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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1892)
emoctat. C qOAI- K ZO HDt Columbus Day in Cloverdalk . I wrs requested to write a short account of our Columbus Day exercises at the school in Cioyerdale. The official program was carried out very well. There was no large fl',ag (and no verteran) but the pupils endeavored to make up in number of Hags what they lacked in sine, and at unfurling of the flag, the cheering was as enthusiastic as it could have been over a large one. Where all did well it would bo invidious to mention any one in particular. Sufficient was done to make s ire that this school was not left out of the great circ'.e of schools on the 400th anniversary of the discovery of our land. Readings, recitations, speeches.and sons rilled up the time till by a unanimous vote of the school the rest of the day wa spent as each one pleased, and all seemed to enjoy themselves. As one of the patrons of the school 1 am pleased to see the school doing so well. The teacher, Mr Swink, seems to have his school well in hand. There seems to be good feeling on all sides; teacher, pupils and patrons well satisfied. Yours for Public Schools. Clovkkdalb Tar Will Nor Forget. Jeff reys Lewis will produce"Forget Me Not" here Friday, Oct 2Sth. The San Fran cisco Call says: "Miss Jeffreys Lewis could no have selected a play, the title of which would be more appropriate than the one presented to the people of San Francisco last night. They will not soon forget the play nor the great actress 'Forget Me Not' is indeed a wonderful piece of passion framing, and although it is not a pleasant thing to look upon and listen to, owing to the fact that the fav orite is painted in unbecoming co'.ors from beginning to end, yet, in. the hands ot such a woman as Miss l,ewis,tlie audi ence forgets that Stephanie DeMohrivart is anything but a suffering woman, and T i18 "''T Vu people ne carried away by the sheer force of her magnetic and irresistible i llAl'dra n nrr Vtca l.m-ia loan i.&ms in whose presence, and under the sound of whose voice the people sit in wonder and fascinated admiration, and who in the most immoral and unpopular role, could force the sympathies of her audi tors, leading their hearts hopelessly in a road they would scorn in real life to acknowledge. Educational Exhibit. It is well known that the pupils and teachers of ",c " g .f"8-!. . . r educational exhibit at the World's Fair in Chicago. -.This is necessary because no appropriation has been made by the state for this purpose. The amount needed is not less than 15000. The Al bany school has already begun the work of collecting the pennies. Up to this time about 20 have been contrioued by the teachers and pupils and will be' for warded to the treasurer at the First National Bank, Portland. W'e also learn from Prof Crawfoid that some literary work is to be prepared for the exhibit, consisting of daily work in school, papers in arithmetic, map drawing, language work. etc. Borne excellent essays have already been written about Columbus If any of the citizens feel enough interest in the matter to make an offering, let them call on Prof Crawford, who will forward the amount to the treasurer. The off Site of lT.-The Veteran D D Prettyman, writing from Turner to a Salem paper boldly, and Without any re gard to the effect it will have on China, sit : I notice an item, written by M O Lownsdale, of Lafayette, in which he says the Mongolian pheasant does not damage the farmer. If he had the exper ience I have had with them, he would know better. They are positively the worst nuisance we have had imported on us. Tney are at bad as a hog for grain . In general, they destroy beans, potatoes and corn, and if he would walk through Toy melon patch in the morning, be would know more of their destructive disposi tion. We took some of them tn Wash ington in 1SS6, and fed them on wheat all the time. When I hear a man talk or write as he does, I know one of two things: fctther he does not know anything about the bird, or there is money in view. Thk St Chari.35 Hotll and furnitare were sold at auction this afternoon by the assignee, D Froman. in order 10 settle the ettate. Mr E D Batreit purchased the real ettate, a' frontage cf 25S feet on Firtt strett, and the furniture, paying $700 for the real property, subject to mortgage by the Linn county Bank, of $3000 ard interest, $4400 in all, and $500 for the furniture ai.d fixtures and $125 for the but. If the sale is ccnfiimed, the fore closure of the moitgage pending, will be withdrawn and a deed given bv the as signee to the purchaser; it it sid. though, the creditors, with claims amounting to about f 1500 will oppose it. a K. T. OmcHKs TL e conclave of Knights Templars, at Portland, elected the following officers : S M Foran. grand commander; J M Hod son, deputy grand commander; P S Malcolm, grand gener alissimo; B E Lipp'.ncott, gram! captain eeneral; T McF Patton, grand prelate; LC Marshall, grand senor warden; W B Paine, grand junior warden ; B G Whitehouee, grand treasurer ; James F Robinson, grand recorder ; William Pres ton, grand standard-bearer; William A Bantz, grand sword bearer: C B Winn, grand warden; Gustaf Wilson, grand sentinel. A Sodaville Opening. The new Hill hall at Sodaville will be formally opeaed on Friday night with a skate and ball. A mile contest between Clyde Hiil and Jerome Will iams, the latter holding the medal for Albany, will take place, and promises to be a live aff air. A ball will cluse ihe evening . A nam ber will attend from Albany. The hall it the largett in Linn county being 64x54 fee', with a fine floor. The eity of Flavel, 10 miles below As toria will be the place of the meeting of the Oregon Press Association in 48is, so sayeth Bro Johnson, of the Corvallis Times. We hope Bro Johnson will be there . Ochoco Review. Bob is a etayer ; bnt it will take some extra dieting, and the shunning of such company as Ira CamDbell and Charlie Nickell for bjm to live 3600 years longer. Paid $6000 Today Mr H F Merrill handed Mrs F H