The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 20, 1893, Image 1

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"The - Bemoi'ci'at"
One Year for Only $2.00.
"State Rights Democrat"
The Best Paper in the Valley,
latere at tkc Pes wRee at Ateaay. Or , as Herond-I lass Hall Mailer;
T1TKM A SETTISfi, PablUker and rVeprlelarst
NO 25
A copy of the "Official Portfolio of the World's
Columbian Exposition, descriptive of Building and
Grounds, beautifully illustrated, in water color effects, will
be sent to any address upon receipt of 10e. in postal
Cost! Cost! Cost!
On account of change in business.we will un
til March 1st sell our entire stock AT
COST, (except Buttriek Patterns) This
will be the GREATEST SALE ever held
in Albany. Our stock is full and complete
in eyry line.-! Come aril see what we will
do lor you.
W. F.
Samuel E. Young
We are general agents for the celebrated Myers Force
and Lift Pumps, also the Rumsey Foice and Lit Pumps.
We guarantee these pumps to give perfect satisfaction or
no sale. We also guarantee them superior to any other
pump in the market,
We also carry the largest stock ofjIFarm Implements
and Vehicle to be found in the valley, Give us a call.
3457 2nd A Ellwortht, Albany, Or
lmijjuun u in i hi u
Undertakers - and - - Em palmers.
WE KEEP constantly on hand a full line of metalic, cloth snd v- r dosksttfi
seffins. Also burial robes and suits, in broadcloth, satin, ci sh murjlTc
which will be sold at
The Loit Living ProflU.
EMBALIWINQIand the proper care of the dead a specialty.
xtra (Charge Tor Hears ar Servlrest
-- Oregon
A Grays Joke The Salem Statesman
tells the following, probably manufact
ed for the occasion : "The legislature
hasn't been in session long, but the story
tellers are getting in their work and there
are tome goods yarns going the rounds,
The latest is on Representative Miller.of
Linn : A stranger while stopping at the
hotel in Lebanon became sick, and in a
short time died. He had no friends
them and the people did'nt even know
his name, bat his cass had elicited no
little sympathy and the citizens .got to
gether and gave him a fine funeral.
Around the grae there were the usual
solemn ceremonies and after their con
clusion a man, who had taken a promi
nent part, inquired if anyone would like
to say something. There waa silence for
a moment and then Miller stepped for
ward and said: "If no one else wants
to speak, I would like to say a tew words
on the tariff."
A 11 .inn Toecn. Robert Tolmie, the
pianist presented his choice program last
night at the opera house, before a small
audience. It waa a musical treat not
often if ever enjoyed here in this line.
Tolmie is a pianiat ( rare ganius, pos
sessing a masterly touch, a perfect exe
cution, with rare expression, and those
hearing him are given a feaat worth list
ening to. It is a fact though, that a ma
jority of people have not the taste
for listening to classical music for a
couple hours on one instrument, which
accounts for the very few who go to such
A Paying Bcsrssss.- The annual meet
ing of the stockholders of the Santiam
Lumber Company, waa held in their
office in Mill City last Tuesday, resulting
in the election of the following officers
for the ensuing yeai : Iee Brown, pres
ides ; J A Shaw, eecretay and genera!
manager; W A Hod son, treasurer Thoe
Sims, manager of the Salem lumber
yard, and J E Brown, of the Albany
yards. The sale for the year ending
December Slat, 1892 were (63.196.96,
while their pay roll waa $28,850,63, be
sides other expenditures, indicating a
paying busineaa for the company.
G erxmknt J ETTrsa. -Captain Symon s
United States engineers, is returned to
Portland from a trip to Yaqnina. He
reports that work has been going ahead
on the jetties all winter, with verv few
days interruption on account of the
weather. The landslide in the rock
quarry ema-hed a derrick and an engine,
but opened up a lot of rock, so the loss
was slight and the work waa delayed .
Work haa also been carried on continual
ly on the jetty at the month of the river,
with the exception of a few days when it
was necessary to make some repairs to
Hie plant.
The asm u. meeting of the Y M C A
was held last evening in the rooms at t lie
uregon Bank. The reports of the officers
show the association to be in a healthy
condition, with harmony prevailing
among the members. The following
corps of officers were elected for the en
suing vear:
E F Sox, President.
Jay W Blain.Vice President.
W S Thompson, Recording Secretary.
E M Horton, Treasurer.
D H McCullatth, General Secretary, on
an increased salary, an efficient, popular
Trustees Ending daring 1893 J E
Ccugill, C H Hart, W F Read, 8 N
SteeTe, W 8 Thompson. 1894 Win
Fortmiller, Geo Acheeon. E M Horton,
D P Mason. S W Mvers. 95 E F Sox.
Jay Blaio, W H Lee, P J Smiley and R
& UDling.
