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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1893)
rmortat. There la nothing startling In the an nonnr-emi-nt that Mr Cleveland's Adminis tration Is to be businesslike Administration. The people understood this when they voted the Democratic ticket. Wm V Allen, populist was elected senator from Nebraska jestertlay. The democrats who we.c stronger than the populists all voted for ' im, thus paying the debt that de mo ra s of Kansas owe the populists of that tate. The Sibbath day's journey of the Jews was moo vards, the traditional distance from the end o' the Ark of the Covenant to the farther side of the Isrellte's camp, whete they had made a stop in the wilderness, the point where the Sabbatical law was given J w Holmes ot lirownslown Indiana, one of the leading workers 'n the republican ranks was indicted at the last session of the grand jury for violating the election laws by attempting to bribe voters to remain away irom ine pons last rsovetnber. the case has jus been heard. Holmes was fined $25, sentenced to jail for thirty davs and dls franchised for a period of ten years. There are cases against about a dozen other repub licans here. Some things which have been related Mrs Blaine shows the feeling against her In Washingtm. One day, when President Arthur was in office and established In the White House, a number of women went through !o view the different rooms. Mrs Blaine was in the party. They visited presi dent Artnur s bedroom, and there hanging abovs the bed was the portrait of Mrs Ar thur, who had been dead quite a number o years. Mrs Blaine rested her elbows on the foot of the bed and gazed at the portrait. "I don't know where she is" she said, noJding toward the portrait, " bat if she is in heaven she must b: the most unhappy and wretched woman ever born to know she missed all this," Senator Myers sends us a roll call oftht senate showing the vote on the repeal of the mortgage tax law and deduction far indebt edness clause. Those voting yea were Ban croft, Blackman, Crosno, Crogs, Denny Dodgon, Gates, Hayes, Huston, Matlock McAllister, McGinn, Raley, Smith, Steiwer Willis, Woodward, and Mr Presidem-iS. Those voting no were Alley, Butler, Cam eron, Coggswtll, Hirsch, Looney, Maxweil, Myers, Yaaderbng, Veatch and Weatherford II. Ii was not political at all as shown by the fact that six democrats voted for it and five republicans against it. AH the Eastern Oregon counties and Multnomah, Benton, Clackamas. Yamhill, Washington, Columbia nd Tillamook voted for if. The death of Justice Lamar has recalled his well known devotion to the confederacy, and bis love for the leader of the lost cause was productive of one of the most dramatic scenes in the history of the senate. The Mexican pension bill was under consider ation and an amendment pended extending its provisions to all veterans irrespective of their course in the war between the states. It was near adoption. Congress, it was said, could best show its desire to forgive and forge? by extending the benefits of the measure to those who had once borne arms against the common country. The amend ment was near adoption when Senator Zach Chandler came to his feet with a short speech, in vrhich he said that, wliile in the main he agreed to the general tenor of the amevdmert. yet under its provisions even Jeff Davis 1 onld be restored to citi zenship. "And." he added. "I am not prepared to go so far as that." Lamar arose. His intense excitemen was evident. Be' wean him and Chandler a strong personal antagonism existed. An outburst was expected, and it came. Mr President," said tie Missitsippian with outstretched finger pointing at his foe in an, his tall form trembling with emotion, but his voice bell-like in its clear ness and without a quiver in it, "when Prometheus lay bound to the rock it was not the king of beasts who availed himself of his distress. It was not any other of the nobler brutes of the field or birds of the air. It was the vulture, the scavenger of the animal kingdom glnttoning upon car rion, which preyed upon his vitals, knowing that in a defenceless man who could move hand nor foot he had one into whose vitals he could dig his beak." He sat down amid a stillness so profound that the rustle of a paper sounded harshly Chandler was deadly pale. Drops of per' spirition stood upon his forehead and he clasped the arms of his chair until the strained wood creaked. It was expected that he would rjply. Twice he half rose, then sank back. He did not reply. CltEDlT OB XO CKEDIT. One of the most creditable acts of Harris on's administration is the appointment of Judge Jackson to the Supreme bench. The first consideration i his conceded ability and purity on thi bench. His locality was ef some consequence. He comes from the same judicial district as his deceased predecessor. He is a democrat, appointed to take the place of a democrat. Harrison deserves much credit on this pomt. As the bench stood politically before the death of Judge Lamar, theie were three democrats and six republi cans. To more nearly balance political power it was proper to appoint a democrat. More than half of th; people cf this country are opposed to the republican party, and this large class ol of opposition to republicanism should be more fully represented. The tendency of the republican patty to centra lize the poA.-r bf government in the nation, depriving the states of theii just powers, is a solid reason that a state rights democrat should be place! on the bench. By states rights we mean all powers of goyernment not delegated to the general government by the constitution of die United States, nor prohibited by it to the stalei. A republi can congre, presiden' and c-virt have gone far beyond hit inhibition of the constitution and it is high time the tendency should be checked. Republican administrations have repea-edly acted a tluiJgh there were no tine of dcmai kation between federal ard si.ate authority, hence much is gained in the wav of checking this highly mischievous ten dene, Bji it is said H.trrisou had other motives for making the appointment, which, if truj would dejirive li'mol the credit given above. The report is given out that a number ot republican senators who have not received as many favors at the White House as they aske I for, notified the presi dent that tliey would not vote to confirm h appointment to the supreme bench. (They did not think he wou'd appoint a democrat.) Han ison sa w that If he made no appoint ment that Cleve'and vould appoint Jackson, and also some democrat to lake Judge Jack sons place on the Circuit bench. So he de cided 10 appoint him 10 the Supreme bench and some republican to to the Clicui . bench. Assurances are given that Ihls was the mo tive If this be true, (and It Is very plau sible,) the president is entitled to very little ciedit for his appointment of Judge Jackson. susofl Ofm IfWUS uonndiisaco puD!pr)v snoinu ojiia oipo(musnQ mt EFFECTS OF A FEW WORDS. In 1866 James ( Blaine and Koscoe Conkling were members of the lower house of congress the former from Maine and the latter from New York. It was at this session that James U Blaine uttered the memorable fateful words that wrought his defeat for the presidency eiehteen years afterwards. A bill to reorganize and establish the army of the United States was under consideration and Mr Conkling made a long speech against provost marshals and their doing. He said