The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 06, 1893, Image 2

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    She letuwat.
The democrats of the senate will have
no more important duty before them, upon
the reassembling of congress, than that of
pressing to a pannage the bills for the ad
mission of Arizona and New Mexico to the
Since the creation of the new states two
years ago. the denial of sisterhood to these
territories hw been an inexcusable act of
partisan discrimination. They are as we!l
qualified in every respect as were Idaho
and Wyoming, and were only kept out
because they were supposed to be demo
cratic. It is time to correct this injustice. None
of tho republican or alliance senators from
the newest states can with any consistency
or decency vote against the admission of
Arizona and New Mexico.
Their admission this winter would enable
them to complete their state organization
and elect senators before an extra session
in the early autumn to take up the work of
tariff revision.
If the republican senators will not grace
fully accede to this the democrats should
fight vigorously for it.
The greatest drawback still is the pro
tective system introduced in i879 by Bis
marck, formerly an ardent free trader.
First, it has made life dearer by plundering
the masses for the benefit of the few, be
cause even if the wages have risen, as is
maintained but not proved, they have not
the same purchasing power, then by ex
cluding foreign it has increased the internal
competition and led to over production:
while other states raising their tariffs
equally have rendered more difficult the
access of their markets to German products.
Therefore industry and trade are in a state
of stagnation. The manufacturers endeavor
to mitigate this evil) by forming trusts
limiting the production and distributing
the provision of customers by a sort of
rotation. But the wont is that if the
trusts really succeed in certain branc'ues
they monopolize the price, maintaining
them at the level procured by the protective
duties and realizing the whole premium
accorded by snch duties. The root of the
evil is the artificial fostering of industry
and agriculture by protection, and the only
cure lies in attacking this root. Dr Geff
cken in January Forum.
This country has been very hospitable in
its reception and treatment of the over
flowing population of the earth. It has
received them all freely, until lately it
chose to its gates to the Chinese. It
felt that it was time to select its immigrat
ing pe pie. The Chinese being objection
able where they are abundant, have bean
roughly shut out. The European pauper
and criminal, who is vastly more objection
able, has also been the object of prohibitory
laws, and now a strong feeling demands
such further restriction of immigration
which may be had by demanding qualsfi
cations in the immigrant that will make
him a desirable citizen. The country
evident! r does net hanker for immigrants.
Strong men of ideas, men in whom the
people believe, representing a state in th
United States senate, unquestionably add
lustre to a great state and by their person
ality enhance the influence of a state, but a
great state cannot be made small in a
national administration because its repre
sentatives in the United Slates senate do
not measure up to the State's standards of
greatness. If New York should fail to be
represented adequately in the United States
senate its weakness will be confined to thit
branch of congress and everybody will
know it. It will be very ably represented
m the house, and in Mr Clevelond's ad
ministration thtre need be no apprehension
that the great body of honest, purposeful
oesnocratic thought in the state of New
York will be stifled.
A dif patch fiom Washington city Says:
It is given out on good authority that, nn
lets the financial situation and condition of
the national treasury render it absolutely
necessary, thieve. and will not call an extra
session of congress till next fall. The ques
tion oi necessity is not yet determined, and
will not be before February, by which time
Cleveland will have selected the members of
his cabinet. ery soon after tbe holiday
recess ttie committee of the house on ways
and means appointed to investigate the con
dition of the treasury will begin its work,
On the result of its labors tbe calling or
not caning or trie extra session may depend.
It is said that only an actual deficit in tbe
treasury will cause Cleveland to alter his de
cision not to call an extra soring sessicn . It
is the opinion of some of the leading mem
bers of the house that the investigation will
how the receipts and expenditures of th
t reasur) are very nearly equal at present, and
there is grave reason to fear an execs of the
latter in the coming fiscal year. In view of
this possibility, sericus consideration is being
given to the qces'-ion of increasing the rev
enue by levying an additional tax on whisky
Carrol D Wright, whose statistic always
commnnrl respect, finds that !n Delaware car
ders in wooien mills ctt $3 per day, in North
Carolina So cents, in Maine 87 cents. Spin
r.ers in Delaware get $2 per day, in North
Carolina $1.25 an 1 inMaine $1. These diff
er, mem are 'he rat-cnes, but there are great
differences in ihe ra'es of w.igea paid
betsreen other States.
An the gold in the world not counting
that iill in a virgin state would not make a
ban k of more than 613 cubic yards. A cube
( ss jlxjve dim -11 Jons could be put iu a
' -..m 24 'eet each way.
I' xa hjs fifty-seven counties eaci larger
tn Rhi',.- Hand, two larger than Con
ne ' ic.i an i one hrger t'uan Massachusetts.
I he ar a of Tvxan is more than equal It) that
of N: York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania,
Olii"-, Indiana snd New KnglanJ combined
A coun'ry minister up the State finding
tiie hie k lb parlor graie had gone out asked
his wife to bring In .onr thing dry with which
Ktrht It. The good woman uentlothe
bun and pulled from a barrel an armful of
her l.usl.ind'i old sermon.
1J II, 'I J.tiWJJC
No wonder the fish crop is never short.
The flounder lays 7,000,000 eggs annually;
several others from 1,000.000 to .'1,000.000,
while theturbot is credited with dep:siting
.'rom 11.030.000 to i2.00J,000 during each
breeding season-
An instrument for measui ing the expansion
of small bodies has been Invented. It might
be good idea to try it on Chairman Carter,
who hit got it in'o his head that he wou'd
bean ornament to the Uni'ed States Senate.
You want the best groceries to! be
secured in the city ; then call on Parker
You want fresh produce just from the
gardeners, then call on Parker Bros.
Pet haps
You want the best baked goods In the
city, breads, cakrs, cookies, pies, etc.then
call on Parker Bros and you will get the
goods and first class treatment.
Shilob's Cure, the great cough an I croup
cure, ia for sale by us. P, o let a za 0 lOtarns
twenty-five doaes ,ouly 25c. Children lova it.
Foshay & Mason.
1 Coinsr stone new building for Pot'
land Chamber Commerce laid.
a Gen Montgomery C M of US Engineer
Corps died.
4 Rev Thos D Skinner died.
5 Steamer Telephone sunk at the mouth
of Willamette.
6 Prince Frederick Gustave, Austrian
Prince, died.
7 D B Hill appears in the U S Senate first
7 Khedive of Egypt dead.
8 Andrew Jackson's day.
9 Dr Charles A Bacon died .
11 McKiniey inaugurated governor of
13 John Sherman reelected to the U S
14 Cardinal Simeon! died at Rome.
Q15 Duke Clarence, eldest son of Prince of
Wales died.
16 Cardinal Manning died.
17 Memorial day death of Father Upchurch
of AO U W.
15 John W Grimm of Marlon county died
19 Oregonian Washington correspondent
aays emphatically that Cleveland cannot bs
21 Chicago chosen for the next democrat
ic convention.
Z2 Supreme Justice Bradley died.
25 President Haariaon sends his Chilian
message to congress.