A Rssruso Coin-try TSe Jasper
correspondent of the Eugene Register tells
me loliowlng very electric proceedings:
We are informed by parlies who claim to
know what they are talking about that aa
old bachelor living near here went last
week to see a widow who has recently
moved into the neighborhood and that he
proposed and she accepted him on the
spot, a license waa gone for in haste bat on
arriving at the clerks office he forgot the
intended bride' name causing him to
make a trip back home again. The
license was finally procured also a minis
ter and the twain were made one may
joy and peace attend them.
Sobav ills. Miss Linna Holt has re
signed her position in the Seminary and
returned to her home at Eugene.
The family of Geo Steirs. living near
this place, are all sick witn diphtheria and
scarlet fever. Most of them are better.
Sodavilie Union Sunday school is now
three years old and last Sunday officers
were elected fcr the eniuing six months;
Supt, Or D M I ones ; asst supt, George
Wert; sec Miss Sstella Parrtsh; trees,
Perry Stringer; librarian, Allia Parrish,
chorister. J R Pound. Review.
Harnev County. A writer in an ex
from Harney county says Harney county
is one of the leading counties of the state
for hay. When one first gets a view of
Harney valley he would think it was most
ly composed of hay ricks. There are
thousands of tons for sale at $2.50 per ton.
It would be a gteal advantage to this
county to have a railroad built in here so
that the hay could be shipped to other
places, also our beef and mutton. We
cannot get to market in the spring, when
they are in the greatest demand. This is
a very healthy climate, being high and
Scio. Just as we went to press last
week, we learned of the transfer by Wm
Bilyeu of bis saloon business to Geo M
Uncle Green McDonald is afflicted
with a disease of a dropsical nature, and
nis condition is regarded as he mg serious.
Born, en Dec 27th. to the wife of L L
Calavan, a son. On Jan 6th, to the wife
of Clinton Munkers, a daughter. Un
Jan 6th, to the wife of N C Myers, a
daughter. frees.
A Good Record. Not a man was sent
to the penitentiary from Wasco county
use sear, according to the records, the
only Bounty in Oregon with such a recosS.
I he worst counties in Oregon are MuTr-
noman with 309 sent there, Umatilla Is
next inchest, having sent 61 ; Marlon. 37:
"ongias, 32: Union, 28. Linn's record is
quite respectable, being about a third of
A Cougar Did It. While the two
little daughters of Alonzo Leach, who
lives near Crawfordrville, were outrid
ing horseback last week. th horse was
frightened bv the 'screami.ur of a couirar
anu tnrew trie children on, breaking a
ieg 01 me younger girl. The elder girl
picked her sister up in her arms and
carri'd her to the house. Dr Booth of
Lii..on was sent for and reduced the
Postponed. The O P sale is to take
place March 5, a postponement having
been ordered. As the matter was con
sidered in New York on lVr u It InrAm
as il they had had plenty of time to send a
committee out here to Investigate matters.
What does It mean. Several versions are
given the Democrat.
Caned. W Gordan a very old and
respected citkra of Albany, was caned out
about three miles from Albany on Albany
Prsirie this morning. It was done by mem
bers ol Grange No. 10. The cane isaverv
beautiful gold headed one, and Mr Gordan
is very proud 01 It.
Ashbv it Carse, iWBrsata, 8') J Wai h
ngton street, Portland, (Jr.
Stewart & Sox siHjtheJvory bait paten
shears and scissors.
A large'stook of pruning shears nd prun
Stewart & Sox's. Now is the time to as
Wo have the largest stock cf ladies un
derwear ever shown in towu. Ss sure and
stswbst W F Read can do fer you tsfors
- 1 1 issx '
uiautug yvur uiu.
Dr C C Kelley, of
Green Basin ranch
last week.
J B Comely psesed down to Albany
from his claim above here Sunday.
H W Smith received a letter Monday
from party of Michigan lumber men
who desire to come to the Santiam
country and locate timber claims . They
will probably locate in the liowlder
Creek country above Coe.
H Harbor, a man nearly seventy years
old, who lives in the vicinity of Bowlder
Creek, above Coe, started out hunting
alone after the big fall -of snow about
Christmas, and waa not seen or heard
from for two weeks. He was given up as
lost und probably frozen to death. Last
Monday, however, he returned home,
having walked in to the hot springs and
remained until after the storm. Lum
berman. Wilumoto Ms XT Her. The following
is from the Salem Journal, and the party
referred to can easily be guessed : Those
bad bad men, and all democrats, too.
