The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, October 14, 1892, Image 1

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    Eta lits
One Year for Only $2.00.
The -: Democrat,"
The Best Pajier in the Valley,
sintered al the Pot stBrr at Albany. Or , as -eenl-flais.s Nail Mallrr.
TITK A HITTIICPaMUktn and rV.prlrtor,.
NO 11
To Close
Staple Dry Goods.
Dress Goods,
Wash Fabrics,
Bmbroiderie-j and Plouneings,
Silks and Satins,
Complete Stock cf Shoes, Etc.
Neglegeo Shirts.
Young Mens' Shirts,
Hats and Caps,
Boots Shoes, Etc.
Q. W.
Will Chop a!i Kinds of Gram. I:
or.swhyyou should buy the Giant:
1st. Bs-eause it is tbe. bant mill it MtlafaMK
2nd, Because it is mad s at homo
SrJ. Because) it wi:l rin : tu ro -a: than any other rn!:l.
4th. Beeaose it does better work ;:nn any ether mill.
6th. Because It is no expanse to y u yu have booghtht.
6th. Because it does not boat the grain la grinding a other milla uO
7ih. Bst-aue yon cxn m,c- m n with Vt Oror -i (J: if. ia
n .. f r ma: of ,.-st wa wii! c-V3 vti th othr threo nil r
U ) : t t i !:'va t! t. ify - 1 i i 1 - n i '. i .r
The Oregon
Vltrt i! home
In the Gray Block, corner Liberty and
AKES a specialty of Funr -
Only White Labor Employ et?.
W F KKAt), President.
J L COWAN, Tre-mrci.
r.(!owin,fleo FSiinpion IV V Read. D B Monttli'i,f VT 'mtr.k
J K W i.T.'.)ro, US8trhn. 1 WrIUinan.
Several Solid Eastern and Foreign Conpnies
stifles tfco BLOOD, Cures CONSTIPATION, INDIGE:-.TiO;,
The Genuine HAMBURG TEA i put up in YELLOW WRAPPElUi
with Facsimile Bigitalnre of EMIL FKE8E.
RECitiGTON & CO. Agents. San Francisco.
Albany, Oregon -
Ssalem, Oregon, V. I.
A ihcrouuli business training school. EnJorr.nd
Five Departments: Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship, EnglhJt j
www iubi.hss.v;'... oiuuciuaaiimiitt u atany tunc, ataiofiticrontaininn information, Ir4
Rupture, Asthma and Piles
Dr's. Shim 11 & Hoaser,
Specialists in the treatment of all forms 01 Chronic, Catan hal, Nervous air
f emale Diseases.
Twenty (20) er Experience In Medieine. Surgery and stlaolrleltr
ourabla cases Uuaraa-eecl. Odiaj 259 Commsroist Ktrajt, Htom. Oregon.
Sjstl'l M'll MIlHITIP.
Out Business
Sure Death iairVii
-villi an
why TO'
intl HUltaworth st, Albany Or
Land Co.
office a!j
St ate treet, branch office ?n Portland
yside fruit trar-ts. noov
- . - VUJVll-
3 O WllITSMAI. Hecretary
Geo F elMPf-lON, Vic. Prosirloot.
Cabinet photo6 from $1,
per dozen. EnUiging
specialty. 16x20 rra
for $10.00. We csn 1
of 5x8 and sterescr; i
; to St.t
3 lis f ran-el !
a large 19 1
'ws of Or
5tal::y, Principal
liv in lni iin n,i n..,f...ini,i mnn e.w.i.
Proiutk Matters In estate of Joseph
Wassoin, bond approved. Appra'gers,
Geo F Rurkhart. J K Keebler and A A
Kees. Inventory filed; real property,
1200, personal property, $350 SI. Per
sonal property ordered sold.
In estAte of Henry account
set (or Nov 8th, at 1 p m.
In estate of G W VVarraotli, answer of
.1 M Keeney, adm'r, filed.
In estate of Charles T Itirari, (iual
account allow ed andexecutordischarged.
In estate of Mary A Connerjtpplication
of guardian to sell real ptoperty granted.
Second annual account in estate of
Owen Bear approved.
In estate of B Tucker, bond of $1500
...... v -. . mmf , i.ii.i rj - - m .
Croft and J Davenport. Also appraisers
appointed for Gilliam county
In estate of Frank Bfa(jdd,will admitted
to probate. C J Shedd appointed execu
tor without bonds. Appraisers, H B
Sprenger, K n Wright and J W Pogb.
In estate of Nancv Pirkens, repoit of
j sale of real estate approved.
In estate of E J Mills, final account al
lowed and adm'r di?"harged.
In estate of F il Roscoe, Martha E
Rescue was appointed administratrix.
Bonds, $4800.
In estate of Jonathan Needham, in
ventory filed. Real property, 6289;
personal, $1728.90. Order of sale made.
In guardianship of Jonathan Needham,
final account allowed and guardian dis
charged. The name of Mary A Garretson was
ordered changed to Mary A Altree, on
eouired proofs being made.
In estate of C O Fatten, report of rale
of personal property approved. Real
property ordered told and citation issued.
