The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 02, 1892, Image 4

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    Biackweirs Bull Durham
Smoking Tobacco,
composed only of "pure leaf," grown in the famous
Golden Belt, its uniform quality, and rich fragrant aroma
recommend it to all who desire a really good smoke.
No other smoking tobacco has ever been made which has
secured and le!d the popular favor as has Blackwell's
Bull Durham. It is now, as it has been at all times dur
ing the last 25 years, the best in the world. Made only by
Attorneys at U. Will practice In courts of tH
stats. Special attention jrivan to matters in prebat
and to co lections. OFKlCK-ln the Flinn hloek.
Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery. Defec
tions made on all points. Loans negotiated en
rahls terms. Albany, Oregon
Attorney at law. and Notary Will practice in
all the courts of this state 8pecial attention risen to
collections and matters in probate OeBee: Upstairs
Maeon-Tsredale Block Albany. Oga
D. a P. 11 ji it r
all legal matters will reoa Its premp
attention Oca in (Mi Fellow's Temple, Alba ny.
Attorneys at Law,
Albany, Oregon.
Attorney at Law, Albany, Or.
A Worse, si Law. AH lecsl; bji.ies attended
FLINN "8 Bosk, Albany. Or.
jQR. J. L. HILL.
nvahtaa and Saryeen. omCB Garoer
Ferry streets, Albany, Oregon.
Fbnktans aa Sargeons. OFFirK Corner eeoad
aad Brcedalbin streets. Albaor. Or. Calls promptly
Sllss I citv and coontry;
Homoopathist. aarSpectJlet In dleeaaos ml the Bye.
rwenty years' experience Since hoars 7 U 1 1 B
1 to I p m. and 8 HI evening. Albans, Oregon.
Sptvaklngof patent md:cini,the Judge
aava: -'I wish to deal fairly and honora
bly with all, and wben 1 And n article
that will do what it la recommend (xfTo
do, I am ashamed to say ao. Ian
acquainted with Or Vanderpool, (having
been treated by him for canoe, r) and have
used his blood medicine, known aa the
8 BHead cheand Liver Curend while
I am seventy-five years old, and have
n ed many pilla and other remedies fog
the blood, liver and kidneys, I must aay
that for a kidnev tonic in Bright'
disease, and as an alterative for the
blood, or to correct the action of the
stomach and bowel it is a vet v superior
remedy, and butt anything I 'ever tried.
Yakima, Wash.
At 50 cents a bottle; It ia the poor
man's friend and family doctor.
1891, 1882.
irs Term Opened September MA,
A L 1 oorps of instructors,
Courses oi study arranged us meat tb
a!l grades or student,
Sffrial inducement t tftrtd to student!
from abroad.
00 Reward !
rwiy above reward for uj cbm of tj1T
or tdt&
With Wr
' vuriisvwwi wej cannot cur w
1 ).lver Pilld. when ths dirtH-tlniw i
- witn. Toe are partly rtabl, anr
- itisf Action. Bug-ar Coated. Larare
' " tt mdU. Bawaro of countem
a, .ho ffanulno MM facta rod obJ
It U N MM!
m BBB r "gananaaaaT-. m W Baal
leaving Portland, 8:45 A. SI.
7:30 P.M.
mrs Quicker to St. Paul,
irn Ouickcr to Clueagi).
nrs Quicker h 4ma!i : and
Kansas City.
For rates and general Information cat
Mi or address
H lIURLBURT.Asst.Gen'I.Pass. Agt,
j 54 .Washington St.,
Portland. Oregon.
A Nice
Quiet Ganv
without a
liberal supply or
t.'as cats, and Trade Marks obtained, ana all Tf
,ent business conducted for Moderat Fees.
,0r 0ce is Opposite U.S. Patent Office,
sad we can eeooro (tatent In less time than th'
remote from Washington. .
Send model, drawing or photo.. with desert
Hon. We advise. It patentable or not, free c
charge. Oar fee not das till patent is secured
A Pamphlet, "Hon- to Obtain Patents," wlQ
names of actud clients in your Stale, count, o
svssa, sent irre. .aaress,
tt.-slte Patent OCics. Wssainea. 0- "
Scientific Aiaerisa
S Agency for.
I afl sar
Anr information smt fms TTmfnwik srrtA ...
MUNH A CO. kl BaOADWAT. Nxw ttn.
Oldest bureau for secnrU uatento tn Assertaa
the public or a n..oe ei m te of charyo i t
aaaesn taken not 1 u. I. hanavht
fctttttific mttip
Isrmst clrroTat I M of Any fKieatilV rtpcr lit Urn
scientific roner In Urn
ttateH. No IntaUwtsnl
Sa NeWW Wat.
ss.'ssaa. cinsjiraiuti I'lntratfja iQ nnMii
icu atwjaia n wit root
j; IU0 aix mnnttiB.
Southem Pacific Routt
Trains lease Portland Dally
SQSJCT1. pt.
TrMr. a. I Le
ItSrs Ls
a a ; Ar
Ar'7:SS aa
Saa Franeises
Lt I S 3 a a
Abas trains stop aalr at tot lasting stations n ar
at RnMbarg. East lor Oregon City. st.ssV
ssm. Salens, Albany, IMgsut, Saodd, HaaKy Har-
, JoneUon City, Irrtng, Eagens.
assasraa aart, san.T
Ml a Lt PorUand Ar 1 IWVi
1?:45 r a Lt Albany Lt luu a
Mru I At Bnssbnnr Sg I 7 00a
atsajrr taca Darts axsarrStnaT)
SiWra I Lt Portland ArKSMa a
feral Ar Albary LTJaa
;10 a a I Lt Altaay ar I ie n aa
e0 a a I Ar Le'oaooa Lt I Mas
1 :raL Albany Ar I i:Sri
MaalAr Lsbanoa Ls TJru
rr A
Sisdsl1. ml Passraeers. hold I as
Class ; Irkel. attached, I. Es.
pre i Tralas
Te atdje hVlTUIaa.
Al ob V ALL l a.
Matt. mAiaaaiiT(EaosptSanaay.
fx a a I Lt Portland STEafT a
IMP r a Ar Corrallis Ls ISMtp
Baraan raits dsilt (Exespt Sunday .
:lra I Lt Portland Arl : a
tM rm Ar SteMlnn silla Lt I MtAJl
TliroiiRrlE TicUetM
a all points
rot to., tafotflsatioj regarding rates, naps, s
oa Company Agent at AlSaay
Vaaagsr sat O. T. and P. Ag
Portland. Oregon.
Oregon Pacific Railroad,
T a MOtt, Kerclsrr
Orspn Devalopment; Po's Steamsrs,
Hhort Line to CssliJor uta
Flrat-oiaaa through passenger and
relKht line frem Portland and all potpja
b the Willamette Valley to and from Van
Francisco, Cal.
Boats make cloaa connection at A I ban
ssith trains of t he Oregon Pad fi KailrrMa
TIME SCHEDULE, except Sundays.)
