The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 27, 1893, Image 4

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All around the world, from East to West,
Pipe Smokers think Bull Durham best
How good it is, a trial will show.
And make you smoke and praise it too.
Get the Genuine. only by
NAMWBl'S m:m WUm CO., DtiBKAM, H.C.
1801, 18Q2.
In I Term pcaed SeptcmBer ttfc
A t. 1 corps of Infractors,
fnuraes ol study arranged 10 moat.;
II grade or students.
tfruxl tmamemment! eftrtd to ttudtntt
from abroad.
OF -iViO,
S Msaa
..O s at
YAQUINA bay route
Oregon Pacific
0a steectver.
Oreg-in DeTelopment Po's Steamers,
Sbort Line to- California
First disss through passenger and
' eight line frem Portland and all points
to the Willamette Valley to and from San
'ancisco. CaJ.
Boats metre- close connection at Alban .
1 h trains of the Oregon Paxil! Railroad
TtVB SCHEDULE, except Sundays.!
LeereAlbant ii:) r. a,
l Corrallis l:OSr, .
trri ( Yarpiina, 1:35 r. m.
i ve Taqmca, 7:00 a, a
LeaTe OrvaJ!ia,I8;3: a, a
Am re Albany, 11:1 a.
C. A C. trains connect at Albany and
(J j-vallis The above trains oottnaot at
Vaauina with the Oregon Development
.ompany s Line of Steamships betree
Vaanina and San Francisco, .
rm raestza.
E Settle faiUf. D);jnl3- Ulh . till
raoa sax raucuoo
WTfli ill Valley, December 8th ; ISth ; 9th
The Co m pan v aatryes the ngnt
innta sailing dates without notice.
N. B. Passengers from Portland and
FillameUe Valley points can make close
soenecnon with we trains or the vaquin
roots at Albany or Corrallls, and if de
t next to San Francisco should arrange to
rriys at Vaauina the evening before date
r si: I; rip
aTratseeger a a Freight rates always th
OF THfc-
S outlier n Pacific
Raprna Trains tear Portland Daily.
South I
7:"nr. a. I Lt
10tB 'al Le
l Ar
raps Jtl, mat.
P rUacd
Ar I 7.SS a a
Lt I 4- a
Lt I 7,-00 r
San Francisco
Abv. t-ains atnp only at ftilowiu- station.
BS wir.-. Cut rort'and, Orepm City, W .a,
euro. St'.cm, Albany, TfJiirent, Shodd, Halsej Hsr
riattarc. Junction City, Urine, Eugene.
aessacas bail, datlt
Mo a I Lv
14$ t a I Lt
W- ! Ar
Ar' tVhf i
It 'aebary
Lt i ssy :
uun iiL daily (axcarr 8mar)
Ar I tS S a
Lt I :S0 a
t r x I Ar
8:10 a I Lt
0 no a a ! Ar
1 ! r I U
09 a Ar
at 1 lu-Ha
Lt I 80 a a
Ar :2Sr
Lt 4:89 ra
D inp- Cars on Op-den R ute
Atia-.lir.l t .alt Thr aurh Tralaa
Weal Mlde Bivlalon.
Mail -ajisvAiu (Except Sanaay,
7:8" A U !
U:in r a I
5:80 r
12:66 ra
axraasaraAia daily (Except 3ai.dar.
4:41' rit I Lt
7:26 m! Ar
:80 as
6.45 A
TlirowjrTlji Tickct
to all point" In Ibe Eastern Stttaa, Canada and
Europn can be obtained at lowest rates from C K
tronb, Aci.t Albany.
Mai.aver Asa't O. P. and
Portland. Orsgwi.
llfELii DIUOISG-Ed Davidson in
M pre a red to do well digging la
firt els-s t-ty!e, promptly, and will guar
antes bis work.
WUI euro VTIthoot U.CI
ot.i taxation of braia, aim rreaitexe...a or ladUeratlaa.
a. Mxaal iha.tloB, drala., loaae., aarroca dtblllty lvp'
tcaaac.a, iaasnor. raaaaulLaBl, tiesey, lla.r aad bladder
conji'lBiutfc laaae back, lumbago, aelatiaa, srn.ral III bcaltk
etc Tbia eajctl(c bait eontalDa Wn.darfal laaimeaaaalaaTar
all btbtraMaV(lTea a currant tbat la laataatly br tba
or forfeit ri.uuo, aod will Sara all of the abara
reraltlBf I
MP s. or h i,a. laoaaaaaa naTe Dean eurad by thta mar-
flaa buadroda of teatinloDlata fa tbia and eaary other state
'"ainl laPROfKO ELXtTSIC StaPKIanuT y.
avtbooti aver efl.rrd weal o.en.r'RKE Wttll ALL HXI.Tr
astaltb aud vlrar&u.atreuathULAaURTEEItlnllAtr.aon.
STCfl far I-amphleta, nurllcd, aealed, frae. Addiaaa
HAtyDsnr jnxauaajJBLro Co.,
No.iyg First St.. POttfLAHD. Q R E.
LBAi1Y - . OREGC11
lady of Perpetual Help
Mil Tl WMksMM
U tit County Crtrt of tie State of Ortgon,
for tit county of I. inn.
In the matter of the ostata of Peter We tt,
To A J Welt, Joh Welt, Cat fearine Kara
helm, and to all others known aad
unknown interested in the estate of
Peter Welt, deceased. Greeting:
1 o
Oregon, you are hereby cited and re
the 1
uired to appear in the Couuty Court u
state of Oregon, for the connty of
Linn, t the oourt room thereol. at
Albany, in th county of IJ-n, or Mon
daw, the 6th day of February 1893, at 1
o'clock In the attamoon ot tbat day , then
and there to show cause if any you b ye
why an oraer or this court should not
iue "mpowering and lieeneing the
administrator of said estate to sell the
I prcnerty belonging to said estal
described as follows tow It: Beginning
58 chains and 3 linn north of the u h
east corner of QW Klum's donation and
claim No 38. notification No 2-22.;ot 1 hip
13 south range one west ot the Wl im-
ate meridian; thenoe west 11 cL In
thence north SO chains and 16 l::ika.
thenoe e t 11 chairs, thence soul 3J
hilnsand 18 links to the place b
ginning containing 37 60 acres fot tl e
purpose of paying the claim preserv ed
against said estate and the ezpen ot
thn admiulst.aiion thereof.
Done by order o( the Hon t N Duncan
indue ol the Count v Court of the State
Oregon, for the connty of Linn, with the
1 of said court amxeJ, tbia 16th day at
December, A D, 1892.
Attest: N P PA THE,
r 1 saA'as ISafaTSK ? I 1 aSl SfA
CO- an BatoAOWAT, Naw Tostsr.
an ror 1
ETerr patent taAm o-ot by na la txrmxbt before)
tapo.lo byaixxioe gtTtai tree of cbaire iabbe
Scientific meriQ
eat ermlaAlon of est aetemlBe rmztrr ro the
a. gplendKUr inaratrateaL Ho UnellLrau.
aboold be wllb.jat rt. WasMrJSTSs
snoot ba.
Braaatway, Msw York City.
Atbarneys at Law. Will praaatsa Is eoarts
state. Special atleoU m trieta to matters in proba
and co lections. OFPICE In tbe flicn block.