A L-Udablb E.MKBPRWB. Snch the
writer would name the plan which
several of our leading merchant have
announced their intention to supply
every fr.milv that desires it, a set of the
Oregonian Edition Encyclopedia Britan-
mcu. lhe writer knows of no fortune
that could fail to a community that
would be of greater or more lastiag value
than the placing of such a complete
library in the hands of every citizen, 'or
a well informed man usually makes the
most of his opportunities. With such a
fascinating.discriminktingand its partial
library in the homes of our city not only
will every citizen become possessed of a
means for self-in formation upon every
topic that interests him.but the growing
generation will be naturally led into a
higher plane of thought and into a
broader field of action. The pre-eminence
of America for push and enterprise
is due more to her liberal educations
than to any other one cause ; and har.'.iy
second to the schools themselves ia the
value of good libraries in our houses.
The writer believes the present oppor
tunity will be eagerly seized by our citi
zens, and that those who live some dis
tance from the city will make it a point
to tome to town early, that their orders
for free libraries may be registered at
Ax Aob or Tips. Pullman porters,
hotel c.erks and some others depend con
liderably on liberal tip for their bank ac
count, and traveler geanally thi..k it
pretty lively work to keep pace with the
demand. An At'ortA man, Ike Bergman,
who has iust been in Germany, wiite
home: "After landing in !ian.burg,Ger
miny.the land I left fifty yean ago, I was
naiurally somewhat "green,'' in their
atom and ways which I found out tbe
next morning. In Hamburg, after paying
my hotel bill there atood a amall army of
men around roe from the porter down,
brushing and rubbing me doirn Hke a race
horse. Of course I stood l. As luck
would hare I: there wa a ycung man
with me who told me that it wa custom
ary here to gire them all something, I
then began to pay out, accoiding to rank.
Here U something that 1 ought not to tell
you but is t. good to keep I then wnt
uptuirs 10 my room, I found my wife with
the chambermaid. 1 took a good look at
her and cane to Use conclusion that she
must be a married lady. "I paid her, and
let: tomelning also lor the on-tprii.e a
Kekpccg Pacpkrs. II the County
Court proceedings are watched it will be
noticed that paupers are being kept ail
over the county. This was tbe style in
Lane county ; but a new order has very
properly been arranged for Dr Basse)!
has been appointed to take charge o!
them if they want care, and his experi -ence
is amusing. A Engene paper says :
"When Dr Russell went to gather them,
parties who are now caring for two of
them refused to let them go, and so Ibey
will bave to stand the expense of their
keeping. Another one was told that
"Two Stick"John?ou was to bave charge
of them, and he declared he would not
go there in that case and has skipped for
parts unknown. Another one wants tu
go to some relatives in-Linn county. It
is evident the other way of keeping them
waj encouraging to pauperism '
A Sharp Itsx. With all its advance
ment the world has been behind t e
times in bread and cake cutting appli
ances. Warm bread and case has always
j been haggled and even tbe cc'.d articles
; bungled ; bat now this has all been
I changed. Tbe Claaea knives have done
it. I hey are a marvel, and no inat-er
what is to be cut these knives will
smoothly saw through without a
crumb, the scalloped edit? doing the
work in splendid styie. Itusis also a
great thing with ham and all kinds of
meat. A cake with frosting is not
cracked and broken. Everybody who
has used the knives pronounce them
immense- Stewart A Pox have just re
ceived a big stock, and are selling them
at prices witnin tne reacn 01 everyooay
Enjoy life by getting a set.
Getting J cgTicc. The following from
Salt Lake city it about a man who once
bilked several A'banv men: -'The
Knights of the Ancient and Essenlc order
in institution organized in thi city two
years ago, has been seriously difcouraged
recently by the arrest of their chief grant!
organizer, Dr C J Weatherby, who li said
to have been formerly connected with th"
Craw Yallev Association of Kansas, upon
the chsrge ol fraudulent use of the mails.
The doctor was oounu over to await me
action of the court. Before the time ar
rived for the second hearing, his bondsmen
surrendered him to to the authorities. The
supreme treasurer was discharged at lhe
former hearing, as the evidence did not
Incriminate him. He being a well known
business man of the city, whose other In
terests would probaoly abforb his atten
lion, knew but little of the association with
which he was connected.
The Pcntic Schools. It is a mark of
progress to note the increase of Bchool
attendance. The attendance on tbe first
day of school was 360, about 50 more
than for the first day last year, lhe at
tendance baa been good during tbe
month with a total enrollment of 450.
The average daily attendance was 378.
The highest enrollment in any one room
was Vtd, the same being room jNo. I. An
other session room has been fitted up to
relieve the crowded condition of room
No. 1. With this provision the building
will be filled to its utmost capacity.
Two College Cases. Wednesday the
Supreme Court decided the case of the
Philomath College ag. E C Wyatt In favor
of the College; the case of Jos Liggett el
al agt vV S Exdd et al was decided in
favor of the defendants, representing the
nrpcont Agricultural College, the court
jj declaring that the deed from the trustees
of the Corvallts college to tne Agricul
tural College was one that ought to have
keen made Iti equity and good conscience,
and hence would be held to have been
Salem. The mctor line sells llckels
Itw $3 a hundred.
An apple tree at Mrs Canfield's Is In full
T he entire law class examined by tbe
Supreme Court passed. It seems to te
only necessary to be examined to pass.
