cmorvat. Crcmatioalsts, among other arguments against interment of the dead, state that it requires a thousand acres of land yearly to birv those who die i.i the United States, and tb ii the expsnse of funerals exceeds the an nual output of our gold and silver mines. Po Mats i might be figured out that in course of time ali our wealth as well as bodies and land would go into tho cemeteries. Th- contest before the state canvassing boai.i in the 5th congressional district in Nor a Cmolina resulted in favor of Settle, repu lie 1.1 . Williams may contest before the Ho iclreshingly different is this conduct rom the republican boards in Kansas, Ne braska and Wyoming, where all kinds of schems are retorted to to cheat the demo crat out of a senator. The periods of gestation are the same in in the horse and ass, it months each; camel, 13 months; elephant, 2 years; Hon, 5 months; reindeer, S months; monkey, 7 months; bear, 7 months; sow, 4 months; dog, 9 weeks; cat, 8 weeks; rabbit, 4 weeks; guinea pig, 4 weeks; wolf, 90 to 95 days. Goose set 30 days; hens, 21 days; ducks, 38 days; pea-hens and tur keys, 2S days; :anaries, 14 days; parrots, 40 days. Tho gluttonous capacity of a fu'l. grown Lsquiniaux is reported to be equal to the consumption of twenty pounds of flesh and oil daily, while another inhabitant of cold climates, a Yakut of Siberia, has been known to consume in twenty-four hours the hindquarter of a large ox, twenty pounds of fat, and a quantity of melted butter for his drink. If Speaker Crisp is to be re-elected he should be first compelled to pledge himself to so conduct theaffairs of his office as to promote the reform of the tariff on ths line laid down in the national democratic plat form. There must be no obstruction frjtn the speaker's chair to the carrying out of the will of the people twice overwhelmingly expressed at the polls. It is a republican claim alone that if several thousand voters had not made mis takes in fixing their ballots in Massachu setts, Russell would have been defeated for governor. This is simply presumption, but, if there were enough illiterate repub licans to make such an error, 'their votes do not deserve to count. Evening Telegram The returns of the election on members of the next legislature of California show that of 120 votes on joint ballot, the straight democrats will have 59 and the republicans 52. In addition there are five people's pixty candidates who were indorsed by the democrats and who are expected to vote with the party whenever necessary, making a total democratic vote on joint ballot of 61. There ore also two straight-out peo ple's party assemblymen, one independent and one non-partisan- Tom Watson, the third party leader in Geor gia. ho was recently defeated for re-election to congress by J C Black, of Augusta, called an indignation meeting . at Thomson, his to Tie, in McDuffee county, near this city. Mr Watson' speech at the meeting was strongly partisan and fuli of bitter dtaonci ati Ns 1. 1 the democrats, and urging bis fol lowers to a'ick together He was not very sanguine of success ta contesting Mr 11 ack's teat, t ut would try it. He said he would equhe it least $5000 for the contest. He was heartily cheered throughout. There was no excitement, and the crowd dispersed quietly. 1 hat a wonderful amount 01 good was done by the democratic press in the late campaign is not to be denied, either by the republicans or democrats, and as one paper entitled to some recognition of the wonderful sweep made in Ohio, we refer to the East Liverpool Crisis. This pap3r is located in McKinley's district, and the election of a democratic congressman there, shows that some work was done by this paper. It defied McKinley in his ow n CDmmunity and fought him like a regular fighting cock, and the result was the vanishing of the 2600 republican majority and a democratic plurality of 1400 substi tuted. Evidently this little paper is well namcl. as the Crisis, so for as McKinley is concerned. The people's party and the democrat of Kansas ure highly indhrnant over the action of the state board ot canvacsers in declaring two republicans entitled to a seat by lot in the lower bouse of the legislature. Leaders ti the popu'ists say hey will or ganize a house composed of their men, and will ignore the republicans, and that Gov ernor Lewelling will recognize that body and the populist senate, and will let the republicans crack their whip, In this way they will elect a United States senator, who, they say, will be seated. Speaking of the action of the canvassing board, Chairman Briedenthal said: "If they intended giving fair play, why did they drive us out of the room when the drawing took place? Their man was rep resented on the board, but ours was net." Axording to the official count the politi cal complexion of the next legislature on joint ballot is as follows: Republicans 79 Populists 82 Democrats .- 4 Necessary to elect 80 'I lie New York Htiald says among well informed democrats tue impression exists that an extra session of congress will be necessary. The men who formed that opinion do not belong to the class of mind reading politicians, but tbey believe an extra senio r will bo called because of things Mr Cleveland saidlefore starting on his shooting trip. To one of these be disclosed his conviction that it would be impossible to avoid an extra session because of the condition of the treasury. 'Ofcourse.' said a pruaiiiieut democrat who is aware of Mr Cievc and' feelingx on the subject, 'the piisiiliisl efctff did not mean his wishes were hu final ;.ud unalterable view of the matter Hu meant all the probabilities pointed to the fact that an extra session will be necessary. lis knows there will be a treasury deficiency, and that something must be done in that direction which can -not or will not hi accomplished at the short session of the expiring congress. He also knows that there will be a tremendous clamor of the people for free raw materials, and that there is no reason to hope that the republican senate will recede an inch from its hostile attituds. I believe Senators Cioriuan and Carlisle and Mr Whitney and Mr Harrity are all in favor of an extra ses sion, to be called not immediately after March 4. h-it a few months in advance of the regulur session. 