Roscoe a check for 5000 in payment of insurance on the life of her husband, who died in this city re cently. The risk was carried by the Northwest Life Ins. Co., and the man ner in which the payment was made speaks for that company's promptness. Blrolaby at Tahq&nt . Saturday night during the meeting of the literary club at Tangent a burglar entered the store of Mr Conrad, by cutting a pane of glass out the front window and raising it, and stole f 16 or 20 worth of jewelry, not disturbing any of the other contents of the store. No clue was obtained to the thief. Mrs. Anna Sutherland Itatasaaseo, Mich., had swclllDgs In the neck, or rrom iter ivw j t Gostreyear, causing 40 Years cront sufferlug. When the caugnt coin could not walk two blocks without fainting. She took Hood's Sarsaparilla And Is now free from It all. She has urged m,y others to take Hood's Sarsaparilla and they have also been cured. It wlU do you good. HOOVPV 0 alt Liver Ills, Jaundice, ,,"?eadcb., blllouaneta. aoux ttomacb, nausea. m Tiia Astoria and Oudsn. The cessa tion of work on the Astoria and Eastern railroad sometime since, and the filling of liens and suits for work done, has re mit ed in reorganizing a new company entirely and leaving the traitors out. The new company has been organized with only Astoria and Ogden people, all Portland and eastern men being left out entirely. The impression prevailed that the Portland men who took an interest in the road, and were elected on the board of directors, were simply there in the interest of Portland, and everything they could in the east to discourage the sate of the bonds. They were simply spies and obstructionists. The new company, although all the stock has been subscribed at Ogden, is to be known as a strictly Astoria company, Messrs Gcss and Corey Bros, claiming this their home. The name of the company io to be changed to the "Astoria audOgden," leaving the name Portland out. There will also be a change in the route, in stead of building the road to Oswego, ! above Portland, the road will not go any where near Portland probably for fear Portland will steal the rails. Examiner. A Well Known Drumkcr. Prets Woodruff, well-known drummer, has be come a regular funny writer for newspa pers. He has an article on Woman's Rights, In a Spokane paper, which be gins: Woman's Rights is a care-worn subject with the dash-board kicked In and the hame string unbuckled. It Is a serious question which has long pestered the brain of man It has chilled his lamb-like disposition, and lulled his coarse temper to a standstill. Women entertain a hal lucination that all their rights are off on a vacation; but this is wrong. Thev hare more rights than they think, for they have rights they never heard or, and rights that tney can not use. I have laid awake at nieht studying and regretting woman's rights. I have made it a point to thtow aside all prejuduice and give the subject careful consideration, that I might appear inoffensive in case I might , to express mvsell. v o . o .... . T . polished, and e called upon For the Reform School. . risAmtw sheritr w L Waikine, of Benton county, wa8 in the cU lodav on hig w,y t0 & 'em. where he was going with three Fogter chiWrell) of Yaquina, ther having m,;.j . .i, ,t u, .. a Yaquina justice. Two are girls, aged 8 and 15, and One a boy aged 9. The father is on the county. There are three other children. It looks as if it were a case where provision wis trying to be made for the support of the children, as they are probably average children ; bat they will not recive the girls there. Democratic Speaking. Hon George Noland and Dr L P Mullinix will discus the political issues of the dav at the fol- i'ng limes and places: Jefferson, Tuesday, Oc'. 35th, 1 p m. Turner, Tuesday ,Oct aslh, 7:30 p m. Stayton, Wednesday, Oct 26th. 1 p m. Sdo, Wednesday. Oct 26th, 7:36 p m. Sweet Home, Thurrday .Oct 27th, 1 p m. Lanon, '1 hureday, Oct 37th, 7:3 p m. S- m, Saturday, Oct 29th, 7:30 p m. A.bauy, Monday, Oct 31st, 7:30 p m. Crook Covxty, Murder in the second degree, this is Ihe verdict in the case of J W McCormkk, arretted for klhing Smith at Mitchell, J N Gulliford came across the moun tains last week via the J! Kenzie route, ariiving here last Saturday . He saa it it very muddy in Webfoot and thai he found about 15 miles of snow on the mountains which averaged about S inches in depth. Review. Bailiffs Judge Burnett established a j rew court prae'lee here by appointing hit own baillnt, heretofore se.ectcd bv the theri0. Mr A B Woodin hat cha'ige of the grand jury, ohn Robson of thepettt jury, and W C TweedaSe, ot the court room. Grand Jury. The following ta the grand jury empanelled at the opening of the circuit court: O P Coshow foreman, A Btevir.t, Ed Chambers, A W Stanard, 1 J Graham, J A McBride, and Thomas Mtrris. At Knox Butte. The Kncx Butte School celebrated Columbus Day with appropriate xerciset by the school, and also raised a fine ae on a fifty foot pole, both of w.iich were 1 presented by the parents and friends of the pupils. Accept the thanks ol the school and fleir teacher. Mrs. Nellie Lambson. Farmers ATTSaTTiex. The under signed detiret tc say that he Is now pre pared to do fiat -class horse shoeing at 1 .so all round, and all other work in my me done in good style and with prompt nets. 1 make a specialty of plow repair ing, also do all kinds of wagon work. AM work wai ranted. Guaranty reasonable prices. Cat cor Peeond and 'Ferry sts. Gbo P Cramer. V ES,. More People want good groceries than anything else. It means a good deal for the harmony of the household. Matters go alon more smoothly. Deal with Conn & Hendricson and vou will tret 1 the best groceries at the lowest prices, i Their produce i always fresh, and they keep the latest in everything. You are j not in it if you do not buy your eating goods of Conn & Hendricson. Your attention 13 called to our line sienne ccstumes,ca; es. jacket,blaaen and Kit, which it now complete. They are tailor-made aad guaranteedtofit. The cloths are of the latest fabrics. Very truly, Samuel E. STOP ai Will ft(Stark' if 700 desire to tea ths finest line of adverwere ever Drought, to Albany. It em bra ret many coveltiet ti.d will he sold at reaonabie prices. Niagara kid gloves in black aud colors (1 per pair. None better for the price livery pair warrauted. SamcelE You so Albany Ore, Ladies Overga.Uia in all colon at Klein roa. Ladies Oxford lies at actual r oat for the next 20 daya at Klein Broa. Money to Lah. I have money ia sums of $500 to $20,000 to loan on im proved farm lands in Linn and Bentcs counties, at lowest current rates, delay in furnishing the money. 