The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 23, 1892, Image 3

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Was it Burdbttb Wolf. This fore
oon about 9 o'clock a man, plainly
dressed, went to the nouse of Mr Jas
Hatcher near the ice works, and asked
for something to eat. He was asked in
to tha house, as it was very stormy, and
giyen something to eat. Mrs Hatcher
went to the next neighbors, when the
man skipped out and ran at full speed
east along the street. The neighbor de
clared it was Burdette VVolf.tlie murderer
wanted in Portland, as she had seen him
before, he havinu worked for a brother-in-law
at MarsHeld several years ago.
Tne mutter was reported to Marshal
Hoffman, but no trace of iho man could
be secured. As the murder was com
mitted about two months ago it is en
tirely improbably a man ot Wolf's in
telligence is in this vicinity, less than a
hundred miles away from the scene of
the murder. People who knew him saw
him in Eastern Oregon also. This man
e probably some one else, perhaps
uihy of some other crime.
Thk Band Entbbtakojent. A good
sized audience greeted the entertain
ment of the Military Band last evening,
at the Opera House. A very miscellan
eous but amusing program was present
ed. Besides several selections from the
band, a semi-minstrel entertainment was
the order. A piano solo was skillfully
executed bv Arthur Letmert. A farsical-melancholic-serio-comedy
was here put
on the boards, with Will Galbraith and
Victor Moses as reciters, Fred Bruckmau,
a Dutchman whose watermelon had been
stolen ; Klmer Conn, another Dutchman,
who had lo'. his dog, Marvin Turner,
the darkey who stole them. Frank Wat
eon and Charles Turlley, audience hoods
and R J Moses as master of ceremonies.
A dnet by Bert Van leve and R ) Moses
was encored. Mr Van Cleve, who has
just returned from California has a
good voice and displays good talent. R
J Moses was heard in several eo'.os. A
violin farce by the Moses Bros was next.
A take off on the Kickapos Indian dance
amused the crowd. Two farces "The
Barber Shop" and "The Dental Office"
created amusement. 1 donkey song,
with a braying donkey accompaniment
closed the program- An orchestra con
sisting of Geo Young. Mr Griffin and
Miss Parriah spliced in some entertain
ing music.
Poor Roan Laws. The Eugene
Register says:
Our countv court has fo I
some time been considering the matter o
levying a road tax, making it payable in
cash instead of work as at present. Thc
idea wa to levy a road roll tax of tw
dollars and a ievy of one or two mills uu
the assessable property In this way qui., j
a revenue would be obtained and it j
thought much better work could be o j
taincd on our hfghwars. But on looki g
into the law closely it was fourd if t un
was done the money collected would have
to be turned over to the various road u
pervisors at once, and In that case a
tematic plan could not be followed an
much good obtained as would be if
county could govern the expenditure
the fund. For that reason the ma
was dropped at the last term of the cou e
ourt .
Scott's Emulsion
of cod-liver oil presents a
perfect food palatable,
easy of assimilation, and
an appetizer; these are
everything to those who
are losing flesh and
strength. The combina
tion of pure cod-liver oil,
the greatest of all fat pro
ducing foods, with Hypo
phosphites, provides a re
markable agent for Quick
FUsk Building in all ail
ments that are associated
with loss of flesh.
Pnparad by Seats A Bowse. Chassis,
1 otl OOIQ OJ Sil I
Star Bakerj
Crr .ill ii and riret tt'
I aaa l rraits,
Orled rratta.
f'UllS. H -
Id (set onrytluK that Is kept In a gener
variety and faocery store, Hiifboat
market price paid for
Da E C Wsit' Nssvs us Bsaui TRKATaSST.
gntianteed speciSc for Hsteria, Dizziness, Con -yalaVma.
Plta,Nervoiu Neartliri. Headache, Ne irons
Prostration oaase-1 by the use ot alcohol or tobacco.
Wakefulness, Meotei Ddprs4ion, Snftenin; of the
grain reaoltln? in Insanity ailUil'iirto misery,,
deosv an i death, Prematura Old Are Barrenness.
Lean of Power ,n either sss. Iuvoluntsry Lstsee ana
SjiWlT ' caused br iver-ess-tlon of the
brain, self -abase or over-'m la n-n-. Kaeh box
oontains one month's trsstment. $t 01 s box, or six
boxes for S5. sent by msil prepii l on rMMiot of price.
Te cure any case . With eseh orler receive Iky as
for six soxes, sonompanied with SS 00. ; . -i I
tat purchaser our written 2 a ranter to retun t he
money If the treatment dees not ..affect a cir;. uuar
antees iasued only by
J, a Caatatlaa, latraaatst Kle aceal,
ii is r. -r j .
"if troubled with (ioiiarrhaatl
f Gleet. V hitee.Kternitorr he
for any unnatural dltcbanrea
lyour drugcist for a bcttls of
IBijj , It cures In a few days
without tbe aid or publicity of a
I doctor. Non-poisonous end
lirnaranteed not to stricture.
Ilae Univertal American Cure.
Manufactured by
kTbt Evans Chemical Cc.l
-:- of
Baby :-: Buggios
best assortment ever brought ta Albars
just received at
Steit Sox's.
Sec (lie UusTgies and Get .Tins
DruiiiriHtsand Booksellers
..'.' te for John B. Alden's publications,
. M I; we sell at publisher's priees wffb
i Board of Evaluation. Che State
Board of Equalization will be at the Coun
ty Clerk's office on Wednesday and
Thursday. Dec. 2it and 22nd. The
countv officers and others will meet them
They "are making a lour of the state at
their own expense. Thc object is to
equalize the tax of the state, one of the
most important matters before the people
of Oregon. The board is composed of
seven mcmbeis from the seven judicial
districts, as follows: lt district, Hon V
A Dunlap, of Klamath Kails; 2nd, Hon
A C Woodcock, of Eugene; 3rd, Hon 8 D
Uibson, of Salem; 4th, Hon J I O Lowns
dale, of Portland, the president of the
board; 5th, Hon G Wingate, of Astoria;
6lh, Hon W G Hunter, of Island City;
7th, Hon J L Luckey, of Warm Springs.
