.very Smoker's Nose knows when it is pleased. It is always pleased with the fragrant anJ peculiar aroma of Blackwell's BulS Durham Smoking Tobacco Which has been for more than a quarter of a century the desire and delight of comfort lovers everywhere. It strikes the taste of many fastidious smokers. Try it. Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co., w KATDhKF OR BEHLAIN MM M at Law. Will practice in ourta :al attontion (fivon to matters in proba and to co lections. ur rnjE, in me runn diock. w R Itlll.V EU Attorney at Law vnd Solicitor In Chancery. Oellec Uons made on all points. Loans negotiated on rahls terras. Albany, Oregon QEO. W. WRIGHT, Attorney at law, and JJotarr Pub.ic. Will practice in all the -onru of this itata Special attention siren to rollec'.ions and matters in prehite O twee: Upstairs Mason-Twodals Block Albany. OgB t. 11 i ii if B :.ckw its WATSON, 11 legal matters will reos In pro tap r. Odd fellow's Temple, Albany, O attsnli ti ftW M ONTARTE sfc H.UKLEJI4S, Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon. J WHITNEY, Attorney at Law, Albany, Or. AMES J. CHARLTON, e ttlamsr-st-Laa proeaptlv: All lags) b j.insw .'attended .te FLIXN-S Blosk, A'bany, On LRANY COLLfiCTllfCi A'GM's DALRYMPLE & NEWPORT, Managers, Collet Uoos a speeUltT regardless ef sine. Corree denu in all IBs valley Un: OFFICE ever L E Kain Ce's stare, Foster's Block: D r. j. ii. iiill.. t"Bj silts and Burgeon, OFFICE Corner Ferry streets, Albany, Oregon. n It-. MUHTO" DA YIN. PbysJclans and B. c.i, Surgeons. OFFICE Corner eoood BicedaJbin streets. Albanr, Or, Calls pre.nplly adsd i citv and country. C.11 CHAHRERIaAIN. aa. ., AtrSpecUlst In diseases of the Eye. Twenty rears' experience Office boors 7 ta a mi lalpa, and 8 tc t evening. Albans tIRNT NATIONAL RANK, OF ALBAWT, ORKOO", resident vice rssaAnaas Oaahier LFLISN S, E.YOTJNO -a, sr. LAHuuv.1 ITLAK8ACT3 A OEHERAL banking loat i ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to shock. SIGHT EXCHANGE and tel raphic .aU law York, Ban Francisco, Chicago and Ptlaid 'mTxECTIONP S1ADE on ta, ore bis terms. E. Yocbj E Claw, Ed w aao I . Sot. INXt O NATIONAt, RANK, t OF ALBANY, OB -SOS. CAPITAL STOCK 1100,000. Bident , , , J L COWAN, a-preatdact J at balhtoh st Cshier.. O A ABCHIBOLD P BBoroaa, -J L Cowan, J X Ralston, W 8 Ladd, w H ii.,!.ra, i A Crarord and O A Arch bold fRANSACTS a general banking business. DRAW SlUFJl DRAFTS on New York, B ,ii srll.r Oregon. IjOAN MOrf E Y on appicved seenrity RECEIVE deposits subtect check. K ANK OF OREGON. ALBANY, OR BOON. Casltal. Vlce-Preadcnt... senior v. J LANKINO . IatWBCAIN Unci inn bought and sold on all the Principe cities in the United 8 La tee , also on England, Ireland F ranee and Germany. Collections made at all accessible points on favor- tJie terms. interest sllowed o.i time deposits. It ANK OF tiC IO, BCIO, OBTCOT. dent., sbier .i a xm . ...O a N J 3IGI0U3NSSS The 8. D. Headache and Liver Core LIS A tr:. PHYSIC HI KB et CHEAP if ii laxen as airectetl, we faction or refund Guarantee Satlt- our motley. DON'T SICKEN. 50 cents per bottle, by D0NTJGRIPE, I A CUMMINGS. w'.Krfv m fjvaf r-LirVv TB-fAy CURB A nwand Comjlete Trsatmsnt wnslsUn of 8up itort0,.omtajBBi la CsjW1ii,.ss hi iiev iai nf, ""M"' Core for Axterual.lnfjri al.Blin.l or Bleed ng Itching .Chronic, Recentor Hereditary Pile, and many oth ir diseases snd female weaknesses- it Is ways a gnat benefit to the general health. The first liscoverv m a medical cure rendering an operation Jlih tne knife nnntessary hereafter. This remedy hss never been known to fall, f 1 per box 6 for t5 sent y mall. Why suffer from this terrible disease' when a written guirantee la positively given with boxes.to refund the money if nor cured. Send stamp or fro. Sample. Onranlee Issued by J A fumming, SlraaalK, Mole Aceat. Albany, Oregon ACADEMY OF lady of Perpetual Help DURHAM, N. C flsiniT TRADE MARKS. DtSICN PATENTS, COPVRrCHTa. ate. S.YSSnWlT1 S.t Handbook writs to all NN At OCX. asi Broadway, New York. Oldeet bureau for securing patents In America. H5MTSt?t SHf1 !? D" ' brotsrtat before ta public byanoUoegtren tree of charge In tho friewtific American 1 should be without It. Wi eari SLOslx months. AddMi Pcausavsaa, Ml Broad waj. New EAST AND SOUTH, VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OK THE Southern Pacific Go. Trains leave Portland Daily. raoa jcit 1. ltM, IMortl T:Ur. su I Lt 10:r Lt Kit A I Ar Portland Albany San Francisco Ar 7:i5 a a Lv j 4:23 a a Lv 7:00 r a A bare trains stop only at (ol lowing stations n orfb el Roaeburg. East Portland, Oregon Citv, St .ad urn, Sal sea, Albany, Taagent, Shodd, Halsey rls rtskarf , Junction City, Irving, Eugene. aaaasvae sun., daily fcSO An lfcttra fcStru ILt Ar ' H5r Lt I lBjlu a JLtI TAX) a Albany ALB AST LOCAL DAILY (SXCBTT ScSDAY) 8 00 r a 1 Lt .oral Ar fVn'.aiii Albany Ar :) Lt I 8:S0 s 8:10 A I Lt Albany Lebanon Albany Lebanon ar Lt Ar Lt lU'TlAB Wan :2Sr b tun t-ae An I Ar Lt Ar 1 SCf a a PULLMAf IUFFFT SLEEPERS. -ASD Dininsr Cars on Ogden Routes SECOND-CUSS SIEEPIN6 CARS Alto-bed ta all Thr.ngh Trail. Tret aide SXrlelan. trXE" PattTEta AB (flllllllt Nail rssis daisy (Except Sanaay, Mil I 11:10 P a I Lt At Portland Corrallis Mir b It 12:M I rtAIS DAILY (ElCSp. SULdav . :lra TrS6,rn Lt Ar Portland Hcmnnrllls Ar 1 r a w. Lt I S.t a TThrottfrrli TicltietBTj to all point in the Eastern States, Caaada and Europe can be obtained at lowest ra-.es from C K Praak.Arant Albany. i. KOEHLEB E P. EOUERS, Manacar Asa't O. P. aad Portland, Oregon. YAQDINA BAY ROUTE Oregon Pacific Railroad, T P Ot.., KceelTcr. o- Orag-m DaTelopmBnti Po's Steam m, Short Line U CavUfssralat, Flrtst-olaaa through passenger and frrjljcht line frarc Portland and all point! te the Wlllamauo Valley to and from Ban f rruiciaoo, Cal. Boats make clous. oij oration at Alban sr !th trains of the U i o.:ou Fv.lfi Railroad TIME SCHEDTJ1 F.. except Snsdais.l Usits Albany lXttX) r. v, ' t. Yaqulna, r:00A,B 'stTe Corrallis IMr.r . . Leave Corvallls,10:3f a, a Arrl . c Yaqalna, t :S5 t. a Amra Albany, 1 1: 13 a O. ck C. trains in, 'i"i at Albany aao Oorvallia. The kbove trains ooanectai Caanina with tin Oregon Devoiopruoin Company's Line of Steamships beirao. V as ulna and San Francisco, SAIL.IN6 DATEN . raaa taqiiia. itaatsavt fMr, Uniassr Uth , Bassl ntoa sab rASCico snibunetLs Tallsy, December g'.b i 18tb ; 27th The CornparjT - -utyob tba ngnt ft, Vance sailing dates v-'thout notice. e7.B. Paaaengera from Portland an -FUlameUe Valley ooinU can make cloas : jruiection with the trains of the Vaqnln r .uts at Albanv or Corvallis. and if de- ( nod to San Francisco should arraneetr. rrive at Yastuina the evening before frats f sailta?-. 