The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 10, 1893, Image 3

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    fie monat
1 he Cause. Here is some more of the
Serfling murder from a Portland stand point.
Robert F Ashby, of the firm of Aihby and
Cane, was well aquainttd with Mrs Settling
and was one of the witnesses to her mar
riage with Otto Serfling. "The ceremony
wat performed la the apartment house over
the new Park theater by Rev G W Gue,
February aS, 1892, Ashby saU yesterday.
Scrnltng, like Johnson had been a drinking
man and Mrs Johnson not wishing a repe
tition of her experience with the latter,
made him premise to refrain from Intoxica
ting liquor. He readily consented but from
what I can leant did not keo his prorrise.
I lis wife came to Portland geveial times and
told me that whenever Serfling went to town
he got drunk and did not return until late
at night. She remonstrated with him and
he promised to mend his ways. "Another
cause, and one which piobably led up to the
murder, for it er.gendered a bitter feeling
between the two, was the attachment of Sr
fling's children by a former wife to M't Ser
fling, They were devoted to her at she was
to them. Serfling Imagined that she was
trying to alienate their affections and the
matter ended by him sending the children
tomv home in Albany. "Other causes
were'Serflings refusal to comply with a
promise to move into the city, which he had
made to his wtfe. and his refusal to allow
her to sell some propeityin Portland. Mra
Serfling hail always lived in the cU and did
not relish life on a farm. She came to
Portland about six months ago and staved
here a month. About two weeka ago she
asked me to sell some property jor ber. I
made arrangements for the sale, which was
satisfactory to her, and then she telegraphed
her husband to affix his signature. He
came and not only relused to sign the instru
ment but also broke the sale. She felt very
bitter about it, and told me she was dltap
pointed about her husband; that he was not
a man of his word. Then sne said. 'I will
give him another trial If he will make any
concessions, I will live with htm; ii not, I
will pack my trunk and return to Portland.'
From what I can learn the kept her word
and wat preparing te come back here when
Making Conmss RtcsroxsiBLu. Sena
tor Meyers has introduced a bill, proba
bly suggested by a cage recently occurring
in this county, which explains itself
Section 1. Whenever any individual,
while lawfully traveling upon any public
highway of this state, the same being a
legal county road, shall, without contri
butory negligence on his part, and not
having been warned of the defect or dan
ger by notice or otherwise, sustain any
loss, damage or injury in consequence of
the defective and dangerous character of
inch road or bridge, either to his prop
rty or person, he shall be entitled to
recover compensatory damages therefor
off the county in which such loss, damage
or injury occurred, by au action in the
Circuit Court of snch county, or in a
justice court therein if the amount of
damages sued for be less than one thou
sand ($1,000) dollars.
The mew steam lavndrt is running
with a good force of hands- The process
of washing and ironing goods in such a
laundry is an interesting one. The
machinery in this laundry is first class,
and with the first class work being done
under a competent superintendent, it
will be a caution if the Celestials have
anything left to do. Only whit labor it
employed, and the wemen are all Al
bany people- It is peculiarly a home
institution, and will be ran for the - ben
efit of Albany people, the prices being
so low that families can well afford it.
As soon as everything is in complete run
ning order the peop.e of Albany will be
invited to call and see how clothes are
'done up" in a scientific manner by
team process.
Grange Resolutions. At its meeting
Saturday afternoon Salem grange adopted
the following resolutions proposed bv Hon
R P Boise: (l) Resolvec, That It is the
sense of this grange that the state should
become the owner of and operate the
locks on the Willamette river at Oregon
City. (2) Resolved, That it is the tense
of this grange that the constitution of thit
state should not be amended so as to allow
the several counties of this state to incur
any greater indebtedness than is now al
lowed by said constitution. (3) Resolved,
That (t would be a dangerous policy for
the several counties of this state to create
a bonded indebtedness to be a future
burden on the tax-payers.
The Cause Unkxowh. In mention
ing the burning of the barn ef A R Mc
Donald, near Scio, the Democrat stated,
at informed, that Mr McDonald, had just
returned from the ham, where he had
been smoking while doing his work.
We were misinformed in reference to it.
The fire occurred at 10 o'clock at night,
Mr McDonald had not been in the barn
since 3 o'clock. How it started is not
known. 1200 bushels of oats, 200 bushels
of wheat, some chop, 30 or 40 tons of hay
and 7 horses were burned. 4 horses
were sa. ed but were badly burned. The
machinery was saved, but was badly
damaged. There was no insurance.
A Good Showing. During 11 months
of 1892, ending with Nov 3, 3,350,000
pounds of freight were forwarded from the
depot of West Scio. This it an excellent
showing when we consider that another
depot (the O P at Munkers) but one is
mile away and which probably tandies
as much freight as does the S Pal West
Scio that it of Scio freight. Press.
Get Started Right.
Then the whinine schoolbov. with
And shining morning face, creeping like a
Unwillingly to school,
stopped at Conr. St Hendrlcson's, the live
grocers, and left a long order for some
groceries, remarking that he liked to eat
anyway.and that they kept the best e;roc.
ries there to be secured anywhere. If you
would have the best groceries and produce
a the most reasonable prices call on Conn
& Hendricton. They have them.
W.ll Move Feb. 15th. From now un
lit Feb. 15th we villsell Bouts end Shoes
at greatly reduced prices in order to reduce
ur large stock before moving in our new
quarters. Respectfully,
Klein Bros.
Money to Loam. 1 have money in
sums of $500 to 120,000 to loan on im
proved farm lands in Linn and Bentci
counties, at lowest current rates,
delay in furnishing the money.
C ( Blrkh "' r
Real estate agent. Albany, Oregr n.
All the Style to go to Mueller's par
Ion with the ladies and treat them to
Gbeoaand High T wafers. Hervtdatall
Easily Taken Up
Cod LivefOilasit
appeat s in Scott's
Emulsion is easily
taken up by the
system. In no
other form can so
much fat -food be
assimilated with
out injury to the
organs of digestion
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod Ltver Oil with Hypophos
phites has come to be an article
of every day use, a prompt and
infallible cure for Colds, Coughs,
Throat troubles, and a positive
builder of flesh.
Prepared b BcottlBowm, w. y.
there will be a meetinsr of ih .i.
holders of the Odd Fellows Hall Buildin
Association, held in their office in Al
bany, Oregon, on Mondy, tho th day
ot March, 1-83. at the hour of 7 o'clock p
m of said de-y, tor the purpose or timing
even directors to serve for the ennuln
year, and to transact any other butmesa
that tray come before said meotlng.
Dated this 61h day of Fobrnary,io93
E A Parker, Pi evident.
Brfori the Coroner. Coroner Kar
rell returned from the scene of the Serf
ling tragedy Saturda evening. Hit re
port shows that Serfling left a long letter
dated Feb 4, which was probablv written
while he was waiting, saying he Intended
to kill himself and providing for his burial
and referring to a will in the hands of his
'awyer, W R Bllyeu. Clara Serfling, a
daughter, who went home with her step
mother testified before the jury that when
they went home Mrs Serfling immediate
ly went Into the bedroom, which is divided
bv a curtain Into two rooms. She wa
ll card to say "Ain't you gone to bed yet."