Takks roil a Tramp, Yesterday a
Democrat man and another Albany
bicyclist accompanied Lenz, the world
around bicyclist a mile or two IcUo the
country on hi way around the sphere.
Those who saw him will appreciate the
following joke from the Portland Tele
gram, In which city he waatresjted royally:
Mr Lenz tells a good joke on one cf I lie
janitors of the Hotel PortlMd which hap
pened the first day ol his visit in Portland.
He also says it It one 011 h!:nself
"I went Into the toilet room of the
I'ortUnJ and commenced waihing. I
was dressed in inv traveling suit, and must
confess I uid not r resent a very creditable
appearance The janitor ejed me sua
plciously for awhile, and then approached
me and said:
'Young feller, jiz want l?r be geltin'
rcllit out of this.
"I said, 'I guess npt .'
'Begorra, ave yez don't be gettin' a
move on, I'll be ah her throwin'yrz out.
Ve don't 'low tramps here.'
"I went on washing.
"Ave vex don't eit ut Immajetlv,
becorra I'll kick irz out. I want vez to
undcrttatid that guests only be allowed
' 'Well, nsy fiiend, I am a gueit here,'
I replied.
"Well, I never saw an Irishmen to as
tonished In all my life. He had lo go
upstairs and satisfy himself from the
clerks. After that there wasn't a darky In
the hetel more polite or attentive to me
than that Irishman, '
Fcr the fudge Boise was in
Albany yesterday on his way 10 the Sllelz
reservation, as one of the commissioner
to secure the opening of the Siletz Indian
Agency. He wa ordered to report there
on the 16th. The Journal a, before he
returns :ep will have been taken to
throw open about 150,000 acre to tettlrr.
The commission aill negotiate with the
Indians and report the term upon whkh
the land will be ceded by them to the
government. Then congress will have to
pas a bill and only after can the
president by proclamation throw the land
open to settlement. Gen Odell ha been
over tbe reservation, making survey for
tome months. It will be some time be
foie any of the land can be enter" ained
upon Sy home seekers.
Formerly os Oreoos J W Smith
who was hanged 07 a mob at Dunsmuir,
Cat, last Friday for the murder of his
wife and little daughter, was welt known
in Clackamas county where be lived
several years, says the Enterprise. His
wile was a Miss Milsicr who lived near
Molalla. A brother, James Smith, now
resides at Sandy. For two years or mom
he worked at Walling'a nursery near
Oewego and was eateemrd a good work
man though a hard drinker. H bile the
paper mills were being built in this city
r. mith was foreman of a gang of men un
til be tried to get up a strike when be
was discharged. He was a big fellow,
naturally impetuous and his indulgence
in drink ruined him.
A Good Wat. The Register says:
S H Bouser. the man who attempted to
skip to California and leave a number of
creditors in the lurch, has made a settle
ment w ith them and is again on his way."
w hen brought rawk here trom Oakland
he owed about $30 in this city. His
property was attached and held at Oak-
and, and as he ouii not raise money
here to par the bills he wan allowed to
go back there and distose of some of tbe
property. This be did. and yesterday
mocer was sent in hereto settle all ac
counts against him. Had he settled his
accounts without trying to skip ont he
would nave saved considerable, aa it cost
him nearly $IOu to get out of tbe trouble
The mercbauts are determined not to lie
treated m be attempted to treat them.
and will do the same with others who at
tempt to jump their honest debts.
Will Go to EctfKVB J O Watt re
ceived a letter this morning ft v.n Albany
lodge, K 01 t . stating that they would
bring the Albany band of twelve pieces
with them lo lake part in the Pvthian
parade and competitive dnii i cesdav af
ternoon, Oct Uth. Parade to be on Main
street at 3 o'clock and drill at 3 JO on
Central school ground. The expense of
tin band will be bo-ne l.y the Albany
lodge and tbe citizens of Engene should
show appreciation of the same by attend
ing the above exercises and making their
stay here as pleasant as possible. Eu
gene's reputation for entertaining visitors
rank brst anions; the towns of the valley.
so why not keep ber record clear by all
trying 10 make this one ot the grandest
of occasions in her history .Guard.
Knocked Ovt. The Brownsville Times
tells the following : On Monday evening
two young men, Charley Fox and Melt
Stevens, retired to a secluded spot out
side the corporate limits and after mak
ing the preparations necessary in such
caea, proceeded to punish each other in
"bard fought" battle, which resulted
in the latter being knocked out in the
third round. The scrubbers and bottle-
holders were present dicpenswl the
required treatment at the close of each
round. The difficulty grew out of some
rather hard language which had been
used by Mr Fox at a previous time.
AxoTnea Hotel. The Toledo Post
says: Mr r itzpatnck lias let the con
tract 'or the erection of a handsome two
story ho'.el at Big creek, near the city of
.Newport, the lirst three car load, ot ma
teria! for which came in on he Ufa The
new h 3tel is to be finished in the latest
sty le, having all tbe modern conveniences
and will be finished and furnished to
accommodate guests early the coming
season. It promises to be a paying in
vestment. K.NEW Gould There is an old gen'le-
inan living near Lebanon who was inti
mately acquainted with lay Gould in his
younger days, they being schoolmates at
one time. He saya Jay Gould was a dull
scholar and gave no promise of greatness
in his boyhood. His notoriety can imj
eaailv accounted for: oil tbe good quali
ties which be lias developed since attain
ing his majority, he has gotten from his
"UncieRam;" lie reared mm ana oe
queathed him the most of his possessions
Lbbawon Will KIcpper has been
driving the Revere House bus in AUmny.