3Tassnar an Freight rales always lb Lowest kimi MLLIftim IHSTITD1E ALBANY, OREtl JlS! 1891, 1892. Irst Teria Opened September ttl: At 1 corps of Instructors, - OLAiSiCAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY' COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses ol stndy arranged to meut 11 all grades of students . Sfrrial tnaHctmenls eftred to sudenn from abroad. mtrr. blnent h cosdit 2 CURE VOURSELF! rlltrOU MedwIthrinnnrrhuTJ ' Gleet, Whltes.Bpermstorrhreal forany unnatural dtscharroaakl I druggist for a bottle of (oig w. 11 cures in a few days without the aid or publicity of a ,'iu. wir. n on -poisonous ana I guaranteed not to stricture. I TIM VniverMal American Cure. Manufactured by -Tat Etam Cktmicil QtJ CINCINNATI, O. W ( CHICK A ( Ib.Htllif.KS OF ALBANY, ORKOOM, TRANSACTS general Banking business. li RAW SIGHT DRAFTS' on New York, San Fr sco and Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approved security. RF.CKIVK deposits subject to check. COLLECTIONS made on favorable terms. INTERESTlpald on time deposit. w kLi j DItiUING Ed Davidson Id iusco;a-s ttyie, promptly, ana will guar antes his work. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? A ipecial dispatch from Omaha lays that recent pronounced changes made by the Un ion Pacific Railway Company in their pas senger ticket sales and In reduction of their operating expenses has appeared to some persons ''on the inside" to mean nothing more than a mere temporary movement, It is believed by many men of influence and railway acquaintance In this city that the directors and officer of the company have about got really to throw the road into the hands of the'government and wish to get at much revenue out of It as powlb'e before that time comes. This conclusion la sup ported bv the facta. It will be remembered hat when the Union Pacific railway was built United States bonds to the amount of $50,000,000 were fsued during the period o' il construction, from 18641 1869. Taese bonds were in'.ended ta aid the road to ob tain capital enough to undertake what teemed to be a great burden They were run 30 years at a 6 per cent rate. In July, 1894' the first of them will fall due, The company is utterly unable to meet Its obligations in his matter and bat again and r gain asked congress to extend the time of these bonds. A lecently issued repart of the government commissioner, Horace A' Taylor, recommen ded the extension to 100 years and a redac tion of the rate of interest to a per cent. The death of Mr Gou'd and the generally In terpreted vrtdlct against corporations aa given in the recent election have led the dl rectors to make 'eady for the Inevitable by securing as mucn profit aa possible from the remaining mon'hs of the contract The feeling anainst ihe Union Pacific in Nebraska is moat bi'ter een fanatical, and the tame mat be iti 1 o other Western states They claim t'at something about the great road must be wioiig when it hat cleared 1 20, 000,000 per 1 ear for the paet decade and hat not pain off a penny of its great government debt. The representatives of these people will no- dare ta vote for any sUwh extension In congress aa !s .ed for, and it it Ibeir evident purpose to lorce the railway in o the hands of a receiver and close up its affairs as a private corporation, or even to dissolve all government connection with i: and treat it as any ol her creditor of the government. INTEKEATIM, F tlTS, The Eiflel tower it right inches shorter in winter than In summe. The planet Neptune hss the longest year, consisting of more than 00,000 of o! our days- In Sotaold, Mats. , the rate of taxation it on I4.67. The rate varies between $6.1$ and 9.90 in 32 towr.t iu the State. A bkyc.e weighing only 11 poinds has been mace and successfully tried In Eng land. The materia! was aluminum. Of the whole length of the Suez Canal, 66 miles arc cuttings, 14 were mtde by dredg ing through the lakes, and 8 required no la bor. A company with a ctpftal stock of f$o.- 000 has been formed In Fexas to convert the bean of the metquit tree Into a subatitdte for coffee, A raftcf logs ass brought dowm the Ska git River and sold to Taceins recntly, which scaled an average of 29,000 leet of lumber to cacti log The Treasury Department a, Washington uauujcu curing tne jesr mure man i,wu, 000,000 revenue stamps, and not oce stamp was mislaid or lost. The increase in the world's production of cotton since 1840 hat be-n 2,232,000.000 pounds, three-fourths of which was contribu ted by the Called States. The most costly peice of railroad line la the world is that between the Mansion House snd Aid gate stations In Indon, which re qu red the expenditure of nearly Ste.ooo 000 a mils. A German official report suits that no case has been reworded where a ship rigged with wire rigging has sustained any damage from lightning, except in a few i Balances where continuous connection had not been maJe with the hull. AS TO SMITH . Since Smith has been chosen United States senator from New Jertey, it appears that be is the first man ol that name to be elected by a state lesruiature to the senate since early in the century. This is indeed odd-, cons.dering the fact that the name is so common. - I tit gram. The TtUzram is in error. Detazoi Smith was one of Oregon's hirst senators elected In 1S57 and took his teal in March 1800. In the ciiier and belter days, Connecticut was represented by Naihan Smith, then later Perry Smith and then Trneman Smith. In diana once had Oliver H Smith. Maryland in the early days bad Samuel Smith. New York many t ears ago had ihe well-known plain John Smith. South Carolina once chose William Smith, Tennessee Daniel Smith, and Vermont, Israel Smith, So tba it whl be teen that the Smiths have cut no mean figure iu the United States senate. The adjutant general ef the state militia made application 10 Governor Pennoyer lor permission to use two brass cannon belonging o the state to fire a salute on inauguration day. The governor replied "No permission will be given to use state cannon lor firing a salute over the inaugunfion of a Wall street plutocrat at president of the United Si ales. ' A d. zen men in Albany about half re publicans and half democrats, discussing the governors' coarse conduct, agreed unanimously tint no man In the state could be found who could to successfully and completely ilte himself do n as a dolt as the governor did himself in this matter. Ciothrd with t little brief authority , the governer shows himself an autocrat more dangerous than the czai of Russia had he not an intelligent public to keep an eye on him. Few people in Oregon that will endorse the couduct of the governor in venting his spleen jgalnat a man whom the governor foolishly im.tgln .s stood between him and the presidency. One pleasant feature of the democratic meeting at Salem was that nobody wat boomed ar.d nobody wat sat upon. It wat declared a free race for the candidates, anil a God-speed to the lucky ones. There it nothing that will disrupt party organization quicker than to attempt to use the party ma chinery in the interest of individuals or cliques. 