The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 13, 1893, Image 3

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    (Thr Scmoctat
A Crook County Duex The dance at
Willow creek school house, eighteen
miles north of Prineville, last night, was
the seene of one oi the bloodiest tragedies
that has ever been enacted in -Crook
county. This morning it is impossible
to get any of the details of the terrible
affair, the partis who brought the news
having little knowledge of the circum
stances, and at the time they left Willow
creek no due seemed to know juet how it
occurred- All that can be learned at
this time is: About 10 :30, while the
dancers were enjoying themselves in fhe
hall, a fight toon place ou'side between
necK wneeier ana Jule Edmund, in
which Edmund was killed, stabbed
through the heart, and Wheeler severely
stabbed in a number of places. Only a
few persons saw the tight, and they
would not give the details. Edmund
wa. postmaster at (irizzley postoffice.
He leaves a wife and one child. Wheeler
is a farmer on Willow creek, and has no v. A grudge has existed for some
time between the parties. Coroner
Kixer left about daylight this morning
for the scene of the tragedy, Ochoco
Review of Jan. 7th.
A Shrewd Bargain. The Alliance
Herald tells the following: A corres
pondent from Ukiah relates the following
story of a Umatilla county merchant and
a broom peddler. After driving over the
country and failing to find rale for his
stock, "the peddler went to the merchant
and said : "Let me sell you my brooms."
"No; I do not care to buy," said the
merchant. "I will sell you my brooms,"
said the peddler, "and take one half
cash and the other half in goods, provi
ded you let me have the goods at cost."
"I will do it," replied the merchant.
After counting the brooms and giving
half cash, the storekeeper said: "Now
what kind of goods do you want?"
"Well," said the peddler, "I will take it
out in brooms, aa I know the cost of
them." And the traveling salesman
loaded on the brooms and departed,
much to the chagrin of the merchant
who thought, as did the Dutchman, "Oer
more longer a man lives der more he finds
A Saunders Letter. An Albany man
mentioned W W Saunders to dav and re
marked that he should have been hanged.
A long letter from him in the Corvallis
Times indicates that his imprisonment is
about as bad as hanging. He says: When
a convict come here he surrenders to the law
for the time being , his every right and privi
lege be is a mere machine, under the ab
solute government and control of hi supe
rior?. This is one day of our convict's life
-one day is the pattern for all. The same
dally routine of march from cell to work,
from work to cell again, 'lhis goes on and
on in the same dreary rnonotonv. Ihe
months come and ge, the seasons succeed
each, other, new years follow the old, but
never a change to the convict, un!e:,s he
should be kirk and that, 'hanks to the effi
cient sanitary arrangements rf the prestnl
administration, is rarely the case.
Portland to Yosmmtk. A fair sized
audience attended the entertainment at
the opera house last evening, given hy
the public schools and S J Nnnn. The
preliminary exercises by the school
"children were interesting, when the
stereoptiean followed. The scenes were
full of interest. MrNunn took his au
dience from the Hotel Portland, showing
that fine building, another block, the
Morrison street bridge, Oregon City falls,
Ashland, State Capital at Sacramento,
and then a large number of big trees, and
more of Yosemite, the best variety we
have ever seen of that valley, wonderful
in scenic affect. Tonight Italy will be
presetted, preceded by a short program
by the public schools.
A Great Pianist. The world re
nowned pianist, Mr Robert Tolmie, will
render a programme full of interest to ail
lovers of music at the Albany opera house
Falday evening, Jan 13. Prices, 75 and
50 cents. The Portland Telegram says:
Mr Robert Tolmie's piano recital at
Durand Music Hall last eve.iin? was well
attenced, and was a decided artistic suc
cess. The programme was a most ex
cellent one, consisting of twelve numbers.
The opening number, a Beethoven sonata,
was exqulsltfvelv given, and stamped Mr
Tolmie as a thorough pianist, as did the
following numbers of Chopin and others,
which showed great brilliancy of execu
tion. Supreme Court. The following are
among recent decisions :
Horace Cline. resp, vs J C Goodall,
app; appeal from Lane county; judg
ment of the lower court reversed and bill
disn issed; opinion by Judge Moore.
John Gaines, app, vs C E Cyras et al,
resp; appeal from Linn county; appeal
dismissed; opinion by Judge Bean.
A E Curry vs Southern Pacific Com
pany, appellant; appeal from Linn
county; judgment of the lower court af
firmed ; opinion by Cbiet Justice Lord.
In Oregon In 1890, according to the
census of that year, there were 181,040
males and 131,937 females. Total. 313,
767. Of the nunber 256,450 are native
norn and 7.7 foreign born; the propor
tion of native born being large compared
to other states. The per centage of for
eigners is only 7.63. In California 30.3J.
301,758 are whites ; colored, including
Chinese. Indians and Japs. 12,009. In
Linn county theie are 8,712 miles and
7,553 females. 15,118 are native born and
only 1,147 foreign born, Theie aie enly
153 colored people In the county.
Or EfioNiAN Railroads. Following Is
the railway mileage In Oregon, as given
by he commission: Oregon & California,
567.50; Oregon Railway & Navigation,
547.53; Northern Pacific, 38.82; Willam
ette Valley & Coast, 141.81 ; Oregon &
Washington Terrltorr, 44.68; Indepen
dence & Monmouth, 3.50; Rogue River
Valley, 5.50; Astoria & Southern Coast,
15.60; Coos Bay, Roseburg Si Eastern, 10;
8umpter Vallev, 24: Portland Willam
ette Valley, 28; Oregonlan, 58; total,
1483.94 miles.
Prevent and euro Constipation and Sick.
ueaoacuc, amauuuuj
Wear a pair of artio as, in yonr rubber
boots and keep your feet warm, at Klein
The Marked Success
of Scott's Emulsion in consump
tion, scrofula and other tonus of
hereditary disease is due to its
powerful food properties.
Scott's Emulsion
rapidly creates healthy flesh-
proper weignt. Jrlereditary
taints develop only when tbe
system becomes weakened.
Nothing in the world
of medicine has been
so successful in dis
eases that are most
menacing to life. Phy
sicians everywhere
prescribe it.
Prapaewf by Sontt a Bowae. If. T. All dmria
Guaranteed to cure Bilious attacks,
Sick Headache and Cosstlpatioa. 40 in
each buttle. Prlco 26s. For sale by
(11111!'." , i-
Pl ( - -,'.-" an implo dose free.
