The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 30, 1892, Image 2

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It ii said that Go ti nor.l'ennoycr will speak
in the intercut of the third party at Roseburg
Oct 1st,
The great Temescal tin mine in California
about which Republicans have Wowed to
much have "petered out," abut down, and been
attached for debts. "
The Pft a republican paper of New
York city says there is but little betting in
that city on the election, but what there is,
is $1000 to 1900 on Harrison.
lion. A. Bush, the Sa'em banker, who has
been in the East ever since the meeting of
the national Democratic convention, is ex
pected home In a few days.
The Supreme Court cf Wisconsin has over
ruled the demurrer in the gerrymander suit in
that stile. This practically sets aside the
gerrymander law. The governor will likely
call an extra session of the legislature to en
act a new law.
Workingmen do not swallow the story that
protected monopolists freely yield their fat for
Republican campaign funds in order that tney
may have the privilege of selling their goods
cheaper and paying higher wages. It dosn't
stand to reason "
The Business Men's Cleveland club of San
Francisco, composed of Republicans, has ap
pointed committees to make an active effort to
Increase the membership ol the club to 1000.
It is composed of all classes of business men
-Importers, tobacco dealers and cannery men
taking the most active interest .
Every democrat in Oregon should buckl
on his armor With Multnomah and Clat
sop counties, hitherto republican strong
holds, for Cleveland, there are great pros
pects for success. Get to work. The four
votes of Orego will not be needed, except
as an evidence of good faith. Portland
The Telegram continued its Interviews with
delegates to the Sovereign Grand Lodge
I. O. O. F. to the close of the session. Hon
C A Rob be of Georgia says the democrats
will elect every, congressman in that state And
the state ticket by 30,000 1040,030 majority.
Judge W m M Strickland of Mississippi says
the democrats will do likewise In his state.
Both agree that the third party is rapidly
growing weaker in all the states of the south.
The letter of acceptance ol Grover Cleve
land is characteristic "' the writer. It Is
brief, clear and pointed. It is susceptible of
bat one meaning. There 13 no reading between
the lines necessary to understand it. It i
forcible and sound, abounding In democratic
doctrines tersely stated. Doctrinally he is a
democrat or democrats. The tariff bill is dis
cussed with no uncertain sound. The dem
ocratic position is laid down broadly and clear
ly. S3 of other issues. We will give it to
our readers soon.
Employers never raise wages became ot an
increase of profit, and if one ever did so ht
bever acknowledged the cause . Wages were
never raised, and never will be raised, except
through a scarcity of labor and the increased
demand for it. It so happens- that the la
boring men have no commodities to sell.
They have only their labor to sell, sad now
under these circumstances, any restriction
upon the exchange of commodities, the pro
ducts of labor, can be of any benefit to them
is a conundrum to solve which will require s
wiser protectionist philosopher than any we
have yet known; but any ordinary mind 3an
readily comprehend that this power of con
trol over commodities and their prices, from
which labor is entirely bt rred out, can be used
to teduce wages by the enhancement of the
prices of the things the workmen need, and
in exchange for which they give their labor,
ana to bold workingmen at bay when they do
make efforts to have tbeh wages raised.
Under the operations of a tariff, therefore
labor is positively powerless to even hold Its
In the state, congressional and county
elections in South Carolina Monday week
the farmers alliance party carried every
thing against the regular democratic
ticket. Gov Tilmai. was re-elected by
26,00 majority and the alliance carried
five out of the seven congressmen . The
associate 1 press monopoly gives this In
teresting piece of news no prominence
whatever and placed the facts before the
people in such a manner that no one
knew what party won. But the monopoly
press is headed by Jay Gould and his ilk
and they are making a steady effort to
keep the people from knowing the. real
sire of this revolt of the masses against
the rule of selfish party boses and the
plutocrats. Ashland Rettrd.
Now Bio Kaiser we are susprised at
reat'ing the above. The tr jth is there
h-s been no election yet in south Carolina.
The matter you refer te was simply the
holding of democratic primaries in that
state. 1 he facts are as folio wr :
There arc two factions in the democrat
ic party in that state, the farmer's al
liance and conservative faction. At the
primary meetings held Aug 30th, these
two factions were striving for the mastery
and the alliance won, thus securing the
.. nomination of Tillman for governor and
fire alliance democrats for congress.
Both factions are strong supporters of
n ce that the Mountainett and
other organs of protectionism heartily des
pise gerrymandering in Michigan, Wis
consin and Ne York. They grow loudly
indlgr.ant when they contemplate the
democratic outrages in these states, but
they draw the line tightly when they
reach the Infamous republican gerryman
ders in New York. Connecticut, Rhode!
Island, Ohio, New Hampshire and o'her
states, if the Mountaineer was honest it
would denounce republican gerrymander
ing as zealously as democratic geryrman
tiering. But this It does not do, hence Its
mouthing about democratic gerryman
derings are wholly unworthv of consider
ation or credit. As the Democrat has
frequently said, both parties are guilty of
shameleK condnrt in this matter, and the
only cure for it is to educate the masses of
voters up to that point of moral duty that
will cause them, withont regard to party,
to vote out of power the party that en
gages in It. This would effectually cure
the body politic of this parasitic disease.
Conservative and well-informed judges
now aver that the Democrats have a Uir show
of reducing the Republican majority of Mult
nomah county to nothing at the approaching
election, an I Ihi lxing the case there is a
reasonable expectation of carrying the state,
provided the Democracy of the country will
remain steadfas' and not chase the Teople's
party phantasm. The third party has no
chance of carrying Oregon. Democrats, il
is no time to fritter away your chance of re
deeming this state to the party. Stand firm
to your principles now, snd there is a far
greater probability cf saving Oiegon for
Cleveland snd Stevenson than there can poss
ibly be in following Weaver's shadow in the
hope that it will work to Cleveland's benefit.
