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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1892)
WEVTHKKFOKn A CHAMBERLAIN, Attorney! at Law. Will practice In courts nfth tate. Special attention frivon to matters in probate and to co lections. OFFICE-In the Fllnn block. w BIlIaTEV Attorney at Law ud Solicitor In Chancery. Collec tion made on all po'nts. Luana negotiated on reble terms. Albany, Oregon EO. W. WRIGHT, Attorney at law, and Notary Public. Will practice In all the courts of this statu Special attention sriven to collections and matters in probate Office: -Upstairs "ii-iweoaic Dioca Albany. ujrn D. . 1 1 i 1 1 1 B At KM I UN A WATSON. all legal matters will rece iv promp attention nice at Odd Fellow's Temple, Albas auy, u ONTAN YE' HACKLGHbII, Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon. J J WHITNEY, Attorney at Law, Albany, Or. JAMES J. CHARLTON, Attornev-t-Law. All legal business' (attended to prompUv: FLINJJ-S Block, Albany, Or: D R. J. L. HILL, Phycician ami Surgeen, OFFICE Carrier Ferry streets, Albany, Oregon. Y)HS- "ASTOTV A DAVIS, Physicians an Surtreons. OFFICE Cerner econd and Br.-wialbin streets, Albany, Or, Calls promptly uaiiued I city and country; c. V. CHAMRERL4VIN. M. D Bemeopathist. MTSpecUlist in diseases of the Eye. Twenty years' experience Office hours 7 t a m. 1 e S p m. and 6 tc 8 evening. Albany , Oregao, FIRST NATIONAL RANK, OF ALBANY, ORKflOS, resident ...... Vic President Cashier........... ..LFLINN , K.YOl'S'.i LANODON ..B. W ntASSACTS A OE!JERALbankinbuatoee. ACCOmrTS KEPT anblect to (heck. 8IGHT EXCHANGE and tol vaphic transfer, sola New York. San Francisco. Chicago and Puland regon , 3)0 .LECTIONS HADE on favorable terms. E. Tome K, W, Lai L. Fun Edward I . Sox. INN CO NATION At, BANK, OF ALBANY, oaraos. CAPITAL STOCK 1100.SOO aidant... -- J L COWAN e-President J X RALSTON. stCMahier O A ARCHIBOLD nmm-I I. Cowan. J M Ralston. LM. W H Goitre. 1 A Craword and O A Areh bold. f BANS ACTS a general banking DRAW SIOHI DRAFTS on Now York, til srtUi Oregon. LOAN MONET on atiptcveo security IUECKIYS deposits suDleei CC4ICK sfc CO..B4NKERS OF ALBANY, ORBOON, TRAXS ACT a yenerai Bankinr busis. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS oa Now York, Saa Fr sea and Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approved security. RECEIVE denial te subject to check. COLLECTIONS made on favorable .terms. Interest paid on Um dooooiu. B ASK or SiCIO, scio, OREOOIS. dent.. 8 Itsaal .0 8 Ma B ASK OF OBEfiOJ. ALBANY, OBSOON. taollal. rrosMent Vlco-Prosident.. ...H F MERRILL E J LANK (NO 1st W BDA1N l a genera banking business: s ksoght and sold on all tha prioclpa citias in the United States I also on England, Ireland France and Oennany. Collections made at all accessible points on favor ble terms, interest allowed ej time deposits. 00 Beward ! i pa ti above reword for any rare af Ltnl . liepsSkt'U"0 ' -i -r CuMtiveoese wo cannot eore wlca 1 I . lverPlila.whm the direct lou. s' J i lib. They are poreiy Veaetable. an a saUsfactlon. Su x- Coaled Lomo ' - s; eoau. ..vtia of coubi so T" liiOif utaaufaelrrcd u : i weirr tiou-A?Y '-aic"o U ACADEMY -OF- lady of Perprtnal Help FOR SALE CHEAP. Or Amos old p ace, being; blocs: 4. Hscklerran'a Srd addition. Good house. Will aell chap floe half down, balance tosntt purehiaor. Inquire of Dr Was Amoe. TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD! A'hile trying to Crowd theii WAY INTO 0EY0E & FR0MAN 3R0S Store, where they aiways have on hand hu largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest improved Rifles and fiho ins; i" Immense stock of Fishing icklt of every description; Tents, l Ian. oc ,Cam p Chairs and thousands if ot. inga too numerous to mention jpair Shop n connect n with the Store, and one of he best wo men In the Htate to do any ,nd all kind, of wor Come one Come No rouble to how goods "Small profit and quick sW Is en. .notto. t'.i-it stock of 2nd good sllt-y, anil the moat reasonable) sv" nn hsnd all kinds of in the prices RKITURE. STOVES, TINWARE, 7. UNKS, BOOKE. PICTURES, CLOCKS, CR03KERY, EftVtTC. ii waisl of M li Vnuu ' uU store, L. C0TLEIB. ;d Crowriiyliils LANHING, PROPRIETORS. t rwiua arrBRion Mfi) msiu in SAKKKS -'J'ORAfsF! ACHITtE8 G N iu3:ijhg "00 OODVs wvnana TM8 ms ' pueqsnq moA dsoy tioa ssjqi jEqj qTM 3uiq;op pU! -. r dub 'noA ci SAisunuo . ; Onijiows wvHUna TM.-' I8. HOW ifl pj en iujq xccq -oaorqo) jood s?sn jeij; sj ajqncu) sqj. vsuoajp pus sutddtqun Xaasiiu inuco s.oimri. q ns Tsnt jo jrto qnp stq o AtAt uiiq 3Aup utd n'oji -o:3 'qo'T siq id jptiis 'i . !! i,uop no t 'pX pus 'ononis jsnui dh ifsBia pus i-iqc;. unq dwij pui atwrl m& --Ft IV eats, and Trade Marks obtained, ano all ' ent business conducted for Moderate Fees. Oar Office It Opposite U. S. Patant Office, and wo can secure patent in less time tnantho remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo.. .defer tlon. We advise. If parentablo or uot, free charge. Our fee not dn till patent Is seccrr i A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents." names ofactn-t! clleas in your State, cout.y. . town, sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&C e,-Hsi Pstsnt Ouics. WMctoa 0 ' YAQUINA BAY ROUTK Oregon Pacific RaUiodd T . CC, KecdTcr. o- Oregon Developmsna Co's Steamers, (short Line to California Fine. -Oil through passenger and Teight line frsm Portland and all pojjftl Id the Willamette Valley to and from 9fin franciaco, Cal. Boats maba close connection at A I ban with trains of the Oregon Pad ft Railroad TIME SCHEDULE, except Sunde rs. 1 ixove Albany 11:2 ; Ljovs Yaqulna, TrOO Corvallis l.-OSe. a. (Leave Corvl!is,10:Ua,n lrrt.