Thk O P Plan. One of the O P pa
pers at CorvaMIs says: Notwithstanding
reports to the cotitrav through the associ
ated press, we are reliably informed at the
reorganisation plan originally adopted by
the bondholdeis was again accepted at the
meeting on the 14th 'nt, by a very tarfsj
majority, and that a contraiy report pro
posed by same member of the reorgani
zatlon committee was refused to be adopt
ed bv the meeting and was laid on the
table by a correspondingly large majority.
The bond holders, It is stated, are actively
engaged in raising the sum required to
compete the pending purchase.
Browmsvillk Messrs H B Mover,
Henry Archibald, A C Wlndom and
Hugh Fields went to Albany Monday to
be present at thc lawsuit of Van Bibber
vs Fields.
Seldom Warner was In town this week
and rrported having sold forty head of ,
beet cattle for 950 per head ana one hun
dred sheep for $3.50 per head.
Messrs S B ard Geo Tvcer purchased
the Roal saloon and will proliabl. open
it about January i It will he remembered
that It was opened sometime ago by Ed
Houston, who skipped out.
The election in South Brownsvi le Ust
Monday passed off very quietly, and tlu
following officers were elected for the en
suing year: president of the -ouncil, W
P Elmore; recorder, J D Irvine; trea.-urer,
G C Cooley ; marshal, H H Chnce
council-nan, J J Sawyer, A Butts, G V
Stanoish, I N Warmoulh. The number
of voters In North Brownsville is 135;
while in South Brownsville there are 00,
making a tout of 195 votes, a large in
crease over any previous year. Time.
A Mcsical Compasv. Ellis G Kerr,
representing Middaugh's Musical Come
dy Co has been in the city arranging tor
the appearance of kis excellent comoanv
here on the 27th. The Helena Independ
ent says: 'Ming's op ra'house was filled
to the doors last night with a critical
and appreciative audience. The at
traction was Middaugh's Musicai Come
00x1 P0! in "Our German Ward,"
nd the applause the player's received
during the performance showed that the
favorable notices the compaov has re
ceived from the eastern press were well
deserved. "Our German Ward" is a
laughable musical comedy and the peo
ple w bo appeared in it last sight were
all good. The play is an interesting one,
with several realistic pictures, particu-
lariy a fine scene in the Rocky Cliff
I poatoffice. A number of singing and
' dancing specalties were introduced and
were well received.
Crook County.- At thc letJdence of J
O Douthit, on Lower Trout. on last Tues
day evening. Rev Hodgson pronounced
Miss Helen Douthit. of Lower Trout, and
1 Mr Luthsr Clavrool, ot Paulina, man and
I wife.
I .
Ino Stephens, who is grazing his si.ecp
jon the Wolf rreck range in the southern
i part of conntr, was in town this week
I He says coyotes are bolder and mnrv er
I sistent in their depredations than ever be
fore. He infoimed us that it was almost
1 impossible to keep these troublesome
- vermin from making midnight raid upon
I hi sheep, he having lost sixteen during
! the short time he has ben on that rang.
! Review.
Teachers I.vstititk. The first session
j will be held at the court house Tuesday
j evening Dec 27th. A cordial invitation
I is extended to all. Tha- remaining even
j ings will be held at the opera house.
Good lecturers have been secured and an
excellent pregram will be presented each
evening. The forenoon and afternoon
I meetings will be at the Albany College
i building. On Friday evening, the 30th.
an admission fee of Co cents will be
; charged to help delray the expenses.
We will have with n on that evening
Dr George Whitaker, President o the
I Willamette University of Salem, who has
a wide reputation as a lecturer.
G F Bissau., Supt
i Gambling at Pxsdlxton. The E O
says: Money may be a little tight in
: Pendleton but there seems to be plenty
of it with which to decorate the green
I cloth. There are reports in sporting
! circles to the effect that one of the big
gest faro games ever seen in these parts
took place Saturday night. Die game
tas what is known as a "flyer," and his
royal Bengal nibs, the tiger, was a rerce
one, ready and wil'ing to tackle all
comers. It did not lack for eager as
sailants. The game was unlimited, and
in some instances single bets of I50 and
200 were made. Frequently the pos
session of over 600 depended upon the
turn of a card. The sport was kept up
until 3 o'clock in the morning-
$100 Seward, $100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there U at least one dreaded disease
that science tut been able to core la all its
stages and that U Catarrh. Ball' Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being; a con
stitutional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood and mi
cous surfaces cf the system, thereby destroying
the foundation of the dl-ease. and giving the
put lent strength by building up the constitution
and assisting nature in doing it work. The
proprietors have an mttch faith in its curative
pojftrs. thattU.y otter One Hundred Dollar
lor assy MC that It fails to cure. Send for
Hst pi lot. n. email.
A.ldrt, . J. CHK'ET St CO., Toledo, 0.
ajgM i n . -twtj -e..
Special Holiday
at French's.
st French't.
at French s.
at French'.
at trench's.
$ 3 oo
Cares Consumption, Coughs, Croup, Sore
Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a uuaraniee.
Kor a Lame Side, Baca or cnesi annua
Plaster will give great satisfaction. S cents.
Mr T. 8. Hawkins, Chattanoogaenn.jSay-.
tio .nnlstarrhJ Try this Kernecly.
1 aw v..w j - .- - - . . . m ...1 1
and Cure you. Price 0U CIS.
This In-
Inntor lor ltsaucoessTUI Meatmen w i urumi
fioeBhnoh'sBeedles are sold by us on a.
guarantee to give satisfaction.