The People's party cannot hope to poll 20,000
votes in the entire state, and it will require
not lets than 30,000 to win. A very little
figuring will convince the most purblind that
the Democracy has ten chances of winning
from the Republicans where Weaver has one.
Jscksoavill Times.
Such a fraud as the celebration of the
Ellwood tin factory, if practiced in any
other relation thin a partisan one, would
be considered scandalous, and no man pre
tending to ordinary decency would even
countenance much leu take part in it. Yet
in the name of republicanism, so distin
guished a man as Gov McKinley, of Ohio,
officiated on the occasion although he must
havj known that' there was neither truth
nor decency in the pretense that a profitable
industry was being established. Stock
holders were on the ground while the
meeting was in progress offering their
shares at 50 cents on the 11. One man com
pelled some of the promoters of the concern
to buy his shares under a threat that he
would take tae stand and offer them at
public auction unless they did so. No one
believed that the concern would be able to
get home materials out of which to produce
tin plates, and the whole thing was treated
as a mere political scheme even by those
who took part in the celebration.
In all of the electioneering schemes of
the past nothing quite so shameless as this
Ellwood tin factory celebration has ever
been put on foot and carried out. ''Bloaks
of Five" plan of four years go was wretch
ed enough from a moral point of view be
cause it was an open declaration of bribery
pure and simple. But only such characters
as Dudley and his satellites were engaged
in it, at least so far as is known. Men of
the Dudley stamp are not wondered at for
their rascality, because nothing better is
expected of them. But for a man like Gov
McKinley, who aspires to the presidency
itself, to lend his name and efforts to so
deliberate and shameless a deception as the
Ellwood celebration is a spectacle that no
true American can witness without a deep
sense of mortification.
Is the creation of a few more million -aires
of enough importance to" compensate
the country for its loss of respect for men of
Gov McKinley 's prominence ? What strange
spell can there bj in a plundering tariff
that men of his standing are willing to
practice deceit and dishonor in order to
maintain it? Gov McKinley would scorn
to deal in falsehood in any other relation of
life. Why should he do it as a partisan?
Is it not time for men of honest motives
to sever their connection with a party that
relies for its success upon deceiving the
people? Evansville Cornier.
It is a favorite way of the protection
organs when attempting to bolster up the
now tottering scheme of taxing the many
for the benefit of the few to refer to the
prosperity the country has enjoyed under
protection and the lack of it under free
trade. That such a claim is the essence of
absurdity is proven conclusively by the
words of Blaine in his "Twenty Years in
Congress" when he says:
"The tariff of 1846 was yielding abnn
nant revenue, and the business of the
country was in a flourishing condition.
Money became very abundant after the
year i849, large enterprises were under
taken, speculation was prevalent, and for'a
coasiderab'e time the prosperity of the
country was general and apparently genuine.
After 1852 the democrats had almost un
disputed control of the government and had
gradually become a free trade party. The
principles involved in the tariff of 1846
seemed for the time to be so entirely vin
dicated and approved that resistance to it
ceased, not only among the people, but
among the protective economists, and even
among the manufacturers to a large extent.
So general was this acquiescence that in
i856 a protective tariff was not suggested
or even hinted at by any one of the parties
which presented presidential candidates."
Such are the calm, dispassionate state
ments of historical facts as presented by the
greatest protection leader of the country.
No one can gainsay or question the truth
of them.
The Democrats of Multnomah county sre
st work with great activity. Nearly every day
they are encouraged by the accession to their
ranks of some life-lang Republicsn, who can
no longer support the party of McKinley and
monopoly, Lotan and public plunder . There
are two active clubs in the citv, largely com
posed of Republicans, who wr! vote for Cleve
and. Taken all in all, the outlook is that
Cleveland will carry Multnomah county, and
if the Democracy of the State does ss well,
Oregon will be enrolled in the right column.
Portland Diifatth.
A dlsyatch from fit Paul Minn, says
Tne Democrats of the Second Congression
al District of Minnesota are jubilant to day
over tlie accession to their rsnks of General
James II. Baker, formerly Secretary of the
State of Ohio and later S - cretary of Stats and
Railway Commissioner of this State, these
o0ics be held as a Republican. In 1890 be
joined the Alliance and ran for Congress In
the Second District, being besten by enly 482
votes Ins district which two years before had
given his opponent 11.580 majority. Gen
eral Baker was yesterday nominated for the
Legislature by the Democrats of Blue Earth
county and went before the convention and
The time has come for us to ask what par
ties will do, not what they have done. I
want to know who will help tear down the in
fernal protective tariff, prevent the passage
of the Force bill, and aid the farmers against
the wheat kings who have them by the throat.
I now see these reforms only in the Democrat
ic party, and I have a right to aid those prin
ciples which it defends. For years I solic
ited the Republicsn party to favor tariff re
form, so I am no recent convert. My locks
sre growing white In advocacy of tariff reform.
Thst party refused, and the only hope for tar
iff reform is through the Dainocrstic party.
General Baker's utterances are said to be
a keynote for the members of the Alliance in
the fifteen southwestern couaties of the State,
snd many thousands of them will swing Into
Una for th-. Democratic candidates, from Pres
ident to Governor. At the Democratic Slate
committee rooms It is figured that this event
is to be followed in the near future by others
quite as startling that will bring 10,000 vote
to th: Democratic ticket.