Lark Bilyeu, of Eugene, J I Daly, of Dal
las, and Banker Black, of HeUey.put up
a job on a democratic colonel and had a
bushel of fan last night, at Hotel Wil
lamette. They seat him a perfumed
note by on of the bell boys, that a lady
would be pleased to meet him in the cor
ridor. The colonel, wbo will not easily
be laid in the shade when it comes to
gallant conduct in affairs of arms or the
less sanguinary conquests of the gentle
sex, immediately couched a reply in the
most elegant military language, and in
formed her ladyship that he would be
intensely pleased to meet her.' The bell
boy, who could hardly keep a straight
face carried the missive to the imaginary
female, while the colonel awaited results
in a glowing frame of mind.
That PaxrAS atuxy Depaetsi ent .
Prof Bloss, of the Agricultural college
waa in the city today on his way to
Shedd, where he will lecture before the
teachers institute. There is talk of do
ing away with the preparatory depart
ment, of that eolleae. Prof Bloss showed
the Democrat msn figures, indicating
how unjust this would be. The youngest
student in the department is 15,and it is
practically a part ol the collegiate edu
cation secured. Oat of about 70 in the
department only about 15 are from Cor-
vallis, showing that it is not local in
its workings. There are now 273 scholars
in the school from all over the state.
The faculty have been rustlers in build
ing up the attendance
O. P. Men axd Jcdor FciAEJrrojt.
Last evening several O. P. msn hsd a
conference with Judge J C Fullerton. at
the depot hotel in this city, for the pur
pose of ascertaining, if possible, the true
situation in the case, and more person
ally when they are liable to get their pay
for over nine months wages due them.
Fe ing in the hands of a receiver the case
is one in which the court of course takes
an active part. So far aa anv knowledge
gained is concerned the conference was
very unaatiafactory ,anoV reallr leaves the
matter in statu quo so far as the mens
interests are concerned
W The rnton Parker, M D, Recorder, Asec
eiatioa of Acting Assistant Surgeons of the
L S Aisaj, writes:
Satan, Mas . March 23. 1891.
-When si Stutt?rt, ittminv, daring the
winter of 1881-83, I was setferug from a
sever suae 01 oroocuius, which eemed ta
threaten pneumonia. I met, at toe Hotel
Marqoardt, Commander Beards!, of thee
United States Navy. In apeak lag f mT
sickness. Be remarked: 'Doctor, you eaa
car that chest troub.e of yoor l,y using an
Allcock's Peeve Plaster.' 'Ttat nsay be
true,' I answered, 'bat where eao I get t he
plaster? 'Anywhere in the civilised world,
and saraly here in Stottgart. YVheoevjr I
have a ould.I always aa on sad find ralssf .'
I sect to I be drag stor for th piaster, and
it did all that my friend bad premised. Erer
eince then I have ased it whenever stiffen eg
mm a com, ana 1 nave many times prescrib
ed it f or pafients .
"The Alloock's Platter is the beat to bs
had, and haa saved many from severe illness,
and undoubtedly, ir used promptly, will sav
many valuable live. Whenever one has a
sever cold tbsy should pat on an A icock'a
Plaster a soon aa possible. It should be
placed aeros lb chest, :be upper margin
jast belt w th neck; some hot beef tea, or
milk, will aid in 'he treatment.
"This is not a patent remedy in the objec
tionable sense of that term, bat a standard
preparation f value. The Government
supplies teeth U S Array and Indian Hos -pitel
stores contain Alloock's Plasters, aad
th medical profession throughout the world
are well a war of their reliability and al
oe II eoo. I shall always recommend it, not
only to break np colds, bat ss asefol is
allaying pain in th chest and in the back .
It is a preparation worthy of general eonfi -dnc.'
The fun between the Santiam Lumber
man and the Mill City Gazette continues,
end Macduff ssems to have been train
ing tor the fun. The Mill City Gaxette
devotes nearly a column to its more
mountainous neighbor under the head
of "The Irate Calf Breaks His Rope."
Some of the catchy expressions used are
"rip roaring, high toned, small physic, "
"ounce of brains," He says he is not
afraid of "God," man or the "devil."
f robably not. as God would disown him.
the devil would trade him off lor a jack
ass, while man would use him to chink
holes in the fence.' We shall look for a
shoulder striker next week from Green
Basin, and will endeavor to keep our
readers posted on the funny side of the
Spiced pigs feet,
Sweet pickles In bnlk.
Sour pickles In bulk.
Raisins, citrons,
Lemon peel extracts, etc.,
For the Holidays, csn be found st
F your school shoes go to Kleio Bros jm
I e tpsir them free of charge ifjthey rij ,
11 ' o r the soles come loose.
ShilohVCure, the great cough snd croup
cure, is for sal by ns. Pocket sixs contains
twenty-rive dosea.ouly 25o. Children love it.
rosnay a Mason.
