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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1892)
BUCK WELL'S ae-1 VI, . IMl I r aW f a lit- . fl Plft. " ' sa A . 80 SAY Wt ALL Of US. Tobaccos, A leading cnaractertstK t but i?r 0 tW beats i m been l!:-. he! J vl-i-h i l: i;on eld an What i!s t iviU fKC tirrt secured. Its U l- Wned, ;ut it i ttaretVtre, lo-cay asf !' I!;.' racst 1 6 ufc.r i.a.vl IVl'Scco In tl been list- In-! J 'hi h H kes on Gi 1 list p "i inc. Made only by Durham Tobacco Co., AM, n. c. WKATHKKFOaD A CBAHBEKLAII, MM 8; Special attention riven to matters Id Drabate and to co lection.. Ot'FIOE-In the Vllnn block. w R BI1LTEC Attorney t Lw vnd SUdtsr in Chanoery. ties mad on all p'nta. Lovit negotiated reb! terra Albany, Oregon. Cellee n G EO. W . WRIGHT, Attorney at law. and Ntarv Will practice lin all theoourt. of this Mats Special attention eive to eedleeiiona and matte in prabaU OSBee: Unetalrs Masan-Twedale Block Albaar. Og D. a. II jilt 1 1 . B WATSON, all legal matters will race ire prerap fflca in Odd Fallow'! Tempi, Albany, 0 atteriti J OX TAX T K.Vt H.UKLEH4N, Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon. J WHITlfKT Attorney at Law, Albany, Or. JAMES JT. CHARLTOS, Auorov-at-Law. All 1 -irvl, basinets ptossjrtly: PLDOJ-S Block, Albany,, On attended .to JTJR. J. L. il I LI.. Phjctaian and Surgeen. OFFICE Carner Ferry streets, Albany, Oragea. D UN. MASTOV fc swAfIS. tBSfctftvM Sarseons. OFFir E-Cornev tod Bioadalbin streets. Atban?. Or, Calls p promptly ' raw anu ewansry: Q l'--HMERI-llJ.1l. D Wssssspslhlst sT3pecUiat in diseases f the Era Twensy yean einerience oe hoars 7 U It a; ONLY LINE RUNNING 2 THROUGH TRAINS leaving Portlaid , 8:45 f. 1. 7:88 P. M. fl 2 DATS TO 2 CHICAGO 7 Honrs Quicker to St. Paul. 23 Hoars Quicker to Chiraso. 40 Hours Qucker U Omaha Jand svansas city. PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS. "SOW mn For rates and general information csl en, cr address YV M IIURL.BURT.Asst.Ocn l. Pass. Agt, '.Wtvasningion St., Portland, Oregon JUDGE. NELSON'S E CISION. ' SaAing of patent Judge vs: -'I wish to deal relrly and hiora bly with all, and when 1 Had n srrlels that will do what it is recommended to do, I am not aabsmed to say so. I an acquainted wlfh Dr Vanderpool, (having boon treated br hi in for canoe r) and have nsa-i his blood medians, known as the N B Head che and Llrer Cure.and while I aui aeventy five yara ld, and hare a ed many pills and other remedies tn. the blood, liver and kidneys, I must ear fpat for r. kldoerv tooio in Bright's diHease, and aa an allemlive nar the bhxd, or to oorrect (ha action ef (be atomvjh and bewels It Is a ve y superior remedy, and hiata anythlnsc i ever tried. r b it Ehos. Yaklme, Waah. t H o mn t hottie. It U the man' frien i and fa oily d -Kjtor. poor IX CURB A t ill 1.4.1 psaitHss.iK r.ajitii !t il i.iltl i t( k, ' a Pjsi' Uavsfn line it!,! ! I it Ji I",' I iDsrania, It i Hit ' f0tUsvt .li, manyotS dimies i I ' i a irt' iun; i;i ' rn,(tti hi dial's i i disooTorv i Ailed -jf 'til t .i .u ' with tl k'. lit Liisfy tj. i.'t i . f i e , 4 ba iisrer twe j.- . 1 , , ( , ( , , . , . , , . ael hf mail. iIk Ii i i i 1 1 when 1 .-,i.i 1 r, 1, 1 ; ,,1..,, . , SVMCM.M ' ' 1 11 t . ..... orfeeiiua.ile. Oa awate lasue.1 by J ai-ataming, Jrggli, Male agent. Aluaay, Oregon n NK Of OltEtlOH. ALBANY, oaaaoN. npllal. -i- a a President ..... Vloe-President ashlar If FIIERttlLL t J I. ANN! WO . Isr W BlillN Tranaacu a ganora banUagbostneas: Eichange henght and wild on ajl the tiriuclna cities in tbe United States alas an England, Ireland. r i wi'i ana uennany. UBS llsetiena made at all aecesstbl point, on fever. ho uteres, allewad j time depeelu. 1' - 'FA! - . 7 BULL DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO. I'm an old smoker, and have at one time or another tried all the different Smoking smoke Bull Durham cm all. Bull Durham has always oKl and fastidious smokers. i nKormity has always ; twenty-five years ago, the world. m - SHILOHS CONSUMPTION CURE. The success of this Oraat Coach Car ia verthoet a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorised to tell it oh a pos itive guarantee, a test that no other care can successfully stand. That It may become wu, the Proprietors, at an enormous ex- , are placing; a Sample Bottle Free into home in the Coifed States and Canada. I von have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bron chitis, use it, for it will core you. It your child has the Creup , or Whooping Cough , are It promptly, and relief is sore. If yon dread that insidious disease Consumption, ate it. Ask your Druggist for SFtILOH'8 CUBE, PrlcelOcts., nets, and $1.00. If your Lungs at sore or Back lame, nse Saitoh's Perous Plaster. Price 15 da. For sale by all Drag, gists and Dealers EAST AND-SOUTH, -VIA Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. Trains leave Portland Dally KttP BogCi rtaanqrl. rl 1 f :0W. a. 1 Lv Portland ArlTis aa 10-M pi It Albany Lv I l:t a aa a a Ar Ban Frandeoa Lv I 7;0 r a Abeva tralna stop ealy at lollawlof autions nf af Rosaborg. East Enrtlaiid, Oregon City, ,aeV aurp. Salets, Albany, TRgeot, Sbodd, Haiaer Ha.-. rise an. Junction City, trrlng, Eugene . sasasrae ataia, aaiLV M a I Lt Portland Ar ' -lra 12:45 r I Le AJhaay Lt I lt:su a Mth I Ar Boeebnrg g.v I T sWa auaarr MCA14 aaAT sicarr Sryaav) 1 30 r u I Lv Pactlana ArJU-Ma 9"r Ar Albary Lv j 930 4 BRAX kl a I Lv Albany SrThTHaa 0C i a I Ar Lebabo LrfcKaa SaalAr Lebanoa Lv 2 S3 r PULLMAr BUFFET SLEEPERS. SECOMD-CU" ? &: ?'": 1 1 1 Fer AeesanaaaMlaleai af Pawsesigers. kaldli Kecead-e taaa ilestetsusitaesleal la Ca ere" a Train sfaM Mde Mvtsiaa. PSsITLA A9s sn AlLl, Mail. fsaaani (Except Suooay, 7:30 an 1 Lt Ar Portland CervaXUs Ar I 5 .S Lv I itH ra amass raaia eaav (Eacspt ganday . L I Ar Pnrtland McMinaviUe Ax! Lvj l.U rm a ThronRrh Ticketa e all points EAST AND SOUTH. Fetfa;. Intoimatiea regarding rates, maps, ea Cempany Ajraat at Ai'any KOEHLEB E P. ROGER, Manaasr tsstO. P. sad P. A Perv'and, Orecsn. YAQD1NA BAY ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad, T C Oti, Eeeelver -o- Oragffl Development Po's Stairs, no" "it U lalifbrsja, au -.1- . . . . 'reieht lino from Pnrtlan .11 a ie WUlatnetto Valley to and froi r ranciaoo, vu. Boats make cloo connection ot AJ ban "tn trains oi toe uregon PacIO Railr T1MESCHID1JLX except 8flaora I UtveAlbaay lt.