The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 20, 1893, Image 3

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The Ingram Case. The Statesman
publishes the decision in the Ingram
case as follows : The State of Oregon vs
Frank 8 Ingram. Linn county, R 1'
Boise, judge. Defendant appeals, aftirm
ed. George E Chainber'ain, attorney
general, and H H Hewitt,for respondent.
J K Weatherford and W R Hi lye o, for
appellant Per Curiam: The defendant
was indicted for murder in the first de
gree, tried and convicted of murder in the
second degree and sentenced to the pen
itentiary during his natural life. The
first error presented is as to the challen
ges of certain jurors for actual bias, which
were overruled by the trial eourt. The
objection is raised under sub-division 2,
section 185, Hill's code. The facts dis
close that in empanneling the jury at the
trial of the cause, the defendant by his
counsel challenged one George McHargue
touching his qualifications to act as a
juror upon the ground that he had
formed an opinion as to the guilt or inno
cence of the defendant from reading the
newspaper account of Lis first trial, and
that such opinion was a fixed one, but
upon examination by the court stated
that he should form his opinion from the
evidence, if he was taken as a juryman,
and that he had no opinion that would
affect his judgment, after hearing all the
testimony. Thete was no error State
v. Tom. 8 Or. 177 ; Kumli v. S P R R Co,
21 Or. 505. In this last case.thia subject
was thoroughly examined, and is decisive
of the point there involved. The next
objection is to the introduction of the
oapers in the contest over the will of the
father of the deceased, which shows that
the prisoner was disinherited while the
deceased was amply provided for. It
also shows that the evidence of the de
ceased was about to be taken shortly be
fore he was killed, but the taking of his
deposition was objected to by the defend
ant and the hear. he ; be! ore the referee
continued. The object o! this evidence
was to show the motive of the prisoner
Rnit til a raloh'na aviminn Kn I
parties. Under the circumstances, we I
mink, mere was no error, and a
consequence, the judgment must be
Whaxs in Ir. Somebody is greatly
disturbed over Albany's new chemical
engine. An anonymous cot respondent
from San Francisco, probably a rival,
says: Taken from 8an Miguel, Cal.,
Times, of Dec. ist, 1S92. "He was fol
lowed by T C Slusrer. He had seen this
summer standing out on a street in
Bakersfield a chemical engine (Lindgren
Mahon make) which for some time past
had been out of order, or, as an Irate
citizen expressed himself. 'The damned
thing wouldn't work.' The Bakersfield
machine had been purchased less than five
months previous to the above. This is
same make ot engine as was just purchased
by Rescue H & L Co." And the Junction
City Times says : "Albany has purchased
a chemical engine. Chemical engines
are rank frauds and Albany will regret its
investment inside of a year.providlrig they
have occasion to use it. These engines
work to perfection when first charged,but
after that the action of the acids renders
them worthless when most needed."
This, though, is not the verdict of the
Tacoma Fire Department. The matter
though it a public one and the Democrat
is here to give the news.
A Birds Perch The arc lights serve
for a very nice purpose besides illumin
ating the streets. At the corner of First
and Ferry streets, up under the cover to
the light where it is warm and well pro
tected, every night seven or eight little
birds have been in the habit of rnnstinir
for several months, flying away when
day light comes. Some times one of
them falls down into the carbons, only
to be stunned. The electric light men
re posted and last night one was siten
to let down the light and again place the
dated bird on his perch among his com
panions. Something pretty about the
whole matter.
Til Korb's Economy. The Astoria n
tells the following on Marion countv-s
great rcgnomltt. They are having con
siderable, sport in Salem over Tillmon
Ford's alleged economy. While he was
savorting over the representative hall ves
terdav in the interest of the homy-handed
son of toil, he overturned three ink bottles,
deluging the new body Brutsells carpet
with the black liquid, and probably en
tailing more expense on the state than te
will be able to save with all his drastric
reform measures. Ford is nothing if not
Pennoyeresque, but doe not seem to be,
sdvancing his gubernatorial candlcacy.
Knocked Down and Robbed. The
Oregonian ol Thursday ay: "T A Gil
bert, a young men in the employ of
""Eggert, Young ic Co, was knocked down
at the corner ef Fifth and Yamhill meets,
about 9 o'clock last night and robbed ot
$5. The tnieves overlooked a goid watch
he had placed in an intide pocket. The
highwaymen evidently used a sandbang."
Irlr Gilbert at one time resided in Eugene,
and was a clerk in O E Kiausse's shoe
store, also in Salem, where he was
knocked down several months ago for rob
Those Cloth Machines. Mr H F
Hollenbeck, who recently obtained a
patent on a device for measuring cloth,
has received word that a number of the
machines have been manufactured and he
expects them here in a short lime. The
machine is a simple one, and one that no
dry goods merchant can afford to do with
out. By simply turning a crank the cloth
is measured and the price of the same is
recorded in fnll view. It will pay for
Itself In one invoice, and is a great lrbor
saver every day in the year. Eugene
Register. This is the machime Invented
by Mr Hollenbeck, Mr Geo Wilcox and
Mr Wandel, in this city . The former two
have charge of the invention and trill
endeavor to make it pay.
Pkkpetual Motion. A I'matilla coun
ty man named Jacob Mills is said to have
discovered perpetual motion. His device is
a three wheeled concern, each wheel being
et above the other, and is operated by
chains and balls. The latter are about the
size of a large marble, anj ate contained in
buckets. They drop in such a manner from
chain to chain that they keep the wheels con
tinually revolving. The speed Is regulated
by means of a spring, and the machine can
be stopped at will. The inventor has all
his life turned his attention to Invention,
which explains the fact that he is poor. He
has been at work on the perpetual motion
racket since he was twelve years old, snd his
sge is now tbres score and five, so it will be
teen that be has bad time enough to do con
siderable thinking.
An. Idiot. D F Wells, who lives on
Hilla creek in the eastern portion of the
county brought his eleven-year-old ion
Bore this morning, to nave aim sent. 10
the asylum at Salem. The child is a
perfect . idiot being unable to utter only
a few words, and is generally barking
like a dog. Its health is good. Mr
Wells informs us that the child was
bright until it was a year old, when a
'trail of sickness destroyed its mind.
t?aBe Guard.