A new and Coraplute Treatment. censUtmjr ot Sup
sobitories(Olntment in Capsules.slso in fity sod Pills
s PusiUveOure for Axiernal.tnterrsl, Blind or Bleed,
Ing Itching, Chronic, Recent er Hereditary Piles, and
ntany oth ir diseases ami female weaknesses; It it si-
ways a griat benefit to the general health. The first
iitKuvsrv 01 a medical cure rendering an operation
with tne knife nnnccessarv hereafter This remedy
hs never been known to fail. (1 per box. 6 for 86 ;
SSet hy mail. Why suffer from this terrtsle disease
sthen a written gusrantqe Is positively given with 0 refund the ouQiieyif not eured . Send stamp
or true Sample. (Its' rat tee issued by
t a dimming, Wrugglsi, Hole Agent.
Albany, Oregon
assv U 1 1 s U'f Jam
MKill. AND FBaUONal. Flrr Bcpartment! HONE AND AMIOAD I
Gideon Stoltz, of Salem, Is registered at
the Revere House. f
Ex Chief of Police Sam Parrish, of
Portland, has moved to Seattle.
Bishop Newman, of the M E church, Is
ill Portland. Bishop Neman was Qen
Grant's chaplain.
Friday night a birthday pnity was given
at S W Rosi' 1c honor of the list birth
day of Mr Wren Ross, the jeweler. A
pleasant evening was spent.
Licenses have been issued for the mar
riage of W T Hassler and Bell MUei.Chsa
I Wells and Sirah E Zoos in an, and Gray
Cross and Mallnda Grimes.
Mr D C Bchell has returned from his
trip to his fo.mer home In Canada, olad
I to be In Oreeon with our mild
again. Sleighing had already begun.
Sheriff Jackson and wite went to Port
land this noon, where the former will
attend the sheriff's convention la session
there today. The sheriff proposes to
keep in touch with the business all over
the state.
J M Wallace and wife and daughter and
Mrs Mary McCteery. another daughter,
arrived home yesterday from Greeley,
Col., where they have been on a visit to
friends. They are all Improved In health.
Salem Statesman.
A. iiong the candidates for the P O at
Corrsllls are T E Callahan, formerly' of
Albany, a son In-law of Judge Burnett,
and a competent man for the position, Mrs
A T Helm, the ex-P. M. and a first class
official, and Mr J 1 Tt lor,
Mr and Mrs R D Comb, who hsve been
j In the city the guest f Mr J P Gaibralth
j several day, return d to their home at
j Adairsville, Ga , I Ma morning. Thev
j were accompanied by Mia Jennie Gai
I bralth, who will resld'e wlih an uncle, a
j prominent and wealthy lawver, at Chatta-
nooga, Tenn , and attend school for a vesr
or two.
Mr Lawrence H Knapp, ton or the
wealthy ser.ior member of the firm cf
Knapp, Burrell A Co , and Mis DaUv
Bellinger, once a resident of Albany, will
be married on the aSth ot this month, and
will make their home at the Knapp man
sion. Tne wedding will be a high toned
affair. An Albany young woman I one
of the invited guests. Portland papers
announce the event.
Lieutenant Milton F Dsvis, of the U S
army, who i now stationed at the Presidio,
San Francisco, and at the Yoemite na
tional park, I in the city and will viait
friends in Marian and Polk counties for a
few day. He i under orders to goto
New York to attend to some official busi
ness. He is a Polk county bov and was a
cadet at West Point from 'Oregon. There
is a vacancy in the ordnance corps and
Lieutenant Davit, with thirteen others, fs
an applicant for the porition. Statesman.
Mrs J W Tathan has been in Salem.
R K Montgomery, of Wood burn, is in
the rity.
Mr W L Watkins, of Yaquiua City,
was in town today.
H F Merrill went to Portland thia
noon for a few days on business.
Mr Doynes Turner has returned from
atrip to Washington, and will soon move '
witn bis tamiiy to that state.
J M Williams the well-known washing
machine manufacturer, of Eugene, is in
citv Mr Williams is preparing for tbe
legal profession .
I-ast evening a very pleasant reception
was tendered Miss Rose Trumbull at the
residence of Mrs Montgomery, bv her
: friend. Miss May Montgomery. Several
hours were passed in a profitable and
! entertaining manner.
Mrs W H Gaston, of Tacoma
Wash, j
has heen in the city several days the
guest of her father, Dr Irvine, who has
urcu in lur some lime, out receniiy has
been gradually improving, a fact all will j
team with pleasure.
Mrs M SenJers hat been visiting Corvallis
Mitt Rote Rramball left
this noon.
for I.i Grand:
Mr S W Paisley leaves
this week for
North Carolina, where be willtjpend the )
Mr B Magers, of Albany,
is in town on i
a visit to his mother for i
Stayton Times.
License ha been issued for tbe marriage
of Geo W Simmon' of Tacoma, and Minnie
F Powell of Lin a County.
At an entertainment at Corvallis tomor
row night E E Larrimore will sing a solo,
be in t o duets, and take part Hi a comic
HeffelfJnger, probably the best foot
hall player in the world is now a resi
dent of Spokane, where he is working
for the Great Northern.
Maj Magone, who recently walked
from Union county to Chicago, at 80
years of age, wilt retire to tbe mountains,
live like a hermit and write a book.
J O Writsmsn, manager of the Farmers
A Merchants Insurance Co., oi Albany.
was in the city Saturday looking after
the interests of bis company. Roseburg
Mies Mattie Martin, tbe artist, is mak
ing arrangements to locate in McMinn
ville. Miss Martin is a talented artist
and a thorough teacher and deserves
success in her new field. She has made
many friends in Albany, whose best
wishes she will take with her.