He feld it was none of her d d business.
Then he said "Come In here, I want to
speak to von. Clara testified to hearing
tome scuffling. Mrs Serfling ccreamed,
three shots were fired, and Clara ran to
the bam where the boys wet e putting up
the horses. 1 hey had had trouble Thurs
day. He had never made any threats
against her but had said that he would
kill himself. The jury consisting of I A
Bllyeu. J S Morris, W M B'lyeu, A
Semnver, Wm F Mespelt and las S Crab
tree, found accoiding to these facts.
Serfling had been married twice before
and Mrs Serfling four times. Serfling
evidently intended to make the work sure,
or in his room besides his revolver was
f 11 ax and shot run
The party had Deen held at the residence
of Wm F Metpelt's Instead of at Fred
Mejpelt's, as stated, and it wat a daughter
nd not a hired girl who wat at home at
the time the shooting happened.
Further particulars from private parties
Indicate that Mr Serfling did not contem
plate killing Mrs Serfling until he returned
home . Circumstances show that he open
ed her trunks, found letters In them from
other men, of such a nature exciting hit
ttrong temper, judging from one or two
letters found wards. Then he burned
everything of hers he couid get hold of.
two trunks of clothes, pictures, silverware
and $50 in money he had sold some wheat
to secure tor her. She was shot In the
back of the head and hit under the nose,
he In the right temple. Four shots were
Born in Albany - T..e Statesman
writes up one of the members of the
State Legislature as follows: Hon O F
1'axton is chairman of the Multnomah
delegation in the house. Mr Paxton is a
native Oregonian, born January 4, 1859,
at Albany, Linn county. He was edu
cated at Albany -ollege, Albany ; Lin
coln grammar school, San Francisco;
Portland High school, Portland, and
Santa Clara college. Santa Clara, Cal
Mr Paxton was graduated from none of
these except the Portland High school.
In July, 1880, ha was admitted to the
bar by the supreme court of Oregon, and
has practiced at Portland evei since. He
has Wen alone much of the time, but for
the past three years has been a member
of the firm of Paxton & ruddock and the
firm name was Paxton & Bennett for a
time several years ago, Judge A S Ben
nett, now of The Dalles, being the other
member of the tir.n Mr Paxton baa
held many offices in the giit of the peo
ple of Portland, among them police judge
and city attorney, and he was school
superintendent of Multnomah county
two terms, from 1S80 to 1884. Our
present representative's father was A B
Paxton, a pioneer, who came to Oregon
from Ohio in 1850. His people were from
Virginia. Mr Paxton 's mother was Miss
Nancy Jane Gray, daughter ot David D
Gray, a prominent pioneer of Linn
county, who came acroM the plains in
Ci oswG Exebcises. The public scboo
have just closed another term under a
very prosperous condition. A credit to
the school is the literary society. The
closing exercises of the society were of
great interest Miss Kate Senior was
heard in an instrumental solo, Miss Lilly
Crawford displayed talent in a recitation,
Miss Edna Miller was beard in a recita
tion ; a live song by the society preceded
a debate on whether Hawaii should be
annexed, Reuben Thompson, David Got
lteb and Misses Edith Rumbaugb, Bertha
Dodder and Maggie Shnpp contending
for te affirmative, and Ben Reece and
Misses Martha Rilsey.Tillie Dorris. Edith
Chiswcll and Cora Barker successfullv
for the negative. Prof Crawford was
beard in a song, Miss Cora Sbupp in a
well rendered reading. The critic made
his report and the exercises closed with
a pretty song by Lillie Farrell The new
officers are Lillie Crawford, president;
Lair Thompson, vice president; Lilly
Dodder.secretary; Kate Senior, treasurer.
Victor Moses, secretary of program com
mittee ; Carey Crawford, editor of paper;
Prof Crawford, critic.
Something New. A ter.t of the
Knights of the Maccabees of the World
was organized in :he GAR Hall last Sat
urday evening, Deputy Supreme Com
mander H Van Meter officiating. The
election of officers will take place in the
same ball on next Saturday evening to be
followed by the Installation of officers.
Initiatory ceiemonies will be cor ducted
by a team of Sir Knights from Browns
ville and Lebanon on Friday evening Feb.
17th. About twenty of Albany's repretea
tattve men are candidates and the list will
remain open until after the latter date.
Those present Saturday evening art loud
in their praises t,f the new order and the
succe s of the movement here it confidently
A Contractor Missing. The Timet
says: At stated last week the M E church
it in muddle and the matter it no nearer a
solution than last week. Claims aggrega
ting $2,400 have been run against the build
ing. Investigation proves that the contrac
tor paid nothing on the material for the
building and very little far labor. The Sa
ga r Pine Lumber C of Grant's Pass, has a
claim of $1 aio; the Harritbure Lumber Co
$600; E U Lee $200; the additional $400 it
labor etc The board of trutteet received
$1,000 from the extenticn board of the M E
church and tbit Is virtually a mortgage which
has a prior right over the other claims. The
contractor, E Bashaw, hat not returned yet
and nothing has been hear J from him.
Teachers' Examwatioh. The follow
ing teachers are attending public exam
ination now being held in thiscity: E
C Neal, Frank Robinson, J E Calavan,
Maggie Dun lap, Leota Plymale, rena
Flory, Estella Parrish, Bertha rihedd,
Arthur Gamher.John Powers.OA Hazen,
C F Bigbee, J B Marks, W H Ross, G S
Brown, SS Wilson, Guy Shaver, Ina
McCullough, Nellie Jester, Alhe Wilson,
Hattte Templeton, Lsta Ramsay, H H
White. Annie Grimes, Elsie J Cox, Louie
Ingram, W 8 Davis. W S Bates, C E
Feebler. Blanche Collins, Bessie G Rand
Flora Overholts, Linn C Homer, Mrs
Ida Swann, Velna Swann, Luln Powell.
Lizzie Lunn, Lenora Powell, Mary E
Porter, Elsie Thomas, Maivin Calloway,
R L Knapp, Orville Dinwiddie, Marv
A BuBOfLABT. Saturday night prob
ably between 11 and 12 o'clock burglars
entered the store of T L Wallace & Co,
the goods in which were recentlyattach
ed by creditors, probably unlocking the
front door, and stole some shoes, and
perhaps some clothing, how much is not
known, probably not very much. A
shoe was found by the rear door, which
though was locked and barred as usual.
The case is a peculiar one.
Lincoln Couhty. The county of Lin
coln ill probably be established by the
present legislature, perhaps the only
new county. It will embrace the west
side of Benton county, beginning at
abort tunnel No 2 on the O P and also
some of Tillamook, including the Siietx
reservation, and it is claimed will have a
population of 4000. Toledo will be the
temporary and probably the permanent
county seat.