Thrke More Attachments. Since
our report yesterday three more attuch
ment suits were brought against the firm
of T L Wallace & Co. as follows. Tootle,
Hosen & Co. $114; Sweet, Dempster & Co
$482; the Stein Bloch Co. $1500. Total
amount of attachments, $26,097,
Fresh Air and Exercise.
Get all that's
possible of
both, if in
need of flesh
and nerve
force. There's need,too, of plenty
of fat-food.
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil builds up flesh
and atrenirtb quicker than any
A Very Bold Burglary occurred yes
terday afternoon in the residence ot Mr
Conrad Meyer, at the corner of Fifth and
Calapooia streets. Mrs Meyer and the
children had gone out, and Mary Hkelley,
after doing up the work, locked all the
doors and went to visit a friend. Some
one evidently watching proceedings
pried open a rear window, entered the
house and stole $76 in money, consisting
of two $20 pieces, two f 10 pieces and 16
in nickels and dimes, belonging to the
two Meyer boys, these were taken from
a toy bank, which was afterwards screwed
together and lift, as at first, 5 in silver
and a gold medal belonging to Miss
Skelley, received in graduating from the
Sisters school. Some gold watches and
jewelry were taken from their cases, but
left in the house. A revolver belonging
to Mr Meyer, with his name engraved
on it, and a gold charm, were also taken.
Every drawer in the house was opened.
No clue was obtained to the robbery.
The next door neighbor even was away
from home. The burglary was discovered
in the evening too late to get an v track
of the very bold thief, or probably thieves,
who did the deed. Three men ho left
on the night freight for the north acted
suspiciously and may have been the men.
Rossbcros B. & L. A, The mortgages
outstanding January 1st, 1892 were $10,
400 snd at the close of the year about
$27,000. There are abort 392 shares of
stock t-.ken of the par value ot $200 each,
the amount paid in for monthlv dues
during last year was $4,951 and interest
to the amount of $2,365 accrued. Fines
imposed on delinquent $77- Expense
fee, $194. Secretary Arrington is ceitain
that the stock will reach par value
within three years at wbich time it will
be necessary to wind up the affairs of the
asosciation as it was organised as a single
issue company. If Mr Arrington is cor
rect and he generally will mean that
the stockholders will draw down $200 in
three year- more as the result of having
invested one dollar per month for seven
years or a total of $84. As most of the
stockholders have five shares, this will
mean that each so fortunate will have
$1000 in return for a nionthlj saving of
five dollars. This practical result will
demonstrate more than any words can
the benefit of these associations. Re
view. A Large Failure. Saturday night
the clothing store of T L Wallace & Co,
was closed by Sheriff Jackson, by atuch -ment,
on suits brought by "the Linn
County Bank for $7000, M Sternburg,
13333; Mrs J L Cowan, $3333, Mrt T L
Wallace. $1633,33; J L Cowan, $1200:
Dr J P Wallace, $500, totai with attor
neys fees of $18,295, mostly on notes on
original investment in the business Other
noteo for liabilities will increase the indebt
ness considerably, probably $25,000. The
assets are approximately $25,000.
Besides the above the following attach
ments have been filed this afternosn: R
L Sablr, for Merchants Protective Union,
$2487, J R Wyatt, attorney ; Gordan &
Ferguson, of San Francisco, for $834.50;
R L Sabin for $2408.92. Lying Reporters It seems
that Mrs Scott Jefferson has recovered
from her fright, and has decided to ccm
to Douglas county. The following dis
patch in regard to her was recently tent
out by the Associated Prest. Hudson, N
Y, January 3rd Mrs Mattie Alexander
Jefferson, who created a sensation in Chi
cago last week by jumping frum a second
story window at the Atlantic HoteUrrived
at her home in Klnderhook,on New Years
day. She eays she has no proof that the
man she married is otherwise than honor
able. She claims that the hicago re
porters distorted the facts and tha- most
of their statements were utterly false and
sensational. She says that when her
health is restored she will join her husband
at Yon cal la. Or.
The Annual Meeting of the Ladies
Aid Society met with Mrs Dr Crawford
Saturday afternoon an J elected the follow
ing officers: President, Mn LE Blain ;
vice-president. Mrs J H Althouse ; treas'
urer.Mrt J K Weatherford; secretary. Mrs
C W Seats ; assistant secretary, Mrs Tboa
Hopkins; members of the advisory board
Mrs M J Tram. Mrs G F Crawford. Mrs
H J Hopkins; trustees, J K Weatherford,
T J Overman, W F Read, A Hammer,
Sherman Thompson. On account of ill
health Ms Kelley, who has fified the 00
sition of president in a very satisfactory
manner, refused to allow her name to be
used far the place again.
Sand Ridge Cemetery. This is to
notsf all persons interested in Sand Ridge
cemetery that there will be a meeting
held at the Grange Hall, on Sand Ride
1 on Monday, Jan 30th, 1893, at 10 o'clock
am. 1 nit meeting it called by the com
mittee who hat charge of the straighten
ing up and replacing of the grounds. The
Board of Directors and the committee
will be present, and wish all persons to
come and claim their !ots,so we can make
a record of the same.
Isaac Wheeldon,
Worth Hustok.
J B Roberts,
Oxe ov MaYERs Bius. Senator
Myers hat introduced a trill in the interes
of the laboridg man, which he It confiden
will benefit the working classes. It pro
vides that the receiver of corporation shall
pay its employes every 30 day. When a
receiver Ukes charge of a corporation's
buslnet, he thai! at once ascertain if any
part of the wage roll for the past tlx
montht it unpaid. If such be the case, he
shall first discharge the obligation, after
meeting operating and other current ex
penses. From the time of accession he
tball pay employes every 30 days in full.