0 G BuRKflAXT Real estate agent, Albany, Oregon. Novelties io wedding stationery, baU in vitations, calling cards, at C W Cobb. STOP at Will & Stark'a for your wateht jewelry and silverware. Klosaot a aortment for wedding presents. Nothio ikn this part of Oregon. You can aave money bv buying' of Read, Dress Timming-? Tbe latttt novelties ii, : 1 r n "1 hi t'i) t c fenrd at Samuel E. Yovn g Remember all boots and thoet bought of Klein Bros that rip. run over or soles come loose will be repaiied by as fiee cf ihtrge. Cork soled thoes for winter wear. Kleio Broa have them in all stylet and prices from $3 to $6.(Try a psir aad have dry feet for tbt winter. Letter iiiat. Followirg is the list of let' is remaining in the pott office at Albany, Lian county, Oregon, Oct 24, 1892. Persons calling for tneae letters mutt give the date on which they were advertised. Bissett, Blanche Callahan, A J Dawson, W W Dixon, Mrs Cyrus Freeland, C E Garrett, R B Harris, F K Holland, J W LaDuke, D M Morris, W D Oberg, Rev Harold Reagan, Rev R A Blake, Miss Curtis, Lena Davis, Dades DuBoise, A E Geier, LA 2 Hawkins, James Howard, JB Kleper.Will Mcpherson, V E Morse, J D Raum, Geo Stone, 0 E TlbbltS, U A I Tibbits.T A Townsend, Rev J A Townsend, Mrs F Warner, I K Wilson, Mrs E Wood, Anna Morgason, J M McNeal, John McLean, Rev E McLean .RevRobert McBride.Rev R W 2 McBreen, C E McPhe'rson, W F Powell, C J T. MONTBITII, P. M. MONDAY. License has been issued for the marriage of John Wilson and Mary D Hazen. Geo Fish and wife, of Corvallls, spent Sunday with Albany relatives and Mends. R A Miller has resigned as one of the democratic electors and Nathan Pierce, of hastern Orsgon, placed an the ticket. Mr J C Mayer and nelce returned home to Albnv last'luesday from couple of weeks visit with friends here. Ashland Record. John Vaughan returned to Coburg from Albany last Wednesday .satisfied to remain here on his farm. Consequently Coburg loses nothinir and Albanv cuius less. J Eugene Guard. Hon Til Ford, of Salam , it in the city atiendtng court, having just returned from Junction City, where ha made Harrison s peach Saturday night. Mr Fora Is probably the heaviest legal tax payer in the Willamette Valley, his taxes alone being equal to tne Income of some attor neys in his county. Hon Lish App:e-atc, ex-Indian agent at Klamath and sage of the Umpqua. is In the city. Mr Appiegate is making finance a specialty, not in a superficial way, like John Sherman and men of his class; but he has gone to the foundation, if not below it, way back before the ark. He has his carpet bag well supplied with documents, and stand partially on the people's platform; but not quite as heavily as some people think. Saturday was the eighteenth birthday of Miss Olga Hewitt, a period in a young lady's life always worthy of recognition. The event was celebrated by a party at the residence of Mr H It Hewitt, on Ferrv Street, and was attended by a large num ber of young people. Several hours were (pent in a variety of camcs, seasoned with vocal ana instrumental music, and en- idored by a delicious lunch. Those present were- kv ah. Mm 'iv t l I mnK. P dw,n- ortm,,'er W!i,,m Galbralth, O M UvlcFarland, Ed Biodgett, Ezra Horton. ; f i ' . . - , ... Emil EwerLGeo Washburn. Orva Tu rner Claire and Claud Vunk, Chas CuslcV, Will Lyons, Hugh Fisher vYalter Peacock, Floyd Dortis, Morris Payne, Luther El kins, M Williams, Van Wilton, Arthur Tathara, Root Bartlett, Percy Kellv, and Misses -nnie and Ora Fiino, Laura and Pearl Vance, Flora and Vesta Maaon, Lida, Nina and Jennie Galbralth, Mildred Burmetter, Ava Baltimore, Bertha Ellis, Emma Pfeiffer, Mamie Cundlff, Eva Simpson, Eva Cowan, Jennie Gordan, Gussie Biodgett Minnie Van Horn, Ethel Redfield, Artie Huston, Velie Irving.Nlna Parker, Annie Althouse. Emma Coueill. an J Hettie Miller. Mrs W C Nesus. and danrrhtpr Mica Niles, of Portland, are in the city. Miss Oletta Mark?, of Portland, re turned home today after a visit in Al bany, the guest of her cousin Mrs P J Smiley. D P Mason. L C Marshall and C B Winn went to Portland today to attend I ine annual conclave ol the uraad Com- mandery of Knishta Temnlara. Mrs August Lani. of Portland. - turned home today after a visit with Al- hint' IrionJ. Iir. iv -t i. r r - J iu& guw. v. mi 1 1 oiasou wnnenere. i Last evening a delightful birthd.v Party was eiven at the ridenc of Mr j- , I, . ., I f . .i?"? t,t KDt.len servationstskpn .1 .tfh..;m ;r.Ait I ....Uii icncu iuc ignrnsruisrs. at least as manv more mn in .tnr. fr I Mr French. Several hours were nannM in Rme8 and sociability, with a short ! eiop ior reiresnments, a aeucioni repast I of ice cream, cake and orange and iron j being served. The party was one fnll of j the snap that makes an evening the most enjoyable. Frank G Lena, the Outing bicyclist, who recently passed through Albany on his trip around the world, arrived in San Francisco on Thursday and left today on the steamer Oceanic for Asia. From Japan, where be will next mount his wheel, he will go to Shanghai, and from ther overland via Yunnan to Calcutta. This, with his stay in Indiavwill consume four winter months. Imring the spring he will traverse Persia and Turkey, tak ing in the roads of Europe during the following summer. WEDNESDAY. Mr Frank Froman left this noon for Bismarc, Gilliam cour.ty to iOok after Ms stock and ranch. John Trumbull, a prominent yonng lawyer ol Port Townsend, Wash., is in the city attending court. ear Frank Wood jr, recently with John Isom Sr, has accepted a position in Wm Pfeiflers