In Trouble. At the recent term of
Circuit Court, in this county, Robert
Zimmerman, indicted for stealing a trunk
from the IndeDCndehce hotel, was tried
and acouitted. His term of freedom was
of short duration, as tie is again in jaii at,
this place', eharged with stealing a shot
gun, watch and razor from the residence
of L Damon, near Independence. Con
stable W W Williams captured him at
Albany, and at the preliminary examin
ation before Justice Lines, he was held
to await the action of the next grand jury
in the sum of $250 Dallas Observer.
Terrible Storm. The mischief making
and neighbor meddling office at the east
end of Albany, it a total wreck; the wlret
are all down and the bottom has dropped
out of the metsage box; but the line will
soon be repaired and in running order
again, and all police calls can be delivered
011 short notice. X.
Cure for Colds, Fuvers and General De
blUty, Small UU lteti&s. gtu peg UrtUo.
An interetting program is being arranged
for Sc Valentines entertainment at the old
U P church on the evening of the 14th of
Mr Karl Race has formed a partnership
with Mr Spauldingof Salem, in the real
estate and insurance bntiness, and will
move to that city to reside.
Yestei Jay morning Mr Frady arrived in
Albany from the eatt on a visit with his
brother, the father of Mrs Fritz Hoffman.
They had been apart for 39 years.
M Svarvemd, of Eugene, a prosperous
hardware merchant Is In the city. He tayt
that the Chinese pheatanta up hit way are
unanimously infovor of deport Ion. Portland
Welcome. Mr Svarverud hat just been at
tached bv creditors.
Hon Lark Bilyeu is confined to
home in Eugene with the mumps.
License hat been issued for the marriage
of W I Warmouth and Kate M Stalllngs.
Hopkins dancing school will meet Friday
night instead of Wednesday night as an
nounced. joa Choynski,the famous prize fighter,
passed through Albany yesterday morn
ing for Portland.
Last Friday evening, in Portland, Miss
Lena Story gave a fagot party, in honor
of her cousin, Mr Fred Fortmlller.of this
Mr C H Hart returned this morning from
a several months evangelist trip with Rev C
M Hill through Southern Oregon and re
ports a pleasant experience.
The Y P S C E will give an "Apron
and Necktie" social next Friday even
ing, Feb 10th, at the residence of Mr C
E Brownell. All are cordially invited to
attend and enjoy a pleasant evening.
Mr Mitchell, the nephew of Mrs Otto
Serfling, went to Scio yesterday from
Port land. but was too late for the funeral,
which occurred on Sabbath.
Mr Chaa Howard, of Pendleton, torm
erlv of Tangent, is in the city, the guest
of Mr Sena McFarland. His father and
mother, Rev and Mra Howard, recently
died there a short t'tne apart.
Judge McFadden, J 0 Wilson, Zeph
Job, Mr Avery and others of Eastern
Benton were In Albany today on their
way to Salem to fight county division
from any quarter. They are now faced
by two proposed new counties, Lincoln
on the west and Blaine on the south.
Recently Capt Van Alstine was re
leased from the j til in Portland on con
dition that he leave the city. He had
been imprisoned for whipping his wife.
The Democrat predicted that he would
come this way He came, and what was
Portland's gain is our lose. Mrs Van
Alstine is with the Capt. It is to be
hoped everything will be serene here.
Mr Walter Ronald, a popular and live
commercial traveler, of Seattle, baa been
au a, s 3 t m eio legu fiua ten v.vuu,
of this city, gave Mr Ronald his first job
on striking the Coast, Mr Conn then be-
ing a resilient of Seattle. Being made of
in the city. 1 ears ago Mr Perry Conn
progressive stuff Mr Ronald did not saw
wood very long. His brother is Mayor
of Seattle.
Mrs T J Stttet left this noon tut Oakland,
Or , to visit tier, Mrs E H Henderson.
The C L S C meets tonight with Dr J
L Hill. Quotations from Lowell, a short
program and American history.
Dr J L Hill haa been appointed dele
gate f rots Oregon to represent the physi
cians of the state at the World's fair.
Mrs Otto Serfling waa bora in Danville,
111., where ber parents now reside, prom
inent and wealthy people, it ia reported.
Li be rati will be engaged to furnish
mueic for the Portland exposition tbe
coming season, provided he will sign aa
iron clad contract.
Mitt Annie Hoult was a passenger on
the overland last night to bar old borne
in Harritburg. M its Hoult wat detained
three days in the Union Pacific blockade
at Bonneville. Eugene Guard.
Geoige Stockton, of Linn county, who
worked in the Tidings office for a year or
two, arrived in town thia week from the
east. He haa been at Hartford, Conn,
for a year past, but waa obliged to return
to this coast on account of lung trouble.
Ashland Tidings. A brother of Mitt
Lou Stockton, of thit city
Mr Logan A Roots, of New York.
traveling intercollegiate Y M C A Secre
tary, and Secretary J A Dimmitt, of
Portland, were fn tbe city today, making
- - . . .- ...i'
arrangements for a state met ting of the
college Y M C A of Oregon, to be held at
Corvaliit in a few weeka. Tbe gentle
men addressed the students in Assembly
Hall of the college thia morning.
O r Coehow to trustees of Wilhoit
Chapel of th? M E Church
South, lot 6, ol 2 H e Ad N
Brownsville $
John Frame to O P Coahew, lota
4, 5. bl 2 H'a Ad N Brownsville.
U 8 to Lowell Ames, Jr, 157.88
acres 12 w 1 Patent
V tctor Eifert et al to Joaepb A
Retterer, 2 pieces land 10 E 1 .
Victor Eifert et al to John FolU,
piece land 10 E 1
E L Bryan to Fraatx Vollatedt,
80 acres 11 w 3
Andrew Groat to C Potman , 23 feet
front, N Brownsville
Mra C Put man to Andrew Groat,
3.77 acres. N Brownsville
W C Miller to W E Arnold, 160
acres 10 w 1
8 W Moore to Mary S Moore,
7 lota, Sweet Home
Brownsville B t L Aa ociation to
Frank L Howes, 43.30 acres
14 w 2
Frank L Howe to Elias 8 Marsters,
23.16 acres 13 and 14 w 2
Eliy Simmons to Caroline Sim
mont, 2 lota, N BrowntTille. . .
C Simmons to E Simmons, 2 lota
N Brownsville
H W Peery to Ed Martin, 2 lots,
Geo Finley to Eliza Brandon, 400
acroa 14 w 3
Mrt R Schooling to J L Boyle,
2 lots, Harritburg
Gill ert H Heaton to C O Rice,
58 acres 14 w 1
The Newspapers Dm It. A neat il
luttrition of the value of sagacious newt
paper advertising tat given at the
Portland, Maine, Young Men't Christian
Association meeting Sunday, when Gen
eral Secretary McDonald stated that be
had some curiosity to know what method
o! advertising reached the most people.