. r. 6 :.l U LC, I i-a. r.iUir;, HEW YORK.
Relics of the Mayflower. Mrs N
HLooney, of Jefferson, is the custodian
of various relics that are heirlooms.
Among the things lelt by her mother
were some old silver that include a teas
poon marked "P B" for Peggy Barton,
who brought this spoon over in the
"Mayflower." Her grandmother, Mrs
L S Buckinham, who died here last year,
was descended from the Bartons, ami the
Buckinghams date back to Gov Bradford,
who also came in the "Mayflower." She
has reminiscences of her grandmother
Buckinham also, that are ancient. On
the Clarke side she possesses a linen
napkin, supposed to have been of home
spun, the flax grown on the Strong farm
in Massachusetts before the revolution .
A pin of ancient make fasten a note.that
in 1800 the then venerable mother of
Caleb Strong, of Massachusetts, pre
sented as a relic to her neice. Mr Clarke
brought this on his recent return from
the eaat. Gov Strong.his great uncte,was
the peer of the Hancocks i.nd Adamses
during the revolution, was a member of
the constitutional convention of the
United States, the first senator from
MassAchusets,serving about twelve yeats
and refusing re-election. He was then
governor for as many years and refused
re-election. Filling lor thirty years tne
highest offices the old Bay state could
give. Mrs Looney has a beautiful
damask tablecloth, homemade also.epun
and woven from the flax by her great
grandmother Clarke, sister of Gav Caleb
Strong, over a hundred years ago. The
family is thus descended from the Buck
inghams, Bartons, and Bradfrds on the
mother's side, and on the side of the
Clarke' from Lieut Wm Clarke, the
Strongs and Jessups, who were pilgrims
anterior to 1830. and Wvnkoops, who
settled on the Hudson in 1516. States
man. Probate Matters. In estate Artemas
Dodge, A A Kees, Frank Moist and S M
Garland were appointed appraisers.
in estate ot icyphene bchooiine. a I
tomostone to cost not eceedtng it Jo
In estate of H K Schooling no tomb
stone ordered.
In estate cf Elizabeth Sherfy final ac
count approved.
In estate 'of Henry Ingram, additional
inventory filed; real property $i6So. Pe
tition for sale of real property filed, and
citation ordered Iccied.
In estate of John Bilyeu, will admitted
to probate and Haman Shelton appointed
executor. Bond approved, amount $15..
In estate of G B Nicrvirnsey first ac
count filed. Petition to sell real property
filed and citation o-UercJ issued.
In estate Claud Shelton, citation lo G W
Sxndford ordered issued.
In estate 8 B Finnegan, first account
sp proved. 1
In estate Sarah M White, citation, on
petition to sell real estate ordered issued.
In estate Wm. Walter and Mvrtle Mc
Brida, J A McBride was appointed guar
dian. In estate of A Peuge. report of sale of
personal property confirmed.
Want a Postponement. The O. P
sale is advertised for the 16th instant.
An application has been made .or a post
ponement nntil the 7th o! March. It is
doubted if Judge Fullcrton grants it, at
least without a remarkably strong show
ing. The general opinion is that there
have been too many post ponesnents al
ready. In reference to the matter the
Corvallis Times says: Developments
here indicate that the bondholders are
endeavoring to carry out the plan of ex
amining the road by the bondholders,
and levying an assessment in order to
save it. Papers have already been eerved
on L Flinn, attorney of the Oregon Pa
cific, giving notice that application willj At the residence of the bride's parents,
be made in the circuit court tomorrow in A loan v, on Sabbath, Jan 8th 1S03 bv
asking for a postponement of the sale of ! Rev. C. ' G. Harmon, Mr.' Llghton"
the road until March 7th. The applies-j Jefferis and Miss Lena Rivers Cox were
tion is made by the Farmers' Trust and j united In marriage. A fine wedding re
Loan Co., acting for the bondholders, j past was served and the happv couple
and will say that the additional time is were remembered with a good displav of
required in order that an expert may be presents. This, worthy young couple
sent over the road la examine and report 1 have the best wishes oPmanv friends for
upon its valne. Tne
denouement is
awaited with interest
Fire at Staytox. A disastrious fire
occurred at Stayton yesterday n.orning.
Starting in Bruers dryoeds atore from a
defective fine it burned that (tore, loss
$1300, insurance $zooo The office of the
Silverton Times and the Svery stable oc
cupied by Thomns Ross ft Co, no insur
ance on either. The Times outfit was
entirely 'destroyed, also W E Thomas
undertaking establishment over Bruer'a.
Loss $1,500. without sny insurance. Some
of the goods of Bruer were Saved . decreas
ing the loss, which will be covered by in
surance. The fire was a essasiriou't one
for the city.
A Dxad Chinaman The uncertainty
of life applies 10 Celestials as well as to white
men. A a emphatic case occ Bred this morn
ing. A laboring Mongolian who came to
Albany two or three weeks ago. bss been
stopping at the Ferry Street boarding house.
Last night be went to bed in apparent health.
This morning not putting ia appearance he
was looked sfter, and found dead, bis body
being slightly warm at the time. He wss
buried this afternoon in heathen style. He
bad $40 on his person.
A Joking Papee. The Oregonian does
not joke; bnt here is a good one from it
on Sam Case : The Oregon Pacific rail
road is tp be sold again on the 16th. It
is rumored that the road will be pur
chased by S Case, a millionaire hotel roan
ot .Newport, wbo will extend the line
from Yaquina to that city. The men
employed on tbe road have not been paid
for the laat ten months, but a great deal
of work has been done on tbe line in the
way of pntting in new ties, ballasting,
etc, and in repairing the bulkheads at
Ovficerh Electeb. At the annual
meeting of tbe Epworth League, of the
M E Church, last evening, the following
officers were elected for tbe ensuing s:x
months :
President. Lnther Elkins.
1st Vice, R K Ohling.
2nd Vice, Miss VVjnnie Chamberlin.
3rd Vice, C w Elkins.
4th Vice, Mrs J McChesney.
Secretary, Miss Mar Rideout.
Treasurer, Joseph Ralston.
Organist, Miss Emma Cougill.
Assistant, Miss Ella Torhet.
Chorister, T M lsliam.
