JSP vs Blackweil's Bull Durham Has been the recognized standard of Smoking Tobacco for over a; years. Uniformly good anJ uniformly first. Bright, sweet and fragant-wc Invite the most fastidious to tost i!s peculiar excellence. BJackwcH's Durly.m Tobacco Co., Durham, N. C WEATHKKFORD CHAMBEKLAIFJ, Attorneys as Law. Will practice la all courts of ska seats. Special atteation fires lo matters In probate and to co lections. OFFICB-ln the Flinn Week. WR BHXYEU Attorney at Law vrul Solicitor In Chanoery. Collec tions made on all potato. Loans negotiated aw male terms. Albany, Oregon. G F.O. W. WRIGHT, Attorney at law. end Notary Pubde. Will praotieela aHtbseearte o( Una state Special attention siren to collections and matters in prebate ): Upstairs ataaon-Twodale Block Albaay. Ofn D. a A 1 1 1 1 , i , B LACHMtlttlv A H ATSOH, All ss at mfttteri will rte i r pronp attention. d FIIow' TMnpl, Alb By, 0 M OSTAH YEj-efc- HACK I. EM AN, Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon fJ- .WH1TMKT, . Attorney at Law, Albany, Or. AWES J. CHAKLTOR, AtlerssT-st-Las All Iwalj business attended to Uv: FUNK'S Block, Albany. Or. D R. J. E. II II EE. FkyeMaa and Surgeon. OFFICE Oeraer Ferry streets, Albany, Oregon. ! f )RN- MASTOW efc DAVIS. mrssctans an Sarrans. OFFICE -Corner eeeod and Bicedalbin streets. Albans. Or. Cell. m- ...niir II an SERE 41 , Jf. o Remoapathiat. AeTSpecLJiet in diseaeea af (he Et. jwentj years' experience Office boors 7 U S s as,' f in, mm e ta serening. Aioan,, urejsn. F IsMT NATIONAL BANK, or ALBANY, OEKOON, L FLINN 8. K, YOUNG Vkw President . Jt,W. LAN O DON rKANgACTS A O ENSEAL baaeintt AOCOOWW KEPT snbjot- shack. STOUT EXCHANGE and tel raphk New York, San Francisco, Chicago and P staasel 'esron -CO J.KCTIONf CADE on favorable lertcs. E Ti K. W. Las K L. Funs Sow tap f . 801. I M K dfc CO., BANKERS Or ALBAKT, OKESO.N, TrUNSACTs reaoral Bankinx kusiossa. Ii RAW SIGHT DRAFTi aa New York, aaa Ft n see end Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONK? 00 approved security . RECEIVE deposits subject to check. wu.u.'iw.! mist 00 tararaMe INTEREST paid an Umstdepeette 2nd Store, stent stock of 2nd 'jar goods In tht Valley, and tho moat reasonable priees have on hand all kinds of FUSN.TU3E, STOVES, TINWARE, TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES, CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETC.. ETC. s ,ne doer wsast "of 8 B Yoon-' 'a old ato L. GOTLIEB. LMBs CULLEGUTE IHSTIfUTI ALBANY, OREGON' 18Q1, 1892. rat Terns Opened Se pie as ber stir, Ai I corps of Instructors, CUifjtfAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. ('"iirses 01 study arranged to meet ta a: 1 graoe or students SeVciVr tuaucemtntt tftrtd to itmttt$ from abroad. rr. kissst,"! coaatlT Prasldsal. 'Jareats. and Trade Marks obtained, arm 1i TV ut business conducted for Moderate Tees. Oaf OMsa Is Opposds U. S.Pstan! CBie. and we asassesM senfss In less time tlutatb"' rssaots fr6m Wsshinetur, Send model, drawing dr phnto., t Hon: We airlse. If deerr! fk'iuitsblo or . I. free saleja, oat foe not due tlii ual lie tin iatuut l fitranid A P'sishPct. Iflw to Obtain Patesds," ' nsatai of actu'il cllcns. InyourState, enim. e, ,i sor.n. sent frse. Als.ress, O.A.SNOW&CC 5 '.t'ts Pitant OMca. Wce-etc;,. r ' CODLIJST WORlv and BORc PROTECT -'YOURi-1 TREES. P&B PAPER, PAINT, ROOFING. Samples and circulars free., Paraffine Paint Co., Portland. Orbook FOSHAY & MASON vsoLsuta aas asvait 1 ? 10 agists and Booksellers ta for John B. Alden's publications', - I'i'ti art sell at otj rtllaHor's priests with i. cosutdsv' tLBANf, OKtCWOft Orricr. WORLD'S FAItl Sept. is, J893 blacjcwell's durham Tobacco Co., Durham, N. C Gentlemen : We have Smoked up all the Tobacco at the World's Fair, and have unanimously awarded the Gold Medal for Smolting Tobacco to BLACKWELL'S Bull Durham Congratulating you on your success, we remain Yours truly, COMMITTEE. Scieatiflo Amenosr C Agency for TSAOe aaaalrs. rsEStam pate sir tOPVniCHTS. st For tatanmaUon an t free nandNio srr!t u, jtUNlf a CO- tel Dhoadw ir, Nsw ue, Oldest bureau foraecorlng patents In Amor Brerj natsot taken eiit br na Is broneht .' Ha pabUo by s none f I:c:i; S& s E OBa. r..crt,- Lsrcnst circulation or any jcJenilf ;" rper re Urn erortd. 8niandtdhi litest rsw.t. o t"tUHietn man should be It boat it. Weesle, K.se ? sssr; BUS mix nioiittis. Addteus X vy C PT)e-BHR5,;i ltnajw7. toii. EAST AND-SOUTH, TLA Southern Pacitlo Routt SHASTA LINE. Trains leara Portland Daily. sWAi rasa jri 1. lfn, ' iTTors fpOSsV. a. I Lr Portland ArT 76 aa 10:a8rsLr Albony LrlliSt S tUislir 8aa Franssse Lt TS r m Assre trains stop only at Sol lowing stations el Rosoburg. East Portland, Oregon City. .d eora. Solent, Albany, TasgssA, Sbodd, H sissy Bar habarg, J unction City, Irting, Rogeae. assnesa sail, bsilt aa a si Lt Portlaad Ar 1 Irlri Win L' Alaaor Lv I s fctSra I At aasaaarg g.ti?ts atsasT Lcsi bsiit sxcarr ttsui) S as r a I Lt PsrUand Arl WJSa a 4SpaAr Albany Lt S: a a gaasssasjKa alie a a I Lt Albany avr I sa n a s MtlS I Ar Lsbanoa Lt tZO i a 1 stralLT Albany Arl l:ri .-SS a s I Ar Lebanon Lt j tr PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS, Tor A aesasssselaSl s st rsssearsra. aseAatteg secead-Ctass tlefcatsutttmeawal .to Kx yrt 1 Tralas Teat Side SMTtalsei. starrwaeur rssrrvAss abbs rMvai.Lis, Man, raaiS4m (Ez3apt8nnoay, T J0 a a I Lr Sort lend Ar I i:S6 r s IfclO r a I Ar CorrnlMa LTllfcAirsi sxraass tbaii saar (Excspt Svxday . A-SurBl Lt Portland ar l VisTs ra I At tSeJOsaTillo Ljs.Ut TTlaroiAijrla 'Ficlcetw s sll points EAST AND SOUTH. estlaa InlornuUei rssardlnt rasas, ass as, a ss Ossspssy Aaest st AlVaay a. KOKHLEB E P. EOOIstt, JaaseST Vast O. P. sad P. As Portland, Oregon. YAQUINA BAY ROUTE. o Oregon Pacific Railroad, T aCC, Beeelver -O- Oregon DeveiopmanS Po's Steamers, Short Lin, to CaUlfarsUat FiraaVeiaas through passenger and freight line from Portland and all pola kt tbe Willamatte Valley to and from Ha 'ran cisco, Cal. Boats make close, connection at Alban lth trains of tbe Oregon Pacifi Railroad TTJIE 8CHKDCLK. eaoept SWars.1 LasTe Albany 1( r. B.JLaara Y equine, rsjaTa LasyeCorvailia l:0Sr. B.lLasTe CsryaJlla,10Jf a,s rrl.-e Taaulna, r. m '. Arrive Alssny, 11:1a s. s O. 4 C. trains counsel at Alh.nrn.s UsrralUa. The above trains OBDsot s Zsaolna with tbe Orsaron DeveiopmsM Jompsmy'a Line of Ktsamshlps batwssjB Vaquina and San Francisco, aAlL,IHe DATES . rasa rana. situ . VtUt. Otrsaase uss, :.'