If he has not the money, he shall issue re
ceivers' certificates, to draw 8 per cent
After a P O. - Geo A Dyson, ot
Brownsville, writes s long letter in the
Times because someone wants the post
office under the new administration. Well,
why not. How does it happen that Mr
Dyson wanted it under Harrison's ad
ministration. The following Is trom the
Times: Petitions are being circulated In
this place by C E Stanard. F M J act and
F McRae who are procuring signers with
a hope of securing- the appointment of
A rough estimate of game now In Yel
lowstone rark would Include, according
to the Helena Indep ndent,40,ooo elk, 1 500
anteiope, 400 Duttaio, 1000 black-tailed
deer 300 mountain sheep with plenty of
bear, bearer, and other varieties. Tbe
game Increases every year. The troop.
siauonea ai Monmouth Hot bDiines are
now devoting their time to the protecting
of these animals, which must be more
closely guarded during the winter than in
the summer.
County Y P 8 C E The convention
at Lebanon wat held substantially accord
ing to the program published. The lecture
by Rev H L Bates, nf Eugene, was par
ticularly a bright effort, and that by Rev
Ecclestoue was good. The following
officeit were elected: Jas J Charlton,
president; R A Rutherford, vice president ;
Gussle Rhiner, treasnrc; J B Maiks, Sec
retary. Excursion to Salem , A special train
wtll leave the S P depot at 7 p m, on Tues
day for Salem, to enable those to go who
wish to attend the state ball. Train will
leave Salem early on Friday morning ar
riving at Albany In time for business.
Tickets far the round trip $2 each can be
secured at the train, Wells Fargo & Go's
office and at Cummings drug store.
Paid fob April. Though a foggy,
chilly day this has been a bright day for
the 0. P. employes. We have been re
quested 'o devote half a column to the
subject, but will put much in a nutshell
by remarking that the Oregon Pacific R.
R. Company paid off its hands for the
month of April, 1892.
W S Ford, of Cordrav'i theater, Port
land, has been in the city. "Humbug,"
which had such a big run there, will be
brought to Albany, and will be given a
big house.
In order to secure the company a good
guaranty has to oe given, and our citi.enH
should come to the front. Humbug will
be given 011 March 3rd and the Banker's
Daughter on the 4th.
A Bio Etao.
"All the world's a stage
Asd all the men and women merely
players ;
They have their exits and their en
One of '.heir principal entrances leads
into Parker Bros grocery and bakery.
The finest groceries and the freshest pro
duce are kept, and their baked goods are
hevriml onu mariain onnRfafintr nf a Viiir
1 variety of breads and cakes, plain and
fancy, skillfully and well made. An im
portant thing to consider.
G W Smith . of Portland, formerly In
business in Albsuy, was in the city over
License has been issued for the marriage
of Robert O Pepperling and Arreka
Montgomery ef Jordan Valley."
Mrs Samuel Hitchens and daughter, of
Corvallis, have been in the city,thc guests
of Mrs C O Le.
The Y P 8 C E of the U P church will
give a St Valentines social' In th; old
church on Feb 14th.
Mrs W B Barr returned from Salem thit
noon, having been there on account of the
illness of a niece.
Csptaln George Flavel, a pioneer of
Oregon, who hat been in Astoria for over
40 consecutive years, it reported to be
lying at the point of death.
Deputy U S Marshal P B Slnnott, was
in the city today suppoenaeing witnesses
for the Montgomery case to be tried be
fore Judge Deady on Jan 25th.
Mr F M Powell, has been circulating
a petition this week, asking thst he be ap
pointed as agent of the Warm Springs
Reservation Mr Powell is In every way
qualified for the position, and the author
ities cannot do better than appoint him.
Brownsville Timet.
Bert Lucss and E S Cattron, who have
been having a roval time bicycling In
California, returned home today. A W
Lucas and wife are still in California and
as his health is not much better he intends
going to the Sandwich Island before his
return. Independence Wett Side.
Hon John R McBride, who wat elected
to congress from Or.-gon thirty years ago,
has been in Salem for a few days past,
vitlting relatives. He is the elder brother
of Secretary McBride, and once repre
sented Yamhill county in state senate, and
was also a member ot the constitutional
convention. He has since filled the office
of United States district judge In Idaho.
His residence for more than twenty years
has been in Salt Lake City. Statesman.
The Oregonian says: Ex-Senator S A
Dawson, of Linn county , it coming to the
front as a leading candidate for railroad
commissioner. The strength of hts cam
paign lies not only In hit personal popu
'arity, which enabled him to overcome a
democratic majority of 350 in hit county,
but mote because his party associates will
make a demand on behalf of his section.
Linn has no state or federal offices and
will make a stand for Dawson on that
Mr Pete Abbey, of Newport, was ia the
city to day.
Capt. E J l.anning returned this noon from
a trip to Grants Pass.
Licenses were issued to day for the mar
riage of the following: Jat Fitiwater sad
Mabel L Uatts, Henry Sylvester and Addie
D B Monteith, of ibis city, baa been in
Astoria, looking after a big city tax of $405
claimed to be due on property owned by
Albany men.
Mr. A Halrertoa, the well known miner,
left this noon on a visit 10 his former home
at Waukoa, lows, which he, left twenty
three years ago. to be gene aboot a month.
The junior Y P S C E of the Preabyteriaa
church will give a social to morrow night at
the residence of Hon Geo E Chamberlain.
A good time It promised with the children.
Everybody it invited.
The youngest senator in the present leg
islature Is Col. Jeff Myer of Lion and the
oldest lies between Senators Alley of Lane
and Willis of Multnomah. The youngest
T G Day of Jo
being 64.
Is Wilkinson of Lane, and
ephlne is perhaps the oldest,
V H Caldwell went to Salem today
Hale Backensto, of Dallas, is in the
Mr Fred Fortmiller went to Portland
this noon on a short visit.
Wash Phillips, one of Jefferson's livest
cit'zens, was in Albany this forenoon
Mr and Mrs L E Blain went to New
port today for a several weeks sojourn at
heir Nye Creek cottage.
Died, at his residence in Philomath last
Sunday evening, Soloman K Brown, aged
8a years, tt months and 9 dayt.
Mr J Fred Yates, of Oakville, was in
the city today. Mr Yates is now run
ning a farm, though be expects to make
law his business.