Attorney at Law ud SoUoitor in Chancery. OsIJeo
tiona made oa at! po'nta. Loans nerotiated ea
rable terms. Albany, Orecoa
Attorney at law. and Votary Pab.ic Will practice in
all the courts of thu state Special attention riien to
in pre bate UEBeC: LpaXaUm
Alfcaay. Ora
r a t 11 j i 1 it
ZaACaVV t'txm
II wst matters will recs Its pr-r-p
B till ratl jw sTempla, Albany, O
Ty 0T4X VE ak H.U KLEJI4S.
Attorneys at Law,
Albany, Oregon.
Attorney at Law, Albany, Or.
J AMES) J. ( HtRl.TOV.
AUornev-at-Lrsw. All !eral. basiuess 'sAtended to
pr inpUr:
FLIOT-B Roek, A bany, On
Collet lions a specialty rerardlett ef tlx Cons..
lent, in sil I he .alley leva.: OFFICK seer
L E B sin Co a stare. Foster's Block i
JJB. 1. la. Hltalj,
Phyddan and Suriresn. OFFICE Corner
Ferry streets, Albany, Orejren.
enystdsnsan Surgeons. OFFICE -Corner eeond
ana urcwuibin streets. Albsne. Or. Calls nrajtotlr
attended 1 cltf aod eauntry.
i. (HineRLti y, n. n
Hsmospathlst. OTlipeclJIst In dissssea ef tbe Etc.
Tweaty years' experience Omce hours 7 t a m:
l le s p m, and S to 8 STening. Albans, Oreyan.
t,'kt eats, ard Trade Marks obtained, ano a)i f
cut ba.ainess condncted for Modsritt Fsrj.
Oar Office Is CpposHe U. 3. Patn Oflic
sod we j-an scrore rafent Inlets tlcietb ... t) '
remote frum Wnshipgton.
Send model, drawlnir or photo,, i i d st
Mon. We advice. If pa'.entablo or ; uLiea i
charge. Onr foe not One till patent la sct ir.
A Psmshlet. "How to Obtain rstenr..'' t,
names ofrictn-d cllotits InyourStatc, c. ::.
town, se;nt fr-e. Addrees,
"t..i Patent r-r., .siI. .. r.
Da X C West's Nerve Bsau Tesatshint.
guaranteed speclflrj for H) uteris, DisstAasa, Can
Tuitions. Fits.Nereous Neuralfia.tlesasehs.Ne itoue
Prostration oaused by the use of alcehol or tob sees,
Wakcfulneaa, Muntal Depression, Ssftsnin2' ef the
airain resulting in insanity ant ts misery,
decay and death, Premature Old Ays Barron n sat,
Loss nf Power in elthn.T. lweVilanse. Leases and
8;innatnri h t by oa'eaSSfstsa ef the
brain, asK-abuso or ovor-lndu'genso. Bath box
contains one month's treatment, tl.60 a Sex, or six
boxes for $5. sent by mxil iirepai 1 en receipt of price.
To cure sny cist. With each order recaired k
for six toxev, acoerapanled with f i rn. w twill
the purchaser eur written KUsrants le "(in
m.,ney If Che treatment does net ttTact a Sara,
anises Issued only by
.1 a CaasHlna. Drucalat Sa'e Ajaa
A lets.-. -
To nld Digestion take one Small Dilc Been
after etiting. tOc. per bottle.
She gciuonai
A single mahogany tree in Honduras wit
recently cut into hoards, which, t hen sold
in European market, realized nearh $11,000.
I ii!y Itt. 1870. there was in the United
States treasury in gold Coin $245,741,837
July let, iS9a, ihere ws $598 509,051.
It is rstlmeted ihat the cos 01 maintaining
;he some too, too Inmates of the various pen
al institutions in this countiy exceeds $15,
000,000 annual y.
All the Smlihs ar watc!,ih with mucn
intereat the rontest whlcl. James Smith, jr.,
oi New Jeraey, i making for a Wat In the
United States Senate. The Smiths have
forced their way into many prominent places.
but when was there a Smlt 1 in the United
States Senate?
About $40,000,000 Is paid every year In
Germany for (he creation and preservation
ot" forest; 300,000 families are supported
from them, while something like 3,000,000,
000 find employment in the various wood
Industries el the empire. The total revenue
from t .e forests amount to $14,500,000, and
the cut rent expenses an $8,500,090.
The following United Swe Senator
were elected yesterday: California, Stephen
M White, democrat: Minnesota, C K Davis,
republican: Delaware, George Gray, dem
ocrat: Missouri, F M Cokrell, democrat:
Maine, Eocene Hale, republican :Tennesse;,
Bate, democrat: Michigan, Sto k bridge, re
publican and Inoiana, Turple, democrat.
11 1 ..aji
Multnomah county tares! very we'l in the
apooin'men of com mi eea. oth Fulton
and Ked nemed 'o reaitte mat this city
I.salmnoitant mattera wnich mut be aettled
at Salem Now will the committees be equal
to their ressaaibilityrreJegrta.
Sorry we cannot eav as much concerning
Linn. The third county in the stsle ss s
taxpayer, the has do place in either house on
the most important committee that of aaseas
ment and taxatioa.
On account of the varying distance el
he moon from the earth, she appears to us
somewhat smaller at certain times than at
others. If shh paasea beteen the earth
and the sun arhen at the greatest distance
from the earth, her disk will be sn.aller
than that of the sun, ard the eclipse will be
annular U 1 he passage occurs when the
moon is nearer the earth, her disk appears
'.arger than that of the sun and the eclipae
is a total 000.
The time that photographic dry plates
may be kept is a question that affects many
A correspondent of Nature mentions open
ing a box of plates that had been kept,
without srjfecial care, and through a three
mmths tear in the Mediterranean,- for
about sis years, and noM 6f them had
The senpment in lavor of electing United
States Senators by the people dnect la gain
ing rapidly. It is tbe proper way to elect
senators, anj we hope this measure will be
adopted. The measure to ele-t the preairka.t
by a direct vote of the people is not nearly
so popular. Small states wlli bke'y oppose
It fearing that they may thereby he deprived
of the power they now have.
A comprttsed air sya:em Is to be introduced
at Niagara Fall power piant in competition
with electricity. From a. paper from Prof
Unwin it appears Ihat the transmission of
powe by con.preased sir is practical to a
distance cf at least 20 miles. It teems that
10,000 horse power can be transmitted to a
distance of 30 miles in a 30 inch main at
132.3 pounds per square inch, with a loss of
pressure of only it per cent- The efficiency
of such a plant is said to be 40 or 50 per cent
if the air is used cold, sad 59 to 73 per cent
if tbe air is reheated.
Once upon a time a certain man got mad
at the editor and stopped hia paper. The
next week be sold his corn st 26 cents be
low market ptce. Then his property for
for taxe because he didn't read the sheriffs
tale. He was arrested and flt-ed $8 for
hunting or. Sunday, and he paid $300 for
a iot of forged notes that had been adver
tised for two weeks, and the public
cautioned no to negotiate for them, jl
then paid a big lrUhman with a foot 00
him likca forge hamme', to kick him all
the ait don to a newspaper office, where
he paid four years suheciiptlon In advance
and made the edi'O' sign an agreement to
knock him down and rub Mm if be ever
oideied his paper aioppeo again. Such tt
life without a newspaper. t-x.