He had circulated thousands of little
dodgers giving notice of the meeting, and
he aaked those who had teen them, and
had been moved to come through that
meant, to rise- The hall wat packed at
full aa it could hold, and of the entire
number about fifteen arose- Then Mr
McDonald asked all who bad read the
notices in the newspapers, and bad been
influenced by them, to rite, and the
crowd rose in a body. The moral is
plain, if you are a live business man ad
vertise in the newspapers continually.
Don't sleep.
Boots and Shoes 1 carry the large
line of medium priced and good wearing
boys, mlttet and children thoet in the city,
and have just added a line of steel shod
school shoe which I recommend to the
trade. Dont forget that I repair any thoe
f tell free of charge.
S E Yoi'no.
A Fine Dog. Today Mr W M Tonner,
tbe Oregon Pacifi: Wells Fargo messenger,
received an Irit'i tetter which it one of the
finett dogt ever brought to the valley. It
is from tbe blenmore kennels of Ceffeyvllle,
Kansas, and possesses extra dog blood.
$50 wat the cost.
J 93. During tne year 1893, from be
X trinnlng to end, Will 4 litark propose tc
keep up their reputation of having the
finest stc-k of jewelry, watches, silver
ware, etc , In the valley. If you want the
best goods at reasonable prices call on
Ukakoe Com vehtion. There will be a
couLtv convention held at Oak Plain
Grange Hall on the 1st Saturday in
March, 1803, for the purpose of electing
a representative to the State Grange for
the ensuing year. BAIevimb,
In the Senate. New bills: By Smith,
to regulate railway traffic between Celilo
and The Dalles ; Myers, relating to the
practice of medicine; Bancroft, to define
and punish obstructions ; passed
Third reading of bills : Myers, to pro
tect game, flih and song biids.laid on the
table; Butler, to amend the code regard
ing estates in dower ; passed Denny, to
amend the code regarding the distribu
tion of personal property ; passed. Ban
croft, to build ana furnish schoolboutes,
etc, pasted.
In the House. Third reading of bills :
By Jeffreys, to enable women to hold ed
ucational offices; motion to indefinitely
postpone lost and bill passed 44 to 0.
Miller, to compile and priut school books;
recommitted to education. Ortneby, to
establish an Oregon soldier's home;
passed, 43 to0- Paxton, abolishing days
of grace on notes ; passed.
Special to the Dbhocsati
Salem, Or., Feb 7tb, 1893. House:
Resolution that no bill be Introduced ex
cept by content, or from committees on
salaries, ways and means and public
buildings, adopted. Patted: Bill to
make it a crime to break into cart; in
creases pay of jurors in justice court to
two dollars and mileage. Committee to
investigate penitentiary have served
copy of charges on Supt Downing and
begin to examine witnesses tomorrow.
Bills relating to proceedings in justice
courts by Miller patted. By Nickell to
make constable responsible for overt acts
of deputy, patted. By same, requires
assignee to publish notice of final settle
ment by assignee, passed. To allow of
Srivate sale in estates, patted. Wilkins
ill to have one railroad commissioner
act at clerk, patted.
Senate: Billa passed: Hirschs bill
amending reform school law ; Cross,
annexing Sell wood to Portland; Baa
craft, to issue bonds for street and sewer
improvements in incorporated cities.
Crotno'a appropriation lor agricultural
college. A oodarda resolution emp.oy
convict labor on public roads loit. Na
tional Guard appropriation bill special
order at three o'clock.
The assessment bill repealing
mortgage tax law and doing away with '
deductions for indebtedness passed, and
now only awaits the signature ot the
ttevernor to become a law. Hon J K
Weatherford made an elaborate argu
m&sk ..Uir..ln t that IliA fovnavurs a tt ft
UltJUti V. I4BSI AAA IJ 111 SB tiv a m. ytm a " - '
not to bad at painted ; if to, they were
perjured villains, and he would like to
help make laws to put them in the"pn"
where they belonged. He thought moit-
gages should be taxed in the counties
where they were recorded, and the cou.ts
were invoked to protect them. Linn
county, he laid, would loee tl.OOO.COO of
1 assessable property if this bill becomes
, 1 Thl
35t L
Third reading of hills. By Hirsch,
for the development and em-
the ttate reform school, patted :
Weatherford, ateeeement and taxation,
laid on table; Croeno. to appropriate
money for the completion of tbe slate
agricultural building, paesed.
D TBI HOl eK .
The senate amendments to the hone
bill repealing the mortgage tax law,
were read and adopted. Wright, of
U. "
- 1
rion. called up tbe house bill.authoriiing
public notice of county expense, etc, by
potting the same, and it wat indefinitely
postponed unanisaoualy. Elmore's bill
-.0 amend tne charter of Brownsville waa
New bilhj Upton, to fix the compensa
tion of the elate printer j Maya, lor a
ttate board of forestry : Geer. ot Clacka
mas, to amend 'he assessment law ; Ford,
providing a general law for the incorpor-
ation of cities and towns ; Keady't bill
. ', ; . 1. . . . . ;ii iK. M. tM
tiary for employment tJ convicts in the ;
manufacture of grain bags- etc waa then 1
token up, and, after conasderition.paased
If a vote of 48 to 9. Third reading.
unwuiwi l"
to eerviee by publication in civil cases,
IMCIIUB. WJ ftlUCUU fc-UV tW ...
paaeed; Wilkms. to amend tbe act creat
ing the board of railroad commissioner,
and reducing tbe salary to IS00C, iaawd
Special to Dnsocxar.
Salem, Or-, Feb. 8tb. Honte: Billt
pasted : Campbell's portage bill : Merritt,
defining leczal sack of rloor at forty -nine
poonoa : .anerldan charter Dtuj
nmliet timter ami other nronert V from
nre ; Geer, relating to incloturet.
Ford's precinct assessor bill was re
The governor will approve tbe tax bill
bat will veto tbe Oregon National Guard
appropriation of $45,000.
senate. Bills ratted: Alley's fish
hatchery ; Cross, changing boundaries of
Multnomah and Clackamas , Gullixton,
providing for militia appropriation ;
Croat, incorporating Oregon City ; Bnt
ler, incorporating Falls City ; Gates, fish
tnd game protection ; Ravley, $24,000 for
Western Normal School; Croat, incor
porating Aurora ; Weatherford, incorpor
ating Waterloo.
The Governor vetoed World's fair bill.
un corsTT Haui
1 1 et M il
The regular session of Linn County
Business Council met with Harmony
grange on Feb 4, 1803.
Worthy President, J H Scott, called
the council to order.
The committee of titters appointed at
tha meeting of council, to aee to the
millinery trade for tbe year 1893. made
their report at to progress, and aaked for
further time.
The subject of trade card waa brought
up at thia time and discussed at some
On motion a committee of three waa
appointed on trade card for the year
1893. Committee consisting of M H
Wilds, Tbomaa Fro man, and J W Propst.
Tbe subject of assessment and taxa
tion, wat called np, and diecutsed by
several members of the council-
On dinner being announced tbe pres
ident declared a recent for the tame.