he had been directed by the govern ment to prosecute the assistant provos marshal. Maior Haddotk, who was justified by his superior officer. General James B Fry down to the time when his sentence was published, he having bten convicted of the very basest form of official atrocity. Mr Blaine defended General Fry, and declared that Mr Conkling and the general had had personal quarrels, and that Mr Conkling had come out second rest. Mr Conkling replied hotly thst the state ment was false, and Mr Blaine had him called to order. For several days the two statesmen glared at each other, and continued the discussion at Intervals, Finally Mr Conkling said that If the gentleman from Maine had the least Idea how profoundly Indifferent to him his opinion was on the aubject he had bee.i discussing, or on any other subject, ha thought he would hardly lake the troable to express it. Then came Mr Blaine's cutting irony In the following language, as copied from the Congressional Globe, published at that time: "It is hardly worth while to pursue this controversy further, but still the gentleman from New York cannot get off on t'..e techni c-.lity which he has suggested. "He says that a commission never was issued to nlm. I understand him to admit that if a commission had been issued to him he could not have taken pay for both offices Now every ene know that those preliminary uthorizations are the things on which hall the business arising out of the war has been done. Men have fought at the head of bat talions and divisions and army corps without having received their formal commissions. "The gentleman was just as much bound to respect the law under that appointment as though it had beer, a formal commission with the signature of the secretary of war. "As to the gentleman's cruel sarcasm I hope he will not be too severe. The con tempt of that large-minded gentleman is so wilting; his haughty disdain, his grandilo quent swell, his majestic supereminent, over powering, tui key gobbler strut, has been so crashing to myself and all the members of this house that I know it was an act of the greatest temerity for me to venture upon a controversy with him. But, sir, I know who is responsible for all this. I know that within the past five weeks, as members of the bouse will recollect, an extra strut has characterized the gentieman,s bearing. "It is not his fault It is the fault of an other. That gifted and satirical writer. Theodore TUton. of tfca New York ImU- tntUnt. spent some weeks recently in this city. His letters published in that pipet embrace with many serious statements a little jocose satire, a part of which was thi the mantle of the late Winter Davis bad fall en upon the shoulders of the member from New York. "The gentleman :00k it seriously, and i has given his stru; additional pomposity. The resemblance is great It is striking. Hyperion to a satyr, Tl.ersitesto Hercules, mud to marble, dunghill to diamond, a sin gle cat to a Bengal tiger, a whining pupi y to a roaring lion. Shade of the mighty Davi-, forgive the almost profanation of that jocose satire!" vir.oRors slcguing Jas H Clarkson, the intrepid republican leader of Iowa, handles Harrison without gloves for appointing a democrat to the supreme bench. Men of thourht will recollect that Clarkson is a very strong anti Harrison man and has been for years, and will enprtain a strong suspicion that Clark son is now venting his long pent up spleen against the president knowing that no elections are imminent. But hear him: "In my iudsrment 'he act of president Harrison in appointing to the supreme bench, especially at this exceedingly critical juncture in national affairs, a southern state rights, free trade, anti-pension democrat, and an 11 n recanted believer in the secession theory, is a betrayal of public trust and party faith. Indeed, its the most serious blunder is party politics which President Harrison iu.s committed. No president since the foundation of the re public has appointed a man from the opposition psrty to tbe supreme bench. It is especially a betrayal of party interest at the present time, when tbe democrats are soon to take possession of every branch of tbe government except the judiciary. If this appointment ii confirmed there will be five republicans to three democrats, with two memlrs of the court, one over 74 and the other 72. sure to retire within a year or two. In this cast the democrat appointed by Htrrison would provide the democratic majority for the court, thus putting at pent all the legislation growing out of tbe war and delivering the court over to the control of men believing in free trade, southern ideas and prejudices, and opposed to the system of pensions to Union soldiers. "Tbe president, whether he has djne thi because irritating rumor bad said the senate would reject any republican Io should appoint, has proposed a renunciation of republican principles and made it possible for the supreme court to become democrat ic during Cleveland's term. "Any republican senator could with more lryalty to party and honor have voted for Orover Cleveland for four years last No vember than to rote for Jackson for life now. io vote tor him is to approve in cold blood of the abandonment of the wronsred and helpless republicans of tbe South. It is to approve of the brutal dis regards of the rights of all colored men in the s)uth, and the more brutal treatment of rea1 or supposed colored criminals in tbe southern states who are in these la' ter years so frequentlyburned alive 01 quartered at the stake. The republican party, which is still livinif and which is to rule attain despite any man's disappointments, may well be saved from the present reproach of enduring historical dishonor, of such an act of perfidy and wrong becoming an accom piufiteu 1 act. At Cologne there is a rose tree which is believed to be 300 years oid.and has a trunk of four feet in circumference. California has one at Ventura which is now three feel in circumference at the ground. It was only planted in 1876, and now covers 2000 squaie feet. Gutta percha was first introduced into Europe from Malaga in 1852. The annual consumption now amounts to 4.000,000, and the East Indian trees which supply the de macd are diminishing at an alarming rate. A Great Invbmtion. Is the self pouting coffee and tea pots. With them yon can pour coffee or tea without turn ing the pots. Wonderful, None of the hundred Mttle inconveniences of the rid fashioned way. Coffee cooks sure antl pure and cannot burn, and tta to pei fic tion. You raise the light lid and the coffee or pri ri-- frn-n ' t- pout. Ifyou would have the tines', thing In tue world order ene when Mis Talt, the local agent calls on ou. Reopbned W R Graham has reopened his tailor shop, and hat on hand a floe line of suitings, ready to be made up for those wishing firsticlass work done. Thanking the public for a liberal patronage in the past, he solicitta continuance of their patronage and jromltes good work and prompt a'tention to .i:neediof his patrons. WASHINGTON LKTTKK. (From out reeular correspondent,) Washington, Jan 30, 1893. President-elect Cleveland has long ago shown that he poss-sses the rare faculty of being able to see and to do the right thing at the right time and place. Therefore i was not surprising that his telegram 0 condolence should have been among the first received by the widow of James G Blaine, the American statrsintin. Although differing widely in many of their