The Woolen Manuisrlorers AssexUtion
sar th.t thCv believe ihat the McKJnley
uriff law ha ben-fi ted the wool grower.
Ihc uay ai I-coold o tha would be to
restrict the imports loa of wool and thus give
the woot grower s mora exclusive control of
the home market. Has tke Mc Kin ley law
done that? No. indeed. The amount of
wool i i oorted (or the eleven months end
ing November 30. 1891, was 186,719.149
pounds aid for the eleven months ending
Noemteer 30. 1891. it wss iS3.91.7b4
pou ids. Tbls w as u increase ol over 26,
000,000 pound. Take this fact with tbe
further fact tbst wool ha been cheaper
since, before, the pscsege of the Mc-
Kinlcy law and Ilia clear tbst tsv wool
grower has not been benefited.
' An incline tax, if honestly snd strictly
levied 2nd collected, is as fair aa any Uz
can be. ' It is a tax on possessions not on
nccessi'ics. It is proportioned to th abil
ity oi men to pay and not to the size of
their fsmilies snd the amount It costs to
support them, lt is a tax which can be
increased or diminished according to the
needs of the government, without turning
the markets topsy-turvy snd giving spec
tators a chance to make millions in antici
pation or in consequence bi increasing some
custom house tax or seme excise tux, ss,
for insUnce, the tax o.i whisky. It ought
to be American to tax people according to
tneir ability lo pay It ought to lie un-
American to tax consumption and to put
millions in privste pockets by changing er
threatening to Increase internal or i.ann
Our farmers grieve over too much corn
and cotton . 1 be farmera oi no other land
have such sorrows. Our workingmen strike
agsiust wages from 40 to 60 per cent higher
than men oi the same skill abroad. There
are good times ibis aide and bad times th
other side of the Atlantic. We suppose the
McKinlty law could net have anything, to
do with this. But 'he country is turned the
ether end foremost for certain reforms tbsl
no fellow can find out. Attoriin.
Such fale teaching ss above is an unmiti
gated ciime Our farmera do not grieve oyer
too much corn and cotton. Net one docs
but they do giieve because our system oi re
strictive Irgjslatlon, enarted by a congress
of plutocratic protectionists, has deprived
them of a market for their corn and cotton.
Tbe man who can say we are in the midst of
good times, could, wi h as much candor,
say that black it white. The wage-earners
oi this country are not so much disturbed
about the price paid them as they are over
the fact that thousands of them al) over the
country get no wages at all. Times good
when thousands of men everywhere stsnd
011 street corners and almost beg for work
No, verily.
111111110111 -aim
Vfioq aod -va wbai't pidsox osruaro tj.tojs
joj e4U AAv a usou Jim uouig uo
The Insane Aaylam.
Salkm , Or Jan 18. The state board o
charities and corrections has submitted to
the irovernor.for transmission to the ncnato.
a report or 1 no results 01 us iuvu"ugaiiuu
of the state insane asylum. Accomi any
ing the report is the moss of evidence taken
... 1 Li rrn. i at.
at lue inveauguiiun. lue luvesiigaiiun
was made at the asylum, January tO, lust.
The main charges ore found not true.
Those in reference to the ireo distribution
of keys as true, and also one or two other
immaterial charges. Let employes be se
cured with reference to their aptitude and
ability to till a position, ana not from
reasons of friendship or relationship to
persons in authority; let there bean outside
watch or patrol at ntght time, and prompt
ly discharge any employes bringing re
proach on the institution by bad conduct
or by repeated imprudences.
The Public sands.
Washinotos, Jan 18. Senator Dolph
succeeded yesterday in getting through his
committee on public lands the bill extend
ing the time for the settlers on the forfeit
ed railroad lands, and immediately rushed
it through the senate today he bad a
hearing with Representative Hermann
before tbe house committee on public lands
and as a result the bill was unanimously
reported to the house. It is not certain
that the bill will go through the house and
Senator Dolph advises the settlers not to
depend upon it. and to make payment so
soon as possible.
A Belle
Astoria, Jan 18. This morning a
party of woodchoppers on the Lewis and
Clarke, a few hundred yard's from the old
fort site, came across a spruce stump with
the letters "G L" cut deep into it. It is
said to lie a relic of tbe Lewis and Clarke
expedition of 1805 Its appearance shows
that tt was the lower trunk of a tree
measuring about one foot through. The
trees that were growing with it when it
was cut now form a thick forest of large
A Wheat steal
Colfax, Jan 18. The story of tbe big
wheat deal of last Saturday has still
sootier chapter. When tbe news became
noised about tbat Agent Larson was offer
ing 55 cente for wheat tbe fact was imme
diately telegraphed by the local agents to
other Portland hovses, notably to Allen
Lewis, who wired back to offer figures just
as high. Lippitt Brothers unloaded some
14,000 bushels od tbe firm id question.
a a Ktataeaaent
Dallas. Or. Jan 18. The 12-year old
daughter of Henry Clanfieid, who lives a
few miles north of Dallas, eloped tVednes
day morning with a Swede named Jake
Smith. Mr Clanfieid came to Dallas and
swore out a warrant for the arrest of the
runaway pair. They were detected on
taking tbe morning train at Salem for
Ptrtland. aad Sheriff Wells will soon have
them in charge.
a attallag Brre.d Brskra
Red Bank, N J, Jan lv In the skating
carnival of tbe North Shrewsbury lea
Yacht Club, held here today. Joe Donogbue
won the two-mile handicap in 643 1-6,
breaking the American record.
Delph a tits.
Washixotox, Jan 19. Senator Dolph
introduced today an amendment to the
sundry civil appropriation bill, increasing
tbe amount of the appropriation to carry in
effect the Chinese restriction law from
$50,000 to $500,000. He also introduced ac
amendment to the sundry civil appropria
tion bill providing for the payment of the
claims of (hveoB. California and Nevada
for expenses during tbe war of tbe rebel
lion. AS) Editor la TreaMe :
Sax Jock. Jan 19. Charles M Short
ridge, editor of the Mercury, appeared
before Judge Longdan today to show cause
a by he should not be piiniabed for contempt
of court in publishing the testimony in a
divorce case, contrary to order of the court,
Sbortridge was represented by counsel, who
claimed that tbe court had no jurisdiction
in the matter and entered a demurrer.
Nkw York, Jan 19. With the supply
of coal nearly exhausted and the price of
country produce extremely high, the i m
mediate future looks dark for tbe poor of
New York. If tbe present cold snap hang
on. the city will be completely out of coal
in 10 days. Tbe supply on hand is not
bbOBI than 50.000 tons, and tbe dry
using about A).VM ton a day and receiv
ing only about 10.000 tons from tbe coal
2 pons. All tbe dealers in the city frankly
mit tbat Use situation is far graver than
it was during tbe great strike of 1877.
Added to the threatened coal famine is tbe ebbs an coo-try proooor.
Kggs are selling stt2 and 45 cents per
uo-rm. at agsunst ornis a weex
Butter bring, cents a pound, against
cents last week.
