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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1893)
o: ooDvaoi k93ca(3acl rpw BO 3piuT 3io 3m2 t 3Siradx3 jou siiicd on SJCds 9M 'p-prw stqj uodn s2in -j3jo jo ODioqo oio putiuuioo c; uoijtioJ nr&ijjq pus 'pio oq) u; 3j3qM3Si3 uaaojS jou si jCmrnb pai JOAtg 4j.:nxv hi psqj 'oo?tqot jo ,puj2 v swnpaid tq) Kjtuiw jo uOjpas ?). iuiU Stg ui psnjjg aiaoM 3HX mi w KiTRERFORD KKHMIN A CHAM- i at Law. Will practice In ourts ini attouti.m riven to matters tn probe endtoco.loctiins. OFFICE-Iu the Fllnn block. w R BIILYEC Attorney at Law vnd Solicitor In Clunetrr. Cnllec lions mad on all po'.nta. Loans negotiated en reble terns. Albany, OrSfOB G EO. W. WRIGHT, Attorney at law, and !f itary Public. Will practice In all the courts of this state Special attention riven to collections and matters la probata Oswee: Upstairs Mser.n-Twe.lala Block Albany. On D. S. 11 All II B M KIM K. U ATJiO. II leeal matters will rees Ive promp attanll in IB.- i I Oil Fslljw s Temple, Albany, u 1 OMTANVE ek H.U'HLEM&N, OMAXVE H Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon. J- WHITNIT, Attorney at Law, Albany, Or. J ME. J. CHARE.TOM. Altomer-el-Lte proenptlT: All tarsi; basinets' at leaded to FLIXN'S Block, Albany. On LBtMT C0LLECT1RO A'SN'l DA.LRYMPLE & NEWPORT Kanagers, Collections a specialtv rcrardless at seas. Out las dents In all the Teller towu: OFFICE over L E Blain Go's store, Foster's Block: jQR. J. Is. MILL.. Pbvdcian and Sareen. OFFICK-Cerner Ferry streets, Albany, Oregon. D Ms MA8TOW St DAVIS. an Snrreuns. OFFICE C!orner eeond and &c;tdalbin streets. Albany, Or, Calls projiptly stte-ded dtr and OS on try. V. ( H4WBERMIX. M. D -SpedJist in diseases of the Bye. Tweatv years experience Office boors 7 to a m; 1 i 3 p m. and tc 8 evening. Albam, Oregwn. IRST HATIMAL BARK, OF ALBANY, OEBOOW, resident . Vice President . Cashier . . . LFLINS 3, B,TOtTHQ E. W. LASGDOX rRABSACTS A OENEBAL banking tost nses ACCOUNTB KEPT snblest to check. SIGHT EXCHANGE auLtes Taphic transfer, eld New York, San Francisco. Chicago ana r re-con CO JJ!CTiOS HADE on tat arable tencs. E. Yocsq E, W, lAi-eno L. Fuaa E Blai.v. ittvaas I . Sox. IHICO HATIORALBAHR, t Or AI BAM, 0S-90N. CAPITAL STOCK tlOO.tOO sident...-. i L COWABT, e-rresident J at kalhtom. st Cashier O A ARCHIBOLD, D ascTOss, J L Cowan, J K Balston, W 8 Lstdd, W H GoUrs, J A Craword and O A Arch keid fBANSACTR a reneral banking DEAW81UH1 DKAFrSen Mew York tut -"srtlf ! Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approred security BaVCUVEdeposite snbieet B NI OF OREQOR. ALBANY, OIKOK. Capital, -:- tilt Taeallssll, J LANSING . 1st W BLAIN Transacts a pene-a banking business: Exchange bought and sold on all the priori px cities In the United States l also en England, Ireland France and Germany. Collections made at all accessible points on favor ble terms. rnterestallewed oj lime deposits. B wit ot- ncio, SOIO, OKFOON. dent . 1 8 XMta O 8 If HEALTH 18 WE A T BBAIaT" D IC Wur'i :i'M-; kko Biai Taxatmivt, k'i - ' i'--1 iFravWI, f r listeria, .'.": , Cn vu'di Pit i n f.jij-il yi i, ra . fv-'vig Pr min .i m Mi 1 7 th an if lch l or tobacco, Wu-f i!.u-s CV,wj OrtK-sHiioi, Sr.'M,' ot Urn rarn refqtii u tiiiuiiiiy I in :n r ft mtterr, ' I "; t v .t' i ' l b i , PjiiVtU"j 0:1 At BtrranneM, hm tt Pwr id eithir m. ilai'.xrr Lonei !9,3r:aitorrh3A C4UWI bf - --x- f th nr i. 'i - . H i Ireiti 11. t 9) tbti, or ix h-X9for$' 4) l b lOtl) )f ii I " i r- ',. m( r i wniiiwua lii !Bxks lO" !( . tO I t It t I - ; 1 f t i If Vl 9t I t tin n-sT.-''M f i i ti t f-if it n mi'iejr if !i tr).amri; 'l-3i iV T5:. 5tr. Mto9i Urt ! 1 ily b J 'j ii'it:tz, D.-ujxUt Rt ifa A BARGAIN Fpuit and vKsRrBL' Ktr M for Hal oonHiotinK of 4') ait-re or '.ess ..f ltnd oaa mile nr'h of Alliany Lani well lin proTixl. Vor purticulaia Inxuiro of W II Warkbk. t 'V IM A ( I.B4VKKK1 OF ALBANY, ORKGON, TR.'.MSACTi rensra BaisVinr bjslntss. DRAW SIGHT DBAFTd ou New York, San Fr n sco and Portland, Oregen. LOAN MONEY on approved security . Ri&K VE deposits subject to check. COLLECTIONS made ou favorable terms. INTEREST nald on time dooosite. ALBANY;OR. WRIT8MAH ft HULBERT BROS, Real Esiatr Agents farma and Ranches (or sale. Also city broperty inj Alban and Coryallis. VV If KM, DIGGING Ed Davidaoo in prep red to do well dlireiair is first elms etylo, prouipt'y, ani will guar antes bla work. wvuiiao s.naAVMDVia j'Q rqj jo ?,.rev ?pni LI H a 3ij J J,!EAV u! u3liA Aids. A. Hi isan am. CITATION. a tie County O'trf of tie Sat of Ortgom, J or Me county or In the matter of that etat j of Petor Wo It, decettaerj. To A J Welt, John Walt, Catharine Harz. balm, and to all otbers known ana nnknown Interested In tbe estats of Peter Welt, deceased. Greeting: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, Von are hereby cited and re a uired to appear in the Oouji v Court -1 the state of Oregon, iVr the county of linn, at the onnrt room thereof at Albany. In the county of Urn, or Mob daw, the 8th day of February. 1893, at 1 o'clock in tbe afternoon ol that day, then and there to show cause If any you beye why an order or this court should not Issue empowering and lieenaing tbe administrator of tald oetate to sell the real property belengtng to aaid est at' described as follows towlt: Beginning 96 chains and S ltnrs north of tbe - ntb east corner of G W KJum's donation and claim No 39. notification No 222,;owJ -hip 12 south rango one weet of the Wi . tm- ette merliLan: thence weet II cLklo, thence north SO chains and 18 ! :ik thence est-1 11 chains, thence south 3 ch sins and 13 links to the place r'be ginning containing 37.60 acres foi t: e purpose of pay iau, the claims preaen!ed against said estate and tbe expen ol tbo administ.-ation thereof. Done by order of the Hon I X Dnncaa Judge at the County Court of the State a Oregon, for tbe county of Linn, wab tbe sear of sa'.d court affixed, this 16th day of December, A u, iat. ATTsMl: NP PAYNE. Clerk. CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESICN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS. Fcrtaforsaatlosa sasd free Handbook write to MUNN CX an BsoiDTir, iirw VOSK. OsdeeS fesxremsi for seem las patents tn filra Brecr Datent taken oat bv as Is 1 th Baboo by anotloa atrea free of ebante tatha Scientific mencan T ernes' ctrenlarJra of scr sesrssttae peper fas use world. SptesxlidlT innstratea. Ho tntelttjrens man ebotOd be wltboru. It. Week It, seO a j-ear; (UOetz nhadee mWAOO, h'Biuauu, Ml Broad waj. Haw Tata Car. EAST AND-SOUTH, -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE Or THE Southern Pacific Co. Traias leave Portland Daily. II SeiMtiflo AMricaa I liffiSss5sSwtiAl:. I SL "-iBF OESJCM PATENTS, 8osh I raoii JC1.T 1. 