1 he centra rommittecmen had the good sense to provide against this. Now the fel'ow win, wants office can get out and hustle for it with the assurance that he wi'l not be clogged by the improper manipulation ot party bosses. Ttdgram. The pnpulia'. In Kansas arr showing all the bru'alitiesol the most reddest politicians. Atlotiiin' The experience and skill which these Kar.- sas populists use so effectively on the repub lican party in that state were acquired by them while they were members In good standing In the g.o. p. cf that state. The A siorian should never complain when pupils imbibe all the skill, learning and experience of their teachers. In 36 years South Australia bus had 45 tidministrations. TELEGRAPHIC MS. Important Ula Salem, Feb 1. The session in the house today waa one of supreme interest. Law ton's bill repealing both the mortgage tax law and the deduction-for-indeblediiess clause was reported back, considered in committee of the who'e, and returned 'o the house with amendments and a favorable recommendation by a vote which leaves no doubt of the ultimate passage of the meas ure. A poll of the bouse whs made today and it showed that out of 56 seen 35 favor the repeal of both measures and 40 the abolishment of the deductions. Forged a Cheek Roskchro, Or, Feb 1. Walter Dever son, who claims to represent the Manufac turers' Accident Indemnity Company, of f Oneida, N Y, while in this place Friday, forget! L C Beardaley name to a check for 145, which he prevailed upon J B Canon to cash, and then left town. He was caught by s deputy sheriff at Sisson Deputy Dillard went there and returned this morn ing with his prisoner. Deveraon was given an examination before Justice Hamlin to day, who bound him over to the grand jury. A Trasnendosr. Strop Kansas City, Fob I. The blizzard which swooped down from the north yes terday evening continued just 24 hours. At 6 o'clock this evening it waa practically over. The remarkable feature was the extraordinary fall of temperature. At this place the mercury dropped from 49 dest above to 5 below zero, a fall of 54 degs. At Dodge City, Kan, the fail was 82 degs. during the same period. The blizzard has caused a considerable delay to railroads. Aa Angry Judge Oaki.aj.-i, Cal, Feb 1 Judge Ellsworth, of the superior court of Alemeda county, and J M Baasett indulged in a pugilistic encounter on Broadway today. Judge Ellsworth asked Baasett if he bad written letters to newspapers commenting on the decision of the court in the water front case, and when Baasett said he had. the judge struck him in the face. Baasett struck back and the men were parted by friends. A allreatl AeeMeat Marshfieij). Or Feb 1. News was received of an accident at the government works on the Coos bay bar. whereby J G Haynea was terribly injured. The news it very meager. At the government steamer General Wright started for a doctor ar toon at the accident occurred, and had no par ticulars. It U supposed that Haynea fell while riding on the train, and several can of rock passed over him. Wants It Madly Washington. Feb 1. Don M Dickinson savs he is hardly in favor of the annexation of the Hawaiian islands aid says that the next war, if we have one, will be on the ocean, and we must have the Hawaiian islands. If there is an extra session certain 1 v it will consider the Hawaiian annexation if it too is not settled by that time. These remarks from Don Dickinson, who it just from Cleveland, are taked as IVreUnJ's own views on the Hawaiian situation. A small nrrtrnae. The Daixw. Or, Feb 2 At 6 p m and yesterday snow was failing very fast evefTthlha? indicated a heavy stoim At 9 the wind changed to the west and blew a hurricane. The temperature, however, re mained below the freezing point, and the wind sweeping the snow with it. furnished a biixzard without its deadly cold. Before morning, there was a northwest wind and the mercury again fell. At 8 p m the tItAnioaieter registered 6 above zero, with every prospect of aero before morn ine. Two Htxteaa Kerala Iwtsals. &ax Astosio. Tex, Feb 2. Two of the most desperate men engaged in the recent revolutionary bonier movements against Mexico a ere brought here today and lodged in jail. The prisoners are General Fran Benaridea and Captain Cecil!!0 Ecbanarria. They were brought to 'Jhia 1 sj 1 01 : at .1 1. . f c. .... iSUS.-"" and lor the Qnern: IVusitoim Feb 2 At one of the T IT UVK V. ' I iwwis, under the name of Cooper. His real name it Gen William Armstrong. He says he was the friend and adviser of the late king of the Sandwich islands. He it here in the interest of the deposed queen, and haa been for some time gathering information which will aid him in restoring the queen to the throne. Armstrong was very par ticular that Mott Smith, now representing: the Sandwich islands here should not know of his presence in the city. 4 lesjtsll al sail. Salem. Or. Feb 2. Today in the circuit court of Marion county, Mr Charles De Leon instituted a damage suit for $10,600 against George T Downing, superintendent of the Oregon state prison. The complaint alleges that Downing made malicious and scandalous utterances concerning the plain tiff. Mr Downing said tonight the suit was nothing bnt blackmail and that be bad never spoken illy of the plaintiff, reaaejrr Beared 1 Salem, Or. Feb 2. In response to the call of Chairman D R Murphy, the state H 1. ..( I . -S 1 1. 