The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 06, 1893, Image 1

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Ripts gernggmi
The -: Democrat
The Best Paper in the Valley,
One Year for Only $2.00.
Entered at tbe Po Otace at Albany. Or , at Beeesid-riaas Mall Mailer.
STITEM A Mi TIM,, Publisher, and Proprietor;
so n
Mt. Plhas41t, Texas,
Juno 20, 1888.
Suffered 8 months with
strain of back ; could not
walk straight; used two
bottles of
St. Jacobs Oil,
was cured. No pain in
18 months.
We are general agents for the celebrated Myers Force
and Lift Pcmps, also the Rumsey Foice and Lit Pumps.
We guarantee these pumps to give perfect satisfaction 6r
no sale. We also guarantee them superior to any other
pump in the market.
pump do not fail to call and
t-tock before purchasing.
We also carry the largest stock of Farm Implements
and Vehicle.-- to be found in the vallev, Give us a call.
3457 Snd Ell. worth Ht, Albany Or
E have the 'argest and
OODS;'suitableJfor HOLIDAY trade.
EJjhave reduced the pries on a great man line?.
Call and see what we can do for you. We want
your trade.
GENTS for Butterick's pattprnsjand Warners corsets.
IE also carry a full line
house shoe, the best
FOURS for tusiness,
W. F. READ &C0.
Albany , -s- ,-s- -t- Oregon
Samuel E. Young
Till? Issues 200 page Dry Goods and General
Outfitting CATALOGUE.
HAZE en( yur name on a postal card TO-DAY
and get one.
The Oregon
vVitn it. home office a
the Gray Mock, comer Liberty and State street, branch office tn Portlanu
"AKES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tracta near Salem.
1U- Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per
acre small cash payment long time on balance Send
for particulars.
Rupture, Asthma and Piles
Dr's. Snimp
racialists In the treatment of all
ile Disease.
Twentr (30) Year Esperlence In Medioinn. Surirsry and KleolrJr.'ty
curabl causes Grusrau-esl. OftVw 259 CommerdUl Street, Balern. Oregon
Kalem. Or.zon. W. I.
tTu...;n.. training chccl. Endorsed
departments: Business, Shorthand,
m. l .1 - r
lin session tue enure year. aiuurau'iu"'i , -Q
PmsBusa, Pa.,
302Wylie Ave., Jan. 2&V87
Ono of my workmen fell
from a ladder, he sprained
and bruised his arm very
badly. He used
St. Jacobs Oil
and was cured in four
i CU.
most attractive stock of
ever shown in Albany.
of Henderson's Red school
child shoe in the worl .
Land Co
& .looser,
form 01 Chronic, Catarihal, Nervous an
Staley, Principal.
by the business and professions! men of Saleru,.
Typewriting, Penmanship, English
.w, il ... - C'.falnmiM rnntafninff information. fff
Scio. On Monday, George Eergua o
auperintendent, engineer, condnctor and
general factotum of the Scio branch of
the S P railroad, sent to Chicago for tel
ephone instruments, wire, etc., for the
purpose of erecting' a telephone line from
this city to West Scio.
pcio is again in darkness, the wire
cable having given away. Mr Coffey is
unable to assign a definite cause for the
breaking of his cables. The one used to
communicate power to Myers' planer has
ueen in use toriour years and is in a good
state of preservation, yet this cable (the
second within a year) is useless after
three months wear.
Messrs Roy Uill, Robert Cary, John
Cioins. Marshall Richardson, Hainan and
Lee Gaines and Misses Rosa Moore.
Alice tary and Maggie McDonald, au
dints at the Monmouth Normal school
came home for the holiday recess last
Friday. Messrs Alfred Hemphill of
Pendleton and Carl Roe of La Grand,
fellow students, came up with them to
spena me holidays. rrese.
Taci LiAR Fiqurino. The Telegram
says that while Washington has three
cities of over 10,000 and California seven
Oregon has only one; what about
sieui. "Our sister state to the north
nas t-pokane as a center of all its vast
eastern area, while Seattle and Tacoma
are the enterports of its western half.
California has San Francisco and Oak
land as its center, while to the south are
ban Jose, San Diego, Fresno and Los
Angeles, and farther north Stockton and
Sacramento. According to this plan
Oregon should have a citv of at leas'.
20,000 at Baker City or Pendleton, and
one of 30,000 at Euirene or Roseburg,
while Salem and Albany should be abo'e
the 15000 or 20,000 notch." In this
figuring it makes Eugene a Southern
Oregon city, and places Albany and
c?iiiem in tne center 1'ut your finger on
the fact that one of the center cities will
get the biggest figures, and do not lose
eight ot the tact the railroad center and
practical terminoua of the C B & Q will
ue in u
o .
pleasant school entertainment, and neckie
social, was given at Knox Butte school
house Monday evening Dec 86. Tine
entertainment consisted of music, tableau,
dialogues and recitations, ano lt wel
rendered bv the teacher and nupils of the
school. Tbrteacner. Mis Nellie Lambson.
deserves much credit tor the able manner
in which this entertainment was conduct
ed,as well as for faithful an! conscientious
work In our school during this term. After
the entertainment, the neckties were
auctioned off for the benefit of the school.
Then followed a supper furnished bv tit
iadies of the district; and the rrmainder of
the evening was spent in social talk, music
game and a good tiu.e general'.