confectionarv store. Loren Langhead,of Ihe Cascades, was in the city today and went to Salem on the noon train. He reports tome snow near hit place. Rev la J Trumbull, who hat been at tending the Baptist convention at Inde pendence. ha been in the city on hit av to hit home in LaGrande. Dr and Mrs T W Harris entertained a number of their friends last Saturday eveninsr it helno- th nva.lnn of thaie 20th wedding anniversary. They were the recipients of several nice presents and a very enjoyoble evening was spent by the whole company. Eugene Guard. The Sunflowers ruled at the W C T U hall last evening. The entertainment given by the Kings Daughters was a suc cess, the prominent feature of the pro gram being the singing bv the sunflowers, little girls with Iheir faces through a can vat of picture! of sunflowers. The O'Holo club, who tang with blackened face through the same sunflower holes were greatly appreciated. The candy and flower booths were well patronized, snd a p'eaaant time was had. Permanent Brakcb Laukdby . - -k branch office of the Salem Steam laun dry has been established in Albany. All work will be collected and the laundried articles delivered at Salem prices. No other expenee. All work guaranteed. Orders may be left with Osborn Davy, psrmanent agent and solicitor for Albany Ladies KhitVests I bave'jatt received a caeof fkdie' ribbed summer vesta, long and tbort sleeve Special values. SamuelJE Yorso. Stewart & Sox sell the very best rate a theirs and scissors. Useless Handcuffs. The two young men who have been kept In the Linn connty - jail for severs weeks for Lane county were taken home today, hand cuffed together. One of them , while the deputy waa some distance away easily slipped hit hand out of the handcuff, with a smile, quickly replacing it, indicating of what value it was. Albany Market Wheat, 62ic. Oats, 38c. Flour, to.00. fuller. 20c. Eggs. 80c. Lard, 12XC j2ork-bams. If: sbonlders,'8csldeei Hay, baled, 11 5 Po atoee, 25o. Apple, 50c. Hops. 17c. Drisd fruit plums, 80, apples, 9e. Chickens. $4 60 per dozen. Beef, on foot, 2o. Hogs, dressed, 7c. HAMMED. WILSON-HAZEN.-On October 23, 1892, at the residence of Mr Oeorge Wil son, Rev James Vandernool. toaator of the Pleasant Hill church, Mr John Wil son ana miss mary ii iiazen all of Linn county. MAXWELL HUSTON. On October I 22, 1892, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr John Huston, by Elder P men, ot Damascus, Mr Ueo M Maxwell and Miss Ida M Huston, two of Linn county's most worthy young people They have the best wishes of a host of friends for an abundance of prosperity ana nappiness. Mcknight Baltimore. on October 23, 1895, at the residence of and by Rev C R Lamar, Mr Charles A Mc Kniglit and Miss Dora A Baltimore both of Linn county. OETi State tif Oregon v Banna urglsry. Continued. State vs Charles Baker end F S Phelps; larceny. Continued. State v Charles Baker md F S Phelps; larceny. Continued. State vsCharels Baker" and I' S Phelps; larceny. Continued. Toplila & Co vs Mary Cougill; recovery of money. Continued. Geo J Biancr v Mary Cougill ; recovery of money. Continued. Mooney, Valentine & Co vs Mary Cou gill; recovery of money, Cantlnued. Capital National Bank vs W F Crosby ; recovery of money. Continued. T P Baldwin & Co vs Goldsmith Runkle; recovery of money. Continued for service. B.idje & Beach Man Co vs Smith oz Senders; recovery of 'money. Continued. J C Boyer vs Smith & Sender, recovery of money. Continued. J B.S'.etson vs Smith & Senders, recov ery of money. Continued. Assignment of LT Her nets. Continued. Assignment G W Smith. Continued. Winnebago Nat Bank vt Jat Pearl et al; recovery of money. Settlrd. J M Brown vs A V Gocch ; foreclosure chat mortg. Continued. Senders & Sternburg vt L Houston ; re covery of money. Continued for service. R C Finley vi H A Derrick ; recovery of money. Dismissed. A P Blackburn adra vs J D Walton et ai; continuation. improperly on docket. Bridge & Beach Man Co vs G W Smith et al; recovery of money . Continued. J C Ooodale vt S M Hantor. ; foreclos ure. Conntinued. J Fulleiton vt T D EHia; recovery of monev. Continued. Sarah M Shields vt P C Harper & Co; motion for execution. Continued for ter. vide. W F Heller vs Pearl et al ; recovery of money. Settled. A R Read vs C J Fletcher; recovery of money. Continued. Jessie Wilhelm vs Henry divorce. Con. for service. Wilhelm CHDodd & Co vs J I. Hotlida; r- order enforced the way the Cala covery of money. Settled. I Pl order made last spring bad been Wm Fkber vi F A Bnrkhart et al; , .L confirmation. Sale confirmed. , Mttr application of Jas Miahan to Enoch Cyrus et .1 al ; ! b " rn.pted ironbmiding. Referrad. partition. Continued. Application or L Deyoe and Mrs Hints Stati. ill VVRlsin v C fi H,k- 1 hart; quo warranto, stipulation- ptr ttrtuder Froman admr vs Wm Baker et al ; recovery ot money. Settled. Wm Faber vs J V Pipe et al ; confirm ation. Sale confirmed. Herman Heyneman vs.Hong Wo Tung: recovery of money. Settled . R L Sabin vt J K Mcllarguc; recovery of mouey. Default and judgment for plff In the matter of ihe " assignment of E C Pyatt- Continued. R Sabin vt J K Mctiargue ; recovery 01 moi.ey. imauit and judgment tor pin In ihe maiirr nt ih.- idirwni of P r Pr't. Continued. , Mary A Miller vs Geo M Hofford et al ; . t. .. x . 'i .cwvcij ui ini'Bti. ycuua situ juanncQl 5 f.r dIH , Wm Blake', v v J R KirknairieV- . coverv of m.. r J ' " R L Sabin vs Cable & Standard ; re-1 UD-lmr.rr ( 1 1 J In ,he matter of the assignment of the ; "regon MeUHc Patat Co. nUnued. , 2n Bros and Feldman & Cole v. H 3 levovery 01 money ; auaenmcm. ., Defaultand juegment for plff. j L M Curl vt Isa belle Oakler; recovery of monev ; attachment. Default and judg- j tnent for plff and attached propertv order ed sold, ' Frank Trite, v. Rue! Custer; recovery of money. Default and judgment for P!f. . 9 ' James Nanny vt Egbert Prenft ; recov- ery of money. Settled. W J Dawes vt Jennie Dawes; divcrce . Continued. Carrie S Del.ner v. Clayton D DcUney ; divorce. LHsmisaed. 