Leese Albany 12:40 r. a, L.-ase Yaqama, 7:00a,B
Usts Corrallis 1:03 r. a. Leave Corrallis, W.SSata
trrle Yaqutna, 1.14 r. SjJ Amse Albany, 11:13 a.
O. cfc O. trains connect at Albany and
Oorvallia. The above trains ronneeast
laanina with the Oregon Deveinptugrfl
Company's Line of Steamships heirs.
Ysqoina and Man Francisco,
saoa ravriae.
.- Vslls, , Ijyi . Mai
saoa Sdsaajictstio
Willamette Valley, December 8th; ISth ; 27th,
The Compsn-e -essaryea the ngnt Bi
hange sailing dates w-'thout notice,
K. B. Passengers from Portland an 1
VUlamette Valley points can n-akn "lfte
sMinectlon with the trains of the Yaup
nut at Albany or Corvallls. and If ikas
l oad to San Francisco should arrangetc
rrive at Yoanlna the vnlnK ls.(ore rtais
r asiiing
dWPsiasesser a a rrelsbt rates always tb
Losses! I
W CITMf'K dfc C I. B lKKRt
TRANSACTa ventral Bsnkinr knafness
1EAW KIOHT DBAPTii en Mew York. Rv. Fr a
sco and Portland, Oregaa.
LOAM M iNKY en approved security
KF.CK' VE deposits subject te check.
COLLECTIONS made en fsrerable terms.
INTEREST paid or. time deposits.
OF A I'll A MY. PSKS'lS.
Vine Pteslueut
s, B.tonra
TRANSACTS A GENERAL rmukiiu, i.'iis.iwsi.
ACCOUNTS KEPT sabjett to ehedk.
8IUMT EICHA.MIE and t raphic tiansfer, s-d
New Vork, San Francisco Chicago and I' itlatd
" JO .LECTIONS dAOEon lav..rahle ssnna,
e! K. Youne E, W, Laai
L K Hlais, L. Fuss
EueassF. sos.
. s M k I IssA!. It-WK.
sldent -'-J L COWAN,
e-Prealdunt J M KAUJTON
st Cashier O A AK(
D aaoroas, J h Cowan, JU Ualston, W H
usdd, W II OoUra, J A Crasrerd and O A Areli
f RAN8 ACTS a irenurai nankins tiiiMnes.
DRAWSlOIll DHAFThoii New York, gss.
sil srtlr i Oregon.
IX)AN MOrfBY on appiored sonority
RECEIVE deposits subtact check.
She $cmtictat.
roelor Francis A Walker, In the Yale
Review, alter calling attention to the vast
number of Poles, Hungarians, Bohemian,
Russians and southern Italians who are com
ing lo this country, ignorant, unskilled, inert,
accustomed to the most beastly cendltions
it being a positive fart, as narrated by one
of the most eminent iermatolocists in the
United States, who has practised among
these people in dispensary and haspital, that
it was not uncommon to find the women.
whenever sttlpped or examination or treat
ment, so deeply scaled A-ith tilt n that diag
nosis was impossible until the mast of dirt
was scraped of! - with little aspiration, with
none of the desire of the American for the
American home, cites the fsct that any change
in the pretest immigration laws must find Its
birth among the workingmenol this country,
ss no other class, except officials and
physicians, come in contact with the object-
iocable comets to our shores. The flood of
this sort of immigrants is not abating, and
while there may be land enough on the broad
prairies for hosts of self-respecting people
who will earn the bread they eat ar.d bring
ao filth-generated pestilence, there are mere
than enough idlers here now, purse-proud
or poverty Stricken. When the working
people reach the point of tsking action in
this matter if they ever do it will require
but little time to block out legislation thit
will bring the remedy. Ptofetsor Vr alker
"A the best means of conveying my own
thought. I will outline the kind of lew that
would, in my judgment, meet the case. The
United Statea should mske a proclamation
that for 10 years from and after January 1st
1893, a depostte of $100 shall be required of
aliens en'eting its ports; that in cam any per
son making such deposit shall depart out ot
the country within three years after the time
of pajment, the amount shall be refunded to
him; that at the expiration of the term of
three years the amount of the depoaite shall
be repaid to every depositor then remaining
in the coontry, upon the ptosentsttoo of sat
isfactory evidence thst he is at the time a
law-abiding and self-supporting cilixeo; that
no power of attorney given or assignment
made, prior to the day when such reps y men t
by law becomes due, shall have any effect
o enable any other person than the immi
grant himself to receive such money or spy
part thereof, and that no part thereof shall
be subject to attachment to satisf v any debt,
contracted priar to such dale. The law anovid
expire by limitation January rst 1903.
''Such a measure would at once cat off
nine-tenths ol the immigration which would
otherwise take place during the next 10 years.
It would not prevent tens of thousands oi
thrifty Swedes, Norwegians, Germans and
men of other nationalities coating hither at
their own expense, sine: great numbers of
these people now bring more than that
amount of money with them. But sncb a
law would put a Wop to the system, now in
fu'l blast, ot the wholesale .nanufacture of
European emigration. Never was any mat
ter more completely the subject o! commer
cial exploitation. The steamship and rail
road companies have their agents throughout ;
Europe working It op deliberately and sys
tematically. "A mcney test, like that proposed, woald
at once redurelmmagtation to small dimen
sions sn object of incalculable importance.
It would also raise the average quality, soci
ally and industrially, cf the immigrants ac
tually entering the country. It would do
ninety-nine-bund ret ha of all we want doac.
lt would do tnis with the minimum of cost
and of attendant evils, and do it easily, quick
ly, surely What more can one ask In re
spect to a measure of state policy fTtle
gram. If a vote for Weaver did not mean an
endorsement of Wearer snd Pennaver ,
then it meant nothing, and was not exer
cised with the least degree of Intelligence
Our cotemporary has not recovered from
i the daae produced by the election returns.
A vote for Weaver, caat by a democrat,
was no endorsement of Weaver or Pen
noyer. The object of the de-nocrsts was to
throw this state for Weaver and thus, in a
contingency, throw the election into the
house where Cleveland would be sure of
an election. His object was to use tha
candidacy ot Weaver to secure Cleveland's
estlon, and however rnucn the policy
may have been questioned, It was perfect
ly legitimate and has been practiced by
republicans Ip various forms scores o
times in different sections of the country.
No, it was no endorsement of Pennojer
for he, very ardently, sought the defeat of
Cleveland while democrats as ardently
sought his 2Jj2r mmumm m
A lady writing from Chicago lo the
Tdegrass aays:
80 roach has been written regarding geld
cure far drunkenness that we all know of
the greet good accomplished. My husband,
who sras a wreck for years, took treat
ment at an institute over three years ago,
and has had no desire to tsste liquor since,
but it cost us over $iou. I had a brother-in-law,
a chemist, a slave to drink, but
too poor to take treatment. He analyzed
1 he medicine my husband brought home
and cured himaelf. Fiar of our acquaint
ances got the prescription and cured them
selves. The following is the prescription :
Electrified gold, 1 5 grains ; mm late of am
monla, 7 grains: comp fluid extract of
cinchona, 4 grains ; fluid extract of coca 1
ounces; glycerine, ij ounces; nitrate of
strychnia,! grain; distilled water, 1
ounces. Take a teaspoonful every two
hours when awake for two or three weeks.