An Increase Htu.-Tbe Democrat
yesterday published an Item from a Eugene
paper showing a great decrease in the sale of
passenger tickets at that city, end implying
that it was general on the road. Our local
S P men tell the Lcmocat that this Aott
nol apply to Albany for the past month,
where there was an increase, as well as
considerable of one during the v ear. We
will endeayor to give the exact figures in a
few days. Albany, after all, is the k R
center, in business, and for a fact
January Is the dullest month commer
cially, of the year; yet it is not a time for
Health ad Beauty. Talk to
only at room Viavi Co, Baltimore Bloca-,
Thursday 2pm
Th Testimonials
Published on behalf oi Bond's Sarsaparilla
art as reliable and as worthy your confidence,
as II tbey came from your best and most
ttnatedneishbor. Tbsy state simple facts.
Hood'sPills sick headache.
Cash Grocery Store Allen Bros, i
now In their new quarters in the Brink Block,
at the corner of Feiry an.' Sccoud Street.
and wi'.h cheap rents, a im.ill expense account
generally, and a first clsss stock of goods,
are prepsrrd to give their customers the best
bargains to be obtained in the city, for cash.
Cash counts with them, and the public want
ing the best goods snd produce to be se
cured in the city should call on them, where
they will get low prices and the best goods
Moving Outfit. The undersigned is
prepared to do all kinds of house raising
and house moving promptly and in first
class order. Call or leave orders at my
residence at cor of Third and Oak streets,
Albany. J B Tillotbon.
Novelties in wedding and bsll invitation
at Smiley, Tbe Leaning Printer.
Klein's for slippers.
Will ft Stark, ft jewelers.
License has been Issued for the mar
jlage of W M Mania and Etta T Blaker.
Mr Burr Sloan and family, of Mon
mouth, are in the city, visiting friends.
A F Hershner, of Corvallis, is a candi
date for register of the land office at Ore
gon city.
Judge Boise is fitting up an office and
will resume the active practice of law al
Miss Annie Pagenkoff, of Benton coun
tv, is lu the cltv, the guest of Rev J T
Mr and Mrs Robert Huston, of CorvallU,
r .'turned home this noon, aftei a severs!
days visit in Albany.
W H Soaugh, of Harrisbuig, Is chair
man of the State Central Committee oi
the People's Party.
Mrs Dr Gaff, of Pdrtland, formerly of
Shedd, is in the city the guest of her
brother, Mr Geo Acheson.
Rev J T Abbett left this noon for Cor
vallls, where he will assist Rev Gould In
revival services during the week.
W S Ladd was the greatest philanthro
pist of the Northwest. He earned his
money by attention to business and gave
freely. .
Mr S S Train and daughter, of Albany,
arrived this afternoon for a short visit at
the residence of Rev G M Whitney.
Eugene Guard.
J O Booth, Esq, of Douglas count v, was
In thi city the last week. Mr Booth is
seeking the appointment of register In the
Roseburg land office.
C F Crowell, well-t nown in Albany,
having been a drummer at one time, died
In Portland a few days ago of typhoid
Joseph Dod&on and Nancy Ros:oe were
recently married in Marshfield. Joseph
will need no advice to remember the boom
saying of a couple years ago.
Mr and Mrs O H Irvine returned this
noon to their home at McMlnnvllle, Dr
Irvine has been gradually improving the
past week, though he Is not yet out of
Judge Whitney, W R Bilyeu, Attorney
General Chamberlain and J R Wyatt all
of Albany, were in our city Friday.
Harrisburg Courier.
Rev C C Sperry, the champion knot tier
of Linn county for 1802, has moved from
Brownsville to Eugene, where he will
reside. He takes with him the best
wishes of a large number of Linn county
friends. Mr Harris, editor of ihe Amity Pop
Gun. and Miss Lillle Mlller.were recently
married. Harris tried to make a skoop on
the item by keeping it private until his
paper was published; but failed to do so.
It leaked out.
The light-hearted ex-editor Johnson, of
Corvallis, has reformed since he left off
newspaper work. He now abhors tobacco,
would'nt take a "nip" fos a thousand
dollars and doesn't care very much for the
society of even "the fairest of the fair."
He rode down hill on a bobsled Christmas
day, and when his wounds heal over and
the curve in his left shlnbone straightens
out he will take to the pulpit. Bob is all
right. Welcome.
On New Years eye all those who were
interested in raising money for the Rev
Mr Marlin of Halsey who has been com
ing out to the Lake Creek school house
and preaching to the people, met at the
school house and had a pie social. There
were seventeen pies sold for Si 7. Two
cakes were al&a wvH xjn& Anna '
Parmer's was a prize cake cut In 25 pieces
each piece sold for ten cents which made
$2 50 for cake, Johrie Evens got the prize
which was ten cents. Cor. Harrisburg
life s best prosperity and happiness.
Or Sunday evening, Jan. 8th, 1S93, at
the Masonic Temple, in Albany. Mr
Phil Lewis, the popular merchant of
Ellensburg, VVn., and Miss Isabelle Sen
ders. a life long resident of Albany, and
an accomplished young lady with a host
of friends, were united in marriage, Rev.
Dr. Dloch, of Portland, officiaUng. The
ceremony was performed under an ele
gant wedding be? I suspended from the
electric chandelier, and was an interesting
affair. Mr. H. Stanhauser, of Portland,
and Adoiph Senders of Albany, acted as
best men, and Miss Pauline May, of Har
risburg, and Miss Amelia Senders, of Al
bany, each beautifully costumed, as brides
maids. The bnds looked well In a
handsome white silk,orr.aments, diamond.
After the ceremony the bridal party re.
paired to the depot hotei, where a fine
repast was served, pronounced one of the
finest ever gotten up hi Albany, doing
credit to the caterer, Mr. Vandran. The
table was handsomely decorated, pre
senting an attractive spectacle. This was
followed by several hour? in tripping the
light fantastic toe, with excellent musk
furnished by Crawford's orchestra. The
bride and groom left on the noon train for
their new home in Ellensburg, taking
with them the best wishes of a large circle
of friends here and elsewhere. Those
present at the wedding were : Messrs and
Mmes. A Lewis, Ellensburg, Wn , Sam
May, of Harrisburg', J G Senders, of
Harrisburg, M Stemburg, P Cohen, J
Crad w-chl, I Fox,M Bauragart.L Senders,
Maurice Senders, Ben Brenner, Messrs A
Senders, Otto Salinger, H Stanhauser. of
Portland, S M Cooper, of San Francisco,
A Sternburg, C W Casey, Slg Cohen, Al
Senders, Barnev May, of Portland, Adolf
Senders, Leo Cohen, WHCoean, and
Misses Clara Sternburg, Pauline. Amelia
and Nora May, of Harrisburg. the Misses
Goldsmith, of Eugene, Pauline Kline, of
Corvallis. Alice and Fannie Brenner,Clara
Cohen, Hannah C-hen, Amelia Scnderr,
Belle and Minnie genders.