7 7 root, ami ire oc to vt it j tsreete; re covery of money; attachment. Default ond judgment far p'ff . E J Wtltoughby vt J M McCuUey et al, motion for execution. Default as to Danieis, con as tc other defu. Chas H Dodd & Co vt J B parsons: recovery of money; attachment. Judg for plff and attached proper! r ordered sold. Will & Link vs S O Wallace et al; re co very of monev. Settled. Blumauer Frank Drug Co vt T 8 Pfllt- j bury assignee. nUmltsed. Settled. J2 E,,on vLi(LVany rt ' " ' i covery of money. Settled. Stewart k Sox vs J B Miller; recovtrv ; of money. Settled 8 E Young vs Otto Zimmerman et al;; recovery of monev. Settled. 1 D M Jones vt P P Donley et ux; fore- j cloture. Decree of foreclosure granted. v n r . ' Geo W a oun vt C D Com p ten ; re- J covery of money; attachment. Settled. J C Johnson vs Mar Kennedy; re- cevety of money Default and judgment for plff and attached propertv ordered old. E W Langdon vs W 1 Hay et al ; fore closure chat mortgage. Default and de- cree against W J Hay. The Blumauer Frank Drug Co vt E C j Pyatt; recovery of money ; attachment. Judgment for plff. M Alexander vt tbe Oregon Metailc Paint Co; recovery of money ; attach ment. Judgment for plff. Rumbaugh & Son vs Jacob Menear and J Shea; recovery of money. Judgment i for plff. E L Irvine vt J F Circle: receverv of j money. Default and judgment. E B Earle vs E W Achesnn ; recovery I of monev. Continued bv consent. Anthony Bender y Victor Eifert et al ; ! action foi resignation ot assignee. Decree on the pleading. Cooley & Washburn vt Jamet B Keeney ; recovery of money. Default and judgment for plff. C H Hardwlck & Co vt Qualey Bros; recovery of money. Continued. H Wilton vt Louis Barze et al; foreclo sure of lien. John A Cra-rford vs E Ronton et al ; motion to make deed. Present sheriff di rected to make deed. American Mortgage Co vt Edwin Wil cox, trustee et al ; motion to make deed. Present sheriff ordered to make deed. Reuben Davis vs J A Archibald et al ; confirmation. Sale confirmed - R S Wallace vt John Helghtle et al ; affidavit for deed. Sheriff ordered to mike deed. Blumtuei A Frank vs W J and B E Dav enport; confirmation. Sale confirmed. Brownsville Woolen Mfg Co vs Frank Wood ; recovery of money. Settled. C H Dodd & Co vs Wm and Cynthia St John: mandate. Judgment fer want cf answer at to cyntnia ot jonn. Ruel Cutter vs Margaret Cutter; con firmation. Uale confirmed. Jacob Schmidt vs R R Humphrey et si. Sale confirmed. Jacob Schmidt vs R R Humphrey et al. Sale confirmed. W H Goltra vt M and E Rotcoe . De cree of foreclosure granted. Atslgnment of W R Graham. Con'ln- ued. The case of the Bank of Oregon agt J McKonkie was tried for the second time. After being out alt nignt the jury disa freed. The case is a peculiar one. IcKonkie bought a patent right, giving Ins note for vm. ihe interest part was left blank, it being understood that it was not to draw interest. The note was discounted at the Bank 10 per cent in terest bad ben previously inserted. Who did it and when was the question. The contest was on that point. The grand jury in the case of Jefferson Hardwick who was held tome time ago to await the action of iiat body charged with the crime of rape brought into court not a true bill today. A true bill was brought agasnit Ed Olivei for robbery Linn Co National Bank vt Ge Wa et al ; motion. Motlcn to quash execution al lowed. Wiley Holman vs H E Newman and WmRyals; recovery of money. Settled. Ellen Malone vs J H Edwards; recovery of money. Settled. Joseph J-.lkins vs ..ebanon Santiam Canal Co; recovery cf money; attach ment. Judgment for pift and order to tell attachment. V ..-.. 11 rwliapp, lumen v" ve A Nnox jr, recovery of woney ; attachment. Con tinued for service. Knapp, Burrell fi Co vs G M Knox; re cvery of money; attachment. Judg ment for plff and order to tell attached property. Minerva J Smith vs Henry Watson; posteesioM of real property. Judgment for plff l..r possession of land with cos's and disbursements without damage. Aaron Wilton vt Henry Walton; pos session of real property. Same order as above. tout it runt it iuua Tuesday evening, Oct., 23th. Present Mayor, Recorder, Marshal, Street Superintendent and Councilman French, Stewart, Pfeiffer, flurkhart, Wheeler and Hawkins. The following billa were ordered paid : N J Hen ton, 106 70; Deyou & Froman Bro. 5 00; Train 'c Whitney. (i -5. Santiam LumberCc . $31 67: vv j, Uarr, Hi w. iost nun, in ; j w Keese, 11000. TetitionofJ H Cauiphell and others for lateral sewer was granted. Petition of I F Conn and others for sidewalk on east side of Washington street Fifth to Eight stieet, granted . The marshal reported numerous places not connected with sewer. Parties weie ordered notified to make connections in side ten days. The Recorder reported No 2's engine house reinsured for $1230 Petition of Mrs Jas Crouch and others asked for sewer connection, referred. The Ordinance providing for the grad ing of Calapooia street. 1 fcot above sur vey of 1880 was read third time and passed. Aye, 4; no 1. Resolution No 57 providing for im proving W'ashinttcn street by new side walks on east side was passed ; also reso lution No 58,for grading 1st street north side W'asl.ingtou 10 Calapooia, was passed. Capt E J Lannim: addressed the coin- ;icil in reference to grading First street. making a suggestive remark about the ?P'I w inMK Frist street in front of their propertv, was referred. The contract for building several side walks was let to W E Keiley. Adjourned until Friday, Nov ih OiVUlll, Taaakagivirg day it drawing near, bat fer nape ora win be a sutle slow about mk:q ihe proc.amatioa n,; t-t i he t little tin- wvimg mire ; reswenm: cLi r f'", 7?J?r "'- 1 r -.Hem be very naoklal if Urovtr or iax- or Iota wsuld , , ... . , ' iL r."- u wrerr T-Ta! ? ?J?Jl!SfL irs"2r""r"" - B0."T,,!3,?.e" wcimcj. n ptescen: tie SBSISBa oeiaaakiui for hoa. tut can . christian aatte be tkaak- .,lu,..l. - i - Farsaert are tailsg s!tantg of Ike nk weaiber. There it ssore grste aow ! t5 t mt ,cf ane poa:o ciop t Doot ai, Barrett ro al- though taw crop is aot as large at cotrao. T" tober re uu Col umbos day u observed here by Prof KOO' stnom. A rote t p ae-.ed rathe esr.n. aad Ibe Mar Spaxgled nacner waa dtlplsjSl ! TjT ,h nsoosuatlons lL ; K"'J?Z Bat,iiH' j 't!oee that Star Spangled banner stall wive o'er the land of ihe free and the heme cf tbe ; ortee? ' W at, does it to cty? By no mean. j To day the fohfrvaf that flag protect thou j and of dtttlQeries aad h.