After the second or third day there will be
no desire for drink. Medicine to effect a
cure will not cost $3.50. I think every
paper should help the poor by publishing
this prescription. Mas VV C.
It new seems certain that Use democrats
I aod people's party, which fused in Wyoming
will have a majority on joint ballot in the
legislature. The vote for United States sen
ator will be 37 fusion and 22 republicsns.
The republicsns are straining every nerve to
return T E Warrett to the United States ten
ste, but they cannot succeed. The fusionlets
are democratic. The democrats actually in
the race for Warren's seat are: George JV
Bsxier, manager of the Western Union Beef
Company, and it on-in -In w of the wealthy
Tennessee Macee; a' L New, a nephew of
J C New. and the man sm conducted the
Wyoming camp ign; Ssmuel T Coin, who
was sent here r..m IM n i- Cleveland; snd
N Bllh C h
grown jtf
ho has I
The eg, u
nnir- m- ,,
the pofajt iai
1st (d Ju' ,
me nun tsi :
1st fJ.iy, I
is warmer tl..
in itsorbh
.Hilary, snd
lit ribojt the
tiles nearer
Minn on the
otten egs
after the
a tested snd
into tile .!, : !. ;o .
lecd 'i -tt jfo e Gr.-v
fined. E;i;s acl Igh
! dence of snd by Rev E R Pilchard, on
1 Wednesday evening, Nov 23 1892, Mi
Reams FlndW, recently clerk at the Russ
' House, and Miss Lota Clayton, also of
i Albany,
A Very Bold Bobbery t
AiJiuttouEucjUE, N M, Nov 25. Ono of
the most daring robberies ever perpetruted
in this locality occurred at San Marian, a
small town south of this cith yesterday
afternoon. While Jasper H Beels, who
runs a private bank and general store, was
waiting on some customers, a tall man
dressed in cowboy fsshion and wearing a
mask over his face entered the place, gun
in hand and compelled the customers to
stand in line in one corner of the store. He
then turned his attention to Mr Beels nnd
forced him to open the safe and hand over
what ready money there was, somulhing
over $1000. The robber backed out of the
door, mounted his horse wnich was hitched
near by and escaped into the faatnPsses of
the Ma gel en mountains.
, M Sew Premier.
Montreal, Quebec, Nov 25. The Hon
John Foster, minister of finance, left Eng
land yesterday, carrying in his pocket the
resignation of Premier Abbott. This will
lead to a reorganization of the cabinet, and
on good authority it is stated that Hon J A
Cbapleau, minister of customs, will be
made lieutenant - governor of Quebec, the
present holder of the position. Lieutenant
Governor Anners, succeeding to the folio
of customs. Sir John Thompson, present
minister of justice, will be appointed pre
mier, and W 0 Ives, M P, for Sherbrooke.
will be taken into the cabinet as minister of
our Mea Srswae d
Spokane. Wash Nov 24. A Lewston
dispatch to the Review gives the particu
lars of the drowning of four young men
near there in Snake river this afternoon .
The government scow bos been at work
clearing obstructions out of the river for
about three months. At the time of the
disaster it was anchored off the month of
Pry Hollow. Ten men were aboard and
six were in a skiff alongside the drill pipe.
The water runs very swiftly at this point,
and there were some ugly rapids. In a
twinkling the skiff was capsized and the
occupants were floundering in the icy
waters of the river. Four were drowned.
A Per altar Wreest.
Boston. Nov 24. The schooner Phoebe
-I Woodruff, which foande'ed off the New
Jersey coast recently, was brought a boot in
a curious way. She had weathered a heavy
gale, but when it was all over apart of her
main rigging parted, carrying down the
mizzenroast. the topmast was held to the
lower mast by a brace. As the ship rolled !
in the heavy swells, the topmast would be '
hurled high in the air and then descend ;
with the force of a catapult, rending the
1 . : I ... I . ,1 . . 1 1 . sA 1
ttiutscrs uiim 11a tuv wi is-an w
take water fast- So continuous waa the
threshing of the spar thst it was impossible
to do anything to free it and at last wben
the schooner Jennie came along she was
hailed and the Woodruff's crew was taken
ooetlasas After Alls
York. Nov 24.-TU
Nkw Yobk. Nov 24.-TU visiting
students followed their custom, after the
Thanksgiving football game, oi painting
tie tenderloin diatrict a critnson hue. The
police were prepared far Usm. howeTer.
and they were kept well in order. The
theaters were eroaded witn enthusiasts.
ho freouentt interrnoted the perfonnance I .
with an inquiry as to what was the matter j
with Tale. At Aoater tJial a uaroen.
the proiaTetors, on account of the disorder.
closed tW performance an rsoor e sr than
usual. The Hoffman ooose and if th ave
nue hote wen favorite spots for the ho
visitors, but an extra force of police in these
bnelAlriAa VoiT th adndsmhl morinff.
VtrtUU's BessisrratK riasa-raddlaz.
RirtntcrKD. Ya, Nov 34. The feature of
the Thank striving celebration here was the
cutting, this evening, of the mammoth
tadeveiand and M even eon democratic pium
pndding by Senator John W Daniels. The
revised weight of the pudding was 27 1
pounds, being the last estimate of the num
ber of llectoral votes received by I'Urretand
A 12-pound slice was sent to uach of the
Kcasful candidates. 12 being the electoral
vote of Virginia.
A Bcw warts MtUi
A Mt land, yr. Kov 24. Ashland now
has a quart mill running night and day
within the city limits. It has just been
set up by the Ashland Mining company.
and is running
ilr on rock from
company s mine,
situated within
miles of Ashland. (
Ore ward Before Starr laar
N'ebuasxa City. Neb. Nov 25 Miss
Lola Burnett and George Ksnnecatt. both
popular young people and engaged to be
married." fell through the ice white skating,
this afternoon, and were drowned. The
bodies were recovered.
aiaaabeat King.
Stocltox, Cal. Nov 23. Stambool had
a world of speed today and Walter Maben
says the stallion never showed more. He
waa sent away on the second scoring and
Maben let him take his own time, with the
nuner trailing. He trotted to the first
quarter in 31 seconds and tha half in 1
making the second quarter in 31 S seconds.
Here the runner came up at bis best speed,
bat the stallion was too fast for him and
lead the race, soinsr to tha third quarter in
32t seconds and making the distance in
l :. toe same time be made when be
trotted in 28. October 27. He finished
the quarter in .rzl seconds, making the
mile in 2:07V, and taking the world's
stallion record by a quarter of a second.