Sam Gentry bos sold bis place to E H
TJIm and will leave in a few days for
There bavj bten several cases of diph
tberia in the city and vicinity, but the
patients have all about recovered.
It ia a notorious fact that town cows
well-nigh bave a monopoly of our side
walks, and there seems to bo nut one al
ternative to bear the unction in silence.
Much complaint is made by the farm
ers of the reeklees manner in which
hunters invade their premises, tearing
down fences and shooting at random in
such way rh to endanger the lives of
horses, cattle and sheep.
A Clohe Call. Edward Murphy and
bis velocipede collided with the north
bound freight about 1 miles this side
of Albany Wednesday morning, It was
very foggy, and the freight being several
hours late was making up time. Ed
seen tbe headlight just in time to jump
from bis machine before the locomotive
hit it. It was a narrow eacapo and he
should purchase one of Geo Miller
flying machines for use in the future.
Jefferson Review.
Supreme Court Cases. Thefollowing
Linn county cases will be considered by
the court this term :
A E Currie, resp, vs H P R R Co.. app
J W Gaines, app, vs W F Deakins etal
State resp vs Frank S Ingram, app.
State resp vs Chas Baker and F B
Phelps, apps.
Oregon Newspapers. In Oregon there
are 8 religious, 0 fraternal, .'1 educational,
21 populist, 37 democratic, 44 republican,
30 hidependent,3 agricultural, I medical,
4 miscellaneous, 12 atuatuer Rnd 1 com
mercial publications, making a total of
social. As rcataoNai.
J II Townsend, ol Ntwbc g, Is in the
city for a few day.
Mayor Cowan and Hon Geo K Cham
brrlaln, of thtaclty, and Hon TJ Hlack, of
ll.s'-ey, and other, went to Portland to
day to attend the grand dcu ocratic rally.
The lipworth League of lhe First M K
church held a pleasant gathering at the
church last evening A fin literary pro
gram wa rendertd.. and the ret of tie
evening spent in snrtablllty.
Mr Win Peacock 1 f just returned from
a (ftp to lhe Coast rr.i lye, bringing home
w'lh him, among oth r thing,some leave
.u hi a devil's vtulkii. cane, a 1 . 1
j in lid country and 41.. a curi'isliy.
Mr John Young, a capitalist, of Minn
eapolis, representing other ol that city,
ha been in Albany a couple day, the
guest of Mr Jay W Blain. looking over the
country aith a view to locating and In
vesting here. He Is hc kind of man we
need here.
Rev Achesun, vt Qskviiie, went to
I'onlar.d yesterday, and Jay W Blain, of
t hi city, today to attend the meeting of
the Presbytery and) Synod, of ilie L' P
church now l.i session there. The Syrtod
uf the Columbia Is just being formed, tht
Geld heretofore being too large tor easy
Smith Umstead. On Oct 5, 186J, ia
Ilalsev, at the residence of the bride
parents, by Rev Alfred Hrur.k, Mr JT
Smith and Fleets L'mstead.bothof HaUey.
r i tv
Miss Ruth Butler, of Iowa. Is in the
city the guest of her cousin, Mrs Ir W H
E G Briggs and family are moving to
Sodaville, Linn cotintr. Eugene Regis
D B Monteith left today for the Coer
DAlcne mines, where he has some in
terests. Proceedings have been begun fur a di
vorce of the marriage relationship of
W ni J Royce and Alice J Boyce.
Miss Ifattie Hackleman returned from
Seattle last Thursday. A report was
current in that city that a rase or two of
cholera was lurking about ; and fearing
a quarantine, she packed her trunk and
started, though scarcely able to travel.
Dallas Transcript .
Mr J B Bor rough, a capitalist of Ya-
quina Bay, made this place a visit Tues
day, returning home yesterday. He says
tuts is a magnincent country, and com
pares the scenery to that of tbe Alps of
Switzerland, which he has visited San-
tiam Lumberman.
Dr Sutberland.the S W Life Insurance
agent, is in the city.
JJMr Hazti, of Portland, of the firm of
Parsley & Co, Is In the city.
Mrs Nellie F Smith has brought trait
for divorce against iter husband Tho
Mr Wl , of Will ft Stark, went to Ai
lora today on a visit with relative. a- t
Monday wit: visit the cxpollior.
Oie Tobieson has returned from hi
ranch at Brookfield.on the Colambia.and
wiil attend college the coming winter.
Miss Linnle Holt, cf Eugene, has been
in tbe city, the guest of II P Mason, on
her way to Sodavtlte, w here she trill
have chars, e of tbe musical department
of tbe nea school there.
Mr aad Mrs X A Biodctt, of AUsany,
visited f 1 ieod s in Harrisburg the first of
the week. Mr B'.odgctt wa formerly a
resident of Ihi place. Harmburg Ctvsrnsr.