-to ueave Cerrallia i :a r.o'MCerlt M r. . Arrive Albany, 11:13 aT ArrlreTagolna, i-.tb O. A C. trsisa mnnaat aa n....i Oarvailia. The above trains cAanantK Xaorrina with tho Oraaron riavaienJE Jompony's Line of Bbsamsblpa tetP riumssna ssan rrant isoo, HAMI.IBICI DAT EH . 'sea raaenva- IUawase allay, Oetsaaer Uth , Had J raeasAll raaaasoa ' WUlaaVHl Valley, December r.b . lgth; t7tb The Com pane ewrves tba nrai a. mange asUing dates without not Use. N. B. Paaaenscera from Part l an.; n Willamette Vallov eoinU can maka rlaaa nnectln with the trains of tho YaqoA rente at Albanv or Corvallia. and IfdA. "od to Bon Francisco should arrange Is rrrv at zaonlna tho evening before date ' asuin svYasseasjer aa Freight rotesolwovs Ih Lowest FIRST NATIONAL BtK, OP AUiAIlT, ORBOON, resident Vice Presiaent .'.'ashi.r . . . L KLlNlf 8. E.YOI )fN0 1'. W. LANMtVoK rRAKSACm A GENERA T. banklngetustnee. ACCOUNTS KEPT snblevt to check. SIGHT EXCHANGE and tel raphie transfer, M New Verb, San rranclao. Chicaaro and FniiJ regon OO.LEOTlONr SUDEon favurahl. terms. DIXSOTOS. i. E. yooie B, W, Laaeaea L E Blais, l. Pub Edvasd . Set. WKCO N ATIO. A I. R A K. or albart. os-eoN. CAPITAL STOCK flH.StO. Ident T j. COWAN, TPW" M K ALSTON. at Cashier. o A A Heft I BOLD. P aSOTOa. J L Cowan J M U.t.t... VST a Liadd, W II iloltra, i A Orawerd aSl OA Arch id. rRANBACTHaeeneral banking bualneai DEAW81GH1 ORArrsen New York ai. sil i".rn, I Oregon. A)AH MOWKY on approved security RECEIVE depeelu aubiect check. Ct;ICK etcCO.,KAlKRKw OF A I.HAM Y, ORF.eotf, TRANSACT ircseral Bsnkiiir budnias Ii RAW aillUT DRAFTd en New York, Kan Fr it fee and Portland, Oregan. wan aiorvKv eo approve ovod aecuri'y. RKCErVE depesits subject le check. twaajsawTivswe nil ikcVi (vrms. IMi'i'.iiK ji' oi, isavs depovite. POSH AY & MASON WWSLALS Ann KBTill i.ruifftfianil Booksellers ; to for John II. Aldan's puulrcn hW we a) awM'dr price. Hi. HA IVY. IStlKUCkx REl'tBUCAN 1NCONSISTFKCY. An exchange suggests a joint debate be tween Dolph and Mitchell. This Is a pei- tinent suggestion, inasmuch at they voted on opposite sides on two of the fotemost issues of the campaign. Senator Dolph voted for the force bill, while hit col league vottd agiinst Senator Mitche'l voted for the free coin age tnl and Dolph against I!. I mis are me issues made up between the two Oregon sen ators, yet both are on the stump advocating Harrison's election. Verily politics makes ttrssge bedfellows. The paradoxical position of the two Oregon senators in this campaign illustrates the insin cerity of republican pretensions. It is any thing to catch votes, without icgardto prin ciples. It furthermore illustrates the fact that among politicians tho scramble for the offices overshadows everything else. As to the difference between the two Ore gon senators on these two important issues of the campaign, Senator Dolph is nearest in Hue with the Harrison administration, while Senator Mitchell is nearest inline with he opinions of his constituents. The people of Oregon are not bantering after force bills or a gold standard. We ventnre the prediction that at the election next month mere will be a majority of 20,000 against the Harrisonian idea of force bills, and a single gold standard. We do not mean to ssy that either of Har rison i competitors will receive such R ml jority, but we do say that the combined vot of Cleveland and W eavcr will be fully so. 000 in excess of Harrison's vote. Hence, it isaafe to say that Senator Mitch ell has kept on tae popular side of these iss ues, yet he is making a wonderful how of incontia ency by advocating the election of Harrison on a platform that will bring abott the very things he has been voting against. Telrrai . RAUIA3 A tall, keen witted son of Erin's Isle who Uvea in the foot hills stalked into the Dm trot office a few daya ago and in a very in tense way asked: "Is that so about Pennoy er laving the dimocratlc pan j?" We inform ed the impulsive Celt that it was so, bat we said apologetically that the governor insists tnst he has not left the party, bat that the party has left him. Quick as ltgHUoing the response came back: "Sorely he Is a moighty had moo If the xhele dltoocrauc party de serted him . The Democrat man concluded that if any farther remarks or apologise were needed the governor must supply them, him self. The Record hits the knaves right be tween the eyes in this way : Mr Thomas C Plait declares that "the most sacred function of the government is the pro tection of the workingman." Sacred humbug! If the government should take Its hands off the workingman's roof, bis alt, his blsnket, hU breeches, fits tools and hi medicine he would be duly thank ful. He would like to keep a larger por tion of what he earns far his own use. The orators who go about just before election, turning up the whites o! their eyes and telling the working men how anxious they are to "protect" them, are losing their ability longer to delude them oat cf their votes- A dispatch from Raleigh N C aays: Mr Lease of Kauiaas, has received ao t f rjioooloiaske Republican speeches la New York and o'.bcr States, but mainly la New Yetk oo "Sonthern outragce." She receiv ed the orTer while here end it still ccaslder lag it. gome of her lelatlve have advised her to accept it. Tbe tbitd party has taken down one of its nominees on the Stale ticket R A Cobb, who wss nominated fer Lieu tenant governor. W A Guthrie, who was nominated by the third party for associate justice, declined and declared fer Clave! snd. William H Malooe, tho nominee for Super ior Court judge in the itth district, declines aad comes out for Cleveland. He Is tbe ninth republican uf prominence in the State who this year has pursued this course. m sate A few days ago the Ongonian published a dispatch from racoma saying that W H Calkins, a laadiag republican of that cay hat received a letter from W Q Gresham saying tbe report hat he supported Cleve land was false. Tne following from the Seattle rWagro tells the whole story. A representative of the Telegraph met W H Calkins yesterday and refeiredbine to U.e T acorn a dispatch alleging that he had received a letter from Judge Gresham staling that he would support Mr. Harrison aad expressing hisloyslty to the Republican party. Mr. Calkins at once denied