1 think a Urge ma jority of tire democrats want an extra ses sion, and the sou'h and west will demand one in thundor tones Mr Cleveland is expected to tell the people exactly what he thinks of the extra session talk at the re form club dinner December 12." AN EXTRA SESSION NECESSARY. Senator Crisp strongly favors an extra ses sion in Maroh. It need not last long, he thinks, or under take any but pitparatory work. The House, as th: Speaker points, out, should be organized at that time. A com mittee of ways and m;ans should be appoint ed to consider and prepare a judicious tariff reform bill for submission and passage during the succeeding autumn. The Democratic party is charged with the duty of reforming the tariff. It must not unduly delay the work. S -ill less must it do the work with such hurry as shall exclude deliberation and involve danger of blundering. The task I one ot extreme delicacy which requires circumspection at every step. If there is no extra session this work can not be beeun till the beginning of 1894. A bill could haully be perfected and passed be fore the late spring, and it would be unsafe and unfair to business interes'.s to give effect to a new tariff without adequate nonce. If ti.ere is no extra session the new tariff cannot go Into effect before September or Octobtr, 1894. On the eve of a Congress ional election it would certainly be misrepre sented, and misrepresentation might be the means of defeating the Democracy in tba year. But if there is an extra session ia Marclrl for organization, the work of preparing a tar. iff bill can be begun at once by the Ways and Means Committee, and carried on deliberate! y during th summer, with the advice of such men as Carlisle and Mills In the Senate and other Democtatic statesmen and business men whose counsel is of value. Upon the meeting of Congress again in the fall the work ot the session, so far as this .important meaiure is concerned, would be fully laid out. The tariff bill could bs T " T "'r , : r SDrlne or early summer, thus civinc time for it benefits ta appear before the people shall bee ailed upon to indie of its wisdom. An extra session will hasten the wot.. without hurrying it. It will prove Democrat ic good faith and commend the Democracy anew to popular f avo. It will bring relief to the people many months tooner than would otherwise be po'sih'.e. It will give to business Of every kind the notice it needs of the changes to be made in business conditions. With such a plain warrant from .he people j it Is no time for the Democratic party shirk its duty jr to delay unnecessarily fulfillment ol is promises. to the THE POUT COI.LKCTORSH1P. Mr Thomas J Black, a prominent resi dent of Haisey, Linn county, is in the city. Since the result of te November cyclone, which has relegated republicans to the rear and given the country a change of admin istration, the name of Mr Black has been frequently mentioned in connection with the collector-ship of this port and is being j very favorably received, llie gentleman is an old resident of the state, has been iden tified with its commercial interests for many years, has taken an active part in politics and is held in high esteem by many of the leading business men of this city and other parts of the state. He is a democrat, fearless and true, and recognis - ing his fitness for public responsibility, many of his friends will join m recom- j ofjthe essential qualifications for that offic mending him as a suitable person to be than Mr Black. His competency is un appointed collector of customs for the questioned. He is energetic and untiring district of the V.'ilbvmette. For so iin in every undertaking, a man aide awake portant an office there are naturally many j w retnc to all surroundings, enter who will seek to gain the coveted prixe, but I prising and quick in all that he undertakes, observation leads to the opinion that Mr j, democrat of the solid kind in regard to Black's chances are now exceptionally good, fundamental party doctrines and progress and if he succeeds, the office will be in safe . lve ln matteri of party policy. In all these and competent bands. Thus for, though ' qualities he would be a peculiarly fit ex encountering many excellent gentlemen, j potent of the general policy of the incom compe titers for this responsible office. Mr j lng administration. Black appears to have the best of the fight j . i m : recommended as he is by tbe most promi nent democrats in the state. Sunday Welcome. H B Miller the defeated republican can didate for presidential elector has commenced mandamus proceedings before Judge Burnett of the Circuit Court against the Secretary of state to restrain that officer from counting the vote cast for Nathan Pierce in tnose counties where Pierce's name was prnted twice on the ballet. The cage will be de cided by Judge Lnrnett at once, when, ha, ever the decision may be, the case will be appealed to the S lpreme for final judicial determinaticn. Of coarse the decision will ia no wise affect the presidential contest and the decision will be acren'ed by all as coming from a court entirely uninfluenced by party feeling. The necessity of a fish ladder at the Oregon City falls, cannot be questioned. There was a former appropriation squand ered, and the ladder proved worthless. In fact it was serionrV charged that the fish ladder was a grand fraud. The suggestion of the board of fish commissioners to blast out an avenue for the ascension of the fish, seems to be a good one and practicable, and there will be no danger of it being washed away. Portland DitfaUh. There are strutting on cur streets healthy, hale and hearty men. well able to earn a liv ing, who are pensioners upon the generosity of the people of Ibis country. Several of these men never saw a battle, an I secured what the Uoernment agreed to give thrm for their services when they en!itel . They have no claim on the bounty of ti e tax payer any more than another citizen who is able to work and earn his living. Portland Dis- The republican in each of the states of Kansas, Nebraska, Wyomirg, Montana and California are trying to count In enough of fielr legislative candidates who were not elected to enable tl.em to elect senators in these states. 