-e Yaqulna, l:U r. a. I Arrive Albany, 11:1 a. O. ct C. trains connect at Albany and Corvallis. The above trains coaneoSjay ?ouina with tha Oregon Developing iVunpany'a Una of Steamships beMJot) Vaoina and San Francisco, SAILING DATES . raoa Taagnta. Btaastw f attar. ! uta. till S raoa aaa raaarsspo WUiamoUs Valley. December gih ; 18th; t7Dj. The Compsnv :errea the ngnt td )v-nge sailing dates thout notice. K.B. Passengers from Portland and sJUlamette Valley points can make close o enaction with the trains oftbeYaqafn rmta at Albany or Corvallis, and lfdfe ned to San Francieoo should airansatte rrlve at Yaouina the evening hefore t4te t aaiiing CTfasaenser a n Frtn rates al vara tk Lowest If you want to buy a hors.- cheap or feed or the as j of it this winter oall at Wilt' Music Store. EAST AMD-SOUTH, Southern PasiHc Route SHASTA LINE. Express Trains leave Portland Daily. raos JCtt 11SBS, I t"rii octal T:0or. m. I Lv t02r n Lv 8.15 a n . Ar Portland Albany Baa Francisco Ar i : . i Lv 13 a n Lv lfr a Above trains stop only at fol lowing stations a nrtfc of Rosebarg. East Cortiand, Oregon City, eurn, Salem, Albany, Tangent, Shodd, Halsey. Her riabarg. Junction City, Irving, Eugene. BSSSBCBS BAIL, BAILT 8:30 a s JLv Portland Ar ! 4 TS 1::4S ra Lv Albany Lv I lit S:50rn Ar Rocobnrg ;Lv I 7iA ALSas-rtoca san.v gxcanSmiT) 5 00 r a I Lv Portland Ar ;In S4"raAr Atbacy Lv ; 8 JO a a ssascs. y MO a FrLr Alhany arllu-nis 0:00 a a I Ar Lebanon , Lv I 30 a s liralLv Albany Art :ra MtslAr Lebanon Lvt0rn PULLMAf BUFFET SLEEPERS. or Acenonnaa4atsn of Pnaaeasera. kaMlas aeeea4-Claa tleketa,aitaeaesi ,e u pre Tralae eVeol lCe Mvlalna. SETIfEES raSTttIS AMS lOSHtll' Mam. rsAiSDAin (Except gunaay. 7:30 A H 12:10 r a Lv Ar P.irt'and Corvallis rSJ Lv :&5 r iiraass tsais dailt (Excspt Sunday . 4:irn TSS r Lv Ar Portland MeMinnville Lv I 5.46 A T'hroiigfli TicltetM o all points EAST AND SOUTH. I'm fa:, infoimatinj retrardius rates, mare, on Company Agent at Al'nny i KORHLEK K P. ROOER8, Manager n'l C. P. and Portland, Oregon. LFAJT COLLEBTATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON 1891, 1892. . Irs Terns Oprneil September Sir A f I corps of Instrnrtora, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses or otudy arranged to meet tl all gradea ofstndents, Sfrrial tuaucementi rfltrtd to ttndcnti from abroad. n. f! I. WERT H COMsSIT President. w El.', DI'iftINO Ed Davldaon in preo red to do well diniriiiir is Ortl f,'.nH stvie. oromDt.'v. snd will if uar arrtott his work. A bARGAINJ I'Oir AND VRUKTABLK 1".' M lor MaU cooaielliiR of 4:1 ai-rei or .i-xa ..f Ixnd oiio 111I0 nor'ti of Altianv l..rrl wolr I n provrtd. Kor psrtioulai" inxu re of W II VVarnrr AL.LSAN Y Off. WniTSMAN & HULBEB.T BEOfi Real Estate Agents 'Jf.i-iriiy in it IJnrvsllla rOSHAY A. MASON ts for J tn'a ,.uiilt'ailo.;t, ii wo sell Vni:Her'N prlece t;.uKt . 3A9p.cs xoovaoi i .vii i? pnoAt put 'otuoij i , Li .cr o qcai?Kg) 3iS XOJ OV) it fj )OUll!Ml mmt mkwpsm irxovaox GOOD HEWS A For tha millions af consumers of g w Turf a PLUs. It a ' vos Or. Tut t pleasure to n. A noaaco t bat ho la now putting aw TINY LIVER PILL which is or acprdlnglr small also, a ret rotnlolng. all Rio virtue of the V larger uee. finaranteetl jtttroly vegetali'.--. lloth aires of ttieao pills A are still lawseat, The exact alio of w TUTTS TINY LIVER PILLS A laahown la tho border of title &!. CITATION. I a ts Oatafy Ctit at H StmU of Origin, jot tfa i'ssn'v of Lmn. In the matter or the estate of Peter defeased. Welt, To A J Welt, John WaH.Cstharine Hail beim aad to alt othera known and unknown Interested in the estate ol Petes Welt, deceased: Greeting. X THE NAME OF THE STATE OP Oregon, won are horety oiled and re quire te appear in the f'euji v Court of the state of Oregon, for lbs conaty of Linn, st the c urt room tbereot. at Albaav, In tha county of Li-o, on Mas daw, the 6th dav of Kohruary. 183, at 1 o'clook in lb aitarnnnn ol that day, then and ther to show cause if an v you have Why aa arder of this ooart should not inane empowering and Heensing the adrainistrator of a aid estate to sell the tea! property belonging to said estate described aa follnsrs towlt: Beginning 58 chains and 3 Itn a north of the souls eeKt corner of OW Klum's donatio land claim So 39 not fioatmn No 22Vo nhip 12 south range one west of the Willam ette meriJlan; thencs wast 11 chains thence north 30 chains and 18 links, thence aa-t 11 chains, thence south 34 chains and IS links to the place of be ginning containing 3? 60 acres for the purpo-e of payina. the claims presented against said oassta and the expense of the adminiot.'aUon thereof Dune by order of the Hon i K Duncan. Judge of the Count Court of the Mate cf Oregon, for the counts cf Linn, with the seal of a'd court amis 1. this 16th also cf December, A D. 1802. attest: SPPATSE. Cleri NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. -roTICE IS HEEEBT GIVEN THAT TBE ra il deraisotd diiiiatot rater of the eauts ot Mrs M C Howard. dt.vaeed. has filed has nasi ocomant la oaVe of tbe r-jont- esnrk of Linn coosty, Oregon, I that she coonty ooart of toid Una enaaty. has wA i he Cth day of Fshraary. 1SSS, t tho hoar of 1 o'clock in tho afternoon of said dav, aa the lime, and the court room of said roan l y emit as the place for bearin, objections if any to said final Se conal and 'he settlement rt nud estate. Dated DocemW tSta, US3. MARTI PATXI. W B BILTEU, Admloistrator . Atiomey: WILL'S MUSICE OR aoorra roa- CH1CKER1JW - "H T M11.LEB.' farKCK," "T08E dt SOS- i-lAXOS, AKD ESTEY," 'NEWMAV BB08., OROAX8. D EARHUrr " W ti tsr" '.ii 3 , 1 1 1 t ii Write for Catalogues and Prices before Pui-sb'Sing E'scwhere: We sell th- Best Goods at Lowest Prices i , mall InstrnmenU, Books and Description: Maie of K ery .New Home and other Setrinr Ma shins, also Needles, Oil and Extras for all Machines: E. V. WILL, ,lr. ANDERSON k ANDRERSON -OITT LA.TJ3STIDR-5r. Opposite'St Charles Hotel. Bed Ciotolng snd lane curtain well attended to Starch wors- a specialty. Rracch office at Moses' barber shop anndrv close'' tvenlngs st 7 80 o'clock CHEAPEST, GOOD PITTING READY MADE 8UIT OF CLOTH E8, -ao ; to F. Li. DUMONTT, " The Clothier imd -On Lv ... S .r Vlerthant Tailor," , n. r First.