ideas there was one bond of sympathy between them, one prominent trait in the character of each of them that the other could admire without forgetting their political differ ences, and that was the intense American ism, which was the keystone of Mr Blaine's great popularity, and which makes li rover Cleveland the most popular living Amen can, today. And therein lies n lessen that should not be lost on men ambitious of popularity and power. There never was a period in the history of our country when sturdy, uncompromising Americanism was more highly appreciated by the masses than it is now. Mr Blaine's funeral, which was held today at the Church of the Covenant, was by the request of his family made as simple as possible. The pall bearers were all intimate personal friends of the deceased and the services at the church were confined to the reading of the Presbyterian burial ritual and a prayer by the pastor. With the exception of an organ dirge before and after the short service, played by Walter Damrosch.the husband of one of Mr Blaine's daughters, there was no music. Not one tenth of the people who wanted to attend the funeral could get in the church, and a very large crowd remained outs-'de during the services and afterwards followed the remains to Oak Hill cemetery, where the interment was made, Mr Blaine having requested that he be buried there by the side of his son vValker, who died suddenly several years ago. There was much disap pointment here because the funeral was not public, and at the capitol. Congress ad- i journed from Saturday to two o'clock this ! afternoon to give its members an oppor- tunity to attend the funeral, and alt of the government buildings were closed today. The house committee on rules has set aside February 9 and 10 for the consider ation of the Andrew's bill for the repeal of the Sherman silver law The general impression seems to be that a vote will not be reached, although a number of the friends of the bill express confidence in it. being passed. If Postmaster General Wannamaker holds the reception to the employes of his department which was to have been held at his residence tonight, the invitations to which were withdrawn on account of the death of Mr Blaine, he will retire from office with the personal ill will of nine tieths of the whites employed in the de partment. The reaon is not difficult to locate. In sending out the invitations for the reception he i -eluded all the negro laborers, watchmen, messengers, and scrub women on the department pay roll, and the white ricks, particularly the females, object to associating on terms of social equality with the negroes. Considerable interest fs felt as to what position the administration will take on j th? petition of the provisional Hawaiian government for annexation tc the United j States. Whatever view Mr Harrison may take of the matter it is hardly probable any a-tion will be taken by the present congress. Senator Carey has given notice of two amendment to the house bill for the ad mission of New Mexico -, one including Utah and Oklahoma in accordance with a decision of the republican caucus, and another including those two and Arizona Unless the plans of tbe republican caucus a'e changed it is vcrv doubtful whether any .fft, sh k 1 ,l- ,,- , rote will be rescued on thu question at tbe present eion. The election of KepresenUtive Mitchell. of Wisconsin, who was chairman of tiie democratic congressional committee in the latt campaign, to tbe senate is gratifying to democrats here, and tbey regard the promotion as deserved. LfcT OUK PANNON KOK When Cleveland was the nominee ef s party, those opposed, could soothe a morbid pleen by malignity and abuse. When el ect i and installed, be becomes the first cit izen of the republic; the representative of tbe n-Uoc, i: ton and daugtrera, lifted lo moae heights, there brow ii ba'hed in the benediction of a gieat cau-e, purified and dedicated by the paraclete of patriotism exalted and crowned by the immortal gen ius of a free people. It is the sublime of fice, no. the roan, that makes the blood ot the humblest American leap forward to sa lute him. For our country, best s-jd no blest of all creaiioa, the .ar.ctuary cf human dvilirai on, the throne of the living God; for our country when lis president bares his head to receive its trust, let tbe trum pets blare, let the clarion sound, let the drums teat; advance "old glory', to the front and before the national halls tnd tbe star-crowned capital of every ttate, let I be oud mouthed cannon proclaim, that tbe government of tbe people, by the people and for the people thai, not perish from the earth. Io the presence of a pageant, so simple, yet so graid and mighty, what mat ten it if Governor Sylvester Pennoyer hap pens to be unable to forget hit little jealous- is and harmless malice, at well as his .'el fish pnrp nes. for the sake of the glory of our common country Welcome. GOVER-VOIl PFMSOYEfS MISTAKE That Governor Pennoyer has maae sn egregious political mistake It patent to all except the governor himself. No man can know more than his party in American politics. So political part) In the United States permit any of its leaders to set themselves up it knowing more than the arty itself when it expresses its views In convention sftembl;l. The governor was disgruntled because the party in Oregon and in the country generally Law fit to nominate Grovrr Cleveland. He declared the party had made a fool of itself and that It would appreciate that fact when it should meet an utter defeat at tbe polls In November. Bui the party knew better than the governor. The governor bolted his party nominations In this state without any other reason than that he had worked himself up into a rage because the conven tion at Portland would not permit him to domineer its action. He then crushed out sll feelings of gratitude (If any ever exist ed,) to his party for lifting him out of ob scurlty and twice making nim governor, and turned against It and became its most bitter and unrelenting enemy. But he has lost pit political standing with democrats and it distrusted by all others. "hWs Thlst WroJ'.rOncHuii.-td Dollws reward for any nsc of CMan u that cannot be cured by Hall' t Catarrh Cure. P. J.CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Wc, tho uiidcrslg:oe(l, have knowa F. 3. Cheney for the last IS years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially uMs to carry out any obligations made by theft firm. West &Tnt!AX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo.O, Waldimo, KissraM & Mauvih, Wholesale Drus eints, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Core Is taken Internally, act in',' directly upon tho blood and mucous aurf aces of the system. Testimonials lent free. Price, 76c. per bottle. Bold by all Druggists. It is no wonder the Salem Post office does a good business. The legislature spends over ,1000 fur postage stamps alone for the members. After March 4th the United States senate will have two John Mitchells John L of Wisconsin and John H of Ore- ?;on. The former is a democrat, the atter a republican. Look out for John u. it has an aggressive spunu. Eugene boys, like Albany boys.did not have humanity enoughto leave the poor little birds that sought food in the streets, alone, and dead birds were frequently seen there that had been killed by heart iest noys. A German has learned how to make brandy out of saw dust, a fact that is causing various humorous