.i ssi rsaAeasfo WUlantette Valley, Deeemser tth i Utb s f7h. Ins Com pan 1 orras the ngat nange sailing asms Turnout notlee. W. B. Passengers from Portland sad 7111smette Valley aoInU can make cleea s ranectlsn with tbs trains of tbe Y so urn roots at Albany or Corvallls, and If dec nsd to Han Francisco should arrange U rive at Taaulna tba evening htfore dais sailing 1 Freight rates al ways th Lowest SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. The success of this Great Con;h Curs Is without s parallel in tha history of njecUclne. AH druggists sre snthoriasd to sell ltosj a pos iUvs guarantee. . last thst no cUtet ctafe ona SBMessfdlly stand. That it may beposte feeowu, the Proprietors, al an eflortoonS sx pest , are placing a BampU Bottle Pros laio os-ery home in the Called States and Canada. W jroo have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Brsa cbltia, nse It, (or It will cure you. If year child hss the Croup, or Whooping Couch, use it promptly, snd relief is sure. If yon dread that Insidious dlaeass Consumption, ugs it. Ask your Drugerlat (or SHtLOH'f C' KK, Pries IS eta., St cts. andSl.00. IfyourLur.ga sre sore or Back lame, use Sblloh't Pgrous Plaster. Prlca ti cts. For sale by all Drag sjista an J Dealers BANK OF OREGON, a LB AM r, oaatsON. npllal. eS rVealdeiit Vlco-Presliient sahtr H F HEBRILL : J LAHHWO IsvWBLAIN Transacts a genera bsnkiae business: Eichanss bought and sold on all the ariucipal cities In the United Mutes i also on Kngtsnd, Ireland, rranse and Germany. Collections made at all accessible points on favor ble terms, interest allowed o.i time deposits. ANK or u:io, smo, oreoon. dent... shier 8 M3KKIS o a Has Is INN CO NATION A I. RANK. Or ALBANY. nn-flON. CAPITAL STOCK 100,00fl. Silent mmm' L COWAK, e-President J M RALSTON. st Cashier O A ARCIUBOLD. nesCTon, -t h Ciwsm. IV R.iston. W ft USdil W II ilolira, 1 O'tesrt "1 O A Areh Sold. rilAKSAOTS s eeneral hsnklne boslness. DBA W Sllllll III' AIT8 mi New Tork, til s,.,j,. 1 3rofron LOAN MONEY on approved security RECEIVE deposits subject chock. u tm&mt It ti going to be hard lo Induce the Re publican organs to ssy a good word for the Australian ballot. It la entirely within the line of fact that the ap pointment of Jim Lotan to the office of collectorof cui'omi will coat Harrison tooo votes in Orenon. Everybody teems to be satisfied with Senator D B Hill's speech but the Om-coaMo- It sees In It a knife to stab Cleve land undei the fifth rib. The editor makes very heavy draws on his imagination . A protection Organ asks, "Is the farmer a fool?" Judging by the way he has voted out west for 'ie last two vears, and by the way he dlJn't vole this year In Vermont and Maine, we should say that the farmer is a very cute chap. Therepublicans blame the Australian ballot system for the reduction of their majority in Vermont. It did not reduce he democratic majority In Arkansas, so it appears the republicans, north at well as. south, lose by the introduction ot this mathot of voting. Such being the esse with what feelings must the o p con template the possibilities In thirty state yet to vote in the same way ? Every democrat in Oregon who reads this item l notified that the state central committee and state campaign committee are carrying cn a systematic campaign in he Interest of Cleveland and Stevenson Every democrat is earneslv requested to use all his efforts to secure every rote possible for there is a chance of carrying Oregon for Cleveland. 1-arge gains are confidently expected In several portions of the state. The democrats prof ess to rejoice because Vermont gives but 19.664 republican plurality ihisyesr, against 38,404 In 1SS8. That is comparing a gubernatorial witha presidential year. A cotrtparisaa with tbe gubernatorial election of 1 890 will rob them of ihelr comfort . Then the republican plurality was only 14,163. Evidently the Verraoa'ers sre getting over the McKinley scare of two years sgo Salsman This Is very oaf air in the 5tatsswtxa. 1888 and 189a are both presidential gubernatorial years. 1S90 was an "off year. Tbe com pa r partson is perfectly fair. Ths nemocrsis are vary desirous that the Republicans shoal J leave the tariff issue oat of the campaign. .losrafjri'saeT . What motive the .VostsJanaetrr can have for making a statement so at variaace from the troth is mare '.ban can be easily comprehended. If there is say one issue whlci democrats woald make more prominent t haa another, It is tbe tariff question, and the Jafmi aor seer does itself no credit by making the above state ment. What does any laborer have to hope from a president who woald deiibetsteiy express him self like Harrison when he gave expression to the following sentiment: I 10 one of those aninstmcted political economists that have an impression that some thinga may be too cheap: that I cannot ttssJ myself in fall sympathy with this demand far ches; tr goods, which seems to me arm aas dry lo involve a cheaper maa and wonts under the coat. Campsre this with what Jay Gonki said with reference to the reset c4 the McKinley Si 1 upon prices and we can readily see the chantri in which things arc rnnniag: If the tariff on wool makes sloth it g cost more, s person will get along with one sail where he would otherwise have two. The corporations and wealthy individ uals who are engaged In large manufac turing estabHsnmenrs desire a higher tariff 1 to Increase their gains. Designing poli ticians will support it to conciliate their favor and to obtain the means of profuse expenditure for the purpose of purchasing influence in other quarters Do no: allow yourselves, my fetiow-citixens, to be misled on this subject. The federal goveroTent cannot collect a surplus for such purposes without violating the princi ples of the constitution and assuming powers which hare not been granted, it is, moreover, a system of injustice, anal, if persisted in, will inevitably lead to cor ruption and must end In ruin. Aodtr-w Jot lion. Tbe nnrtbern bound ry of the State of Del aware is the trrof a circle, with its ceater at tbe city of New Castle, Del. The radius af this circle the distance from New Castle to the curved boundary is 12 m ies. Tbe rea son for this peculiar boundary involves an in teresting but complicated bit of colonial his tory. That country was first settled bv tba Dutch sad Swedes. In 1664 tbe Dutch were driven out by the English, and tha Duke of York claimed all tbeland thev had occapied. William Peno, hsving obtained tbe grant of 1'enn.ylranla, and desiring to own the land on tbe west bank nf the Delaware river to the rea, procured from the Due of York a release of all