-- See viiat a ii Alio sill" . nt ;l"d . Can iet there for h inline i l cleaning, dye- t.-ta. Albany, Or. ill. OREGON K.PK1ET0K Ua ill.. ras,. s3gav-, eKvnw2!iW2annnSanA She lrmont TELEGRAPHIC HEWS. Dome Want ttoaaparte. PAnifi, Dec 22. Today it i' tho Hona imrtuts that are steiipimr to tho front to take advantage of the ditticultiea of the republic. The activity of the royalists has aroused the jealousy of the imperialist leaders, and at a secret conclave they draft ed a manifesto addressed to the people of France, urging them to recall the house of Hooaparte to the throne. The manifesto has not yet been issued, but awaits the ap proval of Prince Victor, the present recog nized head of the ex -imperial taimly, now in Urusaels, and the Konuportist leaders in Pans have sent agents to that city to induce him to sign the manifesto and authorize its publication. A MtlriBlalll Laredo, Tex, Dec 22. A report was received lato last night that a skirmish bad occurred near Guerrero, on tho i?th inst, between the Mexican troops and revolu tionists, in which the latter, c.00 strong, were victorious; that several soldiers were killed and some revolutionists. Parties in touch with the authorities have serious apprehensions. Attacks on small interior tow m are expected at any time. Some say err n Kew Laredo or Cerevlo. a rich mining t wn, is in dancer. Kinht carloads of Mr xi an C avaly were burned into Lampa sas yesterday. Merchants are counter manding orders for goods till matters be come more settled. nhe t lurry Over Wahikotok, Dec 22. Secretary Chas Foster said today that the financial flurry seemed to have passed. Out of $11,000 000 gold exported the treasury had sus tained a loss of $3,000,000, which would be, he thought, replaced before the first of the year. An J sea I Bluest. Helena. Mont. Dec 22. News has been rtived of the death at Belknap Indian agency of A Simons, the agent, December IS there was trouble at the agency between two Indians and one was killed. The Indian police, headed by Agent Simons, attempted to arrest the murderer, but the latter barricaded himself in his cabin and defied the agent. Simons was shot in the eg. and his death was the result ot the wound. The Indian murderer was killed a day or two ago by the Indian police while resisting capture. rienty of Snow Umatilla. Or. Dec 22. Heavy snow fell all dav At 9 toniebt there were 16 ! inches on the level and it was stilt snowing j nara. .vol many ireigui 'nuns ore ujuv ing. Passenger trains require two engines and are making slow time. The Union Pacific has a rotorv snow plow at work on it. VA.k;4n Itvi.Mn LiwdMi Pan I'endle- lue II KillUIVU , .-'.-ii uci.ivii and Spokane . SUteel Baa Fort Watxe. Dec 22. Henry Smith. tbe 1 1 -year-eld son of Samuel Smith, se cured a gun of his brother's today and pnlied the trigger. The gun. as usual, was loaded. One boy was instantly killed and another fatally wounded. taw Torsi, SkevtU; Portlam). Dec 21. Gotfried tiremer. a German, agfd 37, committed suicide this moraine; about 8 o'clock at tbe Park hotel, corner of Waahinirton and Sixteenth streets, by banging himself with a piece of clothes line wire. Greaser came here about three months ago and stopped with Nicholas Abbnhl. proprietor of the park hotel. He was here but a few days, but exhibited to Mr Abbuhl several hundred dollars in gold, a fine gold watch and other valuable jewelry. By occupation he was a farmer and was look ing tor a farm which he might porchase. He went from here to Taooma. where he remained some time, retaining here last Friday, aad again he repaired to the Park hotel. He told Mr Abbuhl that bis watch and jewelry were gone and that alt in the world be had left was $t in silver. He wanted to stay at the hotel till he could get work. He taid while in Tacoma be saw 15 angels and 20 devils. About 9 :40 o'clock a clerk went upstairs, and. stepping inside the water-closet, found iremer lifeless and hansring by a piece of wire which he had wound about his neck. He got the wire from the woodshed where it was kept, and pat one loop over tbe corner of the door and the other about his neck. He was cold when found. Sporasr, Wash. Dec 2i The blinard continues to blow tonight, and ioeoming trains report the storm as general all over tbe west. Tbe Great Northern's east bound train is snow-bound at Harrington, in the Big Bend. Tbe Washington Central in coming train is aide t.ncked at Creston. Tbe train from Coeur d'Alene City did not leave tbe other terminus this afternoon. At 9 o'clock the incoming Union Pacific train, doe here at 7:15. haul tot arrived, and as the wires are all down, the official here are unable to locate it. rears cfa ramie Washi.votox, Dec 21. A serious finan cial ptini: is feired by every public man here in Washington, who is brought face to face with tbe financial problem. Men like United States senators, who have large investments, and arc either debtors or creditsrs to any considerable extant, ap preciate, more than any other people here, the danger that threaten. A great deal of the panicky feeling results from the con tinued exports of gold, and the fear that perhaps tbe secretary of tbe trearory will not maintain tbe pro Id reserve by the selling of bonds, although ha has said rather posi tively that he would do this. Tc rtcfcl a Duel Paris, Dec 21. The report that Clemen ceau, editor of La Justice, and Deroulede have serious intentions as to a duel to morrow is fully confirmed. The conditions agreed upon will sbfrw the two men to be remarkably lacking in nerve if there are no fatal results. They are to fi-dit with pistols. They are to be stationed 23 yards apart, but with the privilege of advancing five paces. As both men are considered srood wots it is generally believed that one or both will be killed. FRAZER mm BEST IS THE WBT.r atawsariss quallt lea are Id Ontlaatiaff two haeaa of anv other t.r- sP c-factodbrbaot.w--ciETTni:cr..