comments about sawing wood for one's morning drink, etc- If the secret were general many a !asy inan would become indus trious, and saw dust would be at a pre mium. A remarkable curiosity, showing the durability of Washington cedar, can be seen on the Austin ranch on Lake hat-com- It is a cedar Iok two feet in diam eter, over which has grown a spruce tree four feet in diameter. Over the main root of this and directly over the log is another cedar three feet in diameter. All the trees, including the log, are perfectly sound. The log has probably lain these several hundred years. The Cottage Grove Leader man Is mad because .division ot the county failed, and called some of the men who caused its defeat yellow legged scrubs. The governor has signed charter bill for Lebanon and Heppner, and King's road fund bill ; he has filed charter bills for Riddle, Myrtle Point, and fixing sal aries ot olticers in dram and t rook coun ties. Acts for the relief of Lake countv. The Dalles and Klamatn Falls charter will be filed. G W Colvig has sued Sol Abraham for $10,000 damages. Both are candidates for R R commissioner. The suit Is tor slander, Colvig alleging that Abraham statco in puouc mat ne was in roratl partner In the Lake Lablsh R R Suit and 1 nntnoer ot deputies compromtsea ana ot that they made $40,000 out of It. The I former ministers suspected is hourly in race for the office Is certainly getting lively. crewnff- The Klamath Falls papers are alto hav- j ing some fun. The Star man says of the Express man: If he would psy for one half he eats, drinks or wears, he would be more respectable. He la known in ' Klamath Falls as a drunken bum whose jaw- bone" Is eternally dancing fr whisky. Yesterday morning he was yanked around In a saloon for his drunken brawling, and this it the third time he has been pu'.led out for hit scrurilliiy. To hide his black eye the black g.iard failed to show upon his paper until nightfall, when he came forth to set his jaw-bone dancing for gin, as usual. In Oregon people in politics and out of polite scheme to see how much free ad vertistng they can get ont of tbe news" papers. It is different in San Francisco. After the recent election the board of election commissioners audited and al lowed the following bills for printing the nominations. Oregon papers print for nothing: Examiner. 913,300: Chronicle. $13,300; Call, 13.184; Post, f 11,660; Report, til, A little more enow lsst night. to be state The Portland money ring eeem running things somewhat in the legislature. It is at least interesting to hear the rumors about the OP. One it thst Man ager Wm M Hoag receives $30,000 a year salary, a revealed by the books inspect ed, and gets $1,000 a month icr a small water power at the Bay. Of coarse both are exaggerations . ' Bidding for the office of Street Super- in Undent in Oregon seems to be tbe ' fashion. Ishland eclipsed Albany with . ,b foUowinf bid, . R cUjirn,, . j month ; I C Dodge. $S0; Ivid Allen, $50, Ernest H:ckt,$40; W A Lewis, $ . B S Radcliff, $JS. ' j ma Indians predicted tbe present i 8no winter, from certain moon signs, and declared it would last ontil Feb 16, when the snow moon disappears. The hunting moon of December did the busi nesa, somewhat aided afterwards by tbe cold moon of January. Look out for a fine sprirg. An Ann Arbor student has invented a machine to make a mustecLe grow on the smooth lip. Jt consists of a small slectric battery so arranged that tbe whole thing can be pat in the mou'h un der the upper lip. Tbe stimulating effect of the electricity will in two weeks time cause the youthful hairs to sprout and a beautiful covering of that which some boys value so highly fill be the result. It is needless to say the in ren lion haa been patented. Tbe follow .ag from a Walls Walls paper suggetitthe necessity of a public place in which all llndt of men may get warm. The saloon are well attended these cold dsyt. bat the parkespert complain they spend nothing and are only ttove heardert. 1 very chair in tome pltcet is occupied in the back rooms where tbe fires are, bet the bars are pictures of solitary detolution. Some years ago an eld genUoBte (tl! by the roadside near Kensington, England. Of qul'e a number f persons who itnettcd hit fall all pronounced him drank, save one. s lady named Bluh. She alcne west to his aid, insisting that he bad merely fainted, which wat the fact. It it not known that Miss Birch ever afterwards ssw tbe old gent llemtn, but a few weekt ago hit solicitor called aad Informed her thtt he had died and bequeathed to her the turn of $750,000. To aid Digest Inn take one Small aUk Tlat 1 aftereaiiDg. Sic. per txittlc. mM"Hm 02VU ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tbe taste, and acts f rally yet promptly on the Kidneys, liver and Barrels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the oniy remedy ot its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to tbe stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. feyrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and 81 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any rejible druggist who may not have it on handbill pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIB SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. UHimiLU, KY. NEW V0HK. N.f. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Mi Eipeatlve Fire. Pbkscott. Ariz. Feb 5. A lire occurred this morning at 5 o'clock, at Copper Basin, destroying the entire reduction works of tne t'Ommercinl Alining company, con sisting of smelter, ;hlorination and leaching works . It is difficult to ascertain the exact loss, as no representative of the company lives here who can givo it, but it is not less than $150,000, and some estimate it at $200,000, as part of the machinery was very expensive. A Heavy anew lull: Aiikiidesn. Wash. Feb ft. Thursday night's snow storm will long be rememlier ed as one of the heaviest on record. Six teen inches on the level were added to the 21 Inches already on the ground, giving the city 87 inches of solid snow to do busi ness with. Several small buildings collapsed timler the unusual weight . but no serious loss nor damage occurred, us the citizens had begun cleaning their buildings before the storm was over. A Big is San Francisco, Feb ft. Mrs Frit Hinkley, nee Florence Blythe, brought her husband a douceur of over fs.UUU.UUU. I he matters of the inheritance and the heiress marriage are well known, but the public na- never known wnai it cost Mrs 11 in Kiev to attain her rights in the adjustment of the estate. Her attorneys, W H H Hart. McAllister a Bergin. W W Foole, (tamer. Boalt k Bishop, took her case upon tne basis of a contingent fee. The contingent fees and advances contemplate a payment of $834,342 44 to the attorneys and an executrix. A Segre Slab Richmond. Tex, Feb 5. The wildest excitement prevails here over a report from Stafford's Point, stating that the 'own is under the control of as armed mob of negroes, who are threatening the lives of the whites and applying the torch. A large posse of citizens has been summoned, and will leave for the scene as soon as the arri -val of the Southern Pacific passenger train from the west. tallcaal Seaadala New Yore. Feb 5 The Herald'. Paris special says that all the states of Kurope have their scandals, one after another. France and Psuama. Germany the Loewe -:n 1 it..!.. u- iSUft. UUW ftftJlUUS 1 llftlj OT1LU UtV! I dal of the issue of banks, which threatens to assume very serious proportions. The MixxEarOAJs, Feb 5. JohB S Johnson today lowered the 5-mile amateur skating record, making the distance in 15:20 4 5 Donagfaue's record for the same distance is 5 96 2-5, and Hagen's "professional 15:1 1. t Uag Serre Astoria. Xh- Feb 6. The South Bend people are determined to locate the county seat cf Pacific county in their city, if they have to carry it there. Yesterday morning three steamers arrived at sealaad from South bend, loaded with 150 men beaded by the prosecuting attorney. Marion I) hirbert. Thev marched in a bodv to Ovule r- viTle. and Kgbert attempted to serve tbe papers on Auditor isarney and demanded the keys of his ofhee He refuted either to accept service or give up the key. Tbe mob then proceeded to the courthouse and took all the records and papers from the 1 offices of the treasurer, county clerk snd : sheriff. All tbe papers and books werv 1 packed np in fish boxes for transportation 1 to room ueoil. 