16 Duchess Maximilllan died.
26 Dr Wesley. Newcomb, cele-rated con-
chologist, died.
31 Blaine 6s years old.
31 Rev Chas Spurgenn, the noted divine
3 Portland, Salem, and other Oregon towns
have an earthqiate.
3 Republican State central committee meet.
4 Lieutenant M Shea, last veteran of
Waterloo died.
6 Hotel Royal New Yort burned.
7 Blaine writes a letter declining to be a
7 Rear Admiral A Bryson U S n ivy died
is Lincoln's birthday.
13 Dr Wilhelm Junker, African traveler
17 French Cabinet resigns.
18 Professor Harry Gilbert noted aercnaut
Si I B Spaalding son of one of Maj An
d re's emptors tiled.
22 Midwinter snap convention held in
New York.
23 W B Gilbert appointed Judge of Ninth
24 A H Roberts old pionee.' died in Port
I and.
26 Assessor's convention in Portland.
28 Maj General Cullom died.
Ma ecu.
2 Emllc Amc, the comedian died.
2 Rhode Inland cetnocrats declare for
4 Ex-president Porter, of Yale college died
7 J W Kendall, M C from Kentucky died.
8 Linn County democratic convention held.
9 Prof Seteno Watson, of Harvard college
10 Sarah'Althea Sharon Terry, adjudged
11 Henry Waterson asks Cleveland to
withdraw as a candidate.
13 Grand Dako Luduri, German Prince
15 David B Hill traveling in tht South.
15 Curbett and John L Sullivan sign.
17 Rev Dr Robert McNurdy died.
22 Dr D Has Af new, celebrated physic an
24 Baroness Albert Rothchilds died.
26 Walt Whitman, the poet died.
26 Lord Salisbury sends his reply on
Bearing sea matter.
27 Dr Mumford, editor Kansas City
Times died.
Pat Rooney, the Irish come Jim died.
30 Gen Dan Dustin died.
1 Ex-chief Justice Charles D Drake of tbe
court of claims died.
4 Fay Mills meeting; closed in Portland.
4 Gen Singleton died in Baltimore.
5 Rev John Collingwood Bruce, historian
6 Republican state convention in Portland.
6 Ex-Senator Saulsbury of Delaware died
7 Tbe Springer wool bill passed the lowe
house of congress .
8 Rev Dr J A Benton, Congregational
minister of S F died.
to Ges Chas M Field, Ex Confederate
12 Mother Mary Xavier, Superior St Fran
cis Nuns, died.
13 Jefferson's birthday.
14 Amelia Edwards, the novelist, died
19 Democratic state convention at Portland.
21 Rev Dr A B Noisy, noted Unitarian
preacher died .
22 Maj Gen S.r Lewis Pelly, MP alert.
25 William Astor died at Paris
27 Corner stone of tbe Grant monument
29 Gen W T Wells, of Vt died.
1 Rev N L Weskly, oldest ME mln 'a er
died aged 95,
2 Democrats in lower house pass free bind
ing twine bill .
3 Mt Angel monastery burned,
5 Oregon Conference of the Evangelical
church opens in' Portland.
9 Lord Bramwell, English Jurist died.
14 Warships Baltimore nd Charleston,
anlve at Portland.
15 Mrs Lease, the "cyclone" speaks In
19 John M An lersTn, Consul General at
Cairo dead.
s isirm in Veu. Vnotflml
J (
23 uecmiog tne many times murrjcrei.
hanged in Australia.
23 Wm H son of Cnrne ie Vand.-rbllt
26 Col F A Bee, consul for Chlnrse died.
27 Gen R P Burkland, o'Ohio died.
29 Gen Bussey died at Washington.
30 Memorial day.
30 Jackson knocks Slaven out in to rounds.
I Maria Morgan noted writer on horse
and cattle died.
2 Frost and ice at Baker City Oregon.
3 Marian Je Clark the well knowi. actor
3 Daniel Hotick we'd known farmer
found dead near Albany
4 Blaine resigns fromIiarrison's cabinet.
6 Republican carry the state of Oregon.
7 National republican convention con
vened at Minneapolis.
9 Sidney Dillon, the great railroad maD
10 Harrison and Reid nominated
it President Polk, farmer's alliance died.
14 Gen E T Stackhnuse MC Sn'h
Carolina died .
15 Father Molllngor died.
IS Judge John Bright Morgan of Miss
killed bv F -'-"
1 SJEmmunsjblaine died.
19 Hon I D Haines of Baker City died.
21 National democratic convention opens
at Chicago.
22, Mamie Walsh murdered at Mil
waukee by Wilson.
22 Grover Cleveland nominated for
iliiaf f lai
23 Stevenson of III nominated for vice j
24 Hon G WCassady of Nevada died.
25 Chris Tsylor, old pioneer of Wash
ington Co died.
28 The battleship Texas launched at
39. Prof Theodore W Dwlght of Cotum
bls College N J died
3o MrAuliffe whips Goddard.
I Ths silver bill passes the U S Senate,
a Wilson, murderer of Mamie Walsh,
escapes on his way to Salem.
4 J B Weaver nominated for president,
5 Homestead riots, snd many lives lost.
10 Rsoschol, the French ansrchlst, guillo
tined. I I Psrrish removed as chief of police o
12 Cyrus Field died.
14 French Bastits fell 104 years sgo today,
17 Frsnz Vetta, the noted basso died.
20 Grand Lodge AO U W meets at Portland
20 Cleveland and Stevsnson officially no
tlfied of nomination,
21 Corner stone of A O U W temple
in Portland laid.
33 Attempted assination of "Homestead"
28 Chas Wilson, murderer of Mamie
Walsh, banged himself.
31 Ex-U S Senator Kennedy of Mary
land died.
I Emancipation Day.
a Democrats win the state of Alabama.
4 Dare devil robbeis hold up a train at
Collis, California.
S Congress sdjoums.
5 yaeen Victoria's speech read st Ihe
opening of parliament.
11 Weave- and Lease a-rive in Oregon.
IS G F Simpson stricken with paralysis.
17 Nancy limits reduced the world's
record to 2:o7Jk.
18 The Duke of Manchester diel.
26 Coolers reaches London.
29 Cholera sweeping Europe.
31 Nancy Hanks knocks out all records
in 2:OSX-
I James Terwilliger, an old pioneer,
died at Portland.
S McAuliff Knocks Meyer out In IS rounds.
S Harrison publishes his letter of accept
ance 7 fobs G Wbittler, the poet, died
7 Corbett knocks Sullivan Out in 21 rounds
8 The whale-back steamer, Charles Wet
mon, wrecked.
12 State Fair opens at Salem.
15 Mrs Potter Whuehurst, sgedl23yi
died st Norfolk Va.
20 SjvereicnGranJ Lodge Old Fellows
meet at Portland
21 Exposition opens st Portland
22 The Duke of Sutherland died.
26 Cleveland makes his letter of accept
asa nublic
20 Gen Carl Mulle-, last German officer
vr So fought at Waterloo, died.
1 Pennoyer openly espouses the cause
Weaver in a speech at Roseburg.