-i t intu FOB SALE BY DEALERS OESERAI.LT. 1ST ONLY ail 1 1 n rvna mm n wt. '-- -o awiaw LINE RUN NING TrwaaV H RAINS leaving Portland, 8:45 A. M. 7:30 P. IM. DAYS TO CHICAGO 7 Honrs QuirLfTto SI. Pan. ti Hours Quieker to Chicago. 40 Honrs Quicker to Omaha and Kansas City. PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS. FREE PECLINMC CHAIR CARS DINING CARS. For rates and general information csl oti or address W H HURLBURT.Asst.Gcn'l. Pa. A8t, 254 Washlngtcn St., Portland, Orkoon. WANTBDr A girl at once tc dc gei eral housework. Call at tbe offlrc or icalaanee of Dr (i W Maston. P2 NEW AND r MOI S BOOK. Darkness aad Dajrllglst. or Light and shadows er New Yorkt An entirely new, Important and origi nal pictorial work. A woman's narra tive of mission work in tough places.with thrilling personal experiences among the poor, the homeless, the vicious, and the deoraved in the creat undor world of New York. Including an account of Christian and rescue work in regions of poverty and vice; an all-night mission ary's experience in Gospel work in the slums; a journalist's account of little known r-lmses of metropolitan itie ; ana a detective's experiences and observa tions among the dangerous and criminal classes; with hundreds of thrilling anec dotes.Incidents and tales of tender natlios portraving life and scenes in darkest New York by dny and by night. Written by Mrs Helen Campbell, author and phil anthropist, Col Thomas W Knox, author and journalistInspector Thomas Hyrnes, chip iet of the N Y detective force, Bev l.y- man Abbott, D D.editor ol the UBIWHBB Union and Rev Beecher's successor aa pastor of Plymoth church. Superbly illustrated with 250 engravings from photographs taken from life express 1 for this work mostly by flashlight, an reproduced in exact fac-smile by eminen artists. , We do not know when 740 pages have given us more genuine pleasure. If we upeak warmly of the book, it is because it rich v ileaerves it. it is soiu omy ny agenU.ruid is meeting with an enormous sale. Agents who introduce such work ought to be cordially welcomed. A better work has certainly never come to our table. It will be read over and oyer again by old and young, with ever in creasing pleasure and lasting profit. The work is publ'shed by the old and well known firm of A D Worthington A Co.. Hartford, Conn., whose imprint is sufficient guarantee of the excellence of this first-class volume. Royal Octavo, - j , iZJGEZJZ.:" A Gbeat Isvsxtiox. I Ute aell pouilng coffee and tea pots. With them von can pour coffee or tea without turo- Ino the noia. Wonderful. None of the hundred Utile Inconvenience of the old i fashioned way. Coffee cooks sure and pure and cannot burn, and tts to perlic tlon. You iaie the light ltd and the coffee or tea run from he spout. If you would have the finest thing In tne world order enc when Mrs tali, ihe local agent calls on ou . P SB HAP Ycu want the best groceries to be secured In tha citv ; then call on Parker Bros Perhaps You want tieeh produce just from the gardener, then call on Parker Bros. Pei han Yow want the best baked good In the city, bread, cakes, cookies, pies, etc.tben call on Parker Bra and vou will gel the , good and first ras treatment. CAanr.ROCE.VTORE-All Bros. Sr. sow in their sew quarter in the Brisk Block, at the cornet of Ferry an.l Second I . 1. .k,n .eli a ,m, MneMeareaaDt ... - v i . '.l j .i. generauy. ana mv i w . are prepared to give their castoner the best bargain to be obtained in tbe city, for cash. Cash count with them, aad Ihe publi- weal ing the best good sad prod are to be te emed in tbe dty should call on them, where they w!U g' low arieaj and the best goods lioxiT ro Lean. I have mosey in of 50O to rSXOOO to loan on ins- proved farm lands in Linn and Rentes counties, at lowest current rates, delay in furnishing the money. C tv Btrkhart Real estate agent, Albany, Oregon. Tore Baby waa airs. h Vuve he wsa a OisW. h cnevj foe ( The 4 aearne 3!W. ! eimf tn I r nm ww En.; ' -" irr- si.r cv-vetlwm raannrts. Tn aid BsrssCScr lake case SnaoD BQe Deaa ats r emui. St, per tutUc. Athliv d-Care. Red Fst te, S j n'on Street, Portland. 0 . v..-. Stewart Sc Sox aell the shears aad scissor. very beet tateo Warter oortt ar tea best at W F Eead s , Contain weeov U 8 A Utn Dusc. Cal aaya. "btitioti catarrn ite-aeny 1 tne nrat medians I have ever foaod thai would do sas any good. Price, 50 ots. Sold by Foshay Si Mason 1 The finest line of pocket kaives in tbe Cfsw u htewart A 80s a 1 ' Crest redaction in A el mo: 1 r wind mills tut Dsceaaacr. See tbe aent, W W Craw- fords arnoq jd tm fa unats Ttnq -oq nxkouwQ pus uu; SIMONS POWELL. At the dence of the bride's parents, near anon, at 7 a m, Thursday , Dec S3, lfW. bv Kev H Otierp, Mr leo W Mroon; and Hiss Minnie Powell. The bride ts a daughter ol J A rowell and is well known and highly respected in this community. Tbe groom was born near Lebanon and lived here several years. He is now in the plumbing business in Tacoma, and is a most estimable youn man. air ana .tire Mmons were school mates at the Samiatn Academy. The happy coo pie left at once for Tacoma. Wash, where they will reside. Advance. COGUSWF.LL - BENJAMIN. In Seattle. Dee 19th, Bolivar C'oggswell of Lebanon and Miss Anna Gertrude Ben jamin of Seattle. Mr Coggswell arrived in Lebanon with his bride Wednesday. Star Bakerj for s4ikH ma 1 Clret tt' COMrlAO MEYER, PH9PRIE(0a. USALSX.IS ('anesj rruifa, OSatsstcyal ite a CilauMeraee, Qaeesmwar. Orled Fraltw. VegeHtblr-s, Tebaeee. Clsjars Hugsr, lipleas, Cotlee, Teat. Kt