'I his met nod practiced so extenive!y by certain repub lican leaders has done more than anything else to bring the party into disfavor except it be the force bill and protectionism. The domocrats and populists in the states ahou'd meet these purloiners -jf senators with that heroic c:. necessary to defeat the theft. Taking all thing Into consideration, there Is I o doubt that the monetary con ference ha a hard problem to solve, but Ittsillbea lasting shame if th" mor-o-metallfsts In t.ietr telfiah and nearsighted nolle prevent in; reco il nendatlon of sui.stantial advance in the financial methods of the wo-'d. The -people, not the mag nates, want the change; the sufferers, not the benefiJaries, of the present situation. Tclegiam. The secretary of state at Sacremento has received official returns from all but two counties. The returnes thus far received show that between 7ejo an I n,ooo voters in the stare refused or newest I lo vote for ?.ny presidential electors Thirty tliousati'l voteis in stat.? failed to vote foi any can didate fur congress. Th fr r-t in-w''tiJ. v rH- S-'tlff fsMtSa to lire icpuuliuio vclri.ul nidi town to vote the straight party ticket at the city election would lead one lo infer that the force hi! I j the McKinley hi 1, Bill McKinley or some I other noted "bill" was in peril . 111) J ' 'JLL It is rather amusing to find 1 ,t- cencu- repent on tin 111 it.e United Suit .s which siait. out with the frank confession th.t tin mining in lhn count- hai "otyet proJuced any com mercial tin. A tlLOOMY MESSAGE, Read between the lines, President Harrison'.- last message Is more than gloomy. He chooses, In it sleek way, to tell the American people that they were ignorani of what they were doing when they pronouueed tach an emphatic veidtct against the scheme of pro tectionism and force bill legislation. With a show or submission to the clearly expressed will of the people made manifls: in the over whelming defea of his party and the em phatic condemnation of the policy of his ad ministration In the November election, the president declares his purpose nut to renew the argumert in tavor of a protective tariff and then launches forth i-pon a long suffer Ing pa'knt public two columns of the hack neyed arguments mtde scores of times by protective organs and protection speakers, and as ol en sifted and found to be chaff by democratic defenders of the rights of th, masses against the wily encrsachments o the classes. Can it be true that the president is go blinded by party prejudice that he can not see that the most Intelligent verdict ever rendered by the people at tua polls was that ei tered nf record at the polls on the 8th of November condemning the high tariff scheme ( ct his party? Is there not in fact a vein of j spitefulness and retaliation tunning all through the lines of the message quietly hurl ed at the people for voting a they did? Why quote at length in his message the chaffy re port of Commissioner Peck of New York when the vote of that state was given In utter condemnation ot Peck and nis report as well? The prest tent's views on the sliver question are sgair. clearly serine J as they have so often been heretofore as will be seen by the follow leg statement made concerning the nione ary conference now in session at Brussels: "I hat e not doubted, and have ta ken occasion to express in t bllef, as well n the invitation, issued for the conference a. . ... , , in my public message, that the free coinage ' of silver upon agreed international ratio, woulj probably fromoXr the interests of Our feofle in eonttlil : to hose of other initio." Sack a statement made concerning a great public question is totally incompa'ible with that dignity, character, and candor which the president of 65 million of fee intelligent people should maintain. It is one of the great weaknesses of President Harrison that he ,d18es mueh mo" in llne f than in those of statesmanship. I ' i.l.KCro It Ot tTSTOMi With the advent of Cleveland in the presidential chair, there is scarcely a doubt that the office of collector of customs at Portland will become vacant by the prompt removal of James Lotan. The whole dem ocratic party of the state and seven-tenth of the republicans will be glad to see him removed. If such removal should be made it will devolve upon the president to select Mme competent, worthy, suitable democrat for the place, Of course there are many such democrats in the state, and we are in formed that at least half a dozen applicants are already in the field for the place, and among these we see the name of Hon T J Black of Haisey. in this county, mentioned. Without disparaging the fitness and claim j 0f 0tfcer candidate we can safely and cheerfully say that no man combines more The Connecticut republicans ore sensible in deciding not to make another attempt to prevent Judge Morris from being inaugu rated as governor. The results of the situation which they have forced during we past two years are not encouraging to part is in plotters. They are a minority j party, and their inequitable control of the legislature ought to satisfv their disnosi- tion to arrogate power belonging to the majority. Congress met ir. regular session to day. The country is somewhat curious to know what President Harrison will say of : he force bill, tariff and kindred subjects. The West Side is indulging in volume of ancient history about "protection. " Wake up Bro Pentland out of that Rip Van Winkle leep and join tSe procession. URAL ESTATE SAUS. J Mover to David McDowell, I bl, Brownsville Serf h Smith to O & C R R Co, richt of way 11 w 3 230 30 1 937 200 : A M Temp'.eton to J K McCormick, 20 acres 14 w 2 J I) Fuller to J W Spangler, un divided half of 15020 acres 10 w 3 Jonathan Wassoni toWm I -e Forge, 1 lot, Lebanon J K Fleck to L B Habrly, 190 acres 10 w 4 90X) U H to P V Crawford. 300 acres 14 w 1 ratent John Beard to A B Hiett, 2 lots, Tangent TJ 8 to John Wiseman, 154 acre. . D 0 Powell to Harriett Sliefh, 500,30 acres 13 w 3 fi A Hannibal to Wallace Hulburt, 18 24 acres 11 w 3 E J V Johnson to N K .Vest, lot 2. 