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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1892)
(The mortal CliRikTMAslJoiNGs. Notwithstanding he severe weather Christmas observances were general in Albany.and vhere seemed to be as well filled trees as ever, though there was an evidence of economv in the costliness of the gifts. The holiday spirit ws present, though, and that "is what makes the Christinas festival the greatest of the year. Saturday everinir the Sab bath schools of the citv generally had ap propriate observances, and the air was full of song and music At the Congregational church was a tree with a social, and Min- dav evening a children's program; at the you are t Church two trees and a program ; at the Cumberland Presbyterian and M E church South, two trees ana a program; the same at the M E church. At the Baptist clutch Mr and Mrs Santa Clais presides over the tree, and a short pro gram was rendered. At the Presbyterian church the tree was set off to great advan tage with stars and cresents of colonel electric lights, and a program was rcndei ed. At the Evangelical church an arch held the presents, just in the rear being a manger with a babe in codling clothes, while over it as an angel. A feature of the program were ten girls In white rep resenting the wise and foolish virgins, A midnight mass was held at the Catnolic church At the United Presbyterian church a wind mill presided ovor by a Dutch miller and little brownies and sur- unded bv tiee, was the order. The rese.its were slid down a shut '.according me design m me ii.n s Companion, program was presented. 'tci'lUR Accident. Last, Friday arles Piatt and a voting; man named mining wee on the mountain in (he vlJtnltyot Richardson 's Gap, where their treed a coon. OE course, the young desired to capture the coon and divers sundry methods were resorted to in er to dislodge the animal from an old that proved to be just ready to fall.ln ch he had taken refuse. Youne Piatt waA passing near the snag ic a stuoping .HVl!iot when the roon jumped lo an ad joining tree. The force of the jump aiovH roo mucn toi tne rotten snag, and a portion was broken off and fell to the ground. The falling poitlon of the snag struck young Piatt on tne back of the neck and shoulders,crushing him to the ground. He was taken by his companion to a place where he sent for Dr Hyde, who. upon examination, ft una the unfortunate i young man paralyzed from the shoulders down, with his spine so injured that :e corerv is regarded as very doubtful in deed. Scio Press. Wash Phillips Robbed. George W Phillips, a tniirer from leffeison, Marion countv, will not to be so anxious 10 mix up A Plkasant Incident. At the close of the Christmas tree exercises at the Cumberland Presbyterian church, and while several packages were placed in n chair near where the pastor sat, Hon R A Irvine arose and addressed 'm sub stantially as follows: "Bro. Wooley : It is because of your untiring devotion to the cause of religion generally and your special services to this church, in which you have won the confindence and es teem not only of the membership but of the people in general as well, that we present to you a fine suit of clothes, in cluding pants, coat, vest, overcoat, hat, shoes, cravats, shirts, silk handkerchief. For these presents, while they come from the members and friends of the church, specially indebted to the kind ness of Mrs htone and Mrs Becker, through whose kindness and energy they were secured." The pastor in a few well chosen words tl ankecl the donors, saying m anoyance mat ne was grateful to tne j two ladies whose names were mentioned, i to the memoera of t he church and other G W Wright and wife went to Browns, good friends for this special token of vllle Saturday to spend Christmas with friendship and love, stating that he had j relatives and friends. never labored among a jiore kind heart AND rUtSOKAL MONDAY. David Link, of Lyons, spent Christmas in'Albany. Ir J T Tate, of Portland, spent ChrUt mas In Albany. Frank McAllister, of Eugene, is in the city, visiting friends. R H Coshow, of Salem, has been in tha city, the guest of his sister, Mrs Geo Stan ard. The manv friends of Rev S G Irvine will regret to know af his more dangerous illness. Wm Obenaur, who Is getting out the Salem directory, sptnt Christmas In Al bany J O Writsman, of the Farmers & Mer chants insurance Company, went to Portland this noon . than the people of ed and good people AlDany. Pkouate Matters. First 'eport filed in estate of Peter Welt. Citation ordered issued, returnable Feb 6. First account Pled in estate of Elisa beth A Fruro. Petition to sell personal property granted. Petition to sell personal property al lowed in estate of Caroline L Bark hart. Final account approved iu estat j of Wm and Bessie Burkhart, minors. Hearing of final account in estate of Jacob Wigle set for Feb 7, 1893. In estate of Robert McCulloch, will admitted to probate. In estate of Frank Shedd, inventory filed; real property, $5145; personal property $2348. Total, $7493. Will of Aitemas Podge, admmitted to probate. Executors, Grant and John Dodge. Bonds to be $40,0000. At the Reform School. As Albany has several boys at the state refoim school the following account of the Christmas ex ercises there will be of interest, particulaily the subjects in the program : The decora tions and costumes, as well as the exercises showed that no pains 'had been spared to maee tne evening a success. Th following Iherary programme was r.ndeted: Opening song, "Where Is My Boy Tonight?." hv .he school; declamation, "Tne Wniskert." Mr. Pomeroy; declamation, "TheBoy's Pledge." Millie Hussy; dialogue, ''The Power of the Press;" declamation. "Mothei's Bov.'' Tom- Rev R M Thompson, of Kentucky, has been engaged as paslor of the Congrega tional church of Salem. Mr C W Crowder, wife and daughter, and Mrs H L Dav, of Portland, are in the city, the guests of F M Westfall. Mr Clarendon McBride, of Little Elk, came to Albany todav, to spend a few days with relatives In the country. A