License wss issued to day for the mir-
riage of E E Cooper, and Hollie M Pcail,
daughter of Jas A Pearl, of Halsey.
E L Thompson, of Portland, was in the
city today. H!s lather-in-law Hon K A
Irvine, w no has been ill, is greetlv im
Mr and Mrs A D l.redv. of Helix,
Dinatilla county, are in the ci'.v. Mrs
laVMly has been seriously ill ; but is now
better. Mr. Frank Foster, a prominent young
merchant of Walla Walla, is in the city
vi.itiug a friend cr two, and from here will
go straight to Ssn Francisco.
Last Friday night Mrs Jane McMeekin
died at the home of her son, Wm. S. Hale
of Haystick, st the advanced age of seventy
nine years. Ochoco Review.
At the regular meeting of Salety Lodge
No 13 A O U VV , on Monday evening Jan 9,
i TOte ' thanks was tendred tol'rof Isom's
orcnestra tar their valuable assitlsnce in tne
way of music furnished by them at the recent
public Installation held by the Lodge.
Wm M Hoag. Wallis Saab. Jenh Job
and Prof Bloss, of Corvallis, returned last
night Irom Portland, where they bad
been to attend the funeral of W S Ladd,
who was president of the board of regents
of tbe State Agricultural College, in
which they are interested as directors
and otherwise.
Mr H C Watson, the lawyer, returned
today from Memphis, Tenn, where he
had been to assist in prosecuting Foster,
the murderer of Mrs Watson's father,
Judge Morgan . As heretofore stated the
villain was found guilty, and sentenced
to the penitentiarv for life.
I- E Blain returned last evening from
a business triD to Portland. While there
lie attended the luneral 01 w o iMaa at
Calvery Presbvterien church. The very
large attendance was noticeaDie tor tne
number of old men present, evidently
pioneers and friends of tbe deceased.
Mr Cole, manager of the Albany Wool
en Mills store of Portland, is in the city.
Tbe ads. in Portland papers, though
read, J M Mover A Co, successors to the
Brownsville Woolen Mill Company, a
designation the present Woolen Mill of
Brownsville kick at. Mr Cole is a rustler
in the business.
Mrs C L Brush and sen cf Portland, are
visiting Albany relatives and friends.
Prof Condit, president of tbe Albany col
lege, gave an excellent lecture in the college
chapel Stnjday. Corvallis Timet.
Geo E Fish left to day for Albany, where
he goes to do the plumbing work on the
steam laundry now In process of erection In
that city.- Corvallis Times.
Last evening at the residence ol Mr Thoi
Jones the members of the Episcopal church
gave a social, attended by forty or fify.
An enjoyable time was had, a fine lunch
served, and cards and music were the order.
M E Brink has aded to bis library the
Revised Statutes of the United States, ills
is the only set of this compendium of na
tional law in Central Oregon. Prineville
News. v
Monday evening the neighiors of MrCbas
Metrger tendered him and Mrs M'Uger a tin
wedding party, that being the loth anniver
sary of their wedding. Seveial hours were
passed in a pleasant manner. The house
was pretty well supplied with tin things of
every kind almost hut a tin roof, the absence
cf which was generally regretted.
(J. N. Duncan, eountr fudge: Wm. Runibaurrh
end J. W. Push, Commlaaiunera.)
Bill of Moses Miller, aid Frest, 810.00,
Supervisors appointed: D H Am
brose, dist 48 ; A Croft, dist 16 ; John
Conser, dist 12; Chat Bryant, dist 28; R
L DeYaney, dist 5; Jerry Shea, dist 50;
Marion Maloney, dist 3; Wm Mespelt,
dist 6; EL Bryan, dist 17 ; Smith Cox,
dist 47; Jonathan Card, dist 20; E N
McCaw ,dist 39 ; W A Templeton.dist 32 ;
Dan McGreggor, Jist 18.
The following bills were ordered paid:
Mack Sawyer.aid Hendersons $10 00
Ladies Aid Society, aid poor 15 00
W E Savage, aid J W Cox 10 00
G F Crawford, aid Mrs Robsrs 8 00
John Burnett, aid Junxey 8 00
H Baker, aid Mrs Gallowav 8 (1
W H Gulliford, aid Mrs Johnson. . 10 00
P O Hardy, sup dist 49 33 00
A Croft, sup dist 16 43 00
ST Crook, sun dist 12.
. 20 00
19 00
. 78 00
. 30 00
. 22 00
. 7 00
. 40 00
46 00
. 80 00
. 53 00
. 27 50
. 2 00
. SS 33
. 6 50
. 8 75
- 6 48
. 5 Of
. 1 60
. 24 00
. 29 75
. 5 00
. 10 00
. 14 00
Otto Krleg.sup dis(28
R L DeVaney, sup dist 5
G W Hawee, sup dis'- 60
Jacob Shank, dist 3
Wm Mespelt, snp dist 6.
Geo Lnper, sup dist 17
Louis ZuhlsdoH, dist 47
D F Stutevant, snp dist 20 . .
D C Swank, sup dist 39
Albany Electric Co
John A Thompson, wild cat..
Brice Wallace, salary
L E Blain Clothing Co
S Goorley, acct roads
Hay tie & Buck
Aid Nelson Johnson
Rebate MaryCrader
W A Templeton, snp dist 32
C W Watts, printing
Cbas II Hart, glazing jail
Dan McGreggor, snp dist 18..
P J Smiley, printing
The court was making list of jurymen
for 1893 during afternoon- The tax levy
will probably be made tomorrow, and
will in all probability be 18 mills.
Thos Sim to Mary Sim,
15 acres
12 w 2 1
J L Martin to Sarah J Arnold,
1 lot, Scio
John A McPhee to W S Phillips,
one half interest 156 acres,
12 E 2
360 1
E Turner by ex to Mildred Kimsev.
93.5Sacrea 11 w 4
E Turner, ex to Geo C Turner, et al
30520 acres 11 w4
Owen Thompson to M V KoroU,
all interest in estate of Owen
E Turner, by ex to Sarah j Hul-
burt, 2 Iota bl 42, Albany....- 000
Win Move Feb. 15th. From now un-
til Feb. 15th we will wl! B00U tnd Shoes
at errat! v reduced prices In or.ler to reduce
our large stock before moving in our new
quarters. Ketpectlullv.