8 iiwnh Eraeste Rfnan. renowned
French historiin, died.
3 Little Rath Cleveland one year old
3 Rev Samuel Longfellow
brother to the
poet, died.
4 Cholera appears in New York city.
5 "Wedding Day" at the Portland Ex
position. 6 Tennyson, tbe poet lanreaie of England
10 Sol Hirsch resigns as minister to
10 Geo Shi raj. new 'supreme justice U S,
took the oath of office
li Xavier Mertnier.
the notel Freoch
traveler, died.
12 Burdette Wife murdered Budis
Morton at Mt Tabor.
14 Blaine makes a speech at Ophir farm.
16 E W Seymour, judge of Ct supreme
court, died.
17 Leopold Hirsch of Salem died.
18 WhitelawJReid writes his letter of ac
ceptance. 18 Col W W Chapmanlof Portland died.
19 Camille Rousett. tie French actmedi
ian. died.
20 .Partial eclipse of the sun.
21 400th anniversary of the discovery of
21 Birdie Morton, tbe victim of Burdette
Wolfe, died.
23 Duke of Roxbury died
25 Mrs Harrison, wife of tbe president.
25 Tammany holds the greatest political
meeting iver held in tbe city.
27 James Flower, city assessor of Port
land, died.
28 B12 Sre in Milwaukee Wis. Loss
30 A E Stevenson writes his letter of
3i A B Hallock, pioneer, died at TilU
mook. November.
1 Heavy betting on the presidential dec
2 Lieutenant Schwatka died.
7AM Alexander, Ex M C. died'at Paris,
8 Cleveland and Stevenson overwhelm
ingly elected.
9 George Spencer Churchill, Duke of
Marlboro, died.
10 Chairman Carter
acknowledges de-
13 Ex-Judge D W
bus, Iowa. died.
14 Chief Justice A S
Cooley of Dubu
Merrian of N C,
15 D P Thompson appointed minister lo
17 Democrats ratify election of Cleveland
at Portland.
I9 Yale wins the great game of football
from Harvard.
20 Chas Reed, the actor, died.
20 Capt G H Flanders of Portland died.
22 International Monetary Conference in
session in Brussels.
24 Thankf tri viny Day.
38 Emanuel Custer, father of Gen CnBtcr,
29 Ruth Weaver, daughter of General
Weaver, married.
1 Ex-Governor H M Hoyt of Penu, died.
2 Jay Gould died.
4 General Benjamin Brice died.
4 Gen Dumont. French general, died.
4 Elks Memorial Day.
5 Congress meets.
6 President's message read to congress.
7 Fred Le-lie, the London comedian,
7 Mrs A B Mcllwain of Albany stricken
with paralysis.
8 Prof J lm Strong Newbery, geologist,
It Anton Thernalen. well known poet,
12 Philip D Armour gives Chicago
13 Henry Gray, ex-confederate general
15 Senator II L Gibson of Louisiana d'ed,
16 Ex-Repreeentative Leopold Morse of
Mass died.
17 Bishop Newman arrives at Portland
28 Sir Richard Owen, anatomist, died.
19 Capt Moffett of the Telegram dis
charged from charge of libel
20 Sheriff's convention at Portland.
21 Heavy snow fall began in Portlond.
23 Dr McGlinn restored toj priestly authority.
23 Gen Dent, brother-in-law of U S Grant,
24 James Phe'an, San Francisco million
aire, died.
25 Christmas day.
26 Capt J H Putman, ex-consul to Hon
lulu, died
27 Gen Joseph Karire, Prof in Princeton,
29 Bob Slavin, the comedian, dead
30 Rev Dr Briggs found not guilty of
31 Ex Governor A P Baldwin of Mich
Some one estimates that It
will take
visit the
$4,000,000 (or Oregon lans to
Worlds Fsir.puttlng 10,000 as the number
who will go, loo nlgli.
The Portland Welcome rejoices aa fol
lows: A matter to be thankful for Is the
fact that the Rip Van Winkle corps of as
sistants st the post ofhee will soon be
superceded by a crowd of wide-awade and
capable democrats with some local knowl
edge of matters snd things generally.
The Sa'cm Journal puts the Improve
ments in thst city for 1802 at $074, 32
For a good many .ears the annual Im
provements lave been given as neat ly a
million dollars, and yet the total city
assessment Is only about $5,000,000. Some
of the Improvements given sre state Im
provements, Capitol dome, $92,000: In
sane ssvlum,$8o,ooo ; stste prison, $24,000;
?aiem Ught X Power Go, The
showing though Is s splendid one. outside
01 the psddlng.
The editor of thst vile sheet, the Sun
day Mercury, of Portland, Is guilty of
criminal libel in sccuslng Jsy C Smith,
bookkeeper at the asylum, with being
criminally intimate with an attendant
there. This matter, which was rumor
hss been thoroughly investigated, snd
there is notulng In It. The people of
Oregon have stood the nsstlneta snd
slander of this vtle sheet long enough.and
It li time It was suppressed and Its pub
lishers made to suffer for the crimes
against decency and law which they haye
committed. The attention of the proper
officers of the law Is hereby called to this
offense, and there should be no delay In
the matter. Statesman. .
The OPRR ought to appreciate Linn
reCiate Linn
.-uuui.y. - awwssssnf naa r-
ceivea a juagmeni 01 vvw.uw against tne
" ivj uun uiuu wuiiiY uu ten iuv
road alone. Look out for the next as-
sessmeut though .
- . ........ ,, , . ,
It is said thatjin an Illinois town.whete
U votes were cast for Cleveland there arsj
eighteen apphfante for the postofflc .
Comment is unnecessary. The item is
simply a of the humors of ths day,
mors exaggeration than humor, yet illus
trative of the spirit of the age after all-
A Portland drummer who has larte
experience lately, reported to his firm in
response to inquiries, that he bad trav
eled 5,865 mils; carried 4 trunks;
showed goods 116 times; sold goods 96
times; been asked ior news 6,061 times:
told the news 2,210 times: lied about it
2,160 time; did not know 691 times:
been asked to drink l,86i times: drank j
1,861 time. The only thing which the
traveling' man seems to have been nn
an mums with others was in tbe 1,861 1
We are reminded at the first of the
New Year of an old subscription paper
Albany people have never been asked to
pay on. In consideration of about 75
acres of the choicest suburban property
the machine) shoos of the O P road were
to be located at this citv. The eubscnp-
tifn was raised, and tbe land deeded to
sue J r men, uui was very sagaciously
paid for by them, and a straight deed ;
.iven, the subscription, of course, lying
ami tne contract was tenormm. as
Vaw Vo.ii im m tin.. l msnnnn& ir.ll
as resolutions, the idea is suggested that
trrsnssmsnti ha marl A with ths nsst
road to have the contract completed be-
lore tbe conveyance ol the properly.
J H Wigle to Mary O Long.10 acres
14 w 2
Bertha Greenbnrg to Mrs Lena
Neugaas, 10 acres 11 w 4 ....