Ceaalderable sei I Tee-ret law 1
WASantoTos. Jan 19. Seaaior Petti
grew, chairman of the qttadro centennial
committee, introduced a bill in tbe senate
today, instructing tbe secretary of ibe
treasury not to de iver any souvenir coins
until tbe world's Columbian exposition I -vot all bad road are in Oregon, a fact
deliver a cood and sufficient bond, eon- j Ppreciated by the following : Many per
ditional tbat if for any reason whatever, aon who regard themselves aa wall
tbe World's fair was opened to the public ; informed on meet public question will
on Sundays, tbe corporation pay tbe United " surprised to be told, for example tbat
states for he sum of money it shall have
received from (be sale of the coin, not less
than $2,500,000.
Beau It ail AUetseali
Chicago. Jan 19. Tbe director of tbe
world's fair, in reply to complaints that
space was being allotted tardily, makes a
report showing tbat of a total of 3.642 12
square feet available for allotments, 1.919.
519 have been assigned to foreign, aad
1,787,265 to domestic exhibitors. Con
cisions absorb 21 1, 465, leaving only
214.476 unaligned.
a tiee hsl .
Sfrixofield. Mas, Jan i9. When
Horace smith died last Sunday, D B Wes
son, his former partner in the revolrer
manufacturing business, estimated his
wealth at about $3,000,000. When tbe
will was opened this afternoon, it was
found that the entire estate, with the
exception of$i0.000. was bequeathed to
benevolent and charitable instih t ions. The
total amount given ou'right to institutions
named in tbe will is $228,000.
Take Washington Dead leek:
Oltmpia. Wash; Jan 20. Allen 51,
Turner 25. Griggs 27. Teats 9 those were
the figures when the joint session of the
legislature adjourned after tbe second bal
lot tobay. Both of the warring factions,
who are doing incalculable harm to the
party which sent them here, may be said to
nave scored a victory touav. the Allen men
by gaining four votes and the Turner men
by successfully stopping toe balloting at a
critical point, when a break in tbe ranks
and tbe election of Allen us senator seemed
A live OIBrer t
Tacom a, Jan 20. As Officer Steve Mur
phy was preparing for bed last nitrht. hit
attention was attracted by a man attemnt
ing to pry open a window of a neigbboring
bouse, ricking up his revolver and without
waiting to put on any clothing be went
out and arrested the burglar at the point of
his irun. He could not leave the man to
get his clothes, so he started with him to
the station four blocks away. Th prisoner
However, broke ana ran, but too balf-nnked
officer gave chase, firing his revolver. He
captured him after a long run and landed
him them cooler.
A Big W ill antral
Seattle. Wash, Jan 20. The great
property left by the late Henry L Yesler is
likely to develop one of the greatest will
contests in the histary of the Pacific coast.
Not only is it likely to result in a contest
between the widow and heirs, but the oitv
of Seattle will come forward to show that
the deceased left a will which cannot be
found, bequeathing all his property to the
city, with the exception of a small annuity
to the widow. Rival lawyers are engaged
in theequabble for tbe privilege of repre
senting the widow. The personal property
is va'ued at $90,000, and the rents are
$60,000 a year.
Examined the Jate Mill!
Wakla Walla, Wash. Jan 20. The
Oiegon legislative committee, consisting of
Senators J K Weatherford of Linn and F A
Bancroft of Multnomah and Represent n, -
tivos H F Guliixson of Multnomah. J W
Hobos of Yamhill and B D Daly of Lake.
arrived from Salem this morning, and
visited the penitentiary. They made a full
investigation of the workings of the jute
mill, and were favorably impressed with
tbe institution.
A sure test of oleomtrgyine hat been
found. If butter and oleotnargerlne are left
in s pantry, the mice will est the butter
and leave the oleomargerlne.
It Is a good job to carry the electoral
vote Irom Gregon to Washrngton, and,
amounts to more than It does In tbe East.
1 hough only shout two weeks arc re
quired, 'he messenger will get about $1400
mileage, says the Portland Telegram, and
his hotel expenses, or about $1500 In all.
His entire expenses will not be over 8400,
so a clean $1100 Is his profit.
At the Board oi Trade meeting Mon
day evening a committee consisting of J G
Kelley, 1 M Williams and H W Holden
was appointed to confer with the council
In regard to passing an ordinance requir
ing all moss to be kept cleaned from the
roofs of buildings. Eugene Register.
This should also nave Included 'he backs
of a few ef the citizens, at least If In Al
C P Huntington, our 8 P man has a
bl heart after all. An ex says: C P
Huntington's gift of $100,000 In a per
cent bends to the Westchester, New York,
library ss a reading-room is In addition to
the building for the same which he erected
a year ago. It waa given, Mr Huntington
at. ' rV. mil r.e.r k. linn . f lb. le i.Ijhii
might be guided entirety by what the
good of the library required. They are at
liberty to hold it as endowment fund, or
experd it In any other way.
The following are given as the occupa
tions oi the Oregon Senators Alley.
, a.,u.,y.t .....o.u u., ow.. ej,
merchsnt;, merchant; Butler,
sltorney; Cameron, mine operator
toggs well, attorney -, Cretno, real estate
dealer; C rosa, attorney ; Denny, attorney ;
arodson, physician; Gatet,attornev ; Hsyes,
attorney; Hiracb. capitalist; Huston, at
torney; Looney, farmer ; Matlock, stock
man; Maxwell, farmer; McAllister,
farmer; McGinn, attorney; Myers, capi
talist and farmer; Raley, banker; Smith,
farmer; Steiwer. merchant; Vanderburg,
merchant; V catch, manuiactnrer; Weath-
erioru.-uorocT; tt ,., attorney ; vsooa-
... . .tritn. -t. a
ward, druggist ; President Fulton, attorney
Tbe new coonty to ba sliced off Lane,
was to hare been named Mitchell ; but
it appears in tbe bill aa Blaine. What's
the matter.
Mc Minn villa lias a Theosophy society.
Whether tbe members really know what
they are clubbed together for ia very
The latest and most startling move on the
pouucai cnecxer noara is me saaonaxmeal
. .- - , , . w
ihst col. K A Miller, ate dernocrstlc can-
dadaie sar nreatiUel i.l .wm. u an e ml
, . . . , .-, " ,.r
forward by hu ittends to sure t cede Hoa.
D P Thompson aa
minister to Turkey.
The Santiam Lumberman tbia week
ratnrrta tha enmr.tiin.nt. nf iK. Mill fHt.
Gazette in an anerwtir minnar Ram.
tiatic wind bag, miserable liar and whin-
ing excuse for a n an, etc. The eloee of
tbe item indicates tbat there will be
more fun: "Either crawl into your bole,
or stand op to tbe rack and take your
medicine, which will be in weekly doses,
and to well shaken as to cause a rattling
of dry bones in your sanctum . '
Tbe New York Son says: "Aa a tell
ing testimonial of tbe durability of it
wolds aad an advertisement oi its lum
bering industries Oregon will send to tbe
World' fair a number of shingle tbat
hare been doing service on a roof for
over 25 year. They are ot cedar, and
were laid with five inches exposed to the
weather. AH that Oregon weather baa
' don ia to wear down the surface about
j an eighth of an inch ; the remainder of
tbe wood is sound and far harder than it
waa tbe day tbe shingle were laid.''