60 200 10 100 bl 14. Albany, 1012 i Plat of F.rster lAnna li-nlt to Wm H Wolfe, 2.77 acres 16 w 4 Oregon to T F Osborn, 160 acres 14 w 4 John Wert to H K Cady, 1.25 1 200 25 acres, llollv 112,021 Pfr hats Yeu want the best groceries to be secured in the Bros city ; then call on Parker Perhaps You want fresh produce just from the gardeners, then call on Parker Bros. Pet haps Yo want the bert baked goods ln the citv, breads, caks, cooulcs, pl, etc.lhen call on Parker Bres and you will get the goods and first class tiearment. - Ladies Fin ftaVUM. 1 have a full Iin nf lens's tin" .lr-.s khoea, all " I t; and ih I tot Mtvetiie m ty'e, m re Wees I Is 1-riet'K 'ambei. E. YqOKO The Portland Collection A.oncy has curr intuceri several nir to enlt -ot account hr G L KUrkttiin. Parties owing him should et'.le their u counts and save uo tr. Betas huyin your uinter-'cl r.f hoots and trhee IBS lubber e-oi gn to Klein Bros A h in., and ict 1 hi ir prices. They will snd Osa save yoa miim-v mi every pair. It w 1 plHU'ii t' 1 hem t'lshow gisev, itntrt& s .i ---it 1 th t- ry belt rstta .heir, nu't ci-tMurs. Mr jiillut Gi-adwohl iofenn tie general public that he h-M rejeiyed adviona from Sn Pfaaeiseo that suar ha declined hilf ac-ent e-r pound nn all grades and coffee ha ad vauto'l. N.iwrsthe tank buy sugar. rKrtoa at Read's. i''AMsas i N. S,el &. Co. are bum pre psred to in .k.- Inau from 1 to 5 years in amounts fiom 3200 to $10,000. Call on,or w.ite them at Albany, I MISFITS. J P Jones, formerly of the Eugene Troy la.indry, has left Portland In company with Deputv U S Marsha' J 1 Gregg fo'r Ogden, Utah, to face a deserted and angry wife. He leaves a disgusted paramour in Portland. Guard. Mrs E Fulton, ol Hood Ulver, hat re ceived the contract for keeping the county and non-resident toor for the next year In Wasco county. Her bid was $1,197 Ior the ccunty, and $4.00 per week for non resident poor. Mr rullon was required to give bonds in the sum of $3,500. Robert Scott, better known as Uncle Bobby, we are informed made an unsuc cessful attempt to commit suicide a couple days ago. lie I 87 years of age, and has had considerable trouble and Imagines himself in the way. Register. Live it out, Uncle Bobby, Captain Van Alstlne once more scents the air of freedom.- The pleadings of his wife proved effectual and his sentence of thirty days changed into a fine, the woman tendered a crisp hank note In liquidation for hi uneaplred term. Since his Incar ceration the wife has been a frequent visitor to the city jail and it was "deary" this and "deary" that through the wicket until Jailer Hudson grew so morose that hi sanity was questioned The next time Van Alstlne lick his wife the person Interfering s-outd be prosecuted. Port land Welcome. "I thought that you made an agree roent with a democrat that you wouldn't drink tor a year if his man was elected?" "I did." "But you are drunk now." "Well, yon see. I hedged with a repub lican." Buffalo Express. The total vote in the Salens election was 1196; in the Albany election 72V, which i 11st about shows the relative sizes of the cities ; that is, Albanys pop ulation being 462 Salem's is about 7500. At Salem Claud Gatch was elected mayor, Harry Minto, marshal, E M Hades, recorder; EJ Swaffbrd, treasurer; G F Smith. E C Cross. A Klein. J H Al bert and G B Gray, aldermen. All are republicans but Albert and Gray. One bad husband and father has re ceived justice: C M Smith, ot Grant county, who beat and otherwise abused the members of his own family, has just been convicted at Canyon City of assault with intenc to kill, and has been sentenced o aix years' impriwnment in the penitentiary. " Nearly every disaster lias a comical side to it. During the flood that just MMed a family in the West Va. ley found themselves surrounded by water Then the question arose as to a means of getting away from the house to drier quarters. But the head of tlie family waa equal to the emergency, for taking Ins wne an tauv on nis dbck ana a cnuu under each arm, he waded through the water until he landed his fami!" on dry ground. Skamokawa Kagle. The Helena Journal, Russell Harri son's paper, has been sold at sheriffs sale- It waa attached on the night of the election for more than $100,100. Nearly aa bad a defeat as that of his father. j port of W D Oxen, superintendent of im- Howdiffernt are the lives of editors j migration, show, that 572.663 immigrant Moet of us have to get down to solid J arrived in this couctry during the fiscal work and transpire even; but not so J ending June SO. lf2. There were UhWR Hearst, of the Examiner. He I returned 2.0! who came in violation of is now gliding along the Nile, and will the laws. Of this number 1.963 were con be in a marble villa in Italy But the ' tract laborers. Examiner glide along the better for his f mm mim , , , . absence. District Attorney Condon seems dele-- , mined to put the Sunday law in fore throughout the district, and Saturday j evening the order to close was promul- j gated in Rose burg. All tl e saiojns of the city complied with the order without a "kick" and the town waa changed from ! a very wet to a verv dry place in sh rt order. Boueburg Keview Prince George, the eldest living son of the Prince ot l ales. is to visit the .vund next summer, being connected with the'. British warship Arthur, which replaced; the Warspite as flagship of the Pacific coast squadron. He is a handsome youth ; ana up 10 uie wnes 01 uie iair sex, out imboair he Haft Astoria and fail to be : snared bv one of our modest beaut ies he i is tougher than he ought to be and we j ""a- Exauiitier. TELEGRAPHIC HEWS. raktle Kb I Id la r 1 WAsiiixriTox. D e mates prepared by the treasury department J and seat to congress today include appro- iinations for public buildings as follows: i'ort'and. Or. to complete f&W.WO St Paul. Minn, to continue 700,000 Sioux Fails. S D. to complete 350,000 Port Townsend, ash, marine bos- pital, new pavilllon 300.000 IX San Francisco, marine hospital im- provem en ts 22,000 1 Port Townsend quarantine station, Susruntine sUtion. io Thf S. B. Hftdarhe ti LiVfT ClTt complete 2:1.0001 Cheea rale ) PHYSIC I eastr Sax Frascisco. Pec 6 T H lioodman. general passenger agent of the Southern ; Pacific Company, who has just returned , from a conference of passenger officials at 1 Chicago, says tnat while nothing definite was decided upon at the conference about i the fare to the Chicagc world's fair, it was 1 certain that the round trip from here 1 urnTilil tut fiTll . ll,. mmahI cir,..!., ' fare- A Prtat aaap Baraeei Philadelphia, Dec 6. The Public Ledger building was almost gutted by fire this eveniisg. The damage wan c:ntined almost entirely to the composing room, but a torrent of water flooded every floor in the structure. The loss can only be ap proximated, but will probably be between $250,000 and 100,000; the insurance is $60,000. The cause f the fire is unknown. A Peculiar ( arap.