1 his ovw. thev t.urt open tbe door of the auditor's office and packed up all the papers, books, money on postage stamps uiey could lay tlsesr hands on. Etervthictf was taken to South lt.) Wasni.xc.Tos, IS 6 -Before the roo- j tine morning butmew bad been concluded ; in the senate Hill of New 1 ork. presented . . "wore men ai isoctagsier, 1 X T. irrespective of party, in favor of the . . - , . r 11 , repeal of tiae Sherman arL After a onml ! ' confusion and parliamentary trang mg. tbe nestion was brought to a direct vote on U ill's motion to take up the bill to repeal the Sherman act, and tbe motion was defeated: ayes 23. noes 4- the Blatster Want it. Sax Praxcisco. Feb 6. At a meeting of the ministers of this city today the Ha wsiian situation eras discussed. Tbe "1"". mow 01 we rn nan "n-en retilent of tbe islands, stated that tbe condition of ' the natives would be greatly benefitted by ! annexation to tbe United Males, and that tbe islands would add greatly to the pros- j perity and wealth of A merica. Resolutions . Were a tooted heartily farnrlDir tbe annev- 1 stion of Hawaii. stdset. Feb 6 At Iptwich. Queens l.J :l u: 1. ,u 7 I Mui.i. uinca iiuiu xirivuane. ,- r-n- are known to hate perished in the floods and it u feared thai the loss of life is much greater. The swoolen river is corered with wreckage, from which a horrible stench arista, doubtless canted by the bodies of human beings and animals in the A Wm: Hcjm.cTO. Qg, Feb 6. Tbe delayed fast mail and pataenger train left here bound east at 1:15 this morning. At a point about two mile east of Old'e Ferry and 12 miles east of Huntington, tbe train at derailed retultiag in the instant death of 13 -year old KlixaCeth Kgan and the very serious injury of a number of others. Batker risky. Massiixon. O. Feb 6. It it told here on excellent authority that Sena'or Caivin S Hrice bat leased the Uetripolitan h.-tel in nasbington.and that be will entertain there during the inauguration, free of' expense, every citizen of Ihc Buckeye state who calls on him anb establishes the fact that he is an Obioan. regardless of bis politics, race, religion or M ious condition of servitude. tartbejaaketi Arnr.Ns, Feb 7 The city is again shaken up by a tenet of severe earthiuaka shocks, and people who had returned tare been frightened away again The king and queen of Ureao have arrived at Zant. where the shocks were eteu mere saver. Thousand of inhabitants followed in silence the royal carriage. Most of the churches, for which the city is celebrated, are wholly or partially wrecked Hardly a gne build ing on me maine streets is left uninjtuvd. h w 3 ? S Q f eaOQjDNWS a for th mllffens el consumers ef A feTatt'B Fills. Itfrtna lr. Tun plraaura to aa - 48 nave that he 1 new putting TINY LIVER PILL which U of exceed inrly amall.laa, MW ret retaining all Die irtitc ot Uf W larger onea. Oiiaranteed purely vcgnUhlr. Illh alar. ofthenepllla (M are .till Uaued. The exaet aize or T'JTT'S TINY IIVER PILLS (M la thown in the border of I hit "ad." " NEXT A D VERTISKW EN 1 8. 11TANTED Pushing Canvasser of TV good addreaa. Liberal wilary and expenaof paid weekly, Permanent peal tltm, BROWN P.HOH CO.. Nurserymen, Portland, Oregon. FOR SALE -Fine Imfcttit. Mandard Bred CiydsM a's Stallion. Five yearsold. W elghs rar laTOIbs. In floe con dltl -i. Price f4G0. Address D L Richards, Tew Paik, Salem. Ij'OR SALE A Domestic sewlns in t- I chine, nearly new wltb ail sttncii. ments. for aala f r fZ5. Call at Mm Kay monds, 4th arm Thurati3n ntreets Alboriy Oregon, DRY WOOD loveial kinds for sale Inquire of PW Spink, at foot o Kerry street, ft of A 11 Morils. Third Ward. OR HENT.-Tne "tore building on inv premise on Hroadaibin atrast. itable for residence for atrial! family. L VIERKCK FRAZER GREISE BEST IX THE WORLD. Tiawaailin, actuaTt rOH BALK BY DtULERS OKKEEiXLT. ltft Heir lo a t'oitune. TACrtMA, Wash. Feb 7. .1 D Iln innv px-chief of the fire department of this city, linu 4 I Inn !...,.. 1 .. ( . ..a . 1 is. nas rauen neir to a foiturm est tm.i. i $100,000. A few weeks aaro he received a letter from a lawyer in Texas asking whether ho was related to Robert. If The lawyer staled that Robert ftaincy died recenuy in j exus, and that 1st had left an estate worth considerable monev. .1 I) Ituinuv is nronarinir nnnerg in inl.i: J, kt. identity. A Bew Heel. Coi.t'MlH's. Kan. Feb 7. The this section are greatly excited over the spread of new religious idea, of which JOtin antt Uuvid Deems, of this place, are the chief expounders, the basis beinir the government or personal conduct according to the teaching of the New Testament liter al! interpreted. Munv havo ndontod the new religion, and several people have left their families to follow the Deems. They claim t have performed miraculous cures, i Families have been disrupted, until tbei authorities backed by the sentiment .f the orthodox people, have determined to break i up tho sect. Pendleton, Or. Feb 7. A fire at 1 o'clock this mornin? consumed four wooden j buildings on the west side of Maine street, between Court and Alta. The losses j ore as follows: laundry Demolt. grocers, building and stock. 17500; II L Carl, barber shop. $-00; ' W H Daughtry, meat market, SiftOO: Dan i Kemper, grocer, 13500; W C Bardsley. I building. $1500. Arertslea Washington, Feb 7. Secretary Tracy j has officially accepted the coast defense ship Monterey. Her builders, the Union iron works, of San Francisco, lose $32,000 from the contract pri , $1,626,950, because she failed to develop a maximum horse power of 5400. Her horsepower on trial was shown to be enly 5077. a stir h racket Gold Hijj.. Or, Feb 7 B Horn, an old resident of this place, struck a pocket recently on Gall's creek, which, for rich ness, bid fair so excel the old (iold Hill mine. Already, several thousand dollars have been taken out and it seems to be ex -tensive. Prevent ana acta C-.