1SB2, MortjS 7:Oor. aL I Lt Portland Ar 7 a lOitrs Lf Albany Lv US a :U a a I Ar gen Frmisoe Lt j 7.QU r u Above trains stop only at lot In wine sutio north ot ttosebmw. East Portland, Oregon City, VI sd earn. Salem, Albany, Taaymt, Skodd, HaUey. Usr riabsiw, JoacUon City, Irrinj, Eo-ene. ttoKia aun., saiiT BiOAM Lt rWtiaad Ar4)f r l45raLv Albany Lt j iqi a fcstfat I Ar Bosebarw ggj 7x0a aaaaar locsl an,i (ncm Erasay) S 00 t M j Lt Portland Ar 10 St a raAr Albary li : JO BltSS'l. sjto a I Lv Albany at I J-fl 1 IWO a a I Ar Lebanon Lv 30 a 1 :Kr j Lv Albaay Ar I :2S r Millar Lebanon Lt fj r a PULLMAr mn SLEEPERS. -AXD Dininflr Cars on Ogden Routes SECOND-CUSS SLEEPING CARS AUaehed teal T!i-. afh Trains. STeet ldr PORT I iTlslea. I 11B OKVaf Ll Hani raaiiatu . aireptBonaay, 7M A at I 18:10 r a I Lr Ar Port -'-A t'orta'lii Ar Lv 5Mt m 1S:M ra sxrasasratis sailt (Etc jp. Sunday. t:to r Lv Ar Portland Mc-Minnrilie Ar Lv :S0 a 5.45 a Thronfrrlx TicketM to ail point in tbe Etstern Sutei, Caoads and Europe can be ob'ained at lowest ra'.es from C K r roe If, Arent Albany. :. KOEHLEB E P. HOOERS, Manaarer Ass't O. P. sod Portland, Oregon. YAQUINA BAY ROUTE o Oregon Pacific Raiirodd. T t aetiii, Beeelver. Dragon DeFelopmsn. Po's Steannrg, short Line to Catliltsrulst Finavoleaa through pieuger auu r eight line from Portland and all ooiriie ki the Willamette Valley to . nd from s(. rrancisoo, uai. Aoata mak close ooi.nect: -n at Ai'ian fith trains of the Oregon Paclfl Kailiosd TIME dCllEDULE. except Sunders.) bests Albany 12:2-) r. Usee OsaTVaettS l:oar. ,,L -sve Ysrjmna, 7:'K)A,a u, I'lirvalli. lilt-. . Arrl.-e raqoins, 1:86 r. a. j Arrive Albany, 11:18 a.' A C. tnttns eonneet at Mi.,, Oiryallls. The above trains coanni'i a' xaaulna with the Oreiron Uevnlnnmarrl '.'ompany's Line of Steattishipa betre: . t. n 1 I'n ii uiu rsisti r ranciivco, MIMHu DAT EM . 'HO TAUI'ISA. . 1 : 1 n 1 j 1:1th , 11 ij rsoe mas msscisco Willamette Valluy, December 8lh ; lhth ; 27 th The ComDJnv ivitm thn ncrnl b r jange sailing dates Vihout notice. . . faaaengers from Portland and rVillsmotte Valley ooinla can make eloae irmnectlon with the trains oftbeYaguln r mo at Albany or Corvallls. and if dm i ned lo San Francisco should arranen tr rrive at Yaaulna tbe evening bblore r'ate 'sailing larPassenaer an Freight rates alwara th rest as 1 . .11. McVarland, J -.- DEALER IN l Harness - and - Saddlery Display $5? in the Daor esite F Irst Natl onal Bank.Albcny Iltc democrat lhepopuils's are a practical lot anyway Down In Kama they preferred to give the United States scnatorship with a amall aalary to a democrat rather than a state office, which allows big profit on the tide. Tele gram. Suppose Harrison should appoint Senator Dolph to the supreme bench in pla:e of Lamar, deceased. What a rush there ould be amon the republican politicians oi the state to Salem to help elect a sena tor. Dolph is awfully anxious to go on the bench as this is probably hit last ehatice in a life time. A dispatch from Lakewood, Cleveland,! winter residence, snya: rrealdent-elect Cleveland and ex-Secretary of State Thoi F Bayard spent several hours this morning in cabinet making. Tonight a number ef politicians wt.o claim to be in touch with Cleveland arrived at this ilate; Secretary of state, Thos F Bayard; secretary of the treasury, John A Carlisle; secretary of war. Patrick A. Collins, of Massachusetts; secre tary of the navy. Daniel SLsmont; secretary ot the interior, F C Wall, of Wisconsin; postmaster general, W F Harrlty; attorney ikn p.nrWnh Tucker of Virginia- . s SCCICtaiy ot aguciituic, iiu" rraiisf:, ut Tacoma, Wash. There is evidently some hope for "bleed ing Kansas" yet. The legislature of that state Is composed of gome eighty republics 9 and about the same ntsn.ber of populists, (though thrre is a dispute over tbe seats of about irn tnemheis) besides four or five dem ocrats. But yesterday with unexpected and unhoped ftr good sense that body ! elected a democrat to the United Slstes senate. It wa- done by a combination of populists and democrats. Of course his seat will be contested, but the outcome is likely o be that a democrat m til represent Kansas Inthr United Sta'ea senate. Gov Russell, of Mssaichnsetis, says that his trust has nertr been betrayed by a re porter. Not very long sgo Mr Blaine mads alike rcmaik Probably an investigation would not have to be very thorough to show lhat the percentage ol pobli; men who have be' rayed their iron's is nn-h larger than that of rtporers. A Mo-coa- ; ssMm R 1 VH.Steia, has, according to his u:i 1 eoresen:stioDS, suc ceeded in treating vsrioos fo'mi of rheuma tism srltk electri; light la a highly satisfac tory manner. Toe lig it used Is a small, incandescent Limp, who-c rays and heat are sppikr) o ire aflVc'ed pirt through a fun- ne' . The 'cn h ol the treatment depends 01 ': v ( .- . .. lh.-at. m enJure the The present congress .a me into being with an rr.ointoas loa-t upnn the treasury. Its prtdVeeuor ha.T not only spent all the money Oss hand, bet had heavily mortgaged the future. How hcaviiv m accountant has been able to deertn:ne. Indeed, Mr Mc Lennan.oftoe treasnr, department, h ft who h,xtali in tb fallowing ver uflerly broken down in health nnder the) diet "We. tbe coroner 'a jury, find tbtt strain of t-rlnrr tn find out the ,: oi ruin this Indian was drunk and was chilletl to roaht. Amnne other mesa, of soaandar- mg ihe billion dollar, oongrert was specially interested lo authorizing lavish expenditures for ccs ly buildings In all sorts of cities snd 1 towns, big and little 1. ! left as a icgacy to this congress a great mass of contracts of this sot!, for which only par-ial appropria One tad been made, and a considerable part of the app op nations of last year were forced in this way. Bat Ihe authorizations were k mtny asd so extravagant that even the activity of the administration in binding the treasury to expenditure has not been able to kerp op with the list. Almost two years after the million-Dollar congress went out of existence there remain about fifty public buildings authorized, for the construe tion of which no contracts have teen msde. Tbe authorized cost of these ranges from to $2,000.00) each, with two or three on which r.o limit oi cost is fixed. The figures given on these f ot up more than S6,ooo,ooo. The total, includisg tbe no limited ones will exceed $10,000,000, It is not by soy means m possible that something will be done a. this session to suspend these aulSoritations unless the answers not yet givea to th: questions of the ways aad means co mmittee shall snow the treasury to be In a much bet'er condition than anybody expects. The pAitial tnomph ot the Jack Cade party in Kansas, snd tie attempt to make tbat triun ph complete by revolutionary seizure of tbe house of representatives and intimidation of tbe supreme couit.isan In structive ot-ject lesson for the country. No such reckless disregard of law, 00 such vio lent assaalton human rights has been wit nested In this country since the republican state government in Louisiana was ousted with artillery and