-emlse Walla Walla, Wash. Dec 6. The contest case which J J Huffman proposed to enter today to oust W B Hwley from the auditorsbip was Dot entered. This morning Huffman and Hawley met and agreed upon a compromise. The terms of the agreement am that Hawley shall hold the office for the first year and emp'oy Huff man as first deputy. At tue end of the first year Hawley is to resign in favor of Mr Huffman and will lie employed by the latter as first deputy. Reeeran III Washington, Dec 6. At il o'clock tonight there was no material change in in General Rosecrans' condition. He is very weak, but is able to partuke of his usual amount of nourishment. Congress Meets. Wabiiioton. Dec 5. There were the usual scenes at the opening of the senate The floral tributes on the desks of the sena tors were aboul evenly divided between democrats and republicans, and more pro fusely than ever before. The attendance was large, numbering about 70. Intro ductory business was attended to and several bills introduced. A Tie Vase 1 Walla Walla, Dec 5 J 11 Wilson and G W Winkle, candidates for the office of county surveyor, who received an equal number of vote at the last election, met in the office of Auditor Hawley this afternoon to decide their fate. The slips of puper. ono containing the name of Wilson and the other Winkle, were placed in a hat. Winkie had the first draw. He drew out a slip with his own name written upon it and was decided the winner. Wyoming's Two Uov raor ai Chevenna, Wvo, Dec 5. Wyoming still has the remarkable spectacles of two alleged governors. Governor-elect Os 1 mi ne and a party of friends called at the capitol this morning and announced that they wanted to canvass the votes. Acting--governor Barker refused to have the vote canvassed, or to let Osborne be present when the canvass takes place. It begins to look as though trouble might come at any moment. . -. The Elecllea ta Pendleton. Pendleton, Or, Dec r. The city elec tion was hotly contested today. The re suit was a follows: Mayor, ll Alexander; marshal, Philip McBryan; councilmen, J S Fielding und Heutie; recorder, George K Lash; treasurer, Clark Wood. Alexander received a flattering vote, a majority of 136 out of 686 votes cast. Killed Br a Hoc rim Omaha. Neb, Dec 5. At Uassctt, Ilock county, lust night, James Cooper, a coun terfeiter, and a general tough, ran amuck with a revolver and razor, He slashed one .:m. tdmt nrmttim nml wltAn H,a slii.rtfV 1 attempted to arrest him. shot at him. Tte horiff returned the fire, killing Cooper in stantly. A Newspaper Otter Baraedi La Grande, Or. Dec 5. The two-story frame building containing tho offices of the Recorder at Elgin, in this county, was totally destroyed by fire last night, t! 1! Swinehart, who was sleeping in the second story, wits awakened only in time to jump for his life. 1.0s, evwjon, insurance, 81400 Cam Ming Old II Loi:isviu,E. Ky, Dec 4. H H Lostetter, the Uni'ed States express agent at Hunt ingburg, lnd. was arrested today while in the act of pawning 600 worth of diamonds hp stole the package ot diamonds from bis j office at Huntingburg Saturday, and came here to pawn them. He said he had been short in his accounts for some time, and did not know how much be really owed the company. The shortage may be anything between 61000 and 85000. He attributes his downfall to gambling. Tws hlMrrn killed WooDviu.g, Miss, Dec S. A serious ! accident occurred in this countv yesterday. Three little girls, children of fir J P Car- ' roll, a prominent physician, were playing under the bank of Buffalo creek. With out any warning, whatever, the ground suddenly caved in. killing two of them, aged 4 and 7, instantly, and severely in juring the other child, aged 5 years. A little daughter or Ed Moms was also badly hurt. CalUWrala leatslalarv Sax Francisco. Dec 3. Returns on member of the next legislature bo that of 120 votes in the senatorial joiat ballot the straight democrat will have 59; re publicans 52. In addition there are five people's party candidates who were in dorsed by ths democrats, and who are expected to vote with the party whenever necessary, mating a total democratic vote on joint ballot of 64. There are two straight out people's party assemblymen, one inde pendent, and one non - partisan. w hal rerklarldcr Thloka Washington. rec 4. Representative Breckinridge of Kentuckv. who opposes on extra session, thinks the democratic 1 tariff revision revision bill should h nne- j pared under the direction of Mr Cleveland. Breckinridge said he thought Cleveland should, with the assistance of the cabinet j and officials, prepare a tariff bill to be; submitted to congress in lieu of a message. ; , ,, Tacom a. Dpc 4 A S King, brother of Charief King, Northern Pacific contractor. ; ooidsad r -- lucu "ui r i attempting to board a Point IVsaa - hint? had an armful of nackasre and he attempted to jump on the car while it had ; considerable Headway. His feet slipped and lie Ml heavily on the street, the plat - -form of the car struck him between the ' knee and ankle breaking bis right leg. He was unconscious several hour. BUs IsasntsraUaa raawm Wasaisgtox. Dec 3. The annual re- CODLIJnT worm and BOR PROTEOT YOUR-TREES PAPER, PAINT. ROOFING. Sampics and circular tree. Paraffine Paint Co., I LA VS. U BILIOUSNESS Pi o ts d 04 IT QQ 15 r If taken a directed, we Guarantee Satlt faction or refund your money. DON'T SICKEN. D0N T GRIPE. 