Call and see new fall dress goods at W
Keopknp.ii W K Graham his rronened
his tailor short, and has on hand a fine line
of suitings, ready to be made up for those
wumng nrst-ciass worn done. 1 nanning me
public for a liberal patronage In the past,
rir uiiii its a rnnr nunnrr m I rifir n,mnncr nnii
iramises gooa worn sna prompt s'teniion to
;.e neeai 01 nis patrons .
If von oontjmnlate nuttinir in awter
pisnt get prices oltw nd mills, pumps, pipe,
tonka, eto.. fromW W Crawford, He will
astonish yon .
The Portland Collection Agency hat 00m
msnood several units to coll sot aocount for
G L Blsckman. Parties owing him should
settle their accounts and save ootts.
WIS" Read has a large stock of boots and
shoes to seleot from, snd the best value- in
7ben Baby waa sice, we care her Caatona,
Whan she waa a Child, alio cried for Caatorta
When she became Mlas, she clung to naetorta.
Then she had Children, she gave them Caatorta.
Up the Santiam. -Albany,
was at his
SOCIAL AS. fx I'lEnovil
Dr Lowe, the optician, Is in ihe city
v. I
will probably remain for several weeks.
I G Grawfbrd, the photographer, went
to Corvallls today with his camera.
There is some talk of Utile Queen Ist
belle of Spain helping to open the World's
fair. Wouldn't that be a little shoddy.
Dr T C Mackey, of Gardner, is in the
city visiting his broher-in-law, Harry
Sacry, operator of the postal telegraph.
Deputy I U S Marshal Sinnott. was In
Albany today with a man arrested in Cor
vallls 'for selling liquisr to Indians. He
was a dirty looking iciiow and ought to be
punished by being given a dose of soap
and water.
Last evening the C L S C met with Mrs
Rdeker at the residence of Mrs Walter
Monteith and apent tWee hours enjoyably
as well as profitably. The roll call was on
Whittier, Mrs Henrietta Brown presented
a sketch on the grand old Uuakcr poet.
Miss Hettie Miller recited -The W'tches
Daughter," a question box was dissected
and an hour spent in charades. The next
meeting will be held In two weeks with
he Misses Althouse.
Mr H M Thornton left this neon on a
two months trip East, going directly to bis
former home at Danville, Peon.
John O'Connerths live vounc auctionee
doing bWnest in the Meyer block for a few
days, i a native of Albany, having been bora
ta tnts city, somewhere near twenty years
ago. His father was also aa auctioneer, and
did business here for several years. The
young man has a triple tongue at the busi
ness. Mr C E Wolverton went to Corvallh Ibis
noon to defend Mr John RotbeH in the Jus
tice t-oort 01 that city la the Mste agstnst
01m lor assault on Morg Hopper, of which
both sides hare beta generously presented
by Ihe Democrat. Quite a number of Clo-
veidale witnesses were subpoeeeJ. The
case excited considerable interest in the'
live coram unity, and the result will be wstch -ed
by a good ma ay.
sat vai AY
Thos Ho man aad wife of Salem, wer
in th: city today.
Editor W L Gilstrsp of the Sprkgneld
messenger, was in tne city today.
u Aeoipsey, an engineer tome em
ploy of the S P company. Is said to be a
brother of the famous Jack.
Senator Maxwell, of Ttlasncok county,
was in the city over night and gave the
Democrat office a cab.
G L Black man came up from Portland
this soon to complete the sale of his Interest
is the drug store here to Mr O C McFarland.
An O F installation will occur at Ya
qnina Bay tonight, followed by a banquet.
Psrker Bros of this city furnished three
as fine looking cakei as one often sees
for the jccsai - n
Dr TO Mackey. of Gardiner. Coos
county, has purchased the Jat Ellison
property at the corner of CsHpooia aad loth
sticets, and will move to this city about
the 1st of May and open an office for the
practice of medicine. The doctor is a
successful practitioner snd will come high
y recommended.
Last evening at the reeidedce of L
Btain.tbe Sabbath school cUseea of 1 Mr
and Mrs Blain and Mias Rboda Hail, all
young people in their teens, wer given
a party, full of many enjoyable features.
There ware about thirty-five present
Games, puzzles, charades, and a delicious,
lunch were the order of the evening
Souvenirs, consisting of bon boos, which
when dissected wen found to contain
paper hats and bonnets, were presented
the live company of young people and
were worn during the evening. A de
lightful evening all said.