Will Help Thews.
Belfast, Kov 23. The election of
Cleveland has revived the bones of a class
of Irish working people whose industry lias
been practically wiped out by the McVCin
ley bill. The industry thus affected was
that of the linen band-weavers of Ulster,
to whose hands are the most beautiful de
signs and textures of linen in existence to
bo traced. Notwithstanding the intro
duction of machinery the hand weavers
were (till enabled through the demand for
their work to work to make a decent living.
Ill's Artlea.
New Yokk. Nov 23. The Mail and Ki
press says: There is a strong probability
that David B Hill will not return to his
seat in th United States senate. If the
decision of the matter, rested wholly with
Mr Hill, there is nodubt be would resign :
soon after the session of the legislature is
begun in January. There are many reasons
for the action now credited to the junior
senator from New York.
X More Polities
Atlanta, Ga. Nov 23. The Fulton
ccunty alliance, one of the largest and most
influential in the state, adopted resolutions
today that it will hereafter be strictly non
partisan. All political discussions will
be hprohibited and effort will
now be made by order to educate the peo
ple so that they may become more pro
ficient in agriculture and the mechanical
artw. This is intended as a blow to the
people's party, who heretofore controlled
the alliance.
hat tor Trespassing.
Pekdi.etok, Or, Nov 25. Lcn McCar
thy, a young man, was shot and killed on
Birch creek at about 8 o'clock this morning
by a rancher named John Alexander. It
seems that McCarthy, who was herding
sheep, started across Alexander's place.
An altercation grew out of an attempt of
the latter to keep him off tbe range, which
led to the fatal wounding of McCarthy.
A Dentist's War
San Josk, Cal, Nov 25.-Dr C S Whip
pis, a wealthy and prominent citizen and a
dentist by profession, committed suicide
last nifrht. He was found in his office
i ileuil, lying on we nuor m uinjmviiir
I room, with his head in tho waste-paper
basket, covered by a cloth, and the end of
a rubber hose in his mouth The hose was
attached to the ira-i and tho cock was tnrn-
ed on
A Laager llruwned
South Uem, Nov 2'). Peter HilJe
brand. a young man, was drowned in
Fairchild's creek, near Willapu, the IKth
inst, while engaged in driving logs. A
eompunion discovered him struggling in
the water but could not reach him before
he disappearek. The body eras recovered
the followiog day.
First of tbe Heasua
Minneapolis, Nov 25. The first snow
si orm of the season is reported throughout
the northwest today. At many places an
:r.. m -J :uj i;.,;i. , tr,.lrio unaaoiu ""V7"Y . , i
is imnitdeil.
l..r..i.,ua 11 tl.rt 1 1 1 i.l. IV nil.
win -h drifted the snow badly.
FRUM. On Saturday, Nov, 26, to Mr
and Mrs Wm Frutn a son.
The Idaho Citizen says a large stone
rolled over a Chinamen, disarranging
his internal improvements so badly that
he was called to tho bosom of Confucius.
trank S Gray, a smart newspaper
man who was in Portland for awhile less
than two years ago has Just received
judgment sgainst Col Shepard, of the
New York Mail and Express for 18,135.
Pendleton beats Albany rh1 Balem,
and presents fojir tickets for the city
election, Independent, Citizens, Non
partisan and Reform. The Australian
ballot system will be observed.
Count v Cleik Payne has just completed
a summing up of the mortgage indebted
ness of the people of Linn county snd
finds it amounts to a little more than
This will be remembered ss s chilly,
disagreeable Thanksgiving day. A lone
some, homesick day. A mitt, falling
leaves, whistling winds around the corn
rs, a blind man with a hand organ on
the street, mud and general umbrageous
nets. And yst we are all thankful re
gardless ol the weather.
The Corvsllis Times sprsklng of the
ratification at that city says: "Even the
large delegation promised from Albany
was made conspicuous in the parade by
their absence. This was one of the very
noticeable features under the circum
stances." Thst was an unkind hit. The
Times knows that nearly all the Albany
democrats were In Portlsnd snd did not
return In time to go to Corvsllis.
An old trapper who rcaidet in the Blue
mountains, ana who knows every foot of
the country between the L'nion Pacific
railroad and Snake river, tellr the Milton
Eagle that there is a desperate band of
horaethleves, robbers and snu derers mak
ing their rendezvous between the banks of
the I'matilia and Walla Walla rivers.
There are secluded mountain retreats in
this section where stock csn be success- w!ien the tide had receded sufficiently j morning snd will be in Albany to night or to
fully hidden until all search on the part i to allow the boys to get close to it, tiiey I morrow n oroing, the first steamboat of tSe
of the owners is over. Then 'he stock
are ran off and to'd.
Joyfnl day.
All our way,
Right won,"
Fire gun!
People tired,
Raacalt fired.
Machine mired.
Change desired .
Grandpa's hat.
Knocked flat!
Bye-bye, Reo,
Amen! Es.
Th. . a ..n.,i.nM. 5... - ST.,
' . T IZZ k!T 7" i.Lr. .
. f , uT. iaTS -TTL VjT7J i
Batatl Commercial Agency have the past
week rffce)vfcj , Begat the dtad beats
knoKn ,n thu communitv-.hose who re-
, th thc - n,ve .orchMed
, . - - . In . -
1 " ' r.- -
tains about 140 names and represent
claims of the various stores of the dtv.
cru nd w, heM n ntnrmhn M
(he m(yil ib,c ,cru&, the
, hlrc , j, wUhllhoM. ho ro7 -4,
. their just debts,
Pennojer heal ail the cranks in extet-
ence. near utts irom tie "talesman
o.veroor rennoyer rrterrtng to the
change on his military staff said to a re-
rwrter yesterday: 'The change was tor
puiuicai ssssi personal reasons, s.01 Miner
. - v. , -a" """"
codnage platform This year he ran as an
elector for Clvc'and, who is Implacably
noaii.c so iree coinage. 1 au no: cnosse
to have as an advisor .military or poltticai.
anyone capable of such an acrobatic feat
The colonel, however, was no worse ihsn
the parte eeneially. 1 would have de
capitated every demooat who made such
j a somersault it 1 could.'' Some think,
j however, that the real reason Is that Cot
jonel Bob didn't work to send Sylvester to
1 the Chicago contention, but instead was
in witn trie Uusn crowd.
The election tickets coat Polk county
$144. Yamhill's coat W9 and they were
printed in the Telephone-Register office.
T. R. Linn county's cost almost tS0.
The way of the transgresaor ia hard.
Last week two fellows were reVeased
from a couple of years servitude in the
Walla Walla penitentiary and were at
once nabbed for a previous robbery at
Pendleton. They have already started
on a two years sojourn in the Oregon
criminal's abode
Two very comical election beta were
made in the east One fellow screed
that if Hsrrrison wat defeated he would
play a hand organ on the street for six
hours and then go to Washington and
play it in public daring tbe inauguration.