Klein Bros.
Boots and Shoes I carry the large
line of medium priced and good wearing
boys, misses and children shoes ia the city,
and have just added a line of steel shod
school shoe which I rerommeod to the I
trade. Dont forget that I repair any shoe '
f sell free of chaige.
S F. Tounc. I
. Cure for Cofcls, Fevers and General De
btbty. Sawa Itue tssana. Sc. per bottle.
. 1 - fii 1 . 4
a..,.... rv.w.,u;..sU
Srog ram o! Institute No 5. to meel at
bedd. Jan 14th, 1893 commencing at
m', .
Teaching of proportion I G Gibson.
I Dnnlap, Mattie Cross.
rnroary geograpny II Lastta,
inaiy Le, l.mnie ttamsey, ri race Mat-
Opening exercisesClara Harker.
A Kobb. Ida I'orter. Ella Hunrap.
noon. Ida rorier. fcila ininmn.
1 he nabitt of the teacher R K Mich-
ener Nelli,. Inei T llmerait VrA
. ' --- ----, - 5
A lecturer is expected for Saturday j
W H Latta, Pres.
W A Robb, Sec
want good groceries
than snything else. It means a good
deal for the harmony of the household. ;
Matters go aloni, more smoothly. Deal j
with Conn & Hendricson and you will get j
the best groceries at the lowest prices f
Iheir produce I always fresh, and they
keep tne latest In everything. You are j
not In It if you do not buy your eating
golds ot Conn &z HendrlcMW.
A Handsome Pbizc
A beautiful ail-
ver water pitcher,
now on exhibition at
F L Kenton's grocery store, will br given
awsy on Washington's birthday. A ticket
is given for every 50 cent cash purchase
. Batterick patterns at Bead's.
You want the heat groceries to be
aecured in the city; than call on Parker
You want flesh produce just Irom the
gardeners, then call on Parker Bros.
Pei haps
Yon want the best Inked goods In the
i city, breads, cak-, coil, let, pies, etc., then
call on farker Bres and vou will get the
goods and first class treatment.
1893. During tne year 1893, from be
ginning; to end, Will tt otark propose to
keep up their reputation of having the
finest stock of jewelry, watches, silver
warp, etc , In the valley. Tf you want the
best goods at reasonable prices call on
Kid Gloves from $1 a pair up. I aasvy
nil line of loading brand in black,- and col
ored. Will receive novelties for tbe holidays.
Agenfforthe celebrated Ceutemeri glovt.
Samsel E. Vol nii
QTOP at Will & Stark's when yo i are
vJ alter diamonds, the best,
the finest silverware to be secured.
have them.
Ono Small Tlllo
IToan every nlirht fore
week aruuso Torpid Livers.
'&. I Kir bottle
Letter Mst.
Following is the list of letters remaining
in the poet ollioe at Albany, Linn county,
Oregon, Deo 26, 1892. Persons calling for
these letters must give tbe date saa. which
they were advertise.!. "es
Bloss, Hal
Buck, Mr C
Dawson, J M
Glose, Miss Violy
Gember, J W
Hardwick, Hattie
Hassellton, John
Hostetter.Mre E M
Lilian!. Link
15 randan, Mrs A
Cooper,Mrs Ribecca
Delaney, Mrs Carrie
Gerows, I 8
Gibson, J G
Harrison, Richard
Henderson, w li
Huston, Mrs E M
McQuade, J H
Miner, Julius E
Rhingurts, George
Keidtae, August
Taylor, John
Walchter, Wm
Williams, Nancy E
Morrow, Pat
Reed, Walne
upain, J
Thompson, Lizzie 2
Walsh. E C
Wrenn, Werner
Thus, Mont kith, P. M.
The Oregon t'aeifio R It property will be
sold one vi irom toaay. Then well,
By request ef Marshal McKeron, all the
saloon, but cu or two wore kept closed yes
terday. Missing wmd conUsts rr the raue in sorr.e
pUccs. They have been declared lotturies
lu at lea oua country, and certainly aavor
a little Ui.a way.
Mr Lmiis Allan has the Dbmocbat b
thanks far some flae canned aalmnn from
McCowan's cannery at Astoria. This !s tha
cannery ot whicii Mr Allen will have the
auperictendeaov the coming year.
Thesoitof th Harrisburg Water Power
Company va Perry Hyde was a -tiled out of
court, Mr Hyde agreeing to pay the awesa
meute now due on the stock, al all futuie
assessments on tbe same. llsrristmrg
A carpenter at work in the basement of s
La Grande hotel triad to move a barrel of
whisk v, but it waa too lias y for him. He
then placed his lips lo the fauost ami at
tempted to drink tbe vassal dry. Ha was
found after awhile ami the doctors eay be
may recover.
T L Wallace k Co, veiling haye a little
electric show of their iwo. Uv mean oi
wires the electricity ia transmitted along 'he
stove pit e down into the stove at the rear
of the atore, when by touching it a live 1
ahock u received, and a wire around a leg I
of tha stove sends forth sparks enough to set
tire to a pieoe of paper placed at its end.
Slifpsry Mobni.vo. Yesterday
morning was a very slippery time. At
least four persons took lively falta. O H
Irvine struck on bis head near Dr Irvine's
residence, was knocked senseless and was
confined to his bed the rest of the day.
One young lady had to be carried into the
house. The other two were simply well
shaken up. There Is no poetry In striking
on one's head before vou can count two.
0 K Wolverine, ha, rented a 00, pie office,
in tbo Flmn Jilocb and will morV.nto the
aim a few days. eflor: will be made to repeal tbe mort
A neat arrangement at Boeaeeke Br-, gaKe tax aW tj secure precinct aseese
Coniccuooary and cigar atore ia ao electric ; ore. reu'aling tee of clerks and sheriff,
lighter, electricity beloe;ued. The machine , perjp8 providing for salaries, auiend
will give one a slight and mWreating shock. ng , Australian ballot law.permitting
Joe Leibo, a morphine fiend, was arrested ; fish to pass Oregon City, championed by
last evening for vagrancy by Marshal Mc- Hon Milt Miller, amending the road
F er.n, his first arrest. He will leave tbe laws, etcetera. Every member thinks
city whea sufficiently atreag'beaed. he has to do something, and is ready
Richards Phillips are making motive ar- j with his rolls of bills, some of which are
raogcoieata to begin oneratieos at tkeir : already in type, to jump to bis feel and
steam lauoJry To-v have - n of tbe fioeet get an early number for his bill, i' he
plants in the state. It is all here bat on de-
layed piece, which will pat ff their eteoirn
day somewhat.