bayonets and a fraudulent government of tbe strongest set up ia its place. The Kansas populists are only less brutal in .their violence than the Louisiana democrats because they are not by nature fighting animals, except with the weapon of Samsrn : Oregonian . The DEafOCTAT is under no obligation to defend the populists against the cbargea which the Oregoniaa brings against them, but lt desires to arise h:re and say teat the populists have a lor.g line of clearly marked precedents for the 1 use In Kansas, in tbe course of tbe efMblicsa part" in Louisiana and Mississippi In i75 whe-i men, by mili tate force, wereput iato seals in the legists tuies thereof who had not even, been Candi da cj tor the offices, snd in ihe conduct of that party in 1876 In openly cheating the ptoide out of a presrdent whom they bad duly elected, or when that party deprived the people of Connecticut of fheir choice for guvernor, Montana of two sena tors, New Hampshire of a senator, etc. No these populists evidently learned haw to do these thit gs when thet were partisans in good standing in the republican party. CIVIL SKHVIOhX?). k'jl rtt M Collier, chief clerk of the rail way m ill service, has been Interviewed abou the service ard among other things says: S Isr as oar department is concerned the civil service laws and regulations have been lived u). to both In spirit and Utter. All statements to the contrary by such papers as Harper's Weekly are made for political Jflect. Many have the Impression that the next adminlstiatlon will eltlier susvnd or modify the law. Inasmuch as the drpaitment wss placed under civil service by Mr Cleveland, It stands to reason (hat he will continue it unless his will is overruled by the spoils element, l'retident Harrison has followed in the line of civil service reform in this de parttnent as near'y as possible, and I think Mr Cleveland will do tne same. We regret lhat Mr Collier did r.ot see fit o state the following facts: The civil service laws were not applicable to the rail way mail service until Mr Cleveland, while president, -made an order making these laws applicable to that sir vice, and just as soon as Mr Harrison took his seat as president hs S- - ' " - 1: . 1. . 1 - I I I lasucii miuiuci iubucus II. .lie UII-ICI UI Ills ... , . . . predecessor until ihe service could be largely filled by removing democrats and giving their places to republicans, and then, v. hen this was accomplished, he restored MrCleve land's order. This is how that department came lobe filled will. republicans. These are the facts. To aid Digestion take one Small Bile Beaa after eating-. 26c. per bottle. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Treasurers Brio.-!. Washington, Jan 25. Chairman Springer, of the ways and means commit tee, has received from Secretary Foster, of (lie treasury, a suueuieni snowing me con dition of tbe treasury, and tbe estimated condition at the end of the present and at the end of tho next fiscal year. Ibo show-1 ing for the tint n months of the present fiscal year is- Receipts, all sources 124,419,215 Expenditures 230,57 1 .006 Excess 2,848,209 Cash in treasury, including gold reserve. July I. 1891 .... 1.12,14:1.426 December 41 , 1892 129,092,588 A Dcvsocral Elected 1 Toikka, Jan 25. The legislature met in joint session. The republican members of tbe house declined to answer roll-call. Ninety-one responded to their names, eight more than a quorum. Eleven of tbo mem bers of the bouse were populists whose seats are contested. Without these there was no quorum. When the senate roll was called, the entire populist strength went to Jobn Martin, and O'Brien, demo crat, also voted for him. The result of th joint ballot was finally announced : Martin 88,Cobnrn4, Hanna 1, Martig 1. The president announced Snyder was elected United States senator. A Last Ka Kai.aua, Wash, Jan 25. Last night. while the westbound through freight engine No. 580 was on tbe transfer steamer Tacoma, crossing tbe river, the boat struck a lot of drift logs and ice about mid stream causing bar to lurch sufficiently to start tbe engine- Before it could be stopped the engine went over the end of the boat into tbe river, where it now ties in three fath oms of water. The crew escaped, and no damage was done to the boat or cars. A Big Inrrrasr: Washington, Jan 25. A great deal of interest hangs about the bill recently intro duced by Owen Scott of Illinois, providing . . . r . , . , , for the 1 increase of the tnx . on wtky from 90 cents to II .25 per gallon. The bill is now before the ways and means committee of tbe boose, and every effort to get an expression of opinion upon the lil! from members of 1he committee, la unavailing AeaUeveel Rat Portland, Jan 2s. Senator Mitchell. of Oreatoo. has achieved undesired noto riety through UU introduction o the bill "To prohibit electro rnaATcetmng- mes merizing or hypnotizing human beings, or affecting one person through another by electricity, and to declare the same to be a crime arainst the law of nations, and to define Its punishment." Tbe b;il has been referred lo the committee on judiciary. Melanosis Musjr Totes Boras. Jan 25. The boose today, by vote cf 33 to 2. passed the bill amending the ejection law, so as to relieve the disa bilities of members of the Mormon church. There are $5000 Mormons of voting age in the state, who have been debarred from exercising the franchise under what has been called tbe re roactite feature of the aw of the first le-nslature. This bill, when t Isjcomes a law, will admit all to isrbt of suffrage, who may not now lm le Whlakp aasj eld Weeihes-: titiLDESDAix. Wash. Jan 26 Indian Jim wa found frozen to death last Monday atrntU laneri place near tw uia . . , Bloc 00 ' " rtrT'rl,ln) ,1llt deer on tbe big KlickiUt. and had been to l.oldendale. where be had cutrkTf.,b'' ssbsaajt; aM at isiuu)vi4sv ' leaving lown b procure-i whisky from .eesA Mttssns. Vf-tsSUkP II tn sf Y. Anfl It IF Csl LWI I &?iXh. according to the evidence ff the wilDCfsos in tbe case." stsrder Tl . Washijcotos. Jan 26. The war de- ski. .. fi . . mrdirsil a dtarsslr-h ; 1SJUKW BIHI uur-.i .t.t.N.. . , ; f . ait-in. Mmmiiuline thw department of Texas, stating the nroeeed inm for the extradition of the bandit lead - ers arrested by United-States troops on tbe rhar of violating- the neutrality laws. Tbe disnatch was sentio the secrelary of state, who will co-operate with tbe Meii can government in securing speedy action n tbe cases. Very Sewsaliewatl. Battle, Jan 26. The city wa startled today br the arrest at 5 o'clock this mom ing of Mrs Minnie B Yesler. Dr J Eugene Jordan and Dr H Martin Vanboren on a charm of sbsaiintr and concealing tbe will of tbe late Henry L Yealer. the millionaire ninneer anrl husband of the first named prisoner. To Mrs Yealer it tat-aths tbe building occupied by Ibe National Bank of Commerce. wp,W) witn wmcn to oniia a rwairlenrs. on it and an annuity