Man led, at the residence cf A L Morris
two mile southeati oi ISarrisLurg. by
Rev Wl?tr, Wednesday cv-rtsing, Oct fc
iSyi, Mr John A Thomas and Mb AJdis
Ifoiloway, both of Linn county.
Dis Mr and Mrs Beers, of Wasco, are
in the city, tbe gneets of the latter'
brother-in-law. Mr Hub Bryant. Tney
wilt leave on Mondatt for the East to
attend the Buffalo Musical College, and
the Polyclinic school in New York. Dr
Mrs Beers will make a specialty of the
eve and ear and female diseases. On
their return they will probably locate in
Albany, where they may be assured of a
good practice Dr John Geiaendorfer, of
Arlington, will accompany them East,
and will spend the winter at the Phiia
delphia college.
.: in: a r
1'atker Ilroa, groerrs.
T. M . Fri-nch kevp railroad tirtrr.
Bay yoar groan-ess of Parter By
Ital greceries at C'.-no & IDa-inctaa'a.
Latest sheet matia at Will & Uak's.
Hear crea.-n ebeeae last revived at Cocrad
C W Cobb, job r-rinter, r'bco Block, doe
lirst class work.
Smoke th- oelebralcl flavaca fiilcsl 5 cent
eigar at J alios Joseph'.
Dr M If K'ii. ohytieiii a-il aargeaa
A'baoy, Orii Cills mil li cit'or
country .
With Ml nsa .t.-r t.i-xl M.-y
tblfl to offer old aad aew .-1 1 -tt -rl
tbiag flitlclas ia fsaked govi :.
SSI Bt isl s
.V! spcetaclo it in r ditgutg than
that of a man or; woman niih stia cli ee
hisn tbowt itse'f iu pimplei as blotches 00
hands, arms, face and nee; It ia simply
mvjrc blood. Sea whtt Brandrclh'a l'l Is
did for s chronic case:
tJeorge Chapman, Pinocoing, Mtcii. aayt.
ror four year I was io the M.-untel
Infantry in the U S Army, residing daring
hat time pnnci)ally in T.xvt . Almost all
that time I had a chronic tkin disease,
.hsracterized 1 v n eruption over the entire
urftce of my leg aod thighs, arm and
beat. The doctors termed it erxema. I
bad givan up all htpea of ever httiug cared,
when Hrxndreth'a Pills were rot-jommeuded
to me. I concluded to try thetr, and 1
have thanked God daily rioca thea that I
did so. Iosedthcm foratoalthieeirootha,
and by that time, was comptLtely cored aad
have never had any since."
Anxoi'Ncemrxt, Havlng'scvcred my
connection with the Albany nurseries. I
take this opportunity of tendering my
sincere thanks to all former patrons and
friends of the above nurseries for their
liberal patronage. I am still engaged In
the nursery business, having ocated just
across the rlver, in Benton county, one-
hilf mlie nest ot the Albanv high steel
bridge on the Rainwater donation claim.
where I am growing as line a lot of trees
as can be teen In any nursery in the Wil
lamette Valley. Trees for tale this fail at
the nursery, al:o at my trrr- raid In Al
bany. Awaiting your further, orders, I am
Yours truly,
J A FIyman.
Proprietor of the Wes' Side Nurterles.
Ukautiki'L Homes. Beautify you
home and make It attractive with Hybrid
Perpetuals and other choice roses, old and
new vaiietlesof Japanese rotet sod shrubs.
Order taken for the above and nil kinds
of fruit and ornamental shade trees at J
A flyman's, n? 1st St., Albany Or.
Ntw Process. Cobb, tho printer, baa
bought the exclusive right for this city
and county for the F B Taylor chromatic
printing process and will make color
printing one of bis special Mes See sam
ples of his late work.
To risj in ths m iruin mt-h a bid tatse in
the mouth aud no appetite, iadicttes that
1 - iti'i atreagtheiiug. K.-r this
purpose, there is nrtining better thau an oc
casional dose of L. "'s PilU taken at bod
LjixUi 1.5. Tiin Bri.1'1 will rapi
your furniture neat and cheap or make
furniture t order and sell furniture on
commission at the old stand.
Mrs. Harrison is no bettor.
Tbe American people will es to it that
tbe presidency of tbe l.'nited. States is not
again sold for money.
Monopolistic greed is the father of ex
cossive tariffs, and the latter, filial enough,
recognize and love their pap.
'lhe protection of the people" is the
poli.y Mr. Cleveland opposes to '.he protec
lion of millionaire.
Wonder wliat I overnor Pennoyer thinks
of the antic of "the late democratic rartv"
in tieorgia and Florida, eh, Governor?
Were i' not for just one thing it would
b? iierfactly sjtfo to say that Cleveland
w ul, I. ,'lected with ut .1 ottiwtion The
uw of ni-jney contributed by manufactur
em may prevent his election.
This year, as usual. th3 big protected
monopoly manufacturers are ssqsacissi to
lumish the iiiont fat. The offiie holder
merely represent lhe small fry.
The sJSsfsasvsf "Why arc per en iyf"
to be saswcie i in the t'tobi by seven Boston'
j clergymen . People w ho ha ve beard tome of
Ihem p:each wi'l be curious lo see if they tell
th- troth
Petitioning for bayonets at tbe poles is
now a favorite pastime of tbe third
pttr-yitas in the southern states. Their
contracU with the Bepablican " managers
no doubt call for this sort of thin'.