50 cci:'s per bottle, by k BIG STOCK -:- of -:- Baby :-: Buggies best tserri nent everbroujht te Albarj just received st Stoctt Sox's. Fee tlie foggics ami (let Trifcs 2nd Stoie. liiwt ten;k of atui tJf goods aMi.j, and tb most rea.wna.blo hsv'on band all tfndsof ia tho pricee FURNITURE. STOVES, TINWARE, TaUNKS, BOOKE. PICTURES, CLOCKS, CROCKERY. ErC, feTC: On lii - v.t ofM rl ymin -'a old store, L. C0TLEI6. CURB K newasS Oars ilsta Trestpisnt, csnslstlng a( S.ii ltaries,Ointmt)rit in Csiuls,sli ln Ssi and Puis s PiwitireUar lor sxtrual,lntorral,BIriS or Blesd, iuy ltchisx, Ohrsnii'., Uceont ar lltradltary Piles, snd anr olh w dlsass and female wesUoiissos; it la al- I a irrtat nsni mi we (renerai ai"i. me nmi nverv m a s.edical erlre rniiSsftpg an oporatloa Phis remailv fth ths kiilfe nsDcsaXT hecaaftt has uevur been known to PL Hp aim. Wv null wr.r surlsr from line Jtr. rlsnx. lor SI; ierriie tllsesas s0 a wmtsn f Hirsute is pesltlrelr airen with S refund ihe niOnaT If not eared. Be stamp froo Sample. Qoi iwitM issued ? J A Cnminlacl Oruggl. Mole Ageal. Ilbanv, Orean A BARGAIN. ROIT AND VKOKTABI.B KS'Mtor saN conMistluK of 4 acre or less i.f land one mile narth of Albany. Land well iin proved. For partlouhus inxutre of W II Wahnrk am f ..VI X . '.i. . WILL'S MUSICE STORE ni.s roa- L 4 CUICKERI.VG, TASK A SoS" rljifios, II p Ulll.VU HTWH." A.N'D ESTEV, tos NEWMAlf BROS.. CROAT'S. I EeURfft ! ' Wsain 'gO :mt B.ol lai'.rjnn Whilor Catalogue atd Prices before Ptycii'iiag E sruhere; Wssali th- r.r-aGooAi si LaWmt Mom mall Instrument. Qoals and lenHlm: Marie M Etery ?lw Hro. cd other Swtnc Ua&ioc. slao N'cdta, Oil and Eitraa lor all MasbiBes: I. V. WILL, Albany, Or. BileBe&ns Small Guaranteed to cure Bilious attacks. Sick Headache and Cess tipatioa. 40 In each bottle. Price Sc. For sale by druggists. Picture "7, 17, W sad sample ion free. 1. T. SMITH A CO., Prcf rtelers, BXW YORX, GOOD NEWS asa Far ths eiUUses el certt'-rasrt sf dk Tiitt's Pills, m (3l It firm Ir-Tail plrator l aa-dfc V awassaa tbsu u tsarats n:ius epa v TINY LIVER PILL n.Uh It "I t trwdinctr rtnll miur. a vrl reeainlna all tli win Baaad W imrjrr null jt;mmzAr 1 arl; rcsa)I. BoUnilM.t ' still M svr Mill tmunt. t tx rue slau of A TUTTS TiT LIVES PtiLS A U thuag lu Ihr taettea of IbU -ad." NEW DVBKTIBEMEN1& o PKftA HorSR. of Albenv. tor rent beginning with Jan let. ltV3, f r one or mnre yesra. r.r pr.:-tar. cai: on or adjffSJBS Julius Joseph, albcuy. Or. PS Inquire of Fred ti lturkhart, HHIIYMEST WANTED. A sin wants maJoyuient ia a femiiy. siialsufni CCKNIKIIKD ronrai for light house die of I I I; keeping for rent. Icquiie Carter, opposite the Buae House MUSIC HATH CHARMS. You can truly say, there I 00 p'.ace like home, happy home, if sou possess one of isnii IJISX4BBH anaeet tor.i r'r", i Mr ll t mans, nt rirst sirret. 1 nese j Bros A Co. hetetofore rn;!fied. and ihe Ions; evenings Is just the time to enjnv overplus if anr to be Dad to I e defend -Ihem ' 'ant Msrr E Biink. OB SaLK CHRAP.-Ur Amos' old p aee. being bieek 4, Hackieacan's addiUen. sJcest keuae. tp sail . chap. 'ne halt down, balanos to salt purchaser. Inquire of Dr Wai ID. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Y'TICK IS BEKEBT GIVES THAT THE IX X dnsiMd bsra btea aslv aptxantsd hy ts eounly yars 1-nn cint..OrpaeilouBlamWrs of um seals at oareitaa I. sasskart deDsated. All rvr-- hasiag ckstas agaisst mid are btrshr rsbjr mfwren u prasens as ass anin.a si. isenuu j Snaa the Ssae asrssf prxtwrtv Tertaeil, to tk. ue J"rJ Albany. Or. uaisa ma eta j m ih, ir FO Bt'RKHARTaad Wsafhert t A 1'hs.nbn'siri, C II RURKHART, All) for Adam. Admuttamtrr. Star Baker Car :tr ! , i ail flfil ,- OXRAD SMEYR, P33?3!i08. (sunril frit I. t'aaus -1 ttlsaMwarc, Orleel Frolsa. TuUihto, Hanmr, '8ee. Kte 4accnawar Veuetiililc. Cigars) Mpieea. rr-r. Bite.,; la lad everjrtli.c that I kept in a irenera variety aid cewsry atora, lllchstt r market price paid for AT.L OP PRDDUC?. CURE YOURSELF! f If ttonbledwith ("iiorrhd rJleet,Whita,8pmiatorrha for snv unnatural dlsrhamis dnixslst for a bottle of : O. It curs In a few dan without ths aid or publicltr nf a I doctor. Non -pouonou and Isnarantred not to stricture. I The Vntvertdt American Car. Manufactured by The Ivans. Chemical Co.l CINCINNATI, a u. s. a. CHEAPEST, good Pitting READY MADE SUIT OF CLOTHES, OO 1 TO F. L. SUtyOrtT, "The Clothier and Merchant Tsilor," On Lvon Street, near First, See what a bargain you can got there for your cash money. Alio suit made to order, cleaning, dve ing and repaying. Satisfaction guaranteed. F, L. DuMONT, - Albany, Or. i- ......... . Leading: zusrea mm Stories. Ortr 70S tugs Fijez. ...vm.uub o. sun rrl7 1,000 Eltraraiiui. le t?tt Ctort rtcries. Souvenir cf tU Zca JMMssf in colore, SHERIFFS SAL?. In the Circuit Court or Liun County, StaU ol Oregon: Bsijamln Hardman, Plaistlff, v Tll..Tr rWir.ii and Mrv V Rrlnk l.i wifo ni QeOsaw Haywood. Henry Usv. ; wood.Ainne Morrill and Aivin M Greenwood, partner doing busi ness under the Arm nanmof Hay wood Uroe It Co. and Henry Jen- ",HS." r rr.i wenRiDpilpAriifrM uuiiij uti-iiucnn uuaer wi arm BSMSS of Jennlnirs Rros, and H K Edwards, Conrad Meyer, V H Allen and M P Brink, Defendants. V"OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT J3i by virtue (J an execution and order of sale duly leaned out of Uie above named court. In the above entitled salt, to me directed and delivered. I will on aatarelar. the MfSj eVe er Beceaaber. ISM. at the front do-P ssi'tiM cooa'r court houae.ln the city of Albany Linn county, Oregon, at tho hour 01 one o'eioek p m of said -'ay, sell at publie auction for eaah In hand lo the h'sbeet bidder the real property in e ddexeeutloo and order 1 of sate deaenhed aa follow towil: Be ginning at the southeast corner or lot Mo U In Muck Ne 10, at the corner ot Socosd and Ferry street, in the c.iy f Albany, in Linn county, Oregon, running theace northerly n the earn line of said block 25 ft. thence wworlv and parallel with the south liuo of m block to th. I line between and dividing lota 5 and 0 in aatd block; thence ecuOterly on the iine between said lot 5 aeJ 0 25 feet to second I street; thence eastteny on the south lne of said block in the place of beginning ' together wiih ail the buildings aitoated i thereon, and also the riht to the uat of the stairway on the north aide tl the brick wi! not standing on the north jeldeofaaid premises and ajoning in I same excepting therefrom one nndivinei - half of the brick wall above described. ; the above 'teaeribed premises being . situated in the city of Albany, in Linn 1 county, orecu. The proofed arising ttrcmaaid sale 10 be applied aa in said j execution dlreeiedA fdssenr 1st .to the paraent of the costs and disbursement of 1 hi suit tsxed at S32 90. and th- ex : proses of said Bale; 2nd, to tb payment I of the plaintiff eiaini amounting to the j jeum of $3792 !5 and accruing inter t , thereon at the rate of 8 per cent pari ! annum, and the farther sum of I KM) aa1 I atiorcey'a 'ee and aeerainjr. inters 1 thereon at tbe rate of S per cent per ; annua : 3d. to Ihr payment of the cialu' of the defendant. S H Allen, amounting 10 the sum of RS 75 and accruing interest ibarvon at ia rat of 6 p.