Jacob Neugase to Rone Selling,
1C0 acres 11 w 4
M V Bilyeu to O P Cosbow,
4 lots, Scio
Eugene Tims to A Roho, 40 acres
C S to Wm II Hessman, 160 acres
E 4 Patent
O Kitainger to D Shelton, 210
1000 acre 13 E 1 200
0 Bleiseh to Cora E Pbillipi, 160
acres 13 El 500
W F Alexander to w L Wallace.
fiacres 11 and 12 w 2
10 V d-.
C S to I N Pmith. 320 acres
V Flory to J P Royse, 49.14 -
i...iirui.DIMj thalanasa
acres 131
H V Settlemlre 10 Ella Settlemire,
1 lot bl 24 H's 2nd ad 1
H Bryant to H W Settlemiw.
lot 4, bl 14, H's 3rd ad
R Shelton to Peter Bilveu.
305x246 's feet, Scio 380
Z B Lee to D VVhvle, 164.35 acres
12 w 4 4278
Smith to D W'hyte, interest in
last above 100
John Smith to Mrs 7. B Lee, 273.35
acres 12 w 2 380
H L Kelso to C T Uver, 20 acres,
llwl 400
Mary Wood to H Brodere, 22 feet,
lot 4 bl 17, Ablany 1400
11,434 of Ktectors.
New York, Jan 3. The EvenintT Post
today says that the settlement of the Oregon
contest makes it possible to give an accur
ate table for president as it should be cast
by tne electoral college. I lie total vote of
he respective candidsies is as follows:
Cleveland 276; Harrison 144; Wearer 24.
Popclab K sr e sy a 1 srxKjrr . Mrs J J
Nunn, of Portland, will giro two enter
tainments at the opera bouse on January
10th and 1 1 th under the auspices of the
Albany public schools. Song, art and
scene beauty. The first evening, under
brilliant Illumination she will disnlav
the wonderful scenery from Portland to
the 1 osemite, with vivid descriptions,
the second evening those of charming
Italy. They will be entertainments
every body should attend Reserved
seats, 35 cents ; general, 25 cents ; under
12 years, 15 cents.
(' irk soed shot-s or winter sraar. Klein
Bi lave them all styiaa and niicea from
$3tn$. Try u pair and have ilryleetfir
h v. mter.
Bulteriok patterna at Read's .
We have tbe largest afxk i t ladies m:
derivear ever shnsn in town, ds saro and
ste whit W f Read can do far you Isfors
placing your nrder.
If va wan t it line an oke ask for J Josc h'
white labor cigarp,
A Great Intention. Is the self
pouting coffee and tea pots. With them
yon can pour coffee or tea without furr
ing the pots. Wonderful. None of ths
hundred Mttle Inconveniences of the old
1 fashioned way. Coffee cooks sure ant
pure and cann-jt burn, and tea to perfi c
tion. You raise the light lid snd the
coffee or tea runs from 'he spout. Ifyou
would have the finest tfiing In tne world
order one when Mrs lalt, Ihe local agent
calls on ou.
wsnl good groceries
than snythlng else. It mesns s good
deal for the harmony of the household.
M -liters go a!ont more smoothly. Desl
with Conn A Hendricson and you will get
the best grorerles at the lowest prices
Their produce la always fresh, and they
keep the latest In everything. You are
not ln It if you do not buy your eating
goids of Conn Si Hendricson.
Ki, Paso, Tex, Jan 3. The political sit
uation in Mexico is becoming more serious
and complicated daily, snd it will require
the most skillful maneuvering ts delay a
revolution that will be general in every
part of that republic, and which may un
seat President Diaz before it ends. The
people are in a very dangerous mood, more
so than since Diaz, in a revolution, tri
umphed over President Juarez and caused
his downfall. The loss of crops in the
northern states and their partial loss in the
central states, coupled with the fact of tbe
re-election to the presidency, have caused
widespread discontent among ths laboring
TIk-jI I . 1.
Malem, Jan 3 J P 0 Lownsdale, W Q
Hunter and J L Luckey, members of tbe
state board of equalization, today filed the
following protest:
"We earnestly protest against the action
of a majority of said board in fixing the
date of assessment upon ail mortgages
throughout the state at their full face value.
We make this protest because we know
that there are second and third grade mort
gages subordinate to the first mortgage on
the same property, and we believe many of
said second and third mortgages are of very
little value, and that there are also first
mortgages, the amount of which cannot be
made out of mortgaged property.
la Hook Dldat'Takei
Wicaita. Kan, Jan 3. Samuel Mulvay.
of Kansas City, came here Saturday, bsught
a lot in Maple Grove cemetery, paid the
sexton to dig a grave bought a coffin and
paid $.' to a man to drive the hearse when
called for. These preliminaries concluded,
he went to a hotel and attempted to commit
suicide with morphine. He may recover.
In the room was found a letter, which
stated that the writer had become dis
couraged because a book he had just pub
lished had proved a failure.
PoiiTiJtXDfDec 3. Walter C Smith,
chairman of the board of the Astoria rail
road subsidy, returned from New York
yesterday. He was seen soon after his
arrival and stated that the contract for the
construction of a railroad from Astoria to
Goble was executed in New York ' on Dec.
5. Messrs -Hammond and Dickinson
being the subsidised parties.
The raaaaaa raaSUl-
Paris. Jan 3. Toe r tgaro today says
the next batch of parsons selected by the
.oun.mni In, nmr,,Han foe Mnnllnlt
ln xbe Panama affair includes four more
j members of the chamber of deputies and
t ex-minister
Uam la late rM.
, Porti-axd. Jan 2. In the case of T E
Hogg, receiver of the Oregon Pacific, vs
William Mackev. sheriff of Benton county.
on appeal from Benton countv. the decree
0f the court below was reversed and the
complaint missed. This is a suit to
enjoin tbe sheriff from collecting or at
tempting to collect state and county taxes
assessed and levied upon the property of
Diaintiff for 1890. A similar nroceesiinir
brought by 'be sheriff of Marion county
against the Oregon Pacific was derided in
the same manner today by Judge Bean.
This involved the taxes of 190. mussed
by Marion county against the Oregon Pa-
I cific. amounting to $6000. Linn county
orobablv has no eanse for action, ha vine
failed to assess the Oregon Pacific property.
a lie. Wasseee lea.
Pesdlktox. Jr. Jan :. Dr William C
McKay died of heart failure at his home
near the Umatilla Indian ageocy this
moraine, tie ate a heart v breakfast and
went to the barn to care for his horse. He
was found soon after lying by the horse's
feet in tbe stall, dead. McKav was one of
the oldest and best known pioneers in the
sscr. tic mm iwuua sn uussiiia wiuaii
and until recently wy government
sicianon tbe Cniatilla reservation.
: leave a widow and three
rns and
. daughter, all grown
aMaataaeU Hale: aa, Jan 2.-H B Williams, pro-
urictor of tbe I'mauMa hoase. bat skipped
! nt UsriSff nnnwrnns rTAilfr IA mmiM
his dep&iture. About two months ago
SV I'll 1ml frvk rliaras, nf tne rmtH ami hs,
i since enjoyed liberal patronage, local
merchants, as also the merchsnU of Pen-
dleton. had no besitanry in allowing him
all tbe credit be wanted, and he ran bilU
4rgrtimr4. His swindling scheme
was evidently well laid, for be collected all
the raonev doe him yesterday evening and
eft between two sains.
wa- iir-asta-SHli.