-nttirsuion and &ick Head jo. imoa Ink litan. Mr Simply Awful Worst Case of Scrofula the Doctors Ever Saw Cotnplelefy ( urU by HOOD'S SARSAPARH.I..4. "When I was tor 6 years old I had sterol- ! oloos sore 00 tbe rsidlle lafft olmj it:: haaJ. thand. mt .tho which rot to tad that th- dortors cat j sase olaod tsier took ol mote ttua hsit 1 hand. Then the tore broke out on aar a J1 -' w - "it ' - Wsj v vs - r . -- SSH SSffSSf-a J"OT2 u,i ' ? as vw a.j a s.u skssu. uvt.una mw tk u u j Worst Case of Scrofula they ever saw. It wat t lr wl ! Ftr, , Tc,r, 1 besaa to t, Uaod s Sarsanaiffla. Gradually I found that the sores were begkt msx to heal. I kept oa till I had taken Sea botDea. teat ttUan! Just think ol what a sawn I got for tint ts-.estmer.t. A Itiow twatd ser eeat ' Yet. many thousand. For the past 4 yean I have had 00 sores. I Work all the Time. Before. I eassM m aw trarfc. I know not what lo say strong enough So express my xrat trade to Hood't SartansrfTta tor my perfect care." Gkorce W. irxsac, Fanaer. tia; way. Saraloca county. V Y. Hood 8 Pills . bat at I toat Uw axuea. Try Usees. -2e. 45 sold in '88 2,288 sold in '89 6.268 sold in '90 20,049 sold in '91 ass '92 A8taciWtrMamBandStal Towar aaary 3 mUHrree. Cr Theca ftaurea tan the atory oftfia twnai uwinsu Staal 1A3eembserTWSf one tcoaa others Soaew. jaj tta "Take aba Country. Vltlit . wfmai DU mt tw b aaww la W- OtmSaa niW:nai.saMaihn Tvy n mtt lai aaaj tssaapaasal :; m rmA mm Ii. m.i k m. alia ra mx aak. motor Co. taa 5 marri. wtmtmtaa aaaaothar aw sti rt tmt.u. Mnn h I v. 3 Vifataatk.Wlii. a asaaaaw kal taaa wm.m- 3 h. m . a m m m 5 'ai.artaa't' 1 a? 3 -t?ft i. Jmrnum of oy IwTwntkona. "il 'a i nil itia.MMa. o Btt ftllMI .nil i. mmm if taS ' e aaiftiAX Mawnafc ti fOw a ta. -r .Vcri. sft.s.! MMatsaaMaCan I ill. , , asgat away ata -5 af wa.awtaSii,atek,Mil fftttna i roved that the i fiaota anuati oa i haa bun done . t Ik. mwm. ttisatw httMWer rtlrt ailki gu I nmm imiiii auMiM UMitia tt.nmi.rtit; fmti r.k...aa-.JTt?4 ta?rTsK'ffrZ! IJvamttttf-, -j ,H,c,I.0: st-nw.M 5s tt a-s-kM. asMwei ,, . t& Rtrtri TittLrtu G 2 aWtaaf MMWalttau leauw ?' rm taM tht sw t a.i UU aaaa t.n - ' t C 5 n ftteM A. fHaHlltd ty-ass tvt a Ut . -5? - (rtffrf. M rCa atr sWfi B, . ssH thai aWa tr w-rl .f I Mi vi I . 1 asks . tsar m i nj liiaatrkU rnt'-.J awu-v. T w tat . V W CKAiTFORP. Agent. Tallman.Ur. DR SANDEN'S ELECTRIC BELT LATEST PATENTS rm lucTTto MACHniG SUSPENSOSy BEST IMPROVEMENTS. W11J earc Wtibwat ..rtaiaUea .f btala rwalttu treat i ! iihtuu... imu. IMS, a. riwi. or la4Urr.Hu ....... i i.a.-..r maaaut.a. tttan. ll,.r ul tull. WBI!tt,. . .. p- naaiaiau. waa taaa. Inh. aftallaa, mm Ul t.ank til olaar., aat (! a aarntl tall It lulaatlr Wit', ISSCLi " "' 1. w. "i a" it i. aWa 't r a. Say, laaaaata ha.t baaa rurra a, tl,). a,., Mlaaa HMSH alKr an attar r.a.11.. lailat. .ad tlta aaatraaaariaattaaaUla la tM.a.a-,.tr ctfc,i ,t.i o.ra...rrai itmorcn suiyalf atarintoRr. m. xraalaal aooo .r ot.r.J .Ml ai.a.rK tkailHllLHtns Health bu4 laaeaai .(rratlaCI ISO rttpiu to IcIM n... 1 far llltitiratail Paiuphiau. mmiiti. MaWd, rm, adtrrat iwaat xtx.xica'xa.xo co.. No. I7t First St.. PORTLAND. ORE. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. Tbe nttccest ef thtt Mrcnt Conirh Cure li wittiout a parallel In t'to liia'orj- of Baaiaitaan A 1 1 druirfff ta are aut horlaed - o soil 1 1 on a po. Itlveguarautee, atcaltltat no other care eo successfully stand. It may brooue known, the Proprictofs, r.t an eixrmcus n pcne, aro i.laclug a Boaa) U Bottle BVea lnle every h- rnc iu the ItiiitM' States sad Canana. Mvou have a Cruph, S'ire Thmut, or lrtin cfiltla, utc it, for it will cure yoti. If ftfu child has thoCreun. or Whooptn; f.'otir.h. tr It promptly, and relief fit sure. If ycu U.oik that inaldloua .lines t'onapmption, nae it Aak your Omnrixt for SHILOH'S CURE," Price 10 eta.. 80 eta. audSl.OO. If yor Luagi are tore or Back lame.uae Shiloh's Poron Plaattr. Price 25 CU. nr talo by all Dm gists and Dealers , Geo. W. Turner to 60.000 .lfa III a4t . Ill I lal-s H Kn is Urm owajof So touMed. a i narrates t li 2??5 ! II RICHARDSON-0BORN'. In Sbel burn, on Feb 5th, 1803, by Rev C C Sperry, Mr G VV Richardson, of Jeffer son, and Miss Mary L Osborn, of Shel burn. WILL'S MUSIC STORE -sols aosim ron- .CUICKEUIXO " "UK MILLER.' BTEf K," AM) "VoSEwt WIN- flAXOtJ, .ESTEV, mrtuv BROS." OKtiANb. ''Woolw" 0 'i Cai .1 . 1 1 i 11 , Wr.Ulur (Valgus ut Prkaa before Parrtaaiar E-aeahcrc; ;. to- Ik- Oj at Lvt Mats aaall losirtnuiu, Bull j Katie of IK w HtiM ad other SUw.n, K Aloe., tin SUea E. I . IILL, Uhof, 0r. A LINN COUNTY MAP. Wm G ObenaucrA: Co we malft'n. miodUonrnimt. . , , ' - . map 01 l-irtn county, which thould be in every ouslnett house, public dwelling ani school room In county. The map ( accurately locates every cily, town and ' pottofnee, and rlvr.'t and creeka, t Ktwt voting precinct, townships, eU.sbov t the distance of each pottofCce from Albznv ! Cut out the foiioir.K and mail to Vtu O Ubenauet it Co. 100 Fiont street, Part land, Oregon, and tuey will deliver you at many as jou or Act. ; PUate dr iver me copies of your j Linn count, nap for which agree j to pay hltv ct: : atatt. per copv on deUvtry cf j Signature. i Pottwffice. I. A. Morris & Co FIcur and Feed Store. Have removed ;hclr store to the Strahan slor, f at It occtpied by Dern & I Robtoo, and hate on hand a full ;ock of ' .. UuniALL S ruu.1, B.sAn, SHOSTi, 1 aaa,aa ..... " GtRM MEAL. GRAHAM, BUCK WHEAT, RYE ROUR, HAY, QA1S. STRAW AND CHOPPED FEED: Custom chopping done. WANTED At the ttore ' A'len Bros-'y owned bv BUTTE H, EGGS, LARD, BACON. APPLES -U-n"! and CHOICE i for which ; possible. pay the best Car price B F RAMP FARMERS, ATTENTION -ir : voc .- c ast wacon; hack, busgy cart piow, harrgw.drill seed er, feed cutter, ! or Sjiv kind of a Farm ot Ve ' hide, call cn or addrrta. 6. F. RAMP, Opncttte Post OfTi Albanv.Or. TRY PAIR Of Tlwse Brazilian Pf bble Sp tar les For faic by F. M. FRENCH, the Jeweler. j9U Reward ! I i '.'lea-borr rearr.:-l (.irtntav af I . l :-iiiia.f!;i; UeaJcl.lii4ijru...i r C.ettea ne r..awc eure itT. " - i It, r Pi I, v bra tt... akattttat .--i 'WkS y arc ln- If ai . aalt.f- .:u f .. . . ita... - , . .1 eeuc . Tart of cu,u. - . -aattrtaslslti. . .. ":'l... KIC.MH). JJ ANNUAL MEETING- NOT.CE la herby ivan that the an nual meeting of tbe stockholders of the Al bany Building Association will be held at atore of J Gradwohl. In Albany on Mon tlay, Msrch 20th, lgas, at 7.30 p ui. for th" eleetion of directors, rnd such busiuess at may eomo before tbe mcstlnc. Dated Febgth, FPU CTT1 NO, W C TW EEl ) a. L E, s-ecre ary . Preslient. STOCKHOLDER'S MEETING. VTOTICK 1S HKKKltY GIVEN THAT a. the annual mat-tin., of the stock holder of the Albany Building and Loan Association ttrlil bo held ou Friday February 17th. 18M, at tbe hour of 7:30 pm of said day. iu the Bauk of Oiegou In albany, Linn county, Dreg on for tbe purpose of electtnu niuo directors and three auditors, to serve far the term of one year next ensuiug from said meeting, and until their succe.- sora are elected and qualified, and to transact such othr business as may Me before thoassocia lion. Done by order of said ussociatiou this 17th day of January. 