Ctt'.. In fact that I kept In gensr variety a i l iraiMary store, Ultrhast , market price paid for A.r.G KIPJO5? OP PROOtJ HRALTH IS WEA T Da EC Wsar'a Nsara tan Bsaik TsaaVHa.vT, btiaranteed aiwelSo f'ir lt)suiri, Disilnoa, Oon vulslona. nts.Nervous Nan-alsla.Ueadaoha.Neivnus IVt-itratlan oauseit bv ths use of alcahnl ur toe aeco, Wakefulness, Hoiiul Pipfmlon, Battening of the Grain reaultin; in imactty all l!ia intrv, decay an i death. Preiil iture Old Aire B irreu n ess. Loss of Power m either ass, lavotantsrv Lsse and .Sjiermston hne cause l by ovr-exsrlla of th brain, seif-sbuse or genoo. haah box contains one month's treatment. $1.0 aeox, or six Ixixes for S3, sent by mail prepaid n receipt of prioe. WE UHAK4NTEK SIX HOXRS To cure any oaaa. -.With oach order received by us foraix soxes, aonompanled with Si 00. we will eend the purcbasor our written guarantee to refund the money If the treatment doe not affect a cure. Guar antee Issued only by J. K'anjmlus. IDraawlttt Hole Aaeni. Itmtar. rl PI. . .4 1 inmi. A Merry Christmas any way. It is not necessary to advise people to keep cool just now. You can't help it. The Gazstte Intimates that the Timet and Leader will be merged under the new man agement. This looks auspicously a If the O P had a hand in the purchase; but it is to be hoped not. The Gervais Star Iias tJicured it out as follows: Taxes in the state ate high and a hea'y burden to the people, and that (6,000 appropriation each year to the state fair concern, has helped to oring it auout. Oregon has done some notable things I in the fiuit growing line. In the days ! ,c"":An'm" D'ck Kurge, tl, light when the gold excitement was raging In w"'Kbt- 00 macl' for ". California, Oregon produced the highest! Under the laws of Oregon, not havirg re priced apples known tc hiatorv. I acived he 3 percent of the loul vote the Some years later the agricultural depart- j uietit at Washington was amazed at the i sight of pears raised and sent from Ore- gon, which far exceeded in size any that had lieen previously seen or heard of. While at Milton a few days since. Sena-: experience. Rnaiaeas men, though, would tor Ford related the fact that at the time ; like to have it iottoned until after Chriar of holding the Centennial Kx position at . mas. riiuaaeipnia lie sent tbere a O.ona Mundi apple which weighed 40 ounces and was pronounced the largest on record. Subsequently he raised an ap ple of the same variety which wheighed exactly three pounds Rural Northwest. bere is Burdette Wolf the murderer of an innocent girl Though two month : have passed he is vet at large, no one knows where for certain. After all, the man seen in Albany may have been Wolf, though not probably so. If so $3000 is close to some one. An exchange says: The chase after Burdette Wolfe, tne ra the murderer of Birdie Morion of Mount Tabor is still kept up- A number of of ficers, inspired by the reward of 20(0 that has bean offered for his arrest, aie keeping a sharp lookout for him. Depu ty MierstT Morgan, ol Multnomah county is satisfied that oil is in the monnuins j of Eastern Oregon, and, in fact, declares that people have seen him there. But; Deputy Sheriff V It Mason.ol C lackamas county, thinks that tbe assassin is in the bandy river country, a boat ntteen miios from Portland. Jay Gould's will began 'In the name of God uoo amen. inis i prooao.y wic j other men were standing in front of Simp ly thing Mr Gould ever did In the name J wn & Houston's, when the awning wi;h-- j c- .1.1 i ,l. s 1 . ... a. on of God. Everything was In the name of Jay Gould and for Jay Could . Electricity is never appreciated more than when obliged to do without it after using it daily. It la hard to come don n to common every day keroaeoe oil. j j The old fashioned Christmas tree hat a ; place o the hearts of the people, partlcu- larlv children, no new arrangement can supplant. It wili alway be the sund by. utntrr imng inoto a cnar.gc, out me tm j y An vr. I man uunnv tne; uig anow . r t j i . i i . . 1 - n ; me U. I . was the oniv rose that run on rime during the' day. A listener re marked: " 'A'hy not, it has been running on tlmc' for nine month." Since a is mil. las levy was made In j Lane county tl.editubnit-ion become . ? . . ; . the lowest K vies In the stale aad no cons - ' plaint can be made on that arore. 1 Running a paper In Prinevllb- not all inoelrv accordins- Io the followtns- from ! ihe New: We have been running thl ! machine for al x months, tow, and have ; sjRssBj accumu.asei3 a nose inour pants; ! and a numerous cabinet of creditors who ! J want their meney . Now pretty rear all j our subscribers ow; for the paper during that sis month and If they love the editor ! they will pay up. j The Oregonlan ha it hand full keen. Ing track ot every town In Oregon. A mis create a tlr". The Ashland Tiding says: "The biggest newspaper in Oregon, he Oregonlan. ha somewhere in it management some one who can descend to a lower scale ot littleness than snv other newspaper man In the stae. For some reason, or reasons, it Has held a aplte againsr Athland fcx a long time, and has SJIdsVil I: to crop out In way that have been noticed and remarked by our citizens. I i he Uiest Inttaooe 1 in it treatmeot of i mining interests here. : Many ot the sheriff of Oregon are' anxious that their ortces hou!d be msde , subject to salary lnsfd of Ihe fee system, j At a meeting o the hertfFs Association tne court Itus-sr. this subject wa Judge W W Thayr: and T F Osborn.prcs- laent 01 tne cnamaer ot commerce. 1 ne proposition was not exhaustively argued, 7711 tT Vm mT ? I"1"1 berlffs, but a bll will be drafted by judge Thayer which will. If passed by the legi. iftireeHerllheiliHlreilrhane .T.!ffr,m i . " T he, Sever I all J N Harris, 3 Fa Hon Market, Kew City, says: fork .i i l. d . i. r. ii . 