-rwerlce. to day that tlT'rV "".V"" 2 U flj 10 ; 11. no. bat tne eh.iMdiafl. rtfr cf a.. Ian.' are to blame. If tney w-ouie no their duly that flag would "wa'e o'et tc Uni of the 'ree and the borne of tne brave. .-. I the dutillciy and tbe brewery would be tMnga rf ihe par. R G Junk is of Phlloaaath. ta visiting hit many friends here. Amicus. sr.u MVMfa atit , c , , M M f D A Ostoorn. 20 acres. A J SbHioa U Chariea Hoonyer. 03 35 9 g ' O, B Skinner to' Heniv Stewart, lot 3. bl 130, H'e A.Albaoy Wm Kleiner to B Carrow, I acre, 11 wl S S lo Caleb Jry.' ,ot. S , au 11' "."" "A u '. 11 A Johnson to N C Mvcm, piece hujA Scto Oregon to' H Sheiton, acrn,' h w 1... jC Warner to J It W'iBla.f SO acres, 14 w 3, dated 1868 Oregon to Frank W'ood, I88J4 " ' - DF New land to RJ Harrison, 106 TJAWJ?: ' '.V W -; .. 1730 COD 650 1 TAG 400 T6 500 373 1492 uauntii iwuui -.i 10 IJSVIU IV lux 50i. acres 14 w l.... Willamette R E to Halsev B B.I lot 45 W H Hobon :o Mabel Tunacliffe, 1 lot. Mill City 25 Harvey Sheiton to Z I Shore, 5 05 arres.Scio T50 P Beddle to A B Pax ton, lot 6, bl 11, Albany 1YJ0 Mary Mosshnlder to Elisa Am, 1 sxre 12 w 2 a 200 M A Miller to I R Borutj, 1 lot.R'a A, Lebanon I D Dalgleisch to A J McFeron, 1 lot Amelia SCO Mark Hulburt to W 8 Toole. 02 34 dcres,llw4 2600 $12,919 frampf rajtneat Albany Or., Oct 25th, 18. To the Northwestern Mutual Life Ins Co, Milwaukee, Wis. Gentlemen : Allow me to acknowledge the recipt of your draft for Five thousand dollars handed me today by Mr H F Merrill tbe local representative of your company in settlement of claim under policy No 218349, issued by your campany to my late husband Frank H Roscoe. Permit me to thank you for the very Erompt settlement, the draft being anded me lees than one month after my husbands death. Respy yours, Mabtha E Roscoe. Cbnice jarked Veniton at C E Browoella. C K Browooll offers fo-salea lot of flower pots cheap. The first cranberries of tbe teasoa at C V. Brownslls. Sweet oider for mines pies by the gallon at C E BrowDel's. Athhv A Carse, Real Estate, 89, Wath not on Street. Portland. Or. Buy Warner Bros corset of W F Read. Bargains in summer goods at Read's, New goodt at W F Read's Will it Stark, tht (owelera. From the toneof the editorial in the Ore gonian one would conclude that lit editor looks to see Us parly reap a very heavy har vest of "apathy" on t '.ie Slhof November. There are some indications pointing that way D-PRICE'S .The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Amniouia; No Aluui. IJsed ia Millions of Homes 40 Yeaig the Standr""4- Highest of all in Leavening Royal ABSOLUTELY PURE HHi: 4XD AHROait WBAT. 62J CENTS Tht Baptists have io Oragno 100 cbarch orgi.:ztions,50 minittersasd C000 memberr. At tbe Baptist cuiivtntioa a. Inlnndnr Satarday. 0 P Coshow. ir. wu danl of the Yiuog Peoplu'a society for Ore- gOJ. This is Ihe chrvMtilh.muni aaaarm. n,l Why cot hav a few entcrtalt.fnM.ia n !..., of this popular flower. It it btirgdone More whaat, by a bin percentage, it oeiog sown this fall than vcr bafore, to much, that farme say there wilt be no tronod left for sprier ttbeat. Hon E II Skipwr.rtr. we ate ioftrroicd.wiil tlcUtd i;h lion Binder HcrmuiR. on th pc.iuiuai Uum of ihe day. st C .tUe Ovove, u-. .-cai:t..' aitrrnin at 1 30 o'c ock Gaard. wr srongon, lite optician, leaves to night for Eugene, snd requet'a ug to give his grateful acknowledgements of the liberal patronage of our citizen. The lit undoubtedly understands hit business. Twenty four lawyers faced Juige Bur nett this forenoon, all of Albany but five. among the outside attorneys being Til rord. ot balem. J K Magert, of McMir.n- vllle, and S M Garland and A F Stowe, of Lebanon. Mr Al BocLkUhaa turthaaed of John IiirnSr, tb First Sirs confections ry utre oaa too passu won tbu mirt;;ui; srita IdS brother. Oes. who is the friend of evert - euy. i-nioo tne coooter. air Horror e it an xpert at the baaiaeat and wi 1 rif doaU make tne tuaioeea a aacceea. The barce C .iaonbia sa ok at the L'ol-n Paeicc wbvf at Attorn at 3 o'ekek Satar day tiKit,m, with 550 1 tof w et; on loard. stmI tap. an. Matabaal Hbor. cf ihe at fleer Ocklatttma, and a deck band, Asgul John Pttertoo, were killed by the aectlmt IMee theebta tnanajptasent of scporm tci. iar.t J B VcCaurtland the eoostrnclaon of oar ditch it g rapid sLnder and it need not be long ootal the matter of u t:baios the power can be a proper aubjoet for csy ttderatia. However a safe wette power in the middle t i a raet wheat field hardly ever baa to go taargiaa. flarnabnrg Conner. Miaa Birdie Morton, tite jenny lady eo cruelly ehot down by Bordello Wolf, her rejected Wvtr, it dead, and her aetaatio stall at large. It ta tiasilar '.Hat as reward baa been oUared as an taeenuva for toe appro faeMloo at the cowardly nvcrderer.aod aoleea ta done there it tsaal. chance cf his bt-.og eaptered We jotne. Such a cold blroded order thru Id he male an example . vrssnar. 