1 . .il. - Man . democratic central committee men tms rr. .. . : , afternoon in the vt iliamette hotel parlors i importance while orhert may be neces at 2 o'clock. The meeting- was called to sary. crder by Chairman Murphy and the roll- call indicated it to be the best attended meetintr of the committee tu many years. There waa a general discussion as to the best methods of harmonizing all factions of tne democratic tarty. o names of can didates were mentioned, in connection with any federal appointments. The following resolution was passed: "The state demo cratic central committee of Oregon here assembled regret the attitude of his excellency. Governor Pennoyer, towards the leader of our party. President elect ('rover Clevaland. The people for the second time and by an overwhelming ma joriry have shown their confidence in President Cleveland, and it ill becomes Governor Pennoyer, who has repeatedly been honored by the democratic party, to attempt to throw slurs on its greatest leader. We hereby renew our allegiance ,o the chosen chief executive of this country and consider Governor Pennoyer's utter ances against bim as unwarranted and sensational. - Far a sugar Stent factory Ei:oEE. Feb 3. A special meeting o the boad of trade of this city waa held last evening, having under consideration the question of the esUblishment of a tugar beet factory at this point. An expert Lad been secured to make an investigation as to the soil, climate, and other conditions. and the probable outlook for the success of such an institution. He was present at the meetintr and made a very favorable report. based upon the facts as be found them, and the result of the experiment of the agri cultural department at Washington. He said he hod found no place on the Pacific coast where the conditions were so favor able for the industry. Boles Declined Des Moines. Ia. Feb 3. Cleveland has tendered Governor-elect Boies the. position ofsecretary of agriculture. Boies today sent to Cleveland a lotter declining the position of secretary of agriculture. The information comes from the governor's friendt. The matter has been under con tideration for several days. Governor Boies gives as his reason that it is the gen eral wish of the democrats of the state that he should fight for United States ajnator next fall. A Horrible Harder New Orleans, La, Feb 3. At Prof. John H Duffy 't arena, at I o'clock thi mornintr. Ed Williams, known as "Good rich." was killed by John Green during a sparring exhibition in the fourth round. Both men were colored. Green was arrest ed, along with the seconds, all colored. Great reduotion in Aermotor wind mills for December. Soe the agent, VY W Craw ford. The hnat line of pocket ity at Stewsrt A Sox's. knives in the Steward Si Sox soil thelvery bast patau he m and scissors. A log cabin made of gum attracts onn- tiileiablo attention at Manlier'. Sec it. Remember that P L Do moot doe guar antee Id, and sews possible coming rips in clothing bought of his store. Overcoat told at coal until Chritmaa. Will & Stark, ft, jeweler. Miarm. It Ii reported that the mercury went down to ss degrest below zero at Helena. A very cold fact il irue. The Corvaillt Timet and Vaaulna Post Lare embracing each other. The Timet tsys: Never was there a tarrier that would not scratch gravel and gro.,1 at a mastiff; and so that mingy little pug, the faqulna Pest, bristles Its mane and snarles at the Timet. The mattlfl wagt Iu tall In clammy Indifference. The friends of t lie state fair and their name is legion will be surprised tbie morning tolearn that Mr Elmore.s bouse bill No 210 repeali the appropriation of $5,000 for the state fair. This repeal crept slyly into the bill and came very near being overlooked Salem States man. The Salem Journal taw Governor Pen noyer, In reference to hit refusal to allow the states cannon to be used at the Inaug uration, and here it the cranky retult, and n- comrre.it It necessary: The governor was aeen by a Journal writer to day and sayt he will court-marthal any officer of hit stall who would do such a thing. It Is asking loo much of him as commander-in-cnlef to have a salute fired at the expense of this state in honor of such a man as Cleveland. He sayt the barbarians bow down to stocks and stones, but Oregon snail not contribute ta the idolatry of the stuffed prophet of Wall ttreet while he it governor of thlt state. The East Oregonian had a missing word contest: The following sentence from Henry George was used : "Men's souls, encompassed here with '-Todies and passions, have no communi cation with God, except what they can reach to In conception only ; by meant of , at by a kind of an obscure dream But when they are looted from the bodv and removed into the unteen, invisible, impassable, and pure region, thlt God la then their leader and King; they there at It were, hanging on Him wholly, and beholding without weaiineaa and passionately affecting that beauty which can not be cxpjeaaed or uttered by men." The missing word was Philosophy and only one out of 42, a man in Virginia, guttsed It. Pennojer's name will be changed to Dennis if he doesn't stop his extreme childishness. Some of oar exchanges are bothering themselves over the question of whether Cleveland will ha) known in history aa the 22nd or 24 tit president of the U. S. Try figuring 00 it. Ford's big four. Allow no deduction for indebtedness. Retain the mortgage tax law. Give poor people a liberal amount exempt from taxation. Make j the individual and the property pay the taxes. . Tbie week the Santiam Lumberman refers to the Mill City Gazette man aa the wind baa. Sheener. trarrilous. de ceitful old jay, putrid carcass and ends by challenging him to mortal combat with rotten pumkins at filly yards range, but no nearer, nnlees he washes his feet. The matter ia getting too "rocky"' for a family journal 1 ke the DcaforaAT, and we piomisesot to refer to it again. except something serious happens. The Lebanon Express does not even give Albanv credit for nine electric light-, and says: "We tee that Albany has shut off her electric lighu, aa she is not able to stand the ex pente. Would it not be well for oar city to -orrespond with Hodavtlle, Monroe and Albany, with a view to selling our street oil tamps as we have no use for them Hera's the way it was settled in Mc Minnville : Tuesday J M Lynch was ar rested for boisterous conduct in a public place. The complaint was made by W m Kuos. Before the recorder he was fined f5 and costs Judging from the testi mony of witnesses the boisterous conduct eontittrd ot snow nailing and the ac cidental breaking of a door knob. All lb is it seems could have been better eetCed outside the city court One of the boy ol the Rotcburg public school got into s hgbt with the ; rjnripal, R M Cockling, and knocked bia out . The principal icsigned aad has gone to Wash ing:, n, One of the SUte legislators la a speech the other day referred 10 the country editor as 'that poor man." Sere enough. 3u: a community is a poor place without him, aad the livlfer a place the better be la supported. U4UUTITI weak Tanoktv, Feb. 3. Aa usual there tea vast number of bills presented at the prewent session of the lM,.lalt,M Man. al 1. I !:..; a " w. aiv v utsiv The road bill pretested bveSenator Myers in many respects j, good, bat the idea of a supervisor working over a much territory as iniscaiia loynd only allowed work is altogether out of the oueation. it V -. "V auvbs in aoina tne cannot be done, for no man will accept of such office at the figure named . The appropriation of money to aid schools which are under the care of a church, is unjust; tor if one church (is favored why not all. I understand the college at Monmotk will ask for a $30,000 appropriation to build more room for the school. This thou d not be allowed, for they are teaching primary and preparatory classes mere, tt no ever neard of a college . 