that he received any such letter ana said that the dispatch was a pure invention. He express ed considerable Indignation 'hat such an un warrantable liberty should have been taken with his name. lhe one producer in the United Stales who year alter year always hss a surplus Is the farmer. His surplus product is of no benefit to him unless he can exchange it for something that he need. Whatever hia- det the free and easy exchange of com mod ties is an injury to the farmei . The tariff levied for the protection of manufactures Is an injury to . It taxes him on every thing he wears, on every arrideof household use, on sil the Implements and machinery of his farm and on the clothing of his wile and children. And it shuts the markets of tbe worid against him. Every farmer In the land bould vole against th Republican tariff. A repu blitm jctrixaj iss I) at "proe tion ha i proved a distributer of great sums of money." Indeed it 'has about election time. Wanamaker acted as the collector and Quay as the distributer four years ago, and Carter, Martin and Hackett are in tbe same business now. If there is anybody that desires to bet that Harrison will carry Indiana and the country be will be informed by calling at the Courier counting room when; he can place a bet on either or both results to tbe xtentof from 15 to 11000. Evansville (Ind)Cooirer. The executive committee of the National Negro Tariff Reform Association organized at Indianapolis yesterday. They are en gaged this morning in preparing an address to the colored voters of the United States. They will urge colored voters to vote the democratic ticket T ( I Virii-ll a A ir ee vv no inan, ot umatia, was mar ried at Chicago Monday to Miss Belle De witt. also of Omaha. Dr Chan is said to be one of tbe wealthiest Chinamen in this country. The bride is young- and pretty; and comes of it highly respectable family. Dr Chan and bride were entertained last evening by Charles Kee, Hip Iang, Quang Chan and other promit ent Mon golians in thiH city. I am one of those uninstructed political economists that have an impression that some things maybe too cheap; that I can not nd myself in full sympathy with this demand for cheaper goods, which seems to me necessarily to involve a cheaper man and woman under tlie coat. .President Harrison ; I If the tariff on wool makes clothing cost more, a person will get a ong with one suit where he would otherwise have two. I Jay Gould. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. The Columbia Medication Ouicago, Oct 21. Amid tho echoes of the largest chorus assembled in tho history of modern timet, under the arches of the liireest building ever constructed in the history of architecture, the World's Col umbian exposition was formally detlicatiHi today. The event was one well calculated to inspire loyalty in the American heart. marking, as it did, the first international exposition to be partial oat ed in by ever? civilised nation of the globe. At the audi torium 150,000 were assembled to witness the exercises of the dedication of the groat World's Columbian exposition. Aatl-sUM Utica, N f, Oct 2l.-An Anti-Reid league has be organized in this city. At a mass meeting held this evening, it was announced that the signatures of 1044 voters had been secured for membership, with a prospect of increasing that number to '2000 lief ore election day. Strong; reso lutions denouncing Whitelaw Iteid and Charles W Hackett, chairman of the ex ecutive committee of the state republican committee, for their astltudo against or ganized labor, wai adopted, and ex-At-aemblrnian Stabber. who was elected on a lalior republican ticket, made a seaming speech. A a Important rrejtct Umatilla, Oct 2i. One of the most important steps yet iakan toward the de veiooing the arid land of this section of the eounirv was made by a party of Pen dleton capitalists todav. Switxier island. comprising over 1000 acres, located in the Columbia river 12 miles above here, has been leased for 20 years, lt is the purpose - - , a. jr , I of a company to plant the whole island in , fruit trees, and improvements have been already begun. Ditches will be dug and i....i.k.., ii w,. ;n ! ,t.l from the river by means of patent water wheels. tat enisled Salride MABsariELD. Or. Oct 21. Chris Kat ionhover committed suicide last night at sol bpnngen s place, near Randolph, on the CoquiTle river. It will be remembered that the wife and tire year old child of Kationhover were murdered by John Fill man three years ago, and that be was hong at Kmpire city for committing The cause ol the suicide is unkr the crime. unsnown. Indian Ai-ous, Oct 20. The people's parry is in a stats of some anxiety in Indi ana. Secretary Vincent, of the state com mittee, said tonight: "We have positive evidence that Lea Crandall. editor of the National View, of Washington, is lending assistance to the republicans, and we have strong grounds for believing that Mrs Lease is doing the same thing. Mrs Lease should not nave gone aooth with General Weaver. Isdetendknck. Or, Oct 2rj. The seventh annual Oregon state Baptist con tention was called to order at 2 o clock this afternoon by Rev C A Woody, convention secretary, in tbe absence of 1 "real dent Kev 6 T Fllis. The nominating committee. Rev C. W Hill. Rev G W Black. Re! T Bush. O P Coahew and Will W Brooks reported the following officers, who were duly elected; President. H M Clinton, of Portland; vice president. Rev L J Tsumboll of La Grande; corresponding secretary, Kev C M Hill, of Portland; recording secretary O P Coahow. of McMinnviUe: treasurer S J Blagen. President Brownsoo. of McMinn villo college, praacbed the annual sermon. Tne sermon was an eloquent plea for Chris tian fellowship Aa lasoarlaal she rta toot. Haulm. Or, Oct 20. A decision jut made in the supreme court in tho cast of the agate versus R H Randolph and W K Morand is of great importance to physi cians throughout Oregon. The defendants were severally indicted for practicing med icine without first having obtainad a li cense for that parpoae. The supreme court holds that the act in question is fair aad rrsssnsisblL. and valid in tbe particular ob jected to aad moat be uphold. It declare, therefore, that there was no error and that judgment must be affirmed. The r h IB ley Still slid Is New Yoaa. Oct 30. William G Smyth, of