meeting of the C L 8 C will be held tonight at the residence of F P Nu'.tlng Quotations from Edgar Allen Poe- License was 'ssued today for the mar riage of Chas Wooding and Hilda E Dob sou, and John Xoung and Cordelia Ryan. David Bond, after a two months sen tence, leleased from the county jail vettertlay and returned to his home at Halsey. Merrill Fish, of the Oregonians com- 1 posing room, aie .nrisimas turkey wun his mother in Albany, also Mr and Mrs Geo Fish, of Corvallis. Mr I P Cooley, of Brownsville, was in the city this morning and reported the snow all gone at his city last evening, the fall being nuch less than here. Mr Chas Redfield. who has been with a surveying crew on the Roseburg Coos Bay R R. has returned lo Mbany for awhile. On account of bad weather it was found necessary to cease operations for some time. A train is running on about thirty-6ve miles ot track and the perman ent survey has been made for about sev-entv-live miles. MRS. A. B. NcILWAlM The following sketch of the life of Mrs. A. B. Mcllwain, who died on Dec. 15th, from paralysis, appears in the Oregonian : Lydia A. Mcllwain was born in the 25th day of July, 1836, in Ulster county, New York, being the daughter of Rufus and Ann E Roe, of Center Village, in that countv. She was married in New York City on the 28th of February, 1861, to A B Mcllwain, who made the long trip from Oregon to New York for that purpose. This being before the era of transcontinental railroads, the return trip to the Pacific Coast was made by steamer via Panama, arriving in San Francisco the same year, and proceeding soon after to their future home at Waldo, Josephine county, Or., where Mr Mc llwain had preceded her and had provid ed for her a comsaodious, and for those days, an elaborately furnished home, The young couple were for 16 years f imminent in the social aud commercial ife of Southern Oregon, removing to Al bany in 1877 to engage more extensively in the general mercantile business, anil to pass together their declining years in the enjoyment of the material comforts which a liberal fortune could secure. To her intimate friends Mrs Mcllwain was known as a woman of true womanly Four Horses Wanied, 1 wish to purchase two spans of draft horses, 1300 to 1 500 pounds weight, and from 5 to 7 year's of age. Will be In Albany on Saturday, Dec. 31st, tobu. the horses. Br!ng them In. John Parker. HOME ANIs AKKOAD dolt at the Ladiea thy, this ueiug a Number 343 drew tha Bassar. The hank a are cliwi r legal holiday. Jessie Bush, the waj wnd Kugruc jail, has retarded host, and promlres to live ith her mother. The chair factory shed t.f Veal & 80a ir. this city cdlapted by reason of a heavy load of now, Saturday while thoveliag anow from his barn John Schmeer took a tnmbU off the roof, striking on the iuuw Mow so as not to injure him nmch. Thn aKriculturalawaeliQuu shed of Jerry Hay fell in at RairWrnr. during the storm, earning daraaga uf $300 or $400, A H Johnson is bi u.ccrd Scott May aa cashier of tha Scio Bo k. Mr Johnron is a popular yoaug man who will undoubtedly add to the strength oi lbs bank. TCESDAY. Fi ank Drew: dialogue. Goine to Monroe!" ' . Mr- Eu Vaasn'o went to Salem declamation, "Driving a Male," H. Wilson; I -v on a visit with friends. to- ihe with stran Portland acquainted with Will F Sheland. Sheiand knows a good thing when he sees it and u i. I . 1 .. . 1.1.1111 01.1111 uiu iha iuw ikiii oi i iihiiji. i lumps wno gathered ta: presents mmmmm a sicaiu ram, auu w line nc was me n-niturs distributing ilnin among lading me same nis cioines was nnej. eight . happy bovs ' J- r,T upon HAaRisBiaG ELEcnoNs.-AOl- W 'JIV''MS Thompson. MW; JRBudnm, "rT" '.T ,. 7, t Foreman; J W Lmu.Overseer; C E Max "" r "a ;'".s . ""son. Recorder: J.I Baker. Financiei ; W being referred to lh; grand jury The s Brown, Receiver; W S Mullen. Guide; evidence against Scheland I. strong. Gree Uoodi j W; w M Port q Scheiand is a young man and his parents, g. No S. I O F. ! R gers the next time he visits reading, -Indian Hate." Mr. romerov;! Judge J N Duncan returned last night Phillips, in his rounds, became ( Christmas song bt nine bovs in costume, from a trip to Portland. I la k- mill t? DL.I i oi-: t . . . . . . 1 roitoing this banta Claus, as the usmi re rbe children of Mr Virgil Parker went galia of frost trimmed ' garments cme, j to Yaquina Bay today to spend the hol ho gathered tni presents from the lite idavs. Misses Amelia and Pauline May, ofHar ristiuig. are In the city, the guests of L. Senders. Tbe Sslem S'atesman speaks very highly of the Middangh Co. to be at the opera house tonight. highly respectable. Scheland his for the past few years led a vagabond life, and upon mo e than one occasion he has heaped disgrace upon his parents. Mercury. Cartwright, CP; I B Mor n, S ; W T Porter, HP; Jas Wihaby, S Wj JG Sencers, Treas; TJ Ar.dton, Scribe; D McClaln, M W Canter and J P Schooling, Trustee. Memberr of band. J Close, E clarinet; A BlQ KICK. There is a kick an aw- , Ed Kimball, B clarinet; Chas C'nter and ful and just kick by passer.grrs on the Geo McCulioch, E cornet ; Chas Levi. Lebanon branch of the S P R R. Weo- solo Bcornet; Leonard Douglas, first B nesday the coach supplied by the roaa for cornet; Cal Briggs, H Buckmun and Prof the transportation of men, women and Dean,altos; Harry Wood and C E Maxson, chi'.bren wai so outrageously unfit foriteners; Geo Kelaey, baritone; fas T tiave'. that the passengers, after paviiie i Douglas, E bass; Jesse Kelser, Bbass; A Foster, the man who murdered Judge Morgan, father of Mrs 11 C Watson.of this qualities a most devoted mother and tt j city, has just been tried at Mcphim.Tenn., true wile: She was, inner own quiet " " , w iw way, a believing.trusting Christian.bav- j penhentt&ry far life today, ing united with the Albany Congrega-j Uev Manhall O Ligon, who waiicjurrd at tional church, by profession of faith, in Corvallu lait week by ih imiu. 1880, under the ministry of the late Rev j died sx'y Saturday rooming from the effects J W Harris. The funeral services were i of the accident. Us was a poolir )onni( conducted bv the resident-pastor, Rev W minister of the M E Church .sooth, and bis i A Trow. Besides a host of loviug friends, death will be universally regretted . " Mrs Mcllwain leaves a son and two j The skating rink wt 1 be open this evenwa j At ths recent Prineyi'U JsoUoo W Gi daugbters.the Utter residing in Portland ,t 7:30 o'clock. An eight dollar pair of ! nr was sLcled nrwtuUt.'