CJTh O P road it is reported, baa been
i examined this week in order to learn
whether it
ia worth tbe $1,250,000 in-
Tbe snipe bead, grip-sack, crawfishing
b'arcey of tbe Green Basin Smut mill
i is tbe war tba Milt t'itv (eaxette reinms
is I the compliment of the day The fol
low ing indicate that there is to be more
of the circus: "You can therefore blow
your bom until tbe tide frees over and
you will fiiad us not to old too answer. "
Ii the C B st Q railroad company build
.1. :'!. 11 l.i'.Ti'. -
to tb Willamette valley within the next
j two yr a. predicted, an J connect with
o.itbe O P, they will probably diverge at
36 r.Ton, crotog over to Meham. tnVrtrw
down to Stay ton. and from there strike
for Portland their intended destination
-Mill City Gaxe tt. There' where yon
are mistaken . They will build no extra
road to Portland, and yet it may be
nominally the terminooa.
" "e ,uie 01 Illinois aione, it has been
rs'.imaed that the less sustained by
e a , . . .
lariueraanq owners 01 Horse snd wagons
generally irom bids roads, is placed at
$16,000,000 a year. Tltrooghout tbe
whole country ft is tborght tbat th loss
from this sou roe, at the very lowest
figure, cannot be lets than $200,WO,000 a
The follow irg l th membeisbip of
the princi pal-order in th United States,
as per report of the supreme bodies for
the year endine IWemher 31 imr
Od J Fellow. BOA 533 Free M
673,f43; A O of V W, 36S.CH; Knight
of Pvtlnat, 268,847; Knight of Honor.
23S,i66; Royal Arcanum, 2I8.4M; 1 O of
Red Mn, 111,644; Knight and Ladiet
of Uonor 70,419; American Legion of
Honor, 63,751; Maccabees, 63,580;
Modern Woodmen of America, 53,000;
United American Mechanics, 48,517;
Equitable Aid Uniyn, 43,260; Chosen
Friends, 38,821; National Union, 26,300 ;
B'nai B'rith,25,478; Catholic Benevolent
Legion, 22,553; United Friends, 22,304;
uoiuen i, rots, 17,393; Koyal Templers,
o,i.x; uroius, 15,000.
Remember Conn k Heodrioson take Or
ooiai c npseson til oath sale.
If yea ont rnpUt- pitting In aw iter
plant get prices offer nd mills, pomp, pipe.
tsoks, etc., fromW W Oraiford. He -will
attomh yon .
In i'ortlaod CJol lection Agency .hat com-
msnosd several uita to onllsot accounts for
O L Blackman. Parses owing him should
settle tbeir accounts and save cot to.
W F Read has a largs stock of boots and
ahoes to snleot from, tad the best vs.a in
Great reduction, ia Aermotor wind mills
for Dscemner. Sse'ths s ;ent, OV W Craw
ford. Try W F Read whan yon want shoes.
ALLEN. On Friday morning, Jan.
20th, 1893, in Albany, to Mr. and Mrs.
F. E. Allen-a girl. All doing well.
RAMPY . At Harrisburg, on Jan 18,
1893, Millard, son of R A Rampy, aged
18 years. The diseased was taken ill at
Monmouth, where he was attending
school. He 1 spoken of as a bright
young man, of excellent character
STRINGER. At his residence near
Providence church, in Santiam precinct.
in this county, on Saturday, Jan lath.
893, Rev Bluchatd Stringer, aged 84
years. Mr Stringer .hi highly respect
ed citizen, and a Christian minister of the
Baptlit persuasion, though he has not
preached for a number of years. He was
one of the early settlers having come to
Oregon In 1S50,
WALLACE. At the family residence!
in Lebanon, on Tuesday, January nth,
1803, from heart trouble, Mrs WalUce.wlfe
of 8 O Wallace.
New bills: Dy Gross, to give county
courts the right to make public roads and
assess adjacent property; Meyers, to pro
vide for precinct and ward assessors;
Crosno, to create the county of Bay:
Meyers, to define who it a tramp and
provide punishment; Cross, te amend
code relating to recerding of conveyances,
construing an Instrument to be recorded
as soon as filed; McAllister, creating the
8th and 9th judicial ditricta; House con
current resolution No 24, -asking a com
mittee to visit Soda Springs, In Linn
county, received. Cogswell moved to
amend making committee oi 30 senators
and 60 representatives. Amend. nent
lost. Resolution tsbltd amid great
laughter. House concurrent resolution
No 22, for committee to visit found rj a!
prison and learn what the plant can be
bought foi . Ilirach, to provide lor en
largement oi rt form school .
The following were paaaed: By Dod
son 'to fix time for holding circuit court
in sixth judicial district ; Cress, to amend
section 2364, laws oi Oregon relating to
the fee oi assessors: Alley, to incorporate
the towaoi Flyrence.
By 'Denny, for a board oi tiuatees of
the penitentiary and reform schoot) to
second; judiciary; Butler, for water
works for Dallas; Cross, relating to the
collection of taxes; Butler, for widows'
dowers; House jolr.i measure for 'he early
comp.elion of the Nlcaraguan canal;
Vatrtderburg, for the publication of county
expenditures on posters.
I he president appointed the following
special committees: To consider plans
for the acquisition of Iocs on the WHIam-
etie river, Cross and Raley : to draft a
general incorporation bill, Willis and
Butler; to visit the mineral spiingt st
lWwSiu TVrut.. mii, ad., is. .h.
ini industries oi the Columbia river, Max
well and Myers.
in rua mouse
Kew bills: By Upton, requiring state
public lands to be sold at 50 an acre
and not more than stio: Paxion. relative
to notice by publication; bill to establish
school tor deaf mutes; to authorise school
district to issue bonds; Russell, to create
' O.t J .aL i.JI.1.1 il.a.l.. BfXT T S a a? i
am irui iwii luaicimi uituicu w rienr, 01 ,
. - -.- . . ,n,.
be county seat; Belknap, relating to poll
tax; also to create county oi Blaine.out ot
Benton and Lane; Gowan, to provide tor
sinking artesian wells In counties having
arid lai.ds, appropriates $1500 in each 1
county ; Law ton, to relocate county seats;
Elmore, 10 repeal law creating Southern !
and Eastern Oregon agricultural societies;
corr.eilus, providing tor collection 01 de
linquent taxes on mortgages; Elmore, to
amend 3x84 code ; Geer, of Marlon, to re
peal state board of charities; Merrill, to
pay Senator Maxwell for services in
SSE"." .IZS . JTaiLtr L
I muwiL ail a.atc a..isWi tzav uw-a vn hui -
iirua .A aaTteuitaTm
Bt fi, rrJ,lns, .h- mliitia Nichola.
i - - - ' 1
creating the county ot bu'ion; tlmore
, mL .A,
Campbell, regulating fishing for ss mon
on the Columbia; Gill, providing for a
board oi trustees for the penitentiary and
state reform schonj.
Petitions presented for repeal of mort
$ tax taw. exemption at and lor a
rea train ing sale of cigarettes to
minors. Referred,
' 3ew biile Bievent. amending game
' GoUUaon, to equip aad uniform
' Oregon National Guard, appropriate
$90,000: Nortbnp, to fix time for meet
leaf, ef legislature second Monday of Jan
at noon.
B mi SX5ATX.