The other unsuccessful better waa to
stand off a certain distance while the
winner threw foar dozen eggs at him.
Dr Louis Swift ol Rochester N Y, in
talking with a post Kx press reporter the
other day said -. I predict that on the
evening ol the 27th of this month as
soon aa darkness falls, there will com
mence a rain ot nre wnicn win oe re
membered for years. This display is not
one ol tbe periodic ones alluded to before. I
but is connected with the appearance
the new comet.
Tha following wiU give an idea of tbe
'ay of the country in Some parte of the
Kaotiam region. H W Smith, who has a
claim on the mountain near Breitenbtisb,
cut down a tree to make "shakes" from
some time ago. The tree started down
the mountain with Mr Smith in pursuit,
and to this day he haa never been able
to find It, although a diligent search has
been made. Santiam Lumberman.
The Saltm Journal seem to be in
doubt about Salem getting a public build
ing since the democrats nave come into
power. Its doubt ia well founded. Salem
does not need an extravagant public
building, or rattier tbe government has
no need for an extravagant public build
ing in Kalein. One to cost more than
$15,000 would be a foolish waste of the
people's money E. O.
Predicting future weather in Oregon
by Signs doesn't amount to much.though.
1 is always interesting, iiere is some
thing from a Dallas paper: There seems
to be quite a contrast lietween the cli
matic prospects of tbe Willamette valley
and those of Southern Oregon, for the
coming winter. Mere people are point
ing out tha dearth of acorns and other
ominous features of nature to sustain
the prediction of a very mild winter ;
while in Jackson county, as stated by
Mr Sears of Medford, on li is recent visit
here, everybody is anticipating an unu
sually hard winter, basing their prophe
cies upon the same tokens pointing di
rectly to the contrary namely, an abund
ant crop of wild nuts with extra thick
shells on them, heavier bark on trees
hftu usual, etc., and-so-lorih.
Last Satvitday tb United States mint
at Philadelphia struck the first silver
half dollar souvenirs of the Columbian
exposition. There are to' be 12,600,000
worth -of these coins mad which nre lin
ing sold by the exposition director for
$1 00 each,'tbus raising the five million
uollars revenue rsquirtd to eoraplete
certai.. featured ol tbe World's Fair
j plans. This souvenir half dollar is the
most artistic coin ever issued Irom th
mint: On tbe obverse side appears tit
head of Colniubus, designed from the
Lotto portrait, and surrounding it the
word, "World's Columbian Exposition,
Chicago, 1892." On thc reverse side ap
pears a caravel, representing Co'umlms
Hag-ship nnd lieneath it two hemis
pheres. Aboc the caraval is "United
States of America." aud beneath the
hemispheres, "Columbian Half Dollar."
There is no doubt that this coin will be
, r. 1 .., 1 ,r.ot rllattstfltisM and
1 '-Si", u V v. no lliv ..v
II ijiii vol i' iiivoj.
souvenir ol the
orld's Fair All of the souvenir coins.
except five, are being sold at a uniform
price of one dollar each. For the first
coin struck oS $10,000 has already been
offered, and various prices have been bid
for the 400th, 1492d, 1802 d and the last
I The Salem Statesman says : "An Al
I S& PaPer "peak" ot lL,'wfdow woman.'
Widow woman is good, lt doesn't con
fuse the reader, who -might have thought
the reference was to a widow man."
The Oregoninn'ej Wash'ntrton ima.
dent must liavii long ears, and prob
f picks his teeth with a crow har
v. "tsars No 15 shoes, a No 5 hat, and sails
0 n the Palomac in a wash tnb. lie gives
n o eviuence ot having any one of the five
si inses.
The local newspaper or newspspers of
a town are looked upon by the public as
a sort of mirror of the business interests
cf that town. 11 K-i orr. .11 Alt.
I rent business houses, professional men,
. . ........ o, ., .inn mil 10 01 mem are
iLK K """" e columns Ol the
rrwaw. mis does not steak very loud
aa regards our enterprise to the outside
worm. rress.
Moy Sing wants his girl. He has been
working at the Willamette hotel and
some way or other his girl has disap
peared. He says: "I likee him, him
likee me. I be true. I want see him at
court house at 4 to 5 o'clock Saturday .
If not there in five minutes, not my
fault. No talkee to Chinaman. No pa
per to Chinaman . Heap burn up. lHe
says he wrote three letters to her and
"him no answer. Maybe he die."
Salem Journal.
An exciting time waa had at F.Ik
Creek, near Astoria a few davs ago by
the appearance of a huge whale. Dar
ing the fierce storm the monster came
ashore and wat first seen by K C F Aet
bury and Herbert Logan, who were re
turning from a duck hunt. The monster
waa stranded on the inside of a sand
bank and was threshing around in about
six feet of water. The boys determined
lo Mi. it, and Mr Lygan tired
six shot
out ol his revolver into its head. The) -""""T "unaa aaya me prces were
whale snapped his tremendous jaws i ro,,08 !"8h ' turneya that vary few
viciously. Meanwhile, Astbury had put 1 W" .iT" lo lh" c,:-v-out
the monster's eyes with his shooting. Tb Willamette this af.-?rnooa fact
The blood waa now pouring out ot the ' oobea sbon- low atavsm mark, having faiWo, and the water dved deep crimson, about 2'i feet since voter. lay aftrinuos.
was lashed into a Moody foam by the ' Continued r.:o is the mea' io.iira:i..n.
desperate struggle of the 'ureal mania!, i The William M Haass left Port! and this
harpooned it with a couple of crowbars,
and Jay Smith drove a bnnting-kmfe ao
bard ,nto the nio,ters side thst he lost 1 Yala . king of ib. gridi.oa. hana a
it in the blubber Alter three hours faied p.UoeUm ve-wrday before .boot
vain struggle to reach the sea again, the j 40.000 at New ?. wi.eiag two
huge leviathan, with a tremendous con- touch downs to PntvwtoVs oothtng Yi.
vuUion and a long, piteous wail, expired- j has woo every game this aeawci, without a
The monster is .0 feet long and 35 feet i m'i . f..n-h 'I .mini! k r
' in girth.
A Dodge to Wm H Klnm, tp 12
w 2
' A Ueudar to Society Mo Precious
( Wood. 10 E 1
J A Millard to GeoE Chamberlain,
3 lot-, bl 1, a A. Albany
W 11 tJollra lo tieo 2 Chamberlain, S.ti'e Park, Albany
: G F' 10 ,A,bert il
. f.t?. 12 w . .; ... -v
' Jay v ii:ain to 11 r Merrill, about 1.1 i.l a a In...
lonh Idiobner to Minerva Lanbner,
160 acres, 15 w 4
Q A Dogger et ux to Parthena Car
avan. 2 lots. Sc:o ...
L Senders to John latubner, 4S4
acre 13 w 4
Julia Tnaver to E W Acheson,
T0xl4Sfeet. Lebanon
A C Williams to & M I'enc.ngton.
n-.- sa. - a s . w j feiumajs .