The members of the W. F. M. S. of the
M E church will give a tea at the Parson
age Friday evening, from 5 tt 8 o'clock.
A good supper for only 15 cents.
Mrs Fred Eggert, ef Port land, w ho has
been spending a few days with Mrs Har
ris, on Summer street, left for her home
today. Salem Journal. Both former
Albany women.
L N Liggett, of Mowry, spent several
days in town this week. Mr Liggett re
turned recently from California where be
went several months ago with a hand of
horses for sale. He found the market
overstocked, but disposed of most of bis
horses. Ochoco Review.
C G Rawlings, of the Lebanon Electric
Light company, is in the city. He re
ports the plant working in fine shape.
The city uses 6 arc I'.ghts, 6 are taken in
the stores, z in the churches ana in a
hall, besides a large number of incan
descent lights. It is a fine thing for our
enterprising neighbor.
T F Campbell, who for mote than Joyears
hat been one of the leading ministers tnd
educators of the northwest, died at Mon
mouth yesterday morning at the age of 70
years. He was the founder of the college
at that place, now the state normal school,
snd wss for many years is president. He
was born in 1-outslsnt May 22, 1822, and
it of Scotch descent.
That Cbook CoceTTT Di'BL. The Re
view gives the following fuller particu
lars of ths dusl st the Will Creek dance ;
A abort time after the dance had begun
Heck Wheeler and Jule Edmonds left
the room where the dancers were, snd
after going s short distance from the
house. Wheeler asserted "thst he wss
champion of Willow creek and would
claim that title until some one wrested
it from him " Whereupon Edmonds
stated that "the present wss ss good
tims ss sny for him to provs his right to
retain that title," be at once placing
himself in a defiant attitude. After the
fight commenced and had been in dura
tion a short time, the combatants
clinched, Wheeler turoi.e his adver
sary to his hands and knees, and while
Edmonds wss in thst posture, Wheeler
struck him several times with a knife.
When Edmonds regained his feet hostil
ities were renewed until Edmonds fell to
srise no more. Wheeler then went to
Fred Mo'ir snd taking by the arm said
"You are my friend ain't you What
shall I do with this knife? Let's run."
Mohr said, "My God, throw it away!"
The state proved thst the knife was
found in a fence corner a short distance
from where the fight occurred. Justice
Elliott held the defendant without bail
to await the action of the next grand
jury. He also required Messrs Mohr
and Webber to give bonds in the sum of
8200 each for their appearance as wit
ness before the grand jury.
"Heck" Wheeler is a son of Jsmes
Wheeler, snd np to three years sgo re
sided with his fsther on Soap creek ,n ear
the county line. The family are well
and favorably known in Benton county.
Wheeler also residsd in Albany for many
years, living with his parents in the
house now owned by f O Writsman. A
letter from Ed Parker to his brothers
here confirms the above report. Ed
rounds was stabbed in a terrible manner
about fifteen times.
Dancing School.- H J Hopkins will
reopen bis dancing school st the opera house
neat rrioay avGiuug j.w.u, .tu M-tt.
Clast hoar 8 to 9:30. Reception 9 to 12
Terms on application.
A Handsome Prise. A beautiful sil
ver water pitcher, now on exhibition at
F L Kenton's grocery store, will b? given
away on Washington's birthday. A ticket
is given for every 50 cent cath purchase
S'l OPst Wtll&Blark't when yo 1 sre
after diamonds, the best watches, snd
the finest silverware lo be secured, f hey
have them.
COOPER PEARL. In Halsey, on
Jan nth. 1894, at the residence of and bv
Jot A Pearl , E E Cooper and Mitt Hallfe
M Pearl both of Hsltsy.
Two inohestof snow fell in Portland yes
tsrdsv. Special meeting of Albany Lodge No 4
I O O F tomorrow svsoing. All members
requested to attend.
The last isms of the Benton Leader haa
appeared. It will bs merged into the Cot
vai lis Times and run by B F Iryiue.
The beautiful tropijal flowers at the
Pfeifler'party cams from California instead
of Salem, as oar types read . Salem jutt now
is tropical in another line, with assessment
bills and road laws, for instance.
W 8 Ltdd gavs $450,000 by his will for
educational and cbaritablo purposes, among
other things' suggesting an asylum for old
and indigent ladies.
All of the saloons of tha city were closed
yestsrdsy, and the marshal has the assur
ance of the proprietors thut they will be
kept closed Sundays.
The oase of the Slate set R jthell to havt
been tried at Corvallis, waa postponed.
Afier its trial it it reported, Mr Rothel! will
have several on the other side of the matter
arreatad and it will be a long time before
the end. Cloverdala ia in it for certain.
According to a table compiled in the office
of the secretary ol state the total taxable
property of Oregon ia 1130,992.396; increase
oftaxablj property sine 1891, $4,771,068:
decrease since 1891, $1,471, 851; as equalised
by the stW roard, $160,263,646.
Mr D C Moore received the contract fo.
painting and oalsomining the interior of the
opera house, and it poshing work on the
tame. fhia includes the painting of tha
eata in tha gallery, which have heretofore
presented a barn-like appearance.
Polk county haa just 01 gaoised a County
Y P 8 C E with the following officers.
President, B P Molksy, Dtllas; vice presi
dent. J E Pender, Monmouth; seeretai y,
Miss My rs Smith, Monmouth; treasurer. C
J Hitch cook. Independence; county organ
iter, H L Miser, Dallas.
David Lyase, an aged citiaen and old
ptocser, of Oregon, died at Jefferson Sunday
Special meeting of Albany Lodge Fo. 4
1 0 O this evening. Let all members
It takes a genius t prnnouooo the names
of musical composers. Foi inttanoe, Chopin
is Showpaag, and Beethoven is Ba-tow-vtn.
Crawford ft Pax ton are doing tome finish
ing on photographs that cannot he surpassed
anywhere in this big world of ours. A fact.
The supreme court has sustained the
ratings made by the Railroad Commissi oc
srs, indicating that they hare some powers
after all.