500 black baa from Illinois have jaat been pot to the rirer at ihs Capital eity. Goo E Good anal I H Hudeor . of Sales-. hava rented the Prriiua hones, Portland. ISajnn. I L S.n; r.the Orvgna pott it now tea nan le uti w ri trie Aetona Daily Badjrri. The ;; .; Patau ait issl Mr Manaea. ptx f! . srtH M m.ye4 in to the Strahaa Mask. Tbe Jotge Hale referred to It an . tn U DaQtoctar yesterday la a a. . of Mr Uatoo Haie, of this c:ty. TLe motor Bade its first trip to tea or l nana k(-te this afteaacoa. with Rohet If oore to charj. I: ran w ! -, and there is no qeeatioo ta 10 it ennesss.. W B Graham has made an tajsiaTna.nt fr the ban ttt of his cre-i itort to Mr Jho Bnggt. lis will ooatiaae the tailor baaineaa at ait former piaoa of bawineat. Wm UeKtoler. who baa be-a tarvia a months seotctvae ia tbe connty jail from Lane eoaaty, was duchsagnd today. He thou 11 not I aaittakea for the hth protective man. barter a mnatache, whereat that man is smooth faced. Hen Lath Applearate tpece laat ui;ht for a lona lime at the Court Hoots 00 heaaue and other nisture cf a dry nature. About one handrwd ftllow citissoa hoard ham, Apf le gaU'a well kaown rnlitritiea always at trnctiog the crowd Ha ia a genius from ' way heck" on the Cmpeaa. Tbit morsieg a ooopia men were heard ta.v ieg ia a foreuru langaace t.wi First atrrel, ia a wanaer to attract attstoa . In vestigation reveaied the I act Inst it was two ex-Indian ase-ta, Hon Jaton Wheeler, of Ibis eity. and H n Lath Apptestte, who were crteting each other in jargon. DaatocaAtic Meet 1 so. Last night Hon Geo Uad, democratic cardtJaie fur pres dertial elector spoke at Tangent. There i' a 5 Jil ir.,; mern rmbottarm : ditjUted. The drmorfata of Tangent trill make a good the a rag Tuesday week. Revival Mirrofis. The revival at tbe Evangelical church is increasing in interest. Tonight a letter from Rer O E Ulcus!, one of the missionaries in Tokio Japan, will be read, also an idol as sent to the A litany Evangelical Sunday school ill roe Uir!aM. A cordial invitation to all Christians is extended to assist in these special gospel revival meetings. Services begin promptly at 7 :30 p n. wEDjcxanar. Will Campbell, the popular Teleacu-a? auB went hnotiug aod scored wvue IMS' Fbl'-sonBTT Fitheit fine farm. On was 1 aved for the Man aooot row-. 1 . H aboa. 15 laches around. A L H n rt who waa appoiotod to aoc . e. d K,W lladley aa ."upeticttrideot of the ()i r cou ferine, ha alreaJv resigned. The Corvalii Times claims that be smelt a mke tubal anlially. A chinaman of Yaquina City, was sent to the iosane aaylotu a fsw daya ago. He waa vicious snd tried, among other things 10 kill Geo Walker, tbe boat builder with an as. Miotic it abcDt to meet with a heavy Iota, having bet on Harrison, and needa more tnoaey to Hoy thicker soap with. Give him a trial. He ia a thioer from Shiotville, and help him oat of bit trouble. In antes where dandruff, scalp disease, falling; and grayneaa of the hair appear, do not neglect them, but apply a proper remedy and tonic like Hall's Hair Raneuer. A team backed Into tbe pot's oi tbe aw ning id front of the Albany dye works, r.-nnir the awcioa down, and otherwise doing no damage. While en the subject, it may be remarked that it would be a good thing if every awning in aioany torn down . erahl be To rreveal tbe Crip Or any other airailtreptdemio, the blood and the wl o'e system should be kept in healthy condition. Take tlood'a Sarsaparilla to give streogth, purify ths blcod ard prevent j disease. Hood's Pilli core liver illt. Teaebers' Exasalaatleat Notice is hereby given that the regular public examination of teachers, for Urn county, will take plate in Albanv, torn, meuolng on Wednesday, November 8.h, at 1 o'clock p m, and continue until Fri .lav noon. November 11th: All tesohers inuHt nosltivel v be present st the lime of commencement, as no one will be ad inltted to the examination who Is not o present. A ppllcatlons for tate eertiilcates and Mate dlpumas received at the above uauiod time; F RU8SKLL. County School Si pt, The linott line of pocket city at btowart & Sox's. knives in ths SOaking Powder: Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report Baking Powder TiXtiBnT. Octoocr 24th, 1891. Mr A W Motet iat not been able to perform hit dut'et In the school room on account of ticknesa. Dr Hill was railed out Saturday to wait upon him. A prohibition speaker gave u . a temper ance lecture to a good audience; but don't think he made any Impression 01 the peop:e of Tangent. Rev TThomaa.pattorof the M E"church frouth, gave the Tangent people a farewell party. On Friday be with hit family moved to llarrlaburg. Tbe people in Tangent did" not like to see him go away. Mit Lillie Rohrer.of Southern Oregon, Is visiting her titter, Mrt M J Churchill, for a few dayt. Rev Lee, of ahedds, preached to a full house at the M E courch 011 last .Sunday. Mr Perry Kntghten htt the honor of having the nlcett piece of fall wheat any where near Tangent. The Tangent Literary Club met on last Saturday night with a full house. The question wa, "Resolved, that wheat is of more use than gold " Affirmative, J A MtGhce. A Blevins, C E Hill; negative, Mr Beard. Ox-r Olatand, Knute Ander son. Judges decided in favor of affirma tive. Boy a debate was then In order. SUDjec:, "Ketolved.that Mr Beard's Cleve land hat was a nuisance. Negative, Alrah Holt. Will Olin.Cisud Beard; affirmative, Wade Blevjne. Chas Powell, Arthur New corn . It was decided In fa tor of affii ma il ve. The Hetne fan Newt waa then read by Miss Ada Knighten. On next Sal urday 1 night there will be a big debate 00 the tariff quest !on. Ladies are going to debate BjSB. AH invited to came. Mitt Bessie Settlerotre. of Albany, bat j ben visiting old friends in Tangent. Mr Adams and family intend movirg to Albany this week, and Mr C E Hill will move Into the house formerlv occupied by Mr Adams. Digging potato j, the order of the day around Tangent. One man raited between 1 500 t nd 1600 bushels. The crop will be larger than what was expected. The cuuens of Tangent and surround ing country have long been urging the 8 I' R R Co to bo. itd a depot at this place And tbey have at laat succeeded in hav ing one erected, and such a thing aa it is. It certainly is a disgrace to tbe county aad town. It is constructed of a few posts and covered with a piece of old canvas F rom tbe appearances of the nurseries the owners expect a large sale of trees. Many farmers are setting oat a barge number of prune trees, and tbey seem to u jurusn exceedingly eil in tuts county. 