1 : 1. -. . it . . . . ,v scni-uiDg such stuuies sno men asking the eute to furnish means to run the school with. Such a bill shonld be con signed to immediate death. The raising of the salaries of the school tuperintcndanu is another which should not pass, for they now get all they earn. Where there are one bill favoring the farmers, there is ten which are in the in terest of some one who does not deserve what the law now allows them. The ttionied powers call for tba reneal of tne mortgage Ux law. Thev would like the usury law also deet roved, so they could satisfy their insatiable thirst for greed. lt seems that those who have plentv, are striving to crash the working man to the very lowest extreme, and just ss long as they will stand the pressure just o long will the uanrtier stst in his work. If the pre ent legislature will make laws to equalize the burdens of taxation, so the rich will be compelled to pay what they justly owe as taes as well as the poor man does they will be thankfully remembered. There should be a rate bill for the rait roads, and they should be compelled to recognise it. Also reduce the fare from 4 to 3 cts per mile. Those large corpor ations have the protection of the laws, nnu tney stiould be regulated uy such laws as is right and proper, and not al lowed to charge what they please for hauling freight and passengers. This kind of a law could not be made too strict. Let us have laws which are just .1 .1 ..... i.f . auu men mere will oe no complaint. H. Fnllece Isoiest Coaching hat already begun for the extm Inattont next week. Prof lorbet ha just tent east for 16 new geometries for the class beginning that stu dy. The junior clatt have begun to prepare their orations for next commencement. The blackboard that appears in the assem bly hall with the schedule of examination it a fine specimen of penmtnthip tnd it a ci edit to the artist Mr Riley Hulburt. The A C L S have their regular election of officeri and it being election day the lit erary exercises vsil be omitted. The hoyt are looking forward to the initiations of the new members with much Interest. Bill Svkks. Jr. The Portland Collection Agenoyhas com menced several saitt to oolUct accounts far 0 L Blackman. Parties owing him should settle their asoount aad tar oottt. T HE STATE LECIIL I I I Ki: In the Senate. At the Wednesday afternoon session Cross' senate bill con cerning roads was read a third time and passed, Hlrtch Introduced a bill to estab lish a uniform tyttem of weightt and measures and to provide for a state sealer. M vert introduced a bill in reference to a certain school dlttrlctof Linn county ; Mc Ginn introduced a bill to regulate the ratet charged by telephone companies, Dodson't bill for the relief of Baker coun ty failed to past. Vanderburg, to amend the code relating to feea of county assess or, etc, laid on the table. Veach, to au thorize county judges to bid In property told for taxes,' passed; Myers, filing chat tel mortgages, pasted; Denny, to enable married women to convey real property, passed; Denny, relative to Intermarriage of certain races, failed ta pass. In the House. Northup's assessment bill was passed. The bill of Wright, of Marlon, creating a commission to provide for a display and appropriating $6o.coo therefor, waa read the third time. The bill brought on much discussion, and the previous question being moved, the bill patted 3s to 20. Hpeclal to the Dbbocbati Salim, Or., Feb 2nd. House: Special committee on jute mill repwrted bill for patsage to 3rd reading. .Sheriff's salary bill referred lo committee on counties. Under resolution all standing cominltteet are reporting on tills in their hand. Senate: New bills, Hlrtch to purchase electric light plant used by ta'e; Cross, to change Multncmah and Clackamas ; My ers, liabilities of counties for defective roads and bridges; Haves to incorporate Clackamas city ; Alley, propagation food j fish ; bills passed. Wcatherford,hometlead law, passed. Oodson, cividing Baker. tsi titb pv . TV ... Third reading senate bills-Cross, to authorize construction of bridge at Ore- icon City; passed. Denny, to proUct inn j keepers; passed; McAlitter, for extirpa tion 0' thistles; passed. Gates, to ena ble women to bold educational offices pasted. Butler, reducing salary of dis trict attorneys; laid on table. Black- man, amending code pt ruining to edu cation: passed, Blackmail's bill winch passed the sen- ate yesterday is calculated to secure to cheaper school books. The bill invites competive bids for furnishing the books required to be taught fh the schools of the state IS THE HOUSE. Third reading of bills Miller, incor- 111c uwiuurawBu I'cuu.c w '-"i i po rating city of Sweet Home; passed , and many other incorporation bilie. Meyer s house bill asks tne election biennially by the legislature of a fish comroicaioner, whose duty it shall be to devote his time and attention to the fish- ink industries of the state. The salary proposed for the com mtssionor $2,000 per annum and traveling expenses. taaUDa, Or., Feb 3 Hooas: Bills wire reported by teverel committees Joint memorial calling for government ownership of telegraph and telephone was defeated by rete of 20 to 36, Speaker kerdy voting aye. Estimate for ex- peases 01 legislature incrwasea to raiy five thousand dollars. Proposition to reduce poll tax to one dollar defeated -Second reading of bills occupied several hoars and still pending. Senate : Morning was spent on Mon mouth normal school Mil. Defeated twelve to seventeen. Yeas; Beckley, Blackman, Butler, Coggswell, Crosao, Hirscb, Huston, Matlock, Myere, Raley. Vender bare, Wealherford. Absent.' Maxwell; others voting nay. Friends will try to pass bill with smaller appro priation. In the house Among the bill read third lime were: Geer of Mar ton, for electing a board of railroad commissioners by the people. Upton, regulating the salaries of coi-r.tr judges, passed; Rcadv, j est iblishlng a jute factor v al the ocnitrn i liar, and appropriating $163,000 therefor, j special meeting ncx'. Tuesday at 2 p ra. 1 Miller, amending the school law. making an Importantchange in the grantfng of i certiSctte. etc. An ea-nest debate fol lowed. Atl'Ie'. Upton, Ormsby and Illahop I . - - . , s will ..J IX. M a a a Da? advocating the bill, and Paaton BeVnap, Merritt snd Brown of Morrow opposing. It failed to pass. 22 to 28. Se.tate bill 21. the World s fair