Yesterday la the supreme eourt a da
cation was handed down ia the ease of the
State against Frank Ingram, ratoaiog a new
Some tame ago tbejoountv eoart of Jest
phine county fined the shei iff $90 for not re
turning the dslmqasot tax roll 00 time. The
fine has jost been remitted.
After reading the following from Sparta,
Wis, Oregoniana ought to Ue satisfied for
life: The mercury frose solid last night at
40 below aero. It registered 43 below at
Whitehall. 36 at La Crosse, and 42 at Mad
ford . Terrible suffering ajtoaj toe Winne
bago Indiana it repo'tod:
Tha Albany BALA meats Friday night
at the Oregon Beak.
What's the mttvor down ia Astoria. The
Examiner says: "If Astoria girls had small
er feet how thankful we should be."
Tableaux sad readings from T
will be given it the Ocera He
Friday j
eveaisg Jas 37, seder the atupioea
Re sore and attend the dsaeieg school
Friday eveoisg. Mssso from Salem will be
ill attendance sad u go- raj good tiase gear
The Koeeenrg local this noon ran into a
horse aa it oaase peal D D HackWmao's farm
breaking tat of toe animals lags. The S P
will please liquidate.
The following new attachment hevtfbsra
assaad agvaat the era of T L Wallao Co
amoe oor report vetterday ; Alfred Benjamin
ft Co. for ffl67 ; Rosebsrg. cUsst k
A ronton, $604; Yooag. Smyth, Field At Co.
The Eetbell ones that baa twen agitating
Cloverdab bat been dropped frost the
records, the depoty-distrct attorney baring
moved fcr its diaamnal. It ia the kind of a
ease better oat of ooort anyway. Oar
neighbors acroaa the river had better shake
The eotertaiameota given by the poMi
school last week larsed oat as well aa ras
expeeUd, there being $11.95 pUoed to the
ereait ot the plajo land, Ibe ?aoo baa
psreaaaed at $200. Toere has been
130 paid, leavisg a balance of $70. It it
a a f .
hoped that this tern ess be raised by sub
scription sad otherwise tai s term.
If yon wear spec ts lea, sec Dr Lowe.
If y w eyea seed help, see Dr Lesre.
Coone and cm'ae, 15c, at Msaller's Parlors
Choice Eastern oysters st MseiUr't Par-
Are your eyes both
alike, If sot, eta Dr
Remember Dr Lowe, the optician, ess
only remain lo Albany a abort line. See
See Ars Ktltay't Asger sd. It makes s
pott holt in less than s minste. That's
basinet a, Do yos want one?
Watt's Ceo ah cvmp it sow the lead in a
remedy for ooogbt, eolda, sore throat, bron-
cnitia, asthma, whooping cough and
omptioo. Large bottles 25 and
Sold by J A Ccmmixs Druggist.
Bargains at Beai't,
800 renir st sons st Will Stark's
VIA VI Co iffic in Baltimore blook.
The beat ewtlry at Will & Mtark's,
Freeh eggs at F E A Hen 4 Co.
Dreta goods at coat at Brad's.
Underwear at oust at lead's
Everything st coat at W F Read.t
Boots and shoes at cost at W F Read's
Boy V artier Bros corset of W F Resd
Bargs nt In turn met goods st Read's.
Trophy tea soms'bing fine at F E Allen A
If yon want a tine smoke aak for J Joseph
white labor cigars.
Until Maroh 1st every thine at coat s
Several aix octave organs for sale tt cos
Call on Prof W W Davis.
Come and see the new chilled plow at
Ramps opposite pot tn trice.
White soft blankets made at the Alhanv
woolen mills for ssle by F B Alien
The beat roast ootleo in the city at Com ad
otoyar a
Ps roniss boms industry by smoking ths
slsbrated white labor cicars. manufactured
by Jn'iot Joseph.
Why smoke a Chios cigar when for ths
same mossy yon can get a wuite labor cigar
made by J Joseph.
Remember all boots and shoes bout lit of
Klein Bros that rip. ran over or soles come
loose will be repaired by nt free of iharge.
Consumptives, do not despair, There is
hope. Try West's Cough Syrup. Ic will
always enre in esrly stages, trocars a
50o largs 8 01. bottle. J A Camming. Drue
Boots and Shoes I carry the larges
line of medium priced and good wearing
boys, mltiei and children thoet in the city,
and have just added a line of steel shod
school ghoew which I recommend to the
trsde. Dont forget thst I rcpsir sny shoe
I sell free of chaige.
S E Tounb.
Letter litst.
Following is ths list ot letters remaining
in the pott office at Albany, Linn county,
Oregon, Jsn 16, 1893. Persons calling for
these letters must give the date on which
they were advertised.
Berrv, Miss Martha Danden, F Mr
Ummonat. Mr James (itlmtb,
3. Jest
JHooner, hngi
Lamb, Mr LI
Hutton, Mr B F
Miller. Mrs A
Parley, W C
Riggs, Mr Wilmer
Haiith. Mrs Mable
Siaemore, A
Walter. Mr John N
Olds, A R
Phillips, A M
Smith, Amanda
SUte , K P
Thompson, Mr Chat
Warner, Hsvey L
Taos. Montxits, P. M.
One SmaU Bile Dean every night fore
week arouse Torpid Livers. XBo. per bottle.
Pay the Price of the
Royal for Royal only.
Royal Baking Powder is shown by actual
chemical tests absolutely pure and 27 per cent
greater in strength than any other brand.
Many second-class brands of baking powder
are urged upon consumers at the price of the
high-cost, first-class Royal.
These powders, because of the inferior quality
of their ingredients, cost much less than the
Royal, besides being of 27 per cent less strength.
If they are forced upon you, see that you are
charged a coiTespondingly lower price for them.