F. Co will
give a masquerade ball on
the evening of January 2nd, which prom
ises to be a pleasant affair. Following
are the committees : Floor Managers, C
B Winn, M D Phillips. Lieut J A Gum
ming, H L Walden, R A Murphy. Re
ception Committee, Capt TJ Overman,
Capt M H Ellis, Lieut W A Humphrey.
Invitation Committee, F F Combs, B M
Payne, E M Morton.
CoavALLis Waisr Woaas. The city
of Corvallis ha purchased the water
work system in that city, formerly oper.
mtci by private parties, pat ing aS,ooo for
the same. Mr Kelley, of Eugene, has
drawn plan for an improvement of the
system, and the city will expend about
$25,000 to $30,000 in improving the sys
tem under t'.ie supervUion of Mr Kelley.
Am Ottsr amd a Fox. Recently Doc
Conn and Pete Ruettner killed a fine
otter just east of Albany, near tbe Jewish
cemetery, Mr Coon doing the shooting.
A day or two ago a son of E L Walker
on the Albany prairie shot a red fox.
both were brought to Albany and may
be eee.i at Conn & Hendricson's.
LtttroE to Inoiaxb. This noon Deputy
U 8 Marshal i?innot, of Portland, came
to Albany from Yaquina Bay with C A
Alkire. and two InHivna, to whom he was
accused of selling liquor. He was com
mitted by Justice curl and will betaken
to Portland in tbe morning, where the
U S will attend to his case.
I) vi- singing school as the Baptist church
Friday evenings . All ubsoribere will have
to pay whether attending or not. Only $1.25
for 12 lessons.
To a weddiug is bsiled with delight, so an
exoriation to saye money is listened to witb
attention, and if heeded should ignide yon to
tbe store of C K Brownell.
KLEIN alto takes COUPONS.
Wear a psir of srtie s. in your rubber
hurts and seep your feet warm, at Klein
Klein Bros are humid to be the leadeisin
not and shoe for low price and beat
lity and largest stock to n leet from,
cannot be equaled in Aibauy.
Klein's for slipper.
Will U Stark, th' jeweler.
Get Klein Bros price on rubber good be
fore buying.' They ean save yon money.
Buy Warner Bros coret of W F Resd
You can get big bargain in gold wtohra
at Frenob' jeweiry store,
ee re girl, do you know you can bny
.. nl. I Aerrinus f ir 25 nants at Krennh '
Ku Gloves from $1 a pair up. I asrry a
nil l.n of leading brand in black and col
ored. Will receive novelties for tba holidays.
Ageni Jfor'tbe celebrated Centemen glovt.
Sambel K. Y0C2IO.
Editors Democrat:
It is a trite saying "that the wish is
the father of the thought" and this
spirit no doubt animated the palsied
brain of the Sunday sheet Telescope
editor, when he conceived the false and
calumnious statements, made in his
answer to my article in last Monday's
evening's Pkmocrat.
His whole course in this matter is
tainted and polluted with poisonous
malice towards the management of the
City Fire Department, and like a '.ravel
ing pest house strewing his patli with a
disease common to some of the descend
ants of primitive man called falsehood.
The assertion that Albany F.ngine Co.
has no coke ofitsowr now, or has had
none for four weeks past, is a base fab
rication, and Is in keeping with theother
false and slanderous charges .nade in his
I only desire, in iustice to the tnanaue-
iug officers of the tire Department, to set
this matter righ' in the minds of the
people. As to the advice given me as an
officer of the department, considering
the menial source from whence it came,
will treat it with silent contempt. If
this unjust course is pursued by the
Telescope, in trying through false state
ments, to injure the efficiency ot our de
partment. I predict that the life lamp
of its existence will soon Dicker and ex
pire, and that an imprudent pencil
shover will be seen, bent over its decay
ing embers and trving in va:n to search
out the .-barred remains of what once
was. rhen will t tie editor arraign I11111-
self Ifc-fnr the tribunal .if lite nvn
science and repent ot ins indiscretion. It !
the good people of Aibauy doubt the i
truthfulness of my statement respecting i
the company being supplied with coke, j
1 ask them to visit tne engine rooms j
where thev can ascertain for themselves-i
Ciias. Mktzukr.
.o TS rMtSJaI at lltovil
coeds ;
tor tar
riee.i Liar or May
la Iter Valley,
In buying
Holiday presents
To select from
la what
Foehay A Mason
Have the largest and best stock of
HOLIDAY GOODS to be found
anywhere in tbe valley. A glance sbows
that. Look a second time. More vet.
1 wentv-one
different kinds of family 1
thirty-six different kind, of
teachers' Bibles take vour choice. Tbe
largest and finest assortment of perfum
eries in the va'ley ; nothing nicer for a
present. Sachet powders.juventle books
without end, for 5 cents upwards. Full
Hne of poets, Prescott's works, etc.
Dickens lower thvn ever, and alreadv
low. Handkerchief boxes, dressing and
toilet cases, writing desks, shaving sets,
work boxea.many kinds of playing cards,
alphabet blocks, numerous gaines,in fact
anything to .be secured in this country.
Special discount to S. S. teachers buying
in quantities- An early call means a
good choice, but the stock big. and
there will be plenty for the crowds at
ftn.T time.
Mayor Ei.let. The
ciflc State give a fine
IlluttrUed Pa
picture of San
P.. ,!.. i a tri!-
- - -"s j
resident ol Albany tor about a or
Mr EUert previous to i section served four i
year a city supervisor, where he made a
(piendid repuutfin. The paper says:
A wi't be seen he is quite a young man,
hi age a a matter of fact being some
what lest than xo years If '.oaks rn lor
anything our coming mayor is aa amiable,
trust worthy and canabfe business man'
We l.old the picture here preen?rd to be
that of no ordinary person. Itexemplifie
the best traits of human nature. The in-
: ttant we glance at it we say to ourselves
! we have here a fine character. "There tt
no mistaking a face like that." Look at
I the well developed, evenly balanced brain ;
the handsome note, the firm mouth, the
I strong cdn and the mildly intelligent
eye. There t not a soul living but
would confije in such a man under any
and all drcumtUncet." And what hit
lookt denote ru history confirm The
"f0 , EUert J no
mesjwni is not turpatera oy 'nat Ol any
other pnb.ic man In ou? metrajoU.