Tbe regular meeting of the C L B C will
be bald tomorrow evening at the residence
Xfra Walter MnnUnth It will b an even.
iog with Whittier. OSd Chautacqaaits in crl: CliletCiera, ULMierman, ul l
tbe city, aa well a mesabeis and those in- j ion ; assistant clerk, Turner; Sam Gar
teresttd ia the readings will be weleoeie. 'nd. ' Lebanon, received the democrat
. . . ! vote : reedine rlorlr Idem Holman - wp.
Albany ia deaiined la tae een:e 01 a
great hail .emu country, new prune :
Orchard, particelerl, are being set cut all 1
around. H J Moon, recently of Kansas, j
.... w . w a ...
naa m acres 01 K.ixeii Mcuneany,
rsfoas the river and will plant pert el
, pmoea.
lMtrauitMmiikJBEMy tiling clerk? McCormick!
respect left, even for an ex guard at the L,. ke oer
pemwnuery. SSSSS a ooaw e 1 01 eoeer
-ear and an oversh.rt off the hne ol I
! s-iTu m
w. - -"- ewe. . jrw
On the evecuog of Pri lay Jan SJ aa ewtsr-
taumeni will be gives at Saodndgw II ' . at!
tbe people of that vie nit y should alter, i. 1:
will cooeut of a hoe ptocrsni. . .
sapper end music by McKnigbts orttw-ta,
Admission SScenta, uvriodisg eeeevCc..
fhe New En 'ami N'straal'Baiidiec and ,
lovestosent Associatioa file.! ippUmet.Lal nais of 4at session; adopted. Reeolu
arttclea of inoorpora Joo in tbe effije of the ' tion that each member be sUDDlied with
! secretary ot the elate yesterday. leorg- t
- 1 - ;
I Sears. Geo M Healy. Jobo H Barnard. J M
Thatcher and John I. Aver are'lbe iss-orpo-
rator. aid the capital .t-jck M decreased ;
from $7,000,000 to $500,000 Tne pnoo-
pal office are fort land aed Postoa, Mas.
A roll of bills. $1009, wa reosatl fosed
ia a toll of bailer in Mnneenta.
They hare progressive crokioole parties at
Kane org. The gam eeen-.s to t a favorite
one torr.
Tbe case of the Slate of l);e; a aft Eraek
Togiara. appealed to the rapreme eoart, waa
argued ye terday at Salem.
0 Yaqoina bay is to have a newspaper. J
K Matibews.wui get oat toe nrst iseae f a
rew aodtrtakioe in that line next a tarda v.
' An 01
Auordiaaiwe baa Keen introduced in tbt, j
ieonucil of salesa provtdiaa for an an coal
; aJary of 1500 for the Marshal, and doing
, away with all fees.
Yesterday afternoon seene by were
: ni.,lnl? h iw at tt,. ..-kt
' when an explosion marred, barring Lnyd
Daneati in the lace somewhat.
B E Maleaby, late of Rochester. N . Y.
i baa oeea appointed general superiotendeo:
I ot tne U. I . and entered 00 the discharge as
I bis duties laat Friday. Hsiaae old tele
1 'P"'. ore" as 00. u among
the fastest operators in the I tuttd Slate.
grapher. Having been at one time among
Bargains a; Ileal
Go,d heads i cane at Ereecb'e.
Souvenir j mo at Will A -$:ark'
VIAVI Co ifBce ia Baltimore block.
Tbe beet swtlry at Will & Ktatk.
Fresh eggs at F E Alien ft Co.
Ores good at coat at Read'.
Underwear at cost at Bead'a
Everything at cost at W F Read,
Boots and shoes at cost at W F Read's
Buy V arner Bro corset of W F Resd
Barga ns in summer goods at Read's
Tropby tea something hue at F E Allen A
If you want a Hoe m.k- ask fjr J J sf h
white labor cigar
Until March 1st ver)tbirg t oot a
Several six octave otgsr.s for sate st co
Call on Prof W W Davis.
Com and see the new cbil e.1 plow at
Rampe opposite posteffice.
W bite ft blankets made at tbe Al'any
woolen mills for sale by F E Allea
Patronise borne industry by ssankicg tbe
celebrated white labor cigars, manufactured
by JaHns Joseph.
Why smokes Chios cigar when lor the
same money yon can get a w lite tabor cigar
made by J Joseph.
rtemember sll boots and shoes bonaht of
Klein Bros that tip. mo over or aolee come
loose will be repaiied by ua tire cf charge.
Consumptives, do nnt despair, There is
bone. Try West' Cooah Syrup. It wilt
always enre in early stapes. Procure a
60c large 8 nz. bottle. J A Camming, Drug
gist. Smiley, the Printer, is slias abieaat rf
tbe times, having made improvements in
bis office anil is better prepared than evtr
to supply the people with good printing.
To Raise Tobacco. A Thurston cor
respondent sayr: Dr Russell Is preparing
to engage extensively in tobacco culture
the coming season. There Is nothing to
prevent the doctor from being largely suc
cessful, as he has the necessary plnntcis
and cultivaters ready, also fixtures for
firing anJ grinding the weed after It Is
cured. The seed is Eastern grown.
Eugene Register.
A Good Thing. The new Y MCA
qusrters will be an ornament to Albany.
Work is progiessing rapidly enough to show
how things will he in the futuie. The gym
nasium alone will be an attraction, hlch
should bring Into the association all the live
active men of the city. It will be a good
one, and Includes bars, ladder?, parellelt,
trapeze,, &c. The baths will be worth
the price of the dues. Our citizens gener
ally should support it liberally.
Albany Marks!
Flour, ffi.Oti.
Mutter, 25o.
Egga. 80c.
Lard, 12He.
Pork-hama. 16c, shoulders, 8c atdeaj
Hay. baled, lis
fo atoea, ROo.
Hops, 18o.
Dried fruit pluma, 9c, apples, 9c,
Chickens, 84 60 per dozen.
Beef, on foot, 2c.