J C Jordan to J C Moyer, 1 lot
K's Ad to Lebanon $ 600
Mary Davis to T L Golden, 157
acres 9 w 2 600
Jonathan Waesam to Emm D Riles,
lota 10 and 11 bl 2 W's Ad Leb
anon 200
H M rowi!! to P M Powell, 8 lots,
N Brownsville 1230
Mary H Rhoadea te A M and M J
Melt, lot 6, bl 130 H i Ad Al-
Wm Bassett to Win F White,
' diocb, Helssy ace
" iimmetie Valley A Coast BR Co
by Receiver to Albany Canal
Water Transportation Light
ing Co, strip of land 50 feet
wide, each side canal, near Jas
, kins, to correct mistake 1
Jeff Meyers to T A Richardson,
1 lot, Scio 00
Marv E Couch to T E 8treiUioff,
60 acre 10 w 2 150
Mary N Hoffman to John N Hoff-
J"' 0,61 H's2ndAd 1
P.Cbow o Kate Cavender,
.0x160 feet, Brownsville
I flay.
One cannot help bat wonder mbf it ia
that " U Dele Tom 's Cabin" always proves
a drawing card, and yet there ia nothing
very wonderful about it when once the
plot and presentation of this realistic
drama ia taken into consideration. We
have read "Uncle Tom's Cabin" as
many as twenty times and always with
absorbing interest, and so, too, we have
seen it presented on the stage forty limes,
and it seems aa it we enjoy tha last
better than any previous rendition.
There aie some plays like "Uncle Tom's
tlabin" and -Rip Van Winkle" that will
never wear oat. There is that aboot the
plot of -Uncle Tom's Cabin eombina
of drama, comedy, wit, humor snd
Bathos, all blended so natural iv and
realistic thai lK..iutiu !.. tt, ......... 1.
it all haeome nart ol tha n!.n nn ska i
stage ana nave their svmpstbies aroused
to s decree that makes them feel as if
they were witnessing s real drams of
evey day life Inge real 1.
Sutton's grand Doabli Company with
big band and a carload of dogs, donkeys
snd beautiful Shetland ponies, the largest
company ever organised to play tbb
popular play, will surely he here st
Opera House Monday. Jan 23tJ. See
the big street parade st noon .
Cos v alus A letter received y ester
dav from Roy Bsber at the Mammoth
Mine near Tucson, Arizona, announces
that he will return to Oregon in a coot le
of weeks. The machine is running day
snd night.
M 8 Woodcock, of the Pint Nstkmsl
bank, is wreathed in smiles over the ad
vent of a beardless youth on hit premises
last Thursday evening. Mother and
son are doing well.
Died, after s lingering illness st 12 20
s m Sunday .at bis residence in Corvallis,
j of cancer of the stomach, Edwin Alden
Abbev. familiarlv known aa Kit aired GB
years, one month snd six dsvs. He st
. ... .. -
one time wss win Kit Larson snd came
to Oregon in 1841.
Work st the carriage lactory progresses
smooth r bat noisly. Seven car-loads,
representing 'about I2S vehicles, were
shipped to Mitchell, Lewis A Stsver,
Portland, last week. This is the first in
stallment on the 500 vehicles contracted
(pr by that firm. Twelve 'vehicles were
shipped Thursday to Mt Angel, snd the
same number to Dallas. Orders for rigs
have been received from roost sll the
prominent towns in the valley. Times.
Notice ir hereby given that the regn's
pabUc exsmlnsiioo of teachers, for Urn
cctintv. will tak 1 ntau-a In Alhanv. mm
menefng on Wednesday, February s.b.
I day noon, February loth; All teachers
st 1 o'c'ock p m, sad continue until Fri-
oust positively be present st the time or
commencement, as no one will be sd
nutted to ibe examination who is not o
present. Application for -tate certificates
and Mate dlpi cmsa received eUhe sbovs
named tims, Q F Rl'Htti-.LL,
County School St pt.
Wmrn you come to
Ben t fall is visit
1 ne ortiggitti lliey carry a larg
te and
choice mock of drugs, patent medicines,
etc. Prescriptions sre always carefuWf
and promptly attended ts.
It will
Pay you.
Get Stasteo Right
Then the whlulng schoolboy, with hia
And shining mo: nlng face, creeping like a
Unwillingly to school,
stopped at Cenr. & Hendrtcson's, the live
grocers, and left a long order for some
groceries, remarking that he liked to eat
snyway,and that they kept the beat groce
ries them to be secured anywhere. If you
would have the best groceries and produce
at the most reasonable prices call on Conn
& Hendrlcson. They hsve them.
Will Move Feb. 15th. From now un
til Feb. 15th we will sell Boots snd Shoes
at greatly reduced prices inordsr to reduce
our large stock before moving in our new
quartert. Respectfully,
Klein Bros.
Colombia river smelt, a delicious fish are
now plentifn 1 and can be obtained at 60 per
10 at rjydea riao Market.
4 80?. During tne vear 1 Sol. from be-
1 glnnls t to end, Will A iitark propose te
keep ui heir reputation ol having the
finest sto.k of jewelry, watches, silver
ware, etc , In the valley, tf vou want the
best goods at ressonsble prices call on
If vou havedef, ctive eight see Or I. owe.
graduated optician. H oao be found lo the
dsntal offioeof Dr Littler. Spectacles fitted,
oorreotly .
Will et Stark, V jewelers.
Albany Market
OaU, 860.
Flour, 86.00.
Hotter, 980.
Eggs, 80c.
Lard. 13Ko.
Pork-hams. 15c; shoulders, 8cj, sides;
Hay. baled, git,
o atoen, 8O0.
Hops, lBo.
Dried fruit plums, 9e, apples, Be,
Chickens, f 1 60 per dossn.
ueer, on net, as
Hogs, d
Both houses metsiter the several days
pause for breath, and received the an
nouncements of the standing committees.
Linn county members are on a few of
the committees. Miller terminates the
committee on elections, medicine snd
snd phsrmscv, public library; Klmore
the engrossed bills committee; Blevins
the corporations committee and agri
cultural committee. Elmore is in the
middle of the manufacturers eommitiee.
In the Senate, Weatherford is on the
judiciary, enrolled bills, committees, snd
Myers on the claims snd engrossed bills
Vsnderburg, the people's party man
got the ehsirmsnship of the committee
on sgrirulture, snd Cogswell, who re
ceived the democratic vote for president
of the senate, on federal relatione.