A FftiexD.
Saxdkidqk Gsaxgs. At the last reg
ular meeting of Sandridge Grange the
following officers were elected to serve
the ensuing year : Master, J W Swank ;
overseer, A Umphrer; lecturer. Geo
Wheeler; steward, P Parker; aat stew
ard, J H Swank ; chaplain, A Powell ;
treasurer, M Parker; secretary. M Sny
der; gate keeper, RLGilson; Pomoni'a,
Mrs M Parker: Ceres, Mrs L Rainwater;
Flora. Mrs F Sn vder ; Lady aat steward,
Mrs Clara Swank. Tbe installation will
be on Jan 19th. 1S93, and the state lect
urer. Bro C E Hayes will be there. All
grangers ar t cordially invited to attend.
By order of Grange.
Watched the Waoxc Coop. The
Junction Times savs: There la a good
deal of petty thieving going on In this
place and the first thing they know they
will find themselves Inside of the new
county jail. The chicken roosts are not
all robbed by tramps. Wholesale robbery
of chicken coops Is generally the work of
home talent as tramps generally steal for
their own immediate use. The other
night Marshal McClure watched a coop
for a few hours In hopes of catching th
thief but while thus engaged some one
entered his coop and made away with
about a dozen. The thief was evidently
familiar with the whereabouts of tbe mar
shal. A Calamity to be A voided. The
Astorian pictures the calamity that will
follow the non-representation of Oregon
at the World Fair, and says: To avoid
this calamity, ar.d to take advantage of
the opportunity for such an advertisement
as will not be presented again for half a
century, should be the aim of every man
in this state. No new paper within our
boundaries, from the Oregonian down to
the little Mist, should cease from this day
forward to hammer Into the thick heads
of the responsible parties some notion of
the irremedlal and criminal wrong they
are inflicting on us. It is surely a cause
worthy of any pen or any tongue.
Lttexy Mat. Cmr. Mart Smith was
r.rresUd early in tbe week for an assault
and for breaking un the dance but Fri
day night. Justice Bndlong fined him
ten dollars and costs, and a short period
in the county jail. A man by the name
of Sweeny pulled off his coat to wade in
with Smith, but lucky for him that be
done no more. .
Wm Sullivan was taken under arrest
yesterday on the charge of carrying a
roncealed weapod. Gazette.
Oslya Ruatoa The Scio Press says:
It is rumored that the Southern Pacific corn
templates taking off one of the trains on the
Oregunian loan, also the trains off the Leba
non branci. In lieu thereof a tain is to bre
run from W cod burn to Lebanon, nd another a
from Albany to Natron. This a ranorment
will probably suit nobo-'y unless it is tbe S
i company. Wonder if the railroad com
mlssioners could not b; prevail d upon to
etve an injunction on tne rsilroi company
o estop any such contemplated m vs.
The RacogD Baoagjt. Steinbach,
grand recorder of the A O U W, for
Washington tells of the installation of
504 newly elected members of that order
at Seattle Wednesday night, that being
ssffj largest nutnoe oi members ever in
itiated at one time by any secret order
in the United States. The novices were
marched in platoons into Ranke's ball
which was completely filled. Recorder
Steinbach and other installing officers
went through the exercises standing on
high table in the center of the room.
Back Broken. The Democrat recent
ly published an item from the Scio Press
KiiNK an account oi an acciaent to Unas
Piatt while coon hunting, occurring by a
dead limb of a tree falling on him. It
was thought at the time that one side of
bis body was paralyzed only. Drs Mas ton
and Davis returned last night from a
VlBlt tn him nnA !,. l.: V,,.i. 1.
, . . ... i auu icjjui u tijnv hid inws IB
broken, and that he will live only a short ine nrst lumber verteorae was
broken, and the last dorsal fractured.
Ot'R Fire Department. At a meet
lug of Rescue Hook It Ladder company
night It was unalnmously voted to
purchase a chemical engine. It will cost
$875, and will be like the one used In Ta
coma. Our fire department will then be
splendidly equipped, probably the best of
any cltv on the coast for Its size. Albany
snouia Be rated under No i book by tne
Insurance union, and probably would be
were the water works pumps In a fire proof
A New Rule. There Is an oU rule
that prisoners in the penitentiary shall
not be allowed to read 8tate papers. This
rule it Is repotted will be done away with
and papers admitted. What a light will
shine forth in the pen. This U correct.
If a penitentiary Is reformatory It should
by all meant admit the press to the gaze
vi ine kuuvicis. iei inem nave light.
inA&iNu it x iofsT. Mr McDonald, one
of the foremen on the big steel bridge, in
response to a dispatch to Superintendent
Wakefilld. carni-no to Aik,, i...
Ing, and Is tightening the bridge up. This
was lett on purpose In order to give the
bridge time to settle, and will be firmer
fvi man Clllljr Ull account OI It.
demember all boots and ahoes bouabt o
Jllein Bros that rip. run over or soles come
looae win ue repaired Dy os free of iharge.
To aid Digestion take one Small BIloBotu
after catluif. 25c. per bottle.