After dinner the Worthy president, re
called the house to order, and the trade
card question was disposed of to that all
patrons could understand the same.
One motion one thousand trade cards
were ordered to be procured by the
Worthy Sec.
A resolution waa introduced by M H
Wilds in rrgard to assessment and taxa
tion which waa talked on by T Froman,
John Wallace, Phil Swank. Geo Davis,
and on motion the resolution was adopt
ed. On motion tbe secretary of the coun
cil waa instructed to furnish one member
from Linn county in each honte of the
legislature with a copy of the above
Ou motion tbe next meeting of Linn
Co Business Council will be held with
Oak Plain grange.
A vote of thanka waa ttndered to the
members of Harmony grange for the use
of their hall and the sisters tor the re
past furnished.
Under suggestions for the good of the
order several members made ren arks.
On motion to adjourned.
Notice To all Indian War Veterant.
All War Veterant are requetted to call on
ut and make application for Land Warrant,
to which they are entitled. No charge
nnlets successful. Call and get terms and
particulars, f re.
Most ante ft Hackleman.
Whf.n you come to
Den't fall to visit
The druggists They carry a large and
choice ttoca of drugs, patent medicines,
etc. Prescriptions are always carefully
and promptly attended to.
It will
Pay you.
Aahbv ie Carte, Resl Frtate, 80, Wash
ington Street, Portland, Cr.
A Handsome Prize. A beautiful sil
ver water pitcher, now on exhibition at
F L Kenton't grocery ttore, wl
will be given
ly. A ticket
awty on Washington's birthday. A ticket
j It given for every so cent cash purchase
Toot I'earee. the pioneer weather observ
er, of Kola, died Saturday.
Two more weeks of tho ttate legislature
aad 600 bills t oontider.
The C P train thia forenoon oamo through
thirty indict of snusr at the summit reach
ing here on time,
'The Union Paoifio have published a very
neat pietetial world's fair folder, oont ining
uoloted lithographs of the various exposition
buildings, birds eye view of tbs grounds
with a complete map of the oity, showing
location of the fair, hotel, railway depots,
atreet oar lints and oity parrs. Cepy of
same may be aaa by Addressing W H Hurl-
ourt, Assistant ueneral ) aaseouer
Portland, Oregon."
ThejUx levy of Umatilla county has been
placed at 25 mills.
Tho Willamette ia 6.4 feet tbove low
water today, with a lower tendency .
There wero S3 15 beans in R O Watsons'
jar, and P J Smiley and Mis. Annie Aah
goesscd tho exaot number. The number of
guest ea was 4642.
Mra Settling's fenrth husband committed
anioide in Pertlaod, and all of ber hutbandt
met violent deaths. Her marriage with
Serfi ing was brought about through a mar
riage bureau, a vey po..r way to obtain a
suitable match .
Mr W R Oraham his just secure I the
services of two first elaaa tailors. Both hare
families and and propose to make Albany
their home. Mr Oraham is always ready to
show wha. be can do in the business after
years of active experience.
Speaking of the Serfling murder the Ore
gonion etya: "Serfling was a O.rmen and
was in ocmfortvble circumstance. He
owned a fine far-n and had several tnousand
dollars in the tank." As a matter of fact be
had to avail some wheat for the $50 burned
by bien.
An examination ,,; the store of T L Wal
lace k Co. by Mr Wallaee and Mr Al Stern
berg, who returned from Portland yesterday
revealed the faet that probably only three or
four pair of the beat thoes were ttoleo, net
'er eight or nine pair at the most, and
nothing else wes taken that could he dis
covered. J K Wyattand Lion W R Rilven ninn.
i from Lyoa last night, where they had been
to try the oaee of the State against Amo
mu, arretted ou .vmplawt of J as Lyocefo
assault, the former rotecatine, the latter
dafetidiog. Hiett waa held under toOO
I - - VJW
! btul to ait the actioa of the grand sty.
lne U-any Dkmocbit wa elUhtly in
j ""or ia ite atetetnent io regard to the recoct
supreme court decision opoo the Bansttt v
I Markley tail. The former deutsooofth
j supreme court was not upon the merits of the
J c eobeUuliaUy a temporary nonsuit
I owing to a defect in the complaint. A re
Bwin will he had id) trie circuit oosrt a poo
an amende i complain! . Corvaliit Gztt .
The thermometer aru 39
seto ia Athens, P.O.
. .
it u aud ir.
p un storm
The Msr.hal.hip of Ala.kt,
j worth nearly 10 000 a teat, a
p ckutg.
. o uww miuroii 01 Alusor ur9 a
' attl at George Lasdreth'a. daughter at Thoe
O -1 ' 1 ." .
"tsae a 100 as r V ADJerson .
Mr Chaa Meiar hat been appointed
manager ef the Ecral .alone, for Mr Fred
j QeMl ,aad will hereafter be found in charge
V At.
Two men have been f rosea i death
the Illinois prairies within a week, aad
each uatttne the victim wat iotoxUated.
ITU com bins Loo is ImusUbi
Mrt, n Schmidt u mentioned for
office of
! He baa
state dairy and food commissi ur
made lite .nl iw mmI.ii.
! J '
, r-aastiiie TV ! I I ..J u ,v:'
eoaaty, both voted against th repeal ef the
tnortgage tax law, and will be toataioed by
their cosau.aeau fur doing so.
The inreeligatioo. of the auintun! ,
. - - 1
" "j? today, j
I -, , " ' ot ne
com suttee, and wiii take the tettissaae ia
abort hand.
Evan. A Totten, cement walk bniUers
have aktcr-d eat fro. KnU.J!?Z-l-
voesbilrs unpaid, and u. Guard want
efts. . . t a - . ' se-e WS.S 11 Uliuilliuuua . AlltlC -i A UlttCo
fnmtjm j beeat pWd in the o cieclric ur, railway with applications
and. of Sold. Uee cr.oly.for ' pjj or franchise' for manv miles
HI tSim ITtftft IV.'tvsorefaTthe Strand suburbs. The road
g 1" Ml'C Ut Mon th' bed and equipment, are ol the best con
. a j struct! on and material, and among the
l M wiii ot Otto Sarfiug wat opened to- best on the coast. There are three public
T " M " att ptooerty, worth aoont : parka, a pub'ic fibrary containing oter
SU.Ota). nearly a . real ettaee, t MtSaktlst- tscop vofatBft, a dtfly paper., j rrtc.rr
rer., and appointed J A B.ijea executor of j ing and a evening. Toe cilv is lighted
loe wilt and estate. j wlili electricity with a central tower lo
Mr H Farwl! baa bought a hv'f interest feet high, surmounted with a duster of
in ine sure of air Gtcrte
Voce at Raist-
view. and will move to that piece to reside .
A reliable and po polar cltiien bo deserves
aacoeae in hi new fie'd
. Yesterday John Berce'-t began an n.jaoc
tion suit in the circuit ccort to reeirslo the
county clerk from ratting the tateoed vol
r.tioo in Beaten coao'y ae nrdorej bv tbe
tut board of eqtMhtation.