When a republican orator attempts lo
justify tbe McKinley law be invariably
paints to tbe fact that the removal of tbe
sugar doty which te foreigner used to pay
has decreased the cost to the American
It really is cf no use to try io besp tbe
republicans .lireh over their eld straw by
fighting over again tbe war substitute
and free trade and who fought the war
ouestions. Only the prejudiced and hide
bound organs attempt tbe resuscitation of
these cbe.tnuU nowadays.
Herein a sentence trom Grove Cleve
land' letter of acceptance that will have a
place among the other maxims be baa
added to the political literitare of our day:
"Krerj government concession to clamor
ous favorites invite corruption in political
affair by encouraging the expenditure of
money in Mi;;.ort (A a policy directly
farcraUe to private and selfisb gain."
There U so doubt that tbe large and
I steady drift of former German-American
Kcpubiicatui towards tbe Democratic party
baa alarmed tbe Harrison managers. In
tbe wect and in New York state is this
defection particularly noticeable. The
New York World it probably not-far astray
ban it says that from present indications
tirop-tjuarter of all tbe German-American
voters of New York and two-thirds of those
in tbe country at tarf will rappjrt Mr.
Cleveland at the poll.
George Tkknor Curti. of Maastacbuseta
after declaring that be shall rote -gr'nij
Oeve'and because of tbe attitude of tbe
1 eiaocratk party towards protection,
says: "It is not tbe first time I have differ
ed from my party." and adds: "I was
educated a. a Whig in pontic." That is
sufficient. The teavm of Whiggery breeds
bolters and protectionists. There i not a
"protection Democrat" in Indiana or in
tbe country who was not educated as a
V.'bigor woo it not deacamdsl fro n a
Ex-Sherif) WiPiam Cochraae dis; Uyed his
ailb laid night ia tbe leader ot the dcmxiat
c state ticket wiattiag in Use coming eiecti-n
by a cash bet of :oco with Banker Thomas
Dcvioe of Keat, this ccaaly, thai tae lloa
Ileary J. Sr..vley would be eiccled gore re or.
Ti)!t Grthim u raife stakeholder. A
tmal:er be, $ico a side and oa similar tercaa
aad conditions, waa also made by the same
pa it in, Teireacc O'B.sen being tae (take
holder ;n ihitiastanc. Seatlkt Trkfrci.
A dispatch from PSiUdelphia to lhe New
Yoik Herald say that there was an interest
ing (Oafertnce some days rgo at Mayor Stu
art's private residence. After the rr.rrtiag
a i justed itself to business If as annojr-ced
that tbe aatsonal campaign committee required
exact y $J,coO,ooo for campaign parposes, and
Philadelphia at expected to et-atilbute llb-
eia'iy. After a p-ctrxclcJ conference, Jo-
eph 11. Alltmus.of the big dry goods house of
CVtltc, Altemus 3c Co., went forth aa a so
licitor. Drexel, Morgan & Co. subscribed fic,
000, Thomas 1 tolan 8 10,000. "K. llsm" Diss-
loo 1 0,001, Poetmaxter-CcaeralWanamaker
$10,000, Jclm aad amei Dobson $10,000
There it another $10,000 subsctipt'gts, whose
na-pe I did not obtain. Coffin, Altemus &
Co. pledged $5000, as did Strawbridge & Clo
thier. One firm hat conditionally subscribed
$100,000 while another company has pledged
$150,000. Much of this money will be used
in New York.
Lieutenant-Governor She.han, of New
York, chairman of the democratic campaign
committee, aueited to day that be has pos
itive proof that the republican managers are
importing men from Pennsylvania and negroes
from the Southern states into this state, and
'.hat attempts are to be made in tbe small
cities Siturdav of this week, the first day of
registration, to icgister manv of these people.
The proceedings of svoiy board of ragittry w l1
be carefully watched by the democratic com
mittee, and any and every attempt made at
false registration will rttult in warrants be ng
ss-orn out for the arrtst of the culprits.
We want to call the mention of people
party voters (who were formerly democrats,
to this quest ion- How can you vote for a man
ike Weaver who once taid this about you:
W bat it the use of farther arraigning tht
defunct democracy with all its hoary crimes
at the bar of public opinion? We know that
it comprisei murder, treason, theft, arson,
perjury, any and all crimes possible for an or
ganization to commit or connive at. It would
be a mercy to put i's record a million milts
deen into the oit that is mentioned io the
holy writ tnd I may add, that If a large snd .-
distinguished assortment ot its alleged tiaie
mcn were sent along it would only to com
mon justice.
Now, that It what Weaver said of you when
he was a stanch republican and you were a
democrat. How will you feel when you go
to the ballot !ox to vote for a man whooace
taid you weie guilty of "murder," "treason."
"theft," ' arson," "fraud," perjury" etc?
How will you feel sfter the election wheu you
find that yo have not only thrown your vole
away, hut that you cast it for a mas who stood
up in the halls of congress snd denounced yoa
us being guilty of all the crimes named above?