M0 1
.' !0U. bl 2. Abbey s A.Albanv
y s pa,tjfon to John Manrer, 80
acres 14 W 1
j(,WriUman to Sanliaw ' Lam-
bering Co, lease
of 3 lots. ICs
A; per month
w ,, ,Jotwon to j A
1 Mill Citv
Stssw, 1 lot
I'aaker Bros, frroccrs.
F. M. French kswpa railroad Uose.
Bay yoar groarriae of Parker Bros
Plae grace nas at Cooa ft I iendncaou'a.
Latest sheet music at Will ft Link's.
I J hnile
New craarn cheese last icceived at Coatad
Sadler job printer, Plioo Slock, does
5 rst class stork.
Smoke the celebrated Havana ni'ed 5 oent
oigar at Johns Joseph's.
Br M.H K'its. oh rst aan aai
Albany, Or-c n Calls mat la
ait "or
coootry .
With hi now bafcary Csarad My
able to oSerold aod ow etstosasrs s
thing firstolass in baa. ad ooda.
! S.I B SWelsedi
Persons with weak
laogs-tho- who ar. f
cons tan tly catchiag cnld shoo Id wear ao :
Allcock'a'Pfirtws Plaet-r over the chest aad i
ao.tther between the ehoaMor blad.a daring '
' cold weaklier. Remember they always
streagtheo aad never weaken tb part to ;
I srbiah tkey are applied. Do a t be deceived j
i by Imagining aay other plaster like tbem .
i they are ntj) - may look it.bat loo", s deceive. .
! Insist always on basing Altcock's, tb ocly
reliable plastei ever produced.
BcAritl. Homes. Beautily you
boms and make It attractive with Hybrid j
Perpetual and other choice roses, o!d aod
new varieties of Japanese roses and shrubs.
Orders taken for the above and ail kinds
f fruit and ornamental shad tree at J
A Hvman's, itc 1st St. Albany Or.
Paanaitairr BaAHcn LarnDaT. A
branch office of the Sale.a Steam laun
dry has been established in Albany. All
work will be collected and tha laundrisd
articles delivered at Salem prices. No
other expense. All work guaranteed
Orders may he left with Osborn Davy,
permanent aj:ent and solicitor for Albany
Ashbv Jt Cans, Baal Estate. 90, Wash
Dgtoa Street, Portland, Or.
'lsil ft Sox sell ths very bjjt rtsa
shears sn.l scissors.
I har just roo'd a iarg ateortmeot of Li
brary lamp direct from eastern Factories.
1 'all and see them. O K Brownell.
Mr Jsllos Oradwohl iof.rms tee gnral
,h4jt he haa revived .drioes from Sao
Francisco that suaar has declined half a cent
per pound on all grades and coffee has ad
vauoed. Knw is the t m bay sagar.
V are gniog to pat the prices dawn
oash and eel I for cash oaly. Altea Broa
In ord-.r V redacts oar stock ws will evil
onr fine line of groceries at Jcash for
srietly cash. Aden Broa.
New goods at W "Read's
Kleia Bros sell 00 shoddy staff, bat ssll
hoots and shoes mad of leather.
Vheo Baby was sica. Se her Caatorta
Vh SIsS a a Child. She ci il for niatorta
Vfte'i si"' rK-eaii Miss, sh.- vilimir t' riwuina
rvieo sue huu Ulindisn . 1 J e gsf thsssa Otmtiyi
Isn proper aad d.irioint oars of tha toalp
will cause strityusss of the hair nud bald'r.
tisaai both by tho use: of that reliable
apesifio Hall's tiair iteuewar.
1'MPonfANT. l'o know that the Heir, me
& Long PianO gives perfect satisf acllor,
stands In tune longest, and Is an endleis
pleasure to all who buy them at B B Ht -man's,
First at Albany, Or.
MoNsr to Loam. I have t money in
sums of $500 to $20,000 to loan on im
proved farm lands in Linn and Bentcs
counties, at lowest current rates,
delay in furnishing the money.
Real estate agent, Albany, Oregon.
Thbeat; swelry at Will ft Stark's,
David Froman, W H Huston and J R
Wyatt. republican central committee, have
ealled t convention for Thursday, D-e
7o'el ;k p m. Primaiies the day before.
Tho young man committed' to tha asylum
yesterday wan taken to Salem tiday. In
tho evening he beccmo ralioaal, ,0 he
waa subject to Uta of insanity, and would ba
glad to receive treatment. His si ns ia
Hillford and bis parents live in London
lnsc-mciai caorass of CboUau eoootv
i Monsana, was completed yesterday. It
shows the election of one democratic mem-
ner to the leiisslatare, making that body
democratic on joint ballot aod insnricg the
election of a democrat to the Ctiited .States
J A Hall, a soliditor, was arrested 'at
Vauiban Yesterday on a charse of larcescy
at the the instance of William Wirt, a nur
seryman tf Salem, and lodged in jail. Hall
claims the arrest is c'ue to (he fact that he
turned over orders tor fruit trees to a nval.
nurseryman mi learning that Wirt could
not (ill tbem aatisfsctonly, btcanie he had
most of his trees out.
CiTUrCgfS Mketivg . The mass meet
ing celled by citizens was held at the W
C T V Hall last evening. The hall was
filled. E8 Barrows was elected chair
man. Cne or two speakers who has) been
booked for remarks were not present: but
Hub Bryant, C W Sears, Prof Lee and A
D Morris were called on and retporded
In short addresses. A nominating con
vention will be held on next Saturday
evening at the Court House .
' ..
! season. The S:vag boat Cor rail it it als- on
1 its way up the river.
l-aat week we labUahed the t'cupier
ticket of Sedan!). Below we give the
Citizens' ticket: Traateee, W W Pamsb.
Geo Boaqest, Dr A U Prill. W R Hardrran.
B ii Bnggs; recorder, A P Flora; marshal.
Vim McCsltoagh; treasurer. Grey Croea.
Anthony Kiesa aod Tfaos Kay ar among
tha eomioat.oos for Aldermen, ot SaVm.
TtM-WiUamette tbia afteraaoa is 5.6 feet
above low water mark, being oa the deaceat.
A 'man Dow. wto killed ksa brother sot
loot saaee, over ' oa tjha Akesa, waa iodsetad
j by the grand jury far manslaughter a ad his
1 ease waa beard oe Wednesday, at Corrallis,
. the rcalt of which being has acquits.1,
j The foliowtag appears in the Corral. ia
counct. pixMvdtnga: Bill of Hayoe Back
lor f.. !yj A3 00 spacui land, Nod ssd
Maduoa reet improre-roeat, and f900 SW
general fand, waa re 'erred to ttaaaea com
mittee Mr George tlaoghter now has a part 2
mots market, opposite the Rass Ureas, ae
the firm la Slaughter k Clark. Bee idea free
ash they srill keep a chose line U meata,
snd game ia season; in fact propose rnaaing
a Hrs'.-clacs oaark:.