Another crowd of Corvsitis men went to
Satera today to oppose division. They have
the maps showing conolniiTeiy the diamd
vantages of division. These division sehe
lie generally premsture, often started by
nien wanting office.
feck a Bad Bad die a- a good aired home
'a -a ft-. kft Is . -. . . a I
was new in 1U bad boy leal-
urea, and at well contained some specialties
or an sitraoure oasore eren lor baM beads.
Tbe troop is the beat Bad Boy troop ever
here a try laughable and live per
formance. Tha crocer particularly is great
To frevent Ihe trip
Or any other similar epidemic, tlte blood and
the whole system should be kept in heslta)
condition. Take tlood'a Sartatarilla to
give strength, purify Ihe bit c-t ard priv.nt
Hood a Pills core liver ills
Wortsj kaottiag
rbat Alloock'a Porous Plaatora sri the
highest letolt of medical science and skill,
and in ingredients and methods have never
been equalled.
That they are the origisal and genuine
poroua platters, upon whose leputation
imitators trade.
That Alloock'a Poroua Plasters never'ail
to pei form their remedial work qaickly and
That thia fact ia attested by thoasaBda of
voluntary aad unimpeachable testimtnials
from grateful patients.
That for rheumatiem, weak back, sciatica,
lung trooble, kidney disease, nvartenai.. ma
laria, and all local paint, they are invaluable. 1
ibat when you buy AHcock "a Toroua
I'lrs era) ou absolutely obtalithe beat plti
s at made.
Sastum Grange. The following of
ficert have been elected by Santlam
Grange No 37, for the ensuing year:
Matter, J H Peerv; overseer, Jamea
Crabiree ; lecturer, John W Richardson ;
secretary, Newton Crabtree; treasurer;
Mrs Francis Crabtree; Stewart, J P Crab
tree; asst atewarl, J E Cyrus; ceres, Mra
Marlon Crabiree; Pomona, Mrs Jennie
Cyrus; Flora, Mrs Mary A Crabtree; lady
aast steward. Mrs E Compton: pate keep
er, wnas x Cratt.
EWERT LESTER. In San Jose, Cal.
recently, Mr Alfred Ewerl, wiMi Rothchild
A Hadenfelet, of San Francisco, and Miss
Mabel Lester, of San Jose. The groom Is
a ton of Mr A 11 Ewert, of this city, and s
former resident of Albany, and has many
friends here who will wish him and Mr
Ewert happiness and prosperity,
COLE-WYLIE- -On Tuesday even
ing, Feb 7th, 1893, at the residence of
Mr Fred Veal, in Albany, by N M New
port, J P, Mr Albert Cole, the live
pitcher ot the Scio B B Club, and Miss
Maud Wylie, both of Scio. They h:ve
the best wishes of many friends.
WEIMER In Albany, on Tuesday
morning, Feb 7th, 1893, to Rev and Mrs
G M Weimer a son. All doing well.
POWELL At her home near Marlon,
on Friday, Jan 17th, Mrt Mary Powell,
aged 82 years and tlx months. A pioneer
of 1851.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
A li.ll (l It Mi LBTTBOl
San Jose, Cel., Feb. ttt, 1893.
Editors Democrat:
For thit occartlon our text will be "The
State of California, the county of Santa
Clara and the city of San Jote." But like
the milliner whototk for his teat, "The
World, the Fleth and the Devil," snd In
hit Introductory remarkt tald he would
patt hastily over the world, touch lightly
on the fleth and hatten on as fast at possi
ble to the devil, to we will patt hastily
over the ttate, touch lightly on the county
and hatten at fast at possible to the city.
The state of California with an extreme
length of 770 miles and a width of 330
mites Is the largest In the union of states
with but one exception, and owing to the
great stretch of latitude and the high ele
vation afsorre of the mountain ranges
that traverse the state from north to south,
the climatic conditions are perhaps greater,
thus giving us the choice of manv oro-
ducts in the Santa Clara valley. We are
enjoying beautiful, balmy cpring weather
with the Eucalyptua and pepper trees and
many kinds of fruit trees in bloom. Roses,
cameliaa, cailalillles and such flowers are
looming in the yards and garaena,but we
pats. The county of Santa Clara hat the
Sett county roads and ihe finest climate In
America, with the finett Court House and
If all of Records In the state. The county
contains rnre than half of the French
prune trees in America, '.he richest quick
silver mine at New Almaden, the largest
telescope, the Lick on Mt Hamilton; the
richest educational Institution, the Leland
Stanford. Jr. University, in the world;
also the largest teed farm in the world,
producing more than half the world's sup
ply of seed. They haye already planted
38,000 ticks of onions for seed alone.
There are more pleasure retorts with
more varied attractions than In anv other
county in the world. The county abounds
In medicinal waters, such as the Hot
ypringt of Gilrov, the Madrane soda, the
Axiue suiphur, the Pacific Congress and
Alum Rock springs. All fcincs of
semi tropical fruits are grown here with
success and profit, such aa orange. lemons,
limes, almonds, olives, figs, English wa'
nuu, etc. There are 44 wineries and dis
tilleries in the county to won up the im
mense crop of grapes that are grown, and
1 great many are dried into raisins. Po-
Htica'tir lhe rminrv me. frmih if in tinlll
I lo great upheaval of last November,
I htea reminds us (if ou will pardon ihe
digression) of the gentleman who wat the
proud possessor of a parrot, a very fine
iwm huwhuiuicii muhcu
' lne habtt of mint very profane language.
1 . t-t 1 M I . - . ..
saucier oacontuteu as to wneincr
there was anv way to break him ot the
habit. Oh, res, said the roan,' the first
time you hear him swear douse him with
a bucket of stater, catch up his cage and
I whir! it around violently a half dozen
' times git Ing him a good pounding and he
trill efftn If I K ,aam in
struction and applied the remedy thor-
jouhiy. The parrot slowly pulled himself
' together alter the nerforrnance and seeir.c
his roaster standing quietly by said feeblv,
-Wiere In the h II was vou when the
1 .,. .,!.... c .-
; The city of San Jose allh J 5.000 popu
j .ation, many fine public buildings, a credit
I to tlte enterprise of the citizens, beautiful
residences, mature busing bracks and
the handsomest hotel in the state, the
en Dome. The citv hat 11S miles of
. I
I gvaueo streets. I he Business street s.tuch ;
j as 1st, 2nd. Market. Santa Clara, San Fer
0?- T5?0 edro nd o'
P ed with the ma: modern asphalt, the
? BVlgian block stone paving having
arc lights of 14,000 cand.e power and
mists 150 feet high.distributed throughout
the city, ilso with clutters of arc lights;
both ffiii and e'erlHHle 1c ti&jftri In iKa
.teres and houses. There are Mi rhnrrtiM
a Vduh Mm'. I'hnuiin Aunriuim al
Chinese Mission, a Salva'lon Armv and
other religious todies with over Sooo com-
municants ti look after the moral and
spiritual welfare of the people. The Pratt
Home for old ladies, an Orphans Home
and the open door and free reading room
j for the accommodation of indls ent "tour
jlsts." The educational facilities arc the
I best 01 the coast with six targe public
schools, a high school, 2 Kindergartens.