of $"3000 for life. To J D Lowman, it leaves tbe Yealer building on Pioneer place. All tbe remainder of the estate, after the debts Ate naid. it left to the city of Seattle, with the ' At A iLa U Wlee aaasksrirlasngaA 1st fat CTBbhiT 5 w,ll thus acquire a mairai Scent estate of nearly, if not quite, 11,000,000. ,ph - Boles! WasHrxflTWX, Jan 28 Dolph basse cured a favorable report front the commit tee on military affairs for his amendment providing for tbe payment of Oregon claim and expenses daring the war- 150.000 for tbe protection of salmon fisheries. The committee on foreign relations has also reported favorably his amendment appro priating 300,000 for carrying ont the Chinese exclusion act His bill to reserve five sections of timber land upon tbe Siletz Indian reservation for tbe benefit of tbe Indians, with the view of creating indue tries which will affort employment to these Indians was passed. A Big atwrtaai Umatilla. Or, Jan 26. A storm, almost equa'ino; a blizzard, has been raginir since 3 o'clock this morning The north wind blows almost incessantly, at a rate of 40 miles an hour, accompanied by a alight fall of snow, which was blown into cuts, causing some delay to freight trains. It is still raging tonight, and indications are that the worst is to come yet. The storm is general throughout Kastern Oregon and Washington. Exasslelag Ike resrea Paelfle. Corvallis, Or, Jan 27. E C M Rand, of New York, Henry Wood, of Tacoma, and C H (lest, of Seattle, with C E Bowen, stenographer, constituting the expert com mission chosen by tbe eastern bond holders f the Oregon Pacigi-Railroad Company to examine the property of tbe road, arrived in this city todav and will remain until Monday, when they will begin their duties of inspsclion along the line. A Bad Arraaceasent. Indetendexce, Or, Jan 27. There is considerable excitement over the dis covery of a box of combustibles found this morning in the agricultural waren luse ot K M Wade Co. The box had a short candle, cotton battincr saturated with coal oil and a quart of oil. so arranged that when the candle burned out it would start tbe lire. It is thought tbat it was intended for some other building, some say the city hotel. Two men are suspected and they are being watched. A Tsws Baraedi Oakksoale. Wash, Jan 27, Oakesdale has been visited by another fire and nearly all the business buildings in the city left from Uie fire of last July are burned, near ly every frame bui'dingin tbe city is gone. At 1 1 o clock, a blaze was discovered in the center jf a wooden block, which might have been quenched with a few buckets of water, hail there been any water at hand. Loss about $6009. Msneeassllal. Adtokia, Or, Jan 27. The Dickinson party of railroad men left here for Portland tonight. ' In an interview before leaving Dickinson declined to say anything about bis intentions, but stated that he would make up his mind in a few days and return again. He baa observed things here very cfosoly during his visit, but has never ex pressed hi aself one way or the other. Aa Idaho Fire Wallace, Idaho, Jan Z7 An incen- (. - 1 , i y-i diary fire occurred last night at Gem, three and one-half miles from here, which de- etroyed nearly alt the business portion of that town lying south of the Northern Pa cine track, and burned up $32,000 worth of property. The fire originated in the Miners' Union hall. Futupm neat watch-shaped bot ilea, sugar coated, Smail SUs Beans, i860, per bottle. MisriT. Hermann Wise, the clothing merchant of Astoria, Intends to awaken the mar riageable young people of tnat city and as an Inducement he offers to furnish a wed ding and ball, together with a costly present, for the first couple who will sig nify their Intention to be married on March l8lh next. One of the llvesl most progressive cities In the Northwest, by far the best in Waah Ington, is beattle. A good many of our cltlvens have Interests there. Those de siring to do business with a responsible, rustling real estate company, will find (he Seattle Land company to be one filling the bill. It Is an incorporated company and will be found at til Columbia street. Eugene Is a bad place for chicken tSleves. The Guard says: Perry Rlggs and Ernest Barnes, two young men aged aDout twenty years, plead guilty to me charge of larceny In Justice Adams court In Mabel precinct yesterday after noon. The articles stolen by them were goat skins and chickens, they bringing the former to this city a few days sgo and selling them. The Pendleton EOsava: Frank Dektim Is ont of Portland's very rich men, and i a e . . ..... . I notwithstanding hU pt ssession 0! properly worth $1,1.00,000. he pays no taxes. Thi law allows him to deduct his Indebtedness ) from his assessment. This is why he pays no taxes. The Jaw Is to blame, not I Frank Bekum. The remedy Is to repeal ; the law allowing deductions for Indebted-! flCt i Mr Ford has introduced a bill for county attorneys, which. If It Is acceptable 10 the counties of this judicial district, will abol ish the present office ef district prosreutor aasj give each connty an attorney. Most of the counties now pay out from one to j two thousand dollars a year for prosectit- lne attorney services. Under this Bill i . - I , - , . , 1 1.. nut 1 v ... miirh anil nrh,M ' " ' , " ' " f ml s ehemer vnrte nf service ss the at. :omeys who will give all their time for . Ti T" ... Tu' .. ... from $600 to $900 a year w ould not rank in ability with the present public prose cutors. Journal. Charity begins at home, which is cvi dently the state board of charity's idea ac- j coratng to tne following iron tnetAtes man: Even the friends of the board ef charities say it should be abolished when!roP "'"""l" 8l,eu amenamem thev are Informed that It spent t1.433.76 ippiyng also 100 1 cent wrappers, of the people s money IrTprintlng an ' Hnston asked "nenda ent to supply elegantly bound and pfofuaely lIlustTated each Udv clerk 1"0 wtrth of stamp., biennial report (not authorized by law);!B'ch W ch,r declared out of order, that It spent $1,397.95 'or traveling ex- I bM for the cle.k of the board in gath V ssiar ev uia.ivii w a; inrucu 111 tins uu . . r . . ering Informalion to be printed in this un auUscrixeo report; and trial it pcnt 2,- r r - ---- r- - -90 01 to pa, for $100 worth of work done h.rford, tntrodnced a bill to m-j bv the clerk of the board. There Is some coport itd i i . j 1 . . j ... havlnsr made fi,dln not In aeord with the testimony. While only two or three inches of snow fell at Albany, and hardly any last . nigni.bugsne received about eight inches of the element. Mill City a larse suddIv I n.l nLnlw am . . . . ...1.. "A raving morphine fiend" is the way a Port.ati J paper refers to a victim of the ! mn-nhin. ,.hi Inikiseonnaeiinn tK. ! bill of Senator Denny is of interest. It , MlhorUM ,be corlntT ,udgM to send all : cocaine or opium Sends to the inane asylam for a year. It is a good idea to get rid ol iheai some way. .' w ... , . Tbe McMiDnvi.U Telephone R'K-.ster mentions I ocle Tom e Cabin as follows i The great .Nuicn Combination producing Lnele Tom s Cabin struck the town J iu?d? ,n' 1 'u w. fi!! uustu nun ujruAjr suji uiv uiibu flan uwiuim-u ywytv- Timberc'iaimsstiUcontinaetobe taken in TUlanook county, judging from the aDnearanee of the HeaJhehi In its last iesoe appeared ten columns of solid tim- uer csiiii Bouevs. towasj notices aol to the finances of the paper at least $300 UT It is Ping toTote that the naoere of the state have a Um papers 01 te nT per moot! -me f '-':! ... n.i v- tne -an nam imoerrcan manes a fsa new jail of Lane county. Albany's return of compliments with Uie Mill city uil. Orphans home, oor court house 217!;, Hf reTO..u,IB:iand ja. intact nearly ail ihe court HI wind baa. conglomeration of abusive lies aM.".''f'S? o."bt on W.beter's unabridged dictionary, ihs ignorant. 