St Louis, United States consul at Hod dersSeid. England, has just arrived in New York on leave of absence Hudderafield is a city of 120,000 inhabitants, and Is in tbe heart of tbe cotton and woolen manufac U ring industries of England. In an inter view today, Mr Smyth said that many manufacturing industries in HuddersSela. Leeds, Oldham. Nottingham and Sheffield hail either closed or been hopelessly crip pled by the Mo Km ley bill. liLE.No At res, Oct 3a. The revolt in ntiago del Latere is assuming formidable portions. The rebel are in full posaasa a of tbe capital, and have placed tbe p vincial ministers under arrest The gaternor oa asked tbe national govern ment to intervene to restore tne status quo Tbe provincial guards a.e arming to oppose the rebels. sneailpex la Seattle Sa.tTTLE. Oct 20 Three cases of small pox were discovered tonight in th Anseri oan hotel, on Washington street. One man was taken from this place to the pest house yesterday. Tbe hotel is trader strict quar antine and no spread of the disease is feared. Over Poll! Irs Dublin. Ga, Oct i9. Satar day last Mr Betsey Wilkes and Betsy Allen were enjoy ing a pleasant chat together at the home of the latter, near Lawrence, in Montgomery county. The conversation turned on poli tics. Everything was peaceful unti1 Mrs Wilkes asserted that tbe democrats arere all corrupt, and that there was not an honest man in the party. Mrs Allen retorted by assuring Mrs Wilkes that she had listened to the abuse of Cleveland and the democ racy as long as she could without time be ing called. She suddenly landed a sting ing blow on Mrs Wilkes' face. The latter grabbed Mrs Allen, and for 10 minutes both went at it in regular prise ring style. One or both would have beeti seriously in jured had not friends interfered. Tbe women's faces were bruised and blackened. and blood flowed freely. A I cart el ArrMeat. Dayton, Wash, Oct 19. A horrible ac cident happened at tne electric light plant mis evening-, electrician r l Harry. recently from spoaane. in some manner oecame caugnt in tne ny-wneel ot tne en gine. Harry was found in an unconscious condition near the wheel. A lot of rubber hose was wranned around the shaft, whirls at every revolution was hitting Barry ter rific blows on the bead. His skull is mashed to a pulp. Physicians will perform an operation but it is thought he cannot live. A assail War. Lebanon. Kv. Oct 19. Terror reirm: in Scott's ridge, in the southwest part of this county. A desperate btttle is expected at any moment between Shipp and his friend on tee one side, and the Underwoods and "Hully Hkaggs on the other. Each sida numbers about 25 men, all heavily armed and ready for battle. Pickets have been stationed, and travel through the moun tains has been entirely suspanded. A a Old Ten e her , Jacksonville, Or, Oct 19. Professor J B Farley, a veteran school teacher of Jack son county, died at Waldo, Josephine county. October 4, aged 60 years. Pro fessor Farley spent about 110 years teaching in the public schools or Jackson conntr. and was a man of fine education. Eaeugh of the COP. New York. Oct 20. Spencer Trask, t f the firm of Spencer Trask & Co, Wall street bankers, and president of the New Tork Edison Electric Illuminaiing Company, director of several railroad, and conspicu cusly identified with the republican party, says he will voto this year for Cleveland and Stevenson. A Big steal . City of Mexico, Oct 19. Et Universal today says that tbe general manager of thn local branch of a lifo insurance com pany of New York has been accused of em bezzling $80,000 of tho company's money, and has fled. The police are actively enrolling for tbe defaulter . Mrs Harrison No Batter Wadhbngton, Oct 22, 4 A M. At 4 A M Mrs Harrison is resting quietly and there is no change in her condition. Death la looied lor hourly. MlbFITg. Portland cl.Js n!av draw poker for chewing gum, according to a local paper mere, and know all about husncs, full nouses, etc. Eugene city Is to have a new cily jail. It Is to be i Cx jS feet in site, one e'ory high, will be made of wood and will not have anv bay windows. Astoria hat three or four dally prpers, w: have not counted them lately, and they are spending most of their time boasting about their enormous ctrcula- tlon,and giving the other fellows fits. The Examiner says: The merchants of Astoria have formed a commercial pro tective association. The object Is to pro tect merchants against people whs buy for cash in Portland and get trusted and never pav In Astoria. The Albany Democrat is accused of "genorsl fellowship." of being "liberal. obliging aad unselfish." Thi Journal will go one better and insert "good oeiore "fellowship.'' Salem Jo-irnal. At the Millers convention In Portland It was resolved that "Whereas, The mill have been runnli.g at a loss of a very small profit tor some time past, and, be lieving that a mill-owners' association would be of great advantage to all "Re salved, etc which looks as if there might be a rise In the price oi Hour. Geo M Miller is sending east for special material with which to construct 3 model of his latelv invented flying machine. He V nit lrtivi ihsviiiw 111 ins; iiiowiioivs w e hM itr, "received verv encouraging sd j tce jrora tbe Smithsonian Institute and 'other scientific sources and Is very confident of sucsess The model will be built at Falrrnount -Eugene Guard. Should the flying machine be a success Geo M will become as famous as his brother, Joaquin, the poet, who has been spending his time In flying, of a different kind, as in flight of Imagination, etc . Governor Pennoyer has no more au thority to declare "tomorrow, tho 2 1st. a ieral holldar than any on of the readers of hls article has. He did not look up the Code and dec.are it a day of fasting Or thanksgiving, which he might have properly done, and thus made It in fact a ci iiy.i. iw i n uwiv , . of justice could have legally been held on that day. Having simply declared it a legal holiday, be:aue It is the lour hundretb aanlversary ol a "momentous event." he ha. not envolned upon any court or anything or anvbody ele any obligation to obaerve It as such Onlv the legls,ature has power to create legal holidays. W refer the governor to page 650 of the Code - Statesman. tmVn .'nT'wifi leave the oastorate ol lhe church The rt.rta i.' ol. Stduct wl h ladv members of the G i church. A second affidavit was produced In which Mr .a member ol the rrsreto cgeT taken w.