bUl was i rc1 teconc time. A motion to suspend the rules and read the third lime failed Wl7lhVsene -TrTsrserie, committee . . . reported Miner's house hill, for s fish way over the fall at Wilia.nette; engrossed. Third reading bill: Huston, to punish the pointing of firearm at human beings: passed. Bancroft, to protect common carrier; passed Matlock, to provide for Worfd-.trr:tn',rU Special to PtasocBAT. Sam si. Or., Feb 4th. 1S03. House spent morning on reports of special com milter The senate World's Ulr bid on passage got thirty-two ayes twenty noes Senate hat pasted Uil creating county cf Lincoln. Vtquina bar county unanimous. WHIls incorporating port of Portland : patted. Veatch gave notice of reconsid- earstlon of Monmouth Normal school ap- proprtitlon bill. Crotno's bill creating Bar county passed. named Lincoln. Con- aldersble debate on judiciary report salary hill Roth houses adioutned at rieim a m to meet next Monday at two p m. KtatUTItls OF l 0ol Ti I H tti. oy A. C. I S.. Albany, Or., Feb- 3rd, 183. Whereas, God in His infinite wisdom and justice has seen fit to call to his re ward one of earth's model sons. Frank Webster Propst, and Whereat. The deceased way formerly an active memtier of the Alhenv College Literary Society; therefore, be it Resolved. That we as a society feel deeply the hand of affliction which has j been laid upon as in the loss ot our i visiting members. worthy honorary member, but thai we We have a large number of good work hunibly bow to the rod that smites us. j ;ng members at llie present time, and we believing that God ia just. j (ee much encouraged by the interest Resolved. That the college loses an :; ! taken in the work before OS. There is emplary and an influential member of its Alumni association, ana me conimuni-.y a respected and upright young man of great promise. Resolved, That we extend to the afflicf ed friende and relatives our profound sympathies in this lime of tneir bereave ment. Resolved, That these resolutions he spread upon the minutes' of our society and that copies be sent to the Albany daily papers for publication. A. Mki.vin Williams, H G FmicK, JC IaVfMB, Committee Removed. Attorney C E Wolvertea has removed his law office from the Foster block to up ttttrt ever the First Nttiontl Btnk where he it prepared tu attend prompt ly 'o all legal business entrusted lo him. NABKIKD. PERRV-Mc'NIEL At the residence o the bride's parents near Peori Feb. I. by Rev M M Marling, Mr W G Terry and Miss ClataMcNIel WALLACE MCBRIDE. On Wed. I. 1893, at the residence of and by Rev C R Lamar, Mr II W Wallace and Miss Llllle McBrlde-both ef Linn county. GROSS-PUTMAN. Oa Feb, 1, 1893, at the residence of Mr Andrew Gross, bv Rev C C Spsrry, Mr Andrew Gross and Miss Catherine Putman-both of Linn county. ROSS-LOCKWOOD On Feb. t, 1803, at the residence of the groom, by Rev. C C Sperry, Mr 1 O Koss and Miss Ada Lock wood. FOX. In this city, Feb. 3rd, ISD3, Henry Fox, aged 68 years, 11 months. Mr Fox was in the u . Army, joining in October, 1862, was discharged in April. 1866, was Postmaster for 20 years, and has held a number of other civil offices, and before his death remarked that he had never been reprimanded by a supe rior. He was a member of the G A R in good standing. HOME AMI ABROAD THUKnTlAY The ladies of the Y M C A auxiliary are requested to meet at the roomt Friday, at 4 p m. full attendance is earnestly re quested Will rtock, of Corvallis, tnd formerly a resident of Albany for several months, bai juet i ought an interest id the Laoe-Divit Drn Co.. ef Portlsod. Each lady attending the prformtDce o Humbog in this city tomorrow evening wil receive a beautiful aonvenir bottle of that requisite peifurnery the Julia Marlow. Fire almost wined out the toan if OUimttm on tne Burlingtou load, in look ccontv v yotntng, Sunday right Nearly all the business houses were hainrd. The losses' willrehtlOO.OOO. liillett waa built dnr- Inglrailway boom days and all the tnildinga wan or irsme. The stora of M Svar7s.rud & Co of Eugene was attached by Sheriff Noland Tuesday for a claim of $1223 41 on complain 1 of R L Ssbla, representing Portland creditors Collections nave been poor Is the cause of tbf temporary emharraaamsnt. A meeting of the Democratic state ean'ra committee was bei.1 in Salem today. The Teiegrani ta..t: Tnere ia a very general lm prasaion prevailing that the principal pur lorc of the Jieeting is to coaaider the claima of MitaiD applicants for federa' position under Mr LleTelsnd s administration; that certain names were to be indorsed sn i pre- tsuted by the committee. Sneaking on this point a prominent . centner of Ihe state cen tral committee tsid that inch actim would not be tal to. Ratiiik Exciting. This noon an Ore gon Pacific msn was standing on the O P platform, when he was attacked by a woman with a whip, and was cut over the head in a lively manner. The whip had been furnished i oy me woman's hutbaad tt was reported, ! because the man Sal talked about her. The sliair was a 'i.rivate'' one and will saiAw I . . ; oiy not gn into the courts. ; FoR WlFE pi.4Tto.-On Nov 17 W j rolirl Hammer and Marw k-.lll. .' widow with two or three children, were married in this city. Though the honev moon ii hardly over there is said to have been plenty of trouble, and Hammer ia accused by his neighbors of treating his wife in a manner not becoming a good husband Last evening the neiohhrira ! were railed in, Hani oter was arrested. pat I .... l. : f I : 1 i , -. . . . 1 op hu w.tcu ,or leaa ,u . and $12.50 settled the matter. Mrs rve ev sa said to a l.rd forking, christian woman. raiDAT. Richard is himself again. It rain. Motor makes five tripa daily toVur.ck'a addition. Lot there 00 iosUE.neatt of $1 pat week. The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Y M C A will .oeet this evening at 7:30. A dog beioifetr. g to Rev J A Haon.s, f ; I years a iwsi&r.; of Corrallis, died in E-tgece a: the advac; .1 age of about eighteen year a. 1 the parte: 1 tip of Dalrymple a Newport naa been diaeoired. Mr Uairymele snli I continue the boatness at the present office, t while Mr N - port will he found ia the office ' of Judge Whitney. j Howell E Jack. 00 bat been aptroinie 1 y . the preilUl.. lti u Jm of the I fcapr me court of the Coiled Statn. rice L , ; y Llm4rt decced. He is a democrat , .o4 , rr. blent of Tennessee, where bit ; .un-iiazAA a lawyer is high. j Tweaty-twa boy bapsls were recectly ! . expeLed from the M ilton school for smoking i cigarettes. T'aey were lit en a chance to j cm I hack on coodiUsa that they as bait tc ' j merited panisbroeol and premise to indulge ! ! xaanta the remainder were nrgcUaUsg f w contromtse. f inn at. Albany haa nine are lighu aal sU I plains of darkness ta part of the dry. G.tna cyer here, whets we Have g k1 mostlat. fJajstU. O ie lay this week sthi'e shooUag a sua Mr C E Hawkins was hit ia the eye ith tie cap. isjonag it totnewra'.. Another insole of tbo genaiae jfsckron W hi jast reesaiyed, which we will sell at Hi cents octal farther notice. Ladie Baxsar. Albaay is laeky for once. Yesterday we tla,c..