ine triaie .normal, me l mvcrsltv ot the
P.Hfir the. v.r. n,. r-iu..- ...a sri
deigarten, two colleges for voung ladies,
t. . 1 1 . . r : r. . (, .
uutmrM sisisssssjemsj etc. ine city supplied
with pure water from ihe Santa Crux
mountains through two twenty Inch mains
at a very reasonable service. The fra
ternal societies are represented by 5 Ma
sonic bodies, 6 Odd Fellows, a K of P, 2 A
0 L W.i Leg! n of Honor,! Native Sons,
1 Chosen Friends, 1 N A O D, 1 Knights
of Labor, 2 Good Templars 2 G A R, 2
W R C, 1 Ladies of GAR and several
medical, tocial and musical societies. The
population Is composed of representatives
from every state in the union.every nation
In Europe, every country in South Amer
ica at well at from Africa and the Island,
of the Sea, and we all take kindly to the
annexation scheme. Ex-Web'foot.
An IsapwrtaBl EHtTereaeci
To make it apparent to thousands, who
tMck themselves ill, that they are not affect
ed with any disease, but that the system
simply needs cleansing, is to bring comfort
home to thiir hearts, at a costive condition
i easily cured fay using iyrup of Figs,
Manufactured by the CaU'oriftia Fig Syrup
Look Oct. At Zero or below it ia a dan
gerous ootdition of temperature to those o
enfeebled constitutions, either from age or
infirmity. It s just such a condition ol the
weather aa increases ten-fold the intensity
or spread of rheumatio pains and aches. But
tbe remedy and cure is so simple and aa -e it
it to be wondered at that any permit them -
selves to suffer a day, 01 an hour, wh-u al
any drug store ijt Jacobs Oil can be had.
which not coly cures rheumatism, but there
is us -tturn of tha trouble
Stuloh's Cure, the grant .cough snd croup
enre, is for site by us. lcet site contain
twenty-live dosoa,only -"c JChiMren love it
Fnshiy & Meann.
Not Always the Flour.
If your Biscuit are Heavy,
Your Griddle Cakes Sodden,
Your Pastry Poor,
Your Cake dries out quickly,
Change Your Baking Powder.
Di Price's
Cream Baking Powder
It imparts that peculiar lightness, sweetness and flavor
observed in the finest food, and not obtainable with any other
but DR. PRICE'S.
Your correspondent got back to Foster
and found the young town very thrifty.
New buildings are still going up daily.
The new sawmill slices up the Cascade
fir and cedar logs to perfection.
Mr Joseph 8teinrandt and William
Wiley got lost in the mountains tbe
other day and stayed out in tbe woods
all night. They could'nt sleep any for
tbe atnnnmg cries of cougars and wild
cats, which teemed determined to devour
them, at they could not make a fire.
Mr George Howes has told bit farm on
the Santlam, and ia making preparations
to move to Texas in the spring.
Mr A D McQueen has been working on
bit place at Motet Butt.
Uncle Peter Lefrancit' wife hat come
Dack, and Uncle Peter pays her trip to
Spokane did ber $100 worth of good.
There has been another large snow in
and around Foster. The snow was 2 feet
deep at Fairview.
Jud Maley aad brother have been buy
ing Battle to drive to Bunch Grass in tbe
tpring. Ss.viK.
Coltece Seles!
The A C L 8 on last Friday elected the
following officers : 8 E I rvine.Presiden t ;
OK Goodman, Vice President; A M
Williamt. Secretary; J C Irvine, Critic ;
O Tobieaon, Treasurer; H G Fisher, Li
brarian, and F Elkint, Marshal. Tbe
new officers will take the oath of office at
next meeting.
Work on the Princess is progressing
rapidly. It will be ready to be given
next month.
Lett Saturday the water in the bate
ment waa np to the furnace damnere.
caused by the incapacity of tbe newer.
but is rapidly subsiding.
Messrs ihnwiddie and Motet Da caed
the ordeal of initiation into the A C L 8
last meeting.
It it eaid there wat tome ballot box '
stuffing at the election last Friday, caus-'
ing a new vote to ue tak a. ater which
the young gentlemen voted to reinitiate i
the culprit if discovered.
The Erodf lphian and ACL societies '
are trying to arrange a literary contest j
to be given at tome future date.
Bill Syket has perfect confidence in hit
ability to ride any ordinary goat, bat j
when it comet to tbe piece of gaeoiDe-
srhich the young men speak of, be gives
up in despair go brother Ahiqnia can't
tame Billy thi time. Box Svxte Ja.
wevna rwtMttKausu.
Soareoir si a! Will A Sura's
VIAVI Co S- in Baltimore block.
Tbe beat ewstry at Will A stark s.
Fresh eggs at F E & Ilea A Co.
Trophy tea some Uttj fine at FE Alien k
if too wast a fine anaokc call for Joseph s
while labor cigar.
Havt you seen Dr Lowe a boat j our eyes?
If not, why not T
Cotae acd see the stew chil ed plow at
Bleeps opposite poet, ffiee.
White soft Mask eta made at the Albany
woolen mills for sale by t K Allen
Tho host meLoofleo is the city at Gonad
Pa melas aosste indastry by naokins the
hrst. white lab
Why afnoki a China cigar when tor the
same nsooey yoa ess get a wtiite labor cigar
made by J Joaeph.
Aemember all boots aad ihoaa bosuht of
Klein Bret that tip. ran over or totes eeeae I
loose tnii be repawied by ea iiee of charge.
Bebelu Bros desire to say for the infor
mation ef al' whom it may concern that
they are now pas mg seven and a half cents
per poand net for pork .
A Bio :-:.-
"All tbe world's a m
Aad all the
men acd women merely
p layers ;
i They have their exita and their
. One of ;.hir principal entrances least
i prker Bros grocery and bakery
The finest srtweriea an,! tha fre.i.e.l nm-
?Dce T ltef,!- tm tneir baked goods are
.- 1 1 nuijfti -1 1 , itieieciug; ot a otic
variety of breads and cakes, plain and
fancy, kil!;lly and well made. An im
po riant thing to consider.
Kit Gloves from $1 a pair up. I arry
all lioeCof leading brands in black aad col
ored. Will receive novelties for the holiday a.
Agent for the celebrated Ceotemeri glovt.
a mi- el E. Torso.
"IOP at Will A tjtark's when voi are
vy after diamonds, the best watches, and
oe finest silverware to be secured,
nave them.