Henry A Meyer, the Brooklyn grocer
whom the republicans of tnat city made their
candidate for mayor last fall, has come out
for Cleveland and tariff reform . Mr Meyer
before he was a candidate for mayor, had
never been very prominent in politics, but
he was a republican in the natural course of
things. Ashesays himself, his experiences
in that canvass set him thinking on political
questions, and as he is a person of sound
common sense and an honest mind he has
come to a reasonable conclusion. We
expect to see our republican contempo
raries eating all the fine things they said
about Mr Meyer a short time ago, and
arguing that he is a person of no account.
But the fact will not disappear that he ran
several thousand votes ahead of the mag
netic J Sloat Fassett.
. Having failed to al.ow ail increase in the
wages of American laborers, it is now claimed
by the Republican papers that the McKinley
law has stopped altogether the wages of thous
ands of foreign laborers, Of course this will
greatly improve the foreign market of the
American farmer.
It is not strsnge that the Republican mass
es fall to respond with enthusiasm to the in -vitstion
to perpetuate high taxes upon the the
ory that burdening all the people conduces to
the general prosperity.
How third party voters can vote for a man
like Weaver who, some time ago, denounced
them as guilty of "hoary crimes," "murder,'
'tieason," "theft," "arson," "fraud," "pet
ury," etc, is hard to understand. In 1869m
a speech In congress he said:
What is the use of farther arraigning the
defunct democracy with all Its hoary crimes
at the bar of public opinion? We know that
it comprises murder, treas ),-, thelt, arsm,
fraud, neijurr, any and all crimes possible foi
an organisation to commit or connive at. It
would be a meicy to put its record a million
miles -deep into the pit that Is mentioned in the
holy writ and I may add, that il a large and
distinguished assortment ol its alleged states
men were sent along it would only be com
mon justice.
There is no reason to suppose that he has
a different opinion now, but he says nothing
about it now bee-use he wants tbeir voles
Let every third party man who has been a
democrat study carefully the deep import of
the words of the haughty tlanderer before
voting for him. Again he said:
I want to congratulate you, fellow citizens,
on the suppression of purely democratic rebel
lion, gotten up by the democrats for the dem
ocratic purpose of dissevering this union and
perpetually establishing human slavery. Now
and forever it is established as an eternal
truth that the democracy in no place or stats
can ever be trusted with government. As a
party It should sisbahd, just as a section of
it did at Appomattox.
Again, speaking of the democracy, he said:
I am astonished ixyond measure that a par
ty with a record so utterly vile and wretched
and wicked should be so lost to all shame
and decency as te make an appearance before
the people of Iowa.
This is strong language and was used by
Weaver to esp-ess the hate and contempt
which he bore to the democratic party in those
days. The democrat who could vote f-)r tae
man who thus slandered him can not have
mu:h manly spirit of resentment.
rr r 1 1
A correspondent of the St Louis ftefublie
writing front Washington city concerning
the tneetinfir of ths Grand Army there says
There are a few democrats in the gather- ;
ing, but to tell the truth the democrats
aawn (a ho rprr laror-lv in the minsritv
Inquiryonth; pari of the Republic
sponuent tVNSfM the tact trial tae aemo-;
era tic veterans have not as a rale joined the I
Grand Army, or when they have joined it J
they have not been attentive to the duties ;
st iL - S .l? 'f. . I I
or uie orgamxsou. lom wa
geu K .u. , , and courage has been apparent everywhere
organisation are more or less in bad odor. ; tod,, Promenade. cWbes, theaters
or are continually on the defensive to main- and cafes have been filled with such crowd
tain their right to participate in political j have not been seen before since the
affaire. This is made apparent to the j r", bema- 7b17'' PLthnkirr
7 , , , , ing and prayer for further relief were at-
democrata here, as has already been called : tended by half the respectably dressed per
attention to in these dUpatches. . sons left in the city. After seats and stand-
-There it not a picture of a democratic 1 i" room were filled, throngs gathered at
general displayed in Washington at l
present time, while everywhere yon go the ; phere of mourning was gone and the play
pictures of Grant. Sherman. SberidanBi t- around, for the first time in four weeks,
w Iwm Pnlk- isVDnwvJI. CrmrGjAA ' alive with children and their nurses.
I M i: 1L. 1 , . . . U . ', .
Burnside, Hartranft. Banks and other re
publicans confront you. Pictures of Mc
Ctellan, Hancock. Meade. Hooker, S locum
Blair, Ewing. Kwell, McClernand. Stone
man, Kosecrans. Franklin, Bartlett, Xc-
Pherson and men of that character.
are known to have been democrats, are
nowhere visible. Th democratic contin
gent in the Grand army have noticed this,
and they are growling accordingly, but it
will do no good for them to growl. The
vast majority of the Grand Army bretheren
are republicans for pensions eniy, and they
feel that the democrats in the organiiation
have no riohta that the mainritv are ww
to respect. There is a good deal of politi
cal talk. As a general rule the democrats
are not saying much, but the'repuhl icons
make no attempt to deny the fact that they
are republicans, and that it is for the best
interest of the organization that the re
publican party should be kept in power.