A very pleasant party was given last
night by Mr and Mrs Chas Pieifler at
their home, in honor of their daughter,
Miss Emma- After a couple of hours of
progressive angling for refractory fishes
that would not bite, an elegant repast
was served, to which all did ample jus
tice. Dancing was then indulged in un
til a late hour, some beauMlui cut
tropical flowers '.received from Calif.
beau titled the already elesrantlv furnish
ed parlors. Those present were: Mr
and Mrs Chas Pfeifter, Mr and Mrs W F
Crosby, Capt and Mrs E J Lanning. Mr
and Mrs F ti Pfeiffer. Mr and Mrs Thos
Monteith, jr., Mrs Lee Steiner and Miss
Louise Hue 1st. of Salem. Misses Anna
Houck, Sophia Houck. Vesta Mason Kva
Cowan, Lora Vance. Bertha Ellis. Mand
and Minnie Van Horn, Hattie and Lida
Galbraith, Olga Hewitt. Eva Simpson,
Lena Marshal!, Emma Pfeiffer, and
Messrs J A Wilson. C B Winn. E D
Cusick, W J Ortel, E L Quinn. J A Cum
ming, tt vtr strong, w H Cowan, vui
Lyon, E M Horton, Chas Mueller, W S
Paiker Bros, grocers.
P. M. French keeps railroad time.
Boyssyoar groceries of Parker Bros
Fiae groceries at Conn & Hend ncson '.
Hew cream cheese just raoaived at Conrad
P J Smilev job printer, Flinn Block, doe
first class work.
Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 3 osnt
cigar st Julias Joseph's.
Dr M H E In. ohysieisa aad surgeon
Albany, Ore.n. Calls mad U c., or
Money to Loan. i have money in
sums of 3500 to 330,000 to loan on im
proved farm lands in Linn and Bentc
counties, at lowest current rates,
delay in furnishing the money.
U llfKKH art
Real estate agent, Albany, Oregon.
Great reductions ia Aet motor wind mills
for December. Seethe a.ent, W W Craw-
Try W F Read when you want shoes.
Permanent Branch- Lacndrt. A
branch office of the Salem Steam laun
dry has been established in Albany. All
work will be collected ana tue isunanea
articles delivered at Salem prices. No
other expense. All work guaranteed
Orders may be left with Osborn Davy,
psrroanent agent ana solicitor lor rsioany
Shiloh's Viuliser :s what yon need for
dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow akin or kid
nav trouble. It ts guaranteed to Rive you
satisfaction. Price 75o. S )ld by Foshay &
Oreeoniao Encyclopedia coupons taken
Conn U Hendricson's.
Remember Conn A Hendrioaon take Ore-
onian ooapsnt on all cash tales.
$100 Reward, $100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
laarn that there la at loast one dreaded disease
that aclence has been awe to cure in all Its
stages and that Is Catarrh. Ball's Catarrh
Car Is the only positive cure now known to
th medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con
atttntlonal disease, requlrea a constitutional
treatment. Hall'eCatarru dure Is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of tho system, thereby destroying
the foundation of the disease, and giving the
patient strength by building up tho constitution
and assisting nature in doing Its work. The
proprietors havo so much faith in its curative
powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars
for any case that it falls to cure. Send tor
list of testimonials.
Address, F. J, CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
jaxr-Bold by Dnutgiste. reo.
Cloaks and jackets at'oost and lest .. W
r Head s.
Remember thst F L Dumont does guar
antie fit, and sews possible coming rips in
clothing bought of his store. 0 srooat 1 told
at cost until Christmas.
The man who proclaimed that "a public
debt is a public blessing," is sn enemv to his
race. A public debt is a public burden just
as certsinly snd distinctly ss a private debt
is a persona burden. For thia reason the
legislature, which U the debt creating power
of th stste, should be as judicious In incur-
I ring debts as a careful business man would
be But a stste should not be pstshnoniou
and niggardly but the line should be drawn
en the line of reason and good judgment .
Sometimes an epidemic of extravagant ex
penditutet seems to sweep over a stale, snd
counties on all sides become largely involved.
This seems to have been the experience in
Ohio during the last year. 1 He Incress in
the debts ol her counties, townships, cities,
vlllsges and school districts for 1893 over
that of 1891 is over $12,000,000. In our
own state while expenses of stale government
hsve increased m jch more rapidly I baa popu
lation, yet we have pakf expenses cash an,'
and hence the state ia not in debt, bat It is a
deplorable fact thst many counties have Urge
burdens of indebtedness to carry. Let the
members of the legislature be careful that
no indebtedness of doubtful utility be incur
red, We regard it as safe to say ihst Sen
ators Weathertord snd Myers, and Represen
tatives Blevine, Elmore and Miller will keep
vigilant wstch over the public expenditures,
that 00 extravagant use cf the people's money
tie msdt.
A correspondent of the Salem Slot,
writing under the aaaae of "1 blng," evident
ly not a very useful one, says:
A neighbor baa suggested to me. that now
is the time to make a minute of the fact
that two years from now Marlon county wants
a delegation, each of whom aspires 10 a state
or national office. This year we have only
four aspirants. Have them ail that way sod
then every one can poll bit own string if for
Boibisgds than the fan of the thing.