Lets Have Equality. The state
board of equalization occupied the dav
yerterday In considering the equalization
of assessments on money, notes, accounts,
merchandise, and implement, slmprove
ments, household furniture, etc. Judge
Moreland, of Portland, was present and
addressed the board, saving he believed
mortgages should be assessed exactly on
the same basis at all other real property;
that if mortgages were assessed at too per
cent all to n and tlty lots and ether prop
erty should be raised at least 50 per cent
to correspond. He doubted the advisa
bility of assessing mortgages at full value.
After the informal discussion as to the
manner of equalizing real property. At
torney General Chamberlain appeared
before the board, in response to an Invi
tation, and stated that the law contem
plated that all real property, Including
mortgages, should be assessed at full
value. He further said that he believed
that the board had the power to add to or
deduct from the stveral classes of real
proyerty such per centum as would brin g
the property to its full value. Statesman.
Soda v it. uk. H W Peery has sold his
liverj stable In taWt place to A P Flory,
ho will assume charge In a few days.
A man by the name of Sullivan, who
has been working on the om place, near
Lower Soda, as reported to be lost during
the storm last week , while hunting cattle.
At a raeetir.g Monday evening it was
voted that Prof Louis Bai zee sbt. uld go
to Salem during the session of the legis
lature and assist our representatives In
securing the passage of a billapprofrlatlng
a auff cient sum for the proper improve
ment oi the spring. The benefits to be Je
rived from the waters of this spring are
becoming known far and near to all health
seekers, and It should be properly im
proved. Review
Hoe Season. Everything in its season.
This is hog killing time, and hog items
are in order. Rere Is one from the Pen
dleton O: R N Stanfieid. the heartv
and jovial Butter creek rancher, it in
Pendleton todav. Mr Stanfield brought
in a load of hogs and turkeys fcr Christ
mar. The porkers are a cross between
the Poland, China and Berkshire breeds.
and although but a year old, the eleven of
them weighed, dressed, at Houter &
Daughtrey's market, 3135 pounds, the
heaviest tipping the beam at 351 pounds.
Considering that the hogs have lived on
nothing but alfalfa until within the last tlx
weeks, when Mr SUnfield commenced
feeding them for maraet, th's is a prestv
good weight.
C E. Convention. A convention of
the Christian Endeavor societies of Linn
county, will be held in Lebanon Or, Jan
i3 and 14, 1893. All of the societies of
Linn countv are earnestly requested to
send delegates and as soon as elected to
correspond with the undersigned. It is
Hoped 10 make an Interesting and profita
ble convention. J Berk ah e Marks
Count r Sec
A Great Invention. I Use self
pouting coffee and tea pots. With them
von can Dour coffee or tea without turn
ing tbe pots. Wonderful. None of the
hundred Mule Inconveniences of the old
fashioned way. Coffee cooks sure and
pure and cannot burn, and tea to perfec
tion. You raise the light lid and the
coffee ot iea runs from 'he spout. Ifvou
srouii have the finest thing In tue world
order one when M:s Tali, the local agent
calls on ou .
AUcock's forou Plasters are the only reli
able punters over prodaord. Frag rant,: lean.
inexpensive, and neer tailing: they felly
most all the reqoirementa of a household
remedy, and should alsravs bo kept on hand.
For the relief and ear. of weak hack, weak
muscle, Ismaosai. stiff or enlar d joint.
pains in tbe cboal, small of the back and
aionnd tne hips, strains, stitche. and ail
local pains, Alicock s Parous Piatt ei a are
Beware ot imitation, and do nit be dav
cored by miareprsosotatioa. Ask for All-
cock . and let do solicitation or explanation
nance yoa(o accept a substitute.
Shilob'a Vital ire r ta what yon need for
dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kid-
nev trouble. It ts guaranteed to give von
atislaciion. Price 75c Slid by Foahay &
bargains at Read's.
REOPENED. W R Graham has reosened
his tailor shop, and has oa hand a fiaie line
of suitings, ready to be made op for those
wishing first -class work done. Thanking the
public for a liberal patronage in the past,
Se soiicitsa continuance of their patronage and
promises good work and prompt attention to
M needs ct ma patrons.
Look H bre Take vour hotter, eggs,
chickens, and other farm produce to Car
ters grocery opposite the Ruts House, in
Albanv, and get the highest market
prices In trade or cash.
A Urge stock of pruning shears . nd pron
ng hook, the beat made, just received at
Stewart A Sox's. Now U the tisae to use
W 7 Raad has a tarajs stock of boots and
shoes to select from and th best vame ia
Fo your school aboea go to Klein Bros as
th.y repair them free of charge if they rip.
ran oyer or the soles come loose.
Captain Sweeney, U 8 A, San Diego, Cal.,
says, "eh Hon Uatarrti ite-nady la too nrst
medicine I have ever found that would do me
any good. Pries, 60 ots. Sold by Foahay
li Mason.
Shiloh's Core, the great cough and croup
core, is for sale by os. Pocket size contains
twenty-five dosca.ooly 25c. Children love it.
Foahay & Maaon.
Try W F Bead when yon want shoes.
Davis singing school at the Baptist chu
Friday evenings . All auhscriberr will h
to pay whether atteuding or 11 it. Only 81
fcr 12 lessons.
Remember that F L Domoot does guar
antee fit, and sews possible coming rips 'n
olothing bought of his store. Overcoats sold
at Coal until Christmas.