. of ths oonneii and Spokane. One brother, Colonel .kates will be given te ths mil. 1 Geo Cine. Med Vand.rpoo'. W01 NfouLk.n' John H Roe, now in Florida, haa his skater. The raos will be,;tn at 8:33 p. rr.. and I Sichel, couciloieuVjl ii he' I and J home in Kearney.Neb ; another brother, Anderw DM Kgi F Mooic each reeaivsd 01 votes for recorder ; James E Roe, and a sister, Mrs M l - fan with road taparvlsorTbos. Kioman R. , lajrtoo Elliott, Massjsw; Qtmm Mu.phy. Benham, reside in Spokane ; another sis (u,jo(J to pay , $3 Ux. h. was arrested and ! nrsh.l; M E Brank. e ty attorney, ter, wife of .he late Rev L M Carver, re cominutd to jU for four .Uy, aervtd part At Ilwsco tears is a fifty sera tract of sides in San Francisco But .more , than ol . ,lay ,d JM rel-4ed . u. .. , MJmT Vw3mm a 1. this untimely death at the early age ; doubtedly unconstitutional, and regard!.. 000 worth , f berriW tasideT 500 wl of 5. , after more than 30 years of tender, of the ment. of such cases, if carried to th. ! tmk that were gathered ooecoantof aaT - """ i supreme Ciiort, would no doobt be declared city of h.lp. A iaiat stock comoanv la now IV, 27 Difference The "Royal" the Strongest and Purest Baking Powder. Whether any other baking powder is equal to "Royal," let the official reports decide. When the different powders were purchased on the open market and examined by Prof. Chandler, of the New-York Board of Health, the result showed that Royal Baking Powder contained twenty-seven per cent, greater strength than any other brand. When compared in money value, this difference would be as follows : If one pound of Royal Baking Powder sells for 50 cents, One pound of no other powder is worth over 36 cents. If another baking powder is forced upon you by the grocer in place of the Royal, see that you are charged the correspondingly lower price. km SACRIFICE The owners of the Merced Woolen Milk, Merced, cal., retiring from business, we have purchasedja part of 'heir slock at a BIG DISCOUNT. band of bis cbiefest comfort a true helpmate to cheer.snstain and strengthen n life s troubloi'B journey tir.a formed for the purpose of developing v e'guir acre tract eo tbe A 1st a. A Jewel rente does the bnianesa in the Man A hoat Town's kitciten to great shape, j A young horse beta aging to "J B MePar and of coarse erestte sons talk. A aotut 1 land, ot Tanurat uramm-t r..n.i ih . Vailsy Crrtaa. The progress of the ,"T " wo"h having, "d ,b news always 1 !. breakina through the cover, sad f.Il .... , . a a .w ' spreads. Matthews At Washburn, the live about lifuee fet, hetes steDDsd with capital Of a State IS of interest to 1,. ,nen, who keep th.. popular .tore, his h.l abos. ihs water by tb. piSeT He people generally, aa a whole state may must bar. heard aboat it, furthey recnem- ; was gotten out with a tackle manipulated by be judged somewhat bv its spirit and ad- kwred Mr. Man .boat Ton o Christmas j several minj aod wma found to be umujared vancement. In this rtspect Oregon is j eve with an elegant napkio riae, a casabiaa- 1 aftr so severe aa experience, well represented Salem has shown a tioa of an egg. chiskea aud wiabboae, for A delinoaeot tsx list for tbe cite of A stable growth. Without any joking, the ; kmd word, .pr.k.n about tee Jewel. ,o,-.a 1. 3g powK i 1 th. lataih stj Dsmocrat predicU the directory census : Carter St Zigler'.drogrtorecante very una j gU. It just being completed of that city bv a , being burned early ote mom in. Mi. week. I bany men ewing all tb. way from 60 cent, firm that does thorough work. Will show J Some coals had Bsea put m a box the evening to l-ftf . To sake is edvertUeo for a population, including the immediate ! befcre. which set tire tv. tbe box and it was The tmt my be seso at tba office bv anv suburbs, practically the city, of pretty j soon in la ce. But for tfc timely assist eoe lottreated . This tax bu.maa. fa owe of well up to what a local paper recently s aaae of Al.x Power aod John Porter. tb Uie big drawbacks of owning property In claimed 12,000. it is a pleasing fact to j buddiog would soon br beeo U flame. h.rcitsea. Albany treats ootaidm im a notice in this connection that every one ' For that to bum wouU nave meant sure de-1 apseUWe. leoiest msnocr; bat a f.w cities of the prominent cities in tbe vaUey, stmctioo to the surrounding boildirg. aa j aw tbe ctocb isiiuus an excetiioa, nas ueea ei-1 mti was a uroa s nfi wma. Halaav a r j ..1. t A Barbecue of Bargains. We place on rale their complete lines, consisting of MenV, Bovs' and Children's Glthiug, Flannel chirts and Underwear, and Blankets, at prices that will surely make you come again. Kew York aa j yeage Ldwrenec, in tne supreme ourt, has peneuctng a steady reliable growth, , News. .u- .it.j nHt 1 . ri 1L 7i B r J i i J;iiri Jnrooof"1-brl:mas presents presert- given judgment aeainst th, Oregon Pa,ntie r'0;r"- " . , eo woere incy wcte pmoabty mcst a,- oompeoy lorfK, 099 47. in Uvor of J Herri. "ooaourn, inoepenaence. -orv; i preoated was boxoi to,, for tne HUU , o Purdy, J. M H.l.teed d Jsaeb H Eugene. Roseburg and Ashland have all j children of the o.-phsn's home, bv Mr ILLtead. exmtor. ol tn. will TJk Mra M 6ternlrg. Senator Jeff Myers and Dr Jeffrevs ' perity r. i. : . . - 1 'Vi ! Jn,iu "Wwohl. Their beans were made ; Hsletead." i. is the rcait of a att grow- 1 nie 1 1 . . 1 .1 .. , . ... 