-L ZVl .U17nce...d Rev Corwtn was le, down easily, tie isiaeo lor n nour ana saia "e had not been accorded fair treatment ana flat' v denied a!! charge. He claimed hit accuser wa a ver, reckle. woman; that be never loved her. nor attempted to love her 5 never held her hand . never had her lean against his chair. He believed e wss a chrlstisn He produced a sworn der.ial to all charge Not psjsjsjaj very long to city es to be a live one. election, lt A local C L 8 C is being organize.) in this city. Anv one interested in good literature cannot do better than unite with it. Lee than an hour a day will, be enough time for the reading. 1 Albany claims to have aa excellent telephone service journal. No. not a citytervice. Simply the same circuit Salem and other valley towns have He - - - : . I aw I 1 . .- -. - . 1 . . , e e a. av are pruuii j anaai wince, neno nas not come yet. ! inscovery'' m S distinct, forcible voice, j s.,.m . ,w "Discovery Day" was presented by a -1?. ZllZSlJS! .lrlna'reeT cU v. A dialogue. 'Welcome to tlona'chure cUy andTved ?" r"ai ZOmJS: Tt.7r-perifTT "ZXmJi says one of the members of the church vis-lhZnJuVMl had investigated his ,t record and de lhS!,hX1: elared : llT. history for the past twenty ' ..Z?ftrFJ?Lx I rrTth. .- ZZfTZ- SI H in. ,r,TT,lTinv tbin. to do with him. The San rranctteo ew Letter says: "The article tn a Sunday daily upon change of name recalls the case of il - Ham Hoag. of this city, commonly called Billy. By the mere dropping of the superfluous tail in the third letter of his name he wa transformed from the nneuphoniooa Hogg into the lew porcious Hoag. The reaann of the change was that hi wife objected to th former appellation." finch cases are frequently duplicated. Mr Moyer, of Brownsville, ia a brother of Mr Meyer, of Scio, for in- stance. Areptative ofthe SoWdeCltb has bsen is Klamsth Ccuniy. He carries hi badge on bis coat. Comment 1. never nec- cisary in ach cases. "Llve and let live" is si old sayir,; that may well be applied to basinets of to-day. Th world needs less selfishness. TLerc it plenty of room, and tbe spirit shook! be to help and not retard the progress of othrs, Geo Morgan, a newspaper man and first class people's paity advocate, ia company with Mr Savage, of lktite City. Idaho, who 1 here in behslf of lhe populist., passed down tht road Fuday Irons a political visit to Al bsny. Wiodbum Independent. Matt have been with joe Wakbop, as nothing has been heard of it here. E II C9wles waa in hortland last week and reports a queer Iwt he saw made. A crowd of men bad contnegsted on the street and were discussing politics. A gentle tn, who was stsnding near, stepped up and remark, ed: "Gentlemen, I do 00: caie to discus, politics, 1 k: I want to bet; It's my burtiness. I will bet any aaas, from $loo up, that I can take out four states and no man can same lour that Harrison will cany. " A gentleman accepted the bet for ftoo The ma took out Maine, Veimont, Ohio and Pennsylva nia. The republican named Michigan, ill inols, Iowa snd New York.- sVcod burn In dependent. A Tangent man has handed the Drm ocrat a little slip, containing the fol lowing with a request to publish, t 'novo the tines are "Unsigned for insertion iu Methodist paper," and it is headed "A Christian Citizen's Duty :" "We do not presume to dictate the political conduct of our people, bnt we Jo record our del iberate judgment that no political party has a right to expect, nor ought it to receive, the suppon of Christian men so long as it stands committed to the license policy, or refuses to put itself on record in an attitude of ouen hostility to the saloon. Declaration of M E General Conference May, 189J. Let every Meth odist do his duty Nov 8." V r.s, IMore PsorLR want good groceries than anything else. It means a good deal for the harmony of the household. Matters go alon. more smoothly. Deal with Conn A Hendrlcson and you wilt get the best groceries at the lowest prices. Their produce Is always fresh, and they keep the latest In everything. You are not in It if you do not buy your eating goxlt of Conn & Hendrlcson. Your ATTXNTIOM is called tiour line itienne cost pes. jacket.,blaters aad fns, which is now complete. They are tailor-made and guaranteedtofit. Th: cloths are of the latest fabrics. Very truly, Samikl E. Vouno. I tav just rfo'il ii, tisoitmsiib of Lv tr.r limps direo Iff hh! esattini Factories. Call mi see thsm, C E BrawnelL j OUK AJTOstlA MTTEBt. Astoria, Oct. 17th, 189a. Edilert Jtuiccrat : I believe arrangements have been per lected by which Cory Brothers will go on ithlhe const ruction of the Astoria and Portland Railway, while It Is alio reported ! on good authority that a capitalist of the East is now Investigating with a view to construction down the Columbia from Goblo to Astoria the probable cost of this much talked of Goble line, connecting the Northern Pacific with Astoria, which from appearances new Indicate much better times for Astoria, when the new adminis tration shall take charge of governmental affairs about March 4th. Indeed, In the next four years we may expect the United states to be prosperous tar beyond any former period of her hitherto prosperous record as a nation. Lrbor and capita will adjust themselves to the necessities of the situation. The Chinese question must be settled by an unconditlona en-, Icrcement ol the restriction law ot the d It Is as Impossible for a Chinaman I enounce allegiance to hit heathenl h ,i , . 