We appeal 10 the candor of people's party
voter who have heretofore been democrats
to read the views cf Mr CleveUtd ant then j jreon . tabernacle is assuming threatening
say if they can find any tenable objection te proportions. The cause is that Spurgeon s
his views. Read: ! n- Thomas, has become a doss competi-
The people sre entitled to sounc and hon- l?r ??&aJrf-r
est money, abundantly sufficient in volume i ITJ, f- iT- alea
to supoly their business nds; but whatever ' llT"" Ple?5' .vhT
maybe'lheformof .be people's currency, l'? T & .
national or stale, whether gold, silver. pa- f;, A. numerically strong faction,
per, it should be so regulated and guarded !fU"Df c'f "uentiaJ members, bow
b, governmental action o, by wie and care-! ZE2PtJPS to lh
ful laws, that no one can be deluded as to Plemm ln,UJ1 r WeOB.
the certainty and stability of its value. Every
dollar pst into the hands of thefeople ahoald Pekkskill, N Y. Sept 25 General
be of the same intrinsic vriue c purchasing j James W Hasted died at .?:! tonight He
Ptr: 5uTi " taken ill on his way to the publican
anteed. both gold and diver can be safely is- convention in June last. Some of those
uedupoi equal tejm. in the sdjostment of aboard the train administered a dose of
our currency In dealing w.jh ihu subject s medicine, it Ullal,l it WM M omdos
no selfish scheme should be sltowed to later-, tbe illn which v. dittd
vene, anrt no UokO.lul experiment should be )
attempted. The wants of oar people, arising
from the deficiency or imperfect distribution
of money circulation, ought to be fully and
honestly aeoogniied and efficiently remedied.
Itahodld, however, be constantly rememdrred
that the inconvenience or loss that might
arise from such easier borne than the universa
distress which must follow a disciedited cur
rency. This is broad enough for any free silver man.
What could be stronger than that "the peo
ple sre entitled to round and honest money,
abundantly sufficient in volume to supply I heir
business needs." Read it carefully.
No acrobat on a. tight rope ever had a
more ticklish task before him than have
tbe champions of Mc-Kinleyism in balanc
ing the paradox of protection.
Their chief organ in this city is busy in
trying to prove:
1. That putting a tax on an article
cheapens it to consumers.
2. That cheapening tbe product enables
the manufacturer to increase or to "main
tain" wages
3. That the cost of food can be reduced
to workingmen, while the farmer gets
higher prices for his products on account of
a tariff on foodstuffs which constitute the
main part of our exports.
4. That the foreigners really pay the
duty, though Mr McKinley, in the kind
ness of his heart, taxes them only $i80,
000,000 a year towards the expenses of the
It is a very nice piece of tight rope bal
ancing which the defenders of taxing a
nation into prosperity have Undertaken.
Among lh: brsvest and the best of the great
Union O.aerals were McClellsn, Hancock,
Meade, kosecrans, Sconemsn, McClernand,
Corse, Slocum and "Fighting Joe" Hooker
but the committee which selected portrsits to
be hung on the wall at the Grsnd Army En
campment seems not to have known this fact'
Speaking ol ibis lack of knowlsdge.or oversight
It is s singular coincidence that all the U;ner
alsmentloned were Democrats, and all of them
who are yet living are Democrats still.
One of the hardest things to do li to per
suade s msn tbst his wsges have been raised
when he Isn't getting any more money. That's
the job tbe protection editors have tackeled.
Stick a Pin ih It ?
Tsn - - -
Or s knife; snd, psrohsnce, even a ten
penny nail . Keep it in your mind at all
vsnts, wsmstn the fact thst the plsos to
gt ths best groceries tnd t ha freshest pro
duce and fruit, is st Conn fc Haudriosoo's.
If yoa srs going to tbe mouatsius or coast
they can supply you for s day or for s mouth.
Tbsy knap ths beat and always have plenty
onjjhand. By all means nisks no mistake
by, not cstliDK on iom before buying.
lfibMllMlllU flanO.
A ManhfleM ABralr.
MaitMUKiBtJi. Or. Sent 26. A shootinir
affray occurred at Strainer last night. Sam
Crawford, who keens a saloon in that place
was on a spree and made violent threats
against his daughter, Mabel, who, in order
to escape her desperate father, sought
tefuge in the house of a neighbor. William
Lawhorn. Crawford found where hia
daughter had gone, and demande I that
she be returned to him. When lawhorn
refused to comply with Crawford's de
mands, the latter pulled a .revolver and
took three shots at Lawhorn, one shot lodg
ing in his left arm. During the shooting
1 a whom managed to get hold of Crawford,
and in taking the revolver from him it was
discharged, tho ball passing through Craw
ford's leff hand.
.A Lomk fall I
Astoria, Or, Sept 26. George Clarke, a
seaman on the British ship Invcmiore, was
today sent aloft for the purpose of fastening
a rope from the maintop to the mainstay.
While performing the work he was seated
on a slender rope which gave way, precipi
tating him him to the deck below, a dis
tance of 50 feet. He began his fall feet
first, but caught on the rigging, turning
his body so that he struck the deck on his
head and shoulder. The ship carpenter
rushed to his assistance, but the only words
he uttered were "lift me up" and he ex
pired in a few minutes.
fcd Bye 'sslera
JSQi'ARASTiJiE, Sept 26. "Cholera is
over and at present the port of New York
is free from the disease." This was the
cheerful report of Dr Jenkins this afternoon.
For the first time since the Moravia ar
rived, August 30, there are no cases of
cholera in quarantine. The Arizona and
Anchoria were released this afternoon. The
Saaie. from Bremen, arrived this evening
j with tfSf cabin passengers. !ue has no
( sickness aboard.
Ii Weal OsT.
I SPBaol k, Wash. Nspt 26. mis niorn
i a ;.,. i , k.i 11 sm
minston stepped into a hardware store to
have his revolver repaired. It was rap
posed to be on loaded, and while the pro
prietor was examining it the gun went off.
the bullet going through the left arm of
Edmiston. badly shattering the radios as
well as the humerus.
ariwuK siaaaBirr
Prxdletox, Or Sept 26. The recorder
"was busy (his afternoon entertaining the
'ZlrrX' SlS.
kve appeared and paid fines of 112 each.
with costs. There will be several more to
her from.