'the last" nTear. TherT 3S eonal to tha- a. Eiood PanHer. and L-ver KeOlator. bat 1 wish to state how te - . markably they care rheomatiani, end now : easily; I waa affected by rheumatism in tbe I leg. My bnainen (wholesale fish dealer): naturally leads me to damp plane. I eoald ! I not walk, and at night 1 an sffered fearfully; I tried Ualam Karar,ni;aa ar..i .n i..t. .,( tinctures, bet they did me no good and I waa afraid of being a cripple. I finally com- meneed uaing Brandrelh's Pill. I took two every nigbt far ten nights, then I began to improve, i crnunueci taxing tri.u io. fcrty day and I cot entirely well. ! ever tick, I take Brandrelh" never fail. A BIG STOOF :- of - Baby :-: Buggies best sssr rtment ever brought to Albxri just received at Stevtit Sox' s. Sfe lite KiiggitiS and Get Prices Wall Paper, 1 rurw, lJaintss,(Oilw (ilagta, Etc J. ALBANY, -:- 0REG0K ow. whan Pills. They They inereosr ippotn.-. rwrttr t'jj whole SJCUui SM act tm the Ii v.r. IMIe law Us fkcafl. .aaBWsaSBaaal troubledwiibiionorrboBBE' aPLWmV t.Whiie.j-tierinamrrlin.aMl mWmmtWcr "r unnatural dtarham schawl nWaaXaasaf ,r': I, l!rVl" 'or a botUa el asrPB BJS."-. L' 'r!- ln 'vwdays wtiboul the aid or ruhllrtly of a MrSavjaw doctor. Non-pofsonous and aaaJK 7h ISirerssJ dawnecs Cars. BaWaWam lanufaetnd by BBbV CUMMM,.-,-! aWasa IIOMK AND ABHOAD THURSDAY A Liau coantv farm, r has been to the city several days painting the town red. A gentleman cinw down fron Foley springs yesterday. When be left the snow was 30 Inches deep at tbatplce. Guard. On account of the electric lights aot being in running order there id be no prayer neetir : at tha U f cburrh tonight. Th e attending lh pet formance of Turn er's Ljglisb hMh last night reports plesaaut pertornianii with ol j itionabta hot short dresaes. The Halem city ouncil has trjocted s bill of .S T Richardson of .$323.25 for sttor nsy'a lees, which means s law suit on their hands. The Coney Island Athletic Clno have ".n"r'!. P0'6 'W.(r a fight ltwe.n prohibition party loses it- name of part , and CAD hereafter only mae nr.mmat.ons b assemblieaof electors. After all a little anow every year oesatc io very hand v. lt is a relief and a i.leaaai.t There are 34 creameries- in Oreitunand 18 jnst over the line in the tat of Washington that aell their pmdoct in I'ortlaod . These creamertei manufacture two tbirda of all the commercial batter osed there, reckoned at I, I'.T ,000 pounds annual y. This batter sells for 6vs cents per pouosl more than lie aver age batter. A woman in Chicago brcoght suit to re ar $50,000 for the death of her child, jury on the ease asked to have cigsis whiskey brought to them while on duty it ws refused so they brought in a ver for damages to tbe amount of one cent, judge tined each of them the amount of fj and discharge, them. Beside a big no ttorm the following wind storm struck Salem: Sal-m is on:e more enjoying a little railway excitement. ! A railroad to Aatoria, a line to Stsvton snd electric line to Independcnce,Silver- ten and a connection with the Wrwiw, Springfield branch are all being built on paper But there 1 every reason to be j ieve tha i fic: some of them will be built In Pcaiurs Fatal Accident. Yester dav afternoon at CorvalM Rev Marshall I.lgon, the popular young pastor of the M r. Church bontb. Rev Gould and arr.r.1 ou: any warning lell on them. erith about sis feet of brick wall over It, the support of the awning pr- ing the brick, rising shore the one tors building, loose. Rev Ligoa was hit on the skull crushing tt some, and had one leg broken iut below the knee and it wa feared he neuld die. Rer Gould had an arm ', broken. The other men escaped with bruises. Baynard Montanyc, who arrived I home today io spend the holidays from -horn are set the infomatinn ha.i ins 'peted under the awning. Tbe accident ) era occasioned bv ihe fceavv now on the to? Of k. Thb Skow continues to descend in varied quantities, at press time being cf ira nsiurc oi iieet. t esteroav it was Yesterdav ft very wet, coming from the south : todav the north furnishes It and it ha been dry. Only two or three inches have fallen dur ing the dav. and navigation is not verr difficult. Electric wire will probably be ready tor business itoastt tonight, the street light, and church iurh's will ; come iier. 1 'r le.egrapn wires arc 1 down both wav. At Lebanon verv HtUe 1 snow had fallen at 9 o'clock and none at I Bro sosviUe this ncrr.L(. At Rove burg "j00; h Bay . the first hefng ' "I" n . At rorutiki l.hi moming there wa reported sfi j 11 rJulred two engines to haul i feet. cars . rsnur. Holiday foods at actual cost at h lack man ft Hodges: r'noaiJeraKle liamoe w,a il ' t .m.11 trees dariag tbe secent stotw. Ho'.tdsy good be-ow er:-: sad ' taken at th Citv Drug SUsc. ocapota Win ve all down bat act as low as the ' nSo of holiday .nods al the Citv Dm? Sre I ,. . ..... . , J1. f J""1 . 0,0 'l I ,U ct,", cost st fJiukman & j " BOt i00 xcnr uaatccear tgsurrec I escctssj- Toe Da wor aar force will celebrate Chnstmaa. Dace r;r.-B-r Iroacbt aevea deer la Albany last nigh: frojj the frost, he had killed recently. Th sow : Jer . bet rot aa .Wp sm the cat in the ijic 01 holiday goods at S-Lan- j " Dr0 Sios- j Several l-tgb fcave bees on oar street. ( so ciscn mna wit the srow,thoa-h.iBaea Between Alhany aid Cdtr, 00 vte Lb- , anos branch. Coed aodactor llaston yesterdav I down in llfty-two plaocs ... .. ' : coasted the wire Would yon believe it? If yew de it go and see for yoarself that fcolidav eod. are . o!d .M th. COJt ,t i(m, ,cSsxStorc. " 1 rred trodley has been appon ted asaO ' clerk oa the O. P. to tne froa:,I K Wbittier havins reeiened to go to Waebingtoc, where , fce has another position, ! CTbe warehouse of I A Morris Jfc Co., be- E , i .... . ... . " longing iojj v. ran am. leu yesUrdsy even- ' 'LLTrL it ??, M t , , " " a, i, . ..