Have you thus lost a't your raantioou and
t.irifc tint you can vote for such a rain?
i - - - - - . . - - -- -i
Now reflect a moment. As a matter of fact (
you do not want to vote for a ma who has
openly charged you with such grave crimts,
for a man who has belonged to every jarty
for office.
m -l'I.R , I Y. EXHEtllENT
When a zealous man ia driven to desperate
straits in any contest he will resort io
many moan of warfare unfare and
illegitimate. This truth has a very forcible
illustration in a statement made by S'.nator
Dolpb in hir speech at Portland. He said:
''There never was a time when the cost of
living was so low and the rate of wages so
high as they are today. Tbcte never was
a time when labor was in greater demand
or the farmer was more prosperous than
they have been under republican rule. The
republican party has never misted an
opportunity to legislate for the poor man "
Now, Senator Dolph used this false
statement in the hope that he might quiet
the clamor set up all over the country by
Ubor people, against Use ever recurring
reduction in wages. Kiery man who has,
by actual experience, learned the potency
of the Divine injunction: "In the sweat of
thy face shall thou eat bread, till thou
return unto tbe ground," know that tbe
cost of living is not so low nor are wages
so high as heretofore. Every one knew,
that right at 'lie time when Dolph was
saving "there never was a lime when labor
wa in greater demand or tbe farmer
more prosperous" there were thousand of
labor people in Portland, and not only in
Portland but in every city in our land who
are vainly seeking for .employment but
find it not. Mr. Dolph. you will have a
hard time of it making a hungry man, out
of employment. h?lieve your statement.
You will grow weary attempting to make
farmers believe that they are more prosper
ous than ever. These men know a great
deal more about this than you do. Your
knowledge (if you have any 1 is theoretical
or aasumed. Theirs u practical, bought
with dear experience. Tbe time is paaaed
when the farmer can be made to Iselieve
that he can do better selling wheat at 00
than at ) cents per bushel. The day of
deception is passed.
r.Ett 1 in l TKiBrrE
Hon John Burnett pays tbe following
beautifu! tribute to tbe dt-anocratic party:
Tbe life of tbe ds-tatxracy doe not de
pend upon tbe fealty of one man. nor npon
tbe fsaciaiM of the hour. Elections may be
lost, or elections may be won: wisdom or
tolly asay prevail for tbe time being: dc
on may overcome the minds of men
and passion and interest lead them astra j
but after ail political tins have been com
mitted, and all blunders endured- and
pjnitbed. tbe tra'h of desnocracj still
sbines untambbed. and tbe bones of
mankind duster around tbe possibility of
its -realization.
What is democracy ? What makes tbe
democrat: - party? IiesMcracy is tbe
government of tbe people, by tbe people
ana tor tbe people, and its scibtjoseth u
the greatest good to the greates-f cumber.
eo,ual and exact justice to all. special
privileges to none; and no living m
more ccmpsetely npujenta these ideas than
doe ( rover Clereand. Tbe demccratio
party may con tin ce for a long time, and on
many fields, to fight none bat losing battles
(for tbe enemy is backed by the wealth
and power of all tbe great coqv rations off
tbe country, t and tbe tired and exhausted
veterans like t .orerrjor Pennoyer may sadly
drop oat of tbe ranks and disanpear; bat
new recruit, young, ardent, dirinter-
erted. brliering in liberty and devoted to
the -republic, will rise up and take their
No calamity can extinguish democracy;
no error of be who are temporarily
intrusted with it leadership can break it
down. It is immortal.
The display of tbe so-caHed "Aasertcan
tin" at tbe Repablicsn meeting is childish
when it is not dishonest.
Consider I be facia:
Tbe .McKinley bill has now been in oner-1
ation for two year?. It was promised that
doubling tbe duty, and more, on tin-plate
would within nine mouths enable Amen-
can manufacturers to tnppty the nceue I
. a 1
Tbe annual exx-xuurption of tin and ternc j
piate in this country is about 700.000.000
pounds. President Harrison only claims
a production here of 18.646,719 pounds, j
Of this amount more than two -third was
simply rooting iron coated with a mixture
of tin and lead. We are not producing.
after two years of taxation, 2 per cent of
the consumption of tin-plates.
But the tax has, enhanced tbe cost of tin-
pUte actually imported nearly $0,000,000 1
a vesir.
This great sum is paid by the people by
the consumers of tin-plate.
What is the gain? Tbe establishment
of forty-four alleged tin woiks, represent
ing an investment of only some $3,000,000
and employing for the most part Welsh
labor to dip British plates in imported tin.
But if the entire home demand for tin-
plate could l met by home production it I
would be a losinsr inwsbnent to make it
The $30,000,000 which the tax adds to
the cost would enable the American people I
to support in good boarding houses, in
idleness, tbe 22,000 workmen required to
produce the tin-plate, to give to forty mill
owners $50,000 each a year, and save $i2.-
000,000 annually by the operation.
Of all the swindles and robberies in the
McKinley bill tariff the tin-plate tax is
the worst. New Towk IPbriW.