-r cent per annum, and the farther uai of f.r0 a ; eifirney'a Sec; lh. to tba pavroect of Use j claim of the defendant. M P Brink, amounting to the Mim ef fxSIjM wslb ercrring Interest tbeiecn at the rate of 10 per cent per annum. ad the further . earn of ftfln .-.- v . . Sthoo the pay. its' 1 hi claim of tie defendant. Con ' red Meyer, amounting to the sum of . f.lM.e) wilh secrcing interest thereon at ; the rale of 19 ner cent per annum; 6th. to . the payment of the ot Use defend . ansa, Jennn; Bros, imounling to the - ' sum of $188 47 end I0 cos; and dta. : burveccents together with aecramg tutawsMt en said sum at the rate of 8 par : cent per annuo-; 7th, 10 Use paynsBi of the claim of lb. defe nant.H E ESwards. amounting to the mm of $90 5 with : aecroing Interest thereon at the rale ot 8 i pr oent per annum: the payment - of the claim of Ihe defendants. Uywoo4 j Broa Co. amounting to the sum of I $178 eO with aor-rulng iit-.eit tnerecn 1 1 I the rate of 10 per cent rtramnm. And tsssreaXier sriu atsn seh the foClovlng :ertiri les . r lisiU lr;!i ning at the rs ant, corner cf block So a in use cut or Alrjsnv. in l.rnn countv Oregon, and running U-eoee enntheriy on the ist line of said block 122 feet; Ifceers westerly on a line parallel with the north hour, ary lice "f aaid blok 1S5 feet; thence nonheily 00 a line paralie: who the east boundary ho of said block 122 leet; thence easier ly on the north boundary lir of aatd blxk 1X5 feet to the puce of irzlanne. The proceeds i arising from the uie of the pretaieee last above deeenbed to be applied as follows: j 1st. to the payment of the plaiaiifl' claim hrtof- r specineci; 2cd. to the pal meet of the claim of the defendant. 5 H Aeo. brretcfore rciOect 3rd. te 'he pay spent t , of the eUia? ol fje lef dant. Usv wood Dated tl ts 2Jnd day of Norembsr. lti C JACKS S. Sbenff of Linn eounlv.Oiegon. By D S Smith, deputy, ADMINISTRATRIX SALE. r CetWy Court y lie SteJ ef O.rf s Commit ! Limn: la the (eat'er of the e Ute cf Alice 1 L TO y Keel, deceased. j OTICE !S BRBEBY GIVEN TEAT j the nnderaigned adrr.intstrsuix b . virtoeof an order of the coanty court of Lis.n eoaoty, Oreg n. made ed anterej of record m aid ecnrt oa the 10th day of Uc tober, i ia the above ee'ttied estate. I will -!: at peblic auction at Ihecuurt boase door of the county Swart hoc ia A hm. Lien crooty. Oregon. to the bighat and beat bidder, f. r cah io hand, st the h or J one (l)o"clock p rn. on tho Ttii dav ef Jacusrv. 1S93, sll the light, title and interest of the aid Alfred Lercy Ueai, deceased, in and to '.he follovirg described real property, owned by him at the time of hi death, t wit. I ts I n-irxbered live (51 and aix 6. in block num ber four (4.) in the town cf Lehar.oti,in Lien : conntv, Oregon . i Dated this 2 d dav of Dicembr, 1S92. SARAH E MILLS. Admin, of eat. Alfred I. Rati, dee'd. liso W right, Att'for A.ic-.r. FRaZER AXLE GREASE BEST 1JT THE T OS !... ltsweari.ii; qnalillesara ttnsnrriMkr.- -.. , -'.::all St'.uiinir iwobfaos of eaTori;?? bf - . iro kuj tr hsat. tare: lri xii Lcniua Tea SALE BY PCVLTBS GEXFSA.IXy. Jtis SPECTACLES AND EYE BUSK The URGTST ASSORTMENT in Lin County. Cali and-:- Have-:- Your ston's Patent E,c-Meter at F M FRENCH Slewelrv Store. P. J. SMILEY, ?rintinrj7 1ST. ST., ALBANY, Representing the loiuling Lithogmnliing and Blank liook Making houses on tho Pacific Coast, I can supply the trade with anything from a calling card to tho finest litl'io, work desired, or from a statement to tho largest blank book or ledger used. Everything first-class, prices guaranteed as low us auyone. Samples to be seen. Remember this when in need. Coma Entry Week-Finely JUuttrated- Only fl.Tu a Yw.'J YOUTH'S uui - .iiua m m, .,;-: whu ior . . . 1 f.i, ma -i.. 1 ; . a . . Features far 1893. 4,100 Ttizt Stories. IOC Ctcriis of ACveatcrc Kactily BecUs Centers. Garde; CM-irca's Pace. '.".- Sew t-iititicribcra who will cot set end vr-ad a Ip witk name, address end SI .7.5 wo will . bo Capaatra Free to Jan. 1, 93, far .1 s-eec tTtv.i rlat date, Iceladloz tho Double l!o!lda7 i.'ombcr Cblatosaa and MS Year. 1! Thf. YouTi" Companion, rostow. Mesa. Three dpasti, arnt or. rter'-: of tlx arxfa. or F7SC to any NOTICE OF FIREMEN'S ELECTION: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on Monday, the tath day of Decem ber, 1891, at the hall of the Albany En gine Co., No. 1. the annual election of the Albany Fire Department, of the ctty of Albany, Linn countv, Oregon, will be held for the purpose of electing a Chief Engineer and an Assistant Chief Engineer of the said Albany Fire Department. The following person have been ap pointed bv Ihe Beard of Delegates of said Albany Fire Department a judges of said election tow it ; William Richard, of Al bany Engine Company No 1 ; N M New port, of Linn Engine Co No 2 ; I A Mc Feron, of R H Si L Co, No s. Said election will commence at on o'clock p m and continue without closing the poll until six o'clock p m of said day . Albany, Or, Nov 23rd, 1892 PRESB MARsl'ALL, Sec'v A F D. Oil Painting, Ih-t ANNIE 8TRAMB0RO during; the coming season, will teach classes in oil prdnUng- at her room in the Mcliwaio Block. Instructions given on luxdaya and Thursday to tenerai claaae, and on Saturdays to school ruiioren. f iraers isaen for me n inaya. Call and see work .nd obtain pabular. P. I. FINE TEAS, and a general fin becriptsOD agent fot all the leading !er th P. O., Boy Stoves aid Ranges of Mattlews & Washbnrr B?7 Stoves andRangeb of Matthews I Washbnr Bay Stoves and Ranges f Matthews & Washb rn Bay Stoves anil Ranges of Matthews & Washburn. ; Bay Stoves am Ranges EL E WERT LEADS IX- Holiday Goods in the jewelry line, having on kand a complete and elegant stock of Gold and Silver Watches of the Leading1 Kinds, Diamonds, Gold Headed Canes, Gold and Silver Headed Umbrellas, a fine stock of Silver Ware and too numerous to EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. 