Shot at Twic A few evenings ag
Mr Gold Williams residing near Law ton,
in this county, was at the barn with bis
wife, when tbe latter returned to tbe
bouse alone. She found a strange man
inside, who refused to respond to ber,
and notifying her husband Mr A'liltams
hastened to the bouse aa tbe ntan fled.
Securing a gun Mr Willams tired two
shots at the fleeing stranger, who disap
peared at a NancT Hanks gait. A band
of gypsies had been in the vicinitv, and I
jry uatuntii.y receive tne rreiii oi uie
attempted burglary
An Insavk Woman Mr Abraham
was brought to Albany from Benton
county ibis forenocn by a ten and on ex
amination before the commission wa de
clared insane, and taken to Salem by Mr I
C Dickey. The expenses were paid by the
family rather than go to Corvallis. air
Abraham imagines some one li trying to
poison her and has tried to run awsy to
avsid such a calamity, otherwise she I
It ra Comso. The E O says: It i
aatfl tlic t!htfacm ftn rliliirlnn and Ollinrv
rajiroad will build through Oregon next
vrar. From Boise City tt will proceed to
i Vale, in Malheur conntr, where rumor
i savs it will branch, one line via the Ore-
gon Pacific to tidewater, provided it se
cures this right, if not then it goes direct
to San Francisco. The other branch
will go from Vale to Olds Ferry thence
down Snake river to Eagle valley, Baker
county, thence to Union and across the
mountains into Camas valley, in which
direct on another rumor has it the Wash
ington and Oolumbian river railroad will
extend its line. These rumors may be
and may not be true, bnt at least, there
is a grain of reason to them and a pros
pect of their tnateralising.
aala 1'laas Makes 'aa latporfaal
that he will sell all of his Doll at
cost- Instead of giatt ware he will give
dolls and books at prize with hi tea and
baking powder during the holiday. A
hit tea and baking powder I to well
known it doe not need further mention.
All of hi good will be discounted at from
S to 40 per cent net cash. Corr.e one,
cotne all and tatisfy yourselve that he
tells the truth.
Tits Bsst Place. Would vou buy
ycur Holiday goods from the finest stock
in the city, then call on Blackinan a
Hodge. They have a large and select
stock of
Toilet Cases,
Etc., Etc.
And will make it ai object for gift
purchaser . TSa tar Do not buy be
ore examining their (uperlor ttok of
ollday goods.
Karl' Clover Root, the new blocd puri
fier, give freshness and olearneta to the
ooinplexion snd onre const i pa tion. 25c, 60o
sod $1. Sold by Foshay & Maeon
Shiloh's Vitalixer la what you need fnr
dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow akin nr kid
ney trouble. It is guaranteed to give you
aatisfaetioD. Price 75o. Slid by Foshay &
HOFFMAN. On Sunday morning,
Dec let, 1892, at her home In Albany, af.
ter a lingering Illness, of consumption,
Mrs I N Hoffman, wife of Albany' citv
marshal, aged 38 years, 6 months, and 30
day. The deceased came to Albany with
her husband in 1876, from Michigan. She
was a member of the Catholic church.
woman of noble character, a true mother
and wife, beloved by all who knew her.
The husband and children have the sym
pathy of all in their great loss.
Funeral service tomorrow at 10 o'clock
at the Catholic church.
Guaranteed to euro Bilious Attack! and'
Constipation, Smail lllle ikaiis.
Tlie river is low, l.-nn; only l.S feet above
low water mark.
An $800 tax haa been voted to Junction
for their tebsol for t ) coming year.
The Piorce electoral college cue It to be
argued in lbs Suf reme court on Wednesday.
Ou scoennt ot the Kiokapoo entertainment
John 1. 0111, jr. isouw tha nwuer of a gald
watch and t rank Barrow of asllvei s.t
It was revolted ths aftt ruooi that si.ow
was tali this siiln of foreland, and the
atn otplii 1 j began to Imvo a chilly ttlect.
A young wild Oat beimiiiiig tnj A Muti
ny reoeutly esosped and i at Urge ojie
where in tho city. He 0111 be (nMilseto
by bit ahoit caudal appeiidaa.
The Portland Welcnmt nay Mr Cpt
Van Alatioo'a aiockodilj tear will nt save
hrrbuib&ud thu time. The pro ictt.rg
attorney i "etulved Ui sue him punished.
The US grand jury found a tiue bill
against B K Montgomery for Sending au
00. cene letter through the mail, tha one r -oeiyeit
by Mr C G Kurkhari, aa oouttsble.
In tie proceeding, wf the College enler
tsinment show Id hsve l-een made of
a solo, be utifully fo..g. by Miu Mildred
Burmoter, and art, to lti-i toast by
Mr Arthur Fothay
A man stopped n M- Wiiliaaiaou'a acioaa
the river afew d-a tt. whose appearance
i aaid to hsve been that, ot Burdette Wolf
the Ivr land murderer. As Wolf vn knoan
j to oe eaatof tne moUDtaiui (?) it muit be a
j delation -
! Hon M A Miller, of this owatrtv. I W
Bingham, of Portland, and Gov P-ni.oei
j have made a persona! inspection of the fall
j st Oregon City.atid are ot the opinion a get
n lad.ier eao be bail? m the so!id rock
wan important m-ttr to people up tne
Tt AY.
t... , . ,
. .iv no uiru, granu aiiuiro aiol fcreit
grand children of lb- lt Tn ' Alfutd
1 of Harrtthurg, uombi-r 207. All are not
. vug however.
