oregon, containing fifty-three and i
acres more or lee-; also beginning at a
point torty lods weat cf the nortbeaat
corner of Use donatior: lax d claim of
Lowel Amesclaim No 47 ranting the nee
west twentv-nve rods, thence south
twenty five rods, thence east twenty fire
roast thence north tweot -five rod, con
taining 3 ftWOe acres more or lea,sitoied
in said coanty and state; also lot C in
btork 5 in the town of -twee Home, in
"aid eioctyaod state, i ecorrjiag to the
records, aiap. there- f, ah no Id not be
Voae by order of tbe Hon J N tunen.
J itiae nf the C-untv Court ot th atase of
I 0rSn. for th - eoaotv o,' Lino, with the
S teal of said i-sur: arSxed. this lit i das ot
Janua-T. A f. 191.
ATrsanr: N V PiTSE,
By B M Payne. Clsrk.
tae Cfirnil Coart of ike State of Ot 1 ror
Lam. Ctmntf.
Rati Coster, PtaiallfT.
Marearntta Coster. Defendant.
j i
bv virtoe of an extern -on du'.v :
out ot and under the sea! of tbe above
named court, in the above emit ed ait
j to me diraeSed and delivered, dated the
9th day of February. ISS3. upon a jaog
; raeot to favor cl Margsretta Caster,
' defendant, and agntns Rued Caster.
r aim iff, for the aura of HO per month
1 sinew tba 33rd day of Ap-it, 1894 and in
compiiaDce with thn eotr mands of said
execution. I did on tbe I3it dav of Keb
ixuary, 1888, in loan r -tnty. Oreiroa.dale
' levy apon all tha rth, titte and interest
of Knel Cttsler.ib abovn named plaintiff.
in and 10 the to lowing devriibed real
pro pert v tow it: r,i No S, tt 1 rock So
IIS, in Hacfc'.eaian's addiiioa to Albsry,
Linn coanty, Oregon, and will cn
Sntnrelay. tne ISih day al Vareh. 1SS3,
at the hoar of one o'cioesk p at, at the
front door of tbe eoart house, in the cW
of Albtny, Linn eoanty, Oregon, for cash
in hand to the his he tt bid lar. anil ail the
, right, titie and interest of tbe said plain
' tiff. Roe', Caster, in and to said real
j property above described. The proceeds
; arising from said sate to be applied to th
payment of the ae ruing costs of and
apon said execution, jadgojcot and
in 1 9 rest.
Dated thU Ulh day of February, 1S9S,
Sheriff of Linn coanty, Oregon
l.Vi naxnsst has aasn ia Oar bTorwaraf tks tuns
tvttHin aj Lion cuttate.speateeiadaaanamrix at law
estate U Henry Itcea. lata ol Una wowser. Or,
Jecrasetl. AUaaraaas having inlaw agaaass eaiol
eatat are hereby required to preaant tnent dare
verified aa by saw ret; aired at the raw ogSts nt
MortUEye A Hsrtieirrtsii. aa Altnajr, Oregon,
anlun six aioatibt keaUan-ebereT
IHted this th aa, o Janrau-r.ie9.
Xeeinbanv at lirt. t:.-mai-. tilth Islniiii
ana tae aanua.
leenTiaa ha been by the Coastv Conrt of
una tvouiT. Oregon, ttorr rtrpointed exorator
ovhanat aUtaed lean meat at John BUyeo. has
nt Una wtutty.Orwfaa.d.'eawed, Ail paesuat haviag
caim acairut sakt ottate aw tiereor rV. twd to p re
wot them lavparty ventSed to the llltjittr it
his resideiH-eia Albany, Liart cwuaty. OreeruaTwithia
ail tuouUis from Ih-s JaN. m
This tbe IStb day of Jar mart, Idas.
it it it.-, '
Atlontetafor Exccutwr-
Xl ders4.ued administrator of the aetata et Mrs
V 0 Howard, deceased, baa filed aba final anteurt ia
the isatea of the county clerk of Lion Hinty, Qraraa.
and that the county court of nud Ua,, couatjhas
fixed the oth day of FaKruary Mge, t the
hour of l o'ctoek in the atternoon at said aae. at Ibe
lime, and the courtroom 4 saivl county court aa the
oiace tor beanna- ohjevtkos if any toeaid final ac
count and the settlement of said eatat.
Dated DecemSer sth, ijT
w it mi van- MARTlK PAYSS.
. .. Kl Athmaietraior.
- the annual uieetinc of the stock
holders of the Albany Building nd Loan
Asneoiation wlil bo held on Friday
February iTth. 1(59$, at the heurof7:S0
puiofssiQ day, in the Bank of Oiegon,
in Albany, Linn county, Oregon for the
Purpose of alaealnie oin. diovtnro ,oH
three auditors, to serve far the term of
OTIS Year neurt smnin frnm ewi.1 maotinae.
and until their suexeksors are elected
and qualified, and to transact such ulnar
business as mav om hfnra rhaaaancia
tion. Bone by order of said association
this 17th day of January, 1883,
OH STEa a xT
JAY W BLAIN, Presidest.
FOR SALK CHKAP. A read cart and
single harness, bexh new. rail nn
U F Ruasell, county school super in len-