W TI. saw of Ko.
Tae Bastrsi Bber
Tacoma. Wash. Sept 25. A sheriff's
Cas of i3 men in pursuit of the RosJyn
k robbers who stole tlO.OOO Saturday
in broad daylight, came upon three of them
' 10 a dense forest in the Leamway basin. 20
miles east ot Koatyn, last Bigot. A battle
ensued and one of the desperadoes was
wounded. All three escaped in the dark
ness. The meeting was a surprise to the
pursued and pursuers. The uncertain
light made firing dangerous, and it was
not tilt the three riders turned to flee that
the posse opened fire. One of the deepen
does was seen to reel in his saddle and be is
tbocgbt to have been wounded.
I A ' 1, Sept 25. Mr James A
Campbell, formerly a well-known member
of the bar of this city, but who removed to
San Francisco several years since, is now
the republican nominee for police judge of
mat city. 10 cue ine ptace ot Judge Mix.
Mr Campbell is well known throughout the
Wi'iamette valley, his father having been
professor ot mauetuatics and astronomy at
Monmouth college. He taught school in
this state, learned the trade of tinsmith,
and subsequently studied law under Jade
Strahan. while an implore on the Oratna
' a California railroad.
: Lnvnnv ox TV airin
toniirht. Aftw th wmcmii, IK
w nrougn; nonie 10 t'eeksloil in a special
car and taken to his residence, where be
"as since been hovering between life and
Our Great $10.00 Men's Suit Sale
Initiation is Endorsement Our Prices Can't be Initiated. Come and take voir Pick irom a Large Assort-
niafalast as a Ht 1 AT ta 1 J iw 1 Cl id 49 . B
ALL our o.d custoinera who have spent many a dollar with us, (and saved in
spending it.) have been set talking. They are tickled to tell their expe
rience. Before they settled down to deal with us they could not buy our all
wool good suit lor $10.00, but we have caused a revelation in the clothing business
of Albany. For the benefit of new customers who would elsewhere have to buy
experience before they learned where to trade, we'll state "ours is the store," and
take our word for it just enough to come and see for yourself
More Cases or Cholera
Qi'ahaktikk, N Y, Sept 27. The de-
velopments of cholera on the steamer Uo-
hernia, tho last but one of the Hamburg
h left in the lower boy. has caused a
"'. aM)"f tue health department officials.
to children were transferred from the
vessel to Swinburne island last night and
one man aud two children were transferred
today. Oneoffhem, Stanislaus Mirhao-
vich, aged X, died this morning. Drs
Jenkins and Sternberg raid tonight that
tne five cases above noted nrt certainly
A rsllllrai Fight-
l'EKOLKTUN, Or, Sept 29. I N Dodge,
a good democrat from Milton, i in jail.
Mr Dodge became ldvolved m a political
argument, and bis opponent styled him
rebel, lleinir loval to the glorious -stars
and stripes," he resented the appellation.
A charge of assault and battery was pre-
erml, the complainant being J r Mc
Mnhon, ami Dodge, thinking he would
MCBM with a K fine, pleaded guilty. He
was lined $25, however, and being a poor
man, conb!uded it would Ijc an economical
step to serve it out at 12 a t't.y.
Kauri I llr6uiinnir.l
Bostox, Sept 27. The democratic state
convention met today. Hon Josiah tuincy,
cnairman of the state central ouiiunii"'.
called the convention to order ami was made
temporary chairman. Governor Russell
was uiiuniiuoualv renominated for the office.
James B Carroll was nominated for lieu
tenant governor. The ticket was complet
ed as follows: Secretary of state, Charles 8
Hamlin; treasurer, James S Gnnnell;
auditor, Irvine, BSayles; attorney general,
Charles E Dilly.
Aa lafaat Killer.
Sax Fraxcisco, Sept 27. The Exami
ner this morning says that Dr Hi' Heale,
charged with the murder of Mary Carroll,
and who has disappeared, committed a
Irnsr series of munlem in this city, accord
ing to the story of of a Mrs. Montrose, whose
house ne utsa as a private iiospiuti. in a
ueriod of 10 months . Bea'e bad about 50
natients. and no fewer than 40 children
were born alive in the house, but not one
of fheni was permitted to live.
Tarpte' Party.
Stractbk, N Y. Sept 27. Thj people's
party state convention today nominated
Lawrence J MePbarlin for judge of the
court of appeals and T B Wakeman anal 1
K Dean for electoral delegates at large. A
declaration of principles was read de
manding that all industries monopolistic
in naitre be owned and operated by the
state, among other things.
The Saestluw of pocket
sity at Ms-wart A Sox's.
knives in th
am Far me cuflie tf samwi of
cTutt's Pills, o
ltgtnsltv. Tlt plaswar sst- A
BoanSw Utat be I bow po ttlng up a w
nlikrli I of cline!r tnuli !tr, .
I trt rstelalog mil Utm jrtacaafUasI
Urrr ji Onurmnl pmrlr
1 t-Ct ubt. ttota .if r. ot t ksss pill (
: 4IU I ! The utt 1m of
1 TUTTS TtKY UMtn P1U8 t
' kmhomn in the border of ihu-nd." '
span of mslthsd horses, sorrsla.
mars, wslahioa about 1(M pounds escrb.
sad sight or tsn other head sf fins borsas
for exebsngs fur real mists, town or
aoontry. Also two roI second bs d
ssfss. forssls Inoulrs of
LOST. A delrsU Uls sf tbs Albsay
Firs IVpartiseBV. Fiod-r will pleas
mars to Chsa MUrrr, Recepti a sal 00s,
ssd reran r Kitahi reward.