Among the new bills in the senate be-.
sides several resoltnion were the follow- !
ing: By Gates, allowing women to bold
educational offices. Dodson. ro establish
s state board of health: Weatherford,
regulating the liabilities of common ear
ners; Butler for an additional circuit
lodge in the third district: Bancroft,
regulating town snd city elections ; Yen
berburg, to tax all incomes exceeding
15000 per annum; Raley, providing for
the eetablisement of a state normal
school at Weston.
Among the hills introduced in the
bouse ware the folio wins: Cooper.
electing road sspervisqrs by districts ;
Jterntt, regulating sale of floor ; Arms by.
to establish sn Oregon Soldiers home:
Myers, re latins to accounts ef executors
and sdministrsters, also In reference to
qualifications of votes: Blevins, emend
ing ssssssment law ; Melon ey. repealing
law providing for publication of eourt
proceedings; Miller, relating to duties of
school superintendents: several on wild
animal bounties, sheriff fees, etc ; Upton
apportioning county school funds, also
repealing railroad commission set, pro
tecting fish, etc.
Several billa went to second reading,
snd will not be reported until considei-
ably further slong-
The special committee reported on
clerk hire, fixing the pay of commilte
clerks st P snd i per day. The report
was adopted. New bills were introduced
aa follows : By Yeatrh, to regulate trans
portation of freight ; Cogswell, to rears 1st s
herding of stock; McGinn, to prohibit
deduction of indebtoiness: Weatherford,
regulating the siae of school districts:
Butler, to regulate the pay of district
attorneys: distribute among
counties the direct tax in the office erf
the state treasurer; Raley, to create the
office of inspector of steam boilers; My
ers, to create trie otnee of state examiner
of engines, snd for the protection of
game; Dodson, regulating the pay of
sheriffs ; V catch, to establish a board of
railway commissioners; Weatherford. to
provide for assessment snd collection of
taxes; McGinn, repealing the set estab
lishing a state board of charities ; Raley 's
bill to create a county recorder in Uma
tilla county was read a third It; me and
passed, and was read first time in house.
the aocss
The following bills ware introduced
By Russell, for the relocation of the
county seat of Union ; Durham, fixing
the time tor holding elections, etc;
Coon, to create the county of Csscsdes,
embracing the Hood River district;
Pax ton .abolishing days of grace ; Wright,
protecting fish and wild fowl ; Cornelius,
relating to road viewers, to bridges snd
to notice by sheriff concerning taxes:
Belts, amending the law concerning lar-
ceny-and amending iaw relating to aliens
holding property: right, of Man on,
tor the issuance of bonds, etc, by cities
Jeffreys, ensbling women to hold educa
tional offices ; Myers, resolution relative
to clerical assistance for committees, fix
ing the compensation at S3 per day and
lor joint committees, adopted.
The Best Psxacbkb. We claim, with-
001 f ' ?' contradiction, thst so minis-
ter in this or snv other country hss done
ss much good or hss had a tendency to
inspire the wicked to be good, as that
popular dramatisation, tha noble work
of Mr Harriet Beecher Stowe. "Uncle
Tom's Csbin." The plsy which hss
caused the world to ween and rejoice.
A play which is highly endorsed bv sll
the principal clergy, Sutton's Grand
Double Company with big band and
thirty seven people, will present this
popular drama at the opera house Mon
day. Jan SS. See the big street parade at
Te rseveat She Crte
Or sny other timiltr epidemic, the blood and
he a bole system should be kept tn healthy
condition. Take Hood's arsapsritla to
site strength, parity the bit 00 ard pre vest
Hood a Pilli cure lirtr ills.
Ladies Fihe Shoes. I boss s full Itn
of ladiet tine dress shoes, all solid snd th
latest novelties is style, and reaaonabl
Attest. E. Yocse.
All the Style to go to Mueller's par
lore with the ladies and treat them to
Cosoaand High T wafers. Served at all
Kin Oloves from SI apatr up. I sarry
nil Hoe of leading brands in black: sod col
ored. Will receive noveltlet for the holidsyi
Agent'for the celebrated Ceo semen glovt .
Samuel k. lot so
Novelties in wedding and ball invitationi
at Smiley, The Leading Printer.
Shiloh't Vitaliser :s what you need for
dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kid
ney trouble. It Is guaranteed 10 give you
satisfaction. Price "60. S)ld by Foshay
Butteriok patterns at Read's .
Cloaks sod jackets at cost and
less si W
F Bead's.
Remember Conn A Hsadriotos take Ore
onian coupsns on all cash sales, WBK
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
wed in Millions of Homes
rastaiEBts ATTtjrnes :
sts Tea Anr retsee te Belial T
ff so it will psy you to Inves
tigate the merits of the Howe
Earth Auger.the only practical
pott-hole auger ever Invented.
1 guarantee to bore sn 8-inch
hole, two and a half feet deep
In any ordinary soil In leas
than a minute." Mr Asa Kel
sey, the sgent for this augur, it
now in Albany fo Sperate in
this vicinity for s few days,
snd trill give you sll informa
tion as regards them, show
you sample snd take your or
ders. Or you ran send them
direct to
W. A. Host,
Carlton, Oregor.
low in 111)
Can be consulted in the dental office of
Dr. Littler by those suffering from weak
Defective Sight.
Dr. Lowe comes recommended in the
highest terms of praise by letters from
those who have seen benefitted by hia
optical genius and skill.
Endorsed by the Doctors of Albany.
We have examined the diplomas of Dr
C W Lowe snd believe from our inter
view with him that hs is thoroughly
qualified in his profession to relieve the
various mechanical defects of sight bv
the scientific application of glasses, and
as such we endorse him .
DaG WMastos.
Db M H Ellis,
Db J I. Hill.
Da G A Wbttwbt,
Db J P Walbace,
Db W H Da vm,
Db C C Kellt.
Cob v alus. Or., DeexTth, 1891,
Dr Lowe Dear Doctor: The glasses
you made lor me please me very much .
They correct the defect perfectly Wish
ing you unbounded success in your pro
fessions wherever you may go, lam,
x ours sincerely,
Db J M ArrTJCWHrrs-
PIMany mote similar to the above from
Corvallis can be seen by calling at Dr
Litfler's dental office.