There a no necessity of psrr'nr; a a! piw
eight and annas to !h entire hoaseboid
with that coach, aa Wash's l ocgh Syrup sriU
; csira yoa like mari.-. ."he beat kaowts rem-
l..l'.asedy for eoagas, ooJda, naaasasapdiiia ia
early stages. and tl'. throat ant iaoc dase
' 25 and Mi per bottle . Sold by J A Casa-
SBiag, oraggsst.
j Lad ess me: tie Thursday afieraaoo at
the skating rink, lrtail at teed .
A fuli 'ine d fjeeoe slipper v ies at K eta
Klein Broa uro chad school shoes tsox em
laassssBMneass baa ssssssasitars fa Zaa
tojfl A at Klein Bros. All l no go.
: 8s Klein Bms pricsss oa rabber toods be-
5 "yag. They can save yoa money.
i Wear a pair . art;c sri ia voor rabber
aad steep cor feet warn, at Klein
If yoa want to bay a horse cheap or feed
! for the oej- of it this winter call at WtU'
Music Steve.
For voor school shoes go to Klein Bros aa
they repair U em free of charge if tbty rip,
ran oyer or the soles come loose
Farmer try a pair of French Kip boot,
made by Kleia himself, for $6. th same
hoot to measure woaid co- you $7. 50. Tr
UM b" ,i'
v u.-.v- jwt aess ewwsisi v. c rr sroej is.
CE Broa oe!l offers fo-s.i a lot of flower
pot cheap.
Tho ftrt c ran be in of tbe seaaoa at C T.
Browne! Is.
Sweat cideir for mince pki by the eaiksa
Buy Warner Bros corset of W F Read.
Bargsins In sure met gbods at Read's.
Will S Stark. Mr j, wrier-
Yau want the heat groceries to be
secured In th citv ; then call on Parker
You want fresh produce just from the
gardeners, then call on Parker Bros.
Pet hap
Yon want the best baked goods in the
dtv, breads, cakes, cookies, pies, e'c.tben
call on Parker Bras and you wlil get the
goods and first class treatment.
jargaina at Read's.
There will be fair held ia th Gniver
salist church by the ladies of ths parish, oa
Tuesday, Dec rith Notice of article for
sale and of entertainment t. bo given will
ba famished ltr
FAUtaas S. N. Steels A Co. are now pre
pared to make loans from 1 to 5 years in
amounts from sJ20a to f 10,000. Cmil on, or
snit ihem at Albany, Or.
Th beat mat oofleain the city at Coat
.sloysr s
Yoa can aare money bv busing of Bead,
we have a relief and cure
In your ignorance of effects
and vitality which is
system the elements thus
strength and vigor will fol
cure or money refunded.
Dr. Sanden's Electric
after all other treatments
testify, and from many of
BBsnBr M mr . . If n . I . k 1 I I t w e-m .
Is a complete galvanic br.ttery, made into a belt so as to be easily worn during work or at rest and it tn'ves soothing prolonged currents
which are instantly felt throughout all weak parts, or we forfeit $5,000. It has an Improved Electric Suspensory, the
greatest boon ever given weak men, and we warrant it to cure any of the above weaknesses, and to enlaroe shrunken limbs, or parts, or
money Balttadoa. I hey ate graded in
tVr -nr. i-icM ir twf .ir tl.r trri."Ht he
in two or three months.
Bssslatle as or ties per 11
At a meeting of the citizens of Vater
loo, Oregon, held in the parlors of the
Falls View hotel, on Saturday evening,
Nov 19th, 1893, the following resolutions
were adopted. H W Parker, chairman,
E C Phelps, secretary, and though order
ed published only fn the Linn County
Review, Advance and Herald, we glv
them the benefit of the Dbmocxat's cir
culation. Resolved, Thst we, the citlxens of
Wsterloo, recognize In Mr W C Davis,
president of the Wsterloo Development
company, a high-minded, public-spirited
gentleman, whom it had been a pieaaur;
to count as one of our citizens, and appre-'
clsting hi labors tn behslf of this place
and the welfare of its citizens; his kind
ness in hi association with all In hie official
capacity as superintendent of constn.etlon
of the company's mills at this place.tliere-
iuic OC I'.
Resolved, That we slncerelv regret the
turn fn affairs which hss rendered 'X
necessary for Mr Davis to leave our nla-:
and that by his leaving heie we ldbe a
good citizen whose place It will be l.ard
to fill.
. That we recognize hi hi
Mr Harben, a gentleman wh
f our respect and friendship .
At she en ten
-womanhood, ervcarr young pirl needs
the wisest care, 'troubles beginning
then may make her whole life mis
erable. Bat the trorsbles that are to be
Seated have a positive remedy. Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription builds
np and strengthens the system, and
regulates and promotes erery proper
function. It's a generous, support
ing tonic, and a quieting, soothing
nervine a legitisaate medicine, not
a beverage, free from alcohol and
injurious drugs. It corrects and
cures, safely and sorely, all those
delicate derangements, weaknesses,
and diseases peculiar to the sex.
A remedy that doe cure is one
that can be guaranteed. That's
what the proprietors of " Favorite
Prescription'' think. If it doesn't
give satisfaction, in every case for
which it?a recottunended, they'll re
fund the money. No other medicine
for women is sold on such terms.
Decide for yourself whether tome
thing else sold by the dealer, is
likely to be "just as good" for
you to buy.
TTiF.USQCEST Conn.- taxes, cf 1591
XJ should be pat j at once aor" sun
costs oXaai. as thsr moat bo rod need.
Propei wfl. bsv ,jd upon if neat
attended to in reasonable time: Belawa
j nrs danerooa-
! September -9th
us Baaai
f .- Htsa-as. j
ntaereeasa ewralria.Hi
assdhy Urn saw of eJrwkjs. or to era,
Isenasl n mi Tleflsmas of the
Kraln resnluttr mussaaisy aad v m err.
assay dsslk. fr ansr SMdl Are Barrens.
os iSesBfT .a sWhsrs. aasanartarr Uaiil
by oiei aersi m e f a
tee tass. arses
fdsassM a raostta l rs.
To SSn
f With each order received kr a
sriitr Si oa. we will wad
!.. reCaadUSe
tsals by
iBrsaaxkat aeae Ageat.
Alwaay. re;
ASK. or BSdftS.
X J tjtnoM
Jar w BLatTB
s ... ths tract
1 sk Guted Staiee t en Kirl. 1 J. 'rats a it
Frames and Oerasaaoy.
OsBeeiasaaaaad at all assssSsebsi fointa s taswr-
'etef eel allseed j time deoosfts.
lady pf Penrtnaf Help
Red CrowiiMills
aw etvicssH vlocb srrcaioa roe. raa n.i
" Attn backks sraa
iij .
ttssn' " JU'
Dm E C Wrs Xaara aa Baas Tsumsr.