Now, la the name of common seise, let us
ask w hails the uai xo ford m SEPasss before
omlng 10 it.
Egypt is the gift of the Nile. Without
that mystic river there would be nothing but
a barren waste of sand where the feibboea
sow cultivate vast fields of cotton aad corn .
Tbe source of the river is ia the great Vic
toria Nyaaxs. Tae sowes: tributary of the
river is the Akbar, draining northwest Aby s
tsaia, and from its janctine with the Nile to
the Mediierraaeaa Ses, a distance of 1600
miles, there la not a tributary, great oc small.
tbat help to swell the volume of the great
river, while lie loss by evaporation is very
great, passing as It does through the vast
Nubian desert. The Nil is s silver thread.
with interminable wastes of blazing sand on
either side. Ia places the bed of the stream
has cut is sray fully five score feet into the
sandy soil, aad it is ia the narrow strip bring
between th water aad the foot of the eta-
baakmertscocetdjriag ages that the on
caltivaUoa is possible, 1 halts, until the delta
below Cairo Is reached.
Boodie Icgislaifos Is coming into disrepute
all over the world and if the ctuae which gsv
it th first impulse coull be baried so sleep
that Gabriel's traapet would never wake It
from its slambers te nations of th earth
would be doubly blessed. A casual glance
at the innumerable evils of Ipc day often
carries the impression that more wickedncs
prevails in this general ion than ever before
but a careful survey of both the past and
present will modify this impress 'on. The
present age compares favorably with any
age of the world, asd the moral forces now
at work are more active than ever. The
facts that evils are being ferreted Out aad
exposed la all their hidcousness msy make
us feel sorry for human frailties; but the
other fact, that the general moral sense of
the people will not permit ae wtongto
stalk abroad unmolested, shows that the
geod Is gaining predominance. We hsve
bad some email boodle escapades, salary
grab schemes, and municipal jobs to record
the past lew years bat nothing fately ta this
country, of such magnitude as the Credl
Mobiher scheme, or. the Panama scandi
now agitating the French cavaliers. We
are still susceptible of improvement bu"
after all, are sol so bad as we are sometimes
pictured. Portland Ditfolch
The more the last debt statemen t is
studied in the light of the demands upon
the treasury for the next two months, the
more determined the conviction becomes
that something must be done very speedily
to increase the revenues. The present ad
ministration, by holding up appropriations
and encroaching dangerously upon the coin
reserves, will taMta ha iUs. to tita) over
the two months of existence that remain to
But after that the truth will appear
and a meant must be found of repairing
the deficit. If the republican senate will
permit, something may be done at this
session to stop the gap. The most likely
revenue measure to pass is that raising the
hiskey tax to $1 25 a gallon. It would
add about $35,000,080 a year to the
revenues without hurting any industry or
adding a cent to the cost of any necessary
of life. As there is no opposition made to
it by the manufacturers of whiskey, it seems
not unlikely that the bill may be passed.
The death of Thomas Jefferson and John
Adams formed a remarkable coincidence
They died on the Fourth of July, 1326. al
most at the same hour. Z, They were both
members of the nnuittee that framed the
declaration of independence; both signed
it; both had been American ministers at
European courts; both had been vice presi
dents and presidents of the United States,
and both had lived to a great age. Adams
died at Quincy at the age of almost 91 rears;
Jefferson died at Monticello, Vu. at the age
of almost 84 roars. They died exactly 50
years (almost to an hour) f after they had
cast their votes for the declaration of inde
I Ion Jeff Myers has introduced the follow
ing bills: For the erection of road supervi
sors snd to regulate the construction of
county roads, and one to provide that re
ceivers of corporations ahall pay employes
every thirty dsys. Mr Westherford has In
troduced s bill providing for exempting
homesteads from execution. These bills are
not yet In print and we cannot spesk of
their provisions.
Webster City, la, Jan 13. One of the
most fearful wrecks on the Northwestern in
years, occurred at 10 o'clock last night near
Story City, Ia. A snow plow sent out to
dear the snow, running at the rate of 50
miles an hour, telescoped a Sioux City a
Des Moines passenger train, smashing tho
rear coach into splinters and seriously
Jy m-
juring about 20 or 25 passengers.
Tbey Increase appetite, purity &
arstom and act on tne 11 rer. Bile Beads
(Prom our rseniar oorrestondsat.)
Washington, Jan 9, 1893.