1 1 . . . . . uu inry win ui;iuve a ind re- wgowioi taeparcnas. J te steamrr tut .ur ana .Mrs wmolie. of Portland. : . rrrnw t It in iksl si ait f a aaf ;.re 1:,LmK ,ne 'MteM Prente, r and mm, well a Salem and Albanv 1 a a m e at ... . a . e - I ; . . ,. . xi as "iuu I .? y!Jtfnc " "It tn:V T m1Wm tM be lg hearted gtntlem.n f-Ilfl'tl aim ja u. M.i;, ( u. ww nn nripe J to make their Widar , 'o rraaoeooaatf k.qaiaa rtev is not a jerky affair. J season a happy one. List of Patmts granted to Pific ; . J,"1" ThU mr?lnJ . T'i . " D ; lend from she south was delayed in the tai?. ,ve"taT th,1' ! week-, .ReJ;rtd Saaamento vallev and will not arr,vt bv C A Snow A Co.aolicitora of Arueriran i . : . ' -r-v . . . - n . . ""' "'-wrTow. inc -ortncrn rectt:: " w- i 7 and . P are comalr-elv blockaded. No eastern mall has arrived for five days anj the neat will probably come bv tie oP took in a Christmas turkev at tbe Scio home- Salem Journal. Mr and Mrs Lewis, of Ellenaborg, Wash., are in the city, the guests of their daughter, Mrs Ignatx Fox. Miss Annie rrane, a popular teacher in the Eugene schools, spent Christmas in Albany with ber uncle and aunt, Judge and Mrs J C Powell- Tom McNary, the irrepressible never their fair, had to riise their umbrellas and keep on their rubber coals to protect them selves from tbe rain that leaked through the roof and sides of the car. Frequitntlv the seating capacity of the cars furnished is totally insufficient for the travel. Peo ple have got to travel and roads that pre tend to furnish ways and means should at least keep their passengers dry while in their coaches. If the company doesn't improve its service, s:eps should be taken t o re-establish the old stage line as a far more comfortaale means of travel. If Albany merchants want Lebanon peop'e to patronize them, tney rhould insist upon the railroad furnishing comfortable trans portation. Lebano.i Express. 1) Gillelar.d.bass dru.n; Frank Hay drum. Th officers are: president; Chas . -. secretary treasurer; Ed Kimba!., conductor. sober Tom, and Foreign talents, odd. U Onteria. Cal, cultivator; H C f inkier, San Francisco, Cal, roller brake ; G Har vey, San Francisco, Cal, snatch block ; C C Haub and F Dasha, Kan Francisco, A D Gilleland. Te,n " Aipany years ago, and Seht ro South Carolina. The bodv former home, on the S P overland. Re Ligon and Rev C G Harmon, of this city, were schoolms'es and friends for many yeais, coming to Oregon together, The deceased was only about 21 years of age, and single; yet was a young man nf great talent.with prospects as bright as often U'l Will Be Appealed. In the Cnited ; to TOun8 man- He was very popular, States circuit court, in the case of the I "nd h' 'oasis a great one. Memorial scr United States vs the Willamette Valle vtecs were neId ir- Corvallis yesterday and Cascade Mountain Wagon Road ; previous to the shipment of the body east. Company, Judge Gilbert made an order al-; LlVB Chisese Pheasants. Among the lowing the case to be earned to the court ... . , . . ... of appeals. He rencered a decision in the j Web,eet who were not prepared for the case a few days before in favor of defend- I recent storm, and who took it very much ants, dismissing the bill on the ground that to heart, were the Chinese pheasants, it was inequitable and that the United ; They had a serious ime of it. The sleet States should not, at this late date and I of the last snow stuck to their tails and after such long non action and icquies-1 loaded them down so they could not cence, assert title to the lands or data) a j navigate. Out through the country ad forfeiture of the same. The clerk of the ( vantage was taken of the fact and the court has prepared the transcript in the ' birds were captured bv the dozer- As case for appeal. The pleadings and evi- 1 they are worth $10 a pair alive this and orougni 'o lite by Or Master., is in the j city. License have been issued for the mar- ! riaed of David H .RnnH inar of Rev Marshall O Eigon, of Corvallis, j from the county jail, and Miss Nellie who died from the effects of an awning 1 Thompson, and John Young and Oor Ulling 011 him, at Ccrvailis, Saturday ; delia Rvon. nuii.iiig. a uioujiii m n.ianv last. At a maalm. nl r T c (- 1... nigh, and expressed to Chester. S C. hi. tJZTj SlPiJ SJVLZZl . i : i . , iaix -nv ".JC1. car conphng; J ft an Francisco, Cal. swinging cran: C Koe nig, Stockton, Cal, tricycle; J Lamb.San lose. Cal, horse shoeing apparatus; B Mclntire, San Francisco, Cal, clip for wire ropeways; R W Murphy. Seattle, Wash, ink roller for printing presses ; U SRusb, Tacoma, Wash; WE Walsh. San Franeiso, Cal, means for transmit ting power. ing paper on civil government- A live question box was opened and American history was well discussed The nest meeting will be held with Miss Redeker at Mrs V alter Monteiths on Jan 11, and will be devoted to Whittier. WEDNESDAY. Dr Black, of Salem, came up this noon to see Dr Irvine. Mr Louis Allen went to Portland this noon on business. Judge Strahan, of Portland, was in the city this forenoon and went to Salem at nooj. Miss E'sie Martin and Miss Grace Gill of Scio, are visiting relatives and friends at Lebanon this week. ProfBloss, of the State Agricultural College, and Prof Reid, of the Eugene which b) ibc road in the wintet Twt Wsatheb Toe WiUfnette it t j o'clock this afterr.on was 13 feet above iow water mstk, and was slow I v rwiog. 'At it o'clock it had been i;t. feet above j low water ; at S a as 1 2 . 2 feet : at 1 1 a ro j yesterday 9.2 feci- The barometer was : ruing, aio.! otftie moe, has been rained J and melted a war, and navigation !s again en easy matter. KWl for hppMe. TO at 5l'-ar. fV lewden. KIHS aba ut COUPONS. O ad he4ed cace at ErvreV.. S aseeair at Will A ir V1AV1 Co ia Baltissora Uoea. The brat ewtiry at Will Stark . Buy Warner B101 corset of W F Read Bargains in summer goods a'. Read's. EUgaai uilet caeca at Foeaay Maaoa'. A fell 'ue ot fiaece ipper scles at altera Bros, KUia Bros all. A nice Klein's iron dad school iliuesfliin ess Weather Matter Yesterday at 3 o'clock we reported the Willamette as being 16.4 feet above low water mark . Early this morning it was IT. 2 feet, at 11 o'clock 17-4, where it remained at press time.