Hoki, dressed, flo.p
"I regard the Royal
best manufactured and in
Matters are already on the go, and tbe
prospect is that there will be a cyclone
i 01 bills to alleviate the sufferings of tbe
TJiwltl'jfu th Eft
! g" Thf.,e "J ol
quiet member who votes well and can
' tiously may do the most good for his
W P Kea.i v, as expected, is speaker of
; the house; Chas Nickel, of Jacksonville,
received the compliments of the demo-
' . ' m in r ,
f"1 "un Blonde! ; mcent. door
k"Pr-, ' . t'"rt
"P01:. C W 0iton: ' Pdent i
I 4mVtrmmil fWSHfrsI the lal?irrflf lf w.faa
.TR-7. "
t equalization clerk, assistant ; Severance,
,h. . renins isa that .neauVer
- -
in, . ... ' , ,
adopted. Coneurrwi resolution inform-
ing governor that two houses are organ
ized and ready (or any communication ;
adopted. Northup, Miller and Cpton
appointed lo wait upon governor and ao
j inform him- Resolution that secretary
j' etate furnish members with copies of
of Laas o! Orecoo. session laws of two
last session, and house and sena'e jour
s roar newspapers; aoopteo.
lei K - . . I ..... .1 m l.u
I last senate ordered printed. Senate re
elation No 4 adopted, providing each
member with copv of Hill's code, session
laws, journal, etc, of last senate.
GsTeruor Penaoyer's message waa not
a very savage affair after all, nothing re
mukablr startling characterising it.
He reviews the different departments
an. U tale institutions, advised rettencb-
ment and reform by doing away with
the Railroad and fish commissions. board
of horticulture .domestic animal and food
commissions, and I recommends tbe fol
lowing :
1 A change in the assessment taw
j .. Ihe abolition oi useless com nils -
1 sions.
3. A lew tixsnz maximum rates for
railroad and telegraph companies
ft. A law empowering municipalities to
nx, maximum rates on all monopolies.
5. A l&w authorizing the Governor to
employ a prosecuting wuntee
6. A law giving to all State and county
officers a fixed salary.
7. A general municipal incorporation
.aw .
S A change in the road laws so as to
seen re good roads
9. Providing for the arrest and Dan-
, isllnlentof arrned men 5n priveteemplov.
i0 Tne passage of an inheritance tax
II. The enactment of a law similar to
' that of Washington, exempting home
steads from execution and attachment.
12. Authority to the School Land Com
missior.ers to withhold from anv eonniv
its school fund nntil all the state taxes
from said county aavebeen received.
13. The creation of a State ' Auditing
14. No further illegal appropriation of
money by joint resolution
15. Appropriation for a fish ladder at
Oregon City.
16. A charge in the law relating to the
conveyance 01 criminals anmsane per-
17 Ttlatf ssaefli,nei In rss Tni rnentaf na
Qosmsxa to nroenre amironriation for
a porlgage road at The Dalles of the Co
lumbia; to secure the passage of a joint
resolution allowing Oregon to use the
interest on the Agricultural College
Funds for betterments on the college
property; to secure an extersion of time
in which payment may be made by
eettlers for lands within tbe forfeited
limits; to vote for the free coinage of
t-ilver; the issuance of the paper money
of the country by the Government alone,
and the enactment of an income tax law.
In the house each member was allowed
200 two cent stamps and 100 one cent
wrappers. A committee waa appointed
to visit the loeks at The Dalies and
mouth of Columbia, and state institu
tions, and books of officers. Calender
clerk ordered at 8 per day. Democratic
members voted for $5 per day. A reso
lution by Upton provided that only Un
ion labor cigars and tobacco De smoked.
Referred. Miller, of Lion, introduced
resolution providing for election of sen
ator by ihe people. Special order for
Monday, Jan 16. Foreign immigration
joint memorial adopted. Memorial that
World's fair be not closed on Sunday
adopted. Senate resolution to extend
time for forfeit of railroad lands by con
gress to Jan, '. I, adopted.
By Heady, for a jute factory, and two
bills to amend the code ; Miller, for an
Oregon City Hallway ; Northup.for a free
bridge at Portland ; Belknap, amending
the r!-ctiin, county and assessment laws;
Brown, of Douglas, amending fish laws;
Cur ran, for macadam roads; Ormaby,
amending the assessment law; Miller,
incorporating Lebanon: amending the
code and for a public soda spring at So
daville; Sheridan, amending tba game
law,and to protect Mongolian pheaslnts ;
Belts, amending the game laws, defining
tresspass, and for courts of arbitration ;
ford, exempting ?RiOo! Iiouseliolit prop
erty; Mays, protecting stock owners;
Nickell, protecting Mongolian pheasants, I
amending tne code, and lor recorumu.
wills; Maloney, amending the assess
ment law ; Bishop, amending the mar
riaeg law, and the code; Northup, for
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
m PawderM
Baking Powder as the
the market."
of "Common Sense in the Household!
relief of indigent soldiers ; Daley, for tbe
relief of Lake county, and exempting
homesteads from execution; Ormaby,
regulating hours of labor on street rail
way lines, and amending the election
law; Myers, on sea lionsi Merritt, on
wire fences, and amending game law,
and numerous city charter laws and
amendments to code.
In tbe senate usual examining com
mittees were appointed. Codes ordered
purchased for members and customary
orders for stamps, etc. Among tbe bills
introduced were, bv Denny, providing
for two additional circuit judges in the
4th judicial district ; by Blackmansking
for $5,000 for bridge across north fork of
John Day river; by Meyers, te reguate
road supervisors; by Cogswell. to regu
late branding of cattle ; by McGinn, au
thorizing the city of Portland to acquire
two free bridges : by Meyers, protecting
laborers under a receiver.
Cross introduced a bill for a board of
examiners of steam engines.
Moose resolution to appoint a joint
committee of five to prepare joint mem
orials to congress on foreign immigra
tion ; praying for tbe early completion of
Nicaragua canal, and the opening of tbe
World's fair on Sunday, were concurred
Tuesday evening, Jan 10.
Present Mayor Cowan, Recorder Hen-
ton, Street Commissioner Wsetisll, Mar
shal McFeroo.andCaancilmen Whitney.
Stewart. Pieiffer. Butkhart. Marshall
and Wheettr.
Did rules ordered adopted.
1 he follow irg committees were
noonced by lie Mayor:
Ways and Means P B Marshall, C G
Burk hart and C H Stewart,
accounts and Current Expenses C G
Bnrknart, Chas Pfbiffer and P B Marshal!
Ftreet and Pnblic Property Cbas
Pfeiffer, Jasoo Wheeler and C H Stewart
Ordinances J J Whitney, C G Burk
ba:: and Jason Wheeler.