1 There is an unusual large number of I weouings taxing place in or bear Tan gent, and several mare are expected. Mr J B Barber has the finest potato patch which I know of. The ground is literally full of extra large potatoes. ELECTBICITY IS LIFE. To prove the above assertion, read tbe following cares of people who bave passed through tbe throes of agoov and now rejoice in health and happiness. Dr Darrin baa the skill to harness and drive the electric current to the secret ambush of disease and root it root and branch. Certainly medicine alone could never reach and cure such almost incaroMe diseases, aa moat ot tbetn have tried in vain for years without benefit : John Ihckersoa, 423 Washingto street, Spokane. Wash., discharging ears, seven teen years' standing ; cored. W R Duncan. Health'e addition .Spok ane, Wayh.. large scrofulous swelling and tumors in neck. Owen Jamee, Sxikane, Wash., abcese in left ear aad quinsy ; cared. Mrs F E Eewey, 361 l$tb St. Portland, nervous and general debility, heart dis ease, dytpepeia, liver complaint and female troubles io all its various compli cations, permanently cored. Mrs MarvCline. McMinnui lie, Oregon, formerly of Saurie s Island. Or,) com-1 plicatin of discs ser peculiar to ber sex ; i isver and ktdney trouble, rbeumatism and dyspepsia restored. Office boors from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m ; evenings. " to 8 ; Sundays, 10 to 13 A II curable chronic diseases, and catarrh and deafness, are confidentially and suc cessfully treated- Cures of private die eass guaranteed. Most cases can receive home treatment after a visit to the doctors' office Inquiries answered and circulars seat free. Tbe Drs tim; is limited, at the Revere House. Office Revere House. os tse - i !t e :xori Mr LawtoaCrirs at visit iog old frienot aad attending tht settlement of hit mothers evtate here last week. Tne farm was divi ded among the heirs 00 Saturday, the M ui key heirs receiving one hundred and eighty acres, and Law ton and Jetse Cyrus one hao dndand twenty acres each. Aogelo McNary was visiting relatives ia Salem and Polk county last week. He re turned home Saturday evening. Miss Addic Davit of Mohawk, spent sev eral days with the Misses Altinham last week. Mitt Clara Phil pot visited frtendt in Hu ge ne last week. S G Doutblt of Croat Keys, started to re turn home via the Santiam toute last Satur day. He had been visiting friends and rel atives in Linn and Lane counties the past three week a. It was reported that J L Vaughan had told his farm to Mr Hamilton but has proved a mistake as sft trades are off in that direction. Mitt Bclfe Lincoln closes her school at the Waid school house on Thursday of this week and will probably teach in the Coburg school this winter. A family named McCaw hare purchased about thirty acres of itver bottom land of O P Coshow and have taken up their residence there. It It said that a colony have purchased several bus died acres of Dr Davis lathis vi cinity. There I more Catarrh in this section ot the country than ail other disease put together, and until the laat few years was supposed to be incurable. For a greet many years doctors pro nounced It a local disease, anil prescribed local remedies and by constant !y failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced i: incurable. Sci ence baa proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and, therefore, requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F.J. Cheney &Co. .Toledo. Ohio, lathe only constitutional cure on the markst. It is taken Internally in doaos from 10 crops to a teaapoon ful. It acta direcMv 011 the blood and mucous surfaces of the svsicui. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonium. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo, O. aarSold by Druggists. TSc. I hava jutt reo'd a iarge aatoitment of Li brary lamps direct from eastern Factories. Call and see lhm 0 K Browuell. Dancing School! PROF. J. W. GUSTIN, late ef Boston, having organised a dancing class in this citr will continue to meet them at the opera house on each vVednesday even ing at 8 o'clock . Terms parable monthly In advance. Gentlemen $a 50; Ladles $3 00; by the couple $4 00. 'eiv pupils can join the class any time. A number of new dances taught. Pri vate lessons given during the day. DON'T POSTPONE BUYING CLOTHING, OVERCOATS, FURNISHINGS -d HATS Anything a Man or Boy Wea rs Cm be had i our store. Try us. fou'1' come atraiu. unce a purchaser, a ways one. Are you one ? Drop in and Select Your FallSuit ?and Overcdat. 1 L E. U (lip ft, The Clothier?, ftraiiheri aid Hatters ef the Tsiley. Boy Stoves aid Ranges of Mattnews & Washbnro Bay Stoves andRangesof Matthews & Washburn Boy Stoves and Ranges nf Matthews & Washburn Boy Stoves and Raogesof Matthews & Washburn. Bit Stores it lam t Matthews & Wasta CARPET DEPARTMENT. "H I. UTOI HEB WITH THE CHOICEST CARPETS! "SZSL. CURTAINSF OF THIS SEASON'S NOVELTIES AND PRICES IMPALED Di MS MARUf Samuel E. Young FORTMILLER c, IRVING, Undertakers -, and - Embalmers. WE KEEP constantly on hand a fall line of metalic, cloth and wood-casket an coffin.. Alto burial robes and suits, In broadcloth, satin, cashmere.ete which will be sold at The Lowest Living Fronts. EMBALMING and tl,e proper ALBANY, - - MASONIC ALBANY NURSERIES ALBERT BROWNELL (Sofftssw UIpu Brown?!!. PrprifUr.) OFFICE AND PACKING GROUNDS ONE HALF MILE WEST OF THE city. W e would call the attention of our friends to the fact that we are better prepared than ever before to furnish everything In the shape of Fruit, Shade snd Ornamental trees. Small Fruit vines, etc, , at either wholesale a.- retail. Our Meek is firtt-elatt, guaranteed true to name and free ' em inspect pests, and obr prises low. Q. E. Browne!! la our city attent and' er left with him at has llOre will receive prompt and cartful attention. . and see me or write for free Catalogue to ALBERT BROW S ELL, A bany, Oregot ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY Ja JOSEPH, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Only White Labor Employed, MAZE Ja. as At!, Yor 111 tnd winter ththinfi: till tht sioek has been ealitd ovr, nd the very garment you would hTe saUcUd gone. How is the timet This earning week is the time. Our stock cf ! ttf J?wV..??mJ?;t,e l r'y- know we earn u ., 'c,We'. Furnisher and Hauers of ihe Va ley, and we are. care of the dead a specialty. TEMPLE, - - OREGON Proprietor, page Dry Goods and General CATALOGUE, name on a postal card DTO i