Hon John Huinett, shaking ot -ciovemo
Pencoyei's speech says:
The governor will perhaps live long enohu
to find out that the democratic part it
a bigger man than be or Cleveland.:
That is the truth lertly staled. Three
months before the national convention Cleve
land chances for nominal Ion were apparent
ly slim hut conditions arose that demanded
h is nomination . T he part y being laiger than
Hill, Tammany and Pennoyer, nominated
Ths smart schoolboy who taid that accor
ding to the constitutlcn of Connec icut it re
quires a majority vote to elect u Democratic
candidate for Governor and only a minority
o-ie to elect Kepublican, can now add to
his essay on the peculiarities of our venerable
Constitution that it obliges the courts to de
clare that wb eu they don't know for whom a
ballot was cast it is to "oe counted in favor of
the Republican candidates.
The democrat who goes off into the peo-
ole's oarty and votea for Weaver will be
simply throwing his vote away. Weaver
has no earthly chance of carrying Oregon
or being elected. Vota for Cleveland and
save your vote.
, --, voier ghould bear in mind that
,iurinl. the administration of Grover
tjeyeiand U. S. bonds to the amount of
$3:18,074,850 were redeemed and cancelled.
By All Odds
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for the use of traveler.. aoVtUer, sailor,
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nave failed,
Ayer's Pills
prove effective.
"In the summer of IBM I was sent to the
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duced in strength that I could not speak and
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stools per day. The doctors ordered a medi
cine that I wa satuaed would be of no
benefit to me. I did not take it, but per
suaded my none to get me some of Dr.
Ayer's fills. About two o'clock to tbe after
Bocn I umk tlx of these pills, and try mkt
BBgfct began to feel better. In the morning
tbe doctors eaase again, and after deciding
that my symptom west mat favorable, gar
me a different medicine, wttfeb I did not use,
but took f nor more of tbe pfflt instead. Tbe
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I Usen took one ptU day lor a week. At tbe
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mh Beat. Mass. Vol. Infantry.
' Ayer's Pias are
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WaUa, W. t.
Ayer's Pills,
DR. 1 C. AYEB & CO., Lmi, Itbti
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We want your tradeTand if good stylish gd?, iow
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W. F. READ &C0.
for Infants
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-otsmeod it superior to air j-nsa-riptaa
1 v-j So tux" II. A. Aarc-txa, H. IX,
Ul eo. Oxford St., CKxsVlorn, K. T.
rh one of 'OastoH-i is s- universal asa
. merits so writ ksuoit liukt il seera a w.t:
f miixfrrxwvion lo codor it. Few are the
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Vit1--- tvy reach "
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New York I My.
sat- y-assor B. joniir.- le KeTonunl Churr-x
Julius Gradwohl's Bazaar
The very latest .news Is that you can buy at JUIsIUS
CrP AD WOHL'S BAZAAR, for net oash, goods as follows:
Arbuckle' s Coffee,- Per Pound 25o .
lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00
lbs Magnolia Sugar White 1 00
No. 1 Kerosene, per single
Cans refilled, 5 gallons
ft Gallons Good Piokles
30 lbs. No. Savon Soap
1 Gallon No. 1 Syrup
I wa. coouuot a strict oash alore, and all goods will b sold for net cash Brora o
a tft ir -tt leas than reamer prjoa. Ky stock of Cbiuaware, faney (foods, arvji
site Qiectealrable aylea of Oishea, as well aa a Kurl iw..r;tunn'. of grooeries, crocij
arr lamps end fixture is eomptet. t make a spoeitUy of ti i : o.fjdi and
laifig pOWUer, 1UU llo -ww umj ,u.-..u..w,
Asent for eevaral responsible Inauranoo eonapanle-.
span of matfbnd hnrse, sorrel,
mare wefa-h.og stout iO0 pound r-w-b ,
and cightcr ton ','.. r head cf (tne bnrrstw
fcr exebanc-ft for real estate, lovincr
country. Alao two s-ood second hand
a.i'e In ale Inqulrs of
... . 1 rjTr
Jtb Drrt
Ton .IV- rM' I -r y. '-rr -
ws l- - sw
by aaresia-tca
sepias. m tht
urn 1 ki'...sU
S3 SHOE C M TLEsi 2 rl
fy tkMt srta sw rr. a
sarfiinsijs than ssr risers
t a 1
Bfcaifr wbxIsj fai 1 itaa
1 Waal gooi lrj oJ. !tr
tt ttrt a-y si.!
was fmawsra'a St
SssMsrtttgJye asm sresr tor Use ( jr..,.. .
wtsertT ttemosx Jitsrwiijioi
Lad 5 eL n3"
CxW W.J.
frsnsdeasassi aat-lea V. tiaatsosla. by Urn tor osv
I- COlCi.i B. Braefosta. Kaaas.
JZSL. L. R. iiLAI S.
our fall goods and we cah
anything ever shoTrn in
and Children.
C;orf ear-s: CoEc. Caosiixmiicei.
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Kills Worms, given sinrp, aai pexsasotcs c.'
Wish.s uuri.-.srs rra-keaca.
Par several rears I have roota-iraeaaVJ
roue ' CMv-ia. ' ao-1 shill wl-a-3 c-u
do so as is baa invmriuMy produced berstA-w
s f. r.. n. tx,
Ua) Wisrhrop. " lHs Straet aad TtbAvsx,
Cs-s-riva Ooan-A-sv. TT 3ttemA SJi-esar, Kcw Toes.
gaiion -j
1 00
Julias tJradwotsl.
g - mw- sei
said at
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