- forUaod retsnved mt. sad - v raiTwi a U:g .1 ,se t rs.a ait wer ta oar ! was sut.e : iaches oa lerel Vhat nett. Instead of aa reported heretofore Judge ', ' Fa. let-too order-d the Oregon Pacific booVa j I ptcdaeed and t a ft parts exarciaxd them to I . tii.tr tie arts content, an 1 : waa had The experts w I look thrwngh the n V nVS trauma j D' " Taasrwt Craaxe: Editor 1 aOrmccr 1.' I We held a reisfijl-r niWlintr Jin 2ti. atUndac. e, considering the weainer, wtitcn was .uitecooi asm toe ground covered with about ix inches of soo The regular order of bnsinesa waa taken np. Reports on four applications i for membership were read, all oaing in favor of the applicants. A large number of bills from the legis " latore were banded in bv Bro A Blevins Manv of them were examined and dis cusrd. We find that manv are of but ,w "Penance, oeing pet sciiemes 01 ,ome 01 ;ne "emoers 01 mat ooay. 1 In the afternoon the first and second j degrees were conferred upon a class of three, me reports ot uie n nance cora- mittee en the accounts of the sec.aUry i and treasurer for the past year were read i and accepted- The reports showed the ' finance of the grange to be in t noarish- 1 ing condition, also the condition of the I grange lo be advancing. There was a J gain of 24 by initiation and otherwise for j the year. Our insUl'ati an was held Ian ISth. I Bro Leeper. of Fairmount. was the in- j suliing officer, assisted ur nro jotm , Wallace, of No 10, and Dzie Spring, of j Oak Plain. Bro Ieper gave 11 some excellent re- I marks on different subjects, which were : I IISieurHl to oy a mrjre imiliwi oi me ur i , der and others who were present. Other suggestions were made by several of the i mnch for us to do, for we find that there are nuuerout cotutiinationt wor-ving against the farmers, and thev are con tinually taking advantage of us, so we must be up and doing if we hold our own w ith the scheming powers. The mono polies are hsapi.'ig the burdens upon the farmers all the time, and just so long as we will bear it they will continue to add to the load which we now carry. Why not begin now to let them know that it is time to stop,as forbearance has ceased to be a virtue. S. An Important Difference: To make it apparent to thousands, who think themselves ill, that they are not aflevt ed with any disease, but that the tyttem simply nerds cleansing, ia to briug c mfort home to lhir hearts, aa a ecativ condition is easily oared by using syrup of Fig. Manufactured by the Califort.:a Fig Syrup Co. A Bio Stage. "All the world's a stage And all the men and women merely players ; They have their exits and their en trances." One of -htir principal entrances lean. into Parker Bros grocery and bakery . The finest groceries and the freshest pro duce are kept, and their baked good are beyond comparison, consisting of a big variety of breads and cakes, plain aud fancy, skillfully and well made. An in portant thing to consider. Movixa Outfit. The undersigned it prepared lo do all kinds of house raising and house moving promptly and In firtt clsss order. Call or leave orders at my residence at cot of Third and Oak streets, Albany. I B Tillotson. All the Stylk to go to Mueller's par lore with the ladies and treat them to Coeoa and High T wafers. Served at all hoars. One Small Bite Bean every night for a frock arouse Tor uld Livers. XSc. per bottle. TAN6UT. January 30th, 1893. The people at Tangent are still discus sine about In cor jurat! ntr the citv and Hon A Bievlnt hat Introduced a bill before the ' legislature to that effect, and before you know it Tangent will have an election of i city officers. Our public school U still going on with a goodly number in attendance. The ! school will be out In February. Sharp & Douglas gave a dance at the drug store bulldlnsr on last Wednesday i nlght.and they could not find enwugl. girlt j In Tangent to go so had to send to Albany I to ect tneir crowd, and then we heard there were only 7 gins in all and about iC or iS young men. Mr C E Hill informs us that he is going !o start back to Nebraska about tht first week In February to stay. Born, on January 9th, 1893, lo the trhV of Mr Munn, the nurseryman, a 9 pour.d Caughter. Mrs 8 E Mills is visiting her son George. at Aumsvllle, a few day this week . Mr Mills is depot agent at Aumsville. The btnign countenance of lames Casey .. JL " . 1 iineisac), o v oooourn, was seen here on last 7 lies. i as v.. -t. . ine M r. Church south revival has closed and Bro Futrell has gone to Irving to engage in a series of meetings j Our Literary is stIU in nrooreaa. fnlln-. j n g are tome of the officers : President. G WKuthe;vice president. Minnie Mc Ghee; secretary, Claud Beard; treasurer. : Benjamin S Mills; editor. Mist Clara! Hudson ana Mrs Able Andrews; corre sponding secretary, George Kuthe; marshal, J J Beard. Question for last Saturday night , Resolved That Targent Should be Incorporated," affirmative Mac Jenks, C E Hill. F M Mitchell: negative 1 i , . - --- a hi 1 1 b n ... 1 j I , . ..c, ki., a- r omiin. juugca decided in favor of the negative. Mr John Anderson, our section fore- j man. intends to move hta family to Shedd ; in a snort lime, his section being changed ; I MIII1CI VJUll. A B Conrad and C F. Hill marie a flwino- j trip to Kalem latt week. Born, on January 27th, to wife of A W ! ; Moses.a big bouncing baby boy. . The M E f'hurch and Sunday school ; board elected their officers for the ensuing j year: Supt, L B Luper; assistant supt, W ' W Hudson. Sec, David S Bridge-farmer; ' assistant, B S Mills; treasurer. Miss Cora ; Hudson : organists Mrs Moliie Luper and Miss Dena Bridgefarmer ; libra: ians, Miss Emma Johnson and Miss Florence Hud ' son. A revival meeting hat started up at the M E Churcn on last Sunday night. Wednesday evening four conversions were made and more conversions are expected. Born, on January irth, to the wnfe of George Simpson, a nine pound daughter. Mr Charles Howard, of Pendleton, but formerly of Tangent, is here visiting bis ; titter, Mrs J E Jenks. Every one was i glad to welcome him 'wit was sorry to I hear of the death of his mother and father. J His father was pastor o.' 