- Displayman French has se cured a fine pole for tbe signal service, nearly doable the length of the old pole. Tne San t Urn ditch is raging, and the for the dav. Scio, the pleadings and evi- mey are worm aiu a pair alive tins was 1 ,.i,i. : ,u ;, ,j A l. , . ! . - 1. 10 hir.-..l XI- XI .. I. 1 ..I , -. ... ..... ... uci've inaac . i iai ;t;s: 1.1 ivucwuici aiiu '- uwuuvu. ... i ...urra i uikn b . . , . . . . Tsrtnt pniial In To 'vi Inline nr a million three sons cantnrwl nhnnt hirt of ikem . -'cense was issued todav lor Ihe mar- words. I which with several others on hand . ,la . makes forty seven in their possession. A Bbbswax Mike The "Sunday Ore- j 25 males and 22 females. They are al- aonian -prints quite a lengt.iy article : reauy soiu to several iNew l ort men tor fiuapair. coit vara captured eleven and a good many others from one op-wards. abonfc the beeswax mine found over at Nebalem bay, and in summing up why tins nnu of beeswax, says: A ship called the Peacock was wrecked on the Nebalem bay sandpit not many years ago, and its cargo composed of beeswax, was strung along tbe beach. From Hon Wm Savage who is a pioneer of lb45 and was in those parts along in the forties ays, the brig of war Peacock, was not wrecked at the Nehalem, but at the month of the Columbia- The ship was commanded by Lieut Wjlks and the wreck occurred in the ypar 1842. Dallas Observer. The Eugene Guard has figureJ it out thl.way: The OPRRCo, owner of the Corvallis Leader (managed by Henry Pape) has sold it to Frank Itvine. who has also purchased the Times, conducted by Robt Johnson. Those journals will he consolidated under the name of the Times and conducted in the interest cf the democracy. At Sheriffs Rale Tnt lri:U block owned by Thomas Brink anJ occupied by Allen Bros., and the residence property of Mr. Brink were sold at s ale a-:d bid In by the plaintiff, benjamin HardsBaR, for S4080. Several judgment cierlitors will have to redeem Ihe property in orjcr lo save themselves . Bad Five Pieces. Four bad five dollar pieces were received at (he Polk countv bsnk. at Monmouth, recently. One ol them was a counterfeit, ana tne others has been "sweated." It is be lieved that they are a part of those re cently floated in Portland. At Corvallis during the late storm a wooden awning fell and killed a minister who was standing under it These o'd fashioned death-traps must go They are unsightly and dangerous as well. Statesman. Second the motion. Officers Elected. Orgeana En campment, No 5, I O O F. at its last reg ular meeting held last Friday evening elected the following officers for the ensu ing term: M H Ellis, CP; P C Ander son, SW; JO Writsman. HP; (JW Sears, Scribe ; J Teske, J V ; E A Parker, Treasurer. UlTTTl Signs of Health. You don't have to look twice to detect them rbright eyes, bright color, bright smiles, bright in every ac tion. Disease is overcome only when weak tissue is replaced by the healthy kind. Scott's Emulsion of cod liver oil effects cure by building up sound flesh. It is agreeable to taste and easy of assimilation. Prepared bf Hosts Bowne.W.T. Alldnutlsta. Corvallis Honored. Evervone knows that the wild grape is Oregon's state flower; but everyone does not know that the sample of this vine chosen to repre sent Oregon at tbe Coin m Man exposi tion grew in Corvallis. Such however is the case, and it was selected by the World's fair commissioner after making a thorough tour of both Oregon and Washington was pronounced by him to be the finest sample he had seen. It is the profit of Dr Farra. The storm, how ever, has shown an evil hand in the matter; the snow and ice having split the vine in twain, and another may have 10 be selected to represent us at Chicago. The Dr has bound up the wound and is doing all th: nodical skill can suggest to relieve tbe s'ifferei. Times. Osi Scit Cai sf.1! another. Attorney George BDorria lb i morning commenced a suit against John Maxwell in Justice Kinsey's court for 250- Mr Donis and associate some time since got Maxwell out of a bad scrape, the will case, and now that party refuses to pay for the services eo valuable to him. Maxwell seems to have little gratitude, and the courts will compel him to disgorge tbe money, although he has deeded all his property to his wife. -Eugene Guard. Very Absent Minded. A McMUn ville paper tells the following on a citizen of that city: W E Martin Is probably ihe most absent mind'd man in town. The other night he went to the barn with lan tern and pall to milk the cow. He care fully placed the pall on a box and putting the lantern under the cow he milked her dry. He then tcok the pall from its place and lifting his lantern of milk, went to the house totally unaware of what he had done. Please don't fell this, as William wants to keep it a secret. A Map op Ma'kiox County. Mr Wm G Obenaur has the Democrat's thanks for a fine map of Marion county, in outline. It shows Macleay to be 7 miles from the state house in Salem, 011 a bee line. Turner 1 miles, Aumsville, 10 miles, Silverton, 13 miles, Stayton, Mt Angel and Jefferson each 15 miles, Mehauia 22 miles, and Mill City an even thirty hum. nage of Mr William J Bilyeo, of and Miss Mamie Hyde, of Albany. Mrs ' B Rice, of Portland, now an operator in the freight department of the S P., spent Chriitmas in Albanv, the guest of A D Barker. Elliot and Clem Irvine, who have been attending the Monmouth College, III., left for home yesterday, being called home on account of the dangerous illness of their father, Rev S G Irvine. Miss Kittie Emmitt, who has been at tending school in the Cervallis Agricul tural College, and Misses Maud Beckley and Dora Page, who are s'udet.ts in the Albany Collegiate Institute, all came home on Friday evening's local and will spend the holiday season here. Rose burg Review. J PChesher, of Podaville, is visiting in Eugene Ue is circulating a petition to the legislature, which ia being numer ous! v signed, asring that $500 be appro priated for the improvement of tha springs at Sodaville. The prqnerty was deeded to the state several years since. r.ugene truard, Pres Bloss.Prof French and Prof Shaw, of the Stat- Agricultural College, left today