Senator Chandler is developing a tenden
cy to throw oratorical I .ricks- around with
all the careleaxnena which characterized the
sensational congressional career of Benja
min F Butler. While speaking in favor of
the National Quarantine bill Mr Chandler
made a few remarks about the relations
existing between Secretary Foster and
other treasury officials and the North Ger
man Lloyd Steamship Co, the agents of
which have been in Washington since the
session began for the purpose of preventing
legislation for the suspension of immi
gration, lie also bad something spicy to
ray about tao courtesies extended by the
same steamship company to the prominent
newspaper men woo compose the Gridiron
Club Here are the exact words of bis
arraignment of Secretary Foster and Assist
ant .'secretary bpauiuiog. ana many con
sider it strong enough to call for an
investigation. If it isn't true Chandler
should apologize; if it is true Foster should
be impeached. "This North German
Lloyd Steamship Company," said Senator
Chandler in his speech, "is the favorite
route for the secretary of the treasury and
the assistant secretary of the treasury and
the commissioner of immigration and
oilier bearury officials when they go abroad,
and the company is very kind to them. It
always gives them the best of accomoda
tions, and if they find themselves lacking
in money when they are on the other side
and congress has been negligent in provid
inir the means for their transit and their
support over there, it loans them money
It is very evident from Mr Chandler's
plain and unmistakable language that be
believes the republican officials whose doty
it is to inforce the present immigration Law
have been bribed by this steamship com
pany to nesiect their sworn duties, aad
that be thinks some prominent Washington
coneauussnsaats are in the same boat The
speech has caused a great sensation in
W aahington. and that class of newspaper
correspondent's entirely too numerous
who make a practice of placing- themselves
under obligation for favors received from
any who choose to offer them are highly
indignant; but all the same it is a fact that
so correspondent is apt to write disagree -able
thing, even though be knows them to
be true, about those he is under obligations
to. That speech hits a good many of them
in a tender spot, and it hurts. Some papers
trill not allow their correspondent here to
accept costly courtesies, aad the socaxer tbey
all get on that basis the better for all con
The house is not loosing any time with
the appropriation bill. Since the reas
sembling of congress it has disposed of two
o! them the fortification, and the District
of Columbia.
The bouse ways and means committee
expect to get that fctattrroent from Secretary
Foster of the condition of the treasury up
to and including Dec 31, some time this
After much pmnati-ftn Mr Harrison
issued an order extending the clsssified
civil service to the letter carriers at all free
delivery offices, but declined to include
bureau and division chiefs in the goverr
meat deTxsrizaexttc. or printers in the
government printing office. It Is expected
at this order will keep between 6))) aa d
8000 republicans in office under the demo
cratic adrninistradon, but if Mr Cleveland
is prompt in displacing republican post
master the example of the republicans in
dealing with the railway mail clerks at the
beginning of the Harrison administration
can be followed and a few thousand demo
crate be put in before the civil service
commissioa holds examination and prepares
its list of eligible.
The house committee which ha been
engaged for severe months in investigating
the Reading Coal Combine has completed
the taking of testimony aad is now at work
on its report. It is believed thai the com
mittee will report that the main allegations
concerning the combine hare been fully
substantiated by the evidence taken; also
thst the constitutional right of congress to
legislate on the subject will be affirmed,
and that certain legislation, probably in the
shape of an amendment to tire interstate
commervv law. slit hs rWCSB xende-1.
Hon M A Miller haa introduced a Mil for
the construction ol a fish ladder at the falls
at Oregon City. The construction of a lad
der that will accomplish the purposes bad ia
view, that of supplying the Willamette ami
Its tributaries with an abundance of salmon
would be an teamen benefit to the people
of the Willamette Valley, snd in fact to
ali western AJrego". The bin appropiaies
$6000. The bill provides that the fishway
shall be bmlt in the bed of the river on the
west side of the main fall, by making excava
tions in the solid rock. It constitutes the
Governor. Secretary of stste and State
treasurer, a board who ahall prepare plans.
control the construction and employ a su
perintendent 'o do the work. We hope to
gee this hill pass.
The removal of the seat of government
to Washington was effected in the summer
of 1800. It seemed like transferring it to a
wilderness. Only the north wing of the
capitol was finished, and that was utted up
to accomodate both houses of congress- The
president's house was finished externally
but much had to be done on the inside
There was only one good tavern, and that
was insufficient to accommodate half tie
congressmen. There was only a path
through the alder swamp along the line of
Pennsylvania avenue from the president
house to the capitol.
The Astoria says:
"Mr Clevelsnd has been diverted from
great public questions to Ihe senatorial
squabbles of the several states."
Indeed, what could be a graver question
than the one by which some plan shall be
adoptedjto prevent the republican lesders
In Wyoming, Montsna, Nebraska and Kan
sas from stealing four senators like th.ry did
in Montana two years ago. This pract ice of
republican leaders now con.leronsV by the
rank and file of tnst psrty is a vital one,
affecting the perpetuity of the government
itself, hence Cleveland, as a lover uf good
government, could not shut his eyes to this
approaching danger,
Mark thlspredtction, that just as soon as
the sheriff's of the several counties in tMs
state shall enter upon the collection of tax
to be collected under the assessments
equalized by the state lioard of equalization
some one or more of them will be enjoined
from collecting by some tax dodger who here
tofore has found the law "a penalty upon
honesty and a reward for rascality.1'
Care for Colds, Fevers and General Do
txUitor, Small Bile Besuia. V. per bottle.