Call and see new fall dress goods at W
if yon contemplate putting in a wiser
plant get prices of wind mills, pumps, pipe,
tanks, etc., from W W Crawford. He will
astonish you .
Laoih Fikb Shob.. I have a foil lin
nf ladifa tine dress shoes, all aolid and th
latest novelties in style, and reuaonabl
prices. Samuel E. Younu.
The finest line of pocket knives in the
eity at Is te wart A Box's.
Great reductions in Aeimotor wind mills
for December. See tbe agent, W W Craw
ford. Before buy in i your winter stock of boots
and shoes and rubber onoda an tn V lain Rnu
Albany, and get their prices. Tbev will
anu can save you money on every ' It
is a pleasure to them to show good
Oregoniao Eoeyolopedia coupons taken at
ioun a. iienuricsou s.
Cloaks and jaokets at cost and leas a". W
F Read's.
Money to Loam. I have money
sums of 1600 to $20,000 to loan on im-
nrOVAl Ian. la . i I 1 1 .
rvininia iwnuwuuu mm tjeiuco
Counties. At lnwnt mini
delay in furnishing the money.
J It 111 HUH AST
Real estate agent, Albany, Oregon.
Conn & Uendricaon will take Oregonian
' Britainnioi coupons on all cash sales.
fOdif, AIM) rCasSOAAL
Hon Allen Parker, uf the Bay, Is in the
city .
Mrs Willis ("alder, of Brownsville, Is In
the city on a visit .
Mr J M Nolan, Coivallia' Ive merchant,
was In the city today.
II C Dunn, ex Marshal of Corvallis,
and wif-, are i the city visiting relatives
Waller Cairo, the Br at f,t ball expert,
passed through Albam esterday morning.
Mrs J W Shumate has been visiting her
sister at Albiny the past week Eugene
Mrs W R Bllyeu and two sons wnt to
Harrisburg this noon on a visit at Mr Jo
Miss Mabel Craw went to Albany this
morning to visit at me residence of hr
uncle, r S Craw. tugene Guard.
Miss Bess Corner, of Portland, came up
mis noon on a sa wun Albany friends,
and Is the guest of Mr Cal Burkh'art.
E R bklpworth, of Eugene, was In the
city today on his way borne from Leban
on, where his lather is lying seriously ill.
Prof Horner, of th-;. Agricultural Col
lege, of Corvatllf, went to Roseburg this
noon, and Prof Letcher returned home
after a trtp through the valley.
Parsons Orchestra, of Portland, have
been engaged to furnish music for F. Co's
masquerade, Jan and, 1893 Arrangements
have been made to make it a grand affair.
Lady maskers will be admitted free.
Last evening Misses Flora and Vesta
Mason gave a tasty and enjoyable lei
party, among those present being Misses
Lora Vance, Llda (jalbraith, Mamie Cun
diff, Eva Cowan, Eva Simpson. Mildred
Burmester.Lena Mai shall and Mrs Esther
Wood worth.
The marriage of Mr Lawrence H Knapp
and Miss Daisy Bellinger was solemnized
ast night at the residence of the bride's
father. Judge C B Bellinger, at No 43;
HoUaday avenue. East Portland. The
event is worthy of more than passing note,
insomuch as It joins twoo' the eldest
an-l beat-known families of this state.
Oregonian. The parents of the bride were
former residents of Albany, and have
made yearly visits here. Among the
Invited guests to the wedding were Mrs
Dan. Burmester and daughter. Miss
The committee appointed bf the Pre
byterian church to draft resolutions upon
the resignation of Rev F H Gwynne, as
pastor of the Presbyterian church of Salem
has made iis report, assuring the pastor
that he carries with him the love and
esteem of tne church and people, and con
gratulating the Home Mist'on board In
having secured assy nodical missionary
for Oregon the serr'tcrs of sn able and
fearless minister and a high minsteJ
christian gentleman. "statevaan.
Yesterday was the fi: h anniversary of
the marriage of Mr and Mrs Titos Jones.
In the evening the event was remembered
in a happy manner by a small party of
Intimate friends, and several hours were
passed In a verr musical manner Ml
Jones recently purchased an Aeolian, a
beautifully sounding Instrument, aad
classical music was dispensed in a manner
to make the time ay swtftir . A delicious
repast was served' during the evening.
Those present were Mr and Mrs A B
Matthew. Mr and Mrs Ed Washburn. Mr
aad Mrs Andv Hunt. Mr H R H 1 dr. Mis
Dindlnger. M r and Mrs Conrad Mevers,
Mr and Mrs W E Baker.
Tuesday evening Mia Mildred Bu ran-t-tr
gave a delightful tea at he- home oa
Fifth street. She was assisted tn a nice
manner by Miss Mary Stewart. Those
present were Misses Vesta and Flora Ma
son, Eva Cowan, Mary Cundiff. Ava Balti
more. Sadie Nelson, Olga Hewitt and
Hettie Miller. They were joined later in
the evening by Messrs Luther Elkint, Ed
BWugett Will Lvon. Van Wilson. Fred
Fortroiller, Claire Vunk and Sena Mc
Fariand, and several hoars were t-assed
In different amusements.
rat DAT
Casper Vandran returned this noon
from a trip to Portland.
Mis Nona Irvine went to Portland
this noon 00 a visit with relatives
Mrs Levi West and daughter, of Ta
coma, are in the city visiting friends.