ASHisoTojt. Jan 2. An extende
trip u in contemplation by members of th
1. . ...... -. . ,.. m 1 m M mS ,1.
. " v- lusu
1 w svnemv is a sisit iq toe nawaiian
islands, to be taken by 15 republicans and '
snd t5 democrats of the hot sr. and seven
republicans and seven democrats of the 1
senate, who are members of tbe present I
and will be members ot tne next congress.
The object is not to be a junket, but a
business trip.
A Creat rati Ball tisi
Seattijs. Jan 3. The greatest footbail
battle ever seen on the Pacific t'oaat waa
i fought here today between Seattle and
Portland, the laurels of victory going to
IMltner Acitner Side asjuiesl ana at bo
I time was tbe goal of either team seriously
threatened. Try as hard as they could, the
team mat naa tne oa 1 coum never cam- it
! closer than Use .W-yarti line. It was never
. ... . rtf lmnrlt Tnirv tire hnndnwl 1 1 11 1 1 .
I -I .1 ,L. SA 1 U 1.
saw the game.
(sstrj a Faate
XoBwiCn. Conn. Jan I. While a cock
fight was in progress last night in the
third story room ofjthe Miantonomah hotel.
A squad of police surrounded tbe house and
demanded admittance to the room. Then
ensued a panic and fight on the port of 109
men to escape. Without a roouient i.esi-
fnfiAn f ho vhAbl rsnmrtnritf wUttnrtwarl rh-utivK
V . ,T ' , ' nC 1
a door at the rear of the room Ami l the
sounds of crusbmg panes of gla and
sphnUl sash, they went headlong three.
stories to the ground. Some fed on the
tops of carriages, and three or four on the I
backs of frightened horses. Most of tbe
men escaped serious injury and fled down j
tbe country roads and across fields, and
MM lay helpless on the ground. One
Edward Walsh struck on a projecting ledge
and bis skull was crushed in from above
the temple to the lower jawbone. He died
instantly Another man had an arm
broken, and four others are nursing broken
legs The police arrested seven men, in
eluding the cripples, but most of them were
released on bonds.
Taeaaaa lrai easing
Tacoma. Jan 1. Tacoma'a prosperity
has been materially enhanced in many ways
during tin- past year. jhe Has 139 manu
farturing enterprises, employing 3670 men
with n monthly pnv-roil of &.!.., 197. and
monthlv otitmil of tl. 171. 24. represent
a cat itai invested mmhVtMJSM. 1 lie Mia
miiiiiay of new buildings erected was 903,
at act of $1,660,320. Of these. 28 were
brick blocks, having a street frontage of
4200 feet, and costing 91.392,500
A msktral Pr rlrarr;
Stosy Brook, L I. Dec 3t. Tbe house
of William Philips, a colored laborer liv
ing near this village, was destroyed by
fire last night. Four small children locked
in the house were horribly burned. Two
were dead when discovered. The others
died this morning. It is supposed the
children, while playing with fire in the
kitchen stove, set the house abiaze. The
building was a one and one-half story
frame strui'lure. Neighbors saw the flames
and heard the children's agonizing cries,
but were unable to reach them or to ex
tinguish tbe fire before the flames enveloped
them and set their clothing in a blaze.
Msana a Drtuaerrtte Senalar
Helena, Mont, Jan 1. Thee now
seems every reasons to believe that the
democrats will organize both houses of the
legislature tomorrow. They control the
senate, nine to seven The Choteau-county
canvassing board has not yet recounted the
vote of that county and the republican con
testant has no title to office whatever, so
the democrats will have 27 straight votes,
one less tnon tre required number, it is
now almost a foregone conclusion that the
nemocrtiu will control both houses of tbe
legislature and will have a majority over
over all on joint ballot for United States
A Big lay
New York, Jan 1. The expenses for
1893 will aggregate very nenrlv 135,000,000
an increase of about $2,500,000 over last
year. In this city there is $1,5000.000,000
of taxable property, against $500,000,000
which ia exempt from taxation. Of this
exempt property, 1202,000,000 belongs to
the city itself, while the state owns 1500,000
nd the United Statee i 8,000,000.
Tuesday evening, Jan. 2nd.
Present Mayor, Recorder, Marshal,
Street Commissioner and Councilmen
French, Stewart, Pfeiifer, Burkhart,
Hawkins and Wheeler.
The following bills were ordered paid :
A B Lacv, S4.75; Hawkins & Burkhart,
44.50; W BBair,$44; PJ 8mlley,.25 ;
Train & Whitney, $5 60; John Schmeer,
$11.60; PWSpinks. 12.80; R A Mtir
pliy, $64.02.
Continued, bill of A B Lacy, $2 60, for
hauling engine to fire
Petition of J Isom and ors for sidewalk
in Third ward granted.
Bonds of Treasurer and Marhhal elect
were reported approved.
Report of J R chief engineer
was read, and showed the following:
Number of tires diirino vur it- f.,i..
alarms, 2; causes, incendiary, is defec
tive Hues, 2: estimated loss, $fS5; in
surance paid, 66. Apparatus in good
order. All cisterns but two good supply
ranging from 4' feet at 4th and Mom
goniery to 17 at 2nd and Broadalbin.
Recoiniiic nds sudoIv ninm at first ,,.!
2nd and Baker, also more cisterns to lie
located as fire and water committee may
direct,in preference to lire hydrants with
present pressure. Bell tower
eainting. 1600 feet good hose in use.
:ecommends 500 more feet, also chemi
cal engine, also recommends fire gong for
protection of firemen working ninnnv
electric wires, so circuit can be shut off.
let the city always ba ready to meet the
fire fiend.
Report of lohn Hoffman as collector
showed $72.89 collected of tax of 1891,
and $11,24141 of tax ol 1892. Delinquent
tax ol 1892, $1739.03
Reports of Treasurer
showed the following :
ard Recorder
Am't in treasury Jan 4. 1892.
Fines ".
Taxes 1891
Taxes 1892
Licenses, saloon
Licenses, general
Sewer fund
Dog tax
Lamp sold
.5tr.-et work
Linn Co Nat Bank
1 168 77
140 00
687 68
11001 07
5300 00
768 00
2250 00
50 00 1
2 00!
1 171
ISO 00
' Total 20380 64
Paid city warrants 199M 67
Interest 386 02
Balance in treasury . .
Bridge fand
Am't in treasury
From Linn Co
20379 69
9 95
32317 33
anon 00
Paid on bridge warrants
Sewer f ui.d
Am't in treasury Jan 4,1892
Rec'd from assessment.
Paid on sewer warrants
Paid to general fund
Balance on hand
52317 32
52317 32
12412 71
31 SO
JMl 99
351 19
225-J 00
1 05
; City warrant account
1 Gen'l fund, warrants Jan 4,
: Warrants issued in 1892. . .