1 u,- .x way snd government, and become a naturalized American citizen, as it would be for an intelligent American to become a Chinaman, even without the tail. Yet rtnr Knr.len Mlaalitn hrtards a re rnrtl a nl 1 V .Z?.".r" . ZZZZZL sacrincing tnc uvea oi intelligent cririiiiaii . teacher tn a work that has cost hundreds of thousands of money and self denying Uvea In the vain endeavor to christianize one Chinaman. Tte heroes of the Amer. lean revolution shed their blood to per petuate a free land as a heritage for their children, and not for the heathen hordes of Asia or the paupers snd criminals of the Uld World. The cholera scare ha done some good In checking emigration Now If we can have a political earthquake that i will shake I. 11 out of our deinagogu will shake I. 11 out of our demagogues i and tricksters and awaken the people To a realizing sense of the great Importance to them of the coming election and the necessity of retrenchment and reform for the prosperity of our country In the future lt would be the boss racket. Saturday night both political parties were out en masse wi'.h torch and banner. The democratic party was well represented and well organized, as electior. dav will nrov. r Dtrlu, Non1,t fcHow lhat go, Oiarighied and went to England lor hi health aa around rlurin. court week but ! ,ince an Btellgent Clatsop jary has decld- , that Barry bad nothing to do with j MorrU. European lour, Norris keep still j ,,, waoderm whT lhe jur, mnt find hlra ,tf ol ,hjo-eng fdmself. Verilv j, b blUd ,,, crime (Ulk in Seamboat travel is very cheap on the Cojumbls. With good boats, good ac- commodatlons, safe and oulck transit and . i f. ,,, i.rU.. t,.r, !he Elt, t well M wcbleei to the manor very low tare Induces many j t orn to take a trip to tbe ancent city of I 1 WTs"' ch,Rner.&' ihhabtzA 'hcWn tSeencroachmenUof the mighty saving hitherto , hot, corn e Janl?: Fo' T"?? i "" "T, TuLTu rf"' .. . "Villng ! 5:. Your. Nar. . - , " . , A r the I . S. every place - U,ftl MpPOrts a collecUon of houses and a school . the 408th anniversary of , tie discovery of America by-Ccdombos 1 has been celebrated in a becoming man- ner. Tins forenoon the event was amy celebrated under tbe auspices of the public schools, tbe program arranged by the Youths' Companion being practically carried out. At 9 o'clock a host of school , children gathered at Ibe school house. They were joined by the u A R veterans ; and the band. Trie flag was raised on the school house and cheered and I saluted Than a procession was formed and a ""eh made to tbe opera house, where "America" opened the program. Ret E R Prichard one red prayer. Mies Maud Crrwbv read the address. "Meaning of J the four Centuriea" Mies Ltutie Sedg - wu.v rre-it-d. ao oa to I heard bv all.tbe j od,. Columbia's Banner.'' The school j . . . a . i , ctl Ik ren sung, tOln Hi Out me gem ot I tbe Ocean " Lee Payne recited "Tne The opera boose was crowded : but on accounlof so many children in tne aodi- , enw me ol , he exerciset) ere tot dis I as . 1 1 . j unctiy nearo. I ! aaTsTr siuav. . jg a Smith to N A Jenne. lot 7 and j s in bl 10. Halse j Le Bilyen to J J Barnes, piece j land, Jicio J H Campbell Sanliam Lumbering 0 . ot 15, bl I A A ll's Ad I Albany j Peter Wigie to Mathew Nichols, : 236 acres 15 w 3 Zeua ijeongrd to Wm Bogue and Fred Putter, 46 0 acres 12 w 4. Wm Casper to Jos Morrison, J N w' Ihlwes,' ' res 9 K 2 K , Bryaat,tsisi 1 1 w 1 500 700 300 4T00 1SS6 300 2S0 950 A F Krumreis to Henry Berg man. 1 lot, bl 50, IPs 2nd Ad Albany 1000 12,506 Will sete Far Ctevetaad Mount Airy. NC. Oct 2I.-Dr Tyre- york a republican of grett prominence and influence in wertera North Carolina, has iiuii. it. 1 1 fn 1 '..t i'i l 1 1 .1 was nnmtnut- ed for governor by the republicans and de- r mn to run. lie vi cArrv m.inv voto t the democrats Monet to Lean. I hav money ia i sums of 500 to S20.000 to loan on im proved farm lands in Linn and Bentcr counties, at lowest current rates. delay in furnishing the money. C (4 BcaKHAirr Real estate agent. Albany, Oregon STOP at Will A Stark' if you dire to tee the finest line of silverware ever brought, to Albany. It embracea many novelties and will he sold at rea'cnabl prices. I)RSS TlMMTNGS. Tbe latest novelties rtreti 11 in n !ij csn stasys I e found at Samwkl E. Young la cases where dandruff, scalp disease?, fallin j and graynesa of the hair appear, do not neglect them, bat applv.a proper remedy and tonic like Hall's Hair fteneurer. La mas Kwrr .Yssts I havifjatt received a caeeef ladie' ribbed snoimer vests, long snd short sleeve Special yalaee. Sanol B Tocko. Niagara Kid glove in black aud cntors, il per pair. None better for the priee Kvery pair warranted . SauuklK Touso Albane Ore. MABBIKB. BUELL BRUSH .On Saturday fore noon, Oct 22, 1892. at the residence of Mr John Brush, in Albany, by Rev W A Trow, Mr W B Buell, the insurance man, and Miss Ida Brush, the popular miliner, and one of Albany's most estimable young ladies. HUHTER-AUDERWAY. M Joseph N Hunter and Miss Alecia Auderway were married on the 20th of October at the Christian parsonage by pastor G M They went directly to their own home and began housekeeping. DUDBIN GLAZE. At the home of the brides parents Mr and Mrs Thomas Glaze, Oct 20th, 1892, Mr Martin S Dir bin, of Marion county, and Bertha M Glaze, of Linn. The ceremony was per formed in the presence of a few friends only. The contracting parties are ex elent young people, and have the well wishes of all who know them. Rev I B Fisher officiating. HOMK ASD AltKOAt) THURJIOAT Laos county does not propose to be behind her neighbors and presents font teen divorce suits on her October docket. The 2nd regiment band of Salem, probably the teat nana 10 tirtgon, has disbanded, a local piper says for lack of support Th Building snd l-osn Association meets tomn row night at the Oregon Bank . Mr BUiu, the secretory, rill be at the Ban' in the afternoon from 1 o'clock. The Presbytery f the C P chnrch will are tj,e districts and appointments : open tooigbt at the church on Maine street, j Albany ; place of meeting, Albany ; vic ! with a sermon by the retiring moderator, j president, Prof Crawford. Rev Knowlee. j fjj. pi, 0f meeting, fcio; f ice j John Wilson wss arreated at Bodaviile j president, Prof Maabrouck. charged with stealing acme cattle . ft was i !-Wion ; place of meeting, Lebanon ; -clsimid thst Wilson snd Elmer Clsaghton ! vice president, Prof Michener. sold three head of cattle belonging to Mrs; Brownsville ; place of meeting, Browns Ellen Altiidge at Sweet Home scd kept the j ville ; vice president, Prof Stanton. money. Ibe Roaeburg lieview sats it is claimed that the Myrtle Creek Uydiaalic Mining Co , have so far expended i&VOOO and of ,h,ir !ona ,,itch atomen than thee mum. ..,,;- , tv, -mtt,l the ' pv.. Tmr-1. ; t.n,ji . . ... ,. u ..-.i be Vinetaid Laborers of the Bs tiat . . . , . Preaident, Fred Dawioe; vice president, W S Thouipaoo: corresrondina secretary, E A Caosiet ; recording' secretary, Anna Foshat ; treasorer, Author Koahay. No Abdrf,s Joe Wrldrop, the Peo ples Party man. was to speak last night at the Opera House, a fact announced by tho circulation of a tew posters. An audience of just two were present to hear the ad. dress, both gentlemen being from the Forks ; but on of the lack of In terest the address was Indefinitely po!