Mrs Horace Powell, and daughter, of
Peoria are in the city, the guests of Mr C
E Wolverton
Hon John Parker, of Albioa. Portland,
is in tbe city. He is after two teams of
big horses, aa will appear elsewhere.
License has been issued for the marriage
ot Hiram Parker, the ao-jolar son of Mr
Moses Parker, aad Miss Aanie F. Small, an
estimable young lady of this city .
Cardi are oat for the marriage of Mr Phil
Lewis, of Ellensbarg, Wash. Sad Mis
Belle Senders, the accomplished daughter of
Mr L Senders, of this city, to occur at the
home of the bride's parents on Sunday even
ing. Jan 8, 1893.
Mr J A Warner has just received a
letter from a sister in Illinois telling of
the good health of his grandmother, who
was 97 years of aura on Christmas. That
ia pretty old for this fast age.
Hon W P Elmore, of Brownsville, has
been in the city today, alsrs Hon A
Blevins, of Tangent, two of the coming
legislators, who may be depended upon
to stand in v,itb the people for the best
legislation to be secured.
OH Irvine, of McMinnville, is in the
city, on account of the illness of his fa
ther Dr Irvine, who was somewhat
brighter this forenoon. Elliot and Clem
Irvine, are expected borne from Mon
mouth, III., tomorrow night.
Dr Geo W Gray, who opened a dental
office in Aahland last fall, has been con
fined at home sick with bronchial asthma
for more than three weeks, but is again
able to return to his office and resume
business Ashland Tidings.
B J Hawthorne, Grand Master A O U
W, went to Mill City Wednesdav even
ing and installed the officers of that
lonovi and last syvortina i ti at a 1 aA t I'.,...
vallis and next Tuesday will install thfrf
officers of Safety Lodge in this city.
Miss Hela Gilbert, the music teacher,
has moved with her brother-in-law, Mr
Arch Hammer.intothe Jester residence,
at tbe corner of Ellsworth aud Eighth
street, where old students and new ones
desiring careful, efficient instruction will
find her.
hev Robert McLean was presented by
Santa laus with a gold watch valued at
$150 and Mrs McLean was remembered
with a splendid eight-day clock. Santa
Clans in this transaction acted as mid
dleman between Mr McLean and his
congregation. Granta Pass Courier.
The boys and girls of tbe High School
called on their professor last night and
had a pleasant social time. Professor
Wright and wife, assisted by Miss Ethel
Andrews, made them happy by giving
them the freedom of the house and tak
ing a hand in innocent amusements
instituted. Astoria Examiner.
Dr G C Osborn, of Eugene, was in the
city yesterday.
F L Such, of Clover dale, arrived in the
city last evening.
George Moorehouse, of Portland, was in
tbtcity this forenoon .
Miss Jane Morris, of the Salem public
schooli, returned to that city today.
G F Simpson and daughter, Mrs John
Robxon, went to Eugene this noon to visit
the former's brother
Mr Chss Anderson has sold his interest
i- the Halsey News to Mr Cross and has re
turned to Albany .
Fred Piper, of Seattle, formerly of Al
bany, will Wave ih a few days for New
Yerk, to study medicine.
Mr Will Martyn, a I former Albany
operator, now in the S. P. shops at Mil
waukee, has been in the city on a visit.
Deputy Sheriff McClaln, of Colfax,
passed through Albany today to visit his
parents at Eugene. His brother Is sheriff
at Colfax. Ilia term u just expiring.
The existence of volcanoes, geysers ar.d
hot springs irregularly scattered over :he
whole sui fare of ihegioby, and continually
ejecting moiur, rock, ashes, mud, steam cr
bo: waer, is an onvlous indication of some
very widespread source of heat within the
earih, hut of the nature or origin of that heat
they give little positive Information,
Popoff's researches on tbe digestibility of
beef and h h sfier different met bods of prep
aration show that bo:h are more rMgettthle
in the raw state than when cooked. The
longer beef is cooked the more indlgctiole
it becomes Alter the same manner of
preparation, except smoking, beef will, In
general, be better digested than fish.
SmiUeJ riili is more Jigestible than raw or
Will a piere of ice melt fatsr shen ex
posed freely io 'lie air ?r when "Bwrr-f
water, temperature and all oilur coi-iliion
being the aau? Owing to the greater
specific heat ot water, tha i, the amount of
heat necessary to raise its teraira!ure one or
more degrees the ice ti melt a little
slower when Immersed in it. T ic liffcence
however, would hardly ba appreciable under
orJioarv circumstance.
Cats, according to the olJ tradition, have
nine lives, but they ate not the only creatures
that enjoy y p'uraltty. Infusoria have been
duel and restored to life by moistening,
after remaining inert dust for 27 rears, and
the drying and resusticailon ha e b-cn suc
cessfully tried eleven times on one lot of
rotifers. Frog and many fishes suffer no
injury from freezing soli 1; while in a few
case, even warm blooded aeimitt have been
test jred to Ufc after apparent death from
Great hopes are entertained in Europe
that a remedy for cholera has been found
which is able to destroy the microbe that
propagates tbe disease without injury b
human flesh and tissue. Sir Andrew Clark
of Kngland Las experimented with it very
siatteasfnlly, and in Hamburg it is credited
with greatly Istssexting cholera fatalities.