I Total .
5486 94
23718 19
2f2nfi 11
mm C7
9211 44
irr.: 33
; Am't warrants paid
; OuUtanding Jan 2. 1883.
I Bridge warrants Jan 4, 1802
UtUtd dario
Bridge warrants paid
Outstanding warrants
Sewvr warrants Jan 4, 1K2 . . .
Warrants issued s'.urinx year.-
52317 32!
1I71H 01
NM 84
10418 92
9841 W
576 t3
750OO 00
96507 38
Warrants paid . .
I mtatanilitiir mm.
; Bonded indebtedness. . .
Total indebtedness
i , 1 .
impiaci warrants were ts
i sued
j Mayor and council
Attorneys' fee. 2 years
' T'15'
f 313 00
1669 15
1825 1
200 00
3018 37
3383 30
1515 65
. "t."-.
f !r lepanment.
j r"'1
I ob boni
"Dln8 ,
Blank work and stationary
I gosU Monteith vs City.. ..
Election expenses)
. Board of city prisoner. ... .
tail sup and work
Medicine for prieone.e
I ET t
1S6 60
189 S5
47 75
84 0
13 15;
4 65!
33 00 !
Itn oi
37 "
3 30;
61361 30
1200 00
536 00!
5321 C.i
673 75
1 rteepinz estravs
Furniture, wood, etc ...
Witness fees
Portland Bridge Company.
Salary soot bridste
1 Interest on Co. warrant
Protection to niera
j Contract work sewers . . .
! surveys and supt sewers
710 35
Ordinance bill 278 providing
for in
, creasing the membership of Rescue H &
" w i 1 j aas reau mice ma cvDiioiwa. ;
Bond of Williams Bros approved and
j license granted.
Warrants ordered drawn in favor of
Livitgstone A Lear for balance on grad
ing contract.
Adjourned sine die.
New council took their seats, J J
Whitney in place of F M French and P
B Marshall in place of C E Hawkins.
Mayor Cowan made a few remarks
Urging ecnnomv in finances, exrslaininf :
unforsesvn expenses, but showing how
everything had been done at bottom
prirea. the contractors of Ferry and Ma-
I " s E . . i "
P' rett sewers atone losing 23P0. He
recommsnded a committed to confer
WIth Elw.lric Lj ht Company to secure
POwer rates if tvo-aible. hut .howimr
rates if possible
UN advantages and necessities of electric
45 soio in '88
2,288 sold in '89
6,268 sold in90
20,049 SOld in '9 1
be sow in '92
A StwcS Windmill and atstsf
Totver everr 3 mirsuroa.
T Thooe flaurea tail the
toss of tfte snnsr-crowlnsj.
vae sjoiBaj.. eartaBtin
Steel Aevrnotatrs W Itssrsi
n. soe
a wjnow.
aka tho
s sua. sll sS
TaaaaSsslS. .w.rt ss.sis
BM Bl Arr:.).- H .'. St.
.si-.. 4 1 .- t . t an-a. wt ass
t sstir iwmw sr f as! stj sr.-1. rr4
IT : Ur U V.UI tl HK1SM 1 .ISTT
LsMlsth mum tktlSsks.
Ar? r.aCUTUM.t.3 iMvususAtr"
motor Co. i ' ;'..- h stavaSSsj sii.
, . aaa '-' man tlmas aa
man). winOmlHs as all other
makara combined? B
csass ts rtn.l- is.e STBMi,
im strsi i iiss Tssa.ias Bkato H
Tiiub Twml 3
I lst,WiiataiaiillSsMip - 1
akh than kal asa
a MMtprw. a a.
u. Is aktek JT
asl satl 3 3
o.....f aa ..
m taaat
csps u imitation!
ot our inventions. a
ssSDOOMHiua.sahs Its selsa- Q a
aalassallsilii taSwM.1 J 3
astati wum umM s tSSSal g .
wiiusssMiassi.ta sties c I
stss SAM Sraataassstilo :
sat Sana, d.atesls. pnai-
tts oj aruassaiaMtaaraaSra
saalulr anr qatatlsaa S
ixlallos is lbs ptvprt sastS ts
i-srrslnrssaSaaiial ir..n s
Mltlt. .1.1 kl.h Ul .
mt .if .. rm.UA. tmMten. 1. is S
aanl. task as ssarj BsssSia snas. asstraedoas bsaasias 2
sssaS, aa la ta saaatsss osltt. aa4 ssaas athat am ah. a 9
i. laaata sot lass latponaat sjassskias. Thasa 9
is naa uson uona.
lbs libsrsl poller of Uss Iscssster C, thsi saarsa
tsss na sawn aaaaSMaB isj. vlhl both ., ui j
Sa afcssaarsaaas aatpai or lu rseioi-, .hteasaabtos It la tar- i
asaa asaaanaiMaw uu mo p
ia ths most perfect baartnga "r a
SVtlaawla4alU.aa4kasa saada aa atasaaasaaktaS saaa 5 3
vtaton of tba Aermotor nnd Towers. S
aaal astro., ms, Sktsl Flsed aaa C
a. ttrnw rat dua thasa tt rllaiS ttho SwalTlltlnB Z
I sad th. Worn! that ratu . : .n .!,. ,. , .! T a S
that asass sou In. tl
aon all oitwrii ,:ind stt
(f h tWl Afftnolorl cr Ir io w.tit a Ui.ts.
a toag S
ekara, frioa. sat Sssd. psap walsr. tare fm--
'aiwi, wr.t. ror oaasaasir lllastratm pnaUd kaurr. a a
ahtsriaa ssarr satwltabls abase st aladailu (Manracua- j
ass sata, ta ar ts
Tallman, Or.
StaosaSaAaS aaa aavaia
Dniiisistsand Buokasellers
A(rei.ta for John B. Alden's publlcatlonf, j
sr&ioh we sell at publisher's prloea wlib
tagoadd-' j
JFsi I
Iei5sl fT and
' , 2 flsl ESI
a tutu rni
inir zillit I
II li Pie m
.lam 1 1 1 1
SallS II till II
1 im
- abtsSsatseAMai;!
V M1. UM) MM Ml, UilL
urfaUe. itu raslsLaarc
1 Assam ros-
li women
Writ lor 0Safanaa and Pricaa baton Parchwiar
': cli tn- &e 0it t Uwmt
mall Ii..-r ,,. ao4
Matte ol Kiery
Homt snd other Sasrior Uarhinat. ta Taaaiaa.
Albany, Ir.
c a d
g For ths siiiilstit st censt: rears sf
Tut t "a Pills.
A II (l,M llr. Tun lru:rs !: si,. A
" iMBsM UuaS ha ia oaw patting: up a
srhlTB la af 9ir-rf;ijjl7 small alia, .
I 1ft M
if 1 rataiistns-a:! n rirtaaaaf Uwt
lararr bttarausawd ataralv
veg-ctabi, liotli oft ! j:lu A
are rtill taaacsl. T.. ,tir; ; . 0 V
hlboaail tb bor.J--af tnis -ad."