- ; poned. , j raioAY. Columbus' Dav. 1492 WJrl. Fine program a: the opera Home to-nigbt. It will pay yoo to end Co'cmbns' day at the opera boose to-night . Mrs Elixi Sjeieasr. a farmer reileot el Albany died at Napsnee, Canada, oo Oct 13. Toe address of Peter Oane'e, who is ia Oregon, is desired by bis father of Creieect City, Iowa. An Albany voaeg tcsn ia Portland this week, tnak a rapid ride to lh ooliee court j o account o'. a aaloon tight riot aad costs ! Major Magoe ha completed his waik irom John Iay to Cbieogo, having orrired ,t ' I tht latier place the 4A irst. He left John: I Day Jaly 4th. The 8t Cbu-ltm sale, adverliae.1 for I o c!o,k tBu aftemcoo.dtd not take place, no i fcad.r. beirBVnt. Taaaalowas poit- I a.,i Wednesday tttpn. ! ' wh:at. k:j ctw rs i nrr hu HtT'TK , The motardid not ma tolav aa expected, Wh sea. put t the traci Mr (' Alexacder ha. porenaaod his Prtoer-. intereat iu the Lebenoo Adve.- vilX " it alone. Ce.h-,Ji,tlnJ'-U,W "l mSSx - The Sodavtiie mioerj eoringa. So V ennng. to 1,-co tmontj . were discovered by Robm Coy I, ia ' IMi, while ridiog the ran for cattle Eg. I We are iafor ned by parties fr. ra 8;io that Gov Peaaoyer will adJieas the people that 2Sth.- on snd vicioitv neit Fridar.Ct' cffrsoo K view'. I At tbe saeetus of taw Baild eg sad Loan AsaocatuMi last Ji'bt $1000 was loaned at 63 months interest i advance A i:h drawai of 10 bare fro-n the first eerie waa granud. Yesterday while a rock wa. tetcg 1 lasted at Waterloo fliegpiea st- uca John F. Bailey, break tor oae or two at hie nbe. Ht tried to dodge tt piece which was eeec coealag, bat jaatped tbe wrong way. At tkie seaeeo oi tew veer it ia vary ne see sary to keep a bottle of West's Coagfa Svrop ia tbe boars for eadUaa e las. Kothing like it. Care like magi... 4 cx i-.tti,25-; ; lug u draggis. e, 50c. Sold by J A Camming, Those baring -Verge of the seen ea- I Z " I tertaieosent desire to ccrreet the icat the ApoU- wooid furnish at thwir enteiutsmeot next Ttreada aa pab- iaaaed la tbe Herjkl U.t eeroing. It aaeasai hare red O H, v c cb. Ud Over,..-., i, sH coLra .. Klein Bro Ladies i.fl tie. a. actaal tost forth next day. at Klein Br. Choice i rked Veataoa at C E Bwnc'l.. C K att seell :ier lo-aa.e totvf BsSMt pot cheat . The fir.f. craabesriesof the hhoi at C T. Brvjwnel!. Sweet cider for miac pis by tbe gal loo at C B H; n ., t Retioiotd SgRvicg.- Evangelist Bate- ; man will preach on lh subject, e'hat 1 is Uod, and How we can Comprehend i Him," Sunday morning. In the evening on the subject of "Baptism." It will be finely illustrated from the blacklvoard. I Ij everybody come. At the United Presbvterian church the services will be conducted by brethren I k.,.M t -...!;.... 1.. r o - - 1 I V .MMUUK,.T ; . I mHIKI1. Rev C A Woolev, D D, of Eugene, will preach iu the morning and Rev William Knowie. ot McMinnviUe, in the evening. AU seats free. The usual services will be held at the First M E chnrch. Preaching at 11 a m. I Sabbath school at 2:30 and Epworth , League at 6:30 p m. Iu the evening the; pastor will preach specially to young ladies. A cordial welcome to all. Regular service at the Dad I Ul aa last church morning and evening. Sabbath school at 4 p ui. At the Congregational church th pas- i ! tor will preach at 11 on"Belief in Jesus.' j In the evening at 7:30 on the parable of I . fcx'r Service, sabbaiii school at tne close of the morning service. The Chris nan Endeavor meets at :. Report of the state convention All sue welcome to meet: eerv ice? Services at the Presbyterian church as follows : Preaching by the pastor at II a 111 and 7:30 p m. Sabbath school at 12:15 p cj, Y P S C E meeting at 8:45 p m. Subject of morning sermon, 'The Christian's Aim;" evening, "The Dis trust of Humanity." All will be made welcome to these services. Rev Hume, of the C P church, will preach at the Baptist church in the morning. The usual Sunday service will be held by the Y M C A tomorrow at 4 p m in the rooms over the Oregon Bank. We hope that these meetings will prove a blessing to many. Men only are invited. SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASS E e The LARGEST ASSORTMENT in Lin County. and -.- Hxva -:- Call -: Yooa .ton's Patent Eye-Meter at F M FRENCH Slewelry Store. DELINQUENT TAXES "P-BUNQUENT Coun..v taxes of 1891 17 should be pail at once and save oois or sale, a Propei-'.: wil attf nded to in are dangerous' th must be reduced be jved upon if not reasonable time: Delays September '.Dili, 1S92. 0 C JACKSON. Sheriff 1 ,jlifl ",9.- feihi ART S T U D 1 O. U.IU Maltle E. Martin, 5th Street, residence ol Rev G W H'U. EOItATIOSAt ATTEBft. Albaxt, Or., Oct, I7th,' 1(2. To the Teachers and Friends of Ednca tion: ; j wish to say to the teachers and 4) nets 01 eaocmuon, mat in cusfBrowu with the school work in the conntr, it is ray desire to hold ft series of local ms'i - tntea in the several localities suitable, during the months of OctoberjNovemtJtr and iWemhar. I have divided the I county into five districts, and appointed : i vice presidents for each The following I Halsey ; meets at Sbedd, Hateey anil Harrisburg; vice President, Prof Latla. The first meeting will be held at Al- bany. Oct 29th ; the second at Lebanon Nov 5th ; thirdjit Hcio.Nov 12th : fourth at Brownsville Ni.v 1ith - fh sthaAaV var rtf . 1 Piocram for the meeting at Albany, Saturday, Sep. 29th, 9:90am: 1st. Organization and election of offi cers. 2nd. How to teach division to primary pnpils, by Miss Sedgwick, of Albany. -t..i r.'...i.;. c 1 i i achool Prof ( ;.,!,!. r.t !;. KV. la " 1 ii i u. rucniiiK u au UDxrauwj ' ArrEaoog, 1 :30. 1st. A talk to primary teacher, l.y Snpt atSSSBSBSt. 2nd. How to economize time, Prof Crawford. 