Tbe remedy consists of crysta'.sfthat are to
be injected into the blood. Their compo
sition is held as a secret, but the erperi
mect made will folly show whether tlx,
new remedy has tbe value claitped for it
A very narrow aisle separates the seats of
ei-Speaker Read and Mr Bourke Cockran
in the house, and the two are something
more than bosom friends tbey are cronies.
Every day they nu; be seen with beads
together acros the aisle in what appear to
be aa aurntwt consultation, bat it is in tact
tbe cesvseies converse of friends with taste
in rvammoB, each of "whom cares greatly
more for what the other has to say than
tor arything that may happen to be before
the house. Ask Mr Heed what he thinks
of Bourke Cockran and you girt always the
one reply: 'He is much the ablest man on
tbe democratic aide." Ask rtoorke Cockran
what he thinks of Kes-d and be answers iD a
like ewlhnsiastic straiw.
Ex iroTernor Oliver Ames, who crave
11000 to tbe republican campaign fund in
MaaaachuaetU. but who would rather have
given $1 0,000 to tbe democrabi than to
have bad McKinlerism indorsed, still sticks
t r- f m 'tia.ent H.s :t, r
to the New England Tariff Reform Club
contained toe following frank and signifi
cant statement: I feel that the time has
now coroej when moderate men of both
parties should work together to so revise
tbe tariff as to ssjenre to every state of tbe
union natural raw materials free of duty."
Unless tbe republican bourbons cbADge
their course soon it will not surprise us to
find the ex -governor's next public letter
addressed to the Young Man's IVmocratic
Cub of Massachusetts.
Nothing has been accomplished leiative
to reorganizing the canvassing hoard of C ho
le a county and counting tbe retams from
Box Elder precinct, ordered by the peremp
tory mandate issued by the supreme court.
Marshal Rumsey went np to Fort Benton,
the county seal of Choteau, at directed, to
serve the wiit on any one of the six persons
named in it. So far he hat been finable to
hod any of them.
A J Davidson, democratic member-elect
of the house, is lying almost at the point of
death tn Helena. He will have 10 be taken
to the house tn hit bed, it indeed he can b e
taken at ail, next Monday when the bouse
meets for organization. It now seems a
foregone conclusion ai wii I
split into two bodies ss it did two year ago,
and that two senatorial claimants will go to
Washington. One will have credentials
signed by tha governor, secretary of state
and speaker of a republican house. The
other voucher will bs signed by the presi
dent of the senate and a speaker of a demo
cratic house.
Clubman BreiJcnthal, ai the people's
party state committe, of Kansas, who is the
leading candidate of the popul'tts for
United States senator, said, regarding the
senatorial situation Saturday: "If a single
fusion democrat refuses to enter the caucus
and agree to abide by its decision, no demo
crat will receive a vote in the caucus for
United States senator. The democratic
candidates for senator must go into the caucus
on an equal footing with tl.e populist candi
dates. If any attempt is made to boit the
caucus with a view to forciag a deadlock
that a democrat may ultimately be elected, I
am certain the populists would refuse to
vote for senator at all, and make an election
at the coming session Impossible. In that
event Senatar Perkins would hold over, and
populists would prefer that he should rather
than submit to bulldozing tactic. There is
not an Influential people's party man I know
of who favors a democrat for senator. The
successful candidate will be a populist who is
true and tried . The democrats got all they
deserve in the congreslonat delegation and
the people's parly ia inclined to consider
them hoggish when they ask for more. Dem
ocrats will receive neatly all of the feders'
appointment and the people, party will get
nothing They hsve no claim whatever to
tbe tenatoiship, and they will come far
from getting it."
William Wallace, who has been with L
Vletlck for a couple of years will lesve
Monday for Baker City, where be will work,
for Louis Carnpeau, a former Albanv barber.
Elliott and Clem Irvine arrived home
from Monmeuth, III., this noon. Their
father Dr. Irvine, is gradually failing, a
noble life about ended, ot.e that will leave
a monument in ihe moral and religious
growth of the city through a period of forty
one yean.
Uev Sylvaaa La ne
Of the Cincinnati M K f Con fere aoe, ay(:
"We have for years tusd Hood's Sarstaparilll
in our family of Ave, and Hud it fatly q
to sll that ia olaimsd for it.
Hood's Pilh ears Liver llh.
To what aie we coming as an American
swpic w .0 pre en t re using un ter a
democratic cnnsiitu'ion?
b To what is the emocn lie paity toming?
1 hese leinaiks arc 1 licitrd by ife t -. on-
dous idolatry of 1'itii 'ent elect Oevela-d
by ihe party sshich elected him. His cons-rot
mut h obtained before the pny ca.i 00
anything it seen.