his title to the town of New Cattle aad ta milts around i', and to tbe land between this circular tract and the ses. Lord Ball more also claimed tbe territory as psit of bis Maryland grant. These conflicting claim were finally adjusted by a compromise whic gave to Penn tne territory which is now the State of Delaware with its curved boundary. Psnn called it the "territories or three lower counties on tbe Delaware " For twenty years they were governed as a part of Pennsylvania, but In 1703 lhy obtained tbe liberty to secede and Were given a Legislature of their own. Still, the time Governor presided over Penn sylvsnts snd Delaware until the beginning of the Revolutionary War. In 1776 the peo ple of Delaware declared themselves an inde pendent Slate and framed a State Constitution Delaware was tbe first slate to ratify the pres ent Constitution of the United Slates, Its ap proval being given on December 37, 1787. The State takes its name from Lord De la are, Governor of Virginia, who entered the bay in 1610, trough thsdiscovery of the Del aware River was msde by the navigstor Hud son lr. the previous yesr. JUDGE NELSON'S DECISION. Speaking of patent mcdiclnee.lhe Jnrlga says: I wish to deal fairly and honora bly with all, and when 1 find in article that will d - what It Is recommended to do, I am 11. it ashamed tossy bo. lani t ..... , :.t. t . . . I 111 ii'iniiiui 1 Willi nr v anuerpnoi, (Caving bean treated br hltn for canoe r)and have used hie blood roexliclns. known as tha S B Ifead one and Liver Curs. and while I am seventy five yeara ild, and have n ed many pills and other rsmodlns fn. the blood, liver and kidneys, I must say j thst for a kidnev tonlo In Brlght's uiaen-o, thu bi ail SltSDtllVH I Or IHO blond, or to comet tha action of the ttomiich and liowels it ia a vs:s superior remedy, and bsata anything i ever tried. J B NKMOW. Yaklmn, Wash. .t5!)ont a bott'e. It la tha man's frlent and family doctor. poor ps puit Attn vicaKTAnLa VATatfer sals. noasialinic tif 41 acren, of land, ona iiiiib norm 01 a many iani wall l;n provsd. For partlculai a Inxulre of W II Warnbe TELEGRAPHIC MS. A rrndlrtoit Mall. Pendleton. Or, Sept 24. There is a probability of: action being taken by tho city to recover an amount of property grant ed to the Oregon Washington Territory railroad by a deed of conveyance given by the city council as on inducement to secure the rool at Pendleton in 1889. The orou- erty is worth in the neighborhood of $ 15, - UUU. it is reported that Mr liver mailt; bona fide purchase, paying $i2,00O. It is proposed to appeal to the circuit court to set aside tLo deed. What Exrtteaseat Did. New York. Sept 23. A false alarm of fire caused a panic in the Jewish synagogue crowded with worshipers this morning. In the rush for the stairway four people were crushed and trampled to death, and a down seriously iniu.vd. The firetmm miiviviIi-,1 in extricatinK the people from the b'oeked stairway. The panic occurred in a tene ment building occupied by the synagogues, one on each floor, in the synagogue on the top floor a candle accidentally ignited a bit of drapery. Immediately an excited in- dividual yelled tire, and then the rusn for the exit came. (ratlemra Saw. Kansas City, Sept 2!. Joseph A Mack and F W Black, of the American National bank of this city, have been arretted on complaint of the United States bank ex aminer, on a charge of embenlement and altering figures on the bank books. Be tween them they have stolen Si?,000. The amount of the embezzlement of ex-Cashier Curtis, arrested in Chicago, is believed to be $15,000. A farest Kvsal. Berlin, Sept 23. The Reichatanzeiger publishes an imperial rescript, thanking all who nave congratulated the emperor and empress upon the birth of the princaM, and expressing the satisfaction of their I majesties that the people of the fatherland Mm taken such interest in their family happiness. The baby girl will be christen ed in Berlin. October 22. It is said that she will be called the Princess Margaret. After Use t.asablcr Pkjidlktos, Sept it. The city council has ssst its heeds tinon tho nmhlino rJemsnt and proposes to put an end to the unlawful practice. Heretofore it has been winked at until it has become a great nuisance and drain upon tbe people, there being fully V professional gamblers in the city at tirfHent. The law is to he enforced and both aides are preparing for a great fight. The forces are about evemy divided. TksTi at. -. a. Tacoxa, Sept 23. The Young Men' Christian Association in convention elected tbe following officers for the ensuing rear: j President, Professor H A Shorev, o? Port land; first vice president J H Fairbstnk, of Seattle: second vice president. E E Knee ling, of Seattle; third vice president. F M Henderson, oi Victoria; secretary, John Boyd, of Victoria; ajsiataat secretaries. F E Brown, of Willamette university. Salem, and Levi Johnson, of Port Townsen-l. There was a good attsxtdance of deJegates from Oregon. Washington. Idaho and British Columbia. There was also a large attend ance of citizens at the meeting of tbe asso ciation. qi-AJtASTixE, Sept 22. Dr Jenkins said this evening that there nave been no new devsoptnents today, and that be regards tbe cholera, to all intents and purposes, wall under control. At midnight, the cap tain of tbe brig Morning Ught. jost ar rived from the Barbadoes, reports that three steamers are anchored at the tower tjuarantine. One must have glided in tritboct signaling toaingfat. aa onlv tbe Scaadia and Bohemia were there at 10 o'clock. The steerage ueBssiii.iis of the Hamburg steamer Moravia were tmnrferml to Ellis island this morning. IVlVtDKXCK, R 40.000 persona, who 22.