By McGinn, to amend 49 and 59 code,
affecting election law, and providing lor
registration of voter ; by catch, to an-
tborix coanty judge to bid in any land
old for taxes, and to amend code re tat
ng to sale of lands for taxes ; by Crosno.
to render more efficient tbe services of
tbe staVe board ot charities
The fee bill introduced in tbe senate
by Hou H E Cross provides tbat tbe
cferk of tba supreme court la to receive
$3000 annually and no fees; coanty
clerks. $I1W0; recorder. $1400; clerks of
t : . . .tun. t : Mr . i . . . . f.
ctsaruil routts, fiaraa.1, luetius irviui EtSJESaj .
to $SwD, according to the county's pop
ulation . Fees only for making copies of
papers on file at 10 cent a folia.
tSBtl BSTATtt Slltt
L J Hcock to Kugene K Coch
ran. 17-1 Mm !22
C W Barzee to H W reery, lota
9 and 10 bl 7 Seminary Addi
tion, SodaviHe
H W Peerr to Geo Wertx V icter
ic rest in ten acres. Soda vi l ie .
H Farwell to Geo W Young plat
b!36H's2nd Ad
Wm Morgan to Martha R Morgan,
113 25 acres lw 4
law Wttaasaest ArrlTwati
YAqrwA. Jan 20. 2 r. at S S Willam
ette Valley arrived at Yaquina at 10 a m
with tbe following passenger : For
Corrallis Miss Hat tie Simpson. Miss
Mattie Avery : for Albany F LQuimby.
wife and child. J F Marinao. wife and
child. R Kaglesiiam, S Kelly. W W Wal-
ingford, W F. Roger; for Portland C
Williams; for Yaquina Dr Applewhite.
all Ktcfai.
Loxoois.Jst.20.-ln view of tbe w -
sisteot and malicious canards circulated by
nary writers concerning xr leiartstoue '
beaitb. tbe statement has been authorized
boat Mr Gladstone has an ei -client appe
tite, sleeps remarkably wall and in his .
daily work shows exceptional vitality
ekpavr AWata.
Or. Jon 20. The
Light and ater Company made its first
light last night. It was a complete success.
The city has 8 arc lights, 6 private arc
lights and 250 incandescent lights. The
engine were used ia the exposition in
Paiker Bros, grocer.
F. M. French keeps railroad time,"
Boy your groorries of Parker Bra
Flae groceries at Conn & Hendrioaoo's.
Hew cream oh just leoeived at Conrsd
P J Smiley job printer, Flian Block, doe
Srt class work.
Smoke the oalebrated Havana filled 6 cent
cigar at Julius Joseph's.
Dr M H B'lie, physician sol surgeon
Albany, Urs; 1 1 Calls i , cit, or
country .
RcorENKD W R Graham has reopened
bis tailoi shop, and hat on band s fine line
of suitings, ready to be made up for those
wishing first-class work done. Thanking the
public for a liberal patronage In the past
he solicits a continuance of their patronage aod
.iromlses good work and prompt s'tention to
e ntedi ol nta patrons .
Permanent Branch Laikdrv . A
branch office ot the Sale. Steam laun
dry has been established in Albany. All
work will be collected and the laundried
articles delivered at Salem prices. No
other expense. All work guaranteed.
Orders may be left with Oaborn Davy,
psrmanentagent and solicitor tor Albany
Smiley, the Printer, ia always abreast of
tbe times, having made improvements in
his office and ia better prepared than ever
0 supply the people with good printing.
Shiloh's Yitaliser Ss what vou need for
dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kid
ney trouble. It is guaranteed to give yon
satisfaction. Price 75j. Slid by Foshay &
Butterlok patterns st Read's .
Cloaks and jaokets at oast and !lesi a, W
rThen Baby waa sic, we care her Csstorja
When she wss a Child, she cried for Castorla
When she became Miss, aha olung to t '.tstorla.
"ban she bad Children, she gave them Castorla.
A log cairn made 1 1 gnm attracts enn
aideiable attention st Mueller's, gee it.
John Lortr, J r, has clued bia aaloon in tbia
city. The room vacated will be occVtnied by
Klein Bros. v 1
Tha bwe killed o. psite D D Hatekl--man'a
p-talore did net bslon, to Mr Hackle
man. The owner is unknown.
The following new Attachments h... ke.n
filed against tha (i,m ( T (j tA-ji.,. a, (.
Lowsoberg & Co, $111,19; H it 11 Block, i
It cost $62,415.75 ,0 run Lane connty
It is row nearly six weeks tinea tbe com
pletion cf th new county jil, and not a
prisoner hns ilept Wfthia its walls. Line
connty it freer from criminals tbaa for sev
eral years. Goayt.
In Crook tbev let tha tcntrajt hv the
year for ironical attendance on paupers apd
atlas U4ISSS.
ur uesnr-r has the contract for
1893 at $50 for those inside cf Prirteville and
ntty cants mileage for each mils travelled
to attendance on paupers and ptie ners oot
tidsoicity li mils
he latest lad among burglars in the eaat
: is a key with which Yale locks sre opened
j with delightful facility. Tbe key is made
ot si iff bristle and when inserted in a Yale
I lock a portion of Use key tUikms against
the iroo p..sta in tbe IWIt aailt head ashi'.e
j he par! al the key etiiaiogtbe tnnrbler will
I them back
A ssit wm commenced in Justice Kiosev's
; court this morning wherein K H sHpworth
ina'ilotrd suit
against John Msxwilt for
$180, balance due
on attorney fees in His
It S!irWAf- that Ills'-
Maxwell will ca.e.
well will not evenaetiia - tl. hi. .ewrJia.
after they having dont bard work to get him
out of a bad case. Eagone C nartl.
AaaasTED- This morning on com
plaint from Eugene Charles Spake.of thu.
; c,ty. w" arrested lor stealing chickens in
j ,he former city : bnt alter being kept in
the Cats. hoc se a couple hours, waa dis-
ensrgeu in to s dispatch from the
marshal oi that dlv.
Prof J R Geddes has organized a brass
band at Gatesviile. the last fifteen or eighteen years fees have
Tba regular monthly meeting of the Build- have been collected in tbe insurance do
ing it Loaa Aasoostio.. will be bald tonight ' .-A l
at tba Oregor Back.
A Ubanon dtassnuker IrerUsw. that
she will make dresses for $2 51 and S3. 00
for tbe nest six months. Dectdedlv eh ear.
A few days sg- W W.uu,
bo lives at
Hood Klier
killed ava immanee timber wolf.
. and also a wildcat. Toe wolf s bide is as '
8 an average aeerbide. Sttu-e set-
; large aa as average desrhide.
"'f03 'as has kilted 10
nLiMi. 11 k..,. .
wUdeaU, 11 bears, five OMgars aad two
John Owen waa the name of the Eugene mencjog on Wednesday, Eebrusry 8th,
(toy arrested for stealing chickens two all 1 o'clock p ra, apd continue until Fri
tcld. A oorreaoondent ia the Guard .ava it i l,,T 0000 Febrnary 10th: AH teacher?
-j was Lis 6 rat offerrse, and that ha baa alarays
been, hard wi., gt,y The Spake bo, of
i ; , h... .,.VT. a 1 u
ttis yaeasat tsttasja eaw passing tbrowgh
EugBoe acd met the Owen boy
Mr Poole, who waa la Iowa doncs tbe
week, was Mar okicg at the cfaaaos for
elliag the place a chemical fire engine, ft j
bss lately sold Albany osse cf these auarhieea, .
s-td jedgiag from the reports of it workings, :
pabUaivsai la the pan' of that city, it ia
last the iking for Dallas. The, eszirte he
poke of woatd coal f250.aod can be haatdied
by a y ry few men. Dallas Traus.-np-.