Itwas given nut that Mr Ciisp dul l not
be re-elected speaker because Mt. Cleveland
wanted some one else, t he piesent demo
cratic noose would have iaed a fre iiver
bill but for his iiniciousiriterference Be
fore a tariff t ill can be B:iO"lucei it must be
submitted to Cleveland H has said 'bat
Mr Murphy is not fit for sessatast
UfXin what o.aihis grsssl 'run feed tha
Ms opinion coums :ar so u... . ..-?
that of roil of voters.' The is bout
United S.tes will he ptsaing under the yoke
of llic recent l-ttf frcm Buffalo. Salt
How surprising. I- .he Joatual so stupid
as not 10 see tnat all the ana.-' is rot of Use
veriest kino? ttn g.tve not that Mr Crisp
con Id not be eUctcd spia'ser .gain because
Mr Cleveland wanted some one else? It is a
coterie of corresponded sat Washington writ
ing to republican rewspapers all ever the
country that act afloat score of report believed
only by tbe gullible. Vi'c commend the alter.,
lion of the Joarna! to theOcrjoasaa'a coires
Senator Bate's bill for the repeal of tio
federal acts relating to the cue of snpervu
ors and deputy marshals in elections will
not pats the senate while tie republicans
are in control, but it will come np fcr
consideration in the next congress with
favorable prospects of passage.
These section of tbe federal statu tats, al
though enact'! during the reconstruction
period by he reeonrirnchnnists. were
specially aimed at New York and other
northern cities rather than at the sooth.
Ostensibly applying only to congrestiona
elections, they have been used indiseri cu
rtate It in tbe attempt to control the choice
of presidential electors, of United Stales
senator , and of state officers.
In support of this measure of repeal
Senator Bate very appropriately called
these sections "the protoplasm of the force
bill." He argued that if tbe states could
finally become incapable of keeping their
own elections pure, their tailors as units
would mean the failure of the federation
ormed by them. He reaaous well, for tbe
union will have failed whenever the only
hope of fair elections in it lies in the coer
cion of a minoritv of the state by tbe
Whatever electoral problems we have
must be settled on this plan: and whatever
plan is adopted should be the resort of
deliberation, in tbe light of experience.
The existing statu to are war laws, adopted
in carrying out a war policy, and at such
they should be repealed. Should the
emergent y ever arise in which it will be
expedient for congress to legislate further
for the regulation of the elections of its own
members, it action should be governed by
a different spirit from that whica framed
tbe rssconatructioa acts. Our elections ought
to be pot on a peace basis, audit will be
bard to do that a long as tbe surviving
statutes of tbe Civil War period are made
tbe starting point for new learialarion
The ledascapolis .Vest sharply reprimands
President Harrison for ;lainiag in bit mes
sage that the work of constructing a new
nary was to be credited to the republican
party. The -Vru-s thinks it was the partisan
and not ihe president who made this claim.
because the otacial recotda of the navy de
partment show that during the administra
tion of Mr Whitney there were authorized,
built or completed twenty-eight war ships
During the administration of Mr Tracy there
have been authorized, built or completed
nine warships. There was made available
dining Mr Whitney' adminUtratioo
Nj7,2a6. including f3.1S7.046 secured to
complete the four double-turret ed monitor.
Terror, Amphitrite, Mooadnock and Puritan
Omitting the approprhtieot for these moni
tors, tbe records show that tor tbe twenty -four
new vessels authorized under Mr Whit
ney's administration about $25,000,000 wst
made available. For the nine new vessels
authorized under the present administration
less than $22,000,000 has been appropi iated.
Of the nineteen new vessels launched during
Mr Tracy's administration seventeen weie
authorized while Mr Whitney was secretary
one while Mr Chandler was secretary, and
only one since ,Mr Harrison became presi
dent "Now, of course," aaye the -Vw, "Mr
Harrison was aware of all this. Why, then,
should he seek to imply that nearly all of the
glory of the new navy belongs to his adminis
tration; why sboold he imply a doubt as to
the future by 'earnestly expressing a hope
that under anoiher administration of Mr
Cleveland 'the work which mad such noble
progress' during his 'pievious administration
would 'not now be stayed?'" Evansville
Ex-Senator Ingalls who was so tally
shorn of his political plumes by the populist
uprising in Kansas said in Philadelphia the
other day:
'The republican paity is now without
leaders and without hope, and must start
anew and build itself up, It gave no evidence
in the past campaign tent there was a single
politician in its tanks who understood the
Sure business of modern politics not one.
cKinley has ceased to be a Napolesn. He
is without plumes, laniels or place In the
ranks ol his party." Mr Ingalls was to have
lectured at West Chester last night, but
only fiftv tickets were soid and the lecture
wa declared otf,
There is much loose newspaper talk
about certain distinguished demociats
fighting Mr Cleveland's administration.
Isn't It about time that biting a file should
go out of fashion as a diversion?
Sheridan Shook and Kdward 1 Ollmore.of
New York City, have signified their intention
of leaving the republicans aud giving their
allegiance to Tammany hall. For years
both staunch republicans. Shook. In particu
lar, stood higb in the council cf that party.
It would be highly proper for President
Cleveland to touch the electric button that
will start the machinery of the world's
fair. The policy Of the democratic admin
istration will be to put us in tsiuch with all
tha world.
Karl's Clover Root, the new blocd pnri-
, fior, gives freahnsss and clearness to tbe
complexion and t siren constipation, zoo, ouo
and SI. Sold by Foahay ft Mason
; JrVsAsg cor arts are ihs bast at W F Bead's
Don't Give Up
The use of Ayers Barsaparllla, One bottie
may not cure "right off- a complaint of
years ; persist until a cure 1 effected. Asa
Efiieral role, improvement follows shortly
after beginning the use of this medicine.