An effort i ting made to have Benton
county divided, nakog Yaqa-aa ooaoty on
the wet . Bettor not .
Any postoffio with annual 'tceipta
amoontiog to 2flO may have money oruat
order pri Urges.
Fatal Atx rnXT.-Lat Saturday even
ing, while the family of Mr Jesse McGee
were attending a literary meeting at
Tangent, Mr Walter McGee, who had
! been residing with his brother for awhile
i remained at home alone. In starting to
go down stairs he fell to the bottom of
j the stairs, and though serieusly injured
BBttaatSMl in si J .
floor -."'.ij "'e..B;TjUa
il, returned "r T,, " .1
?l,7. tr,"ed. s Wrned
that two ribs were broken, one entering
bis lungs. He died this morning from
the effec t of the accident, hi old age TG
7r!' PventiDg his recovery from the
!'k- was a pioneer of
Ib51 or 1S5S, taking un a cktim .t tw
gcui. ror
, ,
a number nl rur. I.A k..
Ia...jii. i ii . " TZ
SmIZ ,he ,?" Sweet
Home. He was sinel n:r
married, and was a man of upright char
acter, generally respected and esteemed.
Turner s EagHih 'GirU at th open Ik ate
Tut sUU boar I of tqaaliatttoo failed to
pat in aa appearanew to amy.
There it oaly oca cries tit 1 laaadrr U Car-
T" otvaat
faseicg sold oat to
to Ch!
HAbt Jehason haaaold the l urvalbs Tiavs '
to B P lmoe Mr Johatoa will c.i,tu- ;
U re. ie ib Conralht.
The ckarrb roc is. and ut iwr So he Li.
as laagrat .-Saturday eight has esse tai--t
ttoly pus tea ed oo accoaat bf tbe n eser.t
TVs Sabtatk school of tbe caty an all
arraagieg for Chtsstmss ieiri'.se. Most
will have p'asa trswr. The U Pa are prepar
ing! fraan plans in a recent Toato a
Ccaapaauoa, a norei arrange-eaeot.
St John Lodga bat night elected the fo
owing otSaer. D C Sebell. W M- J K Wi.
att. S W; H H Hewitt. J W D P Mason,
treasurer; J J Charlton, secretary; V r!
Baker, t rr
Silas Clark McKaaedtal near Mehasas
oo the IStb of Deceeaber and aa Kurle.1 in
tha Fox Valley cemetery hie was TO years
ags He came to Oregon from Iowa in
May. 1891.
Judge Barswtt haa readared a iluwiiiu
holding that a 2 mill road us levied la
Marijn county belonged to the county and
not to the citv of Salem Ou property inside
o'the hmiu of the city. A big fight had
been made to last tas matter.
J Baker, formerly of K osebarg. tat now
a leading merchant of Boise t ity.Idaho, ha
failed. LUbilitie are t24,15;; tttsass, ir
eluding eaeythiag hut hi bona. f.25.
Isahtiity to make oilectinaa it given as the
ctue of th failure.
The total rote of Orecoo shows that Pierre
reotit-ed tbe largest rote. The neursw saw
Republican CapWs 35,002. Dunne 34,92$,
irwm t.js. aiiller 34 910. Democratic
Hotelier U.S43, Going 14 flT Nolaod 14.
207 P.oplea Borleigh 126.ST5, Hsivsni
2b SI I, Holt 26.9G5. Democratic-Peoels
Pierce, 35.813. Prohibiti on -Black 225S.
Gay lord 2250, Luoaa 2267, Passer 22S1. Tbe
,?Dr!t C""T Plerc s wot yet decided; bat
if Burnett a decision is sustained this trill
be the vote.
A big taste of Eastean weather:
Tbie morning about 6 o'clock it began
snowing in Albany and kept it up stead
ily most of -the time since. Verr heavy j
water soaked flakes covered even thing
in sight, leaving a deposit of six to eight
inches on the ground. The wind blew
too, somewhat. The snow stuck U
hatever it struck. Electric light wires
dropped; ditto several poles. Too late
to be repaired and there will be no lights
tonight. Oet out vour lamps. Not a
tick was beard over the telegraph wires.
itown notn ways- Part of the west awn
ing of the O. F. temple succumbed to the
weigiu. utners would have fallen but
for prompt attention.
Both trains wete on time at noon.
Increasing snow north.decreasing south ;
first flakes at Riceville. near Oakland.
First snow on the O. P. fifteen miles this
side of Yaquiua. Raining at the Bay.
No snow at Lebanon at 9 o'clock, but
rain. Some there now.
This is tame beside Tacoma's fourteen
inches at 1 o'clock this morning. A
little taste of snow will do us good. But
let it go, the sooner tbe better, but this
is the holiday season, as snow is not in
diginous to Oregon.
At press lime a light rain was pre
vailing anal snow me'tiug slowly. AU
telegraphic wires are down.
A Holiday Rscxption. The public
school of thl city sre making prepare
lions to receive a many friend and pa
trons of education as can possibly come to
the school house on next Friday after
noon. Programs of music, recitations,
declamations, etc, will be rendered In the
several roomt, beginning at 1 o'clock p m.
There will be on exhibition in the Princi
pal's room examples of clas work from
the different rooms, showing the progress
of pupil in study and giving a fair idea of
the character of the work done. A part of
the World's Fsir exhibit will also be com
pleted and wlU i exhlh'-'V All s-Ho
are in any wa ;;ieted i v r e
invited to come.