forDufur. Vv asco county. They go to attend tbe farmers' institute to be held a' that place on Thursday and Fri dar of this week, under the auspices of the '' agco and Rherman Counties' Busi ness Council, assisted by the Agricul tural college. Despite the unpleasant weather last Friday evening, the masquerade ball given by the Hook Ladder Co was a decided social and financial success Just before unmasking prizes were award ed to Miss Julia Warrior for the finest costume, to Mrs Chas Pearse for the beet sustained lady character and to Mr Fred Ross for the best sustained gentleman character. Corvallis Times. A fine picture of the members of the Grand Lodge K of P recently in session at Kansas City may be seen at Hydes furniture store. It is owned by Grand Representative G W Hochstedler. In glancing over the picture the Man About Town run across the face of an old school mate, from whom he had iust received a letter, Grand Representative from Wy oming. This is a bin country; but a net work of circumstances bind all sections together. , A nic pair 01 tapper far Louday t vrasoar. , tretyoci juvenile book, of Foihsv Jt Us - Tbe but sssun( of the old City CjoocI aom -,l! be bald tonight. Holiday good. acta! t at Blaekmaa Da yoa think yoo est write a 3 litt & Uodgea- alsssi without a m. , . . , ... Genuine Teremes Sorabaas aa drxagbt st A bv. saloon fight u reported to bare I q k BrowoellV "'- fspavial ducaaat te 8 S teachers baytag ia Merchants are taking stock, and it will be qgantity at Foahay k Mason i. to b cax.fai how yon '.rasd. - - . . . .. . , ... . 1 1 Mity-oc. different kind, nf Bibles to t- Woolen mill was obliged to shut down , J ' r-"T , " , . " Sever.! six octave otgaas for sale st coit M ' A" Kcters j CH cn Pre! W W Davis. W'r jUB B'ht 7 J0 o'ekvek. u) boT d hc!;d,T v aTS?" M)r1 ,OT !h ' , goods, etc, etc, of W p Read . . . .C. A. entaium was icit for todav bv Secretary McCaSUab. . t m ""P" 10 Tk-r..L-,-.! ls.. -1 . .. Jreiry store. :Eugen,b.d. Dstch windmUl Chmtia. I JIZ l"". "v lf i eve. Ur. o in thu city. f"1 toT ''Plr Klwa .. ny ur in. sarjes: assortment ot boiiuay abepen far gsnllemeo at Klein Bros. Al- at yocr own price. Klein Bros tell no shoddy staff, bat m1 Boot, aod shoe. mad. of leather. M : eonpieta .lock of groceries in cit; van M lotted as C K'a. Gel Klein Brn. prices 00 rubber toad, be- . .M . . M. . man Wanl. pionoanci .t on. U tk. k-, ! ,wo po,,8 " J" aver in tbe valley. Batter ace !t. Holiday goods below cost and coupon. LATEST UBt: aata t'laa. Wakes aa linpartaal rroe Jt'LIC I urit. In S GRAUWOHL informs us . Tb Capitol does 00 tha Stat, boats he will sell all of his Dolls at " f cmpusea an t wm n. ready lot stead of glassware he will elve mrujta ;i-.:. dolls and books as prize with his tea and baking powder sunny the holidays. At hit tea and baking powder is so well known it does not need further mention. All of his goods will be discounted tt from 5 to 40 per cent net cash . Corr.e ane, come all and tatisfy yourselves that he tells tbe tru'h. Thb" Best Place. Would you buy y cur Holiday goods from the finest stock in the city, then call on Blackman a Hodges. They have a large and select stock of Toilet Cat., Albums, Pictures, Perfumerv, Etc., Etc. And will make it an object for gift urcbatert . "a " !o not buy be re examining their superior stok of llday goods. I he tugece Aatuoal bank wit! sn os: ot existeuce January 2. It will be acceded ,! I by th. Kur n Loan .nd Saving hank, Some oce who saw th. .bow t bs here' toalghL th. ai4daogh Comedy Cer A big nail arrived last night, and at it contained manv prateaU from Eastern friend, it was p'sdfy welcomed This an nual giving it a eaalifoi custom that binda people closer tog'. tbcr. At th skating rink last mht Oscar Zya won the mil. race, n akiu. it id 3:55. Os car IJannals watteoood. Clrde Hill, Roy ; Benll.y aod other, cootottoil. It neees- rary to win two races ia order to teccr the $8 pair of skates. COUPONS taken at W F Read's. Ittlbi list of deeds will be found the U latir' lojoab Powell. This wat the m c i Rev. Joab Powell, who did tuch owerful preaching years ago. The patent was dated In 1S73 and signed by U S Grant. At Actual Cost On account of the severe weather, aa well at scarcity cf money, wc will sell cur fine stock of boll day goods at actual cost. This Is -an op portunity rarely secured, at our stock It firtt-clatt. The goods mutt go. Come and get them at cost. Blackman & Hodcks. A Hanesomr Prize. A beautiful all ver v.ater pltchei, now on exhibition a F L Kenton's grocery store, will be given away on Washington s birthday. A ticket is given for every 50 cent cash purchase. itfi uu rmcacaM!ia Tuesday evening, Dec. 27th. Present Mayor, Recorder, Marshal, Street Commissioner, and Councilmen French, Pfeiffer, Burkhart and Wheeler. Tbe following bills were ordered paid : X J Henton, iST ; Burkhart & Harkneas, $10; J N Hoffman. $35.55; O W Watts, $25 75; W B Barr, $85; O P Dannalt, $'.95; R M Wade &. Co, S3; Saotiam Lumber Co, S 20.30; J N Hoffman. as tax collector, $500; Stewart st Sox. $3.85; W 1 C Breckenridge,$15 ; R A Murph v.557.42: R R Crosby) I W Hamdine. $3 ; John : Orion, $0.56; I M Hunt. $24; Robt. Brown, $24; C Turner. 