D'JH' sag. Oec
daehe.Jse rsoo
Wa-. sea-akiis or over-Bel 11 "rsssge. Beak ewsl
si a-i aiTCs; sax aits
Traaaacs a eeae-w haakiar kaete-w
"rtsaaki IssmrM and sold
ifli' ARiEtTOU
the effects of abuses, excesses,
w ss ss sBssB kj I g A vi 3 wl tl (al
in our marvelous invention, which requires but a trial to convince the most skeptical
"r"ure' "2 hve unduly drained your system oerve 'force
fSfr-nd tbuscaascd your weakness or lack of force. If you replace into your
drained, which are required for vigorous strength, yon will remove the cau, and health,
low at once and in a natural wav. This Is onr nlav. .nri . . . . .
t- , . , TA , -' ,
Send for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free ;
W fC . 13 no "penment, sj we have restored thousands to robust health and rigor.
us iusn oy nunareusot cases throughout this State, who vcou!d tlaJiv
whom we have strong letters bearing testimony to their recovery after using our Belt.
strength to meet all stages of weakix&s in vountr. middle-ad or old men, and wn cure
A.l r.c
172 FirstiSt.,
Always Sore. Curned Like Fire.
Ashamed In 1- '.irn. tint Worse
Under Pi ar Doctorr.
Curetl ty Callcsun.
ForebootuncTtv. : yeas I have deer, trestles!
with scrofula. Aly bead ra alssey. ees. my faee
waa dry and scaly, aad unvi Bk are most of the
ss. si j ?.ooy lud be rest
ejr-.t co it, sal 1 did not
kaow what 1-, went
lo four sSCareat dortore
aad I hey belpru mi at f.rat,
Ia th t,.j i r -. worse
sj.o; the I t. itd other
roroedves, hat Ck y did cse
Co gucd. I was aeh-Ti'd
s ao Sato pet lie I a-ae a
sitttorokat. Ev;r cm
aid r. "rrsi u th
rcr tisr, a by v' 't yoa
te aocr.-l: ' " Lsea
at asT aalfj lal Of I bed
lo :ir a s..t of cats
keep tb dirt fro:n ;' i tcto tie seres,
.-.ftrr I wo Id wash. I woi te cosored wiUi Uy
isd uhmples all ovt r ray E- i - Ji Um. rone two
or tore peoplo advUcd 1 -o try tie . .rcsi
KzasntB. I did ny t r.d am gsssl I has
slaaeso. Clad to ear 1 1 . nletaa. aad iatt
E5 of health (. 1 c-1 at prada th Ctmccsa
llzztoiz too hbrkir. I , my portrait.
' 1 V. . i J., LarkeVJic, Vm.
Cuticura Remedies
CcncraA Kssolviwt, the r.w BVxxt aod St in
r-unfter iBiemally (to clean the blood of sD ln
(.uriuee aod poiaoooa etraseots). SSsI C iTtrcas.
11-! areas SUd Care, and Ctrricca Boar, a i
q iiaiu Bain Ponder aad BeaotMer, exiaraalry (to
eirar tbe akio aod scalp aJ reu,re the hair), car
, . ae ad karoor of the akin, scalp, acd
i.iojd, s !Uj lose of hair, frraa Icfaocy to aa, from
pimo 10 aerofala, wbeo the beat phystdaae, hoe.
jauis. a; J atl oshss ssasdss fail.
Pols ' --erywher. Prle, Cmcm, Soe. : Soar,
r: I Mn.Tl-r, tH. rnored ky the Porrsa
fistco a o CsrsasCAi. CozroaaTios, Boatoo.
4SBW' Slow to Care Diaeaeea." At aasjas, 40
jsetrauoas, -a1 taseaassssksskj Biied free.
niafPLEel. Lsithoda, red. ns, esaspsasd, aod
rim oily as eord try CoTKca Soar.
lis one roinnto the
Ajktf-Paiis FlSr r. ..eves rheo
SSSSta. adatlc.bip, aidaey, osaaaaksr.
aod cheat oaioa. The ft.-.'. af.l ..r
TTTt A Ol TV ys. wsr raarsri aadfaa
sry t sst the saeet wmlse far 5 35 siisrv.
5V "Tr P"rrsa
a Bkeu. ark Irk 1 1 iieeeA the
ssass ae. a tbisias
Ssw sewi
ea m .meTSkS
91 seotT!sh.esT as i '
aa the eeiefc. They asaatassa to KX
thm ttftX Arf asJBd wn
mh 1 iImfw Ma-t 1
a. . swh
J Vewtka 1.73 geBsst
Cf? skW DtTlV efJJstsKjy
Ladies' USS 'tTZttJZ
MImss arSBBssr th bees lasesewfessa Baerwsr.asf
it wee
osat vasj sisiBi assi3sa.e
Ma. TheajMBstsasatiaaiii aahsi.
atSBsotam. LasdasawSaasetakSM
SautsSM are fbadts tkasoos.
ttesw W. ijDeewkss- eeess aad
Wall Paper,
I rtigrs, Paints. ' il?s
(ilas. Etc
I. .
1 1 1 r
wastes, I IB a aeran
Oraggistsand Beokseilers
Asjasekl for John B. A. den's pcblfrwisosjaL
saleh we sell at poblisaer' -rieww with
Faoir ami vioktabls p. s ter sale
consisting of 40 acres, ct land, one
mile narth of Albans- Lane wrsli j.n
proved. For panic." iexntre of
W M Wakkkk
abledwt'h fii 1
rr.w wrs..- c '"Ss
for aay enoattma cisctaree
or oragstat for a beokt
It cares tn , temi
aoewsr. r fin iiiskaiaiiii 1
, . .. r
UP UU ' r Ml K.Lb.. .
IfnaraDteed not to strict--;
tn rwasraai Jmtrim Chew
autactui-a bv
.las Brass (Vraia!
A few copies of Cram's Atlas (new cer.
sas edition) for sale at $2 each. A wit
to Mrs TalU corner Broadalbin and iirt'l
ss ae, aaaw ssw net
re, - .
Hand aosstdL SsaeeaaTahae. Tha
Imale shins sr Ust
eatB woo warn a BW. awvj rww Hesse
. 1 11 it B . :-. WH
sshsMtyoahar. Beware ofdeaiersstn wiprsaa aisass
aatot other ssatr. tor therm. aasSaasaatssasaaass
Molaw' aeoay arTtalie1 m 'liZHm? ,,,,tora
ST. 1 jaoiffiLAi. BasacBsaa. Sfaao. SoldBr
Y FOR, m
'FROMiNFs'DEBiuiy Seminal Wfak-
4. TT 1 s I I VSnit s s T . a. . - t - " 7 W V
.r'i-uKx leWAjNiiilpqTrZNCY OR:
wort anri .ss.n r v ...a. .
1 wva uvsimcui. u .li . VUi.l.lCV
sent by mail, sealed.
" aa