Don't Wear
An ill-fitting, ill-constructed, ill looking
pair of glass's, when a perfect fitting
pair can he had for the same money.
Tis poor taste ; 'Us poor judgment ; 'til
poor economy
Consultation free.
No experiments.
Guaranteed work.
No made up goods used.
Frames made to fit each wearer.
Thorough exhaustive exassination.
Caution So agents employed.
Note Dr Lowe'eetay will be short.
N. B. Dr Lowe can be consulted at
the St Charles Hotel between 6 and 7
o'clock evenings.
A Gbbat Invention. It the self
pouting coffee and ea pott. With them
von can pour coffee or tea without furr
ing ibe pott. Wonderful. None of the
hundred 'Ittle Inconveniences of the old
fashioned wat. Coffee cooks sure snd
pure snd csnnat burn, and hi to pert, c
tlon. You iaise the light lid and the
coffee or tea runt from he spout. Ifyou
would hsve the finest thing In tue world
order one when Mrs 1 tit, the local agent
call! on ou.
Captain weenv, U 8 A.San Diego, Cal.,
sets, "ghiloh'a Catarrh Kenedy ia tne first
medicine I have ever found that would do me
sny good. Price, 50 est. Sold by t'othty
Sc Mason.
Oregonise Encyclopedia coupons taken at
Conn ot Hendrlcson s.
The hneetlinc of; pocket
sity st Stewart A Sox's.
knives in ths
Reopened, W K Graham hat reopened
bis tsilor shop, tnd hts on hand a fine Use
of suitings, ready to be made up for those
wishing tint-class work done. Thanking the
public for a liberal patronage in the past
he solicits a contl 11 uance of their patronage and
oromitet good work and prompt a'tention to
. e neediol nls patrons.
Permanent Branch Lavndbt. A
branch office of the Sale.a Steam laun
dry has been established in Albany. All
work will be collected and the laundried
articles delivered at balem prices. No
other expense. All work guaranteed.
Orders may be left with Osborn Davy,
permanent agent and solicitor for Albany
Smiley, the P rister, is always abreast of
the timet, having made improvements in
his offiot and is better prepared than ever
to supply ths people with good printing.
40 Years the Steads
Sauer kraut,
Chow chow,
White fish,
Boy Stoves aid Ranges ol MattJiews & Washborr
Boy Stoves and RaDgeb of Matthews Wasbbur
Boy Stoves and Ranges ni Matthews & Washb m
Bay Stoves anil Rangesof Matthews & Washburn.
Bay stoyes ajfl Ranges of Iafflew s & Wasabn
We need some cheap,
Unique JOB Printing
And I shall send an order, at once to
Flinn Block. Albany, Or
He has the largest
Stationery and the best equipped Job Office
in the Valley, good
should be appreciated, all work delivered
when promised, and we will
I 1893 aaBseenbsaSF HaCtarra jBgSwSfe CW.Eutr J
I CWtcg J "tbs roe of uttu rww aa east tax sm. r BIT. V
V BBS SeJ I SS3SSjifnJli3fTnmt'-'mfm ', i Mi?ftiU
ilErassa'ff K rpHE FOaUTX eontaint articles about what aasa Kjf9jR
SI-lw f! sre new doing ia the world. WsJ(,
Ivy V Ths preasssH sad tastst4ss( year trwn lift sad VT Vf
J tawsawa I t ess gat, sad ef ear ewa esaatry, aad sf ear own ta I
ifw-ennif 1 I tists; tas aaassttea sf year caitdrea; the latest re- I a. f. BnasBsa I t
etji 1 ealls of research is yoax own special stady; laa great V
" 4 books of the period; the real 'leaders; the laxg mare- atfaajkv
oeata art these not tha matt iatarttting subjects' jC, "
TOf&W I Tas secret of Tux Fosua-s hold oa its readers is f 3fj !
P T L M af that its writers maka it helpful ts all who think. 1 laf -TiH
SSmnStU Its readers farm ths dominant part of every pro- Jmh
efvlSaaflrV fsssisn. nrsft. ssst rliri TlmT-r- "g M rlmf' rr
raWr baoanst taarnavaa eavreetmeaaareoftkeUtsUeo- , 7
llLr-, I Ufa! SssSsStasaaa . fc
I Hatauw 1 Its writers sre the leaders sf thought aad of sc r. a. wam tr
1 tioa STtrv-vhars and in all kinds ofimportant work. ,
Ask tie best informed man in your comraaruty . 1
I aMBPTV J what he thinks of Tbb Forum, or saad to as for Jr ssSsnBv
Jagg. I ths srrittaa opinions of aosseof the leading mea ia , T esaaaV I
Lffl&4l your 8tate. and in all other States. ? J9 j
jjgsl TnTBtOI: thttm,aTiT-rt eSstetr. MM
AifflSONuAlBERSONStar Baker j
Opposite tt Charles Hotel.
Bed eiotolng snd lace 'curtains well
attended to.
Starch' worst a specialty.
Brae oh office st Moses barber shop
aundrv does'' evenings at 790 o'clock
Notice Is hereby given thst ths part
nership heretofore existing between T 6
Sakar snd Wm Emsrtcs dolsjr business
ss butchers at Albany, Oregon, is this
d iv dissolved by mutual consent. T 0
Baker will collect all bills due said flrna
and pay all liabilities. The business
wtll be continued at ths old stand op
posite Sohesiers stables by TO Baker, C
H Burkhart Win Xnaertek nndsr the
name or TBS Albany prssstq user
1' U osala,
!f Rubrics: .
Sweet pickles,
Dried fruits
In large variety,
Specialties in
Teas and coffes,
ngs nice,
stock of Printers'
work and low prices
l'erBresUlala aad First St
fesssd rralta,
Cat neat Ste
Dries! Frais.
In tat Tyttue that la sapt in s gsaor
variety snd rsootry store. Higbsat
market pries paid for
Real Estate Agents
a arms and Ranches fersa
Also city broaerty in Albany