The new hall ef th Watts burg academy
' was recently dedicated. Among the cos
gratolsttoea was tbe following from Xm
Ansa PS too, class si 90, of this city, new
s viaiting id .Sudbury. V:: "The very fact
I that the rociaty is able to celebrate its feu th
aoc:vtra.ry in such highly sauerf actors
"d grattf j ing manner it ample proof of its
atsausM tor good . "
Dr Lowe, optician.
Have joj rsd Dr Lowe's
Have voa seen Dr Lowe shoot 1 our esestt
If not, why set
Dr Low ia three timet ysdaat. ii
him about yssar e; as.
Dr Lowe wall test yotr eyes right tit them '
light, his pri was are right aad he's all right.
MB tity people have beta Hriag oa alk.
m asiffi &Av:r -en a.i,d sstartaasl
1 city recestly.
Wm H R Stewart, tsf Gstae, will asake
GO ' fil proof ea bis eLim avaar that city, ia
-Ma.-.o csntsty, 00 Jan Stat.
The firm of I-roa & Fromaa Bros baa
lwa deaeolvre. L W Deyoe retiricg Frank
ted Gnaat Fr. maa will coaliaae the bwucawss. ,
Schul'i Bros desire to say tor the infor- '
matMaa of al' whom it may eosotrn that
they sre now paying seven ani a ts.i cents
per pound net for pork.
Capt Bowman, who bat ranch oa tke
i-Pjwr xnitan, . . wee); brought to Mill
s. tiy la tec wild eats, oce "yex. 00 bearer.
lour martm, me neber cd fie snick tb
) reinlt if a week's trork.
A loot rate letwsen Heady and Yews',
IM yavrda fur $50 a side, waa run at Cor-
valtis aod was area by Keady. 10 ear- j
oeds. It is said that cocsidershle money 1
changed bands in th rej
RiLiciot Sxavicxy The services at j
the Prewbrterian church tomorrow will t
he as follows: Preaching at 11 a m and I
30 p m by tbe pastor. Sabbath school
i:'. ,ln'' V1
aa -a, S ss ea . . . I
, - - - - e a..w
a- r-ieviing
eu rasect of the morninsr sermon will t
"Love a net Wnrwhtn ... IVini..:... " r i
the evening the topic of tbe discourse
wm on mrisrs isolation a: tii two
great Problemsi of the World." All will
be made welcome- to these services.
. A eerie of meetings will beheld in tbe
biaupiiui cuurcu 10 oegia loiuorruw
morning and to continue indefinitely.
Rev I. fj Fisher will conduct tbe seivice
bat is expecting assistance during tie
week. Subject for the morning will be I
Contentment ana in the evening
"Save the Young Men."
M K Church Services at Ham and
7:30 p ui. conducted by the pastor
Morning subject, "Pressing Own ward."
In the evening. "Future Life." Class
meeting at 12:15, Sunday School at 2-30, j
junior League at 330, Kpworth League
at-6:3C- All are cordially invited to all
these services. J T Abbett. Pastor.
The services at the United Presbvterian
ehurch will be conducted both morning
and evening by Rev M M Marling, of
Halsey. Sabbath school at 2 -.30. followed
by Junior Christian Endearor and teach
ers prayer meeting. Christian Endeavor
at 6:30. All ar made welcome to thee
A full attendarce is desired at the gos
pel met ting at 4 o'clock of the Assoc! t
tion especially. The new president will
pe introduced and will address the meet
ing. Those interested in the Y M C A
ore requested to attend this service.
.Sunday niotmng there will be s review
service at the Congregational church. In
the evening at 7:30 the pastor will preach 00
the parable of the unmerciiul servant.
Christian Endeavor society meets at 6:45
and Sabbath School after the morning ser
vice. All are cordially Invited.
Salkm. Or.. Jan. iolh. Leelalatury.
adjourned until Monday at 2 p m, to allow
committees to visit the state inatltutiona
and public works. Very few bills are In
he hands cf committees. fi.iiem.,,
Pennoyer will refer report of aavlum in
vetigt!on by state board of charities to
joint committee to visit that ins'Itutlon.
I 111 I'.VTIOt .
Spiced plgt feet,
Sweet pickles In bulk.
Sour pickles In bulk,
Raitlns; citrons.
Lemon peel, extracts, etc.,
For the Holidays, can be found st
Money to Load. I have money in
sums of $500 to $20,000 to loan on im
proved farm lands in Linn and Bentcs
counties, at lowest current rates.
delay in furnishing the money.
0 G BraKu.taT
Real estate agent, Albany, Oregon.
Remember that F L Dumont does guar
ant:e lit, snd sews possible coming rips in
olothing bought of his store. Overcoats sold
at cost until Christmas.
Put up 111 neat watch-shaped bottles, sugar
coated, SmaU uo lkuus. HSc. per botUu.
Below we give tbe total expense of
running Linn connty for 1892. Of the
roads and bridges account, $46,000 waa
for the Albany bridge, and hence is not a
customary expense. The showing indi
cate greater economy than most of our
neighbor! :
Coanty Judge f 1202 75
Treasurer 1000 II
Connty Clerk 3167 73
Sheriff 6136 63
Co Commiesioners 361 85
Assessor 2515 00
School Suoerintendent 1348 V2
Coroner 217 50
! XfJltT'''
142 60
27 Go
46,700 08
813 12
. 1441 23
228 70
4578 94
210 10
028 16
, 1656 05
290 00
446 40
200 00
. 2540 40
360 60
. 16$2 65
484 50
. 1282 03
771 50
Court House and Jail
Stationery and printing
Witnesses in crinvnal cases. ..
Pettt jarors .
' Grand iurora
Witnesses before grand jury . .
Klecttons ,
Viewing and surveying roads.
Preliminary examinations
Total S82,964 48
A ......! I. - a : I t e,
.i , ,- . ... ...
er,b!e ttme OJt ot ,he coon W j
t ea'T days after Ids -etum. I: west
alleged that I.U decease bad followed su.pi-;
ciously near tbe earing of a padJing prrpar-
Dy W, aiepraoiher. She was hence ar-
relel taj with . bis snnrdey. Tke
grave eras opened i yr the po'poe of mating
an aoalysis of the contents of the ma'
stomsrh. It was then discovered ihat the
man hir tn-r.ed completely over in Lis coffin
and was lying on liis face. He bad been
buried alive. This evidence of the caa.e cf
death was of course conclusive, and the
woman was released.
The new state auditor of Illinois has been
making an investigation of tbe condition
ol the books of his office and finds tbat for
I at r 1 1 y A- a
? "Z, protf nmmuD lo
ovcr t200,000. When tbe white matter is
i broasht to lisrht a srresTf. t4"- is looked
' for.
1 .'V ajeraaaa.y .ieu tun uie rejsrutar
. cublic eiaminalinn nTrwau-la-r. fnr I ir.n
re nMr evill tb. rj... 1. Ilk...
. . , ..... f ' . MH.
rUJ,t PmT"iy. Psi.t at tbe time of,'?C??al' oM wrftl be ad
i mitted to the examination who to not so
. plf-ettl, .. rp! Seal ton for Mate
and - tale dioiosoaa received at the above
' nasne-d rims. O E KtJSJ'LL.