Wall Paper,
irut;8, JPain
J. A.
-:- ORECOft
go : to
" The Cothirr and Merchant Tailor,"
On Lyon Street, nc First,--See
what a bargain you can get there for
yrtur cash money .
Also suits male to order, e'earung, dye- i
rg ana reptv
Satisfaction guaranteed.
F. L. IV. MONr, - - A'.bsry, Or.
; - . : Cuarles Botv:
Bed coining and lane cnrubi
slletKied tn
StarcL sor a apccUtlty.
Brarch office at Moses' ttaitser abop
aendrv c ce-' execinga at 'SOo'cieck
The S. B. Qeadafhe aad Live r Ccw
ta a
s II If
11 taken as directed, we Guarantee Satis
faction or refund your money.
50 cent per bottle, by
flssssri artsnalnsasMaasstssassaj Aask
siiiv.iui-mr v iwa-o or aay osoar o
iaibi ttu tMrtilTTTiaiil ;si IXC
ivmIm. r..-. a.
Kea! Estate Agents
.-.nn ir snd Kanches for sale.
Also city broirty inj Albans
i.i rssrvallia.
IirKLi. OIGOINU Ed Davidson tn
v T pre;v rtwt to do well dhrginar ia
ttrat class ityle, promptly, snd will guar
STJtesi his work.
- OF -:
Baby :-: Buggies
best assrrtment ever brought to Albsrt
just received at
Stevqit Sox's.
the Kuggies and (Jet rrifesj
ALBERT BR0WNELL,(8ie8wr to flyman & Brewnell, Preprietor.)
city. We would call the attention of our friends to the fact that we are
- .
IMf Pr Tri'Trk r, fUnn mximr Kuf.ra t n (..!.'.
. 7nr f . " ' " TTS .
and Ornamental trees, Small Fruit vine,
"L iint-ciasa, guaranteed irue to
prices low. C. E. Browneil is our city
store win receive prompt and caretul attention.
at French's.
st French's.
at French a.
at French's.
at trench's.
Star Bakerj
KtmrAr . s i .111 tsud Tlral tl'
tCTtk.. that la scat la
ssuien aas smarr start. HuSaat
ifuarfcet prk paid for
$ob rttitina,
Letter Heads, Cards,
Envelopes, Posters,
and everything,
Ma il orders have prompt attention
R member '.hit it'ne in nted.
o. VeFarland.
Harness -and-Saddler j
lay $g in toe floor
tc. 144 r
You can tru: say. Uters it no ? t;- H
boms. ha?,i nooie, if jrou pnstt.i aje
thase e'egan; and swee: u.iej ajlaasaj
Mrs Hrottna, uc F.ra: airar Th
long eeensng
1 mtt the tim: : j ea
Poultry. Hides and Furs.
Highst: cash price paid tor tciket
csc. oucas and chickens, st jce of L
Jacob. S.raney a Moore', old stabis , ath
Also bides and fun of ail kicdt bouaht
for cash.
; as ire ttst srtr
' n lilrvi r s ssirrwx .
TV 1 si ; ; hi . cassaace. t
ist.-tis. S-- . ' sul La
Ct saat - --as mt ess-,
aa jaaSasi
wasse cs . . -
a bargain;
FB0rr ajsd vssasrrABt.a ri'xfor sal
consisting- of 40 aeres or less of land
00a aile nssrth of A I ban r Land wall im
proved. For particula' i frxaire of
Wr 1J Waskk
Asfciteei sa (on tractor.
Leave ordsrs with Hulburi Bros.. Real
rststa agents.
Votice is hekeut Uissus that mt ma
1 fe!1 ot the swt srill .nd eatata cf
JaaabW W-i,d,stsaaa.liaa Slssl harSaals itiawtSS
JM estate, and Uat the Ctwttr Cssortol th ttsts ot
Ovaroo lor Una osonts haslxssi Fabroarv nh. 1SS3,
cnisrus i o OHX-K p IB OS taisl oas, fsV
hjecOooa it anjr to said aecosat and lor
m viu esui said dveaaacd .
Thia Um l:h das o Lynsnber. issa.
e- s-s
: tor Ktecuuit.
i dtirJ admiatauator of tha aatata ol Mrs
M C Hosmrd. 'leooaaed. haa Sled Ua Saal aecoont t
tha oAca .4 tha eotmtr dark of Linn coonty. Om.
d thai lb wonty cosat of aaU Unn ,.Qr.tvh;
Svssl tb Slh da; at Fsbrvarv la t tC
bsturof I o'clotk ta th atlaraoon af aaid dav. tb,
iitcc. and thcsHirt room of said rounlv curt aa th
)loo rcr nearlna-objsKtioB if assr to atsd flnal ac
coaBt aad th nniiaaaat of said satate.
Hated llscsmVr SSth, lass,
... 1 Administrator.
UlXt Circuit Court qt Statt o' Ct ttlbr
Lmm County.
Joseph Hnwkios.
Paler Bear.
Plaint iff
by v it t us of an exectition and order
s amio tiuiy isotisa out or ins aoovo
named court in the abovo entitle! action
to tne directed sa l delivered. I wi!l on
Salarstay. lb flh slay af Irhrsutry. isss.
at ths front door of the court house, in
the citv of Albany, l inn county. Orestoo,
at the hour or one o o'ook p m of said das.
sail at pob!ie auotioi for cash in band to
the hlghtt bidder, all the riijhi. title and
interest of the- above named defendant
In and to tho real property In said execu
tion and order of aaie described as follows
lowit: The donation land eiai.n of Owan
Bear, Hieing net ideal ion No 2240 and
claim No 41 iu ts 12. 4 R 4 west, and
claim No 4$ in tp IS, S R 4 west, contain
inr644V. acres In Unn coanty. Oregon,
lots 41 acres heretofore sold therefrom.
The proceeds arising from ths sale of said
rtal property to be applied first, to tho
coals of and upon said execution, and the
costs and disbursements of the aboTe
entitled sction taxed at $69 SO; second, to
the payment of the plain t'fl's claims as
billows: The sum of $115 65 with interest
thereon at the rale of tan per cent per
annum from the 29th day of October.
IS92. aud tie further sum of !9.t0 wth
interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent
per annum from ths 29th day cf October
Dated this 2ud day of January. 1893,
Sheriff uf Isian county, Ore gon
I tssssssrd rra.ts, fans "i
sUlssawsrare, sjBiesBsssisfSsr-
lined PrssK. gvable.
f-etmceo. ClCSsfW
"usr, Ma.
-free. Teat.
Kt-,. tie..
Ip lus trerrta.- was as aaasv as a aunsi
eycryttimg in the shape ot Frur
etc., at either wholesale or retail
name and free
agent andr
lm inspect peats, and our
-en, left with him st his
ir , snd see me or write for free
A'banr. Te,cai
. AT : A
or any kind of a Farm IWeme
hide, call on or address,
B. F. UK
Oppesit- post Offi
Albans-, Or.