STRAY Eli from my premisss sbsot
three weeks ago, one brown uraro
with wblla atrip in far, star brand 00
loft bin figure S on left shoulder, bad
bsad sisil of halter on and Interfsrins;
pad on left llnd I. g wbtn left. rv
wild Any Information of'jor wbsrs
sbnut will be rewarded by addressing A
B Bond, A.baey, Oregon.
st rtducs tf Bar. Geo. W.
and Lyons st's.
GIRL WANTED. -.0 do genera'
nous work. Call st Dbmocsst office.
rrR SALE. Oas-bslf interest ha a
JT gaad paying boatnos an 1st strst
for ss Is at s bargain. For particular In
jutre st tbls ofis.
11. a"TSU. A good lrh milk
Tf Jsquir st tbs Depot Hotel.
S!. STEELE at CO., Albany, Dromon.
, Losti irsnsy on sood rsal sstete
secnrU - 1 t.:n and adjoining counties.
FOR REST -Tb. boos, on J A Ore,
suburban property. In m.wM
sx.ndi.lou fail .1 las Depot Uotit.
Or Au
arick - & - Bakrx-
T. L.
fill ililr
Win lor Calalafius bJPmw bsfure Porcfe..og
K !,: via self ! BM.--.U UMt
lull lnttun.o(. Bot ! Moic t ttiiff
.sw II
w t : j 1 1 .r tea Ma Ma) ,
Oil ao4 Ellin f U Xl;ki!w;
E. I . WILL,
Many. Or.
hi, I. DIGGING Ed Davidson in
prepared 10 do well digging la
nrate'.aas sty is. ptomptly, and will guar
ants) bis work.
J. . ODGKK. Den list.
Dentistry in all it branches, including
all modern Improvement. He feel con
fident thst he can give satisfaction to at
who may favor him with their patronage
as his work Is not surpassed in durability
tvls snd finish in lbs West. Ail in wan
ol good dents! work sis respectfully solic
lied to give him s call. Rooms 3 and 4
Strahan Block.
Cau. -: AStp -.- Hays -:- Yoca
ton's Pstent Eye-Meter st F
FSENCH Slcwclrr Store.
very morning thid wetk &
C. K. Brohnell's.
In the Circuit Court of the State
for lie County 0 Lame.
Allis A McPbersoc, P:ainUfr,
M 8 MePberson. Defatdant,
ot Orrpou
To M 8 UcPhsrvn
tho a bore nL and 1
Oregon. ya are hroby tquir.f to
l!T , " Hr i" complsmt of (he
a''niiu. in in ebovs otitled
""i ui witn th clerk of
rriuri by its 2tth day of uctotajr. iW,
thst betn lb first dsy of tb reu:r !e"
tnthftP mu-mnm Ar M(J . ... "
p. Ion of tfU ic pS5 , be'oV
5.r a ..i,i,.., Uri"11 ,n
runrf rwsi JeJTl JfVMST
- jrs ssi arj us BaJFimwa-aar
want berofths plaiuuff willanpiy to taw
court lor lbs rsIM riemandsd in tho c-ra
plsint nerein, vis: for a deerso (,,
tbs bonds f n B'Hm-uir exist D( betwwen
lbs plaldtitT and dsfsodant snd for ths
tcwtJi snd dtbursetnenta of tbls suit
1 Ul summon. Is pablisbed by order of
th Hon H Butneu, Judge of naid.
com 1. mad and dated Sent. 7. iSPi
J K Weatberford.
Attorney for Plff
of SI5, $14
ston's Patent Ere-Meter at F M
See Those $10.00 Suits !
THEY have surprised others; thty will
window. We have opened the
the record for qtmlity and low prices
in stock at a price that is bound to make
In Ike Circuit Court of
tie Slate of Or-
goit,Jor Intuit Couuly.
Lama Brion, Plaintiff
Samuel S Itrlon, Defendant
To Samuel S Biion the above name de
In t ! name of the .Slate of Oregon you
are nirebv required to appear and
ant 'r the complaint of Plaintiff,
no on lite In the office of th.- Clerk of
Lin County, Oregon, on or before, the
first day of the next term f said court, to
be begun snd held on the 4th Monday,
the 24th day of October, 1092, ard you are
hereby notified that if you fil to appear,
as herein required, the plaintiff will take
a decree against you, dissolving the mar
riage relation heretofore existing between
Pialntif; and Defendant ; for the icstora ion
of Plaintiff's maiden rame, for the care
and custody of their minor son, and for
changing his nsme from Oliver Percr
Urlon to Oliver Percy Senior, and tor
her cost and disbursement of this suit to
be taxed.
This Summon I served by publication
bv order of Hon Geo Ii Burnett, judge of
said court, made at Chamber in Salem,
Oregon, August 5, 1892.
MosrAvva A Hackli-siax,
Atty's for Plff.
a tin Circuit Court of the State oj Oregon for
the (Sou My of L.nn :
Anna G it; m,
v. J Kyan, Defendant
To E J Ryan the defendant above
Oregon, you are neretft; required to
appear and answer tbe complaint mad
kgaicat you in the arove entitieyi utt by
tbe first day of tbe next term of tns
above entitled court tow.t: On the 24 tb
day of October, 1802. and if yon fan to an
answer, for want plaintiff will
appty to tbe court tor tbe relief asked for
in the complaint filed in the abovs en
titled conn, towtt : For a dissolution of
the bonds ot matrimony now existing be
tween pialntif) and dtfeadsnt and for th
costs and dUbursrnenU of this suit to be
This sutamoa I served by publication
be order st Hon tho H Burnett, judge
of said court, ms-ls st eh obers on Aug
gnat 1, 1892.