A large stock of prannvg shears nd prun
ng hooka tbe beat made, jutt reroired at
Stewart & Sox's, Now is the time to ate
Consumptives, do not despair, There i
hope. Try West's Cong h Syrup. It, will
alwavr enre ia early stages. Procure a
50c large 8 ox. bottle. J A Camming, Drug
gist Ladies Fikb Shoe I have a full tin
ot ladies fine dree shoes, all solid and the
latest novelties in atyle, and renonable
prices. SinriL E. Torso.
If you want something good go to Carters
grocery and get one of those fine fat hens.
Atcea? Market.
Wheat ,57c.
Oats, Sec.
Flour, 15.00,
Butter, We.
Eggt. 30c.
Lard, lie.
Pork-hama 15c; shoulder, 9.-, aides
Hay. baled, fit
Voatoea, 50c.
Hops. 18o-
Dried fruit plums, Pc, apples, Pc
Chickens, ft 60 per doten.
Beef, on foot. Sc.
Mors, dressed. 7c.
Wtj received that cheap,
It waa first-class, at represented,
the price wtt very reasonable,
and we advise our friends to
send their orders to
Flinn 131'k. Albany.
mh The Forum.
i lr'' tbm roam u 10 ow vmum atsto .star Tax ym. r letl 7 Tj if
IlJiTt S f ft- - --r' - 1 nm 1 1 ii.iaMie.IJ. 1.1 I . V Vf -Jb V
taflL jS toe: rirw isetSEl toes am-S lit, W M-
C nL'Bt?f K rl,'a-c P0WTM emrtalns aitidex about what man PjC9 '-'" Wf
YPkSjtr f x are sow doing ia the world. U Wea
! rs5lZ' U Tbrnmmttxitm&ftjcntiwuVlttaA Tt VSff "Tip
JSl I ttasrkt1 aad of ear own country, aad rf rer own I
Yw.twftMu. 1 tlase; tbe eitaesUiea erf your caildrea; tie latest re- a F.T 1 -
1 tarts afreets n k la yeai ow a tytialtlnay ; last great V
f ik. 4 beiic till rtmc-d,UrtaJ leaders; the laj-tEavi- -STItaw I
f-f 4m I men ta -are rJseao not the mast interestiBg rairjecti ? h jg, A
jf9w I secret of The Fount hold ea its readers la f ftVrl T
f A Jk m W tat ita srnteri make it helpfal to Ul whs t I -2m9!SL
IUrtOftAagforattlftSrloreiaaTitpartofeveiy piu- 1 . Jrmi
rHfHD', fsswisei, crit,aad daaa-taose wko axe saecoediAg M7'
Jufjrv aotsvase taeyatavea essrrsAsaeaaiftrrof theistenec J MWf 7
J7 I taalfeeesandot tlselaiYeraviTftWef Aaterieao JL
tasawst I lift, the batt-iaftcsirj, aaattbtaieaT ttisttieas. 00- ft
I Hatsssa- I lu wriurt are tbe Isadora of thoaght aadofae- F--"" if
1 kooerhero aadin aJl kjada of imperuat wark ,
j AflfX aj whal be tldasTH Tcanrat. eraensl to as tar MsftBX
L'w'" fjm f I'll TziZM : SSftts tfzxn. Vev TzA. fSayta. -JaeVui
atattby ska nam at alcohol or tasseamso,
M salmi Dim sssi in. It snoring eg lata
ggaaa issstllias ia iasmnisr aad rtatrng u an err,
taeay asti eat. Pisisssit 1 OiJ Age Barrea aeaa.
Wtttm SSSSSSrSSSB, trr- B BSSBBBS i-aase t BSSS
rrknas iinsstl by oeor-exs-tua al the
br ssssl prapeal aa recahw e( prise.
Taearaaaycxu. e .rt orltr rftrttr, 1 S
--. aastast sstesssi -tieI snttti t II srioitf
the smhsssr aa- anuai rii-v;i l: rsfat
tast an sfS aearr.
aalsas sssssse ea!t by
I -
ale Age
A - list. er
J r iifrs, PaintK. Otis
O it tiles, JSt
J. A. Comming
Farrr inp vbortibl ritx for sal
consist in? of 40 acres or lees of land
one mile n -. ih of Albany. Lan-t weil im
proved. For particulars tnxutre of
W H Winisxox
0. Me McFarland,
-dealer in
Harness -and -Saddler;
Display in the Door
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, aad all Pat
ent business conducted for at 00c matt Fes.
Oust Omcc ia Oeeosmc U.S. ptct Omct
and we can secure patent in less tune loan those
resole treat W ashington.
Send model, drawing: or photo., with descrip
tion. We sdrise, it patentable or not, tree of
charge. Our lee not due till patent is secured.
a ssattem.rr, "Mow to Obtain Patents,'' wtth
cost of saase In the V. S. and fureuju countries
sent free. Address,
i Oai. Patcnt Omct. Washington. D. C
Red CrownMills
Ntw raoexst rtoos trraaioa iok
isD tixxBs in,
3ST ST0R.QS V0lli!lS5
W. tTOSt
Arel iter! aud (out rite tor.
Leave orders with H aiburt Bxo,, Reti
Ketate a genta.
I !ii5 c Ctr, I
Da EC Wear's Smarm or Bears Tsaarstsxt, ( ljg
isstranleel ssatdsle far Hjsscria. fl islssss. Oso- I
1 us! n a rasftSsriuea ssnskisHtafarha,;seiTosss
; Prassntsoa ea
! eeotaias 00. ssoaU-s trsilmnsna fill a bam.
en w. ai
we uitivm tax gam
Wall Paper,
Issues 200 page Dry Goods and General
Outfitting CATALOGUE.
Send your name on a postal pord TO-DAY
and get one.
While trying to Crowd their
Store, where thev auwass have ou hand
the lareest Stock south ot Portlan-i, of
tne latest improved Rifles and Shot
Guns; an Immense stock of Fishing
Txcklt of everv description; Tents,
Han. mocks. Cams Chairs and tho ..sands
of things too numerous to mention.
Repair Shop
ia connection with the Store, and one of
iSe beat workmen in the State to do any
and all kinds of work.
Cosne one Come all. No trouble to
show goods- "Small profit and quick
s'." is out jaotto.
Star Bakerj
CorBraatUitrin aa4 First Ss
-mtiii ci-
t aaatd rrttltn.
Catano ea
Or led Fruits.
IatscteTsrvthftdr that la kept ia a
vsnetv saa jnceerr store, nigasss
markes price paid for
O rposi e St Coirlea Botel
Bed ciotolng and laoe cortiins well
atteuded to.
Starch woTk a apecktltv office at Moecs' laiber hop
aundrv c cse3 tvenhiaa t "30oY!o'k
oo : to
The Clothier and Merchant Tailor,"
On Lyon Street, ne First.
See what a bargain you cm get there for
your cash money.
Also suits made to order, cleaning, dye
ing and repaying.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
F. L. DuMONT, - - Albany, Or.
V rued cart and
T ainsle harness, bo h
new. t'a..oi
G F Ruaaeil, county
school auperinteu-