'I1 " a??"'-'"1. ? 2 ,of- , .rr . . . . MiiiH.ll .UW UUIUI " HSBS KtU spavined mongrei " fsenator Hnaton this fnnra ins madia f ffir B inWrK m-cm ' rvrsil Iks as I BsafjaaB ofMo.000 for the world's fair eomrais- , , naw,$2.5lp. Hie Linn coun Sion. oa the ground that times ware too 7 )'' is minutely deecnoed- It says hard. Denny made an equally strong ih pector had to ose a lamp on one talk for it. vTeatherford thought there nd.? order to get a good new that the might be nothing to exhibit except em -! corridor is narrow and the air foul. The ployeee of the commission Alley made olher "id ber. which, by the way. a good point in staking that the amend- i liie one ed- The no0J -aly meat be printed that every senator might iwonl' Cfemdora narrow for exercise voie inieiiigenuy. Veatch. of cearse entered a solemn protest against the bill, as he thought Oregon had enoagh settlers and could use no more. He claimed the appropriation was simply to pay the ex pense of going to a show. Journal. The railroad commissioners have the power to : reduce railroad rates. The supreme court says so. The fact is a very important one. It is a peculiar fM( .lllt tliere is only one living ex-president, and the same will be true after March 4th. Talk about personal liberty. Missouri has a law which imposes a fine of $250 upen a qualified citixen who neglects or refuses to vote in that state, to which attention was recently called by the prosecution of B T Whipple, a wealthy resident t f Kansas City, for having In fringed it. Itnmigrsnle are aald to be waylaid on their was to this valley by confidence sharks of all rMsaesslnsT unlimited call. Portlan l is tbe worst city 00 the way. ami Is cursed bt some deep dred rascals of this order. One villain recently followed a fam ily clear lo Corvallls. ecttinc Bionev on amerent pretexts. Any one wishing to read something of 'er'y peculiar nature should peruse the report of the state board o( charities. A copy may be seen at this office. Every county and almost every town gets a benefit, on account of iails and noo- farms as existing when the board made ineir tour of inspection, a vsar or so aeo. The prevailing idea ia that a criminal only deserves a fair kind of treatment The board though would have things nxea tip in a modern manner. They suouid.if possible, have la'e conveniences. The Mill City Gazette comes Out a day later Ihtn the Saatiatu Lumberman, hence has ths Ut i,ay. This is the dull season of the year, hence our reference to this rather unsavory qmrrel; but here Is soma more from the Mill Citv Gazette: "The slobber (hops of the Santiam Lumberman, accuses us of lleing about him, Waaa he tells rVteen absolute falsehoods in his own article of this week. He makes some criminal inti mations, which he may be called upon to prove. It may be possible that our readers are not interested In this newspaper war, but as wesre in it, there is no telling when or where the fight may end." The following expressions also occur: Jumping jsck, smali claw tumble bug, kleptomaniac soup bone, tail of some comst, aurota borealia of the piscatory world, anyllstic display of versatile moonablne, squirming eel of the moss covered turf and mdddy pool of dis jointed brotherhood. Cocsumptives, do not despair. There 1 hope. Try West's Couth Syrup. Is will alwayi care in sarly stages. Precure a 60o large 8 os. bottle, J A Gumming, Drug gist. . Moving OuTrir. The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of house, raising and house moving promptly and lo first class order. Call or leave orders at my residence at coi of Third and Oak streets, Albany. I B Tillotson. STATE LEGISLATURE IN THE SEN ATS. New blils by Denny, to protect hole1 and boarding housekeepers; Woodaid, to facilitate the assessment of city property; Bancroft, to prevent the defrauding of travelers; Cross, for a bridge across the Willamette river at Oregon City ; Alley ,tor a county board of road supervisors; Of THE UOU8E. Seversl bills passed, among them being: ; nin. lsrsrLr.nL tH. ,!. l '!. i gent; Ready, amending section 4136 of the code, relating to traction engines on public roads, by sttiking out the word bicycle, 49 to 9; Bishop, prohibiting mar riage In certain rases, that of first cousins and colore! and Mongolian races with wUte; labor day to the fir-.t Monday in September. The chair appointed on the house com mittee to ascertain the price of school books, Messrs Mil it, Russe'land Paxlon. d Seme foolish biUa have been intro uced . One ia in reference to an animal JnspecUir, under which it shall be un lawful for any person engaged in the slaughtering of cattle for sale in this sta'e, or the keeper of any daughter purcbaseany cattle for a laught cr any slaughtered bovine animal, with- .uc .'!.vl" exMiDilea to tne inspector lne ",ae ?' 8U;n nml, nd examining I nS livattit ami it lins- tirt as lr tV tiesnn avtirvtt "K"" "-' d. od makinic and entering in a book l tbat purpose a description ' uel' ornd d marks, together with me person irom wnom tne purchase was B,d. nd the date of spch purchase. rni?L"aetCU .W0,?l?,unPo," a -e 01 s. w ewu v as , kivii t luuati w iu visit.R a itun at another inaivtuuai. 1111s is suhstaDtially the law m New York and 8 a good one. is tub Hot'sa. New bil's: By Myers, for tbe purchase of Willamette locks, appropriating $400,000; by Denny, to define property rights of husband and wife; by Alley, 1 . l f 1.. 1 , .- i UCUIIIUK IBUCi tJ r ISUUCIUUIK, I IJ I Lit ' - I . i prove railroad stations, reqoinng depots ' . . . r l t every station where railroad income ia 12500: by Hnstoo. to orevent the' spread of infections animal diseases; by ,1 a .11 1 .J .1 .1... w suicuu tuus ami reuiatu3 ; salaries of county judges Tbe senate i received house resolution asking lor ' election of U S Senators by tbe people : and referred to federal relations. ! By Camerrn, resolved that each sena- j tor be supplied with $5.00 worth of I , I Weatherford's bill to amend tbe char- ; , - , . .Ar tkl SitMitvilU i.aftsTstssi reierrea to corporations. . Hon Jou.1 meuJorl1 to congress K r the passage of a free-coinage 'aw was re ported back from the commute on labor J ' without rec com men da tion The governor has approved tbe bill in- er?o rating Lebanon. The subject of lady clerks again came j up. r rtuay morning : una mor senate bill 75 be taken from table pro- I KlHltinw I a .1 1' i.!ml, in tlrsenn erril c.fTere? . 