-Xearly the groan ds Bl N..rr.tir.in- of the Rhode Isiand state sett pier today, came to see Hal Pointer's endeavor to break his Without any special preparation of the track, which waa cm np by four or nve boars racing, the great side wbeeasr paced the two fastest consecutive miles ever accomplished, 2t08Vt and 2:05 1 5. The respite rarer. Salkx, Sept 22 Tbe chairman of tbe people's party state executive committee has filed with tbe secretary of tate certifi cates of nomination of that party 'a preai dentixJ electors. The elector are: W 11 Galvani, of Washington county: Nathan Pierce, of Umatilla: W G Itorl-igh. of Wallowa, and S H Holt, of Jackson. A Oaaoox Crrr, Or, Sept ,22. Word reached here this morning from New Km that R A Bain, an aged farmer, committed suicide by shooting himself this morning. Coroner Holman held an inquest over the body today. The jury returned a verdict of death by suicide, caused by brooding over financial troubles. BjrlilBley DM tt. Loxdox, Sept 22. Tbe report of tbe Inspector-ganeral of bankruptcy waa made public today. The increase in bankruptcy since his la-.t report is aitrrV-itexi Is the collaps of Baring Brm'a Co and tbe effects of tbe Mckinley tariff bill. The Wash ar Tram Beabe vs. Kansas Citt. Sept 2i Paasenger train No 8 on tbe Atchison. Topeka a Santa Pe railroad, east bound, waa wrecked early this morning three miles west of Usage City by train robbers, who hoped to plunder the express ear of tl.000.000 being transported from the City of Mexico to Boston for lbs Mexican Central railroad. A wrecked train four men killed, and 115 men, women and children injured, are the only results of the attempted robbery. The $1,000,000 rescued from the wreck by Major Llewellyn, live-stock agent of the San'a Fe road, and turned over to the Wells Fargo Companw. The railroad company has offered $1000 reward for the train wreckers, and several posses axe searching the country. Ttttrtsea saltiest. Cleveland, O, Sept 21. What will un doubtedly prove the most disastrioua acci dent in the history of the Pi'Uburir. Fort Wayne a Chicago railway, took place this morning early near Shreve. The fast eust bonnd express train collided with (he west -bound freight, both running at full speed. The collision occtirre 1 on a sharp curve and in a cut where neither crew was able to sen the other train approaching. Immediately after the crash flame's burst forth. It is believed only two or three of the dead were killed outright, the others having been pin ned down and slowly rousted to death Thirteen burned and blacked trunks were taken from the wreck. Mens of t holers, . Topeka, Kan, Sept 21. Physicians of this city are seriously alarmed over the prevalence of what they term cholerine, al though no cases hare proved fatal. The health officers have been increased in mini ber and the city is being thoroughly cleaned. Barry ladlelrdt Astoria. Or. Sept 21. The errand iury today returned one indictment against ex Chief of police W J Bany, on a charge of kidnapping Darius N orris. Mr Barry was at once arrested and released on furnishing bonds of $1200. His bondsmen are WL Robb and K K Marion. Mr Barry has retained Hon C W Fulton as counsel. Per 11 1 tar Salelsfe. Oregon City, Sept 22. Yesterday, Mrs K L Shaw, while temporarily - insane from the effects of ether taking while having- her teeth extracted, locked herself in her room and shot herself just above the left breast with a large-caliber revolver. She ia living but her condition is critical. Another Record U robes Independence, Ia, -Sept 21. Johnson broke the half-mile standing-start bicycle record today, placing the mark at 0:58 3-5. Deafattss Cannot be Cored diseased portion ot th oax. There is only oaas way to cure Deafness, and that la by couslltu- onal remedies. Deafness is caused by an in eraed condition of the mucous lining of tbs est achlss Tube. When this tubs iwtatTnaamsst you have a rurublicor sound or imperfect hsar Ittg, and when lt is entirely closed Deafness ia the result, and unless tho Inflammation can bs taken oat snd this lube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; Bins cases ou'; of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. Ws will giro One Hundred Dollars for anr saae of Deafness if canned by catarrh, ) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, fro, ,.m- J- CHEiTEY 4 CO. , ldo, O. jBaT Sold by Druggists, T5e. ewwiw. I. Sept BsaeasaxBs fair MISFITS WHEAT. tO CENTS Geo M Miller, of Kugene, has invented a dying machine.and has sent the model to Washington. Of course it ia thought that it will fly. Deputy Sheriff Croner has Leen pre sented with a bloodhound puppy by Marshal Hoffman of Albany. Kugene Guard. Basle 1 dint haa a woman who is a rustler, the Ashand Record's correspond ent says : "We have had another record broken in onr neighborhood. Mrs Charles Griffith has beat the profession al skunk and squirrel kilter. Daring the last three weeks she has killed five skunks, ten squirrels, three rats, one rabbit and one chicken. all caukht in one trP and Bhe is nearly seventy years of age ; if we had a few more such women we could raise more chickenrand wheat. There used to be occasionally a man id out drunk, or get robbed in a dark Salem alley. No st-ch thing ever hap pens now . Ther are loo dirty . Journal. Neatly a bushel of tomatoes Is reported to have disappeared from in front of C E Brownetl's store In one evening1, street i boys filching them lo thro at a street; haranguer. George Gill went to Roseburg Sunday with three horses, two of which have been entered In the races at the fair being held there. The horses are Captain Mount and Tony Mount, owa.ed by P K Walters. ! and Rocket, owned or himself. AH three i . .i . . . . . . . . oi tne iiorecs are entereu in me races to ) be held at Albany next week, and he will take them there al'.er the cioae of the fair at Roseburg. Kugene Register. The state fair just mlased the rains this wetk which are rapidly putting out the mountain nrea in tnls part of Oregon. Journal According to th; Corvallls : Times if the rains hsd cornea week earlier ' and put out the state fair. it wojid have done a pretty good thing. While n the object, It Is an interesting fact that in iorosr to see the resources of tlds glorious j Northwest shown up In a creditable ' manner or has 10 go tc the Portland er. , - A miiii. .1 . ,.,.i. ,.i ,i.u H.-Lrs&7l.K-K t T :..L3: aaavsi-. s ssaasssaxj at i . s. at aa 's syrrmi llUil luuiuit ; ted by a com pan r of captulUta through ; An Anjmay man haad, the DassocaAT ihelr agent, Luclan Eavea. for the con- U,. following as the proper thing to structlon of an electric motor line from ' Aireal Eugen.: to Springfield. They ask the ! citirens to take $5000 stock in the enter- If things go crooked don't despair, prise, for which thev will issue ten ihous- It's wron. to fret and stew ; and of paid up non assessable stock. Bring your philosophy to bear Eugene Register And change tbe point of view ; , In course of time alt will be right, J If yoo will only wait; The lo'lowlng from an ex . Is good ad j A dawn succeeds the darkest night vice In many fields: Parties in this ctty ! 