Licenses Jason AYbeeier.Cbaa Pfeiffer
and J J Whitney.
Fire and W,urC H Stewart, C G
Burkhart and P B Marabai!.
Health and Police Chas Pfeiffer Jason
Wheeler and 1 .1 Whitney.
Petition of M F Ferrell asked for a re
duction of 1700 on ease as men t. Referred
lo committee on ways and means.
Petition asked for retention cf C O Lee i
aa Engineer ot Albany Engine Co No 1. ;
also :or retention of John Jones as En
gineer of No 2'a
Application of I C Dickey, A E Bloom
and F M WestfaH for Street Commie
sioner. W A McClain for nigbtwatch,
John J one .and C Lee for nightwatcbee
and engineers read and filed.
Ordinance bill 27$ referred to commit
tee on fire and water.
Tbe recorder was instructed (o adver
tise for bids, for lumber, dirt, gravel,
boarding prisoner and printing.
Bark hart A Harknese were granted 40
days further time iu which to complete
sewer contracts.
The matter of ejection of citv officer
usual at this t,me was postponed nntil
next meeting.
The commtnittee on waje and mesne
weie directed to investigate and report
at next meeting on ways and means of
letrencbment in the citys expenses, in
cluding electric lights.
Tbe following bills were allowed :
Mavor Cowan . 00; old counciimen,
fr CO; J Oradwohl. $12 50 ; Mrs Purdom
SI2 80 John Hoffman, co' letting taxes.
$66 1 1 ! Conn A J-beli, repairing bridge,
1120 00.
Bill of Electric Light Co of 2S4 re
ferred, on account of lights not being
used during storm.
$100 Eeward, $100.
The reader of Ona peper will 'e pleased to
learn t hat there is SS 's--t one dreaded disease
that science ha bead able to cure in ail it
stages and that is Catarrh. Ball's Catarrh
Cure is the only poailive cure Boer known to
tbe medical fralernl'.' . Catarrh being a con
stitutional disease, rrooirr a cona'.itniional
treatment. Hail's Ciuirrh Cur is taken inter
nally. acttmrdirecuv tron the blood and ma
ooas snrfacc of the sys't m, there by destroying
the foundation ot the l!eeiw. sad giving tbe
Utieat strength bv btiil-tineuptheconstitution
and assisting nature in doing it work. Tbe
proprietors have so much faun in its curative
power, tne they oner Une Hundred Dollars
ror anv ease taai 11 wis so core
Bead foe
lint of testimonial.
Addresa, F. J . CHElfET A 00.
Sata)old by Drnsciata. .x.
Toledo, O.
PkrmasTlXT liRtscit Lactsdsy. A
branch office of the Sali.n Steam laun
dry has been established in Albany. All
work will be collected and tbe laundried
articles delivered at Salem prices. No
other expense All work sua ran teed.
Orders may be left with Osborn Davy.
pjrmanent agent and solicitor for Albany
Captain weenev. U S A.San Diego, Cel.,
save. "hil hV Catarrh Kenedy i the tint
medicine I have ever found that would dome
any good. Price, SO cis. Sold by Fos hay
& Masoa.
The btstaat onflee in the city at Cam ad
The ftnost linel of pocket
knives in the
eity st Stewart A Box's.
Great is taction iu Aetmo'.or wind mills
I r Dei em b rr. See.tbe agea', W W Ci -.w-ford.
Fo your school shoe go t Kltin Bio 1 as
hey repair ttiem free ot charge if they rip,
un oyer or the aolee come loose.
Try W FRead when you wai t shoe.
Shiloh's Cure, the grett cough and croup
onre, is for sale hy n. 1 on t a-ss contain
twenty-live doaor.caly 25a. Children love it.
Tothay A Mason.
COUPONS tken at W F Read s.
Call and see new fall dress goods at W
Cost! Cost! Cost!
1. F. READ k CO.
On account of change in businesB.we will un
til Mareh 1st sell our entire stock AT
COST (except Buttriek Patterns) This
will be the GREATEST SALE over held
in Albany. Our stoak is full and complete
in every line, i Come and see what we will
do lor you.
Sauer kraut,
Chow chow,
White fish,
and all t
Buy Stoves am Ranges of Mattliews & Washbcr
Bar Stoves andRanges of Matthews & Washbar
Buy Stoves and Ranges ni Mattbews & Washb rn
Bay Stoves tni Ranges of Matthews & Washbari.
Buy stom and Ranges of HattHews k Wasibu
We need some cheap,
Unique JOB Printing
And I shall send an order, at once to
Flinn Block, Albany, Or
He has the largest stock of Printers'
Stationery and the best equipped Job Office
in the Valley, good work and low prices
should be appreciated, all work delivered
when promised, and we will
SaJkany, Wrecea
aidant... .J L COWAJT,
.President IK RALSTON.
n asoToas, J L Oewaa, J sf Ralaton, W 8
U4d, W U Oolira, J A Or word and 0 A Arch
fRANSACTS a nunl baaUn- be
DBA W Slum DRAFTS i Har York,
ii fartltr I, Oregon.
LOAN MOriKYoo approved seeorHy
RXCKIVB dapotiU aabteet check.
Guaranteed to enre Bilious Attack Sod
Cooetipation, 8maM Bile Bsaaa.
-x- Oregon
Sweet pickles,
Dried fruits
In large variety,
Specialties in
Teas and coif as,
kings nice,
AT -
Cabinet photo, from $ 1. 50 to Sa
fJ f . per dosen. Enlaigin pictures
l&Z0?lt) a'11'- 'tj10 cra-von
J lor 10.00. We carry a la ige 1
01 5x3 ana sterescoplc views cf C
A new and Complete Treatment, cn statin; of Sup
slorls.Oinnieot in CapsuleaAlao In B aad Pitla
a FeMe Oore rot axtemaljnterral. Blind ,.r Bleed,
las; Itching, Chronic, Recent ar Hereditary lllea, and
many othor diaeaaes and female weakneaeea; ittt al
ways a gnat tenant to th general health. The firet
Jjaooverv ot a a.edical cure rendering an operation
with the knife nun -eaterr hereafter. Thi
ha new beau known total. $1 per box 6 for as'
sent ;j mail. Why suffer from this terrible disease
esVsa a written ruuantee ia positively given with 6
bozaa.v refund the money if nor eared. Seed sump
or tree Sample. Qttita&lee iaraad by
J A Cwasastag. Dragls. Heae Aeat.
Alaeuay. Wregea