1 amendment nroliil.itinw the smniorrnent 1 i . i . : t . . . . . - , a I joi rwaawawwsj OS tiir imru iieg i ee- ui umw. Raiev moved to amend br indenniteiv noitixioing. Lost. Hosloo moved tbat bill amendment 1 referred to a com - mit'ee of Myers and Haves, to npurt at it include any Urns AHev re ! Hnston. Coorswe 1 added Mdiino. f New bills: By tVeelherford. to 6x maximum compensation for all pohjic o racers 01 urefron, naming tne mgriest ! salary of any officer lo MOW per year, read second time ; judiciary ; by Willie, , tmtal laws creating state board of . ,,!:iAtion-. by Vanderborg to create , ,he o(Sce tUJe ,uaitor and to make forernor, secretary of stale and a bod Of MUfcHSlt0 A LIIC BirilEt Tlie DtvatT has receive! Ibe fiiwt biennial report of tbe State Board of rharii. It ...... I il,,r e-,,i !,. UU l- y'5 tbe? 1 I ,r wereral interestina- pictures as wel. ; M reports in i Among Ue Illustrations are the Benton county court bouse, the 1 old sod new tail of Benton county, old . ;.;i..n i.i..,n.;niU.i.i. i t. LZZZ'aC. ih..r ia ta u ...i.- j hole boiit up into the air, no iaJiiw. no forniture. no stove, no water, no, clos- eL no ventilation. All it contains are' two amy otanaets an pietity oi vermin, Iwn z. . : . iiict It says tbe policy is tbat of gettin?.! . tramps out of town as speedily aa poesi ble. Arrest? for vear. a : unea coiiecteo. 1 ivv ssik swu, uunumnuu.itu ink or bath tub, the men usiig basins buu iicsiinx water uu iuc ewie .11 i.u hence tba tbe iail is utterly unfit lor the jrpose for whh it has been used. That a new iail should be built, possess ing naceasarv requiremenU, or uke out cells and partition walls and make one Urge room two stories high, with steel cells in the cenr, wiUi corridor, etc., ana second tier 01 ceiis aoove 11 aatreo, , r ' , , leaving two or three rooms for the jailer, ' ' "bo dltd J"s mS wbicb it says tbe least each a rich coon- j Last evening st Maryanlle. the overland ty as Linn,' having so many prisoners, rkn 'n,o a coo; le of bex car. Some boys, should do. The expenditures of the ,tu tboaht.had ehoved them abng sir, itch county for Ibe poor were I2.S37.79, most- ! to the matn track. caosiog a w:e.-k. and re ly at $2 26 per week, scattersd around, j j'tiag in the overland coating into Albany There should be a good poor farm, near ! thu coon en hoars late, tbe city, under good management. Care-1 8argain at Real's, lessness is inexcusable. It gives follow Scarenir ., xvn. t Wii! & Stark's inw statistics : .xu in county jaii uuruig year, 5C : at end of year, 9; cost in jus tice and police court cases, 11,417 Ot; other criminal expenditures, $7,067.15 ; repairs, $26; iuaaae cases,154.9& Total, with poor relist, $11,000.91. Number given entire support, II ; at end of year, 5. The board seems to be chronically cranky. Speaking of the Orphans' home it says it is in a very incomplete state and its condition renders it scarcely lit for occupancy, especially for children, that the coustructioa of the house and surroundings would seem to be condu sive to illness among clii'.slren, certain!) not true. Then follows a fuller descrip tion o' the home, with criticisms where possible, and tUKiiestions. Admitted during year, 10 boys and 11 girls, die rharaed ft. Expenses during year, $!-V0 provided by state and 704.15 for other services. 1st Honor el Blalae. m i. M, Or., Jan. 27th. Legislature ad journed in honor of the late Jas G Blaine, to meet next Monday at 2 pm. The senate reconsidered the Raley portage railway bill A bill to increase lees of sheriffs of Grant and Crook counties was sent to the governor. House adopted a resolution ol sympathy with the Hon Geo VV McBride.who is very ill. Excur sions of legislators started this forenoon for Monmouth state Normal school, Ya quina Bay and Corvallis. MABBIKB. MERSKELDKNZ ACHES. In judge Cliff's parlors, in Oakland, Cal ,Jau loth, 1893, by Judge Cliff. Mr John Merafelden and Miss Maggie L Zaclies, both of San 1 ranclsco. DLMVIDDIE McKfNNEY.-On Jan 20th, 1893, at the Revere House, in Al bany, Mr Claude II Dinwiddle and Miss IdaMcKinney, both of Brownsville. Rev E R Prichard officiating mm. a fcWlNvj. On Saturday morning, Janu ary 28, 1803, of paralysis, F M EwW. aced 67 years. vim. HAWKINS. On Saturday morning, Jan 8, 1893, in Albany, to Mr aod Mrs C E Hawkins r. boy. U9MM AM AMBVAW THUKSIMV 8alems Y M C A costs f 3000 a j ear and is worth it. Yesterd y was the biitbday of r.jtby Burns, the poet. Joho Corbett. a brother of the famous pn gilut, 1 1 in the jsil it l'oitlaod for vagrancy . vagrancy . Jolij Isom Ji is moving hi saloon ontlit u ivlrt,,,, , T , H'lVrfc.n to reside to luo (mulct 'aloon. Uutet will no to ... .UUw ci... 1 111 jrevaiitu tins ir.-jruin, two or thre iuchrs fallint'. The indications point in three daya of it. Geo S Yon2 has moved hi, barbae shop to the Conrad Meyer Mock, seqntof the change to be made in theCueick block. On account of the isc'ttnent w ether the Y M V A enferlsirmcnt has bcirt post poned until VVtdaead.ty evening of next week. The f ersoD who left the opera -l,t at tbe Opera Mease last Monday Mining can s,e: them hy esltiogoD Mi K B Vonk. E W Allen will manage the Portland expo iWaai this year, R W Mtlehell, a live, foat snperintecdeni, haviog been retiiel. McAflrn 61 McD innell, of Portland, have leaied the room now ccenpied by O K Kraiirse, in Kaucm . and will opea a dry aooda store therein. A TSACMSR .. .. ., ..... t-. T, AaaasTtu. - Depaty Prose - eating Attorney J R Wyatt went to Halsey tbi.nccntoprosccu;eAHBron,.sctooI - learhtr. for astALit n u bt.v nsme,' Rrsttaln resi Jlog at Peoria. Tbe teacher had whipped r Geo l Barton is culiiva ing Ms theboy, juit how severe!) haa not been learned oug orchard. Mr B. ia a good trrchard retaltieg in his arreat As stated ' an1 n the finest voting orchard in the ! I mnnl. If. I... .11 ;.. J ... I, I, ...... i. i asoelical Revival. The Evan- gelica! church is again engaged in hold- Ing a rr vit al meeting, and the attendance Is large. Rev Anna Wioslow is an earnctt speaker, a woman of great faith, and Z-ZLZ L;,h ?....:"": u.. -r e .v. ..... muw. .US spent many years in tie active miniatrv of tbe Quaker ;hurch. L the nubile attend these special intciing mini fklDAV. , . , . . , vai: CamobeL's rerer.t .orv.w ' ik. m a:.I-..i . 