1 be sun is never late, are warned to be cautious about letting ihe man who worHee never get strangers and traveling tuners tune their j j-tje beet things of this life : piaooe. Occaudooally they itav be found i le'a alwars dwelling on bis debts reliable, but It Is loo often the case that , ,r croaking to bis witv they prove utterly Incompetent. A piano . It;h. wrre only half-way wise, f ' 5.ljr. inWrumer" nd should not be Tbe thing that he would do handled by anyone but experts. Tcsil- 1 Would be to wipe bis weeping eyes motilals cannot be relied upon.for they are s.nd change tbe point of view. bsmii isnsinrs. tt a traveling man senses vnur oiano .A a ir ii.f,rt,.Hi. . v.' -Z:"rZ Tr.. T.: 1 . ' V I I JH u Jl llf II..C I. UlHn over again by some one else, for they ; nave gone never to return. When you want your piano tuned or repaired call on a local tuner A good idea about street preachers is if yon don't like tbeir style don't listen to Usetn ; but leave them alone. Ittakes all kinda of neonl to make up the world - The Goshen correspondent of the En -! gene Guard tells of a neighborly act not often equaled : "Last Sunday night, a friend from np the country bad the ex-1 treats kindness to stop his' team in front of our shanty and amid the rattle and I roar of thunder, the flash of lightning and the falling of b age-cuddle, called us out to impart to us the fact that he had be- wui. l, HUT u. IKU.KIMI V9 SI I itoujr It S, which waa aa follows, to-wit: "That! Willie those twsta in ass rhimnsr.' The Corvallia Times armska of a dnet i recently in Albany as follows : "There; were two young gentlemen in our city last week who lepreeented themseivee as practical ptanotuners. Perhaps they were, but the few in our city who bad some work done are better able to recm- mend them as knowing how to charge than to tone- It ia always desirable to trust a Rood instrument to a piano tuner ' wbo has established a reputation in a j community, rather than an itinerant."! And isn't it remarkably strange that ao manv rsaSsannleft Wtlt natmntea itinassartla n nanv different lines instead of home men identified with your city, r-taud by your home piano tuners, borne doctors, home merchants, fcc. William Henderson, the man who killed Si Safer at Canby. was taken to Oregon City. At the inquest over Sutera i body the evidence shows that the mur der waa premeditated; that after the! quarrel Henderson went to a corner of ) the room, where he secreted a knife in 1 his coat sic 1 e. When Suter approached j and said 10 hiss. "We want no trouble," j Henderson suddenly drew his knlfp and ! plunged it into the former. Suter form-1 erly lived at Eagle Creek. Henderson, j it appears, does not enjoy the reputation of a verv ouiet citizen, it is statevi that he served oat a three month's sentence in the Clackamas county jail last year for nearly gouging oat a man's eye. Tele- grain, mr case is 01 interest here on account of the man wno loat an eye be ing a resident of Albany. . 1 list I I - l 1 . ti " ilf: -ml raisarabt ls o f't. S ti lo't's Curs is th rasa Baby ' sans, sre bsto ber Csstorts. When sue was a Cased, abe ersM for Caatona Whoa .lie nesams Mtes, slic rluoe to I a tori, f "bsa sbs Usui Chi 'area. sLe iraes tbstn Castnns. W ara coins to put the prioss 'd ts cssli sod sstl for oavh only. Allsa'Kros. Do You Neeo a Haby Bveav? Fori- miller tc Irvine havs just received a fin assortment. Rubber tires. Each tup plied with a patent brake, a great thing. Go to J W Cnbb. ssoMisnr ts Paialcv & Smile, fii ui Blotk, fr vnrj priattBs f all kind, v Come and are that beautiful! Kxpostllsii mby glass sr at JO rsdwhoi'a baaasr. In order to make room for our large new fall stock we will give a special cash discount of 10 per cent on all purchases for the next thirty days. Tub Ladies Bazaar. A 1 tre a too It of pruning shears n 1 prun- mg hioks, tbe best msda, jnst reeivsd at J Stewart & Sox's, Now ia the tixte to nee 1 ham . MAUKIKII. PRICH ARD-HOPKIS'S.-On Thurs day forenoon. Sept, lind, 1891, nt the residence of Mr C E Brownell, In Albany, by Rev J)r Thompson, of Corvallls, and Rev K N Condit. of Albany, Rev E R Frichard, the talented pastor of the Pres byterian church, and Miss Frar.ces Hop kin's, one of Albany's most popular young ladles. Only a few relatives were present. Rev and Mrs Prlchard hsve the best wishes ot a laras circle of friends. They t left on the noon train on a trip to Tacoma. JACOBS-GOFF. At Albany, Ore gon, September list, 189a, by L M Curl, fustics of the Peace, Sherman Jacobs, and Miss Millie A Golf both of Linn county - It mieht rtr-ar ha anss era Kssa Knars. I U aawciliJMV t" riKilt IOr U CilT v.MKssr. r .'rmin .n.l MrK.rt. K-tt- ' Pr.DUOV VtQC1 .UK. Will m&kt COior aJ l " C aii. MOO URAL MTATK BALES, 0 C R R to Jos Turnidge, 40 acres 11 w 1 N M Pursifull to Geo W Purslftill, 100.10 acres 10 w 4 Jas Turnidge to Herman Goodman 40 acres 11 w 1 B F Fuller to Mary J Fuller, HSxlll feet, block 41, Al bany A'tnira A Brush to Mary J Fuller, 44x111 feet bl 41, Albany I'. V Fuller to Mrs Almira Brush, 44x111 feet 1) 11 Ambrose to J P Webber, 100 acres 11 w 3 1 H M Perry to F M French, lot 3, bl 7, ftodaville 10,435 This aaa Tbalt Ai.ii.tsv, or., Sept. 24th, 12. Editor s Democrat: It has always been a mystery to the majority of active temperance people how ao able and honest a man as Howard 1 , . , Crosby could believe that the saloon ; . P' l' could be regulated. It is gratifying toj7' bnne hit his own sxoerience orsenea i his eyes to the fallacy of bis position .and ! that, after 13 years of continuous efforts in the line of license and other supposed restrictions, among the last utterances of his life lie eaUF'there is bat one remedy, the destruction of the ram shop. This is the most important question now be fore the American public. Tariff, rail roads, the negro, the silver question, reciprocity, all are of secondary conse quence when compared with this matter of the fundamental morals of legislation and society. It would be well if the at tention of our citizens could be diverted from all other questions and concentrated on this until it should be settled that rum is not to rale our land and spread its filth and corruption over the glorious poten tialities of tbe heritage with which a generous i rovidence has endowed us. But over against this statement of honest i conviction, how does the following quo tation from I tbe American Grocer read? i Commenting upon the "Gove.ntneat canteen" it says : "But few people know hat this expression means, bat it means in plain language that the Gov ernment baa gone into tbe business of running a saloon at every army post ; that a West Point army officer who baa coat the Government about fourteen t boa sand dollars to educate.au Derimends i , , - . s : 1 i .... l. ana eniuvea men wno are pam "J "ic 'O " Mldier. are , detailed to serve aa bartenders." X. I . , ; So when things Co wrong, iust brace up. Pt.. rLe-rf..I lasari I r If you must gulp a bitter cup. Do it with iran'y grace. Don't draw your mouth e glumly down. Don't look so bleak and bine. But drive away that ugly frown. And change the point of view. t vVw you com to Aasany 1 Ion t tail to visit Black roan af. Hodges. Tha druggists They carry a large and .botes stock ot drugs, patent medicine, etc. Prescriptions sre always carefully and promptly at' ended lo. It will Pay you. IMfcw Pftoccsa.Cobb, live prinUr, ba pisw ot in sate wor. Faaaiaas Attextiow. The tiitder- atgncd deaires to sav that he Is nos pee ' pared to do bast -class horse shoeing at $1.50 all round, and ail other work in my ; line done In good style snd wuh prompt- net. 1 make a specialty of plow repair- ing, also do alt kinds af wagon work. All work wat ranted. Guaranty reasonable prices. Ct cor Second and ferry sis. Geo J Ckambk. . Mf THKRS TaKE KOT1CR. West's (cash Syr op cos tains no omnia, oniam or any minarals. and can hs yocngrat snd most dsliests child with prtfsct safety. It is aa .... . . inraiibio ear lor sronp snd wboopu; cag t. A bottle shoe i1 a.wats bs kept c- oTsntsot as tt at also a certain car for conght. colds, consumption in it fssrly stages), bronchitis, asthma ai throat and Inag troubles. 85 snd SOe par I oitls. Sold by J A Cstmmioc, Drcgjiat. C T" TT T T A 1 J WJ 1 V. Mattie E. Martin. Ih Street, residence of Rev G W Hill, make na Littles. A Ball, dentists charges for extracting leeth wi t's they put n artific'al plates. You can asvs money by having them do your dental ! ork- ' ! ' ,rf ? j l J Rica in I weedAle blccit, Aibanr, BKAVTtrm. Homes. Beautify jou home and make It attract! with Hybrid Perpetusls .n' ntrter cimive roses, old and new varieties ot Japanese roses and shrubs. Orders taken for the above and all kinds of fruit and ornamental shade trees at J A Hy man's, tu 1st St.. Albany Or. uerlor I all Olbers Alluouk's PorBB Piatra are Ihs great ex terns! rsmsdy of the dsy . Tbs qaiokast, safest surest, beet. Not only immeasurably super-or to sll otosr piasters, hot ale to liniments, ointments, oils sod similar unc t oous compounds . Beware of imitations, and do tint bs ds ceived by misrepressatatioo. Aaa for A !!-cn-ik'a and let no solioittttan or sxplsaaticu itidnee you t accept a substitute To riat in th morning rmh a bad tatss in 1 , Uis mo ith and no appstite, indicates that thst'. in seils atre-iirthsnine. For this j purpose, thsre ia noting better than an oc casions 1 (uwe ot aj i s imis tsken at bsu tints. Look11xa. Thoi Brink will tvpa your furniture neat and cheap ar make furniture te order and sell furniture on commission at th old statul. ' I m roar ant. To know thatlh Herr.me A Long Piano gives perfect satisfaction, stands In tune longest, and Is an endless pleasure to all who buy them at B B Ht -man's, First st, Albany, Or. I See outbargain counter. W F Reap. Thsibest; swslry at Will ft Htatk'e, Will 6t Htatk osrry a splendid ntoex of gold and silver watohas, fur man mi.lj lades' and an elsant lias of silvsi- w ir I. a m r.s Kbit Vests I havs just reosived aotasof Indie' libbed summer vests, long and short sleeve Special values. Samuel B Tocku. In order sj rsdttos our atoak we will ax I our tiasllns of groceries at sash for cost sriotly cash. A'len firoa. ,, . , , . . Call and see new fall dress goods at W F Read's ' Largs stoak of whits godsnd embroid en as al W F Read AJCo'a. Tbs best rnaat no Bos in tbefoity at Oosr Meyer s. " ennf itiff ont nf h i tria :e Lsrt can- nifio mwi. : A0 ABBOSD Tiff BSIMT The autumns! riuinoctial storm has been in foil blast today. At lndepeuder.es icaterday Papoose woo the thres-eiktiih dssh. Vanquish won the spsciaUrot. Htst'lir.e, 2 45J. D. 1 I. Hill baa teen eelling s large cum ber i( lots in liis addition to Hodavills. . - , , - ...... . Tgs'oraay Mr r ai r reach invested in cnt. ' SoHviUe has a g.d outlook. j Hcd Jersoo, the rnon who pot oat the sje i of Alex I'dnlotn, of thu city, a day or two : tgo stLb"d a mai at Canby, probably fa tal. Justice will never be dons oottl he is haogsd. Received this week at Will's Music store, tho largest stock of ifnitars. z them. bant-,a. etc, ever brcayb to the city, also piano ! studie,icstrttcirn Isoobs sod tolios of evsry ; d itcri pt ion . Cal I and get priors . fauxsAT. Roh HaatoosJi, tha Hebrew Haw Year, ended iast oight. Don't forget to hear JUibes G iJtark, lbs singer, at the M E ci ureb, l-t-.ht. Joe Waldiop, fj'stc :c!nrsr. f the Psc xt Wed ill spMk tu Alhsny "" ocffsa for the money eer scld U this oisrkst, "" t J Oradsrssti'a in a fsw dss The Oregon Presbytery of toe C P chore b OODTi-cts in Albany on lharsday next prr ceuiug use loortn n-jaday 10 Uotot-er. Ja ;k tbe Kipper is the narr.a of a Doagjas oosmlv race horse. Nothing could make a horse with such a name p'polir. Clyde 1 oiii, of this arty, has cbsltsatsd J emeus Williams to a sne mik rolftt skating race in tha ball at Sodsyil V, during October, lor soy tin nnier Tbs bieyeics sre knocking the trotters comp'etely ont and ar class no the hssts of lbs runners. Ywterfay st Independence, I la , Johnson rode a Uevcls a mils n tbs : srouderful liana of MM 3-5, bwcria tea record about 10 tee ada. Last ciabt tbe Albany L-esl rsn iato a wagon a eon pis nibs corth of Alhaar. de laying tbe tram a short lime and eomoletotv j Crbttting the wajon, wbch had been left aw toe arses ry a latmer, uoe ixigaa. lne I had run away.leariog tbe mtg-m where ; w v.. ucs uj we train . Vsstiday at IVrt aod Billy Smith scd ; Billy Ms her. principal.. Jack Dempsev, referee, Wtiliam Heonessev and Gen He I gat, trainers sod second', sad Jas Taylor, time ! eeper. nr. re 1 rraeted an der the law 1 rrv- hibitiog prise s fating, and pUced nnde:$l50 1 . 1 . l tv mm . . . . : ", -nicn ijmpecysso say kit ieraisd stores. A good example. Ut the worid know at once that Orejsst must a kw at at ghttag state Otee a Sewikg Machux. J A ugust . Knehnl. who was arrested in Portland. Itsi complaint of John Pordom, of this: ; city, waa examined before Justice L M Curl this morning and discharged. The charge waa larceny from bailee. Kue- ' " ha! sold Purdom a sewing machine and ' took an old machine in part payment 1 Pordom took the nsnr machine; bat re ; turned it and Kuebnl refused to return j -he old marhine. hence the arrest. la tbe mrtn time the county pave for the I fun. 8AICKDAT. Kaesws have sirasdy began pie wing. Albany is in talsghonie cswseetsaa Wit's ' ! 