1J OTICK IS HEREBY GIVE THAT THE VX taMesaa hy the Ouacv Coon a 1 d rsigssi una rtmsiT, ursfoa. Sat appelated axecuio afihalasi -Ulasaimn i let fVaak btMdd. 1st t Una casinlr.Orseos.ds cassd. AU persona havinc anas aeainst said esuie are Hereby oot-ned lo pre at tens prupertj Tarined to tba aadersuraK as -Jd Orafwn, arte has attersevaat Albaar. Una oai: v . o rvcxr, within six swots tlum this data. Ttu ihe Wo day of Octsosr, li. ' V 1 SHEDD. m a miKMii A Caaaasaian. ExecaSor AtUnwrs for Execater - SHERIFF'S SALE ! Circuit Court oj fir state of Oregon, for the Coxnty of Lot. W T Cochran, Plaintiff, v V E Kelly and M A Kelly, Defendants. XT OTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of aa execution and order of sale duly issued oat of the above iiamsd court, in the above entitled suit ta me di rected and delivered, I will on Salarwajr. Ike Mth slay sf Oecesaber, tst. at trie front door of the coaotv court house, in t to city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, at the hoar of one o clock p m ot mil day, aell at public auctna for cash in head to the highest bidder the real property uescnoed in said execution and order cf sa described as follow towit: The fractional southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 11 anit tn nortnwes, qnarieroi sne norm west uuarter of section 14, township 11. south of ranee 2 west of ths Willamette meridian, in Lion coanty. Ores on, contain ing 7 aurea more or lea. The proceed nriaint; from said sale will be applied as di ncted in said execution aa follows: First, to the payment of the cost and disbursement .f suit taxei at $28 and the costs of and upon aid execution; (ecood, to th payment of the attorney' fee amounting to the sum of $125.00; third, to the payment to the plaintiff, W T Cochran, the amount found to be due, amounting to the sum of $1123 92 with accruing interest thereon from the 27th dav of June, 1992, at the rate ot 10 per oent per annum, and the surplus if any there be to bs paid to the defendants . Dated this 21st day of November, 1S92. C 0 JACKSON, Sheriff of Unu county .Oregoc. By D S Smith, deputy. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN THAT THE UN dersixned baa been this day by order of the ecu a ty court of Linn eounty .appointed srinrisaslratorof the estate of Jonathan Needhamjate of linn countv, Or., deceased. All persons basing claims against said estate are hereby required to present them dulv vanned as 6; lew required at the law oSaee sf Weatherfonl A Chamberlain, at Albany, Oregon, wi,u.u i unmiu irem me ua e nerex. Dated ibis 9lh day ol October. 1SSS. j C NEEDHAH. WaaniaaroaD Lara, Adiuinistrator AUyfor tor. jfotiftNION t-pecimeu C0M1-1 -.p.; r 1 i.,.,.,,...,, . . Ti VouttV Ccr;aofl Ksw a-jhCng. aert of floort mJK-i entirely irg The CVujxuUoa. one rfoiuetfnj a veo tend a eutterlplton. NEW FISH MARKE1 Just opened by the urderaigned. V, , keep on band ell kinds of frceh fish in season. On First fctreel opposite the Sua House. Free delivery to all pens of the city. Also keep - ehoin stock of meal and game. s l.WG HTEB a CLa RE, TAKEjX up On rr v place,a lew miie from A bany, a eon mare, two years old , branded H on eft - hoetlder. The owner will please eaii an.t get ware, ar.d ay to. adTertts insr and otner expenses. November 5 h , IMG G MARSHALL LBAST t OLI CCTSKCi A'GM' DALP.YMPLE & NEWP0RT, Managers, MUOI specs !e rejuSixas ef tan. Certte. l aJ L h Biata .'. asere, f jaee; BliriYi ' tm m h ..-1 bb FOR REST For a small store, dressy, making shop era a n4ten. the bnildinsr or ;anr cf r v.,I-fc &lbjZ2l T 'rck. on Kenton, - Dealer ln COFFEES. SPICES. 9 assortment of Newspapers axal Magazine. of Maltaews & 1 aslbi many novelties mention. SHERIFF'S SALE. 'a the Ciremit Court or" tie SttUr oj Oregon for Limn, Countf. W H Goltra, PlaiuUff, TS Martha h. Rosens and Eva Roacue. Deft nil ants. "SAJ OTICE IS H E R EBY Q I V EN THAT il by virtue of ar. execration and order ot sale duly issued ont ot the above named eonrt in the above entitled actcn to me directed and delivered, I will m Satutstar . the irthi star X X cess her. 189 at the front door of the Court House. k the city ot Albaav, Linueonnlv. Oregoo. at the hcur of 1 o'clock p na of said day. sell at public auction for eaah ia hand to the highest bidder, the real proper, v deecrioed in said execution and order of sale as fellows, towit; The north half sf lots 5 and o, iu block is, in the city of Albany, Linn county-, Oregon, as tha same appear on the map and plat of said ctty. aow on file iu the offiee of the eounty recorder of said liun county. Oregon, The proceeds arising from such sale to be applied first, to the payment of the coets and disbursements of anit taxed at eoi05, and the coats and charges of making such sale, and the sum ot $51 .eo as astoruev's fee; second, to the pavmen; to the plaintiff, WHGoltsa, the sum of $614.25 with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from Oct 25th, JS9S, until paid, rnd the overplus if any to bo rid to the administrator of the sjte of HRoscoe. deceased I will ats se I the following described real estate towii: Lot 2, iu block No 23. iu the oity of Al bany, Linn county, Oreaton. ss ths asms appears from the map and plat oi aaid dty, now on file in lha nrKr of .fc couuty recorder of Linn countv, Oregon. Theproceeis arising from such sa eto ne app'ied first to the ssvmuit of the sum of 33 as attorney's fee; second, to the payment to the i laiurin v ti fink ihe sum of foj.15, with accruin inure! thereon at the rate of 9 per cent per anuum until paid, and the overplus if any be paid to ths rfmi'd,.i, f th esU of P U Roscoe, deceased. 1'sieu tuia ian flay of Nov. mber 12. C C JACKSON, sheriff of Linn county, Oregon NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. NOTICE IS HERMBY GIVEN THAT the annual nvit hn!.tr i r.r... nf the Farmers A Msrehanie Insurance Company, ofAl any, Oregon, wul be nela at the company's oaloe in the oity of Albany, Ores on. on Wednesday Jan n; lsya, at the hour of 2 o'oicck p m of said day, for the purpose of e'ectiog nine directors of said company te serve one year, and to transact uoh other business es, may regularly come before said uitet- tng. By oruer ot the fresid.m. Dated Nov 2rth, 1S83. J VsRITSMAN, Secretary and Manager.