7 . uiatnct naa Deetl aooeplad. . .. ,.A " "r"" the sc .ool teacher arrested st ""fV ?lppm ". w" du" cbArgwd yeatarday afternoon. n Yort San says Mrs Simons, of Sodayflie, Oregon, is over 100 years old and uras a per. siun from tne isiz war land. Klsewhere we publish froji the report of the state board of charities aboat which there is so moth talk at the traarnt ime. Thoy are evidently a fault board, more watcttini for vermis and each things than Ut the people s money. There it one aaaestsmast in the A O V W order for the month of Pebraarr. Whole camber of members to Oregon 4977. Koto- bar in good standing 4721 . W bole naoaber 01 memoers la gj eisndwg to tbe wnale order as 301,450. The remainder of Ibe Owls are aa follows: Sapient Stewrer, C B; Ixrd High Ex- raiiwi.r .1 t W . . . a ti as ... j,,,,. Tjct x , CaUsc: ti.r n fj Schei!; Recotding Owl. .V F Bead; Property Owl. D II James: Blinker. W E Baker; Advisory Board of tbe Owt'e Saat,J A Cam mi u. H L Waiden. F E Allen. J vs G BLAtsr died at 11 o'clock this I I farttT rrn Hta dath la a I.... 1 .m i - -- -"-" .wm. every town in the U S so familiar i ! "w Drne Like Webster and Clay he ! P0 great popu-arity bot not the j fopolarity that makes presidi P' regardless of politic, wil ! regret the death of one holding au great place he- r.. ,t,a a : " 1. u; fore the American people. His came ill appear in history amone the leading atesaien of the United States. statesmen Tiis Saw Fiaa Cojstast. Last even- ng a number of the leading citixetw of the Third ward met in thehal! of Albsmr Engine Co So. 1 for the purpose of or- Thir want r;re. HnrnKea . -A3 u.rg a fire companv to operate m the .Wtsei ;.mrw,nrw rl .im.. .r, v Morris, strretary 1 . - A committaet constat- inc of Xorris Morris. Kaseer Krooo and s Harare was elected to draft a conetita- j Moxxr to Lai as. i nave money in tion and by-laws. The follswiag officers ! rams of 5t to (30.000 to loan on im were elected, after which the meeting ; proved farm land ; Linn and Rente. 1 was adjourned Auatwuaj etenina: A E B'om. PretidenL Jos Hede-s, Rec Secretarv Frd Veal, Fin. t?ecretary." Dan Meyem. Treasurer. 'ot R-ece, Foreman. C M House, let AsaUtaat- SAtraxiAT. ; r-vrt to u rr- . . to ten isches cf anew was o tbe ar.otd tod y Hairy Eorrowy, recently f YsHaina, has posed a lo-mure store ia Jeffersea. Dag U ... -1 Patwsatatsv. t-l 0.en I oy a t ho a- ippetl ont. 1 - . . . , , . i,- i, : . - - , , Jim 1,1 . lii 11. .11 mean. . . " "r J Lt!m f r n " , ! -r- r- , n - ... . This the t ow wis abont fosxr inches deeap at Portland, eighteen at Eugene aad cn!y two at Bosebars Extra work on the new Ji S church of j Janctioti baa eaued tr nHe, the cootratt r : filtag It-srs fcr $!S00. There will be aj eostert. , a - . . , . . . , . A p!iticu hie b?en ci-clatedm alem f r ta 1 : . . . . n a . ; the position ol C S ril-trict tnctxel sjipwtinjeoi 01 roaj-e n Qtrs aa tc . jaugt lay ?oy,r.V. . lbe4Ulj trtiUy rf ' y 1 ... . " " ? forJm" Oar- ! l V;"Ue Ro? W"b- h n ! ff tbo wtk- The brought '"""ry " I ... . .. . . ... Tw bee I ewrirv at Will S Stark's, Krtsh eggs at F E A Hen & Co. Irresagoodsat cost at Krad'a. Under ear at cost at Bead's Ev.rylhiD.sT at coat at W F Reed.s C. c-.a r d cake, 15c, atf, Mueller's Paikrs Boots and shoes at cost at W F Read's B iv V arucr Bros corset of W f Read Barga ns In summer goods at Read's. Trophy tea some'hinir tine at F K Allen & Co. Choice Fastcm nysters at M .: - Par lors. If yoa want a tiao smoke ask for J Jcseph white labor cigars, , Until March lit evert thine at e.t . Read's. Several rix ootare nigans for sale at eo Call on Prof W W Davie. Come and eve the new chil d! plow Ramps opposite postewce. at White snft hlauketa mado at the woolen mills fjr salebv F K Allen Albany Tho beat.roaM eoilee in the city at Coniad idcyej A Pa ror.tat borne iodustry by smoking tbe celebrated whrto labor .-uars, uiauc factored by Ju'ius Jorcph. Why smoke a Chios csrar when for the aame monev you can g-1 a w lite labor cigar made by J Joseph. rtemeraber all boots acd 1 hots brukht cf Klein flrt g that rip. run over or aolea oome loose will be repaiied by ua fire cf -harjre. Prevent and cure Constipation and Slcas uvauutm, rru.i. mio tK-SUAs, RsLiicH-8 Saitvicas. The usual ser vices will be held in the United Presby terian church. Rtv A M Achecon will preach at 11 and also in the evening at 7:30. Sabbath ecluol at --VSo. Junior Christian Endeavor and teachers prajer meeting immediately after Sabbath school. Sociatv oi Christian Endeavor at 6:30. The revival spirit at the Evangelical church is increasing, and a few have accepted Christ. Rev Anna Winslow will preach this Saturday evening,attd on Sunday morning and evening. Go and hear the Quaker evangelist. PreachinK at the Presbyterian church at 11 a m and 7 :30 p m, Sabbath school .. 10. lit .. ... !....- ... . - : . - . a I 1st i- p 111. uuuiui v t- lucetlujf tl s p m, VPSOE meeting at 6 :46 p m. The subjects of the sermons will be, morning, "The Power that Prevails." Evening, "The Four Sided Temple." All will be made welcome to these services. At the Congregational church there will be an address Sunday morning on "Planting Christian Missions and Schools in the Pioneer Dayg of the Pacific North west." Sabbath school at close of tbe morning service. YP3CE at 6:45. All are invited to these services. No evening service. It is expected that Rev Mr Acheton will address the Y M C A meeting tomor row at 4 p mln their sooms. We think that those who attend these services are well repaid. It is intended to make them "gospel meetings" pure and simple. Come and hear Mr Acl.eson. OAUTILLC. The diaagrceable neather of th.- last , two weeks has caused considerable slck : nesa. I Win Morgan is dangerously HI. He I Km been ttoubled with lung disease for the last ten years, Lut since the cald j weather he has beer worse. ; Mrs Caroline Hamilton Is again prni j trated with rheumatism. Mr H M S'one is at home azain. It is , reporied that he In, ends to Wd on Ihe O P railroad. If he gets it he will build a I branch lo Oakville. Mr Thomas Moraan, cf llalsey, is visit ing hie brother William. Mr Starr, of Be! fountain, was visiting " sssisswsy-ssi taw, is .ti .-3iunc, tiic iuic , .r. -,h, his brother in law, tj as c. 1 1 I ; frw u r i.a i. .ui. , , .k, : ,rM,Y!! is able to be on the ,lreel a,aIr'. I and vines, also roses and bulbs j prof Ralston was in tbe city today, the ! guest of Prof Robb. 1 e.. , ".V?'" , "e7 "2' ve Priday evening. The next subject -H,h,.eU D..:,.ert K. ,K. .leeriee I franchise should be extended to women. Three ladies upltold the affirmative ar.d three gentlemen the negative. Gentle spring time will be welcomed here anytime. Amiccs. College Soles: School was dismissed at 10:15 today oa account of tbe freezing of the water pipes and genera! inclemency of the weather. Tbe: two societies, Erodeiphian and Cicer onian, held their meeting, after which school was dismissed B:in jmaa't-buf? is becoming a very pop ular game among the yosng ladies It it said there, was considerable winking I icac en the fUsLiight west off the ether .' c j - Football Is not ptogreseing very rapid iy at present on account of the state of the ! weather. Bat as soon as it clears op we i W have a team that will not disgrace the : college. . The new coUege veil M prcr.oonced very I flat. If any one had been within three or four blocks of the college when the picture was taken lite other dsi be woold have i tearrl a wWmw. " t J ..... J i credit to a banc of Anarite. Here it 1 . Boosa a lac. boom a lac! Bo a wow wow : Chic a l-c ch ck a Chow chow chow! Boosa a lac. boom a. . Wis) are ere? e are the hoys of Albany. Bill Svxl, J. A Big .S7aoE-- . A Aad all "All the world's a stage men and women merely the tk.