'he M E Church : South two years at this paace. ' A candy pul-ir.g party was had at the . Grange Ha l on last Friday night week, . and quite a crowd of young folks gathered ' rnd had a splendid lime pulling taffy and playing In general. It was given by the ilOOT lodge. Voitsg AatgsiCA. A Tf a Lrrter Elbrsios. Wash. Jan. 30th, IrlaS. One of the eeveratrt storms of the son visited this section today. Part of the lime it was a terrific blizzard The oter the coantrr. and in many nlacee j 'be roads are blocked with drifts so as to ; be impassable. Bat the fanners are jubilant as they say "A bia- crop of snow secures c a big crop of wheat The town is steadily improving and nearly every day there are tome new ' arrive If. The winter seems to be a pretty bay season with the people of this exrantry. : Many are working getting in their veari'v j supplies oi wood ar.d taking ice oat of the , river and storing it away for the hoc days 1 in rammer- The Rrs IV wee and Lcrrd have been I carrying on spiritual revival meetings' bere lor the past three weeks, and mocli j good haa been accomplished. Every night large sleigh loads come in from the country and the church is always well filled. Tk. iln.a,l. sin. - t?j. : v.vuuia .. tii.n . ieaj,u;i &k,eu.Au.e i of from 23 to 30 couples whoenkvv them I Arnn an, f K.m 1 selves dancing until 12 o'clock. Mr T G Cooper is jast completing a very pretty brick hotel, which will be a nice ornament to the town and will tie opened on Washington's Birthday. The M E chcrch people are all ready to build a new church here as soon as the snow goes away. Everybody is expecting a boom in the ! prsng and are making great preparations j i According. y. j " 1 Paaai anext Batxca Lai ndbt. A ; orasch office of the Salejs Steam la an 1 ldt7 -P0 etrtadsltshed in Albany. All w"j colleciea and the lanndned ! r?eles delivered at Salem price. No ! ?Ulr errfjeaye All work guaranteed. Ordera may be left with Osbora Parr, permanent agent and eoiicisorior Albany Mossy ro Las. I i:are money in sums of $500 to $20..V to loan on im proved farm lands in Linn and Rentes conn ties, at lowest current rated, delay in furnishing the money. C (. Bi'ksh tar Real estate agent. Albany, Oregon. aroea Baby was siest, we tare her isaons When :ie wasa Oh.M. : ne! for 'asi.-na When sts brewrne Miss, slw clnan; tr r-.m.eaa. Tssn she had Chi! Jrer . sbe jare tbern :--.!. tOPTRItiHT IB3I A needy toomam the one who's overworked, nerv ous, and debilitated. What she needs is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription. It's made exactly to fit her case an in vigor.it in?, restora tive tonic, and a sootliing and strengthening nervine, giving tone and vigor to the whole system. Bat it isn't a mere stimulant. It's a legitimate medicine, that an expe rienced physician has caref ally pre pared, for woman's ailments. All the functional derangements, chronio ! vreaknesscs, and painful disorders peculiar to the sex, are corrected and cured by it. And because it's a certain remedy, it can be made a guaranteed one. If it fails to give satisfaction, in any case, you have your money back. The best pill costs less than any .1 i a . Aey m euuatier, tw, anu easier W ! J take. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pelleta are the best pills. They regulate Lau t up say Dowels. the liver, stomach, and FOSHAY A MASON wyiOuiiAsa aa aarsnV OrBKgistsand Booksellers Agents for John B, Aldan's publlctsteOtu, which we sell at publisher's prieea wita atajteadder" ALBAN T. ttKiOr. MISSIONARY'S STORY How He Suffercrl from Eczema. Doe tors Failed. Grew Worse. Deavtb Only Belief R?: petted. I hare been trmil.t.l ik -1 limbs. The ttcbm, wT-"rn,?.on "7 me unfit for work. '' T z.nftn.in.. 4 j" . naa tned many remedies and eor.r.itd good phy. Btrlan, but received no per sanest relief. A friend told ' " ' -Tif.raa Hm tnt. I ibea sent for a copy of your too, more than a year shw, aad now I wish I had r(.l lae boot and begun to ue the Cvticcba BaaTB orts once. But the doctor said the tsnstaiat, com! In some cases, wonM be of so use to me, and eon. 0 B . M St mo worse and worse. Death wcnW cave been a re lief, and It waa the only rel.ef I expected. Juet then my wife ' Hunk iod Cor a good one) fonad the book yon sent In some oatf the-way iuoi ine-way place and read Ine: nerrateLen and said we would trr the t li inroTJCTi m : narzeo use i Cuticura Remedies J'1 T?' k rvncCBA r. utr. and a bottle at Ccricnu Ka ; test. I began to nae them aboot tie middle of uwt Aognet, procuring a new supply amen caw i first waa eihacated. I aa now well and aWsnd i t mv niasr, work r u Hi inn if is , Poliivan County Bible Society .portrait nrinarif). seen anataynd ::. Clticcha To , ftZBEDra to suffering I tn ""Sy .f?"rtl Rr.r. ii AfcK Jf GIIXEei P. ' Box 11, afongaap, hsiilivao Co., 5, Ccncrtu RrsrgDrrs are the greatest skis ceres, blood purifiers, sad Burner rentesses of modern tiroes. old everywhere. I-r.ce, Ccttccba. Me.; fjj -Ke-; UasocrsBT, (I . Prepared by tba Porrea lince awd CsntnrcAi. Cor., Boston. aST" " How to Cere Skfa Diaeaae," 54 pastes, SS ClnstraStooe, and teaTimrrrtsle, mailed free. PjPLE.-, hlaekbeads, red, rocgh, chapped, and I I m oily skis eared by Ccnccaa Soar. HOW MY BACK ACHE8! Bck Arbe, Kidney l"in. od Wcsat. Saitoh's Parous sriB aysw great sasista niaa. S ewtrta. HILOH't VIT ALIIER. eowaader tt fJUbenf rensedajiyaaTffirtaifwaraaB ItotrmMaL" For DypepKS, liver or aUdneT tronbaettilsiBl Fries? Seta. s ILOH'S, CATARRH REMEDY. T .....SiT ,1.1- T..Mle It WlH jector or rBaucrawsiM! Qrn3awrt astentsbad givirV'" to ajveaatwrartion REVERE HOUSE IXBANY OREGCk HIS. PFtilFFEK rPs0PPsIET0 Small Gciraateed tc- cttrc Bilious yL Sick Headache end Cc-iwlpitataa. 40 in eaci bottle. Pr c- For sale by dmcjiiti Plcrare "7, sx ; -aiali. cease tree. j. r. sxiTa i c;., Pttiitf a. axw Toax. A BIG STOCK -:- of -:- Baby :-: Buggies best atscrtment ever brought to Alba;, just received at Ste"virqit 5 Sox's. 8 (hf Pqpts amj Oft Trim W. L DOUGLAS S3 SHOE hoTWps to. the wot 5d tor Uva price. W. L. Do u gwaoareinisn It mndnty W. L. DougiasSrtveewdiicsB ta beat vwixsa at that pstoaw asV aTr Taste Ke Subetit nte, . Beware ef frwad. How sauiHne wtthraM W. L. Br it whan row bov. ' W. L. Dear! as, Breosrtss, Sa sowar SOLD T aLs. E. Bid A IN. ONLY LINE RUNNING 2 TRAINS le-Ylag Portlaid, &45 A. S. m P. M. DA.YS TO CHICAGO 7 rs Oiitker lSt.Pa. A l., t , 7T . " "wars Hiiflfr to UlBaOil ud Kansas City. PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS. W CHftl" om- For rate and general Information cal en or address W H HURLBURT.Asst.Gen'l. Pass. Agt, 354 Washington St., Portland, Oregon f JCAl WSSB I Byttl aad rain reliered Its osse nT by frrt u c-ntAcoxw A at if am yiaster. ffBraHlgffi5 CnreaCoBTSirsnptlon. CoagS, Creearp. ore n ..1 S-u bv all Drawsssts an a Gsarsstea. w. T de. Backer CSst f .3itMi& ElBSsasss f)2