-.i : . , - - uiujj. naoiru J N Listnaoo ha coalesced la a letter fn.m Mill City gto having started tbe Jefferson fire, doing to by accident, having smoked sua pipe while lying among bavins. The State Board of Enaalixttton were at j the depot yesterday noon ant were, met by Jndsa Beaana. They did not go to the Court j Hons, though, abandoning their present program oa account of the severe weather. It snowed Monday evenijir. and li i wnsa cijwes;. net a gentle aspttrr bet a gale. as if to prostrate the very foiesta. Big trees cans down wi' h tbe boom of cannon in tapid u occasion. A large tree fell across tbe sawmill flame and down immediately back of Henry Snecets' house, freights log them so tha! they took refuge at a neigh 'er. Sxttiam Lambeiman. Not FsracTED to Lrvx. Rev Ligon who was injured by a tailing awning Wednesday evening at Curtains, was rj ported in a critical condition this tuom- mg, not having regained his conscious ness since the accident, aad it was thought he could not recover. It was es- umatcit that HHO or anal hrirh fti . I him besides the awning, besides crush ing ma skull, brt'iikmv t .r... rilva on.l ol leg. The accident excited general at-! teattoa in Corvallis Awini. m .n ! J sore btsides being dangerous even with- ' out uig enows, anaaligrtiwtng live towns ; should do away with tbem. we have a relief and care In your ignorance of effects and vitality which 1st system the elements thus strength and vigor will fol cure or money refunded. Dr. Sand en's Electric after all other treatments testify, and from many of 1 wiMi.-u.rvti mm . . srs . .w-r ,r .swienmtfLmrsi K.-i.lHBaJ' V-jaw-jsnni n Hen 1 1 ill 1 St re iwav' m 1 . THE 'Ww Is a complete galvanic battery, made into a belt so as to be easity worn during work or at rest, and it gives soothing, prolonsreu currents which are instantly felt throughout all weak parts, or we forfeit $5,000. It has an Improved Electric Suspensory the rvrama taacf Iwunl svnr rrivli WC. ik" TTlfn unit Vl U'lrt-inP if n mien awcassa Af ika anAw. i, . s a s . v--Jfc " - , , . Money Refunded. 1 hey are graded m Uaa ivrsc tuacs in v w muiiuis. AUUIC3S SAN DEN ELECTRIC CO., 172 First St., Tim Aiikorio Toiic. Only three inches of snow fell at Ibanon. In view of the fact that about twelve inches in all fell at Albany this is a peculiar fact. On the Summit and towards Philomath, on the O. P., the snow was three feet deep on the level; yet today's train nn der charae of the energetic Mr Kennedy was only a few moments late. Going to the Bay yesterday the tram was about three honrs late. Last night's S. P. overland was ditched this side of Port land, arriving at C a. m ,the north bound overland arrived at 10 o'clock, about hours late ; tne Roeeburg train was also late; the Portland local was only minutes late. In the city business has picked np considerably. The elee'ric wires are nearly repaired and most of the circuits will be running tonight. Christmas promises to see things "ship ehape" for the festival celebration. Prevent end core Constipation and Sick. tteaoacijc-. Smnu uiie ueana. Made toeU the reak, nervoo or ailing woman who takes Dr. Pierce. Favorite Preemption. It's s medicine that's guaranteed to help her. It's an in vigorating, restorative tonic, sooth ing cordial and bracing nervine and a certain core for all the f emo tional dermngemente, painful disor ders or chrosM weaknesses that affect women. For ulcerations, dis placements, bearing-down sessatk&s, evarytbiag that's known as "fe male complaint," it's nn nnfa'illcg remedy. It's ft peculiar one, too. Pecnlisr in composition, peculiar in its cures, and peculiar In the way it's sold. It's guaranteed to give satisfaction, in every ease, or tbe money is refunded. Yon pay only for tne good yon get It's tbe big, oM - fashioned pill that makes the most disturbance but it's one of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets that does the most good. Mild sad gentle, but thorough aad effective tbe smallest, cheapest and easiest to take. They cleanse aad regulate tbe liver, stomach and botrela. im. Report of the Condition 'it- tie lib cornv mom Bk. AT ALBA.VT. IX THR STATE OT OREliO.V a-.thscfean ti aSaiaw, One sth, 1SK. S.'IJ9 , fJkUS .tect.T I tsnnaa SSflBlsSSaa otcascstt , 1 that she aitrre stshl won as am to Ihebwaof aiysnaowbsnr and awnwfL O. A ARCHIBaXJ), CanhMT. Soasenbedaad sworn to kutni a ase tats Sad dav of DnsssxCSS, T i STTTBS, (t l Notary PuhUr uaaaan - isssse W. H. GOLTRA J. A CIttWFi .RO i. L. CVWAS. JAJPA?hIES F'Lksfr CUR Aaawaad Oawasate Trsa-AttV is last iiij, of Saw KisvOarlo axteraal.tsnarvwLasjaH nr Reed, hoai. Cbroeue, ftesaasar Bereditnrv PBes, and axawethw tniisi and i 1 ifci im,, tts al- ! car a r-t i htJSTw I nan Baser eC sasa xaa anas aawcosaeaiy I ass aeise seen kaawatoailL finer asMarassU. Wk mSsi bona tkisv wesaa wrttten arassnasx is paaitivnly hnanvas ronsad theasawaye nae esnd. or free Sample Oat male imsi f by 1 A Cassaatxts, Dras Sale Scent. Al NOTICE OF FINAL SET t LtMENT. I rv"Vv? ' . "-" was m.ii ins, oa crncE is hi dersatwed raia Tamer, i xi of the eocau rj r - faxect BsSssssayaaaSMwaakaha Onssca Cierk. for Linn county. Oreevm. hi Saal siimal saasidesxaae and kaseecyt has Sxed tSe "th Jannarv. 1SS8 at the hoar of 1 uVhek n aa I day of baarraret oejanlliiai aad tbe setslemeDi of said tats, PabHskl l by enter of J X Duncan, Countv Jta'f. Dated Dec S, liSnl V A KlltSEY, Hewitt k Wo tv.rt.ic, Attye Executor: V) Mi Sr 4- P v CURE. The success ot this Great Cough Care ts wv.boat a parallel In tbe hiaaor? of mediciite. Ail dracrhMa are ant horited to sell it on a poe Itive guarantee. . teat that no other cere can succcMtrv.'