- tf- '.t. - . . J. be ,!be,r x,t "J th' players ; Irenes a One of "h-ir principal entrances -easu into Parker Bros aroeerv and hskerr. ilL6.0 T?wri V frfa P" "r"!r!l?M f P ""ri.Krnalne,r,?d?r ; l"," KrSl ,conf ctin,c, ig ' o breads and cakes, plain and j- - - aum taav.-, yiMhU. IUU i sujry, saiiuoiiy ana well made aorttct thine t.i i-iMic'.t.r ' B counties, at lowest current j . -- l.KZ. delay in furniebing the money. C i Bl AiKAJtT Real estate agent. Albany, Oregon, CepUia'weeaey, rj s A.Sen Diego, Cal , ears. -Saitoh Calarrh EeTeedy ia tbe first tnedtetot I have ever feend that wottli ds as any good. Price, 50 cts. Sold by abav k ma os). Wia pur. fV rtveaeew One fble Bean ererr aiftt for a Bs:!ey, the Print, ts sl.aaf si Was st 1 t . waade ioao.-3.eaae.iis a -OatfSce an u l-etr prepsu-ed than . vet 0 c,ply the people with good prutuaj. . . ,. , --ilob a Viuhxer U what yoa need tor dT,P--P-., tcrpid liver, yellow skin or kid- nev troaKe. It in gwaraateed to gsve yoa sabetacUcc. Price TSj. Said by Foe hay & u, J s-stswaja-L I - Better ck patterns st Read's. ri.eaks and iseketa at cos, and less .. W F Keiada rbes. Eaby waa ska. ar- gase hex (tetoraa V h.ei she was a Cnm. she ened for CsatforSa VS01 she tx-caw Jts. - cluag tc rassarsv ". stie bi . 1 ..U ou stsr tare theoa Castorta COVBerffTiej; Wound up -"the man or wonua who's " run- down. Dr. Pierce'a Golden Med ical Discovery sets the wheels going. It starts the torpid liver into health fnl action, purines and enriches the blood, cleanses, repairs, and strength ens the system, and restores health and vigor. As an appetising, ra etoratire tonic, it seta at work ail tba processes of digestion and nu trition, and builds up flesh and strength. For all scrofulous humors and blood -taints, and even Consump tion (or Lung -scrofula), if taken in time, it's a positive remedy. Unlike the sarsaparillas, which claim to be good for the blood tn March, April, and May, "Golden Medical Discovery' works equally well at all seasons. Unlike other blood-purifiers, too, it's pvaranteed to benefit or cure, in every case, or your money is re turned. On these terms, it's the cheapest. Yon pay only for the good you get. But it's tho best or it couldn't be sold so. REVERE HOUSE ILBANY. - J , OREGCn HAS. PFrilFFEK iROPRIETU ACADEMY OF lady of FerpetQal Help MISSIONARY'S STORY How He Suffered from Eczema. Doc tors Failed. Grew Worse. Death Only Relief Expected. I have heen trrral led with chrorli Eetema on my limbs. Tbe itching was very annoy inw and aesste rae unfit tor work. I had tried many remedies aTin consulted a irooa pny siclan. but received no per manent relief. A Mead told me of ute Ccnccaa Rsatav Dtre. 1 then sent for a copy Of jaer book, more than a year ace, and now I wish 1 1 had reaal the book and begun to cue tne Ccticttba Rebte Bnw at once. Bot the doctor said the remedies. good la some rases, would be of no ose to me, and eon tlmud to prescribe for ma for tine months. I grew DetthsiitiM ..- hM. . lift, and It was the only relief I expected. Just then my wife (I thank Uod for a good ewe) -found the book yoo sent In some ost-of tbevway place and read It thronh. Hhe dlseharged the ntmi lng physician and msUI we would try tbe Cuticura Remedies i Prueared hot of t'miTEl. flee eafe-a md (.'CTsct'liA Boat, arid a bottle of CmcCBA KasOa VT. I began to rate them aboct the middle of teat Angnst, prtvnrtag a new nasal when the first was exhanaud. I :.m now well aad attend to ray misstooary work. I am Btcrtitaij of Use HUm,M Cotmty l.lble ftorietr porUstttieSosed). Uaf e been engaged fa laisetonary work la Has eosnrty for eighteen yean. To 11 iiiitaial fla Ccttccba IUagDigt to eflerUig homanity win be a part .." ray missionary wori in the fnlsue). V O. Bex 11, Xcogaap, sizrraa Co., liiTT. a&ni.-i uiLi.t:na, Co.,2f.T. Cm- aa Erar orrs are the greatest skin cores, blood f rlfiers, ard homor remedies ef ansrAaSB limes, r-old every where. I' nee, Crncrat. sOc.; iOAr, it.; Rsaot-rrxT, i. rrrpsred by the I'oTTia Ijeco ajcv C'Hraicai. Coar., Bosenv. S3- " How to Cere Sfcta Dsseaees," 4 pages, SO IHasfraoons, and u stimotrials, mailed free. OIMIOJM. hsirhkis.rsd.nsa, rkrssii.aad I IrTl oily skm cored by Ctmctraa Soar. HOW MY BACK ACHE8! Back Ache. Kidney Paine, sad Weak. Dees, Soreness, Lameness, Btreins. st 1 ritri rillr rrrt In niii nilaaeli i j law siowaxa &nu.rsis Small Gcaraiiteed to cure Bilioas artsarks, Sick Headache and cr Cyi:iau. 40 in each bottle. Price S&c. For sale by drujreists. Pictore "7, IT. "." - a ! 3p'e y free?. 1. f. sarr.: & ex. : ., izw toei. BILIOUSNESS ThS ,d lira, farrw 11 " sua a -AH. PHYSIC If taken as directed, we Guarantee Satis faction or refund your money. D0NT SICKEN. DON T, GRIPE. f 50 cents per bottle, by I A CCMMINGS. Hum's Root It is an airreeabl? Lazaxive fcr tbe 1 .-am oe iisaiir moo a ats& zot isbw isi , Prsee Se , Sue and flAB per paeka IsTen aaaTsfm Ac Einrant Tot-err lAU nil for tbeTTeetn sxi I imi HUrSftiYl ISSflTOTI ALBANY, OREsiON 181, 18Q2. Irst Teewe Bssestea S,wmser sit A f I corps of ids tractors, CLASSICAL, SCJEKTiRC, UTHAIT' COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. fOtirses ot "study arranged to messtlk all grades of !cbSS). Irom oervstsf. a-T. USES! a retSBIT G A saw aad Oxnatetj Tmatttxi:, eoasiatiaa; el Swat ssAitorass.Ouilase-1 1 in ia B.t aa-i Plits a Poeiti r Cure fvw Ajtterwal.lalerrwLHrsaA or Meed, ner Isekutr, Casisllt fcv-nt ar Herectitarr Piles, east asaarothw aaisssse and leeaaie weaknesses; Hie wars a gtvatl sssstl to the xsral I uscerers es a sasaseass cwre twsaear witA use rnlfe cnac Tflearr Itereal teas nsrrer hssn n own t ti 1 ft per I sent -T mail W t sbSVs- rVnes lass tsi real. Ar WSSsb a wriueo ewtnotee at positive lr (irea wit Mrntto refuml tbe storey if no cured. Seal sSasap or free Sample, tlstttaatee tasossl ky J A CaaBaatsts, Brtsaxlsi. sale Aaestt, uaauar. WILL'S MUSIC STORE -SOLS AiiS-ITS TVa 1 i il .CUICKERINO " "HFHU.LUI, "STKCK." A 1 VOSE st S' N " rlANOS, KSTSY. NEWMAX BROS, tKi.; ua. D EARHl'F T I Woatif v. J J.i t ll leasee Eieewhart ; W a sol. tn-i Best Goods at Lgvrwt rnusi mall Instruiuduts, Beks ail Descni'tioo: Haste ol Ere New Houis and other Sewinr iU-h-nsa, also Xeesllea, Oil ana Sitrss tor all ata.-hines: e. b. wiu. Alkii, Or. vrone aad worse 1 -1 easssta "si a lira URE