1893. CH STEW ART, JAY W BLAIN, Presideat. Heeretary, mmmmmmmmmMmuTtmVf' &frji . i SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Slat oj Oregon for the Connty 0 Lane. Charles T Craft, Henry Cyras and J H Peeiy, Plaintiff, vs Jacob Iedgerwood and v.:. mlra Ijedgerwood, bis wife, O L Campbell and A A C'amp- bel , his wife, Defendant. To Jacob Ledger wood, Elniira Ledger wood, u L Campboll and K A Camp- Den, tne sooye named utrnr!rjU. N THE NAME OF THE STATE OP Ore ton, you and each of yon are I ' hereby acquired to apprar and answer in complaint or the aoove piainurx, in the above ectit'ed on file with tbecteit of aid court, by the fiit day of the next regular term of said court fol lowing the expiration of the ti;ne piestribeil in the er of publication h ores', to wit, HoBdai, thr 13:b Ami ( Marrb, t 0, ISM. and yon are -eby notified that if you fall to appearand answer said complaint 1 bm nemty requires, tne plaintiff w 1 apply to the court 'oi tb SMaaf prated for to wit: for a decree forecioi.ig the mortgage of the plaintiffs In th a complaint mentioned and directing the sale of the i torVy fee and for The ZLZS2 real property described therein as follows , ZSSS th , It dwtur" ' towtt. '1 he east hall of the donation land i SSlkSTj -j a claim of William Cyrus and Mary Ann ' .Tr. T 01 d too rt tore '.'yrox. hi wife, being Not 533 in sc 1 e',? the mcrttate eiecoted by 50a in favar and 39, tp 10, K R 1 West, and see aod i f P'"'" eecond day ot er. tern her, 31, tp 10 and II, H R J East, Lino count-, ; 1WL 00 following dosenbed trait of Oregon; also the went ha!fof tbe donation i land, towif; The northeast quarter of the land claim of W ji Cyras end Mary inn j not tt) - -t quarter of seeUoa tbirt)-tiz,?own. Cyrua, being Not .3S. sees 1 and 38, tp 10 ship ruue, 80a tit, Range three et cf Will, snd II, H R 1 West, IJon eonntT.Oregon-1 Her. io Lion connty, Oregon. covsasstSac ifmfl V ,K m nd 5 directing .aid Umd to be .old tJ' ?K'W4M. Unn by I. provided aed tbe proce ?da th teof 0tttt!t""." 'he B .1 pi . to thTyment of thVrt. and . IS donation land claim est end ! ptes f nak.-og auch sa'e SfO kttorney's north of Crabtree creek In see L id 11 S i il. a .l 7 . .? R 1 west,Unn Kun,rZpm, tu ning f tb foment L S geld SO aaZ .l !,. ..Vi 1 . " , ,B soto due on the note sued os 10 thi. wtt.aod H R 1 East, cont dnln xi-flT -,' 7L n'r .. . . - : r - the andrew J James and wif onatioo iand claim, ailoale in sec 6. tp 11. Ski East, Linn county, Oregon, excepting therefrom 12o acres off of tbe east ai ie of tbe last deecrlbed tnu-t. containing a-re; lot Ho 1 of sec 31 tp 10 SRI East ni the "Viliarrette Meridian , SMSMfSNM 3.157 acres Begiunio ol th west ' '"'' c i cio iJS5 c hinos K.utb and 5.31 cbalos east of the FZZST? xo'fc gffi'sMgtt running thence wee. 19.76 chain, to .uti7(u . . .L- rii.road track, thence south 3 degree wt paraiel with tbe sat ' rHr r track 2 39 chains, hence sou f 33 degrees eM 4 chains, thence east 12-51 chains to a a i inM' twuD- " J ivjen, iaf cny 01 ncto, tnenos nortti ; ts -h a, ouie-m x a sn nonnti) cotlns n the place of bee is- ning. c.nuinin 10.50 aetes. Beginning lOchairsa north and 16.05 ehaiua east of tbe aootfaweat corner of section 17. tp 10, S B 1 ww w ftue . luaincftfte aacroiian, US 1 cooaty, Orecoo : rauoiag theooe nortn 4S.8S SfSSBM to the oe: ter of tin. eoaety road, ! tbeoce north S3 degrees east along aaid : conoty road 17.75 chains, tbeoce aouth 40 chain, thecce west 13. 75 chaw, thence ootb 10 chaise, loeoce weat 3 95 t haina to tbe p ace of bagtaeiitc, eoaaiobar 74 88 trtt The northwest q carter of tbe north- qnarteri 36 tp 10, S B 1 weat, eoniaining 40 area; lot Xc of sectioo 1, tp 10,! K 1 weat, containing 10 sera; Utall " 1 and 2 of tectift-i 1 in tp ll.S K I -eet. Ad To tbe hrin knowa ,nd ankcovD. o. said real proper ty lj Ug aad beina lo Lujd , toaJt others interested in the above Orecoe. Ttsat toe proceed thereof . named estate Greeting: be apf.l-.M tirat, to the pay meat of the coets j od ditbaiMmrata f this toit, aid tttlTS IHES'ME OF THE 8TAT E OF t-ramg ;o-1; eecoad. to the payroeat of! J. regou, you are hereby cited and 575 CO aa attorney "e fee; third, to tho pay- ! "quired to appear in tbe oonn.y couri of meat cf the so- of $600 (0 with interest i 1 he ofOregon, for the eoonty of thereon at the rate i,f ten per cent r Ms- ! f-tonnt the court r-Mn Albany. nam from Juaary 1st, 1831. $60 03 p id ' L 1 " oT fJB,2i.OB 5.oodf -J Jao-ary 1. ISTLd 5103 CO poUuJtrs i tSJaV. ttr 2M 5 3a 189? - - iTt , - . lb afternoon of that day . then ana there toy toare be to the dfenda,ct. aaid that the defradaBte be haired aad i nwekawd ef !1 nght of 'ecemp'um ezjet aa provided - . . ..,, ft-.oiBu. y law and for aceti firtner order aad deera proper PnhitaRaJ - I LX Pobiitbedov ordtrci Hon Gen H Harnett Jadge t aaid o art. nude at Chamber, ia the ate nf Sake, Urrfoc. ii date Jassry 191B, im Wuriiiir . ir CsuaexciJay. Att'jafar P. fit. SUMMONS. tie Circmit Coaxl for Limn 1 sqsff of the Stale cf Otegem M it;:e E Bolia. f'lai.tiff. vs Wat E BoHa. Defeoiaot. T 1 Wtr. E Bo, 1- ,-ie abjve oastei defendant. I" THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oreftoc, yon arc hereby required to ar rar and answer the complaint ot p;aiaUff , acw on file against you tu tbe above entitled salt 00 or be: ere the Urst day of the neat ref alar Unn of tbe etraait court for the state cf Oracon. fir Lies or eery, to be hodea oa tbe """ Moar. tn 13ib day ot JJareb, a D. 1893, an4 .f voo fail to answer for want tceiaofth. aaid BbUtia-Hi.t-. moot acataat you for a dittointioa al tie tr,unas c-r tract bow txistisg bet wee ikuirif and defend ant srd frr the case aed BBBtrac. new txiaUag be weet. rnatcdv of tar nuaor child, atd for cost aal tut arw-retU sJ this salt. Thai ssanmottt vbiisbed by tbe order . f i'.e Hon G H Boreett, Jnise cf said ,-oort IT rl9?4mbe" " 50 01 J"aary' J j n-ntTvn- ailv o., AJ lof rsa. street assessment Notice TO SOPHIA BRLGI'ER. MRS L B Witaell, Ldfa A L'mphrer, A H Ba.ltimore.Otto Zimmrrman J J DubruilSe. truttec. II C Wstton. Mrs Laura B Tvler. VI . JT , r r-, . , . .ft .. ' ... " . nessierj r oaiorattn, ? crctarv Aicany woolen Mill Compattv, vVmJ Welch. Elizabeth Ritter, Lucir.ja , Otterboudt. Wilhelm Fromrn.L W Devoe. Mn DelUa Hand, ard to ail other per ! ton whom it may concern. i and each of yen are herery notified ; that the fc'foaiag street Improvement . lowit: Ciradir.g and graveling First street j from the east line of Montgomery street ! to tne west line of Main strectJr. the city. ot Aioany, uregon, heretofore ordered b.- ... v,.u ottne city ot Al- . v-'iciin. to maae in sai.1 n't- h been completed and that the coat thereof - . -- - , nas Deen audited and found by said coun cil to be the sum ot $SSo 96-100. And you and each of you and all persoct inter etted are hereby further notified that said council are about to assess and determine the proportionate share of said cost assess able to each lot or parcel of ground abut ting upon said improvement, and that said council will on Tucsdav. the aSth day of February, 1S03, at the hour of 7 o'clock d sa of told day, meet at their Council Chamber In said city and assets the pro portionate parts of said costs on the prop erty abutting upon sold Improvement. Published by order ot the council of the city of Albany, Oregon.roade lanuarv the ..oui, 1093. N I HENTON, Recorder of the citv of Albany. Albany, Oregon, Fcbiuary 4th, tSoj SUMMONS. a th (W) Court of tie State ay Orrgvm for ute L oimry ot LMtn : S M Eliiton, Plaintiff, . va. Mait Mullep, Defendant. To Msrt Mnlleo, the above named defend ant: IN TtIK NAMK OF THE STATE OF Oregon, vou are hereby required o ap pear and answer the compiaint of the aboye plaintiff, in the above entitled court, now oa tile with the clerk of aaid court, oa or before the that dav of the next regular term of said court, after the publication of this summons for tix contccutive week, towit, Monday, the 6th day af March, 1S93; and you ar notitiau that if yoa fail to appear and answer aaid complaint, at hereby reqired,the plaia titt for want thereof will take judgment against you for the turn of S2 17 and the ootta and disbursements of this action to be taxed; ana an order directine tha aala nf . I certain frame building owned by the del'end- "" on ,ne Sf lot 12, In block 3, in thetlil, Uregou, and a lot of tools situated therein, all attached as the property of the dtfeadant herein. Published by order cf the Honerable I N Dunoao, Judge of aaid oourt, made at Cham ben, in Albany, linn connty, Oregon, the 27th day of December, 1S92. WsATHEarOkl) & CHAatBUtLAW, Atiorcsya for Plaintiff FOR .s A I.E. A BARQAIK-A model steam laundry for sale, capacity ln wash department $50 per day; for a bands, located in Central Albany .on 2nd and Montgomery street, I wish u en gage in other busiuess. Win mil , J DfaMITHi Proprietor SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the Slate ej (Hrgo f Linn County. AD Horner, Plaintiff, va Harvey Ward, Defendant. To Harvey Ward, the above named defend ant: TUB NAME OF TH K STATU, ftl? OfgoD. you ate hcrebv rfrtntrerl In an 01 anawer the cim.plaii.t of the plain tiff f'lfed against you in the above entitled cause, 00 or before tb-. first day el tbe next regnlsr term of said court, which aid Urm " ,JC Kn an new on the 13th .