Julius Gradwohl's Bazaar
The very latest '.news is that you can buy at JULIUS
B 4DV70HL'8 BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows:
Ar buckle's Coffee, Per Pound
lbs. Granulated Sugar
lbs. Magnolia Sugar White
No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon
Cans refilled, 5 gallons
5 Gallons Good Pickles, market firm..
20 lbs. No. Savon Soap
1 Gallon No. 1 Syrup
j wi cooduot a strict cash store, aad ail goods wall bo sold for net cash from 1
.a p' -nt ds tpaa regular price. My stock of Cbinaware, fancy apod, anu
sjl I to Joairsbl ay Us of rhwbex. aa wall as a general asxsrtment of groceries, erock
Sry, lam hi and fixture ia complex. 1 rxtako a spocisliy of floe to, eofteo and
Ssatng powder, and always pi-sw my eoatocoers.
Agent for sovoral rasponaibi insuraoe exxapan ai. M alUso Grssstwohl.
for Infants
nil in 1 1'si 1 ii 1 i 1 is in si j jil1llSls
n-B is me - H anewxa. tL P..
Ul Bo. Qrtord , XsrxxUtw, K. T.
1 of Cat ui i..' is so nnSwrsa: ana
srvfl that it seen us a wa-
1 to ewaorse it Few are toe
rao do not keep Caatona
Otfr -strvt
os JUstv. P.O.
JfcrW Tort CT.
si IssSss .jooxtrr1aks Barfocn Causre.
ie furmers & merchants insurance ch?
1 Cowan, Goo F Slmpsson. W F Read,
j a. vr exsuxorxora, p. a
Several Solid Eastern
Only White Labor Employee".
C 11:.'
city. V e would call the attention of our friends to the fact that we are
better prepared than ever before to furnish everything In the shape of Fruit, Shade
and Ornamental trees. Small Fruit vines, etc., at either wholesale or retail. Our
sicca Is first-class, guaranteed true to name aad free om inspect pests, and our
prices low. C. E. Brownell is our city scent andr ..era, left with him at his
store will i cceive prompt and careful attention. rVrr . snd sec me or write for free
catalogue to
Rupture, Asthma and Piles
Dr's. ShimpItV Houser,
Specialists In the
female Diseases.
treatment of all
80 Year
. Offiot
ice 359
Salem, Oregon. W.
A thoxwugh business training school Endorsed
Five Departments; BusintSi, Shorthand, Typereriiing, Penmanship, Eng list
Sckool ia session ihe n tire rear. Students ad mined at anv time. Catalogue, containing intonation, trsi
The Oregon Land
Witn its
s-a-XxEsm -
In the Gray Brock, corner Liberty
MrVKKS a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tracts near Salem ,
Will aftll 5. 1 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 wr
acre small cash payment
jior particulars.
.. 1.00
.. .26
.. 1.00
.. 1.10
.. .80
.. .40
anr Children
" For several rears I recount assr'
rxsir -081. 'and ah snIwxtvev:tretr
ctowsasttlsas I liilSj uniisisul niir-nrl
assota t. Faxtraxa. M TX,
Tie VTushrOfy ' lAll Strw and 7th Arc,
SewTas ritj
Cast 111 1 cgrea CoBe. Owipaoa.
boor OtcKsaoi, rarrlxoaa. ILrxscsaxaoB,
lul tvoraa, cm. afaep, aad prrxmoCec
Tr.t Bxoxni ssssSssst .
Tent Ccxrrazra Oaan-axrr, Intii Srstsacz, 5x
' -2ssssssssaasass0
J O WRITSMaJ. Sexjutai
Geo F SDiPSOX. Vio Prestlant
D B staratpsr-g, 1 Wrtcurh
atrsnsn. J u
and Foreign Ccipanies
Issues 200 page Dry Goods and General
Outfitting CATALOGUE.
Send your name on a postal card TODAY
and get one.
Cabinet phj'o fro-n $1.50 to $4
per doaen. Silaigtnj picture
specialty. 16x20 craro-is ra er
ror fiooo. We carry a la ge 1
of 5x8 and sterescoplc "vters of
U Inni & towiU, Prtprietor.)
A'bany, Orngot
forms ot Chronic, Catanhal, Kervous an
in Medicine. Surfer? and Kleotriclty
Commercial Street, Salem, Orogoo
I. Stxict, Principal.
by the business and professional man of S j!oj.
home office at
- - omtio-oisr-
and State street, branch office 'n PrSrtlanu
long time on balance