County Scheot Sept,
Wsssar ecu eoo-.e is
Don t fail te visit
The druggists They carry a large and
ctoeice stoca of drugs," patent medicines,
etc. Prescriptions are always carefully
and promp- lr atiended to.
It will '
Pay you.
A large stock of prarug shears ad
ag -ot, tbe best made, joat rextved at
atewart bx Sol's. Now -jm tbe lie. te
, ..
AMT nOUtmg left
of Caterrh, when you use Dr. &ge'
Catarrh Remedy. With the poison-
oas, imuuiig rmiiTrs and StrontT.
caosuc solutions, a good deal u
left. They may, pertiapej, atop it
for a time, hat there's daripwjr of
" w a t .
driving it to the lungs. They vrork
on false principles.
But Dr. Sage's Remedy nrrtt it,
no matter how bad the case, or of
how long standing. Not only Ca
tarrh itself, bat Catarrhal Headache,
Cold in the Head everything
catarrhal in its nature. The worst
cases yield to its mild, soothing,
cleansing and healing: properties.
So will yours. Yon may not be-
j here it, but the proprietors of Dr.
triage's Kemeuy do.
I in.l tn r.erA it thow mat. a-,
i this offer:
If they cant
enro von. thewtl
pay you 500 in cash. Its s busi
ness proposition from a responsible
Bat do you think they'd make
it if they, and yon, couldn t depend
upon their medicine 1
"VOSK st SON- f IAK0S,
'NatWstAK BROiS,-
1) E.tRUt'Fr
"Wjaljr"0 iOoi 3. 1 1 taiiri ai
Write tor CVaUwues and Prices before Purchasing
aSse whore; We tel. tha Best Goods at Lowest
mall Instruments, Boats aad
Untie ot Every
New liouie, and other Sewing Ut -hints, also Heediea
Oil and Extras tor all SIs.-hiuea: 1
Albany, to.
vwoaaaAaa aa aaesra
Ornggistsand Booksellers
AgeLts for John B, Aldan's publlcsUcaos.
a bich we sell at publisher' prieea with
I:.; . .V 5
'Worst Sight Ever Seen. Leg, Hands
Arms, Body Oae Solid, Deep.
Banning Sore.
Began Using Caticnrav. In Two Weeks
Great Improvement Followed
by a. Complete Core.
M child besran to be sore when tare aaoaths old.
Eczema on his face aad bead. It ratridhr
him Etta be waa tha worst stghi they arrer saw.
aae nan 10 Ere WOOBa
to fines etotfas ever so
many times a day, ami
then he weald stick
fast to Us elothes. I
eotud ses dress trim
aJooe foe month.. Ola
BtUe lees, hands, anrl
anas were hwt one solid
deep rrmnb sore: he
was sore all over, bat
the deepest ones were
ess ras anas, aeaav anas
faec. Bl. face and eara
Bad arrest deep cracks
la the Beaks, sad were
swollen SO that be did not look like a etlri. His were
the worst soras I bar arrer sera of the kiad. tjng
began ruing the Ccticcba Ksnmxs, and in tars,
weeks we soeld see a areas li ini nasnuni aad
bow be is complete! y EBSBsW Ilia .kin is
aad white, and be aiema entirely a
t hankfnl. Portrait loraf-aed. I en
saws-seats who hat ssaBerrnz babv 1
weiL We are a
onld Ska to tag
WutSai, Intbam County, Hick.
Cuticura Resolvent
The new Blood sad Skin Purifier, tmeraalry, sad
t 'cncCBA, the great Skin Cure, aod CSTsecaA
.'.iiP, n eirratrtte Bkln BeaatlGer, elteraaliy, in
Ataatly tciiere aad speedily cart ereey disease aad
hoator cf the sidn, scalp, and blood, with lass of
balr, tx-Ji islaaey U age, frota pt35j.iea toacrotais.
8oid rerywhere. Prlee, CcncCBA, Wc; Boat.
S5e. ; Uisotviwy, tl. Prepared by tat PwrrtB
Usee ajtd CaxaucAL Coxposatiox , BoetoB.lfsas,
jg How to Cars Bate Wesssm," Ss nES)SS,sw
Hi le'ielliaas; wad ISO HetleinBlsl-. saedstd free.
H kin a
AsBaBsSeJy pejus.
Gtiarastced to cure Bilious attacks,
Sick Heaalaehe and Caesrltwa rears- 40 in
each bottle, stxsob 15c. For sals by
Pictc't "7. ai ; --?-c etoae free.
i. r. E-Af72 & I ::.::s, KT
OT iUAJT, easuwoar.
Sew York, eisa Fraaatoos. CMrsars aad
a0XllCTTOSr aTAOCea totwraaie verses.
an or rtBCfios.
... a j LAxyiG
1st W BLAiX
aa al; ;Se
1 rt tke Castsal States : also so KBgiaaei. Ii 1H1 i
eat saw flu aesnj .
'arise its sresas aj I
I OF A B.!,r. os-sjox.
cafttal srrocat siea,sr.
i l cow ax.
P aac-m J L Cswaa. J M Raineo, W 3
LavsM, W H ttaiira, J A Cnerearat aad O A Arch
aAKSACTS a ewaeral iaaaktar bweaoess.
DAAW rUGBl DEAFTS aw stew Tors, a
sal 'settle 1 Oresreaa.
LOAX VOrtKTeat EusBsisSsEtBittj
OK ETV E Scswaita saaiwcl eaaca.
A new area Cota ve-:e 7reaira aejeawsSia; sa? Sap
aastaeTeatkO-aeaaBBSea rwysalsi.ilai toaaaaawal PUss
l Oar. foe aiv-rtai.Iaorr-a,BSa1 or Bwaaf,
aajv a rrasl t-easf.: so tae tweaenai E salts
. ctue rv&eer.u
' E1BB1 1 swewafter
s to tall. tips.
eSjsn a wriisaa twirantes is emexmty
3eataa.iA rwrozai tee asret ii a rsred .
or trve sastpie. Obit las ssbss By
a A CW BE aulas Oweasxlat. Mate tare-eat.
AlBsaxt y. arecea
TkeS.B. Hrwdarhe and Urer Cire
lTTVeaiTan 1 srai
-a. ax x civ l
If taken as directed, we Guarantee Satis
faction or refund your money.
50 cents per bottle, by
Uifiig FwtlMa, S:45 A.I.
fiS$ P. M.
J Honrs Qnifker to St. PmI.
If Hoirs Raider to (Wm.
40 Honrs (Juitkrr to Omaha and
Kansas City.
For rates and general Information cal
on or address
W H HURLBURT.Asst.Genl. Pass. Agt,
35a w asnt.igton St.,
Portland, Orkgom
Ik I.JSclvsSuSAta
rsssdesrt , LFLEnr
-tee Precder.: 8, E.TOCXG
waalsi g. w. LASODOS
raAXSACTS A OKyiaAL Saoar,, btawsew.
ACaJOCsTTS 8UCFT eahian. Se teases.
S3GBT nCHAStsK aad trl T.e war Tuaa-n etial
raslial. -J- m
? ft .sH 11. 1,
an eperaeaara
BSS "... - 7
-v; S3
eTteea wtla
$ead r
I 2