-Jay c March. 1803, at the court bona in the city ot Albany, Linn cconty. Oregon; nd JmJ are farther notified that if yon fail to appear aod answer said complaint sa hereby re qa. red, for want thereof, the aaid pl.iotiff will apply to th aaid court for the relief prsyd for in bia said complaint, which is as 'stlews. First. Fur a jodrmnt aod decree against yon for the sum of $400 in United Sutra gold coin with .nterest thereon in like cold at toe rate of ten per cent er annum trom the second day of H-nUu.her 1S91. ontil paid, and tor the further torn rf 160 "teret on said sum of $400 from the second 1 a day of September. 1891, to like cold cola .t the rate of tea per cent set annum, til! paid, aod that the tarples, if any. he pid it neh SSIsas as the east may decree. Third. That yoq and al! oiW penmn ' claiming by.tbroah under joo.he f..-. barred aod forte!oH of any a-xl ! rih-, ; title -Jt lo'eteat. or y of rwiemptioa is or to aaid real propriy or ov par: thereof. j Foorth. That iTthe uooseds ef the sab topsy -si ' VIL ?.'JcJ?'??..r " allosts and di bnrtemeota and a reai ! ttOTnry w consn-eccinj this lest, teat P'tioin nave a p-raona! j ode met t aeaioat y. n foe the d-factecev rd 'hat rxecatiuD issaa therefor. Flfih. For teh other vxt fartbc relief as miy be met' toe-joity ii tbe presnieet. This omm-n it served by rrablicili n is ' the .Vtatx Ei.hts DestocaAT by order of 1 Hon Geo H bcroett, Jadge of sssl eostrt, ; dated at Chambers m Use city of Si'em, j Oregon. 00 the 24tt dav of Jara ry.lSOT. WB B1LYEC, Attorney for Plaintiff. CITATION. I' tte CemtrCcKrt of tlr Stele Ore- g "' ter I,imn Comntr. i , . In tf'r ,of lh st1 cf ISKr j wpijearion of " j administrator of sat '. .1 properly bek o,,ho eaa if ady you bare why tee Kumneusb. the said estate, to sell tbe belonging to saideatnte. teecribe-d at Miovt towtt: Lou one ( II and (2) in section nineteen (It.) in town ahlp(l3.) south range one ;2J east of the - Wi. aaic-.te Meridian in l inn county. Or- pon, containing fifty-three and X ; acres more or less; also beginning at a j pornt tony roda weat cf the nortb'ast i corner of the donatio c la d claim of j Lowat Ames c aim Jio 47 runidnar thtnee west twentj rods, thence sonih twenty-five rooa, thence east twen-y fire I roaa; thce north tweat -fire rod, coo 1 amine S ftT-UK acres more or lee-jitu'ted - in said coanty and state; a!w lot C fn . b.ock 5 ta the town of -Sweet dams, in i nud count? a id state. 1 eeording to the record asp. thereof, should not ka bv order jf the Hon J V nnnnn. Judge af the C ontyXonit of the "Stale of Oregon, for th coontr of Linn, with tbe seal of mh! court atSxed, this 141 dav ct January, A O. 1891. ATTEST. !l PFiSE. By B V Payne, ct3r Clerk. SHERIFFS SALE: l 1 " C Dtrj anr OcirniiU i C Davis ant. ' paitners d ins I untler , tbe fir ja name and StT t of Davis Bros. ! tM Petar R Bear, Plai ctiff. Defends: r. JVTICK XS HEREBY Oi VO TH AT ! a. by Tirtue ! aa execution and order R aedaly rsaned out ot the above f sautnl court, in ih at-ve entitled art i an . to me directed and - leliverej. I wi.l on tke Ilk aay aT rekewary. n the city of A'bany, Linn nmsy. Ore -iron -t the hour or one oV'ook p ra of amid day. sell at MSg aucrion 1st cash in band to the hiahet bidder, all the rtjrbt, title and interest of toe above nan ed dafetxtant I- and to tbe real property In said 'secsUna aad order of sale described fallows towiu "Tae do- I .-.-o .u-ftv. nation land c aim "f Owen Boar, il hater ' not-.tx asion Nu 'J240ai d claim So 41 in ' tp 12. S R 4 treat, and e'sum No 48 in to 3 i a west, coamnmc Ml-i scree fca Unn coun.y, rea-o. es 41 acres bar. -ufore sold there' rom The proceeds arising from tbe sa e f said real propertv to be applied first, to the pannem of tbe cotis of and a pen said execution and the ortmnal rows of the action taxed at S69 85. and iheraafter to the pay men: ef ffs clsim smoort'sc to th? sum of i j N with interest th-rn 1 1 the rata ot eight percent pr annom fro m tee f . ' . ift-ft ft.-X& - thc r . ivnrrw. ,cw Date this 2nd dav 01 Jaauar-r, iSk&, C C JACKSOS. Skeiiff of Lirtn county, Oiagesa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. VTCE IS HEREBY C.tVEX THAT TUE TV i. AwvagW kas beea ta d.v by orv'.r ol ta. cooa kjataital Luui a-mn appsMUrt ailttlakl latrtxcSlkt at Bean Kuaa. haa al Lkaa eniT. IV All pnwt kavhat etthta aetata said hereby lantri a. - mmmw yanetd ta by ht laaaired al th lav oSBc ot Moritaaye Jt Hacaleaaaa. at Aikaay, Ottgsa, wtthin six atOBtat trem ttt da-. Wlta. Dated UOa lh day ot Jiauar.,1". SlAKOJlKET MOSS. MoDtanv. m HacklcBua, MtiiiitSialilt Any tor Adtaia. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. tftTOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVKX THAT THE TX. hart been he ta. lVn.1, . j Linn ivunlr. ttnieofi. dttlv aaannu,! mmh. ... uf th last il! ard tMtamecl mt John BUjeo. lata I Una HiuiT.Oresoa.awfased, All txuautu having caitat aeaiaat saKt estate are hero t tiol: 6e4 w pre teol them prepwly veriBed to the UBdertitaac at his raitnee in Albany. Liaa eooaty. OrttnaTwitaia u nwnths from lhi Jar. mm This the tith day ol Januanr. 1SS3 HHHtarrr. " SBKl A t s (or Kicvu ;r - NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. rytasaxa 15 HEREBY GIVEN THVT THE TN- w mljJ!!L?m? 44 ttatt si Mr. M t Hi-aanl, Jeeeaged. hat akaS hit ftnal tattoo ia and that the cut fixed tht t'.;h hour ot 1 e'ekxk t time, aud the eourt roen-. ol i. . plaee for hearloa- ob tertian. U 72 a--i .. eount and th. tetuement olsaid ettat.. Stlnvtn wiitai., Attorn.r: AdniiniatraUT. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. N"Ii.'E l?wHKI5JSBY GIVEN THAT THE VS Al denhrned hare beta a-ipoinuti .aeeuun ol a hat 2 fa01"! and ttiate ol Jesse Bvr, dee-aed. le ol Una county, Oregv. Ail irtons harlDi; cttiaw tgaiaat said astatt art hereby requirad ta present the same with iwvprr eeuehers to tht aadtr. signed executors at Sw! Home. Unn coasty, I'rvgon. within six montlM Inu this date. Dated January 14th, is-js, 8TBVS V BAKR, . -.11 ft' V II I L.. ft I. .-v'li.i . . v. v. aaxitoo, Es tutors AHorsey lor ExecuU rt. : ESTRAY K0TICE. Strayed from it piace. near Peoria three head of four or i or five yt r old cattle dehorned and some br&nde. S letter F ewes ot Linn county, OtOSNB. mty court of amid r v.. dav ot rah.ii. i imam , ik. :i th. tft.n,..v I . i i .... on hip. aud others with J or right hip. They wete brough. from la it's farm near Rock H ... Reward e one who will let me know of their wb. -abouta la. taEMOERS. Albany, o