8 different towxs sod alii a ia tbs X. W. y.i ir D.nil. . . . aUssalssBS ara saovtog thetr ha uMn corrected. earowsr store ir. a 2l sirrt to tne ssassj bkek Ney Gird bo.l.lB Alfcsyafew day mlMmtSaO. Ot tie mODtTf IS te ase, wen- Lt torva.lsa, where be pot fats, a 'jT j JT -jhabt with Geo Mtller, atd pasd 510 f- the Inaded- Othsjr aMfMssM tor j tea. j wuaaeu b sold on such terms. That I Tbs Colombia Cosfertnc tf ik M K proTes that nothing else offered by Cbsreb S-mtb anil eosveee ia sbts city Oe- ! UkS dealer can be " just as good. tobsr Sih next and wul be presided over bv Bsakop W W Dteeian. kffNwI P4( IFIC RAILKOAO 8 f Knox. peooser of U-o mai " ta..T. E. Hogg. Ksosivsr. i oooaty, died nt hts boms abcat taws miles th:.i;a.f(V.-.a; G.ove the Bamhsr. at lbs silr.DiwI ueiif U. . . t' is ae.tr i. ISJ13 : t t - a i . . . I in r-.-i -ir.i- . i-. aswoase . mows ii. ,. P CasselL of Th-:rsloB. sriwsi 1 1 tbs mtmt st $X . SO pes wwsk cseiti : at ibis enue be liant sod fare .-.ore tbera saedica! Tbeer. are seven of the Tbs doctor gave bonds ia tbs arsa of $1000 i to tsithfsUy perform the acreices. ' r Royal Arch: tonight ta thssi Gso F. Cbass. snd ctaer " Mows.. will bat prssesst swat iBstitcie tne cxptstr Isslsp ince rst woe. s . I.,..-.- t, .. e-. , . . i it-"i . jn cTTmpsauttt oc ' .lrt beHe Oakley. Frank Oakley, her It year olJ son waa examined th! for. 1 . urrviareo insane, aco ia s cn to tne : asyium by kheriff Fad tor. He is a nephew of Frank Inpram, and ta pro nounced a dangerous boy. though the j cue cl hf Insanity it r ot known, I A Demexted V ovyt. Max. V eater. day noon a gentleman arrived ia Albany ! on bis way to Sn Francisco with a young i ! mn- the latter was HEM Alexander, ' of the attorney general ot Alexan-! I 1 ... k ... A . . .1 . UCI iinos, in tne racinc, and seems to hsve left home when demented. Hl father folio sre J him to Port Townsend 4 and could do nothing with him, hence his : friend took charge of him and started for . California to give him proper treatment. ! the sllp'snd skipped out, and cant - ltt night the young man gave hts friend ! I'ound He is as years of age, 6 feet tall ! rk brown eyes, small light mustache dark blue pants and vest, dark coat, black j overcoat and black derby hat. Any in- j formation in reference to" him should be given to Marshal Hoffman. L.ATEX. The young mrn was found j this afterroon and will be taken on ihe ; overland to San Francisco. Last Sunday ther arrived in Albany ' from Eugene a tall, angular yonng mau. ; , about 37 years of age, possessing a pecu- j liar face and a striking makeup, and , j stopped at the Ruts House- Monday: I night lie began preaching on the street j ! corneie, and waa not very well received. ' j Yesterday he tried to raise money by j subscription, out met with no encout .'ageuient. lie was in the I)BHocaAT omce on nis rottnus, snd aid not seem verv melancholy. This forenoon about 7:30 o'clock he bought SO grains of strychine at Blackman A Hodges, saying he wanted it for a solution for his skin, and registered as required to do in such cases, signing hts name W F Martin, ! though it is claimed his name is Merlin. About 9 o'clock he went to the Ruse House, showed the bottle to the clerk, said he was going to commit suicide and went to liia room. The night previous he bad said lie would commit suicide also. The clerk told Mr Rowel), who shortly after went to the room and found him in convulsions. Ir Ellis was called ; but nothing could be done. He had taken nearly all ot the30grains,and died in a hw moments, A Coroner's jury ' consisting of C W Watts, J J Graham, W i . irennam, 1. isrccK, jonn Mullen and J H Howard was called by Coroner Far roll, and after investigation found that the deceased cane to his death by inten tionally taking a dose of strychnine. The following note, hastily written, in an irregular hand.with several blots, waa found on Mertin'a person : t . , P' 24th- Good bye to all. I got dissatisfied with life. I have tried tolive a christian life but I was imposed on by theCambel lite church, and waa advertised when I tried to do good. Mr Selbridge at Rose burg did me all the harm he could, and I was stoned and abused In Albanv, and when I tried to take up a subscription to pay my board I was scorned by the christians, so I will not be in your way anv longer. Good bye. My name is W F Mertin. I luve taken poison to put an end to my life. Martin came originally from Woodland, Calif., where he was put out of the Cani bellite church for miscon duct, a woman affair, stopping among other places at Roseburg and Eugene. He claimed to have had a wife at Rose burg ; but probably did not A letter allows that he baa a afater in Dysert, Penn. Reuuiovs Services. Services at the , Universalis church, Sunday morning , . , and evening. Subject for morning. "The i ItrfAiess siting 111 me T.unu. for ' evening, "The Rich Man and Laxarus." , Song service at 7 :15 p m. Everybody invited, seats tree. Kw W A Trow will give the aith lecture on the parables at the Congrega tional church Sunday evening, the sub- cct being '-The ParaWnr. th.ni.j. at. Ear,and the Full Corn." EveninTserv c at 7:30 p m. Y P 8 K at eJfc. Th morning service will be at 11 a m. I will be necessary at the morning set vice to elect delegates to the State Associa tion Sabbath school at 12. All are welcome to these services. The pastor of the First M K church will deliver a sermon to the children to morrow morning at 1 ! o'clock. The Sac- " v . v biovi rainent nf I ho I ,...!!. ni w. .j. ministered at close of the rnorniag ser- J.'ce- Snbjsct for evening, "Jeans the ?y the Truth and the Life." KpWorth "SIM ' :.HI. Sslihsth ukrl f -1f r m All are cordially invited. Rv W R McBride. of Salem, will preach at the U P church tomorrow. tuormng and evening Mr. vtrtri.U and children are also in the citv. tlrn rnrats Of Dr Irvine. 