3rd. Miscellaneous- The program for the other meetings will appear from time to time G. F. RcsagLL, finpt. Full of troutdt the ordinary pilL Trouble trhen yoa take it, and trouble when you're got it down. Plenty of unpleasant ness, but mighty little good. wit ith Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet, I there' no tremble. They're made to prevent it. They're the origi nal little Liver Pills, tiny, srigar- I arWhwaaw h a K1 eXWW aaa a1 a t mvcj iiaw uiuvue mabibi bb. vuni vegetable, perfectly harrnlesa, the asiiaiicas, easices avuva Leea They cleanse and regulate ! j sTftcrn, in a natnral and easy way mildly and trendy, but thorotumly hLTIw and eWtaoiit-eile Dna Ittfla Patlag for a laxativa three for a cathar- tic. Sick Headache. Bilious Mead- ache, Constipation, Indigestion, Bil- - A. .--I.- A .n jX7 ivus rs -srnt auu au saws aw 01 "iB ,,TBr stomacu aim uuwtao w prevented, relieved and cored. -t- i j s 1 hey re th cheapest pill von can awawi r 4ttH RHEUMATIC PA8 VtjJ 4 flD i.oamiatrteti.eCattemmAa. aU -? M fm rwtss Floesee reorwa rawossassc, seV W'fe VsaJ Wjakslli. hip. Udaey. cheat, and sinrolll L if : -,axyVea sad wi iitmawa prke.fie. I 11. S ""m ' aalsaaS WSi laael bny, for they're guaranteed to give J BOVS'S 5? VSJ?& satigfaetaoa, or your money is re- ! ggt cnrneti. Toe pay only for the Tains re wtured. Can yoa ask mote? ICODIaI worm! and BOfvc PROTECT- YOUR- TREES P&B PAPER, PAINT, ROOFING. I Sample and circular free . Paraffine Paint Co., Portland. Oatcox CHOICE MEATS Kmirick - & - Baker Ope.m 4-i 1 Red Cro wnMlis ISO s imK. ps.-psirross. Mtooaaev s-LOca sc.-caioR roa rawi'i Ajro BARRBS CSX. B AUK OF hit IO. SCTO, ORRttOW. lent.. 8 Mseat .0 s B A BARGAIN rvrr at vsetrrABLS fat m fer sals, consisting of 41 acres, cf land . one mue nrtn 01 aioanr Lm well in proved. For particular Inxnire of W II Warkxs. REVERE HOUSE, sLBATvY, - - OREGON HAS. PFEIFFEH i'Ss.iPR UTOR Star Bakery CsrBrsttttlwlM atasl rtrst St. COJvFD MEYtR, PKOPRlElOR. stntied t ra in, (ilatissre, Orletl Frails, To bit ceo, Magar, t'oHee, CssasieA Meat Qn tsssB wsr. Vegotatblea, Ctcssrs Spleen, Tea. Ct.. le tact evert th.g that is ke;.: in a variety aad roorv tra. itigl geuer gkesl market price paij lur ALL KINTOS OPPRODfJCH ANDERSON & ANDRERSON -OITT AvTjrjSTIDZR-jr. 1 Opptisiteit Cuarles Hotel . Bad eiottilng and lao eortalua well u tided to. Starch wora a specialty. Braaoh office at Moses' barber shop, aendrv closed evenings at 7-SO o'clock 500 Beward ! will pay the fthovo re vara ror any case of L, "it. Dyspepua, sick aasatsa he, 1 iwsktwasxas u nr Cwtlw.nata we eanMct our with W uable UeerPtlks, hen lhe direetlau, ;-s"3i( with. They ar purely Vegetable. nn . 10 gtv musi action, sugar coated lrg .SaaL intijfy -.nj la. ,.r.. is gmula sstasart of -a jotut . wear cxwtrAHY. cniCASu. iu t s eeuu. Be wire or count GREATEST SKIN GURE9 Cntletira Cares AH Skin Kruptlons, Gives a Clear Complexion I-rec from Pimples. Too mnch praise cannot be said of the Crrsrcaa BxaXDiaa, a I have need them for taw las year and a half or so, aad Bad them to be the greatest and b Timor remedies of ibe Sao. I have need a good many .-. called toilet soaps, and I and Cc-nc t a Boaf is th beet I have ever need. I Snd It far superior to all It cur.- au'Vi'.' .mplejion. A fr,r h .- pootog I woobt naeao other. Sod lor the far-., either, a. v. I s rnr lor ail lilssilkn. blartbeeita, eexeaaaaod an lrrtu-i ssatosal ssssawasoel UV! laee. for after cainw saw OtrncCRA Boar owbiie. it make, the face asaeoth aad cool. ud dre not gtte that wan iiuiinir-- wtae so aaway other toilet oosao TVy the Ccticcba Kcaxorxa and yon will regret II that yoo have evCTdooeso. do. l,EWJfl I-. a.r.i.i.r.14, U Lee Avenue, lirldrpott,as. Eczema to Years Cured I parehoaad and seed CcrirrBa. "viti th asaet nifrrfaii rewolte. 1 wae troubled -rtth eexeeaa la dM , at aaH ihraai sag tea yean, aad bad aaWe of betasrearew. .Trru-uxa,wiawaap i - . . - - . . nl taw i i-nt-c aa floar sad wticost i baa iasoeatly rerawvea mj campmmi, aao my iW aoawat aad heenay. j Jku, t. S;?X&.r. ; Outicura Remedies Are the as assist skia rare. Mood pertfW, sad CWiSHiaa, easy; tmr,Mel its- 1. Preeared I v th I-ma Dsst as CaaaucAt. CoarotUTicrx, Boston, ar How to Cor Blood liiaeaaea." sssaVd fro. DtDVC 8Ma aac tvodp pertfied i DHDI t by .cTKtaA.-'.ij-. Urn j m fm L DOUGLAS cal acM as vae nrsee . sr-bs asss. At .-I St?, TT I I saM si 1 i W- . mm stjTsa-B w-irr mmtt if m aiili i asm preTTbeT.aii K seriirr h-.wrieB brfartwa eeb. eat who a ilam i aaaatytaataajich Ladies' &St HS'tmrSp -gj.sie sis aasT.Staw swat rxe!Tr,i.Tf Saw re. Txawarevsi .11 Hi. 1 1 aafietn las sa dara- -nVL. K HI A IN TWO MEN AND USE BOY FOUND DEAD ! A hile trying to Crowd theii way ntro 0EYOE & FR0MAN BROS Store, where they aiwav s have on I he largest block south ot fort land, ot the latest improved Rifles and Sho i ins; " tmmecse stock of Fishing j ackle of every description: Tents, I Han. oc .Camp Chairs and thousands ' if ou. ing too numerous to roetstsssi Jf 'pair Sli op i 1 connect n with the Store, and one oi ' I've best wo men in the State to do Saw tad ail kind, of wo. Come one Come No rouble to bow goods -Sirill p refit and quick W i out jnotlo. ILFAIT COLLEGUTS IMSTITUTE ALBANY. OREGON3 1801, 1SQ2. tret Term )ee4 sveaeeaaaee as . A I, 1 corn of instructors. CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, UTERABY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Costraea ot study arranged so moat tk all grades or student f swesW iafarsaaias rsreaf 1 aTaaTiafi rVea .itrvaaf. bluest . resotT Pre. Ideal. HEALTH IS WI A Da J C W sal's 'aava buo.v taaatsnnai goaaaasnd saaetft tor Hjsteeta, -OiattiMa,. Caa vulsfetuv Cta.Nervous Seii,-!gHeaaeS.Ne tveos rrtk eased by she u el aliatael oe tobaeo. haaVmaa, attota! Ospeeaskva. SeAeaing t tbe nun reaoiane In insanity anal '.lm( v m erv ittV iIth. Prematur. 0(1 Age, Loss et rawer at either sex. Uvotuatarv Leases aaJ SteasaMnnoe saoaed by vr-exnuoa .( the svsiri, Mtfabu or ver -u'eaawa. Gash ijE at!-?'' T!aS ' hSiea Kr 5 . sent hy rastl prt ?aij ea reesript et erie. wa a AKAVTCC MX HOIKS T cor any evs .With erh rder rev-eirej br as rc-raix hagas, acttirued with Si.OO. we win aval tbe purehvser ear written guarantee t refatd the asoaee if she tmalioant aaas mi - . .,.. . ant iaaaed only be J Caasaslag, !' tat aatei aa. Alaaay, wreg ALBAN Y.OR. f BITSIAI ft HULBERT BROS, Ben! EsUta Agents.; earma aad Ranches for sale. Also eity broperty 111J Albane and Corvallia. 0. . IHelarland, -:- l' EA LEI IN : Haraess-and - Saddlery. Display in The Dm Oppaslte First .Vitiottl B t it.Albaiy baa. Yaagtinsl 1 1 eejsaalaeaajcoa 1 j 11 kitliaaajc ' Catts- W-t-DeaaxW awawa east the wri kj wv!l!S WkSmAtmm. aaataa. SsMs I