With many people, the effect is immediately
noticeable; but some constitution are less
susceptible to medicinal Influences than
others, and the curative process may, there
fore, in such eases, be less prompt Perse-v-riiice
in using this remedy is sure of its
reward last. 800 ner or later, the most
stubborn blood disease yield to
"For several years, in the spring month
I nsed to be troubled with a drowsy, tired
feeling, and a dull pain in the small of my
back, ao bed, at tames, as to prevent my
being able to walk, the least sodden motion
eausing me severe distress. Ill iisasslj.
boil and raabes would hrcak out 00 various
parts of the body. By th advice of friend
and my family physician, I began the use of
Ayer's fsauaaparflla and continued ft till the
poison in my blood was thoroughly eradVa-
My system was all run down; my skin
roturh and of yellowish hue. I tried various
remedies, and while soraeof therrTeatVme
temporary relief, none of them didanyper-
good. At last I began u take
Ayer-a Sarsaparilla. continuing it exdusive
r for a considerable time, and aat pleased
to y that u completely
Cured Me.
J7t9ame "T liver was very ranch out ot
order, and the blood impure fa risistiina am
I 'eel that I cannot too nijsjjy reus mend
A7-r Sarapar;;La to any one afflicted a I
wa.- Mrs. M. A Smith, Glover Vt
F'r.Tea" 1 nrl from scrofula and
blood disease. Tbe doctors' preaerirsuonr
JfJ1 Woo"HrttVeisbelDSa
no avail. I vra at last adrnsed by a friend t
try Ayer's ttacsaftarflte. I dad so. and now
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
rtxraim rr
DR. J. C. AVER & C0.; LmfcV Mass.
Sold trlsraanB. gLaUSi. Wonb i a Uaai.
Poor - Blocfo - in -
We Told
Von So.
Good location. On the line
price? and terms see Oregon
Co., agents.
Julius GradioM's Bazaar
Tie very latest joews is that you can buy at JULIUS
&R ADWOHXa'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows:
Arbuekle's Coffee, Per Pound
lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00
lbs. Magnolia Sugar White 1.00
No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon .25
Cans refilled, 5 gallons 1.00
5 Gallons Good Pickles, market firm. 1 10
20 lbs. No. Savon Soap 90
1 Gallon No. 1 Syrup 40
I wit, oooduet a atHct cash tors, aad all goods will be sold for net cash from 1
o 35 par ent loss than r est u tar price. My stock of Chin ware, fancy goods, sas
alt tin desirable syiea of dishes, aa well as a general assortment of grocealtsa, crock -r,
tamps and fixture i complete. 1 make a special t of fine teas, oqMmm and
a taing powder, aad always pl-swe ray cusxooaors.
Agent for several rewponaibie insnraaos eotapansss. Jal ists Gra wob.1.
for Infants
' - rtaissowrliaxiauttsdtochiain that
-vh. .svd Ksus superior to any rsresscxizkacSB
ovu IT. A. Aaraxa. XL Dl,
Ul So. Oaf ord 6C, Brooklyn, X. T.
rhe usw of Cutterta' is r universal and
. nTU so srell known that it Eeemaawork
; upereroe-vtion to endorse it Few are the
iteHiamoz awmiues who uo not keep Castoria
wstaar uy reason."
CaatiO atawrva. D.'J .
Xew York Ctrv.
tjsm Pastor B. joaiur io asateassd Church.
J. JOSEPH, Proprietor,
Only White Labor Employed.
Tin: leadihg photocraphebs,
a I baa j, lretn
V f jtKAD, Pnaidaat.
1 L COWAN, Treasurer.
L Cowan, Geo F Simpson, W F Read, D B Sternberg JJ Wffuiea
J K Weathertord, R S Strahan. J O Wrttamsn. ;
Several Solid Eastern and Foreign Coipanies
S3 SHOE .oT.Vp.
B Cstfl Basra, in tlisi -sroncl for Use prtoas.
W. i.. Douglas rtso aiwililwsywinw
moaaia wear teem Bhaasty
OaZBSSlt tO ral tZSSS bawl satna Sot
to baa valuo at taVs pracoa adV
loss. 40 m
r s-'.e by
-x circa.
.- VOttS.
WrfcLi. DI'iGlNG Ed David ia
prep red to do well dianpcur bs
far c'.as style, promptly, and will guar
saute bis work.
Townsend's - Addition.
We Toid
i on So.
of the New Motor line. For
Land Co., or S N Steele &
1. Tonsend.
anr Children.
Gasateria c-nres Colic. Csaastttaataon,
SourStoswasrix Tisarrhcea. tna.-:ats.-a.
Kins Worm, give saeesp, and traaotas OaV
Without injurious medicattioa.
For several years 1 bare
your " Oaxstaasv aad snail adwayaoontinueu
do s. as ii has tarwriahly prod iced beneaVia
Ensmr r. Paauasa, at. E-,
"The Wtntlarop.'' liSth Strackaad TthAvsv,
Kew York Cit,
Cabinet photos from $13 to $4.
per dozen. Enlaigtng pictures
specialty. 16x10 crayons frarr.
for $ 10.00. We carry a large I
of sxS and sterescopic views of C
,J O WRITSMAIS-, Secretary
Geo F SIMPSON, Vios President.
aS- "Twite Xo Habtttttrte.
W. I- Dssaclauh Brwcktoc, Kaass. Sofdar