5; Mast on A Uavis, 4 ; Cost bills. $5.90. Bill af M Scott, as Sheriff. $11.65, dis allowed, being paid in bill of County cserk. Matter of petition of A Eicbman dt ors for sidewalk waa continued. Tbe Recorder reported $1117-50 de linquent on tbe bridge subscription. On motion be waa directed to notify sub scribers to pav by Jan lOtn and save costs Further tim was granted the Marshal to make oat delinquent tax Hat. Licenses to sell liquor were granted M Baumgart, Giblin A Howard, and Peter och looser. The committee on fire and water re ported in favor of permitting Rescue H Lio purchasing a chemical engine not to exceed $I0U0 in value, and that the city take it off their hands at some f store day when having fnnda available and also that an ordinance be peaeed providing for an increase of membership of the company to seventy-five. Adopted L H Mon tan ye made complaint to tbe city of the inadequacy of the Broadalbin sewer, resulting in overflows of water, Pieaence of sewer gas, etc . causing dis ease, and asked for a remedy. Referred to committee on streets and public prop erty. Bids for repairing bridge at the cannery were read, aa follows: I F Conn, $120; as bbahan, f 140. Contract was let to I Conn, to be completed in 10 davs. Bonds, $280. The steel bridge was ordered tightened. Mr Wakefield, tbe contractor, to be no- uned at once. Wo guarantee a positive saving of 50 per cent. It will you'riothing tosee these goods. T L WALLACE & CO ALBANY, OREGON. KUt ET ATX SAUDS. W A Bodtne to 8 8 Bodine. acres 11 w 3 $ A A Hill to 1 C Haosman, 1 acre near Brownsville J M Moyer to los J Sawyer, 1.16 acres 14 w 2 J L Hill to M M Florv, 3 lota, Sodaville Godfrey Junke to J C Bilyeo, 1437 acres 12 w 2 X C Mvers to J L Smelter 50x1 SO feet, Scio A C Gnyer to H Lyons, about 2 acres, Lyon 750 A C ouyer ta Chas Bonner, piece land, Lvons Piatena Biddle to Bildie Day, 2 Iota. Fairdole 1 C S to Joab Powell. 165 acre. IP w 1 Patent LO A C R R Co to C A Ghana, 40 acres 14 w t 152 ; Wm Ralston to J G Bovle and S A Nickeraoo, 2 lots Wm R'a ad, Lebanon 300 1 S W' Ktuer to John Meier, piece land II w 2 420 12 40 120 400 100 m Scott's EMOTION. TTTTT Put upm neat watch-shaped bottles.siigar coated. Small 'Mle Beuna. 25c, per bottle. Kid Gloves from $1 a pair op. I sarry oil lion of leading brands in black aod col ored. Will receive novelties for the holidays. Ageut'for tbe celebrated Centemrri glovi Sami pi. K. Ym no Guaranteed to cure nillous Attacks and Oousupui ion. Small UUe ilea is. HABKIED. On account of a grounded wire ao electric light polo last .veoiog was well loaded with the mystenout fluid. A voocg man in rub ber boots oaaaed cooaideraHI. smutwuieot by shaking handa with ba friends while cold of the pole with the other, ceasing many emphatic exclamations. BE Dickey, of Rtjjoj, reac' ed after a anife which ho had dropted thmugb a hoi. iu the floor of a atcre ia tbat town and was bitten by a rattlesoaka. Prompt medical attendance tared hia life. It t. auppoetd that hit snakothip had crawled auder the DUiiaingaunngtnetQmmer and bail U kept active by the heat of the stove. John Patteraoo, Emanuel Kriohanm J M. McAllister, aod Wm. Perry have tiled a bond of I W00 by which they oblige them selves on or before June 1, 1893, to erect In the capital city or its auburn, a chilled plow aod ovo work., the for which it now in their possession, vetoed at $7(100 and tha lota for which are already donated' in coasideration of that aitv giyios tt em a subsidy of $2000. Interviewed laat night regardUg the ru mored resignation of Dr. L. L. Rowland tuperintendeot of the Oregon ttate ioaani , ..., v....n uvi i ruunjpr, wno is preet deot of tho board of control of the asylum ttid the bna'd knew nothiug of .och resig nation, and it would know if the doctor had i euaned. Severs acandaloua rumors. wnen traced down, were all found to be witm.ut tne least semblance of truth, so re -port, the -Statesman. WEDNESDAY. A paper it to be started at Newport toon A capital cty paper says the Oregon State lUaid et CuaraiM. worthlott inttitntion. taken at tb City Drag Store Indies you caa fbuy overgaitera fromlTSe to $10 at Klein Bros. II tae go. The finest stock cf perfumerv ia thelratlev ! for tbe holiday t at Foshay & M aeon's. Ten per cent dieoaot on hanging tamo, doting nrxt 15 day for cab C K Bowaell. Wire, are all down but not aa low aa th prioe of holiday good at th City Drag Score Pot tb fact io yoar led that yoo can get holiday goods at actual cost at Blackman & Hedge. , One tela rep lin. it an thit afternoon, that betw so Albany and Portland , nooe south. Would you believe it? If yoa do not go aod see for yourself that holiday good, are old at 1. aa than coat at tbe Citv Drag Store Farmer, try a pair of French Kip boot., made by Klein himself, for $6. the same hoot to measure would coot you $7.50. Try a pair and have dry feet. Klein Bros are booed to be the leaders in oota aod shoe, for low prioe and best lity srd largest .took to select from. . aui.ot be equaled ia Albany. Consumptive., do not despair. There it hopo. Try West's Cough Syrup. It will always core in early stages. Procure a 50c large S os. bottle. J A Camming, Drac- RlSt. Wheo yoo bay your boot, and abootnf Klein Bro tbey don't stake yoa pay 25 to 50 cents extra a pair for a warrant, bat they do tbeir own shoe maki.ig and repair all boots od shoes free of charge, that rip, ran over or come loose Wear a pair uf ai tic w. jo yoar rubber hoots and keep your feet warm, at Bros. $3,077 Paoluhed ao behalf oi Hood's SaraapaiiUa art aa reliable and as worthy yoar confidence, as If tney came fr m yoar beat 'and stoat tia.tedoeigbbor. Th. y state simple fact. 11 .1 iok headacho. Yas, Moan Peopt-a want good groceries than anything else. It meant a good deal for the harmonv oi the household. Matter go a'on. more smoothly. Deal with Conn A Hendricton and you will get the best groceries at the lowest prices rhelr produce U always fresh, and they keep the latest In every thing. You are not in it if you do no, buy your eating goxla of Conn & Hendricton. Perhaps Y'eu want the heat groceries to be secured In the city ; then call on Parker Bros. Perhap You want ftesh produce just from the gardeners, then call on Parker Bros. Pei hap Yon want the best baked goods in the city, breads, cake, cookies, plea, e'c.tben call on Parker Bros and you will get the goods and first class treatment. THREE Good Reasons why it will pay you to buy your Furnishing Goods oi us: v 1st, BECAUSE we have the largest and best selected stock. 2nd, BECAUSE we have the Urgent trade. 