8 r vices at the Kpiacopal church to turnjw, morning and evening. At the M E Chnre-h Rnnlh K I R f""f II iH preach at 11 o'clock a m. and i nev vy a usee at 7 :30 p m. Sunday will be "Rallying Day" at tbe j Baptist church. The snndav achool hoar hM been changed to 9:45 a m. Special review exercises tomorrow. All tbe mem - oera 01 lire etiurcti ana congregation are invited to tbe school- At 11 a m the pastor will preach on the subject: "la Gods Set Time to Favor Zion Comet" The Junior Young People' society at 4 p m. At 6:30 the Young People's Un ion will bold their monthly "Conquest Meeting," subject, " Chinese in Ameri ca for Christ." Tbe evening worship be gins with a song serviee with a short j sermon on, "We are tbe People to Do It-" t A will receive a genuine welcome. Stick to it! rVwrsetiiisssi jott may hare to Tbe troubles that hare been can't always be Bray m a day. For all the and disorders isryaliar to hood, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription is the sorest and speediest remedy. Yon can depend upon that oat if your case ia obstinate, give it reasonable time. It's an inTigoretticg, restorative tonic, a soothing and strengthen ing nervine, and a positive specific for female weakneasest and ailmrsrta. AU f tmctional distnrbances, painful irregnlarities and derangements axe corrected and cured by it. All unnat- oral discharges, bearing-down senaa tions, weak Txack, mpanied with faint spells and adnrLed symptoms, tor rite In every which it's roornn2ended,a FaToritej TstirST-i wt i j-va W ibbjiubh usifiiif s swam vtsro sr vrr! starnsaa into lKJ,fc- tX-v SstOSS, t-OB I8R. "litskota on sais at torvsviss mat Al" b.ny for :L -so excursions st titer vary tow KounJ Trip Rats of $S 55 and $3Ja re psjcuvt . j .... . "!T . , 4 1 -ex. I fne t Ust -s t s esrtw sssj see, MSsSW ofoaah wwsk an i for retarn an!! Sep CCBtCUK. CPA eJagAy Asswaal Is stats r.-s a.f- :.tt?tr. P Bassets i.Omvws a ss C Basaa sbSbs la a .t as I ' aftras Osra's sx-,!cssi.lst-'4i. i( r ar raIt" y,rjaa. Reals.- Iltrslstvr IMi , sstos SaaBaaBBsattasBsft jsttM.rc rtt sssTsar.-. BSBBSasajs gsswai a, isles Ta Awsssssrset catcaeti rnleii si ssr-s sitk ts ks ni.ecHtrrkriAi.'. tsim basasTwerss kaawtsaftf.. t;e.t t ssetar ssaU. ty aase f.jau aa sfa A arsssaawruaaa ii'iSmi p..ii e.essat. Saes.!o BSSSa I 'ISSSW !sr -111. ISStSi, r J Al 9 8REI.SE !r-ct3ahy mryux A BIG STOCF L j -:- of Baby :-: Buggies! bestjassc rtment ever broughtgto Albert just received atj Ste-vfqt Sox's. Sw the Biggrtt ui Cet Tnm .tti rpfu runder' ma HALTV -lt U 3S IT; rt rsri- e is - Lt a-a K a ri fl Slow I 11 I. la 1 t res'es eft t.ir, :.t.:.n .w ..rJaa,"r.- Kood. sad ilyj?.' Strong- .tTdl i !r2sfrrCH M nt mJjEE set evom-tr he-re. at a ' v,,tle ; six ttsrSA, HEALTH IS WFA Tf . Ba CWsst NaaTs sxo Basus awssastssd sosstts tor Hi starts. 1 erahaeoa naajssrvsaa MsaraVftaHasasehe,Ne 1 reoa Prsssnalioo ssused hy tba use sf aiosbsl sr ssbsses, WearsSalnass, ateatsl Dsnraasion, Sarteaisw st tbs Craia reeultioe ta iasanity a-vt taaitiaa; Is saiaary, aeeay est death, PtsbsSI'IIS Old Aye. Strreaneaa, Uwa st fewer u either sex, lBTotsatary Lasses sad symsaliithosa oaoasd by orsr-eaerUeo sf las brain, sett-abuss sr srer-tDda'seaea. Kasb baa coo tains ese month's trsauaeut. Sl.O) assx, sr six BSBSM for at, sent by saailprspald so ressisl st pries. tt a ear ABtAvrcK six sraxaa To core any esse. ..With sacs, order reesiysd by ss foreix toaes, aoasrapsniaS srlth t 00. we wilt eeod tbe fiurcbseer sur writtea eusrsntes ts rstand the ruouey It tbe treatsaeni dees net sSect a ears. Q tuvr sntses issued soly by J s bbbsbIbx. IBrrwcsKI tssls Axes I. Alkasy. Wre gs THE : BEST 1 HIGH : CR ADB the mark- BICYCLES. Examine into Ht superior points. In stock both for ladies and men, at Stewart & Sox's. VAN WILSON, Agent. 1 m I wssBBBwntaaa stridmi i,i.if e.essat. I 1 assssawts ssfsrs t iswiw !s -1 . SarassSisBsIs nssaiB 1 1 1 tsaaat by alSssusy, saresaa rns-rfn axle rnHs.cn 1BST IX THI l " Cd$ "aXi nf Taaavntsv. usriaess. Cm mm l III IS : BABY FOUR WEEKS OLD Distressing Skin Disease from Birth. Cared In j; Weeks. Made Healthy snd Deaatlfol by CsTtieura Remedies. My baity boy bad ln .nS.rtnr Iron. Urth lb one eon ot n eruotkoo. Too dort... t M liss little aukwsssMrneadessxssesf in aas -is, 7.m- raa s- V sssWf waetsser the fat Bsss asSSs . ml were jut tbe aarae. For four sreesssfleT bis Mr be eoSc-red wltS this erupt;-, and odtil I (Ot CC Ticcaa KfM, there eras liuie sleep for any one. Is Use srwss he was com. . .. . ptetely eared. Us S Bias era ora r eimiary 1(, esse ysa I sea bis skin do . ernwb, T. o, &! x tea pink mad white color raise color. Be is as asskurs sitae be. The Cmrtruji Rssolvebt has gteea ksss ifor and stonata. I earless Ms postratt, to tbe two. -it Lt rut r.s aaSBBaasa. 7!.-,- aa epokea ,4 too IBs ly.issry eases Aoas aH aoes HilsiiltroT Usees. WM. A. O AKUKEK. WE BMa, Xew Tort. I Sj 1 wttkosT JetssTtiaed rssuKalta T 1 in eeerr resales eausisetorv. Tbs 1 a besadfsl skis sad is cared. We ran fail tassssis to au saotsera. Has. J EOTHi.VEfcliO. ISStrirstAT. ,S.T. Cuticura Resolvent The ne-r Blood sad HI In PBrtfler. totmaily, east Ct-rict as, use grass Baas Cases, sad Cctki su Boar, no esssasaas Bkla BsssttaVr, extsrasOy, ls SBjasuy is Bsss sad speediiy care emery flueei sad Iwssor ui Use asss, scalp.sttd biood, wtrA loss of hoir, irons iataaey ti age, irans i'atpmem to eTofaia. Sold seal 1 sBkia. Price. ecTrcraa, askr.. Ssosr, OS- - It,.. . . . . et t. w. k.. mm ' Iifc.-'o asn CsTxxsr aL CosuroBsTtoa, Bcmux. a Bow to C ire ffkta Dteeaen" stllsasliaBl was, sad lisflisislili, isifli i tree. BABY'S riin ai Sa!p BSXfasBS ssd sssaSM ks ltttsm mT. AboofcsSriy resre. 1k' laAi RHEUMATIC sninat ttse Bass7lrsaiBj rtsABLVI yacc-T. sanson tass Bssst fwiasi saw ?eanr bbssbssw bt ssnniiBSaa S-eraii-mt tbs W. L, DOUGLAS aatO OUAff JOl m best shoe a r-i 1 a. gaMstogssrsM est ssal as Bs,t j SmXtPcm- lj:aiOTM asaaeaao j 4 .d&S'JtttSS SSSSHew sTaJ!Bi asysBBeajaBlsSt ! 12-.SA"W Sgsssythsaswrw'ev saste-Tjeyio-s ia tsf sar- sti mrst -'a Tssxxhar St .75 Sssassst Brtreas Pe srs jrv r taa ojs Kkt- iMtTas; BLAIV. : - -.-s? ..! r S E STAMAHDAQENT.UUi,). ACADEMY OF- laiy sf Poptssl R?i? REVERE HOUSE. ILBANY. HAS. PFEIFFEl! CftOf RIETOt ELEOTP'O BELT NOeira First St.. tORTLAlsO. SEE, tf C. MeFarlan4. -:- dealer is -:- Harness -and -Saddlery Display 3w in the flood Opposite Ftrst.National Exnk,Atbanv , ONLY LINE RUN 1S1NG THROUGH Alia m TRAINS leat ins Portland, Si4d .il. m p. I. DAYS TO 0 2 2 (IIICACO 1 Bssntsktff It St. fsil. ; ii Hoars Siitktr to CMetrs. 11 ex S ss t 4v Hears Kitr to mm Kansas iity. PULLMAN AND T0URI3T SLEEPERS, FREE PECLINING CHAIR CARS. DINING CARS. For rates and general information calf an or address VT H HUR L.BURT, AssLGen'l. Pass. Agt, J54 Washington bt., Portland, Orbcom. ws vi is res ssst vwJsss far aeiotrs staked. Bar cuu ao scvstirz zs -a gaj -V edEe-agfc. 1 asasaaaa. laaaaaseaawsaaissiiisii lasts stwasr ses eaOax aasaswa. ssew-W.LriD Ji - in i ssst raw wrtss ss i 'SssAffasstTrsaV tart'ii XeoifctJSs. arsseaussa. Xatxab aaats JSSL Lt -K i lUftOTEKf .ITT. Br HUHMMI wtt: ears witheaa WeajsE Msttaai rssanssi from .y tiSiSit siroJnseioi 3Sto. TCsesMsNVswSBKM.ssa, ssArasf sSsi 'mail stoessre aaaBssssyrsiis 'AaafaaBBSflBaW