.ly stand. That it aaay become Waown, the Proprietors, us enormous ex-itc"-. are piscina; a Sample Bottle Free into every koaae la the Vailed states and Canada. H von have a Coach, Sore Tttrost. or Eron ch.':is. nee It. for it win cwre you. If your rm'd has theCreop. or Woocntng Conga, nee It pnroily, and relief 1 sore. If yon dread that insidton disease Consumption . ase it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOR'S CVRE. Price Ness., 90ct. aadtl.os. Ityoar tsnsga ate sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous PWter. Price SScts. Vug sabs by all Drug and Desires MM Umm saw iTai lasals !S?. t 'itTtl-afM. swwrad and iiii.oiwl 7jmjiXt V. S. Bowd to aecare rlirnlnrina gjeass I iic f.- a sawrossd leass is sasans Kea truo her Xattonal bank nan trass scats hwar sad haaasrs bbssi ga as BanBCawssaeaasanai . lajsmss CSaaWSSCBBBBasas SClSiiSS : ."-.!: Pnaavaansaar. ftsosals . ie.sjSS t-neeks and other cwh aveaas 1JBMUSI I BUw d other hawks CSSjSCl rtnrrionnl ssper cwrrency. aajBns,esas . ! Specie IS CU-SO ' terv lender Man asjas! I Kedesayaien read wnh f.s. Tisawuiai. j Total STsJSU HaMIHhroi Capital work raid in SiT.erje 03 t'xiiridsd nruCu Xl.LS M ifaHaawl bank notes iilssss Sua TT.SSSUSS lodivadaai depatu aaerxasioeal Sacks I Dna ts atak anaiasaad baakan swr 1 i Tonal S57,ass J j ' Sravs or ts as 11, Oissati ot Lona.) I " A a a :au. j. t I esaaed bank, dnsiliiaistv swear y iasi el health Tha m box f.jv as, SXCSbia dueaae rive with 6 ARE 1- YOU AND SUSPENSORY FCR Who are .1 CT i r , me eucc.13 01 anuses, excesses, in our marvelous invention, which reouires WII v . . w iuvt; u.g must aikcr ut uu. or by Masses, or exposure, you may have unduly drained your system of nerre force eJcef-and thus caused your weakness or lack of force, if yon replace into your drained, which are required for vigorous strength, you will remove the causeTand health .ow at once and in a natural way. This Is our plan and treatment, and we gruratee , Ssiw1 ffT mm T inefentArl 1 1 er. nU I e. frsa 1 4. . . ww- fc'aw- ca a.... ' authHtcivw sssucu, a , acu. ay mail, seaieu. Belt is no experiment, as we have restored thousands to robust health and vieor failed, as can be shown by hundreds of cases throughout this State, who would tri'dlv whom we hare strong letters bearing testimony to their recovery after using our Belt. DR. SHNDEN ELECTRIC BELT - v -"j w wwss wMM.oiC5, ana to enlarge snrunKcn nmos or parts strength to meet all stages of weakness in young, middle-aged or old men, and wi c ON FIRE WITH ECZEMA Terrible faffe rings of Little Baby. Seven Doctors and Two Hospitals Fail. Cared by Catlearsu My baby boy, f, months old, broke out with ocuima. The iirhinj and ba roils was intense; tl.- rez-raa apri-ad to hu tnbt, breast, fee. and hoad, unOl be was netrly covered; his tortorinj agonic, were pttobia to beb-.i. ; be had so peace ana &ui nuie rvs! mum or day. He waa onder treat ment at different times at two koevttala acd by acvn Cnclais in tats city wttho-.i Um least benefit; every piescrtpUon of the donors was faithfully trted, tot no pew worse all the time. For months I expend A about as per week for medicines, and waa en tirely discouraged. I par chased Ctrrietna, Ccn- era Boar and Ctmn UzKT.vrar arid f'.l.oal til i ! nasi ons to the letter. I :. Sef was bnmedhnv, hie j'ierlscs wcro oaaed, and rest and sleep per-'-.:'.ti He steadily truroved sad la nine wsita nzi -ntlr!y enri-d, ano has oo- a clear a sain a la i f-lr a MM aa sir Mother cooid w.ah to aee. Mrj. a. FKiirsrs'iv, s- a ' ;s,J.v.;a. .t i tiu'cir.ura Remedies Tl -..., -t .L'.n ciru. Wcrjd partners. I ssassnVa of n. mta usm, uwntij r meat UOtXam torsos of eczema arjj end e-u-iiiir, v-a nfij. fTlMy ai.-a overy swot ley or sonant piis'-'.iv'dl. iad bo -acre of the PU ' v i i Inst of aalr, fr-ies Infaacy end , -f-.le. newaion. or ceTvo. a,. upeJuxl aad beat pt;aktan ftjlje- rrwhor. Price. CCTIccaa, SOe.: i.. ; U .vkst, St. Frepirwl bf tno Pi CBZU3CJLLI.';b Mf ' 'lo" to '"r Bkin - ii, . uanmsaaniaws, ana i r.l--: :.b'.ithecs.r4. rooh,i .ana I lti -'T skis eared i,j Ctmcuai boat. OLD FOLKS n VnZ cf er-arfort for all P- wen. -i. iml sc&. ' Aari l the (. .: intra A :' -i"aln ; - - uvl :i . T if'if ,.t-wf iinsaiiianofina. aM i TTS A Dl Tl T". ow,e mas as I. mm t tlm, nlBJ fAP V aesaiae In vewr fnet wear lev LJ . I- Dewslaa Sbses, whlrh r - mX srslas) ar price asked, as imm n-f .1 I irrxiLx xo st;b8titxt. Wa L. DOUGLAS 33 SHOE c.m, m BmsHOCiKswnTinEi a rewaine sewed akee, Olbz w-tf rss. Saw O SO Teranha, wore er ran 9o other who wait a mod Beay inl.d m 1 1 mImmh i,laii al Of aartnwiik keeo the lees dry aod n arr iiriiiWf. S.5 and aV2.SC) 9dCa fMsastew'aanosswinaasusii wsy aansCT taaa aarr ataw pake. Tbey are made tor aev . nee. The sdtho. Boys srfaasrssT Tl ff nes 1 1 viuw 01 BSWS BT. . r Ladies' US - - OoaaatSuaJ. LaaUsawse Causrtew.-w.i land anhleet to Inktilaa aimii si :V- L. E. BT.AIN'. BILIOUSNESS ! ant. . e si n J L. I I : it UC 9. B. IKsWaKalf W U1CT CUT i- A sara. PHYSIC sstts dt It taken as directed, we Guarantee Satis faction or ret and your money. DO NT SICKEN. DON'T GRIPE. 50 cents per bottle, by J A CvstMixcJ and Fosbat & Masox Tor niforsxstsoa aril tn mi xx a co-att Be OMest twees for sr.': Bvery paten; takes o tbe pahtas by a atav jsVcirttfifv leuveet ci vortd. anxa she r : Si.. xnre-i u. C M( Farland, DKALU IN Harness - and - Saddler; - O Display in the flood ppCi its First National Bank, 1 1 u- WEAK ? anne blaaur 4X a asal tenmbtewruoh end dnrahkethaa asrroehwawfwevyr scddattawnrtoa. ipa-Lnsia aaado sftnesms-r-k mX1 n'&eLZ-- Z, ha. ; boysow5 ItaaSns od, rX-C aarf SI .73 Shoe tor ; tKma or aneCaK. aa 1 wBeeyoanay Bewasrot Isali namasaslas nati Mil is 1 w 111 a by ksw 'tor ohv ESLmmTx. katbf aaw Mjasg"81 AaaartBSSI "aaaaWaWaWawawV - l-AT?- xTBKlELl? a EAK.MEN DEBILiTrrFn AMn ci iFFroiMii FrtONo's'DiDTy &minalWeak NESS LOSS E5 DRAIMS iMDrtTFtdr v m-i. c-E6l5T!MAtOm l-aLsa FDnncMFCc worry sad !mun , but a trial Pl eura s PORTLAND, OREGON