3rd, THUS enabling ns to sU war foods shea per than yoa can get them elsewhere' A flue display of Holiday Goods mow ready for inspection. Get onr prices on Mackintoshes, Gum Coats And other wei weather goods. IK Oi Cartel's cash proof ry for aweeteider fe member allbnote sod shoe, bought o Klein bri g tbat up. ruo over or soles com. loom will be repaned by a. five cf charge. Conn & will take Oiagoaita Britaionict coupon on all cash tale. A GoodTorup. Middaul.'s Musicafl Comedy company presented the ''(ier man Ward," last nigh', to a pleased au dience. They give a bright entertain ment from beginning to end.full of humor and taking situations, and are fortunate in being backed by a fine orchestra, with at least two talented soloists, and all splendid musicians. A biq mvtcu hunt was recently held at Grants Pass. The scare amounted to 15,(180 pointB. and the two sides tied, rather remarkable. Four deer, hundreds of iabbits, scores of quail and Woodpeck ers and jay birds innumerable were the result of the days hunt. One man had a live coyote, worth 300 points, but it i escaped. Boots and Shoes 1 carry the Urges line of medium priced and good wearing boys, misses and children shoes in the city, and have just added a line of gteel shod school shoes which I recommend to the trade. Dont forget that I repair any shoe I sell free of chaige. S E Young. Cash Grocery Store Allen Bros, are now in their new quarters in the Brink Block, at the corner of Ferry and Second Street, and wi'.h cheap rents, a tm.ill expense account generally, and a first class stock of goods, are prepared to give their customers the best bargains to be obtained in the city, for cash. Cash counts with them, and the public want' ing the best goods and produce to be se cured in the city should call on them, where they will get low prices and the best goodt YOUNG RYAN. In Eugene, on Dec. 27th, 1892, at Ihe residence of Dr Rev H L Bates, Mr John Y'oung and Miss Cordelia Ryan both of 1.1 nn county. SAWYER MOORE.- On Dec 35U1, 1892, at the residence of the bride's parents, bv Rev C C Sperry, Mr 8 B Saw yer and Mist Etta L Moore both of Linn county. Ono Small Bile Bean every night for a 20c. 1 Week mouse Torpid Livers. . per bottitx $10$ Reward, 100. Tae Te4srs of tils piiiisr wta to pleasac! to lean thi ' il'era la ct loajt oa j iln sxied dixeane ech-'ic has beta lo onre la nil its aa iiK.fc ii Oalunr;. lj;.l."rf Calurili Cure is tno only poj'tivtr oiiru now known to Mm medical f'-a'ernitf. Ci.t-irru bemir u con- stitui:oi.ul uisenai.', isqulim 0 constitutional Tl.i:l'p ("titurrh Curo id t.'.kcn m'er- naUy, actinftoiyteti nnoattoMona and mu cous 3urfii::..-.-( of ilio syul' iu, tutnvbv destroying the foundation of fh discus?, ond givinx tho patient ttrenuth by nuiioirisup tlioeoustitutiou andaaalstina natiir i" doing lu ivork. The nrnnriflnr l.ftv.l o :nucll faiLh in ltl( CU-'llllVO powers, that they offer Ono Hundred Pillar for uny cic.u that It fallB to cure. Stud for I! .1. nf f t - . i nmninlH. 1 Address, V. J. CHENEY tl CO., Toledo, O. aarSold by Dnmalata, 75c. BokV. BROWNELL. On Monday evening, Dec 26, 1802, near Albany, to the wife of Albert llrownell a girl. DIED. McAFEF.. At bis home, in Salem, Sunday night at 5 o'clock, Dec 25th, 1892, Dr ) W McAfee, at the age of 69 years. Dr McAfee was a natiwe of Louis ville, Ky., coining to Oregon in I860, re siding in Salem since 1863. He was a relative of Mrs W B Barr of this city. MOSS, At hit residence four miles south of Tangent, Dec 35th, 1892, Henry Moss, aired about co veara. The caute of his death was liver complaint. He leavet ' a wife and four children. A meeting of Rescue H & L will be held tonight for the purpose of making arrang- menu to buy a ohsnueai engine. Tbe Guard tell of a Line county hog railed by Wm. Miller that weighed 643 pound. He sold foar weighing 1821 pound. Remember $2 80 will pay for tho Demo crat aod New York World one viar each when paid in advance. Send at $2 80 and both papera will be teot at once, J N Duncan, of Albanv. visited our city Thursday aod performed th latt tail ritea in th oate against our defunct board if trade by py ing the cottt of tho aotiui . Uorvaltia limes. Or L W Brown, of Eugene, waa sued lor malnrantio- hv a man named Sanders. The case hst just beeo tried and Danders re covered $3000, thou ?h a majority of the jurv were in tavor of calliug it ouuu The move on th oheokar board o tbe county division tohems is to cut a corner off of Benton county, a hi ohuouk off Lion and a slice off of Lanseud make another new oouoty around Junction City, wi'h the said city as ooanty teat. Coryallia Timea. Re D T Staulev. editor of the Harbinger, f Portland, formerly of Monmouth, waa truok on the bead by a obuok cf ioe, which all from tbe roof of the Hotel Portland Saturday nigbt. He lost a plug bat and front tooth in tbe accident. ENCYCLOPADIAE and Glimpsofth World coupons taken at W F Read's. We have tbe largest stock cf ladies un derwear evar show n in towti . Be sure and see what W F Read oan do far yoa before placing vour order. AN INVITATION To a wadding ia hailed with delight, so an exnuation to aava money is liaten'd to with attention, and if heeded ihouldeuide yon to the store of 0 E Brownell. Holiday slipper at Kltln's. Remember Conn Jt Hendricaon take Ore gonian coupons on til oath tales. Oregonian Encvo'pedia coupons taken at Conn of Hendncaou'.. Try'.W F Re.d'whA yen waivt slices. Tie ClotMtn. FuruisiisTs'aad Hatters af thr Talltj. Boy Stoves aid Ranges Matttews & Yashbuir Bur Stoves andRanges of Matthews & Washbur Buy Stoves ad Rangesof Matthevs & Vasnb rn Buy Stoves antl Ranges oi Matthews & Washburn. Bit Stoves ana Ranges of Maiew s k Was&bm Albany Market. W hear, one. Oats, S6c. Flour, fS.00. Holier. 0e. KggM. Sue. Kurd, 12Hc Pork-baraa. !.'..-. shouldersJSc,? side aj 19c. Hsy. baled, tlb "o atoea. 25o. Apple, 50o. Hopa. 17o. Dried fruit- -plnma, te. iples, ir Chickens. M Ml per dosva. Beef, on foot, 2o. Hogv, dressea, 7a. PRICES i Ra string Powdet: The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alutnv Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard DON'T - YOU KNOW -THAT- Willi & Stark Have tbe lanr st and best stock of SjCVERWARE , WATCHES. CHAINOi KJIM Jew?lry, ruAlMit RINGS. OIA- iULD PENS a jreneral novelties in Ui U ie vaUey ? Everybody says so. For a Holiday Present Call on them. Their their goods pleat e yoa. prices rill study and