Notice is hereby sjis-en that trie part
nership bwetiSrsre existing Utwen T C
Baker and Wm EmrleSc rT.-iir bQtiEes
as botchers at aibsiv. OrOT . tBl
diy diwlved by mctiai r.tneot. TO
Baker wiK ril -11 r.flit dne awtd firm
m pay an Usbttltie. Thr nwmUmm
sril! be eonticaed st Uw oirl nd 00
poaite Scheeirra itahas(,f T B ksr C
U Burkbart Wm Knrrk nnrfer th
name 01 ine A.t,.r.v Dr-sva-t
TC Hat::.
W KutKicv.
" M BciiHsrr.
tyuasul kA Las eosmtfaisicrfaalatiaaitjatitxMifea
af Bon Jfaaa. late at Lmm mmmtw r.
attata lasts herebv issasand to snsaac ttaaa Sals
vanaVad aa arm icrstuml at ti law f .Si 1 at
Hsetrasssaa. u Aliatj, Ossaaat.
sntnia ate saitsnha trasa tba da- hat A
battti that Stt daj of Jasaarr.fsi.
a ISf mm (
mm l askj
fas aaatwai
Cserk.far Una ceatttr, OSBSBSV
im mit asaate mud tawessstrt aaa I
f iSlsitiataa aad tbe aattWaaiia of.' .
sate, Polststtsed by a-itr alJS ISsaotsCastBtj
JarTta, Isatad bee a, USS
rsritt S Wo'tttVjo. Attn r 11 iaais
' tie CamMr Court t tie State f Ore-
gmu, fur Umu Couutt.
BtSaaacrarssftaKeaaaaa af Wsa 3 tcBrU. ds'd
is aanaptatt itaaii iaia- r at iai eataae aaa Satti
ls 8.-.u 1 1 iiass Skaaaaa .-.- Ssa dasat '. mm
Sj aad ::- ::t
day si
lij. tan, as 1'J
tat mtt
rat J S 11 Oasna Jan
J A Jf- SEIfcE.
H Hewitt.
tie Cirruit Cot-. oJ
li' Siau ff Ortgun,
W C Davis ani Geo C 1 ana.
paitsera d- :sg basinets ande
tbe firm name and iv of
Oavu Bros. P ai stiffs.
Petar R Bear, lsefendar t
il ry Ttnoe ot an e
and - - - - -
of stile rla'T isauad ont ot tbe above
namJ court, tn the aboTe eaUtiod actisn
to me direajesi and delivered, 1 wt.! on
swtarstaj, Ike 4txt ataj- af rrbraarj. IS93
n tie ctljr ci A'tany, Linn cenn fm Ore -goo.
t the hear of one o'clock "p m of
sid day. sail at pat:i 1 auction f r cash
:n hand to the highest bidder. aJ! the
rhi. tit'e and interest rf ths above
narred -rsCsndan: in and to Use leaf
?erf eny tn said sxec itinti snd order ct
aala deaenbed aa fisllosra towic "Tiw do
nation land e'aiac of Owen Bssar. H ng
not -8 ration Mo 1S4 and c'sim So 41 ii
rp 12, s B 4 wwttt, and eaim No 4S tn tp
13 S R4 west, containing 644i screw m
linn cocn.T, Oregoo, e 4i acres bar -t
fore sold tstece'rom The proceeds
arising from the sal of said rea' property
to be applied first, to the paymem. ' the
coat of and arcn sxii exeeu!ie- nd tba
original eoats of tbe actios taxa' at
99.65. and tbereaJter to the pavnaeni t
pi int ff claim amcuat ng t :h" stun r f
S2iS3 with interest tt ' re n ;fthsrass
ot etgbt per cent pv annaoa froaa tsa
29tb ,sBy of Oetober 1SP2
Dstea this 2nd dsv of Janus.- v. 1 SP3.
Sheriff of Linn coonty, 'resvn
Co vajr Cssjss
C utr uf Ltu
I State uf O.efea,
la tbe matter of tbe estate 1
Reel, dt ceases: -
f Aifret Letoy
i tbe aoderatgned adanakruatnx by
vtrtae of an order of the count t coar: oi
Lien county. Orecfi. mad ed 'cntereJ of
record in said ccatt oa tbe I0(h day of Uc
tobar. 1S92. in tbe above eautied aatate. I
will s-li at pablie auction at tbe oostrt hooae
door of tba ccaaty cr; hoaa m A: baa.
Una ooaintv. Oregon. to the highM aad best
bidder, for oaah is band, at th hoar cf one
1 1 1 o'clock r m. oa ths 7tb day ut Jtrcary.
18SS. all the tigh. titl and interest of tbe
said Alfred Leroy Beat, deswaaed. io and to
tbe following d ascribed real projiert)-, anted
by him at tbe thaw of his death, t wit-. Lota
nnmbered 6v(3) and six (6.) in block naa
ber fonr (4.) in tbe town ; tbacon,in Urs
coanty, Oregon.
Dated this Sad dav cf D-evmbc-, 1S92.
SARA 11 E MllXS.
Admin, of eat. Alfred L Eoel.dee'd.
Gto W Wkkut, Att y for Admr.
XI tWwianad.has that day bswodnly appnsasaxi ad
mituatratrakv s th eatatc of J.-la M StarJet', late of
Una roaaty, Orrron dtmsurd. AH ts- r
haTintr claim arainat aaid saaair ar raqoind ta
ipn0rtr vcr.Sevi. to th
of Weathtrfori
t Tiara ksasam, :n
Alhanv, Linn couiitT,
tirsaroti, aithia six avjiths
rr"i! ssstsnsa,
Datad this Sth day of IVcssathar,
A k ..-'-. .-
-icrcu-nel bar ocaa t-uts Htd y th
asass ...mrtot una saaaaiaWap .aoai::urai,Ars as
the estate Str-lu L tarkhart ieocaaed. All pr-ijo-Mharias
daiawagsuart M t state r htrsby
I from th
to SSSSSt I to aaMif s item si as aa Itai
date hrf SSSMrlS tMiad. to Sa en.
I demrnad at Albanr. Or.
l:co ttte MO tav-ot w, t;i.
WsatlwnVrti CtMuabarlaia, C M BURKHART.
Attts for Adair. Adiaialauau rs.
r 1. . . . . . t. .1 .J . . . .
the Ermrs it Msrvhant Issntshs.
Company, of At any, Orevm, wi be
beiii a: lbs company's offl-,, .v..
t Aibanv. Oreuon. on J...
Stb; 1S9S, at the ho'ir of 2 oV'ook p m of
id day, tot the purposarof d'ei;.c nine
ilirectoraof said comrsVv tasans .,..,
sear, and to transact uch tth.r t ,.i..u
s may regularly coins before aaid
mg. f cmerortho Presidt ut.
i-atoci isov sotn, irjj.
Secretarv aad Manaii
Strayed tram m nlaon. near Pnri .
throe head of four or five year old cattle)
dehorned, aad branded with loiter P on
hip. They were bromth. from M Pa at
farm near Hoc a: Hiu. Keward to any
one who will let me know of their where
bouts. I.. SENDER.?,
Albany, Or