Wkathsbp jap A Ca .mbsbl 1
Atvsrbsys for P
1 by virtue of an urdtr of the Coast y
'.'oart of Lias county, Oregon, made and
entered of rsssrd is said court tbe 12th dsy
of September. 1892, :n the matter of tbs
slate of M C Howard, dsessssd, I will asll
st public aietioa st tbs court bos as dsor in
Albsay, Orecoo, to the biahsstsnd best
hiddlsr therefor, for cash iu hand, at tbs hoar
t H o dock p m. tbs 22od dsy of Octo
ber, isre, s!l tbe teU which said dscedeat
had to and to the foilowug dsseribad real
, eUte at th time of her dssth. Lot ons ia
Muck Sa 14 ia th oty cf Atosar. Lisa
coocty, Crsgoo. asid sstats bales s fa
untie estate.
Datsd tnis IS-Ji day of Srpt , 1892.
W R fittrac. . Adn'rof ssid estsW.
'.TrT 1 UF
aaajsasl ass Shis as tsss ;-... adssSS
Hardswa. dsaasssd. tbs aasatv esnn at
Una oatMr, Onsns. aa4 uB sirasa
aritr jaisu araa.t a--: taut a.t
, Or. Aqpas ISih, ISBL
B X HjUtfllaN
I SSatslsl D Ma t
Wall Paper,
riirr4, I'aintK, Oili
wlaast, Klc
J. A.
C11 n mug
dlStnbUnlTtvmu ClttaclldttaMi. All r
ss bartBrlalaant il artele arc raqansdts
prui tbroi wills is t"Ir rascssrs sad srprly
rsriaed. wiibic u mil rraa tb 4a bar, te
tSlitai. r t. a(twit.wrl. . mi hia rssidrm tir
mile ran Hatery. Is Lass eoastr. Or.
IHir J AoroM list oui A Tuisa?. .
Jabbs i CBtairtm. Adauustral.v.
Ali.tmry lor Adsar.
Cora and see 'that brantifal' Rxpositioa
tuby glass war; at Jti radwhel' a bazaar.
and $13 Suits
surprise you. See 'era in our corner
season with a stock of goods that beats
Drop in and tako your choice of anything
you come again.
srsaas UM saaa aslr irtaS te tb
I- aalaialsail at ar 1 iH mmr Sxssrr. Lam
ssssy, Orarx. or to Maasasr A BsiSlcswa aa
t" aV m aisssy. Orajss. waste ats saasths
Osicd as Albaaj
1 awasasr m BsrsJaaass,
Atty ter Adads.
Ih Hi Cireu t Overt of iht fitaU oj Oregon,
fat the county of Linn,
M C Divl and Geo W Davis,
partner doing basins under
the firm name and style of
Davis Bros, Plaintiff,
Paler R Beat; Defendant.
Ores-on von sre berrv reqn'red to
u near snd answer the
complaint of the
Ynve named plaintiff in tho above en
t'natt. now An file with I he clerk of
d ccoit, en or before the first day of
1 nut rnralar tsim of the Circuit
nit for Unti county. Orecon to be
t n and held at Aibnny,fn the county
1.1 11. state of Orcaon. on Monday, Ine
C h Cy of October. 1892, ss rsqui sd in
e r... of pub! I est ion or Ibis summons
ud you sre hereby notified that if you
lilt 10 answer saw conapusini, tor want
there", tbe plaintiffs will take Jodgmen
sgsi nit you for the a urn of 340.66, Willi
interest t barton irom ine 201 oay .i
September, ifiwl, st tbe rats of 10 per root
pt. anr.UD, ana tor an oroer ujraciiog
tbe sale ofiba fol towing described real
propei ty 1 ttaebsd in this action as tns
property of tns defendant towlt: Tbe
donation land claim of Owen Bear, it
being Netiflcavion number t240,snd claim
riumW t. In ssawaf 1-. 4 West in
Lion county . Oregon. containing 644 acres
more or less, saving therefrom 41 sere
heretofore sold therefrom, and for tns
coals sod disbursements of this action to
be taxed.
This summons la published by ord-r
of Hon Gea H Burnett, Judge of tb
abovs entitled court, made on tbs 12th
dsy of August, 1892.
Attorneys lor Plsiotiff.
I a tie County C-"tef the Stats of Oregon
for tie county ot I. ism.
Is tbs matter r-f tbe cstat of Alfrsd lt
roy Feel, deceased.
To lbs bsira cf Sarah Rcl. dscoased, sad to
. all th-r, knows sad o ok jo wo, iatsr
ested is said estate.
Gtwaon. too sre hereby cited snd
aoirsd te sppssr ia tbs county eoart cf th
stats of Oregon, tor the eoaoty of tbe
eoart room tbcreof, st Afbsoy, ia tbs
of Uss.oa Sato 1 day. the 8th day of October,
1892. st 1 o'clock ia tbe aftrrcooo of that
dsy, then sad tosrs to anew cans if say
yoa have wbv the application of Sarah E
sdmiatstratrtx ot tb bote nstnsn
saut, to sell th real property belonging to
cessnneu ss louowr tovnt. Lots
five (5 1 sad six (61 ia block Ko
four (4) ia tns town of Lsbsana. Lisa coocty,
Oregon, (bou'd not be grssted.
Dons by order of tbs Hon J N Detese,
Jsd ge cf tbs coast y court of tbs stst of
Oregoa, for tbasssaty of lias, a tab the seal
of ssid eoart affixed, this 7tb dsy of Septem
ber. A D. 1892,
Arrawr: N P PaYXB.
By B M Pats a. Deputy. (Tk
xencK is 1
sasass ss
xa, Uss
in ma rut aa tbs man aa aas tacMssysf
"cub, UBt, a. IB soar tsllu-ciuek pm, tor tkr
hMf;4S4aiaas sad to tsssitiasa ul -4 mi-tZ
stst. J o WBlTSlf AJT.
j fE? fX)Lr.RS REWABD. A gen
I Jt t oman lost s gold m su-h 00 Second
!or ''"J tw (thtnksj Fndsy nht.
V1U psy th sbornjnward. Call st tb
Dsmoeral otBoav
allasalial ir ol tb asu o
lirtmi j. as Btei with tk r inal
essstr. Orcaos. hia assl m.issl
r KhEP cootUntiron hand a full
uhibi. nm oorai ropes ana
which will be sold at
Tbe Lowest
EMBALMING 1B! tbe proper
Katra t bart far Brais sr Set rtcrst
ALBERT IffiQWNELL (Stmsstr U Ijmu lnwie.1, rrtprifur. )
dty. We would call th- attention of our friends to the fact that we sre
better prepared than ever bfvc to furnish everything in the shae ot Fruit Shade
and Ornamental tree. Small Fruit vine, etc., at either wholes r or retail Our
stock is nrst-class, guaranteed true to name and free from hi is I it pests and our
price low. C. E. Browne.'! is our city aeent snd alt orders left with him at ht
More will receive prompt and careful attention. Ome and see me or .rite for free
Catalogue to
IT is made from honest wool, close spun and well sponged. Shade and design
the latest and in fast colors. Correct weight for the s.asi.n A i 1 n
wearing dualities. Cut in the latest
Seams tight, smooth and straight with
I. initios and trimmings hrst class.
In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon
lor liun tomay.
KffaK ltimbammr, Plaintiff,
Fred Kle:mhsmm..r,DefodaBt.
To Fred Kls:m mwe', tbe Sv Bassst
def endset .
Oregon, yo sre heraby reusissd to ap
pear sod snswer tbs complaint ul the sbevs
plait. tit in thsahov sstitlwi snsrt sow on
fits with Iks elerk ef said eoart ' y th first
dsy of Uo ssxt regsisr tirm of the atari
entitled sfy t wt. the 24th dsy cf Oc
tober. t ad at 1 otiben that if job
fail to aptfs' asd answer said enmplaiataa
hereby rejig red th plaintiff wiilp(yta
the cocrt tsV bs relief asked for is plaintiff
mptsrnt towit: for a dissolatioa cA the
Jood cf WUI cr.nj dow existing bstwsss
plaintiff satf dfrcdi; and for tk cost sad
disbsrssasSdU ol bis tott to be taxed.
Tbi losiowei s-vd ty pablicatk s by
order of Hob G H Haratti, Jadze of the
abvvs otitld cor!, t.i.l at nn.b;r
Sei,'. 7th, IS'.'-'.
J K WcxTattroBp,
Att'y for P.-ff.
7a tiu Circuit Court of tie Stat! of Oregon,
for . urn aunty:
Peter II Bear, Dofcodai.' .
Oregon, you are hereby rr (1 a rd to sp-
oear and answer the otr-f.Uiot cf the she
a ssscd plaintiff in tb shoe rati'.Ud
stow on tile with the dark of said cesi t,oo or
before the first day of tse next regular term
of bs Cifcatt Coait for Lrna county, Ore
gon, tn be tegon sod bld st Albssy. ia tb
county of Lisa, ittte of Ofegos.oa Mosday,
the 24th cf October. I 92. aa n osirtd is tk
order of publication ot this an n. an os; sad
yon are hereby notified thst if yen tail to
I sassrsr saut conf- .ais, lor want thract. the
i plaintiff srill take jat?mot sgaisst yea for
r ' theaaaa of $53 jO. with i a terra t items
i from tbs 9th day 'A April. I SSI, at the rate
of 10 dot cent per saassa, and tb farther
saw of $10. with Latere tberey-a froea th
day of S??'.embr, 181, si tb rat A 10
tr cent per aaasss, sad for sa idr direct
ng the Sale of the fo'Jowicg diiiwibrd real
property sltsebol is this setko as the proj.
ity of tbs defendant towit. Tb deaaxas
and claiaa of Osea Bear, it bean Nties-
; ralabrr 2240, .rd etaisa kaaaasr 4S, is
ontp 12, 8 K4 West, in L
Ur-jros. sosdssaisg 644 seres ase or lea,
saving therafroe 41 acres heretofore said
therefrom, and for tk costs sad dtabsa So
ts eats of tbi action to be taxed.
That sssssBOBS is pablisbed by order sf
Hon Geo H Baraett, Jadz f the sbors
entitled eoart, n 00 tb 12th dsy of
Aogast. 1992
Wiirsrtioki' - Ckaxbcblais". .
Attorsc) for Plaintiff
LlaST oi,l ( 1 if. 1 m l
" C. H. DALKYMPLE, Manager.
C.:s taoasa
eo4rSs fa B
; mux- r
OfTKl -
laUry (nit
17 ANTED A girt to work
in tare ir
T v fsr
sr to work in fsmilv for
osrd and attend school I so airs at th
bsJdesse. of R A Moraav, roratr of 7:b
re R iixvad street
line of mrtaJic. doth and wood caskets sad
broadcloth, satin, cashmere, "etc.
Living Profits.
care of the dead a sfetialij.
A'bany. Ore rut
stvle. titinv th n,.,
honest thread. Buttons on to stav"