In I.fkanon Now IMOtasSssaW New
York, gats: ilealycc Miselow, New Haven,
Ct., the pioprietors or Ibcruckapoo Indian
Remedies, re doing newspaper advertising
In New Kngland and the West, l'ettingili
& Co. are handling the buslncB. The coun
try is gradually being covered. ectfon by
section, and the newspaper advertising ia
atovlnc very remunerative. An Indian show
travels through the country, and this is fol
lowed up by newspaper work, several west
ern States have oeen covered Inthiswai,
and the ahow at present is down South."
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the StendtrV
I BijfoVvroer )
The United States Official Investigation of baking powders,
made under authority of Congress (see Bulletin 13, Chemical
Division, U. S. Ag. Dept.), shows tbe Royal to be a cream of
tartar baking powder of the highest quality, and superior to all
others in strength, leavening power, and general usefulness.
The Royal Baking Powder is thus distinguished
by the highest expert official authority the
leading Baking Powder of the world.
cat mil ratackaMsca
W SMOlTMirt.l
There is to in the Normal school an
enrollment of over 40b, and many mors
The seat h g capacity is becoming to
limited it is feaied the gallery will have
to be need during chapel.
The school will elose for the holidays
Dec 22nd in order that all may reach
their borne before Christmas day .
The graduating class of last year were
tendeted a most delightful party at the
- " ' V u.vuu..n -1IUU1UUIFI II"
j.. f i -a . . .
J swtrive 01 toe e ase were
present. The evenimr wis ,. i nl.v
mg and in music. A laaaaa. arktea
could hardly be excelled, was partaken
of about midnight Thnae present were :
Muea Mary Strong, of Junction City.
Birdie Anslyn. of Albany, Mary Coats, of
Monmouth, Nettie Grounds, of Mon
mouth. Blanche Grounds, of Monmouth,
Minnie Tethro, of Independence. Mr
lxng. of Independence. Messrs Ralph
Butler, of California, Frank Hall, ol
Independence, Nel Frazer.of Monmouth,
Wilt Lacey. of Monmouth. Finley Loot-,
of Indfx'ndence. The other nifmlun
01 ,h em ,re to 'ar away to be able to
The Athletics of the O S N
$ gave an
Ther had
enlertainuient last enening
a crowded house and everrtbins oasaed
off most successfully .
There are now about 60 members in
tbe senior c'ass, and 25 in the commer
cial class making in ail about 75 gradu
ates for 1893 TUere are also six taking
the advanced course, Mewera Ttioratoo,
Dixon. Ball, Hubbard. Mackintosh, and
Mita Birdie Anslyn.
Mies Bessie Dorri. of Albany, is visit
ing friends in Monmouth.
A STTDajrr.
Mr E M Paulson and family arrived here
00 the itth from. Iowa, and will locate here.
Mr D E Jnnkia is improving big faim. He
intends o set out 10 acres in apples and
peart. Mr junkin bat been ia Oregon a long
time, and his experience teaches him there
ia more ptofti ia apple and pears than ia say
other fruit. He has peaches aad prunes,
and Intenda to tat out two acres in strawber
ries. W H Crawford, the barber, Is able to be
around among us again.
The school directoat put a lock 00 the wood
shed, a hint for some of their neighbors to
bay (heir wood.
Mr Achigoa, of Albany, was to our ceme
tstv laef week. He pot spa large mona-
I ment for the Mdilree family, and enclosed
1 their )ot its a stone wall.
Prof. Robb has a class in vjcal music
whlcl. meets here every Tuesday night. H"
alto teacbe a class at Green Back school
hoase on Thursday nights. Asttct s.
FAiaaot xT (saAXoa. No. 352,
Dec. 6th, 1892.
W'ngaEAS, It has pleased tbe Great
Master to take from our midst onr broth
er, rhompson Harris, who haa lately
passed to theother shore, therefore be it
Resolved, That we tender to the fami
ly of our brother our heartfelt sympathy
in their bereavement May ihey And
consolation and learn to say, "Thy will
be done "
Resolved, That these resolutions he
placed on the minutes of this grange, a
copy to be sent 10 tne family of onr
brother who haa gone on before, and a
copy furnished the Herald and Daato
chat for publication
Mas B M Shsssvs.
H J Rasst,
W W Waltojc.
ae Mere nearer fcsse
John Tiilyeu was born in Overton
county, Tennessee, July 2Srd, 1824. While
small with his parents moved to Indiana,
from thence to Illinois. Then be was
united with Nancy Workman in the holy
bonds of matrimony, March 9tb. I84S,
and in the fall of the same year moved
to Missouri. In the spring of 1851 ba
with his wife and two children started
on the perilous journey across the plains
to make a home in Oregon, arriving in
the Willamette Valley August 10th of
the same year, where he has made his
home ever since, most of the time 1:1
Linn countv. By industry, honesty and
economy he nnd his wile made them
selves a comfortable home and raised a
larcd and respectable family, consisting
nf litems and 5 daughters. His wife
sons and 3 daughters and a host of rela
tives and friends remain to mourn his
loss. After many months of patient suf
fering he on the night of the ISth oi
December. 1892. oeacefullv fell asleep
H. a. Williams.
Cenn & Hendricson will Uke Oregoaian
Britainnic coupon on all oath (ale.
Oregonian Encyclopedia coupona taken at
) Conu u Hendrtoson .
TryJVV F Read when you want shoes.
Klegant toilet cases at Foshay Mason'
tret you 1 juvenile book of Fosbav 4 Ma
Hpeoial disc .unit ic SS tetehers buying in
quantity at Foshay Mason's.
.Sixty-one different kinds of Bibles to at
leet from at Foahav Mason's.
N C Myers to Geo C Wilson, lOOx
166 leet. tScio $ 2501
Est. H K schooling to H A Davis,
20 acres, Harrisburg 630
B T Scott to J H Scott, 34.20 acres - 100 :
Jason Wheeler to C H Walker. 5
acres, near Albany 750
Wm Kalston to E A Rutherford. I
lot, Lebanon 100
$185" I
tike Ciremit Court of the Hutu of OrvtM for
Link County.
A B Matthews and Ed a ard Wash
burn, partners tmstaseas un
der the hrm name and sts le ot
Matthews i Whburn. PI sis I iff a.
M F Braanta. . Def.ndant.
JL si by virtue of aa execution and order of
sale dal) uaued oat of the abovs aaaaad
exnrt in the aboe eo titled suit to at direct
ed and del'Trrest, I will oo
IS- til a stay ef twee saber I
at the frost of 'be county 00 art bouse,
ia the city of Albany, Lino county, Oregoa,
at tha hear of I o'clock p m, of said aty,
aril at pabic aaclian for ch ia band, to the
fata bast btdds r th rami property described
in said execution std rder of ea'e toartt:
Lot shirty three -33. ia Buses, ales-en 1 1 1
ia Bryan Is addttsoe to tbe city of Albany,
Liua county, Oregoo, the praoeeds arisiag
from the sale of sasd real property to be ap
plied first, to the paymeat af the costs aad
expenses of tale. Including tbe costs ard
.tubarseaneaU of action taxed nt 21. TO;
2nd, to the payment cf plaintiff's claim
amounting to $15.75 nod aocraiag interact
thereon at the rata of 10 nor osat per annum,
aad the further asm of $1 !t.00 and aocaing
mtei eat thereon a. Use rate of 10 per seat
par aaaaat, aasi the farther torn of $25 a
attorney's fees wttlr like us t treat; aad the
orerp'.as if aay to be pasd to thedeiecdaat, '
as r Hrannin
Dated thu 21st day of Novemher, I&52.
tsaeriffof Liua count;. Oregon.
in Or Ciremit Court of the State of Ongu,
for Limn canty.
W S Danhavm,
Frask "Wood.
K K Case at
La ban Caae.
d Sam Casts,
J3i by virtue of an execution and order
uf sale duly issued oat ot the above
named cjurt, la tbe above entitled suit
to axe directed and delivered, I aril, on
sa tarda 3 the 14th stay af Owes ber. lass.
at toe front door cf tbe county court
ho use, in tha city of Albany Linn county ,
Oral Use hour ."f 1 u'eiock pre of said day.
sell at public a jctioa for cash in hand to
the highest bidder the real property de
scribes! In aaid execution and order ef
sale as follow towlt: lot Irs, in black
eight. In the citv of albany. Linn countv,
iregoa The praoeeds arising from the
wieof said real p-r,rty te be applla,
first, to I be par mem of tbe eoata aad
expense of al. Including tha
onate aad dishunvs 1 enta of suit
taxed at e3S 80; 2nd. for the payment of
plaintiff's e aim amounting to $2815 02
and arc-ruing ilereet thereon -1 8 par
oettit per a" num. and the further mm of
$Ito.lJ a attorney fees and acaraing in
terest thersun at tne rate 01 a per sent
per annum, and tha overplt a if any to
l- paid te the defendant frana wood;
lasted this 2!!.tnvu! "sovemter, ISK.
Sheriff c-f Lion count . Oregon.
AswsauiscgsxaUUesar I
Bxtlsasiaar two boxes of a
tvrotaer brand.
Btctad ag baas. gaV"S ET '
r T Is a, u&y 171
aflUEeV1 I
leaving I'orflaiit!.
feti A. M.
7:30 P. .
? Hours Quicker to St. Pail.
23 Hours Quicker to Chicago.
40 Hours Quicker to Omaha ami
Kansas City.
For rates and general information est
on or address
W H HURLBURT,At.Gcn'l. Pas. Agt,
354 Washington St.,
k C McFarland.
- :- DKALKK IN - :-
Harness -and -Saddlery
Display $1 in The flooi,
pp oilte Flrst.NatlonaljBank, Albany
The owners of the Merced Woolen Millf, Merced, jal.,
retiring from husinegH, we have purchased a part of Their
stock atja BIG DISCOUNT.
A Barbecue
We place on sale their
Men's, Boys' and Children's
Underwear, and Blankets, at
you come again.
Ve guarantee a positive saving of 50 percent. It
will ot:t y u rothirg to sx e these goods.
Good Reasons why it will pay you to by
Furnishing Goods oi'u
1st, BECAUSE are have tbe largest and beat selected stock.
2nd, BECAUSE we have the largest trade -
trd, THUS enabling us to sell aur goods cheaper than you can get them elsewhere"
A flie display ef Holiday Goods
now ready for inspection.
(Set oar priees oa Mackintoshes,
Gam Coats aad other wet weather
The Clothiers, Fiiniiiherslaatt Hatters or thr Tiiley.
Bny Stoves and Ranges ol Matthews S Washbnrr
Buy Stoves andRangesof Matthews & Wasnbur
Buy Stoves and Ranges 4 Matthews & Washb rn
Bny Stoves and Ranges ot Matthews & Washbnra.
Bey Stoves aM Reigns of leiews & Wasibi
F. I.
and a
o o
Bubseriptlonagansfoi all tbe leading
Westr tat P. ..
ALBERT BROWNEli-CSaeeessw teHman 4 BrowwU, Proprietor.)
ll c'ty. We wxuld call the attention of our friend to the fact that sre are
bitter prepared than ever before to furnish eyerything In the shape of Fruit, Shade
and Ornamental tree, Srosll Fruit vine, etc., at either wholesale or retail. Oar
tceic is firt-lass, guaranteed true to name and free om inspect pests, and our
nriceslow. C. E. Brownell I our city airent ande -er left with him at Ms
TOre will receive prompt and careful attention . Ce-va . and see me or write for free
catalogue to .xw
AJba ly, Oraga
